All Hallows' Eve
Red Riding Hood is eyeing me; I'm sure of it. What's a girl to do other than smile back and hope? Perhaps my fanged teeth are slightly off putting- I better tuck them back in my bag. Yes, that's it: the lopsided smile, everyone loves that one. Gosh, suddenly it’s really hot in here. I fan my face with a drinks menu and pant. My eyeliner has run onto my left contact lens, painting the world various shades of grey. I lean back to enjoy the effect. I'm fuming at Dylan...why must people be fashionably late? I distinctly remember saying half past seven- my Sex Goddess has become unappetisingly watery. A human shaped Jiggly-Puff is pouring someone else a drink across the bar. I consider ordering two ghoulish cocktails but decide against it: I'm not going to get too drunk tonight. I'm not. Martel has certainly outdone himself this year: black plastic spiders have been hung across the wall, partially hidden amongst some thick white netting. Beat, the fifty-something bouncer, has even dressed up as a bulldog. I have a distinct feeling that she’s trying to send a message to all those drunks with a preference for musicality. I never understood why they decided to open a bar right in the middle of a residential area; I doubt that it’ll ever make sense to me. “Hey, there’s my girl!” I turn into the embrace. Dylan is all sweetness and patchy ivory. “You are looking fierce! Come on, come on Missy, do a spin for us.” I do and my skirt swirls and exposes my best asset. Someone whistles and I feel a familiar pleasure sweep over me. The bar is getting busy. I'm glad that it's still fairly early. I'm not ready to face the others just yet: I can't face…actually, a fair number of them right now, though Vicky takes the biscuit: if over-tanned and pimped out girls are deep inside then she's a fucking sea. I really should not have slept with her. “I didn't think you would but you totally pull off the Catholic colours. Bitch, if I could borrow those legs.” Dylan moans and squeezes his thighs in harsh condemnation. I smirk and grab my drink. “You don’t want to know what I have to do to maintain it.” I simper before laughing away Dylan’s disconcerted look.