Politécnico de Lisboa - IPL is a high-level public higher education institution, whose mission is to produce, teach and disseminate knowledge, art and culture, as well as to provide services to the community in the areas of arts, business sciences, communication, education, engineering, and health sciences.
Through the articulation of teaching, research and innovation, IPL provides solid training in Bachelor, Master, Postgraduate and Doctoral programmes (in partnership with other higher education institutions).
Its model congregates different organizational structures with distinct but complementary missions: Schools, Presidency Services, Social Services, Occupational Health Services, and the Centre for Languages and Culture.
The following schools are part of IPL:
- ESCS - School of Communication and Media Studies ;
- ESD - School of Dance;
- ESELx - Lisbon School of Education;
- ESML - Lisbon School of Music;
- ESTC - Lisbon Theatre and Film School;
- ESTeSL - Lisbon School of Health Technology;
- ISCAL - Lisbon Accounting and Business School;
- ISEL - Lisbon School of Engineering.
The primary goal of IPL is to provide academic training in the various areas of knowledge, its teaching focused on theoretical and practical know-how, aimed at employability and professional excellence, and founded on scientific knowledge, arts and culture.
IPL contributes to national development by educating professionals of recognized competence, in the national and international space, privileging the integral formation of the individual, promoting citizenship and encouraging students’ active participation both in the institution and in the community.
+ 13.500 Students
+ 1.200 Teaching staff
+ 340 Technical, administrative and management staff
Escola Superior de Comunicação Social (School of Communication and Media Studies - ESCS) is a teaching and research reference in the communication area, both at a national and international level.
In addition to bachelor’s and master’s degrees, ESCS offers postgraduate programmes, in partnership with reference organizations within the Portuguese communication context, and is associated with the PhD programme in Communication Sciences, with ISCTE-IUL.
Based on the highest quality standards, teaching at ESCS is set on a commitment between scientific innovation and new trends in the communication market, combining theory and practice, through the blending of the conceptual component with applied technology and experience.
Always open to society, ESCS has established protocols with public and private entities in the communication area, giving students privileged contact with the professional world.
ESCS has a highly qualified teaching staff, made of PhD holders, specialists, and professionals recognised in the communication market.
Access to technological equipment and spaces allows students to develop projects in the areas of Television/Video, Radio/Audio and Multimedia/Design.
At an international level, ESCS has a large number of partners, stimulating student, and also teaching and non-teaching staff exchange.
ESCS also gives students the opportunity to participate in extracurricular activities, a valuable asset for their personal, academic, and professional training.
The success of ESCS graduates translates to high employability rates and in several awards and distinctions, in Portugal and abroad, in the communication area.
Advertising and Marketing
Audiovisual and Multimedia Journalism
Public Relations and Corporate Communication
Advertising and Marketing
Audiovisual and Multimedia Journalism
Public Relations Strategic Management
Communication Sciences
(in partnership with ISCTE - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa)
Escola Superior de Dança (School of Dance - ESD) is temporarily located at the ISEL Campus.
ESD was created in 1983, with the reformation of artistic education of the Conservatório Nacional (National Conservatory), and its origins go back to the Conservatório Geral de Artes Dramáticas (General Conservatory for Dramatic Arts), funded by Queen D. Maria II’s royal decree, on a proposal of Almeida Garrett, in 1836. It was integrated into IPL in 1985.
ESD has responded to the transformations in the educational, artistic, and professional panorama with a constant updating of its teaching staff and a close connection to the artistic and educational community, both at a national and international level.
The objective of ESD is the complete training of the “artist” who holds a wide range of common competences and specific training, allowing for multiple professional opportunities. Another aim of ESD is to train teachers for Specialized Education in Dance. The training is scientifically based and integrates cultural contexts and a strong practical component, promoting the integration and recognition of our students in the artistic panorama, namely through the creation and organization of presentations and public performances. The teaching quality shows in the employability rate of its graduates.
ESD has established partnerships and protocols with several entities, allowing and supporting student participation in projects throughout the study plan of the degree programme.
ESD promotes student, teacher, and non-teaching staff exchange, via Erasmus+. Furthermore, its teaching staff actively participates in international consortia and networks and regularly organizes masterclasses with internationally renowned dancers and choreographers.
The school produces artistic projects, protocols, and interchange activities, and promotes both the creation and adequation of its study programmes to existing needs and challenges within dance.
Dance Masters
Choreography and Professional Practices
Dance Teacher Training
Performing Arts and Moving Image (in partnership with Universidade de Lisboa)
Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa (Lisbon School of Education - ESELx) was founded in 1979 and, later, integrated into IPL, in 1985. It is the heir to the pedagogical tradition of two training institutions for teachers and educators: Escola do Magistério Primário de Lisboa and Instituto António Aurélio da Costa Ferreira.
ESELx is dedicated to teaching, research, and community service in the areas of education and social, cultural, and artistic involvement. It works in collaboration with national and foreign entities with similar educational projects and is guided by the principles of participation, critical reflection, and teamwork. ESELx promotes the creation and consolidation of ties among education, art, community, and human development.
ESELx possesses a highly qualified teaching staff composed of PhD holders and specialists, recognized in various academic and professional fields. It promotes student, teacher, and nonteaching staff exchange opportunities via Erasmus+, as well as participation in national and international partnerships.
ESELx has a diversified educational offer: bachelor’s and master’s degrees (including professionalizing MAs), postgraduate programmes and lifelong training. Although its original and fundamental mission is teacher training, it has come to offer other kinds of training designed for different output profiles. These include training in sociocultural animation, visual arts and technology, artistic and cultural mediation.
Artistic and Cultural Mediation
Basic Education
Socio-cultural Community Development
Pre-School Education
Teaching in the 1st Cycle of Basic Education and Maths and Science in the 2nd Cycle of Basic Education
Teaching in the 1st Cycle of Basic Education and Portuguese and History and Geography in the 2nd Cycle of Basic Education
Teaching Visual and Technological Education in Basic Education (Basic Education)
Artistic Education
Didactics of Portuguese in the 1st and 2nd Cycles of Basic Education
Early Intervention Educational Administration
Educational Administration
Play, Toys and Language in Early Childhood PETAL (Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree)
Social Education and Community Intervention
Special Educational Needs
Visual Arts and Technologies eselx.ipl.pt
Escola Superior de Música de Lisboa (Lisbon School of MusicESML), located in the Benfica Campus of IPL, has internationally recognized facilities, with added architectonic value, distinguished with the Valmor Prize (awarded by the Lisbon Municipal Council), in 2008.
ESML was created in 1983, as part of the reform of artistic education taught at the National Conservatory. Its origin, however, dates back to the General Conservatory of Dramatic Arts, established by Queen Dona Maria II’s royal decree under the proposal of Almeida Garrett, in 1836. It was integrated into IPL in 1985.
In the national and international panorama, ESML is one of the main reference schools in the Music area, training professionals with an education solidly sustained in scientific, technical, technological, and artistic components.
The prestige of ESML has consolidated over the last few years due to the internationally recognized quality of its teaching staff and the dynamics, diversity, projection, and quality of its artistic achievements in production, dissemination, teaching, and research.
In pursuit of its mission, ESML promotes a teaching and learning environment with high demand and quality standards, guiding students towards their integral development with a view to future entrepreneurial professional performances.
ESML is part of the network of the most prestigious higher education music institutions in Europe and the world, developing an internationalization strategy for training through partnerships and exchanges.
Among the artistic production of ESML, the following groups stand out: Chamber Music (from Early to 21st Century Music), the Symphonic Orchestra, the Wind Orchestra, the Jazz Orchestra, the Camerata Gareguin Aroutiounian, the Camerata Silva Dionísio and the different Choirs. The instrumental and choral ensembles give evidence, throughout the year, in events and concerts in the main venues in Portugal, of the high level of professionalism, the scope, and the diversity of the training provided.
Musical Composition, Conducting and Music
- Choral Conducting and Musical Education
- Composition
- Winds Orchestra Conducting
- Early Music
- Organ
- Piano
- Strings
- Voice
- Winds and Percussion
Music Technologies
Teacher Training
Musical Arts ( in partnership with Universidade Nova) :
- Instrumental or Vocal Performance
- Music Dramaturgy and Staging
Performing Arts and Image in Motion ( in partnership with Universidade de Lisboa )
Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema (Lisbon Theatre and Film School - ESTC), located in Amadora, 15 minutes from Lisbon’s city centre, trains highly qualified professionals in the areas of Theatre and Cinema.
A successor of the pre-existing schools of film and theatre of the Conservatório Nacional (National Conservatory) originally founded in 1836, ESTC integrates IPL since 1985.
ESTC is one of the most important schools in Portugal for Audiovisual and Performing Arts and has the ideal conditions for the technical, cultural, and artistic development and training of its students. A reference in its field, it participates in the main interschool associations of its research areas, and it integrates the most relevant international organizations within its operating sectors.
In addition to its bachelor’s and master’s degrees and postgraduate programmes, ESTC participates in the PhD programme in Performing Arts and the Moving Image, in association with the University of Lisbon.
Having established itself at both a national and an international level, ESTC has been forming young artists who have won awards at highly recognized international festivals, such as the Berlin International Film Festival and the Cannes Film Festival. Several Portuguese personalities within the areas of theatre and cinema have also been trained at ESTC.
- Direction
- Editing
- Image
- Production
- Screenwriting
- Sound
- Acting
- Production and Management
- Set and Costume Design
Cinema Project Development
- Dramaturgy and Direction
- Film Narratives
- Post-Production Technologies
- Direction
- Performing Arts
- Production and Management
- Set and Costume Design
- Theatre and Community
Performing Arts and Image in Motion (in partnership with Universidade de Lisboa)
With over 42 years of experience in Health Education, Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde de Lisboa (Lisbon School of Health Technology - ESTeSL), integrated in IPL, offers multidisciplinary and differentiated training in the health sciences area, with several bachelor and master courses, and lifelong training.
ESTeSL develops its main teaching activity in the Health Sciences area, providing its students with skills for professions within the scope of disease prevention and health promotion, diagnosis, and therapeutic intervention and rehabilitation.
Located in Parque da Nações, in Lisbon, it has facilities and equipment appropriate to the nature of the teaching it provides, with highly qualified teaching staff, at academic and professional levels, which grants it national and international recognition for excellence in training.
ESTeSL actively participates in the development of research projects, promoting the creation of new scientific and technological knowledge. It is home to the Health and Technology Research Centre (H&TRC), which focuses on the various research areas in operation at ESTeSL and has established partnerships with several university research centres of reference, where teachers and students contribute to an increasingly relevant role of ESTeSL, making it a school of reference in training health professionals and in its area of knowledge. Interaction with the community is an important pillar at ESTeSL.
The frequent activities in the community, developed by its volunteers, contribute not only to the stimulation of students’ entrepreneurial capacity, but also to the application of their knowledge and skills, sustaining development and social responsibility.
Biomedical Laboratory Sciences
Clinical Physiology
Dietetics and Nutrition
Environmental Health
Medical Imaging and Radiotherapy
Orthoptics and Vision Sciences
Prostetics and Orthotics (in partnership with ISEL)
Biomedical Engineering (in partnership with ISEL)
Clinical Laboratorial Technologies
Clinical Nutrition (in partnership with Universidade de Lisboa)
Health Technology Assessment and Management (in partnership with Universidade do Algarve)
Medical Physics Technologies
Molecular Technologies in Health
Occupational Health and Safety
Radiations Applied to Health Technologies
Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração de Lisboa (Lisbon Accounting and Business School - ISCAL) is located in a central area of Lisbon and has its genesis in the “Aula do Comércio” founded by the Marquis of Pombal in 1759. It was integrated into IPL in 1988.
ISCAL’s mission is to produce, teach and disseminate knowledge in the areas of Accounting, Management, Administration, Business Finance, Trade and International Business, and Soliciting.
The training provided at ISCAL combines a solid scientific component with the essential practical component in its fields of knowledge.
ISCAL seeks that its graduates continue to be recognized as professionals of excellence, capable of operating in different contexts and assisting the organizations in which they are inserted to play a differentiating role.
ISCAL has increased its degree of internationalization by establishing strategic partnerships, which materialize in the growing number of faculty, staff and students who participate in exchange and mobility programs.
Providing services to the community also contributes decisively to the consolidation of ISCAL as a reference institution at the national and international levels.
With a high employability rate, ISCAL positions itself as a privileged interlocutor with market players, promoting a multidisciplinary training offer adjusted to the needs of the business fabric and a continuing search for pedagogical innovation strategies.
Accounting and Administration:
- Accounting
- Taxation
- Management and Public Administration
Corporate Finance
International Business
Management for Financial Institutions
Management Control and Performance Evaluation
Financial Analysis
Management and Entrepreneurship
Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa (Lisbon School of Engineering - ISEL) is the oldest engineering school in Portugal. It is located in the eastern part of Lisbon, in Marvila, and it is on its campus that the student residence of IPL is located.
ISEL stands out for its strong connection to the business world in all aspects of its activity: education, research, development, and innovation (RD&I) projects and service providing. Its teaching staff is composed of not only professors dedicated to teaching and research but also a group of specialists who come from important sectors of Portugal’s economic and industrial activity, and thus strengthen and renew ISEL’s connection to the labour market.
ISEL’s training offer stands out for its diversity, where classical engineering interacts with areas such as biomedicine, renewable energies, applied physics and mathematics, and multimedia, which are increasingly in demand. Whether at the level of bachelor, master or postgraduate programmes, the strong applied and laboratory component is the brand image of ISEL and consolidates the solid scientific and technological component. An integrative academic environment also stands out, in particular due to the close relationship between teachers and students. ISEL’s connection to the business world ensures that the training provided meets the needs of the labour market, as evidenced by the high employability rates of its courses.
In terms of RD&I, ISEL’s projection is evident in the national and international projects in which the institution is involved – in areas such as cybersecurity, smart and sustainable mobility, and digital and energy transition, among many others.
The School’s international dimension is also reflected in the exchange of students, teachers and staff in mobility programmes and participation in international networks.
Applied Physical Engineering
Biomedical Engineering
Chemical and Biological Engineering
Civil Engineering
Computer Science and Computer Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Electronics, Telecommunications and Computers Engineering
Informatics and Multimedia Engineering
Informatics Networks and Telecommunications Engineering
Mathematics Applied to Technology and Enterprise
Mechanical Engineering
Municipal Technologies and Management
Applied Mathematics for Industry
Biomedical Engineering (in association with ESTeSL)
Chemical and Biological Engineering
Civil Engineering
Computer Science and Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Electronics and Telecommunications
Industrial Engineering and Management
Informatics and Multimedia Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Quality and Environmental Engineering
In addition to degree conferring courses, IPL offers several postgraduate training programmes, in different areas of knowledge:
Branding e Content Marketing
Communication and Marketing in the Pharmaceutical Industry (in partnership with ESTeSL)
Corporate Communication, Sustainability and Citizenship (in partnership with ISCAL)
Creative Industries: Management and Trends
Marketing and Data Science
Sports Journalism
Bringing Stories to Life
Design of Interactive Products for Education
Digital Education
Early childhood education in nursery and other equipment for children from 0 to 3 years
Inclusive Pedagogy
Maths Didactics – learning and resources
Puppetry and Animated Forms
Digital Post-Production for Cinema
Media & Performance: Creative
Technology Lab
Applied to Diagnosis and Treatment ESTeSL
Health Data Science
Molecular Oncobiology Advances
Accounting and Public Management (in partnership with Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas - ISCSP)
Administration and Public Financial Management (in partnership with Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas - ISCSP)
Environmental Law, Circular Economy and Energy Transition
Advanced Manufactoring Processes
Building Conservation and Rehabilitation
Design and Maintenance of Electrical Facilities
Energy Efficiency and Sustainability in Buildings
Mathematics for Data Science
New Trends in Applied Acoustics and Audio
Optoelectronics and Photonics Engineering
Railway Engineering
Renewable Energy Engineering and Management
More on Postgraduate Programmes at IPL
Considering the current demands and trends, IPL invests in distance learning training offers, with active teaching methods, resources and structures to support the development of digital and multimedia technologies, allowing the training of teachers and students in strategic areas of knowledge and with high importance for the country’s scientific, economic, social, and cultural development.
MOOCS - Massive Open Online Courses
Environmental Sustainability
Epigenetics in Development and Heredity
Introduction to Epigenetics
Prevent not to fall
Return, Resume and Recover
More on Distance Learning at IPL
Recognizing the importance that language learning assumes in this global world, IPL, through its Centre for Languages and Culture (CLiC-IPL), presents a diversified offer of language courses and promotes various cultural activities, both for the IPL community and for other audiences.
CLiC-IPL is a space of encounter between people, languages, and cultures contributing to the growth of all, in a multilingual and multicultural perspective.
More on CLiC-IPL
Aware that teaching is inseparable from Research, Development, and Innovation activities, at IPL the production of new knowledge allows for a permanent updating of teaching and contributes to quality and differentiated training.
Teaching and research staff at IPL are involved in national and international research projects, which translate into the production of knowledge through the publication of articles, registration of patents and development of new artistic concepts. These research activities are carried out within a wide variety of structures, centres and groups, both in the scientific and artistic domains, in partnership with other educational institutions, research centres, the business and cultural sector, and with other organizations representative of civil society.
The latest Research Centre to be created at IPL and recognized by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) is based at ESTeSL. The Health and Technology Research Centre (H&TRC - ESTeSL) aims to evaluate the determinants of human health, disease, and well-being, as well as to analyse the different factors associated with these processes.
In terms of knowledge transfer, IPL is a founder and associate of POLITEC&ID, an association for the development of knowledge and innovation, whose main objectives are to facilitate and promote research in collaboration with companies, boost entrepreneurship and foster national and international partnerships. Several projects, such as the Multibanco system and Via Verde, have since been successfully implemented.
IPL is committed to stimulating and acknowledging the academic community, through the promotion of competitions and the attribution of annual prizes, as well as to involving students in research projects, providing scholarships and internships, as a way of valuing their training and scientific and artistic skills.
For IPL entrepreneurship is part of its training project and a way to boost the economy and as such it is home to a long tradition of cooperation with the business fabric and society, in finding answers to new challenges in the areas of Arts, Education, Business Sciences, Communication, Engineering, and Health Sciences.
By participating in several collaborative networks, IPL promotes the development of projects with companies and public entities, while seeking to stimulate entrepreneurial initiatives and support the launch of start-ups, to value the results of developed research.
ACE - Academy for Innovation, Creativity and Entrepreneurship, promoted by IPL, aims to encourage the entrepreneurial spirit and enable students to develop initiatives that present solutions to existing challenges and needs, as demanded by the Portuguese economy and society. Every year, training actions and an ideas contest – ACE Challenge – are promoted, and the winners participate in Born From Knowledge, the national competition for higher education, an initiative of ANI – Agência Nacional de Inovação.
IPL seeks to guide and support its students and graduates as they transition to the labour market. It provides an online platform, Career Center by JobTeaser, that facilitates access to job offers, events, advice, and other resources related to their professional career.
IPL is committed to a training offer that responds to the demands set by the economy and society. Throughout the training process, students have the opportunity to develop skills through practical and laboratory classes, internships, and other initiatives. Cooperation with organizations from different business sectors allows for a constant update of the courses taught, considering the needs of the market as well as advances in science, technology, and art, in various areas.
More on Entrepreneurship at IPL
IPL seeks to give society a relevant contribution to the field of arts, through the creation and regular presentation of artistic works, thus assisting in the dynamization of the sector and adding social and cultural value to the metropolitan area of Lisbon and the country.
At the same time, within its mission to produce, teach and disseminate knowledge, art and culture, IPL promotes Espaço Artes - Politécnico de Lisboa, a vehicle for the dissemination and promotion of artistic creation. Its characteristics give it the versatility to host various cultural events, such as exhibitions, conferences, colloquia, concerts, film screenings and other presentations. It is located on Estrada de Benfica, no. 529.
IPL has a set of services, networks, and programmes to accompany students, as well as various infrastructures to support learning that aim to promote equal opportunities for access and academic success of students, respecting differences and stimulating inclusion.
IPL students can join the IPL Interpeer Mentoring Programme–MENTori@IPL, which aims to strengthen the strategies of integration and academic experience in higher education, along with other activities developed by IPL and its Schools.
Aware of the importance of student organizations in promoting the academic spirit, facilitating the integration of new students in the academy, and fostering activities aimed at the integral formation of the individual, IPL supports the Student Associations of its Schools, which give body to the Academic Federation of IPL (FAIPL), an associative structure that promotes training, cultural, recreational, and sports activities.
The mission of the Social Services (SAS-IPL) is to support students through scholarships and other forms of assistance, so they might have the conditions for their academic success. Within the scope of its activity, SAS-IPL provides support, translated into the allocation of scholarships, accommodation, food, and cultural and sports activities, among others, with a view to the well-being of students.
SAS-IPL promotes access to food through 6 food units, in which IPL students can benefit from meals at a social price. On another level, accommodation is available at the Maria Beatriz Residence, located on the ISEL Campus and with an offer of 200 beds. To respond to a trend in the eating habits of students, SAS-IPL has created the concept of “Home Food”, autonomizing spaces equipped for those who choose to bring their prepared meals from home.
Aware of students’ difficulties in adapting to a new social context, away from home and family, and to the new academic reality, SAS-IPL has Psychological and Educational Support Services (SAPE), to serve IPL students.
Internationalization, as a way to integrate the intercultural dimension in teaching, research, and services of the institution, is a strategic pillar of development at IPL.
The internationalization policy of IPL is fundamentally based on three aspects: student and staff mobility; an increase in the number of international students enrolled full-time in the 1st and 2nd cycle courses; and continuous commitment to partnerships with European HEIs, in Portuguese-speaking countries and the rest of the world, through participation in international research networks or bilateral cooperation.
Demand for IPL as a mobility destination has been growing, with a training offer in English in all its units as well as training in Portuguese as a foreign language, which means an investment in the dissemination of the Portuguese language in the world through its specialized resources in the area of language teaching.
IPL aims to contribute to form citizens who are both knowledgeable of the world and civically active, prepared to live and work in the global market.
More on Internationalization at IPL
IPL together with its Schools, Social Services, and Occupational Health Services adopts a strong commitment to a quality assurance strategy in all its practices, in view of a continuous improvement of the activities it carries out and the organization and control of the processes necessary for its institutional performance. Quality is ubiquitous and an integral part of IPL, from the Presidency Services and all support activities to its Schools’ pedagogical, scientific and community service activities.
IPL’s Internal Quality Assurance System is accredited by A3ESAgency for Assessment and Accreditation of Higher Education. The Presidency Services and the Social Action Services are also certified by the Standard NP EN ISO 9001:2015.
In the challenging context we currently live in, issues related to the health and well-being of the entire academic community, along with the theme of sustainability, emerge as a priority intervention axis of IPL.
In 2014, IPL implemented the Occupational Health Service (SSO-IPL) in close coordination with ESTeSL. While complying with legislation in force regarding the health and safety of IPL workers, the SSO-IPL also ensures occupational health activities for different institutions that employ the services of IPL.
This service has a multidisciplinary team composed of Occupational Physicians, Occupational Health Nurses, a Psychologist, a Senior Clinical Secretariat Technician, Work Safety Technicians, Emergency and First Aid Trainers, and Diagnostic and Therapeutic Technicians in the areas of Clinical Analysis, Audiology, Cardiopulmonology and Orthoptics.
Other activities promoting health and well-being aimed at the entire academic community are also carried out, with a special focus on students, and several initiatives in this area are promoted, namely the PASS-IPL – Healthy and Sustainable Eating Programme of IPL.
IPL assumes its role in the transmission of good practices in terms of sustainability, following a development model based on scientific and technological innovation, artistic creation, and cooperation with society, being committed to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
By actively participating in Associations, Networks and Working Groups at the level of Social Responsibility, Sustainability and Volunteering, through the Eco Polytechnic Council of Lisbon and the creation of synergies between the IPL Schools, collaborative initiatives are developed that involve the entire academic community.