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PCD Awards

PCD Awards

BLANXART. Este nuevo box de presentación es la respuesta de Bulldog Studio al briefing de Blanxart: trasladar el sabor y valor de su clásica tableta de chocolate artesanal al formato de bombón de chocolate negro. Para el diseño del packaging querían dar valor a la procedencia del cacao, con un naming muy directo, concreto, fácil de entender en varios idiomas y que le ofreciera valor: Origins. Las ilustraciones realizadas por Jordi Forcada, trabajadas directamente con plumilla de carácter artesanal, le dieron un aire de grabado clásico. Se escogieron materiales reciclados y se aplicaron stampings cobres para resaltar el naming y la calidad del producto. BLANXART. This new presentation box is Bulldog Studio's response to Blanxart's briefing: transferring the flavor and value of its classic artisanal chocolate bar to the dark chocolate bonbon format. For the design of the packaging they wanted to give value to the origin of the cocoa, with a very direct, concrete naming, easy to understand in several languages and that offered value: Origins. The illustrations made by Jordi Forcada, worked directly with an artisan nib, gave it an air of classic engraving. Recycled materials were chosen and copper stampings were applied to highlight the naming and quality of the product.


BLANXART Packaging & naming https://bulldogstudio.es/ >DE INSPIRACIÓN «MARCIANA» "MARTIAN" INSPIRATION >BOMBONES DE CALIDAD ARTESANAL ARTISAN QUALITY CHOCOLATES LOS VERDES Packaging & naming https://bulldogstudio.es/


LOS VERDES. Desde Bulldog Studio han creado el naming y packaging para el vino Los Verdes de la marca WineShack, con Denominación de Origen Rueda. Con el naming de Los Verdes han querido contar una historia que enlaza el nombre del producto con su varietal, verdejo. Al tratarse de un vino joven y divertido han generado un storytelling de clara inspiración «marciana» y las clásicas películas de los 60 – 70 en donde los hombrecillos verdes vienen a nuestro planeta para llevarse este vino. Gráficamente llama la atención el halo de luz verde turquesa que sale del ovni y que contrasta con el fondo azul oscuro de la etiqueta que nos recuerda al cielo de noche, todo acompañado de un fondo de estrellas creadas con un stamping oro que le da brillo y profundidad al conjunto. LOS VERDES. From Bulldog Studio they have created the naming and packaging for the Los Verdes wine of the WineShack brand, with Denomination of Origin Rueda. With the naming of Los Verdes they wanted to tell a story that links the name of the product with its varietal, Verdejo. Being a young and fun wine, they have generated a storytelling of clear "Martian" inspiration and the classic films of the 60s - 70s where the little green men come to our planet to take this wine. Graphically, the halo of turquoise green light that comes out of the UFO draws attention and contrasts with the dark blue background of the label that reminds us of the night sky, all accompanied by a background of stars created with a gold stamping that gives it shine and depth to the whole.

NEWELL. Para esta gama de eliminación de piojos y antimosquitos, el reto fue crear una marca con un naming potente (Newell) y un código gráfico único, además de proponer un packaging que comunicara la apuesta por unos ingredientes y materiales respetuosos con el medio ambiente, sin dejar de lado la eficacia. La solución tipográfica es sobria, aunque con entidad por sí sola, una mancha en la caja alta y color verde-azulón con bordes redondeados. Aspectos que detonan cercanía y confianza, añadiendo un sutil guiño gráfico que apela a la naturalidad en un punto central de la composición. El packaging es una solución natural, ordenada y colorista, en combinación con dos patterns distintos de fondo, según la gama. Se ha utilizado material kraft reciclado como base. NEWELL. For this range of lice and mosquito elimination, the challenge was to create a brand with a powerful naming (Newell) and a unique graphic code, in addition to proposing a packaging that communicates the commitment to environmentally friendly ingredients and materials, without put aside effectiveness. The typographic solution is sober, although with an entity on its own, a stain on the upper case and a blue-green color with rounded edges. Aspects that detonate closeness and trust, adding a subtle graphic wink that appeals to naturalness at a central point in the composition. Packaging is a natural, orderly and colorful solution, in combination with two different background patterns, depending on the range. Recycled kraft material has been used as the base.




DUVEL. La evolución del diseño del envase para la cerveza belga Duvel fue un proceso que tardó mucho en hacerse. Sobre la base del trabajo establecido por primera vez a través de los diseños de botellas y etiquetas, esta identidad de marca icónica necesitaba respirar calidad y modernidad al tiempo que fortalecía sus activos clave. Con un gran enfoque en el ADN de color de la marca, rojo intenso, blanco limpio y refinamiento dorado, Quatre Mains redujo la identidad a lo esencial. Se puso un énfasis estratégico en la icónica «D» de Duvel, diseñada para un reconocimiento de marca inconfundible. Este poderoso motivo también se utilizó para ayudar a diferenciar los nuevos productos de Duvel y aportar esa diversidad pero también una fuerte unidad al diseño. DUVEL. The packaging design evolution for the Belgian beer Duvel was a process long in the making. Building on the work first established through the bottle and label designs, this iconic brand identity needed to breathe quality and modernity whilst strengthening the brands key assets. With a keen focus on the brand colour DNA of bold red, clean white and gold refinement, Quatre Mains stripped down the identity to its bare essentials. A strategic emphasis was put on Duvel’s iconic ‘D’ that was engineered to provide unmistakable brand recognition. This powerful device was also put to work to help differentiate the new players to the Duvel product portfolio and bring that diversity but strong unity to the design.



Organic Food Iberia Madrid, Spain 8-9 September 2021 www.organicfoodiberia.com Digicom Madrid, Spain 14-16 September 2021 www.ifema.es/digicom Promogift Madrid, Spain 14-16 September 2021 www.ifema.es/promogift Equiplast Barcelona, Spain 14-17 September 2021 www.equiplast.com Bisutex Madrid, Spain 16-19 September 2021 www.ifema.es/bisutex MakeUp in New York New York, USA 22-23 September 2021 https://makeup-in-newyork.com Cosmetic Business Poland

Warsaw, Poland 22-23 September 2021 http://pl.cosmetic-business.com Luxe Pack Monaco Monaco 27-29 September 2021 www.luxepackmonaco.com


Fruit Attraction Madrid, Spain 5-7 October 2021 www.ifema.es/fruit-attraction Plastics are future Valencia, Spain 6-7 October 2021 www.plasticsarefuture.com CPhI Korea Seoul, Korea 11-13 October 2021 www.cphi.com/korea FESPA-European Sign Expo 2021 Amsterdam, The Netherlands 12-15 October 2021 www.fespa.com Pharmapack Paris, France 13-14 October 2021 www.pharmapackeurope.com Salón Gourmets Madrid, Spain 18-21 October 2021 www.gourmets.net/salon-gourmets SPaper Zaragoza, Spain 19-21 October 2021 www.feriazaragoza.es/spaper-2021 Cosmetorium Barcelona, Spain 20-21 October 2021 www.cosmetorium.es Cosmetic Business Munich, Germany 20-21 October 2021 www.cosmetic-business.com/tradefair Eurasia Packaging Istanbul, Turkey 20-23 October 2021 http://packagingfair.com Make Up in Paris Paris, France 20-21 October 2021 https://makeup-in-paris.com Luxe Pack New York New York, USA 27-28 October 2021 www.luxepacknewyork.com


Sustainaibility in Packaging Europe Barcelona, Spain 2-4 November 2021 www.sustainability-in-packaging.com E-Pack US Chicago, USA 3-4 November 2021 www.ecommercepacksummit.com/us CPhl Worldwide Milan, Italy 9-11 November 2021 www.cphi.com/europe Andina Pack Bogotá, Colombia 9-12 November 2021 https://andinapack.com Les Places d’Or Paris, France 16-18 November 2021 www.lesplacesdor.com MetalMadrid & Composites Spain Madrid, Spain 17-18 November 2021 www.metalmadrid.com/es Free from Plastic Packaging Amsterdam, The Netherlands 23-24 November 2021 www.freefromexpopackaging.com Empack & Logistics & Automation Madrid, Spain 24-25 November 2021 www.empackmadrid.com/es www.logisticsmadrid.com/es


Packaging Innovations London & Luxury Packaging London, UK 1-2 December 2021 www.packaging-london.com VS Pack Cognac, France 7-9 December 2021 www.vspack.com Labelexpo Asia Shanghai, China 7-10 December 2021 www.labelexpo-asia.com Digital Print for Packaging Europe Amsterdam, The Netherlands 8-9 December 2021 www.printfutures.com/europe Luxe Pack Los Angeles Los Angeles, USA 9-10 December 2021 www.luxepacklosangeles.com MakeUp in Los Angeles Los Angeles, USA 9-10 December 2021 https://makeup-in-losangeles.com CPhI China Shanghai, China 16-18 December 2021 www.cphi.com/china


C! Print Madrid, Spain 18-20 January 2022 https://salon-cprint.es ADF&PCD&PLD Paris, France 19-20 January 2022 www.adfpcdparis.com Prosweets Cologne, Germany 30 January-2 February 2022 www.prosweets.com Barcelona Wine Week Barcelona, Spain 7-9 February 2022 www.barcelonawineweek.com Cosmopack Bologna, Italy 10-13 March 2022 www.cosmoprof.com/en/the-fair/cosmopack Ice Europe Munich, Germany 15-17 March 2022 www.ice-x.com/europe/2021 Prowein Düsseldorf, Germany 27-29 March 2022 www.prowein.com Beviale Moscow Moscow, Russia 29-31 March 2022 https://english.beviale-moscow.com Alimentaria Barcelona, Spain 4-7 April 2022 www.alimentaria.com Pack & Spirits Reims, France 6-7 April 2022 www.packandspirit.com Empack & Logistics & Automation Bilbao Bilbao, Spain 26-27 April 2022 www.logisticsmadrid.com/es/empack-ylogistics-automation-bilbao Anuga Food Tec Cologne, Germany 26-29 April 2022 www.anugafoodtec.com Labelexpo Europe Brussels, Belgium 26-29 April 2022 www.labelexpo-europe.com/labelexpo-europe Print4All Milan, Italy 3-6 May 2022 www.print4all.it Pharmintech Milan, Italy 3-6 May 2022 www.pharmintech.it Graphispag Barcelona, Spain 10-13 May 2022 www.graphispag.com PCD Milan Milan, Italy 24-26 May 2022 www.pcdmilan.com Packaging Première Milan, Italy 24-26 May 2022 www.packagingpremiere.it Hispack Barcelona, Spain 24-27 May 2022 www.hispack.com Empack and Logistics & Automation Porto Porto, Portugal 26-27 May 2022 www.empackporto.com Expo Pack Mexico City, Mexico 14-17 June 2022 www.expopackmexico.com.mx Drinktec München, Germany 12-16 September 2022 www.drinktec.com ECMA Congress Krakow, Poland 15-16 September 2022 www.ecma.org/events-and-promotion/annualcongress 32 IFSCC Congress London, UK 19-22 September 2022 www.ifscc2022.com X Congreso Aspack Lisboa, Portugal 20-23 October 2022 www.aspack.es BrauBeviale Nuremberg, Germany 8-10 November 2022 www.braubeviale.de Labelexpo India Delhi NCR, India 9-12 November 2022 www.labelexpo-india.com All4Pack Paris, France 21-24 November 2022 www.all4pack.fr


Enomaq, Oleomaq, E-Beer, Tecnovid, Oleotec Zaragoza, Spain 21-24 February 2023 www.feriazaragoza.es/enomaq-2023 Met Pack Essen, Germany 2-6 May 2023 www.metpack.de/market-leader Interpack Düsseldorf, Germany 4-10 May 2023 www.interpack.com Expo Pack Guadalajara, Mexico 13-15 June 2023 www.expopack.com.mx 33 IFSCC Congress Barcelona, Spain 4-7 September 2023 www.ifscc2023.com Alimentaria Foodtech Barcelona, Spain 26-29 September 2023 www.alimentariafoodtech.com


Drupa Düsseldorf, Germany 28 May-7June 2024 www.drupa.com

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