Gem o metrics

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Revered in many cultures throughout history, Ruby has always been a talisman of passion, protection and prosperity. It symbolizes the sun, and its glowing hue suggests an inextinguishable flame within the stone that legends claim would shine through even the thickest clothing and could not be hidden; if Ruby were cast into water it would cause it to boil, and if carved and pressed into wax, it would melt the wax. It was worn as an amulet or charm to ward off plague and pestilence, warned its wearer of impending danger, kept the body safe, and banished sadness and foolish thoughts. It was reputed to bring its owner peace, drive away frightful dreams, restrain lust, and to help resolve disputes.

2 The Black Prince’s Ruby gets its name from the Prince of Wales, Edward of Woodstock, the Prince of Aquitaine from 1362 to 1372, the eldest son and heir apparent of King Edward III of England, a brave soldier and outstanding military commander, who distinguished himself in the hundred years war between England and France, over a series of disputes including the question of legitimate succession to the French Crown. He is believed to have worn black armor during his military campaigns that earned him the sobriquet Black Prince. In the year 1367, Edward the Prince of Aquitaine, undertook to assist Peter the Cruel of Castile to regain his throne, and after winning a classic victory at Nagera on April 3rd, 1367, Peter was restored to his throne. The Black Prince’s Ruby was believed to have been given as a gift to Prince Edward, by King Peter of Castile, as an appreciation for his services in regaining the throne.



The energies of Spessartine vibrate at a high rate, imparting a willingness to help others and strengthening the heart. It enhances analytical processes and the rational mind. Spessartine also stimulates aspects of creative abilities and energies, encouraging one to take action toward one’s dreams, visions and goals. It is a good stone for artists, writers, dancers, actors and others who express through creative energy.

Spessartite leads to impulsive actions and rebellious behavior, opressing the feelings of taboos. Spessartine pulls potential realities into manifestation. Therefore it is a stone to be used with care, since it increases the speed at which one’s intention comes into physical form.W



imperial topaz


The Egyptians believed that topaz was colored with the golden glow of the mighty Sun God Ra. This made topaz a very powerful amulet that protected the faithful against harm. The Romans associated topaz with Jupiter, their God of the Sun. In ancient times it was believed that topaz helps to improve the eyesight. The Greeks trusted topaz’s supernatural power to increase strength and make its wearer invisible in times of emergency. Topaz was also said to change color in the presence of poisoned food or drink. Its mystical curative powers changed with the phases of the moon. It was said to cure insomnia, asthma, and hemorrhages. In Antiquity, as well as in the Middle Ages one believed that the cosmos reflects in the gemstones. The topaz is assigned to planet Venus.

In the Eighteenth century topaz was greatly well-known in Imperial Russian federation and it is through this association that the gem most likely obtained its name. But some said, if you talk about how imperial topaz got its name with any mine owner in Brazil, they will tell you that the gem was known as in regard of their Emperor Dom Pedro who deliberated Brazil from Portugal in 1822.



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