POINT by POINT Issue 4

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04 2016

People & Organizations in North Toronto

Introduction to POINT

This issue Website Launch P.1

People & Organizations in

A Year in Review P.2

North Toronto is a non-profit

What’s New with POINT? P.3

community information service agency. POINT’s objective is

Contact Us P.4

to serve the people of the community by improving and increasing awareness of the social and health services in

POINT’s New Home(page)!

North Toronto, through information, education and





www.pointinc.org is your new source to

agencies held their niche in print material and


in-person assistance. Community members

POINT! The new platform will allow you to

would come to an office in search of

access more resources, services and sources

information about the programs and services

of information, while remaining easy to


available to them. As time passed, so have

navigate. Our new website will offer users to


the days where people had to go outside of

access POINT registries online, such as, our


their homes to access information. In the new

nanny, caregiver, and tutor registries. These


age of technology and instant gratification,

registries provide community members who

many people are looking for ways to find what

currently hold these professions a free

they’re looking for instantly.

platform to advertise their services, along

community engagement.


Children Youth



POINT continuously strives to keep up with


modern times and stay abreast of new


developments that allow for more effective


pathways to information. Over the past year, POINT






researching and identifying how we would be









services, a directory of available service providers. The website will additionally offer users the opportunity to view our computer class schedule, upcoming programs and events, as well as, connect with us through social media.

able to provide the same quantity and quality of


Notwithstanding, www.pointinc.org will serve

accessed and user-friendly platform. With the





the community as a method of sharing

help of a very talented design team, Creatrix,

community information, fostering engagement

as well as our new Board Committee


Member, Sandy Shim, POINT is thrilled to






announce the launch of our new website. 200 Eglinton Ave West Toronto, ON, M4R1A7 416.487.2390 | www.pointinc.org

How has POINT made an impact?

“Thank you [POINT] for everything. My life is good thanks to all these events at the Community Centre.” -Senior resident to POINT

“I am so grateful to have met you. You have been such a support to me and are like my life/business coach.” -POINT client to our CIS coordinator

“Thank you for taking the time to listen to me and help me with my online application. I would be lost without your help.” -Older adult AGM! to the returning workforce

Dear Community Members, It was my pleasure to host POINT’s 48th Annual General Meeting that commenced on June 14th 2016. POINT has made great strides over the past year in meeting our Strategic Plan objectives and looks forward to continuing these initiatives in the coming year. In 2015, POINT met the varied needs of North Toronto community members through the creation and delivery of identified programs and services. These programs and services are serving POINT’s four priority target groups of youth, seniors, newcomers, low-income individuals and families, and community demand. Guided by specific strategic implementation plans, POINT has sought to revitalize all of its programs and services and increase its capacity to offer a broader range of initiatives to respond to immediate and emerging needs of the community. To fund new initiatives in 2015, a greater emphasis was placed on researching and securing new and diverse funding sources from different levels of government, new foundations, and corporations. Our ongoing assessment enables us to re-evaluate and fine-tune our new fundraising model. On behalf of the organization, I would like to acknowledge the critical ongoing support of our key funders, United Way Toronto and the City of Toronto, as well as, our sincere appreciation to all the donors, including POINT members, residents, businesses, foundations, faith communities, and organizations, for their continued generosity and support of POINT and its work in the community. As always, my special thanks to the Board members, staff, and volunteers for their commitment to ensuring that POINT continues to evolve in an effective manner to fulfill its mandate. Community engagement with a commitment to communitybuilding, new partnerships and effective service delivery continue to be the priorities of POINT in 2016.


Diane Werner Diane Werner Executive Director

Are you interested in being on our Board of Directors? We are looking for people to share their professional expertise as volunteers on the POINT Board of Directors and supporting committees. Anyone who lives, works, and studies in North Toronto is eligible! If you are interested in being a member of POINT’s Board of directors, please forward a letter of interest and resume to bod@pointinc.org For additional questions, please contact Anka Jamnik at 416-487-2390.

NEWCOMER YOUTH ROCK CLIMBING POINT will be hosting a FREE 3 hour session at True North Rock Climbing Gym for newcomer youth ages 13-17. Bouldering  Top Rope Climbing  Slacklining Thurs. August 4th 2016 | 1:00-4:00pm | Downsview Park Sport Centre For more information and/or to register, please contact jrovet@pointinc.org or 416-487-2390.

CHILDREN GREAT GARDEN ADVENTURE PROGRAM Summer gardening program for children ages 3-7years   

Have a suggestion? We want to hear from you! For all recommendations, suggestions for improvement, article ideas and more, please contact our C.I.S. Coordinator at jrovet@pointinc.org We thank you in advance for your input!

Planting & watering plants, composting, harvesting vegetables Making crafts like bird feeders, wind chimes & more! Garden games, scavenger hunts, and exploring Eglinton Park

Tuesdays (Age 3-4) and Thursdays (Age 5-7) from 10am to 12pm (July 5th to August 23rd) To register, please contact kcampbell@pointinc.org or 416-487-2390.

SENIOR SERVICES PSS has a busy summer ahead of us with day trips, lunch and learns, seminars as well as, a number of engaging recreational activities! DAY TRIP Niagara-On-TheLake

LUNCH & LEARN Balcony Gardening

DAY TRIP Botanical Gardens

SEMINAR Stretch Your Income

July 13th 2016

July 14th 2016

July 21st 2016

August 9th 2016

…and more to come! For more information, please contact jrovet@pointinc.org or 416-487-2390. POINT Newsletter Issue 4 Year 2016

200 Eglinton Ave West Toronto, ON, M4R1A7 416.487.2390 | www.pointinc.org

POINT Newsletter Issue 4 Year 2016

PEOPLE AND ORGANIZATIONS IN NORTH TORONTO STAFF DIANE WERNER-----------------------------------------------------EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR JORDANA ROVET---------------------------------------------------C.I.S. COORDINATOR MOUMITA MOSTAFA----------------------------------------------ADMINISTRATION JOHN PATTON-------------------------------------------------------IT MANAGER

2016-2017 BOARD OF DIRECTORS ANKA JAMNIK------------------------------------------------------CHAIR SHEILA POTWIN---------------------------------------------------VICE CHAIR ANITA O’CONNER-------------------------------------------------HONORARY PAST CHAIR KITTREDGE CARSWELL-----------------------------------------TREASURER LEONORA BROWN------------------------------------------------DIRECTOR SANDY SHIM-------------------------------------------------------SECRETARY

CONTACT US POINT is located within the North Toronto Memorial Community Centre at 200 Eglinton Avenue West (1st Floor) Toronto, ON M4R1A7 416-487-2390 point@pointinc.org


People & Organizations in North Toronto

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