What’s On – Polo Fixtures As this issue of Polo Times went to print, the Hurlingham Polo Association announced changes to the 2021 Victor Ludorum, in particular the 22 goal season, “The 22 goal programme for 2021 has been slipped to allow more time for ponies to be got properly fit and players to travel and quarantine or self-isolate and hopefully more people to attend the final few games of the Queen’s Cup. The Prince of Wales at RCBPC and The Queen’s Cup will each start and end 2 weeks later so the PoW will run from 13 – 29 May and the Queens Cup from 1 – 27 June. The Gold Cup will start and end one week later, from 29 June – 25 July. The Warwickshire will end on Saturday 26 June, the day before the Final of The Queen’s Cup. The Victor Ludorum below the 22 goal will start as per the original programme with the following changes: The Royal Windsor will run from 22 June to 11 July, the dates of The Eduardo Moore which will now run from 1 – 20 June, the dates of The Royal Windsor. The Final of the Apsley at Cirencester will now be played on 19 June.”
Draft Victor & Victrix Ludorum Dates 2021 Club 22+ Goal RCBPC Trippetts Guards CPPC Cowdray Park TBC 18 Goal Black Bears Cowdray CPPC Guards Cowdray 15 Goal Beuafort Guards RCBPC Cowdray CPPC 12 Goal Cowdray RCBPC Beaufort CPPC CPPC Guards 8 Goal CPPC Guards RCBPC Cowdray Beaufort 6 Goal Dallas Burston Beaufort Binfield Heath KPPC Ham CPPC 4 Goal KPPC Rutland Silver Leys Cheshire Druids Lodge Dallas Burston Victrix Ludorum Black Bears Knepp Castle Cowdray CPPC Beaufort RCBPC Guards
Start Date End Date
Prince of Wales Trippetts Challenge Cartier Queen’s Cup Warwickshire Cup King Power Gold Cup New Tournament
22 22 22 22 22 22
13/05/21 11/05/21 01/06/21 15/06/21 29/06/21 24/07/21
29/05/21 15/05/21 27/06/21 26/06/21 25/07/21 15/08/21
Oxford Cup Duke of Sutherland Apsley Cup Indian Empire Shield Cowdray Challenge
18 18 18 18 18
04/05/21 18/05/21 09/06/21 29/06/21 19/07/21
16/05/21 06/06/21 19/06/21 17/07/21 01/08/21
The Justerini & Brooks Arthur Lucas Royal Windsor Eduardo Moore Harrison Cup County Cup
15 15 15 15 15
18/05/21 22/06/21 01/06/21 12/07/21 03/08/21
29/05/21 11/07/21 20/06/21 31/07/21 14/08/21
Dollar Cup John Prestwich The Justerini & Brooks Prince of Wales Queen Mother Cheltenham Cup Duke of Wellington
12 12 12 12 12 12
10/05/21 31/05/21 14/06/21 28/06/21 14/07/21 31/07/21
30/05/21 12/06/21 26/06/21 10/07/21 25/07/21 15/08/21
Gerald Balding Archie David Gjulian & Howard Hipwood Holden White Wichenford Bowl
8 8 8 8 8
10/05/21 04/06/21 30/06/21 19/07/21 09/08/21
23/05/21 27/06/21 17/07/21 01/08/21 22/08/21
Stoneythorpe Cup Eduardo Rojas Lanusse Cup 6 Goal Budgett Everett Roehampton Cup Kingscote Cup
6 6 6 6 6 6
10/05/21 01/06/21 05/07/21 29/07/21 10/08/21 24/08/21
22/05/21 12/06/21 11/07/21 08/08/21 22/08/21 05/09/21
4 Goal Assam Cup 4 Goal Junior County Cup Rose Bowl 4 Goal
4 4 4 4 4 4
02/06/21 15/06/21 28/06/21 05/07/21 26/07/21 24/08/21
08/06/21 27/06/21 04/07/21 11/07/21 01/08/21 29/08/21
Black Bears Women’s Tournament Knepp Castle Ladies Tournament Ladies British Open Cirencester Ladies Beaufort Ladies RCBPC Ladies Victrix Ludorum Guards Ladies Charity
12 to 18 12 to 18 12 to 18 12 to 18 12 to 18 12 to 18 12 to 18
15/06/21 30/06/21 05/07/21 20/07/21 26/07/21 09/08/21 17/08/21
27/06/21 04/07/21 17/07/21 31/07/21 07/08/21 15/08/21 28/08/21
Polo directory UK The below dates for April and May have been confirmed by Clubs 8 to 12 Guards Valerie Halford Memorial Trophy 2 to 4 Guards Spring Tournament 2 KPPC Winwick Cup 4 to 8 Beaufort & CPPC Badminton Cup 0 to 4 CPPC The RJ Polo 4 Goal Open KPPC 3 V 3 Squad Games 4 to 8 Cowdray Barrett Cup 10 to 12 Cowdray Tyro Cup Dallas Burston Get into the Swing Spring Tournament Open 4 KPPC James Budgett Trophy –2 to 0 Ranelagh Copa Primavera Silver Leys May Cup 0 to 4 Cowdray May 4 Goal Spring Cuup 12 to 15 Guards Quen Mother’s Centenary Trophy 6 Longdole Longdole Cup League 6 Goal –2 to 2 Offchurch Bury Spring Forward Cup 8 to 12 CPPC The Cirencester 12 Goal 0 to 6 Beaufort The Kernow Cup Cowdray Jubilee Cup 0 to 4 CPPC The áBrassard Trophy 4 Edgeworth The Edgeworth Shield 0 to 2 Ranelagh Asado Challenge Trophy –6 to –2 Offchurch Bury Silver Jug 1 to 2 Druids Lodge Aspiga Trophy 4 to 8 Guards The Committee Cup 12 to 15 Cowdray Cicero Cup –2 to 0 Ranelagh Copa La Reconquista Silver Leys Blue Riibbon Cup & Courtauld Trophy 2 Edgeworth Fieldbarn Cup Open Guards Labrador Trophy –4 to 0 Druids Lodge Spring League 4 to 8 Cowdray Easebourne Cup 2 to 6 CPPC The Committee Cup 0 to 2 CPPC Cirencester 2 Goal 1 Edgeworth The 1 Goal Tournament 2 to 4 Ranelagh Founders Cup 3 to 4 goal Druids Lodge June Trophy 6 to 10 Beaufort & CPPC The NPM Babdown Cup –2 to 2 Beaufort The Henderson Rose Bowl The Non-Playing Members 0 to 10 Beaufort Babdown Cup 0 to 6 Cowdray Jersey Lilies Cup 0 to 4 Cowdray June 4 Goal Cup 2 Edgeworth The Edgeworth Challenge 0 to 2 & 4 to 6 Ranelagh Copa Fin De Mayo
20/04/21 20/04/21 22/04/21 22/04/21 23/04/21 24/04/21 24/04/21 24/04/21 26/04/21 29/04/21 01/05/21 01/05/21 01/05/21 01/05/21 01/05/21 03/05/21 04/05/21 04/05/21 07/05/21 07/05/21 08/05/21 08/05/21 08/05/21 08/04/21 08/05/21 10/05/21 15/05/21 15/05/21 15/05/21 15/05/21 15/05/21 18/05/21 19/05/21 21/05/21 22/05/21 22/05/21 22/05/21 25/05/21 25/05/21
08/05/21 09/05/21 25/04/21 09/05/21 03/05/21 25/04/21 16/05/21 09/05/21 02/05/21 02/05/21 03/05/21 03/05/21 15/05/21 16/05/21 30/05/21 09/05/21 15/05/21 15/05/21 23/05/21 16/05/21 09/05/21 09/05/21 09/05/21 09/04/21 23/05/21 23/05/21 16/05/21 16/05/21 16/05/21 30/05/21 20/06/21 05/06/21 31/05/21 23/05/21 23/05/21 23/05/21 30/05/21 04/06/21 05/05/21
25/05/21 05/05/21 26/05/21 29/05/21 29/05/21 29/05/21
13/06/21 20/06/21 31/05/21 31/05/21
16 Open 14 to 16 8 & 12
12/04/21 17/04/21 29/05/21 29/05/21
16/04/21 18/04/21 31/05/21 30/05/21
14 & 6
27/03/21 04/04/21
0, 2 & 4
03/04/21 04/04/21
WOMEN’S La Aguada, ARG Timor, AUS Beaufort Rutland
La Aguada Ladies Cup Timor Women’s Ladies Nations Cup WIP League
AUSTRALIA Garangula Melbourne City Sydney Showground Hexham Perth All Saints Estate Eynesbury Forbes Windsor Perth & Swan Valley Scone Millamolong Kurri Burri
Garangula 14 & 6 Goal Melbourne City Polo Club Easter Bunny Cup Royal Sydney Easter Show Dunkeld Polo WA Open Rutherglen Vineyard Polo Mount William Polo Forbes Polo Club at Jemalong Windsor Annual
07/04/21 08/04/21 Open
0, 2 & 6
10/04/21 10/04/21 10/04/21 10/04/21 17/04/21 17/04/21
10/04/21 11/04/21 10/04/21 11/04/21 18/04/21 18/04/21
Charles Cup
17/04/21 18/04/21
Scone Bob Skene League Millamolong Polo Kurri Burri 12, 6, 2, 0 g
24/04/12 02/05/21 24/04/21 25/04/21 24/04/21 25/04/21
0, 2, 6 & 12
Polo Times, April 2021