Urban Design Portfolio (Academic)

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Polymenis Tsironas Portfolio


Hi! My name is Polymenis Tsironas (friends call me Akis) and I am an urban planner and designer, currently living in Stockholm.I am a recent graduate from KTH -MSc in Sustainable Urban Planning and Design- and I am also in possesion of a 5 year Diploma(Equivalent to MSc) in “Urban and Regional Planning and Development Engineering “ from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. My long lasting studies allowed me to develop a plethora of skills, a broad academic knowledge in planning matters and the confidence to handle complex projects and challenges. As a recent graduate with a strong interest and success in planning studies, I am currently seeking my way into the planning industry. My two years+ stay in Stockholm , alongside with my studies, gave me the oppurtunity to familiarize with the swedish culture and to work in Sweden-centred related projects. The projects that were conducted during my studies showcase my involvement in various types of urban cases and scales. The urban design portfolio that you are looking at, is a glance at my recent academic experience and practice, encompassing group and individual projects that took place over the last two years.Hope you ‘ll enjoy it and I am relishing the chance to meet you in person, why not work for you?

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Polymenis Tsironas Portfolio


The Beckholmen Project | Studio Course : Public Places and Spaces

Master Thesis | Reshaping Stockholm



Green Moabit | Summer Academy

18 The New Kiruna | Studio Course : Contemporary Trends in Urban Design II 30

36 The Nacka Region | Studio Course : Compositions in Urban Design

40 Real Estate Brochure

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& in geographical terms Stockholm Kiruna



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Reshaping Stockholm A macro level research of spatial relations and networks through a micro level study Stockholm processofoftransformation, transformation,with withananexpected expected increase of 150.000 Stockholmisis in in the the process increase of 150.000 peoplepeoby ple by the next 20 years. City authorities have formulated a strategic plan for meeting these the next 20 years. City authorities have formulated a strategic plan for meeting these demands, demands, with vision a 2030’s vision of Stockholm as acity. walkable Urban development is inthe with a 2030’s of Stockholm as a walkable Urbancity. development is inthe centre of centre of attention, with ongoing megaprojects such as The Royal Seaport. attention, with ongoing megaprojects such as The Royal Seaport.

Stockholm Today


Micro Interventions For Macro Level Changes


Cost effective, efficient, low risk, independent, flexible

Stockholm 2030’s Vision A Walkable City

The aim of this thesis is to research the in�uence of micro level interventions on macro level urban The is 2030’s vision ofthe a walkable vibrantlevel Stockholm,as interpeted by level the The aimdynamics. of this thesis to research infuenceand of micro interventions on macro authorities, is used as a2030’s point of departure. As a result, termsStockholm,as of walkabilityinterpeted and continuous urban dynamics. The vision of a walkable andthe vibrant by the urban environment beenofused as a framework for the the terms investigation. Through authorities, is used ashave a point departure. As a result, of walkability and theoritical continuous study environment and design research, the used projectasresulted in the for identification of several areas, as candiurban have been a framework the investigation. Through theoritical dates and for the micro level study. study design research, the project resulted in the identification of several areas, as candidates for the micro level study.

but how?

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Analysis brief

Adding Addingto tothe theconventional conventional analysis, analysis,aanew newconceptual conceptualanalysis analysisis is introduced subjective assessment the city introduced.Based .Basedonon subjective assessment thehas citybeen has anabeen lysed into ainto network of areas that combine high urban qualities, analysed a network of areas that combine high urban qualiasties, suggested in the theoretical background, with the as suggested in the theoretical background, withprinciples the principles identified, walkability, connectivity continuity urban identified, walkability, connectivity andand continuity of of thethe urban environment playing playing an animportant important role. The The network network of of nodes nodesasas environment presentedononthe themap, map, is not representing actual nodes presented is not representing anyany actual nodes but but it is used a notional mapping desired qualitiesand and isit used as aasnotional wayway of of mapping thethedesired qualities principles. principles.

All the All thesites sitesofofinterest interestthat thatwere werediagnosed, diagnosed,were wereanalysed analysed thoroughly thoroughlyinina search a searchforforidentifying identifytheir detailed characteristics and the challenges that we would have to address. All the ing their detailed characteristics and the challenges that we would have to address. All theareas areas selected, were in accordance with the criteria set and appropriate for micro scale interventions selected, were in accordance with the criteria set and appropriate for micro scale interventions that would macro level level effect. effect. The The aim that would have have aa macro aim would would be be to to extend extend the the city citylimits limitsbybyenlarging enlarging the continuous urban environment and without applying a mega project. the continuous urban environment and without applying a mega project.

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Area selection & analysis Gärdet,ananarea areanorth northeast eastofofthe theOld OldTown Town(Gamla (Gamla Gärdet, Stan),with with high proximity centre wasfinally finally Stan), high proximity to to thethe citycity centre was chosen.AtAtthe thenotional notional edgesofofthe thecity cityasasidentified identified chosen. edges today,Gärdet, Gärdet,will willbe beininbetween between the today, the city citycentre centreand andthe foreseeable future. theRoyal RoyalSeaport SeaportProject Projectinin the the foreseeable future. As a area will will be be heavily heavily affected affected by the ongoongoing a result, the area andand its its character cancan be potentially differentiatingchanges changes character be potentially differed. Answering these claims, a micro level study was conentiated. Answering these claims, a micro level study ducted, resulting in an urban proposal, ensuring was conducted, resulting in an design urban design proposal, the preservation of the areas’ character and the connecensuring the preservation of the areas’ character and of the newofareas existing fabric. urthetion connection the with new the areas with urban the existing ban fabric.

Polymenis Tsironas Portfolio

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G채rdet will have a role as the in betweeen area of the Royal Seaport and the city. The demand G채rdet will haveconnection, a role as the as in well betweeen of for improved as thearea princithe Seaport and the the need city. The for plesRoyal included imply for ademand direct conimproved connection, as well as the principles innection that will allow the existence of a concluded imply the need for a direct connection that tinuous urban environment and will enhance will allow the existence of a continuous urban enviwalkability Thewalkability topography of theThe area ronment and aspects. will enhance aspects. plays a primary role on how this matter topography of the area plays a primary role onshould how this matter should be addressed. be addressed.

The enhancement enhancementofofthethegreen green conThe connectionbetween betweenthe thetwo twobigger bigger areas nection areas of the National Park, as well as the creof the National Park, as well as the ation of a continuous urban link through creation of a continuous urban link the area was the main outcome of the through the area was the main analysis. The area of G채rdet was finally outcomeforofantheurban analysis. area of selected designThe proposal G채rdet was finally selected for an to be conducted. urban design proposal to be conducted.

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The Masterplan (1:2000)

The Masterplan showcases the area of intervention, G채rdet. The main goal is to ensure the continuity of the urban fabric through the field area and to Royal Seaport, as well as preserve the identity of the area which belongs to the National Park. The main factor for the selection of this particular point was the topography which highlights the open walkpaths.

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Seaport Promenade (1:500)

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The Seaport Promenade would act as the main connection between the Royal Seaport and the City Centre, without hindering the activities already taking place at the area. A triangular building that would act as a tourist information center, but also as a meeting place on its amphitheatrical roof, would be the main point in a square created where the Seaport Promenade andthe extension of TessinParken actually meet, ensuring the urban connection as required but also the continuity of the green line crossing through G채rdet. The areas designated for sport activities,and that already exist today would be programmed in a way to meet the demands, as they appearto have enormous potential.

Polymenis Tsironas Portfolio

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“Inhill” Development The Hill of Gärdet would be transormed in a way to preserve its current functions, but also to allow the use of the area during the winter time. The “inhill” development aims to preserve as much as possible the existing image of the hill, retaining its character, that will be also public and not commercially orientated.

Some sport supporting uses to the sports eld would also be included in the ground level while the connection existing today, not only will be preserved, but also will be enhanced.

Polymenis Tsironas Portfolio

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The Beckholmen Project The aim of the project was to incorpate the island of Beckholmen in Stockholm’s urban fabric. The island of Beckholmen was examined in terms of its geological ground, industrial function and character, multiple programming and diversity of scales in a proposition for the use anddesign of public spaces/places that allow different conditions and functions to be interwoven into the design of urban space. Beckholmen is a small and very central island in Stockholm, it is part of a National Park and contains some buildings of historical value, nevertheless is quite unknown. It has a strong character due to the ship industry taking place there. together with this industry some small activities cohabit, such as workshops, residential or a music studio..

Polymenis Tsironas Portfolio

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Transportation in Stockholm is characterized by linear dependance on T Centralen. However, it is possible to locate smaller “broken” loops of transportation

Stockholm is a city characterized by a special urban fabric, a “rich” water element and an increasing shortage of housing. The future challenge is to accomodate Stockholm’s pressing housing need in a way tha would not affect the city’s historical continuity.

The loop identified close to the city centre includes in it Beckholmen area. However, what would be the solution to bridge the gap between Södermalm and Djurgården?

In order to retain inner’s city identity and avoid high rise buildings that could be “out of the block” in accordance with the city’s existing skyline, the water could provide new potential housing areas that would provide proximity to the centre and high quality urban environments.

The Mobility concept includes the establishment of two new connections, one connecting Södermalm and Beckholmen, and one connecting Beckholmen and Djurgården

The increasing need for new housing close to the city’s centre could be fulfilled by taking advantage of the free water areas, starting by Beckholmen. There are a lot of water spots without water “traffic” and with shallow waters, that could become a continuation of the existing

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...x 4

Central Stockholm is characterized by a variety of activities and a large amount of public spaces. The city’s 2030 vision presents Stockholm as the city of events.

Investigating the central area, we can identify the existence of many and various activities and public places. However, Södermalm’s dock and Beckholmen. appear to be lacking any recreational activities.

The need for more activities and public spaces interconnected with the character of future Stockholm, necessitate the creation of new “attractions” and activities for the public.

Currently in Stockholm, waste is transferred to be processed mainly outside the city core. However, the contemporary sustainability discourse suggests the need for locality and this a problem that should be addressed in the future.

Locality is a pressing concern in sustainability’s contemporary resource. By identifying the city’s central urban fabric we will investigate the oppurtinitiesfor increasing waste management’s locality and take advantage of the excessive energy production.

Future demands on local waste process could be realized, starting from or at Beckholmen. The locality on waste management could be a reality in the future by introducing incineration plants that could function locally

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4 in 1 & the Masterplan

Polymenis Tsironas Portfolio

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The masterplan showcases the way that the concept was “brought� to life, incorporating all the new aspects identified in the analysis.

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Green Moabit Summer Academy Berlin, Moabit West set itself a goal: When developing the new concept for urban construction and regional planning of the biggest inner-city industrial area in neighbourhood of residential areas in the years 2012 and 2013, the main focus will be put to sustainable climate protection. In close cooperation with locals (commercial and industrial enterprises, property owners and residents) the potential for this ambitious goal will be examined, appropriate measures will be considered and the to-be developed plan will be put into action.

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The concept The concept of a network of inltrating model highlights bases upon the weaknesses and potentials in the area of Moabit in erlin. By using existing structures, the area will be inltrated by highlights, which will be serving as model areas for sustainability to improve mobility, open space and multifunctionality in a holistic approach.

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The urban proposal

Polymenis Tsironas Portfolio

Cities are alive!

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Kiruna: A city on the move

Today, as you enter the city of Kiruna, you firstly “meet” the Town Hall, then the Church and at the end the city centre. This “story” needs to be preserved and will lead Kiruna into its bright future.

The Town Hall and the hurch are two buildings directly connected with the history of Kiruna through the years.

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The concept The new Road Network is designed in a manner to naturally follow the existing road structure. Another primary design feature is that it orientates the building blocks in such a way, in order to maximize sunlight and allow extra protection from northern winds. Finally, the concept adopted ensures good connection with the eastern and southern housing areas.

In the new city centre as well and so it has a major part in the concept. Continuing this hierarchy acts as a historical connection between the past and the new,

Apart from preserving the hierarchy, we should make sure that they will be in the same “pleasant situation”. The concept is also based in preserving this “eye contact” in the new plan.

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Area selection & analysis

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The building typologies that are introduced in the new lan, aim to minimize wind vulnerability, maximize sunlight and improve social intensity and urban life. They are also aiming to promote walkability and diversity of housing.

Polymenis Tsironas Portfolio

The square concentrates main functions and will be the heart of the new Kiruna. New places for social interactions, opportunities for new bussinesses, the cultural centre and the library, offices and outdoor activities will give a new boost to the city’s tourist potential and will intensify urban life. Indoor places blend with harmony with outdoor activities transforming the square into a hot spot for the summer and the winter period.

We Need A More Sustainable Lifestyle

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Designing the Future: Nacka

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The final project included an expansion of Hammarby sjÜstad to integrate it primarily eastwards into Sickla in Nacka, and deal with questions of how it can reach the size, density, network, and content making it a living, thriving, sustainable area in its own right, less dependent on the city center and also on its surroundings – while improving its contact and integration in the larger scale region.

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The regional strategy

The proposal incorpates the way on how the future Hamarby-Sickla area will actually be formed. This includes how it integrates with Nacka and Stockholm and how it is a center in its own right. It also includes a physical form and program that support the way of life considered sustainable in the 2030s.

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& the proposal

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Real Estate Brochure

Polymenis Tsironas Portfolio

A Polymenis Tsironas Publication


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