Made With Love: A cookbook by and for North Toronto seniors

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Made With Love Copyright Š 2015 by P.O.I.N.T. Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission from the author. Printed in CANADA Funded by New Horizons Grant for Seniors 2015-2016


Dedication We would like to dedicate this book to the wonderful community of North Toronto. We hope these recipes bring as much warmth and happiness to you as you have all brought to us here at POINT.


Table of Contents Foreword .............................................................. 5 Preface ................................................................... 6 Healthy Alternatives………………………………7 Introduction ...................................................... 15 Breakfast ............................................................. 17 Breads .................................................................. 23 Appetizers ........................................................... 29 Entrees ................................................................. 39 Desserts ............................................................... 49 Index…………………………….……………………55 Acknowledgments………….……………………56 References……….....………….……………………57


Foreword “Made with Love is a great opportunity to reflect on the importance of nurturing our body with love. Love enters through the kitchen and permeates in the entire House, neighborhood, city, country and the whole world. Love reminds us how important our body is! Our body, biological machine that has the ability to repair itself when we provide the nutrient needed for this important work. The plant that grows from a seed planted in the ground is the only reliable laboratory that can offer us the necessary nutrients to stay healthy, energetic and active. The body is our house, our office, our temple! It recognizes everything that is synthetic or harmful; such processed food, and metabolized them as a toxic causing a long term chronic stress. In other words, when our body is lacking of nutrients it falls into chronic stress and chronic stress become in chronic diseases. When the body are dealing with chronic diseases become tired, impatient, anxious, sad, depressed and don’t have energy for be alive and enjoy the live in the real sense that is Energy, vitality and dynamism.”

Magnolia Jimenez Author of Desprogramacion del Estres Cronico 2002 (Deprogramming Chronic Stress 2002) Founder of the Project of Life Radiant Face “The Art of Being Alive”

Look for the hearts for recipes by Magnolia!


Preface Made With Love is a compilation of simple, healthy and delicious recipes. All of the recipes of the cookbook were provided to us by seniors of North Toronto with the hope that they will bring as much joy to readers as they have brought themselves. Throughout the process of composing this book, North Toronto seniors learned the importance of supporting our economy, health and environment through purchasing locally grown produce. Supplementary to that, we explored the health benefits of cooking for oneself and preparing our own meals through an interactive cooking class at the Nella Cucina Culinary School (recipes featured inside!). These recipes will be unintimidating to those who are new to the kitchen, while also encouraging to those who may have formerly retired. As we increasingly learn about the risks and concerns associated with much of what we eat, it is that much more important that we are mindful of what we are putting into our bodies. In later life, self-care is of the utmost importance. What you may not know, is that eating healthy does not have to be difficult or complicated! We aim for this book to provide simple suggestions for how minor changes to our favorite recipes can easily add to our overall health and well being.


Simple Steps to Healthy Eating! Many of us take for granted the gifts that our bodies provide us on a regular basis; our ability to move, interact and engage with life is greatly indebted to the amazing abilities of our physical bodies. This is why it is of vital importance for us to reciprocate and provide our bodies with nourishment it needs to allow us to live rewarding and fulfilling lives! The next few pages will offer some healthy alternatives to everyday ingredients we use in the kitchen.


HEALTHY ALTERNATIVES Granulated Sugar or Brown Sugar Ratio 1:1

Date Sugar Source: dehydrated, ground dates Benefits: No additives, plus a high potassium and antioxidant content °

Coconut Sugar

Source: extracted sap of the coconut palm, boiled and dehydrated Benefits: Low fructose content, high in potassium and vitamin C °

Raw Honey

Source: Flower nectar that’s collected by bees, naturally broken down into simple sugars, and stored in honeycombs. Benefits: Rich in nutrients, almost no processing is necessary °




Almond Flour Benefits: Naturally grain-free, this Paleo-friendly flour contains protein, healthy fats, and 35 percent of your RDA for vitamin E. One caveat: You must refrigerate or freeze it after opening to prevent spoiling. ¹

Soy Flour Benefits: Ground soybeans deliver calcium, fiber, and more than triple the protein of white pastry flour. ¹

Barley Flour Benefits: High in fiber, barley can help lower blood cholesterol and sugar levels. Just make sure to look for a whole-grain variety.¹

100% Whole Wheat Flour Benefits: High in fiber and contains several vitamins, including folate, riboflavin and vitamins B-1, B-3 and B-5 ¹ *Be sure it says “100% Whole Wheat” on the package. Beware of the terms, ” 100% wheat” “whole wheat”, “whole grain”, or just “wheat”. These products are usually made with a blend of refined and whole wheat flours, so they’ve been stripped of nutrition.


HEALTHY ALTERNATIVES Vegetable or Canola Oil Ratio 1:1

Grapeseed Oil this polyunsaturated-rich oil is made from the seeds of wine grapes. Grape seed oil is adept at raising “good” cholesterol (HDL) and lowering LDL or “bad” cholesterol. ²

Pistachio Oil This oil is adept at lowering cholesterol and risk of heart disease. ²

Avocado Oil This oil ranks right up there with olive oil as a rich source of heart-healthy monounsaturated fats. It’s also rich in vitamin E, plant based omega-3 fats, and beta-sito sterol, a potent cholesterol lowering agent. ²

Macadamia Nut Oil

the richest plant oil source of monounsaturated fats (85% monos.) It also sports the lowest levels of omega 6-fats compared to alternatives.²

Coconut Oil Coconut oil contains a lot of medium chain triglycerides, which are metabolized differently than other saturated fats and can have therapeutic effects on several brain disorders. ² ²


HEALTHY ALTERNATIVES Meat These days, it is very easy to find many reasons to eat meat-free. It is better for our health, the environment and nearly always easier on the pocket book. The good news is that it is actually very simple to prepare meat-free meals which are complete proteins! The term "complete protein" refers to amino acids, the building blocks of protein. The following are suggestions for meat-free complete proteins that can easily be added to any diet:


Protein: 8 grams per 1 cup serving, cooked Full of fiber, iron, magnesium, and manganese, quinoa is a terrific substitute for rice and it’s versatile enough to make muffins, fritters, cookies, and breakfast casseroles.³

Buckwheat Protein: 6 grams per 1 cup serving, cooked Buckwheat is, in fact, not a type of wheat at all, but a relative of rhubarb. Some studies have shown that it may improve circulation, lower blood cholesterol and control blood glucose levels.³

Chia Protein: 4 grams per 2 tablespoon serving chia seeds are the highest plant source of omega-3 fatty acids, and they contain more fiber than flax seeds or nuts. Chia is also a powerhouse of iron, calcium, zinc, and antioxidants.³


HEALTHY ALTERNATIVES Meat (continued) Peanut Butter Sandwich Protein: 15 grams per 2-slice sandwich with 2 tablespoons of peanut butter Peanut Butter provides a heaping dose of all the essential amino acids and plenty of healthy fats to boot.³

Hummus and Pita Protein: 7 grams per 1 whole-wheat pita and 2 tablespoons of hummus Chickpeas have a pretty similar amino acid profile to most legumes, so don’t’ be afraid to experiment with hummus made from cannellini, edamame, or other kinds of beans. ³

Rice and Beans Protein: 7 grams per 1 cup serving One of the simplest and cheapest meals in existence is also one of the best sources of protein around. Protein content on par with that of meat. Subbing lentils or chickpeas for beans produces the same effect. ³ See how easy this is? Every time legumes like beans, lentils, and peanuts are combined with grains like wheat, rice, and corn, a complete protein is born!



HEALTHY ALTERNATIVES Milk Oat Milk Ingredients for 1 litre 2 Cups of organic Still Cup Oats 4 Cups of boiled cold water Preparation: Grind the oats in a blender pour into a bowl and add the boiling water; Let stand overnight in the refrigerator, strain and use it in the chocolate, smuttiest, or as a refreshing drink.

Coconut Milk Ingredients for 1 litre 1 Fresh coconut 4 Cups of boiled cold water Preparation: Extract the coconut water and then break it beating in only one place with a hammer. Repeat the same operation in all the sides of the coconut up to breaking it completely to extract the pulp. Cut the coconut pulp in small pieces and blend with the boiled cold water, strain and enjoy. Use in cappuccino, tea latte and creamy soup.

Soy Milk Ingredients for 1 litre 1 Cup of organic soy beans 6 Cup of water ½ teaspoon of grinder clove, star anise and cinnamon Preparation: Soak the cup of soybeans in 6 cups water overnight. The next day rinse the soybeans and add 6 cup of water, blend, strain and put into a pan with the cinnamon, clove and star anise and let it boil for 10 minutes.


ALTERNATIVES TO WASTE Did you know that the majority of food produced in the Western world is wasted? In times of environmental and economic change, we know that taking food for granted is no longer an option we can afford. There are many innovative ways people are using all aspects of food product to minimize waste and cost, while also maximize health! You may be surprised to know that often times what we throw out is actually the most nutrient rich parts of our food! The following are just a few examples of how we can integrate all aspects of food products;

Almonds! Almond Milk (1litre): 2 cup of previous soaked organic almonds (use boiled cold water) 4 cups of boiled cold water Blend the almond with boiled cold water, strain and enjoy. Almond Butter: Blend 1 cup of the fibre remain from the milk, with ½ Cup of olive oil and a pinch of sea salt until a smooth paste is formed.

Avocados! After enjoying the beautiful soft insides of the avocado, do not throw out the seed! Avocado seeds are jam-packed with vitamin B, contains 70% of the avocados antioxidant content and is considered one of the best sources of soluble fibre! Once the seed is removed, place in a plastic bag and crush with a hammer or hard object. Combine your crushed seed to your favorite smoothie! OR– Wait until the pitted seed dries, slice into four quarters and seep along with your favorite tea!


Introduction This cookbook is intended to help you obtain a healthier and happier life through cooking! Many people report not having enough time or patience to bother with cooking for oneself. We wish this book to be a motivation for you to take the time out of your day to care for yourself. These meals can be easily modified, made in advance and/or frozen so that they are adaptable and accommodating to even the busiest of schedules. We would like to counter the rumor that cooking is too much of a hassle by providing simple suggestions on how to make cooking and eating healthy easy at any age. Our hope is that this cookbook will remind readers of the joy in cooking because when we prepare meals that are wholesome and nourishing , we are cooking with love .




Breakfasts 

Oatmeal to Love

Protein Pancakes

Blueberry Muffins

Orange Tea


OATMEAL TO LOVE From the Kitchen of Cathy Quick

Ingredients 1/3 cup dry steel cut oats 2/3 cup Water 2 tablespoons raisins or cranberries 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon 1 tablespoon maple syrup or honey or brown sugar 1/4 cup Milk or cream.

Method Rinse oatmeal Add water dried fruit and cinnamon. Soak overnight in small stainless steel or glass pot. Cook on low for 20 minutes ( I use the time to stretch, dress or read the paper.) Stir the oatmeal so it does not stick to the pot. Sweetener and milk are optional. *Adding syrup and cream before serving makes it easy to clean the pot!

Alternative! MUSLI is the Swiss cereal. It resembles cold oatmeal with a better flavor and texture. Method: Mix oat flakes, brown sugar, raisins, chopped nuts with milk to soak overnight in the fridge. Add banana or apple slices just before eating. *You may use yogurt or cream instead of milk.


PROTEIN PANCAKES From the Kitchen of Sarah Steinman

Ingredients ½ Cup Cottage Cheese ½ Cup Instant Oatmeal 4 Egg whites 1 tsp Vanilla ½ tsp Cinnamon 1 tbsp Peanut Butter (optional)

Method Mix together in blender and spoon out batter into wellgreased frying pan. Flip to cook both sides. Remove from pan and enjoy! Makes 4 pancakes

TIP! Top with a layer of peanut butter for added protein!


BLUEBERRY MUFFINS From the Kitchen of Betty Smith

Ingredients 1 Cup Whole Wheat Flour 1 Cup All Purpose Flour 1 tsp baking powder ½ tsp baking soda ½ tsp salt 1 tsp orange zest 1 ½ Cups blueberries 2 large eggs 1 ¼ Cups low fat buttermilk ½ cup brown sugar 6 Tbsp canola oil 1 tbsp orange juice ½ tsp vanilla

Method 375 degrees Fahrenheit oven Combine whole wheat flour, all-purpose flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt, orange zest Add berries to coat with flour mixture In medium sized bowl, lightly beat eggs Whisk in buttermilk, brown sugar, oil, orange juice and vanilla (mixture should be lumpy) Add to flour mixture Divide into muffin pan Bake 15-20minutes, or until lightly brown.


ORANGE TEA From the Kitchen of Magnolia Jimenez

Ingredients Water Orange

Preparation Wash and brush orange with baking soda or sea salt Rinse with half part vinegar half part water

Method Peel orange, *Enjoy the inside! Boil water Add orange peel to boiling water




Breads 

Aunt Em’s Nut Bread

Corn and Coconut Bread

Lentil and Flaxseed Bread

Bananarama Bread


AUNT EM’S NUT BREAD From the kitchen of Ansel Allen

Ingredients 2 eggs (well beaten) 2 cups sifted whole wheat flour 1 tsp salt 1/4 cup water 1 cup chopped walnuts 1 cup sugar OR date sugar 3 tsp baking powder 1/2 cup milk 2 tbsp. melted butter 1 capful of vanilla

Method Beat eggs & gradually add sugar/ Beat till light & fluffy. Sift flour and baking powder and salt. Mix alternately with milk and water plus the vanilla to egg mixture. Stir till flour is moist. Stir in butter and nuts. Pour into greased baking pans. Bake in moderate oven at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for 55 min. or till toothpick comes out clean when inserted in center of the cake. Cool overnight. (if you can stand it) May be frozen if desired. Great if made in advance to allow flavors to mellow. Delicious spread with sweet butter.


CORN & COCONUT BREAD From the kitchen of Magnolia Jimenez

Ingredients 2 Cups Corn flour 1 Cup of Shredded Coconut 2 Tbsp Flaxseed (grinded) 2 Tbsp Coconut Oil 1 Tbsp Cinnamon 1 Tbsp Cane Sugar (Brown Sugar) 2 Cups Water Pinch of salt

Method: Mix everything in one bowl Bake 45 minutes in pre-heated oven at 350 degrees Fahrenheit. 1lb Load Pan. *Optional: Top with shredded coconut


LENTIL & FLAXSEED BREAD From the kitchen of Magnolia Jimenez

Ingredients 1 Cup Red Lentils 1 Cup Flaxseed 1 Tbsp Cinnamon 2 Tbsp Honey 1 Cup Water 1 Tbsp Olive oil Pinch of salt


Blend/Grind Lentils and Flaxseed Place in bowl and mix with remaining ingredients Pour mixture into 1lb Loaf Pan Bake in preheated oven 380 degrees Farenheit for 30 minutes or until *You’ll know it’s ready when you smell delicious!


BANANARAMA BREAD From the kitchen of Lillian Wong

Ingredients 3/4 cup unsalted butter, softened 3 ripe bananas, mashed 1/2 cup buttermilk * 1-1/2 tsp baking soda 2-1/4 cups all-purpose flour 1-1/2 tsp baking powder 1/4 tsp salt 1 cup packed brown sugar 1 egg 1 tsp vanilla


TIP! Marinating bananas in buttermilk and baking soda makes bread moist!

Preheat oven to 350 F. In a bowl mash the bananas and then stir in buttermilk and baking soda. Let stand for 5 minutes. In another bowl mix together flour, baking powder and salt; set aside. In a large bowl, beat butter with brown sugar until combined; beat in egg, vanilla and banana mixture. Stir in flour mixture until combined; scrape into greased 9- x 5-inch (2 L) loaf pan. Bake 60 to 70 minutes in oven until tester inserted into center comes out clean. Let cool in pan for 15 minutes. Turn out onto rack; let cool completely. Cinnamon Banana Bread: Add 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon into flour mixture.

*Buttermilk Recipe! Pour 1/2 tablespoon of white vinegar (or lemon juice) into a measuring cup, add milk to reach the 1/2 cup mark. Let it stand 5 minutes, then stir and use it in the recipe.




Appetizers Soups, Salads, Salsas, and Spreads!       

Wonder Soup Carrot and Fennel Soup Kachumber Salad Black Bean & Corn Salad Broccoli and Chickpea Salad Corn, Tomato & Bean Salsa Smoked Trout Spread


WONDER SOUP From the kitchen of Nancy Perrin


2 Vegetable or Chicken Bouillon cubes 4 Medley of Colored Peppers 28oz Tomatoes 14oz Green beans 2 Carrots 4 Celery stalks ½ Onion 2 tbsp Olive oil 3 cups Water Herb de province Kosher salt Pepper

Method Pre-chop vegetables Start with a little olive oil and saute onion and celery until tender Once onion and celery becomes tender, add remaining vegetables, as well as water and Bouillon cubes Bring to a boil Reduce to low and let simmer for 45 min Add salt, pepper, and herb de provence to taste


CARROT & FENNEL SOUP From the kitchen of Nella Cucina Culinary School

Ingredients 1 pound (about 4) carrots, peeled and split lengthwise then across 2 bulbs fennel, trimmed and quartered lengthwise (a handful of fronds reserved) 1 large onion, peeled and cut into a rough chop Olive oil, for liberal drizzling (about 3 tablespoons) Salt and pepper A few sprigs fresh thyme, stripped from stems 6 cloves garlic in their skins/jackets 1 quart chicken or vegetable stock 1 tablespoon honey

Method Preheat oven to 400째F. Toss carrots, fennel and onion with olive oil and season liberally with salt and pepper. Scatter on a baking sheet with the thyme and roast about 20 minutes in upper third of oven. Add garlic in skins and turn vegetables; roast about 20 minutes more. Remove and cool to room temp. Peel garlic and add the roasted veggies to a food processor or high-powered blender in batches, pureeing with stock. Add to a soup pot and heat through, use water to thin if soup is too thick. Stir in honey. Taste for seasoning before serving. Serve in bowls and garnish with yogurt.


KACHUMBER SALAD From the kitchen of June Gurvich

Ingredients 2 large tomatoes 1 large cucumber 1/2 cup chopped green onions 1/2 cup thinly sliced radishes 2 Tbs. coarsely chopped fresh cilantro (coriander leaves) 2 Tbs. lemon juice 3/4 tsp. salt 1 tsp. finely minced green chilies black pepper to taste

Method Cut the tomatoes in 1/2-inch chunks. Peel and seed the cucumber and cut it in 1/2-inch dice. Combine the tomatoes, cucumber, green onions, radishes and cilantro in a bowl. Mix together the lemon juice, salt, and minced green chilies, and pour over the vegetables. Toss everything together so that it is thoroughly combined and add a little black pepper to taste. Chill for about 1/2 hour, toss again, and serve. Serves 4 to 6


BLACK BEAN & CORN SALAD From the kitchen of Lillian Wong


1 can(540ml) black beans, rinsed and drained 1 cup corn kernels 1 avocado, peeled, pitted, and diced 1/2 red pepper, diced 1 tomato, diced 1/4 cup fresh cilantro, chopped 3 tbsp olive oil 1/4 cup fresh lemon juice 1/2 tsp salt


Mix lemon juice, olive oil, and salt in a small cup. In a salad bowl, combine beans, corn, avocado, bell pepper, tomato, and cilantro. Pour the lemon dressing over the salad. Mix well and serve.


BROCCOLI & CHICKPEA SALAD From the kitchen of Gloria Nelson


3 cups of broccoli florets 1.5 cups of drained cooked garbonzos/chickpeas 1/2 red onion 1 bell red pepper 1 bunch of parsley/mint/basil/cilantro‌.choose your favorites!

Method Empty can chickpeas and wash well (I wash in a tsp. of hydrogen peroxide) Slice red pepper in thin wedges Chop onion in very thin wedges. Fine chop all herbs Make broccoli florets bite size Place in large bowl and fold in your dressing!

NOTE! This will last in your refrigerator for 3 to 4 days but it is ADDICTIVE‌.tasty and healthy !


OLIVE OIL SALAD DRESSING From the kitchen of Gloria Nelson

Ingredients 1/4 cup olive oil 1/8 cup apple cider vinegar 2 cloves crushed garlic 2 fresh basil leaves (chopped) or 2 tsp dry basil a few shakes of cayenne pepper 1/2 tsp salt

Method Mix all ingredients together in blender Taste and assess if ratio of ingredients to your liking! (I add a bit more apple cider vinegar for zing!)


CORN, TOMATO & BEAN SALSA From the kitchen of Gloria Nelson

Ingredients 2 Tbsp. olive oil 1/2 cup onion 1 tsp. crushed garlic 3 Tbsp. cilantro finely chopped 2 Tbsp apple cider vinegar 1 tbsp. honey 1jalapeno pepper minced or 1/4 tsp. cayenne 1 tsp salt 1/4 tsp. ground cumin 3 large plum tomatoes seeded and chopped 1 cup black beans 3/4 cup corn kernels


Heat the oil over medium heat, add the onion and garlic and saute for 5 minutes or until soft. Remove from heat. In a medium sized bowl combine cilantro, vinegar, honey, salt, cumin and chili or cayenne. Add onion mixture, tomatoes, beans and corn. Let the mixture sit for 45 minutes to allow flavors to blend.


SMOKED TROUT SPREAD From Bonnie Stern’s Friday Night Dinners (2010)

Ingredients 1/2lb fillet and boned smoked trout (1 ½ or 2 small whole trout) 1 Cup Light ricotta cheese 2 Tbsp Lemon juice 1 Tbsp grated white horseradish 2 Tbsp chopped fresh dill 2 Tbsp chopped fresh chives or green onion ½ tsp pepper Salt to taste

Method Break up trout and chop in a food processor or with a knife Blend in ricotta cheese, lemon juice and horseradish Stir in dill, chives and pepper. Taste and season with salt if necessary.

Alternative Smoked salmon or whitefish can be used instead of trout. Yield: 2 cups.

TIP! This is a delicious spread on bagels for a weekend breakfast, or served in mini pitas or on rounds of baguette as an appetizer.




Entrees 

Herb & Rice Balls

Hearts of Love

Beef Bean Chili

Cod Au Gratin The All-Veggie Stir Fry

Orange & Ginger Glazed Salmon

Beef Stew

Moroccan Style Cous Cous


HERB & RICE BALLS From the kitchen of Bibi Khan

Ingredients 1 pound of extra lean ground meat (chicken, beef, lamb, pork etc.) 1 cup of parboiled uncooked rice 1 bunch of fresh dill washed and chopped finely 1 onion chopped finely 2 sprigs of green onions 4 sprigs of parsley 4 cups of chicken broth Salt & pepper to taste

Method IN a large bowl, mix all ingredients with 2 beaten egg whites, mix well. Shape into small meat balls and set aside onto a platter On stove top, pour chicken stock into a wide mouth saucepan When broth starts to boil, add the rice balls and cook for 30 minutes or until rice is well cooked Take off stove and serve hot

VEGGIE TIP For a vegetarian option, try this recipe with ground tofu!


HEARTS OF LOVE From the kitchen of Magnolia Jimenez

Ingredients 1 Cup Brown Rice 2 tbsp Olive Oil or Coconut Oil 1 Medium Potato 1 Cup Quinoa 1 Cup chopped parsley 1 Cup chopped tomatoes 1 white onion 2 cloves garlic 1 Tsp Italian herbs 2 Cups Water Salt

Method Mix rice quinoa, with chopped onion and with olive oil, garlic, salt, herbs and potato, add water, bring to boil, let simmer until rice is ready. Let cool to room temperature. Mix in bowl with tomato and parsley with olive oil, pinch of salt Mold mixture into small round balls and indent to form heart shape Cook on frying pan until both sides are toasted.


BEEF & BEAN CHILI From the kitchen of Lillian Wong

Ingredients 2 pounds extra lean ground beef 2 large onions, chopped 6 garlic cloves, chopped 2 teaspoons ground cumin 2 Cups kidney beans, rinsed and drained 2/3 cup tomato paste 2 cups water 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon black pepper 1/2 cup fresh cilantro, chopped

Method In a large pot over medium-high heat, cook beef; breaking up with back of fork, saute until brown, drain off the fat. Add onions, garlic, and cumin, then mix in tomatoes paste. Add beans, water, salt, and pepper; bring to boil. Reduce heat and simmer until chili thickens and flavors blend, stirring occasionally, about 30 minutes. Add cilantro. Ladle chili into bowls.

TIP! Serve with sour cream or grated cheese!


COD AU GRATIN From the kitchen of Margaret Sawyer

Ingredients 1lb cod fillets, cut into cubes ¼ cup butter ¼ cup flour, all purpose 1 & ¼ cups milk 1tsp salt/pepper to taste 1 small onion, finely chopped (optional) ½ cup breadcrumbs or cracker crumbs ½ cup cheddar cheese, grated

Method Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Place cod in greased baking dish or individual baking dishes. In heavy saucepan, melt butter; stir in flour until smooth and remove from heat Gradually stir in half the milk; return to heat and beat until smooth and shiny. Gradually add remaining milk, salt, pepper and onion. Cook stirring until smooth and thickened. Pour sauce over fish and sprinkle with breadcrumbs and cheese Bake in 375 degree oven for 15-20 minutes until sauce bubbles and fish is cooked. Did you know? Cod au Gratin was basically a result of poor planning? The story goes that a St. John's hotel originally served the dish with only breadcrumbs. One night, the kitchen staff ran out of bread, and substituted cheese. The next week when diners were served the original version, they sent it back, requesting the version with cheese!



Ingredients 1 Cup Carrots 1 Cup Broccoli 1 Cup Cauliflower 1 Cup Snap or snow peas 1 Cup Orange pepper (chopped) 1 Cup Yellow pepper (chopped) 1 Cup zucchini 1 Cup Purple onion 2 Tbsp Fresh Basil leaves 2 Tbsp Fresh Thyme leaves 1 Tsp Garlic (minced) 1 Tbsp ginger (shredded) 2 Tbsp Olive Oil


Heat oil in frying pan Add ginger and garlic Add carrots, broccoli, cauliflower and peas Add onions, peppers, and zucchini Cook 3-5 minutes Serve hot


ORANGE & GINGER GLAZED SALMON From the kitchen of Nella Cucina Culinary School

Ingredients 1 .75 to 1-pound salmon fillet 1 tablespoon orange zest 1-1/2 tablespoons fresh ginger, peeled and grated 1 tablespoon stone ground mustard 1 clove garlic, peeled and minced 1/3 cup fresh orange juice 3 tablespoons grapeseed or olive oil + more for drizzling 1/4 teaspoon sea salt, or to taste


In a small bowl or blender, combine the orange zest, grated ginger, mustard, garlic, orange juice, and 1 tablespoon of oil. Whisk or blend until well combined. Place the salmon fillet in a large zip-lock bag and pour the marinade into it. Allow the salmon to marinate overnight or at least for 1 hour. When ready to cook, place oven on the high broil setting and move one of the oven wracks to the notch that's second to the top. Place salmon (including the marinade) in a casserole dish and lightly drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle with sea salt. Bake for 10 to 12 minutes, or until the top of the salmon is crispy and the fish is cooked through. (Approx 120-130F on a meat thermometer)


BEEF STEW From the kitchen of Charles S.

Ingredients 1 Pound (0.5 kilograms) of Stewing Beef 1 Sliced large Carrot (medium thick slices) 1 Sliced large piece of Celery (medium thick slices) 1 Sliced large Onion (thick slices or sections) 1 Cup of V-8 1 Cup of Potato Chunks 1 (or 2) Tablespoon of Minute Tapioca (I use about 1 Âź Tablespoons) 1 Tablespoon of Sugar 1 Teaspoon of Salt

Method Place all above ingredients in covered oven dish Bake in covered oven dish for 4 hours at 250 degrees Fahrenheit Stir contents of pot at least once after two hours of cooking


MOROCCAN STYLE COUS COUS From the kitchen of Nella Cucina Culinary School

Ingredients 1/3 cup sliced almonds 1 tablespoon olive oil 1 cup chopped mixed vegetables (i.e. onion, carrots, zucchini, cauliflower, etc.) 1 1/2 teaspoons ground cumin 1 1/2 teaspoons ground coriander 1/2 cup dry white wine 1/3 cup golden raisins 1 5- to 7-ounce box couscous

Method Place almonds in heavy medium skillet. Stir over medium heat until almonds are pale golden, about 4 minutes. Transfer almonds to bowl. Add oil to same skillet. Increase heat to medium-high. Add vegetables, cumin and coriander; saute until vegetables just begin to soften, about 3 minutes. Add wine and raisins. Boil until wine is reduced by half, about 3 minutes. Simmer until vegetables are tender, about 6 minutes. If necessary add a splash of water where needed. Season with salt and pepper. Meanwhile, prepare couscous according to package directions. Mound couscous on platter. Spoon vegetable topping and juices over. Sprinkle with almonds and serve.




Desserts! 

Butter Tarts

Raw Cookie

Apple Berry Crumble

 

Lemon Curd Crepes with Lemon Curd & Raspberries


BUTTER TARTS From the kitchen of Joice Dickson

Ingredients 1/3 Cup Butter ½ Cup Corn Syrup or Agave Syrup ½ Cup Brown Sugar ½ Cup raisons ¼ Cup Walnuts 1 tsp Vanilla ¼ tsp Salt 2 Eggs

TIP! For added flavor, soak raisons in rum overnight!

Method Melt butter Add all ingredients except eggs Whip eggs with fork and add Fill uncooked pastry and bake at 310 degrees for 15-20 minutes *You can use your own pastry or store bought


RAW COOKIE From the kitchen of Magnolia Jimenez

Ingredients 4 bananas (very ripe) 1 Cup Oatmeal (old fashioned) 1 Cup shredded coconut 1 Cup Dates (chopped)

Method Mix everything in bowl Mold mixture into heart-shapes. No baking required!


APPLE BERRY CRUMBLE From the kitchen of Ruth Dorey

Ingredients Topping: 7 tablespoons unsalted butter chopped 1/2 cup rolled oats 3/4 cup flour 1/2 cup brown sugar 3/4 cup chopped walnuts Filling: 4-6 apples peeled and chopped 1 cup frozen blueberries 1 cup frozen raspberries 3 tablespoons brown sugar 2 tablespoons flour 1 teaspoon vanilla 2 tablespoons unsalted butter chopped pinch of nutmeg and cinnamon

Method Preheat oven to 375 F Mix all topping ingredients in a bowl and set aside Mix all filling ingredients in an oven proof casserole dish (lined with parchment paper) Pour topping over apple berry filling and bake in oven for 45 60 minutes Serve as is or with whip cream or ice cream.


LEMON CURD From the kitchen of Nella Cucina Culinary School

Ingredients 2 lemons, zested 3/4 cup of sugar 1/2 stick unsalted butter, room temperature (4 tbsp.) 2 large eggs 1/4 cup lemon juice (2-3 lemons) Pinch of salt

Method Combine the zest of 2 lemons and the white sugar together with your fingers until it’s well combined and the sugar is fragrant. Set aside. Cream the butter with a hand mixer until creamy and smooth. Add the fragrant sugar and blend until well combined. Add the eggs, one at a time and mix thoroughly. Add the lemon juice and salt and blend until well combined. Pour into a small sauce pan and cook over medium heat, stirring often, until thickened, about 10 minutes at about 170 degrees. Remove from heat, strain and let cool. Store, well sealed, in the refrigerator. Enjoy. Yield: 1 cup

TIP! Serve over crepes, pancakes & waffles, toast, or muffins.


CREPES From the kitchen of Nella Cucina Culinary School

Ingredients 4 eggs 1 1/3 cup milk 1 Tbsp melted butter 1/2 tsp vanilla extract 1 cup flour 1 Tbsp white sugar 1/2 tsp salt

TIP! Spread lemon curd over the bottom of the crepe then roll. Sprinkle the top with raspberries and powdered sugar.

Method Combine all ingredients in a large bowl; use immersion blender (or whisk) to mix crepe batter thoroughly. Make sure there are no lumps in the batter. Heat a small nonstick pan over medium heat. Spray with cooking spray and using a small ladle, spoon about 3-4 tablespoons of crepe batter into the hot pan. Tilt the pan clockwise so that the batter spreads evenly over the bottom of the pan. Cook for 30 seconds to 1 minute per side; flip and cook for 10 seconds then remove from pan. Serve immediately. Enjoy *Most people only cook one side but I cook both.


Index A Appleberry Crumble, p.52

N Nut Bread, p.24

B Bananarama Bread , p.27 Beef Bean Chili, p.42 Beef Stew, p.46 Black Bean & Corn Salad, p.33 Blueberry Muffins, p.20 Broccoli & Chickpea Salad, p.34 Butter Tarts, p.50

O Oatmeal to Love, p.18 Olive Oil Salad Dressing, p.35 Orange & Ginger Glazed Salmon, p.45 Orange Tea, p.21

C Carrot & Fennel Soup, p.31 Cod Au Gratin, p.43 Corn & Coconut Bread, p.25 Corn, Tomato & Black Bean Salsa, p.36 Crepes, p.54 H Hearts of Love, p.41 Herb & Rice Balls, p.40 K Kachumber Salad, p.32

P Protein Pancakes, p.19 R Raw Cookie, p.51 S Smoked Trout Spread, p.37 V Veggie Stir Fry, p.44 W Wonder Soup, p.30

L Lemon Curd, p.53 Lentil & Flaxseed Bread, p.26 M Morroccan Syle Cous Cous, p.47


Acknowledgments POINT would like to thank the following individuals who contributed to the creation of this cookbook;

Magnolia Jimenez Bonnie Stern Nella Cucina Culinary School Lillian Wong Ansel Allen Bibi Khan Joice Dickson Cathy Quick Gloria Nelson Nancy Perrin Joice Dickson Ruth Dorey Charles Stafford Margaret Sawyer Betty Smith June Gurvich Sarah Steinman Made With Love: A cookbook by and for North Toronto seniors was created by Jordana Rovet, C.I.S. Coordinator and edited by Diane Werner, Executive Director.


References Callahan, M. (n.d.). 8 Alternative Healthy Cooking Oils. Retrieved from English, N. (2014, April 29). 12 Complete Proteins Vegetarians Need to Know About. Retrieved from complete-vegetarian-proteins Greenfield, B. (2014, August 8). 10 Natural Alternatives to Sugar: How Healthy Are They Really? Retrieved from https:// Stern, B. (2010). Friday Night Dinners. Random House. 5 Delicious Flour Alternatives. (2013, September 25). Retrieved from



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