Points East Magazine, May, 2014

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May, 2014


The Boating Magazine for Coastal New England

The Canal turns

100 • Canal history • First boat through • Tides and currents





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Points East May 2014




The Boating Magazine for Coastal New England Volume 17 Number 2 May 2014 F E AT U R E S




Cape Cod Canal is 100!

Lobsterman identified, Letters.


The Cape Cod Canal – New England’s shortcut to Maine and the Maritimes, and to southern climes -- is celebrating its centennial this year, and what a story these deep, dark, roiling waters should be able to tell. By Bill Hezlep

Shakedown for Selkie Engine concerns scuttled a passage to the Caribbean, and the Alden 45’s owner chose to use the downtime for a systems refit. Before heading offshore again, sea trials were in order. By Ken Packie

Round Island Regatta, Racing Pages.


Maine Cat 38, Yardwork.


Castles by the sea, Last Word.


The days of our moorings Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our moorings, with insincere apologies to the venerable soap called “The Days of Our Lives,” for we, too, have had to endure our own little dramas. By Capt. Bob Brown LAST WORD


New England’s castles by the sea During the 1900s, a romantic interest in the Middle Ages and chivalry brought about an interest in Gothic Revival architecture, and the “mock” castle became its manifestation. By Marilyn P. Brigham


Points East May 2014




David Roper

Rafting up with Carl Jung The seminal question I would ask him? David Stanwood

Romancing the third reef The day I tried the new reef points. Jeff Bolster

Sheep Skull Island The treasure of the summer. D E PA R T M E N T S Letters..........................................6 That “life-lesson” lobsterman; Letter from Capt. Jim Sharp; Let’s save Clapboard forever.

Yardwork ...................................66 The new Maine Cat 38; Updated True North 38; Southport’s 33-foot center-console.

Mystery Harbor...........................10 Can you say Cape Cod Shipbuilding? New Mystery Harbor on page 95.

Final passages ............................73 William F. Iliffe, Sr.; Niels C. Helleberg; Donald Ashton, Gordon H. Swift; Russell G. Lindstrom, Sr.; Steve Black; David J. Smith.

News..........................................20 91-year-old lighthouse veteran; Busy summer for Tall Ship Perry; New powerboat training center. The Racing Pages ........................56 N.H.’s Round Island Regatta; Ida Lewis Race set for its 10th; Competing in the MS Regatta. Fetching along ............................64 Aid and comfort in Little River.

Calendar.....................................76 Boat shows, seminars, lectures, regattas. Fishing reports............................78 Western Long Island Sound: Schoolies, blues, fluke; Rhode Island: Schoolies, cod, scup, squid. Distribution............................86-89 McMichael Yacht Brokers is this month’s featured “Hats Off” Points East distribution point. Tides......................................90-91



Marine goods and services Need a quick guide to goods and services for your boat? Check out the Points East Marine Directory at www.pointseast.com SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTIONS

Beta dealers .............................30

Raymarine dealers ....................77

Furuno dealers ..........................31

Tackle Box.................................79

Yanmar dealers ....................32-33

Boating URLs ........................92-93

Cummins dealers .......................63

On the cover: An aerial view of the Cape Cod Canal. Photo courtesy Cape Cod Centennial Committee 4

Points East May 2014



The Boating Magazine for Coastal New England Volume 17, Number 2 Publisher Joseph Burke Editor Nim Marsh Associate Editor Bob Muggleston Marketing director Bernard Wideman Ad representatives Lynn Emerson Whitney Gerry Thompson, David Stewart Ad design Holly St. Onge Art Director Custom Communications/John Gold Contributors David Roper, David Buckman, Randy Randall, Mike Martel, William R. Cheney, Bob Brown, Norman Martin Delivery team Christopher Morse, Victoria Boucher, Peter Kiene-Gualtieri, Jeff Redston Points East, a magazine by and for boaters on the coast of New England, is owned by Points East Publishing, Inc, with offices in Portsmouth, N.H. The magazine is published nine times annually. It is available free for the taking. More than 25,000 copies of each issue are distributed through more than 700 outlets from Greenwich, Conn., to Eastport, Maine. The magazine is available at marinas, yacht clubs, chandleries, boatyards, bookstores and maritime museums. If you have difficulty locating a distribution site, call the office for the name of the distributor closest to you. The magazine is also available by subscription, $26 for nine issues by first-class mail. Single issues and back issues (when available) cost $5, which includes firstclass postage. All materials in the magazine are copyrighted and use of these materials is prohibited except with written permission. The magazine welcomes advice, critiques, letters to the editor, ideas for stories, and photos of boating activities in New England coastal waters. A stamped, self-addressed envelope should accompany any materials that are expected to be returned.

Mailing Address P.O. Box 1077 Portsmouth, N.H. 03802-1077 Address 249 Bay Road Newmarket, N.H. 03857 Telephone 603-766-EAST (3278) Toll free 888-778-5790 Fax 603-766-3280 Email editor@pointseast.com On the web at www.pointseast.com



Thank you CCA or the past two years I have received a copy of island – then inhabited only by a pair of ornithologists “Voyages: Chronicles of the Cruising Club of researching Cory’s shearwaters and Bulwer’s petrels. America” from the CCA’s commodore, Dan Dyer. Upon our return, we were greeted by an unexpected The 2014 edition – 224 pages and perfect-bound, with and elegant crabmeat-salad luncheon, on Spode china, 29 feature articles – is a stunning publication, with set up in the cockpit, with a sweating bottle of what exquisite photos, sophisticated design, pleasing type- the skipper always called vino collapso. Unforgettable. faces, route maps – and texts that are the stuff of After lunch, we continued on toward Las Palmas, dreams. Gran Canaria, 100 miles to the south. As we apBut maybe this is just me. From the time I spotted proached Tenerife, the captain’s wife, impishly setting the 1966 edition of the CCA’s “Cruising Guide to the me up, pointed to what she wished me to perceive as a Nova Scotia Coast” at the old Lauriat’s book store in small, high cloud to the west. I did – and it was no Boston – long before I’d ever thought seriously of chas- cloud: I was shocked to learn that, at 28 degrees north, ing down horizons – I was thrilled by the revelations it was the snow-covered summit of 12,198-foot Mount of the CCA’s explorers and adventurers. Teide, the highest point in Spain and the highest point Explorers, adventurers: This in the Atlantic islands. We aris how I viewed the Nova Scotia rived in Las Palmas Harbor to guide’s contributors, whose the strains of “Midnight in pithy, barebones, logbook-style Moscow,” from a Russian cruise reports told of hidden anchorship. In terms of surprises, this ages, unheralded harbors of ocean cruise was the gift that refuge, vital holding-ground kept on giving. When I think of skinny, and useful ranges with the Cruising Club, this is the which to steer clear of shoals. kind of imagery evoked. This year’s “Voyages,” edited Other red-letter CCA-boat by Doug and Dale Bruce, runs moments come to mind: A the gamut of cruising enterwordless exchange with a fishprises – from a circumnavigaerman – two bottles of scotch tion of the world, to a “doubling” for a burlap bag of clams – in of Cape Horn, to a winter locked the backwaters of Nova Scotia’s Nim Marsh photo in the Greenland ice, to a 70Eastern Shore; acres of dolmile sail in company from Key CCA’s “Voyages” is a grand dream-book. phins on a flat sea in a gentle West to the Dry Tortugas in 15summer rain as we crossed foot cockleshells. It was this diversity of experiences, Chedabucto Bay, bound for the Bras d’Or; the whiteunder both power and sail, that led me to ponder the tailed sea eagle, with its seven- to eight-foot wingspan, range of gifts I have received over the years from the soaring over the wild Aland Islands, at the mouth of CCA – rich dreams unfulfilled, but rich nonetheless, the Gulf of Bothnia; a dinner of reindeer steaks with and dreams realized, with all the satisfaction, sur- the crew at the Nyland Yacht Club in Helsinki; drifting prise, imagery, wonder and memories that such attain- in the middle of the Bay of Fundy, surrounded by feedments entail. ing whales, while the skipper repaired the alternator; In the late 1980s, by the good graces of a CCA mem- a coffee-bean dispenser gone mad while provisioning ber, I found myself departing Cadiz, Spain, bound for in a Halifax supermarket, with hundreds of the arothe Canary Islands by way of Madeira. Unexpectedly, matic marbles covering the floor, on which two of the the satellite navigation was shut down, ostensibly for crew rolled with near-terminal laughter; North At“maintenance.” Two CCA members dusted off their lantic night watches when skippers and crews quietly sextants and scored a perfect landfall on Porto Santo, bared their souls in thoughtful discussion. the northern- and easternmost island in the So, from this inveterate dreamer, thank you CCA. archipelago. Holy cow! Thank you for dreams generated, dreams realized, and From Madeira, we headed south toward the Ca- for keeping the spirit of explorations and adventures naries by way of the seldom-visited Ilhas Selvagens – both large and small – alive. And, from a personal (“wild islands”), and anchored at Salvagem Grande for standpoint, for the seamanship and generosity of your lunch. A crewmember and I went ashore to explore the mariners.



Points East May 2014


Letters Bounty tale was moving, heroic I just finished reading the March/April edition of Points East. Michael Tougias’ story, “Rescue of the Bounty,” was great. I was very moved to hear of the heroic efforts of C-130 Hercules crew, the Jayhawk crews, the rescue swimmers, and the crewmembers of Bounty. This was an unbelievable effort by all, considering those seas and that storm. Capt. Bob Brown Hampton, N.H

A letter from Capt. Jim Sharp

Photos by Marty Roth

The lobsterman was my father I am writing to Russ Roth, author of the April Guest Perspective “Life Lessons on a Lobsterboat.” You see, I think this story is about my dad, William Iliffe, who sadly passed away in February. I would love to have a copy of the picture the young man took of my dad’s boat, the Alice-Gayle. I am his daughter, and that boat is named after me. I would love to send an article to the young man in college, about my dad working at Pratt & Whitney when he was a chemist, making fuel cells for the Apollo space rocket. Alice-Gayle St. George, Maine From Russ Roth: Dear Alice, I am so sorry for your loss (see Final Passages, page 73). Yes, the lobsterman we met was definitely your dad. Your reference to Pratt & Whitney sparked my memory. As I was writing this article, I wondered if the lobsterman might read it and respond. Our nephew Reid (eating his first crab, above) and his family now live in Florida. Reid is in his first year at Central Florida. I hope that this article gives you one more way to remember your father. His kindness made a lasting impression with us. I’m happy to be able to now put a name with the story. Here are two photos we want to share: One is the Alice-Gayle at her mooring, and the other is Reid eating his very first steamed crab. 6

Points East May 2014

Most sincere thanks to Nina Scott for the nice article (Last Word, “The Life and Times of Capt. Jim Sharp,” March/April) in your fine magazine. The article is very complimentary for sure. I’m not quite so sure that I deserved so much praise, but it sure helped inflate my ego. Our volunteers are the ones who really deserve the accolades. I think we may have a launching [of the Friendship sloop PerPhoto by Nina M. Scott sistence] this summer, and I hope you can cover it. We do appreciate the opportunity to feature the Sail, Power & Steam Museum. Every bit of publicity is very helpful. Hope you can come again soon, Nina. Capt. Jim Sharp Sail, Power & Steam Museum Rockland, Maine

Save Clapboard Island forever The effort to acquire 17 acres of Clapboard Island in Casco Bay and open them to thoughtful public access acquired a boost on March 20. Anonymous donors put up a $100,000 matching grant, to be matched or lost by May 15. Clapboard Island is less than a mile from the Falmouth, Maine, anchorage. It is notable for its wildereditor@pointseast.com

Vinalhaven loses a local celebrity

Photo by Ann-e Blanchard

Anonymous donors gave a $100,000 matching grant to Friends of Clapboard Island, to be matched or lost by May 15.

ness atmosphere: a mature succession forest, with no public dock, roads or cars. Its coves are accessible to cruisers by dinghy or kayak. Friends of Clapboard Island, the local Falmouth Land Trust, and the venerable Maine Coast Heritage Trust, have committed to raising $1.6 million by Aug. 15 to acquire the island. The Town of Falmouth appropriated $200,000 in February. The new challenge grant will double every gift between now and May 15. To contribute, contact the Maine Coast Heritage Trust, 1 Bowdoin Mill Island, Suite 201, Topsham ME 04086. Let’s preserve Clapboard forever. Susan Gilpin Falmouth, Maine



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Abigail Burgess Gasperini, a beloved wirehaired fox terrier of extraordinary character, was laid to rest quietly at home on Jan. 20, at the age of 82. Born New Year’s Eve 1997, she, at four weeks old, literally chose Pete Gasperini to be her pack leader, and accepted Carla Harris as a pack member. Abbie was wellknown beyond the borders of Vinalhaven. In 2003 she was the poster dog for the “Maine Boats, Homes & Harbors” magazine’s first Boatyard Dog Contest. She was featured Abbie. on magazine-produced t-shirts, brochures, ads, posters, and a banner over Route 1 in downtown Rockland. She was the mascot and figurehead of the My T Dive workboat. She’d ride the bow with one front paw on the railing, the other pawing the air over the bow wash, causing all who observed the phenomenon – especially those on Tall Ships, to rush to take her picture. Thus, she was named “The most photographed dog on the coast of Maine.” She loved boats of all kinds, and readily obeyed when told to “Get in the boat.” She was also often sighted hanging out of the passenger window of the pickups she rode in, looking for her canine buddies. She was known as “The Bouncer,” jumping nonstop on the front seat of any pickup. In fact, Abbie loved all modes of conveyance, and seized every opportunity to commandeer and ride motorcycles, Gators, tractors,

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Points East May 2014


backhoes, Mules and cranes. Abbie was also well known for her numerous adventures, one of the more recent being lost on Greens Island for three days and nights, causing a stir among local canine aficionados. This was just one of the oh-so-many dramatic tales of survival that could be told about this lady. A feisty and headstrong nature encouraged her many adventures, but she had adoring eyes only for her pack leader, counting on him to rescue

4 01 ay 2 d 4, un 3- & S pm

her from the many escapades she got herself into. With him, she was all but inseparable. It was rare to see one without the other. She had an incredible zest for life that often left her breathless. While she hopped like a bunny and pranced through life, she most loved to run, flying with ears laid back, legs fully outstretched, keeping up with the larger dogs she hung out with. Abbie also loved toddlers, and would follow after them, seemingly in a tender, hovering and

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Points East May 2014

protective manner. And children loved her. Because of her ragamuffin countenance and tolerating demeanor, she was often mistaken for a well-loved stuffed toy. Though offspring-less, she would have made a great mother. Vinalhaven loves dogs, is the best place to raise a dog, and is the best place to be a dog. On Vinalhaven, our dogs help define us. We are deeply grateful for the understanding, patience, and tolerance that Vinalhaven has for those who choose to parent dogs. At her internment, a simple candle placed atop her carved granite monument miraculously burned nonstop for 48 hours, enduring snow showers, wind and bitter cold. For us, she will always be with us, and like her namesake, her indomitable spirit and light will never go out. Carla Harris Vinalhaven, Maine

Let’s put an end to all the bogus Titanic info! We’ve just passed the 103rd anniversary (April 15, 1912) of the sinking of the Titanic, which always holds a special fascination to those of us in New England because it happened fairly close to here. It was indeed spectacular, and people do have a morbid interest in such things. But every year around this time there is a lot of misinformation flying around in the news. Why, just the other day I heard her referred to as a “cruise ship.” Now today’s cruise ships are a far cry from the sleek liners which, until the early 1960s, were the only practical way to travel from the U.S. East Coast to Europe, and the passengers on the Titanic were certainly not, for the most part, out for a pig-out boozy cruise. For one thing, the liners, those greyhounds of the seas, were beautiful and fast, whereas cruise ships to my eye are simply big, ugly slabeditor@pointseast.com

sided floating barges, designed only to hold lots of paying people. They may be sumptuous on the inside, but they sure are not pleasing to look at on the outside. Several times I’ve heard the Titanic referred to as the ship credited with the greatest loss of life and the world’s worst maritime disaster, and that is not the least bit true. Leaving out naval wartime engagements, here are just a few with far greater civilian loss of life: Wilhelm Gustlof, Jan. 30, 1945, German hospital ship, 9,400 dead. Cap Arcona, May 3, 1945, German POW ship, 9,300 dead. Doria Paz, Dec. 4, 1948, Chinese ferry, 3,944 dead. Plus six more ships with over 2,000 dead, plus 12 more with over 1,000 dead. So why doesn’t the media do a simple Google search before they go spouting off all these so-called facts about the Titanic? Andy Osborne Kingston, Mass.

What is the Leight’s cabin heater? I am writing to say how much my partner Lisa and I enjoy David Buckman’s writing in Points East. It is usually the first article we turn to when we pick up a new copy of Points East.

In the Midwinter issue, David mentions a cabin heating stove in his International Folkboat. As we sail a Cape Dory 28, and have been searching the different options available for a cabin heater, we would love to know what David and his wife use on those rainy, damp, foggy days to dry out and be comfortable down below. Points East is a great magazine: Thanks for doing it. Rich Van Heynigen Falmouth, Mass. Buckman writes: The heater is a bit of a lash-up. No, it’s a complete lash-up. I made it myself. The guts of it is an old Origo alcohol heater/burner, to which I attached a metal disk that can be opened/closed to regulate the flame, which we usually keep very low because the cabin heats easily. Over the burner is an upside-down stainless (two quart?) saucepan, with vent holes and a bolt/handle. We keep the boat ventilated, and don’t leave it burning overnight. It’s a small flame, and very efficient fuel-wise. It’s more warming than drying. It helps circulate the cabin air, though. We’ve been using it for a couple of decades. Hope this isn’t too confusing. I’ve also been thinking of a small solid-fuel (wood/charcoal) stove, which requires a three-inch chimney hole in the cabin top.

Yarmouth, Maine 207-846-4326 www.yankeemarina.com www.pointseast.com

Points East May 2014


MYSTERY HARBOR/And th e win ner is...

The Titanic is in the Nantucket light vessel’s history The Mystery Harbor in your March/April edition is the Wareham River in Wareham, Mass. The photo shows the Lightship Nantucket tied up at Zecco Marine; across the river are the facilities of Cape Cod Shipbuilding. Personally, I haven’t boated in Wareham, but I am very familiar with nearby Padanaram (South Dartmouth) and New Bedford, where my mother and aunt grew up with my grandmother. I have many wonderful memories of sailing and motoring in Buzzard’s Bay out of Padanaram, and swimming and sunning at Anthony’s Beach on Clark’s Cove. I would be have been happy to recommend nearby Davy’s Locker in New Bedford for a delicious meal and good hearty cocktail, but was sad to learn that this local institution recently closed. I can’t offer historical anecdotes about Wareham, but I certainly can about the Nantucket Lightship shown at the right of the picture. The vessel shown (LV-112) was the last lightship to serve at the Nantucket Shoals lightship station. She was the replacement for LV-117, which was run down and sunk by the 10 Points East May 2014

RMS Olympic (a sister ship of the RMS Titanic) in 1934, with the tragic loss of seven of her 11-person crew. The $300,000 cost of building LV-112 to replace LV-117 was borne by White Star Line as partial compensation for that collision and sinking. LV-112, which was designed and built to be indestructible, has been designated a National Historic Landmark. Jay Meyer Falmouth Maine

How about Wareham, Mass. indeed! How about Wareham, Mass. I believe that is the Nantucket lightship on the right. The Multihull Source sailing center is in the two long buildings across the water on the left. The fact I was not the first is not a big deal. Always enjoy reading your magazine. It gives me another excuse to go to Marine Consignment in Fall River, Mass. Mike Mazzoleni Taunton, Mass. MYSTERY HARBOR, continued on Page 12 editor@pointseast.com

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MYSTERY HARBOR, continued from Page 10

Much history in this little photo This harbor is a place of great nostalgia for me. That’s The Narrows on the Wareham River, at the extreme northwest corner of Buzzards Bay. The snowcovered sheds in the trees are those of Cape Cod Shipbuilding Co., a place that has remained remarkably unchanged since I first set foot in their yard in the 1950s, and boats have been built on that site since 1899. The Multihull Source buildings are around the back of the yard and out of sight on this photo. CC shipbuilding (not to be confused with Cape Dory) was an early pioneer in the construction of fiberglass boats. Our family has owned many CC Ship-built boats over the years, including: two Bullseyes 15 feet overall, 12.5 feet on the waterline; two Marlins, 23 feet; two Bluechips, 30 feet; and an MK Dinghy, nine feet. The classic hull forms of these boats were by Nat Herreshoff, and adapted for fiberglass by his son Sidney for CC Ship. They also produced many sleek and beautiful Shields- and Atlantic-class boats, and still offer them in their production line today. Another well-known class they made was the Cape Cod Knockabout, and a big racing fleet is still active in Woods Hole. I’m sure there are few among us who have not seen

little sailboats in the Charles River Basin in Boston. They are part of Community Boating of Boston’s fleet of 75 Mercury class boats built by CC Ship. Les Goodwin made the company into one of the foremost innovators in fiberglass construction. His Son Gordy and grand-daughters Wendy and Andrea carry on the traditions to this day. Their website, capecodshipbuilding.com, has lots of interesting historical information. The Nantucket lightship with its distinctive tripod light mast can be seen docked on Wareham Neck, to the right. The photo is taken at the head of navigation for most boats on the Wareham River by the Route 6 bridge and rail crossing at The Narrows, with it’s strong tidal currents. David Stanwood Lamberts Cove West Tisbury, Mass.

Ship’s at old Greer lumber yard Just got my latest issue of Points East at the Maine Boat Builders Show. The mystery harbor is Wareham, Mass, way up the river, next to the Narrows, where the railroad tracks and the road to Onset meet. Directly across the river is Cape Cod Shipbuilding – over 100 years in business, owned by the Goodwin family, and holders of many famous Nathanael Herreshoff designs. To the right, on the site of the old

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12 Points East May 2014



Greer Lumber Yard, is the lightship Nantucket, which has been part of a tourist display for the past few years. Farther to the right is the New Bedford and Onset Street Railway power-generator station, now converted into British Landing Condominiums. Out of the picture, to the right, is a boatyard, which was owned by Bud and Skip Warr when I was very young. Each fall, my dad and I would sail my dad’s Pearson Commander to its winter berth there. In those days, the boats would each have a wooden cradle and be lifted or floated onto the cradle to spend the winter in Warr’s field. This was before boatstands, and the convenience of storing it in your own yard. Always enjoy your magazine: Keep up the good work. Tom Maddigan Woods Hole, Mass.

Bullseye owners know this spot Upper Wareham River. Anybody who owns a Bullseye will recognize the facility across the river. This is where they are made. This is also a much-frequented fishing spot, and there used to be a good restaurant just off the picture to the left. Pete Davis Portsmouth, N.H.

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Points East May 2014



The great Carl Jung (film version) casts a questioning look at the author’s new work as he drifts away into the collective unconscious.

Rafting up with Carl Jung f I imagined rafting up with the famous Swiss psychiatrist and psychotherapist Dr. Carl Jung, I would first show him my GPS. Since he was born in 1875, I figure my little electronic device might capture Carl’s attention. But then I’d want to take a few puffs on my pipe and move on, asking him some basic questions about the collective unconscious. You know, simple stuff: about understanding the nature of individual pathologies of mind, mood, and behavior; about Absolute Threshold, the minimum amount of physical energy needed to produce a reliable sensory experience, and the operational definition of the stimulus level at


David Roper

Experience a Grand Utility Skiff

which a sensory signal is detected half the time. Mostly, though, I would want to venture this: Carl, why do we like boats? Specifically, why are we boaters at all? What do we get out of it? How does boating complement our temperaments? Are we boaters mostly introverts or extroverts? That last question really intrigues me, so, despite my limited formal training in interpersonal psychotherapy (OK, none), I took the liberty of designing my own little assessment tool for determining if one is a boating introvert or extrovert. Perhaps my readers would like to take it, and perhaps Carl would like to review it.*

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The Brooklin Inn Reservations 207-359-2777 editor@pointseast.com


proudly as he pushes off, my assessment tool still in his hand. “Well, you’re certainly a ‘high-reactive’ type.” “What’s that?” “Your amygdala, and its associated limbic system, is still an ancient part of your brain, my boy. The neocortex developed around the limbic, particularly the frontal cortex, is not soothing your unwarranted fears of being in the company of lots of others.” “Oh,” I say.

“Well, you should work on it,” he says, as he drifts away. “And please don’t call me Carl.” “Oh, sorry, Dr. Jung…and I’ll look forward to another raft-up soon.” But I bet he keeps his distance. Dave Roper’s book, “Watching for Mermaids,” which climbed to No. 4 on the “Boston Globe” Best-Sellers List, is available through www.amazon.com. His new book, “Learning the Ropes,” will be out in 2014.

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*Please note, that, being an introverted boater myself, I may have slanted things a bit. 1. Would you rather think when you’re at sea or talk? 2. If you have to have others with you, would you rather they not talk at all and stare back at the wake, or engage you with idle chatter, chitchat or gossip? 3. As you roll out your jib and fall off on a broad reach, to be lifted along by the wings of a soft summer breeze, are you concerned for your crew’s welfare when you overhear one of them on his cell-phone conference call arguing about the potential lease escalations on his new call-center site in Boston? Or would you, if you’re not a “high-feeling” temperament type on the Jungian scale, want to throw his cell phone over the side? 4. Do you search, and wonder about, what’s over the horizon, or do you check your watch and look forward to returning to that early evening event ashore? 5. As the sight of a busy yacht club porch party comes into view, does the distant noise of cackling revelers energize you, or do you look over your shoulder wistfully at the ocean you’re leaving behind? 6. When you’re upside down, all alone, head stuck in the bilge back by the engine shaft, are you truly content?... or do you yearn for company from the outside world? 7. When you anchor in that empty, cozy dream-cove set between two islands, the popple stones on the beaches close by singing out from the gentle surge of the sea, are you hopeful when that melodic sound is eclipsed by emerging disco music from a vessel headed bow-on to your anchoring spot? Will the lure of meeting new people, perhaps rafting up and sharing thoughts of the day, bring the perfect end to your passage? Or will you raise your anchor and leave? As Carl Jung prepares to leave, climbing aboard his own small gaffrigged sloop, my inner self speaks: “How’s that for a test, Carl?” I ask

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Points East May 2014





Romancing the third reef relude logbook entry, Oct. 26, 2013, Tashmoo Pond, Martha’s Vineyard: Feeling funky today, and a sail might do the trick and lift me up. It had been blowing pretty strong from the southwest all afternoon, and I thought it would be good to get some practice tying in the new triple reef points on my main. As I tied the reef in at the mooring, I noticed a little home-grown fishing boat called Striker anchored off towards Packer’s dock with two onboard. As they rowed in, I asked if they were staying the night. They said, Yes, and I told them they could feel welcome this time of year to tie onto one of the moorings nearby. They rowed back and moved their boat to a mooring. As I sailed by, one of the two, young with a bushy beard, said his name was simply Michael. They had come from Cape Poge Bay and were traipsing around the autumn island waters in their boat. It was very fluky and gusty sailing out the narrows past Packer’s, so I egged her on a little with the motor to get down in the good wind. I took a tack through the mooring field so I could get away from the lee of the west side and into the clear breeze off Tashmoo Boatyard. With two-thirds of the working jib roll-reefed and triplereefed main, I started to feel some real wind in the channel and came into some good-sized breaking waves at the entrance. Once out, I pointed west into the southwest wind and against the current flooding to the northeast in Vineyard Sound. With current and wind both going in the same direction, the waves were broader with few breakers. The wind was close to 30 knots sustained, with higher gusts. In the distance I could see fearsome lines of break-


16 Points East May 2014

Photo by David Stanwood

I put in the mainsail’s new third reef at the mooring, and ventured out into the sound to try it out in a strong southwest wind.

ers over the sandbar at Middle Ground. Prelude handled these conditions well, and when a great spray was pushed up by the bow, the wind was so strong that it blew to leeward amidships so I stayed perfectly dry in the cockpit. The closehauled and reefed jib kept her shape nicely, and the handkerchief-sized triple-reefed main made for a comfortable combo. The high wind caused the normally quiet external main halyard to bang rapidly against the mast. A half-mile out I came about easily in the strong wind and she

kept her way through the tack nicely without stalling. A fast and exhilarating run off the wind culminated with shooting through some big breaking waves off the entrance, which she took well with no cockpit sloshes or tendency to broach. I saw the 5 p.m. ferry, Island Home, from Vineyard Haven rounding West Chop as I made the entrance. Once in between the breakwaters, and by the lee of the land, the wind slacked off sharply. Then, in the channel, I got some strong, sustained gusts that just put her rail under. Took a long tack in to just off the town dock, editor@pointseast.com





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Photo by Jeffrey Mabee

then another back to off Jampel’s. Rolled out the jib reef and tacked across the harbor towards Packer’s with some lusty gusts to lift me up towards the Water Works. Motored the last fluky bit instead of tacking up – good to run the motor a little, and the daylight was fading. I paddled in from the mooring and met up with Jack Wildauer, exercising his sheepdog by the old Water Works building. He told me of his history with ocean sailing, that he’s done 8,000 miles offshore – about the same as me – lots of it with Jamie Weissman on Perception, a circa-1983 50-foot schooner designed by L. Francis Herreshoff. I never knew! Next time I’ll work on tying in the triple under sail. Jack agreed that it was wise to practice in high winds, and said he would love to come along next time. It would be nice to have him as a crewmember. Once home, I checked the Buzzards’s Bay Tower data, and the wind out there, away from the land off Cuttyhunk at 5pm, was higher than inshore with 35 knots sustained winds, gusting to 39k. It was a worthwhile solo exercise, I learned a lot, and I felt like a new man afterwards. Thank you Prelude – and my new third set of reef points. David and wife Eleanor Stanwood live in West Tisbury on Martha’s Vineyard. Eleanor is a felt artist/innovator. David tunes pianos and has major patents for improvements to pianos. Their 30foot Sydney Herreshoff-designed Cape Cod Blue Chip Prelude is just down the road at the Water Works in Lake Tashmoo. David frequently checks weather data from Buzzards Bay Tower (BUZM3), a scant 20 miles west of Lake Tashmoo: http://www.ndbc.noaa.gov/sta tion_page.php?station=buzm3.

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Sheep Skull Island “Leave only footprints; take only photographs” is the covered the occasional message in a bottle, too, though mantra of low-impact island exploration these days. they always launched more than they retrieved. As New England’s inviting coast handles greater presBut they only found one sheep skull. sure than ever from a growing fleet of kayakers, cruisYou won’t find Sheep Skull Island on the chart. ers and day-trippers, it’s a maxim that makes sense. NOAA calls it something else. But in our family’s But try explaining this to cruising lore, that island cruising kids. Shanghaied holds first place in the grand into a summer voyage or scheme of treasure hunting. weekend jaunt with their We knew firsthand all of parents, and cooped up all the Maine islands from the day aboard the boat, most border of New Hampshire to kids chafe at the bit once the border of New the anchor is set and the Brunswick, and beyond. dinghy launched. With an Each had its charms. island in the offing, they are Wildlife, often tantalizingly as eager to explore as close, added to cruising’s apColumbus, and as eager for peal, just like treasure hunttreasure as Blackbeard or ing. Ospreys, especially Captain Kidd – which is when fishing or feeding why many cruising boats their young, were always Photo by Jeff Bolster worth watching. Bald eagles end up like cabinets of curiosities, packed with With its gnarly dark horns and gaping eye sockets, the skull brought all hands on deck, young explorers’ treasures. was ideal for transforming the peapod into a Viking ship. as did whales. Live whales Perhaps my kids had a were a thrill, but the dead stronger collecting gene than some. Cruising always humpback we encountered on the way to Matinicus meant collecting. They found sea urchins and sand dol- still stands in a league of its own. lars, seashells and beach stones. They found lobster Harbor seals, on the other hand, were as familiar as buoys, lots of lobster buoys – so many lobster buoys old friends, hanging out at known haul-outs, just like scavenged from beachcombing in Maine that after a the predictable puffins on Eastern Egg Rock in Musdecade of lugging them from the shore to the peapod, congus Bay. Mink sightings were treasures themfrom the peapod to the boat, from the boat to the car, selves, especially if the binoculars were close at hand and from the car to the barn, there was a pyramid of as the little guys darted in-and-out of beach stones, or pot-buoys in the barn, each a trophy from yet another clambered through the granite blocks on High Island, cruise. in the Muscle Ridge Channel. They found castaway bait bags, bird feathers, and And then there were sheep. Inhabiting a nether crab carapaces. Wave-worn sea-glass was always a hit, world somewhere between wild and tame, sheep have plucked from the shore with shrieks of glee. They dis- been part of Maine’s island ecology for centuries. One

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afternoon, as we sat in the anchorage southwest of Richmond Island, a stately parade of sheep, arranged tightly nose-to-tail, hugged a trail along the bluff. They weren’t wild, just memorably precise. But there were wild and wily sheep on McGlathery Island, and on other islands we explored. Droppings, game trails, and tufts of wool in the puckerbrush made clear their presence. Island sheep were generally too wary to glimpse, however, much less to photograph. Sightings were precious. So when we anchored in the lee of an island in Penobscot Bay late one summer afternoon, an island new to us, no one was thinking of sheep. The brief beach, a mix of cobbles and sand, with a healthy sprinkling of shell fragments, led towards the woods. The island obviously had not been logged for many years. Tall trees prevailed, a darkening wood, but inviting nonetheless. A razor-thin trail headed inland from the beach. We followed it without much purpose, a meandering sort of walk into the woods. Here and there a semi-clearing leavened the gloom. But we had not gone far before the sea and the shore and the sunlight faded away, replaced by the quiet mystique of the forest. Then something in a tiny sun patch near a rotting stump attracted my son’s attention. He bent down and let out a whoop of triumph. A skull! He grabbed it by the horns and spun around so all could see, a huge smile on his face. The beetles and other organisms had

done their work well, and the skull was clean, very clean. No smell either, unlike that dead humpback whale. With its gnarly dark horns, gaping eye sockets, upper teeth, and tapered facial bones, it was a package deal, though the horns were clearly the piece de resistance. The lower jaw had gone missing, but the boy did not seem to mind one bit. Anyone could find a sand dollar or a sea shell. Beach glass was dime-a-dozen. And every kid on the coast had access to castaway lobster buoys. But no one else had a sheep skull. “Leave only footprints; take only photographs” never came to mind. This treasure was going with us. Peapods are wholesome rowing boats, descendants of able Viking ships from more than one thousand years ago. Our dinghy of choice for island exploration was the fourteen foot peapod we towed behind our yawl, and my son and I decided to display his new trophy in true Viking style. His ram’s head turned heads the rest of that summer. We savored the comments, one and all. What a find. When winter came his treasure ended up in the barn, with the oars and the lobster pot buoys and a bucket of memories from that beachcomber’s cruise to Sheep Skull Island. Jeff Bolster has been afloat in New England’s coastal waters for more than fifty years. A resident of Portsmouth, NH, his most recent book is “The Mortal Sea: Fishing the Atlantic in the Age of Sail.”

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News The last survivor: A portal into another era Recently, Timothy Harrison, editor of “Lighthouse Digest,” interviewed 91-year-old Bernard Chandler, the last surviving child of the 11 children of lighthouse keeper Roscoe Chandler and his wife Mary. Roscoe Chandler was the lighthouse keeper at Franklin Island Lighthouse, Blue Hill Bay Lighthouse, and at Burnt Coat Harbor on Swans Island from the early 1900s into the 1930s. Harrison said, “My interview with Bernard Chandler was like a portal into another era; a way of life that can never again be repeated. It is vital to save memories like his and the photographs that go with them for future generations so that they can understand what life was once like along the coast of Maine and the many sacrifices these people made for the benefit of others. Once these people pass on, the memories go with them, and then, it’s too late.” Harrison said that “Lighthouse Digest” had previously done a story about Bernard’s father, Roscoe Chandler, in the December 2002 edition of the magazine. But that story was somewhat based on handed-down memories by a

Photo courtesy Lighthouse Digest

Tim Harrison, left, editor of “Lighthouse Digest,” and 91year-old Bernard Chandler, the last surviving child of Maine lighthouse keeper Roscoe Chandler.

grandson of Roscoe Chandler. However, this story will be from Bernard’s first-hand memories of growing up in a CHANDLER, continued on Page 22


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20 Points East May 2014



Late summer, fall to be busy for SSV Oliver Hazard Perry What do the clouds tell us about weather? Where exactly are we positioned on the globe? How does sail trim affect boat speed and angles? Mariners of all ages will have the opportunity to answer these questions and more aboard America’s newest Tall Ship, the 200-foot SSV Oliver Hazard Perry, when she sails on two voyages this fall: one from Newport to Bermuda, departing Sept. 21 and arriving Sept. 28, and one from Bermuda to Portland, Maine, departing Sept. 28 and arriving Oct. 5. Both trips will offer courses on navigation and meteorology with professional instructors from “Ocean Navigator� magazine, Photo courtesy Oliver Hazard Perry Rhode Island and every participant will serve as a member of the crew, learning to operate the largest civilian Along with learning new mental skills, participants will take part in sailing the ship, taking the helm, standing watch, and helping handle sail-training vessel in the Unites States. The navigation and meteorology courses are 14,000 square feet of sail. taught concurrently each week; therefore, applicants need to decide which of the two courses they would and interpret the charts. Along with learning challenging prefer to take. The Celestial Navigation course includes new mental skills, participants will physically take part taking sight reductions of the sun and planets, plotting in sailing the ship, taking the helm, standing watch and positions and learning navigational theory, while meteo- working to handle the 14,000 square feet of sail that grace rology includes learning weather concepts and weather the ship’s three square-rigged masts. FMI: www.ohpri.org, systems, how these are shown on charts, and where to find or contact Jess Wurzbacher at jess@ohpri.org.



Points East May 2014


SailQuest Boat Show will support Sails Up 4 Cancer

Franklin Island Lighthouse in Muscongus Bay, where Roscoe Chandler was the keeper from 1919 to 1924. Photo courtesy Lighthouse Digest

CHANDLER, continued from Page 20 large lighthouse family during the Great Depression. As well as sharing with Harrison many of his recollections, Bernard Chandler had rediscovered a number of neverbefore-published old family photographs that will be included with the story for an upcoming edition of “Lighthouse Digest.” Founded in 1992, the Maine-based “Lighthouse Digest” is a bimonthly lighthouse news and history magazine with subscribers in all 50 states and 17 countries. To learn more about “Lighthouse Digest” or to subscribe to the magazine you can go to www.LighthouseDigest.com or call 207-259-2121.

SailQuest Boat Show Companies announced in March that they will be supporting the Sails Up 4 Cancer Organization at the SailQuest Boat Show at Mystic Shipyard, Mystic, Conn., May 2-4. Sails Up 4 Cancer is a non-profit organization dedicated to funding research in the education, prevention, and cure for all types of cancer through the art and enjoyment of sailing. The SailQuest Boat Show is a family-oriented show featuring new sailboats, trawlers, Downeast-style powerboats, kayaks, paddle boards and select brokerage yachts for sale, from 12 to over 50-feet long. Located in the heart of historic Mystic, Mystic Shipyard is offering free parking and free admission to the show. The docks at Mystic Shipyard will showcase a wide range of models, including: Alerion, Bavaria, Beneteau, Bennington, Blue Jacket, Catalina, Chris Craft, Hanse, Hunt, Hunter, J Boats, Jeanneau, Lagoon, Minor Offshore, Nordic Tug, Southport, XYachts and more to be announced. Bring your friends and family to this show and enjoy downtown Mystic’s shops, restaurants and, of course, historic Mystic Seaport. FMI: www.sailquestboatshow.com.

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22 Points East May 2014


NESS is now a Powerboat Training Center New England Science & Sailing Foundation (NESS), in Stonington, Conn., is now a US Powerboat Training Center. NESS is one of 30 Training Centers in the United States that are supported by US Powerboating and the United States Coast Guard. Powerboat Training Centers are established under the Driver’s Education for Boater’s Grant from the United States Coast Guard, Division of Boating Safety. These training centers promote and educate their constituent groups on the importance of boating safety and on-thewater training. Offered as part of NESS’s year round programming, powerboating classes will be taught by certified NESS instructors, who are also licensed U.S. Coast Guard captains. The classes include on-the-water instruction as well as classroom time. Three different classes will be offered: Safe Powerboat Handling,

Accelerated Safe Powerboat Handling, and Safety & Rescue Boat Handling. Classes began in April and are open to ages 10 and up. Safe Powerboat Handling is a twoday, 16-hour course for anyone who wants to learn how to safely operate a small motorboat and improve their boat handling skills. This course is Coast Guard and National Association of State Boating Law Administrators (NASBLA) approved and students will receive the Safe Boating Certificate for Connecticut or Rhode Island, and the U.S. Safe Boating Certificate. Accelerated Safe Powerboat Handling is an eight- to 12-hour course for anyone who has taken a classroom boating course and already has their Connecticut or Rhode Island

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Safe Boating certification but wants experience to safely operate a small motorboat and improve their boathandling skills. Once completed, students will be issued a Safe Powerboat Handling Certificate. Safety & Rescue Boat Handling is an eight-hour course for anyone who will be using powerboats to perform safety and rescue functions. It’s designed for regatta personnel, marine patrols, police and fire rescue personnel, on-the-water sailing instructors and coaches. This class requires students to have a Safe Powerboat Handling Certificate. Upon completion of this course, students will be issued a Safety and Rescue Boat Handling Certificate. FMI: www.nessf.org or call NESS at 860-535-9362.

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Points East May 2014


NOAA, Mystic Seaport: An historic partnership On March 25 NOAA’s Office of National Marine Sanctuaries announced its partnership with Mystic Seaport to support the 38th Voyage of the Charles W. Morgan. Nearly 100 years after its last whaling voyage, the Morgan will sail across the New England coast this summer to celebrate America’s maritime heritage and the whales that gather in Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary. The Morgan, a National Historic Landmark built in 1841 and restored to seaworthy status over the past five years, is the flagship of the watercraft collection at Mystic Seaport, the nation’s leading maritime museum located in Mystic, Conn. Over an 80-year whaling career, the Morgan sailed on 37 voyages to the remote corners of the globe, including waters of national marine sanctuaries in California, Hawaii and American Samoa. “America’s pursuit of whales is an epic story of global dimensions that shaped the nation’s identity,” said Daniel J. Basta, director, Office of National Marine Sanctuaries.

“Today, thanks to pioneering work by sanctuary scientists and others to understand whale behavior, and develop conservation strategies to reduce risks to whales, we’re writing a new chapter based on respect and stewardship for these magnificent creatures of the deep.” During the voyage, NOAA will work with Mystic Seaport and its partners to conduct a series of science and outreach activities around the voyage. Upon its return to Mystic Seaport, the ship will resume its status as an exhibit at the museum. The Morgan will depart on June 14 to historic New England ports, including Newport, R.I.; Vineyard Haven, Mass; New Bedford, Mass.; Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, Boston, Mass; and back to New London and Mystic with a stop at the Cape Cod Canal to participate in its centennial celebration. The entire voyage is expected to take about seven weeks. FMI: http://www.mysticseaport.org.

Cape Cod is site of in-water boat show The Second Annual Red Brook Harbor Boat Show will take over Cape Cod’s largest marina on Saturday, May 17 from 9:00 a.m - 5:00 p.m. at Kingman Yacht Center in Bourne. Sponsored by The Enterprise Newspapers, The Red Brook Harbor Boat Show is free to the public, offering demo rides, educational seminars, product demonstrations, new and used boat sales and plenty to do and see for the whole family. Kingman Yacht Center is donating the site for the event, with the exhibitors kicking in to cover the costs of advertising and promotion. “This really is a cooperative effort by everyone involved to kick off the season in a big way,” says David Foynes, whose Fatty Knees Boat Company was Photo courtesy Red Brook Harbor Boat Show one of the first exhibitors to sign on. “Everyone I’ve talked to – from boat builders to non-profits and potential visitors – is looking forward to getThe Red Brook Harbor Boat Show, free to the ting out of winter and into this show.” FMI: public, offers demo rides, seminars, demonstrawww.KingmanYachtCenter.com. tions, and new- and used-boat sales.


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Briefly “Rescue of the Bounty” at Herreshoff Michael J. Tougias, co-author of “Rescue of the Bounty,” will give a dramatic visual presentation about this event at the Herreshoff Museum in Bristol R.I. on May 15th at 7 p.m. The tall ship Bounty sank during Superstorm Sandy in 2012. The captain and a crewmember perished in the accident but the Coast Guard performed harrowing helicopter rescues to save the other 14 sailors. Tougias will use slides of the storm, the survivors, and the rescue to make this “an edge-of-your seat” visual program. Tougias says that besides focusing on the voyage and the disaster he will recount the heroic rescue attempts by Coast Guard rescue swimmers and pilots. A book signing will follow the program. FMI: www.michaeltougias.com.

Race a destination for runners, cruisers Now in its fourth year, the Blueberry Cove 13.1 has tripled in size, and registrations are being accepted online. The Aug. 24 race, which starts at 7:30 a.m., is a fundraiser for the 65-year-old Blueberry Cove chilPhoto by Steve Cartwright dren’s camp on The half-marathon course follows back Harts Neck roads past old homesteads, Marshall Road in Tenants Point Lighthouse and Port Clyde Village. Harbor, a fishing village on the St. George peninsula. Organizers hope to raise more than $20,000 for the nonprofit camp, part of the Univer-

sity of Maine Cooperative Extension and a 4H Learning Center. The half-marathon course follows back roads alongside coves, old homesteads, a beach, Marshall Point Lighthouse, Port Clyde village and winds up at the camp, where a blueberry brunch awaits all participants. A local-foods pre-race dinner takes place Aug. 23, with music by the Ale House String Band. Runners and their families are welcome to stay overnight in camp cabins, minutes from the starting line. A corps of volunteers will provide water stops and stand at intersections to direct runners. Lobster buoys mark each mile. FMI: www.active.com/tenants-harbor-me/running/races/blueberry-cove-13-1-2014.

Camp Frosty looking for participants Compass Project and SailMaine are offering a two-week, full-day boatbuilding and sailing camp for students ages 12 to 17. Campers spend a week building small boats and then a week learning to sail. Camp Frosty is intended to serve young people who, for financial reasons, would not otherwise be able to participate in such a program; its goal is to have the program fully funded by grants and local donations. During week one, a group of six campers work together building Cape Cod Frosty sailboats in Compass Project’s fully equipped shop. A clear curriculum, beginning with shop safety and basic tool use, combined with expert supervision, ensures the boats are completed on time and that the campers enjoy the pride of a job well done. During week two, students learn basic seamanship, sailing and boat-safety skills. The curriculum is very “hands-on” and begins with basic water safety awareness and learn-to-sail concepts. The campers learn to sail the Frosty and a four-person J/22 keelboat, while also focusing on teamwork and effective communication. There will be two, two-week sessions: July 28 to Aug. 8, and Aug. 4 to Aug. 15. FMI: Email Holly Parker: Holly@compassproject.org.


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Points East May 2014


Happy Birthday!

The Cape Cod Canal – New England’s shortcut to Maine and the Maritimes, and to southern climes – is celebrating its centennial this year, and what a story these deep, dark, roiling waters should be able to tell.

By Bill Hezlep For Points East t a formal ceremony held at Bourne, Mass., on June 22, 1909, to mark the start of work on the Cape Cod Canal, August Perry Belmont, president of the Boston, Cape Cod and New York Canal Company raised a shovel full of dirt and vowed “not to


26 Points East May 2014

desert the task until the last shovel full has been dug.” The long dreamed of – and long overdue – canal across Cape Cod was under way. Like a dam across the flow of the coastal sea lanes, Cape Cod and its surrounding islands, sands and shoals, were barriers to safe coastal navigation that had bedeviled mariners since the dawn of European


From The Rudder, November 1913

Left: Westbound on the canal with the Bourne and Railroad bridges ahead. Above: Mashantum, the first pleasure boat to transit.

40-foot yawl was first to ply the new conduit On February 10, 1908, Dr. Samuel Crowell, of Boston (Dorchester) and Dennis, Mass., contracted with the Murray & Tregurtha Shipyard in Boston to “build a yacht, designer Small, work on the vessel to begin 10 days after the signing of the contract and the vessel to be fitted with an eight horsepower engine (a Murray & Tregurtha).” The “designer Small” referenced in the contract is John F. Small, Naval Architect, 115 Water St., Boston, the successor to Small Brothers, Naval Architects of the same address. The yacht, christened Mashantum, was launched on June 11, 1908, test-sailed on June 12, and apparently accepted because Mashantum was in Marblehead on June 16, and, on June 17 “sailed for Boston 2:30, on mooring at 5 of 5:00.” The unusual name is an abbreviated version of Masshantumpaigne (or Mashantumpaine), the name of the sagamore (sub-chief) of the Nobscusset clan of the eastern Wampanoag, who bargained with Governor Bradford of the Plymouth Colony to sell – and, in 1639, sold to four colonists – much of the land on which Yarmouth, Dennis, Sandwich and Sagamore now stand on Cape Cod. The only known good photograph of the Mashan-

MASHANTUM, continued on Page 37 Photo by Bill Hezlep

settlement. The first well documented wreck on Cape Cod occurred in 1626 when the Pinnace SparrowHawk went ashore on Nauset Beach. Three years before the wreck of the Sparrow-Hawk, Miles Standish of the Plymouth Colony was already considering the idea of a canal across the Cape, and in 1627, while trading with the Dutch at the Aptucxet Trading Post, on the Manomet River, Standish noted the proximity of the Dutch and English boats and talked about the www.pointseast.com

possibility of a small canal between the Manomet and Scusset Rivers. In the 17th and 18th centuries, both rivers were important trade and travel routes for the Native American tribes and the colonists. The rivers were navigable for much of their length by canoe and by the small rowing/sailing vessels (such as shallops) used by the settlers, and the portage – the land bridge over which a boat or canoe would have to be dragged between the Points East May 2014


Photo courtesy U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

The caption reads: August Belmont digging the first shovelful of earth on line of the canal at Bournedale, June 21, 1909.

rivers – was barely three miles long. In 1776, at the start of the Revolutionary War, and a century and a half after the wreck of the SparrowHawk, George Washington ordered Thomas Machin, a Continental Army Engineer to investigate the possibility of a canal across the Cape which would “give greater security to navigation and against the enemy.”

Machin’s report survives as the first known formal Cape Cod Canal survey. Throughout the 19th century, as the volume of coastal shipping and the number of wrecks increased – by the turn of the century wrecks were averaging close to one every two weeks – survey after survey was carried out, and canal scheme after canal scheme pro-

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posed. Finally, the Boston, Cape Cod and New York schooners arrived from Maine with granite for the Canal Company submitted a proposal that seemed breakwaters in late May, and the first large block of both possible and financially viable. And, on Sept. 29, stone was lowered into Cape Cod Bay on June 19, 1899, Governor Walcott signed legislation giving the three days ahead of Belmont’s ceremonial shovel full company a charter to construct a canal across Cape of dirt. In December 1910, even though the canal was Cod. far from complete, a New England Coal & Coke Co. The company was slow to begin work, and for five barge with 2,000 tons of coal was towed into the eastyears nothing happened except modifications to the ern end of the canal and unloaded in Sandwich. This plans and financial load of coal was probadjustments. During ably the first commerthis period, August cial cargo to utilize at Perry Belmont beleast a small part of came interested in the the canal. canal project. Belmont Belmont’s Canal, was a New York fiwith a channel width nancier, banker, railof 100 feet, a project road man, and the depth of 25 feet, and founder (1902) of the three low opening Inter-borough Rapid bridges – one rail, two Transit Co., which fihighway – and a small nanced, built and opferry, opened for busierated New York Photo courtesy U.S. Army Corps of Engineers ness on July 29, 1914. City’s first rapid-tran- In 1904, August Belmont, with financial backers, purchased the On opening day, the sit subway. canal was still under Boston, Cape Cod and New York Canal Company. Belmont hired the In 1904, Belmont, noted Civil Engineer William Barclay Parsons to conduct a study. construction, and the with a small group of controlling depth in financial backers, purchased the Boston, Cape Cod and the channel was listed as 15 feet, but it may have been New York Canal Company. Belmont hired the noted a foot less. Civil Engineer William Barclay Parsons to review the The canal was opened while still under construction existing plans and to conduct an engineering-feasibil- because Belmont wanted the tolls to help finance onity study. The results of the study were favorable, and going construction and maintenance, and because he Belmont decided that, with Parsons as Chief Engineer, had publicly stated that his canal would be open before he would build the Cape Cod Canal. On May 18, 1906, the Panama Canal, a goal he achieved by 17 days. The the now-reorganized Canal Company submitted a new Panama Canal opened Aug. 15, 1914. The canal was fiset of canal plans, which were accepted by the State in nally completed in 1916. May of 1907. As a profit-making business, the privately owned Actual construction began in 1909. The first stone canal was a failure. It was doomed by the shallow wa-


Points East May 2014


ter, high maintenance costs and, for the time, high transit fees. A 1915 canal toll schedule lists the toll for a 44- to 49-foot vessel as $8, and the toll for a 125- to 149foot vessel as $30.00, with towing if needed an additional $10 to $15, depending on gross tonnage, per one way passage. By 1915, even though the canal was still under construction, Belmont was attempting to sell it to the federal government. During World War I, a German submarine fired on a tug just three miles off Nauset Beach, and President Wilson ordered the United States Railroad Administration to assume operational Photo courtesy U.S. Army Corps of Engineers control of the canal for the duraShortly before the canal officially opened, the massive dredge worked with a bone in tion of the war. While the canal her teeth against a strong current in July 1914. was under government control, tolls were suspended, and the Company. Belmont did not want it back; he wanted the Corps of Engineers re-dredged the canal to its original government to buy it. Shortly after the return of the project depth of 25 feet, which actions led to a marked canal, claiming that the government’s control during increase in canal traffic. the war had ended his rights and obligations to the On March 1, 1920, the federal government returned money losing project, Belmont closed it. Three days control to the Boston, Cape Cod and New York Canal later, after an appeal from the Governor of Mas-

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In the 1800s, as the number of wrecks increased, survey after survey was carried out, and canal scheme after canal scheme proposed.

Map courtesy U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

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Points East May 2014







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sachusetts, the canal reopened and, in July 1921, Belmont’s company sold the canal to the federal government for $11,500,000. Because of congressional delays over appropriations and legal problems with land titles, the federal government did not acquire clear title to the canal until March 30, 1928. The Corps of Engineers was then formally directed to operate, improve, manage and maintain the canal as a free public waterway. Carrying out its mission, the Corps worked on the canal throughout the 1930s, providing hundreds of jobs through the depths of the Great Depression. By 1940, the canal was essentially the canal we see today: 500 feet wide (the widest sea-level canal in the world), 32 feet deep, banks stabilized by heavy granite rip-rap, the highway bridges soaring works of art. The MAINE

Boothbay Region Boatyard 207-633-2970 W. Southport, ME www.brby.com Hinckley Yacht Services 207-244-5531 Southwest Harbor, ME www.hinckleyyachtservice.com Kittery Point Yacht Yard 207-439-9582 Kittery, ME www.kpyy.net Moose Island Marine 207-853-6058 Eastport, ME www.mooseislandmarine.com Robinhood Marine Center 800-443-3625 Georgetown, ME www.robinhoodmarinecenter.com Rumery's Boat Yard 207-282-0408 Biddeford, ME www.rumerys.com Seal Cove Boatyard Inc. 207-326-4422 Harborside, ME www.sealcoveboatyard.com South Port Marine 207-799-8191 South Portland, ME www.southportmarine.com Wayfarer Marine 207-236-4378 Camden, ME www.wayfarermarine.com


American Institute of Steel Construction called the Bourne Bridge “the most beautiful bridge built in 1934,” and the railroad bridge was the longest lift-span bridge in the world (it is now second longest, losing the record in 1959 to the Arthur Kill Railroad Bridge in New Jersey). Today, the Cape Cod Canal is one of the world’s great navigation canals; more than 20,000 vessels of all sizes and types transit the canal annually. But a trip made through the canal in a small or weakly powered boat, without considering winds, tides and currents, can be both interesting and educational. The mean tide range in Cape Cod Bay, east of the canal, is almost nine and a half feet. In Buzzards Bay, west of the canal, the mean tide range is only four feet. To complicate things, the tide phase in the two bays is

Yankee Marina & Boatyard 207-846-4326 Yarmouth, ME www.yankeemarina.com

Manchester Marine 978-526-7911 Manchester, MA www.manchestermarine.com


Mattapoisett Boatyard MA 508-758-3812 www.mattapoisettboatyard.com

Great Bay Marine 603-436-5299 Newington, NH www.greatbaymarine.com MASSACHUSSETTS

Brewer Plymouth Marine 508-746-4500 Plymouth, MA www.byy.com/Plymouth Burr Brothers Boats 508-748-0541 Marion, MA www.burrbros.com Crocker's Boatyard 978-526-1971 Manchester, MA www.crockersboatyard.com Fred J. Dion Yacht Yard 978-744-0844 Salem, MA www.fjdion.com J-Way Enterprises 781-544-0333 Scituate, MA www.jwayent.net

Merri-Mar Yacht Basin 978-465-3022 Newburyport, MA www.merri-maryachtbasin.com Niemiec Marine 508-997-7390 New Bedford, MA www.niemiecmarine.com Winter Island Yacht Yard 978-745-3797 Salem, MA www.wiyy.net RHODE ISLAND

Hinckley Yacht Services 401-683-7114 Portsmouth, RI www.hinckleyyachts.com New England Boatworks 401-683-4000 Portsmouth, RI www.neboatworks.com

Kingman Yacht Center 508-563-7136 Bourne, MA www.kingmanyachtcenter.com

Points East May 2014


also different, with high tide in Buzzards Bay three hours ahead of high tide in Cape Cod Bay. The tides in the canal flood from Buzzards Bay to Cape Cod Bay west to east, and ebb from Cape Cod Bay to Buzzards Bay east to west, and the tidal currents in the canal reverse every six hours. On Tuesday, July 29, 2014 – the centennial of the official opening of the Cape Cod Canal – the tides in the canal are predicted to be: At Sandwich (west of the boat basin): high tide 12:43 p.m., + 8.39 feet; low tide 6:43 p.m., + 0.67 feet. At the Bourne Bridge: high tide 11:33 a.m., + 4.39 feet; low tide 5:55 p.m., + 0.51 feet. At the Corps of Engineers Cape Cod Canal Field Office in Buzzards Bay: high tide 10:36 a.m., + 3.54 feet; low tide 3:58 p.m., + 0.71 feet. And the currents in the canal are predicted to be: At Sandwich (east of the boat basin): 1:36 p.m., ebbing (flow east to west) at 2.6 knots; 7:47 p.m., flooding (flow west to east) at 2.4 knots. At the Bourne Bridge: 1:51 p.m., ebbing at 3.8 knots; 7:52 p.m., flooding at 3.3 knots. At the Railroad Bridge: 1:55 p.m., ebbing at 4.3 knots; 7:53 p.m., flooding at 4.1 knots. The canal is oriented almost northeast to southwest. During most of the boating season, the prevailing winds are from the southwest, which is great if you’re on the Cape Cod Bay side. But on the Buzzards Bay end, a southwest breeze blowing up the bay’s long fetch, and over its shoal waters, can create a rough chop – particularly if it’s blowing against the ebb (west-flowing) tide and augmented by the afternoon sea breeze.

Reo Marine 207-767-5219 South Portland, ME www.reomarine.com

Thomaston Boat & Engine Works, Inc 207-354-0200 Thomaston, ME www.thomastonboatandengineworks.com

Hinckley Yacht Services 401-683-7100 Portsmouth,RI www.hinckleyyachtservices.com

Great Bay Marine 603-436-5299 Newington, NH www.greatbaymarine.com

Kingman Yacht Center 508-563-7136 Cape Cod, MA www.kingmanyachtcenter.com

Merri-Mar Yacht Basin 978-465-3022 Newburyport, MA www.merri-maryachtbasin.com

Authorized Dealer support from trained technicians. Repowering specialists. 34 Points East May 2014


In late spring and early fall, a nor’easter blowing into Cape Cod Bay, particularly against the flood tide, can create a pattern of standing waves in the entrance to the canal that can make it interesting, or difficult, and, on rare occasions, physically dangerous for small craft entering or leaving the canal. Cruising boats using the canal frequently layover at the east or west end to wait for a better tide or to wait for a day or two on the weather north or south of the canal. In September 2005, we waited in Onset for three days while the dying Hurricane Katrina moved north offshore. By the time we left, Onset harbor was host to a crowd of cruising boats. The only facility at the east end of the canal is the small boat basin in Sandwich. A 1936 aerial photograph of the east end of the canal shows no small boat basin. In 1939, at a public hearing, the Selectmen of the Town of Sandwich requested that the Corps of Engineers build a small-craft basin and harbor of refuge in Sandwich because, during the preceding year alone, 19 small craft had, for one reason or another, gotten into trouble in the east end of the canal. The original basin was small (2.3 acres) and contained a dock for the Coast Guard, a dock for the Air Force, and room for small-craft which Med-moored (bow anchor and stern lines to shore). The original small basin is on the 1940 edition of the USGS’s Sagamore 1:24,000 (7.5’) topo Sheet.


In the early 1960s, as part of the canal’s ongoing modernization, the basin was enlarged to its current size, and in 1989, the town took over full operation of the marina under a long-term lease. The small-craft basin is still part of the canal and federal property. With the exception of the Coast Guard’s dock, the boating facilities in the basin – launch ramp, fuel dock, pump-out, heads and showers – are owned and operated by the town. If you plan on staying several days and visiting Sandwich, make reservations early as transient space is limited. Marine supplies and services, groceries, and restaurants are nearby. Try breakfast at the Marshland Restaurant on Route 6A and lunch or dinner at Seafood Sam’s, which is inexpensive, fun, and good food. Local tip: Eat in the bar. For onboard dining, Joe’s Lobster, right next door to the marina, offers bugs, fresh-caught live and kicking or steamed, and other fresh, local seafood. And be sure to visit the Corps of Engineers Cape Cod Canal Visitor Center. The center is located at 60 Ed Moffitt Drive, Sandwich, on the canal, 100 yards east of the small boat basin/marina. The Visitor Center is open seven days a week, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. from early May through late October. The west small-boat basin is located on the north shore of the canal, just west of the railroad bridge and immediately adjacent to the Corps of Engineers Cape

Points East May 2014


Cod Canal Field Office. Diesel, gas and a pumpThe west small-boat out facility are available, basin is used by the and, although space is Corps for its vessels and limited, the harbormasis closed to the public. Beter generally keeps a cause the west smallcouple slips available for boat basin is small and short term transients. closed to the public, the Corps of Engineers A professional cartogdredged a 15-foot-deep by rapher, Bill’s lifelong in100-foot-wide channel fatuation with the sea, into Onset harbor, ships and boats began in dredged a 15-foot-deep 1961 when, at 17, he turning basin off Onset’s went to sea on a squarevillage pier, and dredged rigged Norwegian school eight-foot-deep anchorship. He met his wife Photo by Bill Hezlep age areas on either side of Betty – an aerospace enThe East Boat Basin/Sandwich. All boating facilities in the basin gineer, mathematician, the channel. Today, moorings take -- launch ramp, fuel dock, pump-out, heads and showers -- are pilot and experienced up much of the anchor- owned and operated by the town. sailor – in a sailing club age areas, but there is in Annapolis in 1993. A still room for short-term transients to anchor. Diesel, year later, they left the Chesapeake on what was supgas, a pump-out facility, restaurants, shopping, and posed to be a one-year, round-trip cruise, south to the many marine services are available in the pleasant vil- Florida Keys, over to the Bahamas and back to the bay. lage of Onset. In addition to Onset, the town of Bourne They never returned to their former lives. They spend owns and operates the Taylor Point Marina on the half the year cruising the East and Gulf coasts and the north side at the end of the land cut, just around the Bahamas aboard their Nauset 28, Nauset, their retirecorner from the Massachusetts Maritime Academy. ment cruising boat.

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work was in progress. “A small boat was sent ashore to reconnoiter. Finding the tum comes from the November 1913 issue of “The Rudder,” entrance and the canal navigable, the boat returned to the and shows a handsome yawl sailing under main and mizzen yacht. The sails were furled, the engine started, and the with one headsail hanging loose over the bowsprit. The capMashantum swept into the canal and continued on as far as tion under the photo, giving the vessel’s specifications, the dredging permitted, and then returned to the entrance reads as follows: “L.O.A. 40 Ft., L.W.L. 30 Ft.; Breadth 12 where it anchored for the night.” Ft., 6 In., Draught 3 Ft. 10 In., 4-cylinder 4 3/8 In. x 5 1/2 A long article about the Cape Cod Canal in the July 31, In. 20-35 H.P. [corrected in pen to 18-25). Sterling Engine. 1914 edition of the Speed 6 3/4 Knots. “Boston Herald” contains a Built by Murray & Treparagraph about Mashangurtha. Owned by tum being the first vessel Samuel Crowell, M.D.” to pay a toll to transit the The annotated copy canal. And an article in the of the photo that is reAug. 8, 1914 issue of the produced here is pasted “Yarmouth Register,” into the Mashantum’s headed “First to Pay Canal log book. The original Toll,” reports the same eight-horsepower engine event. was apparently inade“First to Pay Canal Toll quate, and the yacht “The honor of being the was repowered with the one to pay the first toll larger Sterling engine upon the official opening of early in life. the Cape Cod Canal beMashantum is conlongs happily enough to a nected twice to the Cape Codder, Dr. Samuel early history of the Crowell of Dennis. Dr. Cape Cod Canal. She is Crowell, who is rear combelieved to have been modore of the Boston the first private vessel Photo courtesy U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Yacht Club, sailed down to anchor in the canal. In December 1910, with the canal far from complete, an N.E. Coal from Boston on his 38-footAnd it is well docu& Coke Co. barge with 2,000 tons of coal was towed into the east yawl, the Mashantum, and mented that she was was an interested spectator the first vessel to transit end of the canal. of the formal procession on the canal on the first Wednesday. day that the canal was officially open for business, and, con“The rear commodore spent the night at Sagamore, and sequently, was the first recorded vessel to pay a canal toll. all details having been arranged, started through the canal On Nov. 12, 1910, an article in the “Yarmouth (Mass,) the next morning at 8 o’clock. The Mashantum passed Register” – and partially reprinted in the Jan. 28, 1911 edithrough to the Buzzards Bay side and drew up to the wharf, tion of “The Binnacle,” the Boston Yacht Club Newsletter – where Commodore Miller, vice president and general manreported that Mashantum was the first yacht to anchor ager of the canal, introduced all on board to Chief Engineer overnight in the Cape Cod Ship Canal. The article, a copy of Parsons. With proper formality, Rear Commodore Crowell which also is pasted into Mashantum’s log, is quoted below. and his good ship Mashantum were then recorded as the “The yachting season is over for 1910 and most all of the first to pass through the canal after its opening, and the first yachts are hauled out for the winter, but the yachtsman is to pay the toll. still comparing notes and discussing the season’s experi“Dr. Crowell was accompanied on this historical trip by the ences. Hon. Louis C. Southard, a well known lawyer of Boston, and “So far as present inquiry can establish the fact, a yacht Mr. Charles Crosby, a prominent real estate man of New of the Boston Yacht Club was the first to enter the waters of York City and Pittsburgh.” the Cape Cod Ship Canal and anchor overnight. The July 30, 1914 entry in Mashantum’s log is a little “On July 3, 1910, the auxiliary yawl Mashantum, having briefer: “July 30, 8 a.m., started to go through the canal on board Dr. Samuel Crowell, owner and member of the strong NE wind, cloudy, rainy and cool. First boat to go Boston Yacht Club, with Samuel Crowell, Jr., David Crowell, through the canal and the first boat to pay the toll, $8.00, The Hon. L. C. Southard and Chester Hunt as his guests, an- into the treasury of the canal company. From the canal at chored off the Bay side of the canal about three o’clock in Buzzards Bay, ran to Marion.” the afternoon. In 1915, Mashantum disappears from the records. “At that date, a narrow opening through the beach was Whether she was sold, lost or, as happened to many visible from the Bay. The tide poured through it into the wooden yachts, simply broken up, is still being researched. canal in a fierce torrent, and one caught a glimpse of the dredgers and barges behind the banks of sand, where the By Bill Hezlep

MASHANTUM, continued from Page 27


Points East May 2014


Above: Passing under the bridge at the north end of Eggemoggin Reach, Jean helms while Paul worries about clearance. Right: Paul, Jean, Susan and Ken enjoy Rockland’s 3 Crow restaurant.

Shakedown for


Engine concerns scuttled a passage to the Caribbean, and the Alden 45’s owner chose to use the downtime for a systems refit. Before heading offshore again, sea trials were in order. Story and photos by Ken Packie For Points East he plan to doublehand Selkie from Buzzards Bay to Tortola in October 2012 was abruptly postponed when her owner, Paul, became concerned


38 Points East May 2014

with her engine’s low oil pressure. Subsequent evaluation by Hansen Marine confirmed that the Westerbeke, while OK for moderate coastal passages, was not to be trusted for long offshore work with hard running and long hours. Well, there it was. editor@pointseast.com

Counter-clockwise from above left: At the west side of Fox Island Thorofare, we cross tacks with other vessels. Susan’s on the helm as we leave Somes Sound to sail outside Long Island, then up to Merchants Row. Early morning the following day, the WoodenBoat anchorage offers a different view.

After reviewing options of a new engine retrofit versus removal, rebuild and reinstall the existing engine, Paul decided on the latter course. This project, along with several other earlier major efforts – such as total rod rigging replacement and rebuild of rudder bearing assembly – would give this beautiful Alden 45 many


more years of offshore and coastal sailing. Since this project would open up the interior of the boat for the winter, Paul also decided it was time to replace and upgrade the refrigeration system and expand the battery capacity from 380 amp hours to 580. In conjunction with the battery upgrade, a new Balmar 150A

Points East May 2014


alternator and smart regulator would complete the major projects. A test of the Westerbeke by Hansen Marine confirmed that a total rebuild was appropriate, and the work was to be done at Selkie’s mooring in Marion, Mass. One cylinder required a boreout and sleeve to bring it back to spec. All went well, and Selkie was ready for her delivery from Buzzards Bay to Rockland, Maine, for her summer season. The 30-hour-plus passage would serve as an initial shake down, and since it was a light-air event, the engine got a good try. The only concern raised during this passage was with fuel consumption. Paul had used eight-tenths of a gallon per hour when operating at 1800 rpm with the original engine, but the rebuilt engine seemed to be consuming over one gph. There was no visible indication of a problem such as vibration or cavitation, and since we were uncertain that the tank had been completely filled, we decided to top it off and then monitor carefully when we returned for a

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Counter clockwise from top: Swimming at the quarry was delightful. If there is a trail, Jean will find it. The quarry offered incredible swimming, to which Susan will attest.

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Our cruise began with a long-planned visit to the Rockland Lobster Festival, where crafts and foods were in good supply.

two-week cruise to Northeast Harbor. Early in August, my wife, Susan, and I joined Paul and his wife, Jean, aboard Selkie for our long-anticipated two-week cruise in and about Penobscot Bay and over to Northeast Harbor. The weather forecast could not have been more ideal. Our vacation cruise would serve the double purpose of ironing out some minor issues that needed to be resolved before we completed the previously aborted Tortola delivery. We took care of provisioning in Rockland and then relaxed for the evening, with plans to go to the Rockland Lobster Festival later in the weekend before heading to Eggemoggin Reach and the WoodenBoat School in Brooklin, our first stop. Lunch at the Brass Compass was excellent, particularly the signature lobster BLT. Eggemoggin Reach turned out to be a run as we turned the corner at Bucks Harbor; this is always a classic piece of water. There were several guest moorings open at the WBS, so we picked one up and checked in with the school. We were headed to Burnt Coat Harbor on Swans

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Points East May 2014


Island for the Sweet Chariots music festival later in the sary of Sweet Chariots. We decided to go ashore on our week, a short hop from Brooklin. We planned to take a layover day to find, and swim in, the quarry mentioned walking tour of the school in the morning before we de- in the cruise book. Our other shore activity would be a parted for Swan. walk to the lighthouse and along the trail that follows The programs that the the coast. This should school offers are comprebe plenty to keep us hensive – everything busy. from building your own The show was great canoes and kayaks, to and the walk was rewater colors and photogfreshing, but the quarry raphy, was listed as prowas spectacular. There grams for the next year. was a float to swim to How great it would be to and a lifeguard, so it take a mooring for a was worth the hike. week and build a boat. Even the seagulls The Benjamin River is stayed on the right side about a mile-plus walk of the floats. Too soon it away. The last time we was time to head for had called at the school, Northeast Harbor. it was possible to go into Rain settled in for our the classes in progress. The hike along the Mount Desert Island’s Jordan Pond upper trail bejump to Northeast HarThis has been changed gan to look serious: There was no turning back now. bor, along with some fog. due to liability and to Heavier rain was foreavoid class disruption for folks paying for the programs. cast for the next day, nobody was leaving their assigned It is still possible to go into classes during lunch breaks. moorings, so we could not find an open mooring at We made an early afternoon hop to Swans and picked Northeast. However, Hinckley at Southwest had plenty, up a mooring, from which we enjoyed the evening sea so that is where we ended up. Hinckley is a very nice chanteys prior to the show. This was the 25th anniver- facility with all services. Southwest Harbor is excellent

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While at anchor in Merchant Row, we had a front-row seat at the passing spectacle.

for provisioning as well. Although it is a long dinghy ride from the Hinckley mooring field to town, there is public transportation along the road from the yard, and

the market can deliver. We were cruising at the same time as the New York Yacht Club and the Cruising Club of America. Each

We Hear You

Great service begins with great communication. We listen, we advise, we work together. Your time on the water should be enjoyable, so should your time in the boatyard. A Full Service Yard, Restorations, Refits, Storage, Slips & Moorings Southport, Maine Transients to 150' Welcome 207-633-2970, brby.com, VHF Channel 9 www.pointseast.com

Points East May 2014


group had 70 or more boats, so our cruise plan was to avoid any harbor they had posted on their website schedules. CCA was due into Southwest Harbor in about two days, so we were anxious to depart. With clearing weather the next day, and everyone planning to move, we headed to Northeast early and found ample open moorings. Thus far, Selkie’s engine was running like a charm, but this was about to change.

As we entered the harbor, Paul noted a noise in the engine compartment. Investigation found that the alternator belts were off. Not good. Follow-up showed that the mount of the new Balmar alternator was loose. Digging deeper revealed that one bolt had sheared and the other backed out. It was now Saturday afternoon, so it was going to take a few days to sort things out.


44 Points East May 2014


Selkie has two alternators, the 150-amp unit for the house, and a smaller unit for the engine. The belts on the house alternator also drive the refrigeration, and that was full of provisions. Paul keeps spare belts that can go from the main crank to the refrigeration unit so we took out the 150-amp alternator and mount and put on the refrigeration belts. With this arrangement we could operate the refrigeration and just keep up with a battery charge if we were frugal with current draw. Monday morning we caught up with Morris Yachts, in Northeast, and scheduled a mechanic to tap out the sheared bolt later in the week. With a few days to spend waiting for repairs, we decided to visit Jordan Pond for a hike. This turned into quite an adventure since we chose the Cliff Trail and ignored a sign about iron railings. Well we won’t do that again. We were well into the hike – and past the point of no return, with the realization that there was no going back – when we turned a corner to face a vertical climb on an exposed boulder cliff with iron pipes as a ladder. Gulp! “Susan, just don’t look down.” “But my legs are too short for that next step.” “You can do this.” That was the gist of the conversation. We’ll probably not do that hike again but glad we did it once. Morris Yachts was prompt in sending a mechanic, who did a great job on clearing up our alternator issues and agreed that the failure was probably due to over-torquing an old bolt during the new installation. Plus, he added, the new bolt was less than half an inch into the block. Their service was good and the price quite reasonable. Since the day was foggy, we decided to head the short distance to Somes Sound and Valley Cove for a quiet evening. There are good trails that lead from the beach and easy anchoring. We shared the Cove with a few other boats, but with plenty of swinging room. One small problem www.pointseast.com

was that we tucked in a little too close to shore, and a change of current put us in six feet of water at low but we had no bumps, so all was well. Here, there are several easy hikes, with beautiful vistas to reward your efforts. To access these trails just dinghy to the beach, but be sure to get your dinghy way up and tie it off. A great breeze filled in the next day, so we decided to sail outside Long Island and head for an anchorage in Merchants Row. This was


such a great day – doing seven knots-plus and dodging all the pots that inhabit these waters. It did seem as though the lobstermen have upgraded the equipment to much more substantial toggles and floats. If one of these gets wedged between prop and hull, break out the wetsuit. We caught two, but they both came loose. We anchored for the night at McGlathery Island in Merchants Row, where we went ashore to explore before dinner aboard. We



Mystic Shipyard offers 270 protected slips - 18’ to 150’ - on both sides of the Mystic River, and south of both Mystic River bridges. Featuring a riverside pool and short walk – or dinghy ride – to downtown Mystic and the Seaport. Experienced ABYC certified service work - from repairs to refits, and rigging to refrigeration. Also high quality gelcoat and refinishing specialists – all onsite!

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Points East May 2014


Paul, Jean and Susan head into Northeast Harbor on a provisioning run as we wait for a mechanic to complete the alternator-mount repairs.

shared this little spot with two other boats and had plenty of room, so long as the winds stayed out of the southwest. The current up and down Merchants Row



will affect you some, and the lobster boats will start their day very early. Next day, we wound our way down Merchant Row



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w w w. c u s t o m f l o a t . c o m 46 Points East May 2014


HANDY BOAT SERVICE A Full Service Boatyard

As we exited Merchants Row near Stonington, we passed this lobsterboat working in front of Crotch Island Light.

and across to North Haven for lunch. We picked up a mooring at J. O. Brown’s boatyard and stopped to see them. On this cruise, there was no charge for moorings when used for short stops, such as lunch. The breeze was up, affording a sweet reach back to Rockland to complete our two-week shakedown. A final check on fuel consumption showed .75 gallons per hour. Perfect. Time well spent. We enjoyed dinner at 3 Crow Restaurant in Rockland, our new favorite spot. Paul and I returned in mid-September to bring Selkie back down to Marion for preparation for the Tortola delivery to come. There was a to-do list, of course, but this seemed quite manageable. The VHF radio seemed to be having problems, the alternator mounting needed to be rechecked, the AIS tracking system did not operate as it should have, but nothing seemed to raise major concerns. Aside from lots of fog and rain, the sail to Marion was uneventful. Next Stop Tortola! Ken began sailing in the early 1980s in an effort to find a family activity to engage his wife and four children. The family quickly discovered the joy of Long Island Sound and moved farther east as their skills developed. The last 15 years have been spent sailing the coast of Maine, nine deliveries and races to and from Bermuda, and an occasional delivery to the Caribbean. Along the way, Ken was a cofounder of the Stonington (Conn.) Cruising Club, from which sprang many cherished friendships that now perpetuate his sailing, since he sold his last boat, the Able 42 Golden Mean, several years ago. The tale of the BVI delivery will be in the September issue.


FRIENDLY & TRADITIONAL Handy Boat, one of Maine's premier boatyards and marinas has been serving the area since 1934. Located in the heart of Casco Bay, Handy Boat is a terrific place to stop on your way up the coast or for the entire season!

Handy Boat has made many improvements in the past few years and we want you to visit us on your way up the coast: ●

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Points East May 2014


Clockwise from top: Is this flotsam or jetsam? You tell us. Capt. Bob and First Mate Louise happy as two peas in a pod at the Moorings. Isn’t laughter what it’s all about? Jenny, Annette and Victoria are in the right mindset.


days moorings of our

Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our moorings, with insincere apologies to the venerable soap called “The Days of Our Lives,” for we, too, have had to endure our own little dramas. Story and photos by Capt. Bob Brown For Points East or many years, our boating friend Perry had a “secret” mooring in Massachusetts’ Ipswich River, which he referred to in passing conversation, but never fully explained. He would disappear


48 Points East May 2014

with his boat and dinghy for weekends and never be heard from, and he’d never talk about it when he returned. His boat’s name is Off Duty; he’s closemouthed, tight-lipped, not forthcoming with information, and answers a question with a question, which is how law-enforcement officers are supposed to editor@pointseast.com

As far as we can tell, the cast of marina characters is respectfully toasting the gods of the sea, Poseidon and Neptune.

be: secretive. After years of trying to invite ourselves down to his mooring to tie-up, Louise and I, on our 46-foot Post sportfisherman HalfMine, finally bribed him with a case of Michelob Ultra to allow us along for a weekend. His mooring is located near Grape Island and requires a careful approach due to shallow water at the entry.


There is a large sandbar in the center of the river, which appears at low tide and provides a great playground for boaters – but only at low tide. At other times, the sandbar is below water and creates a formidable hazard to navigation; local knowledge is extremely beneficial in these waters. Louise and I and Perry and Dorothy packed up our

Points East May 2014


Left: First Mate Louise, with marina friends Jenny and Victoria, occasionally wonder what the land people are doing this fine day. Right: Louise, Victoria and Jenn get ready for the ride of their lives.

boats, including our dinghies, for the weekend, and a great weekend it was. There is nothing so much fun as doing something for the first time, and we had never been into the Ipswich River, let alone on a mooring overnight. The daytime weather was hot, the sandbar was available from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., the drinks were cold (his free case of Mich-Ultra did not last the weekend), and the dinghy runs at night were fun. And his secret mooring – and the concept of secret moorings – was no longer a secret.

HalfMine needed one of these “secret” moorings. Over beers one evening at Striper’s Grille, in Salisbury, my friend Jack, who worked in Ipswich, said, “Sure, I can get you one of those.” And so “the Moorings” were added to our list of adventure destinations. Over the past decade or so, we have spent much time with our boating friends in the Ipswich River. In fact, not only is Perry’s secret mooring no longer a secret, he also has helped six of our friends get their own river locations. In effect, with eight moorings and the ability

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SPRAY-ALL™ Highly effective, all-purpose cleaner that whisks away black streaks, grease, oxidation and rust from all marine surfaces. Eliminates tough stainson fiberglass, vinyl, fenders, formica and canvas. Easy to use trigger spray. Capt. Bob and Perry are in deep and thoughtful conversation (perhaps, what will be the next monkey business?) while Jenn and Steve wade back to their handsome vessel, Anguish.

to raft up a lot of boats at once, we have ostensibly relocated our marina to our respective moorings. And now, much to our great pleasure, strange things occur at the moorings as well as on the docks. I warmly remember the day we tied all the rubber, inflated things together, and dragged them and their occupants, with the dinghy, around the river and backand-forth to the sandbar. These inflatable devices float, they have cup-holders, they tip over in the water, and they may or may not hold the people that are on them. During our play, we developed our “actual, natural deviation” exercise, whereby all floating objects, along with their passengers, must allow the shifting tide to propel them, naturally, no power allowed. It is widely held at our marina that floating objects, left to drift, will not run into anything – that they will naturally drift around things in their path. This day, we found out that this is simply not true. We let the girls drift “naturally” for the better part of an afternoon, and they ended up the Parker River, on their way to Rowley, before we “rescued” them. We boys had considered just letting the tide bring them back naturally, but in the end, we went after them. They did run into a few things on their voyage, shooting holes in the theory that drifting debris invariably drifts around fixed objects. Ah, science. Then there was the day we unintentionally stranded one of our own on the sandbar. When the tide comes up here, there really is no place to go. Our friend did not want to leave the sandbar when the rest of us did, so we said we’d be back to get her. Of course, we all got into doing other things until someone pointed toward the yacht club and asked innocently, “Who’s that with the lawn chair, waiving her arms, waist-deep in water where the sandbar used to be?” “Oh my lord, I forgot to pick her up!” the inimitable www.pointseast.com

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We guess one could call this a raft-up at a raft-up.

Peter replied. Victoria did not drown, but mercy-sakes she was some upset. We are always sorry when these things happen, but they do at the moorings. Jim and Carol have a cute, little center-console boat in which they run around the moorings. One afternoon, six of us decided we should make a run to Tom Shea’s in Essex for cocktails and apps, and that we should use Fox Creek (the shortcut can only be used at high to mid tides) to get there. It was a hot day, the ride refreshing, and the visit to O’Shea’s most enjoyable. When we departed the restaurant, we wondered if the tide was too low to return to our mooring via Fox Check out our website for our expansion plans on Commercial Street in Portland! www.portlandyacht.com

Creek. Our collective wisdom concluded that, of course, the tide was still high enough. Halfway back to Ipswich, we were stuck. Usually, when stuck in Fox Creek, the reason is that the creek is too shallow. For this reason, our mate, without a second thought, jumped from the craft into the shallow water to push it into deeper water. As it turned out, the craft was too wide for the creek; there was plenty of water underneath the boat. The mate, much to everyone’s amusement, submerged himself in Fox Creek. The mate was me, and I have never seen so much laughter from one crew. Laughter was short-

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52 Points East May 2014


lived, however, as it took the entire crew to unstick the rived on deck – “reborn,” as someone cracked. vessel, so everyone was required to get wet and mucky Well, obviously, the antics weren’t going to stop from the low-tide goo. there. Others were popped through with great apLet’s see, there also was the night we were all “re- plause; then others were running down to be popped born.” The girls were in the through a second time. Then V-berth of HalfMine. It was it was time for the boys to a warm, cloudless night, be “reborn” as well, and, one and the guys were on the by one, they popped through forward deck, above the Vthe hatch until only Peter berth. The hatch was open remained to be “delivered.” to allow air circulation into Different arrangements the boat, so guys and girls needed to be made to bring all could hear what was gothe very large Peter up from ing on above and bebelow. More than one “doclowdecks. tor” was needed – one from Well, Peter, for whatever below as well as above. This reason, decided the girls was going to be one very should join the boys on the large baby! With several deck. Peter is a pretty goodfolks pushing, and a handful sized boy (big and strong), pulling, he, as luck would so he thought the shortest have it, got stuck in the way to get the crew from the Capt. Bob calls his mate “the dancing queen of the Moor- hatch. forward cabin to the deck ings,” but from the looks of things we’re tempted to call The next day, HalfMine her an aerial artist. would be through the hatch. had to go back to the maHe grabbed the hands of rina. Peter was still stuck in one of the girls and yanked her, quickly and deliber- the hatch, his hands and arms at his sides, with no ately, up and through the hatch. You could almost hear way to extricate himself. Thank goodness he was faca popping sound, like a cork from a bottle, as she ar- ing forward so we didn’t have to endure the forlorn ex-


Points East May 2014


pression on his face as we headed out of the river into Winnie’s matted white coat. It probably took many the sea (we did put goggles on him). Upon arrival at more weeks to get rid of Winnie’s new attitude. But the marina, we used the forklift and an attached cable we’ll never know because Dorothy’s friend never – as well as some grease – to talked to her again, and we remove him. Yes, he was OK, never saw Winnie again. Too but this traumatic incident bad, Winnie would have made convinced him to lose some of a great boat dog. his girth. Yes, these are the sorts of I remember when Dorothy things that occur at the moorhad to babysit her friend’s ings – sometimes like grains of miniature white, very clean, sand through an hourglass, poodle for the weekend. Winnie sometimes like uncontrollable was a pampered, kept-indoorslandslides. So stop by at type lap dog. I don’t think WinPerry’s secret place sometime nie was allowed to even walk for your own mooring fix – in on her own four legs; she was the Ipswich River, near Grape kept firmly in the owner’s Island. arms, at all times. When the Capt. Robert Brown and his dog needed to relieve itself, I A patriotic Louise celebrates a weekend at the wife Louise continue their believe the owner held the dog Moorings with an exuberant Peter – yes, the Peter boating adventures out of Cove above the grass or litter box to who was stuck for half a day in the HalfMine hatch. Marina on the Merrimack do its business. River in Salisbury, Mass. They So Dorothy brought Winnie to the mooring, the live by the sea, at North Beach in Hampton, N.H. Capt. sandbar, and Grape Island, and I have never seen such Bob holds a 100-ton, USCG Master’s license, and he a transformation. Could Winnie run, and run away she and his mates have cruised from Fort Lauderdale to did. When she returned, we didn’t think it was the Bar Harbor, including three bare-boat adventures in same dog. It must have taken weeks to get all the the British Virgin Islands. Visit Bob and Louise at sand, dirt, bugs, and other miscellaneous debris out of www.nauticalchronicles.com.

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54 Points East May 2014




Points East May 2014


THERACIN The Round Island Race is the brainchild of Charles Lassen (inset), a sometime pirate who has plagued Portsmouth’s South End neighborhood with his philanthropy and organizational skills. All manner of small sail- and paddle-powered craft are welcome in the Round Island Race (below).

Photos courtesy Charles Lassen

Points East joins the Round Island Regatta for 2014 After grueling negotiations and only a minimal amount of hostage-taking, Points East has agreed to become Official Media Sponsor for the Fourth Annual Round Island Regatta, to be held Saturday, Aug. 23, in the back channel behind Peirce Island in Portsmouth, N.H. All persons with small, trailerable sailboats or small paddle or rowing vessels are hereby strongly urged to participate. Even those without boats should attend, so as to gorge themselves at the Surf & Turf Picnic Prizegiving Party afterwards. The Round Island Regatta (formerly the Round Round ROUND ISLAND, continued on Page 61 56 Points East May 2014


NGPAGES Fast boats, cool scenery: the IRC Class start at last year’s Ida Lewis Distance Race, with the Newport Bridge in the background.

Photo by Meghan Sepe

The Ida Lewis Distance Race celebrates 10th anniversary This summer, the Ida Lewis Distance Race will celebrate its 10th anniversary doing what it does best: presenting sailors with an exciting overnight offshore experience that covers hallowed sailing ground and is just the right length – not too short, not too long – for all types of competitors. On Friday, Aug. 15, the race will start off Ida Lewis Yacht Club in Newport, R.I., and take its fleet of IRC, PHRF, One Design, Double-

Busy summer for Sea Sprites on Rhody’s Narragansett Bay The event formerly known as the “Sea Sprite Regatta” has been upgraded this year to the “Sea Sprite 23 North American Championships.” It will be held in Bristol, R.I., at the Bristol Yacht Club on July 12th, 2014, and will include two races on Saturday followed by drinks and a cookout on the porch of the Bristol Yacht Club. With the bigger title at stake this year, there will undoubtedly be more boats on the line. Overall, this summer should be an exciting season for

Handed and Multihull boats on courses chosen from four options with distances between 104 and 177 miles. Among the iconic waypoints of the race are Castle Hill, Brenton Reef, Block Island, Montauk Point, Martha’s Vineyard and Buzzards Bay. This summer, the competition will be super-stacked since the Swan 42 Class has designated the race as ILDR, continued on Page 63

Young U.S. talent to Portugal in July US Sailing has named 12 athletes to its 2014 International Sailing Federation (ISAF) Youth World Championships Team. The premier youth event in international sailing, ISAF Youth Worlds represents the ultimate stage for America’s best young talent. The 2014 edition will take place from July 12-19 in Tavira, Portugal. The 12 sailors are: Laser Radial (boy’s one-person dinghy): Luke Muller (Ft. Pierce, Fla.) Laser Radial (girl’s one-person dinghy): Haddon Hughes (Houston, Texas) International 420 (girl’s two-person dinghy): Audrey Giblin (Monmouth Beach, N.J.) and Taylor Gavula (Villanova, Pa.) Interna-

YOUTH, continued on Page 62 SEA SPRITES, continued on Page 62 www.pointseast.com

Points East May 2014


Putting the ‘fun’ in fundraising

A sunny day, a breeze, a greyhound of a boat -how could you not have fun? The author and his crew aboard the Etchells White Hawk.

Photo by Ann-e Blanchard

Competing in the MS Regatta at MS Harborfest By Tim Tolford For Points East Whenever two boats meet, there’s always the chance of a race. When 50 or more boats meet, it’s going to be a blast. This will hold true for the Northern New England Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Society’s 34th edition of the MS Harborfest to be held August 9th. One of the largest and oldest charity sailing events on the East Coast, it’s also one of the most fun, and has to be tried to be believed. A group of old salts sit under the tent at Handy Boat Service eating lobster and burgers, with plenty of beer and wine flowing after the day’s racing. Juniors are selling raffle tickets, MS T-shirts are being hawked, and the music is playing as the RC finalizes the scoring. The talk under the tent is of wins in prior years in a variety of J-boats, and of windless races, and the big blow of 2010, with 35knot gusts that had the big guys broaching within seconds of hoisting their chutes. Eventually the conversation turns to how proud they

are of the camaraderie of all entrants – rookies, cruisers, and racers, alike –– in helping fundraise for this great cause, the stamping out of MS. The entertainment begins Friday evening with the skippers meeting/benefit auction held at Portland Yacht Services. Crews pick up their entry packets from fleet captain Jody Cady before hearing welcoming words from founder Merle Hallett and seasoned Race Officer Bill Newberry’s review of Saturday’s race. Then it’s off to the food and drink, music, gifts, raffles, and auction items available from the staff and volunteers of the MS Society. Enjoying the friendship of fellow sailors and friends of the MS Society underneath a canopy of sails and lights for a few hours makes for a grand evening. Saturday morning dawns a beautiful one because, as Merle says, “It never rains on the MS Regatta.” I meet John and Terry, my crew, at the docks and head out with hundreds of others to the boats. Big or small, wide or narMS HARBORFEST, continued on Page 60

58 Points East May 2014



Points East May 2014


MS HARBORFEST, continued from Page 58

nel past Portland Head, Tamarack in the lead. The other racing classes follow as we watch to see who makes out row, all boats are welcomed; sponsorship is even arranged where. The Cruising divisions, the majority of the fleet, for each boat. Crews in costume, their boats bedecked in lead the Classics up the channel on their own shorter sponsor banners, load food and drinks. Diehard racers as the big boys return under their spinnakers. To course strip their boats to the bone. Eventually a motley assemsee 50-plus sailboats, ferries, fishing, and spectator boats bly of racers (battle flags flying), cruisbetween the Head Light and Ft. ers (with so many aboard their Gorges is one spectacular sight as waterlines are invisible), classic yachts crews keep all safe while managing dressed in blazers, and even the solo the best course to the next mark. Boat sailor or two, heads out to the Brothcrossings are met with calls of encourers to line up for the Parade of Boats. agement. Led by the race committee, the mileThe fleets squeeze through the tight long fleet sails up to the Eastern Prom channel between Ft. Gorges and Diacovered with spectators, to the Million mond Island, missing the PFD rocks, Dollar Bridge before returning to Fort hitting the doldrums before they Gorges. reach off to Clapboard for a quick jibe Our little Etchells drops the towline and beat to the finish. The wind has in the shadow of the 80-foot Too EluPhoto by Anne-e Blanchard picked up, we are a bit overpowered, sive as we raise sail among a cluster Bill Newberry, one of the organizers, was of a dozen boats. A few tacks to shake duly impressed by the camaraderie of all the big boys are driving at our transom, thankfully no one can out-point out the rust and check favored sides the racers, who were there for a great an Etchells, and all have to pass to leeof the course, a quick spinnaker set, a cause -- the stamping out of MS. ward. We tack at Fish Point and head jibe or two, and then we lower sail and to the finish in second place behind Greyhound – it’s the duck beneath Bug Light for lunch. Back again at the start, end of another great MS race, and the end of a wonderful we find that Capt. Bill has once again set a perfect line, day on the waters of Casco Bay. and we settle on our strategy for the day. FMI: http://eventmam.nationalmssociety.org. The big boys set off first, drag racing out the ship chan-

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60 Points East May 2014


The Round Island Race takes place in the back channel behind Peirce Island; the race’s founder lives in a converted brothel on tiny Round Island.

Map by Google Maps

ROUND ISLAND, continued from Page 56 Island Regatta) is the brainchild of Charles Lassen, who actually lives on Round Island (shown as Little Island on most charts) in a renovated brothel a stone’s throw from Portsmouth’s historic South End neighborhood. Lassen, a founding member of the South End Men’s Ocean Sailing Association (SEMOSA), accidentally settled in Portsmouth after taking shelter there in his 37-foot cutter during a November gale many years ago. He has plagued the South End with his philanthropy and organizational skills ever since. The latter were not much in evidence during the very first edition of the regatta, during which the race committee failed to identify any first-place boats. In the years since, the regatta’s administration has become increasingly competent, but this has not diminished the spirit of the event. The competition is normally fun-filled and scintillatingly anarchic, as nu-

merous sailboats, kayaks, canoes, and rowboats must all simultaneously race at close quarters without (hopefully) smashing into each other. Skipper’s briefings for three classes of boats – sail, single-paddle, and multiple-paddle – will start at 10 a.m.; the first race start is at 10:45 a.m. Prizes are awarded for first-place finishes (no handicaps or protests), most handsome vessel and crew, and sportsmanship. A public launch ramp and parking lot are conveniently situated on Peirce Island; the feast afterward, starting at 2:30 p.m., will be held directly across the channel at the historic Wentworth Lear house. Points East staff will be attending en masse, so you can confab with them and (if absolutely necessary) complain about editorial policy. Tickets for both participants and spectators cost just $20, with proceeds to benefit the Wentworth Lear Historic Houses. FMI: roundislandregatta.com.

Donate your boat or marine gear to Non-profit Star Island Corporation Your tax deductible donation will support waterfront facilities at historic Star Island at the Isles of Shoals including public access and maintenance of this New Hampshire coastal treasure. Contact Island Manager for details: jfarrell@starisland.org www.pointseast.com

Points East May 2014


SEA SPRITES, continued from Page 57 SS23 racing on Narragansett Bay. A few boats have left the Bristol racing fleet, but there should still be 12 to 14 boats signed up for the Millard Series on Wednesday evenings. On the West Bay, word is out of a nucleus of at least five racers poised to travel to the three big events set for 2014 (the North Americans at Bristol Yacht Club on July 12, ’Round The Hog set for Aug. 2, and the Herreshoff Classic Boat Regatta to be held on Aug. 23). The Sea Sprite Association will work with the Hospice Regatta (scheduled for early September) to provide a shorter course than around Prudence Island for one-design racing. If interest in racing builds on the West Bay side, the association will coordinate an East/West Race on a weekend in mid-September, date and time to be announced. Remember, PHRF racing in a Sea Sprite is fun, and you might win your class. The Sea Sprite 23 has a more than competitive rating. You will need a PHRF rating from the YOUTH, continued from Page 57 tional 420 (boy’s two-person dinghy): Jack Parkin (Riverside, Conn.) and Florian Eenkema van Dijk (Darien, Conn.) 29er (open high-performance dinghy): Quinn Wilson (Ojai, Calif.) and Riley Gibbs (Long Beach, Calif.) RS:X (boy’s windsurfer): Pedro Pascual (Cadiz, Spain) RS:X (girl’s wind-

Narragansett Bay Yachting Association (NBYA) that will cost $35. You can race in your Yacht Club’s local PHRF weekly races as well as in the special events run by NBYA (including their popular Super Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday). Most organizing authorities for races on the Bay (especially NBYA and MOHOSA) promise a separate start for a one-design fleet that enters five or more boats. We will again award the Nancy Belle Trophy to the best Sea Sprite 23 racer on Narragansett Bay. However, for 2014, we will try a different selection system. Sea Sprite 23 race results from the entire summer from all events scheduled on the Bay will be collected and reviewed by the Executive Board. For events other than the big ones (North Americans, Herreshoff, Millard Series, ’Round The Hog), each skipper will keep a record of position finished and how many SS23s were beaten, and will report his/her performance at the end of the season. The Board will be responsible for developing scoring criteria and the selection process. FMI: http://www.seasprites.com. surfer): Charlotte Samson (Clearwater, Fla.) SL16 (open multihull): Ravi Parent (Bradenton, Fla.) and Nicholas Schultz (Sarasota, Fla.) Returning to the team this year are Haddon Hughes (Laser Radial), Quinn Wilson (29er), and Ravi Parent (SL16). FMI: http://www.isafyouthworlds.com.

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62 Points East May 2014


Photos by Meghan Sepe

Chris Culver’s Swan 42 Blazer sails by Castle Hill (left). Icarus Racing at the start of last year’s Ida Lewis Distance Race.

ILDR, continued from Page 57 part of its 2014 Offshore Championship Series. The race, with its Youth and Collegiate Challenges, has encouraged a new generation of sailors who want to try

their hand at distance racing. The Ida Lewis Distance Race is a qualifier for the New England Lighthouse Series (PHRF); the Northern and Double-Handed Ocean Racing Trophies (IRC); and the US-IRC Gulf Stream Series. FMI: www.ildistancerace.org.

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Points East May 2014





David Buckman photo

Anchoring the Leight in an eel-rut at Little River, Maine, brought to mind my first visit there, when I was in need of comfort.

Cruising comfort here’s a certain vulnerability to coasting that skill, luck and good intentions don’t always address adequately, and, in a lifetime of sailing, it’s always seemed remarkable that the few times we’ve been in need of help, we’ve managed to cross paths with people in need of helping. Piling the 26-foot Leight rather decisively upon a ledge at the western end of Townsend Gut a few years back, I’d barely begun to speculate about how to escape when a nearby cottager came to the rescue. He came in a powerful skiff, and he was delighted to pull the sloop free. While little may be made of such events in the heat of them, with time they add a rich patina to the cruising life. Sailing into Little River, Maine, last summer, I recalled my first visit to the far-Downeast village of Cutler. It was the ’70s, I’d been reading too much Thoreau, and I was desperate to do something that could be taken seriously, which certainly wasn’t my marketing career. Cobbling together a faux cruiser from a holein-the-hull wreck of an old, 18-foot wooden daysailer,


64 Points East May 2014

I set out to discover the New England and Fundy coast, which proved a massive learning experience – and altogether close enough to an epic journey for a shoe clerk of my low estate. The farther east I pressed in the barebones cruiser, the wilder the coast became, the stronger the tides ran, the thicker the fog floated, and the more my doubts grew. I worried about pushing this Walden-onwater business too far. Singlehanding through an unfathomable dungeon of fog just west of Little River, I got beat up by racing tides, and my watch-and-compass navigation wasn’t up to revealing Old Man Ledge. The compelling loneliness of my quest loomed large, but at length the whitewashed village of Cutler miraculously materialized through the mists. Landing at an empty fish dock, only an ill-tempered and barking wharf dog took notice of my arrival. It was the Sabbath. There was no lobster fishing going on, and not a soul about. Saw a curtain or two pulled back as I walked along the harbor road, but noeditor@pointseast.com

body to talk to. Picked a few wild daisies to cheer the little sloop, and, on passing the Methodist church, noticed a hand-lettered sign, “Supper Tonight.” A card-carrying social defective, I immediately resolved to attend. The welcome was warm. My dinner mates wanted to know what had washed in on the tide. I was introduced, questioned, cheered and comforted. I met husbands, wives, grandparents and children. Heaping platters passed my way. I let go of the tension in my back. Mac-andcheese, scalloped potatoes, chicken, chowder, cornbread and conversation softened the hard edge of my lot. Morning came bright and blue. Taking breakfast in the cockpit, I wrestled with whether to continue east into the tumultuous Bay of Fundy. Poring over the charts, I heard a rowboat pull alongside. Looking up, I was soon engaged in lively conversation with an elfin woman, and so Ruth Farris played into my minor Odyssey. Her rosy cheeks wrinkled when she smiled. Asking where I was bound, I mentioned I was trying to decide whether to push up the Bay of Fundy for Saint John, New Brunswick. Without hesitation, she replied, “You’ve made it this far, the weather looks good, and you shouldn’t have any trouble. Just be smart,” she said, touching my shoulder lightly. Thus encouraged and comforted, four days along found me quietly sailing the pastoral reaches of Canada’s St. John River, feet up, steering with an idle elbow, and without a care in the world.

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David Buckman’s book, “Bucking the Tide,” is a tale of muddling along the New England and Fundy coast in a decidedly improper sloop, which made a case for the fact that, with a little imagination, one can go to great lengths for next to nothing. Buy one at www.eastworkspublications. www.pointseast.com

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Points East May 2014


YARDWORK/People and proj ects Maine Cat plans to have an MC 38 in the Bahamas for the bareboat charter next winter.

Photo courtesy Maine Cat

Maine Cat 38: Short rig, narrow beam, fast Maine Cat, in Bremen, Maine, has unveiled the newest member of its open bridge-deck cruising catamarans. The mission statement for the Maine Cat 38, the builder says, is “to fill the void in the sailing multihull market for an affordable, go-anywhere, high-performance cruiser that can comfortably carry over two tons of payload.” Her high-aspect daggerboards and rudders retract vertically to allow beaching, with only 19 inches of draft when fully loaded. The beam-to-length ratio enhances performance with a shorter rig and smaller, easier-to-handle sails. The new design will be available in modular components that can be shipped inexpensively anywhere in the world, with final assembly completed near your home waters. The MC 38 enclosure has operable forward windows,

fixed side windows, and a flexible aft enclosure to convert this entire nine and a half- by 15-foot cockpit into a protected pilothouse. The MC 38 will have Lexan windows, which Maine Cat says, “are a great improvement over earlier MC 30 Strataglass windows.” “Our investment in the equipment and technology to resin-infuse the thermoformed VIC Core-Cell closed-cell coring in all the structural assemblies makes the new MC 38 stronger and lighter than any other Maine Cat to date,” says president Dick Vermeulen, adding, “Maine Cat is the only production multihull builder in the world that thermoforms all their Core-Cell structural core.” Maine Cat plans to have a 38 in the Bahamas for bareboat charter next winter. FMI: www.mecat.com.

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66 Points East May 2014

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Points East May 2014


True North 38 Heritage model has new hull-laminate schedule USWatercraft, LLC, in upgraded. The galley Warren, R.I., reports counter-top surfaces are that hull No. 120 of the made of stain-resistant True North Heritage 38 Avonite, a scratch resisdesign is under constructant high-solids matetion, and, the builder rial. says, “This is the most A new cockpit seating advanced True North 38 configuration and cushbuilt to date.” Notable ion design makes the among refinements is a cockpit more spacious new hull-lamination with greater comfort, schedule that, US Waterthe builder says. Also craft says, provides a new this year is that, stronger, quieter ride. the first time during Additionally, the infused production, a Waterline Photo courtesy USWatercraft LLC longitudinal-stringer Systems performance system stiffens the hull, The new lamination schedule is designed to give a stronger, quihull-bottom finish will eter ride, and the infused longitudinal-stringer system stiffens the creating a powerful enbe applied, providing hull, creating a powerful entry. try and smooth exit greater fuel economy through the water. and speed. The 38 Heritage’s standard turbo-charged Many improvements have been made to the interior diesel delivers a 21-knot cruising speed, 25 knots widejoinery of the 38 Heritage, the builder reports. Carpen- open throttle. In-port maneuverability is enhanced by ters have replaced the doorway to the V-berth with a a bow-thruster with a joystick. And an underwater exlouvered teak door, changed the plastic overhead hatch haust lowers the decibels while helping purge fumes. trims to teak trim, and the drawer system has been FMI: www.tnyachts.com.

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Photo courtesy Alerion Yachts

Alerion offers shoal-draft keel Alerion Yachts, in Warren, R.I., is offering a shoal-draft keel option for the Alerion 41. Alerion has just completed the construction of the first Alerion 41 with a shoal-draft keel, and in early spring was settled snugly into her cradle on a truck bound for South Beach, Miami. A shoal-draft keel is an ideal modification for those who wish to cruise in shallower waterways, navigate canals, or have more destination options. With modern-day engineering, Alerion says, the boat with a shoal-draft keel still points beautifully and sails with ease. FMI: www.uswatercraft.com.

Yale Cordage, in Saco, Maine, broadened the scope of its services by providing the cordage for a billowy, voluminous sculpture installed by Planetary artist Janet Echelmen above Vancouver, B.C., for the international TED conference. TED is a nonprofit devoted to spreading ideas, usually in the form of short, powerful talks (18 minutes or less). As the colorful, site-specific aerial piece danced between buildings hundreds of miles away, an imaginary support line stretched all the way to Maine. Anchoring this immense, free-floating installation is a complex web of rope custom made by Yale, best known for its cutting-edge Kevlar, Spectra, Vectran and Zylon PBO ropes, which are used at every level of the sailing spectrum – from pond dinghies to globe-circling trimarans. In 2012, daredevil Nik Wallenda walked over

BRIEFS, continued on Page 71

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Points East May 2014


A monster center-console vessel is being built at Southport Boats Southport Boats LLC, in Augusta, Maine, is building its largest center-console design to date, the 33 FE. Designed in response to market demand for a roomier model, the builder says, the Southport 33 FE offers options for both sportfishing and entertaining. The versatile model features a C. Raymond Hunt Associates hull, with interior and deck designs from the in-house design team. The first Southport 33 FE is due for completion this spring. The newest Southport offering incorporates new port and starboard storage options that double as fish boxes. Two six-foot-long, insulated 57-gallon compartments are forward, and two more in-deck 75-gallon compartments are aft. Aft of the 33 FE’s double helm chairs is an area that serves as a fishing-tackle station or an entertainment center, depending on a customer’s preferences. The 33 FE has a lockable head with six feet, three inches of standing headroom and a head, sink and shower. The forward lounge area has adjustable backrests, and the aft seating folds down for more room for fishing. Inside the console is a six-foot berth for cruisers or a storage area for day-trippers. The 33 FE will be powered by twin 300-horse outboards, but owners can upgrade to twin 350-horse outboards. FMI: www.southportboats.com.

Renderings courtesy Southport Boats

The versatile model features a C. Raymond Hunt Associates hull, with interior and deck designs from the in-house design team.

74-foot Frers a’buildin’ at Brooklin Boat Yard hull will be finished bright. Brooklin Boat Yard, in The deck, built separately Brooklin, Maine, has begun from the hull, will be westconstruction of a 74-foot coldern larch veneers and molded sailboat designed by Okume plywood skins that Germán Frers. The sandwich the foam core. racer/cruiser design is schedThe 74’s systems will inuled to be launched in spring clude a full navigation sys2015. The Frers 74, designed tem and push-button sail for daysailing and racing, handling with a hydraulic coastal cruising and ocean mainsheet system and repassages, promises to be one tractable anchor arm. Powof the more distinctive ered with a 170-horse Volvo yachts to come from Brooklin Rendering Brooklin Boat Yard diesel, the 74 has a bowBoat Yard in its 54-year hisThe 74's systems will include a full navigation system thruster, and a 10kW genertory. The hull is being built with a and push-button sail handling with a hydraulic mainsheet ator for 10 24-volt DC system and retractable anchor arm. foam-core construction to lithium iron phosphate maximize stiffness and minimize weight. The inner (LFP) batteries, which will produce 1800 amp-hours of planking will be western larch running fore and aft power. It will have a GOST security system, full eleccovered with unidirectional carbon fiber, and infused tronics, and air-conditioning. Her mast, standing rigwith WEST epoxy. The outer planking will consist of ging, boom, rudder and keelframe will all be built from two vacuum-bagged diagonal layers of western red carbon. Specifications: LOA 73’ 9”, LWL 66’ 4”, Beam cedar, a layer of 3/16-inch thick western larch, and a 18’ 10”, Draft bulb keel 12’ 5”, Full disp. (lightship) layer of infused biaxial carbon fiber. The exterior of the 54,454 lbs. FMI: www.brooklinboatyard.com. 70 Points East May 2014


R.I. Pre-Apprentice Program getting good jobs for students The Rhode Island Marine Trades Pre-Apprenticeship Program, a 5 ½-week training program that gives students a foundation of skill on which to launch their careers, is gaining momentum. On March 28, a second class of pre-apprentices in this new program graduated from the curriculum, and several students are heading to graduation with full-time job offers in hand. Funded by an Innovative Partnership grant awarded by the Governor’s Workforce Board RI, this program is coordinated by the Rhode Island Marine Trades Association (RIMTA) with area schools and businesses. During the program, 12 students have studied with instructors at CCRI, Confident Captain, IYRS, and the New England Institute of Technology. These students have toured leading businesses; they have learned from seasoned professionals at Hinckley, J. Huber Restorations, and Rhode Island Marine; and each student has done six days of job shadowing at area companies. During the first round of the Pre-Apprenticeship Program, run in summer 2013, two companies stepped up to offer job shadowing, and all graduates were placed in full-time jobs 30 days after graduation. According to RIMTA Workforce Development Coordinator Jen Cornwell, this term the marine industry’s interest in this program has risen exponentially.

“This term, eight companies offered job shadowing to our students. The best part is that having a larger group of companies allows us to better match each student’s interests to a company,” said Cornwell. “I expect that our job placement after graduation will go quickly, as job shadowing stints often turn into full-time offers.” The Pre-Apprenticeship Program is only one element of a larger plan in Rhode Island to cultivate a strong workforce for the marine trades. As boating business rebounds, and more skilled labor is needed, the workforce is graying, and not enough young people are choosing the marine industry as a career path. RIMTA, area schools, and the marine industry work in concert to correct this trend, with programs at area trade schools such as NEIT, MTTI and IYRS; programs at local High Schools; and programs coordinated by RIMTA with learning institutions and the industry. All these efforts in Rhode Island are quickly establishing the Ocean State as a leader in marine-trades workforce development. Career Day, hosted March 22 by RIMTA and IYRS, drew companies from eight states, whose representatives traveled to Rhode Island to connect with workers being cultivated in the Ocean State. FMI: www.rimta.org.

BRIEFS, continued from Page 69 Niagara Falls using a Yale Cordage rope to anchor his tightrope cable. The high-wire artist did a similar stunt across the Grand Canyon with the help of the Saco company. FMI: www.yalecordage.com GMT Composites, in Bristol, R.I., delivered a full carbon rig for a new Hanse 575 based in British Columbia late last year. The rig includes a GMT carbon spar, Pocket Boom, and Navtec rod-rigging. The Pocket Boom is an open-faced boom with enough interior volume to hold a flaked sail in storage – and large enough to walk down, thus the Park Avenue boom moniker given to this style. The project was done directly with the owner, assisted by Brian Huse of Freedom Marine, the British Columbia Hanse dealer. Installation was handled by Brent Jacobi at Blackiline Marine in Sydney, B.C. The 575 is reported to be an innovative design, and this one will have the most high-tech rig to date. Painted in full AwlGrip black, the GMT rig enhances the looks, durability and the performance of this boat. FMI: www.gmtcomposites.com.


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R.I., Maine trade groups plan to have METS gear exhibits Commerce RI’s International Trade Program and the Maine International Trade Center will partner to host an exhibit booth at the 2014 Marine Equipment Trade Show (METS), Nov. 1820, 2014, in Amsterdam, Netherlands. Companies interested in exhibiting are encouraged to participate as part of the joint “Best of New England” booth in the U.S.A. Pavilion. The exhibit booth is large enough to accommodate at least six companies – ideally three from Rhode Island and three from Maine. The partnership between Rhode Island and Maine broadens the base of eligible companies and builds momentum to successfully market the booth. The state agencies will also be working with the National Marine Manufacturers Association (NMMA) and the U.S. Commercial Service. “Our firm is making a dedicated effort to grow our global

customer base,” said Neal Harrell, of Brooks Marine Group in Newport. “We believe that international boatbuilders will continue to turn to U.S. suppliers because of the quality and dependability of our products.” METS is the largest, most comprehensive B2B leisure marine-equipment trade show in the world, drawing more than 19,000 visitors annually. Attendees include yacht and boat builders, naval architects, repair yards, distributors, captains, marina developers, and equipment manufacturers from around the world. The final registration deadline is May 15, 2014, and there is limited space availability. FMI: Contact Commerce RI International Trade Director Kathy Therieau at ktherieau@commerceri.com or Hannah Webb at the Maine International Trade Center at webb@mitc.com. or (207) 5537708.

Front Street Shipyard adds Bucksport facility Front Street Shipyard, in Belfast, Maine, has increased its capacity by adding a new facility located in the neighboring town of Bucksport. The additional building houses a team of composites experts who are currently beginning construction on a line of 30-foot multihull boats for Trefoil Marine. Reserved exclusively for Front Street Shipyard’s production arm of the company, the Bucksport facility will continue to take on new construction opportunities as they arise. The 15,000-square-foot building was constructed in 2005 for another production boatbuilding company that has since downsized. At this new location, Front Street Shipyard took delivery of the CNC-machined plugs the builders are using to create hull

and deck molds for the Trefoil high-performance T30 boats. Production boatbuilding will begin later this spring. The T30 catamarans built in the Bucksport facility will be used primarily for military and police patrol, fire and rescue. The craft’s capabilities are applicable to the commercial and recreational markets as well. The first of the boats will be launched in early summer. Front Street Shipyard currently has six full-time employees in the new facility and plans to more than double that number. The yard continues to seek skilled composites technicians to join the new workforce in Bucksport. Interested candidates can apply online at www.frontstreetshipyard.com.

PenBay Rendezvous to benefit LifeFlight The Fourth Annual Penobscot Bay Rendezvous, Aug. 14-17 in Midcoast Maine, has named LifeFlight of Maine as its beneficiary. For the last 15 years, LifeFlight of Maine has given the care needed to bridge the gap from an accident scene or hospital to specialized treatment facilities. Each year they provide advanced treatment and rapid transport both in the air and on the ground for more than 1,500 critical patients. “It is a genuine honor for LifeFlight to have been selected to be the first beneficiary of what “Yachting” magazine recognizes as one of the best regatta events on the East Coast,” said Thomas P. Judge, LifeFlight’s executive director. FMI:penobscotbayrendezvous.com.

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72 Points East May 2014




William F. Iliffe, Sr. 75, Tenants Harbor, Maine

Bill passed away on Feb. 5, after a period of declining health. For most of his life he was a lobster fisherman, though, in 1959, Bill began working at Pratt & Whitney Aircraft, where he was instrumental in developing fuel cells for the spacecraft Apollo. While living in Connecticut, he obtained a degree in Science and Math from the University of Connecticut. Born in Cambridge Mass., Bill was the son of the late George Iliffe and Marjorie Kulis. As a young man, he spent his summers in Tenants Harbor with his beloved grandparents. After completing high school, he enlisted in the U. S. Navy. Bill was stationed in Virginia Beach, Va., where he met the love of his life, Martha-Gayle Iliffe. They married on February 27, 1958 and moved to Tolland, Conn. Because of his love for Tenants Harbor, each weekend Bill, Martha and their two children, Bill Jr. and AliceGayle, traveled to Maine. In 1973, he packed his wife and children up and moved permanently to Tenants Harbor. In 1992, he ran for Selectman and won that seat. Bill has also served as the local plumbing inspector, harbormaster, and served on both the Harbor and Charter committees. Bill continued to work as a lobsterman until the sudden illness of his wife, just two years ago. Putting aside lobstering, he became the personal care provider for her.

Niels C. Helleberg 74, Swampscott, Mass.

Niels, who was born in Copenhagen, Denmark, passed away on Feb. 21. Certified as a Master Boatwright and Navigator, he took a degree in Naval Architecture from Elsinore Institute in

will b e missed

Denmark. He managed new construction at Hundested Boatyard prior to his emigration to Boston in 1971, where he embarked upon a career with John G. Alden Naval Architects that spanned four decades. He designed classic production boats such as the Alden 44 and received awards and wide recognition for custom designs like the Borkumriff IV and the Nazenin III. His designs range from a 15-foot sailing dinghy to a 169-foot traditional schooner. His contributions to naval architecture include numerous innovations and patents, and his work is preserved in the Alden archive at MIT. Throughout his tenure as chief architect, he was a committed guardian of the designs and legacy of John G. Alden. He was an avid sailor, a 30-year member of the Cruising Club of America, and a participant in many Transatlantic and Bermuda races. As is only fitting, in early March his ashes were cast to the sea from the pier at the Swampscott Fish House.

Donald Ashton 88, of Fall River, Mass.

Don died on Feb. 26. He was the husband of the late Barbara (McCann) Ashton. Born in Fall River, he lived in the Touisset area of Swansea for over 40 years before returning to Fall River in 2003, wintering and vacationing in Culebra, Puerto Rico since 1991. An avid lifetime sailor, he was Fleet Captain of the J/24 Class Fleet 47, a member of Narragansett Bay Yachting Association, raced on Narragansett Bay and adjacent waters, and cruised extensively with his family and friends up and down the New England coast. He was former treasurer and commodore and race-committee chairman of the Coles River Club in Swansea, and a member of the Narragansett Bay Herreshoff S-Class Association.

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Don was a determined golfer who never let the score get in the way of his enjoyment of the game. He was an active participant in several weekly area leagues and foursomes, and rose to the position of chief meteorologist for the golf group previously known as Freddy. Later in his life he served several enjoyable years sharing sea stories and nautical insights as a docent at the Herreshoff Museum in Bristol, R.I. He was a longtime member of the Fall River Book Club. Donald served in the United States Navy in the Pacific aboard the USS Grimes during World War II.

Gordon H. “Swifty” Swift 89, Kensington, N.H.

New Hampshire wood-boat builder Swifty Swift passed away on Feb 26. After farming for a few years, Swifty fell in love with boats and boatbuilding, and began his career by working for David C. “Bud” McIntosh at the McIntosh Boat Yard in Dover, N.H. In 1965, Swifty left boatbuilding to be the operations manager at Great Bay Marina in Newington, N.H., for 11 years. In 1976, he established Swift Custom Boats, and, for the next 30 years, he built many beautiful wood cruising boats. Swifty taught boatbuilding at the WoodenBoat School in Brooklin, Maine, for 10 summers. He loved to mentor young boatbuilders and keep wooden

boat building alive. Swifty was active in Kensington as a member of the volunteer Fire Department for 50 years as well as serving on the planning board and board of appeals. He was also a member of the Kensington Congregational Church.

Russell G. Lindstrom, Sr. 94, Bristol, R.I.

Russ passed away on March 7. Born in Worcester, Mass., he started working at the age of 17 as an office boy for The Anchorage, now know as Dyer Boats in Warren, R.I. While working his way up, he entered the Army Air Corp during WWII. During WWII, Russ first helped The Anchorage earn the Army/Navy “E” for excellence in war production, and then he enlisted in the Army Air Corps and flew missions over Europe until 1945. He then returned to The Anchorage/Dyer Boats and helped build the entire dinghy line in fiberglass. Over the years he served as purchasing manager, sales manager, general manager, and vice president of the company. He retired from daily activity in 1988, but continued as a yacht broker, specializing in Dyer Boats, until 2002. Throughout his career, Russ was involved in the production and sales of nearly 20,000 small boats from eight to 40 feet. He was well-known throughout the marine in-

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74 Points East May 2014


dustry, serving on several committees of the American Boat & Yacht Council and the National Association of Engine & Boat Manufacturers as well as being a community and church leader in Bristol.

tory seminars taught by sailing experts, an SSB radio safety net at sea, and, of course, a great deal of fun and socializing. Always leading from the front, Steve sailed with the rally, helping to inspire and troubleshoot the fleet at sea.

Steve Black 71, Hampton, Va.

David J. Smith

The founder of the Caribbean 1500 rally died March 17, following a long battle against cancer. He started sailing recreationally in his mid-30s in regattas hosted by the Grand Haven (Mich.) Sailing Club. Black learned the sport from singlehanders, preferred this type of sailing, and made three singlehanded transatlantic voyages. In the Legend Cup, he set a multihull record time of 15 days aboard his Newick 40-foot trimaran. Black’s third singlehanded transatlantic voyage was in 1992, in the Europe I, when he sailed his 40-foot IOR racer, Caribbean. Black logged a three-year stint as executive director of the US Sailing in Newport, R.I., after which he managed the Sailing World NOOD (National Offshore One-Design) Regattas in four regions around the country. However, his biggest legacy is the Caribbean 1500 cruising rally, which first set sail in 1990, with a fleet of 50 cruising boats sailing from Newport and Norfolk, Va., to the British Virgin Islands. The Caribbean 1500 rally offered the chance to sail in company, combined with prepara-

88, West Peabody, Mass.

Mr. Smith’s passion was sailing. He became an excellent sailor, and during the 1960 Olympics in Rome, he earned a gold medal in 5.5 Class racing sailboat. He had also sailed in the Americas Cup Trials in 1962 as bowman on the 12-meter yacht Nefertiti, with Ted Hood and Don McNamara. David Smith was a longtime member of Eastern Yacht Club in Marblehead, where he raced his IOD class and Tartan 41 sloops named Drummer Boy. He was the owner and proprietor of the Fife and Drum Stores in Marblehead, which specialized in boating clothing. While operating the stores, he realized he could manufacture the merchandise himself, with better quality and value, and decided to start his own manufacturing operation in Salem at the Pequot Mills Shetland Properties. He eventually closed his retail store and put all of his interests into his manufacturing company YRI. Following High School, Mr. Smith entered the U.S. Navy and served his country during WWII.

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Points East May 2014


CALENDAR/Points East Plan ner ONGOING To June 1

To June 1




Rescue of the Bounty: Herreshoff Speaker Series Herreshoff Museum, 1 Burnside St, Bristol, R.I., 7 p.m., doors open 6 p.m. Michael J. Tougias, co-author of Rescue of the Bounty, will give a dramatic visual presentation about what happened when the Tall Ship Bounty sank during Superstorm Sandy in 2012. The captain and a crewmember perished in the accident, but the Coast Guard performed harrowing helicopter rescues to save the other fourteen sailors. Tougias will use slides of the storm, the survivors, and the rescue to make this an edge-ofyour seat visual program. www.herreshoff.org 401-253-5000


26th Annual Scrimshaw Weekend New Bedford Whaling Museum, New Bedford, Mass. Weekend kicks-off with 5th Annual Nautical Antiques Show. This internationally renowned event is the world’s only regular forum where collectors, dealers, curators, folk art and whaling history buffs share their interests in the indigenous art of whalers. Antiques Show features the sale of marine antiques including scrimshaw, nautical instruments and tools, whaling logbooks, ship models, photos, paintings, prints, New Bedford memorabilia and much more. The Antiques Show runs from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the Jacobs Family Gallery. 508-997-0046 ext. 100 www.whalingmuseum.org


Second Annual Red Brook Harbor Boat Show Kingman Yacht CenterCataumet (Bourne), Mass., at Cape Cod’s largest marina, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Free to the public, offering demo rides, educational seminars, product demonstrations, new and used boat sales and plenty to do and see for the whole family, this is a true industry open house with more than 50 exhibitors bringing products and services. www.KingmanYachtCenter.com. tarap@kingmanyachtcenter.com

Going Coastal: Humor, Parody and Amusement of a Maritime Nature Exhibit at Maine Maritime Museum, Bath. Going Coastal celebrates how we have enjoyed ourselves on, alongside, and at the expense of the maritime world. It traces the transformation of maritime amusements from shipboard traditions to sailor stereotypes and nautical nonsense ashore. www.mainemaritimemuseum.org Those Contrary Winds: Weather and its Effects on Ships, Mariners and Maritime History An exhibit at Marjorie W. Kramer Gallery, Maine Maritime Museum, Bath. A selection of paintings, photography and artifacts from MMM and private collections highlighting the perverse yet privileged place of weather in the eyes of the mariner. www.mainemaritimemuseum.org

Bruce Kirby on the History of Yacht Design 6:30 p.m., location in southeastern Connecticut to be determined. Bruce is a member of the Sailing Hall of Fame. His many accomplishments include designing several of the world’s most successful sailboats such as the Laser, Sonar, Pixel, Ideal 18. Proceeds benefit Sea-Legs Inc., a not-for-profit organization taking kids on boats since 1998. www.sea-legs.org 6th Classic Yacht Symposium Roger Williams University and the Herreshoff Marine Museum. The Symposium will include presentations on the Centennial Herreshoff designs: the Newport 29, Buzzards Bay 25, and Buzzards Bay Boy’s Boat, also known as the 12 1/2. The Classic Yacht Symposium celebrates all aspects of classic yacht design, restoration, maintenance and use, featuring experienced presenters to promote professional and amateur excellence. www.herreshoff.org

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76 Points East May 2014


JUNE 12-15



4 p.m. on Sunday. The City of New London announced today that they will host an in water boat show on the New London Waterfront Park along City Pier and the floating docks. This event will host exhibitors from around the state with an assortment of boats of every type and style from 15 to 60 feet, and a wide variety of accessories, equipment, electronics, gear and services for boaters. Admission is free. Contact Barbara J. Neff. 860-443-3786 bj@neffproductions.com

C. Thomas Clagett Jr. Memorial Clinic and Regatta Sail Newport, Newport, R.I. After another successful edition of the C. Thomas Clagett Jr. Memorial Clinic and Regatta for 2013 was completed earlier in the summer, the 2014 dates have been announced, June 12-15, 2014. The event will again be hosted by with boats docked at the Alofsin Pier at Fort Adams for the four-day event. www.clagettregatta.org North Sails J/70 Spring Tune-Up Clinic Edgartown, Martha’s Vineyard, Mass. In 2014, Edgartown Yacht Club will also host a North Sails J/70 Spring Tune-Up Clinic. For more information and to register for Edgartown Yacht Club sailing events, visit www.edgartownyc.org and click on the racing tab. www.edgartownyc.org

JULY 10-12

Edgartown Yacht Club 91st Annual Regatta for One-Design Boats Edgartown YC, Edgartown, Martha’s Vineyard, Mass. The Edgartown Yacht Club 91st Annual Regatta for one-design boats celebrates the 100th Anniversary of the Wianno Senior class. edgartownyc.org

New London In-Water Boat Show New London, Conn. 12 p.m. to 6 p.m on Saturday; 11 a.m. to

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Points East May 2014


New Engl and fish ing repor ts

Western Long Island

Stripers, Weakfish, Blues, Fluke: Time to fish By Richard DeMarte For Points East With water temps along the Connecticut shoreline having eased into the 50s, our rods should be bending, our reels screaming, this month. With waters a bit cooler than usual, the bonus this year is the clarity of the water, which is another great sign that the sound is alive and well. Calm sunny days afford us with the ability to view down as much as 10 or 12 feet into the water, which makes shallow water fishing an absolute blast. Watching baitfish (like sand eels and spearing) moving in schools along the shore, and seeing them quickly scatter, is a sure sign that larger fish are in the area. Striper, bluefish and weakfish seasons are all already under way, but remember that fluke season doesn’t open in Connecticut and New York until May 17, so be sure to release any flatties you hook before that date. Schoolie stripers (in the 10-inch to 20-inch range) are plentiful (and plenty hungry too!) at this time of year. When fishing clear, shallow waters, especially those with sandy bottoms, slow retrieving a four-inch Storm Shad, one of my top go-to spring lures, will produce hits if any schoolies are in the area. Watching these schoolies jet after these lures, open up their gaping jaws to inhale the lure, then bolt off with a few kicks of their broad broom-tails is an amazing sight to behold. These soft rubber Storm Shad lures have small weights inside so they can be gently bounced along the sandy bottom or slowly, steadily retrieved a foot or two below the surface. The “bunker-color” pattern produces


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78 Points East May 2014

These fluke inhaled a fourinch Storm Shad bounced slowly off the bottom.

Photo courtesy Richard DeMarte

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exceptionally well, and the soft rubber paddle-tail undulates sending, vibrations through the water as well as an enticing visual as it flaps back and forth. My other two favorite go-to lures are the Rapala “hard” plastic Clackin’ Rap, which has a rattle built into it, and the Scatter Rap. Both these lures have amazing swimming action and come in a rainbow of colors, my favorites being silver and chartruese or a combination of the two. Bonus: More than schoolies roam these warm shallow waters; these same lures will be gulped down by weakfish and fluke as well. Drifting For Fluke: Chartreuse bucktails have been a top-producing lure and color choice for fluke over the past few years, so give that winning color a shot. Rigs comprised of one- to three-ounce chartruese bucktails, tipped with Trigger-X scented soft rubber baits (especially the ones with fluttering tails), will often get the flukes’ attention. Add a dropper loop 12 to 18 inches above the bucktail, tie a 5/0 VMC Octopus hook at the

tail end of the loop, and tip the teaser hook with a sixinch strip of squid. You’ll be surprised how many times a fluke hits the bucktail, but doesn’t get hooked, then a second or two later it rises up off the bottom and agressively strikes the teaser above it. This is especially true of bigger fluke, which seem to get annoyed when they miss on their first strike and attack the teaser even more aggressively on the second. I assure you that your hook-up rate will more than double if you also hang that teaser above the bucktail. Last but not least when fluke fishing, moving water is a must, so avoid the top and bottoms of the tides. I find the hour or two after the tide begins to turn the most productive time, and also prefer drift speed of one to two knots. If the drift is faster than that, you won’t be able to keep your lures bouncing along the bottom. So if winds or tide are pushing you along at faster speeds, tuck yourself in along the leeward side of the shoreline, is-

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Points East May 2014


lands or other structure to slow down your drift speed. If there is little or no wind, or the wind is coming off the Connecticut coast, stay tight to the Connecticut shoreline. In western Connecticut, the Greenwich, Stamford and Norwalk areas are consistent producers of some nice-sized flatties this time of year. If the wind is blowing from the south, it’s worth making the quick trip across the sound to drift the sandy shoreline along the north coast of Long Island. I typically make my drifts within a mile or less from either shoreline, and target waters 10 to 30 feet in depth with sandy bottom. If there are too many rocks, you’ll get hung up over and over and lose too many rigs. Go deep and go big: Deeper waters, although still a bit cooler this time of year, are prime areas and yield sizable catches. Covering larger patches of water by trolling is the way to go this month, and an enjoyable way to seek out larger stripers and bluefish. Spotting birds working bait on the surface, and also using your fishfinder to spot squid or bunker deeper, will help you home on the best areas. Cover these areas – especially when bait is present – by trolling and varying your trolling speed from two to four knots. In this way, you can lock in on the best depth and speed. Start out by trolling one line with a large, heavy bunker spoon at depths of 20 to 50 feet, and a second line loaded with a Williamson Live Series bunker

lure, which runs at 10 to 20 feet using wire or lead-core line. Bunker chunking: Bunker is the ultimate bait. Large pods of bunker start to show up in these waters this month, so if you spot some, and can net or snag them, don’t pass up the chance. Whatever you bring aboard that you don’t use that same trip should go into the freezer for use in future outings over the coming months. Whether live-lined or chunked up and used as cut bait, the bunker’s dark oily flesh puts out a chumline that stripers and blues can’t resist. Best bets for this type of baitfishing this time of year are early morning fishing (as the sun comes up) and anchoring along the mouths of harbors and breakwalls. In those early morning hours, there’s little to no boat traffic, and those putting in the time will find, in both size and number, some of the best and most action-packed fishing of the season. Richard is finishing his sophomore year at Binghamton University, where he’s majoring in biology with a minor in environmental studies. His fishing, boating, birding, photography, environmental activities, and outdoor writing will continue “full steam ahead,” so you can count on seeing more of his articles and forecasts in upcoming issues of Points East. Contact him at richard@nyctfishing.com, www.nyctfishing.com.

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DiMillo’s Old Port Marina Portland 207-773-7632 x 2 www.dimillos.com

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80 Points East May 2014

MASSACHUSETTS Newburyport Harbor Marina Newburyport 978-462-3990 www.newburyportmarinas.com

East Marine Falmouth 508-540-3611 www.eastmarine.com


Rhode Island

Schoolie bass, fluke, cod, scup and squid By Elisa Jackman are all great first catch spots. For Points East The Fluke til ya Puke Tournament is scheduled for As many of us are cramped with cabin fever, signs Saturday, June 14. This is the largest fluke tournaof spring are finally upon us. Crocuses and daffodils ment in the United States. Scup fishing usually begins in the mid- to upperare blossoming, and the first schoolie stripers have been reported in area such as the Narrows and Nar- Narragansett Bay, and spreads to the south shore as water temperatures increase. Small hooks and squid ragansett Beach. The Narrows and southern locations of Narra- or sandworms are all you need. Locations to try with gansett Bay are popular some squid fishing may first spots for stripers. Soon range this year from the to follow will be the West Newport Bridge to the Wall of the Harbor of Refuge south shore’s Center Wall and Matunuck. Small grubs, of the Harbor of Refuge to Cocshoe Minnows with lead Charlestown. This is a very heads seem to be the premessy catch, but it tastes dominant lures of choice. As yummy, and it is great water temps finally warm, fluke bait. Fishfinders are the larger fish will start important to mark the moving to the North Rip, squid. They could be on the Southwest Ledge and the bottom, middle or upper south side of Block Island. Remember, this is a great Photo courtesy Harbor Fish surface, and this is where time to check out all your Pound for pound, scup are scrappers when caught on light you’ll have to fish. With any luck, warm-warods and reels and make spinning tackle. ter eddies will break from sure they are prepped for the upcoming season. Are the guides OK, do you need the Gulf Stream come the middle to end of June, and this will start the offshore-canyon bluefin tuna fishnew line, have your reels been greased? After a cold winter, the cod fishing never really took ery. Bluefin tuna are usually the first of this family to off; however, hopefully, we may have a spring fishery. frequent the offshore canyons, and they are caught on The Mountains and Waterfall locations of Cox’s Ledge, the troll. Shark fishing will begin about the same time, and the best locations will be Jenny’s and Ryan’s and East Grounds, are popular spots to hit. Anglers are gearing up daily for fluke fishing, and, Horns. Here’s to tight lines! Elisa Jackman, a Point Judith Pond native, has hopefully, water temperatures will rise so the fish will show up. April 28 was the first report of fluke catches managed the tackle shop at Wakefield, R.I.’s Snug Harlast year, and this could be a little later this year. In- bor Marina (www.snugharbormarina.com) for over 19 side the East Wall of the Harbor of Refuge, just off years and has spent her life fishing the waters of Block West Wall on East Matunuck Beach and Carpenter’s Island Sound.

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Points East May 2014



WORD/Mar ilyn

P. Brigh am

Photo by Daderot

Brooding Herreshoff Castle is thought to be a replication of Erik the Red’s 10th-century Viking castle in Greenland.

New England’s castles by the sea urrets, arrow slits, thick stonewalls, gates, drawbridges, moats and embattlements. Not the typical features of your average, American home. But American castles can have many of these features. During the 1900s, a romantic interest in the Middle Ages and chivalry brought about an interest in Gothic Revival architecture, and the “mock” castle became its popular architectural manifestation. Serving no military purpose, castles evolved as a symbol of affluence and power – intended to impress others and dominate the landscape. Sailing in Gloucester Harbor this summer got me to ruminate about American castles. There is a splendid castle in Gloucester, which has a beautiful site on the harbor. I began to wonder if this castle was an


82 Points East May 2014

anomaly or if other New Englanders built castles by the sea. With a little bit of research, I soon realized that large, stone edifices with towers and crenelated walls were not at all uncommon on the New England coastline. Hammond Castle in Gloucester, Mass., is a dramatic Gothic structure with an impressive view built from 1926 to 1929 by John H. Hammond. Mr. Hammond spent his younger years abroad and, by age 10, had fallen in love with English castles. As an adult back in America, he became very wealthy as an inventor, producing over 400 patents, including the remote control through radio waves. As boaters, we are beholden to him, as his invention led others to produce radar, sonar, depth sounders and GPS. editor@pointseast.com

Photo courtesy Middlebridge School

Construction on the medieval-styled Hazard Castle, on Rhode Island’s Narragansett Bay, started in 1848 and lasted until 1884.

Hammond built his castle for his wife, to house their collection of medieval, Roman and Renaissance art and artifacts, and a pipe organ that had 8,200 pipes. Apparently, when asked why he built a castle home,

he said, “I am interested in pipe organs. I needed more room.” Hammond Castle is open to the public and you access the castle via its drawbridge, tour the Great Hall,



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see the large pipe organ, enjoy the indoor courtyard but not much of a kitchen. Apparently, there was a and various medieval rooms and get lost in its “secret” sink, but no stove or refrigerator, so he used a boat passageways. Or, you can simply admire its soaring burner for cooking and purchased food on a daily basis. towers, turrets and crenelated fortifications from the The castle is still privately owned and has been modwater. ernized, and the adjacent Gothic-style carriage house Not far from Hammond is run by the owner as a Castle, in Marblehead, B&B. So, if interested, you Mass., is what is now known can actually stay overnight as Herreshoff Castle. This there and hope to have a castle was originally called private tour of Herreshoff Castle Brattahlid (meaning Castle from the owner. “steep slope”) and is said to Sailing later in the seabe a replication of Erik the son, we saw Great Hill in Red’s 10th-century Viking Marion, Mass., a massive castle in Greenland. Like “summer castle” on a beauHammond Castle it was tiful peninsula in Buzzard’s also built in 1926, by an Bay. The turreted Tudor artist and his wife. Built of manor house was built by stone with crenelated towGalen L. Stone in 1911 of Photo by Nim Marsh ers, it stands in Crocker Pennsylvania Hayden Park in the center of town, The intimidating Portsmouth Naval Prison, on Seavey Island in stone. The owner founded overlooking Marblehead the Piscataqua River, housed prisoners for 66 years. the Boston brokerage house Harbor. “Hayden, Stone & Co.”, so The son of the famous yacht designer Nathanael thought the choice of Hayden stone apropos, except Herreshoff, L. Francis Herreshoff, also a renowned that the stone proved to be so porous, it led to persisyacht designer, bought the castle in 1945 and lived tent mold within the castle’s interior walls. That stone there until his death in 1972. The castle carries his has since been removed and the castle altered, but name. Mr. Herreshoff had running water in the castle, Great Hill is an unexpected castle-like sight among

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part of an amusement park and railway destination. The castle, a hotel with gardens and an amusement park, were approached by rail over a suspension bridge and had a commanding view of Casco Bay. It never became a commercial success, and the castle burned in 1914, leaving only the tower. The tower acts today as a familiar landmark for mariners. Of course, one associates Rhode Island with lavish “summer cottages,” mansions, and luxurious living in Newport. However, most of those homes are more like palaces or grand estates, rather than castles. Hazard Castle, in Narragansett, R.I., is currently on the market for $5.9 million, down from $7 million, and includes 33 acres on Rhode Island Sound. Construction started on the medieval-style castle in 1848 by owner, Joseph P. Hazard, and lasted until 1884. Hazard apparently was a spiritualist, and, it is said, a druid came to him in a dream and told him to

build a Gothic-style castle. He also believed there could be commercial profit in developing the property as a resort. However, no resort was ever built. There is a 105-foot tower as part of the building – what a terrific view there must be from the top! Connecticut has two impressive castles by the water: Gillette Castle, in East Haddam, and Hartlands Castle, in Old Saybrook. Gillette Castle is perched on the side of the hills overlooking the Connecticut River. It was built in 1919 by William Gillette, a famous stage actor known for his portrayal of Sherlock Holmes. The castle is built of stone. It is now owned by the State of Connecticut and maintained as a park and open to the public. You can’t access the property by boat, but drive and you can take the Chester-Hadlyme ferry across the river and approach the castle via a long and winding road. The castle is in full view while you CASTLES, continued on Page 94

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the more common shingled homes of the area. While New Hampshire boasts many castles in the mountains and by its lakes, there are no seaside castles, except for New Castle, which is, of course, a town, not a building. But across the river from New Castle/Portsmouth on Seavey Island in the Piscataqua River, is the Portsmouth Naval Prison, which is a modern-day fortification. It was built between 1905 and 1908 by the U.S. Navy, not for defensive purposes, but to keep wayward sailors in prison. It has been called a “massive concrete castle,” and it looms over the island and the river. It operated as a prison for 66 years and has been abandoned for many years. It is thought to be too expensive to demolish or to refurbish. The Portsmouth Naval Prison is one very unattractive and intimidating building, especially in decay. As the balance of Seavey Island contains active military installations, don’t try to visit this “castle.” View from afar or afloat in the Piscataqua. Maine has several seaside castles, including one that just recently sold. Norumbega Castle was built in 1886 by Joseph Stearns, who invented the duplex telegraphy system. His castle home in Camden, overlooking the harbor, was built in the Queen Anne-style. The home has turrets, interesting stone- and wood-features, and oldworld artistry. The castle was converted to a B&B in the 1980s, where they famously staged “mystery weekends” – a fictionalized “guest” is murdered and the B&B guests played to solve the murder. The castle recently sold for over $1.5 million and continues, under new management, to accept paying guests as an inn. Also in Maine is Casco Castle, in South Freeport, though only the stone tower remains today. Casco Castle was dubbed a “Yankee’s dream of a Spanish castle” and was built in 1903 of stone and wood, as

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Points East May 2014


Find Points East at more than 700 locations in New England MA IN E Arundel:The Landing School, Southern Maine Marine Services. Bailey Island: Bailey Island Motel, Cook’s Lobster House Bangor: Borders, Harbormaster, Young’s Canvas. Bar H arbor: Acadia Information Center, Bar Harbor Yacht Club, College of the Atlantic, Lake and Sea Boatworks. Bass Harbor: Morris Yachts. Bath: Kennebec Tavern & Marina, Maine Maritime Museum. Belfast: Belfast Boatyard, Belfast Chamber of Commerce visitors’ Center, Coastwise Realty, Front Street Shipyard, Harbormaster’s office, Nautical Scribe Bookstore. Biddeford: Biddeford Pool Y.C., Buffleheads, Rumery’s Boatyard. Blue Hill:, Bar Harbor Bank, Blue Hill Books, Blue Hill Food Co-op, Blue Hill Peninsula Chamber of Commerce, Compass Point Realty, EBS, Kollegewidgwok Y.C., Mill Stream Deli, Peninsula Property Rentals, Rackliffe Pottery. Boothbay: Boothbay Mechanics, Boothbay Resort, Cottage Connection. Boothbay Harbor: Boothbay Harbor Inn, Boothbay Harbor Shipyard, Brown’s Motel, Cap’n Fish’s Inn, Carousel Marina, Gold/Smith Gallery, Grover’s Hardware, Hammonds, Municipal Office, Poole Bros. Hardware, Rocktide Inn, Sherman’s Bookstore, Signal Point Marina, Tugboat Inn. Brem en: Broad Cove Marine. Brew er: B&D Marine, Port Harbor Marine. Bristol: Hanley’s Market. Brooklin: Atlantic Boat Co., Brooklin General Store, Brooklin Boat Yard, Brooklin Inn, Center Harbor Sails, Eric Dow Boatbuilder, Eggemoggin Oceanfront Lodge, WoodenBoat School. Brooksville: Bucks Harbor Market, Bucks Harbor Marine, Bucks Harbor Y.C., Seal Cove Boatyard. Brunsw ick: Bamforth Automotive, Coastal Marine, New Meadows Marina, Paul’s Marina. Bucksport: Bookstacks, Bucksport Bay Area Chamber of Commerce, EBS Hardware. Calais: EBS Hardware. Camden: Camden Chamber of Commerce, Camden Y.C., French & Brawn, Harbormaster, High Tide Motel, Owl & Turtle, PJ Willeys, Port Harbor Marine, Waterfront Restaurant, Wayfarer Marine. Cape P orpoise: The Wayfarer. Castine: Castine Realty, Castine Y.C., Four Flags Gift Shop, Maine Maritime Academy, Saltmeadow Properties, The Compass Rose Bookstore and Café. Chebeague Island: Chebeague Island Boat Yard. Cherryfield: EBS Hardware. Columbia: Crossroads Ace Hardware. Cundy’s Harbor: Holbrook’s General Store, Watson’s General Store. Damariscotta: Maine Coast Book Shop, Poole Bros. Hardware, Schooner Landing Restaurant. Deer Isle: Harbor Farm. East Boothbay: East Boothbay General Store, Lobsterman’s Wharf Restaurant, Ocean Point Marina, Paul E. Luke Inc., Spar Shed Marina. Eastport: East Motel, Eastport Chowder House, Moose Island Marine, The Boat School - Husson. Eliot: Great Cove Boat Club, Independent Boat Haulers, Kittery Point Yacht Yard.

86 Points East May 2014

Ellsw orth: Branch Pond Marine, EBS Hardware, Riverside Café. Falmouth: Falmouth Ace Hardware, Hallett Canvas & Sails, Handy Boat, Portland Yacht Club, The Boathouse, Town Landing Market. Farm ingdale: Foggy Bottom Marine. Farm ington: Irving’s Restaurant, Reny’s. Freeport: Gritty McDuff’s, True Value Hardware. Gardiner: Kennebec Yacht Services Georgetown: Robinhood Marine. Gouldsboro: Anderson Marine & Hardware. Hampden: Hamlin’s Marina, McLaughlin Seafood, Watefront Marine. Hancock Pt.: Crocker House Country Inn. Harpsw ell: Dolphin Restaurant, Finestkind Boatyard, Great Island Boat Yard. Harrington: Tri-Town Marine. Holden: McKay’s RV. Islesboro: Dark Harbor Boat Yard, Tarratine Club of Dark Harbor. Islesford: Little Cranberry Y.C. Jonesport: Jonesport Shipyard. Kennebunk: Landing Store, Seaside Motor Inn. Kennebunkport: Arundel Yacht Club, Bradbury’s Market, Chick’s Marina, Kennebunkport Marina, Maine Yacht Sales. Kittery: Badger’s Island Marina, Captain & Patty’s, Frisbee’s Store, Jackson’s Hardware and Marine, Kittery Point Yacht Yard, Port Harbor Marine. Lewiston: Al’s Sports. Livermore Falls: Lunch Pad Café. Machias: EBS Hardware, Helen’s Restaurant, Viking Lumber. Milbridge: Viking Lumber. Monhegan Is: Carina House. Mount Desert: John Williams Boat Company North H aven: Eric Hopkins Gallery, JO Brown & Sons, North Haven Giftshop. Northeast H arbor: F.T. Brown Co., Full Belli Deli, Kimball Shop, Mt. Desert CofC,, McGraths, Northeast Harbor Fleet, Pine Tree Market. Northport: Northport Marine Service, Northport Yacht Club. Ow ls Head: Owls Head Transportation Museum. Peak’s Island: Hannigan’s Island Market. Penobscot: Northern Bay Market. Port Clyde: Port Clyde General Store. Portland: Becky’s Restaurant, Casco Bay Ferry Terminal, Chase Leavitt, Custom Float Services, DiMillo’s Marina, Fortune, Inc., Gilbert’s Chowder House, Gowen Marine, Gritty McDuff’s, Hamilton Marine, Maine Yacht Center, Portland Yacht Services, Ports of Call, Sawyer & Whitten, Vessel Services Inc., West Marine. Raym ond: Jordan Bay Marina, Panther Run Marina. Rockland: Back Cove Yachts, E.L.Spear, Eric Hopkins Gallery, Gemini Marine Canvas, Hamilton Marine, Harbormaster, Johanson Boatworks, Journey’s End Marina, Knight Marine Service, Landings Restaurant, Maine Lighthouse Museum, North End Shipyard Schooners, Ocean Pursuits, Pope Sails, Reading Corner, Rockland Ferry, Sawyer & Whitten, The Apprenticeshop. Rockport: Bohndell Sails, Cottage Connection, Harbormaster, Market Basket, Rockport Boat Club. Round Pond: Cabadetis Boat Club, King Row Market.


Saco: Lobster Claw Restaurant, Marston’s Marina, Saco Bay Tackle, Saco Yacht Club. Sargentville: Eggemoggin Country Store, El El Frijoles. St. G eorge: Harbormaster Scarborough: Seal Harbor Y.C. Seal Harbor: Seal Harbor Yacht Club Searsport: Hamilton Marine. South B ristol: Bittersweet Landing Boatyard, Coveside Marine, Gamage Shipyard, Harborside Café, Osier’s Wharf. South Freeport: Brewer’s South Freeport Marine, Casco Bay Yacht Exchange, DiMillo’s South Freeport, Harraseeket Y.C., Strouts Point Wharf Co., Waterman Marine. South H arpswell: Dolphin Marina, Finestkind Boatyard, Ship to Shore Store South P ortland: Aspasia Marina, Bluenose Yacht Sales, Centerboard Yacht Club, Joe’s Boathouse Restaurant, Port Harbor Marine, Reo Marine, Salt Water Grille, South Port Marine, Sunset Marina. Southw est H arbor: Acadia Sails, Great Harbor Marina, Hamilton Marine, Hinckley Yacht Charters, MDI Community Sailing Center, Pettegrow’s, Sawyer’s Market, Southwest Harbor-Tremont CofC, West Marine, Wilbur Yachts. Spruce Head: Spruce Head Marine. Stockton Springs: Russell’s Marine. Stonington: Billings Diesel & Marine, Fisherman’s Friend, Inn on the Harbor, Island Fishing Gear & Auto Parts, Shepard’s Select Properties. Sullivan: Flanders Bay Boats. Sunset: Deer Isle Y.C. Surry: Wesmac. Sw an’s Island: Carrying Place Market Tenants H arbor: Cod End Store and Marina, East Wind Inn, Pond House Gallery and Framing, Tenants Harbor General Store. Thom aston: Jeff’s Marine, Lyman-Morse Boatbuilding, Slipway. Turner: Pompodora’s Italian Bistro. Vinalhaven: Vinal’s Newsstand, Vinalhaven Store. Waldoboro: Stetson & Pinkham. Wayne: Androscoggin Yacht Club, Wayne General Store. Wells: Webhannet River Boat Yard. West Boothbay Harbor: Blake’s Boatyard. West Southport: Boothbay Region Boatyard, Southport General Store. Windham: Richardson’s Boat Yard. Winter Harbor: Winter Harbor 5 & 10. Winterport: Winterport Marine. Wiscasset: Market Place Café, Wiscasset Yacht Club. Woolw ich: BFC Marine, Scandia Yacht Sales, Shelter Institute. Yarmouth: Bayview Rigging & Sails, East Coast Yacht Sales, Landing Boat Supply, Maine Sailing Partners, Royal River Boatyard, Royal River Grillehouse, Yankee Marina & Boatyard, Yarmouth Boatyard. York: Agamenticus Yacht Club, Stage Neck Inn, Woods to Goods, York Harbor Marine Service. N EW HA MPS HIRE Dover: Dover Marine. Dover P oint: Little Bay Marina. East Rochester: Surfside Boats. Gilford: Fay’s Boat Yard, Winnipesaukee Yacht Club. Greenland: Sailmaking Support Systems. Hampton: Hampton Harbor State Marina, Hampton River


Boat Club. Manchester: Massabesic Yacht Club, Sandy’s Variety. New Castle: Kittery Point Yacht Club, Portsmouth Yacht Club, Wentworth-By-The-Sea Marina. Newington: Great Bay Marine, Portsmouth: New England Marine and Industrial, Northeast Yachts (Witch Cove Marina), West Marine. Seabrook: West Marine. Tuftonboro: Tuftonboro General Store. MAS SAC HUS ETTS Am esbury: Larry’s Marina, Lowell’s Boat Shop. Barnstable: Coast Guard Heritage Museum at the Trayser, Millway Marina. Beverly: Al’s Bait & Tackle, Bartlett Boat Service, Beverly Point Marina, Jubilee Yacht Club. Boston: Black Rock Sailing School, Boston Harbor Islands Moorings, Boston Sailing Center, Boston Yacht Haven, Columbia Yacht Club, The Marina at Rowes Wharf, Waterboat Marina. Bourne: Taylor’s Point Marina Braintree: West Marine. Buzzards Bay: Dick’s Marine, Onset Bay Marina. Cataum et: Kingman Marine, Parker’s Boat Yard. Charlestown: Constitution Marina, Shipyard Quarters Marina. Chatham: Ryders Cove Marina, Stage Harbor Marine. Chelsea: The Marina at Admiral’s Hill. Cohasset: Cohasset Y.C. Cotuit: Peck’s Boats. Cuttyhunk: Cuttyhunk Town Marina. Danvers: Danversport Yacht Club, Liberty Marina, West Marine. Dedham: West Marine. Dighton: Shaw’s Boat Yard. Dorchester: Port Norfolk Yacht Club, Savin Hill Yacht Club. Duxbury: Bayside Marine. East Boston: Boston Harbor Shipyard & Marina, Orient Heights Yacht Club. East Dennis: Dennis Yacht Club, North Side Marina. Edgartown: Boat Safe Martha’s Vineyard, Edgartown Moorings, Edgartown Yacht Club, Harborside Inn. Essex: Flying Dragon Antiques, Perkins Marine. Fairhaven: Fairhaven Shipyard, West Marine. Fall River: Marine Consignment and Supply Falmouth: East Marine, Falmouth Ace Hardware, Falmouth Harbor Town Marina, Falmouth Marine, MacDougall’s Cape Cod Marine Service, West Marine. Gloucester: Beacon Marine Basin, Brown’s Yacht Yard, Cape Ann’s Marina Resort, Enos Marine, Three Lanterns Ship Supply. Green Harbor: Green Harbor Bait & Tackle, Green Harbor Marina. Harw ich P ort: Allen Harbor Marine Service, Cranberry Liquors, Saquatucket Municipal Marina. Hingham: 3A Marine Sales, Eastern Yacht Sales, Hingham Shipyard Marinas, Hingham Yacht Club. Hyannis: Hyannis Marina, West Marine. Ipswich: Ipswich Bay Yacht Club. Manchester: Manchester Marine, Manchester Yacht Club. Marblehead: Boston Yacht Club, Corinthian Yacht Club, Eastern Yacht Club, Marblehead Yacht Club, The Forepeak, West Marine. Marion: Barden’s Boat Yard, Beverly Yacht Club, Burr Bros.

Points East May 2014


Boats, Harding Sails, New Wave Yachts. Marshfield: Marshfield Y.C. Marston’s Mills: Peck’s Boats. Mattapoisett: Mattapoisett Boatyard. Nantucket: Glyns Marine, Nantucket Boat Basin, Town Pier Marina. New Bedford: Bayline Boatyard and Transportation, C.E. Beckman, Cutty Hunk Launch, Hercules Fishing Gear, Lyndon’s, Niemiec Marine, New Bedford Visitors Center, Pope’s Island Marina, SK Marine Electronics, Skip’s Marine. Newburyport: Merri-Mar Yacht Basin, Newburyport Boat Basin, Newburyport Harbor Marina, Newburyport Yacht Club, North End Boat Club, Riverside Café, The Boatworks, Windward Yacht Yard. North Falmouth: Brewer Fiddler’s Cove Marina. North Weymouth: Tern Harbor Marina. Oak Bluffs: Dockside Marketplace. Onset: Point Independence Yacht Club. Orleans: Nauset Marine. Osterville: Crosby Yacht Yard, Oyster Harbors Marine Service. Plymouth: Brewer’s Plymouth Marine, Plymouth Yacht Club, West Marine. Provincetow n: Harbormaster. Quincy: Captain’s Cove Marina, Marina Bay, Nonna’s Kitchen, POSH, Squantum Yacht Club, Wollaston Yacht Club. Rockport: Sandy Bay Yacht Club. Salem: Brewer’s Hawthorne Cove Marina, Fred J. Dion Yacht Yard, H&H Propeller Shop, J&W Marine, Palmer’s Cove Yacht Club, Pickering Wharf Marina, Salem Water Taxi, Winter Island Yacht Yard. Salisbury: Bridge Marina, Cross Roads Bait & Tackle, Withum Sailmakers. Sandwich: Sandwich Marina, Sandwich Ship Supply. Scituate: A to Z Boatworks, Cole Parkway Municipal Marina, Front Street Book Shop, J-Way Enterprises, Satuit Boat Club, Scituate Harbor Marina, Scituate Harbor Y.C. Seekonk: E&B Marine, West Marine. Somerset: Auclair’s Market. South D artmouth: Cape Yachts, Davis & Tripp Boatyard, Doyle Sails, New Bedford Y.C. Vineyard H aven: Owen Park Town Dock, Vineyard Haven Marina. Watertow n: Watertown Yacht Club. Wareham : Zecco Marine. Wellfleet: Bay Sails Marine, Town of Wellfleet Marina, Wellfleet Marine Corp. West Barnstable: Northside Village Liquor Store. West Dennis: Bass River Marina. Westport: F.L.Tripp & Sons, Osprey Sea Kayak Adventures, Westport Marine, Westport Y.C. Weymouth: Monahan’s Marine, Tern Harbor Marina. Winthrop: Cottage Park Y.C., Cove Convenience, Crystal Cove Marina, Pleasant Park Y.C., Ward Marine, Winthrop Harbormaster’s Office, Winthrop Lodge of Elks, Winthrop Y.C. Woburn: E&B Marine, West Marine. Woods Hole: Woods Hole Marina. Yarmouth: Arborvitae Woodworking. R HOD E ISLA ND Barrington: Barrington Y.C., Brewer Cove Haven Marina, Lavin’s Marina, Stanley’s Boat Yard, Striper Marina. Block Island: Ballard’s Inn, Block Island Boat Basin, Block Island Marina, Champlin’s, Payne’s New Harbor Dock.

88 Points East May 2014

Bristol: Aidan’s Irish Pub, All Paint, Bristol Bagel Works, Bristol Marine, Bristol Yacht Club, Hall Spars & Rigging, Herreshoff Marine Museum, Jamestown Distributors, Quantum Thurston Sails, Superior Marine. Central Falls: Twin City Marine. Charlestown: Ocean House Marina. Cranston: Port Edgewood Marina, Rhode Island Yacht Club. East Greenwich: Anderson’s Ski & Dive Center, East Greenwich Yacht Club, Norton’s Shipyard & Marina, West Marine. East Providence: East Providence Yacht Club. Jamestow n: Conanicut Marine Supply, Clark Boat Yard, Dutch Harbor Boatyard. Middletow n: West Marine Narragansett: Buster Krabs, West Marine. Newport: Brewer Street Boatworks, Casey’s Marina, Goat Island Marina, IYRS, Long Wharf Marina, Museum of Yachting, New York Yacht Club, Newport Harbor Hotel & Marina, Newport Maritime Center, Newport Nautical Supply, Newport Visitor Information Center, Newport Yacht Club, NV-Charts, Old Port Marine Services, Sail Newport, Seamen’s Church Institute, Team One, The Newport Shipyard, West Wind Marina. North K ingstown: Allen Harbor Marina, Johnson’s Boatyard, RI Mooring Services. Portsmouth: Brewer Sakonnet Marina, East Passage Yachting Center, Eastern Yacht Sales, Hinckley Yacht Services, Ship’s Store and Rigging, The Melville Grill. Riverside: Bullock’s Cove Marina. Tiverton: Don’s Marine, Life Raft & Survival Equipment, Ocean Options, Standish Boat Yard. Wakefield: Point Jude Boats, Point Judith Marina, Point Judith Yacht Club, Point View Marina, Ram Point Marina, Silver Spring Marine, Snug Harbor Marine, Stone Cove Marina. Warren: Country Club Laundry, Warren River Boatworks. Warwick: Apponaug Harbor Marina, Bay Marina, Brewer Yacht Yard at Cowesett, Greenwich Bay Marina, Pettis Boat Yard, Ray’s Bait Shop, Warwick Cove Marina. Wickford: Brewer Wickford Cove Marina, Johnson’s Boatyard, Marine Consignment of Wickford, Pleasant Street Wharf, Wickford Marina, Wickford Shipyard, Wickford Yacht Club. CO NNE CTICU T Branford: Birbarie Marine, Branford River Marina, Branford Yacht Club, Brewer Bruce & Johnson’s Marina, Dutch Wharf Boat Yard, Indian Neck Yacht Club, Pine Orchard Yacht Club, West Marine. Byram: Byram Town Marina. Chester: Castle Marina, Chester Marina, Hays Haven Marina, Middlesex Yacht Club. Clinton: Cedar Island Marina, Connecticut Marine One, Harborside Marina, Old Harbor Marina, Port Clinton Marina, Riverside Basin Marina. Cos Cob: Palmer Point Marina. Darien: E&B Marine, Noroton Yacht Club. Deep R iver: Brewer Deep River Marina. East Haddam: Andrews Marina East Norw alk: Rex Marine. Essex: Brewer Dauntless Shipyard, Boatique, Conn. River Marine Museum, Essex Corinthian Yacht Club, Essex Island Marina, Essex Yacht Club. Fairfield: J. Russell Jinishian Gallery. Farm ington: Pattaconk Yacht Club. Greenw ich: Beacon Point Marine, Indian Harbor Yacht Club.


Groton: Pine Island Marina, Shennecossett Yacht Club, Thames View Marina. Guilford: Brown’s Boat Yard, Guilford Boat Yard, Harbormaster. Lyme: Cove Landing Marine. Milford: Milford Boat Works, Milford Landing, Milford Yacht Club, Port Milford. Mystic: Brewer Yacht Yard, Fort Rachel Marina, Gwenmor Marina, Mason Island Yacht Club, Mystic Point Marina, Mystic River Yacht Club, Mystic Seaport Museum Store, Mystic Shipyard, West Marine. New Haven: City Point Yacht Club, Fairclough Sails, Oyster Point Marina. New London: Crocker’s Boatyard, Ferry Slip Dockominium Assoc., Hannah Macs Bait and Tackle, Hellier Yacht Sales, Thames Shipyard and Ferry, Thames Yacht Club, Thamesport Marina. Niantic: Boats Inc., Harbor Hill Marina, Marine Consignment of Mystic, Port Niantic Marina, Three Belles Marina. Noank: Brower’s Cove Marina, Hood Sails, Noank Village Boatyard, Palmers Cove Marina, Ram Island Yacht Club, Spicer’s. Norw alk: Norwest Marine, Rex Marine, Total Marine, West Marine. Norw ich: The Marina at American Wharf. Old Lyme: Old Lyme Marina. Old S aybrook: Brewer’s Ferry Point Marina, Harbor Hill Marina & Inn, Harbor One Marina, Island Cove Marina, Maritime Education Network, Oak Leaf Marina, Ocean Performance, Ragged Rock Marina, Saybrook Point Marina, West Marine. Portland: J & S Marine Services, Yankee Boat Yard & Marina. Riverside: Riverside Yacht Club. Rowayton: All Seasons Marina, Wilson Cove Marina. South N orwalk: Norwalk Yacht Club, Rex Marine Center, Surfside 3 Marina. Stamford: Czescik Marina, Halloween Yacht Club, Hathaway Reiser Rigging, Landfall Navigation, Ponas Yacht Club, Stamford Landing Marina, Stamford Yacht Club, West Marine. Stonington: Dodson Boat Yard, Dog Watch Café, Madwanuck Yacht Club, Stonington Harbor Yacht Club. Stratford: Brewer Stratford Marina, West Marine. Waterford: Defender Industries. Westbrook: Atlantic Outboard, Bill’s Seafood, Brewer Pilots Point Marina, Duck Island Yacht Club, Pier 76 Marina, Sound Boatworks. West Haven: West Cove Marina. Westport: Cedar Point Yacht Club. NE W YOR K City Island: Harlem Yacht Club New York: New York Nautical Ossining: Shattemuc Yacht Club Rockaw ay: Hewlett Point Yacht Club Sag Harbor: Sag Harbor Yacht Club. West Islip: West Marine. FLO RIDA

In operation since 1935, McMichael Yacht Brokers and Yacht Yards has been serving the boating community for multiple generations and has been a leading dealer of such classic American brands as J/Boats, C&C, Pearson, Ranger, Tartan and more. If you didn’t buy your Pearson Ensign or J/24 from McMichael, your father probably did! Howard McMichael Jr is still at the helm as President, working “at least” five days a week from the company’s home office in Mamaroneck, NY where the firm has two yards and a fresh stack of Points East in the front office. A recent expansion to the Newport office (at Newport Shipyard) has allowed McMichael to better serve clients from eastern CT to New England. It’s not easy to survive in the marine industry for 79 years, but the McMichael philosophy has always been to “provide professional service in a friendly manner.” The brokerage office is staffed by some of the most experienced brokers and administrators in the industry. McMichael is proud to be a dealer for J/Boats, MJM, Alerion Express, Harbor, Hanse, C&C and EdgeWater boats.

Key West: Key West Community Sailing Center.

Follow link to view other Hats Off http://www.pointseast.com/about/distribute.shtml www.pointseast.com

Points East May 2014


May Tides New London, Conn.

Bridgeport, Conn. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

01:05AM 01:49AM 02:33AM 03:19AM 04:08AM 05:01AM 05:56AM 12:46AM 01:42AM 02:35AM 03:24AM 04:11AM 04:56AM 05:41AM 06:26AM 12:42AM 01:29AM 02:20AM 03:14AM 04:13AM 05:14AM 12:15AM 01:19AM 02:21AM 03:19AM 04:12AM 05:01AM 05:46AM 12:00AM 12:42AM 01:24AM

7.89 7.61 7.28 6.93 6.6 6.33 6.15 1.24 1.08 0.83 0.52 0.19 -0.12 -0.38 -0.56 8.12 8.12 8.01 7.8 7.54 7.28 0.37 0.27 0.09 -0.1 -0.26 -0.35 -0.35 7.82 7.66 7.46


07:34AM 08:17AM 09:01AM 09:46AM 10:34AM 11:24AM 12:16PM 06:52AM 07:48AM 08:40AM 09:29AM 10:16AM 11:01AM 11:46AM 12:31PM 07:12AM 08:01AM 08:52AM 09:46AM 10:42AM 11:41AM 06:18AM 07:22AM 08:23AM 09:20AM 10:13AM 11:03AM 11:49AM 06:29AM 07:11AM 07:51AM

-0.41 -0.14 0.17 0.47 0.73 0.92 1.01 6.08 6.13 6.26 6.46 6.67 6.89 7.06 7.2 -0.65 -0.63 -0.53 -0.37 -0.19 -0.04 7.08 6.97 6.95 6.99 7.04 7.08 7.08 -0.28 -0.14 0.04


01:38PM 02:23PM 03:08PM 03:56PM 04:46PM 05:38PM 06:32PM 01:09PM 02:00PM 02:49PM 03:35PM 04:20PM 05:05PM 05:49PM 06:35PM 01:18PM 02:06PM 02:58PM 03:53PM 04:52PM 05:52PM 12:41PM 01:40PM 02:36PM 03:30PM 04:20PM 05:07PM 05:52PM 12:33PM 01:15PM 01:58PM

7.13 6.93 6.72 6.54 6.41 6.37 6.42 1.01 0.92 0.78 0.61 0.45 0.29 0.17 0.1 7.27 7.29 7.27 7.25 7.25 7.31 0.07 0.11 0.12 0.13 0.16 0.22 0.32 7.04 6.98 6.89


07:42PM 08:26PM 09:12PM 10:01PM 10:54PM 11:49PM

0.31 0.57 0.83 1.06 1.22 1.29


07:24PM 08:15PM 09:02PM 09:47PM 10:31PM 11:13PM 11:57PM

6.57 6.79 7.05 7.33 7.6 7.84 8.02


07:23PM 08:14PM 09:08PM 10:07PM 11:10PM

0.08 0.12 0.21 0.31 0.38


06:53PM 07:52PM 08:49PM 09:41PM 10:30PM 11:16PM

7.43 7.6 7.77 7.89 7.95 7.92


06:35PM 07:17PM 08:00PM

0.44 0.58 0.72


01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

05:56AM 06:42AM 12:43AM 01:33AM 02:26AM 03:23AM 04:22AM 05:21AM 12:10AM 01:00AM 01:47AM 02:33AM 03:17AM 04:02AM 04:47AM 05:34AM 06:24AM 12:23AM 01:18AM 02:16AM 03:19AM 04:24AM 05:29AM 12:41AM 01:39AM 02:32AM 03:21AM 04:07AM 04:50AM 05:33AM 06:15AM

-0.18 -0.04 3.03 2.85 2.66 2.5 2.4 2.35 0.69 0.55 0.38 0.19 0.0 -0.16 -0.27 -0.31 -0.3 3.43 3.31 3.14 2.95 2.79 2.69 0.12 0.02 -0.06 -0.12 -0.13 -0.1 -0.03 0.06


11:37AM 12:26PM 07:30AM 08:19AM 09:10AM 10:00AM 10:49AM 11:36AM 06:14AM 07:02AM 07:45AM 08:25AM 09:06AM 09:47AM 10:31AM 11:18AM 12:08PM 07:16AM 08:12AM 09:08AM 10:05AM 11:01AM 11:56AM 06:28AM 07:21AM 08:10AM 08:56AM 09:42AM 10:28AM 11:15AM 12:02PM

03:32AM 04:07AM 04:44AM 05:24AM 12:45AM 01:31AM 02:17AM 03:04AM 03:56AM 04:52AM 05:44AM 12:12AM 12:55AM 01:38AM 02:23AM 03:08AM 03:53AM 04:38AM 05:27AM 12:44AM 01:43AM 02:42AM 03:43AM 04:46AM 05:46AM 12:43AM 01:23AM 02:01AM 02:36AM 03:11AM 03:46AM

0.06 0.2 0.38 0.56 3.27 3.07 2.93 2.86 2.86 2.96 3.15 0.27 0.08 -0.06 -0.15 -0.18 -0.14 -0.03 0.12 4.26 4.09 3.94 3.83 3.78 3.81 0.36 0.32 0.29 0.29 0.31 0.36



May May May May May


10:08AM 10:54AM 11:41AM 12:29PM 06:10AM 07:07AM 08:15AM 09:17AM 10:06AM 10:48AM 11:28AM 06:32AM 07:18AM 08:03AM 08:50AM 09:39AM 10:29AM 11:24AM 12:20PM 06:23AM 07:34AM 08:52AM 09:54AM 10:40AM 11:20AM 06:40AM 07:30AM 08:16AM 09:01AM 09:45AM 10:28AM

3.86 3.65 3.44 3.26 0.73 0.85 0.88 0.81 0.68 0.5 0.32 3.37 3.61 3.8 3.94 4.01 4.03 4.01 4.01 0.29 0.41 0.45 0.43 0.38 0.33 3.88 3.94 3.95 3.91 3.82 3.68


03:11PM 03:53PM 04:35PM 05:21PM 01:18PM 02:05PM 02:53PM 03:43PM 04:36PM 05:26PM 06:13PM 12:06PM 12:46PM 01:27PM 02:12PM 02:58PM 03:46PM 04:36PM 05:30PM 01:19PM 02:17PM 03:17PM 04:19PM 05:20PM 06:16PM 11:58AM 12:37PM 01:18PM 02:01PM 02:45PM 03:29PM

Moonrise Moonset 1 2 3 4 5

May 6 May 7 May 8 May 9 May 10 May 11 May 12

7:23 AM 8:11 AM 9:02 AM 9:56 AM ---10:51 AM ---11:47 AM ---12:44 PM ---1:42 PM ---2:41 PM ---3:41 PM ---4:43 PM ---5:47 PM

90 Points East May 2014

10:15 11:06 11:51 ---12:30


0.1 0.25 0.43 0.63 3.13 3.06 3.07 3.14 3.3 3.54 3.83 0.15 0.0 -0.1 -0.15 -0.13 -0.05 0.11 0.33 4.03 4.07 4.14 4.24 4.37 4.5 0.29 0.26 0.26 0.28 0.33 0.41

May 13 May 14 May 15 May 16 May 17


1:06 AM 1:38 AM 2:08 AM 2:37 AM 3:05 AM 3:35 AM 4:07 AM

May 18 May May May May May May May May May May May May May


05:58PM 06:45PM 01:15PM 02:07PM 03:01PM 03:59PM 04:58PM 05:52PM 12:22PM 01:07PM 01:51PM 02:35PM 03:18PM 04:02PM 04:48PM 05:36PM 06:29PM 01:02PM 01:58PM 02:59PM 04:03PM 05:07PM 06:06PM 12:50PM 01:43PM 02:34PM 03:21PM 04:06PM 04:50PM 05:33PM 06:18PM

0.32 0.48 2.55 2.5 2.47 2.48 2.55 2.66 0.51 0.47 0.4 0.33 0.26 0.19 0.16 0.16 0.19 2.73 2.76 2.81 2.88 3.0 3.15 0.13 0.16 0.2 0.25 0.31 0.38 0.47 0.57


10.07 9.74 9.39 9.07 8.82 8.69 8.69 1.47 1.41 1.24 0.99 0.72 0.44 0.2 0.02 10.26 10.29 10.26 10.21 10.17 10.19 10.29 0.03 0.14 0.2 0.25 0.32 0.43 0.59 9.62 9.46





07:36PM 08:31PM 09:28PM 10:24PM 11:18PM

0.63 0.74 0.81 0.82 0.78


06:39PM 07:22PM 08:01PM 08:39PM 09:18PM 09:59PM 10:43PM 11:32PM

2.8 2.95 3.09 3.24 3.36 3.46 3.51 3.5


07:27PM 08:30PM 09:35PM 10:38PM 11:41PM

0.24 0.28 0.29 0.26 0.2


06:59PM 07:47PM 08:32PM 09:16PM 10:00PM 10:45PM 11:31PM

3.27 3.36 3.4 3.4 3.35 3.27 3.16


07:37PM 08:21PM 09:07PM 09:54PM 10:44PM 11:37PM

0.31 0.69 1.09 1.46 1.76 1.93


07:21PM 8.84 08:11PM 9.12 08:58PM 9.5 09:43PM 9.93 10:27PM 10.38 11:10PM 10.8 11:53PM 11.16


07:16PM -0.07 08:05PM -0.07 08:57PM 0.03 09:53PM 0.17 10:52PM 0.32 11:53PM 0.38


07:46PM 08:43PM 09:37PM 10:28PM 11:15PM 11:59PM

10.47 10.69 10.87 10.99 11.02 10.95


07:12PM 07:55PM

0.78 0.99


Boston, Mass.

Newport, R.I. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

2.66 2.61 0.13 0.28 0.4 0.48 0.53 0.53 2.36 2.4 2.45 2.52 2.57 2.62 2.66 2.69 2.71 -0.24 -0.16 -0.08 -0.02 0.04 0.09 2.63 2.61 2.6 2.6 2.61 2.62 2.63 2.64

19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31


10:27PM 11:12PM 11:58PM

4.17 3.85 3.54


06:12PM 07:15PM 08:30PM 09:42PM 10:41PM 11:29PM

0.81 0.94 0.96 0.86 0.68 0.48


06:56PM 07:40PM 08:24PM 09:11PM 10:00PM 10:52PM 11:47PM

4.12 4.37 4.56 4.66 4.65 4.56 4.42


06:36PM 08:14PM 10:02PM 11:07PM 11:58PM

0.55 0.69 0.64 0.53 0.43


07:07PM 07:54PM 08:38PM 09:21PM 10:02PM 10:43PM

4.59 4.59 4.51 4.35 4.14 3.89


---6:53 PM ---7:59 PM ---9:03 PM ---10:04 PM ---10:59 PM ---11:47 PM ---12:29 AM 1:07 AM 1:42 AM 2:15 AM 2:48 AM 3:21 AM 3:57 AM 4:35 AM 5:17 AM 6:03 AM 6:53 AM 7:46 AM

4:42 AM

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

01:05AM 01:48AM 02:32AM 03:18AM 04:06AM 04:56AM 05:50AM 12:32AM 01:28AM 02:21AM 03:11AM 03:59AM 04:45AM 05:31AM 06:16AM 12:38AM 01:25AM 02:15AM 03:08AM 04:04AM 05:04AM 06:07AM 12:56AM 01:59AM 02:59AM 03:56AM 04:47AM 05:35AM 06:20AM 12:42AM 01:23AM

11.13 10.83 10.44 10.03 9.62 9.26 9.0 1.93 1.76 1.43 0.99 0.48 -0.04 -0.51 -0.89 11.42 11.54 11.5 11.32 11.01 10.66 10.33 0.33 0.15 -0.09 -0.33 -0.5 -0.56 -0.5 10.8 10.58


5:21 AM

MAY 2014

6:08 AM


7:01 AM 8:00 AM 9:06 AM 10:14 AM 11:24 AM 12:34 PM 1:43 PM 2:51 PM 3:57 PM 5:03 PM 6:07 PM 7:08 PM 8:05 PM 8:58 PM 9:46 PM 10:28 PM

May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May

Sunrise 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

5:40 5:38 5:37 5:36 5:34 5:33 5:32 5:31 5:29 5:28 5:27 5:26 5:25 5:24 5:23


07:24AM -0.79 08:09AM -0.44 08:54AM -0.01 09:40AM 0.43 10:27AM 0.85 11:17AM 1.18 12:09PM 1.4 06:45AM 8.87 07:40AM 8.88 08:33AM 9.0 09:24AM 9.21 10:11AM 9.47 10:58AM 9.73 11:43AM 9.97 12:29PM 10.15 07:03AM -1.14 07:51AM -1.24 08:41AM -1.18 09:33AM -0.98 10:28AM -0.7 11:26AM -0.4 12:25PM -0.15 07:11AM 10.1 08:15AM 9.97 09:15AM 9.93 10:11AM 9.92 11:03AM 9.9 11:51AM 9.85 12:36PM 9.75 07:03AM -0.35 07:45AM -0.13


01:40PM 02:24PM 03:09PM 03:56PM 04:45PM 05:36PM 06:29PM 01:01PM 01:53PM 02:42PM 03:29PM 04:14PM 04:59PM 05:44PM 06:29PM 01:16PM 02:04PM 02:56PM 03:50PM 04:47PM 05:46PM 06:46PM 01:24PM 02:22PM 03:17PM 04:09PM 04:58PM 05:44PM 06:28PM 01:18PM 02:01PM

Times for Boston, MA

Sunset 7:44 7:45 7:46 7:47 7:48 7:49 7:50 7:52 7:53 7:54 7:55 7:56 7:57 7:58 7:59


May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May

16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

5:22 5:21 5:20 5:19 5:18 5:17 5:16 5:16 5:15 5:14 5:13 5:13 5:12 5:12 5:11 5:11


8:00 8:01 8:02 8:03 8:04 8:05 8:06 8:07 8:08 8:09 8:10 8:10 8:11 8:12 8:13 8:14




May Tides Portland, Maine 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

12:58AM 01:40AM 02:23AM 03:08AM 03:55AM 04:46AM 05:40AM 12:27AM 01:24AM 02:17AM 03:06AM 03:52AM 04:35AM 05:18AM 06:01AM 12:22AM 01:08AM 01:58AM 02:52AM 03:49AM 04:51AM 05:57AM 12:51AM 01:57AM 02:59AM 03:55AM 04:46AM 05:34AM 06:18AM 12:35AM 01:16AM

10.73 10.4 10.01 9.59 9.19 8.83 8.57 1.94 1.79 1.48 1.07 0.59 0.1 -0.36 -0.73 10.99 11.11 11.07 10.88 10.58 10.23 9.91 0.41 0.2 -0.08 -0.35 -0.53 -0.6 -0.54 10.44 10.2


07:20AM 08:04AM 08:48AM 09:34AM 10:21AM 11:11AM 12:03PM 06:36AM 07:32AM 08:26AM 09:16AM 10:02AM 10:46AM 11:30AM 12:15PM 06:46AM 07:34AM 08:24AM 09:18AM 10:15AM 11:15AM 12:17PM 07:04AM 08:10AM 09:12AM 10:08AM 11:00AM 11:47AM 12:32PM 07:00AM 07:41AM

-0.78 -0.43 -0.02 0.4 0.79 1.1 1.31 8.42 8.4 8.51 8.71 8.96 9.22 9.46 9.65 -0.98 -1.09 -1.05 -0.89 -0.65 -0.39 -0.16 9.68 9.58 9.56 9.58 9.57 9.51 9.4 -0.37 -0.14


01:34PM 02:19PM 03:04PM 03:51PM 04:40PM 05:31PM 06:24PM 12:55PM 01:46PM 02:34PM 03:18PM 04:01PM 04:43PM 05:25PM 06:09PM 01:01PM 01:50PM 02:42PM 03:37PM 04:36PM 05:38PM 06:40PM 01:19PM 02:19PM 03:15PM 04:07PM 04:55PM 05:40PM 06:23PM 01:14PM 01:55PM

Bar Harbor, Maine 9.64 9.3 8.95 8.64 8.41 8.28 8.29 1.39 1.36 1.22 1.01 0.77 0.51 0.29 0.14 9.76 9.81 9.79 9.75 9.73 9.77 9.89 0.0 0.09 0.14 0.2 0.29 0.43 0.63 9.23 9.05


07:29PM 08:13PM 08:58PM 09:45PM 10:36PM 11:30PM

0.39 0.78 1.17 1.52 1.79 1.94


07:16PM 8.43 08:05PM 8.7 08:52PM 9.07 09:35PM 9.5 10:16PM 9.95 10:57PM 10.38 11:38PM 10.74


06:56PM 07:45PM 08:38PM 09:36PM 10:38PM 11:44PM

0.06 0.08 0.18 0.32 0.45 0.49


07:42PM 08:40PM 09:34PM 10:24PM 11:11PM 11:54PM

10.09 10.33 10.54 10.67 10.7 10.62


07:05PM 07:46PM

0.85 1.08


01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

12:39AM 01:22AM 02:06AM 02:51AM 03:38AM 04:29AM 05:23AM 12:13AM 01:08AM 02:01AM 02:50AM 03:36AM 04:19AM 05:01AM 05:44AM 12:04AM 12:51AM 01:41AM 02:34AM 03:32AM 04:34AM 05:39AM 12:36AM 01:40AM 02:41AM 03:36AM 04:27AM 05:15AM 05:59AM 12:17AM 12:58AM

12.31 11.92 11.45 10.96 10.5 10.1 9.81 1.99 1.82 1.48 1.03 0.51 -0.01 -0.5 -0.9 12.49 12.61 12.55 12.34 12.02 11.65 11.34 0.27 0.02 -0.29 -0.59 -0.79 -0.86 -0.79 11.92 11.63


07:02AM 07:45AM 08:30AM 09:16AM 10:04AM 10:54AM 11:46AM 06:19AM 07:14AM 08:07AM 08:56AM 09:42AM 10:26AM 11:10AM 11:54AM 06:29AM 07:16AM 08:07AM 09:01AM 09:58AM 10:59AM 12:01PM 06:46AM 07:50AM 08:50AM 09:46AM 10:37AM 11:25AM 12:09PM 06:41AM 07:22AM

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

12:42AM 01:26AM 02:10AM 02:56AM 03:43AM 04:34AM 05:28AM 12:16AM 01:11AM 02:05AM 02:56AM 03:45AM 04:31AM 05:17AM 06:02AM 12:19AM 01:05AM 01:54AM 02:46AM 03:42AM 04:42AM 05:44AM 12:43AM 01:45AM 02:45AM 03:40AM 04:32AM 05:20AM 06:04AM 12:19AM 01:02AM

20.81 20.24 19.54 18.78 18.06 17.44 17.0 2.97 2.73 2.21 1.48 0.66 -0.17 -0.91 -1.48 21.05 21.19 21.08 20.75 20.26 19.72 19.27 0.33 0.07 -0.35 -0.77 -1.07 -1.17 -1.07 20.13 19.74


07:09AM 07:53AM 08:37AM 09:22AM 10:08AM 10:58AM 11:50AM 06:23AM 07:18AM 08:11AM 09:01AM 09:48AM 10:34AM 11:18AM 12:02PM 06:48AM 07:36AM 08:26AM 09:18AM 10:13AM 11:11AM 12:11PM 06:47AM 07:49AM 08:48AM 09:43AM 10:33AM 11:21AM 12:05PM 06:47AM 07:29AM

Corrections for other ports Port Reference Maine/ New Hampshire Bar Harbor Stonington Rockland Bar Harbor Boothbay Harbor Portland Portland Kennebunkport Portsmouth Portland

Height Corrections

High +0 hr. 8 min., Low +0 hr. 6 min., High +0 hr. 9 min., Low +0 hr. 6 min., High -0 hr. 6 min., Low -0 hr. 8 min., High +0 hr. 7 min., Low +0 hr. 5 min., High +0 hr. 22 min., Low +0 hr. 17 min.,

High *0.91, Low *0.90 High *0.93, Low *1.03 High *0.97, Low *0.97 High *0.97, Low *1.00 High *0.86, Low *0.86

Massachusetts Gloucester Plymouth Scituate Provincetown Marion Woods Hole

Boston Boston Boston Boston Newport Newport

High +0 hr. 0 min., Low -0 hr. 4 min., High +0 hr. 4 min., Low +0 hr. 18 min., High +0 hr. 3 min., Low -0 hr. 1 min., High +0 hr. 16 min., Low +0 hr. 18 min., High +0 hr. 10 min., Low +0 hr. 12 min., High +0 hr. 32 min., Low +2 hr. 21 min.,

High *0.93, Low *0.97 High *1.03, Low *1.00 High *0.95, Low *1.03 High *0.95, Low *0.95 High *1.13, Low *1.29 High *0.40, Low *0.40

Rhode Island Westerly Point Judith East Greenwich Bristol

New London Newport Newport Newport

High -0 hr. 21 min., Low +0 hr. 3 min., High -0 hr. 1 min., Low +0 hr. 32 min., High +0 hr. 13 min., Low +0 hr. 3 min., High +0 hr. 13 min., Low +0 hr. 0 min.,

High *1.02, Low *1.00 High *0.87, Low *0.54 High *1.14, Low *1.14 High *1.16, Low *1.14

Connecticut Stamford New Haven Branford Saybrook Jetty Saybrook Point Mystic Westport

Bridgeport Bridgeport Bridgeport New London New London Boston Newport

High +0 hr. 3 min., Low +0 hr. 8 min., High -0 hr. 4 min., Low -0 hr. 7 min., High -0 hr. 5 min., Low -0 hr. 13 min., High +1 hr. 11 min., Low +0 hr. 45 min., High +1 hr. 11 min., Low +0 hr. 53 min., High +0 hr. 1 min., Low +0 hr. 2 min., High +0 hr. 9 min., Low +0 hr. 33 min.,

High *1.07, Low *1.08 High *0.91, Low *0.96 High *0.87, Low *0.96 High *1.36, Low *1.35 High *1.24, Low *1.25 High *1.01, Low *0.97 High *0.85, Low *0.85

M ay

May 28 www.pointseast.com

2 0 1 4 First Quarter

May 6


01:12PM 01:56PM 02:41PM 03:28PM 04:17PM 05:08PM 06:01PM 12:39PM 01:30PM 02:19PM 03:04PM 03:48PM 04:30PM 05:12PM 05:55PM 12:40PM 01:28PM 02:20PM 03:15PM 04:14PM 05:16PM 06:19PM 01:03PM 02:03PM 02:59PM 03:52PM 04:41PM 05:26PM 06:10PM 12:51PM 01:33PM

11.25 10.83 10.4 10.02 9.73 9.57 9.55 1.46 1.41 1.26 1.03 0.75 0.48 0.24 0.07 11.36 11.39 11.36 11.28 11.23 11.24 11.34 -0.11 -0.04 -0.02 0.01 0.09 0.24 0.45 10.75 10.52


07:15PM 07:59PM 08:44PM 09:32PM 10:23PM 11:17PM

0.27 0.72 1.17 1.55 1.84 2.0


06:53PM 07:44PM 08:31PM 09:15PM 09:57PM 10:39PM 11:21PM

9.69 9.98 10.38 10.85 11.35 11.82 12.22


06:41PM -0.01 07:30PM 0.01 08:23PM 0.11 09:21PM 0.25 10:24PM 0.36 11:30PM 0.38


07:20PM 08:19PM 09:14PM 10:04PM 10:51PM 11:35PM

11.55 11.8 12.03 12.18 12.22 12.12


06:52PM 07:33PM

0.71 0.99


07:27PM -0.01 08:11PM 0.69 08:55PM 1.41 09:41PM 2.06 10:30PM 2.59 11:22PM 2.91


06:53PM 07:46PM 08:35PM 09:22PM 10:07PM 10:51PM 11:34PM

16.88 17.31 17.94 18.68 19.43 20.12 20.68


07:07PM 07:56PM 08:47PM 09:42PM 10:40PM 11:40PM

-0.49 -0.45 -0.27 -0.01 0.24 0.39


07:19PM 08:17PM 09:12PM 10:03PM 10:51PM 11:36PM

19.48 19.82 20.16 20.41 20.5 20.4


07:03PM 07:45PM

0.74 1.16


Eastport, Maine

Time Corrections

New Moon

-0.97 -0.57 -0.1 0.37 0.8 1.14 1.37 9.66 9.66 9.81 10.06 10.37 10.7 10.99 11.22 -1.16 -1.26 -1.2 -1.01 -0.75 -0.48 -0.25 11.13 11.06 11.08 11.14 11.15 11.1 10.96 -0.59 -0.32

M o o n

-1.48 -0.86 -0.13 0.62 1.32 1.87 2.23 16.81 16.89 17.21 17.7 18.26 18.83 19.32 19.69 -1.83 -1.95 -1.83 -1.51 -1.08 -0.63 -0.26 19.0 18.95 19.04 19.18 19.26 19.22 19.06 -0.79 -0.38


01:10PM 01:54PM 02:39PM 03:25PM 04:14PM 05:06PM 05:59PM 12:43PM 01:36PM 02:28PM 03:17PM 04:04PM 04:50PM 05:35PM 06:20PM 12:48PM 01:36PM 02:26PM 03:20PM 04:17PM 05:17PM 06:18PM 01:11PM 02:11PM 03:08PM 04:01PM 04:50PM 05:37PM 06:21PM 12:48PM 01:30PM

19.56 18.95 18.29 17.66 17.14 16.79 16.7 2.35 2.21 1.86 1.37 0.84 0.33 -0.08 -0.36 19.89 19.92 19.8 19.59 19.37 19.24 19.27 -0.06 -0.01 -0.07 -0.12 -0.09 0.08 0.36 18.79 18.46


P h a s e s

Full Moon

May 14

Last Quarter

May 21 Points East May 2014


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Points East May 2014


CASTLES, continued from Page 85

what better way to show the world your wealth, prestige and refined taste than by building a castle on the water? These homes took advantage of an impressive setting with stone towers and embattlements, and reflected a past grandeur and romantic nod to kings, knights and damsels in distress. The stone might have leaked, and the arrow slits might have been too narrow to appreciate the view, but the drawbridge kept out unwelcomed visitors, and the owners didn’t suffer the indignity of having a carbon copy of the neighbor’s house. In fact, some New England Patriots are still building “castles,” complete with a moat – albeit not on the New England coastline, but in California.

are on the ferry. There is a red-tiled-roof castle, Hartlands Castle, in Old Saybrook. The castle overlooks Willard Bay and serves as a beacon for Long Island Sound boaters. It looks to me more like a home, than a castle. But, then again, how many homes have an adjacent stone “watch tower.” It was built in 1908 by George Beach, a Connecticut politician, from field- and beachstone. For some time it was run as an inn, and during Prohibition it was reputed to be a speak-easy. With its easy access to Long Island Sound, rum runners could make their deliveries, and false Marilyn Brigham, walls within the caswith her co-captle could hide those tain/spouse Paul, deliveries. It must sails Toujours, a have been a perfect Jeanneau 36i, out of place to run a seaPhoto by Christopher Setterlund Quissett Harbor. She side hideaway for Joseph Stearns, inventor of the duplex telegraphy system, built Norumbega is a member of both drinking and gamCastle, in Camden, Maine, in 1886. It has been an inn since the 1980s. the Quissett and bling. Cottage Park yacht The watch tower clubs. Toujours and her crew have spent years cruising was outfitted with radio equipment and monitored the the waters between Narragansett Bay to the Gulf of activities of the Coast Guard to guard against a surMaine. Marilyn hopes the 2014 sailing season finds her prise raid. The castle/house, now owned by the not only in Buzzards and Massachusetts Bays, but also Catholic Church, is currently for sale for $4.6 million. The 1900s brought new wealth to many people, and venturing west into Long Island Sound.

94 Points East May 2014


Mystery Harbor

Be the first to identify this mystery harbor and you’ll win a designer Points East yachting cap that will make you the envy of every boater. Tell us a bit about how you know the spot. Send your answers to: editor@pointseast.com or mail them to editor, Points East Magazine, P.O. Box 1077, Portsmouth, NH, 03802-1077.

Reserve Summer Dockage

A Full Service Marina 216 Ocean Point Rd., E. Boothbay, ME 04544 (207) 633-0773 www.oceanpointmarina.com WI-FI available dockside Power 16’ SportCraft (no eng.) & trailer $1,500 18’ Duffy Snug Harbor ’11 39,900 22’ Angler ’01 19,500

38’ Bayliner 3818 Motoryacht 59,900 43’ Marine Trader ’84 twin diesel 95,700


22’ Century Raven ’59 27,500 25’ Dusky Marine twin Suzuki 150's & trailer ’11 102,000 28’ Cape Dory FB ’90 diesel 58,500

25’ Cape Dory ’76 27’ C.E. Ryder Sea Sprite ‘81 New Yanmar 29’ Hughes ’70

30’ Mainship Pilot 30 ’99 30' Southport ‘99 34’ Calvin Beal Jr. Custom Fishing Boat ’04

30’ Pearson w/diesel engine 8,000 34’Tartan ’71 w/diesel engine 9,500 34’ Sabre 34 Classic ’ 78 20,900 40’Ta Shing Baba ’84 115,000

69,500 79,900 135,000

$5,995 29,995 5,000

Mercury engines and Mercury Inflatables in stock. Certified Mercury technicians. Storage, dockage, Ship’s Store, and a full service marina.

40’ Bristol Sloop, excllent condition,bow thruster, ’79 $84,900

26' General Marine 26 Downeast Cruiser, ’86 $25,000

POWER 19’ Maritime 1890 w/Yamaha 70hp & trailer, 2013 27,000 20’ Maritime Defiant ‘14 w/trailer and 115 HP Yamaha 44,500 22’ Scout 22 Abaco, ’08 Yard owner’s boat 54,000 24’8” Mako walkaround, ’87 11,900 26’ Seafox 256 CC Pro Series Sold

32’ Bayliner 3288, ’89 Sale Pending 38’ Cruiser Inc., ’88 14,900 41’ Maxum Flybridge, diesel,’99 110,000

28’ Rampage Sportsman, ’88 22,500 28’ Maxum 2700, exc. cond. Sold 28’ Hydrasport Walkaround,’03 43,000

36’ C&C ’82 Great Cond.

SAIL 23’ Pearson Ensign, Exl. Cond.


25’ Irwin, ’74


28’ Southern Cross, ’82


30’ Cape Dory 300 motorsailer, ’89 62,000 38’ Northeast LeComte Sloop, ’63 41’ C&C Custom Racer, ’84


39,000 Sold 34,000

Brokerage & Dealers

THE YACHT CONNECTION at SOUTH PORT MARINE 207-799-3600 Boats are moving at The Yacht Connection

Brokerage & Dealers Po i n t s E a s t

1999 PURSUIT DENALI 2460, 2007 Mercrusier 260 and outdrive, low hours boat in need of new home $25,900

1976 RONALD RICH FLYBRIDGE 30’ CRUISER, Chrysler marine 240 HP engine. A fine Maine built classic. Perfect for a family’s summer on the water. In very good cond. & fairly priced. $22,900

1978 JC 31, with full 800 lobster trap/gear set up. All in very good, well maintained condition. Cummings 210 BT with 1500 hours. $102,500

1987 QUICKSTEP 24 SLOOP, Yamaha 9.9, recent sails, very clean and well cared for, nice pocket cruiser $15,000

ALWAYS GLAD TO LIST QUALITY RECREATIONAL AND COMMERCIAL VESSELS. 1994 MITCHELL COVE 20 CENTER CONSOLE, proven Beal design, Mercruiser 286 HP, teak decks, very nice low hour boat $29,900

Classic Runabout LOA 23’4”

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Please contact us to discuss further.

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37’ Graves 1981 $67,500

Motor 22’ Norwegian Snekke new eng. 22’ Pulsifer Hampton Launch 26’ Webbers Cove ’99 diesel 30’ Flush Deck Wooden classic 32’ Marine Trader, 1980 - Dry 35’ Millennium - Donelle 2004 38’ Bertram III Flybridge ’86 Sail 19’ Alerion Express Cat ’99 24’ Eastward Ho ’74 25’ Eastsail Offshore Cutter ’85 26’ Pearson Sloop, ’73 well kept 33’ Hunter 335 ‘92 Furlboom

$23,500 20-35,000 65,000 39,900 22,000 299,000 89,000 $17,500 8,500 34,900 7,000 42,500

Big reductions on Hunter 335 and 356 34’ Pacific Seacraft , 1987 74,500 35’ Hunter 356, 2002 98,500 36’ Bayfield Cutter, 1987 62,000 42’ Whitby Ketch, 1982 97,500

42’ Kadey Krogen 1988 $247,500

See all the details at our website

BoatingInMaine.com info@GulfofMaineYachtSales.com If you have a boat to sell or looking to purchase a boat -call at any time, visit us in Yarmouth or send email to (info@gomys.com)

( 207) 899.0909 - YARMOUTH, MAINE

SAIL 45’ Cape Dory Ketch 1984 40’ Nordic 1984 36’ Cape Dory 1983 36’ Robinhood Cutter 2001

POWER $250,000 36’ Ellis FB Cruiser 2001 109,500 33’ Robinhood Poweryacht 2006 79,500 34’ Sabreline 1997 179,500 30’ Mainship Pilot Sedan 2007

$299,000 269,500 124,500 109,500

Gray & Gray, Inc.

36 York Street York,Maine 03909 E-mail: graygray@gwi.net

Tel: 207-363-7997 Fax: 207-363-7807 www.grayandgrayyachts.com



Specializing in Downeast Vessels, Trawlers & Cruising Sailboats

36' CUTTYHUNK HT, 1987, $102,000 Whistler 32, Designed by CW Paine and built by the highly regarded Able Marine. Deep bulwarks and a cat ketch rig make her an easily driven, comfortable vessel. $43,000

35' ATLANTIC DUFFY HT, 1999, $199,000

29' BACK COVE HT, 2006, $141,400

36' Sabreline HT, 2000, $163,500

1948 Custom Steel Tug

2007 2006 2004 1998 1997 1996 1987 1984 1974


MJM 34z Downeast $385,000 Stanley 36 595,000 Stanley 38 375,000 Stanley 36 350,000 Eastbay Sedan 225,000 Somes Sound 26 117,500 Mako 621 29,500 Stanley 38 285,000 Robert Rich runabout 65,000

21 Knt Cruise, 24 Knt Max. Immaculately Maintained. Offered at $495K 200 Seawall Road, PO Box 1300 Southwest Harbor, ME 04679 (207) 244-5000 www.wilburyachts.com/brokerage

Call John Morin (207) 691-1637 for more info

$95,000 99,900 159,500

DINGHY 2013 15’ Gotts Isl. Peapod $9,900 2009 10’ RIB w/6hp Suzuki 2,500

207.244.7854 info@jwboatco.com / www.jwboatco.com Shipwright Lane, Hall Quarry, Mount Desert, Maine 04660

POINTS 38’ Wilbur-Duffy Hardtop Express, 2006, Cat Power

2006 J/100 1996 Pacific Seacraft 34 1997 Gozzard 36D



Brokerage & Dealer Listings Buying or Selling? Contact any one of these brokers to get the job done.

Brokerage & Dealers

32' GRAND BANKS HT, 1989, S. DIESEL, $88,500

34' KAISER GALE FORCE, 1980, NOW $49,500


Po i n t s E a s t

41' BENETEAU 411 SLOOP, 2001, $119,500

Classifieds To advertise: There are two ways to advertise on the classified pages. There are classified display ads, which are boxed ads on these pages; there are also line ads, which are simply lines of text. Line ads can be combined with photos, which will run above the text.

SAIL 8’ Trinka Sailing Dinghy, 1991 Teak thwarts and trim, davit lifting rings, bilge bailer, bottom skids, bow towing ring, oars. Blue. Nobleboro, Maine. $2,200. 207-5636747 txservce@tidewater.net

Rates: Classified display ads cost $30 per column inch. Line ads are $25 for 25 words (plus $5 for each additional 10 words). For a photo to run with a line ad, add $5.

Discounts: If you run the same classified line ad or classified display ad more than one month, deduct 20 percent for subsequent insertions.

Web advertising: Line ads from these pages will be run at no additional cost on the magazine’s web site: www.pointseast.com.


12’ Skiff from Compass Project This Bevin’s Skiff was built by the Alternative Learning group from Wescott Junior High School. Length: 12 ft. Width: 4.5 ft. Weight: 120 lbs. $1,750 (plus tax). 207774-0682. info@compassproject.org 14’ Classic Cat, 2004 A very appealing daysailor in a classic Cape Cod/Southern New England Cat boat style. This boat is in excellent condition, nearly new in appearance. Battened mainsail, road trailer, outboard, swim ladder, boat cover. Maine. $9,000. Metinic Yacht Brokers 207-326-4411. www.sealcoveboatyard.com sealcoveboatyard@gmail.com

To place an ad:

Deadline for the June issue is May 2, 2014.

Need more info? Call 1-888-778-5790.

98 Points East May 2014

18’6 Cape Dory Typhoon, 1974 Galvanized trailer. Excellent condition, recent sails, cushions, rigging. $10,500. Proceeds benefit community sailing, this is a win/win. 207-200-5336 or email win.furber@SailMaine.org 21’ Olympic Class Yngling, 1988 Complete with set of sails with 5hp Honda outboard and custom trailer. Located in Southern Maine. $4,800. maine.craigslist.org/boa/44086772 09.html pmilholland@cascobay.org 21’ Precision 21, 1988 Complete with all original equipment, plus 6hp Johnson outboard, and trailer. Located in southern Maine. $3,250. Phone 207-3513262.

All classifieds must be paid in advance, either by check or credit card.

Mail ads, with payment, to Points East Magazine P.O. Box 1077, Portsmouth, NH, 03802-1077 or go to our website at www.pointseast.com

17’ Menger Catboat, 1987 2005 8hp four-stroke Tohatsu with electric start and charging. Tabernacle mast, depth sounder, radio, mast light, running lights, interior lights, anchor and rode, bow sprit, two sails, sail cover, life jackets, galvanized trailer, owner’s manual, solar air vent, four cat’s eye windows (not only two usually found in Menger 17). Great condition. $14,900. 603-801-3424 tmulstay@me.com

15’ Apprentice 15, 2011 Traditionally built double-ended daysailer designed by Kevin Carney. Cedar on white oak, lapstrake construction. Dynel deck, white oak trim. Sitka spruce spars. Nat Wilson sails. All bronze fastenings and hardware. Launched June 2011. Price: $20,000. Call Eric Stockinger at 207-594-1800 or email info@apprenticeshop.org www.apprenticeshop.org

22’ Herreshoff Eagle, 1978 Classic gaff-rigged sloop, built 1978, restored by Arey’s Pond 2002. Mainsail with eagle emblem, new jib, topsail. Yamaha 9.9hp, well maintained, wintered indoors. $7900. prosenberger@massmed.org

22’ Catalina 22, 1985 Retractable keel - fresh water; galvanized LoadRite -new wheels, tires, brakes. Compass, depth sounder, bilge pump, keel pin, tiller clutch, Yamaha 6hp charges battery. $8,500. seb_0320@earthlink.net

24’ Dolphin Sloop by Lunn Laminates #200. Centerboard, 6 sails, roller reefing Genoa, Palmer Husky 8hp rebuilt ‘96 &

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2006. Includes unused GPS new 2009 and an inflatable dinghy. $4,500 OBO. www.jonesportshipyard.com info@jonesportshipyard.com

24’ Cal-24, 1984 RI built, in great shape. New main, 135 genoa on Harken furler, spinnaker, plus all original sails. 8hp Yamaha long shaft OB. Indoor storage since ‘12 in Castine, ME. $5,500 obo. email jhmitch@maine.rr.com

25’ Eastsail Offshore Cutter, 1985 Offshore pocket cruiser. Simple and functional. Offered at $34,900. Call 207-831-3168, Gulf of Maine Yacht Sales www.boatinginmaine.com 26’ Ranger 26, 1974 In very good condition with 5 sails, roller furler. No outboard. $2000 firm. 207-223-8885 or email info@winterportmarine.com

26’ Pearson, 1973 Enjoy your time on the water at a reasonable price. Offered at only $7,000. Call 207-831-3168 Gulf of Maine Yacht Sales. www.boatinginmaine.com

27’ Canadian Sailcraft, 1979 Dependable Yanmar diesel. High quality and fast. Points high. Fun to cruise or race. $7,000. w/ stands and inflatable. 207-443-8719. kengunston@gwi.net 27’ Tartan, 1967 A classic Olin Stephens design, refitted Yanmar 2GM20F 450 hours. New main, Harken furler, dodger. See article Points East Oct 2013. $9,000. In S Portland. 781-8624742. nedshenton@mac.com

28’ Sabre 28 Mk I, 1975 Asking $18,000. Wheel steering, 2003 Yanmar diesel, Lewmar anchor windlass, new Quantum sails, new Lewmar winches, new head, three-blade Max Prop, new bootstripe paint, interior cushions, Garmin GPS/Plotter, Raymarine ST60 nav instruments. Interior in excellent condition and hull, topsides, decks are nice, with reasonable exterior wear and tear. http://www.yachtworld.com/boats/ 1975/Sabre-28-Mk-I-2695972/Barrington/RI/United-States#.UxUIBWeA11s ham@neyacht.com

29’ Carrera 290, 1993 Recently refitted at Casey Yacht Enterprises, new deep keel configuration, new Awlgrip, great sail inventory, Harken furler, Tohatsu 5hp, trailer. $29,900. Call 207-8654948. www.caseyyacht.com mmcasey19@aol.com



Professional Marine Surveys 508.737.5052

www.turnstonemarinesurvey.com www.pointseast.com

www.theyachtconnection.com tyc@southportmarine.com

29’ Islander 29, 1967 Well maintained in good condition. Bristol bright work. Raised dinette salon with ample storage throughout. New interior and cockpit cushions. New holding tank system. Well-running Atomic 4 engine, fresh water-cooled with electronic ignition. Vapor and high water alarms. Pro-Furl roller furling, 3 anchors, 2 Plastimo cockpit compasses along with Datamarine knot meter and depth sounder, 3 bilge pumps, 2 VHF radios, new stereo, Raymarine GPS. $14,000. 978688-6360. www.islander29.tumblr.com/ sweetpea26@mac.com

29’ Ericson, 1971 Solid racer/cruiser. Strong main and furling jib. Universal 20hp diesel with under 200 hours. Rewired, new cabin cushions, tiller steering, GPS, VHF, radio, auto bilge pump, shoal draft. Galley and enclosed head. Ready to sail. $9000. OBO maccauley123@gmail.com 30’ Pearson, 1974 Older boat in great shape with newer engine. 2005 20hp Universal with about 150hrs. Given the price this is a great value. $8,000. Call 207-633-0773. www.oceanpointmarina.com info@oceanpointmarina.com 30’ Cape Dory 300MS Motorsailer 1989, $62,000. 207-799-3600.

30’ Island Packet 27, 1988 Cutter, 30’x10.5’x3.67’, full keel, 6’ 2 headroom. Easy single handler. Engine hours 554. Selling Price: $32,000. www.jonesportshipyard.com info@jonesportshipyard.com 30’ Aage Nielsen-Walsted K/CB Yawl, 1960 A lovely CCA-era yawl designed by Aage Nielsen, built to very high standards by the Walsted yard in Denmark. $35,500. Call Gray & Gray, Inc. 207-3637997. www.grayandgrayyachts.com

30’ Pearson 30, 1972 Hull #100 by Fairhaven Yacht Works, all orig. equipment onboard, and has a diesel engine and a new jib. Well maintained. Motivated seller, $8,500 OBO. www.jonesportshipyard.com info@jonesportshipyard.com

30’ Cal 2-30. 1968 A true classic. Some work but not a project boat. Yanmar diesel. Hull superb condition. Scarborough location. More photos upon request.

WINDER ASSOCIATES Yacht Surveyors & New Construction/Refit Project Managers Condition & Valuation Pre-Purchase & Insurance Surveys ■ Vessel Appraisals Newport, Rhode Island & Annisquam, Massachusetts (978) 852 -3304 http://www.marinesurveyor.com/winder

Points East May 2014


$7,500. 207-522-5869. isellwardcedarloghomes.com pdillaway@roadrunner.com

30’ C&C 29, 1984 10’ beam. Just listed. Call for details. 207-497-2701. info@jonesportshipyard.com

30’ Classic George Stadel Wooden Cutter Rebuilt 2007. Diesel engine, sails in excellent condition, full electronics, ground tackle, offshore life raft, roller-furling jib and staysail, Monitor wind vane. $30,500. Call 203-453-2539

31’ Grampian, 1967 Full keel sloop, made in Canada, Atomic 4 engine. Auto helm, roller furling, sleeps 4, GPS, plotter, radar, depth sounder, propane stove. $16,500 OBO. 207-4972701 info@jonesportshipyard.com 30’ Cape Dory, 1981 Full batten main, roller furling genoa, roller furling genoa jib, Dutchman for main, staysail. Dodger and sun awning. Aluminum mast and spars, stainless steel standing rigging. Oven/stove,

ice box, sink, pressurized water. Marine head with holding tank, shower. Depthsounder, radar, wind/speed/direction, compass, GPS, VHF. Shorepower. 12’ fiberglass dinghy. Sleeps 5. Maine. $24,000. www.sealcoveboatyard.com sealcoveboatyard@gmail.com 32’ Beneteau Evasion Motorsailer 1977. A very well-built 32’ Beneteau Evasion Motorsailer ketch which not only has a powerful 28 hp engine, but has a reputation for sailing very well. $24,500. Call Gray & Gray, Inc. 207-3637997. www.grayandgrayyachts.com 32’ Whistler 32, 1981 Designed by CW Paine and built by the highly regarded Able Marine. Deep bulwarks and a cat ketch rig make her an easily driven, comfortable vessel. 43,000 207-244-7854 or email billw@jwboatco.com

33’ Hunter 33.5, 1995 Custom install of Furlboom system. Reduced to $42,500. Call 207-831-3168. Gulf of Maine Yacht Sales. www.boatinginmaine.com 34’ Pacific Seacraft Stoutly built this easily handled blue water sailer is ready to head offshore backed by the strength, quality and safety inherent in these vessels. $129,000 call 207-2447854 or email . billw@jwboatco.com 34’ Tartan, 1971 With diesel engine. $9,500. Call 207-633-0773. www.oceanpointmarina.com info@oceanpointmarina.com 34’ Pearson, 1984 $37,500 In the water and ready to sail. Call David Perry Robinhood Marine Center 800-255-5206 www.robinhoodmarinecenter.com

32’ Islander 32, 1978 Yanmar, hot/cold water, chartplotter, new teak/holly sole. Dodger, bimini. Great family cruiser. $24,000. Located in Winterport. www.sailboatlistings.com/view/414 80 nbhowe55@gmail.com 33’ J/100, 2005 Asking $125k. Major upgrades including 2013 Awlgrip job in Downeast red. Sail inventory includes 2013 carbon racing sails and 2008 North Marathon cruising sails. Available in Stonington; contact Todd Williams at McMichael, 203-610-1215 or email www.mcmichaelyachtbrokers.com toddw@mcmyacht.com


34’ McIntosh Cutter, 1980 Designed by Bud McIntosh, built by Jeff Fogman. Cedar planks, white oak frames fastened with copper rivets, and bronze bolts, lead keel. Vetus 25-hp 3-cyl, FWC diesel. Surveyed in 2008, in very good condition, ready for the water. $29,500. Location: York, ME. Contact Aaron Jasper: 401-847-8796 or jasperandbailey@verizon.net www.woodencutter.blogspot.com/ jasperandbailey@verizon.net

34’ Island Packet, 1988 Yanmar 3GM30F; electronics include depth sounder, wind/speed/direction, compass, radar, and VHF; sails include a furling main, furling genoa, genoa, and storm jib. Shore power; generator; inverter. Sleeps 5 comfortably. Harborside, Maine. $60,000. www.sealcoveboatyard.com sealcoveboatyard@gmail.com

35’ Sloop, 1936 Pleiades Built in 1936 at the A.H. Kin yard in Hong Kong to a Ross design. Beam 8’6, draught 6’2, displacement 8 tons. Teak planking on iroco frames, teak decks, varnished mahogany deck joinery and varnished spars. New Beta diesel. A sailor’s cruising boat. Contact Islesboro Marine Enterprises, Islesboro, Maine. 207-734-6433. 35’ Pearson, 1979 $25,500. Call Gray & Gray, Inc. 207-363-7997. www.grayandgrayyachts.com

35’ Alden Ketch By FUJI, Japan. Totally rebuilt to better than new 2013: Awilgrip white, 4-107 remanned by Hansen, 0hrs. Aluminum masts, new decks, cabin trunk, bowsprit, lifelines, running rig, TASCO LPG 3B/oven stove, on deck bottle locker. Shows like new. Over $65,000 spent. Google FUJI 35 CT $75,000. Trades? 203-209-0943. lionyachts2000@yahoo.com




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breeze with the Leisure Furl Boom and Doyle carbon sails. For a personal inspection please contact John Fallon at McMichael, 914714-2682 or email www.mcmichaelyachtbrokers.com johnf@mcmyacht.com 35’ Hunter 356, 2002 Superbly outfitted, carefully maintained. Great condition. Huge reduction to $98,500. Owner moving to larger Hunter. Call 207-8313168. Gulf of Maine Yacht Sales. www.boatinginmaine.com

35’ Alberg, 1960 Excellent condition, $24,900. 207497-2701. www.jonesportshipyard.com info@jonesportshipyard.com 36’ Gozzard 36D A well found example of the H. Ted Gozzard designed Gozzard 36D. Both modern and traditional she boasts many upgrades and special features inherent in the design. $159,500. Call 207-244-7854 or email billw@jwboatco.com 36’ C&C 110, 2005 Asking $139,900. Modern epoxybuilt racer/cruiser with deluxe cherry interior and carbon fiber mast. North 3DL inventory and full Raymarine electronics. Stored indoors for winter, now in Stonington. Contact Rick Fleig at McMichael, 401-743-6318 www.mcmyacht.com rickf@mcmyacht.com 36’ Robinhood Cutter, 1996 $139,500. Call David Perry, Robinhood Marine Center 800-255-5206 www.robinhoodmarinecenter.com 36’ Sabre Spirit, 2008 A luxury daysailer that is perfect for a sailor who wants traditional style with modern amenities. She is beautiful down below, complimented with ultra-suede upholstery and high-gloss varnish. Sailing is a


36’ C&C, 1982 Great Condition. $39,000. 207799-3600. www.theyachtconnection.com tyc@southportmarine.com 36’ Cape Dory, 1986 Hunky Dory A/C Heat Pump, 50hp Perkins diesel, dodger, bimini, new canvas 2010, portable generator, very clean and well cared for, ready to go. Asking $69,900. Call Regent Point Marina@ 804-758-4457 www.regentpointmarina dockmaster@regentpointmarina.co m 37’ Gulfstar Sloop, 1977 The 37’ Gulfstar is known as a safe, lively performer and this owner has owned her for approximately 30 years. He has maintained her well along with the help of one of Maine’s finest boatyards. $26,500. Call Gray & Gray, Inc. 207-3637997. www.grayandgrayyachts.com 39’ Columbia, 1971 Live aboard. Sleeps 7. Recent roller furling, self-tail jib, main. Perkins diesel, recent overhaul, 46hp. Propane stove. Danforth compass, electronics, ship-to-shore radio. 5’ draft. Stands negotiable. Can use my East Greenwich, RI mooring for the season. $19,000. includes launching. 401-226-2861.

Gamage Shipyard Dockage Moorings Repairs Winter Storage Inside & Out Hauling Maintenance Ship’s Store Travelift

South Bristol, Maine 04568 207-644-8181

40’ Bristol Sloop, 1979 Excellent condition, bow thruster. $84,900. 207-799-3600. www.theyachtconnection.com tyc@southportmarine.com 40’ Beneteau First 40.7, 2001 An immaculate racer/cruiser meticulously maintained and upgraded. Roomy cockpit and elegant interior with 3 cabins. A perfect dual purpose boat. You must see this boat. Located in Wickford, RI. $139,500. Call Rick Fleig, McMichael Yacht Brokers 401-743-6318 www.mcmichaelyachtbrokers.com Rickf@mcmyacht.com 42’ Privilege 42 Sailing Catamaran (1999 model); 4 cabins/4 heads; updated electronics; re-powered with two 40hp Yanmar diesels, professionally maintained at Marblehed Trading Company. Asking @269,900. Contact Bob at 617-721-4340. robertgfraser@gmail.com

43’ Alden Yacht Alden Yachts 43’ Dress Blue is offered. This vessel’s stellar beauty is only surpassed by its blue water circumnavigation capabilities. Visit www.alden43dressblue.com for an extensive virtual tour. (Caution: love at first sight risk likely :-) www.alden43dressblue.com info@alden43dressblue.com 46’ Moody 46, 2000 Asking $260k. Turnkey cruiser with generator, air, elec winches, tender and more. Single owner boat with low hours. Center cockpit layout with full canvas enclosure. Contact Tom Bobbin at McMichael Yacht Brokers, 203-554-8309 or email www.mcmichaelyachtbrokers.com tomb@mcmyacht.com

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POWER 10’ Inflatables Odyssey Superlight RIB’s now in stock. A 10’2, 310SLR only 79lbs. The right dinghy at an affordable price. For details, contact Great Bay Marine 603-436-5299 www.greatbaymarine.com store@greatbaymarine.com 14’ Penn Yan Runabout, 1950 Rescued in 2007 and restored. Outer planking on the bottom was replaced, part of the stem, keel and a few frames were replaced, Mahogany replaced the rotted top side framing and decking. Due to deterioration of the canvas, the boat was glassed and awlgripped. Powered by at 15hp Johnson outboard, trailer is a 2007 Load Rite. Brooksville, Maine. $6,000. Metinic Yacht Brokers 207-326-4411. www.sealcoveboatyard.com www.sealcoveboatyard@gmail.co m 18’ Tidewater 180CC LOA 17’8, beam 7’9, draft 10, fuel cap. 40 gal, Max HP 115. An 18 footer that feels much bigger with a very dry ride running 40 mph. For further details, stop by Scandia

Yacht Sales at Bath Subaru. 116 Main Street (Route 1), Woolwich, Maine. 207-443-9781 www.scandiayachts.com

$15,000. 207-475-6139, 207-4392853. saltyboatsofmaine@comcast.net 19’ Triumph, 2005 Triumph Fish n Ski 191 w/2004 Yamaha 4 stroke. Good overall condition, 2013 survey. Asking $14,000. Proceeds benefit community boating. 207-200-5336 or email win.furber@SailMaine.org

22’ Banks Cove, 2001 Lobster cabin with Honda 130hp 4stroke. $50,000. Pemaquid Marine. 207-677-2024. www.pemaquidmarine.com info@pemaquidmarine.com

18’ Runabout, 1996 Glass over marine plywood. All plywood coated with epoxy. Two 40hp Honda outboards with 145 hours. Radar, GPS, depth sounder, full mooring cover, trailer. $7,500. Islesboro Marine, 207-734-6433.

18’ Pearson Packet Launch, 1966 Fiberglass with teak and mahogany trim. Beautiful displacement hull, power 4-112. Gray marine galvanized Ezeloader trailer. This boat is a launch; it was also built in sail form. $9,500. Call 207-422-9963 or 603-533-4809 (cell) gullroc@yahoo.com

20’ Mako 201, 1987 In super sweet condition. 2011 Yamaha 150hp 4-stroke engine with 30 hours. New Garmin GPS and double axle trailer. Awesome boat. Asking $25,000. jim.fernald@gmail.com

22’ Pulsifer Hampton, 1993 Strip planked pine on oak. Low hours on Yanmar diesel. Professionally maintained, very good condition. Many extras. $26,000. eric@dowboats.com

21’6 Tidewater 216CC Beam 8’6, draft 14, fuel capacity 70 gal., max. HP 225. A smooth, dry ride with big fish features; dual livewells, large fish boxes, gunwale rod storage and large console for electronics. For further details, stop by Scandia Yacht Sales at Bath Subaru. 116 Main Street (Route 1), Woolwich, Maine. 207-443-9781 www.scandiayachts.com

22’ Titan Tug Diesel low hours. Sleeps two. 917226-0157. $15,000. russ@mcdermottlight.com

21’ Bristol Harbor Center Console LOA 21’3-5/8, beam 8’5, draft 14. The 21CC has classic lines and is great for fishing and family cruising. For further details, stop by Scandia Yacht Sales at Bath Subaru. 116 Main Street (Route 1), Woolwich, Maine. 207-443-9781 www.scandiayachts.com

22’ Century Raven, 1959 Never Moor is a classy piece of American History. Maintained in Bristol fashion. With a modern gas powered engine, beautiful teak and holly floor boards, complete varnished interior and newly recovered cushions. She has a full canvas cover as well as bimini and


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102 Points East May 2014


custom trailer. $27,500. 207-6330773. www.oceanpointmarina.com info@oceanpointmarina.com 23’ Tidewater 230CC LOA 23’, beam 8’10, draft 15, fuel capacity 103 gal., a big 23 footer designed to be a great offshore fishing machine. For further details, stop by Scandia Yacht Sales at Bath Subaru. 116 Main Street (Route 1), Woolwich, Maine. 207443-9781 www.scandiayachts.com 24’ Mahogany Runabout, 1974 Bass Harbor Boat Company built mahogany runabout, reconstructed 2006-2008. Recently repowered with 350hp Mercruiser. $65,000. 207-244-7854 or email billw@jwboatco.com 24’ Stamas V-24 Clearwater Beautifully restored. $14,900. Call David Perry Robinhood Marine Center 800-255-5206. www.robinhoodmarinecenter.com 24’ Frank Day, Jr. & Benjamin River Marine, 2001 Arno Day-designed motor launch with center console. Hull is cedar on oak. Powered by a Yanmar 4JH diesel, 70hp. Depth sounder, compass, VHF, 2 anchors. Harborside, Maine $44,000. 207-326-4411. www.sealcoveboatyard.com sealcoveboatyard@gmail.com 25’ Ranger Tugs R25 Classic 2008/ $104,500. Great condition, well-maintained, one owner. Cummins diesel engine, 150hp, 59 hours. Raymarine C-120 Nav Pkg, A/C with reverse cycle heat, marine head, electric stove, refrigerator, bi-

mini. 2GPH at 7.5 knots, range 250 knots. Located in Salem, MA, at Winter Island Yacht Yard. http://www.wiyy.net/rangertugs/35-ranger-tug-models/53-preowned-ranger.html rangertugs@wiyy.net

Load Rite trailer in great shape with disc brakes. Manuals for all electronics included. Asking $12,900. Contact Tom at 617-257-5900 two2tomsa@verizon.net 24.5’ Edgewater 245 CC, 2006 Asking $46,900. Single F250 Yamaha, excellent condition, trailer included. 888-525-9457. www.newenglandyachtpartners.co m ham@neyacht.com

25’ Sea Fox 257 CC, 2004 With twin 150hp Merc salt water series - less than 100 hours, 2013 Load Rite tandem trailer, full electronics. Well equipped for tournament fishing: battle station, down riggers, center rigger, out riggers, air horn etc. Too much to list. Vessel has been well maintained Great fishing and cruising. $73,800 207-633-2922 jackcogswell41@yahoo.com 25’ Rosborough, 2006 Volvo D-3 400hrs. Garmin. Separate head, V-berth, galley. Asking $79,900. Contact John Morin 207691-1637. www.wilburyachts.com

25’ Aquasport Walk Around with Evenrude 225hp motor with hydraulic tilt trim and steering. Bennet trim tabs, salt water wash down, dual batteries with charger and 110 ac/volt outlets. Radar arch with gold anodized rod holders and spreader lights. Folding bimini top with like-new side curtains and drop down rear detachable enclosure. Cabin has fresh water hand sink, port-a-pot, 12 volt lighting, sun roof hatch, sliding windows with screens and v-berth with cushions. Electronics include AM/FM stereo, Icom VHF radio, Hummingbird LCD Fish Finder, SiTex Chart Plotting GPS and SL-70 Raytheon Radar. Four gunnel rod holders and a 6-drawer built-in tackle chest inside cabin. 2009

25’ Maritime Skiff Challenger 2009. Cuddy cabin w/double berth, marine head w/holding tank. Pilot house has galley unit, helm & companion seating, stowage. 2 aft-facing cockpit seats, transom bench seating, stowage. 83 gallons/fuel, 225 Honda 4-stroke outboard, 20hp Honda 4-stroke auxiliary. Plotter/radar, sonar, weather, depth. Located in Maine, $69,000. www.atlanticboat.com brokerage@atlanticboat.com 26’ Fortier, 1997 The Fortier 26, an Eldredge-McInnis design, is a proven design for the serious bass fisherman, picnic boat or weekend cruiser. Single diesel, $68,500. Call Gray & Gray, Inc. 207-363-7997. www.grayandgrayyachts.com

Marine Moisture Meters Where meters peg for moisture Non-destructive meters, simple to use, understand & evaluate moisture levels. GRP-33

J.R. Overseas Co. 502.228.8732 www.jroverseas.com

25’ Grady White Sailfish, 1995 New Yamaha F150’s in 2011. 115 hours. New electronics and strataglass last two years. Asking $34,000. 401-524-2403 ham@neyacht.com

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Points East May 2014 103

26’ General Marine Downeast Cruiser, 1986. $25,000. 207-799-3600 www.theyachtconection.com tyc@southportmarine.com

26’ Fortier Hardtop, 1996 Volvo Penta 200hp diesel. V-berth, head, refrigerator, alcohol stove. Raytheon GPS Radar chart plotter/ Hummingbird GPS fish finder. VHF/AutoHelm/ AM/FM Stereo $58,500. 401-474-4792. northrupmp5@gmail.com 27’ Eastern Lobster-style, 2005 $52,500. Call David Perry Robinhood Marine Center 800-2555206. www.robinhoodmarinecenter.com 27’ Picnic Launch, 1908 Raised forward deck, open cockpit picnic launch, two berths, head, with a new 3 cylinder Universal diesel. Farrin’s Boatshop, 207-5635510. www.FarrinsBoatshop.com 28’ Crowley Beal, 1998 6.5 Liter 300hp 1200hrs. Great commuter, Midcoast, Maine. Asking $61,000. Contact John Morin, 207 691-1637. www.wilburyachts.com 28’ Cape Dory FB, 1990 Traditional Downeast cruiser, built with a great reputation and highly sought after. Single diesel. $67,500. 207-633-0773

www.oceanpointmarina.com info@oceanpointmarina.com 29’ Dyer Hardtop, 1978 315hp Yanmar 225 hours. Galley, separate head, stored inside. Rockland, Maine. Asking $79,000. Contact John Morin, Wilbur Yachts Brokerage, 207-691-1637. www.wilburyachts.com

29’ Coastal 29, 1986 Designed by Royal Lowell, built by Nauset Marine on Cape Cod. This handsome, Downeast style, flybridge cruiser is one of only three built by Nauset. Sleeps four, full galley, enclosed head. Very comfortable boat. Two GPS chart plotters, radar, VHF, etc. This is a beautiful boat in need of cosmetic attention but quite usable in her present condition. Located in north eastern Massachusetts. $18,000. Call Dan 978-270-2906. 32’ Down East New 32’ Carroll Lowell Down East design, cedar on white oak, silicon bronze fastenings, hull, trunk, deck, done, fuel tanks, shaft, rudder installed, will finish to your custom design, work or pleasure. 508-2243709. www.by-the-sea.com/karbottboatbuilding/ jmkarbott@aol.com 34’ Sabreline, 1997 $149,500. Call David Perry, Robinhood Marine Center 800-255-5206 www.robinhoodmarinecenter.com

34’ Lobster Boat, 1952 34’ Jonesport style lobster boat Xanna II. Built 1952 of cedar on oak. New 160hp Yanmar diesel. Nicely refurbished wheelhouse and cabin and many other improvements. Goes great. Contact Islesboro Marine Enterprises, Islesboro, Maine. 207-734-6433.

34’ Wilbur Downeaster, 1984 Handsome appointments and woodwork. Extensive refit in 2005. New 2012/13: Garmin 5212 and 5208 displays, Garmin radar, Garmin autopilot, bowthruster, all canvas. Asking $135,000. 401524-2403. ham@neyacht.com

34’ Mainship Pilot, 2003 Green hull, 900 hrs., Gen, AC, bow thruster, Garmin GPS and radar. 370hp Yanmar. In the water, Boothbay Harbor. $119,900. 207-4625660 / 5661 ernestine@jmcamper.com

34’ Mainship Trawler, 1979 Hull, keel and decks in good condition. Major refit all systems done 2005, including new 170hp Yanmar diesel and Garmin chartplotter. Interior clean with new v-berth cushions and 2 futons in saloon. Sleeps 4 plus. New flybridge seating and bimini. Ready to splash down. $29,000. 207-852-4573 call or text. 34.5’ Avanti Flybridge, 1996 Dual control stations, twin 454 gas engines, fresh water cooled, w/many options included, yacht condition. Asking $33,500. Located at Carousel Marina, Boothbay Harbor, Maine. 207-633-2922 jackcogswell41@yahoo.com

35’ Bruno Stillman, 1980 2001 355hp CAT 1,000 hrs, bow thruster, windlass, with major refit in 2010 incl. heat & a/c, Raymarine E120, new steering & rudder, and new salon interior. All systems updated; this is a must see. $99,500. in Portsmouth, NH. 207-363-9212 www.grayandgrayyachts.com

CUSTOM DOCKS,RAMPS & FLOATS 36’ Clifford Alley, 1971 Fully restored lobster/picnic boat, Ford Lehman diesel, very hand-

Pre-purchase surveys ● Insurance surveys Damage surveys ● Appraisals Marine Consulting ● New Construction surveys Capt. Tony Theriault, NAMS-CMS


www.ShapeFabrication.com 104 Points East May 2014


Cape Elizabeth, Maine



37’ Paul Chapman Workboat 2011. New. Cedar on oak, CAT. Contact John Morin, 207-6911637. www.wilburyachts.com

some. $39,900. 207-522-7572. www.etnierboats.com david@etnierboats.com

36’ Sea Ray 355, 1983 Asking $28,500. Great condition with numerous recent updates. Bill Shaw - New England Yacht Partners. 401-252-1231. newenglandyachtpartners.com bill@neyacht.com

36’ - 10.8Meter Convertible Trojan Yacht New Engines in 2012, cruises 27 kts, winter enclosure, depth sounder, fish finder, radar, VHF, entertainment system, microwave, range, refrigerator with freezer, water heaters, generator, sleeps 6, AC and heat, Priced below survey. $72,900. Call 207-703-8862. debbie@necaptains.com

marine education

maintained. Recent survey mid $50,000’s sell B.R.O. Pictures, details 978-745-1893. 38’ Stanley, 1984 Stanley 38 Fishwife. First Stanley 38 built in 1984 and owned by the same family since her launch. She is in excellent condition. $285,000. 207-244-7854 or billw@jwboatco.com

37’ Scottie-Craft, 1972 Got tuna? Maybe a flounder? Custom-built glass sport fisherman. Family friendly. Twin Cummins turbo diesels, generator, dual stations, Furuno electronics. Carefully

38’ Jarvis Newman, 1996 Cummins. Proven expeditionary 1600 mi. range. Many spare parts. Bring offers. Contact John Morin, Wilbur Yachts Brokerage, 207-6911637. www.wilburyachts.com


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Points East May 2014 105

38’ Fisher Fairways Trawler, 1978 Twin Ford Sabre diesels, roomy, comfortable, economical, stable. Many upgrades 2010-2013. New price, $87,500. call 207-497-2701 or email info@jonesportshipyard.com

steel rudders, new sea strainers, new Raycor filters, new batteries, new doors, new windows, new fuel tanks, new stainless steel exhaust, air compressor, new water tank, new waste water tank, dive ladder, new interior (cherry cabinets), new head & full size shower, full size double sided refrigerator, glass top stove, fuel 1200, Raytheon RC80 Radar, 620 Chart plotter/GPS, VHF Radio, Riche 5î Compass, Koden CVS841C EcoSounder, Exceptionally clean boat. $245,000. Call 603235-5525. debbie@necaptains.com


38’ Waterfront Property Our H&H Osmond Beal makes a great live-aboard. Check out our website. $170,000. Call Tim for more info. 603-770-8378. www.sites.google.com/site/dotgale38/ dotgaleforsale@comcast.net 41’ Maxum Flybridge With diesel. 1999. $110,000. 207799-3600. www.theyachtconnection.com tyc@southportmarine.com

44’ Huckins Atlantic 2000 High-end quality yacht, T/Cummins diesels, only 800 hours. $329,000. Contact Harrison Yacht Sales, 410827-7800. Maryland. www.harrisonyachtsales.com/

10 1/2’ & 12’ Skiffs Maine style and quality. Epoxy bonded plywood/oak, S/S screws. Easy rowing and towing, steady underfoot. Primer paint. $1,150 and $1,500. Maxwell’s Boat Shop. Rockland, Maine. 207-390-0300. jerrymax@roadrunner.com Boat slip for sale. 44’ slip at Signal Point Marina in Boothbay Harbor. Asking $9000. Contact Ed Riley at 207-415-4282 for details. edriley9@me.com Abandoned Boat Sale 26’ Paceship $2500. Pearson 30 $3,800. Handy Boat Service, 207781-5110. handyboat.com info@handyboat.com Delivery Captain Your power or sail boat delivered wherever you need it. Owners welcome on deliveries. Also available for instruction. Captain Tim. 603770-8378. dotgale38.googlepages.com tphsails@comcast.net

55’ Steel Boat Twin 8V71 Detroit engines, 2012 rebuilt, low hours. Solid hull, new shafts, new cutlass, new propellers (plus an extra set), new stainless

106 Points East May 2014

tenance jobs on your list so you’re free to pursue your passion - boats & boating. Contact us with your todo list today. Serving Mid Coast Maine since 1968. 207-236-6000. 107 Elm Street, Camden, Maine wwwmainecoastconstruction.com Canvas Cleaning This year, have Gemini Canvas service your bimini or dodger. Professionally cleaned w/ water-repellent treatment. No dip-dunk tanks, only industry approved cleaners that work. We ship UPS, call us at 207596-7705. www.geminicanvas.com Boat Transport Best rates, fully insured. Nationwide and Ocean freight. Reliable service. Rob Lee, Maritime. 508758-9409. www.marinasandtransport.com boattransport@comcast.net 40’ Boat Slip/Membership Piscataqua River, Eliot, ME. Deep water, easy access to the Atlantic, Clubhouse. $79,900. Call 207-7038862. debbie@necaptains.com Launch Operator Wanted Orr’s-Bailey Yacht Club on Orr’s Island in Harpswell Maine is seeking an OUPV licensed Launch Operator for the 2014 season. Duties include: transporting members to and from vessels, maintaining launch, assisting visiting yachtsmen and other misc. duties. Weekends only, 18-20 hrs. Must be available mid-June thru Labor Day. Send resume and boating history to setsail@maine.rr.com Fiberglass Repair Position Permanent, year-round position available for Fiberglass/Composite Structure Repair Technician. Yankee Marina is a full-service marina and boatyard. Please send resume with cover letter summarizing work experience to www.yankeemarina.com deborah@yankeemarina.com Handyman Service Besides residential and commercial construction, Maine Coast Construction also offers a Handyman Service to take care of those main-

Moorings Available Boothbay Region Boatyard has seasonal moorings available, $950. We are located in well protected Ebenecook Harbor, with free launch service, parking, showers, laundry and a well stocked ship store. Email Amy or call us at 207-6332970. www.brby.com dockmaster@brby.com Mercury, Yamaha Service Kennebunkport Marina has the only factory trained Mercury and Yamaha technicians located on the water in Kennebunkport to service all of your mechnical needs. www.kennebunkportmarina.com managerkport@roadrunner.com

More Heated Storage at Gamage Shipyard Worry-free heated storage, conscientious care in new building. South Bristol offers ideal location amid Midcoast Maine’s spectacular cruising grounds. Competitive rates. Fine repair services, too. Reserve now: 207-644-8181. gamageshipyard.com gamage@tidewater.net Skin-on-Frame Boatbuilding Book Building Skinon-Frame Double Paddle Canoes, by Hilary Russell. Iain Oughtred: ...inspiring ... elegant simplicity. Nim Marsh, Editor, Points East: logical . . . good bibliography... list of sources... -Useful for all skin-on-frame construction. Order from website below, plus plans, parts, classes.


www.berkshireboatbuildingschool.org hemlockgrange@earthlink.net Seasonal Moorings Handy Boat as one of Maine’s premier boat yards, located in the heart of Casco Bay, has seasonal moorings available for up to 65’. Enjoy all our new restaurant and marine facilities have to offer. Call now for this great opportunity. 207781-5110 http://handyboat.com/

Selling or Buying? We are always happy to discuss either when it comes to quality, wellmaintained boats. Both recreational and commercial. Consider utilizing the services of a broker who shares your passion for boats and boating. David Etnier Boat Brokerage. Contact David at 207-522-7572. www.etnierboats.com david@etnierboats.com

placed with a diesel engine. Farrin’s Boatshop, 207-563-5510. wwwFfarrinsBoatshop.com

Boat Slip Eliot ME, prime Great Cove Boat Club slip for sale. $79,900. Perfect location, 40 x 15 slip with best views, water access and ease of docking. The slip is an end slip with no boats to interfere with docking. This is an awesome boat club with plenty of parking, club house, full time manager, gas BBQ area, new fuel tanks, haul out area and much more. Rare 40 foot offering. Paul at 603-661-0011. Will consider renting it for the season for $115 per foot. Minutes to Portsmouth and Atlantic Ocean. www.greatcove.org

Selling your boat? Do you have a boat to sell or looking to buy? Call 207-831-3168. Gulf of Maine Yacht Sales www.boatinginmaine.com Listings Wanted Quality commercial fishing vessel listings wanted. Maine fishermen should consider listing their vessels with David Etnier Boat Brokerage for prompt service and knowledgeable and effective sales effort. Reasonable commission. Please contact David directly to learn more. 207-522-7572. www.etnierboats.com david@etnierboats.com V8 350 Block Fresh water cooled, wet exhaust, B/W gear running well when re-

Boat Slip, Cape Cod Prime slip at Kingman Yacht Center, Cape Cod’s largest full-service marina located in Cataumet on the eastern shore of Buzzards Bay. Best location in marina on President’s Row with finger pier both sides. Call now for private sale at competitive price. 617-930-1817 sailingvadopazzo3@gmail.com

Land For Sale 5 Acres, Georgetown, Maine. Pond frontage, near 2 marinas, private, building site work done. $89,000 OBRO. 603-863-9818 hclements@hughes.net

Diesel Engine Westerbeke 55B, 2004 with 1095 hours. Includes Paragon 2:1 hydraulic gear, harness and many spares. Always professionally maintained. $4000 Call Fred 781771-1053. fjdions@msn.com

Old Wharf Dory The Old Wharf Dory is a cross between a Lowell Banks Dory and the Gloucester Gull. Light and stable, it is 15’6 by 4’6, about 150 lbs. Built of Okoume Marine ply and locust, composite chines, sheathed with epoxy and dynel, oiled interior, Epifanes paint exterior. Price of $6,000. includes new Trailex trailer, or $5,400. no trailer. More info at website. Call 508-349-2383 or email www.oldwharf.com/ walter@oldwharf.com Warehouse Sale Stainless steel refrigeration: Vitrifrigo DW180 Double drawer fridge/freezer, Vitrifrigo DW180 Double drawer freezer, Isotherm Cruise 49. In perfect condition, used for boat shows. For more information call: 866-209-6132

28hp Volvo Diesel Recent injectors & pump, lift pump, circulating pump, mounts. Includes transmission, coupling, stuffing box, shaft, strut, prop, ignition panel with harness, rebuilt starter & alternator, $3,000. 508783-2830. Barnsailng@msn.com Slips & Moorings Enjoy the NH Seacoast’s only full service marina, limited availability, affordable rates, complete amenities. Great Bay Marine 603-4365299 www.greatbaymarine.com cs@greatbaymarine.com

Life Raft Six-man offshore life raft. Dimensions L2’10X H1’X W1’9. Steel housing frame, strap/fitting, CD included. $1,895. OBO. Scarborough, Maine. 207-553-0232. dpetrin1@maine.rr.com 15' Merrimack rowing skiff 2009 15 Merrimack rowing skiff, built by Lowell s Boat Shop with added plank and more width for stability. Construction is cedar on oak frames with mahogany rails/seats. Bottom is encapsulated in West System Epoxy. $9,995 package includes custom cover, hand-made wooden oars, EZ Loader trailer, Torqeedo electric outboard motor, anchor, lines, bumpers. Brian 978-308-9668 brian@ottsnet.com http://lowellsboatshop.com/pages/boatsforsale.html

Check out the Points East online marine services index at

www.pointseast.com www.pointseast.com

Points East May 2014 107








Brewer Post Road Boat Yard Brewer Capri Marina Brewer Yacht Yard at Glen Cove Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenport Brewer Stirling Harbor Marina

Mamaroneck Port Washington Glen Cove Greenport Greenport

914-698-0295 516-883-7800 516-671-5563 631-477-9594 631-477-0828

www.byy.com www.byy.com www.byy.com www.byy.com www.byy.com

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

60’ 150’ 90’ 50’ 80’

__ __ __ __ __

__ __ __ __ __

Stamford Stratford Branford Westbrook Essex Essex Old Saybrook Deep River Mystic

203-359-4500 203-377-4477 203-488-8329 860-399-7906 860-767-0001 860-767-8267 860-388-3260 860-526-5560 860-536-2293

www.byy.com www.byy.com www.byy.com www.byy.com www.byy.com/essex www.byy.com/essex www.byy.com www.byy.com www.byy.com

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

120’ 80’ 65’ 100’ 60’ 50’ 48’ 65’ 40’

__ __

__ __





Yes __

50’ __

Yes __

50’ __

North Kingstown Warwick Warwick Barrington Portsmouth Portsmouth

401-884-7014 401-884-0544 401-884-1810 401-246-1600 401-683-3551 401-683-4000

www.byy.com www.byy.com www.byy.com www.byy.com www.byy.com www.NEBoatworks.com

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

100’ 50’ 50’ 100’ 40’ 70’

Yes Yes __ __ __ __

60’ 40’ __ __ __ __

New Bedford Mattapoisett Bourne Cataumet North Falmouth Marion Plymouth Salem Salem Manchester Newburyport

508-997-7390 508-758-3812 508-563-7136 508-563-9366 508-564-6327 508-748-0541 508-746-4500 978-740-9890 978-744-2727 978-526-7911 978-465-3022

www.niemiecmarine.com www.mattapoisettboatyard.com www.kingmanyachtcenter.com www.parkersboatyard.com www.byy.com www.burrbros.com www.byy.com www.byy.com www.pickeringwharf.com www.manchestermarine.com www.merri-maryachtbasin.com

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

120’ 40’ 120’ 50’ 65’ 65’ 150’ 65’ 65’

Yes Yes Yes Yes __

70’ 50’ 65’ 50’ __

Yes Yes Yes __

65’ 65’ __

Yes Yes



Brewer Yacht Haven Marina Brewer Stratford Marina Brewer Bruce & Johnson's Marina Brewer Pilots Point Marina Brewer Dauntless Shipyard Brewer Dauntless Marina Brewer Ferry Point Marina Brewer Deep River Marina Brewer Yacht Yard at Mystic



Brewer Wickford Cove Marina Brewer Yacht Yard at Cowesett Brewer Greenwich Bay Marina Brewer Cove Haven Marina Brewer Sakonnet Marina New England Boatworks


Niemiec Marine Mattapoisett Boat Yard Kingman Yacht Center Parker's Boat Yard Brewer Fiddler's Cove Marina Burr Brothers Boats Brewer Plymouth Marine Brewer Hawthorne Cove Marina Pickering Wharf Marina Manchester Marine Merri-Mar Yacht Basin

108 Points East May 2014



SEASONAL SLIPS & MOORINGS AVAILABILITY Call these marinas to reserve your spot for the 2014 Season! MARINA listed geographically








Great Bay Marine Hampton River Marina

Newington Hampton

603-436-5299 603-929-1422

www.greatbaymarine.com Yes 50’ www.hamptonrivermarina.com Yes 50’

Kittery Saco South Portland South Portland Portland Portland Falmouth South Freeport Harpswell Georgetown Boothbay Harbor Boothbay Harbor East Boothbay Round Pond Rockland Rockland Rockland Rockland Belfast Winterport Brooklin

207-439-9582 207-283-3727 207-799-8191 207-767-4729 207-774-1067 207-842-9000 207-781-5110 207-865-3181 207-833-5343 207-371-2525 207-633-2970 207-633-2922 207-633-0773 207-529-5106 207-596-6573 207-594-4444 207-594-1800 207-596-7357 207-930-3740 207-223-8885 207-359-4658

www.kpyy.net www.marstonsmarina.com www.southportmarine.com www.sunset-marina.com www.portlandyacht.com www.maineyacht.com www.handyboat.com www.byy.com

Yes __

50’ __

Yes __ __ __ Yes __

65’ __ __ __ 60’ __

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

65’ 45’ 65’ 65’ 50’ 45’ 50’ 50’ 60’ 60’ 35’ 70’ 200’ 50’ 60’


Kittery Point Yacht Yard Marston's Marina South Port Marine Sunset Marina Portland Yacht Services Maine Yacht Center Handy Boat Brewer South Freeport Marine Dolphin Marina Robinhood Marine Center Boothbay Region Boatyard Carousel Marina Ocean Point Marina Padebco Custom Boats Landings Marina Journey's End Apprenticeshop Ocean Pursuits Boat Yard Front Street Shipyard Winterport Boatyard Atlantic Boat



Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes __

25’ 150’ 250' 200’ 35/46’ __

Yes www.dolphinmarinaandrestaurant.com Yes www.robinhoodmarinecenter.com Yes www.brby.com Yes www.carouselmarina.com Yes www.oceanpointmarina.com Yes __ www.padebco.com www.rocklandlandingsmarina.com Yes www.journeysendmarina.com __ __ www.apprenticeshop.org __ www.oceanpursuits.com www.frontstreetshipyard.com Yes www.winterportmarine.com Yes __ www.atlinticboat.com

75’ 65’ 65’ 25/50’ 75’ 140’ __ 54’ __ __ __ 95’ 50’ __

Full Marina Listings in June-Sept. issues and online www.pointseast.com www.pointseast.com

Points East May 2014 109

Advertiser index Allied Boat Works . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36 Apprenticeshop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .105 Atlantic Outboard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39 Bayview Rigging & Sails . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 Bee’s Knees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .76 Beta Marine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 Black Rock Sailing School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29 Blue Frontier, LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .77 Boat U.S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 Boatwise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .69 Bohndell Sails . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .67 Boothbay Region Boatyard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33, 43, 63, 112 Bowden Marine Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .68 Brewer Plymouth Marine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33, 63, 112 Brewer Yachts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .111 Brooklin Inn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 Burr Brothers Boats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33, 112 Capt. Jay Michaud Marine Surveys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .101 Carousel Marina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25,80 Chase, Leavitt & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 Chebeague Island Boat Yard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .74 Cisco Brewers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .94 Compass Rose Canvas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .78 Conanicut Marine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .112 Constitution Marina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 Corinthians Ocean Race . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62 CPT Autopilot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .102 Crew Match . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .60 Crocker's Boatyard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33, 112 Custom Communications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66 Custom Float Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46 Dark Harbor Boat Yard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .67 David Etnier Boat Brokerage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .96 David Virtue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .102 DiMillo's Yacht Sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .80 Dolphin Marina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 Duchak Maritime Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .100 East Marine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .80 Farrin’s Boatshop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .49 Fred J. Dion Yacht Yard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33, 63 Front Street Shipyard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41 Gamage Shipyard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .101 Gemini Marine Canvas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65 Gray & Gray, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .97 Great Bay Marine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7, 33, 34, 112 Great Water Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40 Gulf of Maine Boat Surveyors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .100 Gulf of Maine Yacht Sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .96 Hallett Canvas & Sails . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28 Hamilton Boat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 Hamilton Marine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Handy Boat Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47, 112 Hansen Marine Engineering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75, 102, 112 Harvest Moon Pizza . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .103 Haut Insurance Agency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50 Hinckley Yacht Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33, 34, 63, 77, 112 Hinckley Yacht Services (Maine) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33 Ipswich Bay Yacht Sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39 J & W Marine, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39 J-Way Enterprises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33 J.R. Overseas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .103 Jackson’s Hardware & Marine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .78 John Williams Boat Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75 John Williams Yacht Brokerage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .97 Jonesport Shipyard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .54 Journey's End Marina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .63, 67 Kennebunkport Marina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .79 Kent Thurston Marine Surveyor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .98 Kingman Yacht Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31, 33, 34, 63, 77, 112 Kittery Point Yacht Yard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33, 112 Landfall Navigation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 Lee Sails . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .73 Linda Bean’s Maine Lobster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .102

110 Points East May 2014

Lock One Marina & Shipyard, LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 Maine Coast Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .71 Maine Yacht Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53, 80 Maine-ly Titles, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .101 Manchester Marine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30, 33, 36, 77 Marblehead Trading Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .77, 112 Marples Marine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .98 Marston's Marina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .79 Mattapoisett Boatyard, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33 McMichael’s Yacht Sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35 Merri-Mar Yacht Basin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33, 34, 63, 112 Mid-Coast School of Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .85, 105 Milton Cat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .83 Mobile Marine Canvas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42 Moose Island Marine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33 Mystic Shipyard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45, 112 Nauset Marine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39 Navtronics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31, 77 New England Boatworks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22, 33, 112 Niemiec Marine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33, 63, 112 Noank Village Boatyard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65 North Sails Direct . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .74 Ocean Point Marina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .95 Ocean Pursuits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .67 Padebco Custom Yachts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .69 Parker’s Boat Yard, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65 Penobscot Bay Rendezvous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .59 Pickering Wharf Marina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66 Pierce Yacht Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 Pope Sails . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 PortBook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40 Portland Yacht Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52, 105, 112 Regatta Promotions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55 Reo Marine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34 Rhode Island Marine Trades Association . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 Robinhood Marine Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33, 68, 77, 96, 112 Royal River Boatyard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .54, 80 Rumery's Boat Yard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33 SailMaine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .84,105 Sailmaking Support Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .81 Salty Boats of Maine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .73 Sawyer & Whitten . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31, 77 Scandia Yacht Sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .96 Seal Cove Boatyard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21, 33 Shape Fabrication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .104 Sound Marine Diesel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 South Port Marine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33, 50, 79 Standout Yacht Fittings, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .83 Star Island Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .61 Sudbury Boat Care Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51 The Yacht Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .95 Theriault Marine Consulting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .104 Thomaston Boat & Engine Works . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34 Traditional Boat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42 Turnstone Marine Survey, LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .99 Voyager Marine Electronics, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31 Waterline Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .103 Wayfarer Marine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31, 33 Webhannett River Boat Yard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18, 79 West Harbor Yacht Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 West Marine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Whiting Marine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30, 112 Wilbur Yachts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65, 97 William Raveis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 Winder Associates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .99 Winter Island Yacht Yard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33, 72 Winterport Boat Yard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 Women Under Sail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .85,105 Wooden Boat Show . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 Yacht North Charters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .81 Yankee Marina & Boatyard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9, 33, 77, 112 YMCA Auction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .84


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88-8329 ((203) 203) 4488-8329 26-5560 ((860) 860) 5526-5560 67-0001 ((860) 860) 7767-0001 36-2293 ((860) 860) 5536-2293 88-3260 ((860) 860) 3388-3260 59-4500 ((203) 203) 3359-4500 77-4477 ((203) 203) 3377-4477 99-7906 ((860) 860) 3399-7906

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(207) 865-3181 ((410) 410) 2226-5101 26 5101 ((508) 508) 5564-6327 64-6327 ((508) 508) 7746-4500 46-4500 ((978) 978) 7740-9890 40-9890

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((516) 516) 6671-5563 71-5563 ((631) 631) 4477-9594 77-9594 ((914) 914) 6698-0295 98-0295 ((516) 516) 8883-7800 83-7800 ((631) 631) 4477-0828 77-0828

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((401) 401) 2246-1600 46-1600 ((401) 401) 8884-1810 84-1810 ((401) 401) 6683-3551 83-3551 ((401) 401) 8884-0544 84-0544 ((401) 401) 8884-7014 84-7014

Westerbeke™ and their dealers let you cruise coastal New England with confidence. & Engines & Generators

Marine Propulsion Engines


MAINE Boothbay Region Boatyard

W. Southport, ME 207-633-2970 www.brby.com

Handy Boat Service Falmouth, ME 207-781-5110 www.handyboat.com

Kittery Point Yacht Yard Kittery, ME 207-439-9582 www.kpyy.net

Portland Yacht Services Portland, ME 207-774-1067 www.portlandyacht.com

Universal Diesel Engines


QUIET Westerbeke Digital D-NetTM Diesel Generators

Robinhood Marine Center Georgetown, ME 800-443-3625 www.robinhoodmarinecenter.com

Forepeak/Marblehead Trading Co.

Marblehead, MA 781-639-0029 www.marbleheadtrading.com

Kingman Yacht Center Cataumet, MA 508-563-7136 www.kingmanyachtcenter.com

Merri-Mar Yacht Basin Newburyport, MA 978-465-3022 www.merri-maryachtbasin.com

Niemiec Marine

Whiting Marine Services

New Bedford, MA 508-997-7390 www.niemiecmarine.com

South Berwick, ME 207-384-2400 whitingmarine@yahoo.com

RHODE ISLAND Hinckley Yacht Services

Yankee Marina & Boatyard

Portsmouth, RI 401-683-7114 www.hinckleyyachts.com

Yarmouth, ME 207-846-4326 www.yankeemarina.com

NEW HAMPSHIRE Great Bay Marine

New England Boatworks, Portsmouth RI 401-683-4000 www.neboatworks.com

Newington, NH 603-436-5299 www.greatbaymarine.com Westerbeke 65B-Four

MASSACHUSETTS Brewer Plymouth Marine Plymouth, MA 508-746-4500 www.byy.com/plymouth


Burr Brothers Boats Marion, MA 508-748-0541 www.burrbros.com

Crocker’s Boat Yard Manchester, MA 978-526-1971 www.crockersboatyard.com

112 Points East May 2014

Conanicut Marine Jamestown, RI 401-423-7158 www.conanicutmarina.com

Mystic Shipyard Spare Parts Kits That Float!

Hansen Marine Engineering, Inc

Mystic, CT 860-536-6588 www.mysticshipyard.com

Marblehead, MA 781-631-3282 www.hansenmarine.com


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