Po Chuan Chang 2017 Portfolio

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Change Po-Chuan

2017 Film Making Protfolio

Change Several years ago in university, I was a person who really confused on my life, but the movie had changed me. The powerful aftereffect of a great movie can always make me put myself into it, and I know this is it, the thing that I seek for. I did not interested in my major study that I thought it was not what I want. Since I inspired from the movies, I studied deeply about it. I learned editing and effect by myself, and took many relevant courses to know it more. Most importantly, I made my own short videos. That moment, I knew I found it, and I realized that everything has connected, and everything has a meaning. Looking back to my major study, I started to think differently and more seriously, and at that time, I have an enormous improvement in my grades. However, I think movie industry is the result of combining all arts inside, and that is one of the reasons why I love films, it leads me desire to learn the news, so not just the film, I just really love to discover this world, know the unknown. I studied Management of Technology in university. I think technology is a very tense and changed rapidly industry, furthermore, in my strategy and marketing report, I learned that observation and introspection are which I need to adapt because everything has to always think about the humanity. During the studies, I realized that communication is a branch knowledge and an art of the management.

張伯銓 CHANG, PO-CHUAN I believed most things are logical, and it chains things by things that if you look deep inside the humanity which is the key point of changing. When I studied marketing in university, I found a good advertise can use the humankind to transform the way people act, which is, it makes people to buy the product. However, I want to research this idea, and put it into my movie, and change behavior of people just like people buy the product after they saw the advertisement. Now, after I found this dream, I believe everything is possible to be true. What I need is prepare to change or to be changed.

Date of Birth: 12/29/1991 E-mail: paul801229@gmail.com Language: Mandarin, Taiwanese, English EDUCATION 2010 - 2014 Bachelor of degree in Chang Jung Christian University Major: Technology Management

WORK EXPERIENCE 2014 - 2015 (Military Service) Assistant of Enforcement Officer at Administrative Enforcement Agency


SKILLS Photography Script Storyboard Design Film Editing Graphic Design CI Design Animation Design Proposal Adobe Photoshop Illustrator Premiere Pro After Effect Light Room

Microsoft Word Basketball Baseball Social Issues Project Management Painting Novel











2015 Photographer and Warehouse Manager at R&A Leather Supply Development 2016 - 2017 Full Sail University MFA Film Production 2017 Beijing Film Academy MFA Directing

The good communication needs well logical discussion to deal with. I also believe an inspired story should have the ability of logic, and that is the reason that a good movie can persuade people. I wish I can use what I learn about communication on film-making, no matter to work with my partner, producer, investor, or audiences.



What if a idea could change the world?

Sketch Works

Sketch Works



Sketch Works








Lunch Date Short Film Storyboard

Scene 1-1

Scene 4-1 WS

Tracking Phillip walking down hall

Scene 4-4 MS

Shot of Phillip and Anna

Scene 5-1 CU

Computer Screen

Scene 9-1 Long Take MS

Follow Philip high five.

Scene 11-1 CU

Becky in Philip office

Scene 12-3 MS

Scene 12-5 CU

Shot of Phillip's face

Becky leaving

Scene 4-2


Establishing shot of Phillip's desk, shot of Phillip's back and shot of Backy and Anna.


Establhishing shot of water cooler

Scene 4-3

Scene 4-5 MS/OTS

Shot of Anna over Phillip's shoulder

Scene 4-6



Shot of Computer over Phillip's shoulder

Scene 12-6

Scene 11-2

Scene 5-2

Scene 11-3

Scene 5-3


Shot of Phillip over Becky's shoulder

Shot of Anna's face

Scene 12-4



Shot of Eric and Anna.


Shot of Phillip over Anna's shoulder

Shot of Becky over Phillip's shoulder


Shot of typing on keyboard



Shot of Anna over Phillip's shoulder

Scene 12-7 MS/WS

Master Shot of table/ Dolly out for final shot

People always attracted by the good storys. It’s the humanature.


Six Position: All Production 5 minutes, Music Video Contest 2012. Music by The Verse. The video is a stop motion, and was filmed in my room. It is about a Lego man wake up in a room, but no toys live and act like him. He explore this world that he just met,and he is very lonely.



Pressure Position: Writer/Directer/Photographer/ All Post-Production/Supporting Role 8 minutes, Video 2010. Chang Jung Christian University. The video is my first fiction video, and it just filmed by a point-and-shoot camera which I borrowed from my neighbor. It was shot on my university course call Human Resourses Management, and it is about the pressure of interpersonal relationship. The story talks about a man is over dependent on his cell phone. I think a thing that people are too rely on, in consequence, it always become the source of pressure, as a result, when it disappear, the pressure could break down. In the end of story, the man finally give up using his cell phone. He realize the only thing taht he can dependent on is hiself.



The Comet Man Position: All Production/ 5 minutes, Animatic Video 2015. Music is from Movie Soundtrack A little comet dreams to be like Hally Comet, but he don’t know how to fly.





We just put the idea into the storys.


The Stranger Written by Po-Chuan Chang. 25 minutes, short film. In a narrow and chaotic alleyway, some gang members are chasing a guy who stole something from them. The guy escapes by ducking into a store and asking the shopkeeper to help him hide. The shopkeeper sizes up the situation and sees the stranger is in a panic about something but is unwilling to help him at first. The gang members use the alley surveillance cameras to find the guy’s whereabouts and ask other shopkeepers for the store owner’s number because they want to ask him to detain the guy. The guy begs the shopkeeper to help him otherwise his life will be in danger, but when the call comes, the shopkeeper promises the gang members that he’ll detain the guy, but when the guy hears this, his face turns pale and he turns to flee. When the gang members get there, the only one in the store is the shopkeeper. They ask him what happened to the guy and he tells them he fled when you called. The gang leader is angry and orders the others to search the store. Little did he realize that the man was hiding inside a cabinet that one gang member opened. The gang leader got even angrier and stabbed the shopkeeper in the stomach while the guy took the opportunity to flee in the ensuing chaos.

out a gun but were hesitant to kill him in front of so many witnesses. The gang leader saw what was going on from inside the store and angrily started to go outside to finish off the guy himself. Just then, the shopkeeper mustered up his last bit of energyand grabbed the gang leader, distracting him enough that he missed his shot and the guy wanted to take the opportunity again to flee. The man started to flee, but then recalled that when he was in the store, the shopkeeper kept him from running out in the alleyway and hid him in the cabinet. The guy picked up a big stick and went back to the store. When the gang leader wasn’t looking, he wacked him with it and knocked him out. Then another image floated in the shop keeper’s memory. He was back at the railroad track and watched in horror as the passing train seemingly ran over the little girl. When the train passed, he didn’t see the little girl on the tracks. He looked across the other side of the tracks and saw that a stranger had already swooped in and saved the little girl from being run over.

Lying on the floor, the shopkeeper flashed back on a scene earlier in his life when he saw a little girl fall on a railroad track and froze on the spot before watching the train roll on by. While he was lying, the gang members chased the guy down the alleyway and the gang leader continued ransacking the store.When the gang members caught the guy, they pulled



Sound of The Shell Written by Po-Chuan Chang. 110 minutes A girl picked up a shell which can hear other people’s brain voice, which is peolpe real thinking. It changed girl’s everything.

Concept picture: Confessions 2010 Japan, Winds of September 2008 Taiwan, The Kirishima Thing 2012 Japan.



The Last Journey Written by Po-Chuan Chang. 100 minutes A man take a seven days trip that he called it his last journey, and he thinks he could found a kind of redemption in it. In the middle of the tour, as he want to give up, he realize that the whole trip does not even exist. He has already dead. This journey just a trip to the end of life.

Concept picture: Into the Wild 2007 America, Wild 2014 America, Moon 2009 UK.



It can inspire people to believe the ideas are possiple to be true.


Car Event Data It is a practice proposal project that I led a group of my classmates to rebuild a machine which could save and upload the car data like seat belt, location, maintenance check number, speed and relevent numbers.The background is that we think if all kind of data could be recorded easily in transportation, It can be more convenient and safty.For example, people can easily confirm when did they go maintenance check or the frequency of engine oil changed. Our project is to propose the car technological manufacture company Mictech Security, whichhave rich resourses that they are already a large scale of company.The main idea of the proposal is to convince them cooperate with our team and manufature our product Car Eaent Data.

PLAN: The customers of Mictech Security most are car manufaters.We can use that market share they had already built.If it is stable, we plan to upgrade the function which like moniter the seat belt, sobriety test and overspeed test.

GOAL: Create a new product which can lower the driving risks and helping the driver more comprehend their car.Use the Car Event Data to convince Mictech Security to cooperate with my team.

The proposal also have entirety of planning like Group Task Distribution,Business Model, Marketing Tactics, Patent Strategy, Market Analysis, Futrue Planning and Financil Planning.

TIME: In a year to design and manufature the products, second year, we launch it and review.In the third year, we could reach the break-even point and start to earning the money.

PEOPLE AND PLACE: Concept and technique will be made by my crew, and we will form a department in Mictech Security.

FINANCIAL: Capital will be NT$350,000,000,000. A Car Event Data will be priced at NT$3500 (production costs NT$2000)to car manufacturers, and make 80,000 a yaer.



Creative Marketplace Venture And Project Management

It is a proposal I led my team to build a company which is create a theme marketplac, traveling around th world as a brand.We combine the special culture Knight Market in Taiwan to build a new business model.

The supplier of stalls are our customers, including handmade,food,multiple shop, IT industry, music concert, open-air Cinema and more.We also have the prodect and show list brochure of every season.






I am a qulified project managementprofessional.Our management is all following the standard project planning specialist.We also create a Emergency Team to deal with any situation during the marketplace.

The different kinds of stalls will be rent from different level of the price which are NT$600 to NT$5,000.The capital will be about NT$200,000,000.









Stall District


Train Station


Stall District




Stall District


Stage East


Food & Restaurent


Hockey Exhibition Game


Stall District


Field Game


Stall District


Main Stage


Indoor Show


Baseball Exhibition


Indoor Show


Tourist Servic Center




Open-Air Cinema


Stall District


Library & Service Center


Parking Area


Art Exhibition




We will cooperate the local business for the place.For example,In first step in Taiwan, we propose to Chang Jung Christian University, using the good location and a large people.


Every season, The Marketplace could be a kind of popular festival, once a year in different places with various of pattern and theme, like Environmental Protection, Fair Trade or more.



CIS Design Tooth


CIS Design Video Rent Store


Graphic Design

Graphic Design

About Wonderland. My generation is faced with an unparalleled financial crisis. Real estate costs are on the rise—a detached home in Toronto now has an average cost of just over a million bucks—at the same time that we’re projected to be the first generation who makes less money than our parents. As such, home ownership is a distant dream for most of us—a desert mirage that disappears the closer we get to grasping it. It’s enough to make you want to give up the idea of urban living altogether and go for something a little bit more rural. Making the switch easier is the fact that there are several places in the United States where you can get homestead-appropriate land for the low price of, well, completely free.

The Free World Free Land.



Finally, everything will be changed.

The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do. -Steve Jobs

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