POLYU DESIGN 2019/2020 Prospectus - Student Works

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Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Advertising Design Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Communication Design

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Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Environment and Interior Design


Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Product Design


Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Social Design


Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Digital Media


Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Interactive Media


Master of Design (Design Strategies)


Master of Design (Interaction Design)


Master of Design (International Design and Business Management)


Master of Design (Urban Environments Design)


Master of Science in Multimedia and Entertainment Technology


Meet our Students and Alumni

Student profiles http://www.sd.polyu.edu.hk/en/ meet-our-people/meet-our-students

Alumni profiles http://www.sd.polyu.edu.hk/en/ meet-our-people/meet-our-alumni

Student Works

Student Works


Let’s be Honest

A campaign promoting positive attitudes to male masturbation for a brand of sexual aids Student: LAM Cheuk Hin Peter (BA (Hons) in Advertising Design)

A campaign to provoke a discussion about the benefits of animal testing Student: LAU Cheryl (BA (Hons) in Advertising Design)

Why is masturbation still such a taboo topic? Adultology attempts to break through social conventions and present a whole new perspective. This campaign promotes a Japanese brand of male masturbation aids. It revolves around the idea that masturbation is a commonplace behaviour and one that is often the subject of teasing from friends. Yet, we are not properly educated about it. Adultology views male masturbation as a turning point in a boy’s life; the point at which he becomes an adult. It argues that this means it is important for young men’s sexual health that they learn about masturbation and develop a positive attitude towards it. This project is tackled via a social media campaign, online video and print ads, everywhere ads, a publication and a website. It is launched in four stages.

The ethics of animal testing for product development has been a controversial issue globally for many decades. Even so, those companies or organisations that are against it on anti-cruelty grounds have dominated much of the discussion; those who are involved or support animal testing tend not to voice their arguments. Thus, the debate has been relatively one-sided so far. But there are two sides to every coin. Cheryl believes that the public may not fully understand the need for animal testing or how difficult it is. This project seeks to challenge the existing debate and provide an alternative perspective on animal testing through an advertising campaign for an international pharmaceutical company.


BA (Hons) in Advertising Design

BA (Hons) in Advertising Design


Student Works

Student Works

Ask, If You Need to Sit Down

Diverse Sexperience

A campaign to make ‘requesting a seat’ the norm on public transport Student: LUI Tung Hei (BA (Hons) in Advertising Design)

A love hotel campaign using sexual role-play Student: SIU Tsz Ling (BA (Hons) in Advertising Design)

This advertising campaign aims to adjust how we behave on public transport; instead of offering a seat to people in need, it attempts to create a new ‘ask for a seat’ concept. It encourages passengers to ‘ask, if you need to sit down’ on public transport by making them aware of the idea that some people have ‘invisible needs.’ There are many people with ‘invisible needs’ and so we should not simply judge someone’s needs on how they look. Tung Hei believes that each of us is responsible for ourselves. Other passengers cannot know what you need, only you can know. By making it an acceptable norm to ask for a seat, this campaign aims to make us proactive in voicing our needs rather than waiting for passengers to offer up their seats.

Everyone has more than one identity in life but they rarely change much. Via roleplay, we can create an imagined identity for ourselves and become a completely different person. When it comes to erotic role-play, the most common aspect we change about ourselves is our occupation. Role-play is like experiencing someone else’s life. When you adopt a new imagined occupation in sexual role play, it feels like you have a whole new working experience. This love hotel campaign imagines putting these new experiences into your resume. The more occupation-switching role-plays you have, the richer your resume will be. Diverse Sexperience is a campaign aiming to enrich Hongkongers’ sex life which is less exciting under the hectic and stressful living and working environments.


BA (Hons) in Advertising Design

BA (Hons) in Advertising Design


Student Works

Student Works

BA (Hons) in Advertising Design

Being Lazy Has Its Own Expertise A campaign for $12 products that make being lazy easy Student: WONG Ka Ying Beatrice (BA (Hons) in Advertising Design) Being lazy has a bad reputation. Beatrice, however, thinks differently. She believes that being lazy can stimulate functional creativity. The key questions are ‘when’ and ‘how’ do we ‘get lazy’? Her imagined client, Living PLAZA, is a place that offers thousands of low-priced creative products that make the life of a ‘lazy bones’ even easier. There are many creative ideas on how to use these products so that one can keep being lazy. Let us make laziness an expertise in its own right!


Bronze, 2017 HK4As Students’ Award


Nonsecret Society A campaign to encourage moderate use of mobile phones Students: CHAN Yuk Ting, LAM Yi Ling, LAU Lee Lee, WONG Si Choi (BA Hons) in Advertising Design, 2017/18)

While smartphone addiction is on the rise globally, a group of students tries to promote moderate and better use of mobile phones through a CSR advertising campaign for an imaginary communications service provider. In the Nonsecret Society, three characters representing three smartphones share how they manipulate human’s life and destroy relationships, and tease about human’s ignorance. As we are spending more of our time on the technology, we pay less attention to direct interactions with our important people. It is time for the human to quit the addiction!

BA (Hons) in Advertising Design


Student Works

Student Works

Health Lounge

Half Dorm Co-living

A project to give outpatient clinics a makeover Student: NG Pui Yu Carol (BA (Hons) in Communication Design)

Concept design with supplementary materials Student: KWOK Yat Ying Florence (BA (Hons) in Communication Design)

Health Lounge is a project that gives people a fresh impression of public outpatient clinics. These are typically places where visitors must endure long waiting times and overwhelming amounts of information. In this project, the use of natural form motifs, a re-arrangement of space and new information displays transform the previously dull waiting experience. Public clinics will be converted into places with vitality and where one is able to feel comfortable and talk with others. Surrounded by natural motifs, visitors can alleviate their anxiety and experience a sense of ‘health.’

Thousands of people, especially from the younger generation in Hong Kong, despair of ever buying their own home because house prices are among the highest in the world here. The concept of co-living has been successfully adopted in cities with similarly pricy housing markets, such as New York, London and Taipei. This can also be a solution for Hong Kong. Half Dorm is a co-living concept. It envisions a lifestyle that looks beyond merely providing affordable housing; it aims to create a community that cultivates personal growth through active learning. This is a non-profit making project and sets out to introduce a potential option for Hong Kong’s young generation. Florence’s design comes with a set of supplementary materials including printed matter, packaging and a website.


BA (Hons) in Communication Design

BA (Hons) in Communication Design


Student Works

Student Works

Trail of Scent

Walk Methods HK—Designing for Tourists

A tour guide introducing Hong Kong’s intangible cultural heritage Student: LAM Tze Ching Clarice (BA (Hons) in Communication Design)

A wayshowing scheme for pedestrians in Hong Kong Student: NG Ting Fung Charles (BA (Hons) in Communication Design)

Shrimp paste is much more than a fermented condiment from the southern Chinese coast. It is part of Hong Kong’s first Intangible Cultural Heritage Inventory. The Trail of Scent is a set of local cultural guides that allows users to interactively explore Tai O, an old fishing port in Hong Kong, which still makes shrimp paste and shrimp cakes. Users can also experience the cultural value of this heritage. It offers a glimpse of how people used to live by submerging them into the environment. Clarice hopes that her designs will enable intangible cultural heritage to be passed on to future generations.

Transportation guides are useful for tourists and city walking guides are also much sought after by travellers. Walk Methods HK aims to help people navigate aroundthe city with ease. It offers a set of signage that encompasses a new visual language and improved information delivery for tourists visiting Hong Kong. It is designed around functionality, legibility and experience. It can help during the planning stages of a journey and it also continues to be useful once the user arrives so that exploring the city is convenient, safe and comfortable. The proposed concept uses a clock to indicate direction and heads-up mapping so that the user quickly understands their surroundings. The new map is designed with colour-coded paths showing the walkability of routes. Furthermore, real-environmental details, such as street crossings and the shadows cast by bridges, reinforce the user’s understanding of urban space. Landmarks are highlighted in a bold colour and rendered in three dimensions, serving as markers for locating destinations.


BA (Hons) in Communication Design

BA (Hons) in Communication Design


Student Works

Student Works

BA (Hons) in Communication Design

This is not… An exploration of the meaning of unclean through the individual perception Student: LEUNG Ka Man Rita (BA (Hons) in Communication Design) This project uses a new perspective to explore the meaning of unclean. Specifically, Rita is curious about people’s responses when hygiene and disease are removed from the picture. It is not about what unclean is, but about turning the known into the unknown. This new perspective challenges our ideas and assumptions. The authenticity of the known is stimulated through a new point of view, thus reevaluating our understanding of what unclean actually is.


CreateSmart Young Design Talent Special Award 2017


Here&there—now&then A collection of publications documenting Hong Kong’s vanishing cultures Student: CHEUNG Siu Po Poe (BA (Hons) in Communication Design, 2016/17) The project is based on the idea that some objects, places, and cultures in Hong Kong are disappearing. This series of three publications, which make up a full collection documenting modern-day Hong Kong, includes three topics: 1. Vanishing Objects— Calendar Book This calendar introduces 12 disappearing handicrafts in Hong Kong through storytelling and graphics. 2. Vanishing Places— Photo Book This photo book includes simple texts detailing Hong Kong’s vanishing places. 3. Vanishing Cantonese — Book This book describes the current status of Cantonese. It also includes an introduction to simple Cantonese so that younger generations can learn it.

BA (Hons) in Communication Design


Student Works

Student Works

The Explorian


A story about the development and exploration of a secret community Student: AU Hiu Yan Olivia (BA (Hons) in Environment and Interior Design)

A juxtaposition journey through exploring perspectives Student: CHOW Cheuk Hin Jeffrey (BA (Hons) in Environment and Interior Design)

This project is a story about an underground community. It begins with the discovery of an abandoned air raid tunnel in Sai Wan. The explorers occupy it and extend the underground space in different directions. In this hidden place, they begin to practise new activities just as if they were farming in the dark or making glowing art, things they could not do above ground. The community communicates in secret code to protect their secret space.

JUXTAPOSED PERSPECTIVE is a thesis project developed from an individual design methodology that uses an exploration of perspective. It transforms the viewpoint from a two-dimensional image to a ‘non-objective fragmentation’ (cubism) and deconstruction analysis. The one-point perspective image (or two-dimensional image) is transformed to a continually-changing spatial experience. Spatial qualities are developed through the superimposition of the two-dimensional image and deconstructed diagram. The beauty of the juxtaposed perspective is discovered inside the imaginary space.


BA (Hons) in Environment and Interior Design

BA (Hons) in Environment and Interior Design


Student Works

Student Works

Consolidation Through Brickwork—Process as Design

Colour Chronicle

Designing a space based on the materials’ manufacturing process Student: KONG Sin Yan Lisa (BA (Hons) in Environment and Interior Design)

Influencing perception with interior elements Student: KWONG Sai Kit Adrian (BA (Hons) in Environment and Interior Design)

This project challenges designers to begin by considering how materials are produced, for example brick production is labour-intensive. Design can be process-driven and a vehicle to express the materials themselves.

This project experiments with perception using unconscious elements. When these elements are introduced to a space, it is possible to play with people’s perception without their awareness from the moment they step inside.


BA (Hons) in Environment and Interior Design

BA (Hons) in Environment and Interior Design


Student Works

Student Works

The Infinity of Imagination


Questioning public attitudes to mental illness Student: LI Wan Ki Winki (BA (Hons) in Environment and Interior Design)

An atlas of space, memory and heritage that explores relationships between streets and their names Student: MOK Hiu Suen Rice (BA (Hons) in Environment and Interior Design)

Why should those who suffer from mental illness be forced to live in the real world instead of living in the world that feels most natural to them? Many are compelled to live in miserable isolation and made to conform, even though they are not harming the community. This project invents a mentally-accessible environment, allowing people to live in the world of their imagination and treating their illness as a game. The shared space has devices and micro-spaces that comply with their specific needs and body movements so that they can live how they want with no limitations. This is a universal design; it can be used by those without mental illness too so everyone can live in their own ‘world’ without conflict or discrimination.

Roads and streets are important elements of any city. Citizens walk across them every day and shops depend on them for business, yet often we know very little about them. Take their names, for example. We treat them as simple labels without having any deeper meaning. According to dictionary.com, ‘name’ is defined as ‘a word or a combination of words by which a person, place, or thing, a body or class, or any object of thought is designated, called or known.’ So there must be a meaning behind any given street name. This project explores the relationship between a street and its name, and creates a naming system as part of a Hong Kong morphology. In Hong Kong, street names are full of history; but they are not merely a recording of the past. They also link to our current lifestyles. This project uses collage to match history with the contemporary use of streets, in the end deriving a narrative space.


BA (Hons) in Environment and Interior Design

BA (Hons) in Environment and Interior Design


Student Works

Student Works

Certificate of Excellence, Interior Design (Student Category), A&D Trophy Awards 2016


Love Pier A spatial narrative of two toy makers from different generations Student: WONG Hin Wai (BA(Hons) in Environment and Interior Design, 2015/16)

Love Pier is the destination for couples. It is a place providing one-stop wedding services and a brand new wedding experience to brides and grooms in Hong Kong. From the pre-wedding preparation to post-wedding honeymoon trip, everything the couples need can be found and settled in this place. Located at the Tsim Sha Tsui Pier, Love Pier retains the characteristics of the pier and will make it a new attraction to both local people and tourists.


Oomo A new healthy lifestyle to escape from the virtual world Student: TSE Tsz Yan Jenny (BA (Hons) in Product Design) Many are alarmed by the prospect of being slaves to our mobile devices. Oomo (Opportunity of Missing Out) is a design that presents new and different opportunities for users without needing screen time. It allows us to escape from the virtual world and overcome our fear of missing out. users are encouraged to develop new habits that lead to a healthier lifestyle and a better you.

BA (Hons) in Product Design

BA (Hons) in Environment and Interior Design


Student Works

Student Works


Squat and Sit

Sustainable modular furniture for seniors Student: CHU Hiu Ying Vivian (BA (Hons) in Product Design)

A female public toilet that allows users to semi-squat Student: LEE Hoi Ting Genny (BA (Hons) in Product Design)

The ageing population is a growing challenge for Hong Kong. Nursing homes seem to be the only option for many elderly people from the low-income sector when it is no longer safe for them to live at home. One of the main reasons that makes living alone hazardous is that furniture design is not senior-friendly. TREASURE BLOCK is a set of sustainable modular furniture designed to be used by senior citizens living alone in 14m2 flats on public housing estates. The highly-customisable modular parts with modern joinery techniques and adjustable orientations can adapt to the changing needs of the elderly as they undergo physical and mental changes. The designer is now collaborating with NGOs on this project.

Everyone might have bad experience of using public toilets that is associated with the disgusting dirty seat and floor contaminated with urine, faeces and shoe prints. The hygiene problem is usually caused by users' defecation postures when using the toilet. Surveys show that over 80% of females use the semi-squat approach to urinate to avoid touching the dirty seat in public toilets. This creates a vicious cycle as the semi-squat often makes the seat even dirtier. The ’Squat and Sit‘ design keeps the toilet bowl clean while also allowing the user to avoid coming into contact with the toilet seat.


BA (Hons) in Product Design

BA (Hons) in Product Design


Student Works

Student Works



A new generation compressor for airbrush painters and model makers Student: MO Cheuk Hang (BA (Hons) in Product Design)

The light and shade of being alone Student: HUNG Jui Yu Jada (BA (Hons) in Product Design)

AVALON, the legendary island of Celtic mythology, is where King Arthur’s Excalibur sword was forged. Avalon is also the name of Excalibur’s scabbard. ‘The scabbard is more pleasurable than the sword,’ Merlin said. The AVALON compressor helps in the design of legends with the use of an upcycled ‘sword’ and new ‘scabbard.’
 As an airbrush painter, Mo is well versed in the inconveniences of spray painting. This project helps to make spraying a pleasure for model makers. Functionality, style, ergonomics, materials and price are key selling points for this new generation compressor. Its motor is silent, recycled from a discarded refrigerator; its air tank was recovered from a second-hand gas bottle. Its new inner construction and designed external shell offer users a quieter, more comfortable and efficient way to spray paint .

An individualistic lifestyle gives us access to unspeakable freedoms of choice and boundless personal opportunities. There are virtually no limits. ‘I did this all alone.’ But the price of overwhelming freedom is often isolation. ‘To confront a person with his shadow is to show him his own light.’ Using the hat as a metaphor for isolation, LONESOL aims to reveal the shadows that light up every loner’s soul.


BA (Hons) in Product Design

BA (Hons) in Product Design


Student Works

Student Works

Project Freedom


A critical design project to provoke debate about the concept of freedom today Student: HSIAO Yung Chih Gi (BA (Hons) in Product Design)

Inflatable care device for retirement homes in Hong Kong Student: LEE Hau Ying Toby (BA (Hons) in Product Design)

F is for freedom. This is a critical design project that transforms the concept of ‘freedom’ into messages and expresses them via various products. Three objects from three different directions have been chosen. Each takes an important element from our daily lives: NATURE OF HUMANITY: We are not completely free because we are tied to society and have invested time into this society. THE MATERIALISTIC WORLD: We are not completely free because we are attracted by the power of money to buy things and even the illusion of happiness that temporarily fills our hearts. LIES AND KINDNESS: Lies are a convenient tool to free up our way in life because truth has just one possibility and that limits us.

Cushy is a comfortable inflatable device designed to assist care workers in looking after the elderly in retirement homes. It can be used to: 1) move an elderly patient; 2) change their clothes; and 3) help them to shower. Cushy differs from other products, such as shower chairs and wheelchairs, because it is inflatable. This makes it a soft, safe and comfortable support and lends it shock absorbent properties. It can support heavy loads, allowing care workers to lift the elderly by adjusting the degree of inflation rather than bearing the weight themselves.


BA (Hons) in Product Design

BA BA (Hons) (Hons) in in Product Product Design Design


Student Works


Student Works

National Winner, James Dyson Award 2018

The Wan Chai Refuse Map


A design research project visualising waste management in Wan Chai BA (Hons) in Social Design year 3 students

An affordable life-saving furniture for flooding Student: Lo Kin Pan (BA (Hons) in Product Design, 2017/18) The POD is a multi-functional furniture which can be a bench for daily life and become a lifeboat and a means of transportation when there is a flood. It can be changed between different shapes in a minute. The POD is designed for low-income area residents who face superstorm and flooding issues frequently. Lightweight, low cost and durable materials are its key features. With its foldable and flexible structure, users can assemble it themselves, reduce the volume before assembly, and lower the cost of transportation and inventory. It allows printing of any advertisements on the hull to earn income subsidising the production costs. The attached paddles can be used by two people or combined for one user. It also provides a storing space for the life jacket and first aid kit.

This collaboration with St. James Settlement and Making on Loft aims to understand waste disposal in Wan Chai. It is a project that sees Social Design students joining hands with NGOs to understand and explore communities in, and the potentials of, waste management as the first steps to initiating change. The research outcomes were exhibited at the Blue House's Hong Kong House of Stories between January and February 2018. Students also shared their experiences and findings with the public audience during the opening session.


BA (Hons) in Social Design

BA (Hons) in Product Design


Student Works

BA (Hons) in Social Design

Mable Maze for Elderly Fitness Stations A simple add-on device that helps senior citizens achieve cognitive and physical fitness Students: WONG Lok Man, SIU Cheuk Yiu, SUEN Wing Yin (BA (Hons) in Social Design); WU Man To Patrick, ZHONG Yingqing, CHOY Tsz Ki (APSS) Once the Mable Maze device is attached to the Shoulder Stretch park equipment, the users can acquire cognitive training while they are exercising physically. It can be easily applied to the Leisure and Cultural Services Department’s park facilities. Arising from the Participatory Design and Innovation in an Ageing Society subject, the students worked with the Enable Foundation and the ELCHK Smart Club, to understand and co-create training opportunities with patients suffering from dementia. Students teamed up to develop the idea and prototype after interacting and learning from the dementia patients in situ.

Student Works

Co-creation with NGOs to promote community economies: designing proposals for a local social enterprise BA (Hons) in Social Design year 3 students

This is a collaboration with WECONS —a social enterprise connecting local NGOs, such as the HKWWA, Tin Shui Wai Organic and Taste•Soil to promote healthy living and social ecology. Students used design thinking and stakeholders engagement (including site visits, interviews, empathy mapping, scenario building and participatory design, etc.) to draw up business ideas and community strategies for running a social business. Some of the proposals are still under development after the end of the semester, and further prototyping, evaluation, negotiation and coordination with various stakeholders is underway.


BA (Hons) in Social Design


Student Works

Student Works

A cultural and design exchange with students from Tokoya and Nagoya, Japan


BA (Hons) in Social Design & BA (Hons) in Interactive Media year 3 students

An animation about a kingdom having a new ruler Student: CHAN Man Yi Mo (BA (Hons) in Digital Media)

Students from the Social Design and Interactive Media programmes went to Japan to work with students from the Department of Media Engineering, Chukyo University in Tokoya and Nagoya, Japan. They did research on crafts and food from both cultures, produced a series of comparative visual reports (as a newspaper targeting primary school kids) and had ideas exchange during face-to-face and web presentations. Through the visits of local farms and artisans and community organisations, the Hong Kong students were able to experience Japanese culture first-hand both socially and intellectually.

After the wise king died he gave his crown to his pet ‘Lu’ who then changed the country’s legal language...


BA (Hons) in Digital Media

BA (Hons) in Social Design


Student Works

Student Works

Flower/ Bird/ Wind/ Moon

Good Morning

A live action movie on finding one’s meaning of life Students: TSANG Kit Nam Taylor, TSE Shuk Yu Edith, FONG Ming Him (BA (Hons) in Digital Media)

An animation for insomniacs Student: TSANG Tsz Suet Coty (BA (Hons) in Digital Media)

This short follows Lok as she faces her own death. After selling all her property, she returns to her old family home to wait for her final day on this Earth. She recalls her memories with her mother and the precious ‘Everlasting Flower’…

Good Morning is an animation about two little guys working hard to give their master a good night’s sleep. What do you do when you cannot sleep?


BA (Hons) in Digital Media

BA (Hons) in Digital Media


Student Works

Student Works

BA (Hons) in Digital Media

Unreleased Story A live action movie about enjoying that moment before success and never giving up Students: WONG Tsz Lok Jason & HUI Ching Yan Melody (BA (Hons) in Digital Media)


Keung was wondering why his high school crush, Yan, had given up her acting career. An old friend, Kit, had produced her last project. Keung heard that the two had had a fight…

• Best Student Film and Best Director, Festigious International Film Festival • Winner, Festival De Cannot • Jury Award, MM2 Film Award • Best Drama Award (Cross Category), Best Director Award for Drama (Local Category), The 14th Global Chinese Universities Student Film and Television Festival • Top Ten Finalist, The 23rd IFVA Awards • Special Mention—Directing, Screenplay, Short Film, Hong Kong ICT Awards 2018

Horizon(地平說) A story of a man who believes that the Earth is flat Students: KONG Ka Yiu Rony, CHOW Yin Man, HO Xi Cei, KWAN Yan Nok (BA (Hons) in Digital Media, 2015/16) Most people in this modern world believe that the Earth is round. However, there is a small group of people who still advocate the archaic concept that the Earth is flat. This interesting story inspired the student team to create a film based on the Flat Earth Theory. There is a saying, ‘think outside the box.’ Knowledge from the past somehow limits our knowledge, yet we should try to judge and prove the truth by ourselves. In order to gain something, you have to sacrifice something else with an equivalent value. The protagonist of the story encountered a strange old man who believed in the Flat Earth hypothesis. To prove his belief for his son, he decided to fly into space with the old man’s spaceship.


BA (Hons) in Digital Media


Student Works

Student Works


BB Owl

A digital journey for new parents Students: CHAN Hei Tung Hazel & LEE Hoi Lam Prisca (BA (Hons) in Interactive Media)

A smart home design for new working mothers Students: TSANG Tsz Yan Yanes & LUI Tsz Tung Adelaide (BA (Hons) in Interactive Media)

Nearly 60% of full-time mothers feel stressed after giving birth. Since new parents do not have any experience about how to look after babies, they often do not know how to help each other. FAMINEY aims to motivate new parents, especially fathers, and to help them gain confidence and get them more involved in taking care of the baby. It provides a schedule and a function to log emotions, mark milestones, read parenting tutorials, and arrange social activities with other families. It helps new parents build a beautiful family journey. It is a bridge assisting them in adjusting to their new roles.

BB Owl is a smart home kit with toys, camera, remote control and mobile app for new working mothers and family members taking care of the baby at home. It is aimed at making the new mother less stressed by providing an online communication platform through which family members can offer their support while she is at work.


BA (Hons) in Interactive Media

BA (Hons) in Interactive Media


Student Works

Student Works



An online platform for meal management Students: CHUNG Wai Man Sheron & CHAU King Wing Christy (BA (Hons) in Interactive Media)

A smart storage assistant Students: CHAN Sui Fung Michael & CHOW Wing Yan Cat (BA (Hons) in Interactive Media)

The three hypers, namely hypertension, hyperglycaemia and hyperlipidaemia, are three common killer diseases in Hong Kong. These are caused by a fast food culture among workers, lack of eating choices and poor knowledge about what constitutes a healthy diet. When eating out, it is difficult to control the ingredients, cooking method, nutrition and portion size, so Sheron and Christy have designed Debox, a new platform to help manage meals.

Many people in Hong Kong own more items than they need. Often these lie abandoned at home. HouseClipper is a pair of smart devices that work with an app to remind users to check items after a long period of being unused. The app also pairs up with the user’s wish list and helps to organise the disposal of unneeded items in a sustainable way.


BA (Hons) in Interactive Media

BA (Hons) in Interactive Media


Student Works

Student Works

BA (Hons) in Interactive Media

WagOut A role-playing dog walking app with AR technology Student: LIAO Yaqin Megan (BA (Hons) in Interactive Media) Dogs are often the first choice for a family pet and in Hong Kong many owners treat their pup as a member of their family. It is very important for a dog’s health to give it regular exercise, however, cramped living conditions and a busy lifestyle often means that owners forget to walk their dog. WagOut is a role-playing dog walking app that uses augmented reality technology. It connects with the pet’s activity monitor to motivate owners to walk their dogs on a regular basis.


• Winner, PolyU Micro Fund 2018 • Winner, Hong Kong X Foundation FYP+ Supporting Scheme 2018 • Exhibitor, Global Grad Show 2018, Dubai Card Adventure A multisensory interactive Chinese learning game designed for children with reading and writing difficulties Students: YUEN Kin Hang Leo & LAM Hiu Ching Ashley (BA (Hons) in Interactive Media, 2017/18)

Card Adventure is an interactive game that entertains users and helps them learn and socialise. It is especially designed for children with dyslexia, and uses augmented reality technology, multi-sensory learning and perceptual motor training to encourage them to study. When used in interactive mode, an older family member can play with the child and help them to defeat the ‘enemy.’ Game learning improves studying efficiency and promotes stronger bonds between family members.


BA (Hons) in Interactive Media


Student Works

Student Works

Face-to-Face with Emoji

Design Authenticity Matters in Philippine Architecture

A study of the emoji language and its impact on communications Student: TAN Margaux (MDes (Design Strategies))

A study on craft and regionalism that make design authenticity and architecture relevant today in the Philippines Student: UY Edwin (MDes (Design Strategies))

Visuals are becoming an increasingly important element of computer-mediated communications. Photos, videos, stickers, GIFs and emojis are now part of our online language. Emojis embody meaning and associations that may clarify or confuse digital communications because of the concise space they occupy. Moreover, their deployment fosters creativity among users in how they express emotions, intentions and ideas with one another. Emojis can also transform relationships. Contextual in use and interpretation, emojis demand a familiarity from both receiver and sender while revealing fragments of their personalities. The study examines the evolution of emoji, its fundamentals as a language, its online and offline implication and its future.

Design Authenticity is a common topic when discussing how global technology is influencing local architects, especially in the Philippines, where designers often seek inspiration from overseas. However, the country has a reputation for having some of the world’s best weavers and craftspeople. Craft, as a derivative of design authenticity, is a good inspiration for local architects. Critical regionalism, as a response to globalisation, incorporates elements of the surrounding environment or local culture into a building's design. This thesis discusses the essential qualities that make a design authentic and offers critical interpretations and explanations on how authenticity in design can be accounted for, thus eventually allowing space for design experimentation.


MDes (Design Strategies)

MDes (Design Strategies)


Student Works

Student Works


Sleep to Go

Live data physicalisation of the bitcoin blockchain Student: STUPP Dustin (MDes (Interaction Design))

A camera that helps you travel through the night Student: KULASUMPANKOSOL Wagi (MDes (Interaction Design))

Our cultural interactions are dematerialising into digital data. Distributed-ledgertechnologies, such as the blockchain, enable consensus-dependent applications like cryptocurrencies or smart contracts in digital environments. ON BRINK is a physical data visualisation of the Bitcoin blockchain. Adapting a mining metaphor, it encodes data on blocks appended to the chain in real time. ON BRINK relates our digital environment to our physical environment by physicalising the human-related data points of time, location and participation in the Bitcoin blockchain.

The project is aimed at encouraging healthy sleeping habits by using metaphor between sleeping and travelling, rewarding the user with images if they do not use their phone at night. Sleep to Go is a camera that encourages the user to lock their phone when it’s time to sleep. When the phone is locked, the camera is loaded with film. Users set a wake-up time for the next day and the places they want to visit while they are asleep. The camera charges the phone, blocks notifications and plays meditative music. It also records the amount of sleep and average length of time in bed. They are rewarded for having a good night’s sleep by having more of a photo revealed in the morning. To view the entire image, the user must consistently get a good night’s sleep.


MDes (Interaction Design)

MDes (Interaction Design)


Student Works

Student Works

Design of Business

Design Capabilities for SMEs in Emerging Economies

A design thinking approach to value management for organisations Student: LAM Kevin (MDes (International Design and Business Management))

The challenges and opportunities of being competitive in a globalised economy for small- and medium-sized enterprises Student: VARGAS RINCĂ“N Juan Diego (MDes (International Design and Business Management))

How can an organisation become design-centric? This study aims to explore the similarities between the design process and the business process and how they deliver value. By aligning the differences, designers, business managers and other key decision makers can create, capture and retain value and the organisation is set on the path to its ultimate goal of becoming a design-centric company.

Design capabilities are one of the most important strategic attributes for managing and envisioning sustainable change and growth. Rapid changes in business ecosystems are forcing professionals to prepare for the future in a fairer, more sustainable and competitive way. This paper covers some of the key issues related to the role of design capabilities for SMEs in Colombia, as an example of an emerging economy. Becoming an Original Brand Manufacturer (OBM) is complicated and demands resources but has major benefits for all. This paper presents a macro perspective of China’s journey from being an Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) to becoming an OBM and offers examples of both established and new companies. Challenges and opportunities are discussed that illustrate how small-and medium-sized enterprises in emerging economies can develop design management capabilities to be more competitive in the globalised world.


MDes (International Design and Business Management)

MDes (International Design and Business Management)


Student Works

Internationalisation Strategy of Mobile Payment Applications for Chinese Internet Firms Student: LI Yue (MDes (International Design and Business Management)) China’s mobile payment industry, which launched more than five years ago, has permeated into daily lives and brought convenience to the payment experience for consumers. Chinese Internet firms have started to explore foreign markets because of market saturation at home, but they are experiencing challenges: they are unfamiliar with local contexts, they lack international experience and have to compete with local service providers. Chinese firms have been expanding into markets in Southeast Asia, encouraged by rising numbers of outbound Chinese travellers and investments into local fintech firms. In seeking success, they need both external and internal strategies. With their advanced technology, user-friendly products, abundant capital and a customer base of Chinese tourists, Chinese Internet firms can consider B2B payments, tourism and business solutions markets. Sustainability also depends on their ability to create value for local people. Their internal strategy should focus on building a local team with an international outlook.

Student Works


ZERO.TOPIA A tale of the future Student: YEUNG Sylvia (MDes (Urban Environments Design)) Hong Kong has limited land and space to grow. If we disregard reclamation, Hong Kong is a finite territory, where 60% is water and 40% is land. Of this 40%, only 25% is occupied. Of this 25%, 27% is reclaimed land, meaning that most settlements are in the lowlands, leaving the hills and water virtually untouched. The compression of 7,350,000 people into this small piece of land is the source of many problems: poverty, hunger, inequality and low quality of life. As sea levels rise from climate change, the situation will only worsen, especially if Hong Kong does not change. Proposing an imaginary future, ZERO.TOPIA offers the opportunity presented by water for a different kind of Hong Kong.

MDes (Urban Environments Design)

MDes (International Design and Business Management)


Student Works

Student Works

Invisible City: Social Media System


The renewal of Maolong Creative Industrial Park Student: SHEN Hai Wen Lily (MDes (Urban Environments Design))

The next generation e-commerce platform Students: CHAH Yu Heng Jesse, LEE Tsz Ching, PODKORYTOV Roman (MSc in Multimedia and Entertainment Technology)

This project gives the arts world and its audience the chance to work and play in an experimental space, motivated by social media and the exchange of ideas. The artists’ community in Beijing’s Chaoyang District was derived from temporary leases that transformed vacant office buildings and workshops into meaningful spaces of creativity and community. Here is an opportunity to culturally regenerate the edge of a city by creating a permanent, sustainable solution for an established artistic community and encouraging public interactions and exchanges with the arts. The proposal encompasses three main elements: The Arts, The Public and The Threshold.

Focusing on user-friendly interfaces and diversified integrated features, BOXS is the next generation e-commerce system that will have a forward impact on social entrepreneurship. Through simplification, integration and automation of key e-commerce features, the platform allows users to bypass developmental challenges in creating an online e-shop as well as more traditional high cost services. BOXS is an all-in-one ecosystem that has the necessary functions to build and manage an e-commerce/ web-platform business. Some of the key features include: real-time page editor previewing, one page set-up, integrated search engine optimisation (SEO), point of sale (POS) and billing, shipping and inventory management, etc. It also offers exclusive features not available on any other platform, such as automated mobile app creation (for iOS and Android) and Augmented Reality (AR) product preview, which allows store owners to display products in three dimensions. boxs.hk


MSc in Multimedia and Entertainment Technology

MDes (Urban Environments Design)


Student Works

Student Works



A 3D story-driven puzzle adventure game set in Kowloon Walled City as it faces demolition in the late 1980s Students: CHAN Po Ki Poki, KIM A Sang Sally, LIN Zequan Zac, MAK Sze Yiu Yo (MSc in Multimedia and Entertainment Technology)

A mini-programme that focuses on dog dating and mating Students: CHEN Jin Carya, LIN Libai Luka, LIU Xinyi Inez (MSc in Multimedia and Entertainment Technology)

Quaint and nostalgic, CAGE follows a young boy’s journey through the Walled City as he explores his relationship with his grandfather. Extensive research ensures the game’s authenticity and features have been added to showcase Hong Kong’s culture. The map is based on existing cartography of Kowloon Walled City. The project aims to deliver a gaming experience that transports the user into the culture and history of the Walled City; special attention has been given to those aspects ignored by other media. Media outlets, such as GEME and Apple Daily gave CAGE extensive coverage when it was exhibited at ACGHK2018. FB/IG: @scaffoldstudio www.scaffoldstudio-cage.com

PetNet is a mini-programme on WeChat. It is a free service that quickly and easily helps dog owners find a friend or partner for their pooch. Users can search for breed or location with PetNet and post photos of their dog’s cute moments on the app. They can also find useful advice for dog keepers on different topics like canine health and diet on this programme. The motivation for this project is to help dogs that are lonely. The team hopes that this social platform will help dog owners understand that their pooch needs company.


MSc in Multimedia and Entertainment Technology

MSc in Multimedia and Entertainment Technology


Student Works

Student Works

MSc in Multimedia and Entertainment Technology

The Zen Garden A clicker game on meditation and relaxation Students: CHAN King To Ronald, GAO Yajie Jane, LAM Tsz Yeung Hugo, NG Francis Chun Yin, WANG Sishi Jasmine (MSc in Multimedia and Entertainment Technology) The Zen Garden is a clicker game based on meditation and relaxation. If you are having a stressful day and the pressures of everyday life are bringing you down, then this game is definitely what the doctor ordered. This beautiful Zen Garden, based on a traditional Japanese flower garden, has many relaxing interactive features. Users are serenaded by relaxing music while they manipulate items in the garden. There is a water wheel that can be operated; a lake in which to tend fish; a plot to plant bamboo; and a stunning temple perfect for meditation. The Zen Garden is peaceful bliss. Google Play | Web Platform (Kongregate/ Newgrounds/ Itch.io/ Crazygames) Search ‘The Zen Garden’

Winner, PolyU Micro Fund 2018


CarniLand A fund-winning mobile game Students: LEE Kwok Shing Victor, LIU Junyu Molly, LUK Yim Kwan Ken, WONG Nicholas Nick Heng, ZHANG Sizhuang Johnny (MSc in Multimedia and Entertainment Technology) CarniLand is an innovative mobile game, whose name is derived from the two concepts of carnival and wonderland. Its target audience are lovers of theme park games, players of causal games and long-distance couples. In CarniLand, players can enjoy a wide range of exciting mini games and win real gifts! And what’s more those gifts will be delivered to the winners’ homes!


MSc in Multimedia and Entertainment Technology



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