【Who Cares?】 #002 堅持到底,才是創新Uphold for Innovation

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Uphold for Innovation

Ming Kong在 RCA的畢 業作品〈Interface Singularity〉 ,透 過 觸 感物料 將 鍵 盤 變 成有 機 介面,更 方便 應 用於電腦 繪 圖。 Ming Kong’s RCA graduation project “Interface Singularity” explores how irregular tactile materials can replace keyboards with soft navigation buttons for computer drawing software.

不規則形 狀的電腦 介面 設計,引導用家的動 作,包括 選 控、移動、拉 控等。 Irregular shapes of the computer interface model enable actions like selecting, dragging and sizing areas.

在 夾板 與 泡 沫 塑 料之間,軟硬 對比強 烈的 Foamy Wood 椅 子,顛 覆椅 子的 傳 統 形象。 The contrast between soft and hard materials in a Foamy Wood chair turned a piece of furniture into a tactile experiment.

理 大畢 業作品〈Ontology〉,Ming Kong 把 物 件 還 原 至 單一功能,如時 鐘 只有報時和響鬧兩個 功能。 Ming Kong’s graduation project at PolyU Design, entitled “Ontology,” aims to reduce objects to exclusive functions, e.g. alarm clocks that only tell time and give alerts.

Meet Our Talents 生 活 愈 趨 電 子 化,觸 覺 變 得 愈 來 愈 重 要。面 對 科 技 主 導 的 未 來 社 會,設 計、科 技 與 工 程 學 的 關 係 密 不可分。工業 設 計 師 Ming Kong 擁 有 多 年 產 品 設 計 經 驗,現 專 注 於 研 發 物 料 項 目計 劃,擔 當 製 造 者 解 決 問 題。其 創 作 靈 感 來 自 藝 術、科 學 和 工 程 學:如 研 發 電 腦 繪 圖 軟 件 控 制 版,以 具 觸 感、擁 有 不 同 形 狀 的 柔 軟 膠 組 件,改 變 控 制 方 式;利 用 具 備 敏 感 觸 覺 顯 影 功 能 的 新 膠 片 技 術 BRUISE,讓 特 殊 運 動 員 更 容 易 察 覺 肢 體 出 血 的 情 況;椅 子 Foamy Wood,結 合了木 材 和 海 綿 橡 膠 兩 種 物

料的軟硬 對比,帶出正反空間的獨 特性……

As life becomes more and more digital, tactility is often the preferred interface between humans and machines. To address the dominating role of technology in the future of society, the fields of design, technology, and engineering will need to converge. Industrial designer Ming Kong always thinks of new ways in working with materials, technologies, and their applications. With years of industrial and product design experience, he likes to work with materials and being the maker to solve real problems. Kong gets inspirations from the intersection of arts, science and engineering. For instance, a control panel for a digital graphics application can make use of soft rubbery substances of different sizes and shapes to provide tactile feedback. Through the use of a recyclable pressure-sensitive film, a smart injury detection suit called “BRUISE” was developed to visually communicate injuries so that Paralympic athletes can instantly detect and assess the severity of sports injuries. The “Foamy Wood” chair combines two contrasting textures – soft foam and hardwood – to give the user an unusual, contradicting sensory experience.

Ming Kong 2015年英國James Dyson Award 得主之一,英國 皇家藝術學院與倫敦帝國學院創新設計工程雙碩 士。2013年畢業於香港理工大學設計學院工業及 產品設計學位課程。2013 和 2014 年於倫敦合夥 成立公司 BRUISE 和 CUBESCAPE,成為 Startup 創業實踐者,正在籌備將科學物料實驗與美學結 合的創新科技項目「觸零」。 After earning his bachelor’s degree in Industrial and Product Design from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University in 2013, Ming Kong pursued a double master’s degree in innovative engineering from the Royal College of Art and Imperial College, London, and awarded 2015 James Dyson Award. In 2013 and 2014 respectively, he and his partners incorporated two startups BRUISE and CUBESCAPE. His current work at a startup called “Tangi0”, took influence from both scientific material experimentation and aesthetic form study.


生活中的反 思

Ref lections from Everyday Life

電話訪談的另一頭,是身處倫敦的 Ming Kong。

As we spoke over the phone about the years in Hong Kong, Ming Kong who is currently based in London, recalled it as a memorable experience. “Moving from my native Henan province to study design at PolyU was a cultural experience. I needed to adapt to the Hong Kong’s cosmopolitan way of life and learn the language. Hong Kong people like fashion, and are keen on trying out new things. Initially, I did not get used to it. But after a while, I found out that I just had to be myself, and rebuild my confidence, so now I do not worry whether I’m out of tune.”

香港對他來說是無限美好的回憶。 「從 河 南 來 到 香 港 理 工大學 修 讀 設 計,是一次 文化 歷 練。既 要 學習 語言,又 要 適 應 香 港大 都 會生活。香港人穿戴時尚,喜歡嘗試新潮東西, 即使在倫敦也沒有這種節奏。起初我很不習慣, 後來發現只要做回自己,慢慢建立信心,就不會 擔心自己與身邊環境格格不入。」 設 計 師 需 要 了 解 生 活,這 些 留 學 經 歷 讓 Ming Kong 更 深 刻 地體 會、反思 身 份 和 文化生

活 定位。他 在 理 大畢 業 設 計 作 品〈 Ontology〉 是一系列 簡約產品,探討物件原 型 跟 用家使 用 習慣的關 係。「我嘗試把物 件的功能 減 至最 純 粹,重新設計日常的電子產品。如收音機機身, 是盒子,也是介面,結合揚聲器的功能和造形; 燈具是一塊片狀的平板 座 架加 燈罩,開關隱 藏 於 燈罩內;時 鐘 只有 報時和 響 鬧功 能,鐘 身採 用火警 響 鐘 原 型,配 簡 潔 的 指 針。」這 些 物 件 看 似 簡 單,卻是 生 活的 延伸。入 讀 倫 敦 RCA 之 後, Ming Kong 轉向 科 技工 程 方 面發 展,研 發 與觸感有關的物料應用科 技。

Designers need to understand what everyday life means to people. Ming Kong reflected on his experience, and think through identity and cultural bearings from the inside out. His graduation project at PolyU, named “Ontology,” is a series of minimalist products. “Everyday electronic gadgets are redesigned as their functions were reduced to the essentials. The body of the radio is not just a casing, but is also an interface, which optimises the function of the speaker with the form. The lamp set is a flat base with a lamp shade within which the on/off switch is hidden. The clock functions to tell time with an alarm, and adopts the form of a fire alarm

embellished with pointers.” These objects look simple but are all extensions of daily needs. Ming Kong turned to technology and engineering at RCA in London, where he developed applied technologies for tactile materials.

透 過 具備 敏 感 觸覺 顯 影功能的新膠片技術 BRUISE,讓 特 殊運 動員 更容 易覺 察 肢體出血的 情 況。 BRUISE is a new smart injury detection unit that uses recyclable pressure-sensitive film to visually communicate injuries.

讓 意念先行 「工業 設 計 製 造 用家 想 要 的 物 件,產 品 外 形 容 易 被 抄 襲,背 後 的 技 術 卻 有 更 長 遠 的 發 展 空 間。我 希 望 設 計 可 以在 創 投 公司 中 扮 演 一 個 重 要 的角 色,對 於大部分人 來 說,創 立公司 必 須要有律師、會計、人力資源的考慮,但設計卻 總被忽視。」 從 設 計 師 到 新 進 創 業 者,前 者 職 責 是 做 好 產 品,後者則 要 顧 及 資 金、製 作、市 場 等 商 業 因 素。如 何 平 衡 設 計 價 值 與 現 實 世界 兩 者 之 間 的 矛盾,讓 Ming Kong 煩 惱 不 已。此 時 竟 在 倫 敦重遇昔日理大設計學院的工業設計老師 梁町 ( Benny Leong)。二人 見 面 聊 起 近 況, Benny 重 提 過去在 課 堂 上二人的 對 話。「你 還記得 我 們 曾 討 論 過 關 於 新 意 念 的 對 話 嗎?作 為 設 計 師,我們 要 擁 護 新 意 念,不管 你身處在哪 個 設 計 階 段。」設 計 師 在乎 物 件 的 意 義、意 念 對人 們的影 響,這 種 堅 持 在面 對 市場、金 錢等 現實 環 境 時,往往需 要 更 強 大的 意 志 力支 持。「科 技開發需要面對版權、成本、商業運作等問題, 我 更 希 望 設 計 價 值 可 以 融 入 案 子,讓 設 計 師 不只 是 服 務 商 業 客 戶,而 是 在 未 來 扮 演 更 重 要的角 色。」

Ideas First “Product design manufactures things that people want. While the appearance is easily copied, the technologies developed for design concepts have room for long-term growth. I hope design can play a bigger role in startups. To most people, startups think of legal, accounting, and human resources talents, but design is often overlooked.” From designer to startup entrepreneur, Ming Kong has always been hard pressed to reconcile the conflicts between the design value and the real world, as well as those between product development and business development, which includes funding, manufacturing, and marketing. It was in London that Ming Kong met again with PolyU industrial design teacher Benny Leong to catch up on things and discuss design problems they came across. “Do you remember our conversation about new ideas?” Benny reminded Ming, “As designers, we must be our advocates for new ideas, no matter which design stage you are in.” Designers care about the meaning of things, and how ideas influence people. It is a principle upheld by the designer. When encountering the market, finance, and other realities, designers require a stronger conviction to follow through with the principle. “Technological development will run into issues

of intellectual property, cost, and business operation issues, and I hope my values will be embedded in the projects. In so doing, I not only serve my clients but create a larger role for designers to play in the future.”

新 物料可以 實 驗 觸 感 介面的新可能,Ming Kong 的 設計將電腦 鍵 盤 變 成有 機 導航介面。 With new materials, it is possible to experiment the tactile quality of computer software navigations, where keyboards could be replaced by organic interfaces.

入讀 理 大設計學院,是因為…… 「我來自河南,入讀理大設計學院主因是成績派 至 香 港 升 學。2008 年 起 修 讀 了 兩 個 學 年,期 後 於 德 國 實 習 一 年,在 NESTLÉ PRODUCT 任 職 包 裝 設 計;也 曾 到 過 荷 蘭 Delf t Uni ver sit y of Technology 的設計工程系交流,最後 於 2013

年修畢工業及產品設計學士課程。 「在香港的求學時期,既是生活和學習上的文化

I chose PolyU Design because… “I came from the Henan province. With sufficiently good test scores, I could further my studies in Hong Kong. I started at PolyU in 2008 for two years, and then I went on to Germany for a packaging design internship at Nestlé Product for a year. I also had the opportunity to study abroad at Delft University of Technology’s Department of Design Engineering in the Netherlands. I completed my industrial design degree in 2013.

衝 擊,又 要 學習掌握 英 文和 廣 東 話。因為 理 大 設計課程 跟內地中學 教 育模式大不同,課程 分 類 清 晰,院內還有 亞 洲 生 活 形 態 設 計 研 究室、 人體工 學、實 踐 科 技 等 研 究,擴 闊工業 設計的 專 業 範 疇。講 師 各 有 不 同 的 教 學 方 法,從 商 業、概 念、生 活、文化、生 產、工 藝 等不同層 面 切入。這四年來多元化、中西文化交融的環境, 讓我大開眼界,在產品設計專業上打下穩健 基 礎,使 我 在 倫 敦 RCA 修 讀 碩士時,可以 更 專 心 地研發科 技。」

“Back in my undergraduate days in Hong Kong, I experienced culture clash in everyday life and in my study programme, and I had to learn English and Cantonese to boot. The School of Design’s programme was very different from that of high schools in the mainland. For instance, there were different design disciplines, courses and streams, various research facilities such as the Asian Lifestyle Design Research Lab, ergonomics, applied technology, and so on, to expand the professional scope of industrial design. Each instructor boasts his or her teaching style, approaching design from the business, conceptual, lifestyle, cultural, production, and handicraft angles. My four years at the crossroads between the East and West allowed me to build solid foundation in product design, so I could dedicate myself to work on technology when I study for my Master’s degree at the RCA in London.”

燈 具 是 平板 座 架 加 燈 罩,開關 機 關則隱 藏 於 燈 罩內。 The lamp set is a shallow base with a lamp shade, and the on/off switch is hidden within the shade.

「我希望創造一種舒適的物料,既可觸摸,又方便傳導,最終營造出感應效果。」 “ I was aiming for a material that is pleasant to touch and also conductive, which enables the sensing ability.”

好的設計是…… 「好設計就如一套生活理念,首要是令人感動、具 啟 發 性,能 夠 使 用,而 不 是 收 藏 在 博 物 館。好 的 設 計 標 準 會 自 然 地 因 應 環 境、情 況 改 變。 例 如 我 在 Nestlé 任 職 包 裝 設 計 時,要 運 用 設 計 減 低 成 本,以 最 少 資 源、配 合 生 產 流 程 把 產 品 包 裝 好;在 商 業 社 會,這 種 講 求 利 潤、銷 量 的 環 境 下,設 計不 能 只 是 做 得 好,更 要 尋 找 平 衡 的方法。」

Good design is… “Good design is a set of ‘living’ concepts that moves and inspires people. They are supposed to be accessible, not venerated and hidden away in a museum collection. Good design standards naturally adapt to the circumstances. For instance, when I was at Nestlé as a packaging designer, design was used mainly to minimise costs, so good packaging used minimal resources and integrated with the production line. In the business world, under the constant pressure of profit margins and market volume, a good design needs to strike a balance somewhere without compromising on quality.”

嘗 試 把 物 件的功能 減 至 最 純粹,重 新 設計日常的電子產品。 Everyday electronic gadgets are redesigned as their functions have been stripped down to the bare essentials.

最難忘的學習經驗是…… 「最難忘的一次,是在美學和造形課堂的對話。 我 沒 有 專 業 設 計 訓 練 底 子,要 不 停地 繪 圖 尋 找 點子,眼 見課程 尾 聲 設計卻遲 遲 未有定 案。 有 些 老 師 眼 見 時 間 不 夠,勸 說 快 點 下 決 定, 老 師 Benny Leong 卻 鼓 勵:『 在創 作的任 何階 段,你都必須不停地探索新點子。』我把這句說 話 銘 記 於 心,時 常 提 醒自己什麼 是 設 計 價值。 因為 在商業 世界上只有 設計師在乎 物 件,別人 才不會關心。」

Issue #002

My most memorable learning experience is… “It was a conversation that happened during an aesthetic and form class. Since I did not have a design background, I kept drawing towards the end of the class because I had no focal point. Some professors rushed me because we were running out of time. My teacher Benny Leong, nevertheless, encouraged me to keep trying: ‘In any creative phase, it is important to explore different new ideas.’ These words burned into my memory, so I continually remind myself not to forget the purpose of design. In the commercial world, only designers care about objects; others couldn’t care less.”

PolyU Design

Editorial: SD PRESS | Text: Ire Tsui | Images: provided by Ming Kong | Translation: Alan Chan | Illustration: BrainRental www.polyudesign.com | Facebook: HK PolyU School of Design ©2017 The Hong Kong Polytechnic University School of Design. All rights reserved.

I see the role of education in two directions: first, we are training professional design workers, whom are capable in delivering quality works; second, we are creating design leaders for strategic roles, in companies, governments and organisations. They will be creating impact for all categories in society.

Cees de Bont Dean of School of Design & Swire Chair Professor of Design, Alex Wong Siu Wah Gigi Wong Fook Chi Endowed Professorship in Product Design Engineering, PolyU

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