Friends Trends - Spring 2011

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FRIENDS TRENDS S P R I N G 2 0 11 Newsletter of the Friends of the University Libraries

J.A. Jance: Reflections on Libraries, Friends, and Opportunities Adapted from blog post, “Alumna of the Year, the Rest of the Story.” Reprinted with permission.


udy Jance has been a friend of libraries all her life – from her ny public library in Bisbee, studying in the UA Old Main library and the children’s book collec on in the UA College of Educa on, to her affilia on with the Friends of the University Libraries – Jance has always believed that libraries “are windows on the past and doorways to the future.” Academic libraries, in par cular, have a special significance. According to Jance, the University Libraries offer an introspec ve quality: “They are there to go beyond what’s offered in the classroom. They open the door to self-study.” In December 2010 Jance joined an elite group of honorees when she received the Alumni Achievement Award from the University of Arizona. Jance credits the Friends of the University Libraries for bringing her back into the Wildcat community. On the occasion of her award, and in apprecia on of her contribu ons to the FOL, Jance shares her story about libraries, community, and friendship: “I’ll admit right now that for years I walked around bearing a grudge against the University of Arizona, my alma mater, because I wasn’t allowed into the Crea ve Wri ng program as an undergraduate back in 1964. That situa on didn’t improve when, some me in the eigh es, my inquiry about possibly teaching a course in Crea ve Wri ng at

the University of Arizona was met with derision by the then current program director. He told me in no uncertain terms, “Oh, we don’t do ANYTHING with genre fic on here. We only do LITERARY fic on!” Which, once again, pre y much le me on the outside looking in. A er that, for a me, the grudge got even worse. That’s when I wrote Hour of the Hunter. But over me, I wondered what I would do if the UA ever no ced that I was not only wri ng books but having them published as well. In the early nine es, I received a call from the Friends of the University Libraries asking if I would speak at their annual spring luncheon. One thing I learned while teaching on the Tohono O’odham Reserva on is this: Yes is be er than no. Always. So I asked when and the next thing you knew was speaking at the luncheon in Tucson. While at the luncheon I learned that two people in the group who were inveterate mystery readers, former University of Arizona President, John Schaefer, and the Dean of the Libraries, Carla Stoffle, had decided it was me to create a special collec on at the University Libraries called the Women Mystery Writers Collec on which focuses on female American writers of contemporary mystery fic on. Think of this as genre fic on ge ng the green light and an official stamp of approval at the UA. (con nued on page 11)

New Exhibit Commemorating the Life & Legacy of Stewart Lee Udall – page 4

From the Desk of the Dean Together, We Will Not Only Survive But Thrive


ore than 10,000 people recently gathered for the American Library Associa on’s midwinter conference in San Diego. We engaged in a lot of interes ng discussions about the future of libraries, the exci ng possibili es of new technologies, and how we can serve our customers in faster and be er ways. Funding for libraries was also a hot topic among library directors. With the recent news that Gov. Jan Brewer plans to cut funding to the University of Arizona by 20% – about $66.6 million – addi onal budget cuts for the University Libraries are expected. The challenge of “doing more with less” is not unique to universi es or to libraries, however. It seems to be the status quo everywhere. I am proud of how much the University Libraries have accomplished during these tough mes. Despite previous budget cuts and fewer staff members, the Libraries’ dedicated faculty and staff con nually provide excellent customer service and find new, improved ways to deliver resources and services to users. We are very fortunate to have strong support from students, donors, campus administrators, faculty, and our Friends. News of a $3.5 million gi to the Center for Crea ve Photography (CCP) was a wonderful way to start the New Year. This generous gi from the Arthur J. Bell Trust will enable CCP to create an endowment and hire a senior photography conservator. The conservator’s job will be to care for and preserve the Center’s growing collec on of photographs and archives. We are extremely grateful to the Friends of the University Libraries for their enthusias c and ongoing support. I applaud the Friends board for making great progress on the goals it set at the beginning of the year. A er last year’s success – raising $101,000 – the Friends ratcheted up their goals even higher this year. They set a goal of $111,000, to be raised in the following ways: • $60,000 from Friends memberships (including 33 Alexandrian Circle memberships at the $1,000+ level) • $18,000 from book sales • $33,000 from events 2

So far, the board is more than halfway to its goal. The number of new and renewed Friends memberships is ahead of last year’s pace. Book Sale volunteers have raised more than $12,500 so far this year. Programs sponsored by the Friends in Special Collec ons this fall were a big success, with standing-room-only crowds for many of the lectures. A December dinner to honor Judy Jance and celebrate her Alumni Achievement Award was wonderful. There are two important ways that all Friends members can help the board meet – and surpass – its goals. First, invite friends to join the Friends of the Libraries. Bring them to a lecture in Special Collec ons, a Friends Book Sale, the annual luncheon, or one of the spring fund raising events. It’s also vital for Friends to renew their memberships annually, ideally at a higher giving level. If you’re a member at the $50-$124 Friend level, I encourage you to stretch up to the $125-$249 Contribu ng Friend level. If you’re already there, go for the $250-$999 Librarians’ Friend level. The top level of membership is the Alexandrian Circle ($1,000 and up). I would love to see membership surge in the Alexandrian Circle. The future is exci ng. Sure, there are challenges ahead. We will find ways to overcome them, as we always have. Together, we will not only survive but thrive.

Carla J. Stoffle Dean of University Libraries

Letter From the Friends Chair Friends Board of Directors Arch Brown, Chairman Susan Hardy Aiken Susan Beesemyer Blanton & Betty Belk Jean Brady Leesa Byers-Lane Loomis Carleton Georgiann Carroll Kathryn Cowan Richard Duffield Mary Lou Forier Charlotte Hanson Robert Hastings, Jr. Jennifer Carrell Helenbolt Susan Imwalle Patricia C. Morgan Betsy Morrow Laura Pew Anita Scales John Schaefer On Leave of Absence Judy A. Jance UA Staff Laura J. Bender Brenda Walsh-Matias Ex Officio Carla J. Stoffle The purpose of the Friends of the University Libraries is to focus a en on upon the needs of the Libraries and to s mulate gi s of funds, books and desirable collecons of materials not otherwise procurable. The Friends support various programs, acquisi ons, preserva on and endowments. The associa on is a nonprofit organiza on founded in 1977 to serve as a bridge of goodwill between the Libraries and the greater community.

Friends of the University Libraries

Main Library, C327 1510 E University Blvd Tucson, AZ 85721-0055 (520) 621-3485

By Arch Brown, Chairman, Friends of the University Libraries


een Down So Long It Looks Like Up To Me 1 This seems to be the mood of the country as the economy creeps upward. Everything is slowly turning around and we all feel a li le be er. Now we just need to keep the momentum


It seems to me that our favorite University is weathering all of this pre y well. The cuts and changes are being addressed with the right a tude. Big is not necessarily best. Excellence is. Those Arizona residents who are qualified for and want a higher educa on are welcomed at UA. Our graduates and research is where Arizona’s future lies. Of course we haven’t had the muscle cuts that some say are coming. But with the right a tude we will survive and, gasp, hopefully even prosper. Come to the campus and meet students studying in the Libraries and you will be impressed and feel good about the future. It is a me of renewal and an cipa on. Laura and I visited Japan last April during the Cherry Blossom Fes vals. The cultural excitement and feeling of renewal that the cherry blossoms bring every spring in Japan is contagious for everyone there. Half of what brings a good economy is the mood of the people. So bring that cherry blossom thinking to Arizona and the country and the world! The FOL has a dynamic and enthusias c board. We have added great new members in the last few months: Susan Imwalle, Susan Beesemyer and Blanton and Be y Belk. Fresh ideas from new faces always help us improve our programs. We look forward to a special fund raising evening with Judy Jance on March 13, an open-tothe-FOL Vaudeville lecture by David Soren (date and me to be determined) and mul ple lectures in Special Collec ons celebra ng the Arizona Centennial. Join us when you can. Many of the events are free and some have a modest fee. The board is tasked with raising money for the libraries so forgive us if we ask you for money too o en for your liking. 1

Title of novel by Richard Fariña.

Book Sale Update By Anita Scales, Friends Board of Directors


he Friends of the University Libraries held another book sale at their sor ng house at 301 N. Cherry Ave. on Saturday, January 22, 2011. In response to requests by several customers at our October sale, we extended our sale hours; book sales are now held from 9 a.m. un l 4 p.m.

We have received two to three thousand donated books since October, many new and in mint condi on. They cover mul ple topics and some are in foreign languages. Our volunteers have been working diligently to unpack, sort and shelve as many as possible. If the dona ons con nue at the present rate, we plan to host another sale in April 2011. Check your e-mail for updates! 3

New Exhibit Commemorates The Life and Legacy of Stewart Lee Udall A strong advocate for conserva on, during his tenure Udall oversaw numerous environmental ini a ves including the founding of four na onal parks, 56 wildlife refuges, eight na onal sea and lake shores, and the enactment of environmental legisla on including the 1964 Wilderness Act, the Endangered Species Preserva on Act of 1966, and the Na onal Trail System Act of 1968. Udall con nued to fight for conserva on following his re rement from poli cs in 1969, and he is considered a leading voice in American environmentalism.

Stewart Lee Udall, 1970


pecial Collec ons at the University Libraries announces its newest exhibi on, “I’m for Stew: The Life and Times of Stewart Lee Udall,” on display from January 10 – June 15, 2011 in the gallery at Special Collecons, 1510 E. University Blvd. A lecture series will be held throughout the spring in conjunc on with the exhibit.

Titled a er Udall’s congressional campaign slogan, “I’m for Stew” offers a glimpse into the many causes championed by Stewart Lee Udall. A congressional representa ve of Arizona, Stewart Udall was also Secretary of the Interior from 1961-1969 under Presidents John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson, a champion of civil rights, an avid conserva onist, a lawyer, a B24 gunner during WWII and a University of Arizona alumnus. Among notable Arizona poli cians, Stewart Lee Udall enjoys a unique and enduring legacy. Born in St. Johns, Arizona in 1920, Udall is o en referred to as Arizona’s na ve son. Following the Udall family tradi on of public service, Stewart was elected to the United States House of Representa ves in 1954 from Arizona’s 2nd district. Shortly a er being re-elected to a fourth term in 1960, President-elect Kennedy appointed Stewart Udall as Secretary of the Interior – the first Arizonan to hold a cabinet level posi on. 4

“I’m for Stew” features a wide variety of materials ranging from the 1920s-2010, all selected from the Stewart L. Udall, Morris K. Udall and Levi Udall collec ons held in Special Collec ons at the University Libraries. Among the items on display are WWII memorabilia and correspondence; campaign scrapbooks; le ers, legisla on, and reflec ons from Udall’s poli cal career; correspondence with Rachel Carson, Ansel Adams, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, and others; materials rela ng to the integra on of the Washington Redskins NFL team; two of Udall’s books, The Quiet Crisis and To the Inland Empire: Coronado and our Spanish Legacy; and Udall’s University of Arizona diploma.

Secretary of the Interior Stewart L. Udall and President John F. Kennedy at the White House, 1961

Photographs from the Stewart L. Udall Parks in Focus Program – a program which takes young people into na onal and state parks to inspire apprecia on for the beauty of na onal parks through photography – are also displayed in the exhibit. For his commitment to conserva on and na onal parks, the Parks in Focus Program was renamed for Stewart Udall in 2009. The photographs are on loan from the Udall Founda on.

Stewart Lee Udall died on March 20, 2010 at the age of 90. The exhibit and corresponding lecture series are sponsored by the Friends of the University Libraries and the Morris K. Udall and Stewart L. Udall Founda on.

Curated by congressional archivist Chrystal Carpenter, “I’m for Stew: The Life and Times of Stewart Lee Udall” celebrates that life and legacy of this influen al Arizona na ve whose contribu ons to American society con nue to resonate today.

Secretary of the Interior Udall touring Rainbow Bridge, Glen Canyon Na onal Park, Utah, April 1961


Guild of Book Workers Holds its Standard Seminar in Tucson By Jim Owens, Member, Friends of the University Libraries


or the first me in its history, the Guild of Book Workers (GBW) chose Tucson for their annual Standards Seminar. Over 100 book workers began their sessions on October 14 with an opening recep on in UA Special Collec ons. The Guild was founded in 1906. It promotes interest in and awareness of the tradi on of the book and paper arts by maintaining high standards of workmanship, hos ng educa onal opportuni es, and sponsoring exhibits. In addi on, each year in October, as many Guild members as can, gather in a host city for a two day mee ng where colleagues hold learning sessions in par cular aspects of the book arts. The meet is called the Standards Seminar to reflect its emphasis on maintaining and raising standards of workmanship. The choice of Tucson for GBW’s Standards Seminar was a bit of a watershed; we have always been a li le light in the bookbinding world. It was also a challenge for there were only six of us here to organize this event. The seminar sessions were held at the Radisson Suites on East Broadway. Over 100 members, from the US, Canada and the United Kingdom, were treated to sessions on the structure of 18th century French binding techniques, the crea on of ar st books, book forensics and an intensive study of Byzan ne bookbinding structure. Presenters were all peers who were expert in their fields. In addi on to the seminar sessions there were two auc ons of book arts related materials, a celebratory banquet on Saturday, and vendor rooms with wares ranging from bookbinding leathers, marbled papers, parchments, tools, supplies, decorated papers, and much more. But the highlight for many was the recep on in UA Special Collec ons. The magnificent display on the Mexican Bicentennial in the foyer absorbed all, but ul mately they were drawn to the Reading Room. There Roger Myers, Special Collec ons Librarian, displayed treasures from the vaults. UA FOL Board member Anita Scales was also there to welcome the guests. The Southwest was represented. From the Northland Press in Flagstaff were finely wrought wooden slipcases surmounted with bronzes (a saddle in one case and a cowboy in another) related to the books they protected. “I printed 6

that one!” exclaimed one member on seeing it. An arched box with doors housed hand-colored representa ons of the Saints of the Southwest, a produc on of the Press of the Governor’s Palace in Santa Fe. An early and unsung Tucson binder, the late Courtney Sheehan, was represented with three of his bindings, all in white leather, including the stunning binding for Pliny’s Naturalis Historia of 1472, the oldest printed book held by the library. Bill Denny, a GBW member and Emeritus Professor of the UA College of Medicine, said, “We are so proud to see this magnificent Pliny binding on display.” Other tables held examples of fine, tradi onal, or ar st bindings. And it took li le me to realize how very quiet it had become. There was the faint buzz of pure contentment as 100+ members reverently examined our treasures. But there was more. Roger put the Philip Smith binding of Joyce’s Ulysses in a side room to highlight the treasure that it is, with other, lesser but no less lovely bindings of the Ulysses on a table outside to point the way. And so it did, as GBW members found their way in. GBW Member Rich Spelker came to me and said, “That is so lovely. The last me I saw a Philip Smith binding, it flanked a display of Magna Carta in London. Is there a way for your copy to be shown?” A word to Roger and he immediately complied and displayed the binding in all its glory. If I heard one comment I heard dozens over the course of the next two days. James Reid-Cumingham of the Boston Atheneum told me that he couldn’t believe we had such fine work in our collec ons, and again men oned the Ulysses. And Chris McAffee from Utah said on Saturday that members were s ll talking not only about the great loca on and ambience of the Old Pueblo but especially of the amazing quality and depth of the UA holdings. Thank you, Roger. You did a magnificent job. A Li le Book of Natural History Leonard Baskin, 1951

Honor Roll of Donors 2010

Gi s in kind indicated in italics

The University Libraries appreciate the generosity of and ongoing support from our donors from January 1 through December 31, 2010. If you would like to help support programs and collec ons at the University Libraries, please send your check to University Libraries Development Office, PO Box 210055, Tucson, AZ 85721-0055. To help make giving easier, you can now give directly online at No credit card fee will be assessed if you make your gi online. For more informa on please call 520.621.3485.

$100,000+ Geertruida R. Oberman Philip Ramey Katheryne B. Willock

$10,000-99,999 Arch and Laura Brown Estate of Henry F. Dobyns Fidelity Charitable Gi Fund Peter B. Goldman Robin Hoover John & Helen Schaefer Carla J. Stoffle Thorn Books Frances S. Walker Mark Weber

$1,000-9,999 Eduardo Abud Martha L. Albrecht Jean H. Brady Donna C. Brammer Michael J. Bruwer Carroll Family Charitable Trust Roger Ceragioli Barbara R. & Stephen J. Claussen Virginia L. Clements Debbie Colwell Michael L. Coney Jill Corey S. D. Cornell Kathryn O. Cowan Janna-Neen J. Cunningham-Jones William F. Denny Deupree Family Founda on Mary Ann Dobras Richard Duffield Gertrude Eich Sigmund Eisner & Family Mary Lou Forier & John E. Wahl Carmen Garcia-Downing

Valerie Garrick James J. Glasser Michael Greenbaum Louise W. Greenfield Elinor L. Hallowell Roger G. Harlan Sara C. Heitshu Junius Hoffman Wilma W. Horton Susan M. Imwalle William I elson Julia B. Johnson Galen A. Jokipii Lo e A. Kurcz Jennifer B. LaForgia Paul Langley Richard B. Levine Cornelia S. Lovi Patricia Morgan & Peter Salomon Lucille J. Netsch Susan E. Newman Donald R. Nickerson Charles M. Pe s Susan K. Pi Maritha Po enger Bonham C. Richardson G. Starr Rounds Dee Ann & James Sakrison Anita W. Scales Harold B. Segel Hussain Shaukatullah Rica & Harvey Spivack Charry Stover Toby A. Sydney William D. Tackenberg Ruth Ann & John Thomas Allyn H. Thompson Teresa H. Thompson Lyn Tornabene Mary L. Trammell Bonnie L. Travers

United Way of Central New Mexico United Way of Tucson & Southern Arizona Up With People Interna onal Alumni Associa on Vernon C. Urich Margaret Ward Thomas Weaver James C. Young

$250-999 Susan H. Aiken M Anonymous (individual) C B. Arbogast Blanton & Elizabeth Belk Laura J. Bender Olive S. Brand Leesa B. Byers-Lane Loomis R. Carleton Barbara & John Churchill Jean H. Cornell James A. Corrick Bronwyn S. Danielski Sco A. Davidson Carmen Downing JoAnn J. Elliot Rocio Escarcega Lisa B. Fahey James G. Fromm Al Graham Charlo e E. Hanson Robert & Elizabeth Has ngs Kenneth I. Haynie Jack P. Hoag James H. Holmberg Susan L. Humphreys Veronika Huxford Gerald A. King Susan W. Kornhaber W. David Laird Daniel R. Lee

Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this report. Please accept our apologies if we are in error. Contact the Library Development Office at 520.621.3485 if a correc on is needed.


Honor Roll of Donors 2010 con nued Angelina B. Listo Gabriela Lopez Edith S. Lowell Nina M. Madrid Diana Mansfield F J. McDonald Cecile McKee Betsy M. Morrow Linda J. Muir Sukumar Murali Lewis Murphy Lois Olsrud Susan E. O Patricia M. Overall PaperWorks Shelley E. Phipps Neil E. Plummer Siri W. Pra Anupama M. Rao Condon Elinor D. Reichlin John A. Remington Alice F. Roe Ian K. Ross Kris n S. Sansbury Michael M. Schreiber Isidore Shapiro Snell & Wilmer LLP David & Noelle Soren Victoria Terzano Gene E. Tobey Jerry R. Ward Ronald A. Wells David L. Windsor Charles T. Woods Miriam C. Zagona

$125-249 Mark W. Albertson David G. Areghini Sharon M. Arkin Margaret S. Armstrong Patrick J. Armstrong Jeffrey L. Arnold Emmanuel Ascarza David J. Ashcra Peter J. Badenhuizen Roberta M. Barg

Maria L. Barraza Katherine W. Belk Be y G. Bengtson Carl T. Berkhout Shane E. Blackman David Brewer Ryan J. Bruce David J. Buffington Judith D. Burgard James F. Burroway John R. Bu erfield Cornelia H. Carlson Caren A. Car er Brook M. Caughlin Millie L. Chapin Church of Holis c Sciences Janice L. Cleere John F. Coffin Gerard M. Coghlan Carlos R. Contreras Susan S. Cowan Robert W. Crawford Cheryl A. Cuillier Kirsten L. Cummins Barbara M. Cunningham Ann M. Davis Cheri A. Davis Alan Day Ludwig M. Deppisch Joseph DeRaad Melissa L. Donovan Michael P. Dougherty Marisa E. Duarte Mark D. Elson Ma hew R. Engelman Charity A. Everi L. Boyd Finch Denise R. Fosco Rebecca A. Fowler Klaus R. Freischlad Frederick Frelinghuysen Derek Gallagher David K. Gardner Sarah C. Gay Richard H. Goddard Joel Gonzalez Aline L. Goodman

Did you know that no credit card fee will be assessed if you make your gi online?


Garth M. Gould Judith P. Graves Giulio Grecchi Marilyn J. Gus n Sheryl A. Hall Lee Ann Hamilton Mia J. Hansen Amanda M. Hanson Michael W. Hard Nancy D. Harriman Nils Hasselmo Donald C. Hausrath William D. Heer III Ellen B. Heiny Wesley A. Hempel Alison J. Hentges Richard Herkshan Jackson S. Hipps Randall R. Holdridge Janet T. Hollander Robyn K. Huff-Eibl Ingeborg H. Huhn Nancy H. Ingersoll Andrew Iventosch Elishka Jackson Ruby M. James Bradley V. Johnson Emery P. Johnson William G. Johnson Cynthia L. Keyworth William A. Kinnison Suzanne Kirby Joan E. Klose Jeffrey J. Kosanke Karen E. Kubara David J. Kyler Jerry S. Lacker Carrie L. Larson George B. Leger Lewis and Roca LLP Dian Li Lawrence K. Lunt John V. Mackoviak Robert A. Maddox P.K. Malone James P. Mandaville Edmund R. Marinelli

Maccay Marshall David A. Mar n Jennifer G. Mar n Patsy J. Mar nez Paul Ma y Le a M. McCune David J. McDonald Jim A. McGlasson Ian C. McGregor Merrill Lynch & Co. Founda on – Matching Gi s John C. Miller-Wells Fred S. Mi leman Jacqueline S. Morris Steve M. Moulson Eileen Moyer-Mertz Richard J. Muszynski Anna A. Neuzil Chuyen Nguyen Mark D. Nickerson Michael P. Niemira Sco O’Mack Open Lens Produc ons Michael A. Pabst Manuel R. Palacios-Fest David A. Palzkill The Paperback Recycler Joseph R. Pa erson Jeanne L. Pfander Karen H. Putnam Katherine B. Rambo Brenda R. Rayco Janice M. Rickert-Mueller Jon A. Rinnander Kris ne J. Ryan Eric B. Salo Noah A. Saterstrom Robert Schmalzel Conrad W. Schneiker George V. Shriver Ralph E. Silberschlag Pablo Silva Rodriguez Teresa S. Sloane Midori M. Snyder Mindie Jo Snyder Mary J. St. Clair

Kathryn S nely Gilbert Storms W. I. Strauss Hagos Teku Jennalyn W. Tellman Brian L. Ticknor Donald J. Trgovich Mary A. Tyrrell Up With People Inc. Josephine R. Voevodsky Robert G. Volz Linda F. Wallace Zuolan Wang Patricia R. Watrous Ronald R. Watson Sebrian B. Wesley Jennifer L. Whetstone Donald E. Wright Jianping Wu Michael Yampolsky Sumiko M. Ybarra Davis A. Young Beauregard Zero

$50-124 Arnold R. Adler Nina B. Allen Anne E. Atwater Frank E. Babb Jenny E. Belk Karen H. Bell Elizabeth L. Bezanson Fred T. Boice Carol M. Bowers Joseph M. Brewer Marna Bruins Busy Bee Printers Barbara R. Bu erez Mary K. Cain June Caldwell Mar n Isabel L. Carnes Kelly G. Carr Melinda T. Carrell Erika B. Castano Kenneth R. Castle Lawrence Cohen Nancy D. Cook

Virginia A. Cullen Kaitlyn L. Dalton George H. Daranyi Bess G. De Farber Jerry Dickey Donald C. Dickinson Ruth H. Dickstein Thomas A. Earl Mary E. Feeney Ruth M. Gardner Wendy A. Gilman Stephen G. Gomez Karen K. Griggs John M. Guilbert Jason B. Hand Eric Heinzer Robin L. Hiller Jarita C. Holbrook Margaret M. Hovell Samuel T. Huang Melanie Hupp Susan C. Karant-Nunn Frederick Kellogg Chris ne E. Kollen Vickie H. Law David D. Lee Jerry E. Levine Li le Chapel of All Na ons Richard B. Marks Sandra C. Maxfield Margaret F. Maxwell Eugene J. McDougle Carol McKay Delos D. McKnight Saba McWilliams Victoria A. Mills & Robert P. Mitchell Carrie E. Muir Jill Newby David H. Nix Elizabeth T. Ogilvy Joseph H. Plassmann Patricia A. Promis Day E. Ravenscro Delores E. Ray Leo J. Richard Terry A. Seligman

Donald G. Shropshire Milton Silverman Russell D. Simbari Marilynn C. Smith Raymond G. Smith Nancy D. Solomon Patricia P. Stephenson Debra A. Stern Kerrie A. Stramler James A. Sullivan Rae Swedenburg John A. Szivek Theodore D. Taubeneck M. D. Thu Pamela Trafican Susanne E. Vandenbosch Margaret A. Via Jeanne F. Voyles Brenda G. Walsh-Ma as Janet S. Watson Stephanie S. Welch William F. Wilkes Thomas S. Willard Terril E. Wilson Gloria E. Zlaket

Welcome New Friends! Alexandrian Circle Hussain Shaukatullah Vernon C. Urich

Librarians’ Friends Bronwyn S. Danielski Neil E. Plummer

Contributing Friends Shane E. Blackman David Brewer Susan S. Cowan Marisa E. Duarte Ma hew R. Engelman Rebecca A. Fowler Derek Gallagher Joel Gonzalez William W. Goudy Judith P. Graves Marilyn J. Gus n Nils Hasselmo Andrew Iventosch William A. Kinnison Karen E. Kubara John V. Mackoviak James P. Mandaville Edmund R. Marinelli Le a M. McCune Steve M. Moulson Anna A. Neuzil Chuyen Nguyen Joseph R. Pa erson Katherine B. Rambo Jon A. Rinnander Pablo Silva Rodriguez Teresa S. Sloane Mindie Jo Snyder Jianping Wu

Friends Dale R. Atkinson Day E. Ravenscro Terry A. Seligman

Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this report. Please accept our apologies if we are in error. Contact the Library Development Office at 520.621.3485 if a correc on is needed.


Special Collections Announces Important New Acquisition Mary Jeffries Bruce Collection By Craig Reinbold, Graduate Assistant, University Libraries pecial Collections recently announced a new acquisition from the estate of Mary Jeffries Bruce, the founder and longtime director of the Tucson Sunday Evening Forum, a nationallyrecognized seasonal colloquium presented regularly in conjunction with the University of Arizona (UA) from 1947-1984.


Described as dynamic, aggressive, and yet supremely thoughtful, Mary Jeffries Bruce recruited the Forum’s guests herself, often via personal correspondence. Many of these connections developed into lifelong friendships.

As the Forum’s founder, Mary Jeffries Bruce was responsible for bringing to Tucson many of the most prominent political and cultural figures of the time, often before their heyday. During her 34 years as director, guests of the Forum included future presidents John F. Kennedy, Ronald Reagan, and Gerald Ford; political activists including Eleanor Roosevelt, Martin Luther King, Jr., Coretta Scott King, Ralph Nader, and Margaret Sanger; and a number of luminaries from the fields of news and entertainment, notably, anchorman Walter Cronkite and Hugh Downs, Bob Hope and Jackie Robinson. Recruiting internationally, the Forum also hosted dignitaries from around the world, including future Nobel Peace Prize winner Yitzhak Rabin.

Under the guidance of Mary Jeffries Bruce, the Sunday Evening Forum matured from a young adult discussion group with 50 members, to being the nation’s onetime largest community forum, with a peak seasonal attendance of 55,000. Longtime NBC newscaster David Brinkley, who took the stage five times, declared the Forum “the best organized and best managed in the country.” For her success in adding to the political and cultural temper of the city, 1952 saw Mary Jeffries Bruce named Tucson’s first “Woman of the Year.”

Mary Jeffries Bruce with John F. Kennedy, 1958

According to University of Arizona alumnus John Jeffries, his mother “had a great affinity for the school.” Throughout her tenure as director of the Sunday Evening Forum, she worked closely with members of the university, especially President John Schaefer (1971-1982) who, upon Bruce’s retirement, declared her contribution to the Forum to have been critical to its success. “The Forum was a labor of love,” Jeffries concluded, and his mother would be proud to know that this record of her work resides in the University’s Special Collections. The Mary Jeffries Bruce Collection includes correspondence, photos of Mary Jeffries Bruce with a number of the Forum’s guests, newspaper articles highlighting Bruce’s work with the Forum, and more than a dozen personal scrapbooks chronicling the publicity surrounding guests’ Sunday Evening appearances.


This collection reflects Bruce’s success at making Tucson a nationally recognized stage for the many dialogues of 20th century American politics, as well as a platform for rising political and cultural icons of the day. Its addition to the University Libraries’ Special Collections showcases the connection between the university and some of the most vital political and cultural movements of the last century.

J.A. Jance: Reflections, continued from page 1 Within minutes, so to speak, a er dona ng my papers, I found myself serving on the board of directors of the Friends of the University Libraries. It was as though they had put out the welcome mat at the University of Arizona and brought this long strayed Wildcat back home. A few years later, in 2000, the Friends engineered my being offered an Honorary Doctorate of Humane Le ers. For someone barred from the Crea ve Wri ng program, that was especially sweet to say nothing of ironic. My eightysomething parents, my father with one year of normal school and my mother with a seventh grade educa on, were both in the audience as the flour tor llas soared through Bear Down Gym like so many crazed flying saucers. At the me I didn’t think it could get any be er than that, but it just did. In a lot of ways, being Alumna of the Year for 2010 was even be er. Think of it as being elected Homecoming Queen some forty years late.

The night before commencement we went to a dinner hosted by the Friends, many of whom I’ve come to know over the intervening years. John Schaefer’s photo of the Night Blooming Cereus was actually used as the basis for the cover art on last summer’s book Queen of the Night. When given the opportunity to speak, I told them how much I appreciated being welcomed home, but it was that night, when I was being introduced by a fellow Friends board member, Arch Brown, that I learned that the Alumni of the Year award was granted for the first me in 1947. I am only the 100th recipient. The Friends of the University Libraries brought me back into the Wildcat fold.” Special Collec ons’ “Women Wri ng Mystery” lecture series debuts at the 2011 Tucson Fes val of Books with J.A. Jance, the top-10 New York Times bestselling author of the J.P. Beaumont series, the Joanna Brady series, the Ali Reynolds series, three interrelated thrillers featuring the Walker family and a book of poetry.

Dine with J.A. Jance: Support the Friends of the University Libraries Friends of the University Libraries cordially invite you to a end an in mate supper and discussion with renowned mystery author, J.A. Jance, hosted by Judy Jance and William Schilb. J.A. “Judy” Jance is the recipient of an Honorary Doctorate and Alumni Associa on Life me Achievement Award from the University of Arizona. Her latest book, Fatal Error, will be available for purchase and signing.

A winter supper will be prepared by members of the Tohono O’Odham Na on. Sunday, March 13, 2011, 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. 140 N. Camino Miramonte, Tucson, AZ 85716 Tickets $75 per person ($50 tax-deduc ble) – checks made out to UAF/FOL (with Jance supper on memo line) RSVP to Brenda Walsh-Ma as 520.621.6431, walsh-ma

Friends Annual Luncheon – Save the Date! May 2, Monday, 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m., Arizona Inn The Friends of the University Libraries will hold their annual luncheon featuring keynote speaker Dr. Bernard L. “Bunny” Fontana, a re red UA Anthropology professor, prolific author and historian, and champion of the Mission St. Xavier del Bac restora on. Dr. Fontana and photographer, Ed McCain, will share stories and photographs from their newest book, A Gi of Angels: The Art of Mission San Xavier del Bac. A Gi of Angels: The Art of Mission San Xavier del Bac (The Southwest Center Series) Bernard L. Fontana; Photographs by Edward McCain, Published by the University of Arizona Press, 2010




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The University of Arizona Friends of the University Libraries P.O. Box 210055 Tucson, AZ 85721-0055

Tucson Festival of Books, March 12-13, UA Campus Special Collections to host bestselling author J.A. Jance at the 2011 Tucson Festival of Books Special Collec ons’ “Women Wri ng Mystery” lecture series debuts at the 2011 Tucson Fes val of Books with J.A. Jance, the top 10 New York Times bestselling author of the J.P. Beaumont series, the Joanna Brady series, the Ali Reynolds series, three interrelated thrillers featuring the Walker family and a book of poetry. Women Writing Mystery: Inaugural Lecture with J.A. Jance Sunday, March 13 2:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. Book signing immediately a erward Grand Ballroom, Student Union Memorial Center For more informa on contact Verónica Reyes-Escudero 520.307.2774,

PaperWorks: The Sonoran Collective for Paper and Book Artists Exhibit & Lecture Program at Special Collections PaperWorks Exhibit Saturday, March 12 – Sunday, March 13, 10 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Lecture Schedule Saturday, March 12 11 – 12 Noon Catherine Nash: Wax and the Ar st Book 3 – 4 p.m. Nancy Solomon: Making Photography Books Sunday, March 13 11 – 12 Noon Gene Riggs & Michael Ra ee: Ar st and Poet Collabora on 3 – 4 p.m. Mary Ellen Palmeri, Nadia Hlibku & Alice Vinson: The Challenge of Crea ng an Ar st’s Book: Three ar sts describe their process For more informa on contact: Roger Myers, 520.621.4345,

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