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Piyapin Taongern’s


2011 Editorial in Silpakorn University4s Newspaper called ‘ลูกศิลป’์ as graphic design and drew caricatures cartoon

2011 Hamburger Magazine’s Trainee in Editorial department

wrote an article about Rashomon band in column ‘Fame’

wrote an article about อาทิตย์ อัสสรัตน์

wrote an article about เป็นเอก รัตนเรือง

wrote an article about ธัญญ์วาริน สุขะพิสิษฐ์

wrote an article about นิธิวัฒน์ ธราธร

2012 Editorial department in Faculty of Information and Communication Technology’s yearly magazine called ‘ARS’

wrote an article about ‘เบ๊นซ์ - พรชิตา ณ สงขลา ‘in column ‘Name‘

wrote a movies review

wrote an article about the encourage songs

wrote an albums review’s article

Interview ‘ยอร์ช - ฤกษ์ชัย พวงเพ็ชร์‘ about his 10 favourite movies

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