Landbell Group | Company Brochure

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Key Facts

OUR COMPANY Landbell Group is an international supplier of service and consulting solutions for environmental and chemical compliance. The umbrella brand unites the efforts of numerous companies to create a central point of contact for high-quality services. Together, they enable customers to comply with various legal regulations worldwide, offering bespoke take-back, consulting and software solutions. Our aim is to reduce the complexity of extended producer responsibility legislation, as well as other product- and packaging-related requirements, for producers and distributors. In everything we do, we seek to provide our customers with the most competitive solutions. We help them unlock the value of the circular economy and strive to be their best partner on the journey to a more sustainable future.

Key facts: 25,000

customers in over 40 countries


approved compliance schemes


locations in 19 countries


More than employees worldwide

â‚Ź 150 million of revenue (2016)


start-up award for the circular economy


Our strong international brands:


CEO Interview Why choose Landbell Group?

10 – 13

Take-Back Solutions

14 – 17

Consulting Services

18 – 21

Software Solutions

22 – 23


24 – 25

Green Alley Award

26 – 27

Our Milestones


Contact details

Earth Overshoot Day

2 AUGUST was Earth Overshoot Day for 2017. By this date, we had used more from nature than our planet could renew in the year. Every year, this day comes earlier.


CEO Interview

“IT’S NOT ABOUT DOING WITHOUT. IT’S ABOUT SOLUTIONS WITH ADDED VALUE.” The circular economy is paving the way for manufacturers to tap into new markets and target groups using fewer resources. Jan Patrick Schulz, CEO of Landbell Group, talks about global take-back concepts, intelligent product use and a new generation of start-ups.

Mr Schulz, Landbell Group has developed over the past few years

So recycling is a global market now?

from a classic recycling service provider to a circular economy

Schulz: Definitely. There are fewer and fewer companies that only

pioneer. Why?

produce locally. The case of batteries is possibly the most obvious

Jan Patrick Schulz: It was the logical consequence of our business

example. The battery market has been global for a long time. But

strategy. With Landbell AG, we succeeded in breaking a monopoly.

there is a trend towards globalisation in packaging as well. Online

We entered the German market as the second provider of take-

trade is booming, which means locally produced packaging is being

back logistics for packaging, and with this activity we gradually

sent all over the world. Most manufacturers now need take-back

entered new markets and countries. Today, under the umbrella of

concepts with a global reach. There are some differences when

Landbell Group, we manage global waste flows and offer recycling

it comes to electrical appliances, but here too we have ultimately

services on every continent. At heart, we are still a recycling service

seen an increase in cross-border solutions. In other words, small and

provider, but with our comprehensive technical and regulatory

medium-sized businesses in particular are facing the challenge of

knowledge we are able to offer much more.

complying with a wide range of legal provisions in their markets.

For example?

What do the solutions look like?

Schulz: Our aim is to work with governments and industries to drive

Schulz: Nearly ten years ago, we were the first recycling service

a radical change in the way we produce and consume – so that,

provider to offer retailers and manufacturers web-based applications.

in the future, our prosperity will no longer be based on wasting

One of them is Landbell EASy, a piece of software that our German

primary energy and raw materials. Efficient recycling technologies

and Austrian customers can use to fulfil their entire packaging

will be just as important in achieving this transformation as digital

compliance obligations online. We have gradually refined this

solutions and new business models. We have laid the foundations

software and other applications over time. Our latest product is

with our global presence. We know the regulations in the relevant

called Click & Comply. It’s an online tool that helps companies

markets and use this knowledge to develop appropriate processes

meet their obligations for packaging, batteries and electrical

and IT solutions for our customers.

waste across Europe in an easy and quick manner.


Landbell Group helps manufacturers comply with their legal

emerged because, for instance, certain groups couldn’t afford or

obligations regarding producer responsibility. Why should

didn’t want to have their own car or pay for expensive hotel rooms.

businesses also take an interest in the circular economy?

The economy reacted by developing concepts that just happened

Schulz: One big advantage is taking back control of the entire product

to use fewer resources. And that is of course the ideal combination:

life cycle. In this area, we provide advice to our customers and work

when the circular economy is not about doing without, but about

with them to develop individual solutions. Companies that successfully

solutions that offer customers added value instead.

take back and reuse materials are less dependent on price fluctuations on the commodity markets. At the same time, a closed-loop produc-

You yourself promote the development of solutions like

tion cycle offers the opportunity to provide high-quality products at

these through Green Alley, the first start-up award for green

marketable prices. More and more business models are benefiting from

businesses. Where is this heading?

the basic ideas of the circular economy (see infographics on pg. 8).

Schulz: Green Alley brings us into direct contact with a new

A good example is the sharing concept. Car sharing can increase

generation of start-up entrepreneurs – incredibly well-educated

usage by up to 40 per cent per car, instead of it spending 90 per cent

people who want to do more with their careers than earn lots of

of the time in the garage. And because the vehicle is no longer sold,

money. This desire to create something useful is combined with a

but rented, the manufacturer will be much more interested in ensuring

growing professionalism. Whereas the first start-ups were based

a long service life. It’s similar to a printer manufacturer charging by

largely on the idea of doing something for the environment at the

the number of printed pages instead of per toner cartridge. Business

local level, many of today’s start-up entrepreneurs are thinking

models like these change production. The incentive becomes how to

bigger. They are linking the environmental benefit with business,

design durable, repairable products and keep spare parts available.

developing approaches that will ideally pay for themselves.

How willing is our society to rethink consumption habits?

For example?

Schulz: There are now some very successful sharing models around.

Schulz: One of our award winners produces dry lining boards from

However, they haven’t necessarily required a rethink, but have

cereal waste. Not only do they use less energy and fewer raw

CEO Interview

The circular economy concept

Waste-free, emission-free production

(Re)using raw materials for as long as possible

Making optimum use of products through sharing and service concepts

materials than conventional plasterboard, they also have a positive

What attracts you to this topic?

impact on the environment inside the home or building. Other

Schulz: The circular economy is about thinking ahead – with many

start-ups are tackling the question of how to stem food waste in

questions still unanswered. I personally find this initial development

supermarkets and restaurants. Here, the main focus is on synchron-

work extremely exciting because there is a call for pioneers to build

ising supply and demand, for instance by using apps. Packaging

up knowledge and forge new markets. At Landbell Group, we bring

made from renewable raw materials is another area. And there are

together experts who do exactly that every day: demonstrating the

various gaming approaches designed to encourage consumers to

immediate benefit of the circular economy.

switch to sustainable buying behaviour. Mr Schulz, thank you for talking to us. Can Landbell Group help change awareness in society? Schulz: As a B2B service provider, we are primarily focused on bringing about a shift in thinking among our direct customers: the producers. But we also explain to consumers how recycling works and how individuals can get involved. In Portugal, we set up a training centre for kindergarten and schoolchildren. In the UK, we have organised concerts with free entry for people who bring an old electrical appliance with them for recycling. These are projects that draw attention to the issue and help raise awareness. We want people to think for themselves about the contribution they are able and willing to make. And we promote a dialogue to develop ideas for the circular economy together with government, industry and society.


WHY CHOOSE LANDBELL GROUP? The concept of extended producer responsibility (EPR) makes companies responsible for the collection and treatment of their products and associated packaging at the end of their life cycle. It can help companies minimise their impact on the environment, reduce resource-related risks and drive sustainable growth.

At Landbell Group, we …

… THINK AHEAD YOUR CHALLENGE: Companies can see the risks in their linear economy models,


but the potential of the circular economy is not yet clear.

YOUR CHALLENGE: When it comes

OUR ANSWER: Our expertise and

to product and packaging waste,

entrepreneurial drive can help you

manufacturers and distributors face complex regulatory issues, costs and CSR concerns. OUR ANSWER: We provide comprehensive take-back solutions to future-proof your business and help you concentrate on your core competencies.

… ARE HOLISTIC YOUR CHALLENGE: Compliance varies starkly from country to country. The chemical, pharmaceutical and electronics industries, for example, face highly complex compliance obligations. OUR ANSWER: We offer integrated and cross-border services to reduce the costs of complexity.

adapt your business model successfully.

Take-Back Solutions



On average, consumers keep their electronics for less than four years before buying a new model. These consumption habits not only produce an increasing amount of electronic waste, but also generate a loss of raw materials in the form of discarded fridges, TVs or mobile devices. Effective take-back solutions can recover the value of such materials by recycling them and re-entering them into the product cycle. Landbell Group organises the collection and treatment of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE), batteries and packaging for industry and commerce. We operate 35 take-back systems worldwide and offer reliable, multinational solutions to our customers.

Take-Back Solutions

Our achievements:

3,000,000 tonnes 50,000 tonnes of batteries collected

of WEEE collected

7,000,000 tonnes of packaging collected

TAKE-BACK SOLUTIONS Producers all over the world face increasingly complex compliance obligations for the take-back and treatment of their products, and must comply with complicated sales and transport packaging regulations. To deal with these challenges effectively and ensure compliance across borders, Landbell Group offers customers a one-stop shop: a range of services and solutions to meet all of their needs.

Companies are legally obliged to organise and finance the end-of-

exactly what they need from our suite of services: from single

life treatment of the products they place on the market in Europe

take-back services for small amounts of waste to holistic, world-

and other countries. The so-called extended producer responsibility

wide concepts. Our expert teams take on the legal obligations of

(EPR) legislation applies to many streams and mandates specific

manufacturers and distributors and manage the collection, sorting

regulations for electrical and electronic equipment, batteries, and

and recycling of their products and packaging at selected local

sales and transport packaging. Since each country has different

treatment facilities.

legislation and regulations, EPR presents particular challenges for companies operating globally. To meet the needs of diverse

We offer international companies or large groups tailored solutions

industries, Landbell Group has been focusing on the development

to streamline their supply chain and lessen administrative burdens.

of bespoke take-back solutions since 1995. Companies can choose

We also work to reduce invoice volumes to increase efficiency.


Additionally, our IT tools simplify our customers’ data and reporting

Establishing successful solutions across borders

duties and, as a result, make their systems and processes leaner and

Given that we operate 35 individual take-back schemes across borders,

more powerful.

we can provide international solutions for even the most challenging waste streams, such as batteries. Relatively small volumes of batteries

Through our long-standing experience in the take-back sector, we

are collected per country at high cost, but the European network

have established local teams of experts throughout the countries in

we have built provides us with the critical mass needed to make this

which we operate. We ensure compliance directly in the 15 countries

activity work.

that account for 75 per cent of the regulated market in Europe. This also means that we can respond to special requests from

Our ability to manage both individual and complex requests

our customers very quickly – and many of them praise us for the

efficiently was the reason an international online retailer of

individual take-back solutions that we have put in place for them.

electronic products chose to work with us. The company has a large market share in several European countries and found

In Italy, for example, we work with one of the largest fast-food chains,

it difficult to track its regulatory responsibilities in a constantly

ensuring that defective kitchen appliancers are collected and replaced

changing legal environment. Landbell Group took over all of

whenever needed. As the restaurants operate 24 hours a day, seven

the company’s compliance obligations, helping the retailer to

days a week, we have established a swift replacement process of

concentrate on its core business. In 2016, in Germany alone, we

merely 30 minutes, regardless of whether the outlet is in a remote

organised the take-back of nearly 2.5 million kilograms of paper

location or a historic city centre.

and cardboard, as well as over 100,000 kilograms of plastics.

Find out more about our take-back solutions at

Three questions for Umberto Raiteri, Head of Take-Back Solutions Why do your customers choose

our customers, to whom we provide

contributes to the reduction of waste

Landbell Group?

high-quality services. I think this is due

by keeping secondary raw materials

Our knowledge and our experience

to the stability of our teams, which helps

on the market for as long as possible

allow us to respond to special requests

us keep and strengthen our expertise

without a loss of quality. This has a

very quickly. At Landbell Group,

over a long time. We are also open with

positive economic impact as it reduces

customers get all the services they need

our customers and partners, and with

dependence on limited and therefore

in-house, whether they are looking for

the authorities. This has earned us the

expensive raw materials. We want

an international solution, additional

trust and respect of all stakeholders

to help our customers reduce their

consulting or software solutions. We can

in the industry. Thanks to our people

environmental impact and make them

even cope with special emergencies:

and skills, we are also unique. We have

less dependent on market fluctuations.

during shipment, for example, one

established our operational excellence

What’s more, we invest heavily in

of our customer’s containers went over-

since day one. Because of this excellence,

quality. We only work with fully certified

board and printer cartridges spilled into

we are growing in scope and moving

recyclers who meet the recycling

the sea. We reacted very quickly and

into new products and countries all the

recovery rates that allow us to put more

came up with an effective take-back

time. We are significant players in almost

recyclable materials back into the system.

solution for our client. We collected

every country we operate in and we have

printer cartridges from beaches in

established a strong base on which we

France, Ireland, Spain and the UK.

continue to build.

What achievements are you

How does Landbell Group engineer

particularly proud of?

the circular economy?

Our customers trust us. We don’t take

Our mission is very clear: we want to

risks or make compromises. We have

recycle and return valuable materials

very long-standing relationships with

into economic circulation. Take-back

Consulting Services



As raw materials become scarcer, policymakers are aiming to cut back on their use and reduce, reuse and recycle waste. In Europe, for example, a legislative proposal by the European Commission includes common EU targets to recycle 70 per cent of domestic waste by 2030 – current performance is at 44 per cent. Against this backdrop, producers, manufacturers and distributors are confronted with more and more complex extended producer responsibility obligations. This is especially true for international companies that need to comply with different legal requirements in their respective markets for chemical and environmental compliance. Landbell Group offers a comprehensive one-stop shop for services and consulting: we manage compliance for companies of all sizes and from all industries, and provide bespoke solutions that perfectly match our customers’ needs.

Consulting Services

What makes us different?

20 years

of consultancy expertise

+ 5 environmental services including WEEE, batteries, packaging, RoHS and REACH

More than

40 countries covered

CONSULTING SERVICES Environmental and chemical compliance are subject to constant development: legal restrictions change on a regular basis, business is becoming more international. Whether companies are looking for take-back services in their home country or an opportunity to outsource their global chemical compliance obligations, Landbell Group offers services, consulting, strategy and software. And we do all of this in-house.

While many companies are looking for practical solutions to comply

our contribution to many senior committees and working groups

with their legal requirements, their specific needs vary greatly â€“

makes our knowledge of this legislation second to none.

depending on the industry and countries they operate in, the company size or the market where they want to launch their products.

One area of expertise where we excel is chemical compliance for

This is where Landbell Group makes a difference: from pre-registration

ised services purely for this sector. With our core team of professionals

to reporting, we advise and support our customers and provide

and a network of partners and associates all over the world, we are

comprehensive consulting services for REACH, RoHS, WEEE, waste

able to deliver end-to-end compliance solutions, ease market access

packaging, batteries and other related legislation. Our active

and provide our customers with genuine competitive advantages.

involvement in the development of the European regulations and

For example, when a large American company planned to launch a

pharmaceutical companies, to whom we provide a range of custom-


new chemical substance on the European market, they were uncertain whether to outsource or retain control of production. As the go-to people for REACH in the pharmaceutical industry, they turned to us for advice. After an in-depth analysis of their capacities and the EU regulatory landscape, we advised against outsourcing production in order to maintain control over the registration and put-on-market processes. The company followed our advice and acknowledged that doing this significantly helped their positioning and the success of the new product. Let us reduce red tape Landbell Group monitors regulatory changes which could affect our customers’ legal obligations, covering everything from contract law to product labelling. We make sure international companies meet all

Three questions for Grant Kinsman, Head of Consulting Services

their legal requirements in the respective markets and reduce the red tape that they face. Furthermore, companies which don’t have a legal

In a nutshell, what are the benefits of working with

entity in Europe can make use of the Landbell Only Representative

Landbell Group?

service, which allows non-EU enterprises to pre-register and register

As chemical or environmental legislation is complicated

substances with the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) through an

and varies from market to market, we give our customers

Only Representative who acts on their behalf.

the certainty that they are compliant in all the countries where they operate. This lifts a great burden from their

Bespoke solutions for every business

shoulders. But we also help them rethink their processes,

Thanks to our broad experience in the consulting sector, we are

enabling them to develop solutions away from a linear

able to offer customised and practical solutions for both small and

economy towards a more circular one.

large companies. While small and medium-sized enterprises make use of our standard registration and consultancy services, our larger

How do you encourage your customers to implement

international customers are increasingly looking for individual

a more circular economic approach?

consultancy proposals. Landbell Group offers a transparent approach

Our current industrial model – which is mainly based

to consultancy. Depending on the task, we pull in our experts from

on producing and then disposing of products – and a

our product stewardship, compliance solutions, global take-back,

diminishing supply of resources are two factors which

audit, quality or circular economy consultancy teams. We can then

make me think there is huge potential in the recycling

build customised programmes for the take-back of mobile phones or

and reuse of raw materials. We want to help our customers

lithium batteries on a global scale or offer software solutions based

regain control of their entire product life cycle and get

upon an analysis of a company’s individual needs.

their raw materials back into production again. Apart from saving materials, this will make them less susceptible to

Our customers appreciate our services and trust us with their projects.

price fluctuations and enable them to offer high-quality

We also get very positive feedback from other stakeholders:

products at competitive prices. With our support and

for instance, the ECHA has praised the high-quality implementation

guidance, this is the strategy that we hope customers

of regulations that we provide.

will adopt to engineer the circular economy.

We want our consulting services to help our customers make the

Can you give one example of consulting you are

most of their resources and derive maximum value from sustainable

particularly satisfied with?

business models which can then contribute to the circular economy.

A large pharmaceutical company in the US asked us to

Companies that want to achieve a closed-loop supply chain,

develop a chemical inventory software module for them.

with products being returned after use, can benefit from reduced

This tool saved them a lot of money and made their

production costs and less dependency on volatile commodity

processes leaner and easier to handle. Shortly after

markets. Managing reverse logistics also prepares companies to

we delivered it, they told us how satisfied they were:

go one step further beyond the limits of the linear economy.

“Boy, we can always rely on you to do the right thing for us!” It was a great compliment to receive.

Find out more about our consulting services at

Software Solutions



Upcycling, recycling, sharing – a circular economy encourages innovative approaches to minimise human impact on the environment, save resources and reduce waste. The logistics behind these ideas are rather complex: for example, to make food-sharing services work, products with a short shelf life must be purchased extremely quickly. Likewise, companies that aim to base a business on remanufacturing electronic devices will have to organise the take-back and management of these resources. Once these challenges can be overcome, switching towards a circular economy can help improve existing business models or even create completely new ones. Thinking ahead, Landbell Group offers tailored IT solutions that can have a direct impact on long-term business success.

Software Solutions

SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS By 2020, up to 50 billion devices will be connected to the internet. The digital transformation is reshaping the economy by enabling new ways of interacting with suppliers, partners and customers. At the same time, it is also paving the way for the circular economy. As materials and products can be tracked along the supply chain, companies will be able to organise reverse logistics for products at the end of their life cycle, converting this potential waste into a valuable resource. Our individual software solutions help key players in the circular economy to comply with new requirements and adapt to future business models.

At Landbell Group, we know how to transform complexity into

Our software solutions cover services such as take-back and trans-

simplicity. Our suite of digital solutions is based on long-established

action management, automatic pick-up allocation, traceability,

expertise in managing waste streams for producers, compliance

reporting and financial management. We also provide our customers

schemes and waste operators. As a result, we offer a broad range

with the tools to manage their compliance obligations, including

of standard programs which can easily be customised according

customer invoicing. Our software is available for multiple regulations,

to the different requirements of our customers. We are currently

languages and currencies.

active in more than 15 countries across Europe, as well as in North and South America.

Overall benefits of the digital transformation More efficient collaboration and knowledge sharing Better tracking of materials

Improved logistics set-ups

Increased use of renewable energy

Automated transaction management


Take-back 2.0

Landbell Group provides other bespoke solutions such as web

One of our most successful products is a suite of services for the

interfaces that manufacturers can use to offer take-back to their

circular economy: a cloud-based platform which covers the full

customers. This tool can be used to request pick-ups, print labels

range of environmental compliance and reverse chain automation

or order additional services such as secure destruction of data

software. This off-the-shelf product is quick to set up and easy to

and tracking by serial number.

use. It is also a well-tested, reliable solution that is easily scalable to cover additional requirements. While this cloud solution was initially

Click & Comply is another standardised solution that we offer for

designed for compliance schemes, it can also be tailored to meet

producers operating in various countries but with very small

the needs of producers and waste operators.

obligations. It helps them to manage their obligations quickly and easily online.

Find out more about our software solutions at

Three questions for Christophe Pautrat, Head of Software Solutions Which customer groups benefit from

experience in this field. We reduce

them by providing the IT framework

your expertise?

the learning curve for new companies

they needed and delivering a full

The majority of our software products

and offer software and guidance to

enterprise resource planning tool.

are used by compliance schemes and

established companies to make their

producers. These clients need efficient

systems and processes more efficient.

What is your USP?

solutions for managing huge quantities

Furthermore, when it comes to individual

Landbell Group has the only commercial,

of data and transactions. Additionally,

take-back solutions or complex compli-

off-the-shelf digital solutions which

producers want individual solutions

ance tasks, we also benefit from the

are reliable and stable. They make the

for take-back or reporting. We also

broad expertise within our Group.

circular economy a reality for all. Through

work with waste operators who simply

We use all these advantages, coupled

our experience, we know and understand

want an effective operations manage-

with more than a decade of experience

most scenarios and can react to new

ment tool. Finally, we can also support

in developing bespoke software, to

ones fast. And we are truly global – we

authorities and registries, as our software

provide customers with cost-effective

are not surprised by new countries or

provides the infrastructure on which

and reliable solutions, as well as sound

regulations. Our off-the-shelf solutions

waste management and compliance


can be easily tailored to meet the needs

systems can be built. We can use our

of our customers.

platform to develop national registries

In South America, for example, we are

or “black boxes”, for example.

currently supporting a compliance scheme which specialises in the

What are the most important benefits

take-back of lamps. They needed a

for your customers?

tool to help them run their operations,

Both newcomers to this sector and more

as their country is large and sparsely

experienced companies can benefit

populated and issues such as taxation

extensively from our long-standing

are extremely complex. We helped



Locations Clients Australia






Czech Republic



United Arab Emirates





United Kingdom





United States of




South Africa








Hong Kong















* Landbell Group owns a 30 per cent stake in SEWA, a 50 per cent stake in Ecommunity and a 20 per cent stake in WEEE Netherlands.

Green Alley Award

Key facts on the Green Alley Award

Founded in




start-up award focusing on the circular economy



52so farcountries

WONDERFUL WASTE! The circular economy has enormous potential, which is why so many young entrepreneurs are coming up with excellent ideas and innovative concepts for turning waste into a resource. The Green Alley Award puts them centre stage. It promotes groundbreaking solutions in the fields of resource conservation, material recovery and reuse, recycling management and COâ‚‚ savings. Landbell Group wants to encourage new ways of thinking, so applicants are offered strategic support, networking opportunities and advice on how to enter the circular economy across Europe. Here are three of the previous award winners:


Sulapac®: Replacing plastic with wood Plastic is in almost everything we use – and of the 8.3 billion tonnes that have been produced since 1950, 6.3 billion have already become waste. To kick the plastic habit, the Finnish start-up Sulapac has created an innovative packaging solution made of wood from sustainably managed Nordic forests. The new material can be used in all common manufacturing processes as a real alternative to plastics. The big difference: it is fully biodegradable and decomposes in under 30 days.

Green City Solutions: Providing fresh air in urban areas The German start-up has combined a moss installation with IoT technology to provide clean air and reduce urban heat. A single “City Tree” does the work of 275 trees: it absorbs 100 kg of CO₂ annually, thereby ensuring clean air as well as a pleasant urban environment. The City Tree also monitors air quality and issues improvement reports, while its smart technology enables location-based advertising for business partners. The installation is already used in Europe and Asia.

Adaptavate: Redesigning building materials With its innovative approach to replacing conventional plasterboard with breathable and recyclable panels, the British start-up Adaptavate won the 2015 Green Alley Award. Its product Breathaboard is made from up to 75 per cent agricultural waste and is fully compostable. Furthermore, its breathable nature improves the indoor climate of homes, reducing pollutants and the occurence of mould or mildew.

RePack: Reducing packaging waste E-commerce is growing rapidly and so is the amount of packaging used. Against this backdrop, the founders of the Finnish start-up RePack have developed a multipath system that allows consumers to send back their reusable packaging. As an incentive, customers receive a voucher which they can use for their next online purchase. RePacks are made from durable materials such as polypropylene, polyethylene and cardboard. They can be used up to 20 times and are professionally recovered at the end of their life cycle. About 30 companies currently use RePack to send their products.


MILESTONES From Mainz to the rest of the world: with its desire to innovate, Landbell reshaped the German recycling market. The company is now one of the key players in the circular economy.


1995–2007: Since 2014: International growth First steps and successes 1995: Landbell, a take-back scheme 2014: European Recycling Platform (ERP) 1998:

operator for specific materials,

joins Landbell Group. ERP provides

is founded in Mainz, Germany.

international compliance services for WEEE, batteries and packaging.

The company develops its own recycling scheme in cooperation



specialises in software solutions Landbell’s dual system is approved

for managing compliance activities

by the state of Hesse. As the

and waste management operations.

second compliance scheme for packaging, the company breaks


in environmental as well as chemical The company moves into new

regulatory compliance and provides

business areas: take-back solutions

services for REACH, CLP, Biocides,

for specific materials, WEEE, waste

RoHS and WEEE.

management and deposit schemes for disposable cans and bottles.


H2 compliance is acquired. The company has renowned expertise

the monopoly in Germany.


Prodigentia becomes a member of Landbell Group. The company

with the German Lahn-Dill district.


Landbell Group concludes a strategic partnership agreement

Landbell is approved nationally.

with DHL Supply Chain, the world’s leading logistics provider. The aim is to create a one-stop shop for supply chain management and producer

2008–2013: 2017: Expanding the portfolio 2008: Landbell EASy is launched as the 2009:

Click & Comply (C&C) is launched in Germany. C&C is a web portal for manufacturers and retailers to comply with national obligations

first online shop for packaging

for packaging, WEEE and batteries


all over Europe.

The company expands its portfolio to offer global services with selected partners.


responsibility compliance.

The Green Alley Award is founded to support start-ups in the fields of recycling and the circular economy.

Published by Landbell AG RheinstraÃ&#x;e 4 L 55116 Mainz Germany Phone: +49 61 31 23 56 52-0 LANDBELL GROUP. ENGINEERING CIRCULAR ECONOMY.

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