"POLIANA" E.V.O.O. english brochure

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OUR PHILOSOPHY Poliana is a family effort to create an extra virgin olive oil of top quality. The demands of today's lifestyle have pointed us to the direction of re-inventing quality. Therefore, we created an extra virgin olive oil, which is pure and so necessary in our daily diet. Our olive tree orchards are cultivated strictly based on integrated management "Good Agricultural Practices" and organic cultivation programmes, with the outmost respect for nature. Our extra virgin olive oil is produced through cold extraction in our private oil mill with a traditional millstone grinder. Consequently, it is not filtered nor is it refined in any way. Finally, it is also bottled by us to ensure the best quality of the end product: extra virgin olive oil, the main ingredient for a balanced Mediterranean diet, characteristic of Greece.

THE PRODUCTS The Poliana supreme extra virgin olive oils are single variety olive oils, having unique nutritional facts and qualities such as: ř ¥ ¡ Ľ § ¥¥¢ ¥ ň ¢ § ¢¡Ĭ ¦¢ Ĭ ¥¢ § Ĭ ¢ © © ¥ § ¦Ŋ ř ¥ ¡ ¨ § © § ¢¡ ¡ §¥ § ¢¡ ª ¬ ¢ £ ¡ § ¢ © ¦ ř ¥ § ¢¡ ª ¬ ¢ § ¢ © ¢ £¥¢ ¨ § ¢¡ ň¦§¢¡ ¥ ¡ ¥Ĭ ¢ «§¥ § ¢¡Ŋ ř ££ § ¢¡ ¢ ¢¡§ £¢¥ ¥¬ ¡¢ª ¢ª ¡ § ¡¢ ¢ ¬ ¡ ¢§ ¢¥ ¥ ¦ ¡ production, as well as product certification. © §¢ £ ¢¨¥ ¢ © ¢ ¦ ¦ £ ¥ § ¢¥ ¡ §¢ § ¢ © © ¥ §¬Ĭ ¦ ¢¡ § ¦§ ¦ © ¥¬ Ɓ ¥ ¡§ ¬ ¥¢ § ¢§ ¥ĭ © ¡ £ ¡ ¢¡ ¡§ §Ĭ ¦£ ¬ due to the geographical characteristics of each orchard.

PRIZE for Best Olive Oil, Variety MANAKI. Vima Gourmet Magazine Best 100 products of 2012

PRIZE for Best Packaging. Exhibition “Taste & Life” Gourmet and Traditional Greek Products

PRIZE for Innovative Product E.V.O.O. with ORANGE. Exhibition “Taste & Life” Gourmet and Traditional Greek Products

Privately owned olive tree orchards of 62 acres, a traditional oil mill with stone mill grinder combined with contemporary techniques for a superior extra virgin olive oil.

Nikolas Th. Skliris (+30) 6945 528912 nskliris@poliana.gr Theodora S. Dragonea - Skliris (+30) 6936 081431 dskliris@poliana.gr P.O.Box 304 Fichti, Argolida, 21200, GREECE

www.poliana.gr The orchards are cer tified by AGROCERT with AGRO 2.1 & 2.2 cer tifications of determination of pesticide residues, that no pesticides of any kind are detected in our orchards (samples annually taken: leaves, soil, fr uit); cer tified with GLOBALG.A.P. International cer tification of integrated management (cer tificate nr. 3460/10). Also under the procedure of getting the cer tification of organic cultivation from DIO (cer tification and inspection organization of organic products) as of August 2010.

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