Points North September 2017

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In this September 2017

Issue 208



Celebrating 200 Reasons We Love The Northside

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Russell Moore — Bluegrass Virtuoso A stranger in his own hometown of Cumming, this award-winning vocalist and his band continue to provide wholesome entertainment via an authentic American genre.

Paradise in Summerville Giving our own junk piles rebirth, Howard Finster’s Paradise Garden offers creative inspiration for an artful, spiritual journey through American history.

Jackson Hole’s Snake River Sporting Club It may be just a vacation, but only a few minutes soaking in the scenic vistas of this nearly 800acre community in Wyoming has us rethinking our residence.

North Georgia Resorts Ridgeline adventure, luxury spa treatments and unforgettable meals at two North Georgia resorts make a weekend getaway close to home worth shelving our passports for.



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ON THE COVER Russell Moore | photo courtesy of Liz Erikson Photography, lizerikson.com

SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION 37 Favorite Fall Festivals and Destinations twitter.com/pointsnorthatl




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Editor’s LETTER

PointsNorth Atlanta Atlanta PRESIDENT / CEO Witt Beckman PUBLISHER Carl Danbury Jr. EDITOR Jennifer Colosimo ASSOCIATE EDITOR Christine Kirk CREATIVE DIRECTOR Robin Harrison


SENIOR ART DIRECTOR Shannah J. Smith CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Heather KW Brown Pat Check Linley Mobley Marty Steiner

Trending Inspiration ONE THING THAT’S ALWAYS MADE Points North a distinguished magazine is that inside these pages, things are constantly evolving. Never stagnant, never ­repetitive, the creative team works to find and report on nuanced subject matter every month; highlight unique people, places and things in our community and design eye-catching, innovative spreads that showcase new, interesting ways to tell those stories. This month doesn’t interrupt that trend. As I re-join the editorial staff here and welcome our new associate editor, Christine Kirk, I’m excited to help continue delivering stories you’ll be excited to read. Maybe the travel bug has you itching to explore; and whether you prefer adventure set against the vast panoramas out west or those a little closer to home, there’s an escape ready to make its way onto your calendar. Or, maybe it will take you to Summerville where you can peruse the spiritual, folk-art garden of Howard Finster and be inspired to take your garage cleanouts to another level. Or, maybe it keeps you close to home, with a renewed appreciation for your own neighborhood – such as spending 200 minutes rediscovering Johns Creek. As we welcome even more change with the inevitable (read also: overdue) fall season later this month, I invite you to evolve with us, reading about places you might usually skim over with a flippant lick of the thumb, or by taking our not-­ so-subtle calls to action quite literally. If it’s the latter, I can’t wait to find out where you end up.

ADVERTISING 770-844-0969 sales@pointsnorthatlanta.com SENIOR MEDIA CONSULTANT Karen Poulsen ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES George Colmant Linda Ladd-Roberts CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER Tiffany Willard

ALL POINTS INTERACTIVE MEDIA CORP. 568 Peachtree Parkway Cumming, Georgia 30041 770-844-0969 pointsnorthatlanta.com ©2017 Points North Atlanta All Points Interactive Media Corp. All rights reserved. Points North Atlanta is published monthly by All Points Interactive Media Corp. The opinions expressed by contributing writers are not necessarily those of the editor, the publisher or of Points North Atlanta. No part of this magazine may be reproduced without prior consent of the publisher. SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION: Points North Atlanta offers a 12-month subscription for $15. Visit pointsnorthatlanta.com for details.

JENNIFER COLOSIMO, EDITOR jenni@pointsnorthatlanta.com

Please Recycle This Magazine


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written by CARL DANBURY photography by LIZ ERIKSON PHOTOGRAPHY unless otherwise noted site location courtesy of THE BARN AT URBAN FARM


USSELL MOORE’S VOICE HAS RANGE, figuratively and literally. Depending upon the song, his voice can perk you up, make the corner of your eyes get misty or create a smile so broad that you hope your teeth have been well brushed. Had he chosen a big Stetson hat, a snappy shirt with a bolo and a license-platesized belt buckle holding up some pre-washed jeans when he was younger, he might have

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found a place next to some of country music’s brightest talents for the past 26 years. Instead, Moore opted for an authentic genre, bluegrass, where ostentation is on permanent vacation and the folks involved tend to be genuine and unentitled. Bluegrass allows Russell Moore to be himself. He has lived in Cumming with his wife, Carol, since 1991. They raised two sons here.



He enjoys interacting with fans, but he’s got a better chance being recognized in Kentucky or southwest Virginia, for example, than in his own hometown. Unbeknownst to many here, Moore is the International Bluegrass Music Association’s (IBMA) most awarded male vocalist, having won Male Vocalist of the Year an unprecedented five times. He was just nominated again this year. His band, Russell Moore and IIIrd

Tyme Out, has won IBMA’s Vocal Group of the Year seven times and the Society for the Preservation of Bluegrass Music of America’s Vocal Group of the Year six times. These accolades are considerable for someone who still can’t read music, wouldn’t sing outside his bedroom as a teenager and survived the early years of his professional music career on soup beans, cornbread and kindness.

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FROM PASADENA WITH LOVE Down the road from Gilley’s, the central hub of the “Urban Cowboy” craze in the late ‘70s and early ‘80s, a teenaged Moore often shut his bedroom door and put a vinyl LP album on the turntable. He mimicked what he heard, emulating chords for the guitar, stand-up bass or mandolin. Or, he just sang and sang. “I loved music. I knew I enjoyed singing. It was therapeutic. I could be in the worse mood you’ve ever seen and I could go into my bedroom and pick up a guitar or a mandolin, something I was trying to learn at the time, put the needle on the old turntable, and an hour later I was transformed,” Moore reminisced. “I learned to play by taking that needle off the LP and repeating it and repeating it.” Moore first considered a musical career when he was introduced to the voice of Bluegrass Hall of Famer Bobby Osborne. “My mom would get two to three bluegrass LPs every month from a mail order company. I remember a particular month when she got two Osborne Brothers albums. One was called ‘Voices in Bluegrass’ with some of their all-time greatest hits, and also ‘Favorite Hymns,’ which was an all-Gospel recording,” Moore said. Moore said the Osborne’s arrangements, song selections and instrumentation was different than any other group at that time. “Like a breath of fresh air!” he exclaimed. “Bobby’s voice took me to another place; so pure, so clean, so powerful, and seemed effortless. His pitch and his tone just really got under my skin, and I think that is when I really got the bug to be a performer, and to be an artist in bluegrass music. I thought, wouldn’t it be great to affect somebody else the way he affects me with his singing,” Moore related. At 15, Moore joined his first Bluegrass band, playing the upright bass. It would be several months before he was encouraged to sing for others. “I wouldn’t sing in front of anybody. I was very shy about it,” Moore admitted. “There came a time when we were

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working up a new song, and we really needed a good tenor vocalist on it. I think my mom and my dad had been telling the guys that I sang really well, and they talked me into trying it. That opened the door and it hasn’t been shut since. Once I had performed and had gotten some positive feedback, I thought to myself, ‘Well, maybe you’re not too bad.’” Moore said that when he went to listen to touring bluegrass musicians, they were more available than the Gilley’s set.

“When we started going to some of those local shows the bluegrass people and the musicians were very friendly and very approachable. Off the stage, you could get right up close to them, and that was intriguing to me,” Moore said. “Those who played bluegrass encouraged you and shared advice with you. That helped a lot.” Not so with some who performed at clubs like Gilley’s. “There was kind of a clique that you had to be a part of to break in. In bluegrass,


I didn’t have to put on airs. I didn’t have to put on the big cowboy hat. I wear boots a lot, but I’ve never been one to wear Stetson shirts or whatever. That’s not who I am. It’s nice to be able to bring my talent to do what I can do to the table each day, and not have to be someone I’m not,” Moore added.


IIIRD TYME IS A CHARM After six years and seven recordings with Quicksilver, Moore left to form his own band in 1991. Band mates Mike Hartgrove and Ray Deaton joined him. The name of the new group was born from the number of bluegrass bands each of those three had performed with prior. Terry Baucom and

Alan Bibey joined soon thereafter. During the past 26 years, IIIrd Tyme Out’s supporting cast has evolved. Today, it includes Wayne Benson, one of bluegrass music’s leading mandolinists, who has played with Moore for more than two decades. Justen Haynes (fiddle), Keith McKinnon (banjo, harmony vocalist)

At 19, Moore helped create the bluegrass band, Southern Connection, with Mark Keller, Scott Vestal, and Moore’s younger brother Steven, who would later be replaced by Scott Vestal's brother, Curtis. They were based in Arlington, Texas, playing the circuit around the Dallas Metroplex. There, the band caught the attention of another Hall of Fame performer, Doyle Lawson, who encouraged Southern Connection by getting them their first gig at his festival in North Carolina. In late 1984 and early 1985 the band played several gigs in North Carolina and finally settled in Asheville, playing wherever they could as often as they could. The members pooled their resources, often playing six nights a week. “Everything we made went into one kitty. We all lived in the same house at that point. With the money we made we paid rent, expenses for the van we drove, and we divided up whatever was left. We met some pretty good people in Asheville. There were three couples that would make a meal for us one night a week. Other times it was a lot of eating soup beans and cornbread. Sometimes we didn’t even get the cornbread,” Moore remembered. After sharing the stage with Doyle Lawson and Quicksilver on several occasions, Moore and the Vestal brothers were hired by Lawson and eventually toured nationally and internationally with him. Finally, the pay was steady and reliable. And, it was with Lawson that Moore experienced opening for country music legend George Jones. “There were a lot of people there, I couldn’t tell you how many, but I think most of them came to see George Jones to be honest with you, and I was one of them,” Moore said.

September 2017 | PointsNorthAtlanta.com | 11

12 IN 2017 IIIRD TIME OUT BAND MEMBERS: Wayne Benson, Jerry Cole, Moore (C), Keith McKinnon and Justen Haynes.

that might bring them in and that engages them to pay attention to what else we are doing.” Traditional bluegrass fans will be attracted to Russell Moore and IIIrd Tyme Out’s recent releases like, “Had it Not Been for the Train” or “Brown County Red.” Gospel fans could be reminded of small church worship services while listening to “When I Cross Over Jordan” or “When He Reached Down His Hand for Me.”


and Jerry Cole (bass, vocalist) lend their talents and support. While some bluegrass groups attempt to preserve first-generation style bluegrass, performing traditional songs and not writing a lot of their own, the majority of groups today draw influences from several musical genres, like jazz, rhythm and blues, gospel, rock and roll and, of course, country. “These genres are incorporated into bluegrass somehow, whether it’s chord progressions or slight changes in instrumentation,” Moore said. “It has happened for years. Bluegrass hasn’t always been banjo, guitar, bass and mandolin. There has been dobro and some bands didn’t even have a banjo that played the bluegrass circuit. “Honestly, I think some of the best musicians in the world are in bluegrass. They are that proficient. They have listened to and incorporated styling and theory in their music. Bela Fleck is a prime example of someone who can take a banjo and make it sound like something you have never heard before,” Moore said.

For both live performances and recordings, Russell Moore and IIIrd Tyme Out often put their own spin on songs made popular by other artists, sometimes from other eras and genres. “We recorded The Platters’ hit, ‘Only You,’ years ago and we weren’t sure how it was going to go over with a bluegrass audience,” Moore said. “The song was A cappella and it had the doo-wop feel to it,” Moore said of the hit song first released in 1955. The first time we performed it was at a bluegrass festival in Florida. It was a two-day event, and I know we performed it four times because the crowd kept asking for it. We can’t do a lot of that, because if we do, it takes us away from what we do best and what our fans expect. “We don’t live forever, so you have to bring new people in who might appreciate the music. A ballad like ‘Erase the Miles’ that was written by Carl Jackson is still our most requested live song after 26 years,” Moore said. “People love it but there’s no banjo on it. It’s a love song. It might be ‘Only You’ or Sam Cooke’s ‘You Send Me’

The early part of a new century presented challenges for IIIrd Tyme Out, as tension fueled a possible disbanding. “There were a couple of times where I felt that this business is not supposed to be like this. It wasn’t really fun at that time because of other things that were interfering, but I have always enjoyed the music, playing and performing. I think those are what kept me from turning my back on it completely,” Moore said. In 2013, the end of Moore’s vocal career seemed imminent. He was forced to go completely speechless for six weeks because of a case of acute laryngitis. “That’s when reality really hit. As a vocalist, I had never really been through anything like that before, and maybe I felt like I was bulletproof up to that point. I never thought it would happen to me. I had had slight cases of laryngitis before and had experienced fatigue that didn’t enable me to perform at the level I like, but that was really scary,” Moore admitted. “The reality was that I might not have a choice of whether I want to do this anymore or not. That choice may have been made for me. “When my voice finally blew out, we were in Maryland during a sound check. We got through it, but at that point I could barely speak,” Moore said. The ENT physician told him that the good news was he didn’t see any problem with the vocal chord nodules and that no surgery was necessary. However, he had to go on complete vocal rest or his career could be over. “I couldn’t talk, sing or even whisper.


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I had to take a note pad and a pen around with me to communicate. It was six weeks of silence,” Moore said. “The first performance after vocal rest was like having to learn all over again. My control was not there, my pitch was not there and my tone was not like it had been, and I thought, is this it? Is this as good as it is going to be? It just took a little time. After a couple weeks it was back to normal. But now, I am very cautious going out to perform when I am having any problems. I used to go and fill the engagement. Now, I just pull the plug and say I am sorry.” Moore recognizes that he and his band members got into the business to have fun, please themselves and influence others. “There aren’t a lot of gold and platinum records being given out in bluegrass music. It goes back to the old adage: find something you like, do it for a living and you’ll never work a day in your life. There is a lot of truth in that,” Moore affirmed. “I’ve been awarded, and rewarded, several times over from different organizations for our music,” Moore said humbly. “I am thankful for each and every one of them, but that’s not what it is about. That wasn’t a goal, never has been and still isn’t now. They are just byproducts of doing what I love to do. I am fortunate to be the recipient of those, but I think there are many in this business that still need to be recognized. My ability, first and foremost, is God given. My passion for this music is what drives me to be better or at least maintain some of what I’ve got now. “That doesn’t mean that there aren’t setbacks and hard times, and negatives within the business itself, but there is no better feeling than doing something musically where you can say that it felt so good, that it sounded so good and that I am really pleased what I was able to contribute. That gets passed along to someone out there who is listening, and they let you know they really enjoyed it. That’s the biggest compliment you can get as an artist.” And it doesn’t matter if it’s in Kentucky, or in your own hometown. PN iiirdtymeout.com

September 2017 | PointsNorthAtlanta.com | 13

Counting ON ...



THERE’S NO BETTER TIME OF THE YEAR IN ATLANTA’S STYLISH NORTHSIDE to look at beautifully appointed homes than fall. The brilliant colors, clear blue skies and cooler weather provide the perfect backdrop for admiring these unique properties, particularly in Milton. To help celebrate the cooler days and evenings, the popular Milton Tour of Homes will host its second annual event combined with a timely harvest theme, which will showcase five “classically Milton” homes decorated as a reminder of another bountiful season. This year, the event will consist of four individual tours — two on Saturday, and two on Sunday, Oct. 21-22. Each will feature one morning tour and one afternoon tour. The private residences won’t be unveiled until the tour days begin, providing an element of anticipation and surprise for all ticketholders. Tickets will be released for sale mid-September and are priced at $35 each. Access to each of the homes is only available through the luxury bus transportation provided. Tours will depart from Northwestern Middle School, 12805 Birmingham Hwy., Milton. Tour sponsors will receive complimentary tickets and an invitation to the VIP event at a beautiful Milton estate on Oct. 20. Proceeds from the tour benefit the Friends of the Milton Library, a 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to the financial support and program enhancement of the Milton Library. Last year, the Holiday Tour of Homes raised $20,000, which went to a variety of library programs and capital items, including a laptop, STEM program for homeschooled patrons, astronomy club, wildlife program, children’s music program, Lego Club, summer reading programs and more. miltontourofhomes.com


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Paradise in



PARADISE IS VARIOUSLY DEFINED AS “HEAVEN, the final abode of the righteous” and, in some references, the Garden of Eden. The Merriam-Webster Dictionary offers “a very beautiful, pleasant or peaceful place that seems to be perfect” while Biblical scholars point to Old Testament references that speak of a walled garden as “paradise” and that the words from the Cross, “today you will be with me in Paradise,” expand on this Old Testament understanding. But Paradise, in this instance, is located in Summerville, a small town in northwest Georgia, and the

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written by MARTY STEINER photography by MJNOVOTNY photography

messenger is Howard Finster, a prolific visionary and self-taught folk artist.


Folk artists typically record what they have seen or personally experienced, using the materials at hand, including house paint, markers and even mud mixed with paint. These mediums are then applied to discarded paper, cardboard, metal, bottles and more. Most are self-taught and fall outside the various styles, movements or “schools” of art. Often these artists

simply create images reflecting their visions, without the influence of formal art training. Outsider art environmental gardens, or “visionary environments,” are a worldwide phenomenon within the folk art genre. There are dozens of examples of untrained artists transforming their surroundings into art-filled environments. These frequently, like Paradise Garden, include works constructed from found or cast-off objects. The Magic Garden in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, was a vacant lot “beautified” by an artist using found bottles and other debris with

messages throughout. Watts Towers in Los Angeles is listed on the National Register of Historic Places and consists of 17 towers constructed from steel pipe and decorated with found objects. The subjects of many environmental gardens are purely rooted in fantasy, almost always a single artist’s expression and, as at Paradise Garden, a faith-focused or “visionary” theme. Examples in the Southeast include St. EOM’s (Eddie Owens Martin) 7-acre Pasaquan near Buena Vista, Georgia; Benedictine Brother Joseph Zoettl’s September 2017 | PointsNorthAtlanta.com | 17


“The treasure which is in our backyard ”

KATHERINE JENTLESON High Museum of Art’s Folk & Self Taught Art Curator

Ave Maria Grotto near Cullman, Alabama and Joe Minter’s African Village in America in Birmingham. What differentiates each from the other is the motivation by different forces and the underlying themes. Pasaquan was inspired by mystical thoughts and presents psychedelically painted faux pre-Columbian temples, totems and painted concrete walks and walls. Zoettl’s Grotto at the Benedictine St. Bernard Abbey contains miniature reproductions of 125 significant religious structures from around the world. Minter’s site, located between two segregated cemeteries, tells the history of African-Americans using assemblages constructed of found items.

A VISIONARY AT WORK Within this folk art genre are those visionary artists who were divinely inspired to spread spiritual messages through their art. Howard Finster’s main body of work — more than 40,000 items — carries scriptural passages or interpretations of scripture coupled with simple images. Growing up with a dozen siblings in a rural Baptist family near Valley Head, Alabama in the early 1900’s, Finster, like many boys, collected objects found during his daily adventures and displayed them, as much for his own pleasure as for the eyes of others, in little “mini-museums.” During family travels, he often encountered garden-like displays along the road. Later in life as a traveling tent revival preacher, Finster again saw a number of roadside gardens composed of creations made from found objects. Some of these sites also included inspired religious messages in their imagery or on posted signs. Finster set about building his first garden in the Trion, Georgia area creating miniature churches and “heavenly mansions.” He intended to construct monuments to important inventions in honor of mankind’s inventive nature. This, in the late 1940s and 50s, satisfied his urge to create with collected items and was well received by his family, friends and church members. He eventually added a pigeon flock and a duck pond and then ran out of space. In 1961, he and his family moved to the current site of Paradise Garden, which was then a swampy four acres. He began to fill the marshes and started his Plant Farm Museum. In addition to pastoring, he repaired bicycles, small engines and lawnmowers. Using found objects and cast off plywood, he created various struc18 | POINTS NORTH | September 2017

tures including a bicycle tower and another structure made of lawnmower parts. Others would include the Bible House, the Mirror House, the Hubcap Tower and Machine Gun Nest. His crowning achievement, the wedding cake-like, five-story tiered World’s Folk Art Chapel would eventually be built atop the small church purchased in 1982 on the adjacent property. All of this is now Paradise Garden. The catalyst for Howard’s art came in 1975 while he was repairing and repainting a bicycle at his home. Already 60 years of age, he had never painted anything other than his house and the bicycles that he had worked on. One day, Howard believed he saw the image of a human face on his paint-smudged finger. A warm feeling came over him and he heard God command him to “paint sacred art.” He did so on everything from traditional canvas and artist board, to plywood cutouts, bottles, clock-cases and more. Many of his forms were iconic and easily recognized, such as Coca Cola bottle shapes, Elvis Presley, George Washington, Ronald Reagan and angels in flight. Although the forms were repeated, each carries a unique scriptural message. That same year, in 1975, Esquire published an article about self-taught artists and included Finster’s newly named Paradise Garden. This article led to his first one-man exhibition, a feature on an Atlanta television station and spurred collaboration with rock groups R.E.M. and Talking Heads. The rock group R.E.M. filmed their debut single at Paradise Garden in 1983. Much of Howard’s life had been spiritually directed. As early as the age of 3, he said he’d had a vision of his deceased sister telling him he would be a “man of visions.” At 6 years old, he was “born again,” and as a teenager, he preached at rural Baptist revivals until he became a full-time pastor. In the case of Howard Finster, the creation of the garden was largely by divine inspiration.


The High Museum of Art, with the largest known publicly held Finster collection, has a stated mission to raise awareness about Paradise Garden. Katherine Jentleson, as the High’s new Merrie and Dan Boone Folk and Self Taught Art Curator since September 2015, has taken many groups of Atlantans to visit what she

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LEFT: A portrait of Howard Finster by Atlanta artist Steve Penley

calls, “the treasure which is in our backyard.” Even after a number of visits, she still finds Paradise Garden a place of “absolute wonder.” Susan Crawley, who was the first folk art curator of a major American art museum during her tenure at Atlanta’s High Museum of Art, explains the nearly divine intervention of the High in preserving Paradise Garden. “In the 1990’s, when objects were disappearing from the Garden without compensation, Howard was pleased when a few of his iconic pieces were purchased and went into the High’s new folk art collection. The High has continued to support the efforts of the Garden through its changes of ownership including the current Chattooga County and Paradise Garden Foundation partner arrangement.” These early acquisitions are displayed at the High in a contextual manner that suggests their original 20 | POINTS NORTH | September 2017

placement in Paradise Garden. The impact of the Garden extends beyond just being a collection of one man’s inspired art, expressing both his faith and his calling to spread the Gospel. Some may see beauty in almost anything, while Finster saw God’s word in everything. Many couples were married in the Garden by Finster himself. Although married elsewhere, Steve and Amy Slotin visited the Garden as the first stop on their honeymoon 25 years ago. Today, the Slotins operate Slotin Folk Art Auctions in Buford, arguably the most important auction source of folk and outsider art including many Finster works. “Paradise Garden is really a national treasure and to have it right in our backyard makes it even more special,” said Amy Slotin. What should a visitor expect at Paradise Garden? To some, it is simply an assortment of folk art expression by a 20th-century giant in both the American and worldwide folk art genre. This includes concrete structures with imbedded objects, large mural paintings and a variety of structures combining found objects. Others may find reflection in the scriptures and Finster’s applications of these scriptures to each of us. And many will find perhaps only amusement. Regardless, the work of Howard Finster in the Garden will resonate with everyone. Some years ago a travel writer upset folk art aficionados by comparing some folk art at an auction to his pre-schooler’s “refrigerator” art. He inadvertently made the important point that children often understand and appreciate folk art, especially Finster’s simple and colorful forms. Paradise Garden is definitely a child’s art paradise. “We often miss interesting places because they are close to home and we take them for granted, but Paradise Garden is too special not to visit time and time again,” offered Tom Scanlin, a noted Finster collector. “I discover new and fascinating things there on every trip. Paradise Garden is where the full creative genius of Howard Finster, both figuratively and literally, blossomed. Howard put his heart and soul into this space.” With more than 30 years of working with and studying Howard Finster, Lehigh University’s Norman Girardot, author of “Envisioning Howard Finster: The Religion and Art of a Stranger From Another World,” reflected on the continuing interest in Paradise Garden. “The Garden, and especially the five-story World’s Folk Art Church, echoes Howard’s ‘I never met a person I didn’t love!’” Go, see, enjoy and be loved. PN paradisegardenfoundation.org high.org

January 2015 | PointsNorthAtlanta.com | 21


written by HEATHER KW BROWN | photography courtesy of SNAKE RIVER SPORTING CLUB

A TRAVEL WRITER, I’m often found in the folds of relatively unknown addresses and rarely are my whereabouts repeated. Recently, I emerged from a wooded patch in Wyoming, where despite missing several targets early in my outing, further attempts had been successful. Bow and arrow in hand, I surveyed the surroundings for my next shot feeling proud and somewhat accomplished. Though archery was a new endeavor, Jackson Hole has proven to be the lone exception to my travel trend. The grandeur of massive granite peaks rising from the valley floor is hard to imagine, and I believe once viewed, they are impossible to forget. My introduction to this humbling haven on the perimeter of Grand Teton National Park came in 1998. During that visit, I stayed with friends who had plans to ski, mountain bike and hike to their hearts’ content. Those days, you braved one of the very few flights into town on a tiny plane. Today, the non-stop, direct commercial flights from more than 13 domestic cities

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have drastically increased the urge to play outdoors, right along with the tourists, many of whom will soon decide to relocate permanently. The thought of calling Jackson “home” is what inspired my latest trip, and in an effort to live like a local, I bypassed hotel accommodations in lieu of a stay at Snake River Sporting Club. There, I realized the true marker for “a sense of place” stems from a natural balance between familiarity and the irresistible allure to return.

TALES OF TETON Though not much of a history buff, I’m a curious one and have tried over the years to answer how the town got its name and which is correct: Jackson or Jackson Hole? The namesake seems still up for discussion. According to the Jackson Hole Historical Society, many sources point to the fur trapper David Jackson; however, in the town’s past are several well-known men by the name of Jackson including horse thief Arthur Bradford (better known at the

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time as Teton Jackson) and a photographer named William Henry Jackson. As for what to call this rustic retreat, locals say either — or both — is fine. That relaxed disposition easily characterizes the overall attitude around Jackson, attributed perhaps to minimal traffic or the ability to trade streets packed with tourists for trails packed with scenery. My friend and I did our fair share of exploring Jackson Square, but ultimately turned our attention to the majestic mantle of mountains on the horizon. Steering toward switchbacks is a fast feat since Grand Teton National Park has two entrances, only minutes from town. Though I’ve been to neighboring Yellowstone National Park once and it’s a short drive from Jackson, I have not been back, choosing instead to spend time among the Tetons. Unlike Yellowstone, the world’s first national park which took two years from idea to reality, it required more than 50 years with a burdensome process necessitating a series of compromises and three separate governmental acts for Grand Teton National Park to manifest. The 310,000 acres of the Teton Range include lush valley floors, mountain

meadows, alpine lakes, celestial peaks and 230 miles of trails beckoning enthusiasts. With a late start but ample motivation, we fast hiked a 10-mile trail up to the snowmelt, where we refueled, snapped a few photos and headed back to the car. As we were driving away, we saw a line of cars pulled off to the side watching a momma bear with two cubs in the meadow. A bear sighting (out of harm’s way) is enough to make a visit memorable, but once we crossed the signature red bridge into Snake River Sporting Club, we spied a bald eagle and a nest full of eaglets presiding over the property. Reveling in this uncommon occurrence, we embraced its significance of repute and our locale as an epic stay in the making.

OUTDOOR PURSUITS Concentrating hard to keep my arm bent and my gaze straight, I aimed in succession at a skunk then a Tyrannosaurus 24 | POINTS NORTH | September 2017

Rex. Of course I wasn’t hunting for lunch, but the rubberized prey strategically placed throughout the 3-D archery course certainly served as a fun adventure. Aside from a new skill, we learned not to underestimate the power of imagination. If so, Snake River Sporting Club might not exist today. This 800-acre property, situated just 25 minutes south of town at the confluence of the Snake and Hoback rivers, was mired in distress until 2013, when Christopher Swann, who heads a group of Atlanta investors known as Cygnus, infused copious amounts of capital to completely revamp it. Envisioning not only the quintessential life in Jackson Hole, Swann also saw an opportunity to share that same experience with second-home property owners and occasional visitors alike. In creating the epitome of a fourseason vacation home, every possible stop was pulled, totaling close to $11.5 million in

addition to $2 million for the golf course. The No. 1 rated golf course in the state of Wyoming is the course at Snake River Sporting Club, which was designed by Tom Weiskopf. Admittedly not a golfer yet, the view from the tee box nearly converted me on the spot. For others whose game is not up to par, Blue Ribbon fly-fishing along the famed Snake River, traversing trails by foot, mountain bike or horse and a round of racquet sports will not result in remorse. Had my children been in tow, they would have spent hours playing Frisbee golf or immersed in the onsite youth programs. With archery bows stowed, we decided to exhaust many of those activities available at Snake River Sporting Club’s Outdoor Pursuits Barn. For us, that included learning how to load, hold and shoot a shotgun on the skeet shooting range as well as a low-key horseback ride. Hourly and full-day guided trail rides are offered and the Club’s 440-acre equestrian facility


Blue Ribbon fly-fishing along the famed Snake River, traversing trails by foot, mountain bike or horse and a round of racquet sports will not result in remorse.

offers premier boarding opportunities for the avid rider. Even under a canopy of clear summer skies, we easily pictured winter escapes such as snowshoeing, ice skating, cross country skiing, as well as private après–ski and valet service at Jackson Hole Mountain Resort.

A CHANGE OF ADDRESS After another busy day, including a stint on Beaver Pond, where we braved the chilly water on paddleboards, we finally came to a stop. Sometimes it takes standing still to truly see a place and from Adirondack chairs, our pace and perspective changed. In the tranquil setting, we saw a variety of home sites and completed residences that challenged our notion of vacation time into serious consideration as a home away from home. Some addresses claim cotton groves and aspens while others are perched high

on a bench overlooking the canyon. All are distinctly divided into The Lodges, The Residences or the Ranch Estates. An authentic combination of craftsmanship with three contemporary cabin designs, the Lodges’ community has 63 homes, with three-, four- and five-bedrooms. Short-term rental is permissible, so the idea of staying when you wish and leaving it to onsite property managers when you go is attractive for active families on the go. Besides being burrowed between 3 million acres of Bridger-Teton National Forest and the mighty Snake River, homeowners that purchase a lot in The Residences can choose from half- to 2-acre parcels with direct access to the golf course or river, as well as all the comforts of a residential community. The Ranch Estates, where one’s imagination is the foundation for a lifetime of western moments, were my favorites.

During our tour of this expansive area, all I heard was, “whatever you can conjure, you can build.” Dramatic backdrops are one thing, but these views surpass the definition of stunning and are prime real estate for a family compound. Until that time comes, Snake River Sporting Club extends the opportunity to experience the property without the investment with a stay in the Discovery Village. These one-bedroom cabins are laden with amenities, wilderness access and the guarantee of a good time. The Sporting Cabin, essentially a private basecamp, is ideal for groups in search of a ranch experience with access to the same upscale amenities. Regardless of when, where and how you visit Jackson Hole, this private club promises an unrivaled example of life well played and possibly another address. snakeriversportingclub.com PN

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Counting ON ...


No JUST ADD WATER. written by JENNIFER COLOSIMO NEED A REASON TO HUG YOUR KNEES, hit the water and swim your heart out? How about helping provide new treatments for children with cancer? Swim Across America (SAA) celebrates its fifth anniversary of the Atlanta Open Water Swim, Saturday Sept. 23, with a fundraising goal of $500,000. With more than 40 teams, 700 registrants and 10 Olympians on board, including five-time gold medalist Missy Franklin, and new events to accommodate swimmers of all skill levels, the Lake Lanier event is poised to be one for the record books. So far, that record includes surpassing a $1.25 million milestone in the first four years of the event, making the Atlanta Swim a model for other cities where SAA hosts fundraisers. Coast-to-coast, SAA and many Olympians have together helped raise more than $65 million for c ­ ancer research. This month, swim to win as part of a team, on your own or join hundreds of participants ­swimming for fun in honor of cancer survivors or in memory of loved ones. swimacrossamerica.org


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Mainstays MOUNTAIN




WHATEVER KIND OF TRAVELER YOU ARE — active wanderlust, five-star standard, under the stars, across the globe or a bike ride away — when you blend getaways with outdoor adventures, a new level of relaxation unfolds. If you’ve spent time discovering that notion near Georgia’s northern border, then you’ll agree. Via roads that require two hands on the wheel and adequate time for scenic stops, there’s so much to see and do that rarely do you get time to enjoy it all. A temptation free of hustle and bustle and the worry of bedtimes was impossible to resist, much like the promise of concierge service, spa treatments and good food, heightened by the unique juxtaposition of the North Georgia mountains. The two spots I landed satisfied a deep need for equal parts lavish rest and genuine adventure, leaving room to go back for more of both.

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Brasstown Valley Resort & Spa photography courtesy of BRASSTOWN VALLEY RESORT & SPA


y first stop was just over the mountain from the glittering bluegreen Lake Chatuge. Brasstown Valley Resort & Spa is nestled among the trees in Young Harris, beckoning plush curiosities with a keen sense of adventure. It opened in 1995, and while much of its charm has remained intact, it has evolved over the years into a soughtafter destination for vacationers of all ages. With an amenity list built with the entire family in mind, it begs the question: why not stay longer?


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An extended stay feels doable when you’ve got two choices about where to rest your head. The rustic cottages give you the option to spread out a little, with four rooms for rent, plus a parlor. You can park right outside the door and skip waiting on the elevator for a ride to your room. A room at the Lodge is a great option too, as the resort’s hotel boasts cozy, mountain-inspired décor and easy access to sofas in front of the lobby’s grand fireplace, a seat to enjoy your sunset cocktail on the large patio or a walk through the courtyard. Designed with a Cherokee house in mind, the central fireplace is a popular place for people in the area to come enjoy a drink, so find your spot early and snuggle in.

HISTORY BY HOOFBEAT My husband and I started the day with a rustic horseback riding experience at the stables. We never would have called ourselves avid riders before our experience with stable manager Jerry Hamilton, but after a long morning ride soaking in the Cherokee history, spotting quiet deer and glimpsing undisturbed flora majestically cloaked in the dawn’s mist, we may soon be reprioritizing our free time. It was more than just a sightseeing ride, thank goodness, because as the early morning's heavy dew snapped a


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Alluring tree branch just off the path and made our horses jumpy, we knew where to shift our weight and how to tighten our heels so that the disturbance was a healthy part of our adventure. With the simple lessons Hamilton provided along the way, we were able to enjoy a peaceful ride that gave us deeper appreciation for the sport overall, as we learned to keep our horses focused and our posture comfortable enough to ask for more saddle time.


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FROM TEES TO TREATMENTS Less heart-pumping, a more friendly competition awaits at the resort’s other majestic beauty. Albeit manmade, the Brasstown Valley Golf Club’s 18 holes of challenging terrain and rolling elevation offer a first-hand view of the ridgeline at competitive prices for the area. One of my father’s favorite courses with five tee sets and challenges for every level golfer, you can easily spend all of your free time trying to lower your score. The course hosts several tournaments, offers golf lessons and clinics and a clubhouse packed with golf goodies, unique home décor, local artisan gifts and crafts. The cure for recovering from any outdoor adventure sits quietly across the street. The Equani Spa was added to the September 2017 | PointsNorthAtlanta.com | 31


resort in 2008 and is named for the Cherokee land it sits on (equani is Cherokee for “ridge”). Both the building and its services pay homage to the area’s rich history by weaving distinctive Cherokee elements that stimulate and replenish one’s entire being into their foundations. Whether you choose manis, pedis, facials or massage, the carefully curated menu of embellishments to these services are what make this an experience to remember. Plan to arrive extra early to browse the options; spend time on the outdoor patio, relaxation room or in your own private hot tub enjoying a signature bath treatment. With a glass of something sparkling in hand, you may decide this is your preferred type of adventure.

UNTAPPED TASTES Even if your lone activity is reading a good book in one of the patio’s rocking chairs, you can avoid getting back in your car by taking advantage of the resort’s enormous buffet or by grabbing something casual at Brassies, the resort’s “19th hole” and a perfect spot for a quick lunch or quiet dinner by the fire. Both offer incredible views of the area’s unmatched sunsets. If you’re up for exploring the quaint towns outside of the resort, then make room for memorable meals. Don’t miss Mary’s Southern Grill, tucked away in a shopping center off Highway 17. Choose breakfast platters piled high with eggs, toast, sausage and bacon, homemade jams and jellies, stacks of pancakes and breakfast potatoes done three ways. Mary’s also offers gluten free breads, no-sugar syrups and plenty of other lighter options. The only rules? Come early, bring cash and don’t dillydally or you’ll wait a long time for a seat. There’s also Blairsville’s Cuba-inspired option, Dan’s Grill. A tiny place taking up another shopping center storefront, this authentic eatery offers a menu of feisty flavors and traditional dishes, like the Midnight Sandwich, a traditional Cuban served pressed on a sweet egg roll, or some of the best black beans you’ll ever eat in your life. Succulent crab cakes to share, homemade agave pastries to go and friendly service keep bringing us back. brasstownvalley.com 32 | POINTS NORTH | September 2017

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Valhalla Resort Hotel photography courtesy of VALHALLA RESORT HOTEL


hen you think about Helen, you’re probably imagining neon-colored inner tubes floating along the river and picturing authentic pairs of lederhosen or playing putt-putt. And while plenty of people flock to the motels, bed and breakfasts and Airbnbs of downtown for those exact reasons, a new place to stay kicks the expectations of this Bavarian-­ inspired town to greater heights. This summer, Valhalla Resort Hotel opened its doors to travelers looking for something a little more luxe. For me, it satisfied a deep need to enjoy everything Helen has to offer without thousands of day-trippers and motorcycle brigades fighting me for a parking spot. Instead, Valhalla offers an oasis; a quaint, yet majestic hotel overlooking the rolling hills and dense forest that sits above the downtown’s busy streets. It provides visitors with a way to enjoy the unique charm of a treasured city with four-star service and lavish amenities. In fact, that’s exactly what inspired owners Jerry and Gayle Murdock to open it. Establishing Valhalla helped them deliver something intimate and luxurious to Atlantans wanting a shorter drive for both high-end dining and luxury resort amenities. September 2017 | PointsNorthAtlanta.com | 33


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Whether upon first plunge into the pile of impossibly plush pillows, first deluge by the cascading waterfall shower or first flame from the in-room fireplace, this old world-styled castle is truly heaven. That’s where it gets its name – Valhalla being the ancient mythical heaven for Norse warriors who died heroically in battle. With Jerry’s Scottish heritage, and an ambiance that inspires feasting, retreating and relaxing, the name is a natural fit.

ENHANCED SOUTHERN SAMPLING A far cry from the funnel cakes and giant pretzels celebrated on the streets below, the menu at Caledonia rivals anything you’ll eat in town and executive chef Dean Hill is the reason behind it. With experience from Virginia to Colorado, Washington and back, he previously served as the executive chef for Potomac Point Winery before the Murdocks handpicked him to spearhead their resort’s culinary vision. “When I cook, I like to use local fresh ingredients that are found seasonally, and I like to layer them for a multitude of different flavors; I’m all about the farm-to-fork concept,” Hill said. Because the region is rich in local co-ops and farms selling fresh ingredients, this allows Hill to source from businesses like Nora Mills Grainary, Buckhead Beef, Springer Mountain Farms and Jumping Goat Roastery. You’ll recognize the menu’s Southern comfort theme, but look forward to the flair that Chef Hill puts on each, in his own words, taking his favorite childhood meals and putting unrecognizable spins on them. In short, these aren’t your grandma’s fried green tomatoes. The menu at Caledonia really tests your willpower to order rationally. Starters include 34 | POINTS NORTH | September 2017

pan seared diver scallops and Gulf Coast rock shrimp bruschetta. Salads come creatively topped with Georgia blueberries or smoked gouda and goat cheese fritters. The roasted asparagus is hot, accompanied by a soft poached farm egg, Asher blue cheese, white truffle and crisp Vidalia onion. Choose wisely, because you won’t want to miss a bite of the Buckhead Beef filet, plated with twice cooked (and perfectly crisped) herb and vinegar potatoes, tender morels and Vidalia onion ragout. Other notable options include the pan seared Alaskan halibut served with Meyer lemon risotto and the oven roasted rack of lamb with vanilla and black pepper spätzle. A dessert made in-house – and topped with whipped cream made from Mountain Fresh Creamery dairy products – makes for a sweet ending to this little mountainside culinary fairy tale. In the Sky Bar or at the pool, guests can savor shareable bites like the chorizo stuffed mushrooms, fish tacos and popcorn tuna; or settle in for a more casual meal with creative salads, soups, sandwiches and excellent shrimp and grits.

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RELAXING WELL The Solasta Spa offers a cozy, convenient escape from the day you spent shopping, wine tasting or hiking waterfalls nearby. Reserve the Mountain Mist Facial for a refreshing twist on the traditional treatment, including an aromatherapy mist; gentle exfoliation with active fruit enzymes and acids to firm, brighten, calm and clear your complexion; a tailored treatment mask and relaxing arm massage. For the adventure seekers, detox with the Hiker’s Relief Massage for an hour of indoor TLC. Steps outside the spa sits the sparkling blue pool with its private cabanas and plush toweled lounge chairs where you can choose to skip the in-town activities for the day, or recover from them. Spend time in the aromatherapy steam room, gym or opt for afternoon tea on your balcony. To ward off any possible cabana fever, the personalized guest service is poised to escort you and/or your group into town to a nearby winery or trailhead. Truly, Valhalla is anybody’s heaven. ­valhallaresorthotel.com PN

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September 2017 | PointsNorthAtlanta.com | 35

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128 Number

Favorite Fall Golf Destinations –

The Carolinas


Palmetto Dunes Oceanfront Resort

written by BRAD KING


There is no better time than autumn for great golf on Hilton Head Island at the Palmetto Dunes Oceanfront Resort, a longtime fall favorite enjoyed by families, friends and business colleagues alike because of its great location and detailed list of amenities. It is a venerable home to great golf on Hilton Head Island, overflowing with reasons to play golf, or just to play outside. The 2,000-acre resort stretches across three miles of Atlantic Ocean beach and features three world-class golf courses, an award-winning tennis center, 11 miles of lagoons, an outfitters shop and one of the best beaches on the eastern seaboard. In addition, the resort’s Shelter Cove Harbour & Marina provides some of the island’s finest

waterfront shopping and dining along with seasonal entertainment and activities for the entire family. “The three Palmetto Dunes golf courses receive a lot of attention, not just from golfers but from the professional staff which keep them immaculate,” said Brad Marra, Palmetto Dunes vice president of resort operations. “All the courses twist and turn among lakes, lagoons, marshes. It’s not a stretch to say that you have to see it to believe it.” The signature hole, No. 10, on the Robert Trent Jones Oceanfront Course, is a dramatic par-5 that offers sweeping views of the Atlantic and is widely considered one of the most spectacular holes in the U.S. It is one of only two oceanfront holes on Hilton Head Island. The Arthur Hills Course at Palmetto Dunes takes


September 2017 | PointsNorthAtlanta.com | 37



Palmetto Dunes Oceanfront Resort

No. 5 in the world overall by Tennis Resorts Online. Meanwhile, tennis, golf and fishing always seem to go together well — and redfish are abundant in Hilton Head during their fall mating season. For those who enjoy the distinct pleasure that only a fishing pole can provide, deep-sea chartered fishing excursions are available at Shelter Cove Marina. Guests also may book dolphin and nature tours.

G palmettodunes.com

Shelter Cove Marina kayaks

full advantage of the natural beauty of this sea island and represents a careful blend of beauty and challenge. Stands of palmetto trees line the graceful fairways. Built on a series of rolling dunes, the Arthur Hills Course presents many opportunities for off-balance lies, while ocean breezes add to the challenge. Ten holes on the water further encourage precise placement. Meanwhile, many golfers regard the George Fazio Course, the island’s only par-70 layout, as Hilton Head Island’s most challenging championship course. Golf is not nearly the entire story at Palmetto Dunes. Ranked as the No. 1 Tennis Resort in the Carolinas and one of the Top 10 Tennis Centers in the U.S. by Tennis Magazine, it also was ranked No. 2 in the world for instruction and events, No. 3 in the world for junior programs and 38 | POINTS NORTH | September 2017

CHOICES ABOUND IN THE OUTER BANKS Golf is wildly popular along the North Carolina coast. Nowhere is this more true than in the storied Outer Banks (OBX), where seashore isolationism allowed the Wright brothers to create manned flight, and the same privacy enabled wild Spanish mustang horses to form a unique habitat on similar sandy soil. “Away from it all” is how you’ll feel when you tee it up on any one of the outstanding golf courses located in the OBX. But don’t think for a moment that this coastal destination is bereft of things to do once your group’s round of golf is complete. When not standing on a green or tee box looking out across the ocean or a sound, you’ll be busy living the good life in quaint villages and towns with funky names like Currituck, Corolla, Coinjock, Nags Head, Kill Devil Hills, Duck and Kitty Hawk. From true barrier island links courses to modern



No. 18 at Mid South Club

Mid South Club


parkland marvels located inland, the region is so chock full of variety, you truly don’t have to go anywhere else. The challenges are as spectacular as the coastal views they possess. The Currituck Club, routed by Rees Jones, rolls across diverse coastal terrain with sound-side views distinctly its own on the northern end of the barrier island. Nags Head Golf Links, crafted by Bob Moore, plays hard along the inner waterway on the southern end, where coastal winds and rugged shoreline combine in true Scottish fashion to create a unique golfing experience each and every day. The OBX golf experience is enhanced by three other courses on the northern mainland, but certainly worth leaving the island to go play. The Carolina Club and The Pointe Golf Club form a pair of the most immaculately manicured and impeccably conditioned golf courses around. Located minutes from the Wright Brothers Bridge amidst 605 beautiful acres of maritime forest, Kilmarlic Golf Club is nestled along the sprawling wetlands of the Albemarle Sound. As home to the 2004 and 2009 North Carolina Opens, Kilmarlic also hosts the Old Dominion/ Outer Banks collegiate championship each autumn. PlayOBXGolf.com OBXGolfTravel.com currituckclubresort.com thecarolinaclub.com thepointegolfclub.com kilmarlicgolfclub.com


No. 18 The New Course at Talamore Less than five miles from the Village of Pinehurst, North Carolina, the “Birthplace of American Golf,” a longtime local favorite recently underwent some dramatic improvements and upgrades. Talamore Golf Resort, which first made headlines for its famed stable of llama caddies and unparalleled customer service, has become one of the Sandhills’ premier golf getaways. More than 90 percent of its customers return or refer new business to the resort. Last summer, a quarter century after it first opened, the green complexes at Talamore were converted from bent grass to Champion Bermuda and have received rave reviews. The Talamore green complexes were restored to their original 1991 Rees Jones design by recapturing the greens' surrounds. Talamore’s latest line of upgrades also included a renovation of the clubhouse and golf course — now appropriately named, The New Course at Talamore. Talamore’s partner property, just across the road at the Arnold Palmer-designed Mid South Club, is undergoing a similar golf course restoration and greens conversion along with many other club enhancements. talamoregolfresort.com midsouthclub.com


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129 Number

Wine Over Water

Chattanooga's Signature Culinary Event


WINE OVER WATER (WOW), CELEBRATING ITS 23rd year on Saturday, Oct. 7, is Chattanooga's premier wine-tasting festival, where attendees sample wines from more than 100 wineries while strolling the historic Walnut Street Bridge above the Tennessee River. Built in 1890, the bridge is one of the world's longest pedestrian bridges and was the first bridge to link downtown Chattanooga to the North Shore. Local restaurants offer small plates for $5 each, while Publix provides complimentary charcuterie and cheese plates to pair with wine samples. Bread is supplied by Bluff View Bakery. Talented regional musicians, specializing in jazz to bluegrass, entertain the crowd during the festival. Before the festival begins, WOW's premium wine tasting event, Best Cellars, will be held Friday, Oct. 6 at the official partner hotel, The Chattanoogan. Guests can sample exceptional premium wines while enjoying heavy hors d'oeuvres and may take

written by CARL DANBURY

part in an incredible silent auction to benefit Cornerstones and their historic preservation efforts in Chattanooga. Half of the cost of each WOW ticket is tax-deductible. Tickets are available for purchase in advance. For the first time this year, Wine Over Water is expanding its Off-the-Bridge events to offer more opportunities for food lovers to enjoy culinary and beverage delights. A spectacular wine dinner at renowned St. John's Restaurant with Jackson Family Wines is scheduled Thursday, Oct. 5 and features a five-course dinner by Executive Chef Rebecca Barron, paired with Sommelier Michelle Richards’ selections. Also on the schedule is the Yoga Brunch, Sunday, Oct. 8, which is sponsored by Veuve Clicquot and Lululemon at Feed and features Chef Charlie Loomis and Springer Mountain Farms. wineoverwater.org chattanooganhotel.com PHOTO COURTESY OF WINE OVER WATER

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130 Number

Savannah Food & Wine Festival

Savannah's Annual Chef Celebration


written by CARL DANBURY

THE SAVANNAH FOOD & WINE FESTIVAL, presented by Publix, celebrates its fifth anniversary, Nov. 6-12. The festival has grown exponentially each year and is now Georgia’s second largest culinary and wine event. According to festival president Michael T. Owens, “the festival continues to bring exceptional culinary awareness to Savannah with its unique Savannah charm and high-quality events. Events include local and celebrity chefs along with the country’s leading winemakers and beverage experts.” One of the festival's signature events is the James Beard Foundation's "Celebrity Chef Tour" dinner, Wednesday, Nov. 8 at 7 p.m. The 2017 James Beard Foundation Best Chef award winners for the South, Southeast and Southwest will participate, including Atlanta’s Steven Satterfield (Southeast) of Miller Union. Held at the official festival host hotel, The Westin Savannah Harbor Golf Resort & Spa, VIP reception tickets are still available. Other chefs include: Houston’s iconic Hugo Ortega (Southwest), executive chef of the notable restaurants Hugo’s, Caracol, Backstreet

Cafe and Xochi; Rebecca Wilcomb (South), chef de cuisine of New Orleans’ Herbsaint since September 2011 and Paul Fehribach of Chicago’s Big Jones restaurant, better known for showcasing his homespun-style of cooking. Fehribach is committed to finding and preserving historic foods of the South and has been nominated for best chef in the Great Lakes region for five consecutive years. In addition to the Chef Tour dinner, The Grand Reserve Tasting, Thursday, Nov. 9; the Riverboat Wine Paired Luncheon Cruise, Friday, Nov. 10 and Taste of Savannah, Saturday, Nov. 11 at the Georgia State Railroad Museum are popular with the locals. The Savannah Food & Wine Festival is a nonprofit event benefiting various Savannah charitable organizations and its own Coastal Hospitality Education Foundation (CHEF), which provides educational scholarships for culinary and hospitality students in the Coastal Empire and the Lowcountry. savannahfoodandwinefestival.com stayinsavannah.com


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How beautifully

leaves grow old. How full of light and color are their last days. – JOHN BURROUGHS

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Sept. 9

The British are coming to historic downtown Norcross with Rolls Royces and all at the Atlanta British Car Fayre, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. You’ll see classic and iconic cars at the 17th annual car show, including the featured marque Rolls Royce on display alongside the gleaming elegance of other classic British cars. This includes over 400 Jaguars, Triumphs, Aston Martins, Lotus, Land Rovers, MG's and more, plus a few motorcycles. Admission is free to the public. Complimentary shuttle buses will be available. atlantabritishcarfayre.com

Sept. 15 – 16

Start the weekend off right Friday at 7 p.m. with the Blue Ridge Blues Crawl in downtown Blue Ridge. Make your way through several different restaurants for live music, food and drinks to celebrate the start of Blue Ridge’s Blues Weekend in the mountains. On Saturday, downtown Blue Ridge sets the stage as a fantastic, early fall backdrop for the Blue Ridge Blues & BBQ Festival happening from noon to 9 p.m. The leaves start to change, and cooler days bring crisp evenings that invite outdoor activities, such as the sounds of blues

Gibbs Gardens Monet Waterlily Festival Sept. 23 – 24, 30 & Oct. 1

music and the sweet, smoky smell of BBQ from local and regional cookers. Both will fill the air as families and groups of friends enjoy this unique setting and event. Admission is $5 and children 12 and under are free. stayinblueridge.com

Sept. 16

If your ideal vacation is flip-flops and a fork, we’ll see you on the sugar-white sands of Pensacola Beach! The 9th annual Taste of Pensacola Beach foodie festival showcases taste-tempting coastal delights made by Pensacola Beach’s favorite restaurants as well as cooking demonstrations from the Pensacola Beach Celebrity Chefs, cooking competitions and a free live concert. It’s Florida’s best seafood meets Florida’s best beach, PHOTOS COURTESY OF GIBBS GARDENS; BLUE RIDGE, GEORGIA

46 | POINTS NORTH | September 2017

3RD ANNUAL VIKING ENCAMPMENT AT BARRINGTON HALL October 7 – 8, 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

{ FREE }

A NIGHT AT THE MUSEUM AT BULLOCH HALL October 21, 6:30 – 9:00 p.m.

FALL FARM DAY AT SMITH PLANTATION October 14, 11:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

{ FREE }


roswellgov.com/southerntrilogy Barrington Hall: 770-640-3855 Bulloch Hall: 770-992-1731 Smith Plantation: 770-641-3978 September 2017 | PointsNorthAtlanta.com | 47



and not just one “with a beach view.” We’re talking: feet in the sand, crashing waves, sunshine, shrimp and bringing the restaurants down to the sandy shoreline for a daylong celebration of all things Southern, seafood, savory and sweet. The festival features 23 of the beach’s favorite casual and fine dining restaurants stationed in booths overlooking the Gulf of Mexico and serving samples of their signature dishes for $5. Beer, wine and frozen drinks will be available for purchase and White Tie Rock Ensemble will close out the festival with a free concert at 7 p.m. tasteofpensacolabeach.com

Sept. 23

Go around the world in a day without leaving historic downtown Norcross at the Gateway International Food & Music Festival from 4-8 p.m. at Lillian Webb Park. Held in conjunction with Welcoming America’s Welcome Week, this event will showcase the region’s best multicultural talent and food while highlighting the rich cultural contributions of Gwinnett’s diverse communities. Bring the whole family to celebrate the cultural diversity of Gwinnett County without ever leaving the park! aplacetoimagine.com

Sept. 23 – 24

The Service League of Cherokee County will present the 33rd annual Riverfest Arts and Crafts Festival from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturday, and 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday at Etowah River Park, located at 600 Brown Industrial Pkwy. in Canton. serviceleague.net/riverfest-1

Sept. 23 – 24, 30 – Oct. 1

Get the best of Gibbs Gardens with spectacular gardens, music, art and food at the Arts Festival and Monet Waterlily Festival. From 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., these festivals celebrate the beauty of 140 varieties of water lilies blooming against the backdrop of the Gibbs Gardens’ Monet Bridge. Enjoy a French market with locally sourced products, a juried art show and live entertainment from strolling musicians and mimes. Artists will be selling their works in a variety of mediums, including oil, watercolor, clay, fiber, leather, glass, metal, wood and photography. Sample 48 | POINTS NORTH | September 2017


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770-616-0707 | courtney@wishdrawals.com September 2017 | PointsNorthAtlanta.com | 49



Roswell's Historic House Museums

Madeline’s Coast 2 Coast French fare for purchase or your favorites from the Arbor Café. Wine and beer are also available. Receive half-price admission on Sept. 23-24 only, $10 for adults, $5 for children, or regular admission for all other festival dates. gibbsgardens.com

Sept. 30 – Oct. 1

The 58th annual Art on Main Fine Art/Fine Craft Festival will be presented from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., on historic Main Street in Hendersonville, North Carolina. Attendees will enjoy fine arts and crafts, in both traditional and contemporary styles, during this art-filled weekend in the cool North Carolina mountains! acofhc.org

Sept. 30 – Oct. 1

The 35th annual Duluth Fall Festival promises to delight the entire family. Voted “Best Large Festival in the Southeast” last year, it will feature 350 arts, crafts and food booths, a huge parade, entertainment, "Man's 50 | POINTS NORTH | September 2017

Historic CLAYTON

IN THE NORTHEAST GEORGIA MOUNTAINS “ THE MOUNTAINS ARE CLOSER THAN YOU THINK!” 9 0 m i n u tes f r om Atl a n ta , Gr een vi l l e & Ash eville

OFF {KICK the Season} Sat April 29th – Sun April 30th


www.Celebrateclayton.com Fri June 2nd, July 7, August 4 & Sept 1 5:30pm – 7:30pm


Sat July 15th 6pm-9pm

TASTE WINE, FOOD, BEER & MUSIC Annual Clayton Crawl on Main St


Corner,” a 5K road race, a carnival and much more. Get there in comfort via large, air-conditioned busses departing from three Duluth locations: Duluth Middle School, Chattahoochee Elementary School and Mason Elementary School. duluthfallfestival.org




Sept. 30 – Oct. 1

Enjoy autumn at Scottsdale Farms Garden Center in Alpharetta. You’ll find thousands of healthy plants, beautiful home décor, giftware and you can stop for a bite at their cafe. Expert horticulturists, landscape designers, florists and interior designers are ready to help. Plus, don’t miss the ThinkPink charity event benefiting TurningPoint Breast Cancer Rehabilitation and featuring the children’s obstacle course and plenty of entertaining festivities. Additional fall favorites include hayrides, farm animals, a pumpkin patch and the Enchanted Christmas Tree Forest. scottsdalefarms.com

The quintessential Southern quail-hunting experience




September 2017 | PointsNorthAtlanta.com | 51



Oct. 5 – 15

The Cumming Fair comes to town with more than 40 amusement rides and games by the James H. Drew Exposition. The covered concert arena downtown will feature free evening concerts with the price of admission: Kellie Pickler-Oct. 6, Gene Watson-Oct. 10, the Marvel Super Heroes-Oct. 11, Thompson Square-Oct. 12 and the American Bull Riding Tour-Oct. 14-15. Free shows will include Oscar the Robot, Brian Ruth “Master of the Chainsaw,” North Georgia Petting Zoo and Pony Rides, Lady Houdini, Horses, Horses Horses, High Dive, Michelle’s Magical Poodles, Stiltwalker Todd Key and the Peter Hart Atlanta Puppet Show. cummingfair.net

Oct. 7

Treat the entire family to Hay Day at Save the Horses Rescue in Cumming. This fun-filled event will feature pony and hayrides, a petting zoo, face painting, games for kids, a variety of vendors, tasty food and more. Proceeds will be used to purchase hay for 130 horses to eat during the coming winter. Free admission and parking. savethehorses.org

Oct. 7 – 28

Roswell is bringing history to life throughout October with various events and fun for the whole family via Roswell’s Historic House Museums. Learn about Viking history and culture, complete with ritual combat demonstrations, games and a footrace at Barrington Hall, Oct. 7-8. Smith Plantation shows you life on a 19th century farm on Oct. 14 with live history exhibits and traditional activities like spinning, weaving and open hearth cooking. Just in time for Halloween, meet Teddy Roosevelt and other spooky guests on Oct. 21 during a candlelight tour of Bulloch Hall, followed by pumpkin rolling races and old Halloween songs and stories. On Oct. 28, bring the whole group for a family-friendly Spooky Tour of historic Smith Plantation where trickor-treaters will meet Smith family spirits and enjoy roasted marshmallows, s’mores and fun Halloween-themed activities. roswellgov.com/southerntrilogy PHOTO COURTESY OF SOUTHERN COMFORT CABIN RENTALS

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Southern Comfort Cabin Rentals

Oct. 13 – 21

Head to Hiawasee for the Georgia Mountain Fall Festival, a festival full of arts and crafts, live music and a replica Pioneer village that takes you back to the olden days. Enjoy live music from the Bellamy Brothers, Bill Anderson, Brenda Lee and more. Plus, don’t miss the Georgia Mountain Fiddler’s Convention and daily live shows with Nerger’s tigers. georgiamountainfairgrounds.com

Oct. 15, 20 – 21, 27 – 28

Escape this fall to the Chattahoochee Nature Center in Roswell. Sample local cuisine and


brews on Saturday, Oct. 15 at Harvest on the Hooch or experience the nonscary Halloween Hikes happening Friday and Saturday, Oct. 20-21 and Oct. 27-28. Start the new year with winter camp, or a date night canoe trip on the Chattahoochee River. chattnaturecenter.org

Nov. 9 – 19

Thomasville Center for the Arts celebrates the sporting life through art at the 22nd Annual Plantation Wildlife Arts Festival in Thomasville. The Festival marks the opening of hunting season with 10 days of wildlife-inspired events and a fine art show featuring 65 of the best sporting and wildlife painters, sculptors, carvers, jewelers and artisans. Highlights include a destination dinner experience at Sea Island Resort, the popular Red Hills Rover Rally, a concert by

September 2017 | PointsNorthAtlanta.com | 53


FAVORITE FESTIVALS AND DESTINATIONS North Mississippi Allstars, a black-tie Preview Party and the two-day Fine Art Show & Sale. Just 3.5 hours south of Atlanta and 35 minutes north of Tallahassee, escape the city to explore South Georgia's historic plantations and vibrant art scene through the lens of the sporting life. pwaf.org

Nov. 10 – 12

When you’re wondering where to go for art in Habersham, Rabun, White and Towns Counties, The Northeast Georgia Arts Tour Holiday Road Open House Weekend provides miles of handmade, one-of-a-kind gift items that will fill galleries, studios and museums. Plan your visit today for a self-guided driving tour following bright yellow Art Tour signs to guide you to your next stop. artstour.org ­­— ————————————————


FIND YOUR PLACE FOR AUTUMN and “fall” in love with Blue Ridge by surrounding yourself with the natural beauty of the North Georgia mountains. From rushing waterfalls to breath-taking vistas of fall foliage, the escape you deserve awaits and Southern Comfort Cabin Rentals can help you find it. With the season’s crisp air abounding, it’s easy to enjoy the many fall festivals, shopping, dining and outdoor activities offered throughout the area and the perfect Blue Ridge experience begins with where you stay. Less than 90 minutes from Atlanta, Southern Comfort Cabin Rentals offers a wide portfolio of privately owned homes near downtown. southerncomfortcabinrentals.com MOTHER NATURE REIGNS SUPREME in the beautiful North Georgia mountain towns of Blairsville and Suches. Delight in the explosion of autumn leaf color or cuddle up in a cozy PHOTO COURTESY OF WISHDRAWALS TRAVEL

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Wishdrawals Travel

cabin this winter. Outdoor lovers can hike endless trails, see breathtaking views atop Brasstown Bald (Georgia’s highest elevation), or visit rushing waterfalls and the serene Lake Nottely. Enjoy horseback riding, golfing and antiquing year round or plan your trip around one of the area’s many unique festivals. #BelieveIt visitblairsvillega.com DISCOVER CARTERSVILLE – a real Georgia gem! Experience the Booth Western Art Museum (2016-17 Southeast Attraction of the Year), Tellus Science Museum and the Etowah Indian Mounds. Or, spend the day paddling the Etowah River Trail or traversing nature’s playground at Red Top Mountain State Park on Lake Allatoona. Treat yourself to a weekend at Barnsley Resort, enjoy downtown Cartersville’s charming shops and eateries or check out the online calendar for updates on weekly events with insider tips. visitCartersvilleGA.org

SEPT. 30 & OCT. 1 Voted best in Southeast in 2016 RIDE BUSSES FREE FROM THREE DULUTH SCHOOL LOCATIONS. Duluth Middle School on Pleasant Hill Road Chattahoochee Middle on Albion Farm Road Mason Elementary on Bunten Road

www.duluthfallfestival.org September 2017 | PointsNorthAtlanta.com | 55



Wynfield Plantation

“WE PRIDE OURSELVES on the exceptional quality of our service, as well as the beauty of our rooms and the exquisite views,” said Jacqueline Welch of The Golf Club of Georgia. Their award-winning clubhouse and event spaces serve as an impeccable foundation for any occasion. From intimate to extravagant, traditional to the unexpected, the staff is dedicated to making each vision come to fruition. Two Top-20 championship courses will deliver an incomparable experience whether they are the focal point of your event or a perfect complement. The team of professionals at The Golf Club of Georgia will customize everything from concept to clean up, so that your focus is on the occasion and creating memories. golfclubofgeorgia.com

“I HAVE SPENT COUNTLESS HOURS wandering Disney parks, cruise ships and the Internet gathering new information to help my clients have an amazing Disney trip,” said Courtney Palmer of Wishdrawals Travel LLC. In fact, she’s been to Disney World more than 30 times, cruised with eight Disney ships and has been to Disney’s Aulani Resort and Spa in Hawaii. “I remember, to this day, the first time I turned the corner and walked down Main Street USA in Disney World to see the castle for the first time as a child. There was something so magical about that experience, and I still love it as an adult.” What she loves even more is helping others have as much fun on their vacations as her family does on theirs. She’s figured out not PHOTOS COURTESY OF TERRY ALLEN, WYNFILD PLANTATION

56 | POINTS NORTH | September 2017


FAVORITE only how to make the trips for her clients more affordable, but also how to squeeze the value and fun out of every dollar they spend. Better yet, she’s there for you and your family every single step of the way, even while you are on your vacation. “I look at vacations as an investment,” she said. “It’s an investment in memories with your family, an investment in magic and an investment in forever.” Contact Courtney to book your next magical Disney vacation at courtney@wishdrawals.com or call 770-616-0707. wishdrawals.com THERE ARE FEW THINGS MORE THRILLING than your dog locked down on a covey of quail that flush high and fast when the time is right, and located in the heart of quail country, Wynfield Plantation represents bobwhite quail hunting at its best. It features 2,000 acres of expertly managed woods, private cabins and a sporting clays course, was named Orvis Wingshooting Lodge of the year in 2005 as well as as one of Garden and Gun’s “Top 50 Places and Things in the South.” Book your quail hunting experience of a lifetime at Wynfield Plantation. wynfieldplantation.com DRIVING UP SCENIC HIGHWAY 197 NORTH from Clarkesville, you will stumble upon Georgia’s oldest craft shop, Mark of the Potter. Celebrating


48 years of quality functional stoneware pottery and other artful items in “an interesting shop of contemporary crafts,” Mark of the Potter is a must-see in Northeast Georgia and in Habersham County. See the insides of Grandpa Watts’ old gristmill and feed the protected trophy-sized trout. markofthepotter.com FORMERLY THE KINCAID HOUSE, the charming Blue Ridge Bed & Breakfast is located in one of the oldest residences in Blue Ridge. Built in the 1890s, the three-story Victorian inn features eight rooms, 12-foot ceilings, original hand-carved woodwork and heart pine floors — all just one block from the downtown antique shops and local restaurants. blueridgeinnbandb.com WHEREVER YOUR FALL WEEKENDS TAKE YOU, from tailgating to vacations, camping or special events, arrive in style with Southern Road Yachts. Rent one of the luxury Mercedes-Benz Airstream Coaches for the weekend, week or month for an experience that’s better than flying. Call 404-843-1199. southernroadyachts.com n

Unique 1890s Victorian Inn All rooms have Private Bath, Cable TV and WIFI Open Year-Round Full Country Breakfast

706-661-7575 477 West First Street, Blue Ridge, GA 30513 www.BlueRidgeInnBandB.com info@blueridgeinnbandb.com

A boutique Inn in downtown Blue Ridge

Use Promocode NORTH for special pricing. September 2017 | PointsNorthAtlanta.com | 57

ESCAPE TO Blue Ridge

58 | POINTS NORTH | September 2017




Nodding to their ever-changing charm and steady draw, we’re highlighting ways to spend 200 minutes in a different Points North Atlanta community for each of our 2017 issues. Whether you spend all 200 minutes in one place or divvy it up to discover several, enjoying your time in this neighborhood starts now.

















I MOVED TO THE NORTHSIDE ONLY a couple of years ago, so to say I’m still exploring and learning about the area is an understatement. What better way to get to know your new home than to immerse yourself in one of its neighborhoods for a day? I chose Johns Creek. I wasn’t sure how easy it would be to fill 200 minutes of my day considering Johns Creek is known for top-notch golf courses like Atlanta Athletic Club, which hosted both the 2011 PGA Championship and the 2014 U.S. Amateur, and I’m certainly no golfer. Instead of the links, I focused on a few restaurants, shops and one cozy little book nook. They combine to make Johns Creek special to those who call it home.



60 | POINTS NORTH | September 2017

BREAKFAST OF CHAMPIONS My favorite mornings are spent at The Farmhouse, a quaint coffee and crepe cafe that opened its doors last year and brews coffee by Counter Culture, a sustainable coffee roaster based in Durham, North Carolina. The baristas, led by professionally trained Timothy Dukes, exercise their creativity by coming up with a special off-menu drink each week. Try the Midnight

Marshmallow — a latte mixed with dark chocolate and marshmallow syrup that will put you in the mood for a bonfire with a guitar-playing friend. Coffee isn’t the only thing on the menu, though. They are renowned for an extensive and authentic crepe menu by chef and general manager Taylor Foster. I recommend the aptly named Farmhouse crepe, full of oven-roasted chicken, sundried tomato pesto, Asiago


September 2017 | PointsNorthAtlanta.com | 61

Two-Hundred MINUTES IN ... JO H N S CR E E K

cheese and baby arugula. Or, appease your sweet tooth with The Duke, which comes delectably filled with creamy Nutella, fresh strawberries and bananas and topped with house-made whipped cream. The best part? Coming soon, The Farmhouse will offer selections of craft beer, wine and coffee-centric cocktails.



TO SHOP OR NOT TO SHOP? What better way to spend a caffeine rush than shopping? Next door to The Farmhouse is Piper Lillies, a large gift shop full of everything from home decor to clothing, jewelry and anything you could

62 | POINTS NORTH | September 2017

Piper Lillies

ever want monogrammed. Opened by Julia Butler in 2012, the shop is named for her two granddaughters, Piper and Lily, and is a great spot to pick up a unique gift or create a wedding registry full of items you won’t find anywhere else. But, don’t let that knowledge pigeon-hole your expectations – their selection includes homemade shortbread cookies by assistant manager Wendy Virgo who uses her family’s recipe to deliver traditional, cinnamon or chocolate chip treats. Recently, the shop also added tiny paintings BIG CITIES, a collection of miniature paintings of both Georgia landmarks and British novelties by Shana Bowes, a local Atlanta artist. If you’re looking to mix up your shopping bags, hop in the car and head 4 minutes down the road to The Red Hound. Since early 2000, this shop has been full of local, regional and internationally crafted home decor, jewelry and gifts, but here you’ve got the chance to buy with a bigger purpose. Karama Collection, sold here, offers handmade jewelry and leather goods made by women in Ethiopia. These women use discarded or forgotten materials (like empty gun shells melted down) to make something beautiful and unique. By partnering with these women, Karama can provide them with creative,

purposeful work that gives them the ability to support their families and thrive in their own environment.



Stone’s Cuisine & Cocktails


Executive Chef Charles Zeran and a place my husband and I had heard great things about. The experience lived up to our expectations. After being gra-

Only a few miles away is Stone’s Cuisine & Cocktails, a modern American menu conceived by award-winning

ciously welcomed and seated outside, we cooled off with the JC Fizz (a combination of basil, cucumber, lemon bitters, prosecco and vodka) and the



Make you feel Amazing!

Casual Tableware, Innovative Kitchenware, Home Decor, Bridesmaids/ Groomsmen Gifts, and Jewelry. Monogramming Available

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Blow in Ordinary. Blow out Fabulous.




Bridal and student registry available, online and In-store, for your convenience 11705 JONES BRIDGE ROAD SUITE B206, JOHNS CREEK




September 2017 | PointsNorthAtlanta.com | 63

Two-Hundred MINUTES IN ... JO H N S CR E E K

Maple Bacon Old Fashioned (made with bacon bitters and maple syrup, giving it an interesting balance of sweet and savory). To snack on, we chose the whipped CalyRoad goat cheese served with housemade tomato jam, roasted beets and slices of grilled ciabatta. The locally made goat cheese was drizzled with honey and adorned with a chunky and surprisingly savory tomato jam. For our second and third choices, we enjoyed jumbo lump crab cakes and fried salt-andpepper squid. The crab cakes were paired with an amazing passion fruit tartar sauce and crispy sweet potato straws, while the fried squid was battered in tapioca flour, making it a tasty gluten-free option. We managed to find more room and split the Baja fish tacos for our entree.




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Located in Johns Creek, St Ives’ 45,000-square-foot stone encased clubhouse sits majestically atop one of the highest points in North Fulton. We have multiple spaces to host parties of 10 to 200. ONE ST IVES COUNTRY CLUB DRIVE ❦ JOHNS CREEK 770-623-1239 EXT 1107 ❦ stivescountryclub.org

Served with pickled onions, salsa verde, jicama slaw and shaved radish, these fresh catch (this day, Pacific Rockfish) tacos were excellent and something we’ll hope to see again.



FRESH BREAD AND SWEET EATS If you choose dinner at home, your menu couldn’t be complete without freshly baked bread and cookies from Vincent Bakery Cafe on Medlock Bridge Road. They offer a variety of baked goods from cookies and churros to loaves of bread and huge slices of cake. Options are endless — especially for satiating a carb-loving sweet tooth, but choosing a loaf of fresh sourdough bread to complement the steak you’re throwing on the grill tonight and a small box of Mocha Walnut cookies is a good starting point.



NEIGHBORHOOD BOOK NOOK One of my favorite discoveries since moving to the Northside is Read It Again, a new and used bookstore

on Peachtree Parkway. As a lifelong bookworm, a room full of floor-to-ceiling shelves packed with every type of book imaginable is a happy place for me. Plus, the staff are friendly, well-read and helpful. I went in looking for nothing in particular, but after talking with them about what I enjoyed, I left with three great books set in the 1930s and 40s (an era which fascinates me) – “Z: A Novel of Zelda Fitzgerald,” “The Nightingale” and “All The Light We Cannot See.” This place is great for the whole family, too – especially if you’re on the hunt for a fun outing on Saturdays, when they offer Storytime from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. An interactive event for kids of all ages, it entertains with crafts, science experiments and costumes. Typical for a book lover, swapping out reads is a tradition. Read It Again has a great trade-in policy, inviting you to bring in your read books to receive a portion of the current publisher price in store credit. You can use your store credit toward half the price of a used book, which is a great deal if you’re like me and love buying books but still want to have money to … well, buy more books! PN

mycoffeeandcrepes.com facebook.com/piperlillies theredhoundgifts.com stonesatl.com vincentbakery.com read-it-again.com

L I G H T, F R E S H & D E L I C I O U S

10900 Medlock Bridge Road, Suite 105 • Johns Creek, GA 30097

770-662-5000 • www.lemekongcuisine.com

Barry Wallis MBA realtor® 404-944-1000 BarryWallis@KW.com BarryWallisRealEstate.com

5780 Windward Parkway, Suite 100, Alpharetta


September 2017 | PointsNorthAtlanta.com | 65

Off the PAGE

GO Dining under the stars at Château Élan



TREAT YOURSELF to a romantic weekend at Château Élan for their Dining Series: Renaissance in the Vineyard. Chef Rodney Ashley invites you to eat, drink and be merry with a multi-course dinner for two in the vineyards from 6 to 10 p.m. Old world cuisine meets modern technique with a menu fit for Shakespeare himself. From handcrafted cheese and artisanal breads to waterfowl and wild game, you’ll indulge in unique delicacies paired expertly with Georgia wines. As the night hastens to its end, grab your complimentary bottle of Château Élan wine and retreat to your luxe chambers at the Inn. chateauelan.com

POST @lindseytrauger: when my sister approached me about taking some lifestyle photos featuring this jewelry called @lifebeads for an article she was writing for @pointsnorthatl I jumped on it because I absolutely loved the story behind them…


A MOUNTAIN SUNSET pairs well with wines produced exclusively from estate-grown grapes at Kaya Vineyard and Winery. Their Spirit of Harvest Music Festival hosts a variety of notable musical guests against a breathtaking panoramic mountain view. You’ll be the first to experience Kaya’s new wine “Blue Truck,” plus you can check out unique vendors and delicious food before unrolling your blanket for the Sunset Concert Series. kayavineyards.com


Find more local happenings at pointsnorthatlanta.com/calendar-of-events Send submissions a full two months in advance to calendar@pointsnorthatlanta.com

SEND We love to hear feedback from readers! Get in touch by email at editorial@pointsnorthatlanta.com.


66 | POINTS NORTH | September 2017

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