乞食,得唔得? Can I just beg?
廣告文案課是學習廣告創意的入門科目,鼓勵學生多角度思考,經常扮演不同角色。 Advertising Copywriting is the elementary course for creative advertising, encourages students to role play and think critically from all perspectives. Copywriting: Chan Neng Ying, Liu Chak Hin, Lam Cheuk Hin, Lai Tsz Ting | Typography: Pang Kevin
廣告文案習作之一,任務是澄清中學生對廣告課程的誤解。 The objective of this copywriting assignment is to clear out the misunderstanding towards advertising among secondary school students. Copywriting: Lam Yi Ling, Cheng Yung Yung, Yeung Ching, Lau Yu Tung | Typography: Ruby Yiu
廣告設計課程的學習模式與職場相近,文案撰寫與字款設計由不同人處理。這份習作要求學生按照文案的用意,設計合適的字體。 This advertising assignment required students to design a typography poster with a copy brief, the scenario is similar to workplace situation, where different people handle copywriting and design tasks. Copywriting: Lau Lee Lee, Lam Yi Ling, Wong Si Choi, Hau Oi Sze | Typography: Leung Tsz Ching
廉政公署廣告短片系列,由學生以創意演繹「貪污,零容忍」的主題。 TVC short advertisement created and produced by groups of students, to reinterpret the message of zero tolerance in corruption. Concept: Advertising Design Year 3 Project (2016-17) | Production: Advertising Design Year 3 Project (2016-17)
「甚麼是正義感?」創意人要問自己,甚至重新深入思考題目的各種關聯和可能。最後,部分同學以媽媽、飲茶和「港豬」等貼身的生活題材切入,創作短片。 What is the meaning of “justice”, creatives must ask themselves, whenever they have a deep understanding of the assigned topics. Here are the works created by groups of Advertising Design students, exploring everyday topics such as mother, Yum Cha and “Hong Kong Pig”. Works by Year 3 Advertising Design students of 2016-2017
Creative Matters
“ Creativity is not bluffing; advertising profession has to be backed up by content, numbers, knowledge and skills.”
「 廣 告 , 不 是 藝 術 , 是 『 S e l l 嘢 』, 一 種 有 影 響力的商業行為。要捉心理,留意消費者和 人 的行為。」資深廣告人,業界稱「怪傑」的 曾 錦 程( K C Ts a n g ), 從 廣 告 專 業 走 入 理 大
“Advertising is not an art form. It has got
to sell. It is a commercial practice that aims
BA (Hons) in Advertising Design
to influence people. In order to understand mass psychology, you need to study consumer behaviours, and human actions.”
KC Tsang, a seasoned advertising veteran
who has built his renowned reputation in
這條路,無捷徑,無天書,無「大蝦細」。教 創意的要訣,他悟出八字真言:「高度關注, 細心餵養 」。
the industry on his wit and unconventional campaigns, has taught advertising at PolyU Design for over seven years. Comparing his challenges in the classroom every year with those in the advertising agency war room in the past, KC finds both to be equally nerve-wrecking. There are no short cuts to creative work, no guidebooks one can refer to, no superiors who bring you down. The mantra “To pay the utmost attention. Feed scrupulously.” is the crystallisation of his experience of teaching creativity.
專門提供創意和專業廣告知識教育。課程透過學習 市場研究、消費者行為研究、策略性計劃、創意 概念、美術指導、文案寫作、設計技術、傳意方法 和社會責任等,讓學生掌握設計及製作廣告的技 能。課程亦著重理解香港、中國內地市場的經濟、 文化、社會和科技面貌。 Aims to provide students with the creative skills and knowledge that are necessary for a successful career in advertising. The objective is to enable students to create and produce effective advertising based on marketing research, consumer behaviour study, strategic planning, creative concepts, art direction, copywriting, design techniques, communication skills and social responsibility. An understanding of the Hong Kong and Chinese mainland markets in the context of economic, cultural, social and technological development will underpin the curriculum. www.sd.polyu.edu.hk/en/study-detail/ advertising-design
4As Apprenticeship
「我是學院中的異類,教學 模 式 採 用 廣 告 4As
“I belong to the esoteric few in the academia
pitiful face, some staged an improv show, and
大 行 的 方 法 —— 『 帶 ( 學 徒 )』, 利 用 大 學
who adopts a method prevalent in the major
ask passers-by to throw money at them.”
Tutorial( 導修課)的小組授課形式,要求同學
advertising agencies—apprenticeship—as the teaching method. Small size tutorial classes
Begging is akin to selling, and it is a branch
enable role-playing to simulate the working
of knowledge that warrants the dollars one
environment as real-world firms. All
spends on your ideas.
assignments are uploaded online, and
授內容包括文案寫作、電視廣告創作、廣告 短片製作、廣告專業研究等;還要求學生多閱
commentaries are encouraged; in result students learn more about themselves and each other.” He teaches copywriting, television
advertising, TV commercial production and
professional practices. Students are trained
如 果 要 成 為 KC Tsang 的 學 生 , 第 一 要 識
to read intensively to broaden their horizons, and be curious in general. This approachable teacher is nothing less than extraordinary.
「乞」。此句絕不含誤導成分,在 KC Tsang 的 辦公室內,長期擺放一個不銹鋼兜,提醒學生 乞食的深層意義。「我要學生分成兩人一組, 兩小時內用盡辦法在校園問人要錢。真人實地
If you want to be KC Tsang’s student, you must first learn how to beg. In his office, there is a dog bowl that reminds us of the deeper meaning behind begging. “Students will form groups
of two, and within two hours, they need to
beg for money on the campus. Through this
然出盡辦法,有人扮可憐,有人用玩遊戲的方 式,鼓動別人用錢擲自己!」
exercise, they are trained to experience and observe the location, the passers-by, and time of the day, as documentation, which will be graded. Students tried almost everything to
「乞」 ( Sell ) 其實是一門學問,憑什麼別人要付 出白花花的銀子買創作?
get the assignment done: some put on a
乞食實驗,讓修讀廣告設計學的二年級學生體驗真實世界。 Beggar experiment for Year 2 Advertising Design students. It encourages students to immerse into real situations and practise the skills of observations and communication.
Create a Cultural Need
KC Tsang 八十年代末入行,曾任職奧美、天
KC Tsang joined the industry in the late
1980s, worked at Ogilvy & Mather, BBDO,
品包括眼鏡 88、和記電訊、Sunday、ING、 E-Trade、九巴等。對廣告創作,他從不妥協。 「真正的創作是要創造文化需求。」在過去的媒 體訪問中他曾這樣說。 面對今天互聯網、智能手機主導,資訊爆炸、
and co-founded Chan Tsang Wong Chu & Mee Advertising. Working for these giants, he developed campaigns for Optical 88, Hutchison Telecom, Sunday, ING, E-Trade, and KMB. He never compromised on his campaigns. “True creation is the creation of cultural needs,” says KC in the interviews he gave in the past.
商業宣傳嚴重泛濫的數碼時代,他堅持廣告 創作四大原則 ——人性、故事、商業原則和創 意 。 不管世界如何改變,傳播媒介如何進化, 廣告人還是必須了解消費者,當中有許多因素都
In this digital age dominated by the internet, smartphones, explosion of information, and inundation of advertising, he insists on four key elements in a successful campaign:
humanity, story, business and creativity.
No matter what the new world brings and how the media will further evolve, advertisers must still understand consumers, because many aspects cannot be reflected in data, and in particular, passions in the world we lived. 廣告三年級學生需要實戰參與廣告製作,於短短一個學期內完成作品。 Year 3 Advertising Design students will learn to create and produce a short advertising film within one semester. Work by Year 3 Advertising Design students of 2016-2017
專業之必要 「年青人對廣告學大多無知,面試時,卻看到 不 少 演 技 精 湛 的 『 戲 子 』, 大 談 如 何 熱 愛 創 作,這些都不是設計人才。我們要的學生,是 那些具備冷靜分析、擁有設計思維,且懂得傳
The Necessity Professionalism “Nowadays, many young people are quite ignorant about advertising, but in their admission interviews, they put on their best acting to tell the panel how much they love to be creative. Great actors and actresses, they
must be, but they are not the type of creative
talents we are looking for. The ideal advertising
student is someone who has a critical mindset, with a design thinking attitude and know how to communicate. To create, it requires the
combinations of images, sounds, and texts
的課堂中,除了創意,KC Tsang 最重視的就是
to covey the emotions, desires, even the dark
Professional Practice。「正確的創作心態不
sides of humanity.”
In the business world, do clients always
come first? Not necessarily. KC Tsang’s
advertising classes professional practice
comes just after creativity in importance. “The positive creative attitude in the industry is not to educate clients, but to influence people and the general public. We advocate for professionalism in creative advertising because creativity is not bluffing, we need to convince our clients that we are professionals backed up by content, numbers, knowledge, and skills.”
課程鼓勵學生展示和評論彼此的作品。 Students are encourged to display and comment on each other’s assignments.
「廣告製作程序好容易學,但對外面世界的觀察和人性的揣摩才是實驗重點 。」 “ Advertising methodologies are easy to lear n, yet the skills of obser ving and understanding what human needs are most important in this experiment.”
文案習作 01 乞食實驗
Copywriting Exercise 01 Beggar Experiment
乞食實驗,是 KC Tsang 給二年級廣告設計學
One of the KC Tsang’s classes was given a
a narrative. Most of the time, people pay no
playful theme “to beg”. Year 2 Advertising
attention to ads at all, only the exceptional
Design students formed groups of two and
works can make a difference.” If you were
were tasked with the begging experiment.
one of the participants, what would you sell
Students went to great lengths to achieve the
as a beggar?
goal of collecting money. They chose whatever
location on the campus, within 2 hours one
must not talk to people unless they ask. Good advertisement can grab one’s attention
and curiosity; similarly, good copywriting
would not tell you straight ahead “I want money!”, instead it would tell a story from
different points of views, to captivate people’s empathy and address profound messages.
會品牌與文案的關係,留意細節。他們要明白一 個成功的廣告需要表達出產品對觀眾有作用、
“This real-life experience would eventually
give the students a memorable lesson, where
態,唯有超卓的作品,才可以扭轉乾坤。」如果 要你做這個習作,有無橋?
they would learn the importance of branding, copywriting, and attention to details. Advertising is all about selling, showing the products’ usefulness, value-add, meaning and
文案習作 02 虛擬網店
Copywriting Exercise 02 Imaginary Webshop
「假如你們開了間公司,出售香港少有的服務, 如外星人溝通體驗、神奇預言、釣金龜速成教 學、自拍深度教學等,你會點做?」
“What if you are going to start a company,
in real life situations. That’s why we requested
providing services that seem unusual in Hong
our students to sell on Carousell, and see if
Kong, such as communicating with aliens,
anyone responds to the posts.”
magical prophecy, how to find a wealthy husband, advanced selfie training course, etc.”
廣告的基本是「sell 嘢」—— 行銷。課堂習作, 如要學生賣日常用品,誰有興趣?為了貼近時興 網購平台和年青人的生活,廣告文案習作就考 學生去 sell 以上無中生有、似是而非的奇怪服 務。「人人以為廣告文案只有幾個字,好易寫;
The basics of advertising are all about selling. If you want students to create a copy for an everyday product, most of them would not be interested at all. To make the creative
tasks updated with the youth’s social media
lifestyle, one of the copywriting assignments is
我手寫得出我想;三、一定要實戰!我們要求 學生在 Carousell 旋轉拍賣平台上實驗,看看 誰的 post 有人回覆?」
designed to challenge students to sell things that do not exist at all. “People perceived copywriting as such an easy task, in reality, it is much harder than you would expect. First, one must understand thoroughly about human behaviour; secondly, one must acquire good writing skills; thirdly, the ideas must be tested
Issue #005
PolyU Design
Editorial: SD PRESS | Text: Ire Tsui | Images: provided by BA (Hons) in Advertising Design Programme | Translation: Alan Chan www.polyudesign.com | Facebook: HK PolyU School of Design ©2017 The Hong Kong Polytechnic University School of Design. All rights reserved.