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Chapter 2: Theoretical framework
Chapter 2: Theoretical framework
The theoretical framework is in this session is considered an inclusive relationship of concepts to underline the communication of architecture within the industry of tourism, the birth and evolution of the hotel establishment, while exploring the experience and requirements for design. This session is also further on elaborated on the concept of Typology, as a primary setting for the hotel discourse, while elaborating other external indicators like the locality and identity as an integral part of hotel’s manifestation.
This approach has helped the research to underline the external factors that ‘shape’ the appearance of the hotel in the landscape of the city, in a touristic market and as a form of architectural manifestation
Other theoretical concepts,like the relation of architecture and tourism with the political systems, the approach towards the architectural heritage extended to the architectural language of the hotels are discussed in the following chapters.
Session A: Architecture place in Tourism Industry and its role in accommodation
This section is part of a theoretic research presented in the Conference: “Co-Habitation Tactics. Imagining future spaces in architecture, city and landscape”. The Integration of this theoretical part in this research is intended to extend the comprehension and values of architecture as an integral component almost in every fragment of tourism and specifically in accommodation sector. Aligning with the concept of John Urry presented in the book “The tourist Gaze”, this part, aims to achieve a comprehensive and inevitable attachement between four main components condensated under the terms 4A’s: attractiveness, accommodation, amenities and accessibility. (Urry, 1990) These components are furthermore explained in this section in a coherent connection, by dissolving naturally in the observations of different authors and by focusing onward on the innevitable connection between architecture and the accommodation facilities.