POLYMERS Communique - 9.1 - Oct-Nov 2022

Page 124

What’s New at & More…

Oct - Nov 2022 l Issue 9.1 l ` 150

Under the Cover

A picture-perfect image that continues to have a positive impression on the minds of every plastics professional world-over.

To a lot of people, their experience in the plastics industry is defined as the number of ‘K’ exhibitions experienced. And that’s not without reason. The adrenalin is different and is clearly reflected in the showcase that companies put out at K! To sum, it was a good ‘K’; something that the industry really needed. Kudos to the entire team of K, in India and overseas! India, as usual, was extremely well represented; had Diwali not clashed...flights would be difficult to get! That’s the energy India brings! Rest assured...K 2025 stays well clear...set to be a ‘cracker’ of an event! With this backdrop, and with change being the only constant, this edition of POLYMERS Communiqué is curated to highlight ‘What’s New’!

K 2022 - A SPeCIAL FeAtUre

34 Trade Fair Results Fulfill Highest Expectations: Innovation Driver for the Global Plastics and Rubber Industry

l BASF at K 2022: This Was Only the Start of #ourplasticsjourney!

l BOBST and Partners Unveil Sustainable Packaging Solutions at K 2022

l Brückner Maschinenbau: Higher Line Efficiency for Sustainable Film Production

l Brückner Servtec: Smart Solutions to Increase the Sustainability of Film Stretching Lines

l Complete Plastics Recycling Solutions from Coperion and Herbold Meckesheim: Making the Plastics Economy Even More Circular

POLYMERS Communiqué l October - November 2022 Business Redefined The POLYMERS Communique Digital Gallery @ Rs. 4.79/day, less than the cost of a ‘cutting chai’ Digital Gallery T: +91-22-2520 4436; M: +91-88790 50327; E: info@custage.com An online showcase of exclusive content, opinions, research reports and global developments in plastics! Register on www.mypc.co.in
l Issue
October - November 2022

l ENGEL’s Compact and Versatile All-Electric e-mac 160 Showcased at K 2022

l EREMA Group Concludes a Successful K 2022

l K 2022: ILLIG Combines Sustainability with Digitalisation

l Experience the Difference: Kautex Focuses on Plastic Products of Highest Quality

l Milacron eQ-Series Injection Machines and MonoSandWich Technology Exhibited at K 2022

l Nordson Measurement and Control Solutions Registered a Successful K Show in the Books

l A Successful K Fair for NGR

l Securing the Future: Nordson Introduces a Unique Melt Filter for Blown Film Applications at K 2022

l An Adventurous Rise of Indian Brands: Riding High on an Evolving Marketplace and Significant Global Events - A PREA Viewpoint

l Reifenhäuser Blown Film Presents at K 2022 a Technical Solution to One of the Biggest Challenges in the Processing of Recyclate

l K 2022: Starlinger Focuses on Reducing Resource Consumption

l Xaloy Showcased Its Innovative Solution Portfolio at K 2022

In PerSPeC tIve


Circular Economy: Waste is the New Raw Material

Shailesh Sheth, Corporate Strategy Advisor, Management & Manufacturing Technology, Ahmedabad



Vitrimers: Reprocessable and Recyclable Thermosets

dr. S. Sivaram, Former Director, CSIR-NCL, Honorary Professor Emeritus and INSA Emeritus Scientist, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER), Pune

CUStoMer ConneC t

114 High Calibre Interaction: The Key Takeaway of K 2022

Khushboo Chandrakant doshi, Managing Director, Rajoo Engineers Ltd., Rajkot

teCh trendS 116 Latest Global Technology Trends rakesh Shah, Probity Consultants, Delhi NCR

ChAnGe drIver 120

Circular Economy, Smart Automation, Biopolymers and Degradable Materials: Pandemic Learnings that are Set to Transform the Plastics Industry

Prashant trivedi, CEO - PVC Business, Navratan Specialty Chemicals LLP and Uniworth Enterprises LLP (Meghmani Group), Ahmedabad

POLYMERS Communiqué l October - November 2022
Communication Services Custom Publishing Business Forums +91-91366 00573 info@custage.com to marcom adding sharper focus 114 128
 
for HMEL Polysure Grades

Market for Woven Sack Industry Looks Really Promising dharmesh Madhusudan Kothari, Director, Navrang Machinery Pvat. Ltd., Ahmedabad

PLASTINDIA: Providing Unparalleled Benefits to all Stakeholders by Being a Facilitator, Guide and Mentor Ashok Goel, NAB Chairman, Plastindia Foundation

reAdy 144 ICPE’s International Conference on Plastics & Sustainability: An Initiative for Industry Benefit KUdoS 146

Arvind Mehta Felicitated With the TAPMAN Award as the Stalwart of the Indian Plastics Industry

Vision, Direction and Support: The Three Facets of Today’s Successful Leadership ruby thapar, Executive and Transition Coach, Mumbai

Sustainability Through Recycling of Materials and Waste as FeedstockPart IV: Analysis of SUP Ban and Technological Alternatives for their Chemical Recycling

Professor (dr.) G. d yadav, National Science Chair (SERB/DST/GoI), Emeritus Professor of Eminence, Former Vice Chancellor & R.T. Mody Distinguished Professor, Tata Chemicals Darbari Seth Distinguished Professor of Leadership and Innovation, Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai 138

Closing the ‘Plastic’ Tap: Pain or Gain?

S. K. ray, Hon. Secretary & Member of Executive Committee, Indian Centre for Plastics in the Environment (ICPE), Mumbai

PrInted And PUbLIShed by Manish Chawla manish@custage.com

ChIeF edItor Jyoti jyoti@custage.com

edItorIAL AdvISory boArd Arvind Mehta Chairman and Managing Director Welset Plast Extrusions Pvt. Ltd.

Prof. (Dr.) N. C. Saha formerly Director at Indian Institute of Packaging N. K. Balgi formerly President & Director at Ferromatik Milacron India Pvt. Ltd.

Pushp Raj Singhvi formerly Vice Chairman and Managing Director at Borouge (India) Pvt. Ltd.

Rajesh Nath Managing Director, German Engineering Federation (VDMA) India Office

Rakesh Shah formerly Managing Director at Windmöller and Hölscher India Pvt. Ltd. S. K. Ray formerly Sr. Executive Vice President (Polymers) at Reliance Industries Ltd.

deSIGned by Custage Marketing Solutions LLP 406, Vikas Centre, Dr. C. G. Road, Chembur, Mumbai 400 074, INDIA

PrInted At Silverpoint Press Pvt. Ltd. A-403, TTC Industrial Area, Near Anthony Motors, Mahape, Navi Mumbai - 400709, District - Thane

AdvertISInG SALeS - nAtIonAL Hyderabad Vani +91-93924 28927 vani@polymerscommunique.com Mumbai Vinisha +91-88790 50327 vinisha@custage.com New Delhi Vijay +91-98100 15111 vijay@polymerscommunique.com Vadodara D. S. Bhumra +91-81289 90887 devinder@polymerscommunique.com

Printed and Published by Manish Chawla, and printed at Silverpoint Press Pvt. Ltd., A-403, TTC Industrial Area, Near Anthony Motors, Mahape, Navi Mumbai - 400709, District - Thane and published from 406, Vikas Centre, Dr. C. G. Road, Chembur, Mumbai 400 074, INDIA. Editor: Manish Chawla.

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Views and opinions expressed in this magazine are not necessarily those of POLYMERS Communiqué. Readers are advised to seek specialist advice before acting on information contained in this publication, which is provided for general use and may not be appropriate for the readers’ particular circumstances and so POLYMERS Communiqué does not take any responsibility for any loss or damage incurred or suffered by any of its subscribers / readers / advertisers of this magazine. The publisher makes every effort to ensure that the magazine’s contents are correct but do not take any responsibility for the absolute accuracy of the information. Subject to Mumbai Jurisdiction. Some of the images used in this issue are from Shutterstock. The maps, if used, in this document are only a pictorial representation, not to scale and do not indicate any geographical boundaries. No part of this publication or any part of the contents thereof may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form without the permission of the publisher in writing. POLYMERS Communiqué reserves the right to use the information published herein in any manner whatsoever. The ownership of trademarks is acknowledged.

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Content Alliance Partners

NewS 26 weekeNd deLightS 98 RetRO ............................................................. 112 gOLdeN PAgeS 147 e veNtS 149 And the reSt In SerIeS... 124
GroW th Story 128
MULtIFACeted 142

Mind Speak

The present era of ‘sustainability’ in terms of sustainable design, development of sustainable materials and implementation of sustainable process control are to meet the requirements of Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) set up by the United Nations General Assembly in 2015 which are intended to be achieved by 2030. Along the same line, the packaging industry is also gearing up to use singlelayer polymeric material with optimum shelf-life for packaging applications. But the newest development is to produce composite packaging materials by using more than one layer of the same family of polymeric materials with desired functional properties like sealability, durability, lower thickness to reduce material consumption, high mechanical strength, barrier properties with enhanced shelf-life and recyclability to achieve the requirements of packaging for Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG).

At the same time, compostable plastics, bioplastics and post-consumer recyclable (PCR) based flexible as well as rigid plastics are also being developed for the packaging of non-food products. But, the most interesting area would be to develop these materials with appropriate coating substances to improve the barrier properties in compliance to packaging regulations of FSSAI Act to ensure safety aspects to humans and make use of these materials for food packaging applications.

All latest and new trends were seen at the K 2022 show. The K show was right on target with its selection of hot topics, circular economy, climate protection and digitalisation. In terms of investment intentions, machinery and equipment for processing and recycling stood out at 43%.

The focus was particularly on sustainability, with recyclates and bioplastics being particularly popular and also on circular economy and energy / resource efficiency in production. Around 40% of decision- makers said they were looking into the topic of decarbonisation.

For example, Indian visitors bought a significant number of plants from Erema and Starlinger. It is for the first time the huge strength of machinery buyers from India is witnessed on this global platform. So this new direction taken by the Indian plastics industry of being a big buyer of European machinery as well, is what I consider as new and significant.

The new phase of industrialisation or Industry 5.0 constitutes humans working alongside advanced technologies and AIpowered robots to enhance processes within the workplace. It provides a vision of the industry that aims beyond efficiency and productivity as the sole goals and reinforces the role and contribution of the industry to society. It places the well-being of the worker at the centre of the production process and uses new technologies to augment human jobs and growth while respecting the production limits.

Plastics industry being the youngest, only next to IT amongst economic activities, remained quick in sensing societal needs and aligning developments to prevailing and emerging needs.

Speaking about plastics injection moulding machines - mechanical construction and concepts have remained same over the years - but polymer processing systems, powering systems and machine controls have constantly evolved, adapting the new developments to serve specific needs, improve efficiency and make it simple to maintain and operate. Machines became fast, precise and reliable!

Recent developments in machinery are driven by the objectives of ‘Save the Earth’ and ‘Save the Environment’.

Plasticising systems are being built to process recycled post-consumer or industry waste without / minimal weakening of polymer properties. Also developed are plasticising systems for bioresins derived from plant waste and the discard of which biodegrade, without harming the earth’s environment.

In summary, new developments in plastics machinery are committed to presenting solutions for the important global issues of sustainability, circular economy and carbon reduction, combined with extensive digitalisation for simplifying the operations.

What’s new? - Pursuit of sustainability. Sustainability was a sparsely mentioned term in businesses even at the dawn of this century. Today, there is an intense focus on social, environmental and economic parameters. We are striving hard to scale down our environmental footprints and enhance equity and governance initiatives. Irrespective of size, sector or geography, a dogged pursuit of sustainability can be discerned. This has ushered in a new normal for businesses focusing on areas that had attracted limited attention in the past. These issues have now been brought to the centrestage. We talk about sustainable products and processes, sustainable living, sustainable cities and even sustainable fashion. One only hopes that overuse of the term should not dilute the core tenets of sustainability - reducing, reusing and recycling of products, materials and resources.

Rakesh Shah Rajesh Nath N. K. Balgi S. K. Ray Prof. (Dr.) N. C. Saha Arvind Mehta Pushp Raj Singhvi Prof. (Dr.) N. C. formerly Director at Indian Institute of Packaging S. K. Ray formerly Sr. Executive Vice President (Polymers) at Reliance Industries Ltd. N. formerly President & Director at Ferromatik Milacron India Pvt. Ltd.


POLYMERS Communiqué magazine covers an array of very interesting news, developments and innovations in the plastics industry and very vital information which helps to understand the latest trends in the industry. The quality of the magazine is also very superior and the content presented by industry leaders and technical experts is very insightful.

My colleagues and I read the POLYMERS Communiqué, a respected magazine for the plastics fraternity to stay abreast of the most recent advancements in polymers, tools and design. We can look through numerous distinctive case studies and articles to learn more about new technological advancements and to find new suppliers and manufacturers.

Biraj Lahkar Havells India Ltd.

POLYMERS Communiqué is helpful for keeping us updated with the latest developments in the industry.

Nainesh Shah

POLYMERS Communiqué is a well-curated magazine providing tonnes of information about the most happening trends in the plastics industry. Apart from the main edit, sections such as Retro and Weekend Delights are immensely liked. Really enjoy reading through the wealth of information. Kudos to the entire team for bringing out such informative articles in every published issue!

Performance Specialty Products (India) Pvt. Ltd. (Celanese)

Amit Kumar Agarwal Amtik Polymers P Ltd.

It is a high-quality publication that has allowed us to maintain a consistent presence in various markets through high-quality content. The journalists behind the publication are excellent in their field in bringing out the latest content, composition and photography. The articles are up-to-date and are always interesting to read.

An informative magazine for polymers!

We are always waiting to read the interviews in the magazine. Your sustained information on use of polymers, highlighting leaders in the markets, so much so that all information we receive from your magazine helps us stay updated and inspires us to stay connected.

POLYMERS Communiqué is a great magazine to connect with the plastics fraternity in India. Every edition gives us new insights about industry trends that helps us keep in track of our customers’ needs.

Best wishes to POLYMERS Communiqué team and continue the good work!


POLYMERS Communiqué l October - November 2022 4
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Application of APAR’s APARPRENE Thermoplastic Vulcanised (TPV) Elastomers in the Automobile Sector


ALPLA expands activities in Angola Ascend buys majority stake in California-based Circular Polymers, a recycler of post-consumer, high-performance polymers including polyamide 6 and 66, polypropylene and polyester (PET) Atkore Inc. announces acquisition of Elite Polymer Solutions, a manufacturer of HDPE conduit

BASF launched Elastollan® TPU, a new grade optimised for charging cables of fast charging piles

A - B

acids, aqueous solutions, bases and detergents.


TPV from APAR Industries Ltd. offers highperformance TPV raw materials for a wide range of applications. These TPVs are excellent replacements for thermoset rubber in highly demanding automotive bellow applications to make the vehicles (heavy duty, light motor vehicles and electricals vehicles) as per the consumer’s expectation.

Currently, the automobile industry contributes 7.1% of India’s GDP. The Indian automotive market is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 11.3% from 2020 to 2027 to reach 69,20,991 units by 2027. These facts and figures clearly state that in recent years, the automobile industry has had remarkable growth in terms of volume capitalisation. APAR is one of the leading manufacturers of TPE, TPV, TPO and TPU polymer compounds in the Asia Pacific region, with the manufacturing site located in Gujarat, India.

APAR Polymers has developed TPV suitable for the manufacturing of automotive bellow applications.

The main characteristics of the products are:

l Excellent aesthetics.

l Resistant to UV and colour degradation.

l Low compression set within a wide temperature range.

l High fatigue resistance.

l Excellent resistance to alcohols,

l Good thermal properties.

l Ease of processability.

Kandui Offers Glow in Dark Masterbatch for Polyolefins

Kandui Industries Pvt. Ltd. has developed the ‘Night Glow’ series of photoluminescent masterbatch for polyolefins. In daylight, the article appears as a semi-translucent, light green colour. In the dark, it generates an attractive and unique green glow. It absorbs light energy from the daylight or from any other light source, and emission of the same gives a glowing effect in the dark.

The grade can be selected as per the colour of glow, intensity of the glow and the duration of the glow required. It’s mainly used in injection moulding applications for toys and household items. These masterbatches are available in polyethylene and polystyrene base.

11th VDMA Mechanical Engineering Summit, Well Received


11th VDMA Mechanical Engineering Summit, the annual flagship event of VDMA India, was held on 16th September, 2022 at The Ritz

POLYMERS Communiqué l October - November 2022 26

Carlton, Pune. Over 320 participants from 21 cities of India and Germany attended this event.

Baumüller presents the new B maXX 6000 servo drive family for more performance and maximum scalability

Borouge expands portfolio of sustainable solutions in MENA region

Braskem announces a new Renewable Innovation Center in Lexington, Massachusetts

The summit commenced with the lighting of the lamp by Hon’ble Special Guests along with Rajesh Nath, Managing Director of VDMA India. Rajesh Nath welcomed all the guests and thanked all the Special Guests and Sponsors for participating in the summit and addressed the audience.

His address was followed by the Chief Guest Address delivered by Achim Fabig, Consul General, Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany, Mumbai.

Thereafter was delivered the Special Address by Dr. P. Anbalagan, I.A.S., CEO of Maharashtra Industrial Development Corporation on, “Maharashtra: The Industrial Hub of India”.

discussion on, “Green ManufacturingThe Way Forward for India”. Before the panel discussion, the eminent panelists and Rajesh Nath along with BTG Legal released their compendium on, “The ESG Landscape in India - Risks, Regulations and Results”.

VDMA’s 5th Manufacturing Excellence Awards in partnership with Rödl & Partner followed the panel discussion. The awards were for two categoriesWork Condition & Work Safety and Energy Efficiency & Conservation.

Ground-breaking Ceremony for the New Manufacturing Facility of Nu-Vu Conair Pvt. Ltd.

Cabot Corporation launches new LITX® 93 series of conductive carbon additives for lithium-ion battery applications

Covestro and HASCO Vision join forces for recycling post-industrial used plastics

On the occasion of the 11th VDMA Mechanical Engineering Summit, the summit’s special issue was released by the dignitaries on the stage during the inaugural session. This issue provided details on the partners at the summit.

The Special Address was delivered by the Guest of Honour, Rajesh Khatri, Vice President Operations, Passenger Vehicles, Tata Motors on, “Changing Ecosystem in Automotive Industry in India”.

Dow and MVP introduce the next generation of fast flow light resin transfer moulding

Digest B - D

What followed thereafter were a series of impressive talks. Also, a knowledge paper by BDB India titled, “Logistics, Warehousing and Material Handling Industry Highlighting Supply Chain Features”, was released during the inaugural session.

The second half of the summit was kicked off with Rajesh Nath joining Maier + Vidorno Altios in releasing their report on, “Great Resignation Within the Engineering Sector: How to Hire Right”.

The last session began with the panel


Conair Pvt. Ltd., one of the leading manufacturers of plastic auxiliary equipment in India, organised a ground-breaking ceremony for its new manufacturing facility in Ahmedabad (Gujarat). The ceremony took place on 27th September, 2022 and the event was graced by Filippo Zuppichin, CEO, Piovan Group; Kirk Winstead, CEO, IPEG Inc.; Davide Cappellini, CTO, Piovan Group and the Indian Management Team of Nu-Vu Conair.

This will be the third greenfield facility of the company that will come up on the recently acquired 75,000 sq. ft. of land adjacent to the current factory in Ahmedabad. Post this new plant, which is expected to be completed in December, 2023, the overall manufacturing set-up will reach over 2,00,000 sq. ft. The new plant will help augment the company’s manufacturing capabilities by almost 50% to meet the

POLYMERS Communiqué l October - November 2022 28
India’s First Recycled Raffia Bags in Varied Sizes Customised Granules PP, HDPE granules (including food grade!) A 3X expansion planned (within 18 months) to reach 28,000 MTPA…book your requirements today for an assured delivery! WORKING FOR A BET TomorrowToday TER Corporate Office: Village-Hariyawala, Hariyawala Kunda Road, Kashipur - 244713, Dist.: Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarakhand, India. +91 - 96340 97028 corporate@pashupatigrp.com www.pashupatigrp.com
Robust Waste Collection Network Our Success is a Result of The
our recycling business
ethically sourcing waste
traceability requirements. Our
with committed partners ensures sourcing the right quality and quantity of waste in a sustained manner. Be it PET, Polyolefins, MLP etc., our future ready infrastructure (technology and capacity) is symbolic of our commitment to your business and our
to the wellbeing of our planet. 22+ states 450+ tonnes of waste collected each day 400+ partners
focal point for
is the confidence of
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Evonik launches next generation deaerator for UV wood coatings

Innovia launches new generation graphics media film range with enhanced printability

KRAIBURG TPE introduces THERMOLAST® H HC/AD1/ AP series of compounds that allow adhesion with a range of polar thermoplastics

growing demand as well as better serve the customers.

JJ Plastalloy - Masterbatches and Compounds for Every Need

From machine to textiles, automotive to packaging, our customers rely on us for accurate and consistent colour matching production.

We work hand-in-hand with customers to create and upgrade products, improve costs and efficiencies in production.


Our advanced techniques enhance productivity and deliver reliable, highquality products. Our R&D specialists work continuously to develop new masterbatches and compounds.


Mauser Packaging Solutions introduces the Envision Series - high performance bottles for high performance products

Plastic Omnium and the CEA sign a research partnership to develop the technologies of tomorrow’s mobility

ProAmpac has partnered with JBT Proseal to offer North America’s first inline sandwich packaging testing lab at ProAmpac’s Collaboration & Innovation Center

E - P

Our unique process enables us to understand product specifications and requirements. Committed to #MakeInIndia, we employ environmentally safe and proactive measures.

through technologically crafted exceptional products.

Silvin, one of India’s leading lead-free additives manufacturers and suppliers, attended the K 2022 show in Düsseldorf, Germany, and interacted with over 100 potential consumers from 33 countries across the globe, making it a spectacular success. The K show provided Silvin with an excellent opportunity to highlight its lead-free additives in the form of Super1Pack, a one-of-a-kind additive pack containing stabilisers, internal and external lubricants, impact modifiers, and other essential chemicals or additives other than PVC resin, CaCo3 (filler) and pigments.


We serve customers in over 40 countries on five continents. Prompt customer service, a pan-India sales network and flexible warehousing sets us apart. We ensure global reach with a local focus.

It’s Been a Successful K Show for Silvin!

As a flagship event, the K show has always been regarded as a fantastic business event in which companies from all over the world participate and showcase their expertise

Backed by top-notch manufacturing as well as R&D facilities located in Gujarat, Silvin’s product categories include a basketful of profitable options and propositions. Be it any size or any combination, Silvin assures customised batch quantities to suit your specific requirements.

Davis-Standard Launched the Global Sustainability Initiative


announced the formation of a global sustainability initiative that prioritises resource conservation, and supports circular economy initiatives, social responsibility and business collaboration. As a company, Davis-Standard is accelerating efforts to cultivate best practices and machinery innovation that aligns with the United Nations (UN) sustainable development goals.

“We have a collective responsibility to provide technology that enables

POLYMERS Communiqué l October - November 2022 30


Schreiner MediPharm and SCHOTT Pharma present new RFID solution

Sidel has recently accomplished the installation of its Super Combi highspeed, flexible and digitally empowered packaging line at the Nigerian Bottling Company, a part of Coca-Cola Hellenic

forward-thinking solutions to complex challenges such as food security, reliable energy sources and strategic infrastructure,” says Giovanni Spitale, CEO, Davis-Standard. “We have prioritised sustainability efforts along with safety, quality and productivity to address the needs of our customers while playing an active role ourselves. As a result, we have already made significant advances in our machinery development regarding reduced waste, energy efficiency and increased recyclability. We look forward to doing more as we work toward a sustainable future,” adds Giovanni Spitale.

SDavis-Standard has committed to the following objectives by the year 2025:

l Direct R&D funding, targeting

five per cent of sales revenue, towards sustainable equipment development. Efforts will focus on further expanding customer use of recycled content, reducing material waste and efficient use of energy and process structures to support the circular economy.

l Increase procurement of carbon pollution-free electricity to 100 per cent of Davis-Standard’s total energy usage.

l Host ‘Davis-Standard Community Days’ to support every community in which Davis-Standard is located. Each facility will identify and complete two environmentallyconscious activities per year.

l Achieve ISO 14001 certification at all of our global facilities.

POLYMERS Communiqué l October - November 2022 32
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Trade Fair Results

Fulfill Highest Expectations Innovation Driver for the Global Plastics and Rubber Industry

The joy of the plastics and rubber industry at finally being able to exchange ideas in person on a global level again after three years characterised K 2022 Düsseldorf and ensured an excellent mood among the 3,037 exhibitors. The companies reported extraordinarily good leads and a marked willingness to invest among trade visitors, mentioning promising new customer relations and the conclusion of numerous, in part, spontaneous business deals.

For photos used in this article, Photo Credit: Messe Düsseldorf/ctillmann

POLYMERS Communiqué l October - November 2022 34

K 2022 ensured an excellent mood among the 3,037 exhibitors. A total of 1,76,000 trade visitors from 157 nations travelled to their most relevant sectoral event in Düsseldorf. While visitors from the East Asian region, in particular, were less well represented than at K three years ago due to the currently more difficult conditions in those countries on account of quarantine regulations, numerous visitors from the USA, Brazil and India were welcomed at K 2022.

A SPECIAL FEATURE POLYMERS Communiqué l October - November 2022 35


The Much Needed K...

To a lot of people, their experience in the plastics industry is defined as the number of ‘K’ exhibitions experienced. And that’s not without reason. The adrenalin is different and is clearly reflected in the showcase that companies put out at K! The crowd was surely lower than the last edition (pandemic rule, war, recession and Diwali festival); the quality was not. It also seems like mere footfalls may not be the main barometer to define an exhibition’s success. Seems like, visitors with a purpose will adorn the aisles of events from now on; nothing wrong, really! To sum, it was a good ‘K’; something that the industry really needed. Kudos to the entire team of K, in India and overseas!

India, as usual, was extremely well represented; had Diwali not clashed...flights would be difficult to get! That’s the energy India brings! Rest assured...K 2025 stays well clear...set to be a ‘cracker’ of an event!

With this backdrop, and with change being the only constant, this edition of POLYMERS Communiqué is curated to highlight ‘What’s New’!

“K in Düsseldorf has once again fulfilled the highest expectations. It continues to be the most international, complete and innovative trade fair of the global plastics and rubber industry,” says Erhard Wienkamp, Managing Director at Messe Düsseldorf, delighting at the good results and adding, “The trade fair has impressively demonstrated just how valuable face-to-face networking, chance meetings and physical brand and product experiences are. We are very satisfied to see that K 2022 succeeded in sending out strong signals as an innovation driver of the industry and that our exhibitors did business with a high number of international customers with great decisionmaking powers.”

K Attracts

A total of 1,76,000 trade visitors from all continents travelled to their most relevant sectoral event in Düsseldorf. At over 70%, the proportion of international guests at K 2022 remained at a constantly high level.

The verdict from Ulrich Reifenhäuser, Chairman of the Exhibitor Advisory Board at K 2022, is also very positive, “After hardly any trade fairs could take place worldwide also on a national level over the past three years, K 2022 was all the more eagerly anticipated

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as the world’s no. 1 trade fair of the plastics and rubber industry and succeeded in providing fresh impetus in all sectors of our industry. The many, in part, unexpected concrete contract negotiations held at the trade fair speak for themselves!”

The current unpredictability and uncertainty of events does make for a tight situation in the sector overall, but this did not do any harm to exhibitor commitment and visitor interest, quite on the opposite, “Especially now in turbulent times and where the plastics industry is undergoing transformation towards the circular economy, K 2022 was the ideal place to jointly and actively chart the course for the future,” sums up Ulrich Reifenhäuser.

It was especially the wealth of new technology developments that raw materials producers, machine manufacturers and plastics processors

presented for implementing the circular economy, resource conservation and climate protection that thrilled the trade visitors. Commenting on this Ulrich Reifenhäuser says, “It can be clearly felt that all companies have embraced the need to take on social responsibility and think about plastics in a sustainable way from the beginning of the process chain. The variety of solutions, machinery and products for transformation towards a circular economy presented at K 2022 was incredible.”

The trade visitors at this year’s K travelled from 157 nations to the Rhine. Next to Germany, those European countries strongly represented on the visitors’ part included the Netherlands, Italy, Turkey, France, Belgium, Poland and Spain. With 42% of visitors coming from overseas, the reach of K is as high as usual among the international trade audience. While visitors from the East

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Asian region, in particular, were less well represented than at K three years ago due to the currently more difficult conditions in those countries on account of quarantine regulations, numerous visitors from the USA, Brazil and India were welcomed at K 2022.

Interests and Delights

For around two-thirds of all visitors, polled machinery and plant construction ranked first in terms of interest. 57%, and hence 5% more than at K 2019, said they were interested in raw and auxiliary materials, with recyclates and bioplastics being particularly popular.

For 28%, semi-finished products and technical parts made of plastics and rubber were the main reason for coming (multiple responses possible). Over 70% of all visitors come from top and middle management.

Top marks were given by visitors to K 2022 for the completeness of its ranges and its mapping of the entire supply chain. 98% of all professionals stated they had fully achieved the goals associated with their visit.

K 2022: Well Aligned

During the eight trade fair days, it became clear that this year’s K was right on target with its selection of hot topics, circular economy, climate protection and digitalisation. In terms of investment intentions, machinery and equipment for processing and recycling stood out at 43%. The focus was particularly on sustainability, but also on circular economy and energy / resource efficiency in production. Around 40% of decision-makers said they were looking into the topic of decarbonisation.

The K specials, which also focused on the three hot topics, were also very well received. The official special show, ‘Plastics Shape the Future’, focused on the economic, social and ecological challenges and potential solutions around the K guiding topics in highcalibre discussions and lectures, and this

show was well attended throughout. The ‘Circular Economy Forum’, where the VDMA and 13 of its member companies impressively demonstrated the importance of technology in the implementation of the circular economy in the plastics industry, scored points with the international audience with live demonstrations and a great deal of wellfounded knowledge as well as detailed information on the topic.

At this year’s K in Düsseldorf, there was also a lot of discussion about the global production language, OPC UA. This standard allows the processing parameters of the machinery and equipment involved to be coordinated more precisely and in a more targeted manner. This, in turn, is considered an important prerequisite for optimised circular management. 40 companies from eight countries participated in an OPC UA demonstration project at the trade fair.

At the ‘Science Campus’, both exhibitors and visitors at K 2022 were provided with a condensed overview of scientific activities and findings in the plastics and rubber sector. Numerous universities, institutes and funding bodies offered opportunities for direct dialogue here.

The offer of the ‘Plastics Training Initiative’ (KAI) was used by many pupils, trainees and students to gather information on the job profiles and career opportunities in the plastics industry.

The next K Düsseldorf will be held between 8th and 15th October, 2025.

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BASF at K 2022

This Was Only the Start of #ourplasticsjourney!

The BASF booth at K 2022 brought together BASF experts with customers and partners in discussions about how to advance the plastics journey.

At the K 2022 trade fair in Düsseldorf in October, BASF presented its plastics journey towards a more sustainable plastics economy: “We have invited all visitors to join our journey towards a sustainable future with plastics,” summarises Dr. Martin Jung, President, BASF Performance Materials. The plastics journey consists of three phases which represent the lifecycle of plastics: MAKE, USE and RECYCLE. BASF offers market-leading products and solutions for all three phases of this journey. What were the highlights at the K 2022 fair?

MAKE: Improving How Plastics are Made

The MAKE phase is about improving how plastics are made - from product design to the choice of raw materials and the manufacturing process itself. With ‘molded’, BASF launched at K 2022 its first web-based simulation app for injection moulded parts. The design for manufacturing app allows it to detect errors at early stages of the part development, iterate fast and thereby shorten time to market for BASF customers. ‘molded’ is part of the Ultrasim® Web Services, a new series of easily

Across the wide spectrum of BASF offerings to advance the plastics journey, one thing became clear at K 2022: the plastics journey is an open invitation to BASF customers and partners across all industries to cocreate solutions on how plastics are made, used and recycled in a more sustainable manner.
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accessible web-based services offering access to BASF’s full simulation expertise for engineering plastics and foams.

At K 2022, BASF also presented a comprehensive product portfolio of selected engineering plastics and polyurethanes with a significantly reduced carbon footprint (PCF). This presentation includes a range of Ultramid® A and B, Ultradur®, Ultraform®, Elastollan®, Elastopir® and Elastocool® families - all with PCF reductions of at least 30% compared to similar standard products while maintaining identical chemical and physical properties. Some low product carbon footprint (PCF) products, such as isocyanates, have a CO2e footprint close to zero.

To illustrate the potential of Go!Create projects with customers and partners, BASF presented together with Mercedes-Benz, Pyrum Innovations AG and WITTE Automotive one particularly promising example of closing the material cycle: a door handle from massbalanced plastics, proving that pyrolysis oil from scrap tyres and biomethane from organic waste can replace fossil raw materials in manufacturing plastics with virgin material properties. The bow door handle made from mass-balanced Ultramid® will start series production this year.

USE: Improving the Performance of Plastics

At K 2022, BASF showed several examples of plastics being true performance materials for sustainability in their USE phase.

One highlight of the show was certainly the car seat that BASF and Citroën have developed for their all-electric concept car oli (all-ë), a manifesto to how much can be saved by reducing weight and resource usage. For oli, a minimalistic approach paved the way for a refreshing and innovative design. Various components have been radically reinterpreted and constructed by using

materials in a different context. The team was using plastics, coatings and 3D printing from BASF in a way that had never been done before.

The future of electromobility also requires innovative charging solutions. This was embodied in the new wallbox generation that BASF presented together with its partner HEIDELBERG, relying on Ultramid® housing material for the new AMPERFIED wallbox generation. In this co-creation project, BASF’s outstanding material expertise has enabled the joint development in record time.

RECYCLE: Improving the Recycling Methods of Plastics

“The crucial question about plastics is what happens to them at the end of their life,” emphasises Dr. Martin Jung, “To achieve a circular economy, we need to get much better at the recycling of plastics to close the loop.”

To advance the RECYCLE phase of the plastics journey, BASF presented at K 2022 several product packages that pursue and expand all existing recycling methods - mechanical, chemical and organic recycling. While the BASF subsidiary trinamiX offers innovative mobile near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy solutions for sorting and identifying different types of plastics waste, BASF’s

IrgaCycle™ is a new range of additive solutions that improves the mechanical recycling of plastics. The BASF booth also featured the certified compostable biopolymer ecovio®: It supports organic recycling of food waste and foodsoiled packaging thus increasing the diversion of food waste from landfill and incineration.

BASF also showcased how sustainable design can support the RECYCLE phase. Projects included the concept shelf OTTO that BASF has developed together with the award-winning Spanish design studio, Inma Bermúdez. The design not only allows for easy assembly, expansion and repair thanks to a novel modular design: with all plastic elements made of just one material, recycling is also made easy.

K 2022 was Only the Beginning of #ourpl asticsjourney!

Across the wide spectrum of BASF offerings to advance the plastics journey, one thing became clear at K 2022: the plastics journey is an open invitation to BASF customers and partners across all industries to co-create solutions on how plastics are made, used and recycled in a more sustainable manner. Expert talks about various Go!Create projects and more details about the BASF highlights at K 2022 can be found at www.plastics. basf.com/K2022.

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Horst Klink (ALBIS, right), Ingo Speich (Deka Investment, 2nd from left) and Saori Dubourg (BASF, 2nd from right) discussed in their Creator Talk on how to make the plastics journey go faster.
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BOBST and Partners

Unveil Sustainable Packaging Solutions at K 2022

oneBARRIER is a family of new alternative and sustainable solutions BOBST is developing with its partners. While PrimeCycle is certified with a recyclability level of 98%, FibreCycle can be recycled in the existing paper waste stream - the equipment is being sold globally and in India. Nilesh Pinto and Sara Alexander share their views with POLYMERS Communiqué.

Q. Single-use plastic (SUPs) ban came into effect in India on 1st July 2022. What are your thoughts on this landmark step?

The aim is to stop producing, importing and selling plastics that without a proper system of collection and reprocessing end up in landfills. This step will bring about more growth, awareness and responsibility towards a better future. I also see it as a driving force for developing innovative packaging solutions and an opportunity for the Indian packaging industry.

Q. How?

Converters are investing in modernisation and capacity expansion, making India emerge as a global packaging manufacturing hub. It is also becoming a place where Indian and international companies set up operations fully dedicated to recycleready packaging. Being the leading vacuum metalliser suppliers in India, at BOBST we experience it first-hand: more installation of metallisers with AlOx and/

or AluBond capabilities and high request for end-to-end solutions - vacuum metalling, coating & laminating - to produce oneBARRIER flexible packaging.

Q. Is there a shift from plastic to paper taking place in India? Surprisingly, there is a lot of interest from brand owners and converters for FibreCycle.

FibreCycle is an example of the paper solutions of the future that fulfills all these requirements now. At this stage, there is a lot of evaluation taking place globally and in India on what items can be considered for substitution, at what cost, the investments and gestation period.

Q. What is oneBARRIER?

It is an umbrella project developed and tested to create recycle-ready mono-material ultra-high and high barrier duplex and triplex substrates as industrially viable alternatives for packaging designers, to non-recyclable metallised packaging.

PrimeCycle, developed with partners Dow, Michelman, Sun Chemical and Zermatt, comprises EVOH and topcoatfree high barrier mono-material MDOPE-based structures. German Institute cyclos-HTP recently certified it with a recyclability level of 98% that exceeds industry guidelines and is extraordinary for high-barrier films.

FibreCycle, developed with partners Michelman and UPM, offers a highbarrier paper-based structure coated with functional layers that can be recycled in the existing paper waste stream. BOBST and Huhtamaki, displayed a sample of FibreCycle packaging at K 2022.

Q. What are the ways forward to implement FibreCycle in India; what are the assets that are needed?

FibreCycle comprises of a vacuum metalliser and a coater dedicated to paper process, as it uses the synergies between wet dispersion and dry vacuum coating. Here we have the right technology and equipment configuration to work with the right substrates and consumables for a perfectly integrated workflow. We are selling such equipment globally and in India, where we have a very good installed base of metallisers, many with AlOx and AluBond capabilities, is already a step ahead in this direction.

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Sara Alexander Marketing and Communications Manager, Flexible Packaging Industry, BOBST

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Brückner Maschinenbau Higher Line Efficiency for Sustainable Film Production

World novelty: PP film stretching lines with an annual output rate of up to 90,000 tonnes.

In addition to the developments for the rapidly developing circular economy, Brückner Maschinenbau GmbH & Co. KG is also sticking to its ambitious goals for further increasing efficiency in film production. This means decreasing use of raw materials, ever lower energy consumption and ‘zero waste’ in film production.

Faster and Wider BO Lines

The more efficient and higher output a film stretching line is, the lower the specific energy consumption. These parameters can mainly be influenced by the line speed and the line width. Brückner Maschinenbau presented the corresponding new line concepts at K 2022:

N Production of the Most Popular Packaging Film BOPP With a World Novelty: For the first time, a BOPP line concept with an annual output of up to 90,000 tonnes was presented at K 2022. By comparison, the current benchmark is 60,000 to 70,000 tonnes per year. This means an approx. 12 % lower energy consumption, based on 1 kg of film!

N BO Films Made of Polyamide (BOPA): New line types with up to 80% more output - based on an increase in production speed from 220 m/min to 350 m/min and line widening from 6.6 m to 7.4 m.

N Battery Separator Films and Capacitor Films: In these segments, a further increase in the previous (already exclusive) line width from 5.5 m to over 6 m and the associated output increases of over 20% will take place in stages.

At this year’s K-show, Brückner Servtec presented the new, customised conversion packages (Line Transformation Packages) supporting the circular economy by recycle-ready film types on existing film stretching lines. New solutions for energy reduction and higher quality in the production processes further increase sustainability in film production. In addition, new functions of the established Brückner ONE Digital Service Platform were shown, which considerably facilitate the maintenance and operation of film stretching lines.

The exclusive Brückner Servtec member area included a comprehensive media library, which contains all episodes of the Brückner TEC Talks, including documents, Brückner ONE tutorial and training videos as well as Sustainability TV for review. Intuitive navigation and operation paired with simple contact options form the basis for future expansions.

The new ‘Line Transformation Packages’ from Brückner Servtec are designed for

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the conversion of existing film stretching lines to the sustainable production of recyclable mono-material film types, such as BOPP, BOPLA or BOPE. The necessary conversion measures are individually adapted to the production line and are available for lines of any age. Together with the line operator, an onsite evaluation of the plant is carried out and from this, the specific requirements for the conversion are identified.

N The ‘Line Transformation Package BOPP - ILC’ (Inline Coating) enables the production of recyclable ultra-high barrier films (UHB) on existing BOPP production lines. The innovative Inline Coating (ILC) technology is a wet chemical coating (water-based) of plastic films, directly during film production. The step is performed between MD and TD orientation. The nanometer scale coating enhances further processing steps such as metallisation, significantly reduces the use of foreign material content and thus allows the production of recyclable films according to EU Directive 94/62/EC.

Brückner Servtec Smart Solutions to Increase the Sustainability of Film Stretching Lines

To increase the sustainability of film production, Brückner Servtec showcased a wide range of modernisation measures that reduce energy consumption, while increasing output and film quality.

N The new ‘Line Transformation Package BOPP - PE’ extends the product portfolio of all BOPP film stretching lines by the option LLDPE or HDPE. BOPE films have very good mechanical properties, allow replacement of blown film PE on only half of the thickness, and thus enable mono-material structures which are fully recyclable. The necessary modification steps, typically in the extrusion, casting unit and MDO areas, are individually tailored to the line and situation on site.

The hybrid machine design, optimised for high output, offers operators the choice of continuing to produce BOPP at full output as well as BOPE film profitably.

N The ‘Line Transformation Package BOPET - PLA’ allows the production of this bio-based raw material. BOPLA films offer excellent moisture transmission properties, have a high natural level of surface tension and are industrially compostable. The conversion package combines

all necessary adjustments in the field of extrusion and raw material feeding with the necessary process know-how to produce PLA films in high quality and at high output.

The ‘Brückner ONE’ digital service products were presented to the global public at the K 2019 and since then have been installed in more than 350 production lines worldwide, representing almost 50% of connectable assets. Customers benefit from the globally available online modules for services, spare parts management, easy communication and advanced line documentation. All at the highest data security certified by TÜV Nord. New modules and functions for Brückner ONE were presented at this year’s K show.

To increase the sustainability of film production, Brückner Servtec showcased a wide range of modernisation measures that reduce energy consumption, while increasing output and film quality. This significantly extends the lifecycle of production equipment.

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Complete Plastics Recycling Solutions from Coperion and Herbold Meckesheim Making the Plastics Economy Even More Circular

At K 2022, Coperion and Herbold Meckesheim had exhibited some of their innovative technologies for recycling PET. Complete PET recycling solutions from Coperion offer throughput performance of up to ten tonnes per hour. One unique feature is that virgin material and various recyclates - such as regrind, agglomerates or flakes - can be processed together, even if they exhibit different IV values.

With complete systems for plastics recycling from a single source, Coperion is setting new standards for the industry.

Complete systems for industrial-scale plastics recycling from a single source - the recently completed merger between Coperion and machine manufacturer Herbold Meckesheim makes it possible. Coperion, technology leader in extrusion and compounding, bulk material handling and feeding systems, brings its own expertise in the field of recycling together with that of Herbold Meckesheim, specialist in the mechanical recycling of plastic and plastic waste.

Coperion and Herbold Meckesheim are able to offer modular system and plant solutions that combine the complementary technologies of both companies to benefit customers. From mechanical processingshredding, washing, separating, drying and agglomerating of plasticsto bulk material handling as well as feeding and extrusion all the way to compounding and pelletising, the systems that both companies have developed together cover the entire process chain for reclaiming plastics. Moreover, the plastics industry will profit from this cumulative expertise thanks to their combined global sales and service network.

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PET Recycling

PET recycling is one example that illustrates how Coperion will be able to implement a complete system for plastics recycling in the future. As the plastics industry makes advances towards a circular economy, PET plays an ever more important role due to its increasing use in disposable and reusable bottles and its recovery through deposit systems, along with other factors. This material possesses outstanding recycling properties, regardless of whether it is to be recycled in bottle-to-bottle, bottle-to-film/sheet, or bottle-to-fibre processes, or whether it comes from other product streams.

Complete PET recycling solutions from Coperion offer throughput performance of up to ten tonnes per hour. The quality of PET recyclate manufactured using Coperion recycling technology and decontaminated in an SSP (Solid State Polycondensation) reactor is so high that it is approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for direct contact with food.

One unique feature is that virgin material and various recyclates - such as regrind, agglomerates or flakes - can be processed together, even if they exhibit different IV (Intrinsic Viscosity) values. Compared to conventional PET recycling procedures, Coperion’s solutions save on operation and energy costs and create less logistic efforts.

At K 2022, Coperion and Herbold Meckesheim had exhibited some of their innovative technologies for recycling PET. Thanks to comprehensive process know-how, the two companies tailor these technologies individually to the respective recycling process.

SML 60/100 SB 2 Granulator

This is a granulator used for crushing PET bottles and is suitable for wet operation. One unique feature that it offers is horizontal force feeding using screw feeders. The granulator allows for space-saving installation and easy

material feeding. Up to two tonnes of polyolefins or more than one tonne of film per hour is processed.

T 2016 PA Mechanical Dryer

This mechanical dryer is suitable for various materials such as film, regrind, and mixed and rigid plastics. Thanks to its optimised design and the position of the exchangeable, wear-resistant paddles, it achieves up to 50% higher drying performance than its predecessor.

HV 70 Plastcompactor

The high-performance HV 70 Plastcompactor from Herbold Meckesheim processes material in continuous operation between one rotating and one fixed compactor disk, each equipped with screwed-on and easily replaceable kneading bars. Since the material leaves the compactor zone within a fraction of a second, the thermal impact upon the plastic is very low. The process is regulated using two parameters - the screw speed and the distance between the disks.


The FLUIDLIFT ecodry® process dries the regrind while it is being conveyed to the extruder. A flash dryer specially modified for recycling regrind removes the moisture remaining after the washing process. Moisture content is significantly reduced which optimises the energy consumption of the downstream process and leads to improved end product quality.

Smart Weigh Belt (SWB) Feeder

For feeding flakes and fibre, a Smart Weigh Belt (SWB) feeder is used. This low-headroom gravimetric feeder can feed large quantities of bulk material into the extrusion process at high accuracy, even at low and variable bulk densities.

ZSK Twin Screw Extruder

Coperion ZSK twin screw extruders are the heart of the plastics recycling process. With their high-performance processing properties and high devolatilisation performance, ZSK twin screw extruders are suited to energyefficient recovery of plastics of all sorts. The ZSK extruder features high-end product quality with gentle product handling, short residence time, intensive devolatilisation and outstanding dispersion with concurrently high throughput performance.

Product Discharge

Diverters, melt pumps and screen pack changers follow the extrusion step. Depending upon whether pellets, fibre or film are to be manufactured from the PET, Coperion provides water baths and underwater pelletisers, fibre spinning pumps or film stretching lines as part of their complete solutions.

New Recycling Innovation Centre

The start of construction on the state-of-the-art Recycling Innovation Center in June, 2022 demonstrates the importance of the topic of plastics recycling for the market leader in extrusion and compounding technology. This new test centre for recycling applications is located in immediate proximity to Coperion’s existing test centre for bulk material handling at its Niederbiegen / Weingarten production facility in Germany. In the future, every major step of the plastics recycling process can be tested under production conditions and results can be examined by customers down to the smallest detail prior to making an investment.

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The ZSK twin screw extruder is the heart of a plastics recycling line.

At the K show, ENGEL produced electronic boxes with high-gloss surface on an e-mac injection moulding machine. They are made from rABS sourced from post-consumer recycled plastics.

ENGEL’s Compact and Versatile All-Electric e-mac 160 Showcased

at K 2022

At the K 2022 in Düsseldorf, ENGEL demonstrated how e-mac injection moulding machines help to reduce the carbon footprint. Unique electronic boxes in black were being produced on an e-mac 465/160 injection moulding machine. They are made from rABS sourced from postconsumer recycled plastics. Performance and energy efficiency combined with low costs!

The quality of many parts with strict requirements depends on the precision of the injection step and the movements of the mould mounting platens during opening and closing. All-electric injection moulding machines are therefore the preferred solution in packaging and medical applications, where cost-effectiveness is a decisive factor in choosing a machine. In the form of the e-mac, ENGEL has an all-electric injection moulding machine in its portfolio that combines high power and energy efficiency with an extremely compact machine design for comparatively little capital outlay.

Among the all-electric injection moulding machines on the market, the new generation e-mac machines are among the most compact worldwide in their respective performance segment across the entire series. Thanks to an optimised toggle lever geometry, the e-mac machines are shorter than the previous versions, without reducing the opening stroke. This guarantees high productivity per unit of area - a factor that has already become a key efficiency indicator for many corporations.

All movements of the ENGEL e-mac - including the nozzle movement and ejection - are performed by servo-electric drives. This means that the machine achieves a very high overall efficiency level. If required, a servo-hydraulic unit can be integrated into the machine frame without requiring additional space.

The ENGEL e-mac injection unit was redeveloped from scratch with a focus on even better dynamics. It is available in three power classes to precisely adapt the machine to

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Production of Flip-top Closures at PLASTINDIA 2023

For precision applications with cycle times of more than four seconds, the e-mac is often the most economical solution in the field of all-electric injection moulding machines. It is deployed in a wide range of applications, from packaging and medical, trough technical moulding and teletronics to automotive in case of high demanding applications.

At PLASTINDIA 2023, ENGEL will impressively demonstrate the advantages of the e-mac injection moulding machine by producing flip-top closures on an e-mac 280. The 32-cavity mould comes from Hyderabad-based Vasantha, a leading mould and die company with global presence. ENGEL customers worldwide benefit from the close cooperation with local partner companies. The regional networks ensure short distances, a faster time to market and attractive prices for integrated system solutions.

A second partner involved in this exhibit is Piovan. Just like ENGEL, the Italian manufacturer of auxiliary equipment has a strong local footprint in India.

requirements with a view to maximise overall efficiency.

In addition to the precise electric machine movements, the intelligent assistance systems of the iQ product family such as iQ weight control and iQ clamp control ensure high process stability and optimal process settings.

Opportunities for the Circular Economy

Even at the K 2022 in Düsseldorf, ENGEL demonstrated how e-mac injection moulding machines help to reduce the carbon footprint. To be able to move forward with the circular

All-electric e-mac injection moulding machines get the most out of the production area. The e-mac machines are characterised by minimal floor space requirements combined with great flexibility in machine configuration.

economy, it is essential to use recycled plastic material in a far wider range of applications. Visible components with premium surfaces - such as used widely in the automotive interior - have posed a particularly great challenge here thus far. To achieve premium surfaces directly from the mould surface using injection moulding without secondary operations, a high proportion of virgin material is usually required, if recycled material can be added at all.

At the K show, ENGEL collaborated with technology firm Roctool to demonstrate that there is a different approach from now on. Unique electronic boxes in black were being produced on an e-mac 465/160 injection moulding machine. They are made from rABS sourced from post-consumer recycled plastics. The surface is high-gloss. The cavity is laser engraved to create innovative patterns on the top side of the box, and there are fixtures for installing fans and connectors on the side surfaces. The part is also ultra-thin - 1.2 mm - in order to save material. Conventional moulding would require thicker wall sections.

The key to the premium surface quality of this recycled component is the interaction between forward-looking machine and mould technologies.

The all-electric ENGEL e-mac injection moulding machine relies on mould temperature control, based on Roctool induction technology, to enable outstanding moulding precision and the highest surface quality. The latest energy-efficient, compact air-cooled Roctool generators were being used at the K show.

The smart assistance systems from ENGEL’s inject 4.0 portfolio used in the e-mac machine make a further contribution to high quality in the processing of recycled materials. The smart assistance systems include iQ weight control, which detects fluctuations in the raw material and automatically adjusts the injection profile, the switchover point and the holding pressure to reflect the current conditions in the same cycle. In general, recycled materials are subject to greater batch fluctuations than virgin material; iQ weight control has a particularly positive impact in terms of achieving consistently high product quality in this application.

From a Single Source

Founded in 1945, ENGEL has consistently developed over the course of its history from an injection moulding machine manufacturer to a system solution provider. From a single source, the family company supplies turnkey production cells for demanding applications worldwide. In addition to the injection moulding machine and automation, they include process technologies, digital solutions as well as peripherals. Injection moulding machines, various types of robots, process technologies and many peripheral components come from ENGEL’s own development and production. ENGEL integrates further systems in cooperation with partner companies. As a system solution supplier, ENGEL is responsible for the entire production solution, including the components that are implemented together with partners.

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A a d i m e r T L 3 9 6 1 B o n d i n g R e s i n f o r L a m i n a t i o n & E x t r u s i o n C o a t i n g , P E , A l u m i n u m f o i l , M e t a l l i z e d p l a s t i c , P a p e r , B o a r d . A a d i b o n d P 1 6 1 3 P B o n d i n g R e s i n f o r B O P P , M e t a l l i z e d C P P & E x t r u s i o n c o a t i n g A a d i R e g a i n M 2 0 0 0 R e c y c l a b l e T i e L a y e r R e s i n f o r P E / P A , P E / E V O H Aquent Advance Material Technologies Pvt. Ltd. email: info@aquent.in | csr@aquent.in C O M P A T I B I L I Z E R & C H A I N E X T E N D E R F O R B I O P O L Y M E R R E C Y C L E A a d i B i o ® 9 1 0 0 C o m p a t i b i l i z e r f o r B i o d e g r a d a b l e P o l y m e r s A a d i m e r ® B i o C X C h a i n E x t e n d e r f o r B i o d e g r a d a b l e P o l y m e r s , I M P A C T M O D I F I E R , C O U P L I N G A G E N T & C O M P A T I B I L I Z E R A a d i b o n d ® N 1 4 9 3 P A 6 a n d P A 6 6 A a d i b o n d ® G 3 1 7 0 P B T , P E T A a d i b o n d ® P 1 6 1 3 M P P + G F , P P / P A A n d m a n y m o r e www.aadibond.com A a d i m e r ® O F C 3 9 4 2 C o a t i n g R e s i n o n F R P r o d f o r O p t i c F i b e r c a b l e W I R E & C A B L E , O P T I C F I B E R A a d i b o n d ® E C 1 2 2 6 C o u p l i n g a g e n t f o r H F F R A a d i m e r ® E V A 4 0 - 0 3 E V A C o p o l y m e r f o r h i g h O i l R e s i s t a n c e A a d i S i l ® S i l i c o n e M a s t e r b a t c h a s p r o c e s s i n g a i d W e a l s o o f f e r s E V A , E B A , E M A , E A A , P O E , S E B S , S I S , E P D M , T P U , H y d r o c a r b o n R e s i n s … ® ® ® SUSTAINABLE PACKAGING & COMPOUNDING A A D I B O N D F U N C T I O N A L P O L Y M E R S ® Certified Company Hall: 5-FF, Stall: B-24 A a d i R e g a i n ® ( S e r i e s ) R e c y c l e r e s i n f o r p o l y m e r m i x P E / P A , P E T , P B T , A B S , P E / P P A a d i l o y ® S t r o n g 1 0 0 2 f o r P E T s t r a p

EREMA Group Concludes a Successful K 2022

The EREMA Group’s assessment of K 2022, the world’s largest plastics trade fair, is very positive. As climate protection and circular economy were two of the main topics of this year’s K-show, the company group’s main booth together with the Circonomic Centre in the outdoor area turned out to be one of the most popular visitor attractions at the whole trade fair. “Our goal was to work with our partners to draw attention to what is technologically possible in terms of recycling and the circular economy and what has already been implemented successfully and cost-effectively. With this, we wanted to provide a strong impetus to get new recycling projects on the road even faster in the future. The visitor interest and the high level of positive feedback we have received show that we have succeeded very well together with our customers and partners,” says Manfred Hackl, CEO, EREMA Group.

For the EREMA Group - which has been actively promoting plastics recycling technologies as well as bringing together the key players in the value chain since the company was founded 40 years ago - K was a perfect showcase. In Düsseldorf, the companies in the EREMA Groupwhich are EREMA, PURE LOOP, UMAC, 3S, KEYCYCLE and PLASMAC - presented their technological innovations, services and support at one trade fair stand for the first time. The latest addition, startup PLASTICPRENEUR, in which the EREMA Group recently acquired a stake, was also present at the Circonomic Center.

New Recycling Systems in the Spotlight

The focus of the Group’s trade show presentation was on new

As climate protection and circular economy were two of the main topics of this year’s K-show, the EREMA Group’s main booth together with the Circonomic Centre in the outdoor area turned out to be one of the most popular visitor attractions at the whole trade fair.

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recycling systems and components to meet a wide range of customer needs and quality specifications.

EREMA introduced EcoGentle®, a new plasticising technology for its PET recycling systems that significantly reduces energy consumption and features impressively gentle treatment of the melt. “Up to six tonnes per hour are possible with this new plasticising technology,” Michael Heitzinger, Managing Director at EREMA, points out. The recycling machine manufacturer calls this plasticising unit EcoGentle® because it significantly reduces energy consumption. Measurements on a VACUREMA® Basic 2628 T

system resulted in up to 12 per cent total energy saving (specific total energy consumption, kWh/kg) and 30 to 47 per cent energy saving for the extruder drive on VACUREMA® Basic plants from size 2021 upwards. “All in all, this is a package that enables our customers to increase productivity and noticeably reduce costs,” says Michael Heitzinger.


TVEplus® DuaFil® Compact - Lower Melt Temperature, Lower Energy Consumption

For particularly challenging postconsumer materials such as supermarket packaging films, the recycling machine manufacturer launched its proven INTAREMA® TVEplus® technology in a new DuaFil® Compact configuration. A key feature of the innovative double filtration machine is the consistently gentle treatment of the melt throughout the entire process. This is the result of combining TVEplus® technology, patented and proven

thousands of times over, with the new DuaFil® Compact technology. Because there is no discharge metering zone and the melt pump is custom designed to the application, the pressure buildup required for the second filtration unit is especially efficient and only needs a much lower temperature. The extruder does not need to build up pressure and can be built much shorter, 10 L/D shorter compared to the previous EREMA double filtration solution. The lower melt temperature of the DuaFil® Compact in this area has a positive effect on the melt quality and significantly reduces energy consumption. That is how the new INTAREMA® TVEplus® DuaFil® Compact 1108 achieves a melt temperature upstream of the second filter unit that is 18.5 degrees Celsius lower than the previous EREMA double filtration solution when processing LDPE supermarket film containing paper, and consumes 10 per cent less energy overall (specific energy consumption kWh/kg). Another advantage is in the processing of LDPE/LLDPE material streams that often have varying degrees of moisture and contamination due

POLYMERS Communiqué l October - November 2022 57 A SPECIAL FEATURE
The new EcoGentle® plasticising unit from EREMA. The gentle way to highest throughputs.

INTAREMA® TVEplus® DuaFil® Compact combines the patented extruder system for processing challenging materials with a second high-performance filtration and upstream reduced-temperature pressure build-up zone. The name of this plant is derived from the double filtration concept and the compact design.

to impurities such as paper labels, wood particles or foreign polymers. These get into the material stream through splinters from pallets or strapping bands and can lead to the formation of unpleasant odours and discolouration. This is where the DuaFil® Compact Zone really comes into its own, because operating at a lower melt temperature very effectively prevents the combustion that would otherwise cause these odours. All these features make the new INTAREMA® TVEplus® DuaFil® Compact machine the first choice for post-consumer applications where polymer-conserving processing and strong filtration performance are important. “Ultimately, the high quality of the recycled pellets that we achieve with this system creates the opportunity to increasingly replace virgin material with recycled material in end products, meeting the current market trend and sustainability requirements,” says Michael Heitzinger, Managing Director, EREMA GmbH.

INTAREMA® TVEplus® DuaFil® Compact combines the patented extruder system for processing challenging materials with a second high-performance filtration and upstream reducedtemperature pressure build-up zone. The name of this plant is derived from the double filtration concept and the compact design.

New CHEMAREMA® series of recycling machines

With its new CHEMAREMA® series, which EREMA presented for the first time at K 2022, the recycling machine manufacturer enters its recycling systems into the chemical recycling process. CHEMAREMA® products have been specially developed for the mechanical preparation of the input stream. Mechanical processes are often at the beginning of the process chain to prepare input streams for subsequent chemical recycling processes. The new extrusion technology can be adapted to specific requirements and is designed precisely for processes such as pyrolysis. The CHEMAREMA® series allows highly contaminated post-consumer input streams, such as packaging films with low bulk densities from 50 kilograms per cubic metre and moisture levels of four to twelve per cent, to be prepared for chemical recycling in just one process step at throughputs of up to five tonnes per hour. Mechanical preparation upstream of the pyrolytic process is a key success factor, because feeding material consistently and energy-efficiently into the reactor is quite a challenge. That is why EREMA single-screw melting systems with preconditioning units (PCU) adapted to the respective requirements are

already being used for this purpose at existing plants worldwide because their technological advantages have also been proven for this application,” says Michael Heitzinger. The patented Counter Current technology in the PCU handles all the necessary processes - i.e. cutting, homogenising, heating, drying, compacting, buffering and dosing - in one efficient process step. This saves energy. Compared to conventional systems, the process window is three times wider for handling the input variability that typically occurs with material flows for chemical recycling due to strong fluctuations in composition, impurities and moisture.

In addition to these single-screw melt systems, the CHEMAREMA® range also includes cascade solutions with single and twin-screw extrusion. For special applications, there are also shredderextruder combinations and vacuumassisted extrusion solutions available. Customers benefit not only from the technological know-how of the whole Group of Companies, but also from the experience of EREMA Group subsidiary KEYCYCLE in integrating recycling solutions into existing plants. For Klaus Lederer, Business Development Manager Application Chemical Recycling, EREMA Group, the advantages of expertise from a single source are clear: “In the EREMA Group, we can offer customers everything they need from bales to the melt in terms of implementing complete input material preparation upstream of chemical recycling.”

Digitalisation Solutions Focusing on Customer Benefits

At K 2022, EREMA also launched ‘PredictOn:Drive’, a predictive maintenance application for its recycling machines. This is a solution for monitoring and predicting

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Whether it is inhouse, postconsumer, bottle or chemical recycling: closing the loop in a precise and profitable way if machines are perfectly tuned for the respective application. Choose the number one technology from EREMA when doing so: over 6500 of our machines and systems produce around 14.5 million tonnes of high-quality pellets like this every year – in a highly efficient and energy-saving way.


Focus of EREMA Group’s Trade Show Presentation

1 2 3 4 5

EREMA introduced EcoGentle®, a new plasticising technology for its PET recycling systems that significantly reduces energy consumption and features impressively gentle treatment of the melt.

For particularly challenging post-consumer materials such as supermarket packaging films, the recycling machine manufacturer launched its proven INTAREMA® TVEplus® technology in a new DuaFil® Compact configuration.

With its new CHEMAREMA® series, which EREMA presented for the first time at K 2022, the recycling machine manufacturer enters its recycling systems into the chemical recycling process.

At K 2022, EREMA also launched ‘PredictOn:Drive’, a predictive maintenance application for its recycling machines.

EREMA makes data available to its customers in its own maintenance app on the BluPort® digital customer platform, which bundles all digital assistance systems.

maintenance requirements for all main drive trains and vacuum pump stations on PET recycling machines. Behind this is an ingenious modular measurement and sensor system for real-time data acquisition and storage that is used for machine condition evaluation as well as for advanced analysis of damage location and damage spread while proposing possible countermeasures. That is how the machine provides data to visualise the condition of the plant and enable predictions on the maintenance work necessary. The big benefit of recognising maintenance requirements and anomalies on critical components in good time is that machine operators can respond before a problem occurs. Deploying service personnel and obtaining spare parts can be better planned using predictive maintenance and leads to higher plant availability and lower costs compared to routine or scheduled preventive maintenance.

That is because the intervention is only needed when a problem has been identified. EREMA currently equips all large-scale INTAREMA®, VACUREMA® and VACUNITE® plants featuring extruder diameters larger than 160 millimetres with the necessary measuring systems for drive train monitoring. Existing plants can also be retrofitted with these systems. In the next expansion stage, smaller plants as well as machines

from sister company PURE LOOP are to follow.

BluPort® - The Digital Customer Platform for Real Added Value

BluPort® online platform puts together in one place a collection of intuitive and userfriendly service and data processing apps that support our customers in quality control and, as a result, increase machine performance.

EREMA makes this data available to its customers in its own maintenance app on the BluPort® digital customer platform, which bundles all digital assistance systems. The platform can be accessed via PC and mobile devices and offers a comprehensive suite of service and data visualisation apps that help plant operators control quality and improve machine performance. With these apps, the recycling machines manufacturer wants to accompany customers and their machines through all phases of the machine life cycle, starting with the purchase decision through to operation, maintenance and services, and eventually to buyback of the used equipment years later. And all that with just one login. Using the Project Cockpit app, customers are already involved in the creation of their new machine. With this, they get insights into the status of project planning, and overview of all features and a list of all the relevant contact persons in case questions arise. The Key Performance Indicators app is very popular with customers because they can use it to call up the most important data, such as throughput trends and the energy consumption of their machines, all displayed in an intuitive dashboard. Long-term archiving, a booking app for training courses and workshops, and a spare parts shop are examples of other useful tools provided by BluPort®. From a technical standpoint, all EREMA machines ordered within the last 3 years are already equipped for use with all of these assistance systems. The app offering is constantly being expanded. The basic package is free of charge. Customers who purchase the Smart Service Package get the full version including extra content.

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Sustainability and digitalisation were the top themes at K Trade Fair 2022. In addition, they are also key market drivers for the thermoforming industry in the coming years. ILLIG shows how these trends can already be implemented in high-performance top technology, in line with the motto: ‘Performance for a Sustainable Future’.

K 2022

ILLIG Combines Sustainability with Digitalisation

ILLIG Maschinenbau GmbH & Co. KG presented itself at the K trade fair 2022 from 19th - 26th October, 2022 with a variety of product innovations. The focus of these new developments has been on the industry trends of sustainability and digitalisation. Highlights at the booth included live operation of the RDM 73K thermoforming system, which produces various solutions based on recyclable bio-PP film. ILLIG also presented the newly developed Human Machine Interface (HMI), ‘ILLIG EasyTOUCH’ with integrated access to the new service and customer portal ‘ILLIG EasyCONNECT’ in live operation.

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Additives and Colorants for Plastics

Milliken creates solutions for polymer producers, converters, masterbatchers and brand owners that are safe, useful and sustainable.

The development of additives is part of our drive to solve the most meaningful problems, enabling plastics to improve people’s lives and transform the impact plastics have on the environment for the better.

Millad® NX® 8000

The new standard in clear polypropylene

This clarifying agent yields ultimate clarity and transparency in injection molded, blow molded and thermoformed PP products allowing PP to become a viable alternative to glass or amorphous polymers like PC, PET, PVC and PS.

Millad® NX® 8000 ECO

Sustainable clarifying agent for crystal clear polypropylene

Designed to offer the same advantages as Millad NX 8000, Millad NX 8000 ECO addresses the growing trend among brand owners, converters and consumers for greater sustainability.


A spectrum of bright colorants for plastics

They yield stable, reproducible colors, and are suitable for use with a wide range of resins, including PET in transparent, food-contact applications, as well as in other transparent, amorphous polymers such as polystyrene (PS), polycarbonate (PC), acrylic (PMMA). They offer high purity and low volatile content.

KeyPlast RESIST™

A spectrum of bright, high performance colorants for plastics

The KeyPlast RESIST range delivers excellent thermal and process stability, improved weatherability, and works well in glass-filled and flame-retardant applications.


Performance modifier for polypropylene

Enhancing the physical (Impact) and flow properties of polypropylene impact copolymers (ICP), blends and recycled polypropylene (rPP) resins.


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Gent, Belgium

Tel: 32-9-265-1100 Fax: 32-9-265-1195 eurochem@milliken.com


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Colorants for NX® UltraClear ® polypropylene

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Hyperform® HPN® 900ei

Performance additives for polypropylene

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Hyperform® HPN® 20E

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Hyperform® HPN® 68L

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UltraGuard™ Solutions

Performance additives for Polyethylene

Adding UltraGuard enables improved moisture barrier of PE films and pharmaceutical b o t t le s



Tel: 65-6377-0770 Fax: 65-6377-0990 asiachem@milliken.com



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Pune, India

Tel. 91.20.6730.7501 Fax. 91.20.6730.7514 asiachem@milliken.com

© Copyright 2022 Milliken & Company. All rights reserved. Hyperform®, HPN®, Millad®, NX®, DeltaMax®, KeyPlast RESIST®, and Milliken® are registered trademarks of Milliken & Company. UltraGuard , ClearTint , and ClearShield are trademarks of Milliken & Company. Please contact your Milliken representative for further product information including chemical registrations, food contact status, and other regulatory details. PLEASE NOTE: As each customer’s use of our product may be different, information we provide, including without limitation, recommendations, test results, samples, care/labeling/processing instructions or marketing advice, is provided in good faith but without warranty and without accepting any responsibility/liability. Each customer must test and be  responsible for its own specific use, further processing, labeling, marketing, etc. All sales are exclusively subject to our standard terms of sale posted at www.milliken.com/terms (all additional/different terms are rejected) unless explicitly agreed otherwise in a signed writing.

“The sustainable use of plastics is a must for our customers if they want to continue to operate successfully on the market in the long term. As the world’s leading technology partner in thermoforming, we have naturally responded to this development,” says Jürgen Lochner CSO/CTO of ILLIG. “However, sustainable production is not just a material issue,” continues Jürgen Lochner.

ILLIG offers its customers a wide range of sustainable packaging options. These include solutions made of weight-optimised plastic, recycled plastic, various hybrid packaging and pure paper packaging. Among other things, ILLIG presented to its booth visitors how the material and recycling cycle can be further optimised in production. This is the case, for example, with residual grids made from bio-PP film. These are processed into regrind and then transformed into a beverage holder. “Sustainability is also a question of efficiency. Efficiency in the use of the production material as well as the production machines used. The use of modern digital solutions along the value chain is therefore just as much a critical success factor in combining maximum performance with real sustainability,” adds Jürgen Lochner.

Digitisation ‘Made Easy’

The core of the digitisation solutions presented is the new ‘ILLIG Easy’ product family. This includes the newly developed Human Machine Interface (HMI), ‘ILLIG EasyTOUCH’ with its 21” display and integrated access to the new customer portal. With this, ILLIG focuses even more than before on the service needs of its customers with 24/7 highperformance. A new feature of ‘ILLIG EasyTOUCH’ is the optimised user guidance. For this purpose, the visual design of the user interface has been raised to a new level of user-friendliness. ‘ILLIG EasyTOUCH’ will be installed as standard in every new ILLIG machine in the future. In parallel, ILLIG showcased its newly developed web-based service and customer portal ‘ILLIG EasyCONNECT’ for the first time. Here, customers will find a variety of digital tools to manage service communication with ILLIG quickly and centrally, and to increase performance.

Jürgen Lochner explains, “The core of our digital development program is to technically bundle the processes along the entire production chain, to digitally network them and to make them

intuitively operable. With ‘ILLIG Easy’, we have met precisely these requirements. We are convinced that with this step we have once again turned the wheel a little further in terms of sustainability and increased productivity for our customers.”

‘ILLIG EasyTOUCH’ will be installed as standard in every new ILLIG machine in the future. In parallel, ILLIG showcased its newly developed web-based service and customer portal ‘ILLIG EasyCONNECT’ for the first time.

Plastics are Valuable Materials

Unlike almost any other material, plastics can be processed and recycled in a highly diverse, effective and flexible manner. The establishment and expansion of recycling systems and the resource-saving use of plastics are the right approaches for a sustainable future. ILLIG as a system provider has been contributing to this for decades with solutions for the realisation of environmentally-friendly and easy to recycle applications. For this reason, ILLIG is committed to the topic of circular economy and thus covers the entire production chain with solutions for sustainable thermoforming of plastics.

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Experience the Difference Kautex Focuses on Plastic Products of Highest Quality

Final plastic products of highest quality were the focus of Kautex Maschinenbau, one of the world’s leading pioneers of sustainable innovations in the blow moulding industry. Based on six core areas, visitors to K 2022 booth experienced how the company, as preferred business advisor, supports customers in the realisation of their plastic product in the highest possible quality.

Breaking new ground in the presentation of its production solutions at K, trade show visitors at Kautex experienced the same via various innovative virtual reality, augmented reality and live-stream formats -

live at the booth or remotely from anywhere in the world.

With this trade show appearance, Kautex confirmed the change to its consistent ‘final plastic product focus’ philosophy. It is no longer the

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producing solution but the high-quality sustainably produced plastic product that was the focus of the booth. “We are aware that we are taking a completely different approach at K 2022,” says CTO, Paulo Gomes. “However, this fits perfectly with our new vision, mission and corporate philosophy - because this represents Kautex today best. The customer’s high-quality end product is the focus of our actions. The trade show booth reflected this perfectly. In this way, we show how we create leading change and added value. With our trade show motto ‘Experience the Difference’ we clearly emphasised this and invited everybody to experience the new Kautex on-site or remotely.”

Sustainability Vision and Mission Presented at K 2022

Further, Kautex Maschinenbau presented its sustainability vision and mission at K 2022 in Düsseldorf, Germany. Specific projects and the design of the booth provided information about the company’s commitment to the topic.

Sustainability has always been an important part of the corporate DNA for Kautex Maschinenbau. Especially in view of future global challenges, however, the topic is taking on an increasingly central role.

“Sustainability is not a hygiene factor for us,” emphasises Thomas Hartkämper, CEO and CSO. “On the contrary, for us, sustainable production processes and a consistent circular economy are crucial success factors in our industry. It is our firm belief that our customers have the best future prospects when they use innovative Kautex technologies to manufacture products of highest quality that are also sustainable. This also strengthens our own position as an innovation driver in the international plastics market. We see the key to our innovative strength in the exchange with our customers and partners,” continues Thomas Hartkämper.

Vision and Mission - Goal and Path

In its sustainability vision, Kautex Maschinenbau sets itself the goal of providing its customers with the best possible support in making their products better and more sustainable. The way to achieve this - the missionis defined by the company as actively driving the establishment of the circular economy, always in line with the corporate mission, which states creating leading change and added value.

Further, Kautex clusters the topic of sustainability into four sub-areas based on the vision and mission: Environmental Sustainability, Individual Sustainability, Economical Sustainability and Social Sustainability. Specific projects and initiatives assigned to each of these subareas were presented at the booth.

Sustainability Implemented in an Exemplary Manner

The successful processing of PCR secondary raw materials was presented by Kautex Maschinenbau with an example project at K 2022 in Düsseldorf. Here it was clearly demonstrated that upcycling of post-consumer waste (PCR) with appropriate measures leads to even better results and that the compounds used can be successfully processed into monolayer blow moulded products. Kautex identified a children’s watering can as an example application for the highlighted project.

Kautex worked together with Braskem, the largest polyolefin producer in the Americas. In cooperation with a company specialised in mechanically recycling plastic fibre waste into PCR, the Brazilian company produces a secondary PE compound from collected fishing nets. Kautex then further processed this into children’s watering cans using the blow moulding process.

It should be emphasised that the quality of the fishing net PCR was so good, for

example in terms of consistent viscosity, that the cans could be produced in a continuous blow moulding process without the use of an accumulator head. The project also showed that so-called ‘maritime waste’ recyclates are ideally suited for applications in the garden sector, including playground equipment, garden furniture and tool sheds.

Innovative and SustainableVirtual Presentation of Production Solutions and Live Streams

Production solutions such as the innovative Skyreef platform were witnessed by visitors to the Kautex booth via various digital solutions. With innovative augmented reality and virtual reality apps, Kautex provided direct access to all machines. In addition, Kautex broadcasted five live streams daily from Bonn, Germany and Shunde, China and stream interactive panel discussions directly from the booth.

Visitors who were unable to travel to the show could experience the booth, the production solutions and the streams via the website https://www.k-sphere. com/en/events/trade-fair/k-2022.htmlregardless of time and place. The applications can also be used flexibly now, after the trade show.

For Kautex, this is a consistent step towards a more sustainable trade show presence, in order to reach trade show visitors in the best possible way and to make optimal use of resources even after the show.

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Hall No.: 2H-GF Stall No.: C6 Visit us at:

Milacron eQ-Series Injection Machines and MonoSandWich Technology Exhibited

at K 2022

Milacron®, a leading manufacturer in the global plastic technology and processing industry, leveraging its history with Ferromatik, showcased its eQ-Series 110 and eQ-Series 180 electric injection moulding machines, as well as its MonoSandWich Technology, at the K 2022 show in Düsseldorf, Germany. Ferromatik, founded in 1956 in Malterdingen near Freiburg, Germany, has been part of Milacron, since 1993.

Milacron® showcased its eQ-Series 110 and eQ-Series 180 electric injection moulding machines, as well as its MonoSandWich Technology, at the K 2022 show in Düsseldorf, Germany. Milacron also brought to the fore its solutions based on their partnerships with iMFLUX and Sepro Group.

“Our all-electric injection moulding machines have equipped the European plastics industry with ground-breaking multi-component technology since the early 1990s,” says Winfried Stoecklin, Managing Director, Ferromatik Milacron Europe. “The K 2022 show is the ideal setting to explore how Milacron’s solutions, technology, service and support can strengthen your operation in today’s competitive landscape,” continues Winfried Stoecklin.

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I N V I TAT I O N M eet u s at H a ll N o. 2 H-G F-A-8 MORE THAN 600 SHADES OF COLOR MASTERBATCH FOR PP NONWOVEN FABRICS fast a n d ex p li c i t d ev elo p m en t o f c o lo rs SAVE YOUR TIME AND MATERIAL WITH OUR Arihant Polyplast Pvt Ltd Of ice and Correspondence Address Fatehpuria s 186 A Opposite Godown No 4 22 Godown Main Road Jaipur 302006 (Rajasthan State) India Cell No +91 – 9829020745 +91 – 9829014710 Email info@arihantpolyplast com Website www arihantpolyplast com OUR FORTE • Lot-to-Lot Consistency • No Dripping • High Pigment Loaded • In house f acility of FPV MEDICAL NEED FABRICS MASTERB ATCH FOR PP MELTBLOWN ADDITIVE MASTERB ATCH FOR PP NONWOVEN FABRICS India’s largest Masterbatch Manufacturer For PP Nonwoven Fabrics: More than 600 shades

acceleration, ultimate accuracy and exceptional reliability.

l Industry leading precise motion, position and pressure control.

l Optimised large tie bar spacing and highly sensitive mould safety.

l Superior design with moving platen on L M (Linear Motion) guideway.

l Simplified programming of freely configurable cores.

l Very low maintenance costs.

MonoSandWich Simplifies MultiComponent Moulding

l Advanced version of multi-component technology to reduce complexity.

l Significantly reduces manufacturing costs compared to conventional sandwich moulding technologies.

Integrations and Demonstrations with Leading Industry Partners

l Milacron integration of iMFLUX software and Auto Viscosity Adjust™ featured on the Milacron eQ-Series machine in the Milacron booth. Demonstrations featured the iMFLUX ‘no operator touches’ to digitally control the low constant pressure moulding technology

Milacron eQ-Series 110 machine full integration with a Sepro Group automation cell, produced a small sailboat out of PCR PP, located in the Sepro booth.

Milacron - Delivering Advanced Technologies, Expanding Expert Resources

“Integrating technologies that support automation is essential for addressing current industry labour trends,” says Mac Jones, President of Milacron. “Our partnerships with iMFLUX, who is transforming the future of plastic injection moulding, and Sepro Group, one of the largest suppliers of robotics in the world, demonstrates Milacron’s commitment to solving problems in order to meet the demands of today’s plastics processing,” adds Mac Jones.

In addition to delivering advanced technologies, Milacron is expanding the expert resources available in Europe.

“In order to better serve our growing customer base, we are investing in additional resources to optimise our sales and service team in Europe. The team can deliver the entire spectrum of servicesoffering expertise in injection, co-injection, extrusion, low-pressure injection moulding, process control and asset life-cycle management,” says Peter Kochs, Director Sales and Business Development, Milacron Europe.

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Nordson Measurement and Control Solutions

Registered a Successful K Show in the Books

NDC Technologies is now Nordson Measurement and Control Solutions.

FilmPro High-Performance IR Gauge

K 2022 was a special edition...while the show was celebrating its 70th anniversary, we were introducing our new look to the world for the first time...

Nordson’s brand, promise and presence in the marketplace are powerful, especially in the extrusion (Nordson Polymer Processing) and converting (Nordson Adhesive Dispensing Systems) industries. And this brand equity makes our company and product brands even stronger. As part of this rebranding, the NDC and BETA LaserMike product brands fell under the Nordson Measurement and Control Solutions brand portfolio. By rebranding ourselves as Nordson Measurement and Control Solutions and becoming an even stronger solutions provider with two of the industry’s most notable product brands, we are providing our customers with the best selection of intelligent, connected measurement and control technologies available to the market today...and this was evident at our booth during K 2022.

Our exhibition space was divided into two areas, respectively for the two product brands NDC and BETA LaserMike products. In the foreground, (centre-right) we showcased our NDC measuring systems for film extrusion and converting applications - our focus at the K Show, namely:

Series 9 Converting Gauge

The new non-contact Series 9 gauge is the best-in-class, best-in-value measurement system on the market today. It allows measuring moisture, coat weight, degree of cure, and film / layer thickness across a wide range of converting applications such as extrusion, coating and lamination.

The FilmPro gauge can measure the thickness of clear, pigmented (opaque and black), (micro)porous films. The measurement capability of FilmPro also extends to single- or multi-layer products including biaxially-orientated films (BOPE, BOPP, BOPET, BOPA etc.), cast (CPE, CPP etc.) films, and orientated and stretch films.

HazePro for Measuring Transparent Materials

HazePro can accurately and reliably measure on-line the optical quality of transparent materials, such as optical films, solar panel films, anti-glare films, agricultural films, packaging films and more.

DataFusion Data Visualiser and Historian

This powerful software platform lets you harness measurement data from film extrusion, coating and lamination lines, and transform it into actionable intelligence.

On the left side of the booth we presented a wide range of BETA LaserMike gauges for tube, pipe and hose applications, including our LaserSpeed Pro M Series for measuring the length and speed of moving products and our Ultrascan DPS Pro for measuring wall thickness and concentricity.

As always, the show turned out to be a resounding success for us.

We are already counting the days until the next K show: see you in 2025!

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201-203, Siddharth Annex Complex, Opp. Prasang Party Plot, Sama-Savli Road, Vadodara- 390 008. Gujarat. India. Phone: 0265-2710943 E-mail: sales@omegaplasto.com SKYPE: omegaplasto

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APPLICATIONS Flexible packing Woven bags Pipes Cables PP/PE glass fiber compounds Wood compostes Halogen free flame retardant compounds Recycle materials Bitumin Purging compound Laminations KEY ADVANTAGES Eliminates melt fracture/shark skin Imporve tensile strengh & ellongation Improve gloss Imporve rheology property Reduce carbon formation in die Reduce microns of films Thickness variation is controlled Eliminates slippage during processing Improves adhesive strength INTRODUCING NEW GENERATION NON-MIGRATING PROCESSING AID & MODIFIER TRANSPARENT & OPAQUE APPLICATIONS PROCESSING AID, MODIFIER AND BONDING AGENT Polycom – CL is used as Non – migrating processing aid and impact modifier for Polyethylene and Polypropylene extrusion and moulding applications. Coupling agent, compatibilizer, dispersing agent for various compounds like Halogen Free Flame Retardant (HFFR) Wood composites, recycle material. Layer resin for various polymers. Helps in extrusion coating for improving bonding between aluminium foil and Polypropylene / Polyethylene Used as purging agent.

A Successful K Fair for NGR

For 25 years now, Next Generation Recyclingmaschinen GmbH (NGR) has been one of the pioneers in the field of sustainable plastics recycling. The Upper Austrian company develops and builds customised recycling machines for the sustainable processing of plastics waste and turns its customers’ waste products back into ideal raw materials.

Driven by the mission statement, ‘Working for a better future’, NGR presented its future-oriented technologies in the market segments post-industrial recycling, postconsumer recycling and PET improvement.

During the eight days of the fair, a large number visited the booth to experience the future of plastics recycling live. “K 2022 was a complete success for us. The interest of trade visitors in our technologies was enormous,” says a delighted Gerhard Ohler, CEO of the company, confirming that this interest resulted not only in a large number of inquiries, but also in an equally considerable number of orders in all three market segments.

The NXT:GRAN Sets New Standards in PostIndustrial Recycling

The NXT:GRAN enables the plastics processing industry to achieve true zero-waste production. It guarantees full value retention of the material and, thanks to the newly developed technology, reduces labour and energy requirements to a minimum.

The easy-to-use and easy-to-maintain NXT:GRAN relies on the patented NGR ‘ONE-STEP Technology’, which enables the reprocessing of plastics waste in a single step. In addition to the increased cutting performance in the shredder, the material feeding into the extruder has been optimised. Therefore, a significant increase in output across the entire material spectrum has been achieved.

Next Generation in Post-Consumer Recycling

Almost half of the plastic produced worldwide is thrown away after only one use. What makes daily life easier, however, poses an increasing problem for the environment.

To counteract economic value losses, global raw material shortages and rising waste volumes, NGR continues to drive circular plastic value creation with unique post-consumer recycling solutions.

The NXT:GRAN combines shredding, feeding and extruding in a single, highly efficient operation (ONE-STEP technology).
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Through efficient material handling during the conversion process, minimised energy consumption and custom machine configurations, NGR makes sure that ‘one-way’ plastics find their way back into the material cycle - giving the environment sustainable protection.

K Trade Fair as an Industry Barometer

For Günther Klammer, CTO of NGR, the current developments in the industry are very pleasing, “Worldwide, more and more brand owners are focusing on the standards of tomorrow and are using our LSP technology for the processing of post-consumer PET. We are finding that liquid state polycondensation is a real game-changer in PET improvement and is rapidly gaining popularity due to its better energy efficiency and outstanding cleaning performance. We believe it will soon become the widely accepted standard for bottle-to-bottle PET recycling.”

Liquid State Polycondensation: New Dimensions in PET Processing

NGR has been the leading manufacturer of LSP technology for years. With the LSP process, a completely new way of processing

material using an extremely efficient process was developed under the product name P:REACT. While conventional PET processing methods change the material properties in the solid phase of the plastic, requiring many hours, the decontamination of the material in the LSP process takes only minutes. In the LSP process, all impurities are removed from the PET melt while still in the liquid phase, which guarantees simultaneous upgrading of the plastic and recycling to the highest standards of the brand owners.

In direct comparison to conventional systems, NGR’s LSP process offers an energy-efficient and, in terms of melt quality, better physical cleaning process.

With this innovative process, the company exceeds the regulatory requirements in the direction of food suitability many times over and further upgrades the product quality of the recycled PET much better than the existing technologies.

FDA and EFSA Confirm: Limit Values Far Undercut

In addition to the high mobility of the molecules in the liquid phase, the enormous surface area of the material strands contributes to the extensive cleaning. As a result, the quality of the resulting material far exceeds the safe limits set by EFSA and FDA.

Through Years of Experience: One Step Ahead

While other manufacturers are now also working on LSP solutions for PET processing, the specialists from Upper Austria have already sold over 50 systems in over 20 different countries and gained critical experience and process knowledge in the process.

“Of course, it was initially a big risk for us to rely on a different technology,” Günther Klammer notes. “But we always believed in success and have learned a lot over the years. We are now in a position to offer mature and completely developed solutions for our customers. Whether for film production, spun yarn production or beverage bottle preforms, our systems are running and we are thus a decisive step ahead,” explains the CTO.

“Anyone who wants to set tomorrow’s standards today and benefit from our many years of experience in PET recycling should opt for a system from NGR,” the trio of Managing Directors, consisting of CEO, Gerhard Ohler; CTO, Günther Klammer and COO, Erich Fürst, emphatically agree.

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The PET recycling machine P:REACT is revolutionising PET reprocessing.

Securing the Future Nordson Introduces a Unique Melt Filter for Blown Film Applications at K 2022

Producing quality blown film is not an easy task. A film bubble reacts sensitively to changing process conditions, and only minor changes in temperature, viscosity and especially pressure can have a negative impact. Existing filters provide the necessary process stability and deliver clean, homogeneous melt for a high-quality blown film - when only virgin material is used.

But this won’t be the case much longer. The social call for more sustainability in the plastics industry has led to new laws and regulations. But adding recycled materials to the mix is an additional disruptor to an already delicate process.

“The change from using only virgin materials to including recycled material is huge and needs new, innovative technology to support that transition. But we like a challenge,” says Christian Schroeder, Global Segment Manager for the recycling market at Nordson. “We developed a melt filter, based on our unique backflush technology, that

enables the use of recycled material while keeping the process stable and the end product quality at the usual high level,” adds Christian Schroeder.

Profitability Increases with Backflushing

“Melt filters without a backflushing function have limits when processing recycled material. Contamination levels are high, and the screens clog fast,” explains Stefan Woestmann, Process Specialist. “Screens are expensive, and the changing procedure is timeconsuming. Through backflushing, the screens are cleaned from contamination and debris over and over, so producers need fewer filter elements and operators need to perform fewer screen changes,” continues Stefan Woestmann.

To cope with the high process pressures in blown film applications, Nordson made patent-pending changes to its already proven backflush technology.

Handling the Pressure

Pressure consistency is an essential

component of operating a blown film line successfully.

“The BKG® HiCon™ K-SWE-HD/RS melt filter is equipped with the patented melt pressure controlled venting start that fully automises the filling of the screen cavity after a screen change for maximum pressure consistency. Additionally, the filling is done so carefully that no air entrapments endanger the process or the end product.” explains Stefan Woestmann.

Maintenance in Mind

The processing of recycled material generates more waste than that of virgin polymers because melt is removed from the filter during backflushing and venting. The BKG® HiCon™ K-SWE-HD/RS melt filter is designed so that this happens in a clean and maintenancefriendly way.

We highlighted this new concept for the first time at K 2022 and are eager to hear industry reactions.

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The new Nordson BKG® HiCon™ K-SWE-HD/RS melt filter helps blown film producers use high contents of recycled materials.

A Revolutionary Die Lip Adjustment System

Introduced by Nordson at K 2022

The new, patent-pending EDI® Prodigi™ system takes extrusion and coating processes to another level by fully automating the lip gap adjustment - making it faster, safer and repeatable.

Nordson debuts a new automated lip adjustment system for their EDI® extrusion and fluid coating dies at the K 2022 trade fair. This new system achieves saving tolerances four times faster than conventional thermal bolt systems, supporting operations’ need for increased sustainability.

“When we spoke with global customers, it was clear that they need more than excellent product uniformity - they need increased automation,” says Scott Smith, Global Product Managing Director for Nordson’s EDI® die business.

And there is. After an initial concept was developed and specified, Nordson selected the Proflow family of actuators by Honeywell’s Process Solutions team to bring the new Prodigi™ die to market as quickly as possible.

A Proven Success for Extrusion and Fluid Coating Applications

To evaluate the system, Nordson conducted a series of extrusion and fluid coating trials at its EDI® Technology Center, as well as a series of extrusion trials at a USA laboratory of DavisStandard, LLC. “We are pleased to be the Systems Integrator for the

measurement and Prodigi™ die systems, raising the performance bar for all of our customers,” states Ricky Keller, Vice President - Market Development with Davis-Standard’s Converting Systems line of business.

“We achieved great results when we evaluated this new technology,” says Sam Iuliano, EDI® Chief Technologist. “During our initial lip gap setting trials at Davis-Standard, we successfully closed the lip by 0.015” in only 35 seconds,” adds Sam Iuliano.

“We set the desired lip gap, and when we started, the initial thickness variation was +/- 25%. Within a matter of 44 seconds, the thickness variation decreased significantly, and

after only three minutes from engaging Automatic Profile Control (APC), we had an almost perfect gauge over the complete length of the die. This will create much less scrap and add more productive time,” explains Sam Iuliano.

“Davis-Standard stated that they usually need 8 minutes to achieve the same tolerances from recipe launch with conventional thermal actuators,” adds Sam Iuliano.

Amcor was also invited to the development trials. “The performance of the Prodigi™ die, with its reproducibility and speed, will be a game-changer for converters. This new technology from Nordson will enable converters to achieve these goals safely and efficiently,” reports Brent Martins, R&D Fellow with Amcor PLC.

The Prodigi™ system will also support fluid coating applications since its accuracy is so refined.

A Win for Efficiency

Figure 1: EDI® Prodigi™ extrusion die system.

In fact, it is projected that the Prodigi™ actuator system, under normal use and on an annual basis, would consume less than 1% of the electricity needed to operate a comparable thermal die bolt system.

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Plot No. 147, 148 & 154, Devraj Industrial Park, Piplaj-Pirana Road, Piplaj, Ahmedabad - 382405 T: +91 79 2970 8147, +91 97129 28201, +91 90990 76206 E: marketingindia@conairgroup.com | W: www.conairgroup.in

An Adventurous Rise of Indian Brands Riding High on an Evolving Marketplace and Significant Global Events

PREA Ltd. is a 25-year old consultancy that works for global clientele both in manufacturing and distribution, while also helping them with acquisitions, mergers and joint ventures.

The recently concluded K 2022 exhibition turned out to be an amazing platform for the industry insiders and it was great to meet the new as well as existing clients during the event. Even though the overall number of participants were down by 20 per cent, the quality of enquiries that we received was better than ever before.

This year’s K, for us, was mainly about a thirst for mergers and acquisitions, buying / selling companies, joint ventures, purchase of business units and carve-outs as well as investment funding. While a majority of our clients are strategics, private equity, venture capital, and family offices, the K exhibition was all about dealing with strategics from North American, British, European and Indian companies. Infact, there have been a lot of

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Pravin S. Mistry, Global CEO, PREA Ltd. (4th from left) and Consultancy Network Team.

changes happening in the Indian market and the way companies are responding to those changes.

A Changing MarketplaceInviting Times for Companies

In recent times, we have seen a considerable change in the global landscape. For example, the UkraineRussia war and a decreasing investment confidence in China as internal and other geo-political events seemed to have benefitted certain other countries. These are huge changes and we must account for them in all our endeavours in the near future. These factors, in addition to increasing competition in the global marketplace and consistent availability of companies for sale, when it comes to supply and demand, have been few of the most significant factors for higher selling prices.

In this changing scenario, even Indian brands seem to be getting more adventurous with wanting to acquire companies in the UK, Europe and North America. As a global consultancy with an experience of 25 years, we tried to convey the reality about acquisitions to several family and owner-managed companies. While some were not ready for it, others did not know the pitfalls and distractions of the main business. We also offer them alternative solutions!

Going Global with PREA

As mentioned earlier, the global marketplace is rapidly changing and the geographical boundaries are no more as defined as they were a few decades back. Inter-continental business relations and transactions are very much possible. Our services enable you to continue doing business across different locations. For example, if you have a business in America or China with no technical or sales representation in Europe, we can help you with that. If buying or selling a company is on your mind, we can assist. We bring with us an extensive knowledge of companies for

PREA - Providing Top Consultancy Services to the Polymer Industry

PREA Ltd. is a 25-year old consultancy that works for global clientele both in manufacturing and distribution, helping them with acquisitions, mergers and joint ventures. That apart, PREA also provides technology assistance, recruitment services, technical and sales representation, recycled and raw materials, energy management, sustainability, marketing, new and used machinery, toll manufacturing, sub-contracting, reshoring and outsourcing to polymer companies.

Through our management consultancy services, our expertise also lies in mergers and acquisitions, buying and selling companies, joint ventures and collaborations, financial investments, due diligence, restructuring, strategy development and enabling the new product to market journey.

Our services provide technical expertise in plastics, composites, rubber, polyurethanes, adhesives, textiles, paints, chemicals, metals and 3D printing. We also aid vast areas of specialisation in processes like masterbatch / concentrates, casting, compounding / blending, coating, mould design, vacuum forming, injection moulding, pultrusion, extrusion and pull-winding.

sale while also connecting you with your prospective buyers. We can help you with developing an exit strategy from restructuring and placing a management team in for a management buyout.

As the business world continues to evolve at a rapid pace and global workplaces go beyond hiring just local talent, the value of recruitment services has increased manifold. And this is what PREA does. While extending our assistance towards all things business, we also provide recruitment services. We come as international recruitment specialists within the polymer / chemicals and advanced manufacturing, review of company objectives and required skill set, executive search, chair, interim management, technical,

sales, quality, production, purchasing, roles, pre-screening candidates and outplacement. Our connections globally and extensive experience and in-depth knowledge of manufacturing allow us to have a continual pipeline of candidates. Whether you are a company looking for an ideal candidate or an individual wanting to land your dream job, we are the ones who get it done for you.

These are just a few of the things that we do. There are several other services that PREA provides to companies across the globe. Our presence at K 2022 encapsulated what we offer in terms of services and provided crucial information about how we can help.

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Reifenhäuser Blown Film Presents at K 2022 a Technical Solution

To One of the Biggest Challenges in the Processing of Recyclate

Reifenhäuser offers a unique process that enables customers to process even low recyclate grades easily and economically into high-performance products and increase the recyclate content with the EVO Fusion.

With EVO Fusion, even fluff (film snippets) and all kinds of production waste and PCR material can be directly processed into functional films for applications such as trash bags or mailing bags.

The line manufacturer Reifenhäuser Blown Film presents at K 2022 a technology that makes blown film producers independent of highly fluctuating recyclate qualities and ensures a stable production processeven when processing low-quality input material: EVO Fusion upgrades recyclate qualities.

With EVO Fusion, blown film producers also process previously unusable, lowest-quality recyclates into highperformance blown films for simple end-uses, such as trash bags or mailing bags. Until now, such low-grade recyclates could only be used for simple and thick-walled injection-moulded products. In addition, producers can make higher-quality film from recyclates that could also be processed in the past.

Eugen Friedel, Director Sales at Reifenhäuser Blown Film, explains, “In order to drive the circular economy, recyclate rates in blown film products must increase and classic downcycling must be limited. With EVO Fusion, we

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Reifenhäuser Blown Film is introducing a new highperformance cooling system for its ‘EVO FFS’ blown film line, which has been specially developed for heavy-duty sack applications. This system increases the cooling capacity by over 20% compared to conventional systems on the market. In the production of heavy-duty sacks, record output rates of over 600 kg/h can thus be achieved from a die with a diameter of 175 mm - while maintaining the best film properties.

The production of blown film for form-fill-seal (FFS) bags for heavy goods puts manufacturers in a tough competitive environment where output is the key to economic success. Thanks to the increased cooling capacity, producers can now exceed the market’s peak output values by around 50 to 100 kgs and thus secure a significant competitive advantage in terms of productivity.

Eugen Friedel, Director Sales at Reifenhäuser Blown Film explains, “With our record output capacity beyond 600 kg/h, we enable our customers to achieve an attractive return on investment and the potential to be successful on the market in the long term. EVO Ultra Cool 2.0 FFS achieves unrivaled performance values without compromising quality or process reliability.”

Record Output Rates Beyond

600 kg/h for Form-fill-seal Sack


With Reifenhäuser Ultra Cool 2.0 FFS

l Precise, autonomous, mechatronic: PAM calibrates coextrusion adapters and dies automatically for best comfort, quality and productivity.

l Reifenhäuser extrusion lines provide carbon footprint calculation for more sustainable and economical production.

l Cross-vendor approach: Reifenhäuser launches digital offensive that focuses on enablement of film and non-wovens producers.

l Highly wear-resistant screws and barrels enable safe recyclate processing.

l Fully recyclable pouch - now also with barrier effect for food packaging.

l EFSA / FDA-compliant production process enables manufacture of food-safe film from PET recyclate.

l New ‘Ultrathin Coating’ process enables production of particularly lightweight and cost-effective film / non-woven composites.

l 26 companies present R-Cycle at K 2022: Digital product passport enables circular economy for plastic products.

l Reifenhäuser provides trade fair visitors at K 2022 with fully recyclable FFP2 masks free of charge.

offer a unique process that enables customers to process even low recyclate grades easily and economically into high-performance products and increase the recyclate content. In this way, processors open up new fields of application for recycled products.”

The EVO Fusion process relies on direct extrusion, which eliminates the need for energy- and costintensive regranulation of the raw material. This means that fluff (film shreds) and all types of production waste and PCR material can also be processed directly.

This is made possible by the twin-screw technology, which homogenises the melt better and thus ensures a stable process. In addition, processors can degas the system very easily and effectively, removing unwanted components in the recyclate.

For processing better quality regranulates, Reifenhäuser recommends the EVO Ultra singlescrew extruder. Thanks to optimised barrier as well as shear and mixing parts, this extruder processes recycled material as reliably and naturally as other raw materials - the ideal prerequisite for success in the growing market for products with a high recycled content.

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More K 2022 Highlights from Reifenhäuser With the Reifenhäuser Ultra Cool 2.0 FFS cooling system, blown film producers produce more economically than ever before thanks to output rates of more than 600 kg/h.


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K 2022

Starlinger Focuses on Reducing Resource Consumption

After two years of the pandemic, interest in packaging solutions made of woven plastic tape fabric supplied by the Austrian world market leader, Starlinger & Co GmbH continues to be high. Especially sought-after are sustainable packaging and closedloop solutions.

K 2022,


The most important exhibition for the international plastics industry has been a success for the Vienna-based machine manufacturing company. “This year’s K show has been sensational for us. Everybody is happy to get together personally and talk about the developments in the sector after all the restrictions due to the pandemic,” says Hermann Adrigan, Head of Sales at Starlinger, summing up the exhibition. “A lot of customers, among them many long-time business partners, visited us both here at our booth in Düsseldorf as well as in Austria during our Open House in our factory which took place at the same time.” The number of deals closed during the exhibition shows that many companies in the sector are willing to invest. “For us, K 2022 equals K 2019 in this respect,” confirms Hermann Adrigan. “At both of our booths, this as well as our division Starlinger recycling technology, we sold a number of projects already in the course of the exhibition.”

The main attraction for many customers was the conversion line for AD*STAR woven polypropylene block bottom valve sacks at the Starlinger

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At Packem Umasree, a joint venture of Brazilian big bag producer, Packem and the Indian big bag producer, Umasree Texplast invested in Starlinger production equipment for heavy-duty fabric made from rPET for their plant in India.
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The main attraction for many customers was the conversion line for AD*STAR woven polypropylene block bottom valve sacks at the Starlinger booth. It produced AD*STAR sacks with a share of 22% recycled content at a speed of 140 sacks/minute. Also, big bags made of 100% recycled polypropylene and 100% recycled PET supplied by Starlinger customers drew a lot of interest.

production equipment for heavy-duty fabric made from rPET for their big bag production plant in India at K 2022. “We want to establish a closed-loop for packaging in this sector,” says Marcos Spitzner Filho, CFO of Packem. “This will be the world’s first 100% bag-tobag project where used big bags will be recycled to become new big bags. We will reuse 100% of the rPET big bags because we want to avoid the use of virgin plastics in industrial and agricultural packaging.”

New Starlinger PET Bottle-tobottle Recycling Line Reduces Production Costs

Starlinger presented for the first time the new recoSTAR PET art recycling line for PET bottle-to-bottle applications. Compared to the previous model, it saves around 21% of production costs.

booth. It produced AD*STAR sacks with a share of 22% recycled content at a speed of 140 sacks/minute. Also, big bags made of 100% recycled polypropylene and 100% recycled PET supplied by Starlinger customers drew a lot of interest. With the ‘Circular Packaging’ concept for big bags initiated in 2019, Starlinger offers a model for a closed packaging loop for packaging producers. “Sustainability plays a major role in almost all inquiries we receive nowadays,” explains Hermann Adrigan. “As machine manufacturers, we have been putting the reduction of resource consumption - be it energy, be it raw

materials - in the central focus of our technical developments for decades. Now, recycled material can also be processed on our lines without loss of quality. Packaging producers know: If you want to produce woven PP or PET sacks in a sustainable way, Starlinger is the place to go.”

From Big Bag to Big Bag - the World’s First Closed-loop for FIBCs

Packem Umasree, a joint venture of Brazilian big bag producer, Packem S.A. and the Indian big bag producer, Umasree Texplast invested in Starlinger

Designing the recycling process as efficiently and energy-saving as possible has been one of the main topics at Starlinger recycling technology for many years. The newest result in this respect, regarding the technical advancement of the company’s recycling lines, is impressive: The newly conceived PET bottle-to-bottle recycling system recoSTAR PET art, presented for the first time at K 2022, scores not only with 25% less energy consumption compared to the previous model, but it also requires 46% less maintenance time, has a 21% smaller machine footprint, and a production output increase of 15%. In total, bottle-to-bottle recyclers can save about 21% in production costs with the new system.

Note: AD*STAR® is a registered trademark. AD*STAR® sacks are exclusively produced on Starlinger machinery.

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Product summary

Founded in 1981 in Italy on the cornerstone of RadiciGroup’s polyamide upstream integration, RadiciGroup High Performance Polymers has grown into a global manufacturer of a complete range of engineering plastics to meet the needs of many industries including Automotive, Electrical&Electronics, Industrial, Consumer Goods and Sports.

We are glocal: global thinking, local action.

This has been our motto for the last 20 years’ growth. Today, with seven plants strategically located in 3 continents and 7 countries, and a worldwide sales network, RadiciGroup High Performance Polymers provides high-quality product standards on a global scale, besides offering state-of-the-art support in research & development and processing technologies. RadiciGroup’s Upstream integration in polyamide, coupled with the high flexibility of its polymerization plants has represented the basis for the continuous expansion of our polyamide-based product range, from long chain to high temperature polyamides. Expansion is a keyword for our future. We keep exploring new horizons, by expanding our product range and global presence, to promote the growth of RadiciGroup High Performance Polymers.

Polyamide engineering polymers (PA6, PA66, copolymers, PA610, PA612, PPA and other specialty PAs for high temperature resistant applications) for injection moulding, extrusion and blow moulding. Filaments for 3D printing.

Polyamide and polyester flame-retardant engineering polymers, including a complete range of halogen and red phosphorous-free products.

Specialty PA 66 engineering polymers. The main distinguishing features are high mechanical properties, better property retention with moisture absorption and an excellent surface appearance. Suitable for injection moulding of high mechanical resistance parts.

New sustainability-oriented engineering polymers, from post-industrial and post-consumer sources, targeted at meeting the growing needs of the market that requires products with a low and measurable environmental impact without compromising on quality, reliability, traceability, safety.

PA 66 compounds, including improved heat-resistance specialties (Torzen® Marathon).

High-performance PPS compounds, characterized by their exceptional chemical/thermal resistance and dimensional stability.

Polyester (PBT and PBT compounds) for injection moulding.

Thermoplastic copolyester elastomers (TPE-E) and thermoplastic styrene elastomers (SEBS and SBS) for automotive, technical/industrial and consumer goods applications.

Acetal copolymer (POM) resins.

RADICI PLASTICS INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED 501, DLF Tower, Shivaji Marg, New Delhi - 110015 - INDIA | Tel. +91 11 41638170 - info.plastics@radicigroup.com | www.radicigroup.com

Automotive Electrical & Electronics Industrial Consumer Goods Sports

Xaloy Showcased Its Innovative Solution Portfolio

at K 2022

Xaloy continues its trailblazing path as the innovative plasticising solutions provider. Highlighting this year’s show was the launch of Xaloy’s X-900™ revolutionary bimetallic liner for segmented twin barrels. Another highlight was the demonstration of Xaloy’s bimetallic barrel manufacturing capability. A selection of proprietary screw technology was also on display.

Xaloy exhibited innovative plasticising solutions and unveiled the nextgeneration technology at K trade fair 2022, the world’s largest trade fair for plastics and rubber, from 19th to 26th October in Duesseldorf. Since Altair’s acquisition of Xaloy in 2021, the company continues to build on its existing foundation and has grown into an even stronger organisation through investment and modernising manufacturing plants, utilising global synergies, expanding the geographic footprint, and continuously driving innovations in plasticising technology.


“Over nine decades, Xaloy has stood for superior wear technologies and innovative process solutions,’’ says Seeni Congivaram, Vice President. “As a continuation of this storied legacy, we are introducing our next-gen X-900™ laser-cladded barrel in this K Show. We look forward to working with our customers to solve their process problems,” adds Seeni Congivaram.

Displaying its entire product and service portfolio, Xaloy continues to emphasise its position as a provider of innovative and sustainable plasticising solutions for over 90 years. The company is known as a pioneer of barrel metallurgy and an innovator in screw designs and remains an industry leader with unmatched global engineering and manufacturing capabilities.

Key Highlights at the K Show

Highlighting this year’s show was the launch of Xaloy’s X-900™ revolutionary bimetallic liner for segmented twin barrels. This new alloy provides extraordinary durability in high-wear or highpressure applications in resin manufacturing and compounding. It provides processors with a costefficient and sustainable alternative to other wearresistant alloys.

Another highlight was the demonstration of Xaloy’s bimetallic barrel manufacturing capability. The company casts small barrels from 16 mm internal diameter to ultra-large barrels weighing up to 15 tonnes. The highlight was one of the largest

Xaloy is known as a pioneer of barrel metallurgy and an innovator in screw designs and remains an industry leader with unmatched global engineering and manufacturing capabilities. The company brought together its 200plus years of combined applications engineering knowledge to K 2022.

barrels displayed at the K trade fair, as well as a precision-engineered parallel twin barrel.

A selection of proprietary screw technology was also on display at this year’s show. From as small as 12 mm, with complex flight and mixer geometries, Xaloy can design injection and extrusion screws customised to any resin or process environment. Xaloy’s valve technology for injection moulding processes had rounded out the products on display.

Sharing Knowledge, Experience and Expertise

Xaloy personnel from all global regions, who speak seven languages, were available at the booth to share developments with their international customers. The company brought together its 200plus years of combined applications engineering knowledge to K and demonstrated experience and expertise during the daily training sessions on troubleshooting topics at its show booth.

POLYMERS Communiqué l October - November 2022 96 A SPECIAL FEATURE

Weekend Delights

Friday night to Monday morning, a time to unwind, rejuvenate and be geared to face another grueling week. Each one of us use this ‘my time’ is different ways. And why not, weekend is a time for expressing ourselves. We all have known the personalities featured here as astute business stalwarts; as life is more than just business, we at POLYMERS Communiqué, have started this section called ‘WEEKEND DELIGHTS’. Live life...

On weekends, I love to go for bike rides, hikes and explore new restaurants and food options in the city. I love to spend time with my children, family and friends, and take them around as well. It rejuvenates me and keeps me focused for the week ahead and helps me plan better for what I missed out on in the past few weeks. It also gives me a chance to recalibrate myself with the surroundings since I also engage in a lot of work-related travel.

My weekend starts slow unlike the busy mornings of weekdays. Having a cup of my favourite black coffee while going through the newspaper refreshes me for a long workout in the gym. I believe staying fit and healthy improves concentration, keeps you happy, decreases stress and improves creativity; after all, fitness and success go hand in hand!

After family lunch at home, we spend time talking on different topics right from schooling to current affairs. In the evening, we all go out in and around the city visiting relatives and friends or simply go out shopping.

Sunday is a perfect day to energise and fuel up for a challenging week ahead!

POLYMERS Communiqué l October - November 2022 98

Usually, I prefer a laid-back weekend where I recharge and catch up with friends and family to have a nice balance. However, on some weekends, I regain life with a nice couple of hours of riding a motorcycle by myself. The rides give me immense joy.

I like to have family time which brings so much freshness to thoughts and a lot of energy for the upcoming week. Sometimes, I also like to cook. It is my way of meditation. Apart from cooking, yoga and walking alone in the mornings brings clarity to the mind and thoughts which helps to plan the day / week. It is also a good physical exercise. If I get the time, I also like to read.

For me, personal satisfaction is more than just business achievements. I endeavour to help the needy to whatever extent I can. In a recent initiative, we distributed walkers at Cooper Hospital in Mumbai. I consider this a small way to give something back to society.

POLYMERS Communiqué l October - November 2022 99
Dr. Chandrakant Nandwana Chairman and Managing Director Pimco Machines Pvt. Ltd. Ronak Bachhawat Lead, Technical and Business Development Champion Packaging Industries Pvt. Ltd.

Circular Economy Waste is the New Raw Material

Circular economy is here to stay. Don’t get forced into it by market forces. Drive it yourself. In fact, in many cases best practices of circular economy opens up brand advantages too. Our vision should go beyond reuse / recycle to regenerate natural systems so that we can undo some of the damage we have inflicted in our quest for economic prosperity.


Manufacturing is under sharper focus in India with powerful thrusts like ‘Make in India’, ‘Atmanirbhar Bharat’ etc. Simultaneously, open market economy policies have created a highly competitive scenario where manufacturing efficiency now plays a key role. In addition, the muddied waters of global trade and geo-economics have disrupted supply chains. Both of these factors have brought a sharper focus on ‘material sciences’ as an area to work on to improve the performance and efficiency of manufactured products. This process has highlighted a distinctive element of manufacturing processes so far practiced. Known to be part of the ‘linear economy’, the process over simplified its key elements as ‘take-make-dispose’. *This model of ‘linear economy’ has resulted in the dilemma of managing waste that occurs at the end of a product life cycle and, in some cases, even the shortage of materials. Disposal is the strategy pursued and no thought is given to reusing the material or scrap or waste thus disposed-off. Take for example a mountain of used cars as shown in Figure 1. Additionally, this ‘dispose off’ culture damages the environment

POLYMERS Communiqué l October - November 2022 100 IN PERSPECTIVE
Shailesh Sheth Corporate Strategy Advisor, Management & Manufacturing Technology, Ahmedabad
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at subscriptions@polymerscommunique.com
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Polymers Communiqué
Hall No. : 3H-FF / Stall No.: F-2 Please visit us at: International Convention City Bashundhara (ICCB), Purbachal Express Hwy, Dhaka Hall No. : 01 / Stall No.: 345 22 - 25 February, 2023
Hall No. : 11H / Stall No.: 11H-A-16

Vitrimers Reprocessable and Recyclable Thermosets

Thermosets and their composites with full circularity are rapidly transforming from deep science into technology and commercial applications. The principle of using dynamic covalent bonds as adaptable crosslinks in thermoset networks is also bridging and unifying thermoplastics and thermosets.

Sustainability is now deeply embedded in all aspects of plastics life-cycle, from feedstocks to manufacturing and finally to its end-of-life disposal. Sustainable processes have many benefitsreduced burden on the environment, consumer ‘feel-good’ factor, demonstrating brand values and staying ahead of government regulations. The plastics industry is embracing sustainability in every step; be it in product design, production, use or recycling. One of the key pillars of sustainability is circularity which ensures less waste generation, more efficient use of scarce natural resources and keeping the material in use as long as possible.

A Peek Into Thermoplastics and Thermosets

Thermoplastics are generally believed to be more amenable to circular processes, such as recycling and reuse as well as breaking them down back into feedstocks or monomers for making polymers again. Thus, a large part of the narrative in published and trade literature deals with new and innovative methods for achieving circularity with thermoplastics.

To know more, please subscribe to Polymers Communiqué at subscriptions@polymerscommunique.com

POLYMERS Communiqué l October - November 2022
Dr. S. Sivaram Former Director, CSIR-NCL, Honorary Professor Emeritus and INSA Emeritus Scientist, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER), Pune
R An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Welset Plast Extrusions Pvt Ltd Arvind Mehta Group Company 8, New Metalage Industrial Premises, Subhash Marg, Off Caves Road, Jogeshwari (E), Mumbai 400 060 Maharashtra, INDIA, : +91-22-6822 6822 : +91 77158 17733 : marcom@welset.com : www.welset.com BLACK MASTERBATCH RoHS, Heavy Metal Free and REACH Compliant Upto 50% carbon content complies with IS 4984 standards. Ash Content < 0.2%. Food grade compliant. VISIT US AT: Hall No. : 4H-FF / Stall No.: J-1
India’s premium bi-monthly magazine A CUSTAGE INITIATIVE Global Content Alliance Partners Call Vinisha to book your copy today! +91-22-2520 4436 +91-88790 50327 vinisha@custage.com ...not just information, but next-gen content Subscribe to Knowledge 2 Years ` 2310 1 Year ` 1260 3 Years ` 3360 (Includes 5% GST & courier charges for delivery in India) Payment Options : Cheques / Demand Drafts In favour of Custage Marketing Solutions LLP, to be couriered to us at the address below: Custage Marketing Solutions LLP 406, Vikas Centre, Dr. C. G. Road, Chembur, Mumbai 400 074, India. T: +91-22-2520 4436; M: +91-88790 50327; E: info@polymerscommunique.com Online Payments Please send a confirmatory email for all NEFT transfers l Account Name: CUSTAGE Marketing Solutions LLP l Bank: IDBI Bank Ltd (Chembur Branch) l Account Number: 0018102000027186 l IFSC Code: IBKL0000018 l Swift Code: IBKLINBB004
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Director, COOLDECK Industries Pvt. Ltd. In a continued leadership role at COOLDECK, Prakash has added immense value to his business with experience and expertise, coupled with a calm composure as evident in the pictures.

Prakash Bhargava 995

Change being the only constant, we thought it would be wonderful to capture this and freeze ‘time’. We associate with the ‘current look’ of our industry colleagues and would it not be exciting to know of their persona, decades ago. That’s what we did, had them dig deep into their archives and share this just for your ‘read’... or should we say ‘see’! A visual delight!

P. M. agrawal

POLYMERS Communiqué l October - November 2022 112
MD, Jagannath Polymers Pvt. Ltd. Hailing from a small town, P. M. Agrawal has made a big impact with JPPL. His retro picture and the current one clearly show his positive smile that reflects his confidence.

lalit agarwal

Chairman, Duroplast Group

Lalit is a first-generation entrepreneur in the business of uPVC window and door systems. The sparkle in his eyes is evident in his retro and current pictures. The business growth is primarily due to his astute leadership.

Managing Director, BST eltromat India Pvt. Ltd.

An amazing performer, Tapan with a determined look on his face, has successfully navigated BST eltromat over the last 30 years to be a force to reckon with in the automation control sector.

taPan Patel 980

Dhirajlal C. DaDhania

Director, Sumo Polyplast Pvt. Ltd.

Truly a retro picture, and a memorable journey thereafter, Dhirajlal’s entrepreneurial ideology and zeal to reach new heights of success have resulted in him achieving landmark successes.

POLYMERS Communiqué l October - November 2022 113

High Calibre Interaction The Key Takeaway of

customer needs?
machine. We
the specific needs and configure
appropriate technology
the processor and offer
complete solution.
addition, we continuously
ourselves updated with the market trends in terms
Chandrakant Doshi Managing Director, Rajoo Engineers Ltd., Rajkot POLYMERS Communiqué l October - November 2022 114 To know more, please subscribe to PolymeRs Communiqué at subscriptions@polymerscommunique.com
K 2022 Q. How do you see that Rajoo stays ahead of
Rajoo’s approach is consultative and not just
the most
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Latest Global Technology Trends

The gap between the evolution of new technologies in the West, and their adoption in India has been reducing. In order that India can leverage the immense potential available in this area and compete effectively, it has to move quickly to adopt the latest global trends in manufacturing practices and technologies, as well as management of logistics and supply chains. Some of the key trends are briefly introduced here.

Technology trends is a wide gamut of different applications in reference to plastics and packaging. The technologies are evolving in processing / manufacturing, materials, interactive and smart packaging applications, inks, adhesives treatments and so on.

Let us look at the primary manufacturing industry trends. Worldwide technological levels and the evolution of applications vary widely. However, India is poised to grow rapidly and modern solutions, including cutting-edge technologies will certainly be adopted here sooner than many of us think possible. Upscaling will also

To know more, please subscribe to Polymers Communiqué at subscriptions@polymerscommunique.com

Rakesh Shah Probity Consultants, Delhi NCR Bombay Exhibition Centre, Mumbai

The pandemic has made us think differently and develop new ways of working. The recently organised K 2022 exhibition brought forth several new trends and developments that can be imbibed by our industry for better growth and sustainability.

Circular Economy, Smart Automation, Biopolymers and Degradable Materials

Pandemic Learnings that are Set to Transform the Plastics Industry

After almost two years of living a limited life due to the pandemic, the world is slowly moving back to normal. It is a great achievement that we were able to wade through the pandemic, even though certain regions continue to struggle against it, life with physical meetings, gatherings and exhibitions is back. And so is the plastics industry.

Industry 4.0, automation, cloud-based controls and distance monitoring are a few of the most significant learnings from the pandemic. These factors kept the industry alive and kicking even in the wake of such global adversity. Pandemic-induced lockdowns and work-from-home arrangements compelled

To know more, please subscribe to Polymers Communiqué at subscriptions@polymerscommunique.com

Prashant Trivedi CEO - PVC Business, Navratan Specialty Chemicals LLP and Uniworth Enterprises LLP (Meghmani Group), Ahmedabad
CHANGE DRIVER POLYMERS Communiqué l October - November 2022 120

Vision, Direction and Support

The Three Facets of Today’s Successful Leadership

Our world is rapidly changing and we need leaders who can adapt and understand the needs of today while keeping the requirements of the future in mind. When vision, direction and support or any other zone becomes the constant pitch for leadership to play, the worthiest outcome is a team so strong that you wouldn’t know who the leader is!

“Build a team so strong that anyone that sees doesn’t know who the boss is.” - Anonymous

This quote got me thinking - what would it take to build a team like this? Would the traits and competencies ascribed to leadership such as influence, wisdom, inspiration, passion, drive, power, knowledge, credibility, energy, foresightedness, sensitivity, charisma, perseverance, an ability to unite people, responsibility etc. suffice to build such a team? Probably not!

To my mind, leadership is a quality that is reflected through action. It is a process that is transformational. As we mature and go through different experiences and situations, our leadership abilities also change. It is not something that can be confined to a few words or sentences. Doing that would mean generalising it and taking away the distinctiveness each leader brings.

Having said that, it is important to mention here that the foundation of an effective leader is the values that drive them. If someone has those qualities, leadership will come to them naturally, irrespective of the role they play in an organisation. For instance, even a janitor can influence people and show leadership qualities, just like a CEO of an organisation does. There might be common traits that each leader would display, still we all experience and play out as leaders in our own unique way.

The Three Action Zones

It is not always possible to define a concept, a quality or a thought. The same is with the idea of leadership. So, instead of defining leadership through traits

POLYMERS Communiqué l October - November 2022 124

and competencies, what if we talk about leadership in terms of action? I believe this agency of actionability would allow us to highlight leadership behaviours to meet situations creatively, wisely and appropriately.

The ‘Three Action Zones’ that most aptly describe leadership are: l Vision l Direction l Support

These aspects are, by no means, exhaustive or based on any research. These are solely based on my understanding of things and how I look at the idea of leadership.

What do these individual zones mean?


set into action, you start your journey toward success. Let me share some examples of a vision being transformed into action and the corresponding success stories.

Here is an excerpt from Amazon’s 2018 Letter to its shareholders, titledIntuition, Curiosity, and the Power of Wandering. It refers to the symphony shared visions can create in organisations.

“From very early on in Amazon’s life, we knew we wanted to create a culture of builders – people who are curious, explorers. They like to invent. Even when they’re experts, they are ‘fresh’ with a beginner’s mind. They see the way we do things as just the way we do things now. A builder’s mentality helps us approach big, hard-to-solve opportunities with a humble conviction that success can come through

iteration: invent, launch, reinvent, relaunch, start over, rinse, repeat, again and again.

AWS’s millions of customers range from start-ups to large enterprises, government entities to non-profits, each looking to build better solutions for their end users. We spend a lot of time thinking about what those organisations want and what the people inside them - Developers, Development Managers, Operations Managers, CIOs, Chief Digital Officers, Chief Information Security Officers etc. - want.

Much of what we build at AWS is based on listening to customers. It’s critical to ask customers what they want, listen

To know more, please subscribe to Polymers Communiqué at subscriptions@polymerscommunique.com

A vision is like a dream. It comes to great minds at work. And when that vision is TELE/FAX : +91 79 2687 1367 / 2687 2347 / Mob: 90161 05605 l E-mail: sales@mifasystems.com, info@mifasystems.com

POLYMERS Communiqué l October - November 2022 127

Market for Woven Sack Industry Looks Really Promising

“On the market side, I do see that there are a few challenges in the current market, but these are only temporary hiccups and the industry will soon be able to overcome them all; while on the manufacturing side, I feel it’s all about making machines cost-effective, user-friendly and long-lasting,” shares Dharmesh Madhusudan Kothari, in dialogue with POLYMERS Communiqué.

POLYMERS Communiqué

l October - November 2022 128

Q. When it comes to engineering machines, you have quite a few achievements to your credit. What according to you has been your most inspiring milestone and why?

It would be difficult to point out any particular milestone as there have been so many of them over the years. We export our machines to over 35 countries and have pioneered developing machinery for the woven sack industry; we command a market share of more than 90 per cent in selected machines. And all of this has been possible because of having an engineering background and a strong will to do better. These two factors have continuously inspired us to stretch our limits and achieve better results in everything we do.

Q. What are your views on the three most important parameters that are vital for your machine design and operation?

In my view, the three most important parameters for machine design are user-friendliness, costeffectiveness and long shelf-life. The machines must

be easy to use so that it requires the least amount of training and expertise; they should be affordable so that a larger number of companies can use them and they should last long so that the buyers get their worth for every single penny spent.

I feel building a customised machine within a strict time frame, while making it cost-effective is the biggest challenge.

Q. What new customer demands do you witness when it comes to extrusion and co-extrusion coating solutions?

Cost reduction and getting the right mix of the polymer that perfectly suits their application are the two most common customer demands. These demands mainly come from the industries like fabric, films, jute, paper etc.

Q. With the pent-up demand now settling down, how do you see the upcoming months for bag and pouch-making

POLYMERS Communiqué l October - November 2022 129
A wide range of slitting and rewinding machinery for film manufacturers A range of duplex and duplex turret machines for converters ASHE Converting Equipment Bluestem Road, Ransomes Euro Park, Ipswich, IP3 9RR United Kingdom India office contact: Mr. Kavish Shah +91 99208 19791
To know more, please subscribe to Polymers Communiqué at subscriptions@polymerscommunique.com


70°C (158°F) -30°C (-22°F)

Benzene Carbon Tetrachloride 1,2-Dichloroethane, Phthalates, Ethylene Oxide, Lead Chromate, Methyl Acrylate, Methanol, Phthalic Anhydride, Tetrahydrofuran and Tribasic Lead Sulfate, Mercury, Cadmium, Bisphenol A (BPA)


PP 3%

Occasionally Recycled



2,6-di-tert-Butyl-4Methyl Phenol and Nickel Dibutyl Dithiocarbamate

POLYMERS Communiqué l October - November 2022 130
Single-Use Plastic(s)?
POLYTHINKING Prof. (Dr.) G. D. Yadav National Science Chair (SERB/DST/GoI), Emeritus Professor of Eminence, Former Vice Chancellor & R.T. Mody Distinguished Professor, Tata Chemicals Darbari Seth Distinguished Professor of Leadership and Innovation, Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai
Through Recycling of Materials and Waste as Feedstock Part IV: Analysis of SUP Ban and Technological Alternatives for their Chemical Recycling Polymer Name Resin Identification Code Abbreviation Recyclable? Percentage Recycled Annually How Long to Decompose Under Perfect Conditions Maximum Temperature Brittleness Temperature Toxicity Level Most Commonly Leached Toxin(s) PolyeTHyleNe TerePHTHalaTe PET or PETE 36% Commonly Recycled 1 5-10 years 70°C
HDPE 3035% Commonly Recycled HIGH-DeNSITy PolyeTHyleNe 2 100 years 120°C
LDPE 6% Sometimes Recycled loW-DeNSITy PolyeTHyleNe 4 500-1,000
Who doesn’t know
I am going to put before the
as to why the ban will not give the desired results, but chemical
and public awareness will. We must change our mindset. Plastic is a big problem as the masses believe and authorities endorse it. But is it the case? Let me give you some counter arguments, scientific and practicable. There are two issues. The plastic pollution caused so far, including the millions of tonnes in oceans, landmass and municipal solid waste (MSW), and the anticipated future
(-40°F) Antimony Oxide, Bromine, Diazomethane, Lead Oxide, Nickel Ethylene Oxide and Benzene
(248°F) -100°C (-148°F) Chromium Oxide, Benzoyl Peroxide, Hexane and Cyclohexane
years 80°C (176°F) -100°C (-148°F) Benzene, Chromium Oxide, Cumene Hydroperoxide and Tert-butyl Hydroperoxide PVC <1% Sometimes Recycled PolyVINyl CHlorIDe
5 20-30 years 135°C
Figure 1: Seven types of plastics, their toxicity and common uses. (Source: https://www.plasticbusters.org/resources/the-7-types-of-plastic-plastic-busters)

-20°C (-4°F)

all other plastics, including acrylic, fibreglass, nylon, polycarbonate and polylactic acid (a bioplastic) 7

pollution due to unchecked plastic garbage which needs to be stopped through legislation. Concentration is on the latter. However, development of chemical recycling technologies is the answer, once definite guidelines are provided for collection, sorting and segregation of plastics into different types.

Plastic Production and Waste

Styrene, Ethylbenzene, Benzene, Ethylene, Carbon Tetrachloride, Polyvinyl Alcohol, Anitmony Oxide and Tert-butyl Hydroperoxide, Bensoquinone

Difficult to Recycle


Majority of these plastics: never

Polylactic acid: 6 months

Polycarbonate: 135°C (275°F)

Polylactic acid: 150°C (302°F)

Polycarbonate: -135°C (-211°F)

Polylactic acid: 60°C (140°F)

BPA, BPS as well as all other toxins mentioned

The ban on single-use plastic (SUP) appears to be a step to avoid plastic pollution likely to arise due to irresponsible use and cost-free availability. It means the citizens are irresponsible or are not encouraged to return the plastic article for recycling. Having a refundable deposit scheme for each and every consumer SUP will save the denudation of forests, convert plastic into value-added fuels and chemicals through chemical processing. My personal belief is that it will be better if such a scheme is adopted in a few locations. It will reduce the carbon footprint.

Plastics are an integral part of our life due to their innumerable applications in home, workplace, schools and industry (Refer Figure 1). It is unimaginable now to think of modern life without the use of plastic products. About 400 million metric tonnes per year (MMTA) of plastic is produced yearly with a cumulative of 8.3 billion metric tonnes having been generated since plastic was introduced in the 1950s. By 2040, this will have almost tripled. It is estimated that by 2050, the declared year of the net zero goal, plastic production will touch around 1.1 billion tonnes. Due to its massive consumption, enormous quantities of plastics waste are generated in which packaging is the most substantial part, contributing to ~50%.

Plastic Waste Recycling

Landfill of plastics waste has become increasingly expensive, as the volume of waste increases and landfill capacity for MSW decreases; landfill could waste valuable resources and causes many problems, such as leaching of additives and land occupation. Incineration

Due to the plastic manufacturing industry consuming almost 6% of all petroleum produced globally, extracting fuel oils from waste plastics can help reduce the global dependence on oil.

To know more, please subscribe to PolymerS Communiqué at subscriptions@polymerscommunique.com

POLYMERS Communiqué l October - November 2022 131
PS 34%
PolySTyreNe 6
Commonly Recycled (but difficult to do)
50 years 90°C (194°F)
A CUSTAGE INITIATIVE Custage Marketing Solutions LLP 406, Vikas Centre, Dr. C. G. Road, Chembur, Mumbai 400 074, India. T: +91-22-2520 4436; M: +91-88790 50327; E: info@custage.com The POLYMERS Communique Digital Gallery @ Rs. 4.79/day, less than the cost of a ‘cutting chai’ Business Redefined Unprecedented Content All content published by PC since 2014, now available just at a click Unprecedented InterfaCe Never-before-seen finesse in the designed interface Unprecedented PrICe Access all content in this virtual library (magazines, corporate supplements, show dailies, daily news) at just Rs. 4.79 per day! Unprecedented earnIng Novel referral program that opens an opportunity of ‘limitless earnings’ Register on www.mypc.co.in Digital g allery Founding Advertisers An online showcase of exclusive content, opinions, research reports and global developments in plastics!
Shreeji Corporation: 12, Kanjibhai Estate, Opp. Ramwadi Weight Bridge, Mahemdavad Road, Vatva, Ahmedabad – 382445. +91-92274 18381 +91-85110 66922 info@shreejicorpindia.com www.shreejicorpindia.com Leading Suppliers of Screw Barrels to OEM Customers
At Shreeji, it’s not about making a screw barrel, it’s about understanding your needs. Your applications drives
solutions, be it: • The material used – German or MUSCO make
Elaborate and stringent manufacturing processes followed • The choice of screws – Nitrided, Bimetallic, HVOF coated, Hardened and customised; coupled with suitable barrels

Closing the ‘Plastic’ Tap Pain or Gain?

Changing consumer behaviour to curb demand, reuse and recycling of plastics can reduce demand for virgin plastic material. A well-designed system of waste management and its effective implementation would not only reduce the flow of waste into the environment, but also support a robust circular economy. This is difficult, but doable!

For a complex problem, there cannot be a simple solution, a magic bullet, like ‘Closing the Tap’. Instead of experimenting with supply-side curb, a demand-side management would be far more desirable. This would be difficult, but not impossible to implement.

Plastics, as a family of materials, has brought unprecedented benefits to humanity. The present global demand is estimated to be 400 million tonnes. This new generation of materials are meeting diverse needs of food and healthcare sectors, packaging, housing, mobility, housewares, consumer goods, just to name a few. It is ubiquitous around us and life without plastics at present is unthinkable.

The growth in demand for plastic had been mirroring the growth of per capita income, a proxy for well-being and affluence in societies across the world. With their low densities, volume of plastics used had exceeded the combined demand of all metal way back in the nineties. The demand has now probably exceeded the combined demand of all metals and glass put together.

Prevailing Challenges

This has obviously brought unprecedented challenges in the management of waste, generated after the useful life of plastic products. The after-use management of plastics waste has become a daunting task in the absence of much-needed changes in consumer behaviour and requisite waste management infrastructure. These wastes are visible around us on land, water bodies, oceans and forests. Due to their non-biodegradable nature, large volume of ill-managed plastic wastes has accumulated around the world. Landfills and waste dumps have large quantities of legacy waste. Part of the plastic wastes had been and continues to be incinerated

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POLYMERS Communiqué l October - November 2022 138
Hon. Secretary & Member of Executive Committee, Indian Centre for Plastics in the Environment (ICPE), Mumbai

PLASTINDIAProviding Unparalleled Benefits to all Stakeholders

“This edition of PLASTINDIA, led by a very dynamic team and being held in Delhi after 2012, will witness several new additions including the world-class new venue at ITPO which will provide great benefits to all stakeholders from all over the world,” shares Ashok Goel, in dialogue with POLYMERS Communiqué.

Q. The current geopolitical scenario and an evident economic slowdown in the global market are sure to have certain implications for the Indian plastics industry. What are your thoughts on this?

To know more, please subscribe to Polymers Communiqué at subscriptions@polymerscommunique.com

The next generation of entrepreneurs is very intelligent and well-read. All I want to tell them is that quality and transparency in business are two of the most important aspects for reasonable returns on investments in this sector.

l October - November 2022 142
POLYMERS Communiqué
Wish to enhance your visibility? We give you yet another opportunity... PRESENTS show dailies the mega Reaching Out On All Days of the Show Print Edition Daily Distribution At Site Web Edition Published on www.plastindia.org Digital Edition Circulation of 2,60,000+ yourbooking to avail of special offers! Hurry Contact: Vinisha; +91-22-25204436 +91-88790 50327 vinisha@custage.com

ICPE’s International Conference on Plastics & Sustainability

An Initiative for Industry

An aggressive pursuit of ‘circular economy’ can offer a viable path to sustainability in plastics. The conference would offer a glimpse into this exciting possibility. It will also explore processing and material technologies to support recycling, explore the emerging fields of alternative materials like biodegradable and bio-compostable plastics, critically examine the policy and regulatory space, and indicate a path forward to sustainability in plastics - An event shaping up to be a cut above the rest!

Supported by
Benefit 3rd February, 2023 (Thursday) The Lalit Hotel, New Delhi POLYMERS Communiqué l October - November 2022 144

The much-awaited event of the industry, the PLASTINDIA exhibition is back. Scheduled from 1st to 5th February 2023, this industry exposition is also back to its original venuePragati Maidan, New Delhi. It is one of the three major global events of the industry and opens a window to the latest developments in processing and product technologies. Like all previous editions, a knowledge-sharing forum in the form of a conference is being organised by the Indian Centre for Plastics in the Environment (ICPE). Focus of the conference is on sustainability and is supported by Plastindia Foundation.

Explore Possibilities with the Conference

Despite its unprecedented contribution in improving life and livelihoods, plastics has been vilified due to extensive littering and unmanaged wastes that is accumulating on land and in the ocean. The non-biodegradable nature of conventional plastics is a major feature for its widespread use. The same attribute has become a liability in the form of wastes causing major concern in societies across the world. This need not be so.


Plastics are new-generation materials and hence, our old methods and infrastructures of handling traditional dry wastes are inadequate. As a new family of materials, plastics need a new approach. Fortunately, all plastics can either be recycled or the residual material or energy content recovered.

To know more, please subscribe to Polymers Communiqué at subscriptions@polymerscommunique.com

POLYMERS Communiqué l October - November 2022 145
Prof. Ramani Narayan Distinguished Professor, Michigan State University, USA

Arvind Mehta

Felicitated With the TAPMAN Award as the Stalwart of the Indian Plastics Industry

One name that has played a pivotal role in taking the Indian plastics industry forward is Arvind Mehta, who was deservingly honoured with a beautiful citation for his years of service to the plastics industry.

On Gandhi Jayanti, 2nd October this year, Arvind Mehta, one of the most revered leaders of the plastics industry in India was conferred with the TAPMAN Award by The Tamil Nadu Plastics Manufacturers’ Association (TAPMA) for his contribution to the Indian plastics industry.

In the last few decades, the plastics industry has shown tremendous growth and diversification. Today, plastic is used in almost every industry. Be it clothing,

construction, housing, automobiles, household items, furniture, agriculture, medical appliances, horticulture, irrigation, packaging, electronics etc., there is an unbelievable amount of uses for plastic products. It would be rather difficult to imagine a life without plastic in today’s world. Unsurprisingly enough, India’s plastics industry has grown at an unprecedented rate and similar growth is expected in the near future. By 2030, the industry is expected to reach Rs. 10 lakh crore, employing 1 crore people.

One name that has played a pivotal role in taking the Indian plastics industry forward is Arvind Mehta, who was deservingly honoured with a beautiful citation for his years of service to the plastics industry. During the felicitation, he was also honoured with the title of the ‘Father of the Plastics Industry’ in India, a title that draws a comparison from the Father of the Nation. To show gratitude and respect for his contributions, he was asked to launch IPLAS 2024 which has an estimated footfall expectation of 1,00,000 attendees. So much so, that the exhibitors insisted on handing over the cheque in his hands for the next IPLAS; this act in itself was a great honour to a great man.

The Citation

Arvind Mehta is undoubtedly the stalwart of the Indian plastics industry. He is credited with bringing the entire plastics industry under one umbrella, a remarkable achievement. His tenure as the President of Plastindia Foundation is an eventful and unforgettable term. His people skills are admirable. A vast army of leaders from all associations in India worked under him and learnt the art of working for the industry. He strongly believed in the power of his team and delegated powers to every member of his team. His energy levels were amazing. Be it in Munnar or in Patna, he would not miss any meeting. His guidance was valuable and approach visionary. Besides his focus on industry growth, his eyes were on education also. He is the prime mover of soon to start Plastindia University. He is also instrumental in establishing the AIPMA’s AMTEC, besides being a big donor.

A man with pleasing manners, his killer smiles can floor any opponent, which he has none. Arvind Bhai, as he is affectionately called, is an enigmatic person leading the industry from the front and TAPMA wishes him a long life, uninterrupted guidance. A true leader, a great role model for future leaders of the plastics industry. TAPMA is proud to confer the distinguished TAPMAN award to a truly deserving person none other than Shri Arvind Mehta.

POLYMERS Communiqué l October - November 2022 146

Business Listing

Navigator Pane

Category Page

l Ancillary Equipment 147

l Blow Moulding Machines 147

l Colour Pigments & Masterbatches 147

l Extruders & Extrusion Lines 147

l Injection Moulding Machines 148

l Integrated Automation 148

n Ancillary Equipment

Bry-Air (Asia) Pvt. Ltd.

Rakesh Chandra Jha, National Sales Manager 419-420 Udyog Vihar Phase 1, Gurgaon-122016, Haryana. T: +91-124-4184444 E: rcjha@pahwa.com W: www.bryair.com

l Machinery for Foam, Reactive or Reinforced Resins 148

l Machines & Equipment for Preprocessing 148 and Recycling

l Parts and Components 148

l Raw Materials 148

n Colour Pigments & Masterbatches

Blend Colours Pvt. Ltd.

Sharad Rathi, Director Plot No.35, IDA Kattedan, Hyderabad-500077, Telangana. T: +91-40-24361499 / 24360887 M: +91-9885118511 E: info@blendcolours.com W: www.blendcolours.com

Nu-Vu Conair Pvt. Ltd.

Pradeep Chudasama, Manager - Marketing Plot No. 147, 148 & 154, Devraj Industrial Park, Piplaj-Pirana Road, Piplaj, Ahmedabad-382405, Gujarat. T: +91-79-29708147 M: +91-9712928201

E: marketingindia@conairgroup.com W: www.conairgroup.com/india

n Blow Moulding Machines

Davis-Standard, LLC

Debbie Crowley, Global Marketing Administrator 1 Extrusion Drive, Pawcatuck-06379, CT

T: +860-599-1010

E: dcrowley@davis-standard.com W: www.davis-standard.com

Sonali Polymers Pvt Ltd

Suresh Bajaj, Managing Director G1/17, H21, H22, RIICO Industrial Area Bassi, Jaipur - 303301, Rajasthan, India M: +91-9001093913 E: jaipur@sonaligroup.in W: www.sonaligroup.in

n Extruders & Extrusion Lines

A-One Enterprise

Dilip Prajapati, Proprietor 49, Gajanan Indl. Park, Ambica Mill Compound, Vatva, GIDC, Ahmedabad - 382445, Gujarat T: +91-79-29628850 M: +91-9724308850 E: dilip@bladesandblowers.net W: www.bladesandblowers.net

POLYMERS Communiqué l October - November 2022 147
Category Page

Davis-Standard, LLC

Debbie Crowley, Global Marketing Administrator

1 Extrusion Drive, Pawcatuck-06379, CT

T: +860-599-1010

E: dcrowley@davis-standard.com W: www.davis-standard.com

n Injection Moulding Machines

Yizumi Precision Machinery India Pvt. Ltd.

Pramil Das, Sales Manager No.7, Mahagujarat Ind. Est., Moraiya Patiya, Village Moraiya, Ahmedabad-382210, Gujarat.

M: +91-7575009363

E: sales.india1@yizumi.com W: www.yizumi.com

n Integrated Automation

B&R Industrial Automation Pvt. Ltd.

Himanshu Sharma, Head - Marketing & Corporate Communication 8, Tara Heights, Mumbai-Pune Road, Wakdewadi, Pune-411003, Maharashtra, India T: +91-20-41478999 M: +91-9979888790

E: himanshu.sharma@br-automation.com W: www.br-automation.com

Mifa Systems Pvt. Ltd.

Abhay Upadhye, Director 703, Akik, S. G. Highway, Opp. Rajpath Club, Bodakdev, Ahmedabad-380015, Gujarat. T: +91-79-26870825

M: +91-9327220008

E: au@mifasystems.com W: www.mifasystems.com

n Machinery for Foam, Reactive or Reinforced Resins

Davis-Standard, LLC

Debbie Crowley, Global Marketing Administrator

1 Extrusion Drive, Pawcatuck-06379, CT

T: +860-599-1010

E: dcrowley@davis-standard.com W: www.davis-standard.com

n Machines & Equipment for Preprocessing and Recycling

Davis-Standard, LLC

Debbie Crowley, Global Marketing Administrator

1 Extrusion Drive, Pawcatuck-06379, CT

T: +860-599-1010

E: dcrowley@davis-standard.com W: www.davis-standard.com

n Parts and Components

Davis-Standard, LLC

Debbie Crowley, Global Marketing Administrator

1 Extrusion Drive, Pawcatuck-06379, CT

T: +860-599-1010

E: dcrowley@davis-standard.com W: www.davis-standard.com

n Raw Materials

APAR Industries Limited

Kamal Sharma , GM- Business Development No 303, Welworth Regency, S. No. 24/3, Near Shivaji Nagar Bus Stand, Shivaji Nagar, Pune-411005, Maharashtra.

T: +91-20-25514720 M: +91-9823311662 E: agency.polymers@apar.com W: www.apar.com

Masand Associates

Hassanand N.Masand , Proprietor Shed B, Khasra No. 2/11, Nr. Bharat Petrol Pump, State Highway No. 26, Gurgaon-Patoudi Road, Jamalpur, Gurgaon - 123503, Haryana, India. M: +91-9373067103

E: masandautomotives@ymail.com

POLYMERS Communiqué l October - November 2022 148
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24th - 27th January, 2023

IEC Expocentre, 14, Krasnopresnenskaya Naberezhnaya, Moscow, Russia

7th Oman Plast 2023

29th - 31th May, 2023

Oman International Exhibition Center, Muscat, Oman

T-PLAS 2023

20th - 23rd September, 2023

BITEC - Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Centre, Bangkok, Thailand


1st - 5th February, 2023 Pragati Maidan, New Delhi, India

Plastics & Rubber Vietnam 2023

25th - 27th July, 2023

International Center for Exhibition (ICE), Hoan Kiem Dist. Hanoi

28th Fakuma

17th - 21st October, 2023 Messe Friedrichshafen, Friedrichshafen, Germany

Plastfocus 2024

1st - 5th February, 2024

India International Convention & Expo Centre (IICE), Dwarka, New Delhi

IPF Bangladesh 2023

22nd - 25th February, 2023

International Convention City Bashundhara (ICCB), Purbachal Express Hwy, Dhaka, Bangladesh

HIPLEX International Plastics Expo - 2023

4th - 7th August, 2023 Hitex Exhibition Centre, Hyderabad, India


7th - 11th December, 2023 Bombay Exhibition Centre, Mumbai, India

Plast Alger

4th - 6th March, 2024 CIC Alger, Algiers


17th April - 20th April, 2023

Shenzhen World Exhibition and Convention Center, Shenzhen, PR China


17th - 19th August, 2023

Bombay Exhibition Centre, Mumbai, India


13th - 15th December, 2023

Dubai International Convention & Exhibition Centre Dubai, United Arab Emirates

NPE 2024

6th - 10th May, 2024

Orange County Convention CenterOCCC, Orlando, Florida, United States

K 2025

8th - 15th October, 2025

Düsseldorf, Germany

POLYMERS Communiqué l October - November 2022 149
*Status as on 15th Nov., 2022
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