Pomfret School Viewbook 2015-16

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real learning WHERE



Pomfret, learning is student-centered, relevant, and meaningful. What we do is intentional – intentionally focused on students becoming strategic and responsible learners who are also flexible and agile. Pomfret’s distinctive learning environment engages the mind, heart, and spirit, giving our students the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in college and life. We foster diverse thought, perspective, and expression while honoring the uniqueness of each student by teaching in a variety of contexts and using a range of instructional approaches. Pomfret students learn to face challenge, value hard work and rigor, and develop the independence and self-confidence needed to thrive in college and in the complex world beyond.

THE GRAUER FAMILY INSTITUTE for Excellence and Innovation in

Education at Pomfret has positioned the school as a “thought leader” on a range of educational issues. The Institute makes significant resources available for faculty to undertake research and pursue professional development so that they may design and deliver innovative programs in and out of the classroom. Pomfret is committed to pioneering new approaches to secondary education and sharing its experience with other educators. While preserving the high academic standards that have traditionally defined Pomfret, we are dedicated to preparing today’s graduates for success in a world that will be defined by the need for creative, collaborative solutions to global challenges.




he boarding school experience

offers exciting opportunities in a setting where learning happens in many different ways. On behalf of the entire community, I welcome you to Pomfret and encourage you to visit us to learn more. In this publication, you will discover what makes Pomfret unique and how our students are transformed by their time here.

Our shared values of inclusivity,

For more than 120 years, this school on

school life at Pomfret, from an advisory

a hilltop in northeastern Connecticut has

system that encourages intergenerational

been giving young people the opportunity

connections to the family atmosphere

to discover and pursue their diverse

of the dormitories. This is a place where

talents and interests. Since its founding in

students feel safe to be themselves and

1894, Pomfret has focused on innovation

form lasting personal relationships with

and progressive thinking about what a

their peers and teachers.

great education should be. This forward-thinking spirit lives on today in our commitment to student-

compassion, and understanding shape

I have been inspired by seeing Pomfret students achieve more than they ever

centered learning.

imagined possible in their years here and

At Pomfret, you will find a vibrant

their dreams and goals. We are dedicated

classroom environment where teachers

to preparing our students to take on the

and students are engaged together in

challenges facing humankind in the 21st

exploration, discovery, and discussion.

Century with vision, hope, integrity, and

You will find a welcoming community with

collaborative enterprise. I hope you will

students from across the country and

consider joining us in the exciting journey

around the world. You will find outstanding

of a Pomfret education.

graduate with the confidence to pursue

academic, co-curricular, athletics, and arts programs. You will be challenged to learn more about yourself and others. 2

—J. Timothy Richards P ’15

real learning happens when you are actively engaged in exploring an idea and are able to choose where to head next in the process of discovery


what real



ning looks like... 5







t the heart of the academic experience at Pomfret is

our belief that students must be partners with their teachers in the dynamic business of acquiring knowledge. With the guidance of experienced faculty who are experts in their fields, Pomfret students have the opportunity to help design courses and investigate topics of their choosing with an appropriate level of support tailored to individual needs. 6


LI FE L ONG R E A D I N G : A Student-Driven Course Students in the English elective Lifelong Reading design their own reading lists with the guidance of their teacher and pursue topics of interest through their choice of novels, short stories, poems, and plays. Is baseball your passion? You might begin with a classic novel by Bernard Malamud about a baseball player and discover other depictions of sports in literature. The course allows you to follow a thread through literature and experience the pleasure of reading independently. Students make individualized webpages about their reading, discuss their choices in class and through group blogging and video conferencing, and work collaboratively to create a class website. 7


You will come to understand your distinct strengths as a student and what it means to be both curious and disciplined. Learning is not a passive activity at Pomfret, with students seated at desks absorbing information from a teacher. Students and teachers are “co-creators� in the classroom, engaged together in making discoveries and pursuing new ideas.

ELECTIVE COURSES allow Pomfret students to undertake advanced and independent work comparable to college material. With the wide range of electives offered, you will have the opportunity to explore exciting topics in depth. A sampling of recent electives gives a glimpse of where you might go: Forensic Science and Archaeology, Motion Graphics, Public Speaking, Anthropology of Gender, and Money 101. 8

student-centered adjective 1. Putting responsibility for learning in the hands of students. 2. Encouraging lifelong learning and original thinking.

Pomfret’s focus on student-centered learning gives students an important role in determining their individual academic paths.




Students are never afraid to be themselves and are always able to find others who share common interests to create friendships.” —Olivia K. ’17


PR OJ E CT: Pomfret Project: Pomfret engages every student and teacher in a two-and-a-half-week experience in December that is a dedicated period focused on project-based learning. Interdisciplinary projects cover a wide range of themes, from engineering to oral history to legal theory. Most projects are coordinated by two or three faculty members from different departments. Students learn practical skills, study a topic in depth, explore solutions to societal challenges, engage in projects with a service component, and make creative presentations to the school community. Recent projects include Into the Untold, a research project about a mixed-race community living on a Maine island in the early 1900s; Mock Trial and Great Cases in Early American Legal History; Stopping Time: Physics and Photography; and Music and Myth. 12








he most successful entrepreneurs and creative thinkers

today are those who work across disciplines. Pomfret builds these essential skills into the curriculum through interdisciplinary and project-based learning. Classes at Pomfret are centered on collaboration and giving students the tools to understand how they learn best. With an average of eleven students in a class, learning is a shared endeavor that relies on the contributions of every member of the class. Advanced and elective courses may be as small as two to 13


five students working closely with their teacher. The curriculum stresses interdisciplinary study, with a number of courses teamtaught by faculty from different disciplines. This focus, along with opportunities for independent and group projects in many classes, trains our graduates to ask their own questions, conduct research, and synthesize knowledge.

THE ADVISORY PROGRAM pairs students with a faculty advisor who guides you in choosing courses and managing academic and extracurricular schedules, and is someone you can turn to with any concerns. Pomfret’s program is distinguished by frequent meetings between advisor and advisees. An advisory block during the academic day provides a time for advisees and advisors to meet whenever the need arises. At the weekly advisee dinner, you will share a meal in your advisor’s home or in an area restaurant with the others in your advising group. This Pomfret tradition fosters a strong sense of family on campus. Advisors serve as liaisons between the school and students’ families. 14

interdisciplinary adjective Combining two or more academic disciplines or fields of study. Global and Sustainable Development is an interdisciplinary course teamtaught by a science and history teacher. The course includes a trip to Costa Rica during Project: Pomfret.



LEARNING SUPPORT at Pomfret provides a variety of support systems to help students succeed academically and socially. Faculty are available for extra help after class, during the office hours block in the schedule, and in the dormitories in the evenings. Students may also make use of peer tutors in the Writing, Math, Science, and World Languages Centers during evening study hall hours. The Director of Learning Support coordinates support services and is available in the Learning Support Center during free blocks. Private tutors may be arranged through the Director of Learning Support.


Pomfret offers three astronomy courses where the most important class time is in the evening, when students and their teacher observe the night skies from the Olmsted Observatory on campus. This state-of-the-art facility includes a telescope adapted for use in astrophotography, allowing students to make spectacular images, like this one, of such distant wonders as dimmer stars, nebulae, and galaxies. 17



I really enjoy the cohesive community; I have personal relationships with my teachers and have family-like bonds with many of my classmates.” — Andrew D. ’16






time think TO I

n today’s world, where we live with constant digital

input, time for sustained thought and reflection is increasingly precious. Pomfret addresses this need through “long block” scheduling that allows classes to meet for longer periods on a rotating basis. This means that you will not attend six classes a day as you would at many schools. Instead you attend three longer classes and have more time 20

IN SI DE a History Class A long-block class in Advanced Comparative Government and Politics is not an ordinary history class with the teacher standing at a Smart Board and lecturing. The class begins with students reflecting on the previous night’s assignment on current events in China and generating questions the assignment raised for them. Together the students establish common points of interest and debate both sides of political issues. Their debate is followed by watching a TED talk on the rise of China as a superpower. Students break into small groups to discuss the TED talk and how it relates to the homework assignment, then come back together for a discussion with the whole class and an overview from the teacher. Class ends with time for independent work and one-on-one conferencing with the teacher on student projects.



between classes to absorb what you have learned. The longblock approach enables the exploration of material in greater depth and time for student projects that require ongoing research, experimentation, and hands-on construction. This schedule has been intentionally designed to create a more balanced pace in school life and to promote deep learning.

MANY BOARDING schools have Saturday morning classes. Pomfret uses this time instead for Q.U.E.S.T. (Question, Understand, Engage, Share, Transition) a program focused on leadership and character development, diversity and social justice, health and wellness, and college counseling. Students meet in forms for presentations, discussion groups, and guest speakers. These meetings provide significant time to build awareness and understanding of important life choices that will shape the future for our graduates. The program reflects Pomfret’s commitment to instilling the values of leadership, empathy, and respect for self and others that will lead to fulfilling and meaningful lives.


metacognition noun Higher-order thinking that involves analysis and control of one’s cognitive processes when engaged in learning. Pomfret’s approach encourages metacognition as students become aware of their own learning processes and mindsets.




Pomfret is the most accepting community I have ever been involved in. The faculty members at Pomfret make an effort to get to know the students even if they aren’t in their classes, teams, or theater performances.” Olivia L. ’16 25

I NSIDE a Math Class In many high school math classes, lessons begin with rules and computations rather than the application of mathematics principles in daily life. Pomfret turns the standard math approach around by starting with real problems and introducing math skills as students need them to find solutions. Students keep digital, written journals documenting how they reach their solutions. Together they apply what they have learned to projects such as building a rocket or managing an investment portfolio. Some math classes make use of adaptive learning software that allows students to master the material at their own pace. This exciting development ensures that they truly understand the material and allows for important one-on-one work with teachers. 26







campus P

omfret is proactive in exploring technological advances

in the classroom and using a wide variety of tools. In science classes, Pomfret is one of only a few high schools nationwide to access the Mathematica technical computing program used by scientists throughout the world. The program allows students to make complex calculations quickly and to apply



them to the concepts they are learning. As a result, students are able to give more time to the testing of hypotheses than the generation of data. This innovation enables students to think and work as real research scientists do.

POMFRET’S GLOBAL classroom work includes a significant focus on global issues and fosters an understanding of cultures around the world. Model U.N., a term-long class, provides students with opportunities to learn about other countries and their systems of government. Pomfret also offers international learning trips and opportunities to participate in exchange programs. Recent trips have taken faculty and students to study astronomy, ecology, culture, and history in Chile; to train for the soccer season and tour Barcelona; to give musical performances in Italy; to study art and take art classes in France and Italy; and to study sustainable development in Costa Rica. 28

adaptive learning noun Educational method using computers as interactive teaching devices and the allocation of human and computing resources to meet the unique needs of each student. Pomfret uses adaptive learning to allow students more control over the pace of the learning process.




What stands out most about Pomfret is the support peers give you from the classroom to the sports field. There is always a fellow student or faculty member pushing you to succeed.” Max R. ’16


community in 32



357 STUDENTS 80%




we cover the



he friendliness and community spirit that

define Pomfret give our campus a welcoming atmosphere visitors are quick to notice. We are a school grounded in the importance of relationships. Every member of our community has important contributions to make. We welcome students from a wide range of backgrounds, both across the United States and countries around the world. We celebrate the diversity of our community through such events as Culturefest and the International Food Festival.






Once a week, students and faculty gather for a family-style lunch at assigned tables. This provides an opportunity to share good conversation and a meal with members of the community.



we inhabit a beautiful



n a 500-acre campus set on a hilltop with spectacular views, Pomfret

is located an hour from Boston and within easy driving distance of other major East Coast cities. Close to campus the towns of Pomfret Center and Putnam offer cafĂŠs, restaurants, and shopping. Our beautiful setting, superb facilities, and access to major cultural centers make Pomfret a great place to live and learn. 38


2.5 HRS

1 HR


45 MIN

from Hartford

from Boston

45 MIN

from Providence


from New York


Pomfret students can enjoy a break from classes and study at the Vanilla Bean, a local cafĂŠ known for delicious baked goods. On campus, the Olmsted Student Union offers a spacious lounge and snack bar open throughout the day.



we serve those



he Community Outreach Program gives

Pomfret students and faculty many ways to make a difference in our local community and beyond. Students may participate in the Community Service Team, offered as an after school program. Pomfret students volunteer for local food pantries and organize such initiatives as Red Nose Day, a global initiative that works to eliminate childhood poverty. For more than a decade, Pomfret has supported Relay for Life and Audubon After School Programs.



Chapel talks twice a week bring the Pomfret community together for a time to recognize the diverse experiences that have shaped our students and faculty. Each senior gives a reflection on a topic of his or her choosing. Faculty also speak on matters of personal importance. These inspiring talks draw us closer as a community and reinforce leadership, growth, and discovery.




we lead by



omfret students play important roles on campus in school

governance and other leadership positions. As you advance from a third former (freshman) to the upper grades, you will have opportunities to serve in a variety of leadership roles and to help organize club activities. Extracurricular activities allow you to explore many different interests. In recent years student clubs have included Debate Club, Classic Film Club, International Students Club, Math Team, Gay Straight Alliance, Cooking Club, Investment Club, and Environmental Club.


Pomfret Ambassadors

Club Leaders


Deans’ Assistants

Relay for Life Captains

Discipline Committee

School Council

Editorial Staffs for Student Publications

Team Captains

Head Waiters


Key Club Tour Guide Leaders

Writing, Math, Science and World Languages Centers Tutors 47


The du Pont Library provides a comfortable place for study in the center of campus. With over 20,000 volumes, a large film collection, and a diverse selection of online databases, the library gives students access to significant resources for research and serves as the hub for learning support on campus.



Pom 50

fret 51



Pomfret’s P.S. ART exhibition space is located one town over in downtown Putnam in the Silver Circle Art Center. This unique off-campus gallery features shows throughout the year of work by students, faculty, and alumni, and gives students significant real-life experience in gallery management. 52

At Pomfret the arts are central to your education and to our life as a school community. From the student artwork displayed throughout the school, to music, dance, and theater performances, the celebration of artistic expression is part of Pomfret’s culture. Through the arts, our students learn to imagine the lives of others, perfect their presentation skills, and explore the creative process. With more than 50 arts electives, we offer an outstanding program with many options. Art, music, dance, and drama teachers are practicing artists and experienced performers who bring knowledge of the professional art world to the classroom. With their guidance, you will have the opportunity to try different media and discover your talents.






Soccer Field Hockey Cross-Country Volleyball

Soccer Football Cross-Country



The interscholastic athletics program fields competitive teams in sixteen different sports for Pomfret athletes. Through athletics, our students experience the excitement of competition, the camaraderie of team effort, and the importance of sportsmanship. Designed for both the beginner and advanced player, the program allows you to try new sports or perfect your skills as a seasoned athlete. Teams meet each weekday for practice or competition in the afternoon program.


Ice Hockey Basketball Squash Wrestling




Ice Hockey Basketball Squash Wrestling

Crew Softball Tennis Lacrosse Golf

Crew Baseball Tennis Lacrosse Golf 55

Roughly 20 percent of Pomfret graduates go on to compete in collegiate sports. This reflects the high level of play Pomfret teams achieve and the outstanding training of our athletes. In recent years, Pomfret teams have gone on to championship competition in a number of sports, including girls’ and boys’ basketball, ice hockey, soccer and girls’ volleyball. The Pomfret fitness center provides a state-of-the-art training facility open to all students.

A number of Pomfret graduates have gone on to compete at elite levels. Among them are Brian Flynn ’08, currently with the Montreal Canadiens; Felice Mueller ’08, an Olympic gold medalist with the U.S. National Crew Team; and Sarah Valliancourt ’04, two-time Olympic champion with the Women’s U.S. Ice Hockey team. 56

Freshmen and sophomores participate on two interscholastic teams each year and fulfill the afternoon activity requirement in a variety of ways if they do not elect to compete on a team all three seasons. Juniors and seniors are required to participate in at least one season of interscholastic sports. Other activities include Outdoor Adventure, Yoga, Dance, Community Service, and Drama.




Life at boarding school is an exciting mix of new experiences. These include what you are learning in your classes, the friends you are making, and your activities. Living in the dormitories with friends from an amazing collection of places is a rare opportunity to learn about other cultures and about yourself. Day students have their own lounges and study rooms for downtime during the school day and may stay overnight with friends in the dorms on weekends. Over 70 percent of the Pomfret faculty serve as dorm parents who provide supervision and support in the dormitories, including during the two-hour nightly study hall period. The close relationships students form with faculty as dorm parents, advisors, and athletic coaches are an enduring piece of the Pomfret experience. Faculty serve as advisors and chaperones for such activities as Community Service Outreach, Outdoor Adventure, and other club activities. 58

Weekend activities give students the chance to relax and socialize, providing a variety of options that change weekly. Pomfret regularly offers trips to Boston, Providence and New York City to take in museums, theatre performances, and other cultural attractions. Outdoor activities include hiking, canoeing, white-water rafting, and skiing. On campus, Pomfret hosts dances, concerts, and films.




Pomfret is proud of an academic curriculum and co-curricular programs that prepare our graduates to enroll at outstanding colleges and universities. The College Counseling Program, personalized for each student, provides thorough guidance in choosing an appropriate sequence of courses at Pomfret and finding the colleges that are a good fit for your interests. With a ratio of 35 students to each counselor, our college counselors work closely with students and parents to 60

Pomfret holds a Fall College Fair with representatives from more than 100 colleges available to talk with students. An additional 100 college representatives visit for the Spring College Fair. In a recent year, Pomfret’s graduating class applied to 256 colleges, a figure that reflects the diversity of students’ goals and the encouragement they receive to explore a wide range of options. help you make informed choices. Because we know our students well, we are able to make college selection individualized and assist at each stage of the application process. College counseling begins in freshman year with guidance on choosing courses and a sequence of study that fits your goals. In junior and senior year, students meet regularly with college counselors individually and for group sessions. The Q.U.E.S.T. program provides dedicated time for presentations on college selection and the application process. Pomfret makes test preparation courses available and administers all major tests, including the PSAT, SAT, and ACT, on campus. 61

Pomfret graduates have distinguished themselves in a wide range of careers and leadership positions. Among our alumni are educators, lawyers, authors, artists, scientists, and a recent winner of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. Alumni frequently return to campus to share their accomplishments and wisdom with students, and make a variety of opportunities available to Pomfret students through internships and networking.

Recent College Matriculations Amherst College Bates College Bentley University Boston College Boston University Brandeis University Brown University Bucknell University Carnegie Mellon University Colby College Colgate University College of Charleston College of the Holy Cross Colorado College Colorado School of Mines Connecticut College 62

Dartmouth College Davidson College Dickinson College Emory University Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering Georgetown University Grinnell College Hamilton College - NY Harvard College Hobart and William Smith Colleges Lafayette College Lewis & Clark College Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Middlebury College Nagoya University (Japan) New York University Northeastern University Northwestern University Parsons The New School for Design Providence College Purdue University Rhode Island School of Design Rhodes College Rochester Institute of Technology Savannah College of Art and Design

Sewanee: The University of the South Skidmore College Southern Methodist University St. Lawrence University Syracuse University The George Washington University The University of Vienna Trinity College Tufts University Tulane University Union College United States Naval Academy

University of Chicago University of Colorado at Boulder University of Connecticut University of Denver University of Miami University of Michigan University of Notre Dame University of Pennsylvania University of Richmond University of Rochester University of Southern California University of St. Andrews University of Tennessee, Knoxville University of Vermont

University of Wisconsin, Madison Vanderbilt University Villanova University Virginia Tech Wake Forest University Washington and Lee University Washington University in St. Louis Wellesley College Wesleyan University Williams College Worcester Polytechnic Institute Yale University 63


We are waiting to welcome you to campus! The best way to discover what makes Pomfret such a special place is to visit. To arrange your campus tour and interview, contact the Admissions Office at 860.963.6120, admissions@pomfretschool.org or visit our website at www.pomfretschool.org. DIRECTIONS TO OUR CAMPUS FROM HARTFORD (approximate travel time – 45 minutes)

FROM NEW YORK CITY (approximate travel time – 3 hours)

• Take Route 84 East to Exit 69 (Route 74) • Turn right off ramp onto 74 • Take 74 East to the intersection of 74 and Route 44 • Turn left onto 44 (East) for 13 miles • Pomfret School is on 44, 1.5 miles after the 44/169 intersection

• Take Interstate 95 North to 395 North (Exit 76) • Take 395 North to Exit 93 (Dayville, CT) • Turn left off ramp onto Route 101 West • At the junction of 101 and Route 169, turn right onto 169 • Pomfret School is 2 miles from this intersection

FROM T.F. GREEN AIRPORT, PROVIDENCE, RI (approximate travel time – 50 minutes) • Exit airport and follow signs for Interstate 95 South • Take 95 South to 295 North • Take 295 North to the Route 6 exit 6C • Take 6 West to Route 101 West • At the junction of 101 and Route 169, turn right onto 169 • Pomfret School is 2 miles from this intersection

FROM BOSTON (approximate travel time – 75 minutes) • Take the Massachusetts Turnpike West to Auburn, MA (Exit 10) • Go through toll booth, follow signs for 395 South • Take 395 South to Exit 97 • Turn right off ramp onto Route 44 West • At the junction of 44 and Route 169, turn left onto 44/169 • Pomfret School is 1 mile from this intersection

DESIGN & CONCEPT: CEH Design, Bethel, CT – www.cehdesign.com COPY & CONCEPT: Katherine Towler Portsmouth, NH – www.katherinetowler.com




3 4 6 10 7 29



1 EN






1. Robinson House Admissions & Dormitory

2. School Building Academics, Jahn Reading Room, Administrative Offices

3. Centennial Academic & Arts Center Academics

4. Monell Science Building Academics

5. Olmsted Observatory 6. du Pont Library Academic Support, Digital Arts, Archives

7. 8. 9. 10.

Schoppe Dance Studio Clark Chapel Hard Auditorium Main House Dining Hall, Business Office, Health Center

11. Corzine Athletic Center & Olmsted Student Union Fitness Center, School Store, Tuck Shop

12. Jahn Rink 13. Strong Field House Indoor Tennis








14 11










23 22 9






21 27 16



14. Lewis Gymnasium 15. Eastover Head of School’s Home

16. Olive Cottage Dormitory

17. Orchard Cottage Dormitory

18. Pyne Dormitory

19. Hale Dormitory

20. Clement Dormitory

21. Kniffin Dormitory

22. Dunworth Dormitory

23. Pontefract Dormitory

24. Plant Dormitory

25. Bourne Dormitory

26. Picerne House Dormitory

27. Lasell Alumni House Advancement & Communications

28. Parsons Lodge 29. Facilities 30. Blodgett Boathouse Located on Quasset Lake, 3 miles northwest of campus



Pomfret School cultivates a healthy interdependence of mind, body, and spirit in its students as it prepares them for college and to lead and learn in a diverse and increasingly interconnected society. Pomfret’s Vision of the Graduate

POMFRET SCHOOL DEVELOPS STUDENTS WHO ARE: • Disciplined and Multifaceted Learners asking relevant questions, pursuing interests and obligations with determination, reflecting on success, and developing resilience from failure;

• Collaborative and Empathic Leaders working effectively with others in a variety of contexts and a diversity of cultures;

• Critical Thinkers pursuing, interpreting, and synthesizing information with a critical eye;

• Creative Problem-Solvers producing innovative and original ideas and solutions, whether for the marketplace or the human race;

• Respectful and Ethical Citizens conducting themselves with integrity, compassion, and responsibility.

398 Pomfret Street | PO Box 128 | Pomfret, CT 06258-0128 860.963.6120 | admissions@pomfretschool.org | www.pomfretschool.org

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