1 minute read

A Note from the Performing Arts Department

Tonight’s concert is not only a celebration of our students’ hard work over the course of this year but also a culmination of the skills and experiences they have amassed during their Poly career. For many seniors, tonight is the end of a four-, six-, or eight-year commitment to our ensembles.

In addition to the skills, technique, and experiences represented tonight, our ensembles represent the best of what the Performing Arts at Poly Prep can achieve: community. I commend these students for taking the time to make music together and thank them for their contributions to our community at Poly Prep.

Tonight’s concert is also a culminating event for me, personally. While I hope to still be involved in some manner and am reluctant to call this my “last concert,” it is certainly an end of sorts. After 17 years of making music with Poly students, I will soon be transitioning to the role of Head of Middle School. While I am so excited for this next journey in my career, I will undoubtedly miss making music at Poly, and I will be forever grateful for the memories and relationships I have made as a music teacher here. Thank you to the students, faculty, and administration who have made this possible.

And thank you for supporting your children’s endeavors in the arts. We believe these experiences will forever enrich their lives.

Daniel Doughty Director of Music

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