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Nutrition Focus: So Long 2020

Lorna Edgar – specialist equine nutritionist

Photograph by GOW Equine Winter polo ponies eating in a field


So Long 2020…

Roll On 2021!

Oh my goodness, what a bizarre year 2020 has been which, I think none of us will forget! Although it has been rather unsettling for many in the equestrian world with stop start competitions and polo – it’s hard for us humans to comprehend, let alone our equine friends!

As the summer proceeded and polo eventually got underway, it was very busy, with a lot of polo being played in quick succession, and I was delighted to see how well horses were looking, and also coping with the amount of polo being played. It seemed such a shame to turn them out again when looking so good. Huge well done to all those amazing grooms out there making it happen and coping with the ‘stop, start and full on’ summer we had.

And, now here we are, wet miserable days and winter is finally settling in, as I write, we are in Lockdown 2.0 and I am working from home again; sitting in the warm thinking of the polo ponies turned away on ‘holiday’ and battling the elements.

Always keeping a beady eye on some social media to see what is happening I have spotted … • GOW Equine wintering their polo ponies with hard feed already – what a great way to prepare them for the winter months, maintaining nutrients in their diets to help with immunity, consistent hoof growth, and to help maintain some body condition. • The use of field/paddock licks for wintering polo ponies on several

Instagram accounts – this, again, is great to see. If option one of giving individual feeds of concentrates is not possible then absolutely this is the next best thing. to see polo ponies receiving some extra nutrients that may not be abundant in the grass or hay/haylage over the winter months.

I sat down at the end of the season with Helen Eustace at Whitecrane, to discuss plans for winter feeding for playing ponies on holiday, broodmares and youngstock; the emphasis here being prepared for the winter months with a plan ready for when the weather changes. It’s preferable to try and prevent weight loss as it can take a long time and a lot of feed to get the condition back on again.

Early winter

Begin with field/paddock licks, but bear in mind they will not give the calories that some individuals may need. Be aware of how much time each individual spends at the lick each day, or if there are any of the ‘big personalities’ pushing away the quieter members of the herd – if so they won’t be getting those key nutrients whilst others are benefitting. When individuals begin to drop off condition, they will need a separate feed to provide calories, protein, vitamins and

Polo ponies’ wintering field

minerals, which will need to come from a concentrate ration rather than a field lick.

Avoiding weight loss Older Ponies

These can drop weight quickly as the weather changes as their digestive tract is probably not as efficient as it once was, possibly due to poorer dentition or gut flora that is not working as effectively. Once the grass has stopped growing and it is supplemented with hay/haylage it may not be enough to provide the calories they now require. Sometimes their droppings will become very loose and they may become very tucked up and hollow in the flanks, possibly due to the lack of digestible fibre now in their diet. Opt for Conditioning Cubes rather than a mix as they can be softened with some warm water or beet pulp, consider adding a pre/probiotic, and think of using a soft meadow hay if the hay/haylage is very stalky and lignified.


These are often a predisposing factor to weight loss during the winter or summer, but when they have access to grass, hay or haylage 24/7 this does favour their physical and psychological needs. Usually, when the quality and quantity of grass begins to drop they will begin to lose condition, so supplementing with a soft digestible forage is essential and subsequently feeding some concentrates to maintain condition is ideal.

Feeding as individuals is preferable – they would ideally need a low starch cube or mix eg. Baileys Ease & Excel. Cubes, I think, are easier to feed in fields as there is not so much waste and they can ‘hoover’ them up a bit more effectively! If a low starch conditioning feed is not an option then a ‘horse & pony cube’ initially will help to maintain condition before too much condition is lost and a higher calorie/starch feed is needed – contacting a feed company directly for advice on specific diets is advisable.

First UK Winter

This must be a struggle! Providing some extra TLC during their first winter will only reap benefits for their next full playing season. Whilst adjusting to the weather, grass and hay/haylage they can sometimes really struggle to maintain their condition. Ensuring they look well before being turned away, coupled with feeding concentrates throughout the whole winter to provide calories and a balance of vitamins and minerals would be of huge benefit.

Whatever the reason for some not holding their condition well over the winter, we can generally assume the hind gut is not working as an efficient ‘fermentation vat’ and their natural ‘central heating system’ will not be generating warmth from fibre digestion. Calorie intake from the forage may not be adequate for their needs and consequently weight loss is inevitable. Providing extra calories through a concentrate feed will be of huge benefit for them to come out of the winter holding some condition, enabling them to bounce back into work in the spring.

Remember ‘yoyo’ dieting is not recommended for anyone – especially our equine athletes!

Roll on 2021, let’s hope polo gets back to normal! Stay safe, stay well.

Contact Lorna Edgar of Baileys Horse Feeds on lorna@baileyshorsefeeds.co.uk

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