Pocono Living Magazine - June/July 2023

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JUNE/JULY 2023 The Pocono Mountains' Magazine Complimentary
Guide to the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area
Pocono Living

Pocono Living Magazine and Pocono Family Magazine, two regional publications filled with articles, features and photography exploring and capturing the real Pocono Mountains living experience.

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Pocono Magazines, LLC


Pocono Living Magazine© & Pocono Family Magazine©

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John L. Moore

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The information published in this magazine is believed to be accurate, but in some instances, may represent opinion or judgment. The publication’s providers do not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of any information and shall not be held liable for any loss or damage, directly or indirectly, by or from the information.© 2023 Pocono Magazines. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be copied, reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without the expressed written permission of the publisher.

LIFESTYLE CHANGE WITH A LIFETIME OF SUPPORT Register for a FREE information seminar below or at sluhn.org/weightloss Your weight loss journey starts TODAY! JUNE/JULY 2023 POCONO LIVING MAGAZINE© 3
Photo by Marlana Holsten
“Be who you are and say what you feel because those that matter don’t mind and those that mind don’t matter.”
— Dr. Seuss
FEATURES What’s Inside June/July 2023 6 The Battle of Long Island 17 5 Tips for Encouraging and Fostering Play for Your Pets 20 DL&W Locally (Part III) 26 Packing for Camp: What You Need for All Types of Camps 28 The Tannersville Cranberry Bog
Find the “Guide to the Gap” after page 16 JUNE/JULY 2023 POCONO LIVING MAGAZINE© 5
Susan Hartman


Eight weeks after Congress declared independence from Great Britain in July 1776, British and Hessian soldiers inflicted a disastrous defeat on the American army at the Battle of Long Island.

Largely forgotten today, the Aug. 27 battle was one of the largest of the American Revolutionary War, which lasted eight years. Gen. William Howe pitted thousands of soldiers against Gen. George Washington’s much smaller force, which was made up of Continental Army troops and men belonging to state militias.

The Americans included three Pennsylvanians who figure in the history of the Poconos–Lt. Col. Daniel Brodhead, Col. Samuel Miles, and Maj. Gen. John Sullivan.

Brodhead moved to the Poconos as a child in 1737, and his father is regarded as the founder of East Stroudsburg. Miles was a soldier in Benjamin Franklin’s 1756 expedition that built Fort Hamilton in Stroudsburg. In 1779, Sullivan led an American army across Monroe County as he marched into western New York to attack the Iroquois Indians. The Sullivan Trail, a modern road west of Tannersville, bears his name.

All three men had significant leadership roles in the battle, and all three left written accounts of their participation.

Afterwards, the American commanders indulged in a round of finger-pointing. Sullivan blamed Miles for the defeat, a charge that Brodhead refuted. “Upon the whole, less generalship never was shown in any army since the art of war was understood,” Brodhead declared.

The war began in 1775 when rebellious Massachusetts colonists skirmished with British troops at Lexington and Concord. Soon after, rebels and British fought again at the Battle of Bunker Hill. George Washington arrived in Massachusetts in July with orders

> Domenick D’Andrea painting shows soldiers from Delaware fighting at the Battle of Long Island on Aug. 27, 1776.
“Largely forgotten today, the Aug. 27 battle was one of the largest of the American Revolutionary War, which lasted eight years.”


Your photos could be seen by more than 26,000 readers when you enter them in Pocono Living Magazine’s Annual Photo Contest. The contest is open to amateur photographers only. (Those who do not earn a majority, over half, of their income as photographers).

You may enter no more than 15 images, so choose your best shots. Categories are “Scenics”, “Wildlife”, “Florals”, and “Historical Structures”.

Only photographs that are representative of the Pocono Mountains should be submitted. Individual photos should be attached to an email message and sent to: pmags@ptd.net. Photos submitted must be high resolution, (300 dpi), jpg or tiff files or they cannot be used. You must include your full name in the title with each photo submitted as you would like it to appear in the magazines. We will contact you for your mailing address to receive your prize if your photo is chosen as a winner in the contest.

Winning photos, along with the names, and hometowns if available, of each winner will appear in the October/November 2023 issue of PoconoLivingMagazine and the PoconoMagazines.com website. Some lucky participants may have their photo featured as a cover on Pocono LivingMagazine!


1st Place: $100.00 in Gift Certificates to Local Restaurants & Shoppes

2nd Place: $75.00 in Gift Certificates to Local Restaurants & Shoppes

3rd Place: $50.00 in Gift Certificates to Local Restaurants & Shoppes

Honorable Mentions: One year subscription to Pocono Living & Pocono Family Magazines.

In the event of a tie, prize money will be split among the winners.


1. Contest open to amateur photographers only.

2. Contest opens April 1, 2023 and closes August 1, 2023.

3. Enter electronic files by email to: pmags@ptd.net. One photo at a time.

4. Submitted photos must be as an attachment to an email message, (not within the body of the email), and be high resolution (300 dpi), jpeg or tiff files.

5. Please include your contact information (phone number, mailing address & email address) with the submission.

6. Each contestant may submit no more than 15 photographs. Choose any combination of categories.

7. Photos submitted may be judged for inclusion in this year’s contest, and in all future year’s contests, so you have several chances to be a winner.

8. Entered photos must have been taken recently, from January 2013 to present and be of a scene or subject found in the Pocono Mountains only.

9. Categories are: Scenics (landscapes, rivers, lakes, waterfalls, etc.), Wildlife, Florals, and Historical Structures.

10. Judging will take place in August and September 2023 and winners will appear in the October/November issue of Pocono Living Magazine.

11. Winners will receive gift certificates within 90 days after being published.

12. Contestants will retain all rights to their photography, but agree that Pocono Magazines, LLC and Pocono Mts. Publications, LLC may use their photos from time to time in the magazines that they publish and on the Pocono Magazines.com website provided proper credit is given to each photographer.

Questions? Email the editor at: pmags@ptd.net

Photo by Ray Caswell

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from the Continental Congress to assume command of the rebel forces, which had British forces hemmed in at Boston.

The war shifted to New York after the British evacuated Boston in March 1776.

Once a British stronghold, New York became so politically turbulent that in October 1775, the royal governor, William Tryon, fled the city for the safety of a warship anchored in the bay off Manhattan.

American troops began arriving in New York in early 1776 and soon controlled the town. A handful of English warships, including the 44-gun Phoenix, remained in the harbor. The ships had been there since mid-1775. The governor hadn’t returned to the city.

An American commander, Maj. Gen. Charles Lee, came to New York with a detachment of New England soldiers on Feb. 4. He soon began directing the construction of earthen defenses along the town’s extensive waterfront. More and more rebel troops arrived during the next few months. Washington arrived on April 13.

The British followed, but not immediately. In late June, a British fleet sailed into the bay, bringing soldiers from Canada. In New

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> 1858 painting by Alonzo Chappel shows troops led by the American general known as Lord Stirling during the Battle of Long Island on Aug. 27, 1776. Note how gun smoke fills the air over the battlefield.

York, the fleet’s arrival prompted fears of a British attack on Manhattan, but no attack came. Instead, British soldiers landed on nearby Staten Island and set up camp. Over the next month, more British ships entered the bay and landed thousands of additional troops on Staten Island.

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In New York, Washington realized the British intended to challenge the Americans, but couldn’t tell whether they would attack Manhattan or invade Long Island. He reacted by strengthening both places.

The Continental Army had already fortified the waterfront along New York. Now Washington sent troops across the East River to construct a defensive line along the east side of Brooklyn, the westernmost village on Long Island.

In late August, riflemen belonging to the 1st Pennsylvania Regiment took positions in the vicinity of Gravesend Bay across

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“In New York, the fleet’s arrival prompted fears of a British attack on Manhattan, but no attack came.”
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The military record of Col. Samuel Miles spans two 18th-century wars. As a teenager, he helped defend the Poconos against Indian attacks during the French and Indian War. During the American Revolutionary War, he spent 21 months as a British prisoner of war following the Battle of Long Island.

But the footnote Miles occupies in American History comes from a vote he cast in the Electoral College during the presidential election of 1796. George Washington was retiring from government service after serving two four-year terms as the first U.S. president. Elected by supporters of Vice President John Adams, Miles cast his electoral vote for Thomas Jefferson.

As Miles explained in his autobiography:

“The party styling themselves Federalists were in favor of John Adams, and those denominated Democrats were for Thomas Jefferson.

“The contest for electors was warm. I was nominated by the Federalists, but the Democratic ticket generally carried. Mr. Robert Coleman and myself out of the Federalist ticket were elected by a small majority. When we arrived at Harrisburg–for I had not fully made up my mind before–I thought it my duty to vote for the man that appeared to me most useful for the public good, without any regard to party views.

“The United States were at least to appearance at that time on the eve of a war with France who made great depredation on our commerce. I knew that Mr. Adams was looked upon by the French government with a jealous eye; it was supposed that he favored the British more than the French.

“On the other hand I knew that the French rulers had confidence in Mr. Jefferson. I had no doubt in my own mind but both gentlemen were real republicans, and

would exercise the office with a view to the good and independence of the country.

“But I concluded that the same steps pursued by Mr. Adams and Mr. Jefferson would probably have different effects upon the French government, and I dreaded the idea of another war which might prove ruinous to this country.

“Upon the whole, therefore, I concluded that the administration of Mr. J. would prove most likely to settle the difference with France, and voted for him accordingly.

“Since that (time) I have been considered by the Federalists as having deserted their cause and turned Democrat as they term it. That I always was and hope ever shall be a Democrat according to the true sense of the word, I acknowledged: but my sentiment with respect to government is the same now that it has been from the beginning of the Revolution.”

Miles’ vote didn’t swing the election for Jefferson. Adams won 71 electoral votes, compared to Jefferson’s 68, and became the nation’s second president. Since Jefferson had the second largest number of votes, he became vice president.

In 2020, when the Electoral College was scheduled to cast ballots, a broadcaster for National Public Radio interviewed Claire Finkelstein, a law professor at the University of Pennsylvania. She mentioned Samuel Miles. “He is well-known principally because he was a so-called faithless elector in the 1796 election,” Finkelstein said.


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from Staten Island. New York Bay was narrow here, and the Americans were so close to the enemy they could hear noises coming from the British camp.

The Pennsylvania regiments led by Miles and Brodhead also moved over to Brooklyn. Miles was Brodhead’s commanding officer. “At that time General Washington had 24,000 men in his army, upwards of 7,000 of whom were returned sick and unfit for duty,” Miles said.

On Aug. 22, British ships ferried 15,000 troops from Staten Island to Long Island. They landed at Gravesend Bay, and moved out into a broad plain adjacent to the bay. A wooded ridge ran across the west side of the plain. The Americans had strong positions at three passes in the ridge. Brodhead and Miles placed their troop near the pass at Flatbush.

“I was ordered over with my rifle regiment to watch their motions,” Miles said. “I marched near to the village of Flatbush, where the (Scottish) Highlanders then lay, but they moved the next day to Gen. Howe's camp, and their place was supplied by the Hessians. I lay here within cannon shot of the Hessian camp for four days …”

Minor combat occurred over the next several days. Then, after dark on Aug. 26, British troops staged a night march across the plain. Guided by local Tories, they came to an undefended pass in the ridge. The Americans had strong guards on the other

passes in the ridge, but had lacked the troops to post guards at this one. Known as the Jamaica Pass, it was the farthest pass from Gravesend Bay and from Brooklyn.

In the early hours of Aug. 27, thousands of British soldiers marched through the Jamaica Pass and doubled back to place themselves between the American line at Brooklyn and the rebel troops on the ridge. Then they attacked the Americans on the ridge from behind.

At the same time, enemy forces on the plain attacked the Americans from the front. This maneuver trapped hundreds of rebel soldiers–including Sullivan, Miles and Brodhead.

“I was myself entirely cut off from our lines and therefore endeavored to conceal myself, with a few men who would not leave me,” said Miles, who had commanded two Pennsylvania regiments. “I hoped to remain until night, … but about 3 o'clock in the afternoon was discovered by a party of Hessians and obliged to surrender.”

“On Aug. 22, British ships ferried 15,000 troops from Staten Island to Long Island. They landed at Gravesend Bay, and moved out into a broad plain adjacent to the bay.”

Writing afterwards, Miles said that prior to the battle he had urged his superior officers to fortify the Jamaica Pass, but this hadn’t been done. His regiments were the closest ones to this pass.

“Although Brodhead returned safely to the American camp at Brooklyn, he spent much of the day close to enemy troops.”

He said that on the morning of Aug. 30, he attempted to reach the Jamaica road before British troops came through the pass. “After marching nearly two miles, the whole distance through woods, I arrived within sight of the Jamaica road, and to my great mortification I saw the main body of the enemy in full march between me and our lines,” Miles said.

Miles realized that Brodhead’s men were also cut off. As Brodhead’s commanding officer, he sent an officer on horseback with orders for Brodhead “to push on by the left of the enemy” with his battalion, “and endeavor get into our lines (at Brooklyn) … Happily they succeeded, but had to wade a mill dam by which a few were drowned.”

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> Lt. Col. Daniel Brodhead

Miles attempted to take his own battalion back to Brooklyn. “I remained on the ground myself until they had all passed me. The enemy were then within less than 20 yards of us. … By this means I came into the rear instead of the front of my command. We had proceeded but a short distance before we were again engaged with a superior body of the enemy, and here we lost a number of men.” Hessian soldiers eventually captured him.

Although Brodhead returned safely to the American camp at Brooklyn, he spent much of the day close to enemy troops. As he and his men moved through the woods, “we discovered the enemy's horse and foot to the number of four or five thousand in our front.”

At one point, Brodhead wanted his men–some armed with muskets, others with rifles–to provide cover for members in an American artillery unit that was dragging a brass cannon and a howitzer “through a clear field in order to gain a wood a little to the left of our front.”

As the Pennsylvanians attempted to do this, men belonging to a New England regiment ran through their ranks. “In the confusion, many of our men ran with them,” Brodhead said. “I

JUNE/JULY 2023 POCONO LIVING MAGAZINE© 13 931 Ann Street • Stroudsburg, PA 18360 e history of Delaware Water Gap & ne art exhibits in an old brick schoolhouse. www.dutotmuseum.org 24 Main Street, Rt 611 Museum & Gallery ANTOINE DUTOT Pocono Mountains Airport - 188 Airport Drive, Tobyhanna, PA MoyerAviation.com 1-800-321-5890 Air Tours Charter Flights Flight Training Other Air Services Gift Certificates Available of the Poconos
> Maj. Gen. John Sullivan

did all in my power to rally the musketry and riflemen, but to no purpose, so that when we came to engage the enemy, I had not 50 men, notwithstanding which, we, after about three rounds, caused the enemy to retire.”

Like Miles, Gen. Sullivan had also favored having a strong guard along the Jamaica Road on the far left of the American position, “but could not persuade others to be of my opinion.” Consequently, British troops met no resistance when they entered the pass and marched around the Americans on the ridge.

Sullivan paid a steep price for this development. On the 27th, “I went to the hill near Flatbush to reconnoiter the enemy, and, with … 400 men, was surrounded by the enemy, who had advanced by the very road I had foretold,” he said later.

Sullivan’s soldiers fought vigorously. Even so, the general said that “after a long and severe engagement, (he) was made prisoner.”

By the time the fighting ended on Long Island, hundreds of Americans had been killed, wounded or captured.

The survivors had been pushed back to Brooklyn, all but trapped along New York Bay and the East River. The British navy had

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Prime Rib Feature
> 1776 sketch provides a view of New York from across the Hudson River in New Jersey.
Photo courtesy of public domain

hundreds of ships in the bay near Brooklyn. Had the British been aggressive, the Americans could have been caught in a deadly vice–between the sailors in the bay and the British soldiers on land just east of Brooklyn.

But Gen. Washington outsmarted the British. He had Massachusetts sailors use small boats to ferry his army across the East River to New York during the night of Aug. 29-30. Heavy fog concealed the evacuation. At dawn on Aug. 30, the British realized the rebel army had escaped to New York City.

“We were most agreeably surprised to find that the rebels had entirely abandoned Long Island, and left every thing of bulk and weight behind them,” Ambrose Serle, the secretary of Admiral Richard Howe, wrote in his diary on August 30. “They had constructed forts, redoubts and entrenchments without end. Not a foot of ground was unfortified.”

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“We were most agreeably surprised to find that the rebels had entirely abandoned Long Island, and left every thing of bulk and weight behind them.”

The British victory demoralized the rebel troops. “Our officers and men in general, considering the confusion, behaved as well as men could do,” Brodhead wrote on Sept. 5 from the American camp north of New York City.

Brodhead also noted that Sullivan faulted Miles for letting enemy troops use the Jamaica Road to get west of the ridge.

Brodhead disagreed. “I understand that Gen. Sullivan has taken the liberty to charge our brave and good Col. Miles, with the ill success of the day, but give me leave to say, that if Gen. Sullivan and the rest of the generals on Long Island, had been as vigilant and prudent,” the battle might have ended differently.

Brodhead added that “the retreat from Long Island … was well conducted.”

September saw Washington’s army evacuate Manhattan Island. In November, Washington shifted 3,000 soldiers across the Hudson River to New Jersey. He soon began a 75-mile retreat across New Jersey to Trenton on the Delaware River.

Gen. Sullivan was released as part of a prisoner exchange in time to play a key role in the American victory at Trenton in late December.

Col. Miles remained a prisoner of war for 21 months before being released in 1778.

In 1779, Col. Brodhead became commandant at Fort Pitt in Pittsburgh.

J ohn L. Moore continues to pursue his lifelong interests in Pennsylvania’s colonial history and archaeology. The Northumberland writer has published 11 non-fiction books about Pennsylvania’s 16th and 17th century. John’s latest book, 1780: Year of Revenge, is currently available in book stores or from the online bookstore Sunbury Press Inc. This book is the 3rd volume in his Revolutionary Pennsylvania Series and tells the story of Indian raids all across the Pennsylvania Frontier — including the Poconos and Minisinks — in the year following General Sullivan’s 1779 invasion of the Iroquios homeland.

Over the years John has participated in archaeological excavations of Native American sites along the Delaware and Susquehanna Rivers. A professional storyteller, he recently took part in the Heritage Festival at Frances Slocum State Park near Wilkes-Barre. He told the true story of Frances Slocum, a 5-year-old girl who lived as a Native American after being kidnapped by Indians during the American Revolution. The park was named for her.

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Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area

Visitor’s Guide


Located between the Pocono Plateau and Kittatinny Ridge in close proximity to the most densely populated region of the nation, Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area and the Middle Delaware National Scenic and Recreational River preserve the natural, cultural, and scenic resources and values of the Delaware River valley and provide opportunities for resource-based recreation, education, and enjoyment


• Launching, landing or operating an unmanned aircraft from or on lands and waters administered by the National Park Service within the boundaries of Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area is prohibited except as approved in writing by the Superintendent.

• Climbing, jumping, diving, and rappelling is prohibited at all waterfalls, waterfall pools, and bridge abutments.

• Swimming and wading is prohibited within 50 feet upstream of waterfalls.

• Entry into caves, mine shafts and unoccupied structures is prohibited.

• Privately-owned property and residences exist within park boundaries. Please respect the rights and privacy of private property owners and other residents.

• Collection of plants, animals, rocks, mineral, and cultural objects is prohibited.

• Certain types of activities require a special use permit. Some common activities that require a permit include commercial photography, weddings, baptisms, first amendment activities, and competitive events.

• A permit is required for any road-based tour operating within the park. Road-based commercial tours are considered as one or more persons traveling on an improved roadway on an itinerary that a company or individual has packaged, priced, or sold for leisure/recreational purposes.

• Camp fires are only allowed at designated camp sites within metal fire grates. Personally owned grills, stoves, or lanterns are permitted at designated picnic sites (excluding Kittatinny Point and Childs Park), campground or river campsite. Fires are prohibited in all other areas.

• Do not feed or approach wildlife. Always maintain a distance of at least 100 yards from bears and 25 yards from other wildlife.

For a complete list of park specific closures, permit requirements and other restrictions, contact park headquarters at 570 426-2452.


Main Address

Park Headquarters

1978 River Road, Bushkill, Pennsylvania 18324

Email: DEWA_Interpretation@nps.gov

Park Headquarters Emergency

570-426-2452 800-543-4295

Website and Social Media

www.nps.gov/dewa www.facebook.com/DelWaterGapNPS www.twitter.com/DelWaterGapNPS www.instagram.com/DelWaterGapNPS

The National Park Service cares for the special places saved by the American people so that all may experience our heritage.


Pets must be restrained on a leash (6 feet or less). Pets may not be tied to an object and left unattended or left in a vehicle. Summer heat poses a threat to pets left in vehicles. Report lost pets to the park communication center at 570426-2457.

Please follow the rules of BARK! when visiting the park with your pet.

Bag your pet’s waste

Always wear a leash

Respect wildlife

Know where you can go

Pets are permitted in most areas of the park, including campgrounds, picnic areas, and on paved or dirt roads. Pets are NOT permitted at the following sites (excludes working service animals):

In Pennsylvania: Raymondskill Falls and Raymondskill Creek Trail Dingmans Falls and Dingmans Creek Trail Valley View Group Campsites

Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day: Smithfield Beach, Milford Beach, and Hialeah Picnic Area (except when accessing the McDade Trailhead)

In New Jersey: Turtle Beach Rivers Bend Group Campsites Watergate Recreation Site

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2023 Guide to the Gap | 3
Tumbling Waters


Paddlers slip down the river between low, forested mountains; anglers wade the cool streams; and hikers explore secluded places. This valley has attracted people for 13,000 years.

Abundant plant and wildlife sustained American Indians; floodplains nourished early farmer’s crops; waterfalls drew Victorian vacationers. Today, a 70,000-acre park welcomes you to the enticing Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area and Middle Delaware National Scenic and Recreational River.

Millions of years of uplift, erosion, and glacial activity gave us the water gap, ridges, and streams that flow through hemlockand rhododendron-laced ravines and over waterfalls that pour off the Pocono Plateau.

Steeped in rich history, the trails, roads, sites, and traces reveal reminders of times gone. The Minsi Path and Minisink Trail converged on a Delaware River island that was once the center of a large American Indian settlement. Agricultural fields still in cultivation help preserve the rural landscape predominate in the 18th century. In the 1800s resorts flourished throughout the region where city dwellers arrived by carriage or rail, often spending the entire summer away from the urban heat. The water gap became a scenic wonder for fashionable travelers.

Today the natural and cultural wonders provide abundant recreational opportunities. This rural vacationland is yours to explore.


Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area includes nearly forty miles of the free-flowing Middle Delaware Scenic and Recreational River.

River-related activities, like swimming and paddling, are some of the popular pastimes on warm summer days.


From ridgetop to riverside, vistas to ravines, and from easy to extreme, more than 100 miles of trail offer something for everyone.

Choose a trail for hiking, biking, or boating to enjoy the natural beauty and the historic landscape of the river valley.


Although the park is close to major cities, tranquil drives invite exploration. More than 100 miles of road lead to wonderful places.

Explore the varied landscapes in the valley: forests and fields, ridges and ravines, historic houses and hamlets

4 | 2023 Guide to the Gap
2023 Guide to the Gap | 5
6 | 2023 Guide to the Gap
Fulmer Falls


Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area offers endless opportunities for exploration and discovery. The following are a few suggested itineraries to consider depending on your time and interests.


• Stop by a park visitor center, where park rangers and volunteers can help you plan your adventure. Visitor center parking lots fill quickly on summer weekends. To avoid the crowds, visit the area before 10:00 am or after 4:00 pm on weekends or visit on a weekday.

• Walk a section of the McDade Recreational Trail, which extends most the length of the park in Pennsylvania and presents some of the best views of the Delaware River, as well as passes by charming streams, open farm fields, forests, and historic landscapes. On Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays between Memorial Day Weekend and Labor Day Weekend, use the River Runner Shuttle for your return trip along the trail.

• View Raymondskill Falls by hiking a short, but steep, trail. To avoid the crowds, visit the area before 10:00 am or after 4:00 pm on weekends or visit on a weekday.

• Wander the quiet streets of Millbrook Village and explore life in the 1800s. This area is generally a good place to avoid crowds on summer weekends. Select buildings are open on summer Saturdays.

• Tour the Nelden-Roberts Stonehouse and the Foster-Armstrong House in Montague, NJ, on a summer Sunday afternoon. This area is generally a good place to avoid crowds on summer weekends.

• Tour the Rosencrans House and the Van Campen Inn in Walpack Center, NJ, on a summer Sunday afternoon. This area is generally a good place to avoid crowds on summer weekends.

• Stop at the three overlooks along PA 611 for stunning views of the Delaware Water Gap.


• Take a bike ride along the McDade Recreational Trail. Bring your own or rent a bike from a local outfitter. On Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays between Memorial Day Weekend and Labor Day Weekend, use the River Runner Shuttle to transport you and your bike, then ride back to your vehicle.

• Savor a picnic lunch at Hidden Lake and then take a stroll around the lake. This area is generally a good place to avoid crowds on summer weekends.

• Stroll around the Slateford Loop Trail to enjoy the quiet valley below the Kittatinny Ridge.

• Take a scenic drive along US 209.

• Choose a trail and venture on a hike.


Consider signing up for a workshop offered by one of our partners located within the park.

• Peters Valley School of Craft offers 2-day to 5-day fine craft workshops. For more information, visit petersvalley.org.

• Appalachian Mountain Club’s Mohican Outdoor Center offers weekend getaways focusing on various outdoor activities. For more information, visit outdoors.org/lodging-camping/Lodges/Mohican.

• Pocono Environmental Education Center offers weekend getaways and workshops for youth, families and adults. For more information, visit peec.org.

2023 Guide to the Gap | 7
View from Mt. Tammany (on the Red Dot & Blue Blaze trails)


The Delaware River is the longest undammed United States river east of the Mississippi, extending 330 miles from Hancock, New York to the Atlantic Ocean. The Delaware River Water Trail extends nearly 200 miles from Hancock to Trenton, New Jersey. Like a conventional trail, a water trail is a recreational corridor, but instead of hiking, it is traveled by boat, such as canoe, kayak or small-motorized watercraft.

The river boasts outstanding natural, cultural, recreational and scenic resources. In recognition of these qualities, the portion of the Delaware River traveling through Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area was officially designated as the Middle Delaware National Scenic and Recreational River in 1978. Within the park, the river is a series of shallow riffles and deep pools, making this section particularly good for canoeing. Access points every eight to ten miles allow for easy day trips, and numerous primitive campsites allow for longer journeys.

Bringing your own kayak or canoe? Take the chore out of relaying vehicles between your put-in and take-out on summer weekends. Use the River Runner Shuttle to transport you, your kayak and canoe, and your gear on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays Memorial Day weekend to Labor Day weekend. The service is free.

A day on the Delaware River allows you an opportunity to immerse yourself in an environment of tranquil natural landscapes, striking river valley scenery, and a substantially undeveloped river corridor that is unmatched among large rivers in the most densely populated region of the United States. While the Delaware River is easy for boaters, do not be misled by its calm appearance. Always follow proper water safety precautions to ensure you have a safe and enjoyable experience.

8 | 2023 Guide to the Gap

Authorized Canoe, Kayak, and Tube Liveries

River Miles between River Accesses

2023 Guide to the Gap | 9
Adventure Sports, Inc. Route 209, Marshalls Creek, PA 18335 570 223-0505 800 487-2628 adventuresport.com Chamberlain Canoes PO Box 555, Shawnee on Delaware, PA 18356 570 421-0180 800 422-6631 chamberlaincanoes.com Delaware River Family Campground 100 Rt. 46, Delaware, NJ 07833 908 475-4517 800 543-0271 delawareriver@njcamping. com Edge of the Woods Outfitters 110 Main St., Delaware Water Gap, PA 18327 570 421-6681 watergapadventure.com Indian Head Canoes and Rafts 3883 Rt. 97, Barryville, NY 12719 845 557-8777 indianheadcanoes.com Kayak East PO Box 77, Columbia, NJ 07832 570 421-3432 866 529-2532 kayakeast.com Kittatinny Canoes 2130 Rt. 739, Dingmans Ferry, PA 18328 570 296-5890 800 356-2852 kittatinny.com Mauka Nalu Stand-Up Paddleboards 100 Shawnee Inn Drive Shawnee on Delaware, PA 18356 570 420-1905 maukanalu.com Shawnee River Trips 100 Shawnee Inn Drive Shawnee on Delaware, PA 18356 570 424-4000 800 SHAWNEE shawneeinn.com Access Name Milford Beach,PA Namanock, NJ Dingmans, PA Eshback, PA Bushkill, PA Poxono, NJ Smithfield Beach, PA Worthington SF, NJ Milford Beach, PA Namanock, NJ 4 Dingmans, PA 8 4 Eshback, PA 14 10 6 Bushkill, PA 18 14 10 4 Poxono, NJ 26 22 18 12 8 Smithfield Beach, PA 28 24 20 14 10 2 Worthington SF, NJ 30 26 22 16 12 4 2 Kittatinny Point, NJ 34 30 26 20 16 8 6 4
Stop the Transport of Invasive Species: • CLEAN boots, gear, boat, trailer & vehicle of plants, fish, animals & mud • DRAIN bilge, ballast, wells & buckets before you leave the area • DRY equipment before launching watercraft into another body of water
Buttermilk Falls » Subject to change, please visit the park website or contact the park for updated information before visiting.


Pack a swimsuit and a picnic and head to the beach - the river beach, that is. Unlike the sandy beaches along the ocean, the beaches here have soft grass on which to stretch out and enjoy the day.

Milford, Smithfield, and Turtle beaches are designated swim areas. Lifeguards monitor the beaches on weekends mid-June through Labor Day. Swimming in other areas of the river is not recommended. Picnic and restroom facilities are also available at the beaches. Grills are not provided, but personal grills are permitted. Alcohol and pets are not permitted.

Parking at swim beaches generally reaches capacity by 10:00 am on summer weekends. On Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays during the summer, consider parking at the Delaware Water Gap park-and-ride lot and riding the free River Runner Shuttle to Smithfield beach.


Pack a swimsuit and a picnic and head to the beach - the river beach, that is. Unlike the sandy beaches along the ocean, the beaches here have soft grass on which to stretch out and enjoy the day.

Milford, Smithfield, and Turtle beaches are designated swim areas. Lifeguards monitor the beaches on weekends mid-June through Labor Day. Swimming in other areas of the river is not recommended. Picnic and restroom facilities are also available at the beaches. Grills are not provided, but personal grills are permitted. Alcohol and pets are not permitted.

Parking at swim beaches generally reaches capacity by 10:00 am on summer weekends. On Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays during the summer, consider parking at the Delaware Water Gap park-and-ride lot and riding the free River Runner Shuttle to Smithfield beach.

This table lists common game fish that can be caught from places that are relatively easy to access.


Mountain Lake – access by short trail from parking

access from NJ Route 602

*Fishing is prohibited within 200 feet of designated boat launches and swim areas.

¹ X = non-native wild S = stocked N = native

2 The only time to catch adult American shad is from April to June, when the adults are migrating from the Atlantic Ocean.

3 “Sunfish” includes bluegill, black crappie, rock bass. pumpkinseed (native), and redbreast sunfish (native)

Shawnee Inn provides authorized guided fishing trips 100 Shawnee Inn Drive, Shawnee on Delaware, PA 18356

570-424-4000 ext. 1462 shawneeinn.com/explore/river-trips

Common and/or Sought-after Fish1 State Location American Shad Brook Trout Brown Trout Catfish Chain Pickerel Largemouth Bass Muskellunge Sunfish 3 Rainbow Trout Smallmouth Bass Striped Bass Walleye Yellow Perch PA Loch Lomond (Lake) – south of Dingmans Ferry; wheelchair accessible N X X S N PA “Front” Pond – Pocono Environmental Education Center N X X N PA Hidden Lake – hand launch and picnic area off Hidden Lake Drive N X X S N PA Dingmans Creek – between Deer Leap Falls and Dingmans Falls; delayed harvest, artificial lures only S S PA Toms Creek – from picnic area access upstream; catch and release only X PA Bush Kill – entire section within park N S S PA Little Bushkill – entire section within park N S PA Delaware River – Milford Beach & Boat Access* N X X X X PA Delaware River – Dingmans Boat Access* N X X X N X PA Delaware River – Eshback Canoe Access* N X X X N X PA Delaware River – Bushkill Boat Access* N X S X X N X PA Delaware River – Smithfield Beach & Boat Access* N X S X X N X NJ Delaware River – Caddoo Canoe Access* N X S X X N X NJ Delaware River – Poxono Access,* relatively shallow backwater area X S X NJ Delaware River – Turtle Beach* N X X X X NJ Delaware River – Kittatinny Point,* off Interstate 80 N X S X X N X NJ Vancampens Brook – headwaters downstream to Millbrook Village N NJ Vancampens Brook – downstream of Millbrook Village to Upper Glen N X NJ Vancampens Brook
Glen downstream to the mouth X X NJ Flat Brook –
X X X NJ Blue
X X S N NJ Catfish
Places to Fish
– from the Upper
entire length within the park;
along NPS Route 615
Pond – Mohican Outdoor Center,
10 | 2023 Guide to the Gap


• A state fishing license is required for those 16 and older; regulations are enforced.

• Holders of either a New Jersey or Pennsylvania license may fish on the Delaware River and from either of its banks. This does not apply to the river’s tributaries.

• Special fishing regulations apply within the park. Refer to the appropriate state regulations for waters within the park.

Fishing is not permitted at:

• Dingmans Creek within George W. Childs Park area, including foot bridges and observation platforms. (Site closed in 2019)

• Dingmans Creek from the top of the Dingmans Falls to the east end of the Dingmans Falls Visitor Center parking lot from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm daily.

• Silverthread Falls in the pool at the base of the falls.


Planning a safe day at the river begins well before you get near the water and does not end until you return home. Even though the Delaware River appears calm in some areas, DO NOT be misled! Moving water must be respected. The information below will help you better understand how to safely and comfortably enjoy the river.

In General:

• Always wear your life jacket.

• Alcoholic beverages are prohibited at Milford Beach, Smithfield Beach, Kittatinny Point, and Hialeah Picnic Area in Pennsylvania, and Turtle Beach, Caddoo Worthington State Forest, and Tocks and Labar Islands in New Jersey. Alcoholic beverages are also prohibited between Depew Island on the north and Depue Island on the south.

• Do not drink during river activities.

• Wear shoes to protect your feet from sharp stones, glass, and other objects.

• Protect yourself from the sun; wear sunscreen, a hat, light clothing, and sunglasses.

• Stay hydrated. Bring and drink plenty of water. Do not drink river water unless it is boiled at least 10 minutes.

• Plan to be off the river before dark.

When Swimming:

• Wear your life jacket even when swimming; don’t overestimate your swimming ability.

• Do not attempt to swim or wade across the river. The Delaware River has strong currents and steep drop-offs. Swimming becomes more difficult with increased current and water depth. Even the strongest of swimmers should be extremely cautious.

• Swim at designated beaches. Lifeguards are on duty on weekends at Milford, Smithfield and Turtle beaches mid-June through Labor Day.

• Do not jump or dive from cliffs, rocks, or bridges into the river; the water may be shallow and objects can be submerged. Rivers are constantly changing, especially with high water. Rocks can show up in places they never were before.

• Do not swim alone - always stay with your group.

When Boating:

• Always wear your life jacket.

• Children 12 years of age and younger MUST WEAR a life jacket on board a vessel.

• Life jackets must be worn in vessels less than 16 feet between November 1 and April 30.

• Never stand in a canoe. For better balance, kneel in a canoe when going through rapids.

• If you capsize, don’t panic. Stay with your boat; even an overturned boat can support you. Keep upstream of your boat to avoid being pinned against a rock or obstacle. Float on your back with your feet pointed downstream. Use your paddle to push away from rocks and other obstacles. Retrieve boats and equipment only if it can be done safely.

• Be ready for changing weather and cold water. Bring rain gear. To protect against hypothermia, bring clothing made of wool, polypropylene, high-performance eece, or a wetsuit.

• Never try to stand in rapids. Your foot could become trapped between submerged rocks. With a foot trapped, the current can be strong enough to push you over and hold you under, even if you are wearing a life jacket.

• Always tell someone where you are going and when you expect to return. Arrange drop off and pick up points before you leave. Leave emergency phone numbers, vehicle description, and tag numbers with someone who can report that you are overdue.

• Bring a spare paddle, a throw line, whistle, and a first aid kit.

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What better way to immerse yourself in an environment of solitude, tranquil natural landscapes, striking river valley scenery, and a substantially undeveloped river corridor than to go camping! Whether you enjoy the services available at a campground or prefer hiking or paddling to pitch a tent away from people, the park offers a campsite for you. The place you park your RV or set up your tent becomes your home away from home – make it a safe one.

In general:

• Make sure there are no dead limbs or trees in the vicinity of your campsite that might come down during a strong wind.

• Avoid drinking untreated water. Even clear, spring water can contain harmful bacteria.

• If in a campground, lock food in your vehicle. Bears and other wildlife have a great sense of smell.

• Keep your pet on a leash and never leave a pet unattended.

• Ground fires are prohibited, except in a provided fire grate.

• Do not bring wood from outside the park; firewood is available for purchase at Dingmans Campground.

• Collecting wood in the park for fires is prohibited, except downed wood within designated campsites.


Located near Dingmans Ferry, PA

• Sites for tent and RV (some with hook-ups)

• Individual and group campsites

• Camp store

• Weekly activities

• River Runner Shuttle flag stop

• More information: 877 828-1551 or

• dingmanscampground.com


Located along the Appalachian National Scenic Trail near Blairstown, NJ

• Individual and group tent sites

• Water available

• Camp store & food service

• Self-service, bunk-style cabins

• More information: 908 362-5670 or outdoors.org/lodging/ lodges/mohican


Valley View Located near Bushkill, PA

Rivers Bend Located near Millbrook Village, NJ

• Reservations required

• Available for groups of 20-40

• Primitive tent sites along the river

• Water available at Rivers Bend only

• River access for canoes and kayaks

• Valley View Campground is a River Runner Shuttle flag stop (1/3-mile walk)

• More information: 570 426-2452 or nps.gov/dewa

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For extended boat trips (14 miles or more), free primitive campsites along the river are available firstcome, first-serve. Additionally, six sites at the Alosa Campsite are available by reservation only. For Alosa Campsite reservations call 877.444.6777 or go online to recreation.gov and search for Alosa. Service charges will apply when making reservations either by phone or at recreation.gov.

River camping is limited to boaters on trips of at least 14 miles total for one night, 26 miles total for two nights and 34 miles total for three nights.

One Night Trips:

Milford Beach to Eshback Access and points south Dingmans Access to Smithfield Beach and points south Eshback Access to Smithfield Beach and points south Bushkill Access to Kittatinny Point and points south

Two Night Trips:

Milford Beach to Smithfield Beach and points south Dingmans Access to Kittatinny Point and points south


• Camping along the river is permitted in designated sites only; sites are identified by signs and the presence of a steel fire grate.

• Camping is limited to one night at each location. Campsites are limited to five tents per campsite.

• Tents must be erected within 50 feet of the campsite fire grate.

• Fires permitted in existing fire grates only. Self-contained stoves are permitted.

• Collecting wood in the park for fires is prohibited, except downed wood within the designated campsite. Do not bring wood from outside the park; firewood is available for purchase at Dingmans Campground.

• Pack out what you pack in, including food scraps.

• Use soaps sparingly; even biodegradable soap is a pollutant.

• Do not urinate or defecate within 100 feet of any river or stream. Bury fecal material, including pet waste, at least six inches deep and at least 100 feet away from water

• Leave what you find; digging, collecting, or removing objects is prohibited.

2023 Guide to the Gap | 13 6 209 84 615 560 560 739 6 209 206 209 602 94 209 209 80 611 2001 NPS 615 NPS 615 2001 PENNSYLVANIA 245 240 235 230 215 210 220 250 225 Delaware River MILFORD WORTHINGTON STATE FOREST DELAWARE WATER GAP Smithfield Beach (Fee area) Turtle Beach (Fee area) Poxono Access Bushkill Access (Fee area) Rivers Bend Group Campsites (permit) Valley View Group Campsites (permit) Eshback Access Park Headquarters Namanock Milford Beach (Fee area) Caddoo Access M i l f o r d R o a d M f o r d R oa d O l d iM en Rdao Bushkill Falls Road River Road Dingmans Ferry Access (Fee area) Dingmans Campground Old Mine Road Kittatinny Point Dingmans Falls Visitor Center (reservations only) MASHIPACONG ISLAND, NJ QUICK ISLAND, NJ MINISINK ISLAND, NJ NAMANOCK ISLAND, NJ SHAPNACK ISLAND, PA BUCK BAR ISLAND, PA SAMBO ISLAND, PA DEPEW ISLAND, NJ POXONO ISLAND, NJ TOCKS ISLAND, NJ LABAR ISLAND, NJ WOODCOCK BAR ISLAND, NJ DEPUE ISLAND, PA SHAWNEE ISLAND, PA SCHELLENBERGERS ISLAND, PA ARROW ISLAND, PA THIRSTY DEER ISLAND, NJ Gaisler Rd Camp Rd Mohican Outdoor Center 1 1 235 Lifeguarded swim area (summer) Boat launch Picnic area Canoe launch Information River mileage (Mile zero is at the river’s mouth) Permit-only campsite River campsite in PA (blue) River campsite in NJ (green) North 0 0 1 Mile 1 Kilometer 13 9 11 12 10 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 14 NEW JERSEY River Campsites # on Map River Campsite Name State GPS # Sites at Location # People per site Site # Note 1 Mashipacong Island NJ 41.334419 -74.761520 1 4 1 first-come/first serve 2 Namanock Island NJ 41.264988 -74.843964 4 6 14-17 first-come/first serve 3 Sandyston NJ 41.248880 -74.855515 6 6 18-23 first-come/first serve 4 Dingmans Shallows PA 41.185276 -74.880993 1 10 24 first-come/first serve 5 Hornbecks PA 41.178972 -74.885157 3 10 27-29 first-come/first serve 6 Jerry Lees PA 41.153859 -74.908620 2 10 33-34 first-come/first serve 7 Mill Creek PA 41.150220 -74.912464 1 10 35 first-come/first serve 8 Toms Creek PA 41.127015 -74.948574 4 10 39-42 first-come/first serve 9 Ratcliffs NJ 41.112459 -74.973252 3 6 52-54 first-come/first serve 10 Bushkill Creek PA 41.092099 -74.993005 1 10 55 first-come/first serve 11 Peters NJ 41.093485 -74.989833 12 6 56-68 first-come/first serve 12 Quinns NJ 41.096138 -74.967613 7 6 73-79 first-come/first serve 13 Freeman Point PA 41.093276 -74.967570 2 10 82-83 first-come/first serve 14 Alosa PA 41.083544, -74.976290 5 6 R1-R6 reservation only

Numerous idyllic spots in the park await you and a red-checkered blanket. Grills are not provided anywhere in the park, but you are welcome to bring your own, except to Kittatinny Point. Ground fires are prohibited throughout the park. Do not bring wood from outside the park for any purpose; it may contain invasive insects and other organisms that threaten the survival of local plant and animal life. Collecting wood in the park for fires is also expressly prohibited, since even the smallest twig may serve as a critical habitat or food source for protected plant and animal life.

Picnic Areas in Pennsylvania

Bushkill Village Alcohol not permitted

Hialeah Picnic Area Pets not permitted from Memorial Day to Labor Day weekends

Hidden Lake Grills not permitted

Loch Lomond Grills not permitted

Milford Beach Fee area; alcohol not permitted; pets not permitted from Memorial Day to Labor Day weekends; group picnic area available - call 570-426-2440 to reserve

Smithfield Beach Fee area; alcohol not permitted; pets not permitted from Memorial Day to Labor Day weekends

Toms Creek Alcohol not permitted

Picnic Areas in New Jersey

Crater Lake Alcohol not permitted

Kittatinny Point Grills and alcohol are not permitted

Millbrook Village Grills and alcohol are not permitted

Namanock Alcohol not permitted

Turtle Beach Fee area; alcohol and pets not permitted


Normally, horse riding is permitted on the Conashaugh View Trail in Pennsylvania and the Upper Ridge Trail in New Jersey for those who have their own horses. However, the Conashaugh View Trail sustained significant damage during a March 2018 winter storm and is closed to all recreational use until trail repairs are complete. Contact park headquarters at 570.426.2452 or visit the park’s website at www.nps.gov/dewa for the current status.

The Upper Ridge Trail near Layton, New Jersey, winds approximately five miles (in and back) through quiet woods, open fields and past isolated ponds. This trail is not heavily used and can become overgrown in the summer. Parking for trailers is along Jager Road. The trail is also open to hiking. Hikers should be alert to riders and must yield to horses by stepping off the trail and standing quietly until they pass. Please protect the environment by riding only on the marked trails, and crossing streams only on bridges. There are no horse rental liveries in the park.

14 | 2023 Guide to the Gap PICNICKING
» Subject to change, please visit the park website or contact the park for updated information before visiting.


Cycling is a popular form of recreation in the park. The McDade Recreational Trail, a packed gravel path, parallels the Delaware River on the Pennsylvania side of the park for 32 miles and is perfect for mountain and hybrid bikes. This is the only trail where biking is permitted. A section between White Pines and Pittman Orchard trailheads is closed to biking. Motorized vehicles are not permitted on the McDade Recreational Trail.

Old Mine Road parallels the Delaware River on the New Jersey side for 34 miles in the park and passes through historic landscapes.

Road biking on US 209 in Pennsylvania is not recommended due to heavy traffic. Road biking on River Road in Pennsylvania is strongly discouraged due to sharp, steep turns, blind curves, and the lack of shoulders.

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More than 100 miles of trails meander through the park, including nearly 27 miles of the Appalachian National Scenic Trail. Hikers can enjoy the trails year-round, with each season offering its own special reward. During winter, the absence of deciduous leaves opens new vistas along trails and reveals stone walls, foundations, and other reminders of past residents. Spring provides a weekly parade of wild flowers and flowering trees. In summer, hikers can seek out cool retreats among the hemlock forests, and follow burbling streams to powerful falls and cascades. In autumn, hikers have crisp air to sharpen their senses and a wondrous palette of fall colors to enjoy.

Choosing a trail can be a daunting task. What to see? Waterfalls? Historic landscapes? Inspiring views? The following pages offer a simple guide to the many routes available.


• Cell phone service is limited within the park.

• Carry (and drink) plenty of water; a leading cause of injuries on the trail is dehydration.

• Protect yourself from the sun; wear a hat, sunglasses and sunscreen.

• Wear sturdy shoes.

• Protect yourself from ticks and insects; use insect repellent, check and remove ticks when you return, and wear light-colored clothing to spot ticks more easily.

• Stay alert for snakes; do not put your hands and feet into places you cannot see.

• Be bear-aware; do not run if a bear approaches; make noise, wave your arms, and look large.

• Be able to recognize poison ivy and avoid contact with the plant.

• Trails are not regularly maintained or patrolled; travel carefully and at your own risk.

• Wear bright orange (shirt, vest, or hat) during hunting season.


• Stay on trails; taking shortcuts causes trail erosion, damages native plants, and can be dangerous.

• Do not feed or approach wildlife.

• Be Bear Aware; stay at least 100 yard from bears, hike in groups of three or more, make noise, and properly store trash and any products with an odor.

• Pets must be leashed at all time

• Pack out what you pack in; do not leave trash behind.


The parking lots at Kittatinny Point and Dunnfield are generally full by 10 am on summer weekends. Monroe County Transit Authority offers a hiker shuttle between the Delaware Water Gap Park and Ride, Lake Lenape Trailhead, and the Kittatinny Point and Dunnfield parking lots. Service is offered every half hour between 10 am and 5:30 pm on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays between Memorial Day and Labor Day weekends.

16 | 2023 Guide to the Gap
2023 Guide to the Gap | 17
Childs Park Trail

Park Trails

18 | 2023 Guide to the Gap 6 209 84 645 615 560 560 739 6 209 206 209 80 602 402 94 209 209 BUS 209 80 80 611 611 2001 615 NPS 615 2001 PNJ A NEW JERSEY PA NJ PENNSYLVANIA Blairstown Shawnee on Delaware Marshalls Creek Bushkill Layton Montague Dingmans Ferry To Branchville To Newton To New York City To Honesdale and Scranton To Scranton MILFORD DELAWARE WATER GAP Hialeah Smithfield Beach (fee area) Turtle Beach (fee area) Poxono Access Blue Mountain Lakes Mohican Outdoor Center Upper Glen Watergate (fee area) Millbrook Village Bushkill Access (fee area) Toms Creek Eshback Access Park Headquarters Pocono Environmental Education Center Walpack Center George W. Childs Park Cliff Park Inn golf course North Contact Station Milford Beach (fee area) Marie Zimmermann House Ridg e Road M i l o d R o a d Old M M i fo d Road O l d M ne R o a d O d M ne Road Emer y Road Jager Road River Rd Hidden Lake Gaisler Rd Drive Camp Rd Dingmans Ferry Access (fee area) Peters Valley School of Craft Dunnfield Hidden Lake Dingmans Campground Bushkill Meeting Center Old Mine Road Cona s h augh R o a d Silver Lake Road Kittatinny Point Dingmans Falls Visitor Center (open seasonally) 12 B ushkill Falls Road DELAWARE WATER GAP NATIONAL RECREATION AREA STOKES STATE FOREST WORTHINGTON STATE FOREST D e laware iRev r Delaware River 14 18 17 14 17 15 16 15 13 8 14 13 11 10 14 8 8 6 7 7 9 3 4 2 2 5 1 1 8 Appalachian Trail Other hiking trail Joseph M. McDade Recreational Trail (biking and hiking) Joseph M. McDade Recreational Trail (hiking only) 0 0 5 Miles 5 Kilometers No rt h

Trails at Pocono Environmental Education Center (PEEC), PA

Fossils of ancient marine life; collection of fossils and other objects prohibited

Hilly terrain, featuring wetlands and forest

Shaded trail through the forest, passing a small stream; can be muddy after a rain Sensory

To increase sensory awareness, a rope guides blindfolded users around a short loop trail (blindfolds available at main PEEC office)

Several benches provide observation points for wildlife and field, forest, and pond ecosystems

Trail winds along a ridge, past a pond and wetland and into a ravine with a cascading waterfall

Mostly shaded trail that passes two ponds and a wetland, offering excellent opportunities for wildlife viewing

North 0 0 1 Kilometer 1 Mile Parking Information Restroom Trail at PEEC Other hiking trail Unpaved road Distance indicator 0.5mi Delaware River 0.8mi 1.2mi 0.8mi 0.6mi 1.1mi 1.0mi 0.5mi 2.5mi Ridgeline Trail Scenic Gorge Trail Scenic Gorge Trail Fossi Trail 0.5mi 0.4mi 0.1mi Two Ponds Trail Tumbling Waters Trail Tumbling Waters Tra Alicia Creek Mi l Creek Tumbling Waters Pickeral Pond Front Pond Emery Road Mi ford Road Brisco Mountain Road rB i c o M o u n t a n Road Sp ac km ans Creek McDade Recreational Trail To Bushkill To Milford 209 2001 Pocono Environmental Education Center Sensory Trail 0.3mi Tra For Everyone Trail Length Rating ‡ Blaze Elevation Δ Highlights Fossil 1.1 mi 1.8 km loop Blue 237 feet
Ridgeline 3.0 mi 4.8 km loop Yellow 220 feet
Scenic Gorge 2.0 mi 3.2 km loop Red 220 feet
Trail for Everyone 0.3 mi 0.5 km one-way Purple
Tumbling Waters 2.8 mi 4.5 km loop Orange 254 feet
Two Ponds 1.5 mi 2.4 km loop White 67 feet
7 2023 Guide to the Gap | 19

The McDade Recreational Trail extends most the length of the park in Pennsylvania and presents some of the best views of the Delaware River, as well as views of charming streams, open farm fields, forests, and historic landscapes. The trail is a wide, packed gravel path without blazes and offers hikers, bikers, and cross-country skiers areas of varied difficulty, from easy to moderately strenuous. With trailheads located one half to five miles apart, this trail offers a section for just about any visitor. Most trailheads are along the park’s free bus route that operates on Saturdays and Sundays from Memorial Day Weekend to Labor Day Weekend.

From the southern most trailhead at Hialeah to Owens trailhead, the trail is mostly flat as it traverses former settlements and farms. North from the Owens trailhead on Freeman Tract Road, the trail switchbacks sharply up the side of the ridge to the park’s headquarters. Observation decks on the side of the headquarters facility provide wildlife viewing areas.

Between park headquarters and Bushkill Access, the terrain becomes rolling hills. Numerous structures, foundations, and other traces remain from the once thriving community of Bushkill.

North of Bushkill Access, the trail follows a narrow ribbon of land between US 209 and the river and then continues through nearly level agricultural fields and forests to the Schneider Farm trailhead.

Continuing north, the next several miles are dominated by the river to the east and the cliffs to the west, with the trail and US 209 squeezed between in places. From Raymondskill Creek to Milford Beach, the Raymondskill Cliff parallels the nearly flat trail. Note: A section of the trail between White Pines and Conashaugh and another section of trail between Conashaugh and Pittman Orchard are hiking only and closed to bike riding due to stairs and steep grade.

The northern terminus of the McDade Trail is Milford Beach, a popular recreation site for local residents since 1945. Whether you start from Milford Beach, Hialeah, or a point in between, you are sure to find something to enjoy.

Extend your one-way trip on the McDade Recreational Trail by using the River Runner Shuttle (page 5).

Things to Know

• Speed limit is 15 mph.

• Bikers must yield to hikers.

• No motorized vehicles.

• Leashed pets are permitted along the trail except at Milford and Smithfield beaches and between Smithfield Beach and Hialeah late spring to early fall.

Biking Safely

• Go with the traffic flow; ride on right.

• Pass on left and give audible sound to alert others of intent.

• Obey all traffic laws.

• Yield to traffic and pedestrians.

• Be predictable; ride in a straight line and signal moves.

• Stay alert at all times.

• Look before turning.

• Walk bicycles on steep hills and stairs.

• Wear a bicycle helmet. Children 12 years old and younger must wear a bicycle helmet.

• Secure loose clothing to ensure it will not become entangled in bicycle gears.

• Adjust the bicycle to fit. The seat should be level front to back, and the height should be adjusted to allow a slight bend at the knee when the leg is fully extended. Handlebar height should be level with seat.

• Check your equipment before riding and ensure tires are properly inflated and that the brakes work.

• Make yourself visible to others.

• Control the bicycle by riding with two hands on the handlebars, except when signaling a turn.

• Watch for and avoid hazards.

** this section is closed January through mid-July to protect nesting bald eagles

Mileage between McDade Trailheads

Bike Rentals and Tours Edge of the Woods Outdoor Outfitters 110 Main Street Delaware Water Gap, PA 18327 570 421-6681

Shawnee River Trips at the Shawnee Inn 100 Shawnee Inn Drive Shawnee on Delaware, PA 18356 800 742-9633 or 570 424-4000

20 | 2023 Guide to the Gap Trail Section Length Rating ‡ Elevation Δ Milford Beach to Pittman Orchard 2.2 mi 3.5 km 83 feet Pittman Orchard to Conashaugh ** 2.4 mi 3.9 km 62 feet Conashaugh to White Pines 1.8 mi 2.9 km 71 feet White Pines to Schneider Farm 4.1 mi 6.6 km 77 feet Schneider Farm to Jerry Lees 4.9 mi 7.9 km 50 feet Jerry Lees to Eshback Access 1.8 mi 2.9 km 25 feet Eshback Access to Egypt Mills 1.8 mi 2.9 km 30 feet Egypt Mills to Bushkill Access 2.4 mi 3.9 km 39 feet Bushkill Access to Bushkill Village 1.7 mi 2.7 km 45 feet Bushkill Village to Park Headquarters 2.0 mi 3.2 km 231 feet Park Headquarters to Owens 0.7 mi 1.1 km 320 feet Owens to Turn Farm 1.2 mi 1.9 km 91 feet Turn Farm to Riverview 0.5 mi 0.8 km 17 feet Riverview to Smithfield Beach 2.2 mi 3.5 km 34 feet Smithfield Beach to Hialeah 1.9 mi 3.1 km 97 feet
Trailhead Name Milford Beach Pittman Orchard Conashaugh White Pines Schneider Farm Jerry Lees Eshback Access Egypt Mills Bushkill Access Bushkill Village Park Headquarters Owens Turn Farm Riverview Smithfield Beach Pittman Orchard 2.5 Conashaugh 5.0 2.5 White Pines 6.5 4.0 1.5 Schneider Farm 9.6 7.1 4.6 3.1 Jerry Lees 14.9 12.4 9.9 8.4 5.3 Eshback Access 16.7 14.2 11.7 10.2 7.1 1.8 Egypt Mills 18.5 16.0 13.5 12.0 8.9 3.6 1.8 Bushkill Access 20.9 18.4 15.9 14.4 11.3 6.0 4.2 2.4 Bushkill Village 22.6 20.1 17.6 16.1 13.0 7.7 5.9 4.1 1.7 Park Headquarters 24.4 21.9 19.4 17.9 14.8 9.5 7.7 5.9 3.5 1.8 Owens 25.1 22.6 20.1 18.6 15.5 10.2 8.4 6.6 4.2 2.5 0.7 Turn Farm 25.8 23.3 20.8 19.3 16.2 10.9 9.1 7.3 4.9 3.2 1.4 0.7 Riverview 26.4 23.9 21.4 19.9 16.8 11.5 9.7 7.9 5.5 3.8 2.0 1.3 0.6 Smithfield Beach 29.0 26.5 24.0 22.5 19.4 14.1 12.3 10.5 8.1 6.4 4.6 3.9 3.2 2.6 Hialeah 31.0 28.5 26.0 24.5 21.4 16.1 14.3 12.5 10.1 8.4 6.6 5.9 5.2 4.6 2.0
McDade Recreational Trail, PA 8

Appalachian National Scenic Trail, NJ and PA

The Appalachian National Scenic Trail (AT) traverses the wild Appalachian Mountain chain from central Maine to northern Georgia, for a distance of approximately 2,180 miles. Nearly 27 miles of the trail straddle the Kittattiny Ridge through New Jersey and Pennsylvania within Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area. Numerous other trails connect with the AT and are described on page 15 and 17.

The AT is marked with white blazes. Side trails to water, scenic viewpoints, or shelters are marked with blue blazes. Appalachian Mountain Club’s Mohican Outdoor Center at NJ mile 10.3 offers several self-service cabins, individual and group campsites, and simple dining options. Numerous weekend hiking activities are offered throughout the year. For more information, contact Mohican Outdoor Center at 908 362-5670 or visit their website at outdoors.org/lodging/lodges/mohican.

Things to know

• Carry sufficient water for the entire hike. Water along the trail may not be suitable for consumption. All water should be chemically treated or boiled for ten minutes.

• All human waste must be buried at least six inches deep and 100 feet or more from any stream, trail, unpaved road, or park facility.

• Carry out all trash.

• Self-contained stoves are permitted; ground fires, charcoal stoves and grills are prohibited.

• Cutting, defacing, or removing any natural feature is prohibited.

• Pets must be on a 6-foot leash at all times.

• Horseback riding, biking, and all types of motorized vehicles (except authorized vehicles) are prohibited on the trail within Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area.

Camping Regulations

• Camping is restricted to through-hikers who are hiking for two or more consecutive days; starting at one location along the trail and ending at another.

• Camping is limited to one night and ten persons per campsite.

• Self-contained stoves are permitted; ground fires, charcoal stoves and grills are prohibited.

• Hikers may not camp:

• Within 100 feet of any stream or water source;

• Within 0.5 mile of an established roadway;

• Within 200 feet of another camping party; or

• From 0.5 mile south of Blue Mountain Lakes Road to a point one mile north of Crater Lake.

No trail shelters exist within the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area. The nearest are Kirkridge Shelter in Pennsylvania, 6.4 miles south of the Interstate 80 bridge, and Brink Road Shelter in New Jersey, 4 miles north of the Buttermilk Trail spur. Mohican Outdoor Center offers lodging and camping at NJ mile 10.3 and the Worthington State Forest campground can be reached via the 1.6-mile Douglas Trail at NJ mile 4.6.

The parking lots at Kittatinny Point and Dunnfield are generally full by 10 am on summer weekends. Monroe County Transit Authority offers a hiker shuttle from the Delaware Water Gap Park and Ride lot to Lake Lenape Trailhead and the Kittatinny Point and Dunnfield parking lots. The hiker shuttle service is offered every half hour between 10:00 am and 5:30 pm on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays between Memorial Day and Labor Day weekends.

2023 Guide to the Gap | 21 615 560 206 NPS 615 NPS 615 209 209 602 94 80 611 611 209 191 Portland Upper Yards Creek Reservoir Sunfish Pond O d M n e Roa d dlO iMen R o a d C a m p R d O d M n e Road Gaisle R o a d K I T T A T N N Y R D G E Na t ona l Scenic Tra i l App a lachian S c e n c T r a l Ap p a la c hia n Na t i o n a K T T A T I N N Y R I D G E R I D G E KITTATINNY Scenic Tra i l App a lachian Nationa l STOKES STATE FOREST Culvers Gap Layton 645 Peters Valley School of Craft Walpack Center Crater Lake Blue Mountain Lakes Blue Mountain Lakes Road S k y n e D v e Bushkill Millbrook Village Park Headquarters Mohican Outdoor Center Poxono Access Turtle Beach (Fee area) Kaiser Coppermine Buttermilk Falls WORTHINGTON STATE FOREST Kittatinny Point Columbia DELAWARE WATER GAP Che rry V a l ley Road 7.2mi 0.9mi 2.0mi 3.6mi 0.6mi 1.4mi 1.5mi 1.9mi 2.3mi 1.5mi 1.6mi 1.8mi 1.8mi 7.2mi Lake Lenape NEW JERSEY PENNSYLVANIA Park & Ride Lot River Rd & Broad St No rt h 0 0 2 Miles 2 Kilometers Restroom Parking Drinking water Information Appalachian Trail Other hiking trail Unpaved road To Branchville To Milford Distance indicator 0.5mi Shuttle (summer weekends only)
Trail Length Rating ‡ Elevation Δ Highlights US 206 to Blue Mtn Lakes Road 10.1 mi 16.5 km 650 feet Forested ridgetop through Stokes State Forest and the park Blue Mtn Lakes Road to Route 602 3.6 mi 5.6 km 290 feet Forested ridgetop Route 602 to Mohican Outdoor Center 3.5 mi 5.6 km 390 feet Forested ridgetop, passes Catfish Fire Tower Mohican Outdoor Center to Kittatinny Point 9.1 mi 14.6 km 1220 feet Forested ridgetop,
Kittatinny Point to Lake Lenape 1.8 mi 2.9 km 200 feet Through the
Gap, climbing to forested ridgetop Lake Lenape to PA 191 7.2 mi 11.6 km 934 feet Forested ridgetop Mileage between Appalachian Trailheads Trailhead Name US 206 B lue Mtn Lakes Road Route 602 Mohican Outdoor Center Kittatinny Point Lake Lenape Blue Mtn Lakes Road 10.1 Route 602 13.7 3.6 Mohican Outdoor Center 17.2 7.1 3.5 Kittatinny Point 26.3 16.2 12.6 9.1 Lake Lenape 28.1 18.0 14.4 10.9 1.8 PA 191 35.3 25.2 21.6 18.1 9.0 7.2
the Delaware Water Gap, passes Sunfish Pond
Delaware Water
Hiker Shuttle
View from Raccoon Ridge along the Appalachian National Scenic Trail
14 14


The National Park Service has partnered with Monroe County Transit Authority (MCTA) to provide free public bus service along the Pennsylvania side of the river. MTCA provides the River Runner Shuttle service on Saturdays and Sundays between Memorial Day and Labor Day weekends between Stroudsburg, PA and Milford Beach, PA. Additionally, bus service is provided on Memorial Day, Independence Day, and Labor Day.

The River Runner Shuttle is a free service and is ADA accessible. Pick your boarding location and destination using the schedule below. Be at the stop five minutes prior to the scheduled arrival with your gear ready to load. In addition to passengers, MCTA can also transport bicycles, canoes, kayaks, and leashed dogs. Passengers are required to load and secure their own belongings and MCTA operators will check the equipment to ensure it is properly stowed.

Loading and securing equipment takes some time, so please be aware that there may be times when the bus is late. For groups of ten or more people, please contact MCTA in advance to ensure they are properly prepared for your large group.

The system is designed to enable riders to board the bus just about anywhere along the route where it is safe for the driver to stop. Simply wave to the shuttle driver from a safe and observable location. Remember to be at the stop five minutes before the scheduled time.

Programs like the River Runner Shuttle are just one way the park is working to lessen the footprint we all leave on the planet. For more information about the shuttle visit MCTA’s website at gomcta.com/trip or call 570 243-3400.

22 | 2023 Guide to the Gap
209 209 80 2001 209 739 2001 209 206 Lake Lenape 611 DELAWARE WATER GAP PENNSYLVANIA NEW JERSEY D le a ware reviR Milford R o a d M i f o r d R o a d River Rd Old Mine Road Bushkill Fall s Road Pittman Orchard Freeman Tract Road Riverview Bushkill Kittatinny Point WORTHINGTON STATE FOREST Shawnee on Delaware Hialeah Smithfield Beach (Fee area) Turn Farm Owens Park Headquarters Bushkill Village Bushkill Access (Fee area) Egypt Mills Eshback Access Jerry Lees Pocono Environmental Education Center Dingmans Falls Visitor Center Schneider Farm Dingmans Campground 560 White Pines Conashaugh Milford Beach (Fee area) Park & Ride Lot River Rd & Broad St Dunfield River Runner Shuttle Stop Shuttle Flag Stop Joseph M. McDade Recreational Trail (biking and hiking) Joseph M. McDade Recreational Trail (hiking only) Hiker shuttle (to/from Appl Trl)
» Subject to change, please visit the park website or contact the park for updated information before visiting.


For Boaters:

• Riders are strongly encouraged to park at the Parkand-Ride in Delaware Water Gap for river trips that end at Kittatinny Point due to traffic congestion on summer weekends.

• Peak demand for canoe and kayak shuttle is northbound in the morning before 10 am. Consider using the northbound shuttle to transport to your starting location later in the day, or use the northbound shuttle to transport back to your parked vehicle at the end of your trip.

• Have your gear at the shuttle stop and ready to load at least ten minutes before departure to ensure on-time service.

• River Runner shuttle service is not available at Kittatinny Point after 8:50 am.

• The last northbound shuttle leaves Smithfield Beach at 3:20 pm. The last southbound shuttle leaves Milford Beach at 4:50 pm

For Bikers:

• Bike a longer one-way trip on the McDade Recreational Trail by using the shuttle.

• Northbound shuttle service can be crowded with boaters, particularly in the morning. Consider riding your bike north on the McDade Recreational Trail and using the southbound shuttle to return to your vehicle.

For Hikers:

• Hike a longer one-way trip on the McDade Recreational Trail by using the shuttle.

• Northbound shuttle service can be crowded with boaters, particularly in the morning. Consider hiking north on the McDade Recreational Trail and using the southbound shuttle to return to your vehicle.

For Swimmers:

• When spending the day at Smithfield Beach, use the shuttle to go to the McDade Trailhead at Hialeah for a 1.9-mile walk back to Smithfield Beach.

• When spending the day at Milford Beach, use the shuttle to go to the McDade Trailhead at Pittman Orchard for a 2.2-mile walk back to Milford Beach.

2023 Guide to the Gap | 23
Deer Leap Falls » Subject to change, please visit the park website or contact the park for updated information before visiting.


Constructed in the mid-1600s, Old Mine Road connected the Hudson River and Philadelphia to the Pahaquarry Mines and provided an important conduit for New Jersey farmers taking crops to area markets, making it one of the oldest commercial roads in the country. Today, Old Mine Road stitches together sections of several roads into the park’s main passage in New Jersey and still retains much of the flavor of 100 years ago, making it a popular driving and biking route.


The National Grange, founded in 1867, is an organization that advocates for rural America and agriculture. The local Montague Grange was founded in 1904 and this hall was built in 1906. The local group remains active and continues to use the building for meetings and community activities.


Owners of this home operated a ferry, sawmill, and gristmill. The house was used as a tavern and inn for river travelers and reflects the standard of living of a prosperous family in the early 19th century. The Montague Association for the Restoration of Community History (MARCH) operates this historic house museum for tours weekends and during special events.


The Minisink Church was the heart, both spiritually and geographically, of the four original Dutch Reformed congregations established in the Upper Delaware Valley in 1737. The present structure was built in 1899, and tombstones in the cemetery date to 1805. Though it remains small, the vibrant congregation is one of the oldest in the country.


Built around 1820, this house’s construction is attributed to George Nelden, who acquired the property in 1816. The Roberts Family was the last owners of the house, along with the farmstead located across US 206.


Built by Johannis Westbrook, this is the oldest house located in Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area, possibly predating 1730, and was lived in by nine generations of the family until the acquisition of the property by the federal government.


While nothing remains today, this was the site of Fort Namanock during the French and Indian War (1754-1763). Forts in this time and era were little more than sturdy houses with a wooden defensive fence surrounding them.


As with other historic homes along Old Mine Road, the landscape would have been quite different one hundred years ago – open fields, a clear view to the river, and several farm outbuildings. For 48 consecutive years, Alonzo Depue recorded temperature and precipitation readings for the U.S. Weather Service from a weather station near the road without missing a day.


In the late 19th century, this little stone building was the rear kitchen attached to a large farmhouse. Local tradition holds that the original structure was used as a French and Indian War fortification, known as Fort Carmer.


Peter Van Nest, a land surveyor, laid out the roads in the area and had them intersect outside of his home in 1867. Over the years, the hamlet’s name changed several times, including Hen’s Foot Corner and Bevans, before its current name of Peters Valley. Through a partnership with the National Park Service, Peters Valley School of Craft operates an active school of fine craft. Stop by the Craft Store and Gallery to browse artisan’s wares, learn about 209 workshop offerings, and find out more about the weekend self-guided tours of the village.


Like other villages along the Old Mine Road, the Kittatinny Ridge to the east and the highlands of New Jersey to the north isolated the hamlet of Walpack Center. Area farmers found what they needed at the village’s general store, post office, blacksmith shop, church, and school. By the early 20th century, however, automobiles and larger farms proved to be too much competition and the village began its decline. Today, the Walpack Historical Society operates a museum in the First Rosenkrans House on summer weekends.


While it is called an “inn,” it is more accurately a “yaugh house”—a rural residence in a remote area that was licensed under colonial law to provide food and shelter to travelers. During the French & Indian War (1754-1763), the Van Campen Inn “provided a safe haven

24 | 2023 Guide to the Gap

when settlers ed for protection from Indian attack” and in November 1763, 150 settlers sought shelter in the “stout walls” of the house. The Walpack Historical Society offers tours of the house on most Sundays during the summer.


Constructed in the early 1800s, numerous changes over the years enlarged this once small house. As the house expanded, it also changed uses, including serving as the Flatbrook Hotel hunting lodge, the Losey Boarding House, and Salamovka – a summer retreat for Russian emigrants.


In 1832, Abram Garis built a grist mill along the Van Campen Brook. The mill soon attracted other businesses and by 1875, Millbrook was a thriving farm village. By 1910, most businesses had closed their doors. Today, only a handful of original Millbrook buildings remain. Other buildings have been moved from other sites or are newly built to help depict village life in the valley during the late 19th and early 20th century. On summer weekends and during special events, several buildings are open, with park staff and Millbrook Village Society volunteers demonstrating folk ways of the 1800s.


In the 19th century, schools were located in places that would allow students to walk no more than four or five miles to attend. In 1881, the Calno School District counted 48 school-age youth, but only 30 were on the school’s register and the average daily attendance was only 15. The poorly paid teachers boarded with local families and seldom stayed more than a year or two. When this school was in operation, there was also a school in Millbrook Village, only five miles north.


The Coppermine Trail passes by the foundation of the Pahaquarry Copper Mine processing mill and mine shafts. Brief periods of mining attempted during the past three centuries were never successful, despite improved technology and mineral extraction methods. In 1925, this area became the Pahaquarry Boy Scout Camp and operated until 1971. It was just one of numerous scout and church camps that once existed within the park boundaries.

NOTE: Mine shafts are closed to protect critical bat habitat.

2023 Guide to the Gap | 25 6 209 615 560 560 739 6 209 206 209 80 602 94 209 611 2001 NPS 615 NPS 615 2001 Bushkill NEWJERSEYPENNSYLVANIA PA.N.J. Buttermilk Falls iR rev Delaware River Dle awa r e amred r k Flatbrookville Layton Hainesville Montague MILFORD WORTHINGTON STATE FOREST Pompey Ridge Road Turtle Beach (Fee area) Poxono Access Blue Mountain Lakes Crater Lake Watergate (Fee area) Park Headquarters Namanock Milford Beach (Fee area) O l d Mine Road O d M ni e R o a d O d M i n e R dao Jager Road Peters Valley O l d Mine Road Kittatinny Point DELAWARE WATER GAP Dingmans Falls Visitor Center Pahaquarry Calno School Millbrook Village Delaware View House Walpack Center Van Campen Inn BevansHellwig Kitchen Alonzo Depue House Westbrook Bell House Nelden-Roberts Stonehouse Minisink Dutch Reformed Church Foster-Armstrong House Montague Grange #140 Old Mine Road Alternate Route to avoid gravel road No rt h 0 0 5 Miles 5 Kilometers
Nelden-Roberts Stonehouse


Tourist attractions of all sorts once lined River Drive through the Delaware Water Gap. This route, now known as PA 611, passes by many former attractions—but other than the stone guardrail lining the road, little remains of that historic past. Still, the stunning beauty of the water gap makes this short 2-mile drive a must-do during your visit.


The best known part of Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area is the distinct notch in the Kittatinny Ridge known as the “water gap.” In order to enjoy the area’s beauty, visitors in the early 1820s rented rooms with local families. By 1832, a 25-guest hotel overlooking the Delaware River opened in Delaware Water Gap, and in 1860, the Kittatinny Hotel expanded to accommodate 250 guests.

The popularity of the area surrounding the water gap continued to grow, and additional hotels opened to meet the lodging needs of vacationers. Typically, vacationing families consisted of mothers and their children spending the entire summer in one of the hotels

By the early 1900s, many people had private automobiles. Magazines and newspapers extensively advertised various appealing destinations for city dwellers. At the same time, improved roads gave people a greater choice of holiday retreats. Weekend excursions began replacing summer- long holidays, and the traditional resort business of the Delaware Water Gap began to decline. The economic depression of the 1930s changed the nation’s way of life, and grand hotels could no longer compete with the new and popularly priced year-round weekend resorts in the nearby Pocono Mountains. A reclaimed the Kittatinny Hotel in 1931, and today, all that remains is the view from the location of this once grand hotel.


This overlook is in the heart of the Delaware Water Gap, between Mt. Minsi in Pennsylvania and Mt. Tammany in New Jersey. Just as it is a popular place for viewing today, this was also a popular stop for the Victorian vacationer. The Indian Head Lunch, a tourist attraction named for its view of the cliff with the same name across the river, offered meals and souvenirs, while the Myrtle William’s Gap Inn provided a place for picnicking and camping.


while the fathers joined them on the weekends. Visitors occupied themselves by hiking, swimming, fishing, dancing, playing tennis and golf, visiting amusement parks, shopping for souvenirs, and delighting in carriage, steamboat, and rowboat rides. According to the manager of the Kittatinny Hotel, “[p]erhaps the featuring asset of the Gap, aside from its beautiful gorge, through which shows the placid Delaware, is its health giving atmosphere, which permeates everywhere and which in itself has given the region much of its charm and popularity.”

Today, this overlook provides a wonderful view of the water gap and the trailhead for the Arrow Island Trail. In the early 1900s, however, this was a bustling tourist stop. Minsi Mountain Park encompassed about 200 acres, and a hotel with a few outlying cottages was located on the hill overlooking the river. Inventive owners marketed a nearby slate quarry as a romantic enticement called “the Grotto” and boasted of the clear waters found in the “Minsi Health Spring.” In the location of today’s parking area, the Bear Stop roadside attraction featured caged bears and deer for the tourists’ amusement.

26 | 2023 Guide to the Gap
Kittatinny House Hotel


Raymondskill Creek Trail, Pennsylvania GPS 41.290231


The loop trail that leads to the waterfall is only 0.3 mile, but is steep. The three tiers of Raymondskill Falls have a combined height of approximately 150 feet, making it one of the tallest waterfall in Pennsylvania. If the drops from each tier are added together, the waterfall is only a few feet shorter than Niagara Falls. The upper viewing area overlooks the upper pool and the narrow chute of the first drop. The lower viewing area provides an outstanding view and photo opportunity of the falls. A spur trail leads to the creek, but not to the bottom of the waterfall.

Things to Know:

• Pets are not permitted on the trail.

• Swimming and wading is not permitted in the creek and waterfalls.

• Stay on the designated trail.

• Restrooms are located at the parking lot.

• The parking lot at the trailhead fills quickly on summer weekends. To avoid the crowds, visit the area before 10:00 am or after 4:00 pm on weekends or visit on a weekday.

2023 Guide to the Gap | 27 WATERFALLS
Raymondskill Falls Courtesy of PMVB


Buttermilk Falls Trail, New Jersey GPS 41.137164 -74.888793

The waterfall is located at the trailhead for the Buttermilk Falls Trail, and, therefore, requires no hiking to view. The cascading Buttermilk Falls is considered the highest waterfall in New Jersey at approximately 200 feet. A set of stairs climbs to a viewing platform at the top. The trail continues a nearly 1.5-mile steep climb to join the Appalachian National Scenic Trail at the top of the ridge.

Things to Know:

• Swimming and wading are not permitted in the waterfall and the pools.

• Stay on the designated trail.

• The drive to the waterfall is via a rural gravel road. Driving Mountain Road from Walpack Center is the recommended route, since Mountain Road south of Buttermilk Falls is very rough.


Dingmans Creek Trail, Pennsylvania GPS 41.229294 -74.887212

An accessible boardwalk trail meanders 0.3 mile through a pristine hemlock ravine. Shortly after starting the trail, Silverthread Falls gracefully drops 80 feet in a thin ribbon of water through a narrow geometric chute. The boardwalk continues through dense rhododendron shrubs and ends at the base of Dingmans Falls, the second highest waterfall in Pennsylvania at 130 feet. A wide rock ledge provides the backdrop for this cascading waterfall. The final tenth of a mile is a staircase that leads to a birds-eye view from the top.

Things to Know:

• Pets are not permitted on the trail.

• Swimming and wading is not permitted in the creek and waterfalls.

• Fishing is not permitted between Dingmans Falls and the trailhead parking area between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm.

• Restrooms and the Dingmans Falls Visitor Center are located at the trailhead.

• The parking lot fills quickly on summer weekends. To avoid the crowds, visit the area before 10:00 am or after 4:00 pm on weekends or visit on a weekday.

» Subject to change, please visit the park website or contact the park for updated information before visiting.

28 | 2023 Guide to the Gap
Buttermilk Falls Dingmans Falls
2023 Guide to the Gap | 29
> Silverthread Falls, Dingmans Falls Boardwalk Trail

People of the Delaware River Valley

Human occupation in the Delaware River valley dates back over 12,000 years when small family bands moved across the landscape, hunting game, fishing the rivers and streams and gathering food from the forests and grasslands. About 8,000 years ago, groups began to travel less and relied on a variety of foods found locally, such as acorns, nuts, sh, deer and turkey. Families began farming about 2,000 years ago, leading to a more settled lifestyle.

The Lenape (len-AH-pay) or Delaware lived in an area they called “Lenapehoking,” which means “Land of the Lenape.” Lenapehoking included eastern Pennsylvania, all of New Jersey, southeastern New York, northern Delaware, and a small section of southeastern Connecticut. While some Lenape lived in large villages of about 200 people, most lived in groups of 50 to 75.

The arrival of Europeans in the mid-1500s meant drastic changes for the Lenape. European explorers traded iron axes, cloth, and copper kettles with the Lenape for valuable animal furs. In addition to the rich natural resources, Europeans also wanted land. Conflicts arose between the Lenape and European colonists over land ownership. Additionally, the introduction of diseases devastated the native population, who had no immunities. By the mid-1700s, warfare and diseases contributed to an estimated loss of 90% of the Lenape people. During the 1700s, most Lenape people either voluntarily moved or were forcibly moved west, eventually settling in Canada, Wisconsin, and Oklahoma. Today, most Lenape decedents still live in Canada, Wisconsin, and Oklahoma. Their arts and oral traditions reflect their culture, and they continue to stay connected to their ancestral homeland. The Lenape legacy remains, and their impact is honored through various place names in the park today.

30 | 2023 Guide to the Gap
Left: Painting depicting William Penn entering into 1683 peace treaty Right: Tish-Co-Han, Lenape Chief in the 1700s Woolen Mill
2023 Guide to the Gap | 31 Pond at park headquarters
JUNE/JULY 2023 POCONO LIVING MAGAZINE© 17 Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area is a National Park Service unit that includes 40 miles of the Middle Delaware River and more than 60,000 acres along the river's banks between Milford, PA, and Delaware Water Gap, PA. The park provides outdoor recreation opportunities while conserving the natural, cultural, and scenic resources of the recreation area. Produced by Pocono Mts. Publications, LLC In cooperation with the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area 2023 www.nps.gov/dewa | (570) 426-2452


National Pet Month and beyond

Being a pet parent involves much more than providing just their basic needs. To keep your pet happy, active and healthy, it's important to encourage them to play, while providing opportunities for safe exploration and fun bonding time with their family. Whatever kind of pet you have, there are steps you can take that will help them thrive.

This May for National Pet Month and beyond, here are tips to help you have fun with your furry family member.


Every animal has needs beyond shelter, food and water. Most cats need places to feel safe, like high perches or snug sanctuaries - plus opportunities to practice stalking and hunting (toy mice and wand toys). While all dogs need outdoor exercise and opportunities to bond with humans, their behaviors vary by breed. For example, dogs bred to herd sheep (collies, sheep dogs and shepherds) love to chase balls and flying discs, while terriers enjoy digging.

Take this month to research your pet's breed and ask your veterinarian about their behaviors to understand how they'll most enjoy playing. Because they're also individuals who may not conform to expected behaviors, observe your furry friend as you play and notice what they respond to most. Can you tell when they're engaged and excited? That can help you identify the best ways to play with them.


It's also crucial to understand your pet's life stage. Puppies and kittens have tons of energy and behaviors, like chewing on things, that they may outgrow as they get older. Mature animals have less energy and stamina, so ask your vet about the level of activity you should encourage.

Continue stimulating your pet through enrichment activities to help keep them active. Switching out toys occasionally can help adult animals stay curious and interested in play, keeping them healthier as they age

Located at Stroudsburg Cemetery on Dreher Avenue 570-420-9599www.CreeksidePet.net / 570-421-4501 Compassionate Care That Lasts Forever Creekside PET CREMATORY www.CreeksidePet.net


While you may associate playing with your pet as an outside activity, it's great to have a space set up for playing with your pet indoors, too. This should be an area where you won't have to worry about knocking things over, so make sure there's enough room to play and explore.

Try a basement room (ideally with windows for natural light), screened-in porch or sunroom outfitted with pet beds and their favorite toys.


Pets' play areas and their toys are often overlooked when employing a cleaning and disinfecting routine. Consider the type of surface and how often that surface is touched when determining when to clean and when to disinfect. If the space is high traffic, you'll want to clean more frequently or disinfect in addition to cleaning.

To clean and disinfect hard, non-porous surfaces, try FamilyGuard™ Brand Disinfectant Cleaner, which is expertly formulated for use in homes with children and pets. For disinfecting your pets' hard, non-porous toys and surfaces, choose the FamilyGuard™ Brand Disinfectant Spray which is designed for use on over 100 surfaces1, including where kids and pets play.


FamilyGuard™ Brand Disinfectant Cleaner and FamilyGuard™ Brand Disinfectant Spray are both formulated to kill 99.9% of germs2, when used as directed on hard, non-porous surfaces, by allowing to sit on clean surfaces for at least five minutes. Surfaces like plastic toys and other items your pet may lick or put in their mouth require the additional step of rinsing with drinkable water after disinfecting with FamilyGuard Brand™ products.


When getting a new pet, especially if they're young, pet-proof your home just as you would babyproof before the birth of a child. Look for potential hazards your pet could encounter by starting on the floor to see what they could get into. Are there cords waiting to be chewed? Choking hazards under tables? Work your way up, tucking cords away (or getting cord wraps) and removing anything that could harm a pet.

Then consider what houseplants could be toxic to your pet. Make sure to look up the plants you have in your home and remove or put any out of reach if they're toxic.

Follow these tips to help you have a happier pet who will love spending time playing with you and your family for many years to come.

1 See www.FamilyGuardUSA.com for full list of approved and prohibited surfaces.

2 Use as directed on hard, non-porous surfaces. See label for details.

POCONO LIVING MAGAZINE© 19 Pocono Mountains Airport - 188 Airport Drive, Tobyhanna, PA MoyerAviation.com 1-800-321-5890 Air Tours Charter Flights Flight Training Other Air Services Gift Certificates Available of the Poconos
Photo courtesy of BPT


Contemporary researchers sometimes encounter unsolved mysteries that were probably not at all confounding “back in the day”. A previous article in Pocono Living about DL&W’s presence in Monroe County ended in the area ‘railroad east’ of Cresco. It’s appropriate, then, to resume telling that story just west of Cresco where a couple of questions are centered. What is the relationship between “Golf Links Farm” and DL&W? And was “Paradise” just a geographic area or the location of a man-made station? Many appropriate archives have been checked but definite answers to those two head-scratchers have not been found.

company to the Interstate Commerce Commission in 1918? Was Golf Links Farm a privately-owned retreat, rented for exclusive use by DL&W executives and their guests? That’s the most believable, verbal report heard about Golf Links Farm. But additional tangible evidence – such as newspaper and courthouse records – about Golf Links Farm has not yet been found.

Golf Links Farm was known to have been on the hillside and creekbanks at the intersection of Rts. 940 and 390 in Paradise Township. Although at least a mile and a half from the nearest station, what was the connection to DL&W that caused Golf Links Farm to be detailed on a Valuation Map submitted by the

Another nearby mystery pertains to “Paradise” – mentioned on the oldest DL&W timetables. Was Paradise just a stopping place or was a stick-built depot located there? The Beers Atlas of 1875 lists seven DL&W “company houses” in an area which is practically undeveloped today – on the east side of Upper Devil’s Hole Road north of Rt. 940. Was one of those houses ever a station? According to the atlas, a “company house” was occupied by a Mutchler family. As verified by a search of tax records, Jon Mutchler (and C. Court) were employed at the time by DL&W as “track walkers”, which included being a tunnel watchman – looking for debris (or other dangers) noticed while walking along the tracks, then alerting any oncoming trains if appropriate. Did you know that from 1857 until 1902 there was a tunnel west of Rt. 940? – in what is now known as The Knob of Mt. Pocono. In 1902, the tunnel’s roof was blasted off resulting in a “cut” and in 1942 rerouting favored a more gradual curve.

“It’s appropriate, then, to resume telling that story just west of Cresco where a couple of questions are centered.”
> Knitter’s Crossing (5.25.1915), now known as Devil’s Hole Road Crossing
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> Old maps refer to “Paradise.” Was there a depot there or just a ‘flag stop?’ > West Portal, Paradise Tunnel > Devil’s Hole Creek, August 1955. DL&W’s most timeconsuming repair site following disastrous flooding > Looking west, Smith’s Crossing. Private driveways are now barricaded.

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Devil’s Hole is between Cresco and Paradise. Why the name? One guess suggests that after building the railroad, a few laborers gathered to celebrate and to tell ‘war stories’. There were many responses to the question, “Which section was the most difficult to complete?” A worker pointed out that there was a deep gorge east of Paradise that was a devil of a hole to fill. An additional fact about Devil’s Hole Curve is that it was DL&W’s most time-consuming repair site following 1955 flooding, which caused millions of dollars’ worth of damage to the company in the Poconos. Before being known as Devil’s Hole Road crossing, DL&W’s staff photographer, Watson Bunnell, documented the site as Knitter’s Crossing.

Not far west, the railroad currently overpasses Rt. 940. Before the 1930s, the highway was at track level and was known as Smith’s Crossing. Barricades are there now – where Upper and Lower Phoebe Snow Roads formerly accommodated through traffic. A DL&W structure at the east end of Devil’s Hole Curve was Paradise Tank, built in 1904. It was 23’ in diameter,

> Mount Pocono Station, 1905

16’ deep and held more than 50,000 gallons of water, which gravity helped bring from Tank Creek nearly ½-mile away because the closer Devil’s Hole Creek was at the bottom of a 100’ embankment – too much verticality for pumps of the time to contend with.

The next town (and station) west along DL&W’s route in Monroe County is Mt. Pocono, part of Coolbaugh Township until becoming a borough in 1927. Before 1886, DL&W’s timetables referred to the area as “The Forks”. DL&W’s penchant for glamor in its turn-of-the-20th-century improvements was reflected in its ornate Mt. Pocono depot, moved intact on rollers a few hundred feet southeast in 1937 when a short stretch of track was rerouted to eliminate a dangerous-for-southbounders grade crossing after a curve onto Fork St. A fire destroyed the station in 1965. The number of tracks increased from two to three at Mt. Pocono and westward toward Pocono Summit.

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In 1911, the wooden station in Pocono Summit was replaced by a concrete structure which still stands, although now in considerable disrepair. The space closer to the tracks where the old station was, became lavishly landscaped. In the Pocono Summit area were four lakes that DL&W had tracks to, providing much freight and employment in the ice-harvesting industry. Other railroad structures west of Summit Lake included a wooden switch tower, a 60’ metal water tower like is in East Stoudsburg, three water cranes, two company houses and a wye, which is a track configuration that, in lieu of a turntable, allows an engine and tender to be redirected 180°.

Less than five miles west was even more DL&W development in Tobyhanna: Not only was there a station; a concrete switch tower, a wooden water tower, three water cranes, a wye and a grade crossing; but Tobyhanna was also the site of nine company houses, a car repair building, an underpass and a 1,280’-long spur – which became two tracks-wide in its final 390’ – serving the “Artillery Camp” during World War I. Also, evidence of the

> Switch Tower & Station in Tobyhanna

importance of the ice industry in the Poconos were huge wooden (Dare I say it?) “warehouses” at Millpond #1, Tobyhanna Lake and Warnertown Lake.

Five miles west of Tobyhanna is another DL&W station: Gouldsboro, the premiere ice harvesting town in the Poconos, featuring a 714-car capacity yard with concrete switch tower and various railroad-related buildings.

So that leaves the door open for future articles in Pocono Living about the railroads’ importance to the ice industry in the Poconos, as well as the 1955 flood’s effect on DL&W, and more.

Kim Williams is a lifelong resident of Monroe County, an amateur photographer and president of a local historical group. “The Flood” and the County’s railroad history are of particular interest to him. Kim’s two daughters — a doctor & a teacher — are sources of pride.

JUNE/JULY 2023 POCONO LIVING MAGAZINE© 25 Rudy’s Your Neighborhood Tavern Established in 1933 90 Washington Street, East Stroudsburg, PA 18301 570-424-1131 (570) 476-0211 • www.thewillowtreeinn.net 601 Ann Street, Stroudsburg, PA Willowtree Inn Serving fine food & spirits in an elegant setting

PACKING FOR CAMP: What You Need for All Types of Camps

The first time my kids went to camp, I helped them pack the perfect bag. It had clothes picked for each day, backup outfits, every hygiene item possible, and even treats to share in the cabin. I had no idea that less than 25% of what I sent would be used. Extra socks? No thanks.

Pajamas? I’ll sleep in my clothes.

Mouthwash? Well, it is easier than brushing my teeth, but I’ll get gum at the camp store instead.


• Backpack (with name written on it)

• Water bottle (with name written on it)

• Lunch or lunch money (if packing money, put it in a resealable bag with the child’s name)

• Sunscreen (in a resealable bag to prevent messes)

• Hat or sunglasses


• Towel (with name written on it)

• Change of clothes

• Bathing suit

• Sneakers & socks

1-2 OVERNIGHTS – These camps can be the trickiest to pack for because you want your child to be prepared but it’s a short amount of time. Some of what you pack will depend on the type of camp and the sleeping arrangements. For the most part, your child will need the basics to have fun and that’s it!

As crushing as it was to see my perfect packing assistance rendered useless, I discovered what things I’m packing for them and what things I’m packing for me as the mom. Things that make me feel like they’ll be cared for the way they would if I was there.

Each camp situation (and each kid) is different, but here are some tips for what to pack for your child as they head to camp. And yes, some of the items I can’t help but suggest because I’m the mom:

DAY CAMP – Things here are pretty simple. Usually, a regularsize backpack with key things to make the day run smoothly is all they need. Be sure to check any suggestions or requirements from the camp so your camper is prepared for whatever the day holds. For example, some camps don’t have swimming, but one day might be a water day, so they will need things for wet and wild fun. Other days might have a field trip where they’ll need some spending money or sneakers. The key is to pay attention to what the camp asks for and keep things simple.


• Large backpack or duffel bag (with name written on it)

• Sleeping bag

• Toothbrush

• 1-3 changes of clothes

• Flashlight

• Pillow

• Deodorant

• Pajamas

• Jacket/Heavy sweatshirt

• Sunscreen (in a resealable bag to prevent messes)


• Extra blanket

• Towel (with name written on it)

• Spending money

• Bug spray

• Masks

• Soap (if showering)

• Bathing suit

• Camera

• Hand sanitizer

• Wet-wipes

1 WEEK OR MORE – Longer overnight camp experiences require more staples, however, there is a chance some will go unused. It is not uncommon for kids to think a swim in the lake replaces showering. Consider what your child will actually use based on

“Some of what you pack will depend on the type of camp and the sleeping arrangements.”

his or her habits. Also, find out what is available for purchase at the camp. You may not need to send three sets of batteries if they sell them in the camp store. The key is figuring out needs without going overboard.


• Duffel bag or suitcase (with name written on it)

• Backpack (with name written on it)

• Sleeping bag and/or sheets and blanket

• 5-10 changes of clothes (depending on length, individual needs, and laundry facilities)

• 4-8 pairs of pajamas (depending on length, individual needs, and laundry facilities)

• Socks (double the number of days at camp)

• Underwear/bras (double the number of days at camp)

• Sunscreen (in a resealable bag to prevent messes)

• Pillow

• Deodorant

• Flip flops

• Reusable water bottle

• 1-3 Towels (with name written on it)

• 2-3 Bathing suits

• Dirty clothes bag

• Hand sanitizer

• Wet-wipes

• Hair elastics/scrunchies


• Camera

• Electronics (only as permitted)

• Spare glasses or contacts

• Goggles

• Toothbrush

• Jacket/Heavy sweatshirt

• Flashlight and/or headlamp

• Spending money

• Soap

• Extra blanket

• Bug spray

• Masks

• Hat/Sunglasses

• Retainer and case

• Small activities or books

• Laundry Money

• Rain poncho/raincoat

• Bunk décor (lights, signs, posters, pictures)

While these lists are not exhaustive (there is always more you can pack) you want to keep things simple and easy to transport.


Don’t pack anything too special: One lesson too many parents have learned the hard way is that camp has a way of making things disappear. The chances of things getting lost at camp are high.

When in doubt – label: Writing your child’s name on items with a permanent marker is always a good idea. Let it go: It will always feel like there was more you could have packed. Relax and remember that simple is best!

Rebecca is a former teacher and mom of three who is passionate about authenticity, faith, and family. Her books are available on Amazon and she has been featured on sites such as The Washington Post and Parents. In real life, she can often be found typing words, driving her kids places, or wherever there is chocolate.

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of The Nature Conservancy

Standing out in vivid contrast to the surrounding Pocono Mountains landscape, Tannersville Cranberry Bog provides a snapshot of colder times. Thousands of years ago, a large glacial lake occupied the space of what has since become a thick soup of peat moss.

Today, while the ice and lake have long receded, the unique bog ecosystem that remains serves as the southernmost low elevation boreal bog along the eastern seaboard. It represents an intricate transformation that took place over the millennia and would be impossible to replace if destroyed.


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Affectionately known as “The Cranberry” to nearby residents, Tannersville Cranberry Bog has become ingrained in the local community and culture, inspiring wonder among the students, educators, scientists, nature lovers and photographers who visit each year. Of special interest are some of North America’s most beautiful native orchids, including rose pogonia and the stateendangered heart-leaved twayblade.

As the Tannersville Cranberry Bog is one of its first nature preserves, The Nature Conservancy continues to engage the surrounding community in conserving this geological remnant of a long-ago ice age. In return for this careful stewardship, the bog soaks up rain and runoff like a giant sponge – cleansing water and controlling pollution throughout the Pocono Creek

“Thousands of years ago, a large glacial lake occupied the space of what has since become a thick soup of peat moss.”

watershed. In 2006, a former elementary school teacher bequeathed 11 acres to the Conservancy in order to expand the preserve she once shared with her students. The Conservancy later acquired 67 more acres from her estate – property that would have otherwise been developed to support more than 20 new homes.


Residential development, water pollution and groundwater depletion.


Managing the preserve with assistance from volunteers and partners. Providing educational opportunities for the local community. Acquiring land and conservation easements.


Creation of a floating boardwalk during the 1980's that provides accessibility without damage to the bog. Acquisition of 78 acres in 2006 to expand the preserve to 900 acres, including 300 acres purchased in partnership with Pocono Township.


Kettle Creek Environmental Education Center, Pocono Township, the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, and a local volunteer stewardship committee.


The Nature Conservancy

P.O. Box 55 Long Pond Road, Long Pond, Pennsylvania 18334

Kettle Creek Environmental Education Center

8050 Running Valley Road,Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania 18360

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YouMayAlsoEnjoy Pocono Family Magazine Next Issue of Pocono Living Magazine Available at Local Businesses & by Subscription Pocono Magazines, LLC 1929 North Fifth Street, Stroudsburg, PA 18360 570-424-1000 • pmags@ptd.net Photo courtesy of Pixabay Barrett Paradise Friendly Library Cresco, PA 570-595-7171 www.barrettlibrary.org Clymer Library Pocono Pines, PA 570-646-0826 www.clymerlibrary.org Pocono Mountain Public Library Tobyhanna, PA 570-894-8860 www.poconomountpl.org Western Pocono Community Library Brodheadsville, PA 570-992-7934 www.wpcl.lib.pa.us Eastern Monroe Public Library Branches Hughes Library (main branch) Stroudsburg, PA 570-421-0800 www.monroepl.org Pocono Township Branch Tannersville, PA 570-629-5858 Smithfield Branch Marshalls Creek, PA 570-223-1881 Bookmobile 570-421-0880 x49 30 POCONO LIVING MAGAZINE © JUNE/JULY 2023

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Silvia Buceta, Stroke survivor

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