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Expansion of EPR
Jan Patrick Schulz
CEO of Landbell Group
Despite the unprecedented difficulties, the world in which our customers operate did not stand still last year. More governments implemented extended producer responsibility (EPR) to tackle their waste and resource problems. Consequently, more companies had to stay on the right side of the laws that they introduced.
In 2020, we deployed our expertise to support governments implementing EPR in Algeria, Egypt, China and Southeast Asia. EPR is now a worldwide concern for producers: we make it our mission to guide them through the web of legislation.
EPR in Europe
Most of our customers need to comply with the chemical and environmental legislation that has been in Europe for over 25 years. This is when Landbell Group’s companies first began operating.
Last year, our producer responsibility organisations made sure that over 32,000 customers complied with the legislation in 15 countries. In the process, they also treated over 760,000 tonnes of valuable resources: batteries, electronics, and packaging.
Likewise, our chemical consulting team supported companies with obligations ranging from REACH to Poison Centre Notifications. To limit the disruption caused by Brexit, they also focused on UK REACH . Companies placing small amounts of products and packaging onto the market are coming under increasing pressure to comply with EPR laws – and we want to make it easy for them to do so.
That is why we revamped our online EASy-Shop for packaging compliance, and introduced cGlobal flat: convenient, fixed price compliance programmes for batteries, packaging and WEEE.
A global approach to EPR and takeback
To support companies internationally, our consulting teams were on hand with unique programmes for managing chemical and environmental compliance. We also expanded our regulatory tracking service, which now monitors the applicable laws and regulations in 133 countries and regions.
Furthermore, to support customers with their products’ end-of-life obligations, our global takeback team added more countries to its network. They also introduced One2One , a convenient service that helps online retailers meet their takeback obligations for WEEE.
2021 and beyond
Landbell Group’s annual performance report for 2021 will show that more countries have implemented EPR: interesting projects are already underway in North America and Brazil. We will keep our focus on supporting customers and updating our services to stay up to speed with the change.
For now, I invite you to read about our activities in 2020 – and to please get in touch to discuss any of the topics raised.
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