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Port Operation & Terminal Management

Port and terminal managements have had to adapt fast to meet rising demand driven by continuing high levels of world trade. Globalization is putting port models under increasing pressure to remain competitive in cargo markets changing frequently.

Differences between Ports & Terminals


Ports are strategic geographical places, located on the edge of the oceans, seas, rivers or lakes.

These locations are then developed to inculcate facilities for the loading and unloading of cargo ships.

The facilities provided for a port depend on the purpose for which the port is being used.

While a terminal is known as the set of facilities in a port where loading and unloading of cargo/container take place.

The terminals are named according to the type of cargo they can handle.

Some of the most common types of terminals are container terminal, bulk cargo terminal, LNG terminal, etc.

1st Generation

Existedbefore& until1960s

Usually a bulk cargo port

Isolated from transport & trade activities




They reflected sophisticated port policies & development strategies

Resembled an independent kingdom No co-operation with local authorities

Resembled an independent kingdom No co-operation with local authorities

Isolation between different port activities

They were developed transport, industrial & commercial service centers

Offered various types of industrial & commercial activities

4th generation

From2000s onwards

Have business and management units, and a growth and expansion strategy in common with other ports that are similar.

Situated in consumer goods environment with regular rail connection and competitive costs which allowing the transportation of large volumes of goods to the distribution chain

3rd Generation


Combine traditional, specialized & integrated activities

Well-planned infrastructure & information processing facilities which may offer value-added services.

The 4th generation ports are logistics platforms with security & communications systems at the highest technological level

This port is a big magnitude logistics platform.

Arose from global containerization, intermodalism and booming trade requirements.

Hubs of international production & distribution network

Importance Of Ports

Duetoheavyseas andstorm conditions prevailing,ships takeshelterinthe environsofaport andtherebyseek safeanchorage.

Thisistheprime functionofaport wherebyaportis aplacewhere shipscanloador dischargetheir cargo,and/or passengers.


Portplaysan importantrolein supportingport userstocompete againstsupply chainsystems thatutiliseother portsystems.

Portistypicallya majorsourceof employmentforthe localcommunity. Manyactivitiesare shore-basedandcan befoundlocatedina majorport-city.

Thisembraces victualling,stores, bunkering,shiprepair andsoon.Inthelarger ports,shipyard/dry dockingfacilitiesare availableforship surveyandoverhaul purposes.

Portindustryisthe bedrockfortrade, commerceandlogistics. Seabornetradeis realisedthroughtheport. Withoutports,the conceptsofglobalisation andtransnational operationsare meaningless.

Importance Of Port To The Nations

Expanded market for producer via exports

Reduced prices from importing goods and services

Increased quality and choice available for consumers and businesses

Job growth in the transportation and distribution sector

The main transport link with their trading partners and thus a focal point for motorways and railway systems

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