1 minute read

Advanced Concert Choir

Hela Rotan

Traditional Indonesian Folk Song

Arranged by Ken Steven

Embraceable You

By George and Ira Gershwin

Arranged by Kirby Shaw

Directed by Daniel Doughty

Anjali Budhram, Jasmine Donald, Tasha Ellis, Genevieve Fitzpatrick, Cooper Flinn-Beane, Stavroula Gabriel, Ryan Geisler, Isabelle Gerling, Mia Gordon, Tristan Kelley, Beatrice Larkin, Izzy Leyton, Mary Lin, Alida Lissak, Lulu McDonald, Adrianna Neal, Cosmo Oliveira Evans, Sadie Schoenberger, Kai Sergeant, Donald Shields, George Thanopoulos, Drew Waldman, Zeke Wise

A Cappella

Medley of Love: I Love You So / Dedicated to the One I Love

The Walters / Lowman Pauling and Ralph Bass

Arranged by Maddy Wyatt

Directed by Maddy Wyatt

Griffin Allen, Junie Blaise, Jasmine Donald, Catherine Ferreira, Genevieve Fitzpatrick, Cooper Flinn-Beane, Stavroula Gabriel, Ryan Geisler, Mia Gordon,* Tristan Kelley, Brianna Kwan, Mary Lin, Alida Lissak, Katie Lopez, Donald Shields, Leo Yihan Wang,* Zeke Wise, Wendy Zhou

*22–23 Co-Presidents

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