#TeamSwami Zine vol 2

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#TeamSwami Zine Vol 2

#TeamSwami Zine vol 2 — table of contents

gary Sinkeldam —–— Post 2005 farewell show fan art Dan Barker —–————————————— page 4

Steve Ree —–———————————– pages 5 – 8 Tobe X ——————————–———– pages 9—10 Jay Beane ———————————–– pages 11—12 Scott Bryant ————–————————— page 13 gary Sinkeldam ————––———————– page 14


RFTC - RIP 2005 from the collection of Dan Barker


Rocket From The Crypt setlist —1995(?) from the collection of Steve Ree


Flipside of a Rocket From The Crypt setlist —1995(?) from the collection of Steve Ree 6

RFTC tattoo 7� Drive Like Jehu photo & RFTC mailorder from the collection of Steve Ree



RFTC guitar & bass picks, 1996 Reading Festival (& instore) setlists, 1998 photos of RFTC + Holly Golightly & Manchester RFTC super fans all from the collection of Tobe X.



Jay Beane There's a lot for me to look back on when it comes to Rocket. Too much. But there's a recent memory that sticks out that I feel is worth sharing. The Riot Fest After Party from 2013 is possibly my favorite show. It was the perfect show. Everyone was there to have a good time. We were all respectful of each other and we were united in our love of RFTC. The encore break came, passed and the boys were back on stage. A voice in the crowd screamed, "Ditch Digger!" John turned to the rest of the band and some brief, unheard conversation ensued. He turned back to us, "the band doesn't seem too stoked on that one." Then he played it anyway. I could blame it on working 8 hours that morning and then driving 8 more hours with two kids, my wife and a good friend in tow. I could blame it on being drunk, if I hadn't been drop dead sober. I could blame it on any number of things but the truth is: I sobbed. I sobbed like a big, fat, bald baby. And it was amazing. Sure, over a year has gone by and my memory isn't what it used to be. The details may not be perfect. But this is my perfect Rocket memory.


“My RFTC tattoo after TJ at Artbomb fixed me.” — Jay Beane


Scott Bryant There are a few things I remember from Lollapalooza 93: it was the first ‘real concert’ I ever got to go to; some random dude we went with said Alice in Chains played “Rooster” five times (they didn’t); buying and carrying around an issue of CMJ the entire day; Primus being the first band ever to let me down with their live show. I finally got around to checking out the CD sampler that came with the issue of CMJ a few days later. The second track blew my mind. It was a song by a band I didn’t know, and was like nothing I had heard before. The song was “Hippy Dippy Do”. I then spent months looking through every overpriced mall record store and Best Buy in Indianapolis trying to find a copy of Circa: Now. I finally had success, locating it at the Coconuts Records across the street from Lafayette Square Mall. The dude who sold it to me also recommended that I pick up Trumans Water. Circa: Now (along w/ the For Your Own Special Sweetheart and Foolish) were my gateway albums from the world of Alternative Rock radio and MTV Buzz Bin bands to 7” singles and club shows.


2013 “Easter show- ....the beginning of the resurrection”

“Phone case from my son, a second generation swami freak. Saw his first Rocket show at Street Scene at the tender age of 9.” — gary Sinkeldam 14

First there was Atom Jack... ...then there was the Rocket Phorum... ...then came the Swami Records message board... ...and now we're #TeamSwami (on Twitter & Facebook & Instagram & wherever else online we John Reis / Swami Records fans congregate) This is a call for submissions for a zine about our fandom. I've been making zines for a long-ass time, and now I’m starting one about our 20+ year love affair with ROCKET FROM THE CRYPT and the many bands that came before and after. But I need your help! Email polianarchy@yahoo.com with whatever writing / photos / art you wanna share. Email me photos of your RFTC tattoos, your record collection, fliers & posters & merch & ticket stubs from shows. Write up a paragraph or two (or three! I'm not the boss of you!) about when you first got into Pitchfork or Drive Like Jehu or RFTC or Hot Snakes or whichever band first rocked your earballs. I really wanna include photos from shows where you & your friends are getting stoked on the bands, especially if you met these friends through the boards! So please, contribute to this zine. Vol 3 coming soon-ish

<3 Poliana Irizarry December 9, 2017 bibliophiliac zines 16

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