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1.7 Methodology
Another limitation during this study has to do directly with the lack of transparency and different grades of interventions in the communist hotels, which makes it difficult to assess since there are not in disposal of the research. The hotels constructed during communism (1944 – 1990) have been managed since the phase of the Design from the National Design Institute4, which has deposited their projects in the Central Technical Archive of Construction5 , A part of these projects has managed to be preserved by this institute and published in a catalogue “Hotels -before 1990 development of typology in Albania”6, still there is a significant deficiency in terms of literature and studies regarding hotels in Albania. The inability to access illustrative materials, drawing projects of different periods who were constructed without an architectural or design project and especially the ones constructed during communism who have made structural and architectural interventions, consist in a considerable limitation during this research.
Inability to access information by the actual owners due to informality during privatization process and Lack of Prior Studies in the same nature are presented as considerable limitations.
1.7 Methodology
The research methodology during this research, is considered a mix method, a combination of descriptive, analytic and qualitative method, considering that each of them cannot considered exhaustive in and out itself. Whiles the combination gives the opportunity to explore the nature of tourism in Albania, the market of accommodation, architectural and urban context as continuing in diversifying the way of conceptualization and interventions regarding the heritage of hotels in the country.
4 from now on called NDI 5 from now n CTAC 6 This represents the only official publication regarding the architecture of hotels in Albania during communism
Figure 4: Structure of Research Tools used in the thesis
This dissertation is elaborated in the following sections:
1. State of Art which is actually considered in relation with the Albanian Context of
Tourism and accommodation, by giving specific data in the development of these components, the touristic potentials and problematics, the distribution of the accommodation in the territory of Albania, the legislations regarding tourism and prerequisites for hotel’s design.
This chapter is mostly derived from the data collection from the Institute of
Statistics in Albania, Official Governmental Bulletin and the data collected from the Online hubs connected with the reservations in terms of accommodation offer.
2. Theoretical Framework which is conceived as the main comprehensive pillar of the concept. In this chapter the literature review takes place, where the concept of architecture related to the tourism itself is being explored through concepts
and previous research. The Definition of Hotel itself, its evolution, and its configuration in relation with the urban morphology and design is observed while the future of the hotel’s design is brought also in a discussion regarding the challenges towards meeting the needs of tourism. The authenticity of the design in contrast with the globalization and its effects are also considered an integral part toward finding appropriate conclusions in terms of design criteria’s.
3. Overview of the Touristic Settlements and Typologies in Albania is an essential step in this thesis, since it’s the first phase in understanding the actual context where different architectural manifestations of hotels take place in different periods. During this step, the research tools used are focused on the research of historical literature, catalogues and photographic documentation, which considering the limitations regarding the lack of actual projects, imposes the exploration of this phase of research to be based in ‘in-site’ visits, mapping in the territory, photographic documentations and architectural and descriptive approach from the above tools.
4. In the chapter of Strategies and Criterions for Hotels Design and Interventions, the thesis is developed in the layers of the Macro Strategy for meeting the needs of the touristic market in terms of accommodation, the Re-use and readaptation of the inherited hotels from communism and defining criteria for the design of the new hotels. During this phase the case studies are evaluated. In the first level, national strategies of Mediterranean Countries are investigated in order to achieve a comprehension of the steps taken by more evolved touristic situations of more developed countries with similar historical and socio – economic situation as Albania. Then the approach of the hotel typology is taken in consideration to be explored as a potential income for Albanian context.
During this phase also the drawing and visual aspects of the hotels are used as a tool for research.
Figure 5: Thesis Framework