THEME 6: THE ROLE OF THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE AND THE CHIEF FINANCE OFFICER THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE Every Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) requires a Chief Executive to support and advise the PCC in delivering all his/her statutory duties and responsibilities. The Chief Executive works with the PCC to enable delivery of the PCC’s vision, strategy and identified priorities and facilitate appropriate scrutiny of the police force’s activities. The Chief Executive also ensures the effective strategic and operational leadership of the Office of the PCC (OPCC). The Chief Executive also holds the role of the Monitoring Officer, with a remit to draw to the PCC’s attention any actual or possible contravention of law, maladministration or injustice. Additionally, the post fulfils the statutory function of the Head of Paid Service. The post of Chief Executive is politically restricted and the post holder must be appointed on merit. The current Chief Executive is James Payne
KEY DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE The Chief Executive’s main role is to support and advise the PCC in delivering his/her manifesto, as expressed through the Police and Crime Plan, and in undertaking the statutory duties and responsibilities, including: Partnership working, oversight of the local criminal justice system, commissioning and service delivery In order to discharge a PCC’s statutory responsibility to ensure the local criminal justice system operates efficiently a senior member of the team is a member of the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Local Criminal Justice Board, engaging with the senior representatives and judiciary who oversee the operation of the local system. They also chairs the reducing reoffending subgroup which oversees how organisations work in partnership to reduce reoffending by targeting specific offending groups such as the young. The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC) also represents the PCC at national bodies providing an opportunity to influence policy, including the Ministry of Justice and Home Office and on a local level regular meetings are undertaken with senior officials, such as the Chief Crown Prosecutor to talk through local issues. Engagement and consultation (including obtaining the views of the public and partners, engagement events and media relations)