The Cyprus National Culinary Team brochure

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T h e C y p r u s N A T I O N A L C U L I N A RY T e a m

Lightly cured salmon en sous vide, green pea puree, langoustine and seabass wrapped in zucchini, crispy FILO filled with taramas and salmon roe, langoustine bisque, dried Kalamata olives, lemon condiment.


Cyprus, a Mediterranean island blessed with the light of the ancient gods, presents a marriage of mathematics and imagination. Geometry is the theme of our chefs, as they create an expertly-crafted archipelago of symmetries and planes, the better to capture the eye and inspire the palate. Phalanxes of petits fours, segmented terrines, elegantly bevelled meat, fish and vegetables, vertiginously suspended confectionary. A sensory feast on a breathtaking scale.

Corn-fed Chicken breast from the Land, crispy fried, pressed chicken leg with wild mushrooms, salt-baked root vegetables and kolokasi, kourkouma potato & espuma, breaded egg yolk, commandaria scented jus.

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T eam

“Cooking is chemistry, mathematics, physics all combined, and it takes a lot to get from the science to the art of the kitchen,” says Cyprus National Team Director George Damianou. “It is paramount that both mouth and palate receive a barrage of tastes and fragrances.” Drawing on the island’s Mediterranean cuisine, team's dishes feature Cypriot culinary accents “with a modern twist and a creative execution, in order to compete at the highest level”. A model of determination and fierce dedication, George is justly proud of his colleagues, given their small country’s haul of world-class honours over the years, flying the Cyprus flag alongside such gastronomic powerhouses as Sweden, Singapore and Australia. Most recently, the team earned one gold and three silver medals at the Culinary Olympics in 2008, three silver medals at the 2010 Culinary World Cup and two bronze medals at the Culinary Olympics in 2012. “The spirit is there, the talent is there, the appetite for excellence is all there,” says George. “All of which make me particularly proud to invest and build for Cyprus's culinary future.”

George Da mia nou Director IHRS Innovative Hotel Restaurant Solutions

Pineapple confit, Vanilla sable, Pear & white chocolate roll, Soft Vanilla gelato, coffee NIBS Florentine and warm Almond pudding, Pear snap sphere.





n ager

T eam

Exuding an enthusiasm that belies his professionalism under pressure, Cyprus National Team Manager Panayiotis Charalambous is relishing his country’s challenge at the 2014 Culinary World Cup. “You’re exposed to new trends and the cooking culture of high-performing nations. That’s why there’s been a culinary revolution in Cyprus over the past five, six years,” he says. In Luxembourg, he and his colleagues will showcase not only the island’s gastronomic prowess, but also highlight its native produce: earthy kolokasi, versatile halloumi cheese, trahanas – cracked wheat and goat’s milk curd traditional cereals, Cyprus's famed local potatoes, olive oil and Commandaria wine. “As geometry is the science of correct reasoning, we strongly believe that it is also the foundation of all fine arts – including the art of cooking. Inspiration is needed in geometry, just as much as in preparing a fine meal; it is a skill of the eyes, the hands and the mind. Inspired by the magic and wisdom that geometry can offer, our team has endeavoured to give our dishes a geometric placement that can be appealing in so many ways!”

Pa n ayi ot is C h a ra la mb ou s Chef De Cuisine, Four Seasons Hotel

N a t i on a l te a m

Va l e n t i n o s Michael

D i mi tris Sa k a petis Pastry Chef

Stav ros Hat ziky ria kou


M arios E fstathiou

Amathus Hotel


Stav r o s K a ko f e n g i t i s



Annabelle Hotel

Four Seasons Hotel

Four Seasons Hotel

Nikolas Papa n i kolaou Team captain

Di m i t r i o s G i a ko s

Chef Sodexo

Ne a rch os Arist idou TEAM PASTRY CHEF


M arios K akop sitos

Mediterranean Beach Hotel

S o f o kl i s Andreou

Pastry Chef

Pastry Chef

Four Seasons Hotel

Choco La

Four Seasons Hotel











Despite his country’s small size, Cyprus Chefs Association President Panikos Hadjittofis stresses the importance his colleagues place on competing at the highest levels, where their discipline, skill, preparation and self-belief allow them to hold their own among more established nations. “We hope their example will add to Cyprus's progress,” he says, “but while we take note of popular food trends, we always work to represent our own cuisine and gastronomy. Top level competitions like the 2014 Culinary World Cup help bring the Association’s broader aims – like participation in the Global Chef Challenge preliminaries and the creation of a Junior Chefs Club – that much closer,” adds the Executive Chef of the Four Seasons Hotel Limassol. The island’s younger chefs are certainly rising in the ranks, as demonstrated by Stavros Hadjikyriakou who won the cookery gold medal at the 2010 Euroskills competition in Lisbon and is now on the national team, and Panikos is unsurprisingly optimistic about what lies ahead. “The youth are the yeast for tomorrow,” he says, “and they are working with great commitment and enthusiasm to bring further culinary distinction to Cyprus.”

PANIKOS HA DJITTOFIS presiden t c. c. a. Executive Chef Four Seasons Hotel Limassol

Fresh Norwegian Salmon 5 whole Norwegian salmon approx. 5-6kg each Brine: 16lt ice water 1600gr kosher salt 800gr sugar Olive oil Lime zest, orange zest, piment d’espelette, kosher salt. Fillet the whole salmon. Remove the skin and bones from the fish. For the brine: 16lt ice water, 1600gr kosher salt and 800gr sugar. Place fillets in brine for 1 hour, strain through a cloth. Cut salmon lengthwise and make 4cm cylinder rolls using cling film. Vacuum the salmon and insert olive oil for taste. Cook in sous vide machine at 42˚C for 1 hour or until core temperature reaches 40˚C. Ice-bath the vacuum bags and chill. Let it rest for at least 2 hours. Cut in portions and reheat covered at 40˚C. Season with lime and lemon zest on top rock salt and serve.

Green Pea Purée 1120gr green peas 16 leaves gelatin 16gr agar agar 120gr fresh cream 400ml water Salt and pepper Blanch the garden peas for 2 minutes. Process in thermomix and strain the mixture using a fine colander. Heat the agar agar with the fresh cream. Soak the gelatin leaves and combine them with the green pea and the agar agar mixture. Add water according to the thickness of the mixture. Place immediately in trays. Cool and cut lengthwise in ½ cm ribbons.

Langoustine and Sea Bass Wrapped in Zucchini 30 langoustines, size 6-8 4 sea bass, 1 kg each 5 medium potatoes 20-25 medium green zucchini, thinly sliced and blanched Thyme, fresh stalks 2lt cream Chopped chives Chopped coriander Lemongrass, 1 stalk Garlic, 1 clove Salt and pepper Clean the langoustines - remove dirt. Place on baking paper, season and brush with olive oil. Flash under salamander and cool. Cut lengthwise and reserve shells for the bisque. Marinate the sea bass and cook in oven for 20min. When cooked, remove bones and keep the flesh. Salt-bake the potatoes and blend into a fine purée. Reduce the cream with lemongrass stalk and garlic to half. In a saucepan, sauté the fish. Add potatoes and mix in the

cream. Finally add the coriander and chives. To make the roll: On a plastic wrap, place the sliced zucchini side by side. Add the sea bass mixture and top with the langoustine. Wrap in a cylinder and let it cool in fridge. Cut in 3cm rolls. Remove plastic and heat before serving.

Crispy Filo 2 packets nichao filo brick Clarified butter Cut the filo lengthwise into 3cm strips. Brush with butter. Roll on a S/S round mold, and cook in oven at 150˚C for 13min.

Taramas (carp roe caviar) 200gr tarama fish roe 100gr onion 150gr sliced bread 400gr water to soak the bread 2 cooked potatoes 1lt corn oil mixed with olive oil Lemongrass Lemon juice Fresh cream Salmon roe for garnish In a thermomix combine the onion, peeled potatoes and bread. Process until smooth. When blended add the tarama and at the end add a little corn oil. Fill the tubes and garnish with salmon roe..

Langoustine Bisque 30 langoustine shells 500g peeled and diced vegetables (onions, leeks, carrots, celery) 6pt fish stock 10g barlic 30g flour Fresh dill and dill seeds Seasoning Brandy ¼ pt tomato passata 1pt cream Butter Fry the langoustine shells, vegetables, dill and dill seed and garlic until golden brown. Add a dash of brandy. Add the flour and cook for a minute or two, stirring continuously. Pour in the stock and add the tomato passata. Stir the sauce until smooth. Bring the sauce to the boil and reduce the liquid to half. Add the cream and simmer for 10 minutes. Allow to stand. Season with care. Strain through a chinois or fine mesh sieve and allow to cool..

Dried Kalamata Olives 400gr flour 600gr black olives 200gr butter 50gr squid ink Mix all ingredients together in thermomix. Cool and then strain in a chinois. Place on silicone and bake at 150˚C until crispy.

Lemon Condiment 600ml lemon juice 600gr sugar 18gr agar agar 1 lemon zest microplane Turmeric for colour Boil lemon juice, sugar and agar agar until temperature reaches 90˚C. Allow to cool to form a gel. Blend in thermomix and add turmeric and lemon zest. For the garnish Finely slice 15 baby fennel and 15 red radishes. Keep in ice water. To serve, dress with basil oil, salt and pepper.

Corn-fed Chicken Breast 28 whole corn-fed free-range chickens, approx. 1600-1800gr each 100gr activa Salt and pepper Debone chickens, reserving the skin. Keep the legs for the terrine. Remove the fat and trim the breast. Open the skin lengthwise. Place 2 breasts and season with salt, pepper and dust with activa. Make a roll. Heat the sous vide machine to 68˚C and cook breast roulade at 64˚C core temperature. Cool in ice-bath and let rest in fridge. To serve, reheat to 60˚C, pat dry and deep-fry until golden in colour. Every roll makes 4 portions.

Pressed Chicken Leg with Wild Mushrooms 5kg chicken legs, deboned and trimmed 250gr trumpet mushrooms 250gr morel mushrooms 1kg leftover’s to make mince ½ kg fresh cream 200gr egg white Season the chicken legs and cut into strips. Mix the mushrooms, meat, cream, egg whites and make the farce. Mix the marinated chicken legs and the farce and place in a 35cm x 8cm x 3cm mould. Vacuum the terrines and cook in a steamer at 72˚C - 68˚C core temperature. Cool in ice-bath. Cut 2cm thick, place on baking paper and reheat. Brush with olive oil and serve.

Salt-baked Root Vegetables and Kolokasi 6 pieces kolokasi 3kg carrot 2kg celeriac 5gr truffle 110 shallots 1lt chicken stock 25gr agar agar 8 gelatin leaves 200ml olive oil 300gr shallots, chopped 1 bunch chives, chopped ½ bunch parsley 10kg rock salt In a tray, place rock salt, add the vegetables and cover with the remaining rock salt. Cook for 1½ hours in a 180˚C dry oven. Peel the vegetables cut in cubes. In a pan, combine olive oil, shallots and the rest of the cubed vegetables. Add the parsley, truffle oil and chives. Leave on the side. Heat the chicken stock with agar agar until 83˚C and add the mixture to the vegetables. Place the mixture in the mould. Heat with olive oil and serve.

Kourkouma Potato & Espuma 110 medium size potatoes 5 lt chicken stock Kourkouma powder Salt Pepper 250gr butter 1 bunch thyme and rosemary 1 bunch chopped chives Espellette pepper 300ml fresh cream 300ml milk 250gr butter

Foie gras and egg yolk fritter 1200gr foie gras 500ml fresh egg yolk Salt Pepper Five spice 50ml Commandaria wine 500gr flour 1lt egg bath 2kg Chinese breadcrumbs Marinate the foie grass with the wine and five spice and seasoning. Cook in sous vide bath until the core is 58˚C. Place in spherical mould and allow to set. Cook the yolk at 63˚C for 45 minutes. Cool down to 4˚C and top off the foie grass. Freeze well and pané twice in breadcrumbs.

Chicken Jus 20lt chicken stock 1 bottle Commandaria wine 500gr butter 1kg mirepoix vegetables Thyme Rosemary Chicken trimmings Sauté the trimmings in butter with the mirepoix. Strain and add the stock. Simmer until the jus is ready. Add the wine.

Vegetables 110 green asparagus tips 170 pieces Chanterelles mushrooms - 1 ½ per portion 110 pea shoots

Pineapple confit 3600gr fresh pineapple, cut into small cubes 200gr sugar 100gr butter cubes 4 vanilla sticks 600gr pineapple purée 300gr passion fruit purée 30gr gelatin 60gr agar agar

With the help of a Parisien knife, shape the potatoes in round shapes. Cook in flavoured chicken stock with kourkouma. Strain and season. Fill with onion confit.

Espuma Cook the trimmings and blend together with fresh cream, milk and butter. Season and transfer to a siphon bottle. Charge it with 2 No2 capsules. Keep it warm at 60˚C.

Glazed Onion Confit 1kg onions 250gr sugar 1lt chicken stock 200ml chicken jus Salt Pepper Slice the onions and sauté them in olive oil until golden brown. Add the stock and simmer.

Crispy Chicken Crust 10 pieces crispy fried chicken skin 100gr roasted hazelnuts 100gr roasted pumpkin seeds Grind them together and season.

Add to a big shallow pan sugar, pineapple cubes. Reduce and then add pineapple puré and passion fruit puré, add vanilla sticks and last the pineapple fresh cubes. Dissolve gelatin and add to mixture. Bring the mixture to 80˚C and add gelatin. Place mixture on a silicon mat and cool.

Pear roll 2000g pear purée 60g gelatin 200g sugar Boil up pear purée and add sugar and gelatin. Cool in the refrigerator.

Light opalys mouse 1050g milk 2kg white chocolate 50g gelatin 2120g whipped cream Make a ganache with milk, white chocolate and add gelatin when it reaches 30˚C. Add whipped cream.

Coffee Nibs Florentine 750g butter 900g sugar 300g glucose 20g pectin NH Boil all the ingredients and spread on a silt pad. Bake at 170˚C for about 5 minutes.

Vanilla sablÉ 650g butter 350g sugar 45g trimoline 40g egg white 4 vanilla sticks 900g flour 385g corn flour 25g baking powder Mix butter, sugar, trimoline, then add all the dry ingredients.

Almond pudding 300g eggs 300g icing sugar 300g butter 300g almonds 250g almond paste 200g flour Mix butter and icing sugar, add eggs and then flour and almond paste. Fill the silicon molds and bake 170˚C for 10mins.

Soft vanilla gelato 2400g milk 480g egg yolks 520g sugar 600g fresh cream 80g vanilla paste Warm milk with cream and add eggs, sugar and vanilla paste. Put in the ice cream machine.

Pear Sphere 500g pear purée 500g water 5g algin 15g glucose Make spheres in algin bath.


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