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競投登記須知 Important Notice about Bidding Registration

—、閣下參與競投登記時須 競投 登記表格並提供有 關 份 明文件, 保 ,以辦理登記 。 I. When you register to bid in an auction, you must fill in the Bidding Registration Form, with all relevant documents as follow, and pay a deposit in order to complete the registration.

、競投登記時須提供之文件 : 1. 人: 出附有 的 份 明文件 ( 如 份 及 / 或 ),及現時 明 ( 如 份 明文件未有顯 示 ),如公用事業 及 / 或 行 。 2. 公司 :公司 業登記 及 明文件。 3. 代理人:代理人附有 的 份 明文件 , 代理人所代 表之競投人 / 公司之 明文件 , 以及該人 / 公司簽 的 權書 本。 請注意 , 保利香港拍賣不接受 方付 款 - 規定 用於代理人。如閣下代表他人參與競投, 保利香港拍賣僅接受 人之付款。 4. 新 以及未在 保利 拍賣有限公司成功競投拍 賣品的 ,本公司有 對權 閣下要 提供 行 出 之 用 明。 議 次參與競投的新 於拍賣會前 3 前辦理登記,以 有 足的時 處理登記資料。 II. Documents that must be provided when completing the bidding paddle registration: (1) Individuals: photo identity i.e. national identity card and/ or passport; proof of current address (if the current address is not shown on the identity document), i.e. utility bill or bank statement. (2) Corporate clients: a certificate of incorporation and offi cial documents listing directors and shareholders. (3) Agents and/or Acting Personnel: photo identity of the agent and/or acting personnel, copy of identity document of the person/company that the agent and/or acting personnel acts on, original copy of signed and/or chopped authorization letter from the particular person/ company. Please note that Poly Auction (Hong Kong) Limited does not accept any payment from any third party and this also applies to agent. If you participate in the bidding on behalf of others, Poly Auction (Hong Kong) only accepts the payment of the principal. (4) New clients and those clients who have not bidden successfully from Beijing Poly Intemational Auction Co., Ltd., must provide credit proof issued by banks, and must complete the registration at least three business days before the auction so that there will be enough time to process the registration.


、若閣下是 次參與競投,同時未 得保利香港拍賣有 限公司認可的 ,保 為港 500,000 。 如閣下 競投 拍賣品 ( 在圖錄 及 / 或 圖錄 標有 之拍賣品 ),保 為港 1,000,000 。 保利香港拍賣有 對權 時 拍賣品之保 及 / 或 , 而不需要另行通知。在閣下競投前 , 本公司 有 對權 閣下要 提供任何有關閣下的財務 明。 本公司有 對權 任何人之競投登記而不需給予任何 解釋。 III. If this is the first time you bid with Poly Auction (Hong Kong) Limited, and you are not recommended by a registered client endorsed by us, the deposit will be HK$500,000. If you intend to bid on a “Premium Lot”(i.e., a lot marked with in the printed catalogue and/or the digital catalogue), the deposit will be HK$1,000,000, please be aware the amount of deposit and/or bidding registration procedure for “Premium Lot” can be changed at any time at Poly Auction(Hong Kong)’s sole discretion without prior notice. In either case, you must deliver to Poly Auction (Hong Kong) Limited such necessary financial references, guarantees, deposits and/or such other security as Poly Auction (Hong Kong) Limited may in its absolute discretion require for before your bid. Poly Auction (Hong Kong) Limited may refuse any bidding registration without any explanation at its’ sole discretion. 、所有保 須以 或保利香港拍賣有限公司認可 之 用 / 以港 付款 ( 閣下 須 使用 下 的 用 / )。如閣下未能投得任何拍賣品 , 保利香 港拍賣將 在拍賣 後 回閣下已付 的保 ( 不包 利 )。如閣下成為買家,保利香港拍 賣有限公司有權將該保 為 付拍賣品 買 款的款 項。任何 及 款的 損 或 用,將由閣下 。 IV. All deposits must be paid in HK dollars by telegraphic transfer, credit card acceptable to Poly Auction (Hong Kong) Limited and/or Union Pay Card under your name. If you are not successful in any bid,the deposit (without interest) will be returned to you by any method as determined by Poly Auction (Hong Kong ) Limited within 14 days after the end of the auction. If you successfully bid for any lot(s), Poly Auction (Hong Kong) Limited may use the deposit to offset any amount of purchase price of the lot(s) that bought by you. Any losses or expenses from foreign currency conversion involved in the refund will be borne by you.

、本公司有權要 競投人提供財務狀況 明、 保、存 款 明,或本公司可要 競投人為其有意競投的拍賣品提 供其他 。本公司保 競投人資 的權利。 V. Poly Auction (Hong Kong) Limited has the right to demand the Bidder to provide any proof of financial conditions, guarantee, proof of bank deposit and/or any other necessary documents that our company can demand, at its absolute discretion, and/or asking the Bidder to provide any other collateral for the Lot(s) that the latter intends to bid. Our company reserves the right to investigate the sources of funds of the Bidder.

、本公司有 對權 任何人之競投登記而不需給予 任何解釋。 VI. Please be aware that Poly Auction (Hong Kong) Limited can refuse any bidding registration without any explanation at its’ sole discreation.

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