Artemisia incites new sensibilities as it asks our memories to contend with their own form, capability and, ultimately, nature. Do they slip away without us noticing them? Do they turn into stretchy spirals sliding at will? Do they age over the unending passing of years or the unstoppable speed of each second? Do they return to us clear reflections of what we may not afford to forget? Do they sneak out and flee even when we barely notice their ephemeral duration? Lucia Warck-Meister invites us on a journey through the corporeality of our lives’ recurrences, both from day to day and from one generation to the next. Never-before-seen and through several innovations, this installation suggests that we consider textures, dimensions, and shapes and that we come to meet, in so doing, with the intricate matter of the relation between identity and memory, between what makes us unique and its reverberations for individuals and collectivities.