Polo directory
What’s On – Polo Fixtures
2022 Victor Ludorum 22 Goal RCBPC Prince of Wales Trophy Guards Queen’s Cup Cirencester Warwickshire Cup Cowdray Gold Cup for The British Open Guards Prince of Wales Championship Cup 18 Goal Black Bears Oxford Cup Cowdray Duke of Sutherland Cirencester Apsley Cup Guards Indian Empire Sheild Cowdray Cowdray Challenge 15 Goal Beaufort Arthur Lucas Guards Royal Windsor RCBPC Eduardo Moore Cowdray Harrison Cup Cirencester County Cup 12 Goal Cowdray Dollar Cup RCBPC John Prestwich Challenge Trophy Beaufort Prince of Wales Cirencester Queen Mother Cirencester Cheltenham Cup Guards Duke of Wellington Cowdray Autumn League 8 Goal Cirencester Gerald Balding Guards Archie David RCBPC Julian & Howard Hipwood Trophy Cowdray Holden White Beaufort Wichenford Bowl 6 Goal DBPC Dallas 6 Goal Beaufort Rojas Lanusse Binfield Binfield Heather 4 Goal KPPC Budgett Everett Ham Roehampton Cup Cirencester Kingscote Cup 4 Goal KPPC Kirtlington 4 Goal White Rose White Rose 4 Goal Rutland Assam Cup Silver Leys Silver Leys 4 Goal Cheshire Cheshire 4 Goal Druids Druids 4 Goal Taunton Taunton 4 Goal DBPC Dallas 4 Goal Victrix Ludorum Black Bears Knepp Cowdray British Ladies Open Championship CPPC Beaufort Claire Tomlinson Trophy RCBPC Polo Festival Ladies Guards www.polotimes.co.uk
31/04/22 17/05/22 14/06/22 21/06/22 26/07/22
14/05/22 12/06/22 18/06/22 17/07/22 13/08/22
03/05/22 17/05/22 08/06/22 28/06/22 18/07/22
15/05/22 05/06/22 25/06/22 16/07/22 31/07/22
16/05/22 31/05/22 21/06/22 11/07/22 02/08/22
28/05/22 12/06/22 10/07/22 30/07/22 13/08/22
09/05/22 30/05/22 13/06/22 27/06/22 13/07/22 30/07/22 05/09/22
29/05/22 11/06/22 25/06/22 09/07/22 24/07/22 14/08/22 18/09/22
09/05/22 03/06/22 29/06/22 18/07/22 08/08/22
22/05/22 26/06/22 16/07/22 31/07/22 21/08/22
UK The below dates have been confirmed by clubs Guards Valerie Halford Memorial Trophy Guards Spring Tournament Cowdray Tyro Cup Cowdray Barrett Cup RCBPC First Chukkas Cirencester RJ Polo 4 Goal KPPC James Budgett Trophy Beaufort & CPPC The Badminton Cup Black Bears Welcome Cup 6 Goal La Martina Queen Elizabeth The Guards Queen Mother’s Centenary Trophy Cheshire Farewell Cip Cheshire CPC Trophy KPPC Challenge Matches Tedworth
Kingsett Cup
Cowdray Tedworth Black Bears Cirencester Beaufort KPPC Cirencester Cowdray Cowdray KPPC RCBPC Rutland Rutland
May 4 Goal Spring Cup RN Sacher Cup (Kemble Salver) Oxfordshire Cup Cirencester 12 Goal Kernow Cup Management Cup Ábrassard Trophy Trippetts Challenge Jubilee Cup Clyde House Nursing Homes Argentine Cup/ 61st Cavalry Trophy Rousham Cup The Starting Gate Trophy Spring Cup Mobil Trophy
Queens Royal Hussars Cup
Guards Cowdray KPPC Black Bears Guards Thoresby Park KPPC RCBPC
Committee Cup Cicero Cup Ragley Cup Henley Cup Labrador Trophy Jean Kewley Trophy & Causeway Racing Cup Opening Tournament Oxfordshire Bowl Jim McEnteggart Trophy
Maddison Cup
RCBPC Cowdray Cirencester KPPC KPPC Cirencester KPPC
Club Weekend 8 Goal Easebourne Cup Committee Cup Fewster Cup Jenny Walton Masters Tournament Randle Brooks Memorial Trophy & Dreamford Hall Trophy Cirencester 2 Goal Sonara Classic
Cholderton Cup
Beaufort Beaufort & CPPC Cowdray KPPC KPPC RCBPC Black Bears Cowdray
Henderson Rosbowl NPM Babdown Cup Jersey Lilies Cup Barlow Cup May Cup The Polo Manager’s Trophy Thames-side Silver Trophy June 4 Goal Cup Manor Park Classics/Hurstwood Holdings K of A Bowl/Newhall Cup Cirencester 2 Goal
09/05/22 31/05/22 04/07/22 28/07/22 09/08/22 23/08/22
21/05/22 11/06/22 10/07/22 07/08/22 21/08/22 04/09/22
30/05/22 06/06/22 20/06/22 27/06/22 04/07/22 25/07/22 15/08/22 23/08/22
05/06/22 12/06/22 26/06/22 03/07/22 10/07/22 31/07/22 21/08/22 28/08/22
14/06/22 26/06/22 26/06/22
19/07/22 02/08/22 08/08/22 16/08/22
30/07/22 06/08/22 14/08/22 27/08/22
30/07/22 07/08/22 14/08/22 27/08/22
Cheshire Cirencester
8 to 12 6 10 to 12 4 to 8 0 to 4 4 4 to 8 6
20/04/22 20/04/22 23/04/22 23/04/22 27/04/22 27/04/22 28/04/22 28/04/22 29/04/22
07/05/22 08/05/22 08/05/22 15/05/22 25/09/22 07/05/22 01/05/22 08/05/22 08/05/22
12 to 15
0 to 4
30/04/22 30/04/22 30/04/22
01/05/22 01/05/22 01/05/22
18 8 to 12 0 to 6 6 0 to 4 22 0 to 6
30/04/22 02/05/22 03/05/22 03/05/22 03/05/22 05/05/22 06/05/22 06/05/22 06/05/22
14/05/22 02/05/22 04/05/22 07/05/22 14/05/22 08/05/22 15/05/22 15/05/22 22/05/22
0 to 4
0 0 to 4 –2 –6 –4 to 0 & 0 to 4 4 to 8 12 to 15 2 6 4
07/05/22 07/05/22 07/05/22 07/05/22
08/05/22 08/05/22 08/05/22 08/05/22
07/05/22 09/05/22 12/05/22 13/05/22 14/05/22
22/05/22 22/05/22 15/05/22 22/05/22 29/05/22
0 to 4
14/05/22 14/05/22 14/05/22
15/05/22 15/05/22 15/05/22
17/05/22 17/05/22 18/05/22 19/05/22 21/05/22
22/05/22 04/06/22 29/05/22 22/05/22 21/05/22
0 to 4
0 to 2 12 –4 to 0 & 0 to 4 – 2 to 2 6 to 10 0 to 6 6 2 0 to 4 10 0 to 4
21/05/22 21/05/22
22/05/22 22/05/22
24/05/22 24/05/22 25/05/22 26/05/22 26/05/22 26/05/22 27/05/22 28/05/22
04/06/22 05/06/22 11/06/22 29/05/22 29/05/22 29/05/22 12/06/22 19/06/22
0 to 4
0 to 2
Open 0 to 2 & –4 to 0 0 to 4
8 4 to 6 –6 to –2 & –2 to 2 4 to 8 4 to 8 2 to 6 4 Exhibition
Polo Times, May 2022