James Deahl is a Canadian poet who knows the heights and depths of that thing we call "love". This collection of poetry begins with the woman he believes is the greatest love of his life, Giilda, suddenly passing away. James is devastated. He wants to die, since he is certain he will never meet, much less, fall in love again. Anyone who has been in love can understand this feeling.
Then Norma enters his life and he is shaken to the core! He is head over heels in love with her!
This collection deals with the time from Gilda's death in Feb of 2007 to his meeting and falling for Gilda in 2010...three years that shook him up so much that he felt compelled to write this collection of posey. As he says in the Introduction, "I generally do not believe that books, especially poetry books, require an introduction. I make an exception here because there is a genuine break between the poetry I wrote from 1964 until 2007 and the poetry contained in this volume."
RD Armstrong