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incorporate the volume, built environment and the function layer considering the key functions of the area accessible by walkable distance in accordance to the 500meter distance we have established. The step followed by this indicator measurement is to establish the built area which in our case will be extracted from the built volumes that we identified in the measurement of proximity to transit, when the key functions through the land use cover provided to us by the database of the local development plan of Tirana city, overlaying the buffer circles of 500-meter of walkable space to reach transit stops defined into the proximity to transit parameter and finally analyzing the outcome of the map identifying the areas of mixed uses in comparing to service, build density and transit.
In order for our data to be centralized in this study the key functions will only consider these categories: education (Schools, kindergartens, daycare, universities and educational spaces), administrative services (documentation office, municipality etc.), entertainment, commercial and business. The scale of applying these principles will remain the same by considering the administrative division of the smaller division unit accepted into the plan in our case (administrative unit borders defined by the Plan).
Figure 35 Map of Tirana for the Administrative planning units in 2019 national plan Source: National Planning Agency document 2019