Winter 2021
POETRY NEWS The Newspaper of The Poetry Society
WORLD WORDS COP26 diaries by Jacqueline Saphra and Daniel Clark
MADE TO LAST? Sujata Bhatt selects your ‘Survival & Extinction’ poems
CHOICE READS Poetry News writers choose their books of the year
WRITE MORE! Tim Relf shares poets’ top tips
Welcoming our new Canal Laureate
he Poetry Society and the Canal & River Trust are delighted to announce Roy McFarlane as Britain’s new Canal Laureate. Roy grew up in Birmingham and the Black Country, surrounded by canals. He says, “I lived, played and loved by canals and rivers. I’m looking forward to recapturing those stories, stories of diverse communities in urban settings who lived with canals in their backyard.” Having retraced old routes along his local towpath during lockdown, Roy hopes to share his experience of
waterways as sites and spaces for wellbeing and as an aide to mental health. He is interested in uncovering how the canal network’s development maps on to our national and global history. “I’ll be exploring stories of women, labour and migration in the building of these canals, and how that contributed to the Industrial Revolution with its hidden histories of colonialism and imperialism,” he says. Roy is a former Birmingham Poet Laureate and was shortlisted for The Poetry Society’s Ted Hughes Award for
his collection The Healing Next Time. His third collection is published by Nine Arches next year. He will take up the role of Canal Laureate in December, following in the wake of poets Nancy Campbell (Canal Laureate 2018-19), Luke Kennard (2016-17) and Jo Bell (2013-15). His first project is already planned: to take a canal walk on the shortest day of the year, followed by return visits on the Equinoxes and the longest day. s
Roy McFarlane, Britain’s new Canal Laureate.
A universal connection
Clockwise from top left: Cheryl Moskowitz; Coral Rumble; Isobel Chappell; Leon Ganje Day; Vasilis Vasiliou.
Festive treat
oet-educators Coral Rumble and Cheryl Moskowitz were on hand to help Year 6 pupils Isobel Chappell, Leon Ganje Day and Vasilis Vasiliou, of St Saviour’s Church of England Primary School in Westminster, polish their performance of Sinéad Photo: Hayley Madden for The Poetry Society
Morrissey’s poem ‘The Fourth King’, for the lighting-up ceremony welcoming the Christmas tree to London’s Trafalgar Square on 2 December. Isobel, Leon and Vasilis gave a delightful reading of Sinéad’s poem, which was specially commissioned by The Poetry Society, to a massed crowd including Sadiq Khan, the Mayor of London, the Lord Mayor of Westminster, the Norwegian Ambassador, VIP guests, choirs, and members of the public. > Ctd, p. 2
he Poetry Society and partners 59 Productions and Stemettes have launched About Us, a major new poetry and science show that will include a competition and education project for young people. About Us is the first in a series of ten sensational projects commissioned for UNBOXED: Creativity in the UK, a nationwide celebration of creativity in 2022. Developed in collaboration with poets and scientists across the UK, About Us is a largescale public event for all ages that combines live shows and multimedia installations to tell the story of the infinite ways in which we are connected to the universe, natural world, and one another, from the Big Bang to the present day. An epic projection-mapping show, complete with a new soundtrack by Nitin Sawhney,
performances by local choirs, and poetry written by local children, will tour five locations in the UK in spring 2022. Join us in Paisley, Derry, Caernarfon, Luton or Hull for this once-in-a-lifetime experience. Visit for more details. s For more on About Us, see p. 15