Face Your Negative

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by Anastasia Podolskaya, Donn Angel Perez, Tobey Toney

6 installations representing NEGATIVE EMOTIONS proposed for Burning Man 2014 by Anastasia Podolskaya, Donn Angel Perez & Tobey Toney


3..................................................................................................hate 5...................................................................................................fear 7.............................................................................................self-pity 9.......................................................................................resentment 11..........................................................................................rejection 13..............................................................................................greed 15........................................................estimated cost of construction

“I have decided to stick to love...Hate is too great a burden to bear.” Martin Luther King Jr.


Definition: Emotion of the Intense dislike, extreme aversion or hostility. Color: RED

Hate is one of the most destructive and strong negative emotions which erodes a person from the inside giving strong waves of anger, despise or repulsion. It is the most destructive and self-ruining feeling, and therefore, we propose it as the biggest out of 6 “NEGATIVE EMOTIONS.” Method, Materiality and Construction: Wood sticks and medium wood lumber forming an structure in the form of an intimidating crashing wave. The stick wood formation will be pre-fabricated, pre-arranged and ready to be installed on the site into the clouds. - Proposed dimensions: 12’ in height / 18’+- in length / 10’ wide - Materials: Medium and thin lumber (studs), wood sticks 1x1, 3x3, etc., rope, paint


In the sequence of negative emotion installations, Hate will be presented in one “family” with Resentment, sharing the same elements of construction, however carrying a different scale and being more expressive. The spot “TO FACE YOUR HATE” will be designated at the point where the wave will be directed right into the standing figure, destroying and overwhelming at the same time. The entire construct will begin with a base made of heavier lumber base allowing the following directional and lighter lumber linger in a curvilinear manner towards the “Hate POINT” and the end. A secondary set of counter-diagonal wood studs will provide attachment for ropes (to be disguised throughout the wood mash installation) with the purpose to provide “tension” strength and support to the weight of the overcoming extension of the piece. The hate point will be painter in deep read and will culminate in a sharp pointy element. The overall form and expression of this installation is to depict a one moment of intense detestation. The form, intensity of wood sticks usage and coloration must intensify the reaction and response of the visitor at the moment of standing in front of it: The Hate Point. The user will stand on a rust colored mud circle to create a sense of utter discomfort. Intensity of wood/mesh construction is necessary therefore to support wood base must be strong and properly expanded and anchored on the grounds for security.

“The only thing we have to fear is the fear itself." Franklin D. Roosevelt


Definition: A distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, evil, pain, etc., whether the threat is real or imagined; the feeling or condition of being anxious, horrified, panicked, afraid. Color: BLUE (Dark to medium hue (40%) Fear is designed as an interactive experience where the emotion will be achieved by several elements, and triggered by the quality and materiality of the space. The entrance to a small labyrinth is able to take only one person at a time. On the first wall there will be a sign: “TO FACE YOUR FEAR” The first corridor of the labyrinth will be populated with the series of dark black curtains and ribbons hanging from the ceiling to the floor. In this stage the visitor will be able to feel textures and go through the dark jungles without knowing what to expect next, however knowing the overall purpose of the experience is to "FACE THE FEAR". These curtains along with well-sealed walls and ceiling will create a complete darkness inside of the structure. Next in the middle of the installation the quality of the floor will change- small slope of the floor will be developed through the first stage. From the hard-wood floor the visitor will step on the stretched trampoline which will create the sense of instability and uncertainty. And the last exiting corridor will have holes in the walls with red filters. Once the visitor reaches the last point red eyes will glare on him through the darkness. Besides, slinky and jelly toys will be hanging from the ceiling touching skin like insects. The structure of the labyrinth will be purposely built on the outside, the walls and floors will be covered with the stretched material, to protect the visitor and avoid any possible injuries in the installation. However, it has to be a great courage to step into the unknown dark place knowing that somewhere there your fear awaits.


Method Materiality and Construction: Thin ropes for the outside web. Black and neon paint. 4’x8’ ply wood, 2x4 lumber and utility black speaker cloth. Nails and glue for the structure.

self-pit� “The only time we waste is the time we spend thinking we are alone.” Mitch Albom

Definition: A self-indulgent/destructive attitude concerning one's own difficulties, hardships, sorrow, judgment, criticism, etc. Color: GREY (Back to light grey (30% hues) Self-Pity is presented as a structure roughly pierced by spears of lumber made to represent the action of being attacked by the outside world and severly damaged on the exterior of the facade, which represents skin (self-confidence and esteem) destruction. From the first glance it seems that the interior naturally reacts to this, however, inside the space is filled with light glowing through the cracks, lumber does not reach it and light ribbons of organza gently envelop the visitor. The ceiling is also covered by the layers of organza and allows ambient light going through the material. The contrast between representation (exterior) and reality (interior) is purposefully highlighted. The reaction and experience will be enforced by the appreciation of what you see and that is not what it appears to be. The person who experience self-pity usually sure that he/she is not in the worst spot, and mostly use this feeling to drive attention of the others. This emotion is very egoistic and nurturing ones own ego.


Method Materiality and Construction: 4’x8’ ply wood, routed cracks, lumber and organza. Ideally no glue or nails used. Interlocking connections and ropes.


“Let today be the day you stop being haunted by the ghost of yesterday. Holding a grudge & harboring anger/resentment is poison to the soul. Get even with people...but not those who have hurt us, forget them, instead get even with those who have helped us.” Steve Maraboli

Definition: Feelings of indignant displeasure or persistent ill will at something regarded as a wrong, insult or injury Color: PURPLE Resentment is the cancer of the soul. It’s the fire that ignites Hate with a main purpose to erode Hope and feelings of Reconciliation and Trust. Resentment is the precursor and perhaps the parallel emotion of hating someone and it might as well be part of the same cloud of despair that Hate represents - Like a never ending circulating could of a powerful storm, inflamed by lighting and thunders of anger. This installation surrounds you and captures you into the burning winds of Hate. Stay inside of it and experience the outer and urgent need of leaving this feeling to the death of fire and the ashes of unwanted memories and destructive thought. This cloud will be heavy to the eyes and touch. The wood cloud will be stain with cheap wine and purple colorations. Resentment will be displayed in the form of a heavy and thick curvilinear mesh. The shape of a person inside will be semi apparent.


Method Materiality and Construction: Thin and flexible elongated woof trims will be attached to each other forming rope like wood strings bundled to display the appearance of a circulating wood installation. These thin wood-ropes will de attached to a structural wood column core that on its own will be a small platform to stand on reachable by wood steps reading a center location surrounded by the cloud like environment. An expanded base (ground roots (1x4/6/8/ studs) and vertical base (5’ dis. made of 2x4s) will begging the small tower like wood core. This construct will be of 5’ rounded diameter to be able to provide a internal space for a small platform with woof steps. Additional 2x4s will continue vertically to a height of about 12’ at its heights made just by few (6-8) 2x4’s to achieve a sense of “presence”. The ends will be trim and form to display poignant expressions and will be paint in red - the same hue of the hate installation and design appearance. The wood “cloud” will be a circulating string of thin wood rope-like elements ( 3”+- dia. max) being attached systematically and in critical mesh (mass) to secondary tree like beaches that ultimately will for the wood cloud. - Proposed dimensions: 12’ in height / 18’+- in length / 10’ wide - Materials: Medium and thin lumber (studs), wood sticks 1x1, 3x3, etc., rope, paint.


“A rejection is nothing more than a necessary step in the pursuit of success." Bo Bennett

Definition: An interpersonal situation that occurs when a person or group of people exclude an individual from a social relationship. Rejection by an entire group of people can have especially negative effects, particularly when it results in social isolation. Color: Black, Brown, Wood, Blue colorations, OCHRE/RUST/RED colors. Rejection is the most colorful of all the negative emotions because it has so many faces. Rejection can be a bitter feeling inside which hurts Ego, or a painful necessity to turn someone down, or even deeper process within oneself. Rejection is a natural process in everyone's life. How many times you've been rejected? How many more you can take it? In this sequence of “NEGATIVE EMOTIONS” rejection will be presented as a triangle of 3 doors left in the middle of the desert, standing back to back and supporting each other. Each door symbolizes a possibility, but all of them will be closed. Rotating handles, bright colors, peepholes on all three doors, small mailbox, special attributes to all the doors will create a curiosity to get inside, however from all three sides the users will be rejected. The mailbox will return back letters; inside of peepholes will be blur, red cross and simple "NO"; near one of the doors there will be a box with spray paint to write a message on the doors, but there will be no paint in the cans. During the burn though, all the doors will be open and inside of the installation and only for one time paintings of rejection will be shown to public.


Method Materiality and Construction: 4’x8’ ply wood, 2x4 lumber, 3 ideally recycled doors and Paint. Recycled mailbox, peepholes and all the necessary accessories Nails and glue for the structure.

“For greed all nature is too little." Lucius Annaeus Seneca


Definition: intense and selfish desire for something, especially wealth, power, or food. Color: GREEN Greed is a layered and leveled emotion. There is always more to get, and there will be always more greed to feed a new anxiety, a new materialistic goal. Greed comes in steps, and every step higher takes a person further from the reality, true happiness and freedom. We want to show Greed as a piles of thin-cut lumber, which will cover the leveled structure and allow visitors to climb on these piles of greed. The edges of the lumber will be covered with green paint, reminding of piles of dollar bills. Greed is money. Greed is success to get to the top. Every level the will be a new encouraging note: KEEP GOING, THERE IS MORE... AND MORE. Once a person will reach the top there will be the last small note left: "And it will all burn on .... [date]." Around the edges of the whole installation there will be a single phrase written on the tape: "It's not yet too late to jump" but is there anyone who will want to jump before getting to the top? Method Materiality and Construction: 2x4 lumber, green paint for edges. 4x8 ply-wood, ropes. Nails and glue for the structure. Tape. Designed 3 leveled lumber structure covered with the sheets of 4x8 ply-wood, so people will be able to step on it safely. Think-cut pieces of lumber will be glued together as a small blocks and tight with ropes. These block will be painting green on the sides and used to cover the outside of the hollow structure.


estimated cost Current cost includes only construction materials. Delivery is not included into the calculation. Labor and all the necessary tools will be provided by the design group and do not require additional investments. If the project approved, Kickstarter campaign will be launched to raise funds for additional spendings and delivery to the site.


of const��ction Material 2 in. x 4 in. x 16 ft. Premium Standard & Better Douglas Fir Lumber 1 in. x 2 in. x 8 ft. Furring Strip Board 18mm, (3/4 in.), 4ft x 8ft, Sandeply Hardwood Plywood 2 in. x 4 in. x 12 ft. Premium Standard & Better Douglas Fir Lumber 2 in. x 4 in. x 96 in. Premium Kiln-Dried Whitewood Stud Beaulieu Safari Ivy 6 ft. x 8 ft. Unbound Remnant BOEN 3/4in x 600 ft Manila Ropes Everbilt 3-1/2 in. Satin Nickel 5/8 in. Radius Door Hinge Grip-Rite #9 x 3-1/4 in. Vinyl-Coated Steel Smooth Sinker Nails (5 lb.-Pack) Husky 23/32 in. x 4 ft. x 8 ft. A/C Sanded Pine Plywood Koyal Wholesale 10-Yard Sheer Organza Fabric Bolt, 58-Inch Paint, brushes, rolls and etc. Solar LEED lights (set of 24) Solar LEED lights color (set of 8) Titebond II Premium Wood Glue Gal. Utility Fabric-Black Speaker Cloth

Unit Price


Total Cost

$6.80 $1.45 $44.97 $5.10 $2.96 $29.00 $259.04 $2.78 $9.87 $39.97 $25.45 estimated $69.99 $39.99 $17.97 $8.99

12 800 20 12 40 2 1 9 6 66 3

$81.60 $1,160.00 $899.40 $61.20 $118.40 $58.00 $259.04 $25.02 $59.22 $2,638.02 $76.35 $300.00 $139.98 $239.94 $71.88 $53.94

2 6 4 6


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