Points East Magazine, April 2012

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April 2012


The Boating Magazine for Coastal New England

The engine swap drill Working ancient wood Spare parts curse










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Points East April 2012

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Points East April 2012




The Boating Magazine for Coastal New England Volume 15 Number 1 April 2012 F E AT U R E S




Prehistoric wood

SHYC educational programs, News.


Building Ariel, Yardwork


The Coal Pot Regatta, Racing Pages


Pickering Island, Fetching Along


It is tens of thousands of years old, has fantastic finishes and grains, and to work with it is to connect with the beginnings of recorded time. By Bob Booth

Out with the old, in with the new We exchanged a tired 18-horse diesel with a 28-horse model, and we got the job done with the help of friends, a boat-hauler’s crane, and a whole lot of persistence. By Tim McCauley

The spare-part perplexity Our engine was down, the spare part didn’t fit, and Googling “emergency repair fanbelt” gleaned a pantyhose fix, and these weren’t in the ship’s inventory. What to do? By Michael D. Maginn LAST WORD



No flies on this idea We’d never met anyone who’d installed a composting toilet on a boat, but finally, in fall of 2009, we bit the bullet and figured out a way to get an Air Head into our boat’s head space. By Rodney Myrvaagnes

Points East April 2012




David Roper

Unlocking the guilt A life-lesson learned in a spiritual place. Andrew Schoenberg

The surveyor did what? Yes, he came with a ball-peen hammer. W.R. Cheney

Sanderling wanted, with foreraker Beware the netherworld of Internet advertising. D E PA R T M E N T S Letters..........................................7 Halcyon’s heartbreaking story; Go to USVI for beaches; U-boats and September Mystery Harbor. Mystery Harbor...........................12 Though bumpy at times, a welcome sight. New Mystery Harbor on page 29 News..........................................24 Conn. foundation’s marine studies; Cutter returns to Gloucester homeport; 82-pound world-record striper. Yardwork ...................................52 35-foot Atkin Vixen launched; Old Friendship sloop finds a home; SpeedDream: Fastest monohull on planet.

Fetching Along ............................70 Ghosting across the reaches of East Penobscot Bay to a fitful breeze. Media ........................................72 “Watching for Mermaids” by David Roper; “Lubber’s Log” by William L. Gills. Calendar.....................................74 Boat shows, lectures, courses, multimedia shows Final Passages ............................78 Rev. John Crocker, G. Scott Nebergall, Bruce Leslie, Roland G. Alix, Richard Chesebrough, Edgar Crocker. Tides......................................80-81 Points East distribution...........82-85

The Racing Pages ........................64 Antigua to Thomaston, Maine, race; Race to Isles of Shoals set for June 9; Mass. Bay Sailing adds two events.



Find local dealers Looking for a local dealer for your favorite brand of engine or boat? Check out the Points East dealer links online to get connected. SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTIONS

Boat brokerage......................92-93

Seasonal slips ....................104-105



The Boating Magazine for Coastal New England Volume 15, Number 1 Publisher Joseph Burke Editor Nim Marsh Marketing director Bernard Wideman Ad representatives Lynn Emerson Whitney Gerry Thompson, David Stewart Ad design Holly St. Onge Art Director Custom Communications/John Gold Contributors David Roper, David Buckman, Randy Randall, Roger Long, Mike Martel Delivery team Christopher Morse, Victoria Boucher, Will Nadauld, Jeff Redston Points East, a magazine by and for boaters on the coast of New England, is owned by Points East Publishing, Inc, with offices in Portsmouth, N.H. The magazine is published nine times annually. It is available free for the taking. More than 25,000 copies of each issue are distributed through more than 700 outlets from Greenwich, Conn., to Eastport, Maine. The magazine is available at marinas, yacht clubs, chandleries, boatyards, bookstores and maritime museums. If you have difficulty locating a distribution site, call the office for the name of the distributor closest to you. The magazine is also available by subscription, $26 for nine issues by first-class mail. Single issues and back issues (when available) cost $5, which includes first-class postage. All materials in the magazine are copyrighted and use of these materials is prohibited except with written permission. The magazine welcomes advice, critiques, letters to the editor, ideas for stories, and photos of boating activities in New England coastal waters. A stamped, self-addressed envelope should accompany any materials that are expected to be returned.

Mailing Address P.O. Box 1077 Portsmouth, N.H. 03802-1077 Address 249 Bay Road Newmarket, N.H. 03857 Telephone 603-766-EAST (3278) Toll free 888-778-5790 Fax 603-766-3280

On the cover: A zinc is being installed on the schooner Surprise, out of Camden, Maine, by Jack Moore, who owns the vessel with his wife Barbara Moore. FMI: http://camdenmainesailing.com. Photo by Billy Black www.pointseast.com

Email editor@pointseast.com On the web at www.pointseast.com

Points East April 2012



A Blue Water Medal for a blue-water gem How the Hiscocks reportedly My heart skipped a beat when, stowed 450 Admiralty charts in the periphery of my vision, I and some 200 volumes within spotted the distinctive white hull this eight-and-a-half-foot beam with light-green sheer stripe. Rowis a mystery. How they averaged ing out to my mooring in Newport 100 miles a day on long pasHarbor that morning in the early sages with Wanderer’s 26-foot 1990s, I couldn’t believe my eyes waterline, once logging a 169when they fell on the quite femimile “noon-to-noon,” is beyond nine lines of an ocean-voyaging me. But as Concordia Yawls are vessel I’d revered since I was said to defy conventional hullyoung. Photo by Hamish Laird, www.expeditionsail.com speed wisdom, so, too, I suspect, Thirty feet, three inches LOA, do some of “Jack” Giles’ cre26 feet, five inches on the water- With Kicki Ericson at the helm and Thies line, and eight and a half-foot Matzen on the foredeck, the 30-foot Wanderer ations. Thies and Kicki are now in beam, a five-foot draft, and 423 III is bound for Antarctica by way of Cape Horn. Brazil, where Wanderer III will feet of working sail, the little iroko-on-oak cutter with the lightweight specs looked undergo a well-deserved refit. Thus it must have been like a toy nestled among the gold-platers in Rhode Is- with great surprise and delight to receive, from anland’s City by the Sea. But if there exists a sea miles- other hemisphere in early February, the Cruising Club per-waterline-length ratio, this simple and efficient of America’s 2011 Blue Water Medal “for a commendpassagemaker might possess the most impressive able 24 years and 135,000 miles of sailing the oceans SM/LWL quotient. By the time I’d spotted her in New- of the world with a focus in the high latitudes of the port, she’d logged two circumnavigations with her orig- Southern Ocean.” The Blue Water Medal recognizes inal owners, and a third with her next skipper. Today, “meritorious seamanship and adventure upon the sea she’s put tens of thousands more sea miles in her wake displayed by amateur sailors of all nationalities, that might otherwise go unrecognized.” Dan Dyer of Wickwith her current skipper and, by now, curator. Curator? Well, she is a movable museum of sorts. ford, R.I., is CCA Commodore. After leaving the Caribbean, Thies, now accompaLast year, the Laurent Giles-designed Wanderer III celebrated her 60th year of ocean voyaging, the first 17 nied by Kicki, cruised the Pacific and Indian oceans, of these under the command of the near-mythic Eric rounding the Cape of Good Hope and entering the and Susan Hiscock, during which they logged some South Atlantic Ocean, which they circled twice, calling 110,000 miles and, in 1955, won a Blue Water Medal; at Argentina, the Falkland Islands, Antarctica and the next 14 skippered by circumnavigator Giselher South Georgia, where they studied the wandering alAhlers; and the last three decades under the steward- batross, a pelagic species for which Wanderer III is ship of German Thies Matzen and his Swedish wife, named. And there, in 2008, in the chapel of an abanKicki Ericson, whom he met while sailing solo through doned whaling station, the two voyagers were wed. the Caribbean, and who’s sailed with Thies since 1989. So here’s to the unsung partner of this Blue Water Master shipwright Matzen has maintained her in His- Medal award – Wanderer III. Without the Hiscocks, cock-fashion through several refits, adding only a VHF there would be no Wanderer; without “The Three,” as radio, a handheld GPS, and a 16-horse diesel. they called her, there would be no “Thies and Kicki;” I never got to meet the Hiscocks, had only seen Wan- without the intrepid couple Wanderer brought toderer III in books and magazines, and, as editor of gether, there likely would be no Blue Water Medal for some of his manuscripts, had only corresponded with a Wanderer crew this year. What little I know of Thies Thies by mail. I rowed over and introduced myself to and Kicki suggests they’d want to deflect much credit Thies, who invited me aboard and let me pore over for their exploits toward Wanderer and those who Wanderer, inspecting her from stem – the forepeak came before, for they consider themselves custodians with the light-tight door that doubled as Eric’s dark- of an historic, inspired vessel – a little, white cutter room – to stern – the engine compartment that once with a light-green sheer stripe with the uncanny abilheld an eight-horse Stuart Turner engine and “lighting ity to bring diverse people and distant places together plant” used mostly to generate electricity for the dark- to the delight and enrichment of all. Wanderer III, this room and to power the navigation lights. one’s for you. 6

Points East April 2012


Letters long, until she was brought south to Portsmouth, R.I., where she once again sat and sat, waiting for a new owner. Rusty Aertsen, a friend and devoted Concordia owner, arranged for us to see her about five years ago. Brodie MacGregor, Concordia’s president, came, too, and I was relieved to hear him say, as he ran his experienced hand over her planks, that although Halcyon needed work, her condition might have been worse. Still, she was a forlorn sight, and I wished more than ever I’d had the means to refurbish her lavishly. When, in 2010, I heard Ron Perry had purchased Halcyon, it was fantastic news. And then the catastrophe last April in the waters off Cuba. Concordia’s immediate circle knew of this terrible happening, but many others of us did not. Thank you, Points East, for your exceptionally sensitive account. It was as good a way as any of receiving achingly sad news. Not that I can accept that Halcyon is really gone. Ann Parson South Dartmouth, Mass. Photo courtesy Ann Parson

George Parson, in the foreground wearing the “card hat,” shares a toast at Halcyon’s 25th birthday party in 1971, at the yacht club dock in Center Harbor, Brooklin, Maine.

Halcyon’s heartbreaking story I’ve been in mourning ever since reading the Midwinter editorial (“A Missing Boat, a Lost Skipper”), a compassionate piece about Halcyon and her skipper, both lost. First, heartfelt condolences to the family of Ron Perry, whose life and journey on Halcyon were so tragically cut short. My father was George Parson, Halcyon’s first owner who loved and cared for Halcyon for nearly 40 years. All that time, Halcyon was moored in Center Harbor, Brooklin, Maine, where Dad coddled her ceaselessly and day-sailed or cruised with family and friends at every opportunity. Halcyon meant everything to him, and she was a fixture in my own life up until my father died in 1983, at which point the vessel was sold to Frank B. Walker of Ellsworth. During summers, I’d be out on someone’s boat and the cry would go up: “There’s Halcyon!” My heart would race, and I’d keep her white hull in sight for as long as possible. Halcyon slipped from view for many years, at least around Brooklin, until suddenly news of her surfaced. The rumor going around, never substantiated, was that she had been stolen and used for drug trading. She sat in a cradle in Stonington, Maine, for ever so www.pointseast.com

Likes online design, Whaler tale I have to say that I just read your newest copy online and liked how it worked. I usually pick up a copy somewhere, but had not gotten one yet. I read a few other magazines online, and the way this one worked was easy. Only problem was some pages did not load. I also thought the story about the drifting Whaler (“Going with the Flow” by Peter Winter) was great. I often tell people the boat can take more then you can. By the way, there just was a story about a boat that made it from the other side of Cape Cod to Europe. So it went even farther. But certainly a harder trailer home. Ted Scharf Augusta, Maine Ted: The online pages appear not to load when you scroll through them too fast. They will load if you give them time. we agree with you that this website is very easy to use. We think our art director, John Gold, has given us the best website out there in terms of being intuitive, useful and attractive. Wasn’t that Whaler story a hoot? Check News in this issue for the story about the Nantucket boat that ended up in Spain.

Common first-charter experience Tim McCauley’s story (“BVI Beach-Bar Bingo,” Midwinter) went straight to my heart. I have spent eight Points East April 2012


years off and on in the West Indies, beginning in 1970. Two of the recent years were working as a charterboat skipper and charter instructor out of Nanny Cay on Tortola. Tim captured the real story of a first-time charter experience. I hope others are encouraged to venture forth. As I read through his article, I was first struck by just how transferable sailing skills are. The leap from an Ericson 29 to Beneteau 40 is significant. Our sailing conditions are more difficult. The sailing culture is certainly different. I am not certain I would have made all the choices of places to stay and things to do that the McCauleys did, but that’s just experience. For example, at the Bight on Norman’s, the other restaurant is as likely to feature families as Willy T is to feature, well, what is featured at “the old schooner.” I always took my families to the Bight’s other restaurant, Pirate’s Bight. There, it is common to see parents dancing with their children to gentler music. After dinner, little kids run back and forth along the short beach playing at the water’s edge. A real safe family place. Tim’s decision to stay in North Sound an extra day was brilliant. Eustatia Sound and the north side of Prickly Pear Island are magic. I only tell my favorite clients about those places. Thanks, Tim, the cat’s out of the bag now. The British Virgins and the rest of the West Indies are as desolate or as populated as the coast of New England. One must know where to go and when. Just like your summer cruise in New England, plan for a day or so at anchor, savoring the place. I have a secret B.V.I. spot at “X” Island, where it is quiet, there is a tiny private beach, and the swimming is superb. In the evenings pelicans and boobies dive for fish so close to the boat one can see the fish captured. More than one group has declared: “We’re staying here for another day, skipper.” Tim and family: Your job is to find the anchorage off “X” Island. Just don’t write about it. Norman H. Martin Medford, Mass.

Sail to St. John to find beaches I read Tim McCauley’s article (“BVI Beach-Bar Bingo,” Midwinter) and gathered that you wished for more beaches. If you want to take a sailing vacation and go to the beach, then you want to go to St. John, U.S.V.I. The west side of the island has some of the best beaches on earth. Francis, Maho, Cinnamon, Trunk, Hawksnest and Caneel Bays all have great beaches. On the south side, there is a great little beach at Lameshur Bay and Salt Pond Bay. St. John has over 225 moorings put out by the National Park Service that rent for $15 a night (1/2 price, $7.50, if you are a senior with a pass). If you are really into the beach and like to go camping, the National Park has a campground at Cinnamon Bay. All sites are close to the beach and cost about $100 a night (including tax). If you want to haul your own camping gear, a bare site costs about $35 a night. You can rent a 10- by 14-foot tent on a platform, and this includes all the gear needed to camp (stove, coolers, pots and pans, dishes, etc.). All you need to bring are your clothes, swim gear, and sunscreen. There also is a store and restaurant there. You can get a taxi to town and get a bus and go over to the east side of the island. The bus costs $1 for seniors (it may be the same for all. I’m not sure). There is a lot more I could tell you. I spent two winters there on my sailboat and love the beach. Tony Bonjorno Amesbury, Mass.

Cape shellback signs up for a sub I am pleased to enclose a check for a subscription to your fine publication. This is my 62nd year in affiliation with the maritime field. I have sailed on U.S. Naval Amphibious Force LSTs and their assault vessels in various operations including the Korean Conflict and others. I have also sailed on container vessels, tugs, fuel barges, cruise ships, and passenger and freight vessels as pilot or captain. The fun part has been sailing on the various sail vessels over many years. I owe

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so much to my mentors – Capt. Thomas Roose, Capt. Ed Davies, Capt. Vernon Dunlap, and others –who shared so much experience. I enjoy Points East; it is a great maritime publication. God bless. Capt. Norman Franklin Wahl Osterville, Mass.

Note from Adventure’s ex-owner Nice article about the old Adventure (“84-year-old schooner Adventure will sail again” by Steve Cartwright, Sept. 2011). Exciting to see things going ahead for the old vessel. Thanks, Steve, for writing it. It may help her support. Capt. Jim Sharp Sail, Power and Steam Museum Rockland, Maine Capt. Jim Sharp owned and skippered Adventure from 1965 to 1988, when he donated her to The Gloucester Adventure, Inc., a nonprofit group formed in Gloucester, Mass., to preserve the schooner “as a monument to the history of Gloucester and for the education and pleasure of the public.”

We, too, have a crew/boat finder Prior to sailing in the Boston area, I spent many years in the Annapolis, Md., area. Last year I found your magazine, which has pleased me with its local color. But one thing I miss from Annapolis, besides the steamed crabs, is the local free magazine, “SpinSheet.” Besides its local color, one of its features was its annual crew-finder. It is certainly true that there are two types of boat lovers: Those who would love to sail more often, but don’t have a boat, and those who have a boat and could use a larger “stable” of occasional or regular crew members. “Spin Sheet’s” crew-finder served that purpose and became very popular. Do you have such a feature, or would you consider starting one? It would fit the style of your publication – informal and people oriented. Tom Lawton Harvard, Mass.

We appreciate your enthusiasm for our little magazine, Tom. Points East has “Crew Match,” its version of “SpinSheet’s” Crew Listing Directory. At times, when we have sufficient space, we run it in the print magazine, but Crew Match is always on our website, www.pointseast.com. You’ll find the Crew Match link on the left-hand side of the home page. Crew Match also is divided into two parts: “Looking for a Boat” and “Looking for Crew.” Points East considers SpinSheet one of its great friends in the marine industry.

U-Boats and Sept. Mystery Harbor The Mystery Harbor photograph in your September edition is Third Beach along the Sakonnet River in Middletown, R.I., looking north toward Indian Avenue. About a mile to the west is the chapel at St. George’s School, its tower being the highest point on Aquidneck Island. In the early 1940s, German subs used this tower as a landfall. Fortunately, they were never able to get around the corner into Newport Harbor. For 12 happy years I looked out the window in St. George’s to enjoy the view of Third Beach. Anthony M. Zane New Bedford, Mass. Tony Zane is a former headmaster of the St. George’s School in Middletown. The school chapel remains a fine landmark for mariners.

About mermaids and Minnesota I picked up a Points East (Midwinter 2012) at the Cape Cod Boat Show. Congratulations on an excellent magazine with consistently good writing. The ads are informative, too. I’ll be back for more. Re David Roper’s charming Perspective (“The Mind of a Floridian”) about shivers in St. Paul, sun in Palm Beach: As a young reporter for the “Minneapolis Tribune,” I once spent a couple of winters in his neck of the woods. I could usually start my 15-year-old Ford convertible, bought one optimistic summer’s day in central New England for the job-hunting trip west in zero degrees. But I took the trolley in anything below that.

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10 Points East April 2012


Some dawns broke at 30 below. One midnight it was minus 32 when I got out of work. The little Ford huddled in the parking lot, refusing even to look at me. A trolley line ran to within two blocks of my rented room in a house near Lake Harriet. I was the only passenger debarking at the end of the line. “Careful out there,” the conductor warned as I bundled up. “How far you got to go?” “Two blocks.” “Don’t breathe.” “What?” “You can make two blocks, maybe three, but don’t try to go farther. The moisture in the air turns to ice crystals at 32 below. You can’t breathe ice. Two people got off at this stop last year on a minus-32 night. Dropped dead after seven blocks.” I looked at him for a moment. He wasn’t a poor conductor: His syntax may have been slightly off, but the electricity seemed to flow well. Breathlessly, I walked home. Next day, the folks in the newsroom confirmed that two pedestrians had died from asphyxiation near Lake Harriet the winter before. In July, with the temperature at 92, I watched a fleet of E-Scows race on Lake Harriet, then sail swiftly in to the dock. It took a sure touch to keep those over-canvassed apparitions upright, even in light summer air. A Cape Codder, I studied the unorthodox boats from the dock. “What is it?” I asked, puzzled. “E-Scow,” said a sailor. “What’s an E-Scow?” asked I, revealing a transplanted New Englander’s lovable mixture of insularity and superiority. “Watch,” he answered as he shoved off toward the starting line in the 28-foot, square-bowed, twin-rudder, five-inch-draft sloop with a monster main and spinnaker rigged ready to deploy. I did. Wow. These guys can sail! Minnesotans are crazy, with due respect to Brother Dave. No wonder he’s spent so much of his watery life “Watching for Mermaids.” What else to do when you can’t breathe? Mermaids don’t breathe much either – sisters, I guess. Deke Ulian Cotuit, Mass. Richard “Deke” Ulian is author of “A Sailor’s Notebook,” published in 2009 by Rich Publishing Company. Columnist Roper now lives, breathes and watches for mermaids out of tropical Marblehead, Mass.

A Yankee muse from the tropics I was in Key West for a day and a half, after going to the Miami boat show. I spent an hour in the lovely little pool that the hotel (Eden Hotel, it is called) had, and ruminated, helped along by a stiff Mount Gay www.pointseast.com



Boothbay Region Boatyard 207-633-2970 W. Southport, ME www.brby.com

Brewer Plymouth Marine 508-746-4500 Plymouth, MA www.byy.com/Plymouth

Hamlin’s Marina (207) 941-8619 Hampden, ME www.hamlinsmarina.com

Burr Brothers Boats 508-748-0541 Marion, MA www.burrbros.com

Journey's End Marina 207-594-4444 Rockland, ME www.journeysendmarina.com

Crocker's Boatyard 978-526-1971 Manchester, MA www.crockersboatyard.com

Kittery Point Yacht Yard 207-439-9582 Kittery, ME www.kpyy.net

Fred J. Dion Yacht Yard 978-744-0844 Salem, MA www.fjdion.com

Moose Island Marine 207-853-6058 Eastport, ME www.mooseislandmarine.com

J-Way Enterprises 781-544-0333 Scituate, MA www.jwayent.net

Robinhood Marine Center Kingman Yacht Center 800-443-3625 Georgetown, ME 508-563-7136 Bourne, MA www.robinhoodmarinecenter.co www.kingmanyachtcenter.com Rumery's Boat Yard 207-282-0408 Biddeford, Maine www.rumerys.com Seal Cove Boatyard Inc. 207-326-4422 Harborside, ME www.sealcoveboatyard.com

MacDougalls’ Cape Cod Marine 508-548-3146 Falmouth, MA www.macdougalls.com Merri-Mar Yacht Basin 978-465-3022 Newburyport, MA www.merri-maryachtbasin.com

South Port Marine 207-799-8191 South Portland ME Niemiec Marine www.southportmarine.com 508-997-7390 New Bedford, MA www.niemiecmarine.com Wayfarer Marine 207-236-4378 Camden, ME www.wayfarermarine.com Yankee Marina & Boatyard 207-846-4326 Yarmouth, ME www.yankeemarina.com NEW HAMPSHIRE

Great Bay Marine 603-436-5299 Newington, NH www.greatbaymarine.com

Winter Island Yacht Yard 978-745-3797 Salem, MA www.wiyy.net RHODE ISLAND

New England Boatworks 401-683-4000 Portsmouth RI www.neboatworks.com

Seal Cove Boatyard installed a Yanmar 3YM30 in the Concordia Yawl OFF CALL. www.sealcoveboatyard.com

Points East April 2012


cocktail at the end of happy hour. So this is a word picture since I did not have my camera with me. But I was so happy to be back down under palm trees again, even if I had to drive a car to get there. Twilight is my favorite time of day in the tropics. The searing white intensity of the sun has abated and retreated below the rustling palm branches, golden-yellow in reflection on the shiny fronds as the air cools. Dark-green and lush, giant banana-plant leaves and succulent exotic flora become mysterious abodes of shade as the scent of flaring hibiscus flowers and bougainvillea float on the air. The sky is blue, calm, deep; the hotel’s pool, surrounded by this little cultivated tropic forest, is warm and comforting, with sounds of trickling water nearby. In my mind, I hear the Edwardian voices of Nordhoff and Hall, as they sought to describe the sensations of

Paradise, as they discovered its delights, like Adam emerging from a lump of clay to wake in Eden. And I thought how I, we, must never stop chasing our dreams, no matter how obscure, nor must we ever lose the capacity to see the world with a child’s awe, when venturing into a new place, or a place long sought after, for then we have become truly old. I was raised on their prose; and have always sought to find, to personally discover, the promise of paradise with the same wide-eyed wonderment, and the soulnourishing insular Tahiti of Melville’s Ishmael. So now, for a little while, I felt the cares of the day slip away from my tired body and splashed around the pool alone but happy, reveling in the soothing descent of the tranquil tropic evening in Key West. Mike Martel Bristol, R.I.

MYSTERY HARBOR/And th e win ner is...

Great staff, moorings and a welcome shower Just received my midwinter Points East. The Mystery Harbor looks a lot like Biddeford Pool, where we stop every year on our way east and back. If it is the Pool, the shot is looking toward Biddeford and Saco from the little beach beside the Biddeford Pool Yacht Club, where they have a terrific staff, mooring reservations, and a small but welcome shower. The boat would be heading toward the pool, having passed through the mooring field to the north, in Wood Island Harbor, where there are guest moorings and club moorings. There’s a market there where one can get food and ice, etc., and have lunch inside, or out back at the tables, which sport umbrellas, which overlook Stage Island and Wood Island. The harbor can be bumpy at times, but it’s always a welcome sight after making the eight-hour trip from Ipswich on our Sabre 34. Brooks Wright s/v La Dolce Rita West Newbury, Mass.

Swimming cut a hard chance This Mystery Harbor is a little vague, but based on a few houses, cottages, and geographic features this sure looks like the entrance to Biddeford Pool. 12 Points East April 2012

This photo would be taken from the Biddeford Pool side, looking northwest across the cut to the Hill’s Beach side. I’ve spent a few nights in one of the cottages up on the height of land in this photo. This is a wonderful, quiet community with gorgeous views, incredible beaches, and the lure of “swimming the cut,” which is incredibly difficult with cold water and fast-moving tides. I’ve heard of one failed attempt that ended in a rescue by the Biddeford Pool Yacht Club launch. Andrew Porter Barrington, R.I. editor@pointseast.com

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When a tad, I explored in my punt Looks like the entrance to Biddeford Pool, at the westerly end of Saco Bay, Maine. I grew up in a family business at Pine Point, Scarborough, which would be the distant land in the photo. When I was a kid, I sometimes found my way over there in my punt (good thing my mother didn’t know!). I also appraised some of the houses in the photo during my time as the realestate appraiser for a local bank. Great magazine. I look forward to future issues. Win Pillsbury Cape Elizabeth, Maine

Boat’s draft imposed by harbor My guess is that this is Biddeford Pool, the narrow entrance used by fishing boats and pleasure boats. Our new boat (of three years) has a four and a half-foot keel – simply for the single act of getting into Biddeford or other shallow harbors. We have spent a couple of very peaceful night on moorings tucked deep into the pool. As you enter, there are private houses on the starboard (in view in the picture). On the port will be the yacht club, which is a very friendly place. Given the size of the town of Biddeford Pool, it’s not a surprise that upon leaving the club, you are in town. Do some chart study before attempting entry into the harbor. Getting by Negro Island, off the west end

of Wood Island, mariners should be careful. Run between Negro Island and Stage Island. Call the yacht club in advance: If there is an inner mooring, they will guide you to it. Stephen Lee S/v Salacia Marblehead, Mass.

Liked it so much we moved there The Mystery Harbor is Biddeford Pool, Maine. I know this because I grew up sailing there on my father’s Tartan 412. We liked it so much we bought a house there, and I now live there and am a member of the volunteer fire department. Jon Bellemare Biddeford Pool, Maine

I managed the yacht club there This is the gut entering Biddeford pool. I managed the yacht club at Biddeford Pool in the 1990s. My nephew, Ben Davis, has been the manager for the last few years. I have many fun memories of watching folks dealing with tide challenges in the gut. Blaine Davis Portland, Maine


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Perspectives Unlocking the guilt hen the boats were all put away for the winter, and before the crocuses broke through to signal the coming of spring, the grandfather decided to build a grandfather clock. “An old style clock, with a slow swinging pendulum just seems appropriate, given where your mother and I are in life,” he’d said. He’d built boats before and had a tidy workshop in the basement, so the project began easily and progressed well. It was a long, cold and snowy winter, so the grandfather clock maker was home a lot; besides, he had to tend to his ailing wife. He looked forward to the clock work, and to the visits from his grandchildren. His youngest, at 7 and 8, came by the most, as they loved the train set he had built in his sprawling basement. The landscape mimicked the town they lived in: the yacht clubs were there; their dad’s office building was there; even the grandfather’s house was represented there. And, of course, there was the harbor. The littlest grandchild, a girl


of seven, lived through her fantasies, so this fit right in (though the world of Cinderella was always her favorite). But it was when the clock was finished, and grandfather had invited them to see it finally working, that she first saw the key. The tall clock loomed over the little 7 year old and her brother, seeming to speak through the squeak of its giant pendulum, which swung from its place behind the mahogany door in the clock’s front. But what caught her attention was the giant brass key in the front. Grandfather turned the key and the door opened; behind was the swinging pendulum. It was magical. A couple of weeks passed. On their next visit to the clock, grandfather knelt down in front of the children and told them something had disappeared, and now he couldn’t open his clock to wind it. The key was gone, and he asked if they would help him look for it. He would give a dollar to anyone who found it. The two children searched

David Roper

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Points East April 2012


everywhere, to no avail. Months went by; seasons passed. A new year came. The little girl and her brother went with their parents to a faraway place called Lake Powell in Utah. They stayed in a strange spot called Wahweep, where they looked out on the mystical lake with its side canyons, inlets and coves sheltering Indian ruins and natural wonders. The little girl had never seen a world like this. But there was more. The next day, on a small cruise tour boat, they journeyed 55 miles through sandstone canyons hundreds of feet high, set amid this mysterious lake world, which came from the damming of the Colorado River. The arrived at a place called Rainbow Bridge. There was a dock just big enough for the cruise boat to tie up. And there before them it loomed. Higher than the nation’s capitol and nearly as long as a football field, the little girl looked up at the largest natural bridge in the world, a 290-foot-tall and 270-foot-wide arch formed by erosion of the sandstone by water flowing from Navajo Mountain. The little girl listened intently as the captain told them that Rainbow Bridge was considered sacred by the Navajo culture as a symbol of the gods responsible for creating clouds, rainbows and rain – the essence of life in the desert. Would the passengers like to walk up to and under the bridge? the captain asked. Everyone did. Everyone except this one little girl with the yellow fanny pack and the Cinderella lunch box. She wanted to stay. So she, her father and the captain re-

mained. Her father, who used to drive a cruise boat himself, engaged the captain, and they chatted away about the area and tour boats, while they looked forward at the departed tourists climbing toward the great Rainbow Bridge. “Just a minute; please don’t interrupt,” the dad said as his little girl pulled on his jacket. The pulling stopped. But then there was another tug. It wasn’t like her; she was a well mannered 7-year-old. And so, excusing himself from the captain, he turned to his wide-eyed daughter, whose face held a look that was somehow entranced and guiltridden at the same time. In her hand she held a key – a big brass key. The one from her grandfather’s clock. “What’s that?” “It’s the key. The key to Grampy’s clock.” “What? When and where did you ever find it Sweetie?” “I didn’t find it. I took it. I’ve been keeping it in my fanny pack since last year.” Her lip began to quiver and big tears formed. “I was scared to tell Grampy. And I thought it was magic, and could unlock anything.” Lost for words, the dad scratched his head. “But why… why now? Why here?” The little girl looked up at the looming arch ahead of them and the sacred Indian landscape. “This seemed like a good place to tell somebody.” And to this little girl, my now 25-year old daughter, it was. Dave Roper’s book, “Watching for Mermaids,” climbed to No. 4 on the “Boston Globe” Bestsellers List in February.

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Contact these dealers for sales, service, and installation. Wayfarer Marine 207-236-4378 Camden, ME www.wayfarermarine.com

Sawyer & Whitten Marine Systems 207-879-4500 Portland,ME www.sawyerwhitten.com

Sawyer & Whitten Marine Systems 207-594-7073 Rockland, ME www.sawyerwhitten.com

Kingman Yacht Center 508-563-7136 Bourne (Cape Cod), MA www.kingmanyachtcenter.com

Navtronics, LLC 207-363-1150 York, ME www.navtronics.com

MacDougalls' Cape Cod Marine 508-548-3146 Falmouth, MA www.macdougalls.com

16 Points East April 2012




Scho en berg

The surveyor did what? , so let me start by saying that yes, sometimes I do embellish when I tell stories. However, I am telling you up front, right now, that this story is completely true. In 2005, I was fulfilling the time-honored tradition of trading up in boats. I was buying a 1976 Pearson 365 ketch and selling a refitted 1973 Pearson 30 sloop. I had already signed the purchase-and-sales (P&S) agreement for the P365 through a Massachusetts broker, and when a prospective buyer contacted me about my P30, I downloaded a standard American Yacht Brokers Association P&S form and had this potential buyer sign it, even though this was not a brokered sale. The survey on the P30 was scheduled for a Tuesday, and the survey in Massachusetts on the P365 was scheduled for the next day, to be performed by a past president of the surveyors’ guild. I decided to go to the survey of my P30, even though the perspective buyer was not going to be present. This way, I could at least answer any questions and verify that all systems worked as described (I was very proud of my refit of the P30). The surveyor showed up at my boatyard, and once the boat was hauled and drip-dried, he produced a ball-peen hammer (yes, a ball-peen hammer), and proceeded to beat the hull so hard as to produce dents in the hull wherever he tested. Not only was I completely mortified by his aggressive behavior, but also both the yard workers and the owner of the yard were aghast. The yard owner asked him if he was actually a real surveyor. When I asked him what he thought he was doing, he replied, “If I find any soft spots, I’ll be pulling my hammer from inside the boat.” He ended up leaving dozens of dents in the hull and rudder, and then, at the end of the evaluation, he said he did not find any hull issues. The boat was put back in the water and run out to my mooring where the surveyor did the remainder of the inspection. Unfortunately, I had to leave to go back to work before the end of the survey. That evening, I


received a call from the potential buyer telling me that the surveyor found numerous issues with the systems, that he was either going to back out of the purchase or else I would have to accept about a 25 percent reduction in the offer price. When I asked him for the list of issues, most of the items were absolutely false, including systems for which the surveyor could not find the switches (like the tiller Autohelm) that he said were not functioning. If he had bothered to find the switch labeled “Autohelm,” he would have seen that it worked perfectly. Since the prospective buyer had signed the industry-standard P&S, I notified him that if he backed out of the deal he was responsible for the damages done by the surveyor to my boat, damage witnessed by several of the boatyard staff and owner. I informed him that to repair the bottom and of my boat and return it to the pre-survey condition, it would cost more than my original asking price. We had reached a stalemate and decided to discuss the situation again after I returned from the survey of the P365 the next day. The next morning, I drove down to Salem, Mass., for the survey on the P365. This surveyor was extremely professional and enlightening. When it came time for the hull-integrity testing, he pulled out a phenolic hammer and lightly tapped out the hull without leaving a single mark on the hull. I told him about my surveyor nightmare from the day before, and he told me that this other so-called surveyor was wrong in his technique and that he should never have damaged the hull and rudder during the inspection. He told me to write a letter to the present surveyors’ group president, citing what had occurred and that an inquiry would be made into the competency of this surveyor. I arrived home that night feeling both elated about the results of the survey on the P365 and boiling mad about what the incompetent surveyor had done to my P30. I immediately sat down and composed my letter to the president of the surveyors’ guild. The next morning, I contacted the owner of the company for which

The surveyor showed up at my boatyard, and once the boat was hauled and drip-dried, he produced a ball-peen hammer (yes, a ball-peen hammer), and proceeded to beat the hull so hard as to produce dents in the hull wherever he tested.


Points East April 2012


dard P&S agreement. This protects both the buyer and seller. Without this piece of paper I would have been left with a severely damaged boat and no recourse. Always be present at the survey of your boat (either as the seller or buyer). If you can’t be present, at least have someone there to protect your interests. Just because the surveyor is certified doesn’t mean he or she is competent or capable.

this surveyor worked and told him that I would fax him a copy of the letter I had written prior to emailing it to the president of the guild. He called me 10 minutes after receiving the fax and asked that I not send the letter. To make a long story short, the surveyor’s company paid me the difference between the new reduced offer from the prospective buyer and the original asking price. He also profusely apologized for the behavior of his new and obviously inadequately trained surveyor. The two lessons from this unfortunate story are: If you are selling a boat without a broker, make sure to have any prospective buyer sign an industry-stan-

Residents of Topsham, Maine, the Schoenbergs last year cruised from Maine to the Bahamas as a family (wife Chris, daughter Rachel 16, sons Jacob, 14, and Eli, 8) aboard their Whitby 42 Sisu.

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Ch eney

Sanderling wanted, with foreraker he original ad I ran in “Sail Texas” read simply: “Wanted, Marshall Sanderling with trailer, located SE coast, the closer to South Carolina the better.” This is a very useful site full of free classifieds for some pretty nice boats. Unfortunately, the boatswanted section is problematic, as I discovered. Buckle in for a wild ride through the ether in the netherworld of Internet classified advertising. +++ From: moris benson To: cheneywr Sent: Tuesday, Dec. 13, 2011 11:13 PM Subject: WANTED: Marshall Sanderling with


trailer, located SE coast, the closer to South Carolina the better. hello i saw your wanted AD on net if still interested contact me via mail. +++ On Tue, Dec 13, 2011 at 10:21 PM, WR Cheney wrote: Hello Moris, Yes, still interested. W. R. Cheney

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Points East April 2012





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Refreshments provided by Cisco Brewers of Nantucket. For more information, or to register, go to http://herreshoff.org/programs/lecture_series.html or call 401-253-5000

December 1



Presented by Bill Doyle and Jed Pearsall

January 19 The Rambler Incident. Hear from members of the crew, and Dan O’Connor of Life Raft and Survival Equipment (LRSE) whose pre race work with the crew and boat assisted in a 100% rescue of all onboard.



February 9

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March 8


Encounter with Somali Pirates, with Capt. Richard Phillips. The world watched as Capt. Phillips first saved his crew, and was then rescued by Navy Seals. Hear his account first hand.

April 5 Around the Americas aboard Ocean Watch. Herb McCormick, former Cruising World editor, and sailing correspondent for the New York Times served as official photographer on this fascinating voyage. See his photos and hear his motivating story of this 25,000 mile voyage.

Watch for Details Regarding the

Herreshoff Summer Series.

On Wed, Dec 14, 2011 at 12:41 PM, moris benson wrote: Hello Thanks for wanting to buy from me,the boat is in a very good condition i have attached some photo of the boat.this are some of the qualities of the boat Been in storage for most of the time. 9 hp Yanmar diesel Loadrite trailer lazy jacks eazy mast erect compass and more ready to sail. i will be asking 7987GBP price include shipping if is OK by you please let me know Moris +++ From: moris benson To: WR Cheney Sent: Thursday, Dec. 15, 2011 3:44 PM Hello i have been waiting for your mail are you still ready to purchase +++ On Thu, Dec. 15, 2011 at 2:39 PM, WR Cheney wrote: Moris, Where will you be shipping the boat from? I would like to take a look at it before I commit. Thanks, Bill +++ From: moris benson To: WR Cheney Sent: Thursday, Dec. 15, 2011 6:52 PM in will be shipping from the United Kingdom On Thu, Dec. 15, 2011 at 6:07 PM, WR Cheney wrote: Oh, OK. Well, I better send you a deposit so somebody else doesn’t get it. How do you want to do this? Bill +++ From: moris benson To: WR Cheney Sent: Thursday, Dec. 15, 2011 9:26 PM Thanks for the mail you can send a deposit then i will ship it over to you as soon as you make the complete payment you can have your Marshall Sanderling with trailer from the shipping company i will accept 4GBP for a start, i recive funds through Money Gram, below are my payment instructions Name: Moris Benson Address: 7ZX32Y Amount:4GBP MTCN This are the details you are to fill so i can make arrangement for shipping What is your complete shipping address? Moris

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Points East April 2012


On Thursday, Dec. 15, 2011 at 6:47 PM, WR Cheney wrote: Moris, I forgot to ask: does the boat have a foreraker? In our low-country waters, a foreraker is essential, and I wouldn’t want to undergo the additional expense of getting one installed. Thanks, Bill +++ From: moris benson To: WR Cheney Sent: Thursday, Dec. 15, 2011 9:51 PM Yes it has a foreraker Moris +++ On Dec. 16, 2011, WR Cheney wrote: Moris, Need to know if that is a Barlow foreraker or a Simpson Lawrence one? Also, is it properly mounted; i.e., bolted to the chadwick plate with bronze bolts, or just lashed, as some yards do it? Thanks, Bill +++ From: moris benson To: WR Cheney Sent: Friday, Dec. 16, 2011 8:17 AM

Thanks for the mail as I told you befor you are going to like it cos it is a barlow foreraker and it is well mounted to the chedwick late with bronz bolts. Please in the ayment instruction I sent you your deposite is 4000GBP not 4, hope to hear from you soon Moris +++ On Fri, Dec. 16, 2011 at 12:14 PM, Wr Cheney wrote: Dear Moris, I’m very sorry to have tell you that I will not be buying your Marshall Sanderling. I was just about to send you the deposit (4000 GBP) when I was contacted by a very nice gentleman from Sri Lanka. He, too, has a Marshall Sanderling in good condition and will ship it to me for slightly less than you are asking. The real clincher, however, is the fact that his boat is equipped with the rare and much-sought-after DOUBLE foreraker. I never even hoped to find a boat so equipped, and am really pleased with the deal. I’m sure you won’t have any trouble finding another buyer for a nicely equipped boat like the one you are offering at what is certainly a fair price. Good luck, and best wishes for the holiday season! Bill +++ From: moris benson To: Wr Cheney

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Sent: Friday, Dec. 16, 2011 3:29 PM Hello Cheneywr Thanks for the mail the 4000GBP i asked for above the shipping price since you said you wanted to deposit that was why i asked for more than half of the money if it is only the shipping you want to pay for before getting the boat then it is just for you to pay 1789GBP then after you get the boat you can pay the rest i will really love to sell this boat to you. will love to hear from you soon. My regard to you and your family merry Xmas Moris +++ On Friday, Dec 16, 2011 at 5:37 PM, Wr Cheney wrote: Sorry Moris, I have already sent the required deposit to Sri Lanka. Best wishes, Bill From: moris benson To: Wr Cheney Sent: Friday, Dec. 16, 2011 8:40 PM OK bye Note: A foreraker is an imaginary device designed by your narrator to aid in the insertion of large imaginary sailboats into the ears of Internet scammers.

This is done in the hope that the prolonged presence of imaginary boats in their ears will lead to major headaches and other problems. If the foreraker is bolted lower on the chadwick plate, it comes under the heading of “Lower, Nether Foreraker Applications,” and its uses cannot be discussed further in this family publication. So far, I’ve gotten four responses to my ad, all from obvious scammers, all quite similar in grammar and format. I think some master scammer in Europe must be selling scammer franchises, or charging for scammer seminars. Shortly after transcribing my exchanges with Moris Benson, I received an email from one Raoul of “International Collections Inc.” He offered to send me a pristine Marshall Sanderling from Italy if only I would wire a modest sum to him at a rather cryptic-looking box number there. Poor Raoul: He’ll never know what hit him. Bill found his boat at the Deltaville Maritime Museum, in Deltaville, Va. She’s a 1984 Sanderling he’s named Shorebird, “after the beautiful Shorebird sloop, and after the delicate creatures we see everywhere and whose environment we hope to share.” He sails the motorless Marshall catboat Penelope in New England when he returns in the spring.






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Points East April 2012


News SHYC offers after-school marine studies Stonington Harbor (Conn.) Yacht Club (SHYC) Sailing Foundation and the Mystic Aquarium are teaming up to offer two quite unusual eight-week after-school marine-biology programs. The programs, which start April 16, are geared towards 4th- and 5th-graders and 6th- to 8th-graders. The first four weeks of each program will take place at the Mystic Aquarium. The second four weeks will be held at the Sailing Foundation in Stonington Borough. Weather permitting, two classes in May will use a boat for further exploration. The topic for the 4th- and 5th-graders is “Adaptations and Communication.” Students will learn about some of the ways in which animals communicate. They will discover the survival strategies animals use to inhabit areas around the world. At Mystic Aquarium, the class will observe animals, from California sea lions to bearded dragons, to discover their behavioral adaptations. At the Sailing

Photo courtesy SHYC Sailing Foundation

The programs in partnership with Mystic Aquarium will consider the impact humankind has on our world.

STUDY, continued on Page 25

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Cutter Grand Isle returns to Gloucester after major refit The Coast Guard Cutter Grand Isle, a 110-foot Island-class patrol boat, returned to her Gloucester, Mass., home in early February, after a seven-month overhaul in the Coast Guard Yard in Baltimore, Md. Work completed included replacement of one diesel engine, two new shafts, two new propellers, two new rudders, two new stabilizing fins, a new reverse-osmosis potable water system, and replacement of over 530 square feet of the hull. The total cost for the 30-week project was approximately $2.7 million. Commissioned in 1991, the Grand Isle can run at over 26 knots, has a crew of 16 officers and enlisted men, and carries one 25mm gun mount and two M-2 50-cal. machine guns. The class is a modification of a highly successful British design, with excellent range STUDY, continued from Page 24 Foundation, the class will examine survival strategies of a variety of animals from crabs, to seabirds, to squid. The 6th- to 8th-graders will study “Ecological Footprints,” in which they will consider the impact humans have on Earth. At the Aquarium the class will explore the exhibits and try to discover how the choices we


Official USCG photo by PA1 John Gaffney

The cutter Grand Isle conducts training operations off Souda Bay, Crete, on April 1, 2003, in support of Operation Enduring Freedom.

and seakeeping capabilities. The Island-class boats, built in the late 1980s, replaced the older 95-foot Capeclass patrol boats. FMI: www.coastguardnews.com.

make every day can affect ecosystems and organisms around the world. At the Sailing Foundation the class will look at local ecosystems and the species inhabiting them. Students will consider “green” technology and innovation, while learning to make some changes to directly influence our own homes. Enrollment is limited to 15 students per class. FMI: www.shyc-sf.org and www.mysticaquarium.org.

Points East April 2012


An 81-pound, 14-ounce striper is an IGFA record In case anybody missed it (we did), a new world-record striped bass was caught on the night of Aug. 4 off Westbrook, Conn., last summer. Boated by Greg Myerson, the 54-inch (that’s four and a half-feet long, folks) striper weighed in at 81.88 pounds, about three pounds more than the previous record, a 78.8-pounder caught in 1982. Myerson’s big linesides was approved by the International Game Fish Association (IGFA) on Oct. 19; its record weight is listed as 81 pounds, 14 ounces. He caught his monster drifting a live eel in the vicinity of Outer Southwest Reef. A 92-pounder was caught in a net by the Maryland Dept. of Natural Resources in 1995. It was not recognized as an IGFA record because it was not caught on rod and reel. Albert McReynolds caught the previous record bass from an Atlantic City Jetty in September 1982, on a 5 ½-inch black-back silver Rebel. It was 53 inches long and estimated at around 36 years old. Al hooked the fish during a storm, and reportedly was able to lead it away from the jetty so he could land it on the beach. FMI: www.igfa.org. Greg Myerson’s caught this 54-inch sagbelly off Westbrook, Conn., last summer while drifting a live eel. Who knew? Photo courtesy Greg Myerson

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Briefly New boat show to be launched in April A brand-new spring boat show, Maine’s Boating Expo, will be held Friday through Sunday, April 13-15, in Brunswick Landing, “Maine’s Center for Innovation” at the former Naval Air Station in Brunswick. The show is produced by the regional marine-industry association, Maine Marine Trades Association, and will host dozens of Maine boat dealers offering the public their best late-winter prices on a variety of model lines. Maine Marine Trades Association, is a four-decades-old alliance of boatbuilders, boat dealers, repair yards, retailers, and others allied to the trade. The show is being launched in response to the membership’s need for an effective venue where they can display their late-model boat lines and used boats to the public. According to Susan Swanton, MMTA executive director, boaters will be able to get the best pricing available immediately before the onset of the boating season. “Maine’s Boating Expo has generated an amazing response from the maritime community,” Swanton said. “This show will be a win-win situation for Mainers looking for a good deal to get on the water as well as for businesses that need to reduce their inventory.” The convenient mid-coast location of Maine’s Boating Expo is expected to draw boaters from both coastal and the lakes regions. Plenty of free parking will be available at Brunswick Landing. Ticket prices will be $8 for adults and free for children under age 12. Show hours will be 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on

Friday and Saturday, and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Sunday. FMI: www.mainesboatingexpo.com.

Crewless Nantucket boat drifts to Spain A 26-foot pleasure boat, registered in the U.S., was located 20 miles off the northern coast of Spain on Jan. 17, three and a half years after stormy sea conditions ejected its crew off the coast of Nantucket, Mass. The U.S. Coast Guard received the report of the located flotsam from Maritime Rescue Coordination Center Madrid Jan. 24, and was able to link the vessel to a search-and-rescue case Aug. 25, 2008, near Nantucket, when the Coast Guard responded to reports of two men who’d been ejected from the center-console boat Queen Bee while attempting to cross a bar in six- to eight-foot seas. Both men were able to swim to Esther Island, Mass., between the west end of “mainland” Nantucket and Tuckernuck Island, and were provided first aid upon recovery. The men had located a rescue bag with a PFD and swam for two hours in an effort to reach the nearest shoreline. “There were times when both of us didn’t think we were going to make it,” said Douglas, the boat’s owner. “Everything had to go our way. It was a miracle.” Due to the dangerous sea state, the Queen Bee was left to drift once the men were rescued. The boat likely drifted into the Gulf Stream and then north to the North Atlantic Current, said Art Allen with the Coast Guard’s Office of Search and

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Points East April 2012


Rescue. From there, it would have headed east to Spain before being located 1,241 days later, after a 3,500 nautical mile trip. Referring to the boat’s extended voyage, Dr. Don Murphy, with the U.S. Coast Guard’s International Ice Patrol, said that a transatlantic drift is rare, but not unheard of. Coast Guard data-collection buoys have been recovered anywhere from regions north of Scotland to, most recently and coincidentally, Spain. FMI: www.coastguardnews.com.

LRSE safety-training dates are set On two consecutive days this winter, two separate incidents of boats sinking in frigid New England waters occurred. All four lives were saved because both boats had the right safety equipment and the professional fishermen aboard were properly trained on how to use it. Life Raft and Survival Equipment’s professional, certified staff offers the same in-depth, hands-on training to the boating public. Here is their 2012 Safety seminar schedule: March 18: Safety at Sea Training, Newport, R.I. April 21: LRSE Safety Course, Tiverton, R.I. May 19: LRSE Safety Course, Tiverton, R.I. June 9: LRSE Safety Course, Tiverton, R.I. To register for any of these safety seminars or to arrange a private safety seminar for groups up to 20 call 401-816-5400 or email teresa@lrse.com.

who want to increase on-water access to the bays, beaches and ocean around the Cape. Its goal is to make Cape Cod water sports available to people of all ages, socio-economic backgrounds, and physical and developmental abilities. Based in Hyannis, Sail Cape Cod will offer instruction in sailing and other water sports, including seamanship, water safety, marine science, and navigation education. Fees will be affordable and calculated on a sliding scale basis. This first year, a cooperative program that partners with, and expands on, the existing Barnstable town sailing program is envisioned. “One of the great ironies on Cape Cod is that we are surrounded by water, yet so very many of our residents have no access to it,” said Sail Cape Cod President Charles McLaughlin. FMI: Email info@sailcapecod.org, www.sailcapecod.org.

Boston Sailing has monthly meet-ups Get together to talk about Boston sailing opportunities and networking with the Boston Sailing Meet-up group at Boston Sail Loft Bar, 80 Atlantic Avenue in the North End, at 7:30 p.m. This is a regular third-Wednesday-of-the-month event. Meet-ups offer opportunities to network and talk about sailing in Boston, to find out about the different sailing options for this upcoming summer, and the various clubs around Boston Harbor. Boston Sail Loft is on the waterfront and a good place to get ye’ grog’n grub. FMI: Email todd@hestiacruises.com or call 617-510-6767, www.meetup.com.

Cape ‘waters for all’ program Sail Cape Cod is an organization under development by a steering committee of avid sailors and community leaders,

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Be the first to identify this mystery harbor and you’ll win a designer Points East yachting cap that will make you the envy of every boater. Tell us a bit about how you know the spot. Send your answers to editor@pointseast.com or mail them to editor, Points East Magazine, P.O. Box 1077, Portsmouth, NH, 03802-1077.



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Points East April 2012


Features Prehistoric

wood The harvesting of ancient kauri is ecologically sound because no standing trees are cut, and excavated land is returned to its original contour. Inset: Kauri trees are as large as giant sequoias.

Photo courtesy Ancient Wood Ltd.

It is tens of thousands of years old, has fantastic finishes and grains, and to work with it is to connect with the beginnings of recorded time. By Bob Booth For Points East hose familiar with modern woodworking may be acquainted with the term “sinker wood.� Here in New England, and also in the Southeast (and I suspect in the Northwest as well), the term is associ-


30 Points East April 2012

ated with recovering logs that sank from logging rafts of years ago. In this manner, old-growth hard pines and cypress are located and salvaged. In Brazil, the technique is applied to the recovery of rosewood timber, and, in New Zealand, to ancient tsunami-felled kauri. How ancient? Well, sit down and take a listen. editor@pointseast.com

Some 30,000 to 50,000 years before you or I were born, Neanderthal, then the predominant Homo sapien species on the planet, was just discovering a talent for art: crafting etchings upon the walls of caves and toying with bear bone flutes. Mammoth and other mega fauna still dominated the landscape. The last of the great glaciations had yet to cover half the northern, and parts of the southern, continents under ice. All history as we know it had yet to occur – no countries, no governments, many land features you now take for granted yet to be formed. The Egyptian pyramids had not yet been contemplated, nor had the much theorized ice bridge between North America and Asia formed and dissolved. In this foggy predawn, upon the northern tip of an island in the South Pacific, stood primal forest, which, according to the Auckland (New Zealand) Museum (www.aucklandmuseum.com), was “dominated by the giant ancestors of kauri, rimu and totarav [trees]� and was the place the few dinosaurs of New Zealand lived (and perished) millions of years ago. It was also here that a natural event approximately 50,000 years ago, possibly a tsunami, flattened the massive kauri descendants of those giant tree ancestors. Picture, if you will, an entire forest of trees, each in size and longevity to our famed giant sequoia, being bulldozed by the sea and cast down into newly created swamps, there to lie slowly hidden beneath the detritus of an epoch. Ice later covered the area and then subsided. The climate warmed and kauri trees again flourished. Flourished, that is, until European man, coming late to New Zealand only some 360 years ago, nearly cleansed the earth of their presence. The kauri is now protected on nearly all New Zealand lands. There is a significant difference between the kauri and all other recovered woods. Sinker woods were cut by Man, at most within the last couple of hundred years. These kauri trees, felled by nature so very long ago, provide the oldest workable wood on earth. Imagine being able to hold prehistory within the palm of your hand, not as a crumbling piece of building or ship www.pointseast.com

Photo courtesy Ancient Wood Ltd.

Raising the logs to the surface is just the beginning of the job. Getting them to a place where they can be milled, then the milling process itself, requires lumbermen's ingenuity and specialized equipment.

relic, but as solid, healthy workable timber that has not seen the light of day since ancient man and his elder cousins sat around the barbie cooking up some mammoth steaks. Such is the experience of working kauri. I recently complete a wood-turning order using kauri. My wood for the project derived from a single board 4/4 thick (4/4 is a sawmill measurement meanPoints East April 2012


ing one inch rough-sawn) by nine inches wide and six feet long. I obtained it from Ancientwood Ltd. (www.ancientwood.com) of Wisconsin, and it came with a carbon-dating certificate placing it between 30,000 and 50,000 years old. According to Ancientwood Ltd., these ancient-wood trees were over 2,000 years old when felled. Moisture content upon retrieval from the bogs where they were found is 100 percent, so the wood must be allowed to dry before use. Ancientwood offers five grades (prices per board-foot): flat-sawn grain, $35; active grain, $45; quartersawn, $50; flamed quarter-sawn, $60; and whitebait, $100. The wood for my project was an active-grain piece that ran to

This desktop has been crafted from ancient kauri wood of the flamed, quarter-sawn grade that runs $60 a board-foot. Photo courtesy Ancient Wood Ltd.

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the tune of $210 dollars delivered. The most obvious initial grain characteristics following surface planing were some ribboning and swirling. End users of the products I produced report iridescent specks that glow in certain light conditions and a depth of grain they are still uncovering. In the whitebait grade, the iridescence is such that when a board is moved against a light source the specs appear to swim, as a shoal of baitfish, within the wood. Outwardly, the wood possessed a coloration similar to teak, and it also exhibited some of teak’s brittleness when machining (such as grain tear-out when a boring bit breaks through). Kauri is a conifer, but I noticed no heavy resin odor. It does, however, produce a subtle and, in my case, not previously experienced aroma that will fill the workplace. Because the trees from which the boards are cut are so large, there was virtually no waste, save saw kerfs. Workability was good. The wood cut well with both hand and power tools, planed easily with a hand plane, and took a polish very well. It does prefer very sharp tools, especially when turning (I produced 16 fifteen-

This gorgeous kauri breasthook graces a canoe. The author says he’d through-rivet the breasthook so the wood is not carrying the load. Photo courtesy Ancient Wood Ltd.

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Points East April 2012


Photo courtesy Ancient Wood Ltd.

Left: A close-up shot of flat-sawn kauri wood reveals otherworldly waves. Right: Detail of the quarter-sawn grade shows a depth of dimension only nature could create.

sixteenth-inch diameter dowels of six-inch lengths and 30 four-inch-diameter rounds on the lathe; grain tearout initially was a problem when using a roughing gouge until it was honed as fine as possible and used

with minimum pressure. The same held true when using skew chisels: I found it necessary to sharpen after each turning. Ancientwood says they have noted a preference among turners to use wet stock for the


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34 Points East April 2012


roughing out work, then letting it dry prior to finish work, This may eliminate the grain tear-out I noted; however, with sharp tools and working with reverence, slowly and gently, good results will be achieved. Ancientwood also suggests the sanding process be allowed time. According to their printed materials: “The most intense color, depth, grain, and iridescent qualities come through with a succession of sandpaper grades.” They suggest working to a minimum of 1200-grit. In my case, I worked to 3000 before applying a 100 percent natural, no-chemicalsadded, wood-oil finish obtained from American Rope and Tar (www.tarsmell.com), and then The author used a six-foot by nineinch by one-inch piece of active-grain that cost $210 dollars delivered. Users of the products he produced reported seeing iridescent specks in certain light and great depth of grain.

Photo courtesy Ancient Wood Ltd.

B! xp s m e . d m b t t ! nb s j o b ! b o e ! z b d i u ! z b s e ! j o !

nj e . d p b t u ! Nb j o f /

Nb l f ! G s p o u ! T u s f f u ! T i j q z b s e ! z p v s ! c p b u Ö t ! t v nnf s u j nf ! i p nf / ! U i f ! nb s j o b ! i p t u t ! z b d i u t ! v q ! u p ! 2 7 1 ! g f f u / ! U i f ! z b s e ! s f q b j s t ! b o e ! s f g j u t ! np e f s o ! b o e ! d m b t t j d ! q p xf s . ! b o e ! t b j m c p b u t / Bo z u i j o h ! j t ! q p t t j c m f ! g p s ! z p v s ! c p b u ! b u ! G s p o u ! T u s f f u ! T i j q z b s e ! j o ! C f m g b t u / ! D b m m ! u p ! s f t f s w f ! z p v s ! t q b d f ; ! 3 1 8 . : 4 1 . 4 8 5 1 /


Points East April 2012


buffed with Tripoli bar, white diamond bar, and carnauba wax on successive buffing wheels. One idiosyncrasy I did note when finishing was regarding wet-sanding. I often wet-sand when working above 400-grit paper, especially on turnings, before removing them from the lathe. The kauri exhibited quite a thirst: I believe it would give cypress a run for its money in a drinking contest. From a finishing perspective, the wood drew the water away from the paper such that, rather than acting as a lubricant, the water quickly softened the wood to a paste, filling the paper. As a structural marine timber, I cannot attest to the reliability of the ancient reclaimed wood. Historically (again, see the New Zealand Department of Conservation’s website), newly hewn timber was much employed in shipbuilding, and I have seen one modern photo of the ancient

Photo courtesy Ancient Wood Ltd.

The whitebait grade exhibits a grain and finish that is difficult for the mind to process. It runs $100 a board-foot.

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36 Points East April 2012


All history as we know it had yet to occur – no countries, no governments, many land features you now take for granted yet to be formed. The Egyptian pyramids had not yet been contemplated, nor had the much theorized ice bridge between North America and Asia formed and dissolved. version being employed in a canoe. The order I completed was for non-load-bearing items. Based on photos available on Ancientwood’s site as well as those from the Kauri Museum (www.kauri-museum.com), the largest use of today’s available kauri appears to be for furniture, musical instruments and wood turning projects. For boat applications, I believe, the higher-grade cuts offer the potential for some devastatingly beautiful, unique and timeless interior joiner work. Breasthooks and inner and outer wales and thwarts could all be crafted from ancient kauri. So could nav-station chart tables and saloon tables. Using modern adhesives, glass sheathing and two-part finishes, you could build a whole canoe from it, but I’d through-rivet the breasthook so the wood is not carrying the load. However, aside from the expense, I would not use the ancient wood in keels, ribs or planking, for, to me, it is too

unproven. I heartily recommend that ship’s carpenters visit the Ancientwood Ltd. website; the depth of information and galleries of photographs of both finished works and raw woods is breathtaking. Another source of ancient kuari is Pacific Hardwoods (www.pacifichardwoods.com), in Sammamish,Wash.A close friend recently asked what it was like when I was working with kauri. My reply was that my shop became church, and each time I touched the wood I felt intensely closer to creation. Computer programmer, ex-submariner and outdoorsman Bob Booth, of West Warwick, R.I., who is passionate about working with all kinds of wood, has owned and maintained an Alden Malabar Jr., a Wianno Senior, and a 40-foot S.S. Crocker-designed yawl.

Now via First Class Mail! The best place to be when you’re not on your boat . . .

. . . is home. And a home at Parker Ridge is the best choice for active seniors who want smooth sailing ahead. Call Verena A. Stoll at (207) 374-2306 to learn more and arrange a visit.

Don’t get left at the dock. Climb aboard.


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Points East April 2012


Top: The old engine lies dolefully on cabin floor after extraction. Bottom: The perky new engine is installed in its place.

Out with the old

Photos by Bill Bowman


with the new

We exchanged a tired 18-horsepower diesel with a 28-horse model, and despite the challenges, got the job done with the help of friends, a boat-hauler’s crane, and a full measure of persistence. By Bill Bowman For Points East ur plan was to begin our first extended Downeast cruise by rendezvousing with friends at Robinhood Marine Center, in Georgetown,


38 Points East April 2012

Maine, during the Fourth of July weekend. My wife Jo and I would be sailing Trinity, our Island Packet 29, and our friends Alan and Chris Kelly would be sailing Footloose, a 32-foot Morgan sloop. But we learned that things don’t always turn out as planned, and the adveneditor@pointseast.com

ture we encountered was quite different from the one we had envisioned. By Thursday morning, July 4, 2007, we had Trinity shipshape and stocked for a seven- to 10-day adventure. Excited to finally be on our way, we motored out of the Kittery Back Channel into Portsmouth Harbor, only to find fog rolling in so fast and heavy that we couldn’t see a boat length in any direction. Since we hadn’t had any experience with maneuvering in the fog, or with being totally disoriented, we quickly headed back with the fog racing on ahead of us. With the aide of our handheld GPS, we found our way to the Back Channel, which was still clear enough for us to locate and secure our mooring just before the fog engulfed us again. The following day, too, was one of heavy fog, so we stayed at our mooring relaxing and finishing up a few boat projects. Then, the next day, the weather cleared and we were able to leave. The wind was very light so we motored the 35 miles to Biddeford Pool. We called the yacht club there en route to arrange for a mooring and spent the night there. When we got up the next morning, we had a leisurely breakfast and checked the marine forecast for the week. The weather projection didn’t sound encouraging, mostly rain, but we decided to continue anyway and called our friends at Robinhood Marine to make plans to meet them later in the day. As we prepared to leave the mooring, I started the engine, an 18-horsepower Yanmar diesel, and the oil light

Photo by Bill Bowman

Trinity’s engine compartment, after the 18-horse Yanmar has been removed, awaits a replacement.

Maine Boatbuilders Show

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Maine Yacht Center www.maineyacht.com Maritime Boats www.maritimeboats.com Mobile Marine Canvas www.mobilecanvas.com Nautilus Marine Fabrication www.nautilus-marine.com Navtronics Marine Group www.navtronics.com Ocean Pursuits www.oceanpursuits.com Padebco Custom Yachts www.padebco.com Paul E. Luke www.peluke.com Portland Yacht Services www.portlandyacht.com Robinhood-Island 40 www.robinhoodmarinecenter.com Rumery's Boat Yard www.rumerys.com SailMaine www.sailmaine.org Sawyer & Whitten www.sawyerwhitten.com Seal Cove Boatyard www.sealcoveboatyard.com Seaway Boats www.seawayboats.com South Port Marine www.southportmarine.com South Shore Boatworks www.southshoreboatworks.com Stroudwater Boatworks www.stroudwaterboatworks.com The Apprenticeshop www.apprenticeshop.org Portland Head & Wawenock Sail & Power Squadrons Wilbur Boats www.wilburyachts.com WoodenBoat Show www.thewoodenboatshow.com Women Under Sail www.womenundersail.com Yankee Marina www.yankeemarina.com

Points East April 2012


Photo by Bill Bowman

Left: The forward end of the engine lies on the cabin sole before installation. Right: Removing all the components -- electrical, cooling, shaft, throttle linkage, and transmission linkage – was a job.

came on. I shut the engine down and checked the oil level, finding that it was at the very bottom of the dipstick. Then I noticed another problem: The secondary oil pan below the engine had water and oil in it – lots of water and oil. Unfortunately, when I checked my boat supplies for extra oil I didn’t have any. I always carry spares of almost everything. Then I remembered that I had used

the oil when I changed it last fall, and had forgotten to replace it. So off I went to the yacht club, thinking, “Surely they will have some diesel oil.� Nope. When I asked if there was anywhere close by where I could purchase some, the young man at the club said that he thought there was a gas station about three or four miles away. With great determination, I started off in the direction of the

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8BMQPMF .BJOF t t 'BSSJOT#PBUTIPQ DPN 40 Points East April 2012


Oh, did I mention I took lots and lots of pictures before disconnecting everything? Having a digital camera makes life so much easier sometimes. station, reminding myself that we would purchase two folding bikes before this happened again. After walking what I later figured was about seven miles, without locating a gas station, I gave up and turned around. When I got back to the club, the young man had managed to locate a gallon of motor oil in an unmarked jug, and I decided to take a chance and use it since it was a sixhour trip back to Kittery. After filling the oil up to the high-level indicator, I called our friends with the bad news, and we motored back home – no wind again. Just as we reached our mooring in Kittery, the oil light came on again, and for the next two weeks I troubleshot the engine. I discovered that the water leak was from the impellor shaft seal, which was an easy fix, and the oil leak was from the timing-gear case-cover gasket, a somewhat easy fix – or so I thought. Replacing the cover gasket required taking the front of the engine apart, which I thought went pretty well, until I tried to restart engine. No luck. I tried just about everything I could think of. I haven’t had a lot of experience with diesel engines, but I did know something about gas engines as I had rebuilt several including three Ford Model A engines and a MGB


engine, so I figured that had to count for something. I tried all sorts of things that the manual suggested. Check this. Check that. Nothing worked. I finally resorted to asking for help, and I called in the cavalry: the local diesel engine mechanic. Getting the boat from the mooring to the dock, to make it easier to work on, was another unexpected adventure. On a very, windy day, my friend Al helped me sail Trinity about 150 yards from the mooring to the dock. No big deal, right? After a private prayer for help, we raised the sails, let go of the mooring line, and started tacking from one side of the river then to the other. Oh, did I tell you that the Piscataqua River has about a three- knot current and a marina full of closely moored boats? We just missed one by three feet, but our last tack brought us up alongside the dock as if we’d really known what we were doing. The following week the diesel mechanic arrived, and I explained all that I had tried. He checked the timing, made sure the fuel lines were bled, and examined the injector jets, which he took to a local shop for testing. When they checked out, he tested the compression and found it was low, about 350 p.s.i. for both cylinders. Be-

Points East April 2012


Photo by Bill Bowman

Trinity, an Island Packet 29, is hard on the wind, her skipper secure in the knowledge that he has reliable diesel back-up.

cause the compression should have been between 390 and 450 p.s.i., I figured that the 17-year-old engine probably needed a rebuild. Jo and I discussed the options – rebuild or replace. Since the later IP 29s had 27-horsepower Yanmars, we opted to replace our 18-horse with the larger engine. I looked online and found a mechanic in Wisconsin who sold remanufactured Yanmar engines at a reasonable price, and I contacted him to arrange the purchase. I also contacted Island Packet to get their input on the engine replacement. They reassured me that other owners had successfully replaced their 18s with 27s. Trinity was hauled out of the water in October and placed in our side yard. As winter approached, I began the process of replacing the engine. First, I needed to remove all the components: electrical, cooling, shaft, throttle linkage, transmission linkage, and the like. I also had to have the shaft shortened, the engine mounts reconfigured, and a small section of the secondary engine pan ground down to accommodate the extra length of the transmission linkage. Most of this I did by myself, but I invited some friends over one Saturday morning and used a come-along to remove the engine from the engine bed and place it on the cabin sole. This took all of five minutes. I also contacted Autoprop to make sure the auto-pitching propeller I had for the 18-horse engine would work for the 27-horse engine. What was I thinking? Of course it

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wouldn’t. I needed to get another prop, too. The remanufactured engine arrived in the spring, and I contacted Independent Boat Haulers in Eliot, Maine, to bring their crane over to remove the old engine from the boat and set the remanufactured engine on the cabin floor. The whole process took about 20 minutes (I wish everything had been as easy). I set everything up in the cabin so we could slide the engine in place with the new engine mounts. Again, my friends came over on a Saturday morning to assist, and everything went pretty smoothly, taking all of about 5 minutes using the come-along. Now the real fun began – re-hooking everything I took off. Oh, did I mention I took lots and lots of pictures before disconnecting everything? Having a digital camera makes life so much easier sometimes. One of the biggest challenges I had was lining up the engine with the shaft, but the “Island Packet Photos� web page was an incredible help. I also replaced the cutlass bearing and rebedded the cutlass-bearing housing. After I got everything hooked up and started the engine, I was thrilled when it ran smoothly. Unfortunately, within a couple of minutes the high-temperature alarm sounded. I checked everything, and it all seemed OK. I checked the troubleshooting section of the diesel manual and did just about everything it suggested: Still no problem found. When I called Al (the remanufacturedengine guy), he said they ran the engine for two hours

with no problems. Finally, I looked at the last item on the troubleshooting list, which was the temperature sender, usually the least likely thing to go wrong. Well, guess what? That was the problem. I replaced the sender and the engine ran great. Later, I heard from Al that the fuel-injector core I traded to him had a cracked pump, which made me wonder if this had been the problem all along. Oh well, we are still grateful, because without this engine “crisis� (note: the Chinese symbol for “crisis� is made up of words meaning “danger� and “opportunity�), we probably would not have made the upgrade to a quieter and more powerful engine. Yessiree, that summer certainly brought a much different kind of adventure than we had planned, but we are now prepared for some really great sailing adventures with our new 27-horse remanufactured Yanmar engine installed in our beloved Trinity. What more could we ask for? Maybe a summer without so much rain and fog.





Bill is an engineer at Portsmouth Naval Shipyard in Kittery, Maine, plays five-string banjo and English concertina, and is active in the Men’s ministry at Christian Life Church (CLC). Jo is on staff at CLC, does Christian counseling, and plays keyboard.



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Points East April 2012




perplexity Our engine was down, the spare part didn’t fit, and Googling “emergency repair fanbelt” gleaned a pantyhose fix, and these weren’t in the ship’s inventory. What to do? By Michael D. Maginn For Points East his can’t be right, I thought as I was lying head down on my back underneath the sole of our Cape Dory 30, Island Girl, with my legs poking up through the cockpit locker. The coaming edge on


the hatch separating the locker from the space under the binnacle and behind the engine was cruelly pressing the small of my back. I was staring at the back of my engine, at the tiny gap between my spare V-belt and the third pulley it needed to be looped over to complete what was once

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a simple belt-replacement repair job. It was about three-quarters of an inch short, and, I learned right away, V-belts do not stretch. Surely, I am doing something wrong. “Now the half-inch box wrench,” I muttered to my wife, who had the entire oddball tool collection of Island Girl systematically spread out before her in the cockpit. She slapped a wrench into my outreached palm. “Not that one, the other half-inch wrench,” I said, handing back the wrench with rounded prongs that couldn’t grip a wet teabag and which I had been carrying in my toolbox for two decades. “Make up your mind,” she clipped back, rightfully so; this simple fix was now turning into a grinding puzzle, frustrating her and me for the past two hours. The reality was about four inches in front of my nose: The spare didn’t fit. We were on our only weekend cruise of the summer. Work and fam-


ily obligations kept us home instead of heading off for distant islands, but we were content to have a “staycation,” day-sailing out of our Manchester, Mass., home port. Just after Labor Day, we decided to have a special nano-cruise, down to Scituate for a nice dinner and relaxation on board, away from distractions for a least an overnight. Our sail across Massachusetts Bay was perfect. We latched onto a close reach with the wind just south of east, the perfect point of sail for Island Girl, and, we were very happy to be on the sea again. Just as we fetched Tar Pouch, near the entrance to Scituate Harbor, the wind went fluky. We started the engine, furled the sails, and headed into the channel. As we reached the breakwater, an alarm I’d never heard before sounded a piercing, shrill and annoying tone coming from the vicinity of the ignition switch. A moment of madness possessed me; maybe that happens to people

Make up your mind,” she clipped back, rightfully so; this simple fix was now turning into a grinding puzzle, frustrating her and me for the past two hours. The reality was about four inches in front of my nose: The spare didn’t fit.

Points East April 2012


The V-belt from my spare parts kit – bought in 1994 when the boat was repowered – didn’t fit; it was just short of the alternator pulley. More madness.



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46 Points East April 2012


when something completely unwelcome happens. “Maybe it’s the arrival alarm on the GPS,” I said to Arlene, who dutifully indulged me and checked below, finding it clearly wasn’t. The engine was rough; I throttled down, checked the cooling-water discharge at the stern, all the while the alarm shrieking, boats passing us in the crowded channel, checklist taking shape in my head, and me asking Arlene to call Scituate Yacht Club launch: We might need a tow, the wind was gone, so no sailing, and we definitely needed to get out of the channel. We steered in with a now chugging engine. While Arlene steered, I jumped below, taking off the engine cover. “Massive loss of oil,” I guessed. No, no sign of oil spouting out, dipstick securely in place, but the engine was noticeably hot, and there was an odor of overly heated engine parts. Under the guidance of the Scituate Yacht Club launch, we staggered over to a nearby mooring, shut down the engine, silencing the alarm, and giving us a moment to thank our lucky stars we were in a safe spot. I poked around the engine and didn’t see anything disconnected, leaking or broken. I went back to the cockpit, where I emptied the starboard locker, ducked my head in to see if there were any loose wires or something that might have drifted loose on the ignition switch. No, all secure here. Then I opened the


hatch to the area underneath the binnacle. On Island Girl, the Westerbeke 20B is mounted backwards with the drive connecting to a U-shaped transmission. As soon as I looked into the space below the wheel, it was clear what our problem was. A Vbelt was lying there, wretchedly shredded and completely destroyed. We were lucky we were only a hundred yards away from a mooring when the alarm went off. That alarm meant, “Shut down the engine asap:” Cooling water wasn’t circulating. We were minutes, or seconds, away from a real mess. “Aha,” I said to Arlene. “Good news. It’s just the Vbelt.” Mark the time: It was about 4:30 or so in the afternoon. I thought I would slip on the spare, and we’d make a fine dinner ashore by 6, after a nap and a snack or two. Changing a V-belt is relatively easy. Loosen the adjustment nut on the bracket that holds the alternator in place and acts as a belt-tensioner, loosen the nut at the base of the alternator, swing the alternator toward the engine, place the new belt on the three pulleys, lever the alternator back using a screwdriver to tension the belt while tightening nuts, check tension, and done. The only thing I didn’t like about this job was that I was squeezed upside down in the space of a large beer cooler. The V-belt from my spare parts kit – bought in 1994

Points East April 2012


When I compared the two, it was clear the NAPA part had a longer circumference. Somewhere along the line, a mechanic in some boatyard had been through what I was going through and had found a practical solution.

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Things to consider when thinking about spare parts There are definite lessons to take away from the mystery of the V-belt that didn’t fit: It would be wise to find your spare V-belt and fit it on your engine before you need it. If your spare kit is older (mine was bought in 1994, along with the engine) make sure that part replacements in the interim didn’t make some of those spares obsolete.

when the boat was re-powered – didn’t fit; it was just short of the alternator pulley. More madness. What am I doing wrong? Should I take the alternator off and try to lever it on? Can I stretch it? No. What’s going on here? Try again, start from the beginning. Do that again and again in the belief I was bungling a simple job, missing something obvious. I gave up at 6:30, knuckles skinned, side and back aching, forearms pricked by various sharp edges, Arlene clearly tired of hearing shouted, authentic epithets from my Navy days, and myself out of ideas. We called the Scituate launch, and the operator was sympathetic, helpful, offering random spare belts from the shop. We went ashore for dinner, subdued and listing our options. I sat in the cockpit after we returned to the boat, using my iPhone to google “emergency repair fanbelt.” Incredibly, one fix was to use pantyhose; there was even an instructional video on how to do it. Unfortunately, that wasn’t in the ship’s inventory. That night, I couldn’t sleep. I conjured up emergency repairs using a cable made of multiple strands of eighth-inch line and duct tape. That might work. But still, if the spare didn’t fit, then the reason is…what? Why? I got up and found the broken belt that once did fit but was now out of acwww.pointseast.com


If you have a strange, non-distributor-supplied part – e.g., an auto part – put on by a mechanic, find out why, and make sure you have spares. And, of course, realize that your first, immediate reaction to an emergency – thinking the engine alarm was the GPS arrival alarm – might be pure denial. Michael Maginn






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Points East April 2012


tion. Were the part numbers the same? The belt that was broken, the one I was trying to replace, was not a Westerbeke belt at all. It was from NAPA, the auto-parts chain. When I compared the two, it was clear the NAPA part had a longer circumference. Somewhere along the line, a mechanic in some boatyard had been through what I was going through and had found a practical solution. Early the next morning, a Sunday, I called my friend Peter, who lives in nearby Duxbury. I told him the story and asked him for the favor of heading to an open NAPA store and buying two belts with the part number I gave him. Forty minutes later, we met on the dock where he delivered the belts; 20 minutes after that the new belt was on, a new spare was in the parts locker, and the engine was running. We checked the coolant, profusely thanked the Scituate Y.C. launch operator, and motor-sailed home. Now, the story doesn’t end here. The question remains why a standard spare part didn’t fit where it was supposed to fit. With the season over and the boat hauled, I tried to track down the answer. The first call was to Hansen Marine, the Westerbeke distributor in Marblehead, which supplied the engine when it was new in 1994. I bought the spare-parts kit for the engine way back then and stowed it away in the box it came in.

From Hansen, I learned the part number for the spare I had on board had been superseded by a new number. Hansen generously gave me a freebie new belt that – when I measured it in my shop – turned out to be about a half-inch longer than the original spare. That might be the answer. Back on the boat, this time in the early spring. Working under the shrinkwrap and assuming my upside-down position again, I tried the newly supplied spare. Egad! It didn’t fit either. But this time I took a very close look at how far the alternator was able to swing into the engine. I hadn’t noticed there was about a half-inch gap to the end of bracket. If I could swing it over that distance, surely both the original spare I carried and the newly supplied one would fit. No matter how I loosened, pushed, levered, and pressed, that alternator wasn’t moving. Another call to Hansen: I asked Bob Hansen, the owner, if I could drop over for an in-person consult on this problem, bringing my digital pictures and all the belts. When I arrived, he said this was a pretty unusual problem, and he hadn’t heard from other boaters that the belt spare was an issue. He and I problem-solved, looking at the pictures I had taken of the problem area. He suggested that I remove the bolt holding the alternator on to the adjustment bracket, as there might be a point of binding; the arc

Winter storage, repair & refit Rumery's wants to store your boat (inside or outside) next winter. Let us help you upgrade your engine, systems or electronics. Is it time to replace outdated safety equipment or renew your sanitation systems? Maybe you should install LED lighting and improve your charging system. Rumery's is located within sight of the Amtrak DOWNEASTER station so you can get your crew back to Boston or New York with ease. Call us to reserve space for the fall, and discuss your projects.

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newer one, or at least the alternator was. That’s why some boatyard mechanic years ago decided to slip on the NAPA belt in the first place. A professional mechanic later told me it wasn’t unusual to find mismatch problems like these, saying it gets a lot more frustrating when a $90 serpentine belt doesn’t fit. He said one reason could be that the bolt-on parts to engines, including alternators, might be slightly different, depending on the supplier. Maybe that was my alternator’s problem. Another mechanic advised me that I was lucky I found a spare that fit, auto part or otherwise, and that I could stock it in my parts locker. It is a little unsettling not to have definitive “aha” explanation other than some engine parts

of the swing might be different from the arc of the bracket. Again, I dove under the cockpit sole, removed the nut, and again no luck. Something was blocking the alternator’s inboard swing, leaving it short of where it had to be for the belt to slip on, something pretty solid, like contact with the engine itself. Now, I was on a mission. I obsessed with my sailing friends about my views of V-belts and spare parts. I kept thinking about what would have happened if my old belt had shredded on a dark and stormy night in the middle of the Gulf of Maine, with a bum spare and no pantyhose within miles. When one of my yacht-club pals mentioned he also had a relatively new Westie 20B, I asked if I could look at the engine to compare how far his alternator could swing in. Bemused, he said sure. Back to the boatyard, up the ladder, under the shrinkwrap on my friend’s boat. I loosened the bolt on the alternator, swung it all the way in, and could easily slip on both belts – the original one from the spare kit I carried, and the one Hansen gave me. No problemo. Conclusion: My almost 20-yearold engine was different than the

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Michael D. Maginn and his family have sailed their Cape Dory 30, Island Girl, throughout Massachusetts Bay and along the Maine coast for the past 25 years. He is an organizational consultant, the author of several business books, and formerly an editor at “Skiing” magazine.

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might vary slightly over the years, even on the same model. And this doesn’t fully explain why the original spare I bought when the engine was new didn’t work. But one fact is clear: My immediate reaction to the emergency – thinking the engine alarm was the GPS arrival alarm – was pure denial.

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Points East April 2012


YARDWORK/People & Proj ects

Mariner’s dream comes true with 35-foot gaff-rigged Atkin design

Photos courtesy David Gerstel

The Atkin Vixen design, her designer wrote, “. . . was conceived and grew into a mature, wholesome, modestly fast and able vessel. . . .” Above, Ariel ghosts along under main, job and staysail, reffee still in the bag. Inset: The original Vixen plows to windward in the 1950s.

By David Gerstel For Points East I grew up outside, Chicago, Ill., in Highland Park. My father had a Herreshoff S Boat, the 30-footer that was half sailboat, half submarine. It was maintained by famed boatbuilder Red Nimphius in Neshkoro, Wisc. 52 Points East April 2012

At the beginning of the 1960s, I attended the California Maritime Academy in Vallejo and graduated with a 3rd mate’s license, ocean and steam, any tonnage, any waters. After a number of years at sea, I acquired a master’s license. Then I left the sea, and as I wanted to sail, I spent some days at the New York Public Library, looking through years of “Rudder,” “Yachteditor@pointseast.com

ing� and “Motor Boating,� looking for just the right boat. I picked the 34-foot, seven-inch Vixen design from John and Bill Atkin, and asked Red Nimphius to build it. He did, over a number of years. John Atkin gave me permission to put on a square yard, although the original design did not include a yard. The boat stayed with the Nimphius yard for some time, because other facets of life got in the way, but in 2003-2004, the boat was moved to Maine and we began sailing. Since then, the boat has been improved and upgraded to make what I believe is the finest example of Red Nimphius’ work and the Atkins’ designs. The Vixen design, according to John Atkin, was the culmination of the double-ended vessels he and his father designed. A personal note: John was an artist, and his drawings are more graceful than his father’s alone. As a draftsman, he was superb, and all this boat was built with about five plans. The original boat built from the design went around the world in the early 1950s, and, in fact, she sailed into Eggemoggin Reach last August. My Ariel sleeps four comfortably, and although she

Photo courtesy David Gerstel

Billy Atkin created the Vixen as a vessel “ . . . aboard which one might venture forth and return from the unknown in safety and comfort.�

is a heavy boat, she sails well if there is any reasonable wind. Of course, she cannot race with lighter vessels, but she is a wonderful boat in high winds and big seas.

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As a professional fleet manager, John knows all the pitfalls of working with a boatyard. But after having Portland Yacht Services re-instrument; rebuild the engine and gearbox; rewire and re-plumb; and soda-blast and recoat Osprey’s hull, he says, “I’m entirely impressed with their skills, quality of work and ability to come up with practical solutions to seemingly intractable problems. And they’re great fun to work with!� Our team has the experience, training and certification to efficiently handle all your needs.

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Points East April 2012


Photos courtesy David Gerstel

The Vixen design, to which Ariel was created, is for a double-ended, full-keeled seaboat along the lines of the Colin Archer redningskoite rescue vessels of the Norwegian Lifeboat Institution.

We changed the layout somewhat, with the head forward, and we replaced our original diesel stove with a Luke propane two-burner and oven. The engine is the

original Yanmar. One of the main features is the large chart table, although we have supplemented paper with a Garmin GPS. I would like to give credit where credit is due and pile accolades upon John Flanzer and his marvelous shop, Traditional Boat, in Unity, Maine. An alumnus of the Landing School of Boatbuilding and Design, he hung out his shingle after graduating in 2000, and his facility can take much credit for the joy we experience with Ariel. Numerous repairs and upgrades were effected on Ariel, including carpentry, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, rigging, sails, hardware, and cosmetics. We mostly sail from Eggemoggin Reach east and west, and every year try to attend the Eggemoggin Reach regatta to see other beautiful boats. Ariel has been a fantastic boat, improved and appreciated over the years. FMI: www.maintraditionalboat.com. “This year, flying a jib, staysail, square, raffees, main and ringtail,” David writes, “we shall advance to the America’s Cup AND the War of 1812. Back to the future. Take that, carbon fiber.”

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Friendship sloop long a’building finds a homeport By Steve Cartwright For Points East Volunteers at a Rockland marine museum are planking the hull of a 30-foot Friendship sloop whose keel was first laid more than 50 years ago. The saga of the gaff-rigged Persistence started with the late Carlton Simmons of Friendship, Maine, a builder of sloops that were, in the age of sail, the vessel of choice for lobstermen. Simmons, then in his 70s, started building a final Friendship Sloop for his wife and himself in 1966. But his wife fell ill, and the project languished for a decade. Enter then 21-year-old John Lichtman, who had seen a Friendship under sail while vacationing in Boothbay Harbor. He thought he’d like to build wooden boats, so he drove from Gold Hill, Ore., to Friendship and found Simmons. Simmons was glad to get rid of his half-planked project. Lichtman needed a place to store his boat, so he bought a waterfront property – prices were more affordable in that era – and stored his boat under a blue tarp. Wife, SLOOP, continued on Page 58 The keel of Persistence was laid more than a half-century ago, but some planks have been fitted for the very first time into the rabbeted stem.


Photo by Steve Cartwright

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Points East April 2012



launch of


“The first East Coast launch of Nanatasis (see “A Gaff-Rigged eBay Treasure is Resurrected by Seal Cove,” April 2011) occurred on Nov. 28, 2011,” writes owner Craig L. Buttner, and we did a 12-hour trip to Maine to see her at the dock during the weekend of Dec. 4.” In the winter of 2006, Craig spotted the nameless 29-foot gaff-rigged sloop, built in 1941, on eBay

56 Points East April 2012


Photos by Craig L. Buttner

in Los Angeles, bought her, and put her in the hands of Bob Vaughan of Seal Cove Boat Yard in Harborside, Maine. “I could not be happier with the finished project,” Craig says; “all credit to SCBY.” Clockwise from bottom left: The launch, seams take up, and, well, pure bliss.


Points East April 2012


SLOOP, continued from Page 55 kids, construction work . . . the boat stayed in the woods for another 10 years until he completed a shop and stuck it in the corner. And there Persistence stayed until a neighbor suggested last fall that he donate it to the budding Sail, Power & Steam Museum, founded by veteran Camden windjammer Capt. Jim Sharp. “It’s heartening to see her there,” said Lichtman, whose wife, Dr. Jackie George, now offers acupuncture in one of Sharp’s buildings. Lichtman said he looks forward to a sail aboard Persistence when launched – for the first time ever. “The Friendship Sloop is so indigenous to this part of the coast,” said Sharp, who hopes to enter the museum’s new boat in the annual Friendship Sloop regatta, held each July in Rockland. Sharp is no stranger to racing, having won events with his schooner Adven-

Photo by Steve Cartwright

Clipper bow and gaff rig may be diagnostic with a Friendship, but the oval, tumblehome transom also earmarks the design.

ture, a dory-fishing vessel that he donated in 1988 to Gloucester, Massachusetts. (See “84-Year-Old Schooner Adventure Will Sail Again,” by Steve Cartwright, September 2011). Sharp said the project is 100 percent volunteer. Tom Hammermeister, of Waldoboro, who first suggested Lichtman donate his sloop, is a regular at the twice-

weekly work sessions. He is milling cedar for planking and said he doesn’t anticipate completing construction until spring of next year. Hammermeister knew of the Eagle, a derelict 1923 Friendship Sloop, beyond repair but good for a variety of parts. She was built by Wilbur Morse, and had been stored at nearby Spruce Head Marine. Janice McLennan, boatyard owner, was happy to donate the vessel to the museum. A three-cylinder Universal engine from Eagle still runs, and the sloop’s former owner is expected to donate sails and rigging. Thanks to donations and volunteer time, it appears that Persistence does indeed pay off. FMI: sailpowerandsteammuseum.org. Steve Cartwright is a freelance writer and occasional sailor living in Waldoboro, Maine. He can be reached at writer@midcoast.com.

SpeedDream project: Fastest monohull on planet Lyman Morse, in Thomaston, Maine, will be building such a vessel. The expectation is that the SpeedDream will rival and possibly even exceed speeds achieved by comparably sized multihulls. Some of the features that make the SpeedDream, a monohull of sorts, unique include a slender, wavepiercing hull, ultimate canting keel, and stabilizing hydrofoil that creates additional righting momen-

tum and offsets displacement. The SpeedDream Design Concept, developed by Vlad Murnikov, is among the most advanced design ideas in sailing today. Some highlights are: Delta-shaped hull, almost triangular in plan view, with a very narrow, wave-piercing bow to reduce resistance and improve seaworthiness; maximum stability and sail carrying capacity due to the innovative Ultimate Canting

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Points East Midwinter 2012

Keel with a bulb that comes out of water to provide the highest possible righting moment while completely eliminating drag; telescoping keel that retracts to reduce draft while in harbor and extends while sailing to maximize righting moment; stabilizing foils to improve stability (far superior to all current keel boats while requiring only fraction of the ballast) and reduce drag by partially offsetting boat weight; and practical deck layout and superstructure that keeps crew safe and deck free of excess water, even at high speeds. FMI: www.lymanmorse.com. editor@pointseast.com

Friendship 65 created for shorthanded sailing Satin-finished raised-panel mahogany joinery and detailed bull-nose fiddle edges are throughout the accommodation. Aft and under the pilothouse are port and starboard staterooms. The large portside aft cabin could be considered the master cabin, complete with private shower and large locker space. To starboard and forward of the crew cabin/work space is the galley, with a sea kindly wrap-around counter. The 65 has excellent space for housing and servicing the 250-horse Lugger engine, 16 kW Northern Lights generator, and the pumps, hydraulics, refrigeration, and air-conditioning systems. The engine room/service area, with a washer/dryer and workbench, has full headroom and is accessed through the crew cabin, cockpit hatches and guest cabin. Electric winches are near the helmsman, bowthruster and mainsheet control buttons and genoa furling controls are at her/his feet, and the carbonfiber mast has in-boom mainsail furling. FMI: www.friendshipyachtcompany.com.

Photo Ann-e Blanchard

The new Friendship 65, built by The Friendship Yacht Company, in Portsmouth, R.I., was designed by the Fontaine Design Group to be a fast yet comfortable passagemaker with a seakindly motion that can access shallow water anchorages that other yachts of her size cannot. The 65’s low wetted surface hull form minimizes drag while at the same time providing substantial interior volume, and the shallow draft keel/centerboard design allows some gunkholing not always available to 65footers. Friendship’s goal was to design a low, secure aft cockpit with a drier, more secure location for sailing than most center-cockpit designs. Thus, the cockpit is aft of the fully enclosed pilothouse. The watertight and secure pilothouse enables full navigation and operating from inside with 360-degree unobstructed visibility. The pilothouse is an extension of the cockpit and the interior arrangement. Below decks, living accommodations are separated from the open pilothouse by the galley and saloon.

Atlantic 17 Dory kit is for gunning-style boat The Atlantic 17 kit from Seth Persson Boat Builders in Centerbrook, Conn., is for a doubleended, gunning dory style, single or double rowing stations, openwater rowing boat. Built of plywood on plywood frames, this design has proven to be well suited to novice and experienced rowers for more than 10 years. Questions about plans for the Atlantic 17 may be directed to jonpersson7@gmail.com. www.pointseast.com

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Classic Boat Shop is building another Pisces 21 Classic Boat Shop, of Bernard, Maine, has had several projects under way this winter, including Pizazz, a new Pisces 21 scheduled for delivery to Annapolis, Md., following the Maine Boat Builder’s Show in March. The 20-foot, nine-inch boat has a 16-foot, four-inch waterline, a seven-foot, two-inch beam, a two-foot, 11-inch draft, a displacement of 3,250 pounds (including 1,600 pounds of exterior lead), and a 260-square- foot sail area. The full keel fiberglass hull is infused using vinylester resin. White-gelcoat finish is standard. The rudder is also molded fiberglass with a foam core. The lead ballast keel is externally bolted with 316 grade stainless-steel bolts and rudder pintles and gudgeons are also 316 stainless. Crews are also working on renewing the bottom and boot top on a 48-foot Brooklin Boat Yard-built sailboat, and are completing construction of a Pisces 127, sched-

Photo courtesy Classic Boat Shop

Carpenter Stephen Linscott, left, and Skylar Cook work, respectively, on a Pisces 21 cockpit sole and toe-rail.

uled for a spring delivery to the Boston area. FMI: www.classicboatshop.com

Hinckley building 10 Talaria motor yachts

Photo by Langley Photography

What is probably the first authentically shaped wood Herreshoff 12½ made since 1943 was launched in early December, and will make her debut at the Maine Boatbuilders Show.

Artisan Boatworks completes very special Herreshoff 12½ Artisan Boatworks, of Rockport, Maine, recently launched a Herreshoff 12½ replica built to a set of original offsets discovered by Arti60 Points East April 2012

san owner Alec Brainerd. “A year or so ago, while researching a different commission, I was

The first two of Hinckley’s new Talaria 48 line of motoryachts have undergone sea trials and were in the paint booth, on schedule for a final February launch. Ten Talaria 48s are currently in production. In addition, Hinckley’s new T34 power yacht will launch this summer. “Sales exceeded our expectations, and the company as a whole enjoyed a very healthy year,” said Jim McManus, president and CEO of The Hinckley Company, in Portsmouth, R.I. “Our yards were busy completing some very interesting projects. We are excited about the prospects for 2012 because during this past year, we took advantage of the favorable hiring environment to bring a lot of very experienced, very skilled people into all our locations and at all levels of the organization.” FMI: www.thehinckleycompany.com

ARTISAN, continued on Page 61 editor@pointseast.com

Briefly Brownell Trailers, in Fairhaven, Mass, has diversified customizable options for all three types of trailers: In Yard, Highway and Self Propelled. Since purchasing the company in 2009, owner and president John Medeiros can now offer complete engineered solutions with their state-of-the-art design software and manufacturing facility. The original line of standard Brownell trailers and ROK boat stands are always available. An in-house engineering department, along with fully automated machines allows Brownell to offer all trailer models at competitive pricing. Brownell Trailers is able to simulate a trailer build, along with load ratings and capacities, prior to cutting a single piece of steel. This greatly reduces costly errors and ensures that customers receive a trailer designed specifically for their needs. FMI: www.brownelltrailers.com. Front Street Shipyard, in Belfast, Maine, has shifted from construction of the yard to service on clients’ vessels. In addi-

ARTISAN, continued from Page 60 lucky enough to stumble upon the original Herreshoff offsets for the 12½,” he said. “This is the list of measurements that absolutely and exactly define the hull shape with little or no opportunity for interpretation. They were previously thought to be lost. This accidental discovery led me to completely and thoroughly research the 12½’s design and develop a definitive collection of plans, measurements, and construction history.” Brainerd worked with Steve Nagy of The Herreshoff Registry to trace the design modifications that Herreshoff Manufacturing Co. had made through the years and assemble a database of measurements from


tion to a variety of smaller service projects under way at the facility at the head of Belfast Harbor, crews have begun a large-scale refit of the yacht Stoneface. Work on the 106-foot motor yacht will include a full systems refit, decking, and interior and exterior finish. Already, the new company is up to 50 full-time workers, and it expects to hire more as projects warrant. FMI: www.frontstreetshipyard.com Parker’s Boat Yard, in Cataumet, Mass., has announced that its lead mechanic, Mark Chase, has earned the designation of Master Certified Technician offered by the American Boat & Yacht Council (ABYC). This designation is for certified marine professionals who successfully pass at least three of the ABYC certification exams. Currently, ABYC offers eight certification exams: Electrical, Diesel Engines and Support Systems, Gasoline Engines and Support Systems, AC/Refrigeration, Composite Boat Building, Marine Corrosion and Marine Systems.

existing 12 1/2s. He then went to John Palmieri, curator of the Herreshoff Marine Museum, to study the actual half-model that N.G. Herreshoff had carved, and then traveled to Mystic Seaport to study Herreshoff’s original building jig. Finally, with the help of Halsey Herreshoff and Adam Langerman of Herreshoff Designs, he was able to view Nat Herreshoff ’s original hand-written design notes. In July, Artisan crews began building what is probably the first authentically shaped wooden Herreshoff 12½ made since 1943, when Herreshoff Manufacturing Co. built the last one. The new boat was launched in early December and will make her debut at the Maine Boatbuilders Show in March. FMI: www.artisanboatworks.com.

Points East April 2012


Bantam, 80-year-old Alden cutter, sails again By Richard Dixon For Points East Bantam, a 1932, 32-foot John Alden cutter, sits about 100 yards south of Mystic Seaport, Mystic, Conn., snugly moored at Schooner Wharf, having won the Seaport’s Antique Boat Rendezvous and Parade Judge Emeritus Award for “classic design and eye appeal” last July. Getting her there almost did not happen, as on Columbus Day 2010 the U. S. Coast Guard Station Rockland responded to our call “sailing vessel Bantam taking on water faster than our pumps can handle and would appreciate assistance.” But that’s another story that we’ll tell in the next issue. Schooner Wharf is also about 200 yards north of where Bantam’s last owner found her in 1983, high and dry in the shipyard with her garboards out. I acquired her from him, high and dry for five years, in Stonington, Maine. How she got back to Mystic is the story. It all started in 1932, when Sweet Honey was built by Charles Morse, Thomaston, Maine, as the second boat of John Alden’s #52 design for “easy handling for a small crew.” She’s a 32-foot cutter with a seven-foot bowsprit, five-foot boomkin, and a 49-foot mast: a lot of sail area for an old boat, but capable of singlehanding. She has had a number of name changes and apparent

periods of neglect, but she was strongly built by the crew at the Morse yard, which kept working through the Depression. Michael, who found her abandoned, discovered that the first version of the boat, Bantam, had changed her name to Bali Hai. Fast forward to December 2009 when I opened “WoodenBoat” magazine and saw a small boat for sale ad referencing the Alden Book, page 378, but no photo or much information. Why I called the Maine phone number is still uncertain, but I told the Mainer that I was “just tire-kicking.” The more he described Bantam and the work he had done over the past 27 years, including a new interior of tiger and bird’s-eye maple and a half-dozen or so other exotic woods, as well as a new black locust stem and full refastening, the more I became interested in seeing her despite her being out of the water for over five years. There was no sense taking off the winter cover in January, so it was agreed that Michael would not to sell her to anyone else until I looked her over. The first Monday of April 2010, Anne-Marie (my partner of 16 years) and I started off from Sunday River (the last of the ski season) and headed to Stonington, Maine. It was almost the proverbial “can’t get there from here,” leaving only a few hours for a cursory survey before darkness fell. Her seams on the port bow (where the

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sun shown best) were open, and some mice had nested right next to the mast step on. She was an old boat, not hogged, but certainly not ready for display in a museum or even winning a prize. Still, when I emerged from the bilge and wee, dark engine room (which I became one with over the summer to replace a cockpit beam), I said, “I can’t find it.” “What?” asked Michael. “I can’t find what’s wrong.” Actually, I meant that I could not find a good reason not to buy her. Of course, there were many things to take care of in an old wooden boat that had been on the hard for more than five years, never mind that you could see daylight through most of her forward seams. Michael, who runs a boatworks, agreed to “do” the bottom, and this added to my confidence, as it was clear he was not just trying to dump the boat and wanted her to sail with grace once again. She was beautiful despite the fact I really wanted a gaff-split rig. The cutter rig and the Alden look of an old Gloucester fishing schooner, with her massive knees around the mast partners and solid bulwarks, knight heads and a magnificent windlass, would do just fine. Now it was up to Anne-Marie. Cautiously, she signed on. As we live in Old Mystic, Conn., it was a seven-hour drive to Stonington, Maine, nearly every other Friday to work on her weekends throughout that summer and early fall of 2010. Although the plan was always to leave Mondays after a half day of work, we seldom left before

6 p.m. I think Anne-Marie worked harder than I did, cleaning mildew, removing the brown paint on much of the outside brightwork, varnishing rails, and painting the cabin and deck. In addition to the general deferred maintenance and the cockpit beam, I put in two additional short sister frames (black locust) forward of the mast step and tried to sort out the old Volvo diesel, which seemed to have some life left. A lot of rain and other interruptions meant a mid-September launch. We expected to have her stay in the slings for a while until she made up, but she was surprisingly tight, the engine kicked over, and we immediately moved her to her dock to let her soak for a few weeks before we stepped the mast. That was done just before Columbus Day. She did leak a bit more after the weight of the mast, but I was hopeful it would stay under control, so we continued with our plans to do a much longer shakedown than originally planned. We had a shrinking window to get her the 300 miles south to Mystic that year. The sails bent on without a hitch and were in great shape. Now we had to make the decision: It was leave now or stay in Maine for the winter. We decided to shakedown from Stonington, Maine to Stonington, Conn. Richard (Dick) Dixon is an attorney living and sailing out of Old Mystic, Conn. For the rest of Bantam’s odyssey, read Part 2 in the next (May) issue

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Points East April 2012


THERACINGPAGES Coal Pot Regatta: Parties, adventure, culture What more could you ask for? Yes, it’s midwinter, so the folks at Lyman-Morse in Thomaston, Maine are planning a summer party for the 3rd of July. Here is the scoop: The First Annual Coal Pot Regatta is open to any and all boats heading to New England in general – Thomaston, Maine, specifically – at the end of the Caribbean sailing season. The deal: To join the Coal Pot Regatta, visit Antigua Rigging in Falmouth Harbor, Antigua, and request a “coal pot.” Said object will be handed over to you. From there, it is up to you to get the pot back to Thomaston for the party on July 3. Tips: While in Antigua you might want to: 1. Find out how to cook on one (or is it in one?) of these traditional West African culinary vessels, and 2. Pick up a recipe or two because to win, you must cook a dish and be judged the Best Coal Pot Cooker. Note: The coal pots will be secretly marked to prevent unauthorized substitutions, forgeries, or any other hitherto unknown forms of subterfuge. Skullduggery will be frowned upon unless very cleverly done. Another note: Antigua Rigging

may need a few days to acquire regatta-ready coal pots, so please plan for this with the utmost circumspection. Lyman-Morse suggests visiting Hyacinth at Seaview Farm and see how they are made. The coal pots are hand-thrown by Hyacinth, just as they were by her mother and grandmother before her in the same way they were made in West Africa centuries ago. Antigua Rigging can give you directions to Seaview Farm. Why? Because it is going to be fun to gather in Thomaston, for a Coal Pot barbecue at the beginning of the northern Summer. There is no real starting time from Antigua, let alone starting date. The only requirement is that you, your boat

and coal pot be in Thomaston, at Lyman-Morse, for the Coal Pot Cook Off, Barbecue and Prize Giving Extravaganza on July 3 2012. More details: Upon arrival at Lyman-Morse in Thomaston Maine, the coal pot must be handed over to Regatta Officials for “a scrutiny” to verify the pot’s origin. If the scrutiny confirms the pot’s Antiguan authenticity, an amount of real charcoal will be issued to the crew so that they can cook a dish of their choice. Lyman-Morse will serve lobsters, various meats and vegetables, and drinks to back up each boat’s coalpot dish. Two nights of free dockage (July 3 and 4) as well as various social events will also be provided. Thomaston has a quintessential New England July 4th Parade and fireworks. The fine print: Antigua Rigging and Lyman-Morse Boatbuilding bear responsibility for providing the coal pots, charcoal, dockage and lobsters. All other aspects of the regatta (safety, airfares, US Customs and immigration, etc) are the responsibility of the participating yachts and their crews. FMI: Email coalpotregatta@lymanmorse.com www.lymanmorse.com.

Third Annual Gosport Regatta to Isles of Shoals set for June 9 The third annual Gosport Regatta will set sail from the start line in the Piscataqua River basin, bound for Star Island, Isles of Shoals, on June 9 at 11 a.m. Race classes include cruising, racing, and J/24 as well as a team cup for yacht clubs entering three or more boats. In 2010, Portsmouth Yacht Club took home the Oceanic Cup with the winning team of Veladare, Phat GOSPORT, continued on Page 66 64 Points East April 2012

Gosport Regatta competitors gather on the hotel lawn on Star Island to savor the day. Photo by Irja Cilluffo


Briefly Mass. Bay PHRF adds two events The Massachusetts Bay Sailing Association has offered a best four out of six pursuit race championship series for a number of years. The 2012 Pursuit Race Championship schedule is expanding the number of sanctioned events from six to eight races. This is great news for sailors who love this particular style of yacht racing. The final schedule is posted on the Mass Bay website, massbaysailing.org. Click on the Mass Bay Yearbook link for the entire schedule, club pages, and associated information. Championship trophies are awarded to the top three finishers in both spinnaker and non-spinnaker divisions. Preliminary dates and events are: June 29: Constitution YC, June Moon Chase Race July 14: Manchester YC, S. S. Crocker Memorial Regatta Aug. 4: Cottage Park YC, Make-AWish Regatta Aug. 11: Ally Foundation at Courageous Sailing, Flip Flop Regatta Aug. 18: Eastern Point YC, Gloucester Ocean Race Sept. 3: Boston YC, Chowder Cup Race Sept. 8: Hull YC, Great Chase Race Sept. 23: Boston Harbor Alliance, BHIR The two new races are Constitution YC’s June Moon Chase Race, the only night-time pursuit race in the USA, and Eastern Point YC’s Gloucester Ocean Race, which starts and finishes in Gloucester Harbor. Worth noting: Yachts competing in both the Figawi Race on Nantucket Sound and the Flip Flop Race on Mass Bay qualify for a separate trophy given by the Ally Foundation. Pursuit-type racing applies a yacht’s handicap to its starting time rather than its finishing time. Since yachts start in reverse order, they should, in theory, all finish at exactly the same time. They don’t, and the order of finish is the order in which yachts are scored. The handicap start times are

BRIEFS, continued on Page 68 www.pointseast.com

J/70s join Sonars at NYYC meet The J/70 will join the NYYC’s fleet of Sonars when 24 of the nation’s most competitive yacht clubs compete in the NYYC Invitational Cup USQS off Newport, R.I. Sept. 4-8, 2012. The top three finishers will earn the right to compete in the 2013 NYYC Invitational Cup. The USQS will continue the successful format from 2010 in which teams compete in two fleets of onedesign keelboats. By utilizing the J/70, a 22-foot, eight-inch high-performance planing keelboat with an asymmetrical spinnaker – along with the 23-foot Sonar with its symmetrical spinnaker – the NYYC is raising the bar for competitors by testing their versatility across different boat designs as well as allowing the final decision to be made in a boat closer in philosophy to the NYYC Swan 42 – the yacht used in the international event. The J/70 is a ramp-launchable

keelboat making its debut this spring in Newport. It is designed as an easy-to-own, high-performance one-design that’s stable enough for a family and built to last. Notable features include a high-aspect carbon rig, vertical-lifting keel, manageable three-sail inventory (fat-head main, roller-furling jib and masthead-asymmetric spinnaker) and large cockpit to accommodate a racing crew of three or four. The J/70 is being built in the USA, by CCF Composites of Bristol, RI, builder of the J/95 and J/111. FMI: http://invitationalcup.org.

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Constitution YC’s ‘rogue racing’ plan extends their season A few years ago, the Wednesday evening racers from Constitution Yacht Club started an innovative “Rogue Racing Series.” It is ad hoc in every respect. The basic idea was to extend the racing season without having to organize a race committee. A short series before regular racing begins in mid-May. It gets boats and crew warmed up. A similar series in the fall ends the season nicely. Racing is held on the Boston Inner Harbor between Charlestown and the Fort in South Boston. The process is straightforward. Racers gather on the harbor near a designated starting area. Everyone checks in by VHF. Skippers agree by VHF to sail a predetermined course. One of the boats has a spreadsheet and sets starting times appropriate for the course. Starting times are announced by VHF. It only remains for each yacht to cross the line after their designated time. The start line is a mark on either side of the harbor. The line is the tower on Charlestown’s Pier Six and the red blinker on the East Boston shore. It is not especially square and no one cares. Yachts start pursuit-style so there is no dueling at the line. Everyone gets a clean start. The finishes are close. Once in a while, there is a debate about who beat whom. Mostly, Rogue Racing is just sailboat racing the way it should be, fun.

Attributes of the Rogue Series are its simplicity and self-sufficiency. Get your crew, check in, and race. The regular season RC guy, Carl from Courageous Sailing, even gets to go sailing as invited guest on the various boats. Constitution Yacht Club runs Wednesday evening racing as a regular fleet-style PHRF event beginning in mid-May and ending in mid-September. It is a program of three six-week series. At the end of each six-race series, a bring-your-own-food cookout is held on the porch at Constitution Marina. Some might argue this is a cookout contest and that may be. Sailors are competitive. Mostly, it is more sailboat racing the way it ought to be -- fun. Another pursuit race innovation of Constitution Yacht Club is the June Moon Chase Race. We race from the Boston Harbor entrance to Gloucester’s Red Rock buoy, and back, via a couple of intermediate buoys. This may be the only night pursuit race in the United States. The idea came from Rogue Racing. We saw the simplicity and fun of short races and created a longer event. It serves a couple of purposes. One is the doublehanded division, and the other is simply sailing at night. Many participants use the race as a chance to prac-




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66 Points East April 2012

ROGUE RACING, continued on Page 68

GOSPORT, continued from Page 64 Tail and K2. Kittery Yacht brought the cup home in 2011 under the sails of Breakaway, Brew Ha Ha and Kuivato. Individual 1st place honors last year went to Breakaway in Racing Class, Whomper in Cruising Class, and Brew Ha Ha in J/24 Class. The Gosport Regatta is a re-enactment of a race first held in 1874 and first won in 1875 by the schooner yacht America, captained by General Benjamin Franklin Butler of Ipswich, Mass. On Aug. 2, 1875, he had stiff competition from the Resolute under the command of Rufus Hatch, which crossed the finish line first but behind after America’s time allowance was calculated. For more information: www.starisland.org, or call 603430-6272.

Two New Englanders on U.S. Paralympic team The six members of the 2012 U.S. Paralympic TeamSailing were selected based on performances at this winter’s Rolex Miami OCR in Miami and the IFDS Worlds in Port Charlotte, Fla., and two New Englanders are among them. Paul Callahan (Cape Coral, Fla./Newport R.I., 2.4mR), Tom Brown (Castine, Maine, 2.4mR) and Bradley Johnson (Pompano Beach, Fla., Sonar) are all Paralympians, with a combined four Paralympic medals. They finished Rolex Miami OCR in 6th. Callahan is a 2000 Paralympian; Brown is the 2000 bronze medalist (2.4mR) and 2004 silver medalist (2.4mR); and Johnson is a 2004 bronze medalist (Sonar) and a Paralympian in volleyball.

The other top-scoring eligible American athletes in their respective Paralympic sailing classes are Jen French and JP Creignou, and Mark LeBlanc. US Sailing’s Olympic Sailing Committee will officially nominate the 2012 U.S. Paralympic Team-Sailing, pending approval from the U.S. Olympic Committee. The US Paralympic Team-Sailing will compete at the 2012 Paralympic Sailing Regatta Aug. 31-Sept. 5, 2012, in Weymouth and Portland, England. Jen French and JP Creignou (both of St. Petersburg, Fla.) secured the bronze in the SKUD-18 at Rolex Miami OCR and with it Photo by Mick Anderson, USSTAG the Team Trials. Creignou is a 2004 bronze medalist U.S. Paralympic Team members are, from left to Paralympic (Sonar). Mark LeBlanc (New Orright, back row: Mark LeBlanc, JP Creignou, leans, La.) took the 2008 ParaBrad Johnson, Tom Brown. Front row: Paul Callahan, Jen French. lympic bronze medal in the 2.4mR. For more information: http://sailingteams.ussailing.org.

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ROGUE RACING, continued from Page 66 tice night racing. Some sailors like to have a doublehanded race on Mass Bay. The June Moon Chase Race BRIEFS, continued from Page 65 generally based on two factors: a yacht’s PHRF number and the rated length of the race. For a 12-mile race, a boat rating 180 might start at noon. A competitor, rated 168, starts one minute later. What this means is, the starting line is not crowded with maneuvering yachts. Slower boats are “pursued” around the racecourse by the faster boats. The 2011 Mass Bay Pursuit Race Champions are: Spinnaker: Superstition, Averisera and Cone of Silence; Jib and Main: Charisma, Non Pariel and Iphingenia. Watch the Points East Racing Pages for more information about Mass Bay races, services, and activities ashore. See you at the finish line. FMI: www.massbaysailing.org. Norman H. Martin

SailMaine successfully completes capital campaign for its 420 fleet SailMaine of Portland has raised over $45,000, and late last season received the “new-to-them” fleet of 20 420’s. This allows southern Maine’s only community sailing organization to continue to grow programs for beginners, youth sailors and competitive high-school racing teams. Some 40 percent

provides just such a venue. Racing during a full moon and the longest days of the year add to the beauty of the event. Norman H. Martin of SailMaine’s funding comes from community support, which makes scholarship programs and class subsidies for youth possible. SailMaine programs provide Casco Bay area schools with a competitive spring and fall high-school racing program that serves 150 students each year. The racing program has been growing over several years and the current fleet needed updating. Several hundred more children and adults will also use the new fleet of 420s in SailMaine’s summer programs. Last year, SailMaine provided the Casco Bay area community over 34,000 hours on the water. FMI: www.sailmaine.org

Editor’s red-faced correction Amanda Clark (skipper), of Shelter Island, N.Y., and Sarah Lihan (crew), of Fort Lauderdale, Fla., will be representing the U.S. in the Woman’s 470 class, not Erin Maxwell, of Wilton, Conn., and Isabelle Kinsolving Farrar, of New York, City, as published in “New England racers Qualify for 2012 Olympic Sailing Team” in the Midwinter racing Pages. Both ladies do, however, have solid New England connections, Amanda having prepared at St. George’s School in Middletown, R.I., for Connecticut College, and Sarah having graduated from Yale.

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David Buckman photo

The Leight rests easily in the lee of Pickering Island in East Penobscot Bay, shared only by a shy great-blue heron.

A Pickering Island muse hosting across the spruce-crowned reaches of East Penobscot Bay to fitful scurries of a breeze, it was late afternoon before the sawtoothed profile of our destination, Pickering Island, appeared through the lee rigging. The Leight had not made more than three knots all day, glaring sun robbed us of ambition, and we slipped into a quiet mood, content to let nature take its course. Tacking over to cheat the newly minted tide, at length we skirted the emerald verge and slipped into a teapot of a cove on the north shore. The sound of the genoa being struck echoed off the arc of beach. It was hypnotic the way she coasted along without a breath of breeze to be felt. When the soundings declined into the single digits, we came about, ripples radiating from the bow casting silver spells and setting reflections of land and sky to shimmering. When we spoke, it was in barely more than a whisper. Off a bony knob jutting out of the east shore, I


70 Points East April 2012

brought the sloop about, and Leigh let the anchor go in eight feet. For a while we just sat there, the silence pregnant. Flaking, furling and putting right, I couldn’t imagine anything more consoling than the jolts of headlands embracing the velvet sanctum and declaring sovereignty over rude southerly weather. Taking to the dinghy, we landed on a carpet of seaweed, and shuffled along the east shore, stopping every few steps to take in the drama of it. A blue heron glided overhead on still wings, keeping its distance as they do. Landing in a muddy tide pool, it looked like something from the age of dinosaurs as it stalked about prayerfully. There was poetry to the place – living, breathing, visual and visceral verses that flourished in our muse. Later, stretched out across the cockpit, we watched the sky over Cape Rosier fade to pale purple, plum and pink. Gulls carved arabesques against the shadowy spruce and gathered in social floats. The silky black of editor@pointseast.com

In the usual course of

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night descended. A knot of terns swept past on knife-edged wings. Stars pricked the sky, and steam issued from a pot of mussels, fresh from the mud. In the usual course of things, we tend not to dwell much in the moment, distracted as we are by various cares, causes, schedules and “things,” but the coast is a world of epic themes. Cruising takes the full measure of every minute and every mile. It’s not about how far we’ve sailed, or how big or small our boats, but how well we’ve husbanded our precious hours and addressed the art of them.




every mile.

David Buckman’s book, “Bucking the Tide,” is about discovering the New England and Bay of Fundy coast in a wreck of a $400 sloop that leaked like a White House aide, and any day of sailing they could walk away from was a good one. It’s available at www.eastworkspublications.com.



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Points East April 2012


MEDIA/Resources f or cr uiser s

Roper’s prose funny, fantastic, serious, meditative Watching for Mermaids By David Roper, Points East Publishing, 2011, 194pp., $17.24.

Reviewed by Sandy Marsters For Points East David Roper has just published a new book, his second, and I’m going to review it here. This breaks every rule in the journalist’s handbook: Roper is a friend; he writes for this magazine; this magazine is his publisher; and I dragged him into the Points East family years ago when I owned half the thing. Also, we went to the same high school. I’m not going to say what kind of a high school because people have certain prejudices about that kind of a school. Let’s just say it wasn’t your everyday high school, but it wasn’t exactly reform school either. So I’m conflicted, but not that conflicted, since we traveled in very different circles. Dave was a jock: Football, hockey, lacrosse. I preferred sports where there was no contact and no protective gear was required: skiing, tennis, crosscountry running. This may all seem irrelevant until we consider the name of Roper’s new book: “Watching for Mermaids.” Had we known about this mermaid thing back in high school in the late ’60s, along with some of his other imaginings, I dare say things would have gone very differently for him. The mermaid stuff started in July 1959, in a cove at Isle au Haut in Maine during a cruise with his father, Joseph, aboard Phyllis, the family’s old wooden cutter. Paragraph three: “Fifty-one years ago, when I was 9 years old, I saw two mermaids. Really. I understand why you might doubt me. So be it. But when I was 9 years old I saw two mermaids. Period.” Don’t bother arguing or even doubting because if you do you will miss the point. Roper is a hopeless and shameless romantic; he is a storyteller in the great tradition, unafraid to embellish, even BS at times, able to spin great yarns that are tangles of fantasy and reality. That sometimes offends my journalistic sense, but it leads to far more beguiling stories than my factbased reportage. As a young captain, did he really make love to the lovely Fair Susan while her elderly husband slept in another room in some run-down North Shore man72 Points East April 2012

sion? Is there really some tiny hurricane hole somewhere in Maine where Roper discovered an old philosopher living off the land? Was that little bird that Dave and his friend, Bryan, adopted during a cruise one summer really crushed under a book about birds, or does it just make a good story? And what’s up with the guy in the Gulf Stream? Don’t know. Don’t really care. These are just stories, always well and enthusiastically told. By no means does everything in this book require a suspension of disbelief. Long-time readers of Points East will remember a few of them from the old days. One of my all-time favorite Points East features was Roper’s story about a cruise he took on his old Cape Dory 25, Chang Ho, with his teen-age son, Nick, who was enticed aboard with the promise of a cruise laced with games of golf. Roper’s descriptions of life aboard and the lessons learned will sound familiar to any parent of a teen, and his recreations of their interactions are very funny. He is a keen observer of human — and teenage — behavior. Another classic Points East feature recounted a multi-generation cruise aboard Dave’s current boat, Elsa, a lovely Independence 31. Aboard were his 85-year-old father and his 15-yearold daughter, Alli. Dad loves sleeping aboard, but he snores. “I could love this, too, if only given the chance,” Roper thinks after another sleepless night. The 30 stories in this book represent the wide-ranging thoughts and interests of a man with a lifetime of cruising on small boats, an accomplished captain who has poked his nose into every nook and cranny along the New England coast, from Marblehead to Lubec and beyond. Funny and fantastic, Roper’s words can also be deeply serious and philosophical. His love for his father, family and friends are touching. His commitment to a life of wandering and exploring is inspiring. “To me,” he writes, “cruising has been about escaping our often predictable daily lives. It is a controlled adventure, an experience of hope, expectation, surprise and reward. Try it sometime. Unplug everything and go.” Sandy Marsters, along with Bernie Wideman, founded Points East some 15 years ago, and was the magazine’s first editor. editor@pointseast.com

Humor, angst meet in guide to bigger-boat dream Lubber’s Log By William L. Gills, Llumina Press, 192 pp., $12.95 (paperback), $26.95 (hardcover), www.llumina.com.

Love boating? Thinking of moving up to a larger boat? Then let a veteran boater tell you, in a humorous way, of his first time experiences in the preparation, maintenance, and piloting of a larger vessel and traveling to destinations on Long Island, Fishers Island, and Block Island. In his book, “Lubber’s Log,” author William L. Gills recounts the thrills of pursuing the biggerboat dream as well as tales of adventure and unusual experiences upon the tempestuous waters of New England. Living a life on the water around Connecticut and Long Island is filled with fun and formidable escapades, especially if the boat one is piloting is larger than one is used to. Cabin cruisers have a different feel than runabouts and skiffs, a singular way of running through the winds and waves, which is a challenge to the most seasoned mariners in the act of securing an area in a crowded anchorage or piloting into the confines of a tight slip. Coming to grips with all the “stuff”

6D YH WK H stAnnual GD WH

The 21

you need to pack before shoving off is a story in itself. Boating from the age of five in small craft of all kinds, shapes, and sizes under eighteen feet, William L. Gills is a Connecticut native who makes his home in West Hartford with his wife Candace, and spends much of his time in Mystic, Conn., and environs. Taken from journal entries, this boating primer and adventure story covers the good, the bad, the beautiful and the ugly of a couple’s experiences in moving up to a bigger boat. Beginning with the notion, acquisition, preparation, and, ultimately, the excitement of cruising and exploring various boating destinations, husband and wife found refreshingly new experiences. “Lubber’s Log” has tons of information for new mariners, and for those who have already moved up, some very relatable stories of the silly mistakes we all make along the way. A former recreational water skier, scuba diver, fisherman, swimmer, and avid boater, he currently plies his interest in larger leisure craft, reaping a harvest of fun and pleasure on the water. Oh yes, stay tuned: He says he’ll be moving up again soon. Serving the Seacoast for Over 50 Years

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Points East April 2012


CALENDAR/Points East Plan ner MARCH 15

Voices of the Sea: The Poetry and Song of Maine’s Fishermen and Those Who Work on the Water DiMillo’s On the Water, Portland, Maine, 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. Organized by Maine Maritime Museum, Bath. The inaugural fishermen poetry event, featuring working fishermen and others who earn a living

on the sea, who will share original works that examine their water-borne careers. Among the poets and singers will be Frank Gotwals, a lobsterman from Stonington; Stefanie Alley who lobsters out of Islesford; Jack Merrill, a lobsterman who serves on the board of the Maine Lobstermen’s Association; and Kendall Morse, a for-

mer Coast Guardsman turned folk musician and humorist. Joining the fishermen on stage will be folksinger Gordon Bok. www.mainemaritimemuseum.org garrison@maritimeme.org 16-18

Maine Boatbuilders Show The Portland Company Marine Complex, Portland, Maine. More than 200 exhibitors and 9,000 showgoes. A gathering of the finest fiberglass and wooden custom boat builders on the East Coast. Also exhibiting numerous manufacturers of boating equipment. Sailboats, powerboats, canoes, kayaks, and rowing boats with the builders there to discuss and sell their work. www.portlandcompany.com


A Night By the Bay Portland Marriott at Sable Oaks, South Portland, Maine, 6 p.m. A charity auction and social event, to benefit Maine Maritime Academy. Contact Jessica Hosford. 207-326-2470


America’s Boating Course Wawenock Sail and Power Squadron, Damariscotta, Maine, beginning March 19 at 6:30 p.m. for 7 weeks. Rules of the road, navigational lights and buoys, use of compass for bearings, marine charts and introduction to piloting. Call John McMullen at 207-433-7848. www.usps.org/wawenock postms@comcast.net

22-May 24

Engine Maintenance Course Wawenock Sail and Power Squadron, Wiscasset, Maine, 6:30 p.m. for 10 weeks. Covered are basic mechanical systems such as drive systems

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(propellers), steering systems, engine controls and gasoline inboards, outboards, and diesel engines. Also, solutions for emergency problems while afloat, away from a repair facility. Call John McMullen, 207-433-7848. www.usps.org/wawenock postms@comcast.net 23-25

39th International Rolex Regatta St. Thomas Yacht Club, St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands. IRC and CSA (Caribbean Sailing Association) handicap racing, as well as one-design racing. Distance race from Cowpet Bay to Charlotte Amalie Harbour and back. www.rolexcupregatta.com


Piloting Course Wawenock Sail and Power Squardron, Wiscasset, Maine, 6:30 p.m., for eight weeks. Planning and checking along with the use of GPS for determining position, and introduces digital charting along with traditional charting, compass and dead reckoning skills, use of compass, and aids to navigation. and a host of related topics are included in this approach to coastal and inland piloting. John McMullen, 207-433-7848 www.usps.org/wawenock postms@comcast.net




Nor’easter Days Craft Class Penobscot Marine Museum, 40 E. Main Street, Searsport, Maine. A series of arts and crafts classes for adults held on the last Saturday of the month, January through April, the classes run 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. March 31: Sailor Valentines with a Twist. Taught by Betty Schopmeyer and Susan Henkel. Contact Susan Henkel, 207-548-2529, ext.202 two weeks in advance. http://penobscotmarinemuseum.org/pressreleases.html#Arts-Crafts-ToursMore shenkel@pmm-maine.org Tom Lehman on the America’s Cup Regatta Series Portland Yacht Club, Portland, Maine, 5:30. An interactive presentation by Tom F. Ehman, Jr., vice commodore of the America’s Cup Committee, who will provide an update on the series that includes: Naples, Italy, April 7-15; Venice, Italy, May 12-20; Newport, R.I., June 23-July 1; Series 2012-2013 season in San Francisco. Contact Ann E. Blanchard. www.portlandyachtclub.com aeblanchard@rocketmail.com Navtronics Marine Group 4th Annual Open House and Tuna Fishing Seminar 15 Hannaford Drive, York, Maine. Doors open at 10 a.m. Spotlights medium and giant bluefin tuna fishing techniques, rules and regulations, bluefin stock status updates, and handling and selling your fish. Showcasing the best in tuna tackle and fishing accessories. Derek Spingler and Nat Moody of First Light Anglers give tips on catching medium and giant bluefin tuna. www.navtronics.com 207-363-1150



Around the Americas aboard Ocean Watch Herreshoff Marine Museum/Points East Winter Speaker Series, Bristol, R.I., 7 p.m., doors open at 6. Herb McCormick, former Cruising World editor and New York Times Sailing correspondent served as first mate and watch captain and one of the photographers aboard Ocean Watch as the crew monitored the state of the oceans and shorelines during a circumnavigation of North and South America via the Northwest Passage and Cape Horn. Refreshments provided by Cisco Brewers of Nantucket. www.herreshoff.org 401253-5000


Maine’s Boating Expo Organized by Maine Marine Trades Association, and held at Hangar 5 at Brunswick Landing (the former Brunswick Naval Air Station), Brunswick, Maine, it is primarily a dealer show. Call MMTA for details. www.mainesboatingexpo.com 207-773-8725


DIYC Carry In Supper and Auction Duck Island Yacht Club, Clinton Town Hall, Clinton, Conn., 6:30 p.m.-10 p.m. The Carry-In Supper is the traditional kick off to our social season and is our major fundraiser for the year. Bring your family. Bring your crew and their families. Join us for cocktails at 6:30, dinner at 7:30, followed by a silent and live auction. A kids table will be set up, so have them bring games, coloring books, etc. Drinks will be available throughout the evening. Contact Carlene Mills. carliemills@yahoo.com 860-388-9626


New England Natural History Conference 2012 OnCenter Convention Center, Syracuse, N.Y. Why Natural History Matters with Chris Filardi, Center for Biodiversity and Conservation, American Museum of Natural History; and Native Plant Species and Natural Communities as Templates for Restoring Degraded Landscapes and Creating Sustainable, Green Systems with Don Leopold, SUNY-ESF. www.eaglehill.us


Historic Photography Talk Illustrated talk by Penobscot Marine Museum Curator Ben Fuller, elaborating on the Elmer Montgomery exhibit now on view. The collection of Elmer Montgomery, born in South Thomaston in 1912, contains hundreds of finely-crafted photographs of boats, ships and waterfront scenes in Rockland and other midcoast communities prior to World War II. The exhibit of his work is on view at the Hutchinson Center through April 30. www.penobscotmarinemuseum.org/photocollections/elmer-montgomery.html bfuller@pmm-maine.org


Nor’easter Days Craft Classes Penobscot Marine Museum, 40 E. Main Street, Searsport,

Points East April 2012


Maine. A series of arts and crafts classes for adults, led by locally-known experts. Held on the last Saturday of the month, January through April, the classes run 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. April 28: Creating a Bound Journal with book artist Abbie Read. Capture your thoughts, poetry, musings and art of the day the way Maine’s Summer Folk did in years past. Contact Susan Henkel. http://penobscotmarinemuseum.org/pressreleases.html#Arts-Crafts-Tours-More shenkel@pmm-maine.org 28

The 5th Classic Yacht Symposium Herreshoff Marine Museum, Bristol, R.I. Celebrating all aspects of classic yacht design, restoration, reproduction, maintenance and use, featuring experienced presenters to promote professional and amateur excellence. This is an opportunity to meet and connect with an amazing community. Call Maggie at the Museum at 401-2535000. FMI: www.herreshoff.org , info@herreshoff.org




torboat handling, diesel-engine troubleshooting, suddenly singlehanded, anchoring, night sailing, rules of the road. Continental breakfast, lunch, dinner, and guest speaker. www.womensailing.org joan_thayer@comcast.net 8-10

New York Yacht Club 158th Annual Regatta Presented by Rolex, Harbour Court, Newport, Rhode Island. In even-numbered years, this regatta (the longest running in America) precedes the Newport Bermuda Race and traditionally attracts many of the competing yachts. A weekend series, and a Friday separately scored Aroundthe-Island Race. Entry is open to yachts with a minimum LOA of 25 feet in IRC, Classic, 12 Metre and One-Design classes as well as the recently introduced Cruiser-Racer division on ìnavigatorî courses. www.nyyc.org


3rd annual Gosport Regatta Piscataqua River basin, Portsmouth, N.H., 11:00 a.m. Classes include cruising, racing, and J/24, as well as a team cup for yacht clubs entering three or more boats. Race to Star Island in the Isles of Shoals, to an island suspended in the 19th century. The regatta is a re-enactment of a race first held in 1874 and first won in 1875 by the yacht America. www.starisland.org 603-430-6272


Newport Charter Yacht Show Newport Yachting Center, Newport, R.I. Under new ownership, Newport Charter Yacht Show is a one-stop location for presenting and exploring luxury chartering and is the only one of its kind in the U.S. Learn about dream vacations on yachts from 50 to 200 feet. Contact Lisa Knowles at 401-8461115. http://newportchartershow.com lknowles@newportexhibition.com

29 - July 1

Wooden Boat Show. Mystic Seaport, Mystic, Conn. Board over 100 wooden boat, witness expert skills demonstrations, build a boat with your family or bring a boat you built yourself. Tickets 800-273-7447, www.thewoodenboatshow.com.

Points East Crew Match, Handy Boat, Falmouth Maine. For more information, call 1-888-7785790. SailQuest Boat Show Milford Lisman Landing Marina in Milford, Conn. A family-oriented show with new sailboats, trawlers, downeast-style powerboats and select brokerage yachts for sale, from 20 to over 50 feet long. A variety of companies will offer small boats, gear and other products and services, including financing and insurance. contactus@windcheckmagazine 203332-7639

1th Annual Women’s Sailing Conference Organized by National Women’s Sailing Association at Corinthian Yacht Club, One Nahant St., Marblehead, Mass. For women, to enhance sailing skills through seminars on water and land. Topics include sail trim, introduction to spinnakers, knots, hands-on charting, crew overboard, mo-

Gemini Marine Products www.geminiproducts.net 1-888-767-7705 More innovation from Gemini: a proven way to mount your new solar panels to your existing bimini top! The Gemini Solar Post Made of high quality 316 stainless Gemini Transverse Fork Moun t - installed Provides required air circulation behind solar panels ●

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76 Points East April 2012


JULY 4-7





Cruise for Life MacMillan Pier - Provincetown, Mass. Share your passion for boating and being on the water while raising money for The Jimmy Fund and the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. Cruisers will take over MacMillan Pier for a night filled with amazing music, delicious food, great friends, tremendous fun, and passionate fundraising. Captains can register boats and crews online. http://cruiseforlife.org mike@cruiseforlife.org


74th Around Edgartown Race Edgartown Yacht Club, Edgartown, Martha’s Vineyard, Mass. A New England Lighthouse Series Race. IRC, PHRF, Doublehanded and Cruising divisuions. Free Buoy Race Tune-Up, July 27. Mount Gay Jump-Up Party, Friday night. www.rtirace.org bcallen@vineyard.net

14th Rolex Farr 40 North American Championship Hosted by the Farr 40 Class and Storm Trysail Club at Newport Shipyard in the historic Point Section of Newport, R.I. First held in 1998, the Rolex Farr 40 North Americans attract both local and international talent from around the globe. http://farr40.org 8th New York Yacht Club Biennial Race Week at Newport Harbour Court, Newport, R.I. Classics, 12 Metre, Herreshoff S Class and 6 Metre classes racing in the beginning of the week and Handicap and One-Design classes competing at the end of the week, and a midweek distance race for all classes. Social activities, hundreds of sailors on over 200 boats. www.nyyc.org Transat Quebec Saint-Malo Old Port of Quebec City, Quebec, Canada. An 2,950 n.m. race from Quebec City to Saint-Malo, France that every four years attarcts the best professional multihull and monohull ocean sailors. The only continuous west-to-east offshore crewed race in world. An open event, a number of boat classes can enter, including Class 40s, Multi 50s, and Eco 60s. www.transatquebecstmalo.com

AUGUST 16-19

Stonington (Conn.) to Boothbay Harbor (Maine) Race The so-called Lobster Run, a 332-mile course, tracks around the Nantucket Shoals, finishing in Boothbay Harbor. It is a U.S. Sailingsanctioned Category 2 event, with ORR, PHRF spinnaker and non-spinnaker divisions, as well as doublehanded and Swan classes. Each yacht carries a transponder that will show its position, which can be followed at iBoattrac.com. Held every even year, the race appeals to those who also do the Marion-Bermuda Race, or wish to prepare for it. Additionally, the timing is ideal for yachts returning from the Newport-Bermuda Race whose owners want to cruise in Maine in August. Contact Race Chairman Tom Lane. www.stoningtontoboothbayharbor.org 615-8040500


8th Ida Lewis Distance Race Ida Lewis Yacht Club, Newport, R.I. Turning marks at Castle Hill, Brenton Reef, Block Island, Montauk Point, Martha’s Vineyard and Buzzards Tower, finish off Ida Lewis. Open to IRC, PHRF (including Cruising Spinnaker and a Youth Challenge division), one-design and double-handed boats 28 feet or longer. http://ildistancerace.org


30th Annual Antique & Classic Boat Festival Brewer Hawthorne Cove Marina, 10 White St., Salem, Mass., Sat. 11 a.m.-5 p.m.; Sun. 10 a.m.-3 p.m. See vintage motor yachts and sailboats, board vessels, meet skippers and crews and vote for your favorite boat. Contact Pat Wells. patwells@earthlink.net 617-666-8530

Second Annual Penobscot Bay Rendezvous Camden, Rockland and Thomaston, Maine. Presented by Wayfarer Marine and Lyman-Morse Boatbuilding. Both racing and power boat events, a fantastic mix of sail and power boats, and three nights of fabulous parties. Pre-registration is now open. www.penobscotbayrendezvous.com 207-266-9381

Lowest Bank Rates and Best Terms. Oak Hill Financial is the place to go for boat financing or refinancing, with the lowest interest rates and the best terms you can find anywhere in the area. Talk to us first for the best rates and for our customized personal and prompt service. ED BROZEK JANET PROVENCHER www.boatmoney.com ● info@boatmoney.com

OAK HILL FINANCIAL,LLC. 679 Deerwander Road, Hollis, ME 04042 www.pointseast.com

207-929-8100 Points East April 2012




G. Scott Nebergall 60, Tiverton, R.I.

Mr. Nebergall died on Jan. 19. An attorney and partner with Edwards Wildman Palmer in Providence since 1984. During the past 19 years, he served as the Municipal Court Judge in Tiverton. He enjoyed sailing immensely, particularly cruising each summer with his family on his Baltic 38 Eroica. An avid golfer, he was a member of the Rhode Island Country Club.

Rev. John “Johnny” Crocker, Jr.

will b e missed

Joining 14 other Episcopal clergy, Rev. Crocker stepped into the segregated restaurant of a Jackson, Miss., bus station in September 1961. Traveling by bus on a civil rights prayer pilgrimage, the group’s journey quickly detoured into a Jackson jail for several nights. “We were these little conservative Episcopal clergymen with round collars on, and we were the least revolutionary people you could imagine,” Rev. Crocker was quoted in Eric Etheridge’s book, “Breach of Peace: Portraits of the 1961 Freedom Riders.” “Johnny Crocker was the son of the headmaster of the Groton School,” an acquaintance told Points East. “He was a great hockey player for Harvard, a member of the Owl Club, and an overall good guy.”

88, Cambridge, Mass.

Rev. Crocker, formerly of Princeton, N.J., and Providence, R.I., died Dec. 30. He was chaplain at Brown University and M.I.T. and rector of Trinity Church in Princeton. During his career, he was an advocate for civil rights and the peace movement, and an avid sailor as well.

Bruce Leslie 94, Tiverton, R.I.

Mr. Leslie died on Jan. 16 after a short illness. He was an avid recreational sailor and enjoyed sailing with his family on their 26-foot sloop, Spanker, on Narragansett Bay. During his active sailing years, he was a mem-


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ber of the Gaspee Point and Bristol Yacht Clubs. He joined the Firemen’s Mutual Insurance Company in Providence, R.I., in 1941, and held various management positions in Engineering and Underwriting during a 41-year career with the Factory Mutual System, retiring as a senior vice president. He was a director of the Greater Providence YMCA and the Narragansett Council of the Boy Scouts of America. He enjoyed vacationing in central New Hampshire and teaching his three sons the joys of hiking in the White Mountains.

Roland G. Alix 74, North Attleboro, Mass.

Mr. Alix died on Jan. 22 in his home surrounded by his family. He was the beloved husband of Ann (Kirchhoff) Alix for over 43 years. Roland was a

lifelong sailor and was a member of the Edgewood Yacht Club in Cranston, R.I., since 1978, serving as commodore in 1996. Roland fearlessly celebrated his life, whether it was sailing with Ann on Narragansett Bay, chartering boats with his daughter Jennifer’s family in the British Virgin Islands, or exploring Castles in Ireland with his daughter Katherine. He climbed the Sydney Harbour Bridge with his son Roland in Australia, spent three days in Texas with his son Paul, building a puppet for an award winning filmmaker’s upcoming natural history film, and traveled with Ann through the French countryside and riverways. He enjoyed vanilla ice cream, oatmeal cookies and a Manhattan by his fireplace at the end of the day. But Roland cherished his family most of all, and spent his PASSAGES, continued on Page 86

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April 27th-29th Celebrate the Maine fishing season with trap hauling, codfish relay, fish fry and Miss Shrimp Princess Pageant just to name a few events.

MOORINGS AVAILABLE $950/season Daily $35 Weekly $175

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June 26-27: 50th Windjammer Days Festival July 14: 2nd Annual Craft Beer comes to Boothbay 100 Ebenecook Rd. Southport, ME dockmaster@brby.com VHF CH. 9

Boothbay Harbor’s premier Mega Yacht Marina has deep water and 500 feet of beautiful; floating docks. Marina open by appointment year round and offers 30, 50, and 100 amp power, discounted bulk fuel, free wi-fi, water, clean heads and showers and is partnered with Boothbay Region Boatyard to provide for any repair or maintenance needs.

www.boothbayharbor.com Boothbay Harbor, ME (207) 633-2353


WOTTON’S WHARF 207-633-2970 wottonswharf.com 85 McFarland Pt. Dr., Boothbay Harbor, ME dockmaster@brby.com VHF CH. 9

Points East April 2012


April Tides New London, Conn.

Bridgeport, Conn. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

12:57 AM 01:57 AM 02:54 AM 03:47 AM 04:38 AM 05:28 AM 06:18 AM 12:40 AM 01:30 AM 02:22 AM 03:18 AM 04:18 AM 05:22 AM 12:20 AM 01:26 AM 02:28 AM 03:23 AM 04:11 AM 04:55 AM 05:35 AM 06:12 AM 12:24 AM 01:00 AM 01:37 AM 02:15 AM 02:56 AM 03:41 AM 04:31 AM 05:28 AM 12:24 AM

1.09 0.79 0.37 -0.11 -0.58 -0.95 -1.16 8.58 8.51 8.25 7.87 7.43 7.03 0.65 0.63 0.5 0.32 0.13 -0.01 -0.09 -0.1 7.43 7.34 7.2 7.04 6.87 6.71 6.58 6.51 0.99


07:06 AM 08:05 AM 09:01 AM 09:54 AM 10:44 AM 11:34 AM 12:23 PM 07:08 AM 08:00 AM 08:54 AM 09:50 AM 10:51 AM 11:54 AM 06:28 AM 07:33 AM 08:33 AM 09:27 AM 10:14 AM 10:58 AM 11:38 AM 12:17 PM 06:49 AM 07:25 AM 08:03 AM 08:42 AM 09:25 AM 10:11 AM 11:03 AM 11:57 AM 06:28 AM

6.32 6.54 6.84 7.17 7.44 7.63 7.7 -1.2 -1.05 -0.77 -0.4 -0.04 0.23 6.76 6.64 6.64 6.69 6.75 6.8 6.82 6.8 -0.07 0.02 0.15 0.3 0.45 0.58 0.67 0.67 6.53


01:34 PM 02:29 PM 03:20 PM 04:09 PM 04:57 PM 05:44 PM 06:32 PM 01:13 PM 02:04 PM 02:58 PM 03:56 PM 04:57 PM 06:02 PM 12:56 PM 01:56 PM 02:50 PM 03:39 PM 04:22 PM 05:02 PM 05:40 PM 06:16 PM 12:55 PM 01:33 PM 02:12 PM 02:52 PM 03:36 PM 04:23 PM 05:15 PM 06:09 PM 12:53 PM

0.68 0.42 0.1 -0.22 -0.48 -0.65 -0.69 7.64 7.48 7.24 6.97 6.76 6.65 0.38 0.42 0.4 0.37 0.36 0.38 0.43 0.5 6.75 6.68 6.58 6.47 6.37 6.32 6.35 6.5 0.59


07:44 PM 08:38 PM 09:29 PM 10:17 PM 11:04 PM 11:52 PM

6.3 6.71 7.2 7.7 8.14 8.45


07:21 PM -0.6 08:13 PM -0.39 09:09 PM -0.09 10:09 PM 0.23 11:13 PM 0.5


07:05 PM 08:05 PM 09:00 PM 09:47 PM 10:31 PM 11:10 PM 11:48 PM

6.69 6.83 7.03 7.22 7.36 7.45 7.47


06:53 PM 07:30 PM 08:09 PM 08:51 PM 09:36 PM 10:27 PM 11:24 PM

0.59 0.69 0.82 0.95 1.08 1.15 1.13


07:05 PM



01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

05:41 AM 12:19 AM 01:14 AM 02:07 AM 02:58 AM 03:48 AM 04:38 AM 05:28 AM 06:21 AM 12:26 AM 01:24 AM 02:25 AM 03:30 AM 04:40 AM 05:47 AM 12:47 AM 01:43 AM 02:32 AM 03:16 AM 03:56 AM 04:34 AM 05:12 AM 05:50 AM 06:31 AM 12:35 AM 01:18 AM 02:04 AM 02:54 AM 03:51 AM 04:51 AM

2.47 0.44 0.21 -0.04 -0.3 -0.5 -0.62 -0.63 -0.55 3.52 3.33 3.09 2.86 2.69 2.59 0.28 0.21 0.13 0.07 0.03 0.01 0.02 0.07 0.14 2.87 2.76 2.66 2.57 2.53 2.53


12:04 PM 06:32 AM 07:18 AM 08:02 AM 08:46 AM 09:32 AM 10:19 AM 11:10 AM 12:03 PM 07:17 AM 08:16 AM 09:16 AM 10:17 AM 11:15 AM 12:12 PM 06:44 AM 07:32 AM 08:15 AM 08:55 AM 09:35 AM 10:16 AM 10:58 AM 11:42 AM 12:26 PM 07:15 AM 08:03 AM 08:53 AM 09:44 AM 10:34 AM 11:24 AM

03:15 AM 04:21 AM 05:24 AM 06:20 AM 12:40 AM 01:31 AM 02:21 AM 03:11 AM 04:00 AM 04:50 AM 05:45 AM 12:53 AM 01:53 AM 02:56 AM 04:00 AM 05:02 AM 12:00 AM 12:34 AM 01:02 AM 01:33 AM 02:07 AM 02:42 AM 03:18 AM 03:54 AM 04:30 AM 05:07 AM 05:48 AM 12:49 AM 01:42 AM 02:41 AM


2.96 3.12 3.39 3.69 -0.49 -0.71 -0.82 -0.81 -0.67 -0.43 -0.14 4.07 3.75 3.49 3.34 3.29 0.31 0.22 0.13 0.04 -0.01 -0.01 0.04 0.13 0.26 0.4 0.52 3.19 3.15 3.17

Day Apr 1 Apr 2 Apr 3 Apr 4 Apr 5 Apr 6 Apr 7 Apr 8 Apr 9 Apr 10 Apr Apr Apr Apr

11 12 13 14


09:56 AM 10:46 AM 11:29 AM 12:11 PM 07:11 AM 08:00 AM 08:49 AM 09:39 AM 10:31 AM 11:26 AM 12:23 PM 06:53 AM 08:37 AM 09:51 AM 10:42 AM 11:17 AM 05:57 AM 06:45 AM 07:26 AM 08:05 AM 08:42 AM 09:18 AM 09:54 AM 10:33 AM 11:14 AM 11:58 AM 12:45 PM 06:37 AM 07:42 AM 08:54 AM

0.55 0.3 0.02 -0.26 3.96 4.14 4.22 4.18 4.05 3.87 3.67 0.15 0.33 0.36 0.35 0.32 3.31 3.36 3.41 3.43 3.41 3.36 3.26 3.15 3.04 2.96 2.93 0.6 0.61 0.49


04:01 PM 05:01 PM 05:56 PM 06:47 PM 12:53 PM 01:37 PM 02:22 PM 03:07 PM 03:54 PM 04:42 PM 05:34 PM 01:22 PM 02:23 PM 03:26 PM 04:29 PM 05:27 PM 11:42 AM 12:07 PM 12:38 PM 01:13 PM 01:50 PM 02:28 PM 03:07 PM 03:45 PM 04:23 PM 05:03 PM 05:49 PM 01:35 PM 02:29 PM 03:27 PM

Moonrise Moonset ---3:07 AM 1:32 PM ---2:39 PM 3:41 AM ---4:13 AM 3:49 PM ---4:44 AM 5:01 PM ---5:15 AM 6:16 PM ---5:47 AM 7:33 PM ---6:24 AM 8:50 PM ---7:05 AM 10:06 PM ---7:53 AM 11:16 PM 8:49 AM 12:19 AM 1:12 AM 1:56 AM 2:33 AM

80 Points East April 2012

9:50 AM 10:56 AM 12:03 PM 1:08 PM

Day Apr 15 Apr 16 Apr 17 Apr 18 Apr 19 Apr 20 Apr 21 Apr 22 Apr 23 Apr 24 Apr 25 Apr 26 Apr 27 Apr 28 Apr 29 Apr 30


06:10 PM 12:53 PM 01:41 PM 02:27 PM 03:13 PM 03:59 PM 04:46 PM 05:35 PM 06:28 PM 12:58 PM 01:57 PM 03:00 PM 04:09 PM 05:18 PM 06:19 PM 01:04 PM 01:52 PM 02:36 PM 03:15 PM 03:52 PM 04:28 PM 05:05 PM 05:42 PM 06:23 PM 01:11 PM 01:58 PM 02:47 PM 03:41 PM 04:36 PM 05:29 PM

2.36 0.17 0.03 -0.11 -0.23 -0.31 -0.33 -0.28 -0.16 2.67 2.56 2.49 2.47 2.53 2.64 0.25 0.28 0.31 0.34 0.37 0.41 0.46 0.53 0.62 2.38 2.34 2.32 2.35 2.47 2.66


1.09 0.72 0.24 -0.27 -0.73 -1.06 -1.2 11.21 10.97 10.57 10.1 9.66 9.35 9.24 0.62 0.7 0.71 0.71 0.72 0.76 0.82 9.46 9.31 9.14 8.94 8.78 8.68 8.7 8.88 0.8


06:56 PM 07:38 PM 08:21 PM 09:04 PM 09:51 PM 10:40 PM 11:32 PM

2.6 2.87 3.15 3.4 3.58 3.66 3.64


07:27 PM 08:30 PM 09:36 PM 10:42 PM 11:46 PM

0.0 0.16 0.27 0.33 0.33


07:09 PM 07:51 PM 08:31 PM 09:10 PM 09:49 PM 10:29 PM 11:11 PM 11:53 PM

2.78 2.9 3.0 3.07 3.11 3.1 3.05 2.97


07:09 PM 08:01 PM 08:58 PM 09:56 PM 10:54 PM 11:51 PM

0.71 0.77 0.79 0.74 0.63 0.44


07:38 PM 8.59 08:32 PM 9.11 09:23 PM 9.78 10:12 PM 10.5 11:00 PM 11.18 11:48 PM 11.73


07:14 PM -1.14 08:05 PM -0.88 08:57 PM -0.45 09:53 PM 0.06 10:53 PM 0.56 11:56 PM 0.93


08:05 PM 9.31 09:02 PM 9.5 09:52 PM 9.72 10:35 PM 9.93 11:14 PM 10.08 11:51 PM 10.18


06:53 PM 07:31 PM 08:10 PM 08:52 PM 09:36 PM 10:24 PM 11:17 PM

0.92 1.05 1.22 1.41 1.58 1.69 1.69


07:00 PM



Boston, Mass.

Newport, R.I. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

0.29 2.58 2.7 2.81 2.88 2.91 2.9 2.85 2.77 -0.4 -0.23 -0.07 0.06 0.15 0.21 2.54 2.51 2.49 2.48 2.48 2.48 2.47 2.46 2.42 0.22 0.29 0.34 0.36 0.35 0.3

2.97 3.32 3.76 4.21 -0.5 -0.68 -0.76 -0.74 -0.6 -0.35 -0.03 3.51 3.4 3.38 3.45 3.6 0.27 0.19 0.09 0.01 -0.04 -0.03 0.04 0.15 0.29 0.44 0.58 2.97 3.11 3.35


09:51 PM 10:54 PM 11:48 PM

0.43 0.13 -0.2


07:36 PM 08:24 PM 09:13 PM 10:05 PM 10:58 PM 11:54 PM

4.6 4.86 4.96 4.9 4.69 4.4


06:37 PM 08:30 PM 10:20 PM 11:17 PM

0.31 0.53 0.5 0.41


06:17 PM 07:01 PM 07:41 PM 08:17 PM 08:52 PM 09:26 PM 10:00 PM 10:36 PM 11:15 PM 11:59 PM

3.77 3.91 3.99 4.0 3.95 3.84 3.69 3.53 3.39 3.27


06:46 PM 07:59 PM 09:19 PM

0.67 0.66 0.49


Moonrise Moonset 3:05 AM 2:13 PM 3:33 AM 3:15 PM 3:59 AM 4:16 PM 4:25 AM 5:16 PM 4:50 AM 6:16 PM 5:17 AM 7:15 PM 5:47 AM 8:13 PM 6:20 AM 9:11 PM 6:57 AM 10:06 PM 7:39 AM 10:57 PM 8:27 AM 11:45 PM 9:20 AM ------12:27 AM 10:18 AM ---1:05 AM 11:19 AM ---1:39 AM 12:23 PM ---2:11 AM 1:30 PM

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

12:45 AM 01:43 AM 02:39 AM 03:34 AM 04:26 AM 05:16 AM 06:06 AM 12:36 AM 01:25 AM 02:17 AM 03:11 AM 04:09 AM 05:11 AM 06:16 AM 01:02 AM 02:07 AM 03:07 AM 03:59 AM 04:45 AM 05:26 AM 06:05 AM 12:27 AM 01:03 AM 01:40 AM 02:19 AM 03:01 AM 03:45 AM 04:34 AM 05:26 AM 12:13 AM

1.77 1.42 0.85 0.13 -0.62 -1.3 -1.8 12.07 12.15 11.97 11.57 11.02 10.46 10.0 1.09 1.03 0.83 0.57 0.34 0.16 0.06 10.22 10.19 10.11 9.96 9.79 9.61 9.46 9.39 1.51


06:58 AM 9.19 07:56 AM 9.47 08:52 AM 9.88 09:46 AM 10.35 10:37 AM 10.79 11:28 AM 11.11 12:19 PM 11.26 06:57 AM -2.04 07:48 AM -1.99 08:41 AM -1.68 09:36 AM -1.17 10:34 AM -0.58 11:35 AM -0.02 12:39 PM 0.39 07:23 AM 9.7 08:28 AM 9.59 09:25 AM 9.58 10:16 AM 9.6 11:01 AM 9.62 11:41 AM 9.61 12:20 PM 9.55 06:43 AM 0.05 07:21 AM 0.11 08:01 AM 0.25 08:41 AM 0.43 09:24 AM 0.63 10:10 AM 0.81 10:59 AM 0.92 11:51 AM 0.92 06:22 AM 9.44


Times for Boston, MA

APRIL 2012 Day Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr

Sunrise 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

6:26 6:24 6:23 6:21 6:19 6:17 6:16 6:14 6:12 6:11 6:09 6:07 6:06 6:04 6:03


Sunset 7:11 7:12 7:13 7:14 7:15 7:16 7:17 7:18 7:20 7:21 7:22 7:23 7:24 7:25 7:26

01:23 PM 02:18 PM 03:10 PM 04:01 PM 04:49 PM 05:37 PM 06:25 PM 01:09 PM 02:01 PM 02:56 PM 03:53 PM 04:53 PM 05:57 PM 07:03 PM 01:42 PM 02:41 PM 03:33 PM 04:19 PM 04:59 PM 05:38 PM 06:15 PM 12:57 PM 01:35 PM 02:14 PM 02:55 PM 03:38 PM 04:24 PM 05:14 PM 06:06 PM 12:45 PM


Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr

Sunrise 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

6:01 5:59 5:58 5:56 5:55 5:53 5:52 5:50 5:49 5:47 5:46 5:44 5:43 5:42 5:40


Sunset 7:27 7:29 7:30 7:31 7:32 7:33 7:34 7:35 7:37 7:38 7:39 7:40 7:41 7:42 7:43




April Tides Portland, Maine 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

12:25 AM 01:26 AM 02:24 AM 03:19 AM 04:11 AM 05:02 AM 05:52 AM 12:22 AM 01:11 AM 02:03 AM 02:58 AM 03:58 AM 05:03 AM 06:12 AM 01:04 AM 02:09 AM 03:08 AM 04:00 AM 04:45 AM 05:26 AM 06:04 AM 12:20 AM 12:53 AM 01:27 AM 02:03 AM 02:42 AM 03:25 AM 04:13 AM 05:05 AM 06:02 AM

1.78 1.46 0.92 0.23 -0.5 -1.16 -1.64 11.6 11.67 11.47 11.07 10.54 10.0 9.58 1.02 0.9 0.66 0.4 0.19 0.05 0.0 9.85 9.79 9.68 9.54 9.38 9.21 9.08 8.99 9.01


06:41 AM 8.71 07:41 AM 8.97 08:39 AM 9.37 09:33 AM 9.84 10:25 AM 10.28 11:15 AM 10.61 12:05 PM 10.75 06:42 AM -1.88 07:34 AM -1.84 08:28 AM -1.56 09:25 AM -1.1 10:27 AM -0.57 11:32 AM -0.09 12:39 PM 0.24 07:21 AM 9.33 08:25 AM 9.25 09:22 AM 9.26 10:12 AM 9.29 10:57 AM 9.29 11:37 AM 9.24 12:15 PM 9.15 06:39 AM 0.03 07:14 AM 0.13 07:49 AM 0.27 08:26 AM 0.45 09:06 AM 0.62 09:50 AM 0.76 10:37 AM 0.85 11:29 AM 0.86 12:24 PM 0.75


01:07 PM 02:03 PM 02:56 PM 03:46 PM 04:34 PM 05:21 PM 06:08 PM 12:56 PM 01:49 PM 02:45 PM 03:44 PM 04:47 PM 05:54 PM 07:01 PM 01:43 PM 02:41 PM 03:33 PM 04:18 PM 04:59 PM 05:35 PM 06:10 PM 12:51 PM 01:26 PM 02:03 PM 02:41 PM 03:22 PM 04:07 PM 04:56 PM 05:49 PM 06:44 PM

1.05 0.71 0.25 -0.24 -0.67 -0.98 -1.09 10.7 10.45 10.07 9.64 9.25 8.99 8.93 0.42 0.47 0.49 0.51 0.57 0.66 0.8 9.01 8.83 8.65 8.47 8.33 8.25 8.28 8.46 8.81

Bar Harbor, Maine L L L L L L L H H H H H H H L L L L L L L H H H H H H H H H

07:25 PM 8.15 08:20 PM 8.66 09:12 PM 9.33 10:00 PM 10.06 10:47 PM 10.74 11:34 PM 11.28


06:57 PM -1.01 07:49 PM -0.73 08:43 PM -0.31 09:41 PM 0.18 10:45 PM 0.63 11:54 PM 0.93


08:03 PM 08:59 PM 09:49 PM 10:32 PM 11:11 PM 11:46 PM

9.04 9.25 9.47 9.66 9.79 9.85


06:43 PM 07:17 PM 07:53 PM 08:31 PM 09:14 PM 10:01 PM 10:53 PM 11:50 PM

0.95 1.12 1.29 1.46 1.6 1.69 1.69 1.54


01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

12:12 AM 01:12 AM 02:10 AM 03:04 AM 03:55 AM 04:45 AM 05:34 AM 12:03 AM 12:52 AM 01:45 AM 02:40 AM 03:40 AM 04:45 AM 05:53 AM 12:48 AM 01:52 AM 02:50 AM 03:41 AM 04:26 AM 05:07 AM 05:46 AM 12:02 AM 12:36 AM 01:10 AM 01:47 AM 02:26 AM 03:08 AM 03:56 AM 04:48 AM 05:45 AM

2.06 1.69 1.07 0.3 -0.53 -1.26 -1.8 13.37 13.41 13.16 12.68 12.07 11.47 11.02 1.04 0.89 0.62 0.32 0.07 -0.09 -0.14 11.37 11.27 11.12 10.93 10.72 10.52 10.37 10.28 10.32


06:24 AM 07:24 AM 08:21 AM 09:15 AM 10:06 AM 10:56 AM 11:45 AM 06:24 AM 07:16 AM 08:10 AM 09:08 AM 10:09 AM 11:14 AM 12:19 PM 07:00 AM 08:03 AM 09:00 AM 09:50 AM 10:35 AM 11:16 AM 11:54 AM 06:22 AM 06:57 AM 07:33 AM 08:11 AM 08:50 AM 09:34 AM 10:21 AM 11:13 AM 12:08 PM

Corrections for other ports Port Reference Maine/ New Hampshire Bar Harbor Stonington Rockland Bar Harbor Boothbay Harbor Portland Portland Kennebunkport Portsmouth Portland

Time Corrections

Height Corrections

High +0 hr. 8 min., Low +0 hr. 6 min., High +0 hr. 9 min., Low +0 hr. 6 min., High -0 hr. 6 min., Low -0 hr. 8 min., High +0 hr. 7 min., Low +0 hr. 5 min., High +0 hr. 22 min., Low +0 hr. 17 min.,

High *0.91, Low *0.90 High *0.93, Low *1.03 High *0.97, Low *0.97 High *0.97, Low *1.00 High *0.86, Low *0.86

Massachusetts Gloucester Plymouth Scituate Provincetown Marion Woods Hole

Boston Boston Boston Boston Newport Newport

High +0 hr. 0 min., Low -0 hr. 4 min., High +0 hr. 4 min., Low +0 hr. 18 min., High +0 hr. 3 min., Low -0 hr. 1 min., High +0 hr. 16 min., Low +0 hr. 18 min., High +0 hr. 10 min., Low +0 hr. 12 min., High +0 hr. 32 min., Low +2 hr. 21 min.,

High *0.93, Low *0.97 High *1.03, Low *1.00 High *0.95, Low *1.03 High *0.95, Low *0.95 High *1.13, Low *1.29 High *0.40, Low *0.40

Rhode Island Westerly Point Judith East Greenwich Bristol

New London Newport Newport Newport

High -0 hr. 21 min., Low +0 hr. 3 min., High -0 hr. 1 min., Low +0 hr. 32 min., High +0 hr. 13 min., Low +0 hr. 3 min., High +0 hr. 13 min., Low +0 hr. 0 min.,

High *1.02, Low *1.00 High *0.87, Low *0.54 High *1.14, Low *1.14 High *1.16, Low *1.14

Connecticut Stamford New Haven Branford Saybrook Jetty Saybrook Point Mystic Westport

Bridgeport Bridgeport Bridgeport New London New London Boston Newport

High +0 hr. 3 min., Low +0 hr. 8 min., High -0 hr. 4 min., Low -0 hr. 7 min., High -0 hr. 5 min., Low -0 hr. 13 min., High +1 hr. 11 min., Low +0 hr. 45 min., High +1 hr. 11 min., Low +0 hr. 53 min., High +0 hr. 1 min., Low +0 hr. 2 min., High +0 hr. 9 min., Low +0 hr. 33 min.,

High *1.07, Low *1.08 High *0.91, Low *0.96 High *0.87, Low *0.96 High *1.36, Low *1.35 High *1.24, Low *1.25 High *1.01, Low *0.97 High *0.85, Low *0.85

A p r i l

2 0 1 2

New Moon

First Quarter

April 21

April 29


10.06 10.37 10.85 11.42 11.95 12.36 12.55 -2.05 -1.99 -1.66 -1.15 -0.57 -0.06 0.29 10.77 10.71 10.76 10.83 10.87 10.84 10.73 -0.1 0.03 0.22 0.43 0.65 0.82 0.93 0.95 0.84


12:51 PM 01:47 PM 02:40 PM 03:30 PM 04:18 PM 05:05 PM 05:52 PM 12:36 PM 01:28 PM 02:23 PM 03:21 PM 04:24 PM 05:30 PM 06:36 PM 01:23 PM 02:21 PM 03:13 PM 04:00 PM 04:41 PM 05:20 PM 05:56 PM 12:30 PM 01:06 PM 01:42 PM 02:20 PM 03:01 PM 03:45 PM 04:34 PM 05:27 PM 06:23 PM

1.25 0.88 0.36 -0.2 -0.7 -1.05 -1.2 12.5 12.22 11.78 11.26 10.78 10.46 10.36 0.45 0.48 0.45 0.43 0.46 0.55 0.69 10.57 10.37 10.14 9.92 9.74 9.63 9.64 9.81 10.17


07:04 PM 07:59 PM 08:51 PM 09:40 PM 10:28 PM 11:15 PM

9.55 10.11 10.85 11.66 12.42 13.02


06:41 PM -1.11 07:33 PM -0.8 08:28 PM -0.34 09:27 PM 0.19 10:32 PM 0.67 11:40 PM 0.97


07:39 PM 08:36 PM 09:26 PM 10:10 PM 10:50 PM 11:27 PM

10.47 10.7 10.96 11.18 11.33 11.39


06:31 PM 07:05 PM 07:41 PM 08:19 PM 09:01 PM 09:47 PM 10:39 PM 11:36 PM

0.89 1.11 1.34 1.56 1.74 1.85 1.84 1.66


07:10 PM 08:07 PM 09:00 PM 09:50 PM 10:39 PM 11:27 PM

16.72 17.57 18.7 19.93 21.06 21.93


07:04 PM -2.18 07:54 PM -1.72 08:47 PM -0.99 09:43 PM -0.1 10:42 PM 0.75 11:45 PM 1.38


07:33 PM 08:31 PM 09:23 PM 10:08 PM 10:49 PM 11:28 PM

17.71 18.05 18.51 18.93 19.24 19.41


06:43 PM 07:21 PM 07:59 PM 08:39 PM 09:22 PM 10:09 PM 11:00 PM 11:56 PM

0.94 1.24 1.59 1.94 2.26 2.48 2.53 2.33


Eastport, Maine 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

12:30 AM 01:29 AM 02:27 AM 03:21 AM 04:13 AM 05:04 AM 05:53 AM 12:15 AM 01:04 AM 01:55 AM 02:48 AM 03:45 AM 04:47 AM 05:51 AM 12:50 AM 01:54 AM 02:52 AM 03:44 AM 04:30 AM 05:12 AM 05:51 AM 12:05 AM 12:42 AM 01:20 AM 01:58 AM 02:39 AM 03:23 AM 04:11 AM 05:04 AM 06:00 AM

2.93 2.38 1.44 0.25 -1.01 -2.11 -2.91 22.4 22.42 21.99 21.2 20.22 19.24 18.49 1.64 1.52 1.12 0.64 0.21 -0.08 -0.21 19.43 19.3 19.06 18.74 18.38 18.04 17.76 17.62 17.7


06:37 AM 07:35 AM 08:32 AM 09:25 AM 10:16 AM 11:05 AM 11:54 AM 06:42 AM 07:33 AM 08:25 AM 09:19 AM 10:17 AM 11:17 AM 12:20 PM 06:57 AM 08:00 AM 08:57 AM 09:48 AM 10:33 AM 11:14 AM 11:52 AM 06:28 AM 07:06 AM 07:44 AM 08:23 AM 09:05 AM 09:50 AM 10:38 AM 11:31 AM 12:26 PM

M o o n Full Moon

April 6

17.19 17.71 18.53 19.49 20.41 21.13 21.52 -3.27 -3.16 -2.63 -1.79 -0.81 0.09 0.73 18.09 18.05 18.22 18.47 18.66 18.74 18.7 -0.18 -0.01 0.26 0.6 0.96 1.28 1.51 1.57 1.4


01:04 PM 02:01 PM 02:56 PM 03:48 PM 04:38 PM 05:27 PM 06:15 PM 12:43 PM 01:34 PM 02:27 PM 03:22 PM 04:22 PM 05:24 PM 06:29 PM 01:24 PM 02:23 PM 03:17 PM 04:05 PM 04:48 PM 05:28 PM 06:06 PM 12:30 PM 01:07 PM 01:45 PM 02:25 PM 03:07 PM 03:53 PM 04:43 PM 05:37 PM 06:33 PM

2.0 1.38 0.5 -0.47 -1.35 -1.98 -2.27 21.51 21.12 20.41 19.52 18.64 17.96 17.64 1.02 1.0 0.83 0.65 0.55 0.57 0.7 18.54 18.28 17.96 17.61 17.29 17.06 17.0 17.18 17.67


P h a s e s Last Quarter

April 13 Points East April 2012


Find Points East at more than 700 locations in New England MAINE Arundel:The Landing School, Southern Maine Marine Services. Augusta: Mr. Paperback. Bangor: Borders, Book Marc’s, Harbormaster, Young’s Canvas. Bar Harbor: Acadia Information Center, Bar Harbor Yacht Club, Lake and Sea Boatworks. Bass Harbor: Morris Yachts. Bath: Kennebec Tavern & Marina, Maine Maritime Museum. Belfast: Belfast Boatyard, Belfast Chamber of Commerce visitors’ center, Coastwise Realty, Crosby Manor Estates, Harbormaster’s office. Biddeford: Biddeford Pool Y.C., Buffleheads, Rumery’s Boatyard. Blue Hill:, Bar Harbor Bank, Blue Hill Farm Country Inn, Blue Hill Food Co-op, Blue Hill Peninsula Chamber of Commerce, Compass Point Realty, Downeast Properties, EBS, Kollegewidgwok Y.C., North Light Books, Rackliffe Pottery, Slaven Realty. Boothbay: Boothbay Mechanics, Boothbay Resort, Cottage Connection. Boothbay Harbor: Boothbay Harbor Inn, Boothbay Harbor Shipyard, Brown’s Motel, Cap’n Fish’s Inn, Carousel Marina, Gold/Smith Gallery, Grover’s Hardware, Municipal Office, Poole Bros. Hardware, Rocktide Inn, Sherman’s Bookstore, Signal Point Marina, Tugboat Inn. Bremen: Broad Cove Marine. Brewer: B&D Marine, Port Harbor Marine. Bristol: Hanley’s Market. Brooklin: Atlantic Boat Co., Brooklin General Store, Brooklin Boat Yard, Brooklin Inn, Center Harbor Sails, Eric Dow Boatbuilder, Eggemoggin Oceanfront Lodge, WoodenBoat School. Brooksville: Bucks Harbor Market, Bucks Harbor Marine, Bucks Harbor Y.C., Seal Cove Boatyard. Brunswick: Bamforth Automotive, Coastal Marine, H&H Propeller, New Meadows Marina, Paul’s Marina. Bucksport: Bookstacks, EBS Hardware. Calais: EBS Hardware. Camden: Camden Chamber of Commerce, Camden Y.C., French & Brawn, Harbormaster, Owl & Turtle, PJ Willeys, Port Harbor Marine, Waterfront Restaurant, Wayfarer Marine. Cape Porpoise: The Wayfarer. Castine: Castine Realty, Castine Y.C., Four Flags Gift Shop, Maine Maritime Academy, Saltmeadow Properties, The Compass Rose Bookstore and Café. Chebeague Island: Chebeague Island Boat Yard. Cherryfield: EBS Hardware. Columbia: Crossroads Ace Hardware. Cundy’s Harbor: Holbrook’s General Store, Watson’s General Store. Damariscotta: Maine Coast Book Shop, Poole Bros. Hardware, Schooner Landing Restaurant. Deer Isle: Harbor Farm. East Boothbay: East Boothbay General Store, Lobsterman’s Wharf Restaurant, Ocean Point Marina, Paul E. Luke Inc., Spar Shed Marina. Eastport: East Motel, Eastport Chowder House, Moose Island Ma-

82 Points East April 2012

rine, The Boat School - Husson. Eliot: Great Cove Boat Club, Independent Boat Haulers, Patten’s Yacht Yard. Ellsworth: Branch Pond Marine, EBS Hardware, Riverside Café. Falmouth: Handy Boat, Hallett Canvas & Sails, Portland Yacht Club, The Boathouse, Town Landing Market. Farmingdale: Foggy Bottom Marine. Farmington: Irving’s Restaurant, Mr. Paperback, Reny’s. Freeport: Gritty McDuff’s, True Value Hardware. Georgetown: Robinhood Marine. Gouldsboro: Anderson Marine & Hardware. Hampden: Hamlin’s Marina, McLaughlin Seafood, Watefront Marine. Hancock Pt.: Crocker House Country Inn. Harpswell: Dolphin Restaurant, Finestkind Boatyard, Great Island Boat Yard. Harrington: Tri-Town Marine. Holden: McKay’s RV. Islesboro: Dark Harbor Boat Yard, Tarratine Club of Dark Harbor. Islesford: Little Cranberry Y.C. Jonesport: Jonesport Shipyard. Kennebunk: Kennebunk Beach Improvement Assoc., Landing Store, Seaside Motor Inn. Kennebunkport: Arundel Yacht Club, Bradbury’s Market, Chick’s Marina, Kennebunkport Marina, Maine Yacht Sales. Kittery: Badger’s Island Marina, Cap’n Simeon’s Galley, Frisbee’s Store, Jackson’s Hardware and Marine, Kittery Point Yacht Yard, Port Harbor Marine. Lewiston: Mr. Paperback. Machias: EBS Hardware, H.F. Pinkham & Son, Helen’s Restaurant. Milbridge: H.F. Pinkham & Son. Monhegan Is: Carina House. Mount Desert: John Williams Boat Company North Haven: Calderwood Hall, Eric Hopkins Gallery, JO Brown & Sons, North Haven Giftshop. Northeast Harbor: F.T. Brown Co., Full Belli Deli, Kimball Shop, Mt. Desert CofC,, McGraths, Northeast Harbor Fleet, Pine Tree Market. Northport: Northport Marine Service, Northport Yacht Club. Owls Head: Owls Head Transportation Museum. Peak’s Island: Hannigan’s Island Market. Penobscot: Northern Bay Market. Port Clyde: Port Clyde General Store. Portland: Becky’s Restaurant, Casco Bay Ferry Terminal, Chase Leavitt, Custom Float Services, DiMillo’s Marina, Fortune, Inc., Gilbert’s Chowder House, Gowen Marine, Gritty McDuff’s, Hamilton Marine, Maine Yacht Center, Portland Yacht Services, Ports of Call, Sawyer & Whitten, Vessel Services Inc., West Marine. Raymond: Jordan Bay Marina, Panther Run Marina. Rockland: Back Cove Yachts, E.L.Spear, Eric Hopkins Gallery, Gemini Marine Canvas, Hamilton Marine, Harbormaster, Johanson Boatworks, Journey’s End Marina, Knight Marine Service, Landings Restaurant, Maine Lighthouse Museum, North End Shipyard Schooners, Ocean Pursuits, Pope Sails, Reading Corner, Rockland Ferry, Sawyer & Whitten, The Apprenticeshop. Rockport: Bohndell Sails, Cottage Connection, Harbormaster, Market Basket, Rockport Boat Club.


Round Pond: Cabadetis Boat Club, King Row Market. Saco: Lobster Claw Restaurant, Marston’s Marina, Saco Bay Tackle, Saco Yacht Club. Sarentville: El El Frijoles. St. George: Harbormaster Scarborough: Seal Harbor Y.C. Seal Harbor: Seal Harbor Yacht Club Searsport: Hamilton Marine. South Bristol: Bittersweet Landing Boatyard, Coveside Marine, Gamage Shipyard, Harborside Café, Osier’s Wharf. South Freeport: Brewer’s South Freeport Marine, Casco Bay Yacht Exchange, DiMillo’s South Freeport, Harraseeket Y.C., Strouts Point Wharf Co., Waterman Marine. South Harpswell: Dolphin Marina, Finestkind Boatyard, Ship to Shore Store South Portland: Aspasia Marina, Centerboard Yacht Club, Joe’s Boathouse Restaurant, Port Harbor Marine, Reo Marine, Salt Water Grille, South Port Marine, Sunset Marina. Southwest Harbor: Acadia Sails, Great Harbor Marina, Hamilton Marine, Hinckley Yacht Charters, MDI Community Sailing Center, Pettegrow’s, Sawyer’s Market, Southwest Harbor-Tremont CofC, West Marine, Wilbur Yachts. Spruce Head: Spruce Head Marine. Stockton Springs: Russell’s Marine. Stonington: Billings Diesel & Marine, Fisherman’s Friend, Inn on the Harbor, Island Fishing Gear & Auto Parts, Lily’s Café, Shepard’s Select Properties. Sullivan: Flanders Bay Boats. Sunset: Deer Isle Y.C. Surry: Wesmac. Swan’s Island: Carrying Place Market Tenants Harbor: Cod End Store and Marina, East Wind Inn, Pond House Gallery and Framing, Tenants Harbor General Store. Thomaston: Jeff’s Marine, Lyman-Morse Boatbuilding, Slipway. Turner: Youly’s Restaurant. Vinalhaven: Jaret & Cohn Island Group, Vinal’s Newsstand, Vinalhaven Store. Waldoboro: Stetson & Pinkham. Wells: Lighthouse Depot, Webhannet River Boat Yard. West Boothbay Harbor: Blake’s Boatyard. West Southport: Boothbay Region Boatyard, Southport General Store. Windham: Richardson’s Boat Yard. Winter Harbor: Winter Harbor 5 & 10. Winterport: Winterport Marine. Wiscasset: Market Place Café, Wiscasset Yacht Club. Woolwich: BFC Marine, Scandia Yacht Sales, Shelter Institute. Yarmouth: Bayview Rigging & Sails, East Coast Yacht Sales, Landing Boat Supply, Maine Sailing Partners, Royal River Boatyard, Royal River Grillehouse, Yankee Marina & Boatyard, Yarmouth Boatyard. York: Agamenticus Yacht Club, Stage Neck Inn, Woods to Goods, York Harbor Marine Service. NEW HAMPSHIRE Dover: Dover Marine. Dover Point: Little Bay Marina.


East Rochester: Surfside Boats. Gilford: Fay’s Boat Yard, Winnipesaukee Yacht Club. Greenland: Sailmaking Support Systems. Hampton: Hampton Harbor State Marina, Hampton River Boat Club. Manchester: Massabesic Yacht Club, Sandy’s Variety. Milton: Ray’s Marina & RV Sales. New Castle: Kittery Point Yacht Club, Portsmouth Yacht Club, Wentworth-By-The-Sea Marina. Newington: Great Bay Marine, Portsmouth: New England Marine and Industrial, West Marine. Seabrook: West Marine. Tuftonboro: Tuftonboro General Store. MASSACHUSETTS Amesbury: Larry’s Marina, Lowell’s Boat Shop, Withum Sailmakers Barnstable: Coast Guard Heritage Museum at the Trayser, Millway Marina. Beverly: Al’s Bait & Tackle, Bartlett Boat Service, Beverly Point Marina, Jubilee Yacht Club. Boston: Boston Harbor Islands Moorings, Boston Sailing Center, Boston Yacht Haven, Columbia Yacht Club, The Marina at Rowes Wharf, Waterboat Marina. Bourne: Taylor’s Point Marina Braintree: West Marine. Buzzards Bay: Dick’s Marine, Onset Bay Marina. Cataumet: Kingman Marine, Parker’s Boat Yard. Charlestown: Constitution Marina, Shipyard Quarters Marina. Chatham: Ryders Cove Marina, Stage Harbor Marine. Chelsea: The Marina at Admiral’s Hill. Cohasset: Cohasset Y.C. Cotuit: Peck’s Boats. Cuttyhunk: Cuttyhunk Town Marina. Danvers: Danversport Yacht Club, Liberty Marina, West Marine. Dedham: West Marine. Dighton: Shaw’s Boat Yard. Dorchester: Savin Hill Yacht Club. East Boston: Boston Bay Marina, Boston Harbor Shipyard & Marina, Orient Heights Yacht Club, Quarterdeck Marina. East Dennis: Dennis Yacht Club, North Side Marina. Edgartown: Boat Safe Martha’s Vineyard, Edgartown Moorings, Edgartown Yacht Club, Harborside Inn. Essex: Flying Dragon Antiques, Perkins Marine. Fairhaven: Fairhaven Shipyard, West Marine. Falmouth: East Marine, Falmouth Harbor Town Marina, Falmouth Marine, MacDougall’s Cape Cod Marine Service, West Marine. Gloucester: Beacon Marine Basin, Brown’s Yacht Yard, Cape Ann’s Marina Resort, Enos Marine, Three Lanterns Ship Supply. Green Harbor: Green Harbor Marina, Taylor Marine. Harwich Port: Allen Harbor Marine Service, Cranberry Liquors, Saquatucket Municipal Marina. Hingham: 3A Marine Sales, Eastern Yacht Sales, Hingham Shipyard Marinas, Hingham Yacht Club. Hyannis: Hyannis Marina, West Marine. Ipswich: Ipswich Bay Yacht Club. Manchester: Manchester Marine, Manchester Yacht Club. Marblehead: Boston Yacht Club, Corinthian Yacht Club, Eastern Yacht Club, Lynn Marine Supply Co., Marblehead Yacht Club, The

Points East April 2012


Forepeak, West Marine. Marion: Barden’s Boat Yard, Beverly Yacht Club, Burr Bros. Boats, Harding Sails. Marston Mills: Prince’s Cove Marina. Mattapoisett: Mattapoisett Boatyard. Nantucket: Glyns Marine, Nantucket Boat Basin, Nantucket Y.C., Town Pier Marina. New Bedford: Bayline Boatyard and Transportation, C.E. Beckman, Cutty Hunk Launch, Hercules Fishing Gear, Lyndon’s, Niemiec Marine, New Bedford Visitors Center, Pope’s Island Marina, SK Marine Electronics, Skip’s Marine, West Marine. Newburyport: American Yacht Club, Merri-Mar Yacht Basin, Newburyport Boat Basin, Newburyport Harbor Marina, Newburyport Yacht Club, North End Boat Club, The Boatworks, Windward Yacht Yard. North Falmouth: Brewer Fiddler’s Cove Marina. North Weymouth: Tern Harbor Marina. Oak Bluffs: Dockside Marketplace. Onset: Point Independence Yacht Club. Orleans: Nauset Marine. Osterville: Crosby Yacht Yard, Oyster Harbors Marine Service. Plymouth: Brewer’s Plymouth Marine, Plymouth Yacht Club, West Marine. Provincetown: Harbormaster. Quincy: Captain’s Cove Marina, Marina Bay, Nonna’s Kitchen, POSH, Squantum Yacht Club, Wollaston Yacht Club. Salem: Brewer’s Hawthorne Cove Marina, Fred J. Dion Yacht Yard, H&H Propeller Shop, Palmer’s Cove Yacht Club, Pickering Wharf Marina, Salem Water Taxi, Winter Island Yacht Yard. Salisbury: Bridge Marina, Cross Roads Bait & Tackle, Withum Sailmakers. Sandwich: Sandwich Marina, Sandwich Ship Supply. Scituate: A to Z Boatworks, Cole Parkway Municipal Marina, Front Street Book Shop, J-Way Enterprises, Satuit Boat Club, Scituate Harbor Marina, Scituate Harbor Y.C. Seekonk: E&B Marine, West Marine. Somerset: Auclair’s Market. South Dartmouth: Cape Yachts, Davis & Tripp Boatyard, Doyle Sails, New Bedford Y.C., New Wave Yachts. Vineyard Haven: Owen Park Town Dock, Vineyard Haven Marina. Watertown: Watertown Yacht Club. Wareham: Zecco Marine. Wellfleet: Bay Sails Marine, Town of Wellfleet Marina, Wellfleet Marine Corp. West Barnstable: Northside Village Liquor Store. West Dennis: Bass River Marina. Westport: F.L.Tripp & Sons, Osprey Sea Kayak Adventures, Westport Marine, Westport Y.C. Weymouth: Monahan’s Marine. Winthrop: Cottage Park Y.C., Cove Convenience, Crystal Cove Marina, Pleasant Point Y.C., Winthrop Book Depot, Winthrop Lodge of Elks, Winthrop Y.C. Woburn: E&B Marine, West Marine. Woods Hole: Woods Hole Marina. Yarmouth: Arborvitae Woodworking.

84 Points East April 2012

RHODE ISLAND Barrington: Barrington Y.C., Brewer Cove Haven Marina, Lavin’s Marina, Stanley’s Boat Yard, Striper Marina. Block Island: Ballard’s Inn, Block Island Boat Basin, Block Island Marina, Champlin’s, Payne’s New Harbor Dock. Bristol: Aidan’s Irish Pub, All Paint, Bristol Bagel Works, Bristol Marine, Bristol Yacht Club, Hall Spars & Rigging, Herreshoff Marine Museum, Jamestown Distributors, Quantum Thurston Sails, Superior Marine. Central Falls: Twin City Marine. Charlestown: Ocean House Marina. Cranston: Port Edgewood Marina, Rhode Island Yacht Club. East Greenwich: Anderson’s Ski & Dive Center, East Greenwich Yacht Club, Norton’s Shipyard & Marina, West Marine. East Providence: East Providence Yacht Club. Jamestown: Conanicut Marine Supply, Dutch Harbor Boatyard.. Middletown: West Marine Narragansett: Buster Krabs, West Marine. Newport: Brewer Street Boatworks, Casey’s Marina, Goat Island Marina, IYRS, Museum of Yachting, New York Yacht Club, Newport Harbor Hotel & Marina, Newport Nautical Supply, Newport Visitor Information Center, Newport Yacht Club, NV-Charts, Old Port Marine Services, Sail Newport, Seamen’s Church Institute, Starbucks, Team One, The Newport Shipyard, West Wind Marina. North Kingstown: Allen Harbor Marina, Johnson’s Boatyard, RI Mooring Services. Portsmouth: Brewer Sakonnet Marina, East Passage Yachting Center, Eastern Yacht Sales, Hinckley Yacht Services, Ship’s Store and Rigging, The Melville Grill. Riverside: Bullock’s Cove Marina. Tiverton: Don’s Marine, Life Raft & Survival Equipment, Ocean Options, Quality Yacht Services, Standish Boat Yard. Wakefield: Point Jude Boats, Point Judith Marina, Point Judith Yacht Club, Point View Marina, Ram Point Marina, Silver Spring Marine, Snug Harbor Marine, Stone Cove Marina. Warren: Country Club Laundry, Warren River Boatworks. Warwick: Apponaug Harbor Marina, Brewer Yacht Yard at Cowesett, Greenwich Bay Marina, Pettis Boat Yard, Ray’s Bait Shop, Warwick Cove Marina. Wickford: Brewer Wickford Cove Marina, Johnson’s Boatyard, Marine Consignment of Wickford, Pleasant Street Wharf, Wickford Marina, Wickford Shipyard, Wickford Yacht Club. CONNECTICUT Branford: Birbarie Marine, Branford River Marina, Branford Yacht Club, Brewer Bruce & Johnson’s Marina, Dutch Wharf Boat Yard, Indian Neck Yacht Club, Pine Orchard Yacht Club, West Marine. Byram: Byram Town Marina. Chester: Castle Marina, Chester Marina, Hays Haven Marina, Middlesex Yacht Club. Clinton: Cedar Island Marina, Connecticut Marine One, Harborside Marina, Old Harbor Marina, Port Clinton Marina, Riverside Basin Marina, West Marine. Cos Cob: Palmer Point Marina. Darien: E&B Marine, Noroton Yacht Club. Deep River: Brewer Deep River Marina. East Haddam: Andrews Marina


East Norwalk: Rex Marine. Essex: Brewer Dauntless Shipyard, Boatique, Essex Corinthian Yacht Club, Essex Island Marina, Essex Yacht Club. Fairfield: J. Russell Jinishian Gallery. Farmington: Pattaconk Yacht Club. Greenwich: Beacon Point Marine, Indian Harbor Yacht Club. Groton: Pine Island Marina, Shennecossett Yacht Club, Thames View Marina. Guilford: Brown’s Boat Yard, Guilford Boat Yard, Harbormaster. Lyme: Cove Landing Marine. Madison: East River Marine. Milford: Flagship Marina, Milford Boat Works, Milford Landing, Milford Yacht Club, Port Milford, Spencer’s Marina. Mystic: Brewer Yacht Yard, Fort Rachel Marina, Gwenmor Marina, Mason Island Yacht Club, Mystic Point Marina, Mystic River Yacht Club, Mystic Seaport Museum Store, Mystic Shipyard, West Marine. New Haven: City Point Yacht Club, Fairclough Sails, Oyster Point Marina. New London: Crocker’s Boatyard, Ferry Slip Dockominium Assoc., Hellier Yacht Sales, Thames Shipyard and Ferry, Thames Yacht Club, Thamesport Marina, West Marine. Niantic: Boats Inc., Mago Pt. Marina, Marine Consignment of Mystic, Port Niantic Marina, Three Belles Marina. Noank: Brower’s Cove Marina, Hood Sails, Noank Village Boatyard, Palmers Cove Marina, Ram Island Yacht Club, Spicer’s. Norwalk: Norwest Marine, Rex Marine, Total Marine, West Marine. Norwich: The Marina at American Wharf. Old Lyme: Old Lyme Marina. Old Saybrook: Brewer’s Ferry Point Marina, Harbor Hill Marina & Inn, Harbor One Marina, Island Cove Marina, Oak Leaf Marina, Ocean Performance, Ragged Rock Marina, Saybrook Point Marina, West Marine. Portland: J & S Marine Services, Yankee Boat Yard & Marina. Riverside: Riverside Yacht Club. Rowayton: All Seasons Marina, Wilson Cove Marina. South Norwalk: Norwalk Yacht Club, Rex Marine Center, Surfside 3 Marina. Stamford: Czescik Marina, Halloween Yacht Club, Hathaway Reiser Rigging, Landfall Navigation, Ponas Yacht Club, Stamford Landing Marina, Stamford Yacht Club, West Marine. Stonington: Dodson Boat Yard, Dog Watch Café, Madwanuck Yacht Club, Stonington Harbor Yacht Club. Stratford: Brewer Stratford Marina, West Marine. Waterford: Defender Industries. Westbrook: Atlantic Outboard, Brewer Pilots Point Marina, Pier 76 Marina, Sound Boatworks. West Haven: West Cove Marina. Westport: Cedar Point Yacht Club. NEW YORK Mamaroneck: McMichael Yacht Yard New York: New York Nautical Ossining: Shattemuc Yacht Club Sag Harbor: Sag Harbor Yacht Club. West Islip: West Marine.

In addition to the printed version of Points East Magazine which we distribute from our offices and dockhouse, we like the online presence and “linkability” of their website, www.pointseast.com, where a virtual visit to ROBINHOOD MARINE CENTER is just a click away. Now we keep the current issue as reading material aboard Tessie Ann and Charles Andrew, our Island 40 houseboats.

Robinhood Village, on Riggs Cove in Georgetown, Maine, has enjoyed a rich history of early settlement, marine commerce and boatbuilding, which we have proudly continued as ROBINHOOD MARINE CENTER for the past 30 years. During that period, renovation projects have included our Old Rigging Shop Studio, circa 1790, our Library, which has become a sanctuary for weary travelling yachtsmen and was built circa 1795 by Benjamin Riggs, and the Riggs 1820 General Store, which now is home to Spartan Marine Hardware and the rentable Riggs Loft apartment. We are pleased to offer these waterfront restorations along with many early photos and written histories to visiting yachtsmen, neighbors, Georgetown islanders, and all visitors to the site. Join us for a night or a season in one of our 135 slips or 72 moorings. Or talk to us about a three (or more) night stay in the Riggs Loft or Island 40 houseboat. Located just off the Sheepscot River, the picturesque Robinhood Cove is a favorite place to begin and end your summer cruise. Robinhood offers a full service yacht yard & marina, Spartan marine hardware manufacturing, Riggs Cove Rentals and The Osprey Restaurant, all in one of the most beautiful spots on the Maine coast. Conveniently located in midcoast Maine, we are an easy drive from Portland, just off the highway with no coastal traffic hassles.

www.robinhoodmarinecenter.com www.pointseast.com

Points East April 2012


PASSAGES, continued from Page 79 days quietly expressing his love and support for them throughout his life.

Richard Chesebrough 81, Laconia, N.H.

Richard passed away on Jan. 29. He grew up in Stonington, Conn., and under the tutelage of his grandfather, Benjamin, Richard became proficient in both sail and power boating. During his last tour of active Naval duty, as head of the Department of Naval Science at SUNY Maritime College that Richard found his second career, director of waterfront activities and celebrated sailing coach for the college, where he earned the moniker “Cheese” from his students. In 1977, Cheese piloted the chase boat for the America’s Cup defender, Enterprise. He went on to drive the chase boats for Cup winner Freedom (1980), and contenders Liberty (1983) and Stars and Stripes (1987). In 1987, when Cheese returned from Australia, he had devoted 18 months to the successful effort to bring the America’s Cup back to the U.S., then becoming a fulltime competitive-sailing volunteer. As a certified U.S.

Sailing Umpire and Judge, he served both match and team races internationally and participated on a number of race committees, primarily in mark boats, until he retired for health reasons in 2010. Cheese was a member of the New York and Manhasset Bay yacht clubs and the Storm Trysail Club.

Edgar Crocker 81, Cataumet, Mass.

Edgar died peacefully on Feb. 2. Edgar was an avid sailor who could be found on board his beloved Concordia Yawl, Crocodile, in any cove between Manchester, Mass. and Halifax, N.S. He was founding director of the Windward Isles Sailing Ship Co., for whom he raised money to buy and restore the Tall Ship Picton Castle for training novice sailors and delivering school materials and other supplies around the world. He also helped found Worldwise Education, which promotes fundraising programs for educators by selling greeting cards with artwork created by children.

On the road

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Points East April 2012


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Points East April 2012




Myr vaagn es

Photo by Rodney Myrvaagnes

The Airhead’s ventilation hose lead to a Nicro solar vent that only runs when direct sun shines upon it.

No flies on this idea few years ago “Practical Sailor” ran an article on composting heads that piqued our curiosity, and we read it with interest. Our boat was built in 1981, and the head normally discharged out the bottom, with a really small holding tank for the few nodischarge areas that existed at the time; New Harbor at Block Island was the only one in New England, as far as I know. Our head compartment is so small that it would be difficult to replace the tiny Headmate with a “greener” marine head. Early on, I had replaced the Y-valve so the head always discharged into the tank. But it only held a few days worth, so I also had to add a pump to discharge at sea. This meant we had to stay on a coast from which we could get three miles offshore frequently, or near an accessible pump-out facility, and it meant we could not visit towns up navigable rivers. We have never met anyone who had installed a composting head, but finally, in fall of 2009, we bit the bul-


90 Points East April 2012

let. I figured out a way to get the bulk of an Air Head composting toilet into our compartment, and came to an agreement with our winter yard to make the alterations and install it. We had the instructions of the manufacturer, along with emails collected from online forums. We launched in Rockland at the beginning of June, as usual, and moved aboard for the summer. We set out to get peat moss, one of the materials such systems use to enhance aerobic processing, absorb liquids, and reduce odor. We found it in very large sacks at a considerable distance from the harbor. Peat moss was cheap to buy but a lot to carry on an old man’s back. It also posed a huge storage problem in the boat. A second alternative is coconut fibers compressed into bricks. These were available in Belfast at a store that sells (large) composting systems for homes. We tried that method first. The brick takes four liters of water to get it apart. One brick was enough. editor@pointseast.com

A composting head works something like an out- Bay, in late June. Then the crank started to get stiffer, house. Instead of dumping pine needles on top of de- suggesting that the peat moss was reaching its absorpposits, the user turns a crank after dropping solids. tion limit. This stirs the collection of peat moss or coconut fibers We adopted a new procedure for emptying. Instead and disperses the deposit through it. Liquids are ef- of covering the solids bucket and carrying it ashore, fectively separated from fecal matter and end up in a we dumped it into a three-mil compactor trash bag. We removable bottle. We orgot disposable paint-stirring dered a spare bottle when sticks to loosen things up, we got the head so we put the bag over the bucket, could replace it without and tipped it over. Three dumping it immediately. times over, stirring with the An exhaust fan draws air stick between, was enough to through the mix. Ours is a empty the bucket. The stirNicro solar vent, but a 12rer goes out in the trash bag, volt muffin fan could also along with the disposable exbe used. amination gloves we used. This seemed fine for a The gloves are available in while, but the “organic desdrug stores, and one box will iccant� was saturated at go for several seasons. the start, and had no caAt the Belfast (Maine) Copacity to dry the solids furop, we found one-cubic-foot ther. After a few weeks, we bags of peat moss within a saw brown ooze around the short distance from the landplace where the stirring ing. These I could carry and crank comes out the side. stow forward of the foreWe lugged the heavy solids hatch ladder. One bag lasted container to one of the almost to the end of Septemrented chemical outhouses. ber. We had to empty and It seemed clear that the change the head four times problem was the water inin the remaining months betroduced at the start, and fore haul-out. The time bethat dry peat moss would tween refills depends on be better. But in the literahumidity, frequency of trips ture, one more alternative ashore, and personal physiwas mentioned as an opology. It seems to be between tion; just put nothing in exthree and five weeks for us. cept the composting We had no little flies on Photo by Rodney Myrvaagnes the boat this year, although enzyme, and let it dry. We did that for the sec- The Airhead faces aft from the main bulkhead, in a there seemed to be lots of ond half of our four-month cramped head compartment. The ventilation hose is lead them around. When we season, and it was easier. out the inboard side of the bowl. opened the head to dump it, But eventually we got tiny it still seemed to us to smell flies, which we thought could get in and out the venti- like peat moss, rather than feces. Caveat: We are both lator on deck. Actually the vent has a screen, so I guess in our 70s and probably have less acute smellers than we misinterpreted what we saw. younger folks. Near the end of the season, we saw peat moss in We have concluded that this was a useful change to smaller (eight-quart) bags in the hardware store in the boat that eliminates any chance of fecal discharge. Southwest Harbor. We resolved to get such small bags It also eliminates a thru-hull fitting, which always in our hometown of New York City before returning to brings a little peace-of-mind. Maine the next summer. Rodney and Barbara taught themselves to sail on We launched again on June 2, 2011 and put one 505s in Marblehead in the 1960s. When they got too old eight-quart bag into the head. It was an odd-numbered to be in demand as racing crew, they bought a J/36. year, so, according to our cruising pattern, our first trip Now retired (Barbara from engineering and Rodney was west, for the Boston Early Music Festival, with from musical-instrument building and editing), they many overnights at marinas. The Airhead handled spend June through September cruising the Maine everything just fine until we were back in Penobscot coast. www.pointseast.com

Points East April 2012


Reserve Dockage Now

50' Wesmac Exceptional Cruiser/Liveaboard

Points East Brokerage & Dealers

Traditional Herreshoff-style custom interior.

Twin Cummins QSM-11 580 hp, twin Hamilton jets, lots of extras. Asking $950,000. Additional photos on website.

A Full Service Marina 216 Ocean Point Rd., E. Boothbay, ME 04544 (207) 633-0773 www.oceanpointmarina.com WI-FI available dockside

Three 42' Custom Wesmacs with extensive extras


30’ Mainship Pilot 30 '99


16’ SportCraft (no engine) & trailer $1,500

34’ Luhrs 3400 '90


20’ Shamrock w/trailer '96

36’ Ally Built Lobster Boat '73

24’ Eastern '03 w/trailer 24.5’ Rosborough RF 246 '88

15,000 SOLD 37,750

25’ Dusky Marine twin Suzuki 150's & trailer '11 115,000


38’ Sea Ray Aft Cabin '89


Custom Cruiser, twin Yanmar 420 HP, twin Hamilton jets, bow thruster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Asking $460,000 Custom Flybridge Cruiser, 800 HP Cat . . . . . . . . .Asking $690,000

Sail 29’ Huges '70



33’ Carter '72


25’ Pro-line 25 walkaround '04


34’Tartan '71 w/diesel engine

26’ Leisure Cat '00


40’Ta Shing Baba '84

25’ Pro-line 251WA '99

Custom finished flybridge cruiser, 800 HP Cat, Onan Genset, live aboard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Asking $500,000

24' Robalo Boat-R240 with twin Yamaha 150 OB . . . . . .Call for details 22' Sisu fiberglass w/trailer, 2001 Yamaha v4 130 . . . . .Asking $34,500


Buyers must see these boats at our shop or on-line!


Mercury engines and Mercury Inflatables in stock. Certified Mercury technicians. Storage, dockage, Ship’s Store, and a full service marina.

Surry, Maine




Gray & Gray, Inc.

36 York Street York,Maine 03909 E-mail: graygray@gwi.net

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Specializing in Downeast Vessels, Trawlers & Cruising Sailboats.

37' PACIFIC SEACRAFT (2), FROM $106,000

28' LEGACY EXPRESS, 2003, $94,500

Blue Purr is a 1989 Duffy 26. Well kept Spencer Lincoln designed lobster yacht. Good for a cruising couple. plenty of room for picnicing or island hopping. $69,900 38' CALIBER SLOOP, 1991, $110,000

40' DYER FB, '01 T.YANMAR DSLS, NOW $98,500

28' CAPE DORY HT, 1988, $69,000

36' GRAND BANKS (3) 1982, FROM $98,500




2003 1984 1987 1995 1989 1962 1948 2004

1983 1989 1978 2010

Stanley 39 $325,000 Stanley 38 285,000 Somes Sound 26 70,000 Webbers Cove 24 49,000 Duffy 26 69,900 Bunker & Ellis 49,500 Custom Steel Tug 35,000 North Coast 23 35,000

Whistler 32 $55,000 Bridges Point 24 42,000 Tartan 30 12,500 15’ Gotts Isl. Peapod 9,900

207.244.7854 info@jwboatco.com / www.jwboatco.com Shipwright Lane, Hall Quarry, Mount Desert, Maine 04660

Tidewater Center Consoles are made for long weekends of fishing or just having fun with the family cruising.

40’ Hatteras DC 1987 $129,900

24’ Eastward Ho 1974 $9,900

Tidewater 230CC LOA 23' ● Beam 8'10" ● Draft 15"Fuel Cap. 103 gal. ● Max HP 250

150 HP Honda 4 stroke

Bristol Harbor 21CC LOA 21'3 5/8" ● Beam 8'5" Draft 14" ● Weight (dry) 2,575 lbs.

Woolwich, Maine (207) 443-9781

Motor 22’ Sisu Hardtop, ’91 $17,900 22’ Pulsifer Hampton Launch $12 to $27k 23’ Grady White Gulfstream ’02 $33,900 24’ Pursuit 2460 203hr ’96 $22,900 26’ Bertram 264 & trailer Offers 29’ Blackfin Combi, Tower ’96 $53,900 29’ Shannon Brendon Express ’88 $29,900 30’ Fred Larrabee Flushdeck ’52 $29,900 30’ Grady White Marlin ’08 $148,500 30’ Cape Classic Flybridge ‘04 $145,000 46’ Yankee - Hermit Island Tour boat 50’ Sea Ray Sundancer, ’05 $329,000 The view is better from the deck of your boat.


36’ by Henry Barnes $37,600

22’ Pulsifer Hampton ‘00 $25,900 Sail 20’ Flicka PSC ’81 $24,000 23’ Hunter Sloop ’83 Offers 24’ Eastward Ho ’74/75 $10-14k 25’ Eastsail Cutter Building Now 26’ Ericson ’84 Only $13,900 28’ Sabre Sloop ’78 Coming Soon 29’ LM28 (Scanyacht) ’85 $29,750 30’ Pearson Sloop ’72, nice $9,500 34’ Sabre Mark I, ’83 SOLD 35’ Pearson CB, ’71 $29,900 35’ J White/Swift Cutter SOLD 42’ Hunter Passage, ’91 $120,500 See all the details at our website


(207) 899.0909 YARMOUTH, MAINE

THE YACHT CONNECTION at SOUTH PORT MARINE 207-799-3600 Boats are moving at The Yacht Connection If you've got a clean boat to list, call Eric today.

340 Robinhood Road 207/371-2525 or 800/255-5206 Georgetown, Maine 04548 fax: 207/371-2899


36’ Ellis Flybridge – Like new 2001 $395,000

1987 38' Bertram Convertible Mark III $89,900 POWER 17’ 178 DLX Carolina Skiff with trailer, 115hp, ’08 $11,000 19’ Maritime Skiff 1890, trailer and Yamaha 75hp, 2012 Call 20' Maritime Skiff w/trailer 50hp 10,000 20’ Maritime Skiff Defiant loaded, trailer and Yamaha 115hp, 2012 Call 21' Sea Swirl Striper 2100, ‘99 11,800 22' Scout 222 Abaco, ’08 59,500 22' Castine Cruiser, ’04 20,000 24' Grady White Ocean Pro 24 with trailer, ’86 11,500

2004 Albin 28 $95,000 24' SeaRay Sundancer 240, ’02 28' Grady White 282 Sailfish, ’05 28' Bayliner 2859 Super Class ‘95 28' Scout 222 Abaco '04 w/ Yamaha 200hp 35' 7” Carver 36 Aft Cabin, ’89 36' Gulf Star Trawlerw/new diesels 37' Silverton 37 Convertible, ’89

SAIL 22' Cal w/trailer, ’80 27' Hunter 27, ’81 28' Sabre Sloop, ’76 29' Ericson Tall Rig, ’76


19,999 89,900 16,000

40’ Nordic Sloop 1984 $119,500

38,500 49,000 58,000 42,500

5,000 10,500 20,000 5,000

SAIL 28’ Shannon - Immaculate 35’ Hinckley Pilot 1964 37’ C & C 1983 38’ Sabre Mark I 1982

POWER $77,500 59,500 45,000 74,500

21’ Atlas Pompano 1989 25’ Parker 2520 SCXL Sport 30’ Mainship Pilot Sedan 2007 35’ Five Islands BW DE Cruiser

$19,500 47,500 136,500 249,000

Points East Brokerage & Dealers

A big 23 footer designed to be a great offshore fishing machine.

Classifieds To advertise: There are two ways to advertise on the classified pages. There are classified display ads, which are boxed ads on these pages; there are also line ads, which are simply lines of text. Line ads can be combined with photos, which will run above the text.

SAIL 12’ Beetle Cats Two wooden Beetle Cat sailboats are available at Eric Dow Boat Shop. Both have been partially restored and need finish work. Call Eric at 359-2277. www.dowboats.com

Rates: Classified display ads cost $30 per column inch. Line ads are $25 for 25 words (plus $5 for each additional 10 words). For a photo to run with a line ad, add $5.

Discounts: If you run the same classified line ad or classified display ad more than one month, deduct 20 percent for subsequent insertions.

Web advertising: Line ads from these pages will be run at no additional cost on the magazine’s web site: www.pointseast.com.

Payment: All classifieds must be paid in advance, either by check or credit card.

To place an ad: Mail ads, with payment, to Points East Magazine P.O. Box 1077, Portsmouth, NH, 03802-1077 or go to our website at www.pointseast.com Deadline for the May issue is March 30, 2012.

Need more info? Call 1-888-778-5790.

12’ Skiff from Compass Project This Bevin’s Skiff was built by the Alternative Learning group from Wescott Junior High School. Length: 12 ft. Width: 4.5 ft. Weight: 120 lbs. $1,750 (plus tax). 207-774-0682. info@compassproject.org

16’ Herreshoff 12 1/2, 1939 Herreshoff 12 1/2 classic 1939 fully restored. (15’ 10 LOA, 5’ 10 Beam) Purchased from the Herreshoff Museum in Bristol RI. Traditional construction is cedar over oak with bronze fastenings and fittings (except stainless steel keel bolts). Running and standing rigging new. Sails (main and jib) 2010. Forepeak has floatation. Featured in May/June 2011 Relaunchings of Wooden Boat. Comes with serviceable trailer and custom made boat cover (2011), 5 boat stands. It needs nothing but a sailor. 401-742-6791. Asking $25,000 or BRO. Photos on request. mdeangeli20@gmail.com

14’3 Extended Catspaw Dinghy Plank on frame construction, in excellent condition. Rows, sails, and motors well. Call Eric @ 3592277. www.dowboats.com 15’ Marshall Catboat, 1997 Cuddy model, hinged mast. 3hp outboard, trailer. Cockpit cover, compass, lazy jacks, sail cover, anchor. Excellent condition. Asking $15,000. spinners@tidewater.net 15’ Wooden Peapod In nearly new condition. Two pairs of oars, complete sprit sail rig, ready for the season. Call Eric @ 359-2277. www.dowboats.com 16’ Haven 12-1/2 Classic Haven 12-1/2’s built with experienced craftsmenship for pure sailing pleasure. Call Eric to discuss your color choice and delivery date. Eric Dow Boat Shop, Brooklin, Maine 207-359-2277. www.dowboats.com

18’ Herreshoff Buzzards Bay 14 Iconic design in beautiful condition. 18ft.LOA, sails like a dream. 3hp Yamaha on trailer. Rare opportunity to own a classic. $27000. 207-833-6941. kevintmcgovern@hotmail.com

rue T d

an y nn u FLike boat people.

19’4” Noman’s Land Boat MIRTH built by Joel White & Arno Day in 1961 to drawings taken from original boat of the 1890s. Seaworthy, roomy & trailerable, drawing only 16” w/centerboard raised. Boomed sails are selftending. Near perfect condition. Located in Brooklin. $11,000. 207-359-8593. maynardbray@gmail.com 19’ Cape Dory Typhoon, 1976 Great condition and a good winter project. Safe and easy to sail.

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94 Points East April 2012

18’9 Drascombe Lugger Drascombe Lugger with tan bark sails. Includes outboard and trailer. Located in Maine. $6,950. Email or call Alan, 207-633-5341. alan@winterisland.com


Sleeps two. Sails, cushions (cockpit and cabin), anchor, stern mount for 4hp reconditioned Johnson motor. Needs bottom paint and bright work refinished. On cradle in Chaters Boatyard across from Subway in Camden, ME. $4000. 207-236-3151. ames@dearauntpolly.com 22’ Cal, 1980 With trailer, $5,000. 207-7993600. www.theyachtconnection.com tyc@southportmarine.com

23’ San Francisco 2010 Super Pelican. 23’ x 8’ x 30” w/ centerboard down, new 5hp 4 stroke Merc OB, new sails, custom interior, Dickinson solid fuel heater, lots of equipment, galv. trailer, mast stows on deck for road trips. $9500. Jonesport Shipyard, 207-497-2701. www.jonesportshipyard.com 24’ Bridges Point, 1989 A cuddy cabin version of the popular Bridges Point 24. Roomy cockpit and a unique interior layout. New diesel in 2007. A lovely boat to sail. $42,000. 207-2447854. billw@jwboatco.com

26’ Ranger 26, 1974 In very good condition with 5 sails, roller furler. No outboard. $2000 firm. 207-223-8885 or email info@winterportmarine.com

24’ Bluenose Sloop Professionally restored traditional wooden racing class sloop built in Nova Scotia. Custom trailer and 4 sails. $25,000. See website for details. 207-677-2024. www.pemaquidmarine.com

25’ Herreshoff 15 Original, complete IYRS restoration 2004, fixed keel with CB, side motor mount with electric motor, galvanized trailer, $70,000. Call Joe at 207-998-4086. Abandoned Boat Sale 25’ Oday $1200, 26’ Paceship $2500, 27’ Dufour $1500, 31’ C&C $2500. Handy Boat Service, 207-781-5110. handyboat.com handyboat@maine.rr.com

26’ Ericson, 1984 E26 III. $13,900. Moving up to or down from. It is a good move. Call 207-899-0909. www.boatinginmaine.com 24’ C&C Sailboat, 1977 Priced to sell. $6,000. Nicely maintained. Everything you need for a day sail or overnight. Call John at York Harbor Marine Service, 207-363-3602. Email john@yorkharbormarine.com

30’ Island Packet 27, 1988 Cutter, 30’x10.5’x3.67’, full keel, 6’ 2 headroom. Easy single handler. Engine hours 554. Selling Price: $35,900. www.jonesportshipyard.com info@jonesportshipyard.com

27’ Catalina Sloop, 1985 Nice example of this popular small cruiser. Well equiped and cared for. $14,900. 207-799-3600. www.theyachtconnection.com 27’ Cape Dory, 1979 Carl Alberg design. Yanmar 1GM10, roller furling. Located in Brooklin, Maine. Asking $17,000. 207-359-2343 squirrelnip@gmail.com 28’ Mariner 28 Roller furling, wheel, cockpit cushions, selftailing winches. Genoa, jib, main all good. Sleeps 5. Yanmar diesel needs work. $5000. 207-832-5543, Waldoboro, Maine. jmsbeaudoin@roadrunner.com

30’ Mystic 30 Cutter, 1980 Good sailing coastal cruiser designed and built by Legnos Boatbuilding. Large cockpit, wheel steering, 14hp diesel, new sails 2011, rigged for easy single-handing. Accommodations: large Vberth, 2 hanging lockers, settee berths with table between, galley and enclosed head aft, 6’+ headroom. Asking $17,900. Located Phippsburg, ME. 617-484-0075 or email. swiftrd@aol.com

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26’ Muscongus Bay Sloop 1983. Completely re-built by Atlantic Challenge Maine in 2003. Excellent condition. Gamble & Hunter sails. Spruce spars, fiberglass over strip 1 cedar hull. Yanmar 2 cylinder diesel. Breakers, 5 compass, GPS. VHF & depthsounder. Sink, water, porta potti. Excellent 2011 survey. Hull, MA $26,000 781-635-6756 or jmcdonaldhull@gmail.com

28’ Sabre, 1974 Well built, clean, comfortable, easy to sail. Full-battened main, 135%, 150%, 165%, and spinnaker. Radio, compass, electronics, Edson wheel, furler, jiffy reefing. Many extras. $14,900. 401-465-6242 rogerchauvette@cox.net


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Points East April 2012


chart plotter, propane stove two burner, Lewmar bronze self tailing winches new 2003, BBQ, swim ladder, stereo w/cd player, custom fitted canvas cover and frame. $29,000. Call 508-563-3719 or email pat291@verizon.net 30’ Sabre 30 MKlll 1986 Very clean, well maintained, comfortable cruiser / racer, excellent rigging, low engine time, respond for details, photos & survey. $48,000. 207-655-4962. gbclark@maine.rr.com 30’ Pearson 303, 1986 Excellent condition, 16hp Yanmar 2GMF20 diesel inboard, Raymarine auto- pilot control head and computer and fluxgate compass new in 2010, Garmin 230 GPS chartplotter, Furuno 1621 radar. Too many extras to list. $26,000. Call Al Strout at Finestkind Boatyard: 207-833-6885 or 207-8902693. www.fkby.com sales@fkby.com

31’ Southern Cross, 1977 High quailty, versatile crusing yacht designed by naval architect Thomas Gillmer & built to traditional specs by CE Ryder. Well maintained above and below. $38,500. Call 617-908-2048. sfbailey88@yahoo.com

32’ Whistler 32, 1981 Designed by CW Paine and built by the highly regarded Able Marine. Deep bulwarks and a cat ketch rig make her an easily driven, comfortable vessel. 55,000 207-244-7854 or email billw@jwboatco.com 33 beneteau 331 2004 $89.5k.jpg 33’ Beneteau 331 Oceanis, 2004 Fully equipped, $89,500. Call 207899-0909. www.boatinginmaine.com

32’ Rhodes Chesapeake, 1961 Built by Danboats of Denmark. Excellent condition. Solid fiberglass hull, solid teak trim, aluminum mast and stainless rigging. Owned by same family since 1983, completely professionally rebuilt and maintained. Hull painted 8 yrs ago, new main in 2010, working jib, 150 genoa. Interior cushions, dodger, sail cover, Raymarine

34’ Jeanneau Sloop, 1985 Sunrise. 2 cabins in largest interior. $41,000. Gray & Gray, Inc. 207-363-7997. www.grayandgrayyachts.com

MARSTON’S MARINA Dockage - Moorings - Gas - Ice




36’ Cheoy Lee, 1969 Price reduced. Nice older live aboard, 1 main, 2 head sails, older elc, galley, head, nav station, anchor windless, 2 cyl. Volvo, sleeps 5, older boat in good shape. $20,000. Call Al Strout at Finestkind Boatyard: 207-8336885 or 207-890-2693. www.fkby.com sales@fkby.com 36’ Pearson 367 Cutter, 1982 A very well maintained example of the rare Pearson 367 Cutter. This model Pearson was based on the P-365 but has a deeper keel and taller, cutter rig. Making NASHAWENA even more rare and desirable is that she has the optional quarter berth layout. $59,500. Call 207-371-2343. www.robinhoodmarinecenter.com

34’ Tartan, 1971 With diesel engine. $29,000. Call 207-633-0773. www.oceanpointmarina.com info@oceanpointmarina.com

One of the best kept secrets on the Saco River


varnished mahogany deck joinery and varnished spars. New Beta diesel. A sailor’s cruising boat. Contact Islesboro Marine Enterprises, Islesboro, Maine. 207-7346433.

35’ Sloop, 1936 Pleiades Built in 1936 at the A.H. Kin yard in Hong Kong to a Ross design. Beam 8’6, draught 6’2, displacement 8 tons. Teak planking on iroco frames, teak decks,

36’ Herreshoff Ketch, 1986 Nereia, L. Francis Herreshoff Ketch. Well maintained. Single owner. Mahogany on oak frames. Bronze fastened. Westerbeke 40 diesel. Clark sails. Wooden dinghy included. In water Branford Conn. $39,500. 203-481-4160. jfelicity19@sbcglobal.net

PO Box 313 Yarmouth, ME 04096 207.415.6973 Peter F. Curtis, CPYB, Representing Buyers or Sellers


Featured Boat:


$96,900 Belfast, ME

Fiberglass & Composite Repairs Awlgrip Painting Bottom Paint Systems Woodworking & Varnishing ●

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1985 Morgan Nelson Marek 43 Ctr Cockpit $98,500 1990 Pearson 31 Wing Keel $37,500 1987 Pearson 31 Fin Keel $38,500 2005 Eastern 27 w/Trailer $57,500

96 Points East April 2012

Yarmouth, ME Portland, ME Falmouth, ME So. Portland, ME

Freeport, Maine 207-865-4948 www.caseyyacht.com

36’ Sam Crocker Yawl 1946/2005 Emily Marshall was commissioned by Adm. Samuel E. Morison. She has been completely restored and upgraded below deck. She is sea kindly and fast and well equiped for coastal cruis-


ing. $124,000 207-359-2384 springtides8@gmail.com 36’ Cape Dory, 1981 $49,500. Call David Perry, Robinhood Marine Center, 800-2555206. www.robinhoodmarinecenter.com 38’ Caliber Sloop, 1991 2 staterooms. Rugged, high quality offshore cruiser. Reduced to $110,000. Gray & Gray, Inc. 207363-7997. www.grayandgrayyachts.com

38’ Sabre, 1983 Excellent condition, new electronics at helm, recent canvas & sails, windlass, S.S. dorades. Johanson Boatworks, Rockland, Maine. 207596-7060. $79,000.00/OBO www.jboatworks.com info@jboatworks.com 39’ Columbia, 1971 Surveyed 4 yrs. ago. 5’ draft. 4 cyl. Perkins diesel overhauled 2 years ago. Roller furling, 6 sails, new windlass, lazy jacks. In excellent shape, but needs minor cosmetic work. Recently Awl Gripped. Natural head. $32,000, but will consider trade-in on a 25’ fiberglass sloop with outboard. Call 401-226-2861. 40’ Transpac Eagle Trawler, 1999259,000. Call David Perry, Robinhood Marine Center, 800255-5206. www.robinhoodmarinecenter.com

46’ Custom Ketch, 1950 Enlarged version of Joshua Slocum’s “Spray”. $375,000. Call David Perry Robinhood Marine Center, 800-255-5206. www.robinhoodmarinecenter.com

POWER 16’ Lund Laker, 2002 With a 40hp Honda and a trailer. $7,700 Contact Bamforth Marine at 207-729-3303. www.bamforthmarine.com salesandservice@bamforthmarine.com

16’ Lumber Yard Skiff Black and Tan. 1000lb capacity. Completely refit in 2010 with lightly used 25hp 4 stroke Yamaha, NuTeak decks, teak floor grates, custom console, mahogany bench. Comes with cooler seat, custom boat cover, console cover, bimini, anchor and rode, fenders, fish finder, swim platform, rod holders, nav lights, trailer. $10,000 obo. Call 207.439.3967. Ask for Tom 17’ Sunbird Corsair, 1994 with very nice trailer. Add an outboard and a little cosmetic work for a great little runabout. $1100. 207-223-8885.

NATURE’S HEAD Self-Contained Composting Toilets ear eY Fiv rranty a W

17’ Key West 176CC, 2010 New 2010 Key West 176CC w/Suzuki 90hp 4-stroke & trailer $24,730. Contact Lake & Sea Boatworks, Bar Harbor, Maine 207-288-8961 www.lakeandsea.com sales@lakeandsea.com 18’ Seaway Sportsman, 2011 Seaway 18 Sportsman, Suzuki 70hp 4-stroke & Trailer. Claret Red, varnished teak. Contact Lake & Sea Boatworks, Bar Harbor, Maine 207-288-8961 www.lakeandsea.com sales@lakeandsea.com 18’ Tidewater 180CC LOA 17’8, beam 7’9, draft 10, fuel cap. 40 gal, Max HP 115. An 18 footer that feels much bigger with a very dry ride running 40 mph. For further details, stop by Scandia Yacht Sales at Bath Subaru. 116 Main Street (Route 1), Woolwich, Maine. 207-443-9781 www.scandiayachts.com 18’ Seaway Sportsman, 2011 Seaway 18 Sportsman, Yamaha 75hp 4 Stroke & EZ Loader galv. roller trailer. Green hull, varnished trim. Swim platform. Contact Guilford Boat Yards, 230 Water St. Guilford, CT, 203 453-5031 www.guilfordboat.com boatyard@cshore.com

19’4 Skiff, 2010 2010 Dealer Demo 19’4” X 8’4”. 2010 Suzuki 60hp four stroke, under 50 hrs., large center console, leaning post w/4 flush mount rod holders, casting platform, rear seats, nav. lights, compass, trim tabs, SS destroyer wheel, plexiglass door frames, TrexÆ rails, trim and spray rails. All original warranties. $22,895. Call Gene: 207-418-0387. www.alliedboatworks.com gene@alliedboatworks.com

20’ Modified Skiff, 2010 2010 Dealer Demo - Modified skiff, 20’x 8’10”. 2010 Evenrude E-Tec 90hp, under 30 hrs., large center console, casting platform, rear seats, nav. lights, compass, trim tabs and heavy duty rub rails. All original warranties. $21,995. Call Gene: 207-418-0387. www.alliedboatworks.com gene@alliedboatworks.com

Pre-purchase surveys Insurance surveys Damage surveys


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42’ Hunter Passage, 1991 Center Cockpit. Could be a live aboard. $120,500. Call 207-8990909. www.boatinginmaine.com


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20’ Shamrock, 1996 With trailer. $15,000. Call 207633-0773. www.oceanpointmarina.com info@oceanpointmarina.com 21’ Aquasport 210 Osprey CC 2005. 150hp Yamaha 2stroke W/ 300 hrs, 77gal fuel tank, Garmin GPS 2010C Chart plotter W/ GSD 20 Sounder & fish finder, ICom IC-M302 marine VHF radio, and much much more. Boat is like new. $17,000. Call Al Strout at Finestkind Boatyard: 207-8336885 or 207-890-2693. www.fkby.com sales@fkby.com 21’6 Tidewater 216CC Beam 8’6, draft 14, fuel capacity 70 gal., max. HP 225. A smooth, dry ride with big fish features; dual livewells, large fish boxes, gunwale rod storage and large console for electronics. For further details, stop by Scandia Yacht Sales at Bath Subaru. 116 Main Street (Route 1), Woolwich, Maine. 207-443-9781 www.scandiayachts.com

21’ Key West NEW Key West 211CC, Suzuki 175, Trailer, T-Top, GPS/Fishfinder and lots more. Contact Lake & Sea Boatworks, Bar Harbor, Maine 207-288-8961 www.lakeandsea.com sales@lakeandsea.com

21’ Sea Ray 21 Cussy, 1999 Motivated seller. Powered by a 2006 Mercruiser 220hp. Well maintained. Cuddy cabin for a day on the water. $19,900. Call John at York Harbor Marine Service, 207363-3602 or email . john@yorkharbormarine.com 21’ SeaSwirl Striper 2100, 199911,800. 207-799-3600. www.theyachtconnection.com tyc@southportmarine.com

21’ Boston Whaler Conquest 2000. With a 2000 225hp Evinrude. Has new Garmin GPS Chart Plotter and Fish Finder too. $23,500 Contact Bamforth Marine at 207-729-3303. www.bamforthmarine.com salesandservice@bamforthmarine.com

21’ Bristol Harbor Center Console. LOA 21’3-5/8, beam 8’5, draft 14. The 21CC has classic lines and is great for fishing and family cruising. For further details, stop by Scandia Yacht Sales at Bath Subaru. 116 Main Street (Route 1), Woolwich, Maine. 207-443-9781 www.scandiayachts.com

21’ Seaway Seafarer, 2011 New Seaway 21 Seafarer, Suzuki 115 4-stroke & Trailer. Dark Blue, GPS/Fishfinder, Bimini top, stern seat. Contact Lake & Sea Boatworks 207-288-8961 www.lakeandsea.com sales@lakeandsea.com

21’ Seaway Seafarer, 2010 New Seaway 21’ Seafarer, 115hp Mercury 4-Stroke. Dark blue hull with bow roller. EZ Loader tandem galv. roller trailer available. Downeast hull design with cuddy. Contact Guilford Boat Yards, 230

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J.R. Overseas Co. 502.228.8732 www.jroverseas.com

98 Points East April 2012

Water St. Guilford, CT 203 4535031 www.guilfordboat.com boatyard@cshore.com

21’ Handy Billy, 2003 2003 Handy Bill 21. If you’re looking for a quiet, efficient powerboat capable of seating up to eight people to explore islands and inlets, this classically styled motor launch is the ticket. $16,500. Located in Maine. 207-359-4658. www.atlanticboat.com brokerage@atlanticboat.com

22’ PYY 22 Maine designed and built PYY 22 models for sale. Closed molded, full liner, fast, fuel efficient, incredibly stable, and beautifully finished. Fisherman base price $41,900. Picnic-style base price $69,900. 207-439-3967. Ask for George or Tom. www.kpbb.net jglessner@kpyy.net.

22’ Sisu, 1986 Includes trailer. Just in. Take it home for $17,500. The perfect Christmas present. Call Jonesport Shipyard, 207-497-2701. www.jonesportshipyard.com info@jonesportshipyard.com

22’ Eastern, 2003 Lobster Picnic Boat. Barely used. 135 Mercury Optimax, sleeps 2, electronics, trailer and safety equipment included. $27,500, 603-498-5835. oakesfarm@gmail.com

22’ Sisu with Trailer Fiberglass, 2001 Yamaha V4 130. Asking $34,500. Call or stop in to see boat at Wesmac in Surry, Maine. 207-667-4822 or visit our website. www.wesmac.com Teri@wesmac.com

22’ Century Raven, 1960-61 22’x 7.5’ x2’, antique hard top runabout, mahogany planked, roomy, comfortable, 1990 MercCruiser 233hp, top speed is 50 mph. Cruises at 10-30mph. All safety equip. and 2 axel trailer included, ready to go. $12,000. Jonesport Shipyard, 207-497-2701. www.jonesportshipyard.com

www.MarineSurveys.com Jay Michaud

Marblehead 781.639.0001 editor@pointseast.com

Series. Demo boat. Full warranty. This boat is loaded. $39,900. Carousel Marina, 207-633-2922.

22’ Eastern Lobster, 2008 Known for quality & handling rough seas, planes easily & sips fuel. Boat, 115hp E-TEC, Karavan Trailer, electronics new in 2010 w/transferable warranties. Like new, 60hrs on motor. Info/pics: 603-486-7357 mjtotri@gmail.com 23’ Tidewater 230CC LOA 23’, beam 8’10, draft 15, fuel capacity 103 gal., a big 23 footer designed to be a great offshore fishing machine. For further details, stop by Scandia Yacht Sales at Bath Subaru. 116 Main Street (Route 1), Woolwich, Maine. 207443-9781 www.scandiayachts.com 24’ Hydra-Sports 2390, 2000 Center Console with T-Top. With a 225hp DFI Evinrude, electronics and a tandem trailer. $29,900 Contact Bamforth Marine at 207729-3303. www.bamforthmarine.com salesandservice@bamforthmarine,co m

24’ Robalo’s, R240 and R245 Both with twin Yamaha 150’s. Great boats for fresh or salt water. Stop in at Wesmac in Surry, Maine, or call 207-667-4822 for details. See on our website www.wesmac.com Teri@wesmac.com

25’ Hydra-Sports 2450, 1997 Walk-around, with a 2007 225hp Evinrude E-Tec. $37,000 Contact Bamforth Marine at 207-7293303. www.bamforthmarine.com salesandservice@bamforthmarine.com 25’ Dusky Marine, 2011 Twin 150’s and trailer. $115,000. Call 207-633-0773. www.oceanpointmarina.com info@oceanpointmarina.com

28’ Wellcraft 2800, 1987 Coastal Offshore Fisherman with twin MerCruiser inboards (fairly new) loaded with extras. $10,000. Call Bamforth Marine at 207-7293303. www.bamforthmarine.com salesandservice@bamforthmarine.com 25’ Grady White 254, 1980 Kingfish, Marina’s owner’s boat for sale. Repowered in ‘08 w/7.4 Mercury IO. ‘09 Hardtop, Clarion Stereo w/remote & Boise speakers. ‘11 installed bow pulpit w/anchor plow. $19,000. 207-363-3602. john@yorkharbormarine.com 26’ Somes Sound 26 Open launch “Salt Ponds”. Classic launch look with plenty of teak and bronze. $70,000. Call 207-2557854 or email bill@jwboatco.com


28’ Grady White 282 Sailfish 2005. $89,900. 207-799-3600. www.theyachtconnection.com tyc@southportmarine.com

28’ Albin 28, 2003 Flush Deck Gatsby Edition, Transom Bench Seat, Raymarine Plotter/Radar, Yanmar Diesel, New Awlgrip paint job 2011. $96,900, Belfast, ME 207-415-6973 www.curtisyachtbrokerage.com

28’ Albin 28 TE, 2003 Very light use. 315hp Yanmar, 400hrs. Bow thruster. Sleeps 3-4. Enclosed head. Standard equipment plus: Garmin Chart Plotter, radar, depth-speed etc., auto-pilot, dingy davits, helm station rear canvas, custom cabinets, new prop plus reworked spare, transom seat with locker, safety equipment. Recent boat and engine surveys. Prop in skeg with shoe. Cruise 18 + kts; top 23-24 kts. Will accept 23-26 ft W/A or C/C with head in trade. Inside stored Rockland Maine $89,500. 207-3728288 wmzierden@aol.com 30’ Bunker & Ellis, 1962 Built by the famed duo of Raymond Bunker & Ralph Ellis. Lovingly and professionally cared for by two families over the course of her life. $49,500. 207-255-7854 or email billw@jwboatco.com

norm@marinesurveyor.com 617-834-7560 Capt. N. LeBlanc, Inc 106 Liberty Street Danvers, MA 01923

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1-800-343-0480 25’ Sea Fox 257 CC, 2004 W/twin Mercury 150hp. Saltwater

28’ Albin, 2004 This Albin 28 TE flush deck is loaded with extras and maintained with an open checkbook. Her Yanmar Diesel has 316 hours and her Vetus bow thruster takes the stress out of docking. $105,000. Call The Yacht Connection, 877241-2594. kreynolds@southportmarine.com

26’ General Marine, 2003 Hard top cruiser. Yanmar diesel, A/C, and much more. $83,500. Gray & Gray, Inc. 207-363-7997. www.grayandgrayyachts.com

& 24.5’ Rosborough RF 246, 1999 Nice Solid boat. Engine Just rebuilt. Only 10 hours. $37,750. Call 207-633-0773. www.oceanpointmarina.com info@oceanpointmarina.com

26’ Duffy, 1994 Built-down hull, repowered in 2005 with 212hp Steyr diesel. Loadmaster dual axle bunk trailer built for CAROLYN B in 2008. $89,950. Located in Vermont. 207-359-4658. www.atlanticboat.com brokerage@atlanticboat.com







Captain Kevin W. Duchak 3 Bradford Road, Manager Danvers, MA 01923 SER V I C E S, L LC Certified and Accredited 978.777.9700 Phone/Fax Master Marine Surveyor 508.641.0749 Cell

Points East April 2012


propane stove, hot/cold pressure water. 1700w inverter. Fall 2009 survey available. Price reduced to $75,000. Call Ed 781-599-8530. tippytib@verizon.net

30’ Grady White Marlin, 2008 The name “FISH ON” says it all. Diesel generator. 400 hrs. on Twin Yamaha 250’s. $9,900. Call 207899-0909. www.boatinginmaine.com 30’ Mainship Pilot, 1999 210hp Cummins, sleeps 2 comfortably, enclosed head w/shower. $69,500. Call 207-633-0773. www.oceanpointmarina.com info@oceanpointmarina.com 30’ Grady White Bimini 306 2007. Powered with twin 2009 Yamahas. Complete electronics with this one to find all the fish you can, close or off shore. $129,500. Call John for details at York Harbor Marine Service, 207363-3602. john@yorkharbormarine.com

32’ Down East New 32’ Carroll Lowell Down East design, cedar on white oak, silicon bronze fastenings, hull, trunk, deck, done, fuel tanks, shaft, rudder installed, will finish to your custom design, work or pleasure. 508-224-3709. www.by-thesea.com/karbottboatbuilding/ jmkarbott@aol.com

32’ Clinton Beal Lobster Boat 1968. Cedar on oak, Chevy 235, new house, overall good condition. $10,000. Jonesport Shipyard, 207-497-2701. www.jonesportshipyard.com info@jonesportshipyard.com

31’ Beals Island Hardtop Cruiser, 1987. Price reduced: $97,500. Gray & Gray, Inc. 207-363-7997. www.grayandgrayyachts.com

31’ Duffy, 2003 225hp Deere 550 hours. Full Garmin 3200 electronics. Queen berth, head with shower. 1 burner

Gamage Shipyard Dockage Moorings Repairs Winter Storage Inside & Out Hauling Maintenance Ship’s Store Travelift

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100 Points East April 2012

33’ Bertram Sport Fish, 1980 Diesel 3208 Twin Cats, low hours. Boat holds 365 gal fuel. Go out tuna fishing and return and still have plenty of fuel. This particular style boat has held the IGFA record for the best fishing boat for 13 years. $33,900. Contact Norwood Yacht Sales, 617-328-4001. jeannegirl193@hotmail.com Internet supplier of multi-vendor epoxies (as low as $56/gallon); low temperature epoxies; high temperature epoxies; epoxy paints; underwater epoxies; thickened epoxies; industrial epoxies; barrier coat epoxies; LPU polyurethanes; graphiteteflon™ - copper powder fillers; fumed silica & microfibers. MUCH, MUCH MORE!

Progressive Epoxy Polymers, Inc. 603-435-7199 www.epoxyproducts.com/marine.html

36’ Newman 1974 Classic Weekender. Total Refit done by builder, CAT, Asking $166,000. Contact John Morin Wilbur Yachts 207 691-1637 www.wilburyachts.com 34’ Lobster Boat, 1952 34’ Jonesport style lobster boat Xanna II. Built 1952 of cedar on oak. New 160hp Yanmar diesel. Nicely refurbished wheelhouse and cabin and many other improvements. Goes great. Contact Islesboro Marine Enterprises, Islesboro, Maine. 207-734-6433. 34’ Mainship Pilot, 2000 Cummins 1050 hrs. Sound reductions, 6 ft. headroom. Immaculate. Asking $119,000. This boat is in Maine. Call John Morin at 207691-1637 or email jmorin@wilburyachts.com www.wilburyachts.com

36’ Shannon Voyager, 1991 Downeast flybridge cruiser. Twin Detroit diesels, duplicate helm stations w/recent electronics, head w/separate shower, master cabin island queen, guest cabin, spacious saloon, galley up, 2 zone a/c, diesel furnace, Westerbeke genset. Bristol condition. Located Greenwich, Conn. $149,500. Call Peter Thorsby 203-353-0373 or info@PrestigeYachtSales.net swmmdmd@hotmail.com

36’ Penbo Cruiser, 1968 Comfortable and seaworthy with center-house design and berths for 5. Full galley, convertible dinette, V-berths, cedar over oak, T6354 Perkins w/4000 hrs, full electronics. Survey 4/09, in water Harpswell, ME. $69,000. 207-7213819 or email spike@spikehaible.com

36’ Egg Harbor Sedan Sportfisherman, 1976. Twin Cummins diesels w/2200hrs, good shape. Located in Belfast, Maine. Capt Ron @ 207-949-3435 for more info. rnblnchrd@aol.com 37’ Bertram Convertible, 1987 Flying bridge. Bristol condition. CATs 1800 hrs. Constantly upgraded. Asking $179,500. Call John Morin at 207-691-1637 or email www.wilburyachts.com jmorin@wilburyachts.com

37’ Tayana Cutter, 1978 WANDERLUST is well thought-out for off-shore cruising. VHF, wind/speed/depth, cockpit repeater, GPS, stereo. Main, genoa, roller furling, staysail furler, yankee, staysail, cruising spinnaker, whisker pole. Lazy jack. $45,000. Located in Maine. 207-359-4658. www.atlanticboat.com brokerage@atlanticboat.com 38’ Stanley, 1984 Stanley 38 “Fishwife”. First Stanley 38 built in 1984 and owned by the same family since her launch. She is in excellent condition. $285,000. 207-244-7854 or billw@jwboatco.com 38’ Bertram Convertible Mk III 1987. Twin Caterpillar diesels. $89,900. 207-799-3600. www.theyachtconnection.com tyc@southportmarine.com


38’ Jarvis Newman Sedan 1996.Cummins 350 hp - new in 2006. 600 gal. fuel, 185 gal. water. 3.8 gph @ cruise, Live aboard, extensive parts inventory, turn-key. Asking $188,000. Call John Morin at 207-691-1637 or email www.wilburyachts.com jmorin@wilburyachts.com

38’ Fisher Fairways Trawler 1978. Twin Ford Sabre diesels, roomy, comfortable, economical, stable. Many upgrades 2010 and 2011. $87,500. call 207-497-2701 or email info@jonesportshipyard.com 40’ Hatteras Double Cabin 1987. Voyager is a very clean and well mainatined Hatteras 40 Motoryacht. Re-powered in 1999 with twin Yanmar 315hp diesels and a diesel genset. Solar panels, recent electronics, fuel system upgrades and numerous other upgrades make Voyager a desirable vessel in a classic Hatteras. $179,000. 207-371-2899. www.robinhoodmarinecenter.com perry@robinhoodmarinecenter.com

40’ Grand Banks Eastbay FB Sedan, 1997. Twin Cat 3208 375 hp engines; 5KW Genset; Reverse Cycle AC & Heat; Bow Thruster; Autopilot; Two New Raymarine E120 Chartplotter/Radars, New Canvas, Seating, Upholstery, & Propane Stove. Mint Condition. $295,000 Yarmouth, ME 207-4156973 www.curtisyachtbrokerage.com 40’ Little Harbor Express, 1993 Hunt/Hood twin 300 Cummins, Cruises at 25/tops out at 33. Smooth, fast & economical on


fuel. Great electronics including Autohelm, Heart Inverter/Charger, Espar heater & A/C. Custom features include master centerline queen berth, all leather (w/custom cushion covers) dining area settee, corian galley, Alpine stereo/CD; dual helm seats. Beautiful teak & holly interior. All storage & closet doors have caning on doors for breathing & are lined with cedar. This boat has been maintained in immaculate condition and is in top working order, inside & out. Call Al Strout at Finestkind Boatyard, 207-8336885. www.fkby.com sales@fkby.com

Call for details 207-667-4822 or see at our website www.wesmac.com Teri@wesmac.com

42’ Duffy, 2006 Designed and built for all-out sport fishing, LADY DIANA is the perfect fishing machine. Fuel capacity, cruising speed, navigational and fish-finding equipment, and five helm control stations. Seaworthy, safe, all the creature comforts. Professionally captained and maintained since new. $595,000. Located in Maine. 207359-4658. www.atlanticboat.com brokerage@atlanticboat.com

42’ Wesmac Custom Cruiser 800hp Cat, Freedom lift, many extras. Have to see at Wesmac shop in Surry, Maine. Asking $690,000. Call for details 207-667-4822 or see on web www.wesmac.com Teri@wesmac.com

42’ Wesmac Custom Cruiser Twin Yanmar 420hp, twin Hamilton jets, bow thruster, lots of extras. Must see at Wesmac shop in Surry, Maine. Asking $460,000. Call for details 207-667-4822 or visit our website www.wesmac.com Teri@wesmac.com

42’ Duffy, 1987 The ‘work horse’ of commercial fishermen, sport fishermen, and yachters alike. Chartplotter/radar, depth sounder, compass, autopilot, VHF. Air conditioner, generator, bow thruster, dinghy and davit system. $349,000. Located in Maine. 207-359-4658. www.atlanticboat.com brokerage@atlanticboat.com

47’ Maine Cat, 2009 Maine Cat P-47, hull#2, launched June ‘09. Twin 180 Yanmar, liveaboard equipped, low fuel burn, 3’ draft, located in Maine. $110k below list. 1-888-832-2287. www.mecat.com info@mecat.com

50’ Wesmac Twin Cummins QSM-11 580hp, twin Hamilton jets, lots of extras. Have to see at Wesmac shop in Surry, Maine. Asking $950,000. Call 207-667-4822 or check at website www.wesmac.com Teri@wesmac.com

60’ Norwegian Freighter Forward hold – room for a farm yard of animals or loads of friends. $60,800. Call 207 8990909 www.boatinginmaine.com Seaway and Key West, New New Seaway & Key West Boats in Stock. Suzuki & Tohatsu Outboards From 2.5hp to 300hp. Contact Lake & Sea Boatworks,

Boat Building & Repair Dave Miliner 35 years in the Marine Industry

42’ Wesmac Flybridge Cruiser Custom finished. 800hp Cat, Onan genset, live aboard, lots of extras. Must see at Wesmac shop in Surry Maine. Asking $500,000.

43’ Albin Pleasure Trawler 1989. Twin Cummins diesel engines. Master cabin with private head and tub shower. Great cruising or live aboard boat. $79,000. Call John at York Harbor Marine Service, 207-363-3602. john@yorkharbormarine.com

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Rte. 236, Eliot Business Park Eliot, ME 03903 (207) 439-4230

CALL FOR A FREE ESTIMATE email: dmiliner@msn.com

Points East April 2012 101

Bar Harbor, Maine 207-288-8961. www.lakeandsea.com sales@lakeandsea.com


10 1/2’ & 12’ Skiffs Maine style and quality. Epoxy bonded plywood/oak, S/S screws. Easy rowing and towing, steady underfoot. Primer paint. $1,150 and $1,500. Maxwell’s Boat Shop. Rockland, Maine. 207-594-5492. jmax@midcoast.com Boat Rental Triumph Boats 17’ & 19’ Center Console available for half day, full day and extended rental. Guilford Boat Yards, View Details www.guilfordboat.com, Guilford, Connecticut 203-453-5031

Canvas Cleaning This year, have Gemini Canvas service your bimini or dodger. Professionally cleaned w/ water-repellent treatment. No dip-dunk tanks, only industry approved cleaners that work. We ship UPS, call us at 207-596-7705. www.geminicanvas.com peter@geminicanvas.com Delivery Captain Your power or sail boat delivered wherever you need it. Owners welcome on deliveries. Also available for instruction. Captain Tim. 603770-8378. dotgale38.googlepages.com tphsails@comcast.net Engine Building Class This is a Special 2 Day Seminar. You will completely assemble and test run a diesel engine. It will run Sat, 9-5 through Sun, 11-5. Call for dates and details. There will be a limit of 6 for this class. WWW.JWAYENT.NET JWAYENT@JWAYENT.NET

102 Points East April 2012

Winterization Diesel Seminar Includes instruction on oil system, electrical system, fuel systems, cooling systems, basic troubleshooting with discussion period and question & answer period. September 25, October 16. Price $175. www.jwayent.net jwayent@jwayent.net Offshore Passage Opportunities #1 Crew Networking Service. Further your horizons. Sail free. Since 1993. Call for brochure and membership application. 1-800-4-PASSAGe. Join online at www.sailopo.com Repower & Refit Considering repower or refit upgrades to your boat? Our two locations offer you in-house, factory trained technicians ready to address your upgrades to the highest standards. Stop by or give us a call, we’d be happy to talk about your options. Kittery Point Yacht Yard. 207-439-9582, Eliot yard 207-4393967. www.kpyy.net jglessner@kpyy.net. Fiberglass Repair Position Permanent, year-round position available for Fiberglass/Composite Structure Repair Technician. Yankee Marina is a full-service marina and boatyard. Please send resume with cover letter summarizing work experience to www.yankeemarina.com deborah@yankeemarina.com Slips & Moorings in N.H. Limited dockside slips and protected moorings available in pristine Great Bay, New Hampshire. Leave trailering behind and chase the big stripers more often. Reasonable rates. Great Bay Marine 603-436-5299 or email@greatbaymarine.com Rental Moorings Sail beautiful Penobscot Bay. Seasonal moorings in protected Rockland harbor with an expansive float and pier facility for dinghy tie-ups and provisioning. On-site parking. 207-594-1800. www.atlanticchallenge.com info@atlanticchallenge.com

Maine Chartering Consider chartering your boat(s) to help with those yard bills. Give us a call to talk about options. NPYC 207-557-1872 www.northpointyachtcharters.com info@northpointyachtcharters.com Inside Storage Eric Dow Boat Shop offers inside storage for lovely boats, reasonable rates, exceptional care. Call Eric to discuss your project needs. Brooklin, Maine 207-359-2277. www.dowboats.com Moorings Available Kittery Point Yacht Yard has moorings available for the 2012 summer season. Very well protected and just inside the mouth of the Piscataqua River. Don’t Wait - call now for information: 207-439-9582 or email jglessner@kpyy.net. Boat Storage Kittery Point Yacht Yard has two waterfront locations with plenty of off-season storage space available. Store with KPYY and our full service yard and factory trained technicians are available if you need us. Call to join our family of customers: 207-439-9582 or email jglessner@kpyy.net. Mast, Misc. Hardware Mast, Isomet 39’10 with boom and sails. Mast $695. 3 S/S keel bolts 1 1/4 by 38, 29 and 50, $175 for all 3 rods. 10lb Danforth 100’ 1/2 rode $30. Heavy chain 3 by .882 by 100’ about 1000lbs $350. Signal Flag set $80 and more 207-944-2530 ph3355@aol.com Moorings Available Boothbay Region Boatyard has seasonal moorings available, $950. We are located in well protected Ebenecook Harbor, with free launch service, parking, showers, laundry and a well stocked ship store. Email Amy or call us at 207-6336788. www.brby.com dockmaster@brby.com Mobile Repair Service Coastal Marine Care, specializing in fiberglass repair, carpet installation, dockside detailing, polish/wax, and marine upholstery services. Experi-

enced, efficient, and fully insured. Offering affordable rates. We come to you. 207-756-5244. www.coastalmarinecare.com Mercury, Yamaha Service Kennebunkport Marina has the only factory trained Mercury and Yamaha technicians located on the water in Kennebunkport to service all of your mechnical needs. www.kennebunkportmarina.com managerkport@roadrunner.com Docking Available Kennebunkport Marina has the newest docks on the river with all new power pedestals and water hook ups. Call today to reserve a slip 207-967-3411. www.kennebunkportmarina.com managerkport@roadrunner.com Power Boat Rental Kennebunkport Marina now offers a power boat rental program. Come pick out your boat and go fishing for the big one. Call 207967-3411. www.kennebunkportmarina.com managerkport@roadrunner.com Kennebunkport Boat Club Kennebunkport Marina is unveiling The Kennebunkport Boat Club. Call 967-3411 for details. Become a charter member of The Kennebunkport Boat Club. www.kennebunkportmarina.com managerkport@roadrunner.com Kennebunkport Marina Kennebunkport Marina is a full service marina with the staff to meet all of your boating needs. Limited transient slips available. Call 967-3411 for rates. www.kennebunkportmarina managerkport@roadrunner.com Boat Shop and Storage Falmouth Boat shop Co-op and indoor storage available short term and long term. Great Deal. Interior height is 18’. Outside storage available also. Work on your vessel 24/7 with ease and comfort. Power and water available. Please call 207-232-7042 or email bluewaterserv@Hotmail.com


power. References available. Capt Paul McDonough, 207-450-9343. pmcdono2@maine.rr.com

Maine Home with Barn For Sale 3 bedroom, in-law apartment, barn, 5 acres, 1/2 mile to beach, minutes to airport and Portland, 2 hours Boston. www.realtor.com/realestateandhomes-detail/96-SpurwinkRd_Scarborough_ME_04074_M45 803-21543?source=web nanettetanner@yahoo.com Seasonal Moorings Handy Boat as one of Maine’s premier boat yards, located in the heart of Casco Bay, has seasonal moorings available for up to 65’. Enjoy all our new restaurant and marine facilities have to offer. Call now for this great opportunity. 207781-5110 http://handyboat.com/ East Coast Deliveries Deliveries made along east coast by experienced Master 100 ton captain near coastal with sail or

Todd Helm Seats Two brand new Todd ladderback helm seats with mahogany slats and swivel pedestals. Retail $500. Asking $375 Each. 207-677-2024. info@pemaquidmarine.com Boat Transport Best rates, fully insured. Nationwide and ocean freight. Reliable service. Rob Lee, Maritime. 508758-9409. www.marinasandtransport.com Launch Operators Wanted The Portsmouth Yacht Club is looking for qualified dock hands for the 2012 season. Duties would include the operation of our two launches which shuttle our members and

visiting yachtsmen to and from their vessels. A general knowledge of all things nautical would be required. Other duties include the refueling of boats, help maintain a clean clubhouse and assist and support the Steward in all social functions. Send your resume and boating history to Jerry at http://www.facebook.com/pages/P ortsmouth-YachtClub/122634691082096 Steward@PortsmouthYC.org

acres, gravel beach on Cobscook Bay. 3 bed 2 bath renovated 1839 farmhouse, large 3 level barn, outbuildings. Pembroke, Maine, close to Eastport, Lubec, Machias, Calais, Campobello and Canada. $279,000. www.oldsmithfarm.net peter@oldsmithfarm.net boattransport@comcast.net

Captain For Hire Master 1600T/Master towing. Semi-retired full-time professional mariner will do motor vessel deliveries, on-board training, oversee projects. Captain Bill Madison, 401527-7913. capt_bill@cox.net capt_bill@cox.net

Flea Market Maine Maritime Academy. Located in Bldg #11 all three days of Maine Boatbuilders Show. Don’t miss this fund raiser for Maine Maritime Academy student scholarships. Halyards, heads, fittings of all types, Lister engine, winch, nautical books, paintings, rubber dinghys, co2 bottles, and more items than ever before. Flea Market is run by the Casco Bay Chapter of Alumni Association. Donate contact Dave Fenderson 207-781-4040. davidoilman@yahoo.com

Maine Coast Waterfront Home For sale. 400 feet deep tidal waterfront with town moorings, 2.5

CHARTER & RENTAL Call now for availability! “We’re on the job, so you can be on the water.”

Charter Maine!

Spend the day, or a few hours

Bareboat • Crewed • Power • Sail Trawlers • DownEast Cruisers

Yacht North Charters 182 Christopher Rd, Suite 1, North Yarmouth, ME 04097-6733 207-221-5285 • info@yachtnorth.com • www.yachtnorth.com


100 essex street mystic 860.536.6588 www.mysticshipyard.com

Women Under Sail

Live Aboard Sailing Instructions - Casco Bay, Maine For Women ~By Women, Aboard 44’ Avatrice

“ If you can learn to sail in Maine, you can sail anywhere.”

e-mail: sailing@gwi.net

HINCKLEY YACHT CHARTERS Southwest Harbor, Maine 1-800-HYC-SAIL • (207) 244-5008 charters@hinckleyyachts.com




Charter Phoenix 40’ C&C Maine & Caribbean Boat is well equipped with in-boom furling main and electric furling jib.

Contact Jan at Bayview Rigging & Sails Inc.

207-846-8877 Points East April 2012 103

SEASONAL SLIPS & MOORINGS AVAILABILITY Call these marinas to reserve your Spot for the 2012 Season! MARINA listed geographically







Brewer Yacht Haven Marina Brewer Stratford Marina Brewer Bruce & Johnson's Marina Brewer Pilots Point Marina Brewer Dauntless Shipyard Brewer Ferry Point Marina Brewer Deep River Marina Yankee Boat Yard & Marina, Inc. Brewer Yacht Yard at Mystic Mystic Shipyard

Stamford Stratford Branford Westbrook Essex Old Saybrook Deep River Portland Mystic Mystic

203-359-4500 203-377-4477 203-488-8329 860-399-7906 860-767-0001 860-388-3260 860-526-5560 860-342-4735 860-536-2293 860-536-6588

www.byy.com/Stamford www.byy.com/Stratford www.byy.com/Branford www.byy.com/Westbrook www.byy.com/Essex www.byy.com/oldsaybrook www.byy.com/deepriver www.yankeeboatyard.com www.byy.com/Mystic www.mysticshipyard.com

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

120’ 90’ 60’ 100’ 60’ 60’ 50’ 45’ 65’ 65’

__ __

__ __



Yes __

50’ __

Yes Yes __ __

50’ 36’ __ __

Wickford Warwick Warwick Barrington Portsmouth Portsmouth

401-884-7014 401-884-0544 401-884-1810 401-246-1600 401-683-3551 401-683-4000

www.byy.com/Wickford www.byy.com/Warwick www.byy.com/Warwick www.byy.com/Barrington www.byy.com/Portsmouth www.NEBoatworks.com

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

100’ 50’ 125’ 60’ 40’ 70’



Yes __ __ __ __

40’ __ __ __ __

New Bedford Mattapoisett Bourne Cataumet Orleans Osterville North Falmouth Marion Plymouth Salem Salem Gloucester Gloucester Newburyport

508-997-7390 508-758-3812 508-563-7136 508-563-9366 508-255-0777 877-491-9759 508-564-6327 508-748-0541 508-746-4500 978-740-9890 978-744-2727 978-281-1935 978-283-3293 978-465-3022

www.niemiecmarine.com www.mattapoisettboatyard.com www.kingmanyachtcenter.com www.parkersboatyard.com www.nausetmarine.com www.crosbyyacht.com www.byy.com www.burrbros.com www.byy.com/plymouth www.byy.com/salem www.pickeringwharf.com www.enosmarine.com www.capeannmarina.com www.merri-maryachtbasin.com

Yes Yes Yes __

120’ __

70’ __

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

42’ 100’ 65’ 65’ 150’ 65’ 65’ 65’ 110’ __

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes __ Yes __ Yes __

65’ __ __ __

Yes __

40’ __



Newington Hampton

603-436-5299 603-929-1422

www.greatbaymarine.com Yes 50’ www.hamptonrivermarina.com Yes __

Yes Yes

50’ __

Kittery Saco South Portland Portland

207-439-9582 207-283-3727 207-799-8191 207-774-1067

www.kpyy.net www.marstonsmarina.com www.southportmarine.com www.portlandyacht.com

Yes 42’

Yes Yes __

70’ 45’ __




Brewer Wickford Cove Marina Brewer Yacht Yard at Cowesett Brewer Greenwich Bay Marina Brewer Cove Haven Marina Brewer Sakonnet New England Boatworks



Niemiec Marine Mattapoisett Kingman Yacht Center Parker’s Boat Yard Nauset Marine Crosby Yacht Yard Brewer Fiddler's Cove Marina Burr Brothers Boats Brewer Plymouth Marine Brewer Hawthorne Cove Marina Pickering Wharf Marina Enos Cape Ann Marina and Resort Merri-Mar Yacht Basin

60’ __

60’ 50’ 42’ 40’ __


Great Bay Marine Hampton River Marina MAINE

Kittery Point Yacht Yard Marston’s Marina South Port Marine Portland Yacht Services

104 Points East April 2012

Yes 25’ Yes 150' Yes 200’


Points East Crew Match Below is a partial listing of crew match entries from the Points East website. For the full list of entries, see www.pointseast.com

NEED CREW Arrowhead I have a 38 ft. Alden cutter explorer,looking men or women who enjoy sailing,in and around Casco Bay. Telephone: 6034265766 Email: arrowhead5e@gmail.com Pen-Bay cruising/racing F82A trimaran, moored in Belfast. Seeking crew for daysails and some racing. No experience needed if you are willing to learn. Also looking for crew for 2012 Monhegan Race. Jim 207-487-3762 Telephone: 207487-3762 Email: jrlove@gwi.net

MARINA listed geographically

Great Opportunity Couple in their mid 60s looking for a young male or female (1821) with or without experience to summer cruise with them. Help with sailing, docking and light maintenance. This could include some fee but the experience as well as the food will be free. Emphasis should be placed on opportunity not fee. Starting in early June and going to? Will cruise New England during the summer, possibly go to N.S. and then head South after the hurricaine season. Boat is a 42’ Crealock fully equipped with latest sailing and safety gear. Tele-



phone: 845 454 4524 Email: peterolympia@aol.com

keep and enjoy the boat with me or on your own. Maria 617-7847522. Telephone: 617-784-7522 Email: mariavandusen@gmail.com

Day sailing Day sails, cruising out of York Harbor, Maine. Tight float, need help to motor out. Email: abigail4250@myfairpoint.net

Apprentice/Interns Needed Ocean Classroom Foundation needs Apprentices/Interns for Spring Voyage from Caribbean to Atlantic. Contact agraham@oceanclassroom.org visit www.oceanclassroom.org

Share my cruising boat Looking for someone wanting to share expenses and sailing with me on my 35’ cruising boat. I spend July and August and September sailing Penobscot Bay and east and west. I am looking for a compatible experienced crew who can contribute to up-


WANT TO CREW 25- and 28-year-old amateurs We are a husband and wife team. Both train in competition



Maine Yacht Center Handy Boat Yarmouth Boat Yard Yankee Marina & Boatyard Brewer South Freeport Dolphin Marina Great Island Boat Yard Robinhood Marine Center Boothbay Region Boatyard Carousel Marina Ocean Point Marina Port Clyde General Store Landings Marina Journeys End Apprenticeshop Ocean Pursuits Wayfarer Marine Front Street Shipyard Winterport Marine Bucksport Marina Hamlin’s Marina Atlantic Boat John Williams Boat Company Morris Service

Portland Falmouth Yarmouth Yarmouth South Freeport Harpswell Harpswell Georgetown Boothbay Harbor Boothbay Harbor East Boothbay Port Clyde Rockland Rockland Rockland Rockland Camden Belfast Winterport Bucksport Hampden Brooklin Mount Desert North East Harbor

207-842-9000 207-781-5110 207-846-9050 207-846-4326 207-865-3181 207-833-5343 207-729-1639 207-371-2525 207-633-2970 207-633-2922 207-633-0773 207-372-6543 207-596-6573 207-594-4444 207-283-3727 207-596-7357 207-236-4378 207-930-3740 207-223-8885 207-469-5902 207-941-8619 207-359-4658 207-244-5600 207-276-5300

www.maineyacht.com www.handyboat.com www.yarmouthboatyard.com www.yankeemarina.com www.byy.com/South Freeport www.dolphinmarinaandrestaurant.com

www.greatislandboatyard.com www.robinhoodmarinecenter.com

www.brby.com www.carouselmarina.com www.oceanpointmarina.com www.LindaBeansPerfectMaine.com www.rocklandlandingsmarina.com http://oharacorporation.com/marina.html

www.apprenticeshop.org www.oceanpursuits.com www.wayfarermarine.com www.frontstreetshipyard.com www.winterportmarine.com www.portharbormarine.com www.hamlinsmarina.com www.atlanticboat.com www.jwboatco.com www.morrisyachts.com



Yes 35'/46' __ __ __ Yes Yes 45’ Yes __ Yes 65' Yes 55’ Yes Yes 65' Yes Yes 70' Yes Yes 65' Yes Yes 25'/50' Yes Yes 75' Yes Yes 140’ Yes __ __ Yes Yes 54' Yes Yes 45' Yes __ __ Yes __ __ Yes __ __ __ Yes Yes Yes Yes __ __

95’ 50’ 40' 38' __ __

Yes 80’

__ 65’ 40’ __ 42' 65' 70’ 65' 50’ 45’ 50’ 50' 60' 45’ 30' 70' __

Yes Yes __

160’ 50’ __

Yes Yes Yes __

40' 50' 60' __

Full Marina Listings in June-Sept. issues and online www.pointseast.com www.pointseast.com

Points East April 2012 105

sports and are hoping to get connected with people looking for a crew. We are non-smokers, fast learners and have an open schedule for sailing. Located in the great state of Maine Telephone: (207)350-0324 Email: daniel_meuse@yahoo.com Want to sail Former wrestler, boxer, rugby player, Air Force enlisted weapons, and Air Force officer with a master degree in accounting seeks crew opportunity. Sold 36’ C&C to live in Manchester, NH and want to sail. My job affords me vacation time for deliveries or round the buoys. I live in Manchester NH but willing to travel for conquest. Email: cmrichards13@comcast.net

Experienced cruiser Alan wants to crew for sail cruising on the coast of Maine or to NS & NB summer 2012. Owned 30’ twin keel sloop for 38 years, gave it to my nephew. Now crew for 2-3 weeks when available. Have sailed to Halifax and all of Maine, know most harbors and anchorages. Have crewed 6-8 times, 2 deliveries New England to/from south but prefer Maine and east. Telephone: 207 563 6557 Email: pooley@tidewater.net Professional couple Licensed, drug tested, professional sailors with references. We are a husband and wife team each with a USCG Master 100 ton inland license, USCG Mate

100 ton near coastal license both with sail and towing endorsements. We also have our STCW 95 BST, Basic and Advanced Fire Fighting and Radar Observer Unlimited certificates. We are United States citizens and have USA passports. We both have more then 800 days sea time and I have over 30,000 ocean miles. Monica and I started our sailing careers on tall ships. All of Monica’s sailing experience is on tall ships. For the past 2 summers I have been working on getting the offshore sea time I needed to upgrade my License to “Near Coastal Master”. Resumes for both of us can be found on our website, www.charlescook.com. References available.

Planning for July 2012 Members of a Saint John NB J35 crew are interested in coming to Maine for two weekend regattas in July 2012 for practice and social to fill our quiet July. Available as a crew or parts of, we will cover our own expenses, but appreciate any assistance with crew matches for the group or local accommodations. Telephone: (506)640-2700 Email: davidjeadie@hotmail.com For more entries, or to post your own FREE crew match advertisement, go to the Crew Match section of www.pointseast.com

Advertiser index Allied Boat Works Atlantic Boat Company Bayview Rigging & Sails Beta Marine Boat U.S. Boatwise Bohndell Sails Boothbay Region Boatyard Boothbay Region Chamber of Commerce Borealis Press Bowden Marine Service Brewer Plymouth Marine Brewer Yacht Yards Brion Rieff Boat Builder Brooklin Inn Burr Brothers Boats Capt. Jay Michaud Marine Surveys Capt. Norm Leblanc Carousel Marina Casey Yacht Enterprises Cay Electronics Charter Phoenix Chase, Leavitt & Co. Chebeague Island Boat Yard Coastal Marine Care CPT Autopilot Crocker's Boatyard Curtis Yacht Brokerage Custom Float Services Dark Harbor Boat Yard Deck Guard Duchak Maritime Services East Coast Yacht Sales Easy Bailer Enos Marine Farrin’s Boatshop Fatty Knees Boat Co. LLC Fred J. Dion Yacht Yard Front Street Shipyard Gamage Shipyard Gannon and Benjamin, Inc. Gemini Marine Canvas Gray & Gray, Inc. Great Bay Marine Grundy Insurance Gulf of Maine Yacht Sales Hallett Canvas & Sails

106 Points East April 2012

36 43 24 14 15 63 69 11, 79, 108 79 94 28 11, 108 107 41 34 11, 108 98 99 19 96 18 103 78 28 94 98 11, 108 96 29 69 62 95, 99 78 62 71 40 26 11, 26, 108 35 100 14 76 92 11, 51, 108 43 93 59

Hamilton Marine Hamlin's Marina Handy Boat Service Hansen Marine Engineering Hinckley Yacht Charters Islesboro Marine Enterprises J-Way Enterprises J.R. Overseas Jackson’s Hardware & Marina John Williams Boat Company Jonesport Shipyard Journey’s End Marina Kennebunkport Marina Kent Thurston Marine Surveyor Kingman Yacht Center Kittery Point Yacht Yard Landfall Navigation Landing Boat Supply Lobster Run MacDougalls Cape Cod Marine Maine Sailing Partners Maine Yacht Center Marblehead Trading Company Marine Engines Marston’s Marina Mattapoisett Boatyard, Inc. Merri-Mar Yacht Basin Miliner Marine Services Mobile Marine Canvas Moose Island Marine Mystic Shipyard Mystic Shipyard Kayak Rentals Nature’s Head Nautilus Marine Fabrication Navtronics New England Boatworks New England Burials at Sea Niemiec Marine Noank Village Boatyard North East Rigging Systems North Sails Direct Northeast Boat Hauling Oak Hill Financial Ocean Point Marina Ocean Pursuits Padebco Custom Yachts Parker Ridge Residential Community

2 11,21 42, 108 32, 99, 108 74, 103 14 11, 108 98 34 22,92 22 11,69 48 95 11, 16, 18, 108 9, 11, 108 23 71 54 11, 16 45 47 18, 108 78 96 67, 108 11, 108 101 61 11, 71 49, 108 103 97 21 16, 18, 71 11, 33, 108 95 11, 108 14 18 32 86 77 92 69 44 37

51 Parker’s Boat Yard, Inc. Pickering Wharf Marina 40 Pierce Yacht Co. 66 Plastic Supply Inc. of Maine 67 Points East Crew Match 55 Pope Sails 46 68 Port Clyde General Store Portand Yacht Services 53 Portland Head/Wawenock Sail & Power Squads 46 Portland Yacht Services 108 Progressive Expoxy Polymers 100 Robinhood Marine Center 3, 11, 18, 93, 108 Rolls Battery of New England 25 Royal River Boatyard 24 Rumery’s Boat Yard 11, 50 Sail, Power & Steam Museum 58 SailMaine 48 Sailmaking Support Systems 40 Sawyer & Whitten 16, 18 Scandia Yacht Sales 93 Sea Clear Watermakers 74 Seal Cove Boatyard 11, 27 SK Marine Electronics 71 South Port Marine 11, 63, 71 South Port Marine Yacht Connection 93 Stroudwater Boatworks 78 The Apprenticeshop 68 Theriault Marine Consulting 97 Triple 8 Rum 87 URLs 88, 89 Waterline Services 97 Wayfarer Marine 11, 16, 82 Webhannett River Boat Yard 8 Wesmac 92 West Marine 13 Whiting Marine 14, 108 Wilbur Yachts 86 Winter Island Yacht Yard 11, 34 Winterport Marine 36 Withum Sailmakers 62 Women Under Sail 65, 103 Wooden Boat Show 73 Yacht North Charters 36, 103 Yankee Marina & Boatyard 11, 108 Yanmar 10 Yarmouth Boatyard 18, 21 York Harbor Marine Service 73


MEMBERSHIP means savings & value Brewer Yacht Yards’ Preferred Member card can save you $250 - $1000 per year! Reserve a slip for the 2012 summer season ... and enjoy all of Brewer’s amenities and benefits. Exclusively available to Brewer slip customers, our Brewer Preferred Member program offers free nights of dockage at other Brewer yards, discounts on gas and diesel at Brewer fuel docks (up to 40¢ per gallon), access to our 24 hour help line, and many other discounts & incentives.

It’s not too late... reserve your slip today!

New York Greenport Stirling Harbor Glen Cove Port Washington Mamaroneck

(631) 477-9594 (631) 477-0828 (516) 671-5563 (516) 883-7800 (914) 698-0295

Connecticut Stamford Stratford Branford Westbrook Old Saybrook Essex Deep River Mystic

(203) 359-4500 (203) 377-4477 (203) 488-8329 (860) 399-7906 (860) 388-3260 (860) 767-0001 (860) 526-5560 (860) 536-2293

Rhode Island Wickford Warwick Greenwich Bay Barrington Portsmouth

(401) 884-7014 (401) 884-0544 (401) 884-1810 (401) 246-1600 (401) 683-3551

Massachusetts N. Falmouth Plymouth Salem

(508) 564-6327 (508) 746-4500 (978) 740-9890

Maine South Freeport

(207) 865-3181


Westerbeke™ and their dealers let you cruise coastal New England with confidence. & Engines & Generators

Marine Propulsion Engines



MAINE Boothbay Region Boatyard

W. Southport, ME 207-633-2970 www.brby.com

Handy Boat Service Falmouth, ME 207-781-5110 www.handyboat.com

Kittery Point Yacht Yard Kittery, ME 207-439-9582 www.kpyy.net

Portland Yacht Services Portland, ME 207-774-1067 www.portlandyacht.com

Universal Diesel Engines

QUIET Westerbeke Digital D-NetTM Diesel Generators

Robinhood Marine Center

Kingman Yacht Center

Merri-Mar Yacht Basin

Yankee Marina & Boatyard

Newburyport, MA 978-465-3022 www.merri-maryachtbasin.com

Yarmouth, ME 207-846-4326 www.yankeemarina.com

Niemiec Marine

NEW HAMPSHIRE Great Bay Marine

New Bedford, MA 508-997-7390 www.niemiecmarine.com

Newington, NH 603-436-5299 www.greatbaymarine.com

RHODE ISLAND Westerbeke 65B-Four

MASSACHUSETTS Brewer Plymouth Marine

New England Boatworks, Portsmouth RI 401-683-4000 www.neboatworks.com

Plymouth, MA 508-746-4500 www.byy.com/plymouth

CONNECTICUT Yankee Boat Yard & Marina

Burr Brothers Boats

108 Points East April 2012

J-Way Enterprises Scituate, MA 781-544-0333 www.jwayent.net

MA 508-758-3812 www.mattapoisettboatyard.com

South Berwick, ME 207-384-2400 whitingmarine@yahoo.com

Manchester, MA 978-526-1971 www.crockersboatyard.com

Fred J. Dion Yacht Yard Salem, MA 978-744-0844 www.fjdion.com

Mattapoisett Boatyard

Whiting Marine Services

Crocker’s Boat Yard

Marblehead, MA 781-639-0029 www.marbleheadtrading.com

Cataumet, MA 508-563-7136 www.kingmanyachtcenter.com

Georgetown, ME 800-443-3625 www.robinhoodmarinecenter.com

Marion, MA 508-748-0541 www.burrbros.com

Forepeak/Marblehead Trading Co.

Spare Parts Kits That Float!

Hansen Marine Engineering, Inc Marblehead, MA 781-631-3282 www.hansenmarine.com

Portland, CT 860-342-4735 www.yankeeboatyard.com

Mystic Shipyard Mystic, CT 860-536-6588 www.mysticshipyard.com


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