Volume 28 • Issue 11 • December 2023 / January 2024 • £6.50
130TH ARGENTINE OPEN Second Win for La Natividad
POLO VALLEY SOTOGRANDE The Perfect Spot to Hone Your Skills
PLUS: Rugby Polo Club Spotlight, SUPA Special & Hugo Taylor’s Passions
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Contents “Polo Times is undoubtedly the most influential contemporary polo magazine” Horace Laffaye
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What’s inside… December 2023/ January 2024
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Cover photograph:
Adolfo Cambiaso secured his 15th Hurlingham Open title. By Matías Callejo / Prensa AAP
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Polo Times, December 2023 / January 2024
52 News 4 10
Women’s Polo All the Latest News Obituary: Peter Bibeau
Features 12 14
Big Picture Cover Story: Polo Valley Sotogrande
49 52
International & Home Cover Story: The VII Women’s Argentine Open
Military Polo 55
Pakistan Polo Tour
24 26 29 30 32 34
Cover Story: The 130th HSBC Argentine Open The 12th Annual Bentley Scottsdale Polo Championships The XIX Julio Novillo Astrada Cup The Pilar Cup The Thai Polo Cup The Copa Cámara de Diputados The 83rd Tortugas Open
Club Focus 37 42
Your Club News from Home and Abroad Cover Story: Club Spotlight: Rugby Polo Club
Youth Polo 45 46
60 62 64
Polodoc: Biohacking & Pushing Recovery Limits Performance Coach: The Nina Mindset Nutrition Focus: Arena Q&A Horse Training: A Balancing Act
Sidelines 65
Polo Directory 68 70
What’s On in December & January Classifieds
Final Bell 72
Cover Story: Passions: Hugo Taylor
All Aspects of Youth Polo Cover Story: The SUPA University Challenge
from thePublisher Publisher from the
Nick Hine, Publisher
Polo Times, December 2023 / January 2024
Photograph by SPWC
The 2024 Snow Polo World Cup St. Moritz
Sun, snow and setting scenery awaits in St. Moritz
The 2024 Snow Polo World Cup St. Moritz team line-ups for the tournament have now been confirmed! Once again, six teams will be taking part, but 2024 will see three new Team Captains taking to the ice: Lidia Gauss (Team Mackage), Philipp Müller (Team Perrier-Jouët) and Jonathan Tidswell-Pretorius (Team St. Moritz); while Melissa Ganzi (Team World Polo League), Eduardo Greghi (Team Küsnacht Practice) and Marc Ganzi (Team Flexjet) will be returning once more to the stunning setting of St. Moritz. The action kicks off on Friday 26 January with the first three matches and culminates in the Final on Sunday 28 January, with all the glitz and glamour you would expect from the world’s only high goal snow polo tournament. Tickets are still available, but don’t wait too long to get yours as it is always a sell-out event – visit www.snowpolo-stmoritz.com to get your tickets. The 2024 Snow Polo World Cup St. Moritz Teams: Team World Polo League (16): Melissa Ganzi (0), Grant Ganzi (3), Adrian Laplacette Jr. (6) & Alejandro Novillo Astrada (7) Team St. Moritz – Top Of The World (16): Jonathan Tidswell-Pretorius (0), Tito Gaudenzi (2), David ‘Pelon’ Stirling (9) & Pelayo Berazadi (5) Team Mackage (16): Lidia Gauss (0), Jack Hyde (5), Isidro Strada (7) & Ryan Pemble (4) Team Perrier-Jouët (14): Philipp Müller (0), Nacho Gonzalez (4), Hissam Ali Hyder (4) & Max Charlton (6) Team The Kusnacht Practice (15): Eduardo Greghi (0), Hugo Taylor (4), Gonzalo Ferrari (7) & Nico San Roman (4) Team Flexjet (16): Marc Ganzi (1), Fred Mannix (7), Martin Jauregui (6) & Santos Bollini (2)
Facundo Pieres & Hope Arellano Reach 10 Goals Photograph by Matías Callejo / Prensa AAP
As this December 23/ January 24 issue of Polo Times is the last of 2023 and the very first of the New Year – to land on subscribers’ doorsteps just in time to be enjoyed over Christmas – we hope you will find time amidst the festivities to relax, kick off your shoes and unwind, as you read about what has been happening in the polo world around the globe. This issue has all the latest action from Argentina including La Natividad and El Overo Z7 UAE’s recent wins in The130th HSBC Argentine Open and VII Women’s Argentine Open respectively, as well as reports from closer to home such as the SUPA University Challenge. This issue’s Club Spotlight is on Rugby Polo Club, one of the UK’s oldest polo clubs which focuses on polo development and grassroots initiatives. In our Knowledge pages, Lorna Edgar answers your arena season nutrition questions; Paul Stalker encourages you to ‘Adopt a Nina Mindset’, whilst new contributor Dan Wain explains the importance of equine balance. Polo Times’ Passion spotlight is Young gun, British Gold Cup winning 4-goaler Hugo Taylor and in this month’s Polodoc, Dr.Andi explains the virtues of cold swims forming part of rejuvenating your body – cold exposure really does aid inflammation reduction and promotes post-game recovery. As medical maestro Dr. Andi will be on the frozen St.Moritz lake pitchside at the 2024 Snow Polo World Cup, I cannot help but hope that sipping a chilled glass of Perrier-Jouët whilst excitedly watching the frenetic pace of high-goal polo, could be one step closer towards achieving the goal of healthcare nirvana? Whilst we all relax over this festive season – and with the true meaning of Christmas being lasting hope and peace – please say a prayer for those poor souls who have been forced to live amidst the war zones which have blighted too many nations in 2023. Finally, everyone at Polo Times HQ wishes you a fun-filled very Merry Christmas and a safe, prosperous Happy New Year. As always, play safe.
Facundo Pieres has gone back up to 10 goals Following the culmination of the 2023 Argentine Triple Crown, the Argentine Polo Association (AAP) has announced their latest handicap changes and the World Polo Tour has updated their rankings. After La Natividad secured The 130th Argentine Open, Facundo Pieres has once again been moved up to 10 goals, while Hope Arellano (who won The VII Women’s Argentine Open with El Overo Z7 UAE) has also reached 10 goals in Argentina. Meanwhile, Nico Pieres, Guille Terrera and Jejo Taranco have been reduced from 9 to 8 goals and Nina Clarkin has been moved from 10 to 9 goals and Mila Fernandez Araujo has gone from 8 to 7.
Meanwhile the World Polo Tour has announced their changes to the international ranking which include the results from spring tournments such as The 130th Argentine Triple Crown, the Cámara de Diputados Cup and The VII Women’s Argentine Open. In the men’s rankings, Facundo Pieres remains in the top spot, Barto Castganola has moved up to second place, Jeta Castagnola has moved up to third place, Poroto Cambiaso has moved down to fourth place and Adolfo Cambiaso stays put in fifth place. The women’s rankings have also seen changes after El Overo Z7 UAE’s win in The VII Women’s Argentine Open with Hazel Jackson moving up to the top spot, Nina Clarkin moving down to second place, Hope Arellano moving up three places to third place, Milly Hine moving up to three places to fourth and Mia Cambiaso staying at fifth. Other AAP handicap changes include: 8 to 9 goals: Jero Carril 7 to 8 goals: Carlos Ulloa, Lukin Monteverde, Victorino Ruiz Jorba, Cruz Heguy, Teo Lacua, Jacinto Crotto & Min Podesta 6 to 7 goals: Gonzalo Ferrari, Bautista Garcia, Lucas Criado, Antonio Heguy, Federico Panzillo, Matias Mac Donough, Simon Prado & Santos Merlos www.polotimes.co.uk
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News News
The VIII Thai Polo Cup
La Martina Guards Tournament El Overo Z7 UAE Qualify for 2024 Argentine BPP Rocksavage & Hipwood Merged into Pony Association of Club Triple Crown Horse Breeders’
Photograph by Matías Callejo / Prensa AAP
and Pony Club; all Pony Club members Best Playing Pony: less than 3 goals will Future play a flat rate of £50 Lituania, Best Playing Pony for their HPA membership. Barlow, played Andrew by Carlos of the Final: Chairman of the HPA Development María Ulloa and Alberta Belvedere, played by Gaston Lucero & Coaching Committee, commented, “A vital financial support from Park Place this new Federico Martelli Carlos María Ulloa HPA role is to promote grassroots polo and partnership enables us to focus on our the development of young polo players. In structured development pathway whilst combining the previous Junior HPA with wholeheartedly supporting and promoting Pony Club tournaments, this allows us Pony Club Polo”. For more information on to enhance our long-term objectives of Pony Club polo please contact Charles promoting talent for the benefit of all players Whittington, or for Hipwood and Rocksavage and the sport in the future. With generous specifically contact Jilly Emerson.
The La Martina Guards Tournament Teams El Overo Z7 UAE’s Cruz Heguy scored the winning penalty
Photography by Matias Callejo
Photograph by Alice Gipps
Bellamar Pampa Norte comeback, but by the fifth and sixth chukkas, it was Lavinia who were controlling the action with Carlos Marí a Ulloa and Manuel Giménez Villamil The Hipwood and Rocksavage, which have commanding theJunior team from back and previously been HPA the tournaments, combining with into theirthe forwards, Ramon will now bewell merged Pony Club Cassino Jack Whitman to secure from thisand season onwards, while the Lavinia their first Thaisection Polo Cup title, 10½-4. Buckmaster will be discontinued. The format of Hipwood and Rocksavage will remain unchanged, with three and four chukka matches on private grounds over 4 – 17 July, which will allow players to also compete in other Pony Club tournaments. Hipwood and Rocksavage players will be required to be members of both the HPA
On Sunday 3 December at the Alfredo Lalor Headquarters in Pilar, Copa Cámara de Diputados winners La Irenita went up against the eighth team in the 2023 Argentine Open ranking – El Overo Z7 UAE. El Overo Z7 UAE’s Teo Lacau was replaced by Santi Cernadas while La Irenita went into the match with an undefeated streak of 11 games. Unsurprisingly, both teams fought tooth and nail right down to the final bell, with Cruz Heguy coolly sending home a penalty in the last minute to secure the 13-12 win and means the El Overo Z7 UAE will be automatically pre-classified for the 2024 Triple Crown along with La Dolfina Saudi, La Natividad, La Hache La Roca, La Ensenada Brubank, Santiago Llavallol & Carlos María Ulloa Ellerstina Yellow Rose, Cría La Dolfina and La Hache Cría & Polo.
On Thursday 30 November, Guards Polo Club collaborated with La Martina in Argentina to co-host a competitive tournament for UK Club players, La Martina ambassadors, and Novillo Astrada family members at La Aguada Polo Club and Resort. Three teams competed for the Guards Polo FairClub PlayTrophy, last played for in 2018 and permanently housed at the La Aguada Clubhouse. The Guards Award: Navy team won the round-robin tournament with six chukkas Carlos style Braun involving all three teams. James Neighbour, Guards Polo Club’s COO, Carlos and Adrian Simonetti, La Martina’s President, presented prizes with María Ulloa support from Thomas Hume, La Aguada’s Polo Manager.
La Martina Guards Tournament Teams: Guards Blue: Arno Liu (0), Lia Salvo (2), Adolfo Casabal (3) & Nacho Novillo Astrada (8) The Repechage Match Teams: Polo Club Niederweiden will be competing in the 2022 Polo Rider Cup Guards Green: Iyad Omari (0), Hamid Ali (3), Malcolm Borwick (5) El Overo Z7 UAE (28): Lucas Monteverde (7), Victorino Ruiz Jorba (7), & Alejandro Novillo Astrada (7) Cruz Heguy (7) & Santiago Cernadas (7) La Irenita (26): Antonio Heguy (6), Federico Panzillo (6), Three additional teams have been confirmed for the Polo Rider Cup 2022:Guards Maroon: Enrico Meneghetti (-1), Satinder Garcha (2), Antonino Menard (5) & Miguel Novillo Astrada (8) Martín Podesta (7) & will Jacinto Crottoof(7) Araucaria Polo Club comprise Fabio Meier (1), Luca Meier (1), Fabian Bolanterio (4) & Adrian Laplacette (6); Polo Club Niederweiden will compete in The Polo Rider Cup for the first time, with four Grabosh brothers (Paul, Anton and Emil/Michl) competing alongside Santi Schweitzer; the Preußischer Country Club Berlin Brandenburg line-up01452 will be: Kutlay Call Polo our&friendly subscriptions team: 730 770 Yaprak (0), Max Boschor (3),visit Valentin Novillo Astrada (6) & Moritz Gädeke (3). Team Preußischer Polo & Country Club Berlin Brandenburg www.polotimes.co.uk
Polo Rider Cup 2022
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TRIPLE CROWN RESULTS Hurlingham & Argentine Open Finals SUPA UNIVERSITY CHALLENGE 50 Youth Teams Compete THE EGYPT ARMY POLO HACKETT British TOUR Army in Cairo
PLUS: Equine Injury
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RESULTS TRIPLE CROWN Open Finals Hurlingham & Argentine CHALLENGE SUPA UNIVERSITY 50 Youth Teams Compete POLO TOUR THE EGYPT ARMY in Cairo Army HACKETT British Nutrition Review PLUS: Equine Injury
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Bardon, winners of La Hache Polo Cup
The La Hache Polo Cup was the first trophy hosted by La Hache Polo Club, located in General Rodríguez, and saw six teams up to 20 goals compete from 24 October to 7 November. The Final saw Bardon defeat Bel Polo Team in the Final with a 10-7 win. Barto Castgnola was chosen as Most Valuable Player, Henry Lunn received the Fair Play Award, Open Chichera played by Beltrán Laulhé was the Best Playing Pony and Luca Infiltrada played by Barto Castagnola was the Argentine Polo Pony Breeders Assn Best Playing Pony. After the Final, friends and family enjoyed an after-party with DJ Tommy Muñoz. La Hache Polo Cup Final Teams: Bardon Polo Team (20): Gastón Giovanelli (0), Beltrán Laulhé (5), Lorenzo Chavanne (5) & Barto Castagnola (10) Bel Polo Team (20): Henry Lunn (0), Edward Banner Eve (5), Sebastián Merlos (7) & Joaquin Pittaluga (8)
Arena Rule Updates on Precedence & Right of Way The Arena rules for the 2023/24 season have been modified, specifically focusing on Rule 11: Precedence and Rule 12: Right of Way. It is essential for players, clubs, coaches, and umpires to carefully review the rule adjustments. The relevant rules are summarised below, with changes in italics: “Rule 11: Precedence f. A player with possession is entitled to continue down the LOB to hit the ball on his offside or nearside along the boards. Any defender who is waiting in a defensive position must remain outside the ROW until he is able to make a legitimate challenge. The ROW is taken to be approximately 5 feet. Rule 12: Right of Way f. Positive/Negative Play and the One Tap Rule. The player in possession should, always, play with positive intent and must, with an opponent in a defensive position, continue to move the ball. Between the two 25-yard zones, if they are moving at walking speed, a slow canter or stops they may tap the ball once only and then must leave it, accelerate to run with it or hit it away. Should they tap the ball once and leave it for another team player that player must immediately run with it or hit it away. Within the 25-yard zones and particularly along the boards (either on the nearside or offside) an attacking player may tap the ball more than once, but this must be with a positive intent to attack and shoot at the goal. It will be at the umpire’s discretion whether a player is making a positive or negative play. If the attacker chooses to go to the boards inside the defending teams
Photograph by ©www.imagesofpolo.com
Photograph by Matias Callejo
La Hache Polo Cup
Rules 11 & 12 have been updated
half, a “use it” call should be made and/ or presumed by the players. If the attacker continues to carry the ball along the boards and is defended he may not slow down at any point either by choice or by a legitimate challenge from a defender. If any slowing down occurs then a “keep using it” call should be made and/or presumed. The player must then immediately hit the ball a minimum of 10yards. Only 1 “keep using it” call can be made in any single attack along the boards. Defensive position. A player is deemed to be making a legitimate challenge if he is(a) In a position to make a legitimate ride off (b) In a position to make a legitimate hook from behind (c) Waiting in a legitimate position to make a legitimate challenge If in the opinion of the umpire a player is too negative or does not adhere to any of these rules the whistle shall be blown, and a penalty awarded.”
New Criteria for Migrant Endorsement Visa The Home Office has confirmed updated criteria for all International Sportsperson governing body migrant endorsement requests, which will affect all applications from 1 November 2023. Key changes include a fee increase to £195+VAT for the migrant endorsement, as well as introducing a new fee of £195+VAT for the sponsor licence endorsement. Further changes include an explicit
need to provide evidence that players are meeting the International Sportsperson criteria, the inclusion of the new 22 goal Victrix Ludorum series in the points table, and a requirement for the cap on grooms to be linked to the level at which 200 points is obtained. This means that a team playing all 15 goal and only one 18 goal tournament would receive the 15 goal allocation for grooms.
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Polo Times, December 2023 / January 2024
Photograph by RoR
Zara Tindall MBE Announced as RoR Patron
Zara Tindall MBE and David Catlow, RoR Managing Director
Retraining of Racehorses (RoR) has announced Zara Tindall as its new Patron. Tindall, a renowned equestrian and dedicated advocate for equine welfare, brings her passion and expertise to support RoR’s mission to safeguard the wellbeing of all former racehorses and commented, “I am delighted to be joining Retraining of Racehorses as a Patron. The charity’s commitment to the well-being and retraining of retired racehorses resonates with my lifelong love for these magnificent animals. I look forward to working with RoR to promote their cause and help them to make a positive impact in the racing and equine communities.”
Exclusive 15% Subscriber Discount for True Summit Adventures
Photograph by WCPC
2024 Windsor Charity Polo Cup
The Windsor Charity Polo Cup will return on Saturday 17 February 2024
On Saturday 17 February 2024, The Windsor Charity Polo Cup will take place in Windsor – a private residential sporting club community established in 1989 spanning 472 acres of barrier island between the Indian River and the Atlantic Ocean in Vero Beach, Florida. PNC Bank will be returning as lead sponsor and the event has raised nearly $2,000,000 for non-profit organisations since its inception in 2012. the beneficiaries for the 2024 event are the Homeless Children’s Foundation of Indian River County, Ballet Vero Beach and the Indian River Land Trust. The charities selected all offer programs to support the basic, educational and enrichment needs of underprivileged children, and to protect the area’s land for the health and wellbeing of future generations.
Adventure Guide Oliver Browne, a former professional player at Guards Polo Club, is offering a 15 percent discount for Polo Times readers, plus their friends and family, on his New Year’s Eve 2023 Kilimanjaro Climb. The Climb follows the seven day Machame Route with an experienced team that has a very high success rate. Oliver commented, “It is one of the best things you can do in your lifetime. A bucket list challenge and will set people up for an amazing 2024!” Visit www. truesummitadventures.com/nyekili and enter code NYEKILI10 or contact Oliver direct (oliver@truesummitadventures.com)
Obituary Peter Bibeau 2 May 1931 – 24 October 2023
Polo Times, December 2023 / January 2024
Photography courtesy of Lynn Ritchel
Born on 2 May 1931, in Colchester, Vermont, to Leodore Bibeau and Melvina Yandow Bibeau, Peter, a U.S. Army veteran of the Korean War, graduated from the University of Vermont and Farleigh Dickinson University. As a civil engineer, he managed Bibeau Construction Company in Nanuet, New York, for an impressive 55 years and was a member of the Construction Industry Council of Westchester & Hudson Valley, Inc. Renowned for his passion for polo and horsemanship, Peter owned horse farms in Pine Plains, New York, and Aiken, South Carolina. His polo career spanned nearly 35 years, ranging from the 4 to 12 goal level until he turned 75, eventually retiring from polo at 85 while playing at the 8 goal level. Peter’s global polo journey included tournaments in Argentina, Barbados, and Egypt. Active in East Coast clubs, Peter was a regular contender in prestigious events like the President’s Cup and Eddie Moore Memorial tournaments. Notably, he secured victories in the Regional President’s Cup in 2005 at Saratoga Polo Club and again in 2009 at Tinicum Park Polo Club. His polo pursuits extended to clubs throughout the Northeast, including the now-defunct Village
Farms Polo Club Inc. in Gilbertsville, New York, and various Florida clubs like Vero Beach Polo and The Villages Polo Club. Peter was widely recognized for his commitment to travelling great distances for charity benefit matches with his team. Peter is survived by his two daughters: Julie Mennella (Giovanni) of Wurtsboro, New York, and Lynn Ritchel (Gary) of Evansville, Indiana; two grandchildren, Peter Luke Williams (Joanne) and Lynn Maslatzides (Alexandros); ten great grandchildren and four great great grandchildren.
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Vibrant, Contemporary Poloscapes Luci Maclaren is a London-based Scottish sporting artist who is now heavily focused on painting polo scenes and works almost exclusively with oil paints on treated raw linen. Luci’s passion for the sport is clear, “I’m a big admirer of polo and fascinated by the rich tradition and history that comes with it. It also seems to genuinely be a perfect match for my own style (medium/large works of oil on raw linen with lots of movement, energy and colour). I believe there is a truly unique energy that exists between the player and horse; an elegance and balance that is all at once gentle, precise, and fierce. It captivates and inspires me to recreate this elusive dance-like energy in my art. Suffice to say, painting polo scenes has become a huge passion of mine!” Luci works with clients on commissions, can work from photos and is currently offering Polo Times readers a 10 percent discount when you quote ‘Polo Times’, get in touch via email (lucimaclaren@mac.com) or visit her website (www.lucimaclaren.com) to see more of her work. w Paintings by Luci Maclaren
Polo Times, December 2023 / January 2024
Polo Times, December 2023 / January 2024
Polo Valley Sotogrande:
Immaculate Facilities, Exceptional Service, and a Lifestyle Like No Other
Polo Times, December 2023 / January 2024
estled on the outskirts of esteemed Sotogrande, Polo Valley stands as a world-class polo facility that transcends the conventional definition of a polo club. Characterised by an unwavering commitment to meticulous service and an acute attention to detail, Polo Valley’s mission is crystal clear: to provide an environment where newcomers can embrace the sport and enthusiasts can revel in the unique polo lifestyle, all within an unparalleled setting. Spread across a sprawling 100-acre estate, Polo Valley boasts over 200 stables, three meticulously maintained polo fields, a serene 12-acre lake, private accommodation and a clubhouse. This meticulously designed
setup reflects a commitment to excellence, creating a seamless blend of luxury and sporting fervour. Whether visitors are drawn for a polo match, horse stabling, or planning an event, Polo Valley’s dedicated team is poised to curate an extraordinary experience for each guest. The location is not just a haven for polo enthusiasts; it’s an ideal destination for those seeking winter sunshine and a short distance during the preseason while savouring the unique surroundings of Sotogrande and Andalucía. Beyond its reputation as a sought-after polo destination, Polo Valley actively contributes to the infrastructure of Sotogrande. Through services like memberships, livery, and box rentals, the facility opens its gates to high-goal teams during international polo tournaments, significantly enhancing the overall polo landscape. For those new to the sport, Polo Valley provides a proven pathway to swiftly embrace polo. The programmes are meticulously designed not just to teach the sport but to ignite a profound love for it.
Programme Highlights: • • •
Capacity:Limited to 6 participants. Inclusions: Daily riding, yoga, physio & PT sessions, course, pro & tournament fee, and a welcome pack. Duration: The Players Cup is scheduled from 22 – 29 June.
For seasoned players, a pinnacle in Polo Valley’s calendar is “The Players Cup.” This prestigious polo experience, set to unfold from the 22nd to the 29th of June, spans a comprehensive training week. It features a full day of training with a legendary 10-goal player and a two-day intense tournament culminating with a final tournament, complete with spectators, prize-giving, and a private celebration featuring an Argentine asado by a private lake. Past editions have witnessed polo luminaries such as Adolfo Cambiaso, Sapo Caset, and Guillermo Terrera gracing the fields. This unique and rare experience offers a comprehensive training programme, allowing participants to actively engage in driving the game, acting as catalysts during each chukka. It’s a oneweek-only opportunity to share and train with a legendary 10-goal player. Join Polo Valley for an unparalleled polo experience, where the thrill of the game intertwines with the breathtaking beauty of the surroundings – this is more than a destination; it’s a commitment to a lifestyle where passion for polo meets perfection in every detail. polovalley.com info@polovalley.com Telephone: 952 112 295 Mobile:+34 690 036 016
Polo Times, December 2023 / January 2024
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The 130th HSBC Argentine Open
La Natividad Secure Second Title Result decided in final chukka
Polo Times, December 2023 / January 2024
Photography by Matías Callejo / Prensa AAP
Pablo Mac Donough & Jeta Castagnola defend agasint La Dolfina
The 130th HSBC Argentine Open
he Argentine Open is the crème de la crème of polo tournaments, internationally recognised as the most prestigious title in the sport and each year the best players from around the world compete to lift the trophy. Ten teams up to 40 goals and seven 10 goalers clashed for over four weeks for a sought-after place in the Final. The 130th Argentine Open Final experienced a one-day delay due to rain, yet the suspense and excitement remained undiminished on Sunday 3 December. In a thrilling rematch of the 2022 Final, the formidable polo teams, La Natividad and La Dolfina Saudi, took centre stage. Having emerged victorious in the previous year, La Dolfina Saudi aimed to defend their title, while the question loomed – could La Natividad stage a comeback and seize the coveted championship? Between the two teams, the La Dolfina players arguably held more experience with an impressive 41 titles between them (18 for Adolfo Cambiaso in 27 Finals played, 12 for Juan Martín Nero in 16 Finals played, 10 for Pelon Stirling in 14 Finals played and one for Poroto Cambiaso in two Finals played) while La Natividad’s players went into the Final with 15 cumulative Argentine Open titles (11 for Pablo Mac Donough in 15 Finals, three for Facundo Pieres in 13 Finals and one each for the Castagnola brothers in two Finals). The gripping Final played out as an intense and closely contested battle, with both teams exchanging the lead throughout the match. The first half was marked by dynamic plays, few fouls, and both line-ups doggedly chasing each other. The score remained deadlocked, with multiple ties, and whenever one team took the lead, the margin was a slim one or two goals. The tension in the air was palpable, and the possibility of an extra chukka lingered. In a thrilling sixth chukka, La Natividad surged ahead, outscoring La Dolfina Saudi 3-0 to establish a 10-7 lead. Their cohesive and stellar performance seemed to solidify their claim to victory. However, the next chukka saw a remarkable comeback by La Dolfina Saudi, tying the score at 10-all with only one chukka left. The game was finely balanced. The ultimate excitement unfolded in the last chukka, where Pablo Mac Donough’s two crucial goals propelled La Natividad to a 12-10 lead with just three minutes remaining. Despite a valiant effort by La Dolfina Saudi, it was Facundo Pieres who sealed the deal. In the waning seconds of regulation time, he scored the decisive goal that crowned La Natividad as the remarkable champions of The 130th Argentine Open for the second time, 13-10.
Polo Times, December 2023 / January 2024
The 130th HSBC Argentine Open
The 130th HSBC Argentine Open Final Teams
Gastón Lucero & Guillermo Villanueva (Third man: José Ignacio Araya)
La Natividad (39) Facundo Pieres (9) Jeta Castagnola (10) Pablo Mac Donough (10) Barto Castagnola (10)
La Dolfina Saudi Adolfo Cambiaso Pelon Stirling Poroto Cambiaso Juan Martín Nero
(40) (10) (10) (10) (10)
Chukka scores: 1-2, 3-2, 4-5, 7-6, 8-7, 10-7, 10-10 & 13-10 to La Natividad
Cambiaso carries the ball along the stands
Polo Times, December 2023 / January 2024
The 130th HSBC Argentine Open
• • • • • • •
Most Valuable Player: Pablo Mac Donough Tournament Top Scorer: Jeta Castagnola (38 goals) 2023 Triple Crown Top Scorer: Jeta Castagnola (94 goals) Rubén Sola Rookie Award: Lukin Monteverde Best Mounted Player of The Tournament: Barto Castagnola Juan Carlos Harriott Fair Play Award: Poroto Cambiaso Lady Susan Townley Cup Best Playing Pony: Cuartetera B06 Clon, played by Adolfo Cambiaso • Best Polo Argentino Bred, presented by the Argentine Polo Pony Breeders Assn. and Sociedad Rural Argentina Award: Dolfina Roxy, played by Adolfo Cambiaso
3 1 3 OC
Where: Field 1, Palermo, Argentina
La Natividad, winners of The 130th Argentine Open
Polo Times, December 2023 / January 2024
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The 12th Annual Bentley Scottsdale Polo Championships
Record Year
Unprecedented eighth title for Aspen Valley
Overhead shot of the setup for the Bentley Scottsdale Polo Championship, with a glimpse of the opening game in action
Polo Times, December 2023 / January 2024
The 12th Annual w Polo Championships
The 12th Annual Bentley Scottsdale Polo Championships Teams
Aspen Valley Polo Team: Marc Ganzi, Grant Ganzi & Nic Roldan Wales Polo Team: Ricky Cooper, Jason Crowder & Pete Webb Pride USA Polo Team: Sterling Jones, Juan Bollini Sr. & Ryan Cronin-Prather Texas Garland Polo Team: Oscar Chacon Hidalgo, Johan Felhaber/Alec Felhaber & Vaughn Miller Jr. USA Women’s Team: Carolyn Likas, Natalie Grancharov, Danielle Travis & Courtney Parker Arizona Polo Club: Martin Morey, Greg Holditch, Diego Flores & Andres Camacho New Orleans Polo Club: Jay Wimberly, Sebastian Koga & Max Secunda North Scottsdale Polo Team: Josh Black, Martin Rincon & Abigail Miller
Nic Roldan, Marc Ganzi & Ricky Cooper
he 12th edition of the Bentley Scottsdale Polo Championships, presented by Talking Stick Resort and hosted on The Polo Field at WestWorld, marked a significant milestone with a record-breaking attendance of 12,873 enthusiastic spectators. The event, held under predominantly sunny skies, stood out as the most attended polo gathering in the United States. Against this vibrant backdrop, teams hailing from various locations, including Arizona, the United Kingdom, Aspen Valley, Palm Beach, New Orleans, and El Paso, came together, adding an international flair to the occasion. Four thrilling polo matches captivated the audience all day long, providing non-stop entertainment. Additionally, the day was enriched by the delightful Canine Couture Fashion Show presented by Lugari Pet Salon and The World’s Longest Catwalk Fashion Show, meticulously curated by Phoenix Fashion Week. These engaging events added an extra layer of excitement and style to the overall festivities, ensuring a day filled with both dynamic sportsmanship and fashionable flair for everyone in attendance. Aspen Valley Polo Team (Marc Ganzi, Grant Ganzi & Nic Roldan) won an unprecedented eighth title in the feature match, defeating the Wales Polo Team (Ricky Cooper, Jason Crowder & Pete Webb), 8-5, to capture The Molina Cup. The opening match saw USA Polo Team defeat Texas Garland Polo Team 8-4, the Battle of the Sexes match was won by the USA Women’s Team and the final match of the day was won by debut team, New Orleans Polo Club who defeated North Scottsdale Polo Team, 11-1.
Where: Talking Stick Resort on The Polo Field at WestWorld, Phoenix
Photography by Carrie Evans & James Larcher
Polo players stroll past cheering fans during the parade
The Riot House popular with fans before and after the matches
Polo Times, December 2023 / January 2024
The XIX Julio Novillo Astrada Cup
21 0
Where: La Aguada Polo Club in Open Door, Argentina
Jeta Castagnola on the ball with Lukin Monteverde in pursuit
Polo Times, December 2023 / January 2024
Winning The XIX Julio Novillo Astrada Cup
in the Rain
Bardon triumph with 13-7 victory
Photography by Adrián Melo
n a brisk and rainy Tuesday afternoon on 21 November, Bardon achieved a triumphant victory with a final score of 13-7 against El Milagro, seizing The XIX Julio Novillo Astrada Cup at La Aguada Polo Club in Open Door, Argentina. The opening chukka saw El Milagro’s Lukin Monteverde secure the first goal, setting an early tone for the match. However, Bardon swiftly countered with Jeta Castagnola and Rufino Lauhlé, establishing a 2-1 lead for Bardon by the conclusion of the first chukka. From that moment, Bardon asserted their dominance, maintaining the lead throughout the remaining chukkas. By half-time, Bardon had built a 7-3 advantage over El Milagro, showcasing their strategy and control of the game. Despite El Milagro’s valiant efforts in the second half, Andras Tombor’s team continued to assert authority on the field, skilfully thwarting any attempts by their opponents to reverse the momentum. As the sixth chukka unfolded, Bardon enjoyed a commanding lead of 12-5. In the closing moments of the match, Bardon scored one final goal, securing
Bardon Polo Team, winners of The XIX Julio Novillo Astrada Cup
a 13-7 win and clinching the XIX edition of The Julio Novillo Astrada Cup. This remarkable triumph marks Bardon’s second title, adding to their earlier success in The La Hache Polo Cup and solidifying their standing as a force to be reckoned with in the world of polo.
The XIX Julio Novillo Astrada Cup Final Teams
BPP Skeeter Johnston Fair Play Award: Gonzalo Lozano
El Milagro Polo Gonzalo Lozano Santiago Solari Lukin Monteverde Ignacio Novillo Astrada
(22) (1) (6) (7) (8)
Bardon Polo Team Andreas Tombor Rufino Laulhé Alfredo Bigatti Camilo ‘Jeta’ Castagnola
(22) (0) (3) (9) (10)
Best Mounted Player: Alfredo Bigatti
River Slaney BPP: Luca Cartagena, played by Alfredo Bigatti
Chukka scores: 2-1, 4-2, 7-3, 9-5, 12-5, 13-7 to Bardon
Best Polo Argentino Bred, presented by the Argentine Polo Pony Breeders Assn.: Siempre Mala Fama (Open Iphone x Luca Mara), played by Alfredo Bigatti
Polo Times, December 2023 / January 2024
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The Pilar Cup
Photograph courtesy of AAP
La Irenita
Defend Title T
he Pilar Cup is one of the most competitive tournaments of the Argentine Spring Season and saw 18 teams up to 26 goals competing across four leagues for a place in the Final. On Monday 30 October, defending champions La Irenita faced Yellow Rose in The Pilar Cup Final with three of their 2022 winning players (Antonio Heguy, Federico Panzillo and Jacinto Crotto) returning to play together with just Martín Podesta as a newcomer. La Irenita led from the outset and by half-time had established a convincing 9-4 lead, and after the break they only continued to increase their advantage and by the end of the sixth chukka they had broken away by five goals to take the win, 14-9.
Convincing 14-9 win
8 30
The Pilar Cup Teams La Irenita Antonio Heguy Federico Panzillo Martín Podesta Jacinto Crotto
(26) (6) (6) (7) (7)
Where: Argentine Association of Polo Headquarters, Pilar Yellow Rose Christopher Mackenzie Gonzalo Deltour Juan Zubiaurre Felipe Dabas
(25) (6) (6) (6) (7)
Chukka scores: 3-1, 6-3, 9-4, 10-6, 13-8 and 14-9 to La Irenita
Irenita Palometa, played by Federico Panzillo
BPP Argentine Polo Pony Breeders Assn.: Chapaleufú Picardía, played by Antonio Heguy
Polo Times, December 2023 / January 2024
The Thai Polo Cup
Ojo Caliente’s Debut Triumph
10 year anniversary for Thai Polo Cup
Photography by Matías Callejo
he 10th anniversary edition of The Thai Polo Cup unfolded at the Thai Polo Club Argentina in General Rodríguez, hosting a spirited tournament with 16 teams up to 14 goals. Among the contenders, Ojo Caliente and Power Infrastructure emerged as finalists. Notably, Ojo Caliente, making their tournament debut, contributed to the excitement with a riveting match that concluded in a narrow 8-7 victory. Beyond the intense polo action, spectators enjoyed the lively atmosphere of the Thai Polo Village, featuring an array of food stalls and shopping opportunities. The halftime break featured an engaging exhibition match by El Polo de Fuchi, showcasing six young participants alongside Tomás García del Río and Pablo Mac Donough. Post-match, the celebrations unfolded with presentations, bringing players, friends, and family together to reflect on another successful tournament. The festivities reached a vibrant peak during the closing party, where Amar Azul and DJ Ramiro Pedemonte led the revelry. The combination of thrilling matches, entertainment, and camaraderie made this anniversary edition of The Thai Polo Cup a truly memorable event.
The result came down to just one goal difference
Polo Times, December 2023 / January 2024
The Thai Polo Cup
Ojo Caliente, winners of The 10th anniversary Thai Polo Cup
2 4 3 1 NO
Ayala Mentolada, played by Alejandro Muzzio
BPP Where: Thai Polo Club Argentina in General Rodríguez, Argentina
AACCP BPP: Gete Manzanilla, played by Lorenzo Chavanne
The Thai Polo Cup Teams
MVP Félix Esaín
Ojo Caliente Ana Escobedo Joaquín Sánchez Lorenzo Chavanne Félix Esaín
(14) (0) (3) (5) (6)
Power Infrastructure (14) Miguel Mendoza (0) Marcos Solari (2) Bautista Bello (4) Alejandro Muzzio (8)
Fair Play Award: Ana Escobedo
Chukka scores: 3-0, 5-2, 7-3, 7-6, 8-7 to Ojo Caliente
Polo Times, December 2023 / January 2024
The Copa Cámara de Diputados
he Copa Cámara de Diputados is made up of the nine best teams from The Pilar Cup and the seven teams that did not qualify for The 130th Argentine Open and this year saw 16 teams with a handicap between 24 and 29 goals competing across four leagues. The trophy was donated by the Cámara de Diputados (Chamber of Deputies) in 1922 as a prize to the Argentine team who won The British Open and US Open on their international tour. The Final was an historic match for the Mac Donough match with La Irenita facing stablemates La Irenita II; La Irenita were hot off their recent Pilar Cup win (please turn to page 29 to read more about this) and went into the match with eleven consecutive wins behind them.
La Irenita II took the lead early on and led 6-3 going into the fourth chukka, however La Irenita began to turn the tables and not only levelled the scores but began to break away with five consecutive goals scored with Min Podesta proving formidable in his penalty taking with 100 percent accuracy. The seventh chukka was pivotal for La Irenita who outscored their opponents and took the win, 13-11. This result meant that La Irenita qualified for a decisive match on Sunday 3 December at the Alfredo Lalor Headquarters in Pilar against the eighth team in the 2023 Argentine Open ranking – El Overo Z7 UAE – for a place in the 2024 Triple Crown; turn to our News pages to see the result of this match and which team has been automatically pre-classified for the 2024 Triple Crown.
7 30 NO
Where: Alfredo Lalor Headquarters in Pilar, Argentina
La Irenita, winners of The Copa Cámara de Diputados
Polo Times, December 2023 / January 2024
The Copa Cámara de Diputados
Photography by Matías Callejo / Prensa AAP
The Final was a battle between the two La Irenita teams
Clash of
La Irenitas Seventh chukka comeback for success
The Copa Cámara de Diputados Teams
Irenita Tradicional, played by Matías Mac Donough
BPP Dressage Simoca, played by Martín Podesta
La Irenita II Valerio Zubiaurre Juan Jauretche Matías Mac Donough Alfredo Cappella Barabucci
(28) (7) (7) (6) (8)
La Irenita Antonio Heguy Federico Panzillo Martín Podesta Jacinto Crotto
(26) (6) (6) (7) (7)
Chukka scores: 2-3, 3-4, 3-6, 8-8, 9-9, 10-9 & 13-11 to La Irenita
Polo Times, December 2023 / January 2024
The 83rd Tortugas Open
Packed grandstands at The Tortugas Country Club
the penultimate chukka concluded, La Natividad found themselves in a commanding position, boasting a comfortable five-goal lead at 14-9. This substantial advantage placed them on the brink of clinching the coveted title. With one more chukka remaining, La Natividad extended their lead with an additional goal to solidify their triumph courtesy of Pablo MacDonough, who expertly manoeuvred the ball to score, sealing the victory for the Cañuelas-based team, 15-10. This triumph marked their second consecutive title in The Tortugas Open and MacDonough’s 12th in his career, making him the player with the most Tortugas tiles to his name surpassing Alberto Pedro Heguy and his team mate Facundo Pieres who each hold 11 titles.
Photography by Matías Callejo / Prensa AAP
n Saturday 28 October, La Natividad faced La Hache La Roca for the 83rd Tortugas Open title. The Tortugas Open was the second tournament of this year’s Argentine Triple Crown, and in the preceding Hurlingham Open tournament, La Hache La Roca managed to defeat La Natividad in the Semi Finals – would there be a repeat performance in this Final? The first two chukkas were relatively balanced, with La Natividad only just ahead by one goal thanks to a penalty from tournament and Final top scorer Jeta Castagnola and the scores were tied at the end of the third chukka at 6-6. La Natividad continued to hold just a one goal lead until the sixth chukka when they began to push ahead with a two goal lead, 11-9 courtesy of goals from Jeta Castagnola and Facundo Pieres. Taking control in a remarkable seventh chukka, La Natividad exhibited their prowess by outscoring La Hache La Roca with a resounding 3-0. As
La Natividad, winners of The 83rd Tortugas Open
Polo Times, December 2023 / January 2024
The 83rd Tortugas Open Pablo Mac Donough with Hilario Ulloa in hot pursuit
28 0
Where: Tortugas Country Club, Argentina
The 83rd Tortugas Open Final Teams:
La Hache La Roca Pablo Pieres Hilario Ulloa Sapo Caset Francisco Elizalde
(36) (9) (9) (9) (9)
La Natividad Facundo Pieres Camilo ‘Jeta’ Castagnola Pablo Mac Donough Barto Castagnola
(39) (9) (10) (10) (10)
Chukka scores: 2-2, 4-3, 6-6, 8-7, 9-8, 11-9, 14-9, 15-10 to La Natividad
Jeta Castagnola
Wickford Santa Ana, played by Jeta Castagnola
28 goals
Best Polo Argentino Bred, presented by the Argentine Polo Pony Breeders Assn.: Lovelocks Drogba, played by Barto Castagnola
Tournament Top Scorer: Jeta Castagnola
La Natividad Defend Tortugas Title 15-10 win against La Hache La Roca www.polotimes.co.uk
Polo Times, December 2023 / January 2024
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Your Club News from Home and Abroad
Club Focus
Photography by HPC
Houston Polo Club
Old Pueblo (Cody Ellis, Jeff Hall, Duilio Diaz & Leigh Anne Hall), winners of The Macallan Classic
BTA, winners of The USPA Centennial Cup
On Sunday 22 October, Old Pueblo and Eureka battled it out for The Macallan Classic at Houston Polo Club. Eureka’s Tommy Alberdi was the first to score, as he battled through the Old Pueblo defenders, but by the start of the third chukka Old Pueblo had fought back and the score was tied, 2-2. Old Pueblo’s Jeff Hall, later named Most Valuable Player, found his rhythm scoring three unanswered goals followed by another from teammate Duilio Diaz and Old Pueblo claimed their first lead of the game with a 6-3 score as the teams took their halftime break. Eureka came back with an altered strategy and Alvaro Ara played his best playing pony, Lion to score back-to-back goals, but they were caught off-guard in the fifth and sixth chukkas as Old Pueblo scored five unanswered goals to take the win, 12-7. The last 12 goal Final of the season at Houston Polo Club was played on Sunday 5 November between BTA and Old Pueblo for
The USPA Centennial Cup. The teams had not faced each other all season, but BTA established an early lead and ended the first half, 7-3. BTA’s Mason Wroe was first to score in the second half with a shot from over 100 yards away, however Old Pueblo started to find their rhythm and scored two unanswered goals to start gaining on BTA’s 8-5 lead. Old Pueblo continued capitalising on BTA’s fouls and added three more goals to their tally, to trail by just one goal. Despite a tying goal from Cody Ellis, later named Most Valuable Player, BTA pushed on and they secured a narrow 11-10 win. The USPA Centennial Cup Final Teams: Old Pueblo: Cody Ellis, Jeff Hall, Leigh Anne Hall & Duilio Diaz BTA: Mason Wroe, Steve Krueger, Joao Aranha & KC Krueger
Royal County of Berkshire Polo Club
Mystery Creek Polo Club
Congratulations to Four Quarters (Emanuel Arber, Joe Arber & Tom Morley) and Hedonism (Hannah Johnson, Evgeny Chichvarkin & Roy Prisk) who won the 12 goal and 4 goal levels respectively of The HPA National Club Championships which concluded on Sunday 26 November. Tchogan-Polo Performance won The Paul Castle Challenge 15 Goal at The Royal County of Berkshire Polo Club on Sunday 3 December. Hedonism, winners of the 4 goal The HPA National Club Championships
Photography by RCBPC
Mystery Creek’s Festival of Polo will take place over 2 – 4 February
Four Quarters, winners of the 12 goal The HPA National Club Championships
Tchogan-Polo Performance, winners of The Paul Castle Challenge 15 Goal
The New Zealand Club will be hosting their Festival of Polo over 2 – 4 February. International Day Friday (February 2nd) features the New Zealand vs. Australia TransTasman Clash, with both men’s and women’s teams battling it out. Finals Day Sunday (February 4th) brings together the eight top teams, where they will compete for 0, 3, 6 and 16 goal Finals, and ultimately, the Mystery Creek Festival of Polo 2024 Champion Team for each grade. For the full programme and tickets, click at www.festivalofpolo.co.nz Polo Times, December 2023 / January 2024
Club Focus
Your Club News from Home and Abroad
Photography by Candace Ferreira
Grand Champions Polo Club
La Fe, winners of The Banyan Cup
Audi, winners of The USPA National 20-Goal Tournament
Maltese Falcons, winners of The USPA North American Cup
On Sunday 29 October, La Fe won its first tournament of the season at Santa Rita Polo Farm after defeating Victory I by one goal in The Banyan Cup round robin which also included Victory II. Louis Devaleix, who took his first polo lesson in 2020, was named Most Valuable Player for the first time at the Club and Karma, a 10-year-old mare played by Grant Ganzi and owned by Santa Rita Polo Farm, was Best Playing Pony. Audi and Maltese Falcons went head-to-head in The USPA National 20-Goal Tournament Final, just days after the two sides had battled it out in USPA North American Cup Final. Having dominated the qualifying stages with five titles over the years, including successive wins in 2012 and 2013 with an identical line-up, it was another win for Audi this year with a 12-11 overtime victory. Cognac, played by Sugar Erskine and owned by Santa Rita Polo Farm, was the American Polo Horse Association Best Playing Pony, Kris Kampsen who scored the game-winning goal received the Most Valuable Player prize. In a rain-soaked Final, Maltese Falcons captured the North American Cup on Wednesday, November 15 at Santa Rita Polo Farm hosted by Grand Champions Polo Club in Wellington, Florida. The foursome came from behind to rally for a 4-3 victory over Audi. In last year’s Final, the same winning line-up played for Santa Rita and knocked off two-time defending champion Casablanca. Alejandro
Novillo Astrada commented on their success, “We know each other very well and are friends. We all know what we have to do on the field and how to use our strengths. That helps a lot.”
Druids Lodge Polo Club
Tedworth Park Polo Club
The USPA National 20-Goal Tournament Final Teams: Audi (17): Sugar Erskine (6), Brandon Phillips (4), Marc Ganzi (1) & Kris Kampsen (6) Maltese Falcons (20): Melissa Ganzi (0), Jason Crowder (5), Nic Roldan (8) & Alejandro Novillo Astrada (7) The USPA North American Cup Final Teams: Maltese Falcons (18): Melissa Ganzi (0), Nic Roldan (8), Alejandro Novillo Astrada (7) & Juan Bollini (3) Audi (18): Marc Ganzi (1), Brandon Phillips (4), Pancho Bensadon (7) & Kris Kampsen (6)
Save the date! Tedworth Park Polo Club has announced the 2024 Rundle Cup will be held on Saturday 13 July with tickets going on sale via the Club’s website on 13 January. The popular picnic spots sell out fast, so don’t miss out. For trade stand or hospitality enquiries please email Lolly (lolly@tedworthparkpolo.com)
Druids Lodge, winners of The Poppy Sunday Trophy
Polo Times, December 2023 / January 2024
The Rundle Cup will return on 13 July 2024
Photograph courtesy of TPPC
Photograph by Michael Berkeley Photography
On Sunday 12 November, Stevie McCraith saved a last-minute shot at goal by Maurice Ormerod to defend a 15-13 win by Druids Lodge against East Hill Farm in The Poppy Sunday Trophy.
The Banyan Cup Teams: La Fe (15): Sebastian Mandelbaum (-1)/Leo Mandelbaum (2), Nic Roldan (8), Grant Ganzi (3) & Louis Devaleix (2) Victory I (14): Kevin Schmeits (0), Santos Bollini (2), Martin Jauregui (6) & Sugar Erskine (6) Victory II (15): Becky Schmeits (0), Jason Crowder (5), Pedro Gutierrez (5) & Pablo Dorignac (5)
Your Club News from Home and Abroad
Club Focus
Photograph by Zulqarnian Tiwana
Photography by Zulqarnian Tiwana and Khalil Ali
Al Habtoor Polo Club
El Basha, winners of The 2023 Patrons Cup
Habtoor Polo, winners of The UAE National Day Cup 2023
The AHPC League kicked off with a weeklong tournament. In the Subsidiary Final, an exciting match took place between Bangash-Bhansali and Bin Drai Blue, while the Final featured a heated showdown between Al Faisal-Power Horse and Emaar Bin Drai, which thanks to Most Valuable Player Tomas Iriarte saw Al Faisal-Power Horse secure a narrow 7½-7 win. The 2023 Patrons Cup was a round robin club chukka between three teams – White, Red and Blue Teams – with players made up from various Club teams such as Habtoor Polo, Al Faisal Polo, AM Polo, Hesketh Polo, and Dubai Wolves. In the end it was El Basha who clinched the trophy. On Saturday 9 December, Bin Drai Polo secured The Sir Winston Churchill 2023 Cup following their 4-2½ win against AnkoraLamar Polo in the Final. Martin Rozendal was chosen as Most Valuable Player and Reliquia, owned by Ankora-Lamar and played by Federico von Potobsky, was named Best Playing Pony. The UAE National Day Cup 2023 tournament saw five teams compete in the
week-long tournament which culminated on Saturday 2 December. The Final between Habtoor Polo and Bangash provided an intense and competitive match, with both teams exchanging scores throughout. The match began with Federico Von Potobsky of
Bangash scoring first, setting the tone for a dynamic showdown. Despite this, Santos Iriate of Habtoor Polo showed resilience, responding with impressive plays to level the score. In the final moments of the UAE National Day Cup 2023 Finals, Habtoor Polo secured victory.
Photograph by Rachelle and Khalil Ali
Al Faisal-Power Horse, winners of The AHPC November League
Bin Drai Polo, winners of The Sir Winston Churchill 2023 Cup
Dubai Polo & Equestrian Club
Photograph by DPEC
Dubai Polo & Equestrian Club (DPEC) in partnership with AlUla launched The International Polo Cup Championship on Saturday 2 December with local and international teams competing. Teams from the Islamabad Polo Club from Pakistan competed with skilled juniors from the Dubai Polo and Equestrian Club’s Junior Polo Academy, in a series of matches which saw the Islamabad team emerge victorious.
The International Polo Cup Championship teams
Polo Times, December 2023 / January 2024
Club Focus
Your Club News from Home and Abroad
Alfredo Lalor Headquarters Rhett Wooldridge
Sandy & Mike Warren, Ross Byrne
Bridie Courtney Morgan
Paul Sweeney Memorial Final; Ash Farm Polo Club; Sunday 20 February
The Paul Sweeney Memorial was founded by Lesley, TheGeorgia Pando and Donovan Cup Finals were played on La Cañada La Mancha, winners of The ProvinciaCharlotte de and Sweeney in memory of Paul Tuesday 5 December death in 2009 at just Buenos Aires Cup Sweeney after his unexpected
48-years-old in order to keep his spirit and legacy North American Open. On Thursday 30alive. On Wednesday 29 November, La Cañada La Each year, the tournament attracts a number of players November, La Cañada narrowly beat Nuestra Mancha retained The Provincia de Buenos and spectators, Tierragathering 11 goals at to Ash 10. Farm Polo Club to cheer AiresWoodward Cup following their 12-11 extra chukka Pete & George on the finalists. This year saw a record number of teams On Tuesday 5 December, El Milagro win against Altamira, despite giving up a goal and after a two-year postponement due to Covid-19, defeated Los Machitos 14-7 despite giving to the opponents based on handicap. Tomás wereaway packed. Twelve Oaks managed two goals on handicap to secure Theto García del Río scored the golden goal 59the grandstands stave off a last-minute attempt by Rosina to claim the title Donovan Cup, while Santa Águeda beat San seconds in the extra chukka. Meanwhile, the and took a 14-12 victory. Diego 10-8 to lift The Pando Cup. Subsidiary Final was won by La Mancha who beat Miramar 14-10. Photography by Antonia Bullrich The Miles Cup commemorates Juan B. Miles, a member of the Argentine team who, achieved a remarkable feat during his first international trip in 1922 by winning both the Opens of England and the United States. In 1924, he was also part of the team that secured the first Olympic gold medals for polo at the Paris Games. Additionally, in 1928, by joining the Meadow Brook champion team, he further solidified his reputation in the prestigious La Cañada, winners of The Miles Cup Frankie & Alex Antony
Olivia Whittle & Lisa Knight
Photography courtesy of AAP
Record Breaking Final’s Day
The Provincia deSimpson Buenos Charlie & Aires Cup Final Teams: Jade Louise Wheeler La Cañada La Mancha (24): Facundo Llosa (7), Bautista Arrastúa (6), Tomás García del Río (7) & Tim Dutta (4) Altamira (23): Rufino Laulhé (3), Beltrán Laulhé (5), Antonio Heguy (6) & Nico Pieres (9) The Miles Cup Final Teams: La Cañada (25): Juan M. Obregón (6), Mariano Obregón (6), Jesse Bray (6) & Facundo Obregón (7) Nuestra Tierra (22): Segundo Amadori (5), Ricardo Garrós (5), Félix Esaín (6) & Jacinto Amadori (6) The Donovan Cup Final Teams: El Milagro (4): Antonio de Narváez (0), Georgia Sweeney & Gemma Nicolás Tomasevich (0),Byrne Félix Toccalino (1) & Jaime Roberts (3) Los Machitos (2): Manuel Gallegos (0), Hilario Gallegos (1), Matías Nigoul (0) & Álvaro Ortiz (1) The Pando Cup Final Teams: Santa Águeda (6): Santiago J. Gaztambide (0), Álvaro Piñeiro (0), Ginés Bargalló (3) & Ginés Bargalló (3) San Diego (6): Francisco Gómez Yacopi (0), Francisco Ayala (1), Cayetano Guzmán (2) & Juan P. Guzmán (3) Issy Litvak & Libby Connaughton
PGH la Palmeraie Polo Club d’Assilah won The Morocco Throne Cup after beating the defending champions, Royal Guard team, 6-5 in the Final at Club Polo de la Garde Royale in Souissi-Rabat. Third place went to the Jnan Amar Polo Club from Marrakech, after its victory the day before against the team from the Royal Cavalry School of Témara Moulay Abdellah Alaoui, President of the Royal Moroccan Federation of Equestrian Harry Applegate, Anton Nymans, Charlie Graham, with a score of 11 goals to 4½. Sports presented the trophy Mary Kelly Sophie Morrison Jemima Wilson & Graham Wooldridge Issy Litvak & Issy Langrish
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Photograph by Rabii Benadada
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Club Focus
Rugby Polo Club Spotlight
The Club’s arena and warm up arena allow polo to be played all year
Rugby Polo Club Thriving hub for those with a passion for polo What year was the Club founded & by who? Established in 1893, Rugby Polo Club stands as one of the nation’s oldest polo clubs. In 2000, the Baker brothers, Philip and David, revitalised the Club and Rugby Polo Club has evolved into a thriving and bustling hub for polo enthusiasts. The Club hosts numerous events throughout the year, encompassing both social and sporting occasions. With a primary focus on polo development and grassroots initiatives, Rugby Polo Club is an excellent starting point for learning the sport
and hosts Schools and Universities Polo Association (SUPA) tournaments throughout the year. The Club’s learning environment is supported by its qualified HPA coaches who are always ready to provide lessons and coaching. Rugby Polo Club, based at Onley Grounds Farm, boasts its own boarded ground and stick and ball area as well as possibly the finest arena polo setup in the country. Rugby’s two original tournament grounds, the oldest grounds in the country, are situated just outside Rugby.
The Clubhouse, aka Onley Beach Bar & Grill
Polo Times, December 2023 / January 2024
Rugby Polo Club Spotlight Club Stats Facilities
The Chukka Bar and Restaurant, The Forge Restaurant, The Hideaway Café, The Onley Beach Bar & Grill
Pony Hire (+ number of ponies available)
12 – 18 hire ponies available
Wooden Horse
Yes, called Splinter!
Four HPA coaches
DIY, Part Livery, Full Livery, Schooling Livery
Exercise Track
Indoor School
Indoor Arena (76m x 40m), Warm-up Indoor Arena (54m X 22m)
Stables to Hire
150 Stables
Turn out Fields
50 + paddocks & mixed turnout fields
Outdoor Polo Arena. 12,000m2 arena
Size of Arena (in metres)
(100m x 45m)
Grooms’ Accommodation
On Application
Number of Members
Number of Grounds
Three Grounds + Stick & Ball Grounds
Club Address & Contact: Rugby Polo Club, Onley Grounds Farm, Willoughby, Rugby, CV23 8AJ Polo Manager Name & Contact: Alex Choma (alex@rugbypoloclub.com or 07810763969) Polo School and Pony Hire Contact: Alex Choma (alex@rugbypoloclub.com or 07810763969) Membership Charges: Full Arena Membership £375 & Full Grass Membership £600 Livery Charges: Stable Livery (per week): DIY Livery £55, Part Livery £115, Full Livery £165, Full Professional Schooling Livery £195. Grass Livery (per week): DIY Livery £35, Part Livery £65, Full Livery £135, Full Professional Schooling Livery £165
Club Focus
2023/24 Fixtures The New Year Cup: 6 – 7 January La Casa Loco Arena Challenge: 20 – 21 January SUPA University Nationals: 8 – 11 February The Sworders Trophy: 17 – 18 February SUPA Senior Schools: 3 March Oxford University vs London Student Polo: 6 March Towcester Equine Vets Cup: 16 – 17 March The Lagrima Trophy: 30 – 31 March Treacles Arena Cup: 13 – 14 April 2023 season highlights? This year we have welcomed a new Club Sponsor, Glow Company. What are the Club’s recent improvements? The Outdoor arena has been renovated with new drains and a brand-new Andrews Bowen Prowax Surface. The new indoor arena is currently under construction and will be the largest indoor equestrian arena in the country. What are the Club’s plans for the future? We currently have planning permission for on-site accommodation for players. What makes Rugby Polo Club stand out? Our thriving young horse programme. Rugby Polo Club’s young horse programme is one of the most extensive and inclusive in the polo world. Many places train horses but at Rugby we train riders as well, offering people the chance to learn with us during the process as we take you step by step from unbacked or off the track to playing. People on the programme can do it themselves with our supervision or a mixture of both if time constraints exist for you. Alternatively, we can complete the whole process. Participants have often never owned their own horse before. This unique approach has made polo more accessible for amateurs and people seeking to make a career. We run chukkas six days per week, which is great for young horses.
Polo Times, December 2023 / January 2024
Photography courtesy of Rugby Polo Club
The Springhill Bronze Trophy
Does the Club specialise in a certain area of polo? The Club’s main focus is on development in polo and grass roots polo, making it a fantastic place to start learning to play. Rugby’s four qualified HPA coaches are always available for lessons and coaching. Rugby is now a flourishing and busy polo club with more events on every year, both social and sporting. The Club runs around 25 tournament weekends yearly both summer and winter as well as travelling with teams visiting other clubs around the country. 43
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All Aspects of Youth Polo
Photograph courtesy of Longdole Polo Club
The Lovelocks Stud Junior Tournament
Lovelocks Stud prizes
13 teams took part in The Lovelocks Stud Junior Tournament
The Lovelocks Stud Junior Tournament was held on Monday 23 October and consisted of four divisions (Loriner, Surtees, JOPPS and Jorrocks) with 13 teams competing in the autumnal sunshine. Hipwood Polo (Charlie Hipwood, Hector Rogberg & Jemima Hammond) won Division 1; Beaufort Blue (Tensie Littlewood, Sholto Casey & Ocean Williams) topped Division 2; Beaufort Buff (Harry Wood, Honor Pitman & Oscar Ljungman) took Division 3 (JOPPS) and Beaufort (Annalisa Tomlinson, Bertie Wood & Devon Turner Clark) won Division 4. The organisers expressed their thanks to “Lovelocks Stud for supplying some amazing prizes, GWAS for medical care, British Polo Gin for wonderful food and drinks, Gary Aitchison for umpiring and Lorna and Mikey Howe for allowing us to use the arena. Without the support of
these local businesses we wouldn’t be able to run these wonderful junior events”. The Lovelocks Stud Junior Tournament Results: Division 1 (Loriner) 1st – Hipwood Polo 2nd – Cheltenham College 3rd – Cotswold Division 2 (Surtees) 1st – Beaufort Blue 2nd – Cheltenham College 3rd – Cotswold Division 3 (Jopps) 1st – Beaufort Buff 2nd – Beaufort Blue 3rd – Hampshire Hunt 4th – Old Surrey Burstow Division 4 (Jorrocks) 1st – Beaufort 2nd – Hampshire Hunt 3rd – Cotswold
Division 4 winners, Beaufort
Smiles all around!
SUPA Friendly Tournament
Photograph by Polo Images Photography
On Sunday 19 November, 34 teams competed throughout the day at Oxford Polo Academy for The SUPA Friendly Tournament. The SUPA volunteers were prepared in their High Viz vests under the floodlights
SUPA smiles at Oxford Polo Club
for the day’s events. While the atmosphere was competitive, there was an attempt to infuse some enjoyment into the proceedings and some players without a school team were matched with teams of similar skill in their division, creating a level playing field. Emerging talents were spotted, poised to advance to a higher division in the 2024 SUPA tournaments. Beginning at 9am with the junior teams and concluding around 6pm with the last senior chukka, the day progressed as planned. Appreciation was extended to everyone who contributed to the day’s events, including the Oxford Polo Academy crew, horse hirers, and the volunteers. The Play Polo app played a role in keeping everyone informed about timing changes, revealing that they were actually running ahead
Is your youth polo not featured? Email editorial@polotimes.co.uk with all your youth polo news!
of schedule. The tournament proceeded smoothly, with smiles and polo ponies in abundance. It was not just any tournament but a friendly one for Junior Beginners and Novices, along with Senior Beginners and Novices. It served as a debutante experience for many players entering the competitive polo scene for the first time. The SUPA Friendly Tournament Results: Senior Beginners: Heathfield Emeralds Senior Novice Red: Stowe Yellow Senior Novice Purple: Winchester College Senior Novice Green: SUPA Seniors Junior Beginners Owls: SUPA Juniors Junior Beginners Robins: Bryanston Prep Junior Novice Lions: BPS Goats Junior Novice Tigers: Bryanston Prep Eagles Polo Times, December 2023 / January 2024
The SUPA University Challenge
Photography by KB Photography
The SUPA University Challenge
B2 winners, Oxford B2 (Player Nasma with Oxford Team Manager Tom Gordon-Colbrooke) Another winning weekend at The SUPA University Challenge
The 2023 Uni Challenge was held later in November to give the new beginners a chance to have a bit more practice before their first ever tournament. So on a cold and crisp weekend 33 teams competed across nine divisions. The University of Oxford entered most teams and ended up with three winning their Hivisions. Just under half of the registered beginners entered the challenge and so the Universities National Championships to be held February 2024 should be very well subscribed. Entries for this tournament are now open! The SUPA University Challenge Results: Beginner 2 1st – Oxford B2 2nd – Harper Silly Fillies 3rd – Harper 3 Chukkateers 4th – Liv Laugh Love 5th – Liverpool Klopps and Robbers Beginner 3 1st – Get Your Bum Out The Saddle 2nd – RHUL B3 3rd – Oxford B3 Cringelords 4th – Oxford B3 My Little Pony
Novice 2 1st – Oxford A 2nd – Nottingham N2 Panthers 3rd – Nottingham N2 Vipers 4th – Oxford B Novice 3 1st – Nottingham N3 Lions 2nd – Harper at Foal Throttle 3rd – Liverpool Goal Diggers 4th – Nottingham N3 Phoenix Novice 4 1st – Harper Mother Chukkas 2nd – Warwick N4 Black 3rd – Oxford N4 4th – Warwick N4 Red 5th – RHUL N4 6th – Warwick N4
B3 winners, Birmingham Get Your Brum Out Of The Saddle
B4 winners, Oxford Drop Bears
Lower Novice Combined 1st – Mostly Manchester 2nd – Harper Keen Herd Combined Upper Novice Combined 1st – Riders of Brohan 2nd – Real Horsewives of Harper 3rd – Northern Storm
Beginner 4 1st – Oxford B4 Drop Bears 2nd – Oxford B4 Italian Stallions
Combined Beginner winners, Harper Rogue Riders
Beginner Combined 1st – Harper Rogue Riders 2nd – London Unicorns
Combined Upper Novice and Combined Lower Novice winners, Riders Of Brohan
Novice 3 winners, Nottingham N3 Lions
Polo Times, December 2023 / January 2024
Combined Lower Novice winners, Mostly Manchester
Novice 4 winners, Harper Mother Chukkas
Novice 2 winners, Oxford A
For Youth polo dates, please turn to our What’s On pages
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International & Home
Women’s Polo
Photograph by AHPC
Photograph by Kaylee Wroe
The U.S. Open The Ladies Charity Women’s Handicap Cup
Lugano Diamonds, winners of The U.S. Open Women’s Handicap
Four teams competed in the 2023 U.S. Open Women’s Handicap at Houston Polo Club, Texas and on Sunday 19 November Lugano Diamonds and defending champions QR Jets went head-to-head in the Final. Both teams had met earlier in the tournament and a three goal defeat for Lugano Diamonds made them alter their offensive strategy and pony line-ups for the Final and their tactics paid off as they secured a 6-5 victory. Madison Jordan received the Most Valuable Player prize as well as the Best Playing Pony Amateur for Rubia, owned by Ignacio Saenz. Best Playing Pony honours were presented to Moxie, played by Tiamo Hudspeth and owned by San Ysidro Polo. The U.S. Open Women’s Handicap Final Teams: Lugano Diamonds (20): Audry Persano (5), Tiamo Hudspeth (5), Dayelle Fargey (7) & Kendall Plank (3) QR Jets (20): Lily Lequerica (4), Madison Jordan (3), KC Krueger (6) & Sarah Wiseman (7)
Jagat, winners of The Ladies Charity Cup
Jagat secured the fifth edition of The Ladies Charity Cup 2023 in association with Al Jalila Foundation after defeating AM Polo and TCF-Hesketh in a round-robin. The event is held annually to support and promote breast cancer awareness and the afternoon was filled with activities such as clinical breast examinations, market stalls, food vendors, kids activities and pony rides. The Ladies Charity Cup 2023 Teams: TCF-Hesketh Polo (2): Kim Roche (0), Lauren Dickson (-1), Sandra Schneider (0) & Tomas Palacios (3) AM Polo (1): Sheikha Alya Al Maktoum (0), Petra Spanko (0), Valerie Vam Langenhove (-1) & Marcelo Junco (2) Jagat (2): Vijayshree Shaktawat (-1), Olivia Johnson (0), Kayla Swart (0) & Lance Watson (3)
Women’s 22 USPA Women’s Handicap Goal Series Changes for 2024
Vikings in action against Monterosso in the 16 goal, 2023 Clé de Peau Beauté Guards Ladies Charity Polo Tournament
For Women’s polo dates for your diary, turn to our What’s On pages
Photograph by David Lominska
Photograph by Sam Churchill
The Victrix Ludorum 22 goal series will be played in next year’s English season at Cirencester Park, Guards, and Cowdray Park Polo Club throughout June and July 2024. It will run alongside the existing 16 goal Victrix Ludorum series and is a step forward for women’s polo at the top level.
The United States Polo Association has announced their Fall Women’s Outdoor and Arena Handicap Changes which includes a number of changes from 0 to 10 goals. At the top level, Hope Arellano was raised to the prestigious 10 goal handicap as of 1 December 2023, a phenomenal achievement for a player in their early 20s. A fourth-generation player, Arellano knew at just nine years old that she wanted to be a professional like her father, Hall of Famer Julio Arellano. Her rise came from her win in the 2023 U.S. Open Women’s Polo Championship where she also received Most Valuable Player prize. Other increases at the top include: 8 to 9 goals: Mia Cambiaso 7 to 8 goals: Milly Hine 5 to 6 goals: Sophie Grant 4 to 5 goals: Mia Bray, Summer Kneece & Micaela Saracco
Hope Arellano will be raised to a 10 goal handicap in December
Polo Times, December 2023 / January 2024
Women’s Polo International & Home
Photograph by Tequila Sunsets Photography
The USPA Women’s Arena Open Final
On Sunday 22 October at Orange County Polo Club (OC Polo) in Silverado, California defending champions, OC Polo faced Luna Polo in The USPA Women’s Arena Open Final. OC Polo secured the title for another year with a convincing 19-9 win, with 11 goals scored by Marissa Wells who was rightly named Most Valuable Player, which coincidentally is exactly the same number of goals she scored in last year’s Final. The USPA Women’s Arena Open Final Teams: OC Polo (12): Mila Slutzky (1), Isabelle Brockett (2) & Marissa Wells (9) Luna Polo (11): Kasia Lindgren (2), Olivia Reynolds (4) & Jennifer Alexy (5)
OC Polo (Mila Slutzky, Isabelle Brockett & Marissa Wells), winners of The USPA Women’s Arena Open
The Pink Polo Cup Photograph by Matías Callejo
Polo directory Polo directory CLUBCLUB PHONE EMAILEMAIL CLUB CLUB PHONEPHONE EMAIL EMAIL PHONE All Ireland Polo Club 00353 01 6896732 Home Farm Polo Grounds 07807672120 All Ireland Polo Club 00353 01 6896732dstone@indigo.ie dstone@indigo.ie Home Farm Polo Grounds 07807672120 rachaelkearnet@hotmail.co.uk rachaelkearnet@hotmail.co.uk All England Polo Club 01273 01273 834 315 Hurtwood Polo ClubPolo Club 01483 272828 All England PoloHickstead* Club Hickstead* 834 315 polo@hickstead.co.uk polo@hickstead.co.uk Hurtwood 01483 272828 polo@hurtwoodparkpolo.co.uk polo@hurtwoodparkpolo.co.uk ApsleyApsley End Polo 01462 01462 712444712444 tobiana.scott@gmail.com Kirtlington Park PoloPark ClubPolo Club 01869 350138 EndClub* Polo Club* tobiana.scott@gmail.com Kirtlington 01869 350138 info@kirtlingtonparkpolo.co.uk info@kirtlingtonparkpolo.co.uk Ash Farm 07799 07799 812739812739 ashfarmpolo@hotmail.com Knepp Castle ClubPolo Club 07920 023639 AshPolo FarmClub* Polo Club* ashfarmpolo@hotmail.com KneppPolo Castle 07920 023639 info@aspectpolo.co.uk info@aspectpolo.co.uk BarfoldBarfold Polo Club 07778 07778 808853808853 mborwick@gmail.com Leadenham Polo ClubPolo Club 07429 299026 Polo Club mborwick@gmail.com Leadenham 07429 299026 office@leadenhampoloclub.com office@leadenhampoloclub.com BawtryBawtry Polo Club 01302 01302 773282773282 info@bawtrypoloclub.co.uk LongdoleLongdole Polo Club* 01452 864544 Polo Club info@bawtrypoloclub.co.uk Polo Club* 01452 864544 info@longdolepolo.com info@longdolepolo.com Beaufort Polo Club 01666 01666 880510880510 enquiries@beaufortpoloclub.co.uk Polo ClubPolo Club 07494 114190 Beaufort Polo Club enquiries@beaufortpoloclub.co.uk Moor Farm Moor Farm 07494 114190 shop@moorfarmshop.co.uk shop@moorfarmshop.co.uk Beverley Polo Club* 01964 01964 544877544877 info@beverleypoloclub.co.uk Moor Hall FarmHall Polo Club* 01279 450637 Beverley Polo Club* info@beverleypoloclub.co.uk Moor Farm Polo Club* 01279 450637 alecbeve@btinternet.com alecbeve@btinternet.com BinfieldBinfi Heath 01491 01491 411969411969 bhpcmanager@gmail.com eld Heath bhpcmanager@gmail.com New Forest ClubPolo Club 07977 224404 NewPolo Forest 07977 224404 annabelparryjoyner@yahoo.co.uk annabelparryjoyner@yahoo.co.uk BlueysBlueys Polo Club* 07930 07930 323263323263 polomanager@blueyspolo.co.uk Polo Club* polomanager@blueyspolo.co.uk Norfolk Polo ClubPolo Club 01508 480400 Norfolk 01508 480400 office@norfolkpolo.co.uk office@norfolkpolo.co.uk ElBramham Overo Z7 UAE, winners of The Thai Pink Polo Cup Action from the Final between El Overo Z7 UAE and Wolf Pack Polo Bramham Polo Academy emmadvh@btinternet.com Polo Academy 07811 07811 993316993316 emmadvh@btinternet.com Ireland 07803 020577 info@northernirelandpoloclub.co.uk info@northernirelandpoloclub.co.uk NorthernNorthern Ireland Polo ClubPolo Club 07803 020577 Bunclody Polo Club 00353 87 6605917info@poloclubbunclody.com info@poloclubbunclody.com Bunclody Polo Club 00353 87 6605917 Offchurch Polo Club* 07816 830887 info@offchurchburypoloclub.co.uk info@offchurchburypoloclub.co.uk Offchurch Bury PoloBury Club* 07816 830887 Burningfold Polo 01483 derrek@burningfold.com Burningfold Polo Club 200722200722 derrek@burningfold.com Pangbourne 07708 906810 aprice@polofi x.com PoloPlayer ClubPolo Club 07708 906810 x.com Best Product Registered in theaprice@polofi AACCP for Monjita Bag Lady, Eight teams up Club to 22 goals01483 competed in the 2023 Pink Polo Cup at Pangbourne Cambridge Polo Club* cambridgepoloclub@icloud.com Peover 07766 polomanager@peoverpoloclub.co.uk Cambridge Polo Club* 07711 07711 217004217004 cambridgepoloclub@icloud.com Peover Polo ClubPolo Club 07766 016 833 016 833polomanager@peoverpoloclub.co.uk while Isabella Wolf received the Fair Play Award. Thai Polo Club Argentina in General Rodríguez, Argentina which was Cambridge Polo Club* info@cambridgecountypoloclub.co.uk Polo Wicklow* Polo Wicklow* 00353 404 67164 siobhan@polowicklow.com Cambridge CountyCounty Polo Club* 01223 01223 812922812922 info@cambridgecountypoloclub.co.uk 00353 404 67164 siobhan@polowicklow.com House RAF Cranwell 07739 569491 rafcranwellpoloclub@yahoo.co.uk rafcranwellpoloclub@yahoo.co.uk CarltonCarlton House 07901 07901 561113561113 07739 569491 played alongside the 10th anniversary Thaiharrietservaes@hotmail.com Poloharrietservaes@hotmail.com Cup (please turn to RAF Cranwell Racecourse Polo Club amorris@chester-races.com Polo Club* 01344 885697 ranelagh@labravapolo.com ranelagh@labravapolo.com ChesterChester Racecourse Polo Club 01244 01244 304602304602 amorris@chester-races.com RanelaghRanelagh Polo Club* 01344 885697 The Pink Polo Cup Final Teams: the Reports pages to read more about the Final). El Overo Z7 UAE Cheshire Polo Club 01948 861020 info@cheshirepoloclub.co.uk RCBPC* 01344 890060 polo@rcbpc.com Cheshire Polo Club 01948 861020 info@cheshirepoloclub.co.uk RCBPC* 01344 890060 polo@rcbpc.com Chiltern Polo Club 07973 174542 info@chilternpoloclub.com RMAS Polo Club 07973 174542 rmas-nc-aci-projinters@mod.uk Chiltern Polo Club 07973 174542 info@chilternpoloclub.com RMAS Polo Club 07973 174542 rmas-nc-aci-projinters@mod.uk El Overo Z7 UAE (22): Sheikha Maitha Al Maktoum (4), secured The Pink Polo Cup for the first time, after being runners-up in Cirencester ParkClub Polo Club info@cirencesterpolo.co.uk Rugby Polo Club* 01788 817724 info@rugbypoloclub.com info@rugbypoloclub.com Cirencester Park Polo 01285 01285 653225653225 info@cirencesterpolo.co.uk Rugby Polo Club* 01788 817724 Martina Braun (0), Hope Arellano (9) & Hazel Jackson (9) 2022, with a 6-4 win against Wolf Pack Polo. Hope Arellano cleaned Cowdray Polo Club enquiries@cowdraypolo.co.uk 07772 040668 secretary@rutlandpoloclub.co.uk secretary@rutlandpoloclub.co.uk Cowdray Polo Club 01730 01730 813257813257 enquiries@cowdraypolo.co.uk Rutland Rutland Polo ClubPolo Club 07772 040668 Polo Club 51 387102mkennedy@cssgroup.ie mkennedy@cssgroup.ie Silver Polo Club 07730 Wolf 060200(5), silverleyspoloclub@gmail.com Curraghmore Club 00353 00353 51 387102 Silver Leys PoloLeys Club 060200 silverleyspoloclub@gmail.com Wolf Pack Polo (22):07730 Isabella Clara Martínez Ferrario (5), up inCurraghmore the Polo post-match presentations, securing awards for Most Polo Club* 811 111 enquiries@ixlevents.com enquiries@ixlevents.com St.Polo Albans 07956 017090 info@stalbanspoloclub.co.uk info@stalbanspoloclub.co.uk Dallas Dallas BurstonBurston Polo Club* 01926 01926 811 111 St. Albans ClubPolo Club 07956 017090 Sol López Llames (7) & Luisa Del Carril (5) Valuable Player, Best Horse of the Final for Don Ercole Yerbera and Dorset Polo Club 01202 623985 offi ce@dorsetpolo.co.uk Stewarton Polo Club 07974 706045 info@stewartonpolo.co.uk Dorset Polo Club 01202 623985 office@dorsetpolo.co.uk Stewarton Polo Club 07974 706045 info@stewartonpolo.co.uk Polo Club* abi@druidspolo.co.uk Suffolk 07990 576974 aes3@cam.ac.uk aes3@cam.ac.uk DruidsDruids Lodge Lodge Polo Club* 01722 01722 782597782597 abi@druidspolo.co.uk Suffolk Polo ClubPolo Club 07990 576974 andPolo PerthClub* Polo Club* 365 194 jamesscrawford@aol.com jamesscrawford@aol.com Sussex Polo Club* 01342 714920 info@sussexpolo.co.uk info@sussexpolo.co.uk DundeeDundee and Perth 07831 07831 365 194 Sussex Polo Club* 01342 714920 Eastwood Polo Club frankums@googlemail.com 01823 480460 nhs.wheelers@gmail.com nhs.wheelers@gmail.com Eastwood Polo Club 07875 07875 743475743475 frankums@googlemail.com Taunton Taunton Vale PoloVale ClubPolo Club 01823 480460 Edgeworth Polo Club edgeworthpolo@gmail.com Polo Club* 01980 846705 info@tidworthpolo.com info@tidworthpolo.com Edgeworth Polo Club 01285 01285 821695821695 edgeworthpolo@gmail.com TidworthTidworth Polo Club* 01980 846705 Edinburgh Polo Club* james.dgls@gmail.com 07776 234638 info@toulstonpoloclub.com info@toulstonpoloclub.com Edinburgh Polo Club* 07971 07971 072336072336 james.dgls@gmail.com ToulstonToulston Polo ClubPolo Club 07776 234638 Emsworth Polo Grounds* 01344 883112 info@fourquarterspolo.co.uk Triskelion Polo Club* 07624 272547 polo@triskelionpolo.club Emsworth Polo Grounds* 01344 883112 info@fourquarterspolo.co.uk Triskelion Polo Club* 07624 272547 polo@triskelionpolo.club Polo Club* epsompoloclub@hotmail.com ValePolo of York Polo Club* 07788 426968 info@valeofyorkpoloclub.co.uk info@valeofyorkpoloclub.co.uk EpsomEpsom Polo Club* 07961 07961 232106232106 epsompoloclub@hotmail.com Vale of York Club* 07788 426968 FHMClub* Polo Club* frances@fhmpolo.co.uk Vaux Park Polo Club* 07703 524613 vppc@btconnect.com vppc@btconnect.com FHM Polo 07778 07778 436468436468 frances@fhmpolo.co.uk Vaux Park Park PoloPark Club* 07703 524613 eldClub* Polo Club* fifieldpoloclub@live.co.uk West Wycombe Polo Club* 07787 560729 07787 560729 secretary@westwycombepolo.co.uk secretary@westwycombepolo.co.uk Fifield Fifi Polo 01628 01628 620061620061 fifieldpoloclub@live.co.uk West Wycombe Park PoloPark Club* Great Trippetts Polo Club charles@trippetts.com Westcroft Polo Club* 01276 858545 info@westcroftparkpolo.co.uk info@westcroftparkpolo.co.uk Great Trippetts Polo Club 01428 01428 741916741916 charles@trippetts.com Westcroft Park PoloPark Club* 01276 858545 Guards Polo Club* 01784 434212 polo@guardspoloclub.com White Rose Polo Club* 01430 875767 info@whiterosepolo.co.uk Guards Polo Club* 01784 434212 polo@guardspoloclub.com White Rose Polo Club* 01430 875767 info@whiterosepolo.co.uk Ham Polo Club 020 8334 0000 offi ce@hampoloclub.com White Waltham Polo Club 07748 670587 kim@playpolo.co.uk Ham Polo Club 020 8334 0000 office@hampoloclub.com White Waltham Polo Club 07748 670587 kim@playpolo.co.uk Hertfordshire Polo Club* polo@hertspolo.co.uk Hertfordshire Polo Club* 01707 01707 256023256023 polo@hertspolo.co.uk * Also open polo for arena in the UK winter * Also open for arena in thepolo UK winter image copyright by Katesart.com image copyright protectedprotected by Katesart.com 2007 2007
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Women’s Polo The International VII Women’s & Home Argentine Open
Where: Field 2, Palermo, Argentina
El Overo Z7 UAE (Hope Arellano, Izzy Parsons, Hazel Jackson & Milly Hine), winners of The VII Women’s Argentine Open
El Overo Z7 UAE Do It Again Highest scoring Final with 31 goals
Polo Times, December 2023 / January 2024
For Women’s polo dates for your diary, turn to our What’s On pages
The VII Women’s International Argentine & Home Open
Women’s Polo
The VII Women’s Argentine Open Teams El Overo Z7 UAE Hope Arellano Izzy Parsons Hazel Jackson Milly Hine
(35) (9) (9) (9) (8)
La Dolfina Mía Cambiaso Milagros Fernández Araujo Nina Clarkin Candelaria Fernández Araujo
(35) (8) (8) (10) (9)
Chukka scores: 3-2, 7-2, 9-5, 14-9, 16-11 & 17-14 to El Overo Z7 UAE The Women’s Argentine Open Winners & Goal Scorers 2017: La Dolfina 2018: La Dolfina 2019: El Overo Z7 UAE 2020: El Overo Z7 UAE 2021: La Dolfina 2022: La Dolfina
BPP Lamore Que Ironía, played by Mía Cambiaso
Milly Hine
a Dolfina and El Overo Z7 UAE have held every Argentine Women’s Argentine Open since the tournament’s inception in 2017 with La Dolfina (2017, 2018, 2021 and 2022) holding four title and two for El Overo Z7 UAE (2019 and 2020), so it was no huge surprise to see both teams in the Final. The two sides had already met on the second day of the tournament and a close battle between the teams saw El Overo Z7 UAE narrowly win, serving La Dolfina their only loss in the qualifying stages. La Dolfina took to Field 2 in Palermo aka ‘The Cathedral of Polo’ with the same winning line-up from 2022 to take on their perpetual rivals, who were back in the Final after missing out on the spot last year. In an electrifying showdown, El Overo Z7 UAE and La Dolfina engaged in an awe-inspiring first chukka, the intensity peaked when Izzy Parsons, in a moment of brilliance, secured a goal, propelling El Overo Z7 UAE to a 3-2 lead. The momentum carried into the second chukka, as El Overo Z7 UAE dominated with a resounding 4-0 lead, courtesy of stellar goals by Milly Hine and Hazel Jackson, establishing a commanding 7-2 advantage. Undeterred, La Dolfina made a valiant attempt to close the gap in the third chukka, but El Overo Z7 UAE displayed unwavering ruthlessness, amassing a formidable 9-5 lead by half-time. A tenacious La Dolfina foursome staged a comeback in the fourth chukka, narrowing the deficit to just one goal, 9-10.
Breakthrough Player of the Tournament & Best Mounted Player: Hope Arellano
Photography by Matías Callejo / Prensa AAP
132 goals: Lia Salvo 109 goals: Candelaria Fernández Araujo 105 goals: Nina Clarkin 100 goals: Mia Cambiaso
Fair Play Award: Nina Clarkin
Best Polo Argentino Bred, presented by the Argentine Polo Pony Breeders Assn.: Don Ercole Cruz de Malta, played by Hope Arellano Izzy Parsons runs to goal with Nina Clarkin in hot pursuit
Top Goal Scorer of Final: Candelaria Fernández Araujo
Top goal scorer of Final, Candelaria Fernández Araujo chases the ball
However, El Overo’s Hine, a standout performer and later named Most Valuable Player, responded with three consecutive goals. The fifth chukka saw Hine and Hope Arellano securing a formidable 16-11 lead, placing La Dolfina in a challenging position. Despite La Dolfina converting three penalties, El Overo Z7 UAE needed only one more goal, magnificently delivered by Hine, to seal the deal. In a triumphant display, El Overo Z7 UAE claimed a 17-14 victory,
For Women’s polo dates for your diary, turn to our What’s On pages
clinching their well-deserved third title. This high-scoring game, featuring a total of 31 goals, set a record for the most goals in a Women’s Open Final, Jackson and Hine secured their third title, while Izzy Parsons and Hope Arellano celebrated their first championship. Notably, this victory marked the first time that a team composed entirely of four non-Argentine polo players, three British ( Jackson, Hine, and Parsons) and one American (Arellano) took the title.
Polo Times, December 2023 / January 2024
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Pakistan Polo Tour
Photography by Julian Hill
The polo grounds in the centre of Lahore
The British Army Team on the Lahore Military Polo Club Grounds
Double Win for Visiting Side Simon Ledger reports For the first time since 2003, a British Army Polo team were invited to tour in Pakistan based out of Lahore. The invitation came via Colonel Ayaz Ahmed who has a dual role as Secretary of the Pakistan Polo Association and also Commandant of the Pakistan President’s Bodyguard. A party of seven departed on Tuesday 14 November, the flight via Dubai to reach Lahore was a long one and we were met, somewhat tired, by our excellent and generous hosts and after a morning of recovery we went on the first of our tours to see the Fort and Mosque in Lahore. The next day the team was taken to the Lahore Polo Club where pony selection and our first day of coaching took place. All the ponies were provided by the Pakistan
Army and each player had ten ponies to try, once the list had been confirmed the team got stuck in to some two on two work under the careful eye of Paddy Selfe. The next day the process was repeated and with ponies now confirmed, the team went through a series of drills that sharpened everyone up. To conclude, chukkas were played and a good work out it proved too as some of those playing were also in the team we were to play on Saturday and Sunday. Lahore is a very beautiful city and there are some wonderful green spaces. These include polo grounds at the Military Club with a very fine Clubhouse and three fields, all wonderfully well prepared. Of course, as soldiers both the Pakistan players and the Army team had a
British Army Team Paddy Selfe with the trophy after winning both matches
shared bond of history not only via polo but also titles of regiments such as the Lancers and Guides Cavalry. There were two matches in the series to be played on Saturday 18 and the Sunday 19 November, both to be played on the Lahore Military Polo Club grounds in the centre of Lahore. The first match saw Bands leading the teams on and after the formal introductions the four chukka affair got underway. The Pakistan Army team were 5 goals whilst the British Army team was 4, a half goal advantage which we all felt was needed having had chukkas the day before. The first chukka certainly confirmed that and the home team put two goals in quickly and it was clear that the British Army team would have to work hard. But the opposition had a tendency to rush into plays and after some chat between chukkas the team adjusted their tactics and went for space on the angles which saw opportunities and by the end of the second period it was 2½-2. The vital third chukka went the British Army’s way with Paddy Selfe scoring a goal off to the flank just out of the 60 yard line, a great shot that was still in the air as it is went through the goal. As is often the case the vital third chukka seemed to put the Pakistan team on the back foot and although Muhammed and Asif both scored the British Army continued to pile on the pressure on the angles with both Moss Hamilton and Freddie Benyon making no mistakes with two fine runs to find the flags. In the fourth the matter was decided by both Paddy Selfe and Jamie Thomas very nicely combining with several plays and scoring two more quick goals, the excellent work of Freddie Benyon and Moss Hamilton in the marking and ride offs made these plays look easy. The result for an exultant British Army team was 8½ to 5.
The Pakistan and British Army teams
Polo Times, December 2023 / January 2024
Pakistan Polo Tour Thomas. With Paddy Selfe being heavily marked by Rab that freed up Muhammed who found the mark. At the break it was Pakistan 3 to a half for the Army team. It is telling that it always seems to be the third chukka that if the team behind adjusts and changes then the match begins to turn. Under Paddy’s guidance with Jamie Thomas in support the tables were thus turned and going into the fourth there was half a goal in it. The Pakistan team had an injury when a pony reared and Rab was dumped on the ground, thankfully he remounted none the worse. By now the pattern though was set and with Paddy Selfe now in fine form and on the back of a fine run by Freddie Benyon who scored, the pressure told and in the final minute or so a penalty by Paddy sealed a fine victory by 5½ to 4. Maj Muhammed Humair Ghazi was awarded The Sanger Cup, which dates back to 1935, as Most Valuable Player.
The second match on the Sunday was at the same Club but on the main ground. The previous match was recorded on YouTube and as we all watched the game in the evening we discussed how the Pakistan team would come back at us hard and what we would do to adapt accordingly. Again, after now three bands ushering on the teams in front of a large crowd of the British High Commissioner, The Chief of Army Staff Pakistan accompanied by the British Chief of the General Staff we all realised the importance of the game to both nations. The Pakistan team remained the same but positions had been changed with the skilful Muhammed switching to number 3, this was a bold decision and he certainly began to make some holes and scored two very quick goals. The confidence of Pakistan now rose with the British Army misfiring on several occasions despite some fine runs by Jamie
The generosity, welcome and arrangements made were wonderful. Our hosts could not have been more helpful. The Army Polo Association looks forward to welcoming the Pakistan Army Team to the UK in late June/early July next year to continue polo at its best between two nations who were at the very beginning of the game on the plains of India all those years ago. The Pakistan Polo Tour Teams: British Army (4): Maj Moss Hamilton IG (0), Capt The Hon Freddie Benyon CG (0), Cornet Jamie Thomas RHG/D (2) & Capt Paddy Selfe late KRH (2) Pakistan Army (5): Maj Asif Manzoor 30th Lancers (1), Maj Muhammed Humair Gahzi 34th Lancers (2), Lt Col Rab Nawaz Tiwana Guides Cavalry (1) & Lt Col Saayan Abassi Army Aviation (1)
Action from the tour
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Tex8n Polo Team 6-5. The Most Valuable Player was awarded to Rhett Wooldridge and Will Emerson’s Aventura received the
year. The Board is delighted that Sean has agreed to continue in his role as Chairman of PaulLtSweeney Memorial Col Sean O’Dwyer with his wife, Mary the Club.
Paul Sweeney Memorial Final Teams:
Argentine Polo at its Best! Twelve Oaks Tatty Wooldridge Georgia Sweeney Charlie Wooldridge
(4) (0) (1) (3)
Rosina Ola Kelly Will Newman Charlie Simpson
(4) (0) (2) (2)
Chukka Score: 3-2, 5-5, 11-11, 14-13, to Twelve Oaks
Luke and Mark Tomlinson are offering the opportunity for players to play at their club in Pilar, Argentina (45 minutes from BA).
Where: Ash Farm Polo Club, Surrey
Your time at La Quinta can be intense and structured, or not – it’s your choice! There is limited accommodation at the Club. Otherwise we can help you find a place to stay locally (house or hotel) or you may like to stay in a Hotel downtown Buenos Aires. Guide price for 1 week: US$3,000 (excluding accommodation). Longer/shorter stays possible. Price depends on length of stay and on any personal requests.
A typical week’s stay would include: • Between 4 & 6 practices of a good standard on suitable ponies • Stick and Ball whenever You may have your own ponies or even ponies to try and are • A couple of lessons with Luke or Mark (if wanted!!) in need of a base to play and practice from. We can offer this • An indoor arena and a polo field that dries out very owned andtoo. Jubilee, played by your polo needs in Argentina are please don’t Whatever quickly after rain – enjoy riding whatever the weather hesitate to get in touch. Will Newman Twelve Oaks, winners of The Paul Sweeney Memorial Georgia Sweeney
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Polo Times, November 2023
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Medical Insight: Polodoc
Dr.med. Andreas Krüger is a Swiss board orthopaedic and trauma surgeon in Zurich, who specialises in knee and shoulder surgery. Andi is a second generation of tournament doctors for equine sports, known as Polodoc since 2013
Biohacking & Pushing Recovery Limits Prepare longevity while improving your performance & reducing injury risk In polo, professional players can maintain their competitive edge well into their thirties. Juan Martin Nero and David Stirling, and others continue to compete at the highest level even beyond that age. One extraordinary example is ‘best ager’ Adolfo Cambiaso who at 48-years-old is still competing at the highest level of the sport. With ‘biohacking’ a systematic approach to improve the body’s functions is suggested. Its goal is to prepare for better performance whilst also recovering better and reducing the risk of season breaks due to injury. The long-term goal is longevity, to be able to play even with 60 plus years behind you. Science and the practice of living a long and healthy life is not just a passing hype, but a holistic philosophy. The focus is on improving and maximising the quality of life in sports. A focus is based on preparing to perform and respecting the recovery time after the battle. Biohacking in polo involves optimising various aspects of your physical and mental performance to enhance your overall wellbeing and proficiency in the sport.
muscle recovery and overall health. Consider incorporating supplements like omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D and antioxidants. Optimal hydration before and during playing is crucial for optimal performance. Monitoring the fluid intake and adding electrolytes, especially during intense training sessions and matches in the heat of the summer, is essential.
Nutrition & Hydration
Biometric & Fitness Tracking
A balanced diet with a focus on nutrientrich foods and antioxidants is the be-all and end-all of a healthy supply of vitamins and minerals. This ensures that the body still has enough depots to maintain its functions. An important point is to keep an eye on acidbase balance. An alkaline pH value of seven and above protects the immune system and usually leaves no room for free radicals. If you want to be sure that your depots are optimally filled, prioritise a nutrient-dense diet that supports energy production, 58
Polo Times, December 2023 / January 2024
Adaptogens & Supplements
The use of adaptogenic herbs and supplements that may help the body adapt to stress and enhance resilience to high demand during a tournament or long season. Especially important is their bioavailability. With high-tech engineered products, the efficiency of food supplementation gets a maximal booster. An optimised combination of absorption, efficiency, cell permeability and toxicity is scientifically based. Products with a MyCell™ Technology can make a difference according to these values. Vitamic® Zero limits is a good example for a supplement with this advanced method bringing the needed substrates to the regenerating tissue. Use wearable fitness trackers to monitor key metrics such as heart rate, sleep patterns, and physical activity. Analysing this data can provide insights into your overall health and help optimise training routines. A focus should be the heart rate variability (HRV). Here you can monitor and assess your body’s stress response and adjust training intensity accordingly. This can help optimise the timing and intensity of your workouts. Tracking metrics like blood pressure, glucose levels and sleep time will be of additional help.
Fitness trackers can be used to monitor heart rate variability (HRV)
Cold Exposure & Cold Therapy Cold exposure, such as ice baths or cold showers, may aid in reducing inflammation and promoting recovery after intense training or matches. Alternate between hot and cold therapy to stimulate blood flow and promote recovery. This can include using hot packs or saunas followed by cold packs or ice baths. More sophisticated ways to the cold are available as extreme cold therapies. -110° C is the way to go. Within minutes a boosting effect on the immune system and vitality is provoked. With an impact on antiinflammation pain relief through reduction of muscle soreness and tension is granted. As soon as the body is immersed to the cold, a stress reaction is triggered that leads to the release of adrenaline, noradrenaline and cortisol. This in turn provokes contractions of the superficial skin capillaries and causes blood pressure and heart rate to rise. If the body now counteracts this with heat, the blood flow becomes faster and transports the waste products away.
Medical Insight: Polodoc
Photography courtesy of Polodoc
Five Point Success Mantra 1) Get ready
Cold exposure aids inflammation reduction and promotes post-game recovery
Experiences from cold research in competitive sport: Shortening the regeneration time in the event of injuries Faster recovery time after exercise Reduction of the risk of injury Suitable as accompanying therapy for sports injuries More energy to increase performance Reduction of sore muscles and muscle overstimulation
Multi-Biohacking Devices
Negatively ionised air is another source to kill fatigue and stress. We need the negative part of the oxygen for a lively cell metabolism. Sources of negatively ionised air are found in the mountains, forests, by rivers, waterfalls, lakes, by the sea or after a thunderstorm. There are various devices on the market which produce negative ions and release them into the air we breathe. The unique MCS Multi Cryohacking System chamber from Art of Cryo is an ingenious full-body chamber which combines negative ion (plasma) therapy with coloured light (photobiomodulation) and deep heat (far infrared radiation). In short, eight minute sessions, concentrated energy package with over 15 million negative ions per cm3, far infrared heat and coloured light (red, green and blue, each in 2 frequencies) is applied to the body.
The MCS Multi Cryohacking System chamber
A biohacking detox dome
Endothel Stimulation
The function of the circulatory system is crucial on a healthy endothelium. The endothelium, the innermost tissue layer of all our vessels such as blood and lymph vessels, is responsible, among other things, for nitric oxide (NO) production – also known as the youth molecule, which is responsible for global vasodilation and thus improves blood circulation and metabolism throughout the body. Pneumatic micromassage works by measuring the heart rate and other cardiosynchronous impulses, which are transmitted to the lower body through a gel-filled cuff and stimulate the vascular endothelium naturally and deeply. The increased vascular gymnastics boosts nitric oxide production and reactivates blood and lymph flow. Regular sessions of 30 to 60 minute of pulse therapy have a
- Polo is a tough and physically demanding sport. 2) Fly high - High performance does not grow over night. A profound and meticulous preparation routine and regeneration protocol is the basic for high performance players as in other athletic sports. 3) Fill the tank right - Re-think your set up and control your balance of nutrition intake, burning and refilling your energy reservoir. 4) Regeneration - After game is before the game. Give your body and mind enough time to regenerate to maintain performance. 5) Stay in the saddle - Polo is most fun when doing it. There is no reason to get injured and to miss a season. - A thoughtful recovery program has a major impact on the reduction of injuries. positive reduction of heavy legs and improves circulation, acceleration healing with a proven reduction of fatigue and pain. With the Flow System a non-contact lymphatic drainage and effective vein training technique can stimulate the arterial, venous and lymphatic vascular system. This non-contact method of improving circulation and metabolism originally comes from space travel and works the vessels alternately with positive and negative pressure. The system can detoxify the body, reduce oedema, inflammation and swelling. During the session of eight – 15 minutes the system is optimal for players who have problems with stronger touch and massage techniques e.g. in rehabilitation setting after surgery.
Endothel stimulation
Polo Times, December 2023 / January 2024
Performance Coach
Understanding what it takes to overcome fear and self-doubt has been at the root of Paul ‘Stalkie’ Stalker’s personal transformation. He has proven experience of working with Polo Teams, Patrons and individual players for the past 3 years achieving outstanding results. With individual clients, Stalkie’s aim is to untap, nurture and focus their passion and potential on becoming the best versions of themselves in all aspects of their lives, whatever their starting point
The Nina Mindset How Adopting It Can Make You A Winner Too
Since she started playing polo in the Pony Club in England at the age of six and becoming the first professional female player in England over 20 years ago, Nina Clarkin has achieved numerous accolades and accomplishments throughout her illustrious polo career. This inspiring human dynamo has achieved the rank of the world’s number one female polo and a 10 goal handicap in women’s polo. Nina has won The British Open, French Open, British Women’s Open, Women’s Argentine Open (a record four times). England Captain, she represented Great Britain in the 2008 Olympics. Nina plays all year round, spending her time equally between England and New Zealand which is her breeding and training ground for her horses, taking two or three horses back to the UK each year to play or sell. Off the field, Nina is a strong advocate for women and young players in polo, working to increase the visibility of women in the sport and has mentored 60
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and coached young players, both male and female, to inspire the next generation of polo players and develop their skills in a supportive, inclusive environment. All this and a proud, hands-on mother to three gorgeous children too! How does she do it? Having heard so much about Nina from all corners of the polo community, I was bowled over when meeting her for the first time and consider it one of my most flattering joys to now be working alongside her as her personal mindset coach and collaborator in developing my RAISE Polo ‘Winning Polo Mindset’ coaching programme. We have exciting times ahead in 2024 to share. With her permission, I’m delighted
to share with Polo Times readers how Nina maintains her passion and thirst for polo success – which shows absolutely no signs of diminishing – even amongst the pressures and demands placed upon arguably the most successful female polo player in history. Stalkie Q: Nina, what would you say is the biggest challenge polo players face to their mental health? Nina: “It’s probably the pressure to perform at a high level consistently. Polo can feel like a very fickle friend because you can have days where you play amazingly and everything goes your way and then suddenly apropos to nothing, things don’t go well and
“Working with Stalkie has really helped me develop a stronger mindset and become more resilient. His approach has taught me how to manage my thoughts and emotions better, helping me to stay focused and motivated in highpressure situations” www.polotimes.co.uk
Performance Coach you can think yourself into a vicious circle where you get more and more frustrated, more and more stressed and you seem further away to turning it round. My sort of go to was to always just work harder, try harder, do more things and hopefully that’ll fix it. But actually, it’s normally not a physical thing. You know, you’re not playing badly because you suddenly stopped training because everything is normally the same.” Stalkie Q: What does pressure look and feel like? Nina: “In the past when I was on a bad run of form, I felt real frustration and almost helpless – as in “oh what can I do, how am I going to turn this slump round?”. You’d think of all the ways that you might do it. You’d spend longer stick and balling, you’d practice more penalties you know, you’d make sure you’re training that bit harder in the gym. But when your training is already geared to the amount of polo you’re playing and concentrates on strength, conditioning and cardiovascular work, additional training could do more damage than good. That’s how I’ve come to learn that slumps in form are far more easily healed through mindset.” To maintain her positive mental attitude, Nina takes regular breaks to rest and recharge, practices mindfulness and meditation, prioritises self-care and mental and emotional support. “The right mindset allows you permission to know that you can’t play a perfect game every time you play. You’re always going to make mistakes. That’s the nature of the game. Be kind to yourself when that happens, forget the bad plays the moment when you do them and focus on the next play. You have plenty of time to reflect after the game and re-set. But during the game, focusing on the now gives you control over yourself and lets go of the uncontrollables.” Stalkie Q: ‘Being in the now’ is a fundamental element of our Winning Polo Mindset coaching programme. Can you describe how you have incorporated this into your daily routine? Nina: “One thing for sure I’ll take away, and always keep, is that my enjoyment of the game, win or lose, in the moment has changed significantly. To live in the present, to not stir up negative emotions, feels like a gift in everything that I do! I can deal with what happens afterwards, but that feeling of control in the game is something that I’m so happy that I know is now a part of me.
“Stalkie’s coaching has helped me to become more selfaware, both on and off the field. By understanding my own thought patterns and reactions, I’ve been able to improve the way I communicate and lead my team” It’s very, very positive when you can get a team playing with this mindset, because when all of you think you can, you can! It’s so powerful when everyone just moves on and encourages each other to move on from a mistake or bad decision – particularly when you see the other team not move on.” Stalkie Q: I know that you are a great advocate of gratitude and the power that gratitude brings you both on and off the polo field… Nina: “Absolutely. I guess gratitude comes easily to me because I enjoy almost everything about the sport. I also love the ponies, I love working closely with them and making sure I am as well mounted as possible. Hence my interest in breeding. I love playing a team sport and working with my teammates to play the best collective polo we can. I also love the personal challenge of constantly trying to improve and play better in such a challenging sport. I am aware that my timespan to keep doing what I’m doing is finite and I’m forever grateful for the opportunity and health to keep doing it for as long as possible. Like you say Stalkie, if we want to be the best version of ourselves, small changes can actually make a big difference.” Yes – and this is all proven in bioscience! Having a gratitude or ‘abundance’ mentality, displacing negative thinking with positive thinking, has the capacity to trigger neurotransmitters and neurochemicals – the ‘feel good’ molecules such as dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin and endorphins – that are proven to improve health and wellbeing, increase resilience, strengthen the immune system, promote self-esteem, empathy and reduce stress. All of which resonated deeply with you when we first started talking about it together Nina. Stalkie Q: Finally Nina, from the time that we’ve spent together, what do you think the defining characteristics of a winning polo mindset are? Nina: “I can think of five big things! These are not the only things, but they do provide a great foundation to rest all the other tools upon:
• Firstly, strong focus and concentration. Polo is a fast-paced, physically demanding sport that requires us to be mentally sharp and focused at all times. A great polo player must have the ability to concentrate on the game and not be distracted by external factors, no matter how much time and emotionally invested you are in them. • Then there’s quick thinking and decision-making. We make split-second decisions on the field, so your mindset must be ‘in the now’, in the present moment, to naturally make the right ones. • Next, is the ‘R’ word – resilience. In every elite sport and human undertaking, such as being a parent and bringing up a family, there are physical and emotional challenges, from which you need to bounce back and keep yourself pushing forward. • Teamwork and communication are definitely key. Polo is a team sport, and a great player must be able to communicate effectively with their teammates, get to know what makes them tick and work together towards a common purpose. • Finally, you are not going to get anywhere without a genuine passion and love for polo. And, even in the hardest spells, to always be grateful for it! See pressure as a privilege, enjoying the moment changes everything.” A positive mindset, not only changes you as a player, it changes you as a person. It kind of shines everything around it. It’s just a much easier place to be. It’s almost like cleaning your glasses – the view just becomes clearer!
Can you relate to how Nina felt in a high-performance game? Here is your opportunity to discuss your fears with two professionals who can help you. If you would like to find out more about what events we have in store, please get in contact by emailing stalkie@raisepolo.com or calling +447440320238, whether you’re a patron, player or enthusiast, there’s a place for you to get coached by both Nina Clarkin and Stalkie in 2024.
Polo Times, December 2023 / January 2024
Nutrition Focus
Photograph courtesy of Max Charlton
Lorna Edgar – specialist equine nutritionist
Horse still sweat in the winter, so offering electrolytes is essential
Arena Q&A
Impaction colic, electrolytes, scurfy skin & tying-up So here we are, my last article for 2023, I have had the pleasure of watching some Arena polo over the last few days, which, as I defrost in front of the fire, has inspired me to answer some of the questions and concerns that came about whilst I was freezing and watching! They are as follows: Q: I have had a couple of episodes of impaction colic, what can I do to avoid this happening again? A: Very frustrating when this happens, and you are definitely not alone – with changes in temperature and less water consumed, 62
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coupled with forage changes from grass turnout to other sources like hay, this can be a winter and summer problem. Firstly, how much water is the horse consuming? If they only have access to automatic waterers I would turn them off and use buckets so you can monitor carefully how much they are drinking – some horses don’t like the small space of a waterer, some don’t like the noise from them refilling, some don’t wait for them to refill and therefore don’t drink enough. Should the individual have a bucket and doesn’t seem to be drinking enough then perhaps they don’t like the narrowness and trying a ‘trug’ would help?
You need to keep a close eye on their droppings – are they becoming too firm? If so, this would be an early sign that the horse is not drinking enough, or they haven’t adapted from being on grass to then being stabled and being fed a dryer fibre source. Trying to add extra water to the diet is ideal, so look at using a sloppy beet pulp to really help keep the wet fibre going through the digestive tract, especially if the horses are on hay or a dry haylage. If you (or they!) are not so keen on the beet pulp then feed a scoop of chaff and add a scoop or so of water to it, you are still increasing the water content and digestible fibre in the diet. Have a look at your hay or haylage – if it is very ‘stalky’ it may not be as digestible. Perhaps mixing it with a soft leafy hay will help to resolve the problem until a new batch of forage comes in? To help with the digestion of the fibre, you may want to consider adding a pre/probiotic supplement to their diets as well. www.polotimes.co.uk
Photography by Baileys Nutrition
Nutrition Focus
Extra hydration, such as a sloppy beet, reduces impaction colic
Q: Because it’s cold, do I still need to use electrolytes? A: YES, YES, YES! They will still be sweating and those electrolyte salts lost in the sweat will need to be replaced with an electrolyte supplement. As always, I would supplement only when the horses are sweating, probably not every day, leaving it out on days off, quiet days or possibly days on the exercise track when the weather is cold. Always make sure you read the manufacturer’s recommended quantities of the supplement, whether it be powder, liquid or syringe, to ensure you are feeding the correct quantities and how to administer it – in the water, a sloppy feed or syringed. Winter or summer, always ensure there is free access to water for the horses to remain hydrated at all times, with good access to forage which will act as a reservoir in the hind gut to aid hydration during exercise.
Q: Since clipping and rugging, some of my ponies have gone a little dull in the coat and their skin seems to be dry and scurfy, what should I do? A: There are a few suggestions when horses are looking a bit dull coated at this time of the year. Try the following: • Ensure the diet is balanced – feeding the right amount of feed for the workload, ensuring all essential vitamins and minerals are being received for general good health, which includes skin and coat health as well. • Adding a good ‘glug’ of soya or linseed oil to the feed, or using an oil supplement such as Baileys Outshine or Equi Jewel, will help to bring back the coat shine and allow the skin to be more supple with less dryness. • Sometimes, if the forage is not of great quality, it may not be providing all those essential nutrients that the concentrate ration should be complementing. Ensuring enough of a good quality forage is being fed and possibly substituting the forage with a beet pulp or an alfa with oil will help to pick up the overall nutrient content of the diet. • Don’t forget the basics – brushing out the sweat, washing off well, and NOT overrugging. Q: I have a mare who is quite hot, I need to settle her without her dropping condition – help?! A: Fear not, this is not unusual, and there are things you can try. • Help reduce the excitable energy by using a low starch but high calorie feed. Avoid traditional Conditioning Cubes or Conditioning Mixes and look at something like Ease & Excel Cubes or Mix instead. The calorie intake will still be met, but the starch (which can exacerbate excitable energy) will be reduced considerably. • Monitor how much forage is being eaten – if hay is not being consumed during the day or night you will need to provide an alternative fibre source… • A more palatable hay or haylage –
ideally less stalk, more leaf • A separate feed bowl containing a couple of scoops of Fibre-Beet or Dengie Meadow Grass, for example • Splitting the feeds over three meals per day rather than 2 large meals – to increase absorption and digestion of the concentrate feed (no more than 1½ round bowl Stubbs scoops of cubes/mix/chaff/beet in one feed). • Look at adding a pre/probiotic supplement to help support the beneficial bacteria in the hind gut work more effectively. • If she doesn’t settle after trying the above suggestions, I would have the conversation with your vet regarding Gastric Ulcers (EGUS) and whether to treat or investigate further. Q: How do I manage a horse that seems to have more episodes of tying-up in the winter, compared to the summer? A: There are many reasons as to why horses may tie-up, so I will really emphasise the need to take veterinary advice as to how you manage their recovery and bring your horse back into work. However, hopefully some of these nutritionally-related suggestions will help to reduce the risks of it reoccurring in the future. Firstly, aim to adopt a low starch diet, whether that be in the form of a balancer or a cube or mix like Ease & Excel as you will need to remove any starch (cereal) based feeds from the diet. Secondly, once you have adopted a low starch diet, the diet MUST be balanced, ensuring enough vitamins and minerals are being consumed to support the workload, by following the feeding guidelines or speaking to the manufacturer to make sure you are feeding the correct quantities. Ensure the horse is hydrated adequately, so as I have mentioned above for the horse with impaction colic, adopt the same management to ensure enough water is being consumed – thinking of using sloppy feeds to increase hydration status can also help. Just because it is cold, don’t forget to offer water before and after they play, encouraging them to drink a ‘sloppy choppy’ concoction (add a bit of mash or chaff to water) is ideal. As I said earlier, ensure electrolytes are being provided – horses are sweating in the winter, so those electrolyte salts need to be replaced with the use of a supplement. Preloading with water and electrolytes before they play and offering again as soon as they finish is ideal. Lastly, give more time for those muscles to warm up – hopping on at the gates and going into canter is not enough time for muscles to warm up after standing in the lines, possibly shivering, and having a rug taken off! I have now defrosted, and hopefully answered some of those thoughts for your arena ponies.
Even in winter, hydration and electrolytes are key
Polo Times, December 2023 / January 2024
Horse Training
Photography by Amy Thompson
Dan Wain is a horse trainer with roots in show jumping, who has dedicated the last decade to rehabilitating horses from all disciplines. Dan enjoys improving the quality of life for horses through his daily work, combining his experience within the show jumping industry with modern, ethical and biomechanically sound training principles. Inspired by world renowned Dressage Trainer Manolo Mendez, Dan uses a combination of ridden work, ground work, and body work techniques, and is particularly motivated by helping horses previously labelled as ‘Problem Horses’ to lead more normal, healthy lives
Dan advocates balancing the horse
A Balancing Act Mitigating risks and promoting longevity It is all a balancing act: The hobby and the horse. The sport we love, and the health and well-being of the animal for which we are totally responsible. Owners and investors have one timescale, riders and trainers have another. Meanwhile, the horse has his own agenda completely! The horse world is full of margins, parameters and fine lines for us to tread, with risks which need to be mitigated and managed in order for us to produce results in an ethical manner. As far as I’m concerned, anything worth having takes time. This is especially true when it comes to horses. Anything which can be gained overnight, can also be lost just as quickly. On the other hand, spending 64
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several months physically and mentally preparing a horse’s body and mind at the beginning of its career will always be a good investment of your time and money. There are many reasons why I believe this. Firstly, because it is the right thing to do for the horse. Think of it as kindergarten for your horse. All of the education you give to a child which teaches them about morals, manners and general life skills which stand them in good stead regardless of the path life takes them on. This education is profoundly important if the horse is to become a thinker rather than a reactor, who is calm and resilient in stressful situations.
Mentally balancing the horse Time should be taken to introduce the horse to the situations it is going to need to be comfortable in. With good timing and by using ‘Approach & Retreat’ techniques, we can mimic and therefore familiarise many situations for the horse. This is especially important for competition horses to aid them with stress management. When they are in a state of stress the body is not able to repair and recuperate. If the nervous system is more up regulated (for example, low-level stress; calling out, pawing the ground, box walking etc.) then the horse is not able to enter rest and digest mode. This is where the healing and repair of the whole body including the soft tissue structures takes place. Without adequate time spent in this state the horse is more prone to injury from repetitive strain as well as one off traumas. The stress in and of itself isn’t the issue. Short periods of stress can also be useful for building resilience physically and mentally. www.polotimes.co.uk
Horse Training
inspection, with the horse presenting so many compensations and gait abnormalities, and only after a period of retraining does the issue show itself.
A period of retraining teaches how to move more optimally
However, the nervous system needs balance in order for the horse to heal and recover after exertion. The need to physically balance the horse It is well understood that horses have a natural crookedness to their bodies which means that they will have a preferred canter lead, bend their spine easier one way, and turn more efficiently in one direction. From an athletic demand perspective this is disadvantageous as the load sharing of forces will not be equal throughout the limbs of the horse. Braking and turning forces will be greater through one limb making the horse more susceptible to forelimb injury. Secondly, the horse being heavy on the forehand combined with the spine bending one way more than the other and one hind limb pushing more than the other, create torque forces on the spine which play havoc on the pelvis and lower back. The result is a horse which finds training extremely hard to cope with, both physically and mentally, and who needs constant bodywork to keep its body from breaking down. Problems hidden in plain sight Many horses are referred to me with behavioural or performance issues and have usually been checked by a veterinarian. On the face of things, they don’t appear to have anything physically wrong with them. They don’t have any huge red flags in their physique, or clinical signs of lameness, and yet they have hit a complete and utter ‘wall’ in their training. I find the same issues time and again; the natural crookedness of the horse has not been balanced out and the horse’s body has started to pay the price. Despite there being no overt lameness, the horse is sore and has patterns of tension in his muscles created by an inadequate ability to bend, brake and turn evenly. Commonly, the spine is stiff one way www.polotimes.co.uk
and any bend tends to come from the base of the neck. This over bending at the base of the neck destabilises the shoulders and leaves the horse unable to mitigate stress on the front limbs by using the shoulder girdle. Though bodywork can offer short term solutions to some of these issues, the horse will always require a period of retraining to learn how to move more optimally. After time spent teaching the horse to lift its chest and torso between the shoulders, bend more equally both ways and accelerate and decelerate in a more balanced and controlled manner, most behavioural and performance issues are either eradicated or dramatically reduced. For the few who didn’t improve significantly, it usually transpires that an underlying issue was present. This could’ve been missed upon earlier
Prevention is always better than cure! My standpoint is that all horses should have balance in every element of their life and career. Work vs rest. Discipline specific training vs cross training. Time in domestication vs time out ‘to be a horse’. Some horses will always require more help and maintenance than others due to conformation, or factors outside of your control. However, adopting the approach of thoroughly balancing the horse, thereby straightening out the effects of natural crookedness from a young age, combined with careful training which prepares the mind of the horse is the foundation upon which everything else is built. Even when the horse has been progressively trained and developed for its chosen sport, careful consideration must be placed on the work regime and type of training the horse receives. The horse will always require a degree of what I call ‘background training’. Low impact, consolidation of the basics – functionally training the body to remain supple and ambidextrous. When I teach, I use an analogy, “A boxer doesn’t just fight five times per week to prepare for a fight. He does a combination of body conditioning, hand-eye coordination work, cardio, strength training, as well as sparring. He will be trained in strategy, and mental resilience. His diet and sleep will be optimal in order for the training to really count. A horse is no different. Training should be whole / holistic and well balanced, in order to produce a strong, resilient athlete who is calm and capable. If we neglect its needs our training will unravel sooner or later”. Lastly, I advise you to be mindful of the number of tournaments the horse is played in. Horses only have so many steps in them, so use them wisely. Consider where possible the use of cross training within your regime, and in the off-season consider using the time wisely to rebalance the horse’s body, feet, or mind, by incorporating exercises from other disciplines or by simply going back to kindergarten! Teaching and then reaffirming the basics will never be wasted time. Everything else can be borne out of those basics. It’s a fine line between being well-prepared and overtraining. Balancing the horse’s body, mind and work regime, should reduce the risk of repetitive strain injuries and produce a well-rounded athlete who is well prepared to perform optimally for many years. Dan Wain Equestrian: Training, Development & Rehabilitation Web: www.danwainequestrian.com Email: Info@danwainequestrian.com
Horses should have balance in every element of their life
Polo Times, December 2023 / January 2024
Congratulations to Matt and Elspeth Cudmore on the arrival of their baby son, Lachlan James Cudmore!
Congratulations to Anushka Bahlsen and Freddie Horne on the arrival of their daughter Caia Bettina, who joins their daughter Esme and son Arlo.
Photograph by EKS Images
Tell us yours at gossip@polotimes.co.uk Anonymity guaranteed if you want it...
Joaco Pittaluga and Mer Dougall are delighted to announce the arrival of their son, Achilles, to the family. Congratulations!
Polo Times contributor and equine therapist Donna Barker recently reached the finalists of the Equestrian Business Awards, an impressive feat as she reached the final four therapists from the entire UK.
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Polo Times, December 2023 / January 2024
01/12/2020 11:49
Polo directory
What’s On – Polo Fixtures
Correct at time of going to press
Aspen Kitzbühel St. Moritz
St. Regis World Snow Polo Championship 20th BENDURA BANK Snow Polo World Cup Snow Polo World Cup St. Moritz
16/12/23 17/12/23 11/01/24 14/01/24 25/01/24 28/01/24
UK Westcroft Park RCBPC Beaufort Winter Victor Ludorum 2023/24 15 Goal Oxford Polo Kemsley Stone Beaufort Beaufort 15 Goal Emsworth National Championships Black Bears New Year Trophy RCBPC Arena Gold Cup 10 to 12 Goal Longdole The Jubilee Cup Emsworth The Ambassadors Winter Cup Westcroft Park Surrey Hills Winter Trophy 4 to 6 Goal Black Bears Lower Bolney Farm Arena Cup Black Bears The Christmas Cup RCBPC National Championships Emsworth Emsworth 4-6 Goal Westcroft Park Westley Green Farm Plate Druids Lodge Bodensee Trophy Victrix Ludorum Hickstead Hickstead Ladies Ash Farm Ash Farm Ladies Oxford Polo Oxford Polo Ladies Silver Leys Silver Leys Ladies Black Bears Black Bears Ladies RCBPC The Ladies Arena British Open
28/11/23 04/12/23 02/01/24 19/01/24 07/02/24
03/12/23 10/12/23 13/01/24 28/01/24 24/02/24
04/12/23 12/12/23 29/01/24
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01/12/23 06/12/23 02/01/24 23/01/24 06/02/24 17/02/24
03/12/23 10/12/23 07/01/24 28/01/24 11/02/24 25/02/24
6 to 9
8 to 12
WOMEN’S Oxford Polo Lakeside, USA Eldorado, USA
Oxford Polo Ladies Open Pacific Coast Circuit Arena Women’s Challenge Pacific Coast Circuit Women’s Challenge
Eldorado, USA
Women’s Pacific Coast Open
RCBPC Victoria Polo, Aus
Ladies Nations Victorian Polo Association Ladies Championships 2024
14 to 16 4 to 6
YOUTH POLO Beaufort Beaufort Oxford Polo Oxford Polo RCBPC
Pony Club Christmas Arena Tournament Beaufort Polo School New Year Challenge Twelve Days of Christmas Junior Tournament Tyg Cup Senior Schools & Banana Trophy Junior Schools RCBPC Junior Silver & Gold Cups
Polo Times, December 2023 / January 2024
– 3 to 0 & 0 to 4
Druids Lodge RCBPC Westcroft Park Oxford Polo RCBPC Silver Leys Druids Lodge RCBPC Oxford Polo Westcroft Park Rugby Oxford Polo Druids Lodge Beaufort/ Longdole Beaufort/ Longdole Westcroft Park Druids Lodge Silver Leys Druids Lodge Oxford Polo RCBPC Westcroft Park Rugby Oxford Polo RCBPC Druids Lodge RCBPC
The Winter Trophy Paul Castle Challenge Beaufort Polo School Christmas Challenge El Rosario Trophy Chairman’s Trophy Cheeseplatter Challenge QEII Platinum Memorial Winter Solstice Tournament Christmas Cup Christmas Eve Trophy Challenge Matches Resolutions Casket New Year Trophy New Year Cup Oxfordshire Cup Pig Trophy Weekend
0 to 6 13 to 15
02/12/23 29/11/23
03/12/23 03/12/23
8 4 to 6 8 10 2 to 4
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Open 4 to 6 10 12
RJ Polo Challenge
6 to 8
January Low Goal Cup
0 to 4
8 8
13/01/24 13/01/24 13/01/24 14/01/24 16/01/24 16/01/24 20/01/24 20/01/24 23/01/24 23/01/24 28/01/24 29/01/24
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28/01/24 05/02/24 25/03/24 18/03/24 24/02/24 25/02/24
Wine & Whiskey Weekend Watersfield Trophy Live Financial Trophy Druids Winter League Founders Cup FCT Trophy January Bowl La Casa Loco Arena Challenge Norton Grounds Trophy Jim McEnteggart Trophy Data-IS Lismore Trophy Olin Trophy
4 to 6 10 to 12 10 10 4 to 8 7 to 10
USA California
U.S. Open Arena Polo Championship 12 Hawaiian Islands Circuit Masters Waiki’i 0 to 4 Cup Texas A&M Southwestern Circuit Amateur Cup –2 to 2 Hawaiian Islands Circuit Masters Waiki’i 0 to 4 Cup California United States Arena Handicap 12 Northeastern Circuit Arena Greater Niagara 0 to 6 Congessional Cup Southwestern Circuit Costa Careyes 9 to 12 Congressional Cup NPC & Patagones Continental Cup 12 to 16 6 to 8 & Eldorado Mack & Madelyn Jason Memorial 10 to 12 NPC & Port Mayaca Joe Barry Memorial 12 to 16 Port Mayaca Heritage Cup 12 to 16 Brookshire National Arena Delegates Cup 6 to 9 Legends USPA Arena Bronze Cup 0 to 6 NPC & Patagones Ylvisaker Cup 12 to 16 Patagones State of Florida Cup 12 to 16
Polo directory CLUB
All Ireland Polo Club
00353 01 6896732
All England Polo Club Hickstead*
01273 834 315
03/12/23 03/12/23 10/12/23 10/12/23 10/12/23 10/12/23 17/12/23 17/12/23 24/12/23 31/12/23 07/01/24
Apsley End Polo Club*
01462 712444
Ash Farm Polo Club*
07799 812739
Barfold Polo Club
07778 808853
Bawtry Polo Club
01302 773282
Beaufort Polo Club
01666 880510
Beverley Polo Club*
01964 544877
Binfield Heath
01491 411969
Blueys Polo Club*
07930 323263
Bramham Polo Academy
07811 993316
Bunclody Polo Club
00353 87 6605917
Burningfold Polo Club
01483 200722
Cambridge Polo Club*
07711 217004
Cambridge County Polo Club*
01223 812922
Carlton House
07901 561113
Chester Racecourse Polo Club
01244 304602
06/01/24 06/01/24 06/01/24 13/01/24 13/01/24 13/01/24 20/01/24 20/01/24 20/01/24 26/01/24 26/01/24 27/01/24
07/01/24 07/01/24 07/01/24 14/01/24 14/01/24 14/01/24 21/01/24 21/01/24 21/01/24 27/01/24 28/01/24 29/01/24
Cheshire Polo Club
01948 861020
Chiltern Polo Club
07973 174542
Cirencester Park Polo Club
01285 653225
Cowdray Polo Club
01730 813257
Curraghmore Polo Club
00353 51 387102
Dallas Burston Polo Club*
01926 811 111
Dorset Polo Club
01202 623985
Druids Lodge Polo Club*
01722 782597
Dundee and Perth Polo Club*
07831 365 194
Eastwood Polo Club
07968 300063
Edgeworth Polo Club
01285 821695
Edinburgh Polo Club*
07971 072336
Emsworth Polo Grounds*
01344 883112
Epsom Polo Club*
07961 232106
FHM Polo Club*
07778 436468
Fifield Polo Club*
01628 620061
Great Trippetts Polo Club
01428 741916
Guards Polo Club*
01784 434212
NEW ZEALAND Port Hills Rangitikei Hawkes Bay Port Hills Hololio Kihikihi Wigram Cambridge Hololio Kihikihi Wigram Queenstown Wanstead Auckland Kihikihi Amuri Rangitikei Waimai Port Hills Poverty Bay Cambridge Hawkes Bay Auckland Blenheim
Ronald McDonald Charity Polo West Coast Cup Wine Country Cup Picnic at the Polo Guy Kirkpatrick Memorial Dozen Cup Christchurch Tournament Hannon Trophy Hololio Tournament New Year’s Tournament Christchurch Tournament Queenstown Polo Invitational Tournament Barrett/Dearden Memorial Ardmore Tournament Waikato Tournament Amuri Tournament Russell Cup Waikato Tournament Johnson Tournament Poverty Bay Open Keyte Watson Tournament Dewar Cup Charity Tournament Blenheim Tournament
0, 4 & 8
0, 4 & 8
0, 4 & 10
0, 4 & 8
0, 2 & 8
0, 4 & 8
02/12/23 02/12/23 08/12/23 09/12/23 09/12/23 09/12/23 16/12/23 16/12/23 23/12/23 30/12/23 06/01/24
Yaloak Tournament
Millamolong Challenge
Mingela Polo Club Tournament
Christmas Polo Day 2023 Mingela Polo Club New Year Tournament Portsea Polo 2024
Melbourne City Polo Club Cup
0 to 2, 4 & 8 to 10 0 to 2, 4 & 8 to 10 0 to 2, 4 & 8 to 10
Ham Polo Club
020 8334 0000
Hertfordshire Polo Club*
01707 256023
Home Farm Polo Grounds
Hurtwood Polo Club
01483 272828
Kirtlington Park Polo Club
01869 350138
Knepp Castle Polo Club
07920 023639
Leadenham Polo Club
07429 299026
Longdole Polo Club*
01452 864544
Moor Farm Polo Club
07494 114190
Moor Hall Farm Polo Club*
01279 450637
New Forest Polo Club
07977 224404
Norfolk Polo Club
01508 480400
Northern Ireland Polo Club
07803 020577
Offchurch Bury Polo Club*
07816 830887
Pangbourne Polo Club
07708 906810
Peover Polo Club
07766 016 833
Polo Wicklow*
00353 404 67164
RAF Cranwell
07739 569491
Ranelagh Polo Club*
01344 885697
All subscribers receive an exclusive weekly newsletter and competition offers
01344 890060
RMAS Polo Club
07973 174542
Print and digital subscription
Rugby Polo Club*
01788 817724
Rutland Polo Club
07772 040668
Silver Leys Polo Club
07730 060200
St. Albans Polo Club
07956 017090
Stewarton Polo Club
07974 706045
Suffolk Polo Club
07990 576974
Sussex Polo Club*
01342 714920
Taunton Vale Polo Club
07771 931541
Tedworth Park Polo Club*
01980 846705
Toulston Polo Club
07776 234638
Triskelion Polo Club*
07624 272547
Vale of York Polo Club*
07788 426968
Vaux Park Park Polo Club*
07703 524613
vO Polo Club
01536 639018
West Wycombe Park Polo Club*
07787 560729
Westcroft Park Polo Club*
01276 858545
White Rose Polo Club*
01430 875767
White Waltham Polo Club
07748 670587
Eynesbury Vallex
Eynesbury Tournament
0 to 2, 4 & 8 to 10 0 to 2, 4 & 8 to 10
Vallex Cup 2024
20/01/24 26/01/24
21/01/24 28/01/24
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* Also open for arena polo in the UK winter
Polo Times, December 2023 / January 2024
Polo directory Misc HAND SANITISER Hand sanitiser supplied at 80% ABV to WHO Formula 1. Available in 100ml (from £2), 200ml (from £4) or 5 litre (from £45) sizes. Personalised labels available at extra cost. Discounts & free delivery for bulk purchases. Tel: 07969 456214
Marketplace In association with Chukkout Polo Transport
Bomber Bit DC Morgan New bomber bit with tags. Size 135. Bought for horse no longer in work. RRP £150. £100 ono. Tel: 07771 657103
Polo Art 1996 Crane Fruehauf Horsebox 45ft article horse trailer, Defra stalled for 18. Electric ramp, 500ltr water with wash hose, internal fans with independent battery, tandem axle, new tyres, insulated roof. Roll out awning for people to sit under. Plug in charger for leisure batteries. 4 large lockers underneath which can carry all tack, food, rugs for a week away. Full year MOT 6th December 2024. Call for more information as not the best at messaging. £19,000. Tel: 07831 365194
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Helite Air Jacket Vest Helite air vest with zip on outer shell jacket in excellent condition. Adult XS. £150. Open to offers. Tel: 07875 174432
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Polo Times, December 2023 / January 2024
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Final bell
Photograph by ©www.imagesofpolo.com
In association with Aprés Polo
British 4 goaler Hugo Taylor has many achievements to his name including winning The Cowdray Gold Cup for The British Open in 2017 with King Power, The Out-Sourcing-Inc Royal Windsor Cup in 2021 with Emlor and playing The Jockey Club Open in Argentina with Adolfo Cambiaso in 2022. So, what makes Hugo tick?
What is your biggest passion and why? For me the horses are my biggest passion, I’m always trying to find the best horses. It is a neverending process but a very rewarding one! What is your all-time best polo memory? Playing the Jockey Club with Cambiaso was obviously very special. He is someone I have admired since being a boy so to be able to share the field with him was crazy.
Who were/are your favourite teammates? I love playing with my friends. I have played with Max Charlton for the past few seasons, who is a great teammate. This year In Argentina I played the Cámara with Benja Urquiza and Ignacio Negri who are good friends and so playing with them was great fun.
Favourite film and why? Hacksaw Ridge is an old favourite. Everyone loves an unlikely hero! Favourite song/album? I love all music so it’s a hard question. ‘Wish You Were Here’ by Pink Floyd is one of the all-time favourites. Favourite food/dish? Japanese.
Polo Times, December 2023 / January 2024
Favourite celebrity and why? Pep Guardiola – he is a genius. Best holiday destination & activity? I’ve grown up going to Barbados, my family and I love it there. We spend all day on the water – I think it’s probably my favourite holiday destination.
Which sports do you like outside of polo? I love football and am a huge Manchester City fan!
Favourite hobby outside of polo? Fishing. I find it very relaxing.
Best pony and why? I have an old favourite called Milla, she has a fiery attitude but has been my favourite for years, I have recently flown her back to Argentina for breeding. Are you passionately superstitious? Not really, I am very particular about some things, but I wouldn’t say superstitious
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