November 4, 2013 Mr. Michael McClean Director of Rights-of-Way Programs Massachusetts State Pesticide Bureau 251 Causeway Street, Suite 500 Boston, MA 02114-2151 RE:
NSTAR’s Proposed 2013 Yearly Operational Plan For Cape Cod
Dear Mr. McClean: I’m writing as a private citizen living in East Orleans, commenting on NSTAR’s proposal to use herbicides to control vegetation on its rights of way throughout Cape Cod. I encourage the Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources to deny NSTAR’s request to use these herbicides for several reasons.
Herbicides as Emerging Contaminants Along with pharmaceuticals, herbicides are now widely recognized as “contaminants of emerging concern.” While NSTAR stresses that they are relying heavily upon the EPA’s registration of these herbicides, they don’t in any way address the issue of herbicides as potential emerging contaminants. This is important because it may take years for our regulations to catch up with our science and best management practices. For example, with pharmaceuticals, I helped launch PharmEcology in 2000 and, at that time, we advised hospitals to end their practice of disposing of unused drugs down the drain. The EPA and the American Hospital Association recognized us as a “Champion of Change” in 2004 and we received several patents reflecting our leadership in this field. Several years ago, the EPA endorsed our recommended “best practice” and how cautions against drain disposal for unused drugs. Despite this policy, we still don’t expect the EPA to incorporate it into their regulations any time in the near future. The EPA has launched an effort to review all herbicides as potential endocrine disruptors and has included glyphosate in their initial list. There are countless scientific studies warning us about the potential danger of glyphosate as an endocrine disruptor. In my opinion, NSTAR’s proposed YOP should have addressed this issue. The concerns here are widespread and serious enough to justify prohibiting NSTAR from spraying these herbicides. NSTAR’s own Pesticide Quality Management Plan indicates that NSTAR’s “decisions must be legally and scientifically defensible.” NSTAR’s decision to use glyphosate doesn’t appear to meet this criteria.
Cape Cod as a Sole Source Aquifer NSTAR’s planned spraying on Cape Cod is based on their 5 year Vegetation Management Plan which covers many the towns across the State. Cape Cod has been identified by the EPA as a sole source aquifer and NSTAR’s plans should address the unique requirements of Cape Cod’s fragile environment. In particular, given that the plans call for NSTAR to avoid spraying near public or private water supplies or near open waterways, NSTAR recognizes the obvious concern of the potential for these chemicals to Jim McCauley
19 Colony Drive
Orleans, Massachusetts 02653
(617) 848-8943
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