This Events Guide is intended as an information source only. While every effort has been made to ensure that the information contained in this guide is accurate and up-to-date, the information is subject to change without notification and at the sole discretion of the service provider. COTA Tasmania, its office bearers, staff and volunteers do not accept any liability for any loss, howsoever arising, from the use of or reliance upon the information contained in this guide.
In some parts of the State, Seniors Week activities may have been planned in addition to those in this official Events Guide. Check with your local council, community groups and local newspapers for information about events in your community.
People with disabilities or requiring special access should contact the event organiser prior to attendance.
Holders of a Seniors Card and Metro Greencard can access free travel during Seniors Week on Metro services.
Event organisers should have appropriate insurance cover while participating in Seniors Week including, but not limited to, public liability insurance. While COTA Tasmania is responsible for coordinating and promoting Seniors Week, individual event organisers are responsible for all insurances for their own specific activity.
COTA Tasmania has received undertakings from each official Seniors Week event organiser that they will have COVID-safe plans in place for patrons of their events. Patrons should observe all COVID-safe warnings and advice and undertake their own personal hygiene activities.
Entry or participation fees may apply to all other events.
If booking details are stated, bookings are essential. Events may be cancelled if no bookings are received.
The Tasmanian Government is proud to sponsor Seniors Week. However, this year is vitally important because the past two years have been challenging for Tasmanians, and particularly for older Tasmanians. Now, more than ever, Seniors Week provides an important opportunity to reconnect with community and friends and to celebrate all that living in Tasmania has to offer – at every stage of life.
In 2022, Seniors Week is offering a significant program of events and activities occurring right across the state. Over 400 events will be held throughout the week and all are in person. I encourage older Tasmanians to safely connect with these experiences and with community.
Older Tasmanians have a wealth of knowledge that enriches our community life, so it is fitting that the theme for this year is 'Enrich'.
I warmly thank those organisations who along with COTA bring Seniors Week to life with a range of exciting social, cultural, and educational events. Whether you are in the south, north, northwest or east, I hope there is an event in this Guide that sparks your interest.
To get you to and from Seniors Week events, Metro Tasmania is offering Seniors Card holders free travel during Seniors Week again this year.
Level 12, 39 Murray St, Hobart 7000 (03) 6231 3265 | www.cotatas.org.au
Design: Kelly Eijdenberg, Poco People
Illustrations: Bec Adamczewski, Becski Design
Printing: The Mercury newspaper
Packaging and distribution: Mercury Walch
I look forward to hearing about all the ways older Tasmanians have enriched their lives and the lives of others during this Seniors Week, and beyond.
COTA Tasmania is delighted to be able to present another Seniors Week program for older Tasmanians.
This is the 24th annual Seniors Week and the 12th to be organised by COTA on behalf of the Tasmanian Government.
More than 400 events are on offer around the state – a significant increase from last year. The resilience and positivity of event organisers is fantastic to see after some challenging times because of the pandemic.
The theme of Seniors Week 2022 is Enrich, which reflects the potential for events and experiences to enhance our lives. I thank the hundreds of event organisers. Your participation has meant that we are spoilt for choice in Seniors Week 2022.
We are grateful for the talents of a local designer whose illustrations fit perfectly alongside our catchcry: Discover. Imagine. Together.
Please use the Daily Planner section of this Guide to plan your Seniors Week. Find something new, explore something interesting and join in the fun!
Seniors Week is made possible with the support of the Tasmanian Government, continuing an association of 24 years in delivering this much-valued program of activities.
We gratefully acknowledge our major sponsors TasNetworks, Metro Tasmania, Australia Post and The Public Trustee and the many organisations who advertise in this Guide. Please show them your support.
I want to acknowledge our small but dedicated team at COTA for their commitment to making Seniors Week as varied, accessible and enjoyable as possible, especially in another challenging year.
Our staff will be out and about during Seniors Week and they look forward to meeting some of you.
They will also be encouraging you to complete the patron experience survey form distributed by organisers. Please spend the few minutes completing the form so that we can use your feedback to improve Seniors Week in the future.
Whatever you do in Seniors Week this year, please remember to stay safe. Wash or sanitise your hands and socially-distance where practical. Above all, enjoy the enriching activities and friendships, old and new.
Chief Executive, Council on the Ageing Tasmania
How has Seniors Week enriched your life? Was it your first time? Why do you support Seniors Week? What ongoing friendships/ networks have you gained as a result of Seniors Week? Did you participate online?
Tell us – we’d love to hear your stories and suggestions!
Send us a note or email. Or complete the official survey form available at Seniors Week events, which takes less than two minutes to complete.
Event organisers will distribute and collect the survey form, and return them to COTA.
Alternatively, you can access the form from the COTA Tasmania website: www.cotatas.org.au
To help us ensure the ongoing success and sustainability of Seniors Week and maintain its place as a leading Tasmanian major event, we encourage and rely on feedback from organisers and patrons.
COTA Tasmania admin@cotatas.org.au Level 12, 39 Murray Street Hobart TAS 7000 (03) 6231 3265
Would you like to find a local group to join, start a new hobby and connect with your community?
After a few year’s absence the official launch event for Seniors Week is heading back to the North West Coast!
We’re meeting by the ocean this time, enjoying the spectacular views from the Penguin Surf Life Saving Club on Friday 30 September from 10:30am.
The formal launch ceremony will include addresses from COTA CEO Sue Leitch, a special musical performance from local ukulele ensemble The Cruising Ukes, and a senior government representative will officially launch Seniors Week 2022.
All community members are welcome to join us at this free event, which starts at 10:30am and wraps up around midday after guests have tucked into a delicious morning tea.
After the official proceedings guests can view static and interactive
displays and demonstrations from several local Seniors Week event organisers – a sneak preview!
Bookings close Wednesday 28 September and are essential for seating and catering purposes.
To book, please go to www. trybooking.com/CCFMY (or scan the QR code below) and follow the prompts. This is our preferred booking method but you can call COTA on (03) 6231 3265 or email admin@cotatas.org.au
Metro keeps Tasmanians moving, connecting them with their jobs, their family and their community.
To help with this going forward, Metro is investing in technologies – like a modern ticketing system and real time vehicle tracking. This will further improve the customer experience and the efficiency of the business.
Metro is a long-time supporter of Seniors Week. This year it is again offering free travel for Seniors Cards holders with a Greencard during Seniors Week (this year falling between Monday 17 October and Sunday 23 October 2022).
Using a Greencard is a quick and simple process for passengers – no need to have the correct change, just tap and go.
You can even set up an automatic top up for when you are running low, or add credit online, at a Metro shop, depot or Greencard agent.
In addition to being easier and quicker, it is cheaper, offering a 20 per cent discount on fares outside of free travel period during Seniors Week.
Visit metrotas.com.au to get your Greencard.
Or visit:
• the Metro Shop on the corner of Elizabeth and Collins Streets or the Moonah depot
• a Metro depot in Launceston or Burnie
• a Greencard agent: www.metrotas. com.au/fares/greencard/greencardagents/
You can also call the Metro customer service hotline on 13 22 01.
TasNetworks remains dedicated to clean, reliable and affordable electricity.
Along with the non-negotiable priority of keeping our people safe, those three principles guide all of our decisions.
‘Affordable’ means keeping power prices as low as possible for Tasmanians, which means being efficient and minimising our own costs. Affordability’s always the top priority of most Tasmanian customers, when surveyed. That’s quite understandable, when many are already struggling to achieve the comfort and security they want. We are Tasmanians, and we’re here to support Tasmanians.
There’ll be no complacency in our efforts to keep prices as low as possible for Tasmanians. We must get more efficient to keep Tasmanians’ prices down, as well as build what our island needs for a bigger clean energy future.
The world of energy is changing quickly as more and more people move towards cleaner forms of energy. New technologies like electric vehicles and solar and battery storage systems are becoming more common, and as the needs of our customers change, our industry needs to adapt to meet these changes.
While there is rapid change in the industry that will have a significant impact on TasNetworks and the way we do business, one thing that will always remain constant is our commitment to delivering safe, cost-effective and reliable electricity to our customers.
TasNetworks CEO, Seán McGoldrickDid you know nearly half of us will experience a mental health condition in our lives? That’s why, at Australia Post, we’re so proud of the work we do with our partner Beyond Blue.
Our Post Offices and our people are at the centre of over 4,000 Australian communities. Each year we facilitate millions of connections between people across Australia. It’s this national network which helps us connect more people to Beyond Blue’s mental health resources and support services, and to each other.
We've delivered Beyond Blue’s mental health information into more than 7 million letterboxes across Australia, and we’re not stopping there. This September we’re delivering 3 million prepaid postcards to letterboxes around Australia to help people connect with each other. Look out for the postcard in your letterbox, or visit your local participating Post Office to learn more. It’s another way we’re delivering like never before.
Together with Beyond Blue we're working to connect more people to mental health information – and to each other – because when we connect, we feel better.
Find out more: auspost.com.au/ mentalhealth
The Public Trustee is here to help you and your family when you need it most and to help make every moment count.
We have been helping Tasmanians for over 100 years to plan for their future.
No matter where you are on your journey, having a plan in place is always important. We can help you plan so that your financial, medical and legal wishes are known through legal documents such as a Will, Enduring Power of Attorney and Enduring Guardianship.
A Will helps your family and friends understand your wishes regarding your property, belongings, and finances once you are gone. But that’s just one element. A comprehensive estate plan also considers what happens if you can no longer make medical or financial decisions for yourself while you are alive. Making a plan will help give you, your friends and family peace of mind knowing that your wishes are known so that you can make the most of your time together.
This Seniors’ Week, make sure you have a chat with the Public Trustee CEO, Todd Kennedy, to find out what the Public Trustee can do for you.
If you’d like to arrange an appointment with one of our friendly, expert staff, please call 1800 068 784 or visit www.publictrustee.tas.gov.au
Living Longer Living Stronger is a personalised strength and balance training program for older Tasmanians.
Sessions are delivered by accredited instructors in a group setting to facilitate social connections.
The program is designed to provide affordable access to strength and balance training. Fees are capped to keep costs low and participants may also be able to access rebates through their health fund or Medicare.
Contact Tosphja or Emma:
West Tamar Fitness
Beaconsfield House 33 Grubb Street, Beaconsfield, Tasmania, 7270
Contact Tosphja at West Tamar Fitness to book your initial assessment:
Email: westtamarfitness@gmail.com
Phone: 0447 757 025
Online (Facebook page): www.facebook. com/West.Tamar.Fitness
54 Albert Road, Moonah, Tasmania, 7009
Contact Emma at Amplify Fitness to book your initial assessment:
Email: emma@amplifyfitness.com.au
Phone: 0413 743 383
Website: www.amplifyfitness.com.au
This project was funded by the Healthy Tasmania Fund through the Tasmanian Government.
A free home energy session can help you discover ways to bring down your energy costs and keep your home comfortable, whatever the season. Attend one of our free sessions this Seniors Week.
A free home energy session can help you discover ways to bring down your energy costs and keep your home comfortable, whatever the season. Attend one of our free sessions this Seniors Week.
Rydges Hotel, Hobart
Rydges Hotel, Hobart
Tuesday 18 October (2-4pm)
Tuesday 18 October (2-4pm)
19 October (10am-12pm)
Wednesday 19 October (10am-12pm)
Hotel Grand Chancellor, Launceston Thursday 20 October (10am-12pm)
Hotel Grand Chancellor, Launceston Thursday 20 October (10am-12pm)
Evandale Community Centre Thursday 20 October (2-4pm)
Evandale Community Centre
20 October (2-4pm)
Each of our five residential facilities is proud of the diversity of services and experiences it offers, which can be tailored to the needs of its residents.
Our HomeCare service
provide care and support for everyday
allowing you to
We encourage you to reach out and speak with one of our friendly staff and discuss how OneCare can support you and your needs.
COTA Tasmania continues to implement its comprehensive 2020-2025 Strategic Plan.
The popular monthly Elder Law Clinics facilitated by COTA in conjunction with the Legal Aid Commission of Tasmania continue in Hobart and Launceston, using face-to-face and telephone consultations.
COTA’s renowned Peer Education Program features several information sessions delivered by COTA’s statewide team of experienced and knowledgeable volunteer educators. The modules include Protecting Finances from Abuse as part of the award-winning You’re Worth It series: Getting Connected; Eat For Life; Home Fire Safety; Protecting Your Finances.
The very popular Community Activities web page embedded in COTA Tasmania’s website recently celebrated its third anniversary. More than 1000 Tasmanians activities and events for older Tasmanians are featured.
The Australian Government funded Aged Care System Navigator Trial was extended. Four part-time specialist project officers are employed by COTA Tasmania in the south, north and north-west to provide a statewide advisory service to Tasmanians about aged care options.
The traditional Walks Against Elder Abuse facilitated by COTA on World Elder Abuse Awareness Day in June returned this year with well-attended walks in Hobart, Launceston and Burnie.
COTA staff and an experienced volunteer team travelled to much of the state conducting one-on-one IT education sessions and recruiting new IT mentors so that locals in regional areas could access ongoing support. The Tasmania Community Fund has just announced support for continuation of a limited program of IT education sessions.
The Living Longer, Living Stronger strength and balance program continues to be developed by COTA, initially in Hobart and Launceston, with plans for statewide expansion as more fitness providers join the program.
On behalf of the Older persons Advocacy Network, COTA Tasmania recently appointed a Diversity Educator who will work in partnership with TasCOSS in facilitating and delivering an education program to Tasmania’s aged care providers. The program will educate aged care personnel in delivering culturally safe and inclusive services to people from diverse and marginalised groups.
COTA continued its efforts restoring Seniors Week to its pre-pandemic status with ongoing and new liaisons with individuals, sector associates, local government and special interest groups.
8:00am–12:30pm Tech Neck Check Kingston p43
8:00am–6:00pm Tech Neck Check
Hobart p39
9:00am departure 3-Day Sail and Walk Hobart p40
9:00am–3:00pm Home Care Information Pop-up Stall
Claremont p33
9:00am–5:00pm Hear the World Hobart p39
9:00am–5:00pm Diane Dollings Art Exhibition
Huonville p41
9:00am–5:00pm Hear the World Lindisfarne p45
9:15am–9:45am Group Fitness to Music Kingston p43
Discover More About U3A Rosny p50
9:30am–10:15am Cross Training for Everyone Bothwell p32
9:30am–10:20am Cross Training for Everyone Claremont p33
9:30am–10:30am Move It Easy Exercises
Battery Point p30
9:30am–11:00am Table Tennis for Seniors Kingston p44
9:30am–3:00pm How’s Your Hearing? Kingston p44
9:30am–3:30pm How’s Your Hearing? Sorell p51
9:30am–4:00pm How’s Your Hearing? Glenorchy p36
10:00am Zooming with Family and Friends Hobart p38
10:00am–10:45am Group Exercise New Norfolk p47
10:00am–11:00am Planning for Older Age Hobart p39
10:00am–11:00am Ballet for Seniors Rosny p50
10:00am–11:30am Mamma Rosa’s Masta Pasta Mattina Hobart p40
10:00am–11:30am The Big 3 – Making Your Financial, Medical and Legal Wishes Known North Hobart p48
10:00am–12:00pm Introduction to Podcasting Glenorchy p36
10:00am–3:00pm Free Hearing Checks Bridgewater p32
10:00am–3:00pm History of the Channel District Margate p46
10:00am–3:00pm Wellness Centre Open Day Rosny p49
10:30am–11:30am Chinese Silk Painting Introduction Kingston p44
10:30am–11:30am Your Digital Legacy Sorell p51
10:30am–12:30pm Knit and Natter
Dodges Ferry p34
10:50am–11:30am Group Exercise West Moonah p52
11:00am–1:00pm Potted Herbs and Lunch in the Garden Dodges Ferry p34
Beamafilm Movie – Churchill New Norfolk p46
11:00am–2:00pm Bowls and Community Club Social Day Margate p46
11:15am–12:15pm Move It Easy Exercises Bellerive p31
11:30am–1:00pm Croquet in The Bay Sandy Bay p50
11:30am–12:45pm Pétanque in the Park Sandy Bay p50
11:40am–12:10pm Group Exercise West Moonah p52
12:00pm–1:00pm Midday Melodies Hobart p38
1:00pm–1:45pm Home Fire Safety West Moonah p52
1:00pm–3:00pm Come Swing into Croquet New Town p48
Have a Go at Croquet Kingston p43
Cruise the Huon at Franklin on ‘Nancy’ Franklin p35
2:00pm–3:00pm Peace Education Program Glenorchy p36
2:00pm–4:00pm Multicultural Table Games Hobart p40
2:00pm–5:00pm Tech Neck Check Kingston p43
7:00pm–9:30pm Mah Jong Open Night Sandy Bay p50
8:00am–12:30pm Tech Neck Check Kingston p43
8:00am–6:00pm Tech Neck Check Hobart p39
Beginner’s Guide to Woodworking West Moonah p52
9:00am–3:00pm Day at the Salmon Ponds Risdon Vale p49
9:00am–5:00pm Hear the World Hobart p39
9:00am–5:00pm Diane Dollings Art Exhibition Huonville p41
9:00am–5:00pm Hear the World Lindisfarne p45
9:30am–10:20am Cross Training for Everyone Claremont p33
9:30am–10:30am Exercise to Music Lenah Valley p44
9:30am–11:00am Table Tennis for Seniors Kingston p44
9:30am–12:30pm Devonshire Tea and Movie North Hobart p48
9:30am–3:00pm How’s Your Hearing? Kingston p44
9:30am–3:30pm How’s Your Hearing? Bellerive p31
9:30am–3:30pm How’s Your Hearing? Sorell p51
9:30am–4:00pm How’s Your Hearing? Glenorchy p36
9:30am–4:00pm How’s Your Hearing? Hobart p38
10:00am Digital Finger Painting with Your Grandkids Hobart p38
10:00am–10:45am Group Exercise New Norfolk p47
10:00am–11:00am Portraits by Primary Schoolers Kingston p41
10:00am–11:00am Ballet for Seniors Rosny p50
10:00am–12:00pm Table Tennis for All Montagu Bay p46
Guided Tour of Historic Richmond Richmond p49
10:00am–12:00pm Local History Walk Woodbridge p52
10:00am–3:00pm History of the Channel District Margate p46
10:30am–1:30pm Community Gardening and Activities Dodges Ferry p34
10:30am–11:30am Ageing Backwards Movement Program Blackmans Bay p32
10:30am–11:30am Seniors High Tea Dunalley p34
10:30am–11:30am Home Care Advice Glenorchy p36
Protect Yourself from Scams Hobart p38
10:30am–11:30am Drawing from Nature Kingston p44
Mastering Your Device Sorell p51
10:50am–11:30am Group Exercise Goodwood p37
11:00am–1:00pm Wentworth Walk and Play Howrah p41
Introduction to Tai Chi Glenorchy p35
11:00am–12:00pm Enriching Saxophone
11:00am–12:30pm Polish Folk Dancing for Seniors
11:00am–12:30pm Homecare Package Info Session with Baldwin Living HomeServe
Hobart p40
New Town p47
South Hobart p51
11:15am–12:15pm Move It Easy Exercises Kingston p41
11:45am–12:30pm Chair Exercise Kingston p43
12:00pm–1:00pm Beekeeping Basics Kingston p44
12:00pm–1:00pm Midday Melodies
Hobart p38
12:00pm–4:00pm Mah Jong Open Day Cygnet p34
12:10pm–1:00pm Group Exercise Class Chigwell p32
12:45pm–2:30pm Bayside Boules
Lower Sandy Bay p45
1:30pm–3:00pm Cruise the Huon at Franklin on ‘Nancy’ Franklin p35
2:00pm–3:00pm Ageing Backwards Movement Program
Claremont p33
2:00pm–3:00pm Colonial Art, Recipes and Food Hobart p38
2:00pm–3:15pm Enriching Your Life Hobart p39
2:00pm–4:00pm Guided Tour of Historic Richmond Richmond p49
2:00pm–4:00pm Cost Cutting Tips for Reducing Your Energy Bill North Hobart p49
3:00pm–5:00pm Senior’s Week @ Youth ARC Hobart p37
3:15pm–4:30pm StoryWalk Outdoors at Rosny Rosny p50
6:00pm–8:00pm Rotary Open Night with Guest Speaker David Bartlett New Town p48
8:00am–5:00pm Tech Neck Check Hobart p39
9:00am–3:00pm Home Care Information Pop-up Stall Kingston p44
9:00am–5:00pm Hear the World Hobart p39
9:00am–5:00pm Diane Dollings Art Exhibition
Huonville p41
9:00am–5:00pm Hear the World Lindisfarne p45
9:15am–9:45am Group Fitness to Music Kingston p43
9:25am–1:00pm Discover More About U3A Rosny p50
9:30am–1:30pm How’s Your Hearing? Kingston p44
9:30am–10:20am Zumba Claremont p33
9:30am–10:30am Gentle Exercise to Music Glenorchy p36
9:30am–10:30am Book Chat at the Library New Norfolk p47
9:30am–12:30pm All Things Fungi Huonville p41
9:30am–3:30pm How’s Your Hearing? Bellerive p31
9:30am–3:30pm How’s Your Hearing? Sorell p51
9:30am–4:00pm How’s Your Hearing? Glenorchy p36
9:30am–4:00pm How’s Your Hearing? Hobart p38
10:00am Hobart's Eastern Shore History Tour Bellerive p31
10:00am–11:00am Research Your Family's Military History New Town p47
10:00am–11:00am Join a Knitting Group Glenorchy p36
Know Your Rights in Aged Care
Hobart p37
10:00am–11:00am Ballet for Seniors Rosny p50
10:00am–12:00pm Cost Cutting Tips for Reducing Your Energy Bill
North Hobart p49
10:00am–12:00pm Photography Basics Kingston p43
10:00am–12:00pm Polish Folk Dancing for Seniors New Town p47
10:00am–12:00pm Come Swing into Croquet New Town p48
10:00am–12:30pm Seniors on E-bikes Cornelian Bay p33
A Walk with the Wellbeing Club Fern Tree p35
10:00am–2:00pm Light Lunch, Bowls and a Giggle North Hobart p48
Bellerive Hub Open Day Bellerive p30
Bellerive Community Arts Centre Bellerive p30
10:00am–3:00pm Finding Family History Bellerive p30
10:00am–3:00pm History of the Channel District Margate p46
Relive the Sounds of Our Past Bellerive p31
10:30am–11:30am Learn About Volunteering with CTST Glenorchy p35
Seniors High Tea Nubeena p49
10:30am–12:00pm Dance Around the World Hobart p39
10:30am–12:00pm Runnymede Tea and Tour New Town p48
11:00am Hobart’s Eastern Shore History Tour Bellerive p31
12:00pm Hobart’s Eastern Shore History Tour Bellerive p31
Midday Melodies Hobart p38
12:00pm–1:00pm Research Your Family's Military History New Town p47
1:00pm–1:30pm Neck Pain and Tech Neck Zoom Talk Hobart p39
Seated Line Dancing Chigwell p32
1:00pm–3:00pm Polish Folk Dancing for Seniors New Town p47
1:00pm–4:00pm Family History Drop-In New Norfolk p47
1:30pm–3:00pm Pétanque in Berriedale Berriedale p31
Cruise the Huon at Franklin on ‘Nancy’ Franklin p35
Seniors Week Concert Glenorchy p35
Hobart’s Eastern Shore History Tour Bellerive p31
Accessing Your Library Online Glenorchy p35
2:00pm–3:00pm Your Digital Legacy Rosny p49
2:00pm–3:00pm Research Your Family's Military History New Town p47
Portrait Drawing in Charcoal Kingston p43
2:00pm–4:00pm Scone Wild Hobart p40
Hobart’s Eastern Shore History Tour Bellerive p31
3:00pm–7:00pm Tech Neck Check Kingston p43
3:30pm–5:30pm Pride Quiz for Seniors Week New Town p47
6:00pm–7:30pm Come and Try Masters Athletics Hobart p40
6:15pm–7:00pm Cross Training for Everyone Bothwell p32
8:00am–12:30pm Tech Neck Check Kingston p43
Hear the World Hobart p39
9:00am–5:00pm Diane Dollings Art Exhibition Huonville p41
9:00am–5:00pm Hear the World Lindisfarne p45
9:30am–10:20am Cross Training for Everyone Claremont p33
9:30am–10:25am Line Dancing Glenorchy p35
9:30am–10:30am Move It Easy Exercises
Bellerive p31
9:30am–12:00pm Mah Jong Kingston p41
Listening to Books and Downloading Newspapers
Hobart p39
10:35am–11:30am Line Dancing Glenorchy p35
10:00am–10:45am Group Exercise New Norfolk p47
10:00am–11:00am Ballet for Seniors Rosny p50
10:00am–3:00pm History of the Channel District Margate p46
10:30am–11:20am Men’s Exercise Class Claremont p33
10:30am–11:30 am Ageing Backwards Movement Program Blackmans Bay p32
10:30am–11:30am Keith Potger – Memories and Melodies
Margate p45
11:00am–12:00pm The Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery's Historic Buildings Hobart p37
11:00am–4:00pm Social/Games Group Cygnet p34
12:00pm–1:00pm Midday Melodies Hobart p38
1:00pm–2:00pm Ageing Backwards Movement Program
1:00pm–3:00pm Croquet
New Norfolk p46
Bellerive p31
1:30pm–3:00pm Cruise the Huon at Franklin on ‘Nancy’ Franklin p35
1:30pm–6:00pm Tech Neck Check Hobart p39
2:30pm–3:30pm Keith Potger – Memories and Melodies Margate p45
6:30pm–7:30pm Exercise to Music
Lenah Valley p44
7:00pm–8:30pm Join a Rehearsal to Sing Along Lindisfarne p45
8:00am–12:30pm Tech Neck Check Kingston p43
8:00am–6:00pm Tech Neck Check Hobart p39
9:00am–5:00pm Hear the World Hobart p39
9:00am–5:00pm Diane Dollings Art Exhibition Huonville p41
9:00am–5:00pm Hear the World Lindisfarne p45
9:15am–9:45am Group Fitness to Music Kingston p43
9:30am–10:20am Group Boxing Exercise Claremont p33
9:30am–3:30pm How’s Your Hearing? Bellerive p31
9:30am–3:30pm How’s Your Hearing? Sorell p51
9:30am–4:00pm How’s Your Hearing? Glenorchy p36
9:30am–4:00pm How’s Your Hearing? Hobart p38
10:00am–10:45am Group Exercise New Norfolk p47
10:00am–11:00am Salsa Dance Workout Kingston p43
10:00am–11:00am Ballet for Seniors Rosny p50
10:00am–3:00pm History of the Channel District Margate p46
10:30am–11:30 am Ageing Backwards Movement Program Glenorchy p37
Keith Potger – Memories and Melodies
Lindisfarne p45
Create a Mandala Dodges Ferry p34
10:30am–3:30pm Peppermint Bay Lunch Cruise Hobart p37
Community Gardening and Activities Nubeena p49
Midday Melodies Hobart p38
Bayside Boules Lower Sandy Bay p45
1:00pm Free Film Afternoon @ Mathers House Hobart p37
Getting Your House in Order West Moonah p51
Lifting Your Spirits – Enriching Your Life Glenorchy p36
The Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery Highlights Tour Hobart p38
1:30pm–3:00pm Cruise the Huon at Franklin on ‘Nancy’ Franklin p35
2:00pm–3:00pm Library Information Session Bridgewater p32
2:30pm–3:30pm Keith Potger – Memories and Melodies Lindisfarne p45
2:00pm–4:00pm Beamafilm Movie – Churchill Glenorchy p36
8:00am–10:30am Introduction to parkrun Bellerive p30
8:00am–12:00pm Tech Neck Check Kingston p43
10:00am–12:00pm Diane Dollings Art Exhibition Huonville p41
10:30am–4:00pm Family History – Interpreting Your DNA Results Bellerive p30
The Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery Highlights Tour Hobart p38
1:30pm–3:00pm Cruise the Huon at Franklin on ‘Nancy’ Franklin p35
5:00pm–6:00pm Saturday Radio Theatre Woodbridge p74
10:00am–3:00pm History of the Channel District Margate p46
Peppermint Bay Lunch Cruise Hobart p37
The Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery Highlights Tour Hobart p38
1:30pm–3:00pm Cruise the Huon at Franklin on ‘Nancy’ Franklin p35
Art at Windsor Gallery Riverside p60
9:00am–5:00pm Hear the World Launceston p57
9:30am–4:30pm How's Your Hearing? Kings Meadows p56
9:30am–4:30pm How's Your Hearing? Launceston p56
Croquet for Groups or Individuals
10:00am–3:00pm VineArt – Tamar Valley Secrets
St Leonards p62
Loira p58
10:00am–3:00pm Life Books – Your Story Newnham p58
Tales from the Bottom Drawer
Inveresk p55
Windows to my World: Art Workshop Launceston p57
10:30pm–2:00pm Bowls Challenge St Helens p61
11:00am–12:00pm Quilting with Barbara Mellor St Helens p61
11:00am–12:00pm Tai Chi and Qigong Bridport Bridport p54
1:30pm–2:30pm Learn a Bollywood Dance Scottsdale p61
1:30pm–3:30pm Using Books as Therapy Launceston p57
1:45pm–2:45pm Tai Chi Beaconsfield p54
2:00pm–4:00pm Paint, Laugh and Sip Legana p58
The Big 3 – Making Your Financial, Medical and Legal Wishes Known Launceston p57
5:25pm–6:25pm Tai Chi Launceston Invermay p56
Art at Windsor Gallery Riverside p60
9:00am–5:00pm Hear the World Launceston p57
9:30am–4:30pm How's Your Hearing? Kings Meadows p56
9:30am–4:30pm How's Your Hearing? Launceston p56
Celebrating Seniors Morning Tea | Medical Mysteries Talk Mowbray p58
10:00am–12:00pm Croquet St Leonards p62
10:00am–3:00pm Croquet – A Hit for Health Riverside p59
Tales from the Bottom Drawer Inveresk p55
10:00am–4:00pm Community Knitting Project Riverside p59
11:00am–3:00pm VineArt – Tamar Valley Secrets Sidmouth p61
Celebrating Seniors Afternoon Tea | Medical Mysteries Talk Newnham p58
don’t judge people by how old they arE
Art at Windsor Gallery Riverside p60
Hear the World
How's Your Hearing?
9:30am–4:30pm How's Your Hearing?
Tracing Your Family History
VineArt – Tamar Valley Secrets
Tales from the Bottom Drawer
Celebrating Seniors Morning Tea | Medical Mysteries Talk
Launceston p57
Kings Meadows p56
Launceston p56
Launceston p58
St Leonards p62
Launceston p56
Beaconsfield p54
Inveresk p55
Ravenswood p59
10:40am–11:40am Tai Chi and Qigong Youngtown p62
Celebrating Seniors and Carers Westbury p62
Using Your Library Online
St Helens p61
Seniors Week Trivia Lunch Scottsdale p61
Celebrating Seniors Afternoon Tea | Medical Mysteries Talk Launceston p57
Afternoon Tea and Dance Exeter p55
1:00pm–4:00pm Paint and Sip Campbell Town p54
Birth of Planet Earth Inveresk p55
1:30pm–3:30pm Veteran Car Club Open Day Launceston p56
2:00pm–3:00pm Longford Tai Chi and Qigong Longford p58
2:00pm–3:30pm Gentle Death Education & Planning Westbury p62
9:00am–3:00pm Art at Windsor Gallery Riverside p60
Hear the World Launceston p57
9:30am–11:30am Alcohol Ink Art Class Beauty Point p54
How's Your Hearing? Kings Meadows p56
How's Your Hearing? Launceston p56
Cost Cutting Tips for Reducing Your Energy Bill
Croquet for Groups or Individuals
Launceston p9
St Leonards p62
Croquet – A Hit for Health Riverside p59
VineArt – Tamar Valley Secrets Rowella p60
Tales from the Bottom Drawer
Inveresk p55
12:00pm–2:00pm Advance Care Planning Launceston p57
12:00pm–4:00pm Bowls Challenge St Helens p61
George Town Seniors Concert 2022 George Town p55
Joeys to Boomers and Beyond
Beaconsfield p54
The Fabulous Follies present Magic Moments Rowella p60
Tai Chi Kings Meadows Kings Meadows p56
Tidal Tuesday Exhibition Riverside p60
Cost Cutting Tips for Reducing Your Energy Bill
Evandale p54
Art at Windsor Gallery Riverside p60
Hear the World
Launceston p57
9:30am–2:30pm How's Your Hearing? Riverside p59
9:30am–4:30pm How's Your Hearing? Kings Meadows p56
9:30am–4:30pm How's Your Hearing? Launceston p56
Veteran Car Club Open Day
Launceston p56
10:00am–12:15pm Tourism and Finance Retirement Options Riverside p59
10:00am–4:00am Tales from the Bottom Drawer
Inveresk p55
Celebrating Seniors Morning Tea | Medical Mysteries Talk Dilston p54
Windows to my World: Art Workshop Launceston p57
VineArt – Tamar Valley Secrets Rowella p60
Using Books as Therapy Riverside p59
9:00am–1:00pm Art at Windsor Gallery Riverside p60
10:00am–11:30am Croquet for Groups or Individuals St Leonards p62
Croquet – A Hit for Health Riverside p59
10:00am–4:00am Tales from the Bottom Drawer Inveresk p55
11:00am–3:00pm VineArt – Tamar Valley Secrets Rosevears p60
1:30pm–4:30pm Trivia Afternoon at Rowella Hall Rowella p60
10:00am–4:00pm Tales from the Bottom Drawer
Inveresk p55
11:00am–3:00pm VineArt – Tamar Valley Secrets Gravelly Beach p55
1:30pm–3:30pm The Fabulous Follies present The Magical Mystery Tour Rowella p60
9:00am–10:00am Photoshop Taster
The Sewing Room
Devonport p67
Deloraine p66
9:30am Heart Foundation Walking Group Ulverstone p73
10:00am–12:00pm Virtual Reality and Morning Tea
10:00am–3:00pm Wellness Centre Open Day
10:00am–4:00pm Emu Valley Rhododendron Garden
Zeehan p75
Devonport p67
Burnie p64
10:00am–4:00pm Community Space Open Week Ulverstone p74
10:30am–11:15am Day Keeper Tour
A Taste of U3A: Mature Movers
Cradle Mountain p65
Port Sorell p71
10:30am–12:00pm Create an Online Recipe Book Devonport p66
11:00am–12:00pm Email Basics Devonport p68
1:00pm–2:00pm Android Tablet Basics Devonport p69
1:00pm–4:00pm Cards – 500 East Devonport p70
1:30pm–2:30pm Walking Basketball – Introduction Session Ulverstone p74
Ukulele Concert
Port Sorell p70
2:00pm–3:00pm Understanding Your Digital Device Ulverstone p73
2:30pm–3:30pm Keith Potger – Memories and Melodies
Zeehan p75
3:00pm–5:00pm Movie and Snacks Burnie p65
Help with Your Device Apps Devonport p67
9:00am–5:00pm The Sewing Room Deloraine p66
9:30am–10:30am Tai Chi – Movement with Meaning East Devonport p69
Listen to the Mersey Singers
Devonport p66
9:30am–12:30pm Mah Jong and Backgammon East Devonport p69
10:00am–11:00am Bass Highway Films (1950–1953) Devonport p66
The Big 3 – Making Your Financial, Medical and Legal Wishes Known Burnie p65
10:00am–12:00pm Virtual Reality and Morning Tea Queenstown p73
10:00am–12:00pm Connect Café Ulverstone p73
10:00am–12:30pm Burnie School for Seniors
10:00am–4:00pm Emu Valley Rhododendron Garden
Burnie p65
Burnie p64
10:30am–11:15am Day Keeper Tour Cradle Mountain p65
10:30am–11:30am Keith Potger – Memories and Melodies
Women’s Shed Open Day
Queenstown p73
Ulverstone p74
10:45am–11:45am Tai Chi – New Class East Devonport p70
11:00am–12:00pm General Computer Maintenance Devonport p68
How to Best Use Your Library
Cruising Country Cycling
Wynyard p74
Wynyard p75
11:30am–1:30pm Complimentary Lunch East Devonport p70
Advance Care Planning
1:00pm–2:00pm Buying and Selling Online
A Taste of U3A: Pickleball
Devonport p66
Devonport p68
Port Sorell p71
1:00pm–2:30pm Lawn Bowls Latrobe p70
1:00pm–3:00pm World Music Concert
Wynyard p75
Let's Get Organised Smithton p72
2:30pm–3:30pm Keith Potger – Memories and Melodies
Queenstown p73
Advance Care Planning Burnie p64
3:00pm–4:30pm The Big 3 – Making Your Financial, Medical and Legal Wishes Known Devonport p66
Converting Old Audio Media
9:00am–5:00pm The Sewing Room
Devonport p68
Deloraine p66
9:30am–10:30am Tai Chi – Loving Life East Devonport p69
9:30am–10:30am Zumba Gold Moriarty p70
10:00am–12:00pm Library Bean and Chatty Cafe Burnie p64
10:00am–3:00pm Wellness Centre Open Day Burnie p64
10:00am–4:00pm Emu Valley Rhododendron Garden Burnie p64
10:30am–11:15am Day Keeper Tour
Cradle Mountain p65
10:30am–11:30am Men’s Shed Open Day Ulverstone p73
10:30am–12:00pm Understanding Your Digital Device
Devonport p67
11:00am–1:00pm Meet Your Advocate at The Big Table East Devonport p69
Converting Video Tapes to DVD Devonport p69
A Taste of U3A: Photography Group
Port Sorell p71
1:00pm–2:00pm Wi-Fi Networks and Safety Online Devonport p67
A Taste of U3A: Walking Netball
Port Sorell p71
2:00pm–3:30pm Ukulele Concert Wynyard p74
7:00pm–8:40pm Film Evening for Seniors – The Duke Devonport p68
9:00am–10:00am How to Make Zoom Calls Devonport p67
9:00am–5:00pm The Sewing Room Deloraine p66
10:00am–3:00pm Ukulele Festival Sheffield p72
10:00am–4:00pm Emu Valley Rhododendron Garden
10:30am–11:15am Day Keeper Tour
10:30am–12:00pm A Taste of U3A: Reading Food Labels
11:00am–12:00pm Explore the eLibrary
Burnie p64
Cradle Mountain p65
Port Sorell p71
Burnie p64
11:00am–12:00pm iPad Basics Devonport p69
1:00pm–2:00pm Introduction to Linux Devonport p68
Indoor Bowls
Devonport p68
Silver Salties – Walk and Talk Penguin p72
1:30pm–3:30pm Film Screening Smithton p72
A Taste of U3A: Fun with Worms
1:30pm–3:00pm Walking Basketball
Port Sorell p71
Ulverstone p74
2:00pm–3:00pm Book Club @ Devonport Library Devonport p67
9:00am–10:00am iPhone Basics
Devonport p68
9:00am–5:00pm The Sewing Room Deloraine p66
A Taste of U3A: Candid Conversations
Port Sorell p71
10:00am–12:00pm Virtual Reality and Morning Tea Rosebery p72
10:00am–12:00pm Kentish U3A Open Day Sheffield p72
10:00am–4:00pm Emu Valley Rhododendron Garden Burnie p64
10:30am–11:15am Day Keeper Tour Cradle Mountain p65
10:30am–11:30am Ukulele Concerts Ulverstone p73
10:30am–2:00pm Easy Group Bike Ride Turners Beach p72
11:00am–12:00pm About Facebook Messenger Devonport p67
11:00am–2:00pm Community Connections Expo Smithton p72
1:00pm–2:00pm Android Phone Basics Devonport p66
1:30pm–3:30pm A Taste of U3A: Friday Flicks
Port Sorell p71
1:30pm–4:00pm Scrabble East Devonport p70
Connect with Your Inner Child Burnie p64
2:00pm–5:00pm Playdates at the Library Burnie p64
9:00am–5:00pm The Sewing Room
Deloraine p66
Baptcare Orana Open Day to Celebrate Seniors Week & Carer’s Week East Devonport p69
10:30am–11:15am Day Keeper Tour Cradle Mountain p65
11:00am–12:00pm All About WhatsApp Devonport p68
1:00pm–3:30pm Indoor Bowls Devonport p68
The Sewing Room Deloraine p66
10:30am–11:15am Day Keeper Tour
Cradle Mountain p65
2:00pm–4:00pm Adult Learners Sunday Soiree Cooee p65
Our range of services will support you in the home and in the community so you can maintain your independence and social connections. Stay in the place you’re familiar with and keep connected with friends and family with support from Community Based Support. The right amount of support from the right people can go a long way. One of our most popular services is our social hubs, with locations around Tasmania.
A place for you to connect with friends, maximise independence and enjoy the social part of life. Our clients enjoy regular planned activities both inside the hubs and out and about in the community with meals also included.
What next?
Visit cbsaust.org.au/social-programs to see upcoming outings and activities, as well as photos and stories from our community members. Interested? All you need to do is call our Client Services team on 1300 227 827 to find out more and book in your free trial day.
home care packages | domestic assistance personal care | social hubs | garden maintenance ageing backwards movement program
social support | home maintenance and modifications
We’ve been out to see lots of different places, beautiful places and the staff are very caring” Rose Riley
Gentle exercise classes to 60s music for those aged 50-80+. Exercises are easy to learn to music from bygone days. Feel the benefits of exercise with like-minded participants. Social time is available with after-class coffee. This first class is free as a try-out. If you’d like to continue, classes are $12 PAYG.
• Monday 17th October 9:30am–10:30am
St George’s Church Hall, Cromwell Street, Battery Point Bookings: 0428 297 435 | move.it.tas@gmail.com (close: 24/10)
parkrun is a free weekly 5km walk or run held every Saturday around the world. Join us to learn how to get involved in your local parkrun, enjoy a 5km walk or easy run, and a cuppa afterwards. parkrun is always free, inclusive, and no-one comes last. Pre-register for your personal barcode. If you are unable to pre-register we can help you on the day.
• Saturday 22nd October 8:00am–10:30am
Bellerive Beach Park, Bellerive Bookings: https://www.parkrun.com.au/register/?section=form | tasmanianroadrunners@gmail.com (close: 15/10)
You have received your DNA results but perhaps you are overwhelmed by so many matches and struggling to solve a particular issue or brick wall. This is a unique opportunity to have your DNA results analysed by an experienced DNA interpreter and receive expert guidance on how to effectively continue this exciting journey of discovery.
• Saturday 22nd October 10:30am–4:00pm
Old Post Office, 19 Cambridge Road, Bellerive Bookings: secretary@hobart.tasfhs.org | 6245 9351
Five volunteer-run Bellerive organisations are opening their doors on the Wednesday of Seniors Week (19th) to offer a unique "hub" experience in multiple venues located within close walking distance of each other. Visit the wonderful collection in the Sound Museum, do a little Family History, observe some arts and craft, check out the Education and Research Centre, do a short walk of historical Bellerive Bluff after collecting a free map at the Bellerive Historical Centre, and maybe have lunch at one of the many excellent Bellerive cafés. Perhaps consider getting there and back from the Western Shore via ferry – all venues are close to each other, and from the ferry terminal. No bookings required for events in the Bellerive Community Arts Centre but are recommended for the Sound Preservation, Family History and Moorings Education and Research Centre.
• Wednesday 19th October 10:00am–3:00pm
Bellerive Historical Centre, 17 Cambridge Rd, Bellerive Enquiries: 0400 974 056
Visit us at the Arts Centre as part of the Bellerive Hub Open Day. Arts Centre members will be working at their chosen activities.
• Wednesday 19th October 10:00am–3:00pm Bellerive Community Arts Centre, 17 Cambridge Rd Enquiries: 6245 1036
Come and meet us at the Old Post Office – experienced family historians will assist you to explore your family history, discover the convict past or uncover the final resting place of that elusive ancestor and much more.
• Wednesday 19th October 10:00am–3:00pm
Old Post Office, 19 Cambridge Road, Bellerive Enquiries: secretary@hobart.tasfhs.org
Enjoy a guided tour by a long-term resident of the Moorings Education and Research Centre's extensive display of Eastern Shore history. Peruse photos and documented local history of Bellerive, bridges and ferries. Part of the Bellerive Hub Open Day.
• Wednesday 19th October 10:00am, 11:00am, 12:00pm, 2:00pm, 3:00pm
‘Moorings Centre’, 2(B) Victoria Esplanade, Bellerive Cost: Entry by donation only Bookings: 0419 572 958 (close: 17/10) (Limited to 6 people at one time)
At the Sound Museum you will hear a collection of sounds from the past and see the equipment on which those sounds can be reproduced. See a display of audio equipment and memorabilia. Other Open Day experiences include Family History, Arts and Craft, Education and Research Centre, and a short walk of historical Bellerive Bluff after collecting a free map at the Bellerive Historical Centre.
• Wednesday 19th October 10:00am–4:00pm
Bellerive Community Hub, 19 Cambridge Road, Bellerive Cost: Gold coin donation Enquiries: 6135 4814
Croquet for the beginner or just a refresher for those who would like to have another try. Test your skill at aiming a ball through a skinny hoop, the aim is to beat the opposition by hitting their ball out of the way to gain your advantage. It’s good for a laugh and addictive for a competitive player! All equipment is provided, just bring your sense of fun. Afternoon tea is provided to follow. This is a free event. Parking available.
• Thursday 20th October 1:00pm–3:00pm
Eastern Shore Croquet Club, 57-61 South Street, Bellerive Enquiries: Rosalie 0432 594 085
Gentle exercise classes to 60s music for those aged 50–80+. Exercises are easy to learn to music from bygone days. Feel the benefits of exercise with like minded and bodied participants. Chat and grab a coffee after class. First class is free to try out. If you’d like to continue, classes are $12 PAYG.
• Monday 17th October 11:15am–12:15pm
• Thursday 20th October 9:30am–10:30am
St Mark’s Church Hall, Cnr Scott and Cambridge Roads
Bookings: 0428 297 435 | move.it.tas@gmail.com (close: 24/10)
Have you noticed that you or a loved one might be struggling to hear the TV, a family video call or conversations at home? Rediscover the sounds you love with a free* hearing check during Seniors Week. Make healthy hearing your priority. Call today to book a spot at your nearest centre. *Only 15-minute hearing checks are free. Other services may attract charges/fees or may be subsidised for those eligible under the Australian Government Hearing Services Program.
• Tuesday 18th October 9:30am–3:30pm
• Wednesday 19th October 9:30am–3:30pm
• Friday 21st October 9:30am–3:30pm
Hearing Australia Bellerive, Shop 3, 30 Bayfield St Bookings: 6282 0800 | belleriveadmin@hearing.com.au (close: 21/10)
Come and try the ancient game of Pétanque with Glenorchy City Pétanque. All equipment is provided. Pétanque is a variant of bowls (boules) where the ball is thrown from a standing position. You don’t need good knees!
• Wednesday 19th October 1:30pm–3:00pm
Glenorchy City Bowls Club, 4 Alcorso Drive, Berriedale Bookings: 0402 300 672 (close: 18/10)
Join Liz as she leads a fun class that is designed to build strength, coordination, and flexibility for daily movement patterns. The program is suitable for people 50+ with all levels of mobility and provides options to suit you no matter your level of fitness. Join any class you like during Seniors Week free of charge.
• Tuesday 18th October 10:30am–11:30am
• Thursday 20th October 10:30am–11:30 am Venue to be disclosed on booking.
Bookings: 1300 227 827 | info@cbsaust.org.au
A low to moderate intensity exercise class with something to suit every fitness level. Incorporating cardiovascular exercise, these exercise improve strength, coordination and balance. A great chance to socialise. You’ll have so much fun you will forget you are exercising! Qualified fitness instructors will have options for everyone. Free for new attendees during Seniors Week.
• Monday 17th October 9:30am–10:15am
• Wednesday 19th October 6:15pm–7:00pm
Bothwell Town Hall, Alexander St, Bothwell Enquiries: stacey@freedomhealthandwellness.com | 0417 464 476
Hearing Australia will be offering free hearing checks aboard the Hearing Australia bus. These mobile hearing checks teams take just 15 minutes. The experienced team will guide you through any other steps you need to take to manage your hearing.
• Monday 17th October 10:00am–3:00pm
Bridgewater Library, 23 Green Point Rd, Bridgewater Enquiries: bridgewater.library@education.tas.gov.au | 6165 5446
An informative session to highlight the many different programs and services available at the library for the benefit of seniors in the local community.
• Friday 21st October 2:00pm–3:00pm
Bridgewater Library, 23 Green Point Rd, Bridgewater Bookings: bridgewater.library@education.tas.gov.au | 6165 5446 (close: 14/10)
These classes are designed to get everyone dancing. Bring your wheelchair, walker or boots – just come along prepared to get a bit of exercise, share some smiles and a laugh with friendly people. All dances can be done while sitting or standing because the choreography incorporates arms and legs. No dance experience required. This is a regular weekly class – you can join at any time.
• Wednesday 19th October 1:00pm–2:00pm Chigwell Barn, 10 Bucaan St, Chigwell Cost: Gold coin donation Enquiries: Laura – llrittenhouse@gmail.com | 0448 007
A low to moderate intensity exercise class, which may incorporate hand weights, balls and resistance bands. Improves strength, coordination and balance. A great chance to socialise. You’ll have so much fun you will forget you are exercising! Qualified fitness instructors will have options for every fitness level.
• Tuesday 18th October 12:10pm–1:00pm
Chigwell Barn, 10 Bucaan St, Chigwell Cost: free for new attendees during Seniors Week Enquiries: stacey@freedomhealthandwellness.com | 0417 464 476
Want some assistance around your home but don’t know how to access it? OneCare Limited staff will be at a popup stall in Claremont to chat about their services.
• Monday 17th October 9:00am–3:00pm
Claremont Plaza Shopping Centre, 35 Main Rd, Claremont Enquiries: 0439 473 776 | louise.graham@onecare.org.au
Join Liz as she leads a fun class that is designed to build strength, coordination, and flexibility for daily movement patterns. The program is suitable for people 50+ with all levels of mobility and provides options to suit you no matter your level of fitness. Join any class you like during Seniors Week free of charge.
• Tuesday 18th October 2:00pm–3:00pm
Venue to be disclosed on booking. Bookings: 1300 227 827 | info@cbsaust.org.au
A low to moderate intensity exercise class with something to suit every fitness level. Incorporating some cardiovascular exercise, this session improves strength, coordination and balance. A great chance to socialise. You’ll have so much fun you will forget you are exercising! Qualified fitness instructors will have options for everyone.
• Monday 17th October 9:30am–10:20am
• Tuesday 18th October 9:30am–10:20am
• Thursday 20th October 9:30am–10:20am
Claremont Girl Guide Hall, 5 Boxhill Road, Claremont Cost: Free for new attendees during Seniors Week Enquiries: stacey@freedomhealthandwellness.com |
0417 464 476
Get fit while having fun. All fitness levels welcome. Free for new attendees during Seniors Week.
• Friday 21st October 9:30am–10:20am
Claremont Girl Guide Hall, 5 Boxhill Road, Claremont Enquiries: stacey@freedomhealthandwellness.com |
0417 464 476
Come have fun while exercising! All fitness levels welcome.
• Wednesday 19th October 9:30am–10:20am
Claremont Girl Guide Hall, 5 Boxhill Road, Claremont
Cost: free for new attendees during Seniors Week
Enquiries: stacey@freedomhealthandwellness.com |
0417 464 476
A low to moderate intensity exercise class. Improve your strength, coordination and balance. A great chance to socialise with other men. You’ll have so much fun you will forget you are exercising! Qualified fitness instructors will have options for every fitness level.
• Thursday 20th October 10:30am–11:20am
Claremont Girl Guide Hall, 5 Boxhill Road, Claremont
Cost: free for new attendees during Seniors Week
Enquiries: stacey@freedomhealthandwellness.com |
0417 464 476
We’re riding to Moonah for coffee via the scenic route in Seniors Week. Join us! You’ll have fun meeting other riders, feel the wind in your hair, and get fitter just by coming for a ride. Enjoy a relaxed ride with fellow riders of e-bikes on quiet roads and offroad bikepaths through the northern suburbs. There is a small hill to climb in Lutana, which suits e-bikes of course, but riders with strong legs are also very welcome! If you haven’t got your own e-bike, you could hire one from HobartBikeHire or RollCycles. We’ll relax over coffee on the way back, probably at Baked in Moonah. Then return along the safe and smooth InterCity Cycleway. You’ll be able to check out a new route, develop your e-bike knowledge and gain confidence in managing your e-steed on Hobart’s bikepaths and roads. Check our online event for more details and to RSVP. If you RSVP, we’ll be able to contact you should there be any changes.
• Wednesday 19th October 10:00am–12:30pm Upper carpark, Cornelian Bay
Bookings: https://ridewithgps.com/events/178291-seniors-on-ebikes (close: 18/10)
Enquiries: 0419 391 629
Seniors Week 2022: Events in
Mah Jong is the best analog game to learn. Newcomers to this fantastic game will be coached at this Open Day. The Cygnet Group had complete novices when it commenced five years ago but now they're all devotees! They play every Tuesday from 12noon till 4pm at Bridge Cottage, Burtons Reserve in Cygnet. Drinks and biscuits provided at our special Seniors Open Day.
• Tuesday 18th October 12:00pm–4:00pm
Bridge Cottage, Burtons Reserve, Cygnet
Enquiries: Marianne — bekkema.tas@gmail.com
| 0437 050 746 (6-7pm)
Cygnet Social/Games is only 2 years old and is welcoming new members. They meet every Thursday from 11am till 4pm at 5 Lourdes Rise, Cygnet, but one can come at any time until 2pm. Enjoy games such as Scrabble, Rummikub, chess, cribbage, Mah Jong (newcomers are coached), draughts, dominos and more.
Join them in Seniors Week on Thursday the 20th October and see what they are all about! Drinks and biscuits provided. .
• Thursday 20th October 11:00am–4:00pm
5 Lourdes Rise, Cygnet
Enquiries: Marianne — bekkema.tas@gmail.com
| 0437 050 746 (6-7pm)
DIGnity gardening is a program where you can spend time in a community garden with others, whether you join in the gardening, start an art project or just have a cuppa and a shared garden-inspired meal. The friendly DIGnity team is there to support you to get stuck in, no matter what your abilities are. All ages are welcome.
• Tuesday 18th October 10:30am–1:30pm
Okines Community Garden, 540 Old Forcett Road Bookings: 6265 7016 | info@okinescommunityhouse.com.au (close: 10/10)
Visit our community garden and learn about herbs, their uses and how to pot one up and take home. Enjoy fabulous garden vegetable soup for lunch.
• Monday 17th October 11:00am–1:00pm
Okines Community House, 540 Old Forcett Rd Bookings: info@okinescommunityhouse.com.au | 6265 7016 (close: 10/10)
Visit the Community House and bring along a project you are working on. Or come and learn how to knit or crochet and have a chat, cuppa and morning tea with some like-minded knitters.
• Monday 17th October 10:30am–12:30pm
Okines Community House, 540 Old Forcett Rd
Learn to create a mandala – a symbol of the universe in its ideal form, its creation signifying the transformation of a universe of suffering into one of joy. It can also be used as an aid to meditation, helping the meditator to envision how to achieve the perfect self.
• Friday 21st October 10:30am–12:30pm
Okines Community House, 540 Old Forcett Rd Bookings: 6265 7016 | info@okinescommunityhouse.com.au (close: 14/10)
Cost: Gold coin donation
Come along and take pleasure in a scrumptious high tea, be pampered, and enjoy being waited-on while enjoying the company of other seniors from the community.
• Tuesday 18th October 10:30am–11:30am
Dunalley House, 172 Arthur Highway, Dunalley Bookings: 6253 9000 | admindun@dunalleytasman.org (close: 14/10)
An 8km return walk with a friendly, chatty group along the Pipeline Track at Fern Tree. We will start with morning tea (bring your own) at Fern Tree (opposite Tavern). Then we'll walk along the Pipeline Track to Neika for lunch (bring your own) before returning the same way. Dress appropiately - it is the mountain!
Bring lunch and a raincoat in a day pack.
• Wednesday 19th October 10:00am–2:00pm
Huon Rd, Fern Tree
Enquiries: Hazel Hoskinson 0427 674 669
Explore the calm waters of the Huon River, the Egg Islands and the picturesque rural land around Franklin aboard the historic motor launch ‘Nancy’.
• Monday 17th –Sunday 23rd October 1:30pm–3:00pm
LBT Shed, 3337 Huon Hwy, Franklin Cost: $25.00
Bookings: 0497 786 572 | sec@lbt.org.au | http://mv-nancy-tours.org (close: 23/10)
Join Tai Chi expert Bill Pearson for a gentle introduction to Tai Chi. Come along to Bill's class to participate in a beginners session and discuss the meditation and movement benefits of this ancient Chinese martial art.
Bookings on Eventbrite - http://www.eventbrite.com/o/ glenorchy-library-tasmania-6685743883
• Tuesday 18th October 11:00am–12:00pm
Glenorchy Library, 4 Terry Street, Glenorchy
Bookings: 6165 5493 | glenorchy.library@education.tas. gov.au | http://www.eventbrite.com/o/glenorchy-librarytasmania-6685743883 (close: 17/10)
Come along and try line dancing with some friendly locals. These are weekly classes where new dancers are always welcome. These classes include a mix of music styles and dance steps. No dance experience needed. The emphasis is on having fun.
• Thursday 20th October 9:30am–10:25am, 10:35am–11:30am
Tolosa Hall, 148 Tolosa St, Glenorchy
Cost: $3.00
Enquiries: Laura – llrittenhouse@gmail.com | 0448 007 751
All are welcome to enjoy the concert and a hearty afternoon tea afterwards.
• Wednesday 19th October 1:30pm–3:00pm
Glenorchy Golden Years Club, 314 Main Road, Glenorchy
Cost: $10
Enquiries: 6272 8402 | glenorchygoldenyears@gmail.com
Did you know you can access, books, magazines, newspapers, and even movies from the comfort of your armchair? Explore the world of Libraries Tasmania’s online resources by joining us in person where we’ll show you how. Bring your phone, tablet, or laptop, or use one of ours.
• Wednesday 19th October 2:00pm–3:00pm
Glenorchy Library, 4 Terry Street, Glenorchy Bookings: 6165 5493 | glenorchy.library@education.tas. gov.au | http://www.eventbrite.com/o/glenorchy-librarytasmania-6685743883 (close: 19/10)
Do you enjoy driving? Do you love helping people in your community? If so, come along to Community Transport Services Tasmania’s information session at our Café Connect and enjoy a complimentary coffee and cake while you learn about volunteering.
• Wednesday 19th October 10:30am–11:30am
CTST Office, 320 Main Road, Glenorchy Bookings: 0460 735 694 | peopleandcapability@ctst.org.au (close: 10/6/22)
What is a podcast, you ask? Come along and have some fun with Joel from Create Crew – he’ll talk you through everything you need to know! What a podcast is, how to create one, capture a story, record, and edit it. Get your stories ready – for this session, we’d like to know how life has changed for you over the years.
• Monday 17th October 10:00am–12:00pm
Glenorchy Library, 4 Terry Street, Glenorchy Bookings: 6165 5493 | glenorchy.library@education.tas. gov.au | http://www.eventbrite.com/o/glenorchy-librarytasmania-6685743883 (close: 16/10)
Are you or a loved one just starting out on your aged care journey? Then this is the first step. Find out how to remain independent and stay in your own home for longer. OneCare is conducting an information session about their Pathway to Care in the Home.
• Tuesday 18th October 10:30am–11:30am
Glenorchy Library, 4 Terry St, Glenorchy Bookings: 0439 473 776 | louise.graham@onecare.org.au (close: 17/10)
Would you like to enrich your life? Are you curious about meditation? At this workshop you will experience gentle relaxation, meditation and discussions about loving yourself, appreciation for yourself and empowering yourself. This workshop allows space to create inner safety. Self-help books and CDs will be available to browse and purchase.
• Friday 21st October 1:30pm–2:30pm
Glenorchy Library, 4 Terry St, Glenorchy Bookings: 6278 3788 | hobart@au.brahmakumaris.org (close: 21/10)
Gentle exercise classes to 60s music for those aged 50-80+. Exercises are easy to learn to music from bygone days. Feel the benefits of exercise with like-minded participants. Get social afterwards with a coffee and chat. First class is free to try out. If you’d like to continue, classes are $12 PAYG.
• Wednesday 19th October 9:30am–10:30am Tolosa Street Hall, 148 Tolosa Street, Glenorchy Bookings: 0428 297 435 | move.it.tas@gmail.com (close: 24/10)
Come and join the knitting group at Glenorchy Library. They've been meeting for many years and knit items for various charities. New members are welcome, so if you’d like some company and a chat while knitting for a great cause, they'd love to see you. Donations of wool most welcome!
• Wednesday 19th October 10:00am–11:00am Glenorchy Library, 4 Terry Street, Glenorchy
Have you noticed that you or a loved one might be struggling to hear the TV, a family video call or conversations at home? Rediscover the sounds you love with a free* hearing check during Seniors Week. Make healthy hearing your priority. Call today to book a spot at your nearest centre. *Only 15-minute hearing checks are free. Other services may attract charges/fees or may be subsidised for those eligible under the Australian Government Hearing Services Program.
• Monday 17th – Friday 21st October 9:30am–4:00pm Glenorchy Plaza, Shop 5, enter via Cooper St, Glenorchy Bookings: 6271 9400 | glenorchyadmin@hearing.com.au (close: 21/10/22)
Get to know yourself and be positively surprised. This introductory event will be followed by the free five-week program. It is video-based, with talks by Peace Ambassador, Prem Rawat, interspersed with cartoons, interviews and time for your own reflection and comment. The focus is on strengths you have already such as dignity, hope and choice. The course is very popular in 74 countries.
• Monday 17th October 2:00pm–3:00pm Glenorchy Library, Terry Street, Glenorchy Bookings: 6165 5491 | glenorchy.library@education.tas.gov.au (close: 17/10)
The previously untold story of Britain’s most celebrated leader, uncovering the true nature of his herculean war-time status and revealing the strength of his wife, ‘Clemmie’ – his backbone and total confidant – the love that inspired him to greatness.
• Friday 21st October 2:00pm–4:00pm
Glenorchy Library, Terry Street, Glenorchy Bookings: 6165 5491 | glenorchy.library@education.tas.gov.au (close: 21/10)
Join Liz as she leads a fun class that is designed to build strength, coordination, and flexibility for daily movement patterns. The program is suitable for people 50+ with all levels of mobility and provides options to suit you no matter your level of fitness. Join any class you like during Seniors Week free of charge.
• Friday 21st October 10:30am–11:30 am Venue to be disclosed on booking. Bookings: 1300 227 827 | info@cbsaust.org.au
A low to moderate intensity exercise class, which may incorporate hand weights, balls and resistance bands. Improves strength, coordination and balance. A great chance to socialise. You’ll have so much fun you will forget you are exercising! Qualified fitness instructors will have options for every fitness level.
• Tuesday 18th October 10:50am–11:30am Goodwood Community House, 20 Acton Crescent
We depart from Brooke Street Pier, taking in harbour and city views as we cruise our way through the River Derwent. Upon entering the calm waters of the d’Entrecasteaux Channel, we stop at a few spots of interest: ancient rock formations and if the sea life is cooperating, sea eagles, dolphins and seals. We then dock at the jetty to disembark to the Peppermint Bay Hotel, which overlooks the picturesque Bruny Island, the perfect setting to enjoy lunch on the water’s edge. Please check in at the Peppermint Bay desk at 10am for a 10.30am departure. Please send any dietaries 24hrs prior to departure.
• Friday 21st October 10:30am–3:30pm
• Sunday 23rd October 10:30am–3:30pm
Peppermint Bay Cruise, Brooke Street Pier, Hobart Cost: Adults $148, Seniors $130, Children $100
Bookings: 1300 137 919 | https://peppermintbaycruise.com.au/ lunch-cruise/ (close: 20/10)
Meet an aged care advocate and learn how to get what you need and understand your rights in aged care. This session will be useful for anyone thinking about or already receiving aged care services. We’ll talk you through some tips for ensuring your voice is heard. Enjoy a cuppa and chat.
• Wednesday 19th October 10:00am–11:00am
Lower Mathers, 108 Bathurst Street, Hobart Bookings: contact@yoursaytas.org | 1800 005 131 (close: 19/10)
Have you ever wondered what those young people are up to at the Youth Arts & Recreation Centre (Youth ARC) at the back of the Hobart City Hall in Collins St? Come and join us for this fun and relaxed afternoon where you will have the opportunity to learn from and share your experiences with the youth of today.
• Tuesday 18th October 3:00pm–5:00pm
Youth ARC, Rear of City Hall, Collins St Hobart Bookings: 6234 1441 | mathersplace@hobartcity.com.au (close: 18/10)
Come and enjoy a free film screening from the Hobart Library Bemafilms collections at Mathers House. Light refreshments provided.
• Friday 21st October 1:00pm
Mathers Place, 108-110 Bathurst St, Hobart Bookings: 6165 5597 | www.eventbrite.com/o/hobart-librarytasmania-8085207
Come along and find out about the variety of buildings at TMAG that make up one of Australia's most historically significant precincts. Join a TMAG guide to discover the history of the buildings, why they were built and what they were originally used for.
• Thursday 20th October 11:00am–12:00pm
Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery, Dunn Place, Hobart Bookings: 6165 7001 | tmag.bookings@tmag.tas.gov.au | www.tmag.tas.gov.au/whats_on/events (close: 14/10)
Join a TMAG guide and discover some of the treasures and exhibitions at the museum and art gallery. Please note, this tour is available throughout the year.
• Friday 21st October 1:30pm–2:30pm
• Saturday 22nd October 1:30pm–2:30pm
• Sunday 23rd October 1:30pm–2:30pm
Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery, Dunn Place, Hobart Bookings: 6165 7001 | tmag.bookings@tmag.tas.gov.au | www.tmag.tas.gov.au/whats_on/events (close: 14/10)
Join Dr Mary Knights, Senior Curator of Art at the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery for a discussion about colonial art, recipes and food availability in Hobart Town, Van Diemen's Land, in the early 1800's.
• Tuesday 18th October 2:00pm–3:00pm
Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery, Dunn Place, Hobart Bookings: 6165 7001 | tmag.bookings@tmag.tas.gov.au | www.tmag.tas.gov.au/whats_on/events (close: 14/10)
Have you noticed that you or a loved one might be struggling to hear the TV, a family video call or conversations at home?
Rediscover the sounds you love with a free* hearing check during Seniors Week. Make healthy hearing your priority. Call today to book a spot at your nearest centre. *Only 15-minute hearing checks are free. Other services may attract charges/fees or may be subsidised for those eligible under the Australian Government Hearing Services Program.
• Tuesday 18th October 9:30am–4:00pm
• Wednesday 19th October 9:30am–4:00pm
• Friday 21st October 9:30am–4:00pm
Hearing Australia Hobart, 25-29 Barrack Street, Hobart Bookings: 03 6221 9500 | hobartadmin@hearing.com.au (close: 21/10)
Lunchtime Tunes @ Mathers House Café. Enjoy pop-up concerts every lunchtime (12:30–1:00pm) during Seniors Week. Come along for lunch and stay for the tunes.
• Monday 17th October 12:00pm–1:00pm
• Tuesday 18th October 12:00pm–1:00pm
• Wednesday 19th October 12:00pm–1:00pm
• Thursday 20th October 12:00pm–1:00pm
• Friday 21st October 12:00pm–1:00pm
Mathers House, 108-110 Bathurst Street, Hobart Bookings: 6234 1441 | mathersplace@hobartcity.com.au (close: 21/10)
Australians have lost over $300 million to scams this year alone. Join us to hear why scams are so successful and why people keep falling for them. Learn what a scam looks like and how to protect yourself.
• Tuesday 18th October 10:30am–11:30am Mathers House, 108-110 Bathurst Street, Hobart Enquiries: 6165 3425
Do you want to meet family and friends online for free video chats, but you’re unsure where to start? At this session we will look at some of the common online video chat platforms to help you get connected and ‘see’ your loved ones from afar.
• Monday 17th October 10:00am Hobart Library, Level 1 91 Murray Street Bookings: 6165 5597 | www.eventbrite.com/o/hobart-librarytasmania-8085207
Explore the world of artmaking on iPads with your grandchild. This intergeneration program lets you play and learn something new, whilst enjoying artmaking without the mess.
• Tuesday 18th October 10:00am Hobart Library, Level 1 91 Murray Street Bookings: 6165 5597 | www.eventbrite.com/o/hobart-librarytasmania-8085207
Are you eyes getting tied and you’re finding it hard to read? Did you know we have an amazing collection books you can download and listen to, or read with enlarged text? We also have thousands of up-to-date newspapers and magazines from Australia and all around the world for free. Come to the library for your tour of our e-collection and start accessing this amazing free resource.
• Thursday 20th October 10:00am
Hobart Library, Level 1 91 Murray Street Bookings: 6165 5597 | www.eventbrite.com/o/hobart-librarytasmania-8085207
Re-engage with friends, family and loved ones this Seniors Week by having a free hearing test and a free week with the world's first health-focussed hearing solution, Evolv AI.
• Monday 17th October 9:00am–5:00pm
• Tuesday 18th October 9:00am–5:00pm
• Wednesday 19th October 9:00am–5:00pm
• Thursday 20th October 9:00am–5:00pm
• Friday 21st October 9:00am–5:00pm
Maria Brown Hearing Clinic, 61 Davey St, Hobart Bookings: 1300 797 519 | www.mbhc.com.au
Tech Neck is now becoming a health issue. Tech neck is neck pain and posture damage caused by looking down at devices for extended periods of time. Get your neck check conducted at Hobart Chiropractic Centre.
• Monday 17th October 8:00am–6:00pm
• Tuesday 18th October 8:00am–6:00pm
• Wednesday 19th October 8:00am–5:00pm
• Thursday 20th October 1:30pm–6:00pm
• Friday 21st October 8:00am–6:00pm
Hobart Chiropractic, 181 Harrington St, Hobart Bookings: 03 62316131 | admin@hobartchiropractic.com.au (close: 30/10)
Cost: Gold coin donation to Australian Spinal Research Foundation
Multicultural Dance Experience – a variety of community dancing groups will showcase their fun dance moves that will entertain you and get your toes tapping, and allow you to learn a few simple moves.
• Wednesday 19th October 10:30am–12:00pm
Mathers House Courtyard, 108-110 Bathurst Street, Hobart Bookings: 6234 1441 | mathersplace@hobartcity.com.au (close: 19/10)
Meet the team from Senior Assist at Tasmania Legal Aid for morning tea. Senior Assist will talk about its free services, as well as providing information about Wills, Enduring Guardianship, Enduring Powers of Attorney and more. This will be an informal event with the opportunity to ask questions.
• Monday 17th October 10:00am–11:00am
Mathers House, Bathurst Street, Hobart Bookings: 6234 1441 | mathersplace@hobartcity.com.au | https://www.hobartcity.com.au/City-services/Venues-bannersand-signage/Halls-and-venues/Mathers-House-Main-Hall (close: 10/10)
Tech Neck is now becoming a health issue. Tech neck is neck pain and posture damage caused by looking down at devices for extended periods of time. An online Zoom chat – "Neck pain and Tech Neck – what you need to know”– will be presented by Drs Ashley Dent and Sam Crean.
• Wednesday 19th October 1:00pm–1:30pm Bookings: 6231 6131 | admin@hobartchiropractic.com.au
Would you like to enrich your life? Are you curious about meditation? At this workshop you will experience gentle relaxation, meditation and discussions about loving, appreciating, and empowering yourself, to allow space to create inner safety.
• Tuesday 18th October 2:00pm–3:15pm
Lower Mathers, 108-110 Bathurst Street, Hobart Bookings: 6234 1441 | mathersplace@hobartcity.com.au (close: 18/10)
Seniors Week 2022: Events in
This popular three-day/two-night trip provides an ideal taste of Tall Ship life while cruising the D’Entrecasteaux Channel and South-eastern Tasmania, combined with a unique bushwalking experience.
• Monday 17th October 9:00am departure
Elizabeth Street Pier, Elizabeth Street Pier, Hobart Cost: $630.00
Bookings: 6234 3348 | enquiries@ladynelson.org.au | https://ladynelson.rezgo.com/details/308430/3-day-sail-andwalk-adventure-17-19-october-2022 (close: 16/10)
She’s a cook. She’s a storyteller. She’s a singer. She’s a Hobart sustainability legend, but most of all she’s very, very funny! Come along to Mathers House for one helluva show and a delicious 2-course meal. What the heck, we’ll even shout you the first drink! Saluti!
• Monday 17th October 10:00am–11:30am
Mathers House, 108-110 Bathurst Street, Hobart Cost: $45.00
Bookings: 6234 1441 | mathersplace@hobartcity.com.au (close: 17/10)
Have a go at track and/or field athletics events in a friendly, non-judgemental environment with other older people. Coaching advice for beginners available. No particular standard or experience required.
• Wednesday 19th October 6:00pm–7:30pm
Domain Athletic Centre, Upper Domain Rd, Hobart Enquiries: tasmasterscompdir@gmail.com | or please text 0412 991 918
If you enjoy a challenge and are looking for something new to exercise the grey matter, join us for a variety of table games that come from different parts of the world. You can also bring along your favourite game and players to Mathers' friendly space, to play and share with others.
• Monday 17th October 2:00pm–4:00pm
Mathers House, 108-110 Bathurst Street, Hobart Bookings: 6234 1441 | mathersplace@hobartcity.com.au (close: 17/10)
Let David Boyles' soulful saxophone enrich your morning while enjoying his vast repertoire of eclectic tunes. David is a Hobartbased saxophonist who arranges, composes and plays music designed for everyone to enjoy. He performs on various types of saxophones playing styles include Waltz, Bolero, Charleston and Reggae. Guests are encouraged to clap, stomp their feet and dance.
• Tuesday 18th October 11:00am–12:00pm
Mathers House, 108-110 Bathurst Street, Hobart Bookings: 6234 1441 | mathersplace@hobartcity.com.au (close: 17/10)
If you have a scone recipe, we want to taste it. Whether it’s a family secret that’s been passed down for generations or a radical new recipe that redefines what a scone can be, this is your chance to be crowned Hobart’s Inaugural Sconemeister. Prizes to be won, prestige to be claimed and a panel of guest judges who know their stuff. Two categories: 'The Traditional' and 'Anything Goes'. All funds raised are to be donated to a local charity supporting people in need.
• Wednesday 19th October 2:00pm–4:00pm Mathers House, 108-110 Bathurst Street, Hobart Cost: $5.00 to enter the competition Bookings: 6234 1441 | mathersplace@hobartcity.com.au (close: 19/10)
my grandpa can juggle!
children don’t judge people by how old they arE
Rediscover the joy of play. All ages welcome to enjoy a short walk, free activities, BBQ lunch and play at Wentworth Park. Check out the pop up library, community Christmas Tree crochet workshop, Mobile Activity Centre games and more. The short walk will start at the Howrah Community Centre, along the Clarence Foreshore Trail to Silwood Avenue and return to Wentworth Park for the food and fun! Proudly presented by Clarence City Council's Positive Ageing Advisory Committee (CPAAC) and Youth Network Advisory Group (YNAG) and Rosny Library.
• Tuesday 18th October 11:00am–1:00pm Wentworth Park, Play Park, 33 Salacia Avenue, Howrah Bookings: events.humanitix.com/wentworth-walk-and-play | 6217 9500 | abyrne@ccc.tas.gov.au (close: 11/10)
An exhibition of artworks by septuagenarian and Huonville local Diane Dollings will be held every day of Seniors Week except Sunday at the Huonville Library. Originally a dressmaker and milliner in her early years, Diane only took up painting aged 50 starting with landscapes in oil. She later moved to watercolours and, aged 70, ventured into acrylics, which she describes as her most ambitious work to date, using her layering technique to renovate and embellish found treasures vases and garden objects. Her current use of white on black or reverse in gels and pens is quite distinctive and different to her earlier works.
• Monday 17th October 9:00am–5:00pm
• Tuesday 18th October 9:00am–5:00pm
• Wednesday 19th October 9:00am–5:00pm
• Thursday 20th October 9:00am–5:00pm
• Friday 21st October 9:00am–5:00pm
• Saturday 22nd October 10:00am–12:00pm
Huonville Library, 1 Skinner Drive, Huonville
Do you like fungi? Do you have grandchildren that like fungi? Do you have a fungi photo you want to share? Join us to learn about the amazing and colourful fungi you will find in the Huon Valley! In this talk you’ll learn about identification, ecology and much more with environmental scientist and owner of Far South Fungi, Heather Elson.
• Wednesday 19th October 9:30am–12:30pm
Huonville Library, 1 Skinner Drive, Huonville Bookings: 6121 7010 (close: 18/10)
Exercises are easy to learn to music from bygone days. Feel the benefits of exercise with like-minded participants. Get social with coffee and a chat after class. First class is free to try out. If you’d like to continue, classes are $12 PAYG.
• Tuesday 18th October 11:15am–12:15pm
Kingston Beach Hall, Beach Road, Kingston Beach Bookings: 0428 297 435 | move.it.tas@gmail.com (close: 24/10)
Join us for a wonderful intergenerational community event. Have your portrait drawn by young students from Kingston Primary in a fun and relaxed environment. Engage and chat with the young artists.
• Tuesday 18th October 10:00am–11:00am
Kingston Library, 11 Hutchins Street, Kingston Bookings: 6165 6208 | Kingston.library@education.tas.gov.au | http://kingston-library-tasmania.eventbrite.com (close: 17/10)
Learn to play Mah Jong. Peg, our experienced teacher, will guide you through the intricacies of the game in a friendly, relaxed environment.
• Thursday 20th October 9:30am–12:00pm
Kingston Community Hall, 35 Redwood Road, Kingston Enquiries: 0437 495 192
Ignite the passion in you and join us for a relaxed session of drawing in charcoal. Be the model and the artist as we take turns trying to capture likenesses as we explore basic elements of drawing. Apron or old shirt is suggested to be brought/worn. Materials supplied. Fun session with no experience necessary.
• Wednesday 19th October 2:00pm–3:30pm
Kingston Library Learning Centre B Block, 8 Hutchins St Bookings: kingston.library@education.tas.gov.au | 6165 6208 | http://kingston-library-tasmania.eventbrite.com (close: 16/10)
A chair-based exercise class, helping to develop and improve balance and strength in an inclusive and supportive group environment.
• Tuesday 18th October 11:45am–12:30pm
Kingborough Sports Centre, Level 1, 10 Kingston View Drive Bookings: 6211 8266 | fitnesscentre@kingborough.tas.gov.au | http://www.picktime.com/KingboroughFitnessClassBookings (close: 14/10)
Tech Neck is now becoming a health issue. Tech neck is neck pain and posture damage caused by looking down at devices for extended periods of time. Get your neck check conducted at Kingston Chiropractic Centre.
• Monday 17th October 8:00am–12:30pm
• Monday 17th October 2:00pm–5:00pm
• Tuesday 18th October 8:00am–12:30pm
• Wednesday 19th October 3:00pm–7:00pm
• Thursday 20th October 8:00am–12:30pm
• Friday 21st October 8:00am–12:30pm
• Saturday 22nd October 8:00am–12:00pm
Kingston Chiropractic, 7 John St, Kingston Bookings: 03 62297900 | admin@hobartchiropractic.com.au (close: 30/10)
Cost: Gold coin donation to Australian Spinal Research Foundation
A group fitness activity to music. These classes are very social and utilise various equipment to get you up and moving well.
• Monday 17th October 9:15am–9:45am
• Wednesday 19th October 9:15am–9:45am
• Friday 21st October 9:15am–9:45am
Kingborough Sports Centre, Level 1, 10 Kingston View Drive Bookings: 6211 8266 | fitnesscentre@kingborough.tas.gov.au | http://www.picktime.com/KingboroughFitnessClassBookings (close: 14/10)
Want to challenge your mind while spending time exercising in the fresh air? Then why not try croquet at the Kingston Croquet Club? You will be given some basic coaching followed by a game or two with our club members. All equipment will be supplied BUT please wear flat-soled shoes to protect the lawns. The afternoon will finish with a fabulous afternoon tea/wine and cheese.
• Monday 17th October 1:00pm–4:00pm
Kingston Croquet Club, 159 Summerleas Rd, Kingston Bookings: 0405 181 121 | kingstoncroquetclub@gmail.com (close: 14/10)
Dance to feel young again, put on some comfortable shoes and get moving. Come alone or bring a friend to this low-impact salsa dance workshop. No experience needed.
• Friday 21st October 10:00am–11:00am
Kingston Library, 11 Hutchins St, Kingston Bookings: 6165 6208 | kingston.library@education.tas.gov.au | http://kingston-library-tasmania.eventbrite.com (close: 19/10)
Get back to photography basics with this class. In this session you will get to grips with the likes of shutter speed and aperture. Please bring a digital camera with the option to choose shutter speed or aperture.
• Wednesday 19th October 10:00am–12:00pm
Kingston Library Learning Centre B Block, 8 Hutchins St Bookings: 6165 6208 | Kingston.library@education.tas.gov.au | http://kingston-library-tasmania.eventbrite.com (close: 18/10)
Seniors Week 2022: Events
Want some assistance around your home but don’t know how to access it? Have a chat with OneCare staff at this pop-up stall to find out more about their services.
• Wednesday 19th October 9:00am–3:00pm
Kingston Plaza Shopping Centre, 20 Channel Hwy, Kingston
Have you noticed that you or a loved one might be struggling to hear the TV, a family video call or conversations at home?
Rediscover the sounds you love with a free* hearing check during Seniors Week. Make healthy hearing your priority. Call today to book a spot at your nearest centre. *Only 15-minute hearing checks are free. Other services may attract charges/fees or may be subsidised for those eligible under the Australian Government Hearing Services Program.
• Monday 17th October 9:30am–3:00pm
• Tuesday 18th October 9:30am–3:00pm
• Wednesday 19th October 9:30am–1:30pm
Kingston Town Shopping Centre, Shop 4, 37-39 Maranoa Rd Bookings: 6283 1500 | kingstonadmin@hearing.com.au (close: 19/10)
Have an interest in bees and beekeeping? Visit Kingston Library during Seniors Week and listen to Ross Gordon from Southern Tasmanian Beekeepers Association Inc talk on this lively topic.
• Tuesday 18th October 12:00pm–1:00pm
Kingston Library, 11 Hutchins Street, Kingston Bookings: 6165 6208 | kingston.library@education.tas.gov.au | http://kingston-library-tasmania.eventbrite.com (close: 18/10)
Enrol in an introductory session and learn some basics about the exquisite artistry and history of Chinese silk painting.
• Monday 17th October 10:30am–11:30am
Kingston Library, 11 Hutchins Street, Kingston Bookings: 6165 6208 | Kingston.library@education.tas.gov.au | http://kingston-library-tasmania.eventbrite.com (close: 14/10)
Join this group of mostly seniors who play table tennis socially most mornings during the week. Skill levels range from beginner to seasoned veteran. Come give it a try. Equipment provided but BYO clean tennis shoes (required).
• Monday 17th October 9:30am–11:00am
• Tuesday 18th October 9:30am–11:00am
Kingborough Sports Centre, 10 Kingston View Drive Enquiries: secretary@sttta.org.au
Enrich your life with creativity, but be warned... it’s addictive! Drawing can be done alone or with others, anytime and anywhere. Learn how to get started by sketching for pleasure and discover your ‘mark making’ potential using a variety of drawing media. No previous drawing experience required.
BRING: A sketch Book, apron with pocket, small glass jar with lid, 2b pencil, black biro and eraser.
• Tuesday 18th October 10:30am–11:30am
Kingston Library Learning Centre, 8 Hutchins St, Kingston Bookings: 6165 6208 | Kingston.library@education.tas.gov.au | http://kingston-library-tasmania.eventbrite.com (close: 14/10)
Exercises are easy to learn featuring music from bygone days. Feel the benefits of exercise with like-minded participants. Enjoy coffee and chat afterwards. First class is free to try out. If you’d like to continue, classes are $12 PAYG.
• Tuesday 18th October 9:30am–10:30am
• Thursday 20th October 6:30pm–7:30pm
Lenah Valley Community Hall, Creek Road, Lenah Valley Bookings: 0428 297 435 | move.it.tas@gmail.com (close: 24/10)
Come along and join our rehearsal. Sing familiar songs and enjoy the company of like-minded people, and a light supper after.
• Thursday 20th October 7:00pm–8:30pm LCAC, Lincoln St, Lindisfarne
Re-engage with friends, family and loved ones this Seniors Week by having a free hearing test and a free week with the world's first health-focussed hearing solution, Evolv AI.
• Monday 17th October 9:00am–5:00pm
• Tuesday 18th October 9:00am–5:00pm
• Wednesday 19th October 9:00am–5:00pm
• Thursday 20th October 9:00am–5:00pm
• Friday 21st October 9:00am–5:00pm
Maria Brown Hearing Clinic, 32 Wellington Rd, Lindisfarne
Bookings: 1300 797 519 | www.mbhc.com.au
Keith’s solo performances appeal to audiences for whom his music is a breath of fresh air: the fans who appreciate this wandering minstrel and his 12-string guitar. A founding member of the internationally famous Seekers, his program contains plenty of variety: some old favourites from The Seekers, a touch of Nashville, some beautiful original ballads from his three solo CDs and a few covers of hits from the ‘60s to the ‘80s. In his show Keith shares some amusing anecdotes from over 50 years on the international music scene.
• Friday 21st October 10:30am–11:30am
• Friday 21st October 2:30pm–3:30pm
St Aidans Church Hall, 54 Lincoln Street, Lindisfarne
Cost: $15 all tickets
Bookings: 0419 558 421 | www.trybooking.com/CAYUP (close: 17/10)
Come and try a game of pétanque (boules) with our friendly club. We can help you with coaching, provide some boules and introduce you to a social game of pétanque. Suitable for all ages and abilities. Please wear closed shoes.
• Tuesday 18th October 12:45pm–2:30pm
• Friday 21st October 12:45pm–2:30pm
Pétanque Piste, end of Long Point Road, Lower Sandy Bay Enquiries: s.tett@uq.edu.au | 0459 208 458
Keith’s solo performances appeal to audiences for whom his music is a breath of fresh air: the fans who appreciate this wandering minstrel and his 12-string guitar. A founding member of the internationally famous Seekers, his program contains plenty of variety: some old favourites from The Seekers, a touch of Nashville, some beautiful original ballads from his three solo CDs and a few covers of hits from the ‘60s to the ‘80s. In his show Keith shares some amusing anecdotes from over 50 years on the international music scene.
• Thursday 20th October 10:30am–11:30am
• Thursday 20th October 2:30pm–3:30pm
Brookfield Shed, 1640 Channel Highway, Margate Cost: $15 all tickets
Bookings: 0419 558 421 | www.trybooking.com/CAYUK (close: 17/10)
Seniors Week 2022: Events
children don’t judge people by how old they arE
my grandma rides a motorbike.
Step back into history and revisit your childhood if you were raised in this area. Group bookings are accepted for any day by appointment.
• Monday 17th October 10:00am–3:00pm
• Tuesday 18th October 10:00am–3:00pm
• Wednesday 19th October 10:00am–3:00pm
• Thursday 20th October 10:00am–3:00pm
• Friday 21st October 10:00am–3:00pm
• Sunday 23rd October 10:00am–3:00pm
Channel Museum, 1755 Channel Hwy, Margate
Cost: $Free (save up to $7.50) upon presentation of their Seniors Card
Enquiries: 6267 2333 | secretary@channelmuseum.org.au
A morning tea welcoming is followed by an introduction to the game of lawn bowls via a coaching session in our Indoor Centre. You’ll enjoy a soup and sandwich lunch while we chat, meet new people and share stories of common interest. The local knitting group meets each Monday afternoon and you can join them after lunch if lawn bowls is not your fancy.
• Monday 17th October 11:00am–2:00pm
Kingborough Indoor Bowls Centre, 1615 Channel Highway Bookings: treasurer@kingboroughbowlsclub.com.au | 0416 113 310 (close: 12/10)
Table tennis – the sport you can enjoy from 9 years old to 90 or more. Whether experienced or a complete beginner, come and enjoy a social hit. Equipment provided – just wear soft shoes. Coaching tips available.
• Tuesday 18th October 10:00am–12:00pm
Clarence Sports Centre, 29 Loinah Cres, Montagu Bay Enquiries: Secretary 0407 871 003
The previously untold story of Britain’s most celebrated leader, uncovering the true nature of his herculean war-time status and revealing the strength of his wife, ‘Clemmie’ – his backbone and total confidant – the love that inspired him to greatness.
• Monday 17th October 11:00am–1:00pm
New Norfolk Library, 9 Charles Street, New Norfolk Bookings: 6165 6381 | newnorfolk.library@education.tas.gov.au (close: 14/10)
Join Liz as she leads a fun class that is designed to build strength, coordination, and flexibility for daily movement patterns. The program is suitable for people 50+ with all levels of mobility and provides options to suit you no matter your level of fitness. Join any class you like during Seniors Week free of charge.
• Thursday 20th October 1:00pm–2:00pm Venue to be disclosed on booking. Bookings: 1300 227 827 | info@cbsaust.org.au
Do you want to work on your family history with help and support?
Come to our family history drop-in session between 1:00pm and 4:00pm and work with a friend or with Alan, our family history presenter. You can ask questions, use our wifi, borrow a laptop and even use a scanner to scan some of your old photos.
• Wednesday 19th October 1:00pm–4:00pm
New Norfolk Library, 9 Charles Street, New Norfolk
Come along and chat with fellow book lovers about your new and old favourite titles. Knowledgeable staff will help you search our online catalogue to find new titles you might like to read.
• Wednesday 19th October 9:30am–10:30am
New Norfolk Library, 9 Charles Street, New Norfolk Bookings: 6165 6381 | newnorfolk.library@education.tas.gov.au (close: 18/10)
A low to moderate intensity exercise class, which may incorporate hand weights, balls and resistance bands. Improves strength, coordination and balance. A great chance to socialise. You’ll have so much fun you will forget you are exercising. Qualified fitness instructors will have options for every fitness level.
• Monday 17th October 10:00am–10:45am
• Tuesday 18th October 10:00am–10:45am
• Thursday 20th October 10:00am–10:45am
• Friday 21st October 10:00am–10:45am
Freedom Health and Wellness, 2/9 Ring Road Cost: free for new attendees during Seniors Week Enquiries: stacey@freedomhealthandwellness.com |
0417 464 476
The Polish Welfare Office invites seniors to enrich their dancing skills by learning basic Polish folk dancing steps at a special class with dancers from Oberek, the local Polish Dance Ensemble. Live music and refreshments.
• Tuesday 18th October 11:00am–12:30pm
Polish House, 22-24 New Town Road, New Town
Cost: $5 per person
Bookings: 6228 6258 | polishwelfare_hobart@bigpond.com
(close: 17/10)
Visit ANZAC House and explore the rich military history the island has to offer. Research a family member or loved one with our team at RSL Tasmania. Maximum 6 participants per session. Bookings essential. Morning and afternoon tea provided.
• Wednesday 19th October 10:00am–11:00am
• Wednesday 19th October 12:00pm–1:00pm
• Wednesday 19th October 2:00pm–3:00pm
ANZAC House, 206 New Town Road, New Town
Cost: Gold coin donation
Bookings: 6242 8900 | admin@rsltas.org.au
Come celebrate rainbow pride this Seniors Week at the Pride Quiz! Join old friends and new at this pride-themed trivia afternoon. Put yourself in the running for some great prizes as you test your knowledge or learn something new about LGBTI history, rights and ageing fabulously – in a fun and social space. The quiz and a small treat are included for free, other food and drinks are at your own expense. Everyone is invited to stay for dinner after. Check the WIO ad in this Guide and contact us for events in other regions.
• Wednesday 19th October 3:30pm–5:30pm
Maypole Hotel, 191 New Town Road, New Town Bookings: 6231 1200 | liv@workingitout.org.au | https://pride_quiz_south.eventbrite.com.au (close: 17/10)
Short tour of the historic early homestead –Runnymede at New Town. Featuring information, history and anecdotes about the pioneering families that lived in and developed the property. Followed by morning tea in the Music Room.
• Wednesday 19th October 10:30am–12:00pm
Runnymede, 61 Bay Road, New Town (carpark available next door)
Cost: $Adults $20 Seniors $15 Children $7
Bookings: 0408 279 686 | runnymede@nationaltrusttas.org.au (close: 18/10)
Come and try croquet. A game for all ages and skills that's now popular world-wide. A challenge for the mind, while keeping your body fit for life. We supply all equipment, coaching and and guaranteed fun.
• Monday 17th October 1:00pm–3:00pm
• Wednesday 19th October 10:00am–12:00pm
New Town Croquet Club, 3 St. John’s Avenue, New Town (access is the easiest from the carpark in Creek Road, behind the netball courts)
Bookings: 0409 799 462 | ebassett@bigpond.com (close: 16/10)
Rotary is a worldwide network of clubs whose members live out the values of Rotary – service, fellowship, leadership, diversity and integrity. Join us for our Open Night to hear David Bartlett address us on Sport as a Pathway to Learning and Work and meet members of the Rotary Club of North Hobart. Learn more about the Rotary Club of North Hobart by visiting our Facebook page and our club website: www.rotaryclubnorthhobart.org.au
• Tuesday 18th October 6:00pm–8:00pm
Maypole Hotel, 191 New Town Rd, New Town Cost: Buy your own counter meal and drink at bar prices Bookings: ros.thermomix.tas@gmail.com | 0438 240 125 (close: 16/10)
Make new friends as you chat over a scrumptious Devonshire Tea then enjoy watching a movie on the big screen in our auditorium.
• Tuesday 18th October 9:30am–12:30pm
Hope Christian Centre, 25 Tasma St, North Hobart
Enjoy a game of bowls followed by lunch. And a giggle . . .
• Wednesday 19th October 10:00am–2:00pm North Hobart Bowls & Community Centre, Cnr Ryde & Letitia Streets, North Hobart
Cost: $Adults and Seniors $8, Children $5 Bookings: 6234 9700 | northhobartbowls@gmail.com (close: 14/10)
An opportunity to meet the new Public Trustee CEO and hear about the Public Trustee’s role in providing an important safety net financial service for the Tasmanian community. Also learn how you can protect and make your financial, medical and legal wishes known through legal documents such as a Will, Enduring Power of Attorney and Enduring Guardianship. This session will also explore the financial decisions considered when you or a loved one enters age care or needs assistance managing financial affairs.
• Monday 17th October 10:00am–11:30am Rydges North Hobart, 393 Argyle Street, North Hobart Bookings: marketing@publictrustee.tas.gov.au | 1800 068 784 http://www.publictrustee.tas.gov.au (close: 13/10)
Sign up to receive Rethink Ageing – COTA Tasmania’s FREE monthly e-newsletter, delivered straight to your inbox. Stay up to date with the latest news and views about the best ways to age actively and enjoyably in Tasmania. Sign up at www.cotatas.org.au/about-us/newsletter
Join us for tips and advice to bring your energy costs down and keep your home comfortable, whatever the season.
• Tuesday 18th October 2:00pm–4:00pm
• Wednesday 19th October 10:00am–12:00pm
Rydges Hotel Hobart, 393 Argyle St, North Hobart Bookings: engage@tasnetworks.com.au | 1300 137 008
Come along and take pleasure in a scrumptious High Tea, be pampered and enjoy being waited-on, while enjoying the company of other seniors from our community.
• Wednesday 19th October 10:30am–11:30am
Tasman Community House, 1635 Main Road, Nubeena Bookings: 6253 9000 | admindun@dunalleytasman.org (close: 17/10)
DIGnity gardening is a program where you can spend spend some time in a community garden with others. Join in the gardening, start an art project or just have a cuppa and a shared gardeninspired meal. The friendly DIGnity team is there to support you to get stuck in, no matter what your abilities are. All ages welcome.
• Friday 21st October 11:00am–1:00pm Nubeena Neighbourhood House, 1635 Main Rd
Meet your guide at the Richmond Gaol car park. Following a one-hour tour of Richmond and a tour of Oak Lodge, a National Trust Georgian property, enjoy a delicious homemade morning or afternoon tea.
• Tuesday 18th October 10:00am–12:00pm
• Tuesday 18th October 2:00pm–4:00pm
Oak Lodge, 18 Bridge Street, Richmond
Cost: $15 a head Bookings: 0447 604 153 | el_green@bigpond.com (close: 14/10)
Free bus trip to the historic Salmon Ponds. You will be collected from your home, then a scenic drive through New Norfolk and on to the Salmon Ponds for a walk and lunch. Participants must pay for their own lunch and entry. Bookings essential.
• Tuesday 18th October 9:00am–3:00pm
Risdon Vale Neighbourhood Centre, 28 Sugarloaf Road
Cost: Entry fee to the Salmon Ponds and pay for your own lunch Bookings: 6243 5752 | manager@rvnc.org.au (close: 17/10)
Your digital legacy or presence is the identity you have developed online, through things like your social media activity, messages, emails, photographs and videos. What would you like done with these when you are no longer here? This information session will help you identify your digital footprint and do some early planning for you and your family’s peace of mind.
• Wednesday 19th October 2:00pm–3:00pm
Rosny Library, 46 Bligh Street, Rosny Bookings: 6165 6448 | rosny.library@education.tas.gov.au | https://bit.ly/3yr8qXj (close: 18/10)
Join us at the Care Forward Wellness Centre Open Day to: 1) Enrich your health and wellbeing;
2) Enhance your knowledge – information sessions on a range of subjects such as tech tips for seniors (avoiding scams or researching online), understanding advocacy, enduring guardianship and powers of attorney;
3) Engage in a friendly and open Q and A forum; 4) Quiz the coordinators of Tasmania’s largest provider of Home Care Packages about aged care in the home;
5) Enable your independence by investigating assistive equipment and strength and balance activities; and
6) Eat free morning tea, afternoon tea and goodie bags for attendees!
• Monday 17th October 10:00am–3:00pm
Care Forward Wellness Centre, Level 1, 6 Bayfield St, Rosny Park Enquiries: 1300 364 728 (from 1 October)
Week 2022: Events
Experience Rosny Library’s StoryWalk with your grandchild or favourite young person on our front lawn. Bring some afternoon tea and a picnic rug. Drinks provided.
• Tuesday 18th October 3:15pm–4:30pm
Rosny Library, 46 Bligh Street, Rosny Park Bookings: 6165 6448 | rosny.library@education.tas.gov.au | https://rosnystorywalk.eventbrite.com.au (close: 17/10)
Suitable for adults ages 55 and over who have little or no prior ballet experience, knowledge of terminology, or the steps - this class offers adults the artistic pleasure of learning classical ballet, while developing strength, balance and confidence. Exercises comply with a true classical technique, which strengthens and conditions the body, all while staying within the physical parameters appropriate for a senior dancer. Join us for a fun week of complimentary classes, and remember – it’s never too late to learn.
• Monday 17th October 10:00am–11:00am
• Tuesday 18th October 10:00am–11:00am
• Wednesday 19th October 10:00am–11:00am
• Thursday 20th October 10:00am–11:00am
• Friday 21st October 10:00am–11:00am
Felicity Ryan Ballet, Lower Level, 17 Bligh, Rosny Park Bookings: 0438 303 863 | felicityryanballet@gmail.com | http://www.felicityryanballet.com (close: 16/10)
Come along to Rosny Library and see what U3A Clarence has to offer. Join one or more of our many classes, meet some of our members and tutors and join some of our members for morning tea at 10:25am. We are an organisation run entirely by volunteers with no prerequisites for joining; our annual subscription is very reasonably priced. Apart from classes, we also organise activities such as trivia afternoon, bus trips and our end of year lunch. This offer to attend classes FOC is only available during Seniors Week so if you are interested, please visit our website at www.u3aclarence.com
• Monday 17th October 9:25am–1:00pm
• Wednesday 19th October 9:25am–1:00pm Rosny Library, 46 Bligh St, Rosny Park Enquiries: gsstorr@netspace.net.au | 0409 970 201
Come to our Open Night at the Sandy Bay Senior Citizens Club. Observe our members playing this intriguing game, join in or have a free lesson. Supper included.
• Monday 17th October 7:00pm–9:30pm
Sandy Bay Senior Citizens Club, 23 Lambert Avenue Enquiries: Janet Waters 0409 463 492
We are holding a free event during Seniors Week, with all equipment and instruction supplied. Come and join us, just a 10min drive from central Hobart in the picturesque recreational area of Lower Sandy Bay. Enjoy the fun and companionship and relaxation of social play or the stimulation of competition – either way, croquet is addictive. The Club plays both Association and Golf croquet and new members are welcome. We have special coaching sessions to help you begin, as well as loan of equipment.
• Monday 17th October 11:30am–1:00pm Sandy Bay Croquet Club, 4 Long Point Road, Sandy Bay Bookings: 0437 751 390 | sandybaycroquetclub@gmail.com | www.sandybaycroquetclub.org.au (close: 10/10)
Known around the world as Boules, this fast growing sport is very popular with seniors. Pétanque is easy to learn, gentle on the body and lots of fun. Boules and helpful instruction to get you started will be provided. Covered footwear is recommended.
• Monday 17th October 11:30am–12:45pm Hobart Pétanque Piste, Long Point Road, Sandy Bay Bookings: 0427 437 346 | gn.mcdowall@bigpond.com (close: 14/10)
Have you noticed that you or a loved one might be struggling to hear the TV, a family video call or conversations at home?
Rediscover the sounds you love with a free* hearing check during Seniors Week. Make healthy hearing your priority. Call today to book a spot at your nearest centre. *Only 15-minute hearing checks are free. Other services may attract charges/fees or may be subsidised for those eligible under the Australian Government Hearing Services Program.
• Monday 17th October 9:30am–3:30pm
• Tuesday 18th October 9:30am–3:30pm
• Wednesday 19th October 9:30am–3:30pm
• Friday 21st October 9:30am–3:30pm
Hearing Australia Sorell, 13 Gordon St, Sorell Bookings: 6265 2207 | sorelladmin@hearing.com.au (close: 21/10)
Your digital legacy or presence is the identity you have developed online, through things like your social media activity, messages, emails, photographs and videos. What would you like done with these when you are no longer here? This information session will help you identify your digital footprint and do some early planning for your and your family’s peace of mind.
• Monday 17th October 10:30am–11:30am Sorell Library, 25 Cole Street, Sorell Bookings: 6165 6452 | sorell.library@education.tas.gov.au | https://bit.ly/3aodDHq (close: 14/10)
Is your new mobile phone, tablet or iPad just a bit of a puzzle?
Learn how to use various functions on your device. Available for any model. Individual assistance is provided by local high school students.
• Tuesday 18th October 10:30am–11:30am
Sorell Library, 25 Cole Street, Sorell Bookings: 6165 6452 | sorell.library@education.tas.gov.au | https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/mastering-your-device-sorelllibrary-for-seniors-week-registration-381520376717 (close: 18/10)
The journey to obtaining a homecare package can be confusing to many, but help is out there. Join us for a free seminar hosted by Baldwin Living’s HomeServe Hobart Case Manager and National Business Manager, to learn about how in-home services can enrich your lifestyle and keep you living in your own home for years to come.
• Tuesday 18th October In-home care: 11:00am–12:30pm
Vaucluse Gardens Village Centre, Entry 1, 319 Macquarie Street, South Hobart (parking is limited on site, however free parking is available to visitors on Gore Street or Ispahan Street on a limited basis)
Bookings: 6221 5499 | mfarley@baldwinliving.com.au (close: 14/10)
Come along to this free 45-minute presentation run by COTA Tasmania on Getting Your House in Order.
• Friday 21st October 1:00pm–1:45pm
West Moonah Neighbourhood House, 130 Springfield Ave
Bookings: 6273 2362 | info@westmoonahnh.org.au | https:// westmoonahnh.org.au/upcoming-activities/ (close: 10/7/22)
Come along to this free 45-minute presentation about home fires safety hosted by Tas Fire Service and COTA Tasmania.
• Monday 17th October 1:00pm–1:45pm
West Moonah Neighbourhood House, 130 Springfield Ave Bookings: 6273 2362 | info@westmoonahnh.org.au | https:// westmoonahnh.org.au/upcoming-activities/ (close: 10/7/22)
A low to moderate intensity exercise class, which may incorporate hand weights, balls and resistance bands. Improves strength, coordination and balance. A great chance to socialise. You’ll have so much fun you will forget you are exercising. Qualified fitness instructors will have options for every fitness level.
• Monday 17th October 10:50am–11:30am
• Monday 17th October 11:40am–12:10pm
West Moonah Neighbourhood House, 130 Springfield Ave Cost: free for new attendees during Seniors Week
9am–4pm Monday to Friday (not public holidays) eahelpline@advocacytasmania.org.au www.elderabuse.tas.gov.au
Join our Mens Shed supervisors in this three-hour workshop learning skills such as: how to measure and cut; how to use a drill; how to use some hand and power tools; how to use a band saw; and how to better understand the characteristics of wood. You will also get the chance to make something to take home with you.
• Tuesday 18th October 9:00am–12:00pm
West Moonah Community Shed, 130 Springfield Ave Cost: $33 per person (covers materials) Bookings: 6273 2362 | info@westmoonahnh.org.au | https:// westmoonahnh.org.au/upcoming-activities/ (close: 10/7/22)
WEST WINDS COMMUNITY CENTRE Woodbridge is a small village in the D’Entrecasteaux Channel settled by Europeans 175 years ago. It has a rich Aboriginal and colonial history. Meet at the local community centre where we will stroll together through the beautiful township and learn about the history along the way. Please join and share your stories if you're a Woodbridge local! The event will finish with a walk back to the community centre for light refreshments at 12 noon. Walking not for you or restricted by mobility issues? You are welcome to skip the walk and join us for light refreshments and a chat.
• Tuesday 18th October 10:00am–12:00pm West Winds Community Centre, 3528 Channel Highway, Woodbridge Bookings: 6267 4713 | westwinds@westwinds.org.au | http://westwindscommunitycentre.com.au (close: 12/10)
An art trail through 7 exclusive wineries in the West Tamar. Pick up a program (or check out our web page nearer the time) and wind your way through the wineries, viewing some amazing artworks by seniors – paintings, glass work, textiles, wood, jewellery, pottery and so much more. Stop and have a wine tasting or some lunch. Make a day of it or a couple of days! As this event is over 7 wineries, opening times will be advertised nearer the time. Bookings are only needed if you wish to have lunch at one of the wineries.
• Wednesday 19th October 10:00am–3:00pm
Cabbage Tree Hill, 104 Greens Beach Road, Beaconsfield Enquiries: 0407 705 095
A wonderful event for ages 0–100 making connections between generations. An afternoon of play and sharing. It's a free event with afternoon tea provided. Expressions of interest essential.
• Thursday 20th October 1:30pm–3:00pm
Beaconsfield Child and Family Learning Centre, 33 Grubb Street Bookings: info@beaconsfieldhouse.org.au (close: 14/10) Enquiries: 6383 1110
Gentle exercise suitable for people trying tai chi for the first time and those who have practiced before. Stimulates immune function and general good health.
• Monday 17th October 1:45pm–2:45pm
Beaconsfield House, 33 Grubb St, Beaconsfield Enquiries: ironlotustaichi@gmail.com | 0418 606 656
Feel like expressing your creative side this Seniors Week?
Register today for the Alcohol Ink Art Class with Sue Love. Celebrate Seniors Week by letting your inner artist shine! This is a free activity however bookings are essential as places are limited. Morning tea will be provided.
• Thursday 20th October 9:30am–11:30am
Beauty Point United Church, 7 Beatty Street Bookings: 6323 9200 (close: 10/10)
Gentle exercise suitable for people trying tai chi for the first time and those who have practiced before. Stimulates immune function and general good health. Wear comfortable clothes that are warm in case we are outside.
• Monday 17th October 11:00am–12:00pm
Bridport Hall or Village Green, Main Street., Bridport Enquiries: ironlotustaichi@gmail.com | 0418 606 656
Come along and sip on non-alcoholic cocktails and nibble on scrumptious cheeses while painting your masterpiece. Lots of fun and no experience necessary.
• Wednesday 19th October 1:00pm–4:00pm
Campbell Town Health & Community Service, 70 High Street Bookings: 6774 8030 | jan.harvey@ths.tas.gov.au (close: 17/10)
City of Launceston in partnership with Dilston-Windermere community invite you to join us for a cuppa at a Celebrating Seniors Morning Tea. You’ll hear some great information from council, and Dr Frank Madill will share stories of Medical Mysteries: Old and New. Morning tea will be provided.
• Friday 21st October 10:30am–12:00pm
Dilston Memorial Hall, 308 John Lees Drive, Dilston Bookings: 0414 657 578 | fiona.miller@jeder.com.au (close: 10/10)
Join us for tips and advice to bring your energy costs down and keep your home comfortable, whatever the season.
• Thursday 20th October 2:00pm–4:00pm
Evandale Community & Information Centre, 18 High St Bookings: engage@tasnetworks.com.au | 1300 137 008
Come and dance the afternoon away listening to hits from the 1920-50s led by the wonderful Swingmania team! If dancing isn’t your thing, still come along to enjoy the tunes and fun. Afternoon Tea will be provided. Lucky door prizes and more!
• Wednesday 19th October 1:00pm–3:00pm
Exeter Community Hub, Murray Street, Exeter Bookings: (03)63239200 (close: 10/10)
After last year’s successful sold-out event, the George Town Variety Concert is back this year, bigger and better! Music, dance and delicious afternoon tea. Join us for an afternoon of musical entertainment.
• Thursday 20th October 12:30pm–2:30pm
George Town Memorial Hall, 29-67 Macquarie Street Bookings: dravidr@georgetown.tas.gov.au | 6382 8800 (close: 10/10)
An art trail through 7 exclusive wineries in the West Tamar. Pick up a program (or check out our web page nearer the time) and wind your way through the wineries, viewing some amazing artworks by seniors – paintings, glass work, textiles, wood, jewellery, pottery and so much more. Stop and have a wine tasting or some lunch. Make a day of it or a couple of days! As this event is over 7 wineries, opening times will be advertised nearer the time. Bookings are only needed if you wish to have lunch at one of the wineries.
• Sunday 23rd October 11:00am–3:00pm Stoney Rise Vineyard, 96 Hendersons Lane, Gravelly Beach Enquiries: 0418 853 924
During the first lockdown of 2020 the Tales from the Bottom Drawer initiative invited our community to share personal stories about an object of personal significance, often stored away in a wardrobe or garage, that has travelled with them through life. With each story unravelling an intriguing tale, like the one about a pair of red shoes that have been in and out of a bottom drawer for 35 years, or the May Queen who was kissed by David Bowie, you can now explore this heart-warming series of conversations as we showcase memorable moments from the lives of community members across Launceston.
Tales from the Bottom Drawer is a QVMAG project in collaboration with REMADE2020 Sustainable Wearable art, Interweave Arts, Remade Creatives Online and The Holographic.
Episodes will be screened daily on repeat. No bookings required, simply attend on the day to enjoy.
• Monday 17th October 10:00am–4:00pm
• Tuesday 18th October 10:00am–4:00pm
• Wednesday 19th October 10:00am–4:00pm
• Thursday 20th October 10:00am–4:00pm
• Friday 21st October 10:00am–4:00am
• Saturday 22nd October 10:00am–4:00am
• Sunday 23rd October 10:00am–4:00pm
Queen Victoria Museum at Inveresk
More information: www.qvmag.tas.gov.au/Screenings
Birth of Planet Earth is a show that tells the twisted tale of Earth’s origins. Our planet formed four and a half billion years ago, and scientists now think that our galaxy is filled with planetary systems, including planets roughly the size of our own. An important question is how the Moon formed. According to a major hypothesis, it came into being as a result of a catastrophic collision, which is depicted realistically on our planetarium dome. The show examines the questions of how Earth became a living planet in the wake of our solar system’s violent birth, and what its history tells us about our chances of finding other worlds that are truly Earth-like.
• Wednesday 19th October 1:30pm–2:45pm
Queen Victoria Museum at Inveresk, 2 Invermay Road, Inveresk Bookings: 6323 3798 | www.qvmag.tas.gov.au/Seniors-WeekPlanetarium (close: 18/10)
Gentle exercise suitable for people trying tai chi for the first time and those who have practiced before. Stimulates immune function and general good health. Bookings essential because there is a small chance the venue may need to be changed.
• Monday 17th October 5:25pm–6:25pm
Elderly Citizens Hall, 16 Landale St, Invermay Bookings: 0418 606 656 | ironlotustaichi@gmail.com (close: 16/10)
Gentle exercise suitable for people trying tai chi for the first time and those who have practiced before. Stimulates immune function and general good health.
• Thursday 20th October 1:45pm–2:45pm
Lions Club Building, 18 Merino St, Kings Meadows Bookings: 0418 606 656 | ironlotustaichi@gmail.com (close: 19/10)
Have you noticed that you or a loved one might be struggling to hear the TV, a family video call or conversations at home?
Rediscover the sounds you love with a free* hearing check during Seniors Week. Make healthy hearing your priority. Call today to book a spot at your nearest centre. *Only 15-minute hearing checks are free. Other services may attract charges/fees or may be subsidised for those eligible under the Australian Government Hearing Services Program.
• Monday 17th October 9:30am–4:30pm
• Tuesday 18th October 9:30am–4:30pm
• Wednesday 19th October 9:30am–4:30pm
• Thursday 20th October 9:30am–4:30pm
• Friday 21st October 9:30am–4:30pm
Hearing Australia, 149B Hobart Rd, Kings Meadows
Bookings: 03 6340 3400 | KingsMeadowsAdmin@hearing. com.au (close: 14/10)
Join us at our clubrooms to check out our workshop, spares shed and library. See what we do with our treasured older vehicles. Lots of memorabilia to view and enjoy. Meet and chat with club members over tea and biscuits.
• Wednesday 19th October 1:30pm–3:30pm
• Friday 21st October 10:00am–12:00pm
VCCA Clubrooms, 67 Lawrence Vale Road, South Launceston Enquiries: 0458 944 001
Visit our Launceston library for help and advice about searching for your family history. One-to-one sessions (1 hour) providing advice and guidance. This will be especially helpful for people beginning their family history research or those who are unsure of what to do with those ‘mystery’ papers and photos in various shoe boxes. Bookings essential. This event is free but a small charge will be made for any photocopying or printing that is done on the day.
• Wednesday 19th October 10:00am–3:00am City Park Stables, 45 Tamar St, Launceston Bookings: 0490 826 863 | ltntasfh@bigpond.com (close: 11/10)
Have you noticed that you or a loved one might - be struggling to hear the TV, a family video call or conversations at home? Rediscover the sounds you love with a free* hearing check during Seniors Week. Make healthy hearing your priority. Call today to book a spot at your nearest centre. *Only 15-minute hearing checks are free. Other services may attract charges/fees or may be subsidised for those eligible under the Australian Government Hearing Services Program.
• Monday 17th October 9:30am–4:30pm
• Tuesday 18th October 9:30am–4:30pm
• Wednesday 19th October 9:30am–4:30pm
• Thursday 20th October 9:30am–4:30pm
• Friday 21st October 9:30am–4:30pm Hearing Australia, 63-65 Cameron St, Launceston Bookings: 03 6332 4700 | LauncestonAdmin@hearing.com.au (close: 14/10)
You are invited to bring along a packed lunch and learn about Advance Care Planning. If you could no longer speak for yourself, who would speak for you and what would they say?
Hosted by Palliative Care Tasmania and Libraries Tasmania, we’ll discuss the law around Advance Care Directives, choosing a substitute decision maker and how to make sure your Advance Care Plan reflects your values and the choices you would like to make about your healthcare.
• Thursday 20th October 12:00pm–2:00pm
Launceston Library, 71 Civic Square, Launceston Bookings: 6231 2799 | amanda.aitken@pct.org.au (close: 17/10) Enquiries: 0448 970 833
City of Launceston in partnership with COTA (Council on the Ageing) invite you to join us for a cuppa at a Celebrating Seniors Afternoon Tea. You’ll hear some great information from council, and Dr Frank Madill will share stories of Medical Mysteries Old and New. Afternoon tea is provided. This is a free event.
• Wednesday 19th October 1:00pm–2:30pm
Town Hall Reception Room, Civic Square, 18-28 St John Street Bookings: rsvp.communitydevelopment@launceston.tas.gov.au 6323 3684 (closes: 10/10)
An opportunity to meet the new Public Trustee CEO and hear about the Public Trustee’s role in providing an important safety net financial service for the Tasmanian community. Also learn how you can protect and make your financial, medical and legal wishes known through legal documents such as a Will, Enduring Power of Attorney and Enduring Guardianship. This session will also explore the financial decisions considered when you or a loved one enters age care or needs assistance managing financial affairs.
• Monday 17th October 3:00pm–3:30pm Launceston Conference Center, Door of Hope Conference Room, 50 Glen Dhu Street, South Launceston Bookings: 1800 068 784 | marketing@publictrustee.tas.gov.au | http://www.publictrustee.tas.gov.au (close: 13/10)
Be inspired by Mehrangiz Modarres Tabatabaei, as she teaches Middle-Eastern classic techniques using acrylic paint, charcoal, bamboo, ink and more. Windows to My World is an invitation to create bridges across cultures by sharing stories of old and new migration. Learn how to paint and draw using Middle-Eastern geometrical and flourish patterns, fill in a pattern or draw your own – it's easy and fun for all! All levels and abilities are welcome. Morning tea will be provided. This is a Northern Suburbs Arts initiative aiming to bring together community members to build social connections.
• Monday 17th October 10:30am–1:00pm
Queen Victoria Art Gallery at Royal Park, 2 Wellington St Bookings: www.qvmag.tas.gov.au/Workshop-17-October | 6323 3798 (close: 16/10)
• Friday 21st October 10:30am–1:00pm
Queen Victoria Art Gallery at Royal Park, 2 Wellington St Bookings: www.qvmag.tas.gov.au/Workshop-21-October | 6323 3798 (close: 16/10)
Books enrich and knowledge is power. Come and meet Ngaire Hobbins, Dietician and acclaimed author. Ngaire will speak about her 2020 best seller Brain Body Food: The Ultimate Guide to Thriving Into Later Life and Reducing Dementia Risk. A wide range of books, with ageing as a central theme, both fiction and non fiction, will be available to browse and loan, plus a lucky door prize!
• Monday 17th October 1:30pm–3:30pm
COTA Tasmania, Level 3, 11 High St, Launceston Bookings: 6231 3265 (close: 10/10)
Please note: double Covid vaccination required
Re-engage with friends, family and loved ones this Seniors Week by having a free hearing test and a free week with the world's first health-focussed hearing solution, Evolv AI.
• Monday 17th October 9:00am–5:00pm
• Tuesday 18th October 9:00am–5:00pm
• Wednesday 19th October 9:00am–5:00pm
• Thursday 20th October 9:00am–5:00pm
• Friday 21st October 9:00am–5:00pm
Maria Brown Hearing Clinic, 9 Innes St, Launceston Bookings: 1300 797 519 | www.mbhc.com.au
Come and try this easy-to-learn, social game suitable for all ages and abilities. Individuals and groups welcome. Good parking. All equipment provided; you must wear flat-soled shoes.
• Wednesday 19th October 10:00am–12:00pm
East Launceston Croquet Club, Cnr High and Adelaide St
Come along and explore your creative side over afternoon tea and learn to create your own masterpiece with a local artist, or at least have fun trying. This is a free activity, however bookings are essential, and all supplies are included. There will be lot of laughs, lucky door prizes and more! Please note: a bus will be available for this event, with pickup locations in Beaconsfield, Exeter and Riverside. This must be booked at the time of booking your event ticket. Please note: a bus will be available (subject to confirmed numbers) for this event, with pickup locations in Beaconsfield, and Exeter. This must be requested at the time of booking.
• Monday 17th October 2:00pm–4:00pm
Legana Hall, Fulton Street, Legana Bookings: 6323 9200 (close: 9/10)
An art trail through 7 exclusive wineries in the West Tamar. Pick up a program (or check out our web page nearer the time) and wind your way through the wineries, viewing some amazing artworks by seniors – paintings, glass work, textiles, wood, jewellery, pottery and so much more. Stop and have a wine tasting or some lunch. Make a day of it or a couple of days! As this event is over 7 wineries, opening times will be advertised nearer the time. Bookings are only needed if you wish to have lunch at one of the wineries.
• Monday 17th October 10:00am–3:00pm
Winterbrook Vineyard, 150 Hjorts Road, Loira Enquiries: 04040 033 459
Gentle exercise suitable for people trying Tai Chi for the first time and those who have practiced before. Stimulates immune function and general good health.
• Wednesday 19th October 2:00pm–3:00pm
Longford Uniting Church Hall, 3 High St, Longford Enquiries: ironlotustaichi@gmail.com | 0418 606 656
City of Launceston in partnership with Migrant Resource Centre (North) invite you to join us for a cuppa at a Celebrating Seniors Morning Tea. You’ll hear some great information from council, and Dr Frank Madill will share stories of Medical Mysteries Old and New.
• Tuesday 18th October 10:00am–11:30am Migrant Resource Centre (North), 21 Haig Street, Mowbray Bookings: 1800 672 586 | admin@mrcltn.org.au (close: 10/10)
Join us for a trip down memory lane as we work together to bring your story to life. Bring along photos, certificates and things important to you. We will assist you with the technology and materials to put it together into a short book you can share with family, friends and care givers. A lovely BBQ lunch will be provided. This activity is suited to people living with early stage dementia and/or memory loss. Limited spaces available.
• Monday 17th October 10:00am–3:00pm Dementia Australia Day Club, 63-65 Paringa Avenue, Newnham Cost: $15 (includes all materials and lunch) Bookings: Katie.Miller@dementia.org.au | 0482 185 436 (close: 5/10)
City of Launceston in partnership with Northern Suburbs Community Centre (Newnham) invite you to join us for a cuppa at a Celebrating Seniors Afternoon Tea. Hear some great information from council for seniors, and hear Dr Frank Madill share stories of Medical Mysteries Old and New.
• Tuesday 18th October 12:30pm–2:00pm 49 George Town Rd, Newnham Bookings: 6326 5506 | admin@nscctas.org.au
City of Launceston in partnership with Northern Suburbs Community Centre (Newnham) invite you to join us for a cuppa at a Celebrating Seniors morning tea. Hear some great information from council for seniors, and hear Dr Frank Madill share stories of Medical Mysteries Old and New. Morning tea is provided. This is a free event.
• Wednesday 19th October 10:00am–11:30am
Starting Point Neighbourhood House, 6 Prossers Forest Road, Ravenswood Bookings: 6339 2861 | reception@ravenswoodnh.org (close: 10/10)
An excellent opportunity for the Over 50s seeking independence in retirement to meet with guest speakers on tourism and finance. Registration is essential.
• Friday 21st October 10:00am–12:15pm
Windsor Community Precinct, 1 Windsor Drive, Riverside Bookings: 0418 737 186 | airnorthtas@gmail.com (close: 18/10) Enquiries: 0499 438 787
Do you have spare balls of yarn? Maybe it’s time to dust off your knitting needles and join others members of the community to build squares for charity! Then bring them along to our Blanket Building Day during Seniors Week at the Tamar Function Centre. Finished blankets will be donated to local shelters and charities. Light lunch and snacks will be provided. Everyone is welcome, however RSVPs are encouraged to assist with catering.
• Tuesday 18th October 10:00am–4:00pm
Tamar Function Centre, 1 Windsor Drive, Riverside Bookings: 6323 9200 (close: 14/10)
Have you noticed that you or a loved one might be struggling to hear the TV, a family video call or conversations at home?
Rediscover the sounds you love with a free* hearing check during Seniors Week. Make healthy hearing your priority. Come and hop aboard the Hearing Australia Bus. *Only 15-minute hearing checks are free. Other services may attract charges/fees or may be subsidised for those eligible under the Australian Government Hearing Services Program.
• Friday 21st October 9:30am–2:30pm
Hearing Australia, Windsor Community Precinct, 1 Windsor Drive, Riverside
Enquiries: 6333 4700 | LauncestonAdmin@hearing.com.au
Tasmanians are rediscovering the wonderful social and physical benefits of croquet. This fun outdoors sport provides exercise for all ages and a great chance to make new friends. Our croquet players at Riverside are a lively, friendly bunch of people who will welcome anyone who would like to learn. Visit us at the Riverside Golf Club. All equipment provided.
• Tuesday 18th October 10:00am–3:00pm
• Thursday 20th October 10:00am–3:00am
• Saturday 22nd October 10:00am–12:00pm
Riverside Croquet, Riverside Golf Club, Riverside Enquiries: Sylvia Wing – 0417 541 549
View mixed media art works by seniors from Riverbank studios in the Windsor Gallery and treat yourself to coffee and cake or lunch in the café.
• Monday 17th October 9:00am–3:00pm
• Tuesday 18th October 9:00am–3:00pm
• Wednesday 19th October 8:00am–3:00pm
• Thursday 20th October 9:00am–3:00pm
• Friday 21st October 9:00am–3:00pm
• Saturday 22nd October 9:00am–1:00pm
Windsor Community Centre, 1, Windsor Drive
Art works from the wicked and wacky and not so wacky ladies of the Tidal Tuesday meetings will grace the walls of Windsor Art Gallery for the month of October. But on Thursday 20th October at Windsor Community Room there will be a ‘Splash, Sip and enjoy a dip into art’. Come dressed if you wish as a selkie and enjoy a glass of bubbles and something to nibble. There will also be tea, coffee etc.
• Thursday 20th October 2:00pm–4:00pm
Windsor Community Precinct, 1 Windsor Drive Bookings: 0429 966 118 | wtag1194@gmail.com (close: 18/10)
An art trail through 7 exclusive wineries in the West Tamar. Pick up a program (or check out our web page nearer the time) and wind your way through the wineries, viewing some amazing artworks by seniors – paintings, glass work, textiles, wood, jewellery, pottery and so much more. Stop and have a wine tasting or some lunch. Make a day of it or a couple of days! As this event is over 7 wineries, opening times will be advertised nearer the time. Bookings are only needed if you wish to have lunch at one of the wineries.
• Saturday 22nd October 11:00am–3:00pm
Bradys Lookout Cider, 7/9 Craythorn Rd, Rosevears Enquiries: 0431 010 300
Wander along memory lane and join in with singing all the old favourites with our artistic community group of 15 seniors. Our show, Magic Moments, will bring back famous faces and voices with comic skit and song – all wrapped up in a colourful magic theme.
Included are the Brat Pack, Sonny & Cher, Judy Garland, Doris Day, Annette Funicello and Elvis Presley. Our showtime runs from 1:30pm–3:30pm and includes a singalong with Elvis and cast finale. There will be mystery door prizes and raffles.
• Thursday 20th October 1:30pm–3:30pm
• Sunday 23rd October 1:30pm–3:30pm
Rowella Hall, 422 Rowella Rd, Rowella
Cost: $10–$15 (includes afternoon tea)
Bookings: 0400 303 841 (close: 17/10) Enquiries: Valerie Ashton 0407 682 925
Get a team together (up to 6) and come and test your knowledge, while having a few laughs along the way! The Rowella Hall Committee will be holding a special trivia night to celebrate Seniors Week. BYO nibbles with drinks available to purchase from the bar. There will be lucky door prizes, laughs and great times to be had.
• Saturday 22nd October 1:30pm–4.30pm Rowella Hall, 422 Rowella Rd, Rowella Bookings: 6323 9200 (close: 10/10)
An art trail through 7 exclusive wineries in the West Tamar. Pick up a program (or check out our web page nearer the time) and wind your way through the wineries, viewing some amazing artworks by seniors – paintings, glass work, textiles, wood, jewellery, pottery and so much more. Stop and have a wine tasting or some lunch. Make a day of it or a couple of days! As this event is over 7 wineries, opening times will be advertised nearer the time. Bookings are only needed if you wish to have lunch at one of the wineries.
• Thursday 20th October 10:00am–3:00pm Iron Pot Bay, 7 West Bay Rd, Rowella Enquiries: 0407 724 511
• Friday 21st October 11:00am–3:00pm
Holm Oak Vineyard, 11 West Bay Rd, Rowella Enquiries: 6394 7577
Come along to test your knowledge on a mystery topic, while enjoying lunch with Scottsdale Library staff. Form a team and show your skill and perhaps win a prize. Order lunch from the Loud Iron Café menu at your own cost. Bookings through Eventbrite.
• Wednesday 19th October 12:00pm–1:30pm
Loud Iron Cafe, Victoria Street, Scottsdale Bookings: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/382742060807 |
6778 8586 (close: 17/10)
Have some fun and meet some friends while you learn some Bollywood moves! No experience needed, just wear something comfortable. This is a free activity and everyone is welcome. Bookings through Eventbrite.
• Monday 17th October 1:30pm–2:30pm
Scottsdale Library, 51 King Street, Scottsdale Bookings: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/382742863207
6778 8586 (close: 13/10)
An art trail through 7 exclusive wineries in the West Tamar. Pick up a program (or check out our web page nearer the time) and wind your way through the wineries, viewing some amazing artworks by seniors – paintings, glass work, textiles, wood, jewellery, pottery and so much more. Stop and have a wine tasting or some lunch. Make a day of it or a couple of days! As this event is over 7 wineries, opening times will be advertised nearer the time. Bookings are only needed if you wish to have lunch at one of the wineries.
• Tuesday 18th October 11:00am–3:00pm
Swinging Gate Vineyard, 103 Glendale Rd, Sidmouth Enquiries: 0419 599 710
A great opportunity to attend the local library to discover how to access most library services online as well. Find how to access and navigate the library website, learn about e-resources, how to download the Libraries Tas app, and read a wide range of newspapers online using your library card. Learn another language and how to contact a reference librarian for those curly questions. BYO device – phone, tablet etc.
• Wednesday 19th October 11:00am–12:00pm
St Helens Library, 61 Cecilia Street, St Helens
Bookings: 6387 5600 | www.eventbrite.com.au/e/exploreall-things-libraries-tas-with-cake-st-helens-librarytickets-375701271617
Barbara Mellor local artist, quilt maker and finalist in the Bay of Fires Art Prize 2018 will be displaying some of her quilts and will talk about different types of quilting and her quilting journey including her personal passion of art quilting. There will also be an opportunity to see her quilt of Mathinna (her Bay of Fires Art Prize entry) now on display in the St Helens History Room.
• Monday 17th October 11:00am-12:00pm
St Helens Library, 61 Cecilia Street, St Helens Bookings: 6387 5600 | www.eventbrite.com.au/e/quilting-withbarbara-mellor-st-helens-library-tickets-392115677547
On Monday we will play indoor bowls against and have morning tea with the Senior Citizens at their venue. On Thursday, they will join us for outdoor bowls and afternoon tea at the Club. Flat-soled shoes required.
• Monday 17th October 10:30pm–2:00pm
Senior Citizens Club, Portland Memorial Hall, Cecilia St, St Helens
• Thursday 20th October 12:00pm–4:00pm
St Helens Bowls & Community Club, 10 Circassian St
Cost: Gold coin donation
Enquiries: 0458 420 842 | sthelensbowls@gmail.com
Join fellow seniors on a bus trip from St Helens to Fingal, including Beaumaris, Scamander, Falmouth, Four Mile Creek and St Marys.
• Tuesday 18th October 9:00am–4:00pm
Travel from St Helens to Fingal, high tea at Fingal. Bus onto East Coast Natureworld, then return.
• Thursday 20th October 9:00am–4:00pm
Travel from St Helens to Woolmers Estate at Longford. Lunch in park at Longford then return to St Helens.
Bookings: 0499 714 782 | rebecca.tuck@fvnh.org.au
Croquet is very good for both physical and mental wellbeing, being a very social game beneficial to players of any age. Playing outside in the fresh air is good for wellbeing. Visitors to this Seniors Week event will have equipment provided.
• Tuesday 18th October 10:00am–12:00pm
North Esk Croquet Club, 240 St Leonards Rd Enquiries: northeskcc@gmail.com
Join the members of St. Leonards Croquet Club for a game. Croquet is an enjoyable, low impact, mentally stimulating, easy to learn game for all ages. All equipment is supplied. Please wear flat-soled shoes.
• Wednesday 19th October 10:00am–12:00pm
Northern Tasmanian Croquet Centre, St Leonards Athletic Centre, 240 St Leonards Road Enquiries: stleonardscroquetclub@gmail.com
Come and try this easy-to-learn, social game suitable for all ages and abilities. Individuals and groups welcome. Good parking. All equipment provided; you must wear flat-soled shoes.
• Monday 17th October 10:00am–2:30pm
• Thursday 20th October 10:00am–2:30pm
• Saturday 22nd October 10:00am–11:30am
St Leonards Athletic Centre, 240 St Leonards Road Enquiries: Lee 0439 310 070 | lee-tee@bigpond.com
Meander Valley Council and Meander Valley U3A present this interesting event. An experienced consultant will conduct an information and discussion session to give peace of mind and help prepare for a peaceful end of life for the benefit of you and loved ones. Afternoon tea, free event, public welcome.
• Wednesday 19th October 2:00pm–3:30pm Westbury RSL, 7 Lonsdale Promenade, Westbury Enquiries: meandervalleyu3a@gmail.com
The purpose of the day is to celebrate the immense value and richness seniors and carers bring to their communities. We want to recognise the valuable contribution seniors and carers make and continue to make, and connect seniors with their communities. Free lunch provided. Presented by Westbury Community Garden, Youth Arts Alliance Meander Valley and Meander Valley Council.
• Wednesday 19th October 11:00am–1:00pm Westbury Community Garden Cnr Jones Street & Dexter Street, Westbury Enquiries: Westbury Health Centre 6701 2150
Gentle exercise suitable for people trying tai chi for the first time and those who have practiced before. Stimulates immune function and general good health.
• Wednesday 19th October 10:40am–11:40am Melissa Wimmer Dance Studio, 11 Talune St, Youngtown Enquiries: ironlotustaichi@gmail.com | 0418 606 656
You are invited to bring along a packed afternoon tea and learn about Advance Care Planning. If you could no longer speak for yourself, who would speak for you and what would they say? Hosted by Palliative Care Tasmania, we’ll discuss the law around Advance Care Directives, choosing a substitute decision maker and how to make sure your Advance Care Plan reflects your values and the choices you would like to make about your healthcare.
• Tuesday 18th October 3:00pm–4:30pm
Burnie Library, 30 Alexander Street, Burnie Bookings: 6231 2799 | amanda.aitken@pct.org.au (close: 17/10)
Enquiries: 0448 970 833
Meander around our world renowned garden. Rhododendrons and Cherry Blossoms and so much more – discounted entry and Buggy Tour (preferably pre-booked).
• Monday 17th October 10:00am–4:00pm
• Tuesday 18th October 10:00am–4:00pm
• Wednesday 19th October 10:00am–4:00pm
• Thursday 20th October 10:00am–4:00pm
• Friday 21st October 10:00am–4:00pm
Emu Valley Rhododendron Garden, 55 Breffny Road, Romaine Cost: $10 and Buggy Tour Guides $5
Celebrate Seniors Week by learning how to access a world of wonderful FREE eResources: eBooks, eMagazines, eJournals, eMovies, eComics and more. You will explore the eLibrary and learn how to access the collection in the Library or wherever you get online.
• Thursday 20th October 11:00am–12:00pm
Burnie Library, 30 Alexander Street, Burnie
Fancy a trip down memory lane? Curious about new technologies? Come along for a playdate at the Burnie Library. We will have all our games and toys out and what a collection we have: Lego, Virtual Reality, robots, jigsaws and more!
• Friday 21st October 2:00pm–5:00pm Burnie Library, 30 Alexander Street, Burnie
Join us at the new Burnie Care Forward Wellness Centre Open Day to ENRICH your health and wellbeing! ENHANCE your knowledge – information sessions on a range of subjects such as tech tips for seniors (avoiding scams or researching online), understanding advocacy, enduring guardianship and powers of attorney. ENGAGE in a friendly and open Q and A forum –Quiz the coordinators of Tasmania’s largest provider of Home Care Packages about aged care in the home. ENABLE your independence by investigating assistive equipment and strength and balance activities. EAT free morning/afternoon tea and goodie bags for attendees!
• Wednesday 19th October 10:00am–3:00pm Care Forward, 26 Cattley Street, Burnie Enquiries: 1300 364 728
Looking for a fun way to spend some quality time with the children in your life? Bring them on a playdate to Burnie Library. We will have all our games and toys out and what a collection we have: Lego, virtual reality, robots, jigsaws and more!
• Friday 21st October 2:00pm–5:00pm
Burnie Library, 30 Alexander Street, Burnie
Keen for a cuppa and a chat? Let us treat you for Seniors Week with a free morning tea at the Library Bean. Take a seat at the ‘Have a Chat’ table and start a friendly conversation – you never know where it will lead!
• Wednesday 19th October 10:00am–12:00pm Burnie Library, 30 Alexander Street, Burnie
Come to this meeting of the Burnie School for Seniors. We are a friendly group, mostly over 70 years old who enjoy learning new things. There will be an interesting guest speaker and our members will lead sessions on current affairs, or music, or history, or general interests, or science. Have a pleasant chat over morning tea. You will be welcome.
• Tuesday 18th October 10:00am–12:30pm Upper Burnie Sports Centre, Lookout Road Enquiries: Jane 0417 035 444 | John 0458 178 655
Come along to the Library and enjoy Charlie and Boots , a feelgood Australian film. Join Paul Hogan and Shane Jacobson on their road trip to Cape York.
• Monday 17th October 3:00pm–5:00pm Burnie Library, 30 Alexander Street, Burnie
An opportunity to meet the new Public Trustee CEO and hear about the Public Trustee’s role in providing an important safety net financial service for the Tasmanian community. Also learn how you can protect and make your financial, medical and legal wishes known through legal documents such as a Will, Enduring Power of Attorney and Enduring Guardianship. This session will also explore the financial decisions considered when you or a loved one enters age care or needs assistance managing financial affairs.
• Tuesday 18th October 10:00am–11:30am Burnie Library, 30 Alexander St, Burnie Bookings: 1800 068 784 | Marketing@publictrustee.tas.gov.au | http://www.publictrustee.tas.gov.au (close: 13/10)
Come and join the Burnie Concert Band Adult Learners (average age 60+) for an afternoon of musical entertainment featuring our whole band and small groups from within. There may even be a chance for some audience participation – no musical experience necessary! Enjoy some free light refreshments while listening to an afternoon of music provided by those learning their first, second or third instrument.
• Sunday 23rd October 2:00pm–4:00pm
Cooee Memorial Hall, Les Clark Drive, Cooee
Cost: Gold coin donation
Enquiries: 0439 205 569 | katrombone@hotmail.com
Devils@Cradle is a unique Tasmanian conservation sanctuary located at the entrance to the spectacular World Heritage listed Cradle Mountain National Park. On our Day Keeper Tour a keeper will lead you through the sanctuary and provide you with a thorough insight into the operation of a working sanctuary, and explain the importance of various conservation programs for these three unique and threatened animals.
• Monday 17th October 10:30am–11:15am
• Tuesday 18th October 10:30am–11:15am
• Wednesday 19th October 10:30am–11:15am
• Thursday 20th October 10:30am–11:15am
• Friday 21st October 10:30am–11:15am
• Saturday 22nd October 10:30am–11:15am
• Sunday 23rd October 10:30am–11:15am
Devils@Cradle, 3950 Cradle Mountain Rd
Cost: Adults $25, Seniors $20, Children $15
Enquiries: 6492 1491 | info@devilsatcradle.com
this is grandma. she iswearing a bikini at thebeach and she loves to sit in the sun.
Sewing is making a comeback. Young people are making and mending as part of the recycle, re-use mantra. Learn about the history of the sewing machine and view 100 year-old machines, tiny toy machines and their legacy into the future.
• Monday 17th October 9:00am–5:00pm
• Tuesday 18th October 9:00am–5:00pm
• Wednesday 19th October 9:00am–5:00pm
• Thursday 20th October 9:00am–5:00pm
• Friday 21st October 9:00am–5:00pm
• Saturday 22nd October 9:00am–5:00pm
• Sunday 23rd October 9:00am–5:00pm
Great Western Tiers Visitor Centre, 98-100 Emu Bay Rd
Tech, talk and tea – create an online recipe book. In this session, we will be creating a collection of all the best recipes online! Turn your favourite recipes into personalised cookbooks.
• Monday 17th October 10:30am–12:00pm
paranaple Centre - Devonport Library, 137 Rooke Street Bookings: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/o/devonportlibrary-7794529429 (close: 17/10)
You are invited to bring along a packed lunch and learn about Advance Care Planning. If you could no longer speak for yourself, who would speak for you and what would they say? Hosted by Palliative Care Tasmania and Libraries, we’ll discuss the law around Advance Care Directives, choosing a substitute decision maker and how to make sure your Advance Care Plan reflects your values and the choices you would like to make about your healthcare.
• Tuesday 18th October 12:15pm–2:15pm
Devonport Library, 137 Rooke Street, Devonport Bookings: 6231 2799 | amanda.aitken@pct.org.au (close: 17/10) Enquiries: 0448 970 833
Bass Highway Films: Part 1 – Part 5 (1950–1953)
These educational short films show various towns in Tasmania along the Bass Highway from 1950–1953. Farms are shown, and there is also a look at some historic houses.
• Tuesday 18th October 10:00am–11:00am
paranaple Centre - Devonport Library, 137 Rooke Street, Bookings: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/o/devonportlibrary-7794529429 (close: 18/10)
An opportunity to meet the new Public Trustee CEO and hear about the Public Trustee’s role in providing an important safety net financial service for the Tasmanian community. Also learn how you can protect and make your financial, medical and legal wishes known through legal documents such as a Will, Enduring Power of Attorney and Enduring Guardianship. This session will also explore the financial decisions considered when you or a loved one enters age care or needs assistance managing financial affairs.
• Tuesday 18th October 3:00pm–4:30pm paranaple centre, Quoiba Room, Level 1, Market Square, 137 Rooke St, Devonport Bookings: 1800 068 784 | marketing@publictrustee.tas.gov.au | http://www.publictrustee.tas.gov.au (close: 13/10)
An opportunity to join our choir, the Mersey Singers, and listen to us as we practice for upcoming concerts. We hope that you may be inspired to join us!
• Tuesday 18th October 9:30am–11:30am Devonport Senior Citizens Club, 8 Victoria Parade
Are you tired of asking others how to do something on your Android (non-Apple) mobile phone? Or do you just feel like you should be doing more with it? We can answer your questions and show you some of the basics.
• Friday 21st October 1:00pm–2:00pm paranaple centre, Level 1, 137 Rooke Street, Devonport Bookings: devonport.oac@education.tas.gov.au | 0444 525 434 (close: 21/10)
Do you need help learning about iPads, saving documents to the cloud or getting started with social media? Have you been gifted a new mobile phone or tablet, and are unsure where to start? We can help you resolve minor technology issues and share some useful online resources for troubleshooting.
• Wednesday 19th October 10:30am–12:00pm
paranaple Centre - Devonport Library, 137 Rooke St Bookings: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/o/devonportlibrary-7794529429 (close: 19/10)
Come along to the Devonport Library Book Club. Share that amazing book you just read or the fabulous movie you can’t stop talking about. No required reading list, just plenty of conversation and a cuppa. Guaranteed to increase your "to be read" pile.
• Thursday 20th October 2:00pm–3:00pm
paranaple Centre - Devonport Library, 137 Rooke St Bookings: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/o/devonportlibrary-7794529429 (close: 20/10)
Join us at the Devonport Care Forward Wellness Centre Open Day to ENRICH your health and wellbeing! ENHANCE your knowledge – information sessions on a range of subjects such as tech tips for seniors (avoiding scams or researching online), understanding advocacy, enduring guardianship and powers of attorney. ENGAGE in a friendly and open Q and A forum – Quiz the coordinators of Tasmania’s largest provider of Home Care Packages about aged care in the home. ENABLE your independence by investigating assistive equipment and strength and balance activities. EAT free morning/afternoon tea and goodie bags for attendees!
• Monday 17th October 10:00am–3:00pm Care Forward, 11 Steele Street, Devonport Enquiries: 1300 364 728
Do you need help to put an app on your tablet or smartphone? We can show you how easy it is to find and install (or delete) all kinds of apps.
• Tuesday 18th October 9:00am–10:00am
paranaple centre, Level 1, 137 Rooke Street, Devonport Bookings: devonport.oac@education.tas.gov.au | 0444 525 434 (close: 18/10)
Learn what Wi-Fi is, how to connect to public Wi-Fi and how to stay safe online.
• Wednesday 19th October 1:00pm–2:00pm paranaple centre, Level 1, 137 Rooke Street, Devonport Bookings: devonport.oac@education.tas.gov.au | 0444 525 434 (close: 19/10)
Have you been asked to join a Zoom call and unsure what to do and how to use it? We can help you in getting set up and assist you in using all its features.
• Thursday 20th October 9:00am–10:00am paranaple centre, Level 1, 137 Rooke Street, Devonport Bookings: devonport.oac@education.tas.gov.au | 0444 525 434 (close: 20/10)
Learn how to use Facebook Messenger for chatting to individuals or groups.
• Friday 21st October 11:00am–12:00pm paranaple centre, Level 1, 137 Rooke Street, Devonport Bookings: devonport.oac@education.tas.gov.au | 0444 525 434 (close: 21/10)
Get a taste for editing photos with our Photoshop Taster. Learn how to crop your image, remove unwanted items and adjust the colour or brightness.
• Monday 17th October 9:00am–10:00am
paranaple centre, Level 1, 137 Rooke Street, Devonport Bookings: devonport.oac@education.tas.gov.au | 0444 525 434 (close: 17/10)
2022: Events
Learn how to do some basic computer maintenance to keep your computer running smoothly.
• Tuesday 18th October 11:00am–12:00pm
paranaple centre, Level 1, 137 Rooke Street, Devonport Bookings: devonport.oac@education.tas.gov.au | 0444 525 434 (close: 18/10)
Learn about converting your old vinyl records or audio cassette tapes into digital format to save on CD or USB.
• Wednesday 19th October 9:00am–10:00am
paranaple centre, Level 1, 137 Rooke Street, Devonport Bookings: devonport.oac@education.tas.gov.au | 0444 525 434 (close: 19/10)
Find out what Linux is, how it differs from Windows and other platforms, and learn how to install it on your computer.
• Thursday 20th October 1:00pm–2:00pm
paranaple centre, Level 1, 137 Rooke Street, Devonport Bookings: devonport.oac@education.tas.gov.au | 0444 525 434 (close: 20/10)
Learn how to use email, send attachments, delete or store emails and more.
• Monday 17th October 11:00am–12:00pm
paranaple centre, Level 1, 137 Rooke Street, Devonport Bookings: devonport.oac@education.tas.gov.au | 0444 525 434 (close: 17/10)
Need to find a way to cut costs with texting, calling and video messaging, especially with those who are overseas? WhatsApp might be just what you need.
• Saturday 22nd October 11:00am–12:00pm
paranaple centre, Level 1, 137 Rooke Street, Devonport Bookings: devonport.oac@education.tas.gov.au | 0444 525 434 (close: 22/10)
‘The Duke’ is real charmer of a film with a top-notch cast starring Jim Broadbent and Helen Mirren. Based on a true story from the 1960s, the film is a true-crime caper and a tale of the underdog. 60-year-old working class under-employed taxi driver Kempton Bunton (played by Jim Broadbent) finds himself involved in the theft of a famous painting from the National Gallery in London.
• Wednesday 19th October 7:00pm–8:40pm paranaple convention centre, Level 3, 137 Rooke St Bookings: www.nwfs.org.au/upcoming films (close: 19/10)
Learn more about buying and selling online using sites such as Gumtree and eBay.
• Tuesday 18th October 1:00pm–2:00pm paranaple centre, Level 1, 137 Rooke Street, Devonport Bookings: devonport.oac@education.tas.gov.au | 0444 525 434 (close: 18/10)
Are you tired of asking others how to do something on your iPhone? Or do you just feel like you should be doing more with it? We can answer your questions and show you some of the basics and features you may not know about.
• Friday 21st October 9:00am–10:00am paranaple centre, Level 1, 137 Rooke Street, Devonport Bookings: devonport.oac@education.tas.gov.au | 0444 525 434 (close: 21/10)
Come along and join an afternoon of indoor bowls. An enjoyable, social and easy activity unaffected by weather!
Who knows - we may see you joining in every week!
• Thursday 20th October 1:00pm–3:30pm
• Saturday 22nd October 1:00pm–3:30pm Devonport Senior Citizens Club, 8 Victoria Parade
Come and learn the basics of how to use an Android tablet, downloading apps and more.
• Monday 17th October 1:00pm–2:00pm
paranaple centre, Level 1, 137 Rooke Street, Devonport Bookings: devonport.oac@education.tas.gov.au | 0444 525 434 (close: 17/10)
Learn about converting your old VHS video tapes into digital format to save on DVD.
• Wednesday 19th October 11:00am–12:00pm
paranaple centre, Level 1, 137 Rooke Street, Devonport Bookings: devonport.oac@education.tas.gov.au | 0444 525 434 (close: 19/10)
Bring along your iPad and learn the basics of how to use it, downloading apps and more.
• Thursday 20th October 11:00am–12:00pm
paranaple centre, Level 1, 137 Rooke Street, Devonport Bookings: devonport.oac@education.tas.gov.au | 0444 525 434 (close: 20/10)
Tai Chi is slow and gentle and doesn’t leave you breathless. It addresses the key components of fitness – muscle strength, flexibility, balance, and, to a lesser degree, aerobic conditioning. Focus is on breathing as we move through Qigong and into the Tai Chi Form. Beginners welcome.
• Tuesday 18th October 9:30am–10:30am
East Devonport Football Club, Caroline St (enter carpark from Caroline St, near John St roundabout)
Cost: $7.00
Come join us for a fun filled day. There will be face painting and activities for the kids, food and coffee trucks, raffles and lucky door prizes too! So bring a friend or the family and come say hi to the team at Baptcare Orana.
• Saturday 22nd October 10:00am–3:00pm
Baptcare Orana, 31 Murray St, East Devonport Enquiries: 6421 8000
Come along to The Big Table event at East Devonport Neighbourhood House to meet your Aged Care Advocate, and find out how we can help you realise, understand and exercise your rights! Advocacy Tasmania provides free, independent and confidential advocacy services to older people, people living with disability or mental health issues, and people who use alcohol or drugs. We’ve been working with Tasmanians to resolve their issues for over 30 years.
• Wednesday 19th October 11:00am–1:00pm
East Devonport Neighbourhood House, 106 David Street Bookings: contact@yoursaytas.org | 1800 005 131
Tai Chi can best be learned by experiencing the camaraderie of a group in action. Enjoy the atmosphere of a non-competitive, non-judgemental exercise class. You may notice positive physical and psychological changes in yourself. There is always space in this class for one more.
• Wednesday 19th October 9:30am–10:30am
East Devonport Football Club, Caroline St (enter carpark from Caroline St, near John St roundabout)
Cost: $7.00
People who enjoy an enticing game of skill and strategy are invited to come along and enjoy either Mah Jong or Backgammon. New players and beginners always welcome.
• Tuesday 18th October 9:30am–12:30pm
East Devonport Neighbourhood House, 106 David St
Cost: $3.00
Seniors Week 2022: Events in
A gentle and thorough introduction to the Tai Chi Form, going into some depth on balance, breathing and alignment. A class for those who would like to commit to a process which can be life changing.
• Tuesday 18th October 10:45am–11:45am
East Devonport Football Club, Caroline St (enter carpark from Caroline St, near John St roundabout), East Devonport Cost: $7.00
Come and join us for a free lunch, there will be plenty of laughs and fun. Meet the team and see what we are all about at Orana.
• Tuesday 18th October 11:30am–1:30pm
Baptcare Orana, 31 Murray St, East Devonport Bookings: 6421 8000 (close: 10/10)
Come along to our friendly scrabble group and see if you can land "QUIZZIFY" across two Triple Word Scores. New players and beginners always welcome.
• Friday 21st October 1:30pm–4:00pm
East Devonport Neighbourhood House, 106 David St, East Devonport Cost: $3.00
If you are looking for a fun way to fill your Monday afternoons, come along and join us for a friendly card game of 500. New players and beginners always welcome.
• Monday 17th October 1:00pm–4:00pm East Devonport Neighbourhood House, 106 David St, East Devonport Cost: $3.00
Come and try a game of lawn bowls and see if you can get near the kitty. Anyone of any age can play the game - and get some good, clean fresh air in the process. Guidance and all equipment provided.
• Tuesday 18th October 1:00pm–2:30pm
Latrobe Bowls and Community Club, 3 Victor Street Enquiries: bowlsclub@latrobebowlsclub.com | 6426 1276
Zumba Gold is a lower-intensity version of the typical Zumba class and was designed to meet the anatomical, physiological and psychological needs of seniors. Zumba Gold might provide a suitable option for older adults seeking alternative means of reaching their exercise goals.
• Wednesday 19th October 9:30am–10:30am Moriarty Hall, 1 Bonneys lane, Moriarty Cost: $7.00
Enquiries: 0427 969 429
A ukulele performance from an enthusiastic amateur community music group. This small yet versatile 4-stringed instrument is enjoying a revival for young people and seniors alike. Seniors Dave, Pete and Di from across the NW coast love to play uke across different genres of music: classical, pop, rock, traditional, reggae. In conjunction with U3A they're playing at venues across the NW Coast – Wynyard, Ulverstone and Port Sorell. Bring your uke if you have one, and be prepared for an add on pop-up surprise at the end of the Coasting Ukes concert!
• Monday 17th October 1:30pm–2:30pm
U3A Port Sorell Banksia Rooms A & B, Camp Banksia Enquiries: di_mcarthur@icloud.com
Mature Movers offers no-impact, gentle aerobic exercise to music using weights, stretching bands, chairs and other equipment. Book online September 12 – October 10.
• Monday 17th October 10:30am–11:30am
Banksia Centre, Pitcairn Street, Port Sorell Bookings: www.portsorellu3a.org.au | 0499 162 539
10am–12pm Mon–Fri (no messages please) (12/9 – 10/10)
Cost: Gold coin donation
A fun and entertaining paddleball sport that is suitable for all ages. It combines elements of badminton, table tennis, and tennis. Two or four players use solid paddles made of wood or composite materials to hit a perforated polymer ball, much like a wiffle ball, with 26-40 round holes, over a net. Book online from Monday September 12 to Monday October 10.
• Tuesday 18th October 1:00pm–2:00pm
Banksia Centre, Pitcairn Street, Port Sorell Bookings: www.portsorellu3a.org.au | 0499 162 539
10am–12pm Mon–Fri (no messages please) (12/9 – 10/10)
Cost: Gold coin donation
U3A group members invite you to review their photos and will share their knowledge on a wide range of photography and postprocessing topics. Book online September 12 – October 10.
• Wednesday 19th October 11:00am–12:00pm
Banksia Centre, Pitcairn Street, Port Sorell Bookings: www.portsorellu3a.org.au | 0499 162 539
10am–12pm Mon–Fri (no messages please) (12/9 – 10/10)
Cost: Gold coin donation
An opportunity to watch, share and evaluate some well-rated films – be they classic, contemporary, English or foreign language - with something special for Seniors Week. Book online from Monday September 12 to Monday October 10.
• Friday 21st October 1:30pm–3:30pm
Banksia Centre, Pitcairn Street, Port Sorell Bookings: www.portsorellu3a.org.au | 0499 162 539
10am–12 pm Mon–Fri (no messages please) (12/9 – 10/10)
Cost: Gold coin donation
A fun way to exercise that is easy on the body. There is no running or jumping but it is lively and adds to your level of fitness. The rules are the same as ordinary netball with a few alterations. It is suitable for women and men and a great team sport. Book online from Monday September 12 to Monday October 10.
• Wednesday 19th October 2:00pm–3:30pm
Banksia Centre, Pitcairn Street, Port Sorell
Bookings: www.portsorellu3a.org.au | 0499 162 539
10am–12pm Mon–Fri (no messages please) (12/9 – 10/10)
Cost: Gold coin donation
An introductory class on reading food labels. No prior knowledge required – just a passion for food! Bring along a couple of food or drink labels if you like. Book online September 12 – October 10.
• Thursday 20th October 10:30am–12:00pm
Banksia Centre, Pitcairn Street, Port Sorell
Bookings: www.portsorellu3a.org.au | 0499 162 539
10am–12pm Mon–Fri (no messages please) (12/9 – 10/10)
Cost: Gold coin donation
Learn how to choose and set up either a commercial or homemade worm farm/bin or to make a low maintenance version placed in the middle of your veggie patch or flower garden. No previous experience with worms required. Bring garden gloves/ disposable gloves. Book online September 12 – October 10.
• Thursday 20th October 1:30pm–3:00pm
Banksia Centre, Pitcairn Street, Port Sorell
Bookings: www.portsorellu3a.org.au | 0499 162 539 10am–12pm Mon–Fri (no messages please) (12/9 – 10/10)
Cost: Gold coin donation
Enjoy thoughtful and free-flowing conversations about current affairs, science, history, culture, and perhaps a little philosophy. Book online from Monday September 12 to Monday October 10.
• Friday 21st October 10:00am–12:00pm
Banksia Centre, Pitcairn Street, Port Sorell
Bookings: www.portsorellu3a.org.au | 0499 162 539
10am–12 pm Mon–Fri (no messages please) (12/9 – 10/10)
Cost: Gold coin donation
A Walk and Talk program, based on Silver Salties Australia guidelines, promotes social activity and active ageing. This session consists of a walk along the beach then back to the clubhouse for cuppa and a short talk by a guest speaker.
• Thursday 20th October 1:30pm–2:30pm
Penguin Surf Life Saving Club, 62-68 Preservation Drive Enquiries: 6437 2639
Virtual reality is not just a playground for teens and younger folks. VR Games are for everyone! Come along and experience the “WOW” factor using Oculus headsets. Morning tea afterwards.
• Friday 21st October 10:00am–12:00pm
Rosebery Neighbourhood House, 8 Agnes St, Rosebery Bookings: 64731 497 (Rosebery Neighbourhood Centre)
Come listen to ukulele ensembles from around Tasmania’s north west.
• Thursday 20th October 10:00am–3:00pm
Uniting Church, Main Street, Sheffield
Come find out what we offer and chat to members about their experiences. Join a game of pétanque, learn how to solve a cryptic crossword puzzle, play cribbage and maybe strike some Zumba poses!
• Friday 21st October 10:00am–12:00pm
Uniting Church, Main Street, Sheffield
Join us for a fantastic film screening with movie snacks and friendly discussion.
• Thursday 20th October 1:30pm–3:30pm
Smithton Library, 134-140 Nelson St, Smithton Bookings: 6478 9574 | smithton.library@education.tas.gov.au (close: 17/10)
Learn how to use digital technology to improve your organisational skills! Bring along your smartphone, iPad or other digital device.
• Tuesday 18th October 1:30pm–3:00pm Smithton Library, 134-140 Nelson St, Smithton
Come to the Circular Head Community and Recreation Centre to learn what activities, services and organisations are available for you in our community. Also an opportunity to reconnect with old friends and connect with new ones. Find something there to keep you healthy, social and connected. A light lunch will be provided.
• Friday 21st October 11:00am–2:00pm
Circular Head Community and Recreation Centre, 72 Nelson St Bookings: 6452 4800 | apower@circularhead.tas.gov.au | https://www.trybooking.com/CBHUC (close: 19/10) Enquiries: 6452 4864
An easy, level bike ride on the shared pathway between Turners Beach and Ulverstone, maybe extending to the east across the new pathway bridge over the Forth River into Leith. The ride will start and end at the Turners Beach Berry Patch, with optional social coffee to start and lunch to finish. Experienced ride leaders and bike mechanics will be available. A safe bike in good condition and a helmet is necessary. Hi-vis vest or jacket would be appreciated. If intending to lunch at the Berry Patch, booking is strongly recommended – call 6428 3967. Ride bookings not necessary.
• Friday 21st October 10:30am–2:00pm Ride from Berry Patch Carpark – Blackburn Drive, Turners Beach
Keith’s solo performances appeal to audiences for whom his music is a breath of fresh air: the fans who appreciate this wandering minstrel and his 12-string guitar. As a founding member of the internationally famous Seekers, his program contains plenty of variety: some old favourites from The Seekers, a touch of Nashville, some beautiful original ballads from his three solo CDs and a few covers of hits from the ‘60s to the ‘80s that appeal to the generation who grew up with their folks playing Seekers albums. Keith shares some amusing anecdotes from over 50 years on the international music scene.
• Tuesday 18th October 10:30am–11:30am, 2:30pm–3:30pm Paragon Theatre, 11 McNamara Street, Queenstown Cost: $15 all tickets Bookings: 0419 558 421 | www.trybooking.com/CAYUC (close: 17/10)
Virtual reality is not just a playground for teens and younger folks. VR Games are for everyone! Come along and experience the “WOW” factor using Oculus headsets. Morning tea afterwards.
• Tuesday 18th October 10:00am–12:00pm
Queenstown Library, West Coast Community Services Hub, 9-13 Driffield Street, Queenstown Bookings: 6495 1530
A ukulele performance with an amateur community music group. This small yet versatile little 4-stringed instrument is enjoying a revival for young people and seniors alike. Seniors Dave, Pete and Di from across the NW coast love to play uke across different genres of music: classical, pop, rock, traditional, reggae. In conjunction with U3A they'll play at venues across the NW Coast. Bring your uke if you have one, and be prepared for an add on pop-up surprise at the end of the Coasting Ukes concert!
• Friday 21st October 10:30am–11:30am
U3A Ulverstone Apex House, 3 Gollan St, Ulverstone Enquiries: di_mcarthur@icloud.com
Meet at Otto's Grotto. A casual walk along the parklands of Ulverstone, chat as you walk to your heart's content!
• Monday 17th October 9:30am
Otto’s Grotto, Ulverstone
Bookings: 6429 8900 | admin@centralcoast.tas.gov.au | www.centralcoastcouncil.tas.gov.au
Do you need help learning about iPads, saving documents to the cloud or getting started with social media? Have you been gifted a new mobile phone or tablet, and are unsure where to start? We can help you resolve minor technology issues and share some useful online resources for troubleshooting.
• Monday 17th October 2:00pm–3:00pm
Ulverstone Library, 15 King Edward Street, Ulverstone Bookings: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/o/devonportlibrary-7794529429 (close: 17/10)
Pop-up café enabling connection with new and old friends. Morning tea and entertainment provided in a safe, inviting space.
• Tuesday 18th October 10:00am–12:00pm
Gnomon Pavilion, Ulverstone Wharf
Cost: Donation Bookings: 6429 8900 | admin@centralcoast.tas.gov.au | www.centralcoastcouncil.tas.gov.au
The Ulverstone Men's Shed program offers a safe and social place to visit, meet new people and make some good gear out of wood! Or sit by the fire and chat, or potter in the garden or tinker on the welder.
• Wednesday 19th October 10:30am–11:30am
Ulverstone Show Grounds, , Ulverstone Bookings: 6429 8900 | admin@centralcoast.tas.gov.au | www.centralcoastcouncil.tas.gov.au
Meet local basketball coach Paul Campbell. You and your friends can enjoy a fun-filled individual person-paced session to learn the rules of this newest, physically-friendly slowed-down basketball craze. Followed by a catch up with Coach Campbell.
• Monday 17th October 1:30pm–2:30pm
Ulverstone Stadium, Ulverstone
Cost: $3.00
Bookings: 6429 8900 | admin@centralcoast.tas.gov.au | www.centralcoastcouncil.tas.gov.au
Basketball slowed a bit... a lot! A bit of light physical activity in short games, guaranteeing a laugh and a lot more fun. Hosted by local basketball coach Paul Campbell.
• Thursday 20th October 1:30pm–3:00pm
Ulverstone Stadium, Flora Street, Ulverstone Cost: $3.00
Bookings: 6429 8900 | admin@centralcoast.tas.gov.au | www.centralcoastcouncil.tas.gov.au
HIVE Tasmania in Ulverstone is a cultural precinct on Tasmania's central coast. Home to Ulvertone's Community Arts organisations with working displays, a science centre, daily Planetarium Shows at 11am and 2pm, as well as a museum, art gallery, and the Queen Bee cafe. More at www.hivetasmania.com.au
• Monday 17th October 10:00am–4:00pm
HIVE Tasmania, 50 Main Street, Ulverstone Bookings: 6429 8900 | admin@centralcoast.tas.gov.au | www.centralcoastcouncil.tas.gov.au
A day at the Central Coast Community Shed for women to learn all things workshop and enjoy the company, chinwag and a cuppa of other like minded women.
• Tuesday 18th October 10:30am–11:30am Women’s Shed, Ulverstone Show Grounds Bookings: 6429 8900 | admin@centralcoast.tas.gov.au | www.centralcoastcouncil.tas.gov.au
A ukulele performance with an amateur community music group. This small yet versatile little 4-stringed instrument is enjoying a revival for young people and seniors alike. Seniors Dave, Pete and Di from across the NW coast love to play uke across different genres of music: classical, pop, rock, traditional, reggae. In conjunction with U3A they'll play at venues across the NW Coast. Bring your uke if you have one.
• Wednesday 19th October 2:00pm–3:30pm
U3A 'Big Hall’, Wynyard Showgrounds, Wynyard Enquiries: di_mcarthur@icloud.com
In this one-hour, relaxed workshop you’ll learn how to: 1) Use the self-issue machine to check out and renew your items. 2) How to search and understand the library catalogue on a computer, phone or device to find the exact results you are looking for (no more putting audiobooks on hold accidentally!)
• Tuesday 18th October 11:00am–12:00pm
Wynyard Library, 13 Exhibition Link, Wynyard Bookings: 6477 7415 | wynyard.library@education.tas.gov.au (close: 17/10)
SQUID INC Theatre and Coast FM community radio celebrate seniors with their Spring season of radio plays. A series of 3 plays over 4 Saturdays that are for seniors and about seniors, will also resonate with the wider community. Saturday Radio Theatre can be heard 5pm Saturdays from 1st October in Northwest TAS on Coast FM and everywhere else on the Community Radio Plus APP. Coast fm frequencies Circular Head 88.9 Burnie-wynyard 106.1 Devonport 104.7. The Community Radio Plus App is available for free download for iPhone and Android phones. The program can be live streamed at www.coastfm.org
• Saturday 22nd October 5:00pm–6:00pm Enquiries: 0409 910 510 | squidinctheatre@gmail.com
Enjoy an uplifting afternoon of music from “Sounds Global”, an exciting ensemble of local instrumentalists, playing harp, marimbas, melodicas, guitar and ukuleles. You’ll be surprised and delighted by a variety of traditional, well known tunes from all over the world!
• Tuesday 18th October 1:00pm–3:00pm
The Don, 26 Goldie St (enter venue via Hogg St) Enquiries: amawebs2@gmail.com
A social group ride out and back along Deep Creek Road from the Wonders of Wynyard. Suitable for all levels of fitness. Get back on your bike and enjoy the scenic roads around Wynyard. The ride takes us across the Bass Highway and up to the end of the sealed section of Deep Creek Road. The first two thirds of the ride out are reasonably flat, the steeper sections saved for the end. A rest at the top to enjoy the view back towards Table Cape. If completing the full ride the distance is 15K. The ride leader will be Richard Muir Wilson. Prior to our 11am departure riders can have their bikes checked for tyre pressure, braking and chain lubrication.
• Tuesday 18th October 11:00am–12:30pm Wonders of Wynyard, Exhibition Link, Wynyard Enquiries: Kelly Milikins – kmilikins@warwyn.tas.gov.au | 0448 356 060
Virtual reality is not just a playground for teens and younger folks. VR Games are for everyone! Come along and experience the “WOW” factor using Oculus headsets. Morning tea afterwards.
• Monday 17th October 10:00am–12:00pm
Zeehan Neighbourhood Centre, Somer House, 27 Belstead St, Zeehan (located through the side gate of the main building) Bookings: 6471 6108 (Zeehan Neighbourhood Centre) | 6495 1530 (Queenstown Library)
Keith’s solo performances appeal to audiences for whom his music is a breath of fresh air: the fans who appreciate this wandering minstrel and his 12-string guitar. A founding member of the internationally famous Seekers, his program contains plenty of variety: some old favourites from The Seekers, a touch of Nashville, some beautiful original ballads from his three solo CDs and a few covers of hits from the ‘60s to the ‘80s that appeal to the generation who grew up with their folks playing Seekers albums. Keith also shares some amusing anecdotes from over 50 years on the international music scene.
• Monday 17th October 2:30pm–3:30pm
Gaiety Theatre, 114 Main Street, Zeehan
Cost: $15 all tickets
Bookings: 0419 558 421 | www.trybooking.com/CAYTV
COTA is an independent, not-for-profit body that relies on income from various government and private sources for its sustained operations.
You can help COTA Tasmania to continue our advocacy and education activities to assist Tasmanian seniors enjoy a high quality of life.
You can become a COTA volunteer or alternatively, make a tax deductible donation.
For more information visit our website www.cotatas.org.au, email admin@cotatas.org.au or call us on 6231 3265.
A free home energy session can help you discover ways to bring down your energy costs and keep your home comfortable, whatever the season. Attend one of our free sessions this Seniors Week
A free home energy session can help you discover ways to bring down your energy costs and keep your home comfortable, whatever the season. Attend one of our free sessions this Seniors Week.
Rydges Hotel, Hobart
Tuesday 18 October (2-4pm)
Rydges Hotel, Hobart
Wednesday 19 October (10am-12pm)
Tuesday 18 October (2-4pm)
Wednesday 19 October (10am-12pm)
Hotel Grand Chancellor, Launceston Thursday 20 October (10am-12pm)
Hotel Grand Chancellor, Launceston Thursday 20 October (10am-12pm)
Evandale Community Centre Thursday 20 October (2-4pm)
Evandale Community Centre
ember to bring your
Thursday 20 October (2-4pm)
Do you need help with using your mobile phone or other digital device? COTA Tasmania is offering one-on-one help to people over 50.
Bring your phone, laptop computer, tablet and our friendly, knowledgeable volunteers will answer your questions and help you get the best out of your device.
Sessions are held at various locations and times. To make an appointment contact us on 6231 3265 or
We can help you to get more out of your mobile phone or other digital device.
Come and speak to us!