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MARCH 2015 APRIL 2016

LAST MONTH’S HUGH GREEN GROUP PARADE & ST PATRICK’S FESTIVAL Amy Young, Auckland’s current ‘Rose of Tralee’ with David Gall in his ‘FUNKIE’ red motor


2 PONSONBY NEWS+ April 2016


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P20: Early phones in Ponsonby - display at MOTAT; P136: There’s one thing about Allpress, it always has great coffee. Served by Sidnee on Ponsonby Market Day

008 009 010 014 018 020 022 022 026 030


042 044 048 051 054 058 064 070 076 077


081 087 088 092 094 097 100 106 128 131


COVER: Everall Deans, Ponsonby Business Association

PONSONBY NEWS+ is published monthly, excluding January by ALCHEMYY MEDIA LIMITED, L 11/386 RICHMOND ROAD, GREY LYNN POSTAL: P.O. BOX 47-282 Ponsonby, Auckland 1144. www.ponsonbynews.co.nz T: 09 378 8553 or 09 361 3356 Editor/Publisher Associate Publisher & Ad Manager Distribution Manager Advertising Sales Operations Manager Contributing Fashion Editor Contributing Music Editor Contributing Editor Contributing Editor Proof Readers Layout Designer Designer

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4 PONSONBY NEWS+ April 2016


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6 PONSONBY NEWS+ April 2016

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The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied

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LETTERS + EMAILS SHOULD THE FOUR OLD VILLAS NEAR PONSONBY ROAD GO? Thank you John Elliott for bringing to our notice the potential commercial development in Brown and Douglas Streets under his well-considered ‘Should the four old villas near Ponsonby Road go?’ I have lived in Brown Street for over 30 years and well remember the beautiful villas that have already gone. Residents seem to find out about these things too late in this brave new world with the notification process ‘managed’ by what feels like a priority for development. I am therefore delighted that the Waitemata Local Board has recommended that this proposal directly affecting four villas, and indirectly many other residents, goes to public notification. I also commend the always courageous and authentic Mike Lee for expressing that this development goes completely against principles of the proposed Unitary Plan. With it being an election year, let’s hope other councillors wake up from their slumber. What should send a ripple up the spine of residents is a convenient little town planning phrase: ‘less than minor effect’. This is the bane of residents. This was used in the planning process of the Ponsonby Central development on our street, which is, as they go, a reasonably sensitive development on commercially zoned land. However, it has three sides adjacent to residentially zoned land and has impacted a large residential stamp, particularly in regards to parking. The notion of ‘less than minor’ is a decision that the development will not have an effect on residential amenity of those who might normally and legally expect to be notified and have input. Residents of the Ponsonby Central development area were entirely excluded from the consent process and had no input into the consent conditions set to protect their residential amenity. I can unequivocally testify to the reality that the development has had a major effect on the residential amenity of those in the area and has caused some residents to move. Ironically, the developer owning the four villas up for development expresses this himself. The outcome was that adjacent residents were entirely denied input into the Ponsonby Central consent process and were not advised of the consent conditions. Consent conditions were not followed up with enforcement being reactive, that is, required complaints by residents. The outcome was confusion and a piecemeal approach within an overall disempowerment of residents. As an example, residents were disturbed by huge truck activity including collection and tipping of containers of bottles with ear shattering results at 3am and 4am; live music in areas that it was not supposedly permitted; windows left open past stipulated hours within the consent when residents might be sleeping, etc. On the first night that one outlet opened, a noise abatement notice was served. Sadly our residential street has morphed into a commercial one with curbside resident car parks harvested for Ponsonby Central business zone activities. Its own parking requirements were wildly underestimated. I have personally broken up fights with people arguing over car parks in our street. No one thought of coffee roasting smoke, delivery of wood after midnight and restaurant open-fire cooking smoke, music speakers in the car park, car alarms, screaming and yelling drunk patrons and a raft of other issues that affect residents. The issue of noise was managed through an ‘acoustic report’ provided and paid for by the developer. When residents nagged for enforcement, many of the consent conditions were then altered within private agreements between the developer-owner and the council.

Views in Ponsonby News reflect the authors’, and not those of Alchemy Media. attraction of the area to both business and residents. We must stand together to save the personality of the district. While supporting vibrancy and not being a killjoy, the protection of the character and the residential amenity of those who call this area home must not be sacrificed for just more money making and selfish exploitation for business interest. Keep up the good work Ponsonby News! Russell Hoban, Ponsonby SHOULD FOUR OLD VILLAS NEAR PONSONBY ROAD GO? In my article in the March Ponsonby News, I incorrectly implied that the Henry family, who are applying to remove four villas near their Early Settler building on Ponsonby Road, owned the Early Settler business. The Henry’s own the building but not the Early Settler business, and we apologise to the owners of the Early Settler business, who have had to field some criticism of the Henry’s plan from some of their customers who are opposed to the removal of the villas. John Elliott, Contributing Editor, Ponsonby News WORLD’S MOST LIVABLE CITY? I have previously questioned the Unitary Plan proposal to cram many more thousands into the existing city boundaries, while agreeing that too much urban sprawl is to be avoided. I also share many of the sentiments of ‘anonymous’s’, letter in the March issue of Ponsonby News. However, I want to correct some of the emotive comments about Wanganui Avenue expressed in this letter. Wanganui Avenue certainly looks naked without its trees, but the council will soon put new ones in the street. The old gums were a danger in storms: several fell, fortunately only wrecking a couple of cars. So they all had to come down in the interests of safety. Council has circulated Wanganui Avenue owners with some options for new trees. Owners were invited to submit their choices. In the meantime the chicanes are being upgraded - I agree they are taking an eternity to finish work and I wonder if Wanganui Avenue actually needed resealing. Are the two jobs related, and does the left hand know what the right hand is doing? When will some utility want to rip it up again? There needs to be discussion about chicanes. They often turn streets into race tracks. With the increased density of population intensification, there needs to be careful council planning to save our city streets from unnecessarily noisy, dirty, disruptive activities. After all there will be thousands more cars to accompany the thousands more citizens. John Elliott, Wanganui Avenue, Herne Bay LETTERS CONTINUED ON P16

When I read of this new proposal offering cheap rent for small businesses, or an architect of the developer offering his opinions on the quality of the villas (surprise, surprise, not too good mate) or the benefits of coffee away from car fumes I know we are on a familiar sales track. When I read of ‘all parking on site’, I roll my eyes because that is a fantasy around here. Thankfully this should now be publically notified and residents and concerned parties will have the opportunity to question the sales pitches of the ‘specialists’. Commercial zones represent only a small strip of our suburb and we must not allow commercial to creep into historic residential areas. Development threatens to ruin the


8 PONSONBY NEWS+ April 2016

(Nielsen Media)

PONSONBY NEWS+ is printed on paper sourced from sustainable, well managed forests and manufactured under the environmental management system ISO 14001. Our hand-delivered copies are flow wrapped in eco-friendly, degradable plastic.


FROM THE EDITOR A PUBLIC MEETING WAS HELD LAST MONTH TO DISCUSS THE community-led design process for the whole of site open space at 254 Ponsonby Road. There was a lot of interest, with approximately 45 people attending the information evening at the Ponsonby Community Centre.

photography: Michael McClintock

The proposed park has a wide range of possible uses - children’s play area, farmers market on Saturdays, seating for rest and recreation, events - imagine an outdoor cinema in the warmer weather? Or simply a peaceful urban oasis. People who were not at the meeting and are interested in being part of the whole of site open space, community-led design process can register their interest at: info@254Ponsonbyrd.org The Kelmarna Organic Community Farm needs volunteers and support from locals. The long-term future of this wonderful community asset is in doubt, so next time you need fresh greens for your smoothies, we know they’d appreciate your custom. They also need volunteers to help manage the gardens. Last month a group of young players from the Auckland Rugby Academy spent an afternoon there. The Kelmarna Trust is holding an autumn festival on Sunday 24 April and would appreciate your support. March has again been a busy month in Ponsonby, with two events over one weekend - the ever-popular Ponsonby Market Day and the St Patrick’s Parade & Fleadh. Luck was with the Irish on the Sunday because this is the first time this event has been held on the strip and the weather was outstanding. Pam Glaser, a director of Crackerjack Promotions who organised the event, told Ponsonby News, “We loved being in Ponsonby and look forward to the next one.” Our cover this

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied

Martin Leach, Jo Barrett, Angela Martin, Jay Platt and Gwynne Davenport

month features Amy Young, Auckland’s current Rose of Tralee. The new Progressive Enterprises landmark Cider building on the corner of Williamson Avenue and Pollen Street has been acquired by leading New Zealand commercial property company Oyster Group and this high-profile property is due for completion in the next few months.

houses. The editorial in this issue highlights the need for purchasers of apartments to understand the intricacy of body corporate living. In his editorial, John Elliott points out the things to be aware of in this fundamental shift from the old idea of the quarter-acre Kiwi mentality to apartment living.

Ponsonby has always been a great area to celebrate any occasion. This month Ponsonby News has a six-page feature on weddings, which should give an opportunity for a number of local venues to host these occasions.

We are looking for new delivery people to distribute Ponsonby News once a month. The issue comes out on the first Friday and needs to be out by the Sunday. You need a car as the boxes are heavy. The work suits families with teenagers who are looking to earn some pocket money. It’s also an excellent way to keep fit!

With the talk of population intensification in the inner city comes a proliferation of apartments and terrace

For more details please call Jay on M: 021 771 146 or email jayplatt@xtra.co.nz (MARTIN LEACH) F PN




DAVID HARTNELL’S ONE MINUTE INTERVIEW I consider radio and TV news anchor Hilary Barry the best female news reader since Angela D’Audney. You can hear every word she says, and she is utterly professional with Mike McRoberts and is certainly a match when it comes to dealing with Paul Henry on the TV3 breakfast show. Last year I awarded Hilary the supreme female winner on my Best Dressed List for 2016. She is a fine example of fashion - style and flair all wrapped up in one fabulous package. If Hilary was on Broadway they would call her “one classy dame”. What is the best thing about the house you live in? We’re very lucky to live close to the beach which is wonderful when you have growing teenagers who can take all that testosterone down to the sand and play cricket/rugby, and surf. What was your childhood like? I grew up in a happy home in Wellington with mum, dad and my older brother Andrew. I was pretty straight; sang in choirs, babysat for the neighbours’ kids and joined in with lots of sports. My big brother was a bit naughtier so he knocked off some of my straight edges over the years. Who do you think is the most annoying celebrity today? Kim Kardashian, hands down, number one, vacuous. Which TV series would you never miss and why? I love The Good Wife. It plays really late on TV3, so I record it and watch it during the week over lunch. It’s my guilty pleasure. Where would your dream international holiday be? Rome. Great memories, amazing food, art and artefacts. What is the best thing you have brought back from an overseas trip? A love of New Zealand. Nothing makes you love this country more than travelling overseas. Which do you prefer tweeting or Facebook? Twitter is more entertaining because it’s more momentary. Facebook discussions just tend to drag on too long like a really dull dinner party. What/who is the greatest love of your life? Michael Patrick Barry, 50, of Auckland. The most gorgeous, kind-hearted and adorable person I know. Oh, that’s why I married him. What was the funniest news item you’ve ever had to read? A story about the roading gang doing the marking on the roads in Tauranga. They couldn’t be bothered moving a dead possum off the road and painted a big white line right over the top of him. The pictures were hilarious and giggling naturally ensued. What is your routine that you have to do to get to the studio to appear on the Paul Henry Show? I get to work in the morning about 4.15am and go through the wires, both local and international, to get a steer on what’s happening in the news. Then I head up to makeup at 5am, out by 5.30 and down to the studio by 5.45am for a 5.58am start. Jim always makes a pre-show coffee for me and I try and down a couple of spoons of muesli before we start the morning. What cliché do you most hate? At the end of the day, all things being equal, the key learning and work-on is that it’s always best to think outside the square. What gizmo can you simply not live without? My Kenwood mixer - the best kitchen appliance you could ever have. Your greatest indulgence? Italian nougat. Yuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuum.

10 PONSONBY NEWS+ April 2016

Which website do you read the most? I’m paid to say Newshub but it’s more likely I’ll be snooping on other news websites like smh.com.au; telegraph.co.uk; cnn.com; bbc.com and for pure entertainment dailymail.co.uk. Are you a handshake or a hug kind of person? You’re pretty unlikely to get a hug from me if it’s a first meeting, but after that it’ll be all on. What is your comfort food? Macaroni cheese, preferably made by my mum. Do you have a party trick? It’s a little known fact that I can gargle the Star Trek theme. I reserve this gift for my closest friends and family. Describe your first pet? I can neither describe the first, second nor third because I never had one. How do you take your coffee? Very strong with milk. Do you travel light or heavy? Every time I go away I set out with very good intentions of travelling light but then I start throwing things into the suitcase at the last minute and ruin what had been a good plan. The only time I travelled light was when I did the Routeburn Track this year. It’s amazing how carrying your luggage on your back for 30km keeps you in check. PN (DAVID HARTNELL, MNZM) F


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Annual Plan and projects update Whilst speculation on who may be contesting the upcoming local elections continues, and a declared local candidate is left to make stuff up with wild non-factual populist statements about others’ performances those currently responsible for the daily business of meeting community expectations of their local government at the local level continues. This last month the local board has been busy with 2016/17 Annual Plan consultations. Thanks to all those who attended several residents’ and business’ group co-hosted meetings over the last month. We are blessed with such active and engaged groups in our area. In 2016/17 we plan to invest $11 million to renew and develop assets in Waitemata and $23 million to maintain and operate these assets. We are also continuing our business as usual such as supporting local groups to run their activities through the events and grants programmes, funding arts and community development programmes and delivering local restoration and environmental projects. Last year’s supported projects proceed apace. Weona-Westmere Coastal Walkway, stage two, has now commenced, which includes the walkway infrastructure such as boardwalks, final path surfacing, interpretation and planting. Detailed design of stage two of the Myers Park redevelopment is now complete and the tender is due to go out shortly, with physical works now scheduled to occur in the second half of 2016, allowing the Pop Up Globe Theatre to complete its successful season. Consultation was recently completed on the proposed concept designs for the redeveloped Ellen Melville Centre community hub and upgraded Freyberg Square, with construction due to commence in August 2016. We have $4 million available for the Newmarket Laneways streetscape improvements project. Concept designs are currently being developed for three identified areas, Teed Street, Kent Street and York Street, and we will then be able to make an informed decision on which streetscape improvement can be undertaken within the available budget. We have allocated funding to complete the Greenways Route through Grey Lynn Park. This will align with a separate Auckland Transport project to connect to Cox’s Bay Reserve. We have also just recently undertaken consultation on a proposal to improve the pedestrian experience along Ponsonby Road; a priority action identified in the 2014 Ponsonby Road Plan. This year the local board has identified several priorities. Following the recent launch of Waitemata’s Low Carbon Action Plan we have allocated increased spend on low carbon initiatives, as well as looking at the feasibility of installing a photovoltaics system at Grey Lynn Community Centre to convert solar energy into direct current electricity. We are keen to leverage from existing renewal programmes in our local parks and open spaces. Last year we completed a number of park development plans, which has provided us with a very strong framework to identify the priority projects. Western

Shale Chambers pictured recently at the new Weona-Westmere Coastal Walkway that he has championed for four years Park’s paths, lighting and playground and the Grey Lynn Park southern playground are to be prioritised this year. The POP Programme created sensory garden at Studio One Toi Tu is proposed to have the creation of seating space and an entrance sign. Other changes that we are proposing include increasing the budget for the now annual Myers Park Medley event to allow us to deliver an even better community focussed event. The board is also proposing to deliver a new pathway through the Symonds Street Cemetery to connect K’Road to Grafton Cycleway, as well as completing the installation of new interpretation and wayfinding signage, and a maintenance budget to maintain headstones. We wish to investigate the feasibility of installation of a solar heating solution at Parnell Baths. This could possibly extend the pools, opening hours or make the start and end of the season more desirable to users. We also intend to continue supporting, with increased budget, community-led development and place making projects such as the work that is currently being undertaken to create an open space design at 254 Ponsonby Road and the development of a bicycle pump track at Grey Lynn Park. A key role of the local board is to advocate for initiatives that the local board may not have decision making responsibilities for. Some of the key areas for this area include the continued roll out of the Residential Parking Zone Scheme - with Ponsonby Road being next. In collaboration with Albert Eden and Puketapapa, we are to see one or more sites in the central area to provide drop-off locations for local residents, for a larger community recycling centre processing site to be located in Maungakiekie-Tamaki. Your feedback on these issues will be coming to the local board this month, with final decisions in June. As a local board we are very proud of progress being made for the community, and look forward to continuing to work with our local councillor, Mike Lee, in service to you this year. (SHALE CHAMBERS) F PN

The local board team on opening day this month at their new local board offices at 35 Swanson Street in the City Centre

14 PONSONBY NEWS+ April 2016

Contact me: shale.chambers@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz




LETTERS + EMAILS PONSONBY PARK @ 254 PONSONBY ROAD It is great to see the inclusion of a decent-sized open space to support the ongoing intensification that is happening in the Ponsonby area. The new park at the Liquor King site on Ponsonby Road will be a welcome asset. I hope that soon we will have our own local farmers market there - along with some restful spaces to relax and an area to let the kids unwind. The Wynyard Quarter parks have proved to be reliably popular and I have no doubt that the Ponsonby park will be so, too. Margaret Smith, Grey Lynn AUCKLAND PRIDE PARADE IN PONSONBY Dissension is not a word I readily associate with the annual Pride Parade these days which is a true reminder of just how far we have come in developing and celebrating diversity within this country. I was, therefore, disappointed to hear booing while attending the recent parade. Political agitation has its place but it should not raise its head at a festival designed to value inclusion. To the vocal few who were so vociferous in their opposition to the National Party representation within the parade, remember that there is a time and place for everything. I am no fan of the TPPA or the current governing party myself, but keep your discord away from a parade that enthusiastically supports the core values of acceptance and diversification. Your outbursts only made you look immature and cowardly. Angela Gibson, Ponsonby UPDATE ON THE OLD LITTLE GROCER SITE IN GREY LYNN For those wondering what’s happening with the old Little Grocer site on the corner of Peel Street and Richmond Road: the Environment Court Hearing on this will be held in the week of 7 June, immediately following Queen’s Birthday Weekend. The Grey Lynn and Westmere Residents’ Society Inc., our lawyers and experts are working closely with the council and their experts on preparing our respective cases against putting a 40-seater, licensed cafe on such a difficult corner site which is zoned Residential 1. In line with the decision made in August last year by three independent Commissioners who found against the cafe application, the Inc. Soc. is pleased, this time round, to be working with our council, rather than against it. For further information keep an eye on our website at: thisisyourcorner.wordpress.com Jess Fowler, by email “TOO BLOODY BIG FOR ITS BOOTS - AUCKLAND COUNCIL ARROGANCE SPARKS CITIZENS’ BACKLASH” I would like to congratulate Councillor Mike Lee for his insightful summary in the last Ponsonby News of the hysterical situation that has developed following councillors’ recent decision to reject extra intensification proposed in the Unitary Plan. According to various observers, this rejection will mean that there will be no intensification or affordable housing in Auckland, and intergenerational warfare has started. This is simplistic rhetoric by otherwise well-respected commentators. Generation Zero and others have been unfairly labelling community groups as ‘NIMBYs’, against intensification. All the 67 heritage and residents’ groups in the Character Coalition support intensification that’s considered design-focussed and done well.

254 PONSONBY ROAD - WHOLE OF SITE OPEN SPACE A public meeting was held on Wednesday 16 March to discuss the community-led design process for the whole of site open space at 254 Ponsonby Road. There was a lot of interest with approximately 45 people attending the information evening. The event was held at the Ponsonby Community Centre with the room smelling fragrantly of freshly cut herbs and flowers. The formalities started with a Power Point presentation outlining how the decision to develop the whole of site open space was reached. The chronology began at the turn of the century when a Boffa Miskell survey, commissioned by the then Auckland City Council, showed a lack of open space in the Ponsonby area. As a consequence, the site at 254 Ponsonby Road was purchased in 2006 to remedy this issue.

Chris Bailey

The Ponsonby Road Masterplan addressed, amongst other things, how the site might be developed. However, due to the amount of feedback specifically about the site, another, separate public submission process was conducted by the Waitemata Local Board. This process ran over an extended eight-week period and produced a clear result with the majority of submitters (77%) choosing the whole of site open space option. The Waitemata Local Board has endorsed this result and is funding the community-led design process. Chris Bailey then outlined how the community-led design process might be structured and function. It is a ‘from the grassroots up’ rather than the usual; ‘from the top down’ process. The analogy of ‘breathing in and breathing out’ information that flows back and forth, via the communication networks to and from the community, is apt. A question and answer session followed and then attendees were invited to sign up to be part of either the ‘Facilitation group’ or ‘Communication network’ - or both. The meeting concluded with refreshments, homemade scones and informal conversation about the community-led design process and the exciting possibilities ahead. People who were not at the meeting and are interested in being part of the whole of site open space, community-led design process can register their interest at PN E: info@254Ponsonbyrd.org F

Intensification is a given - it was decided by the whole community in the Auckland Plan and will happen. The Unitary Plan, as notified in September 2013, provided for significant intensification over present zonings. What was rejected was only some extra intensification, which was added without informing the residents concerned. The rejection by councillors was the result of the lack of democratic process and natural justice, and I, for one, am grateful for Mike Lee’s championing of democratic rights. The current notified plan allows for sufficient intensification to at least 2026 - this is agreed by all parties. Surely in the next 10 years council can propose a plan change for extra intensification democratically? Both Simon Wilson in Metro magazine and Bernard Orsman of the NZ Herald correctly identified the issue as poor council planning and consultation. Auckland’s housing issues are far more complex than one council decision, and arguably are more affected by central government and international forces. Helen Geary, St Mary’s Bay

16 PONSONBY NEWS+ April 2016

Public meeting attendees watch the PowerPoint presentation PUBLISHED FIRST FRIDAY EACH MONTH (except January)



Raising achievement in Auckland schools In my role as Associate Minister of Education, I am responsible for overseeing the Ministry’s Education Infrastructure Service, and I regularly make visits to schools all over the country. Auckland Central has benefited from a range of projects. Last month, I officially opened a $1.3 million redevelopment of Mulberry Grove School on Great Barrier Island. The redevelopment gives the school and the local community fantastic new facilities. This is about ensuring we have the best possible environments for teaching and learning. Mulberry Grove School is also an important community hub. As well as providing new, flexible learning spaces to create a more innovative learning environment, the new facilities will be used by the local community. In small or remote areas such as Great Barrier Island, school infrastructure is an integral part of the local community. Part of ensuring every child gets the best possible education is providing modern learning environments. The Government has invested more than $4 billion in school property maintenance, growth and modernisation over the past seven years - more than a 30 per cent increase on the previous seven years. We have invested more than an additional $1.3 billion more to upgrade old school buildings, fix weather tightness issues and future-proof for growth in many communities. Within the Auckland Central electorate alone, the $12 million development at Bayfield School was completed last year and the $13 million redevelopment at Freemans Bay School is now underway. Right across the electorate we have had new classrooms and buildings added to schools. We have an accelerated investment in Auckland schools worth hundreds of millions to ensure we are getting ahead of growth. Last year we also announced the largest-ever school investment in New Zealand with the Government set to invest around $75 million redeveloping Auckland’s Western Springs College, a nearby school that caters to students within the Auckland Central electorate.

That’s why we have invested a $359 million education initiative in Communities of Learning. These communities involve groups of schools working together to improve educational outcomes. In Auckland Central we have two Communities of Learning - the Waiheke Community of Learning and the Auckland Central Catholic Community of Learning. Children benefit from shared teaching practices and expertise, with teachers working alongside each other on goals to help improve outcomes in the classroom. There are Communities of Learning now working together across every region in the country with students from primary, secondary, intermediate and area schools. There are 96 communities involving 793 schools and more than 250,000 children. We are working hard to ensure all New Zealand children have the resources and support they need to engage in learning and succeed. This wouldn’t be possible without our dedicated teachers, our school leaders and parents. Provisional 2015 NCEA data shows student achievement is continuing to rise in our schools. Since 2008 there has been a 15% increase in NCEA Level 2 achievement, which reached 75.8% in 2015. In difficult financial times each year for the past seven years we have increased the education budget to more than $10 billion. While all the results across the board are good, we will not be satisfied until every young New Zealander is achieving the education PN they need to reach their full potential. (NIKKI KAYE) F Hon Nikki Kaye is the MP for Auckland Central. www.nikkikaye.co.nz

The Government has also invested in and rolled out fibre connections to 90 per cent of schools so far, connecting them to the Network for Learning. The network provides fast, reliable internet complete with uncapped data, web filtering and network security services. The remaining 10 per cent of schools will be able to connect this year. The project is running a year ahead of schedule. We are leading the world in school connectivity. This is about harnessing the latest technology to deliver the best learning opportunities for New Zealand children. Better internet access and connectivity with the world will prepare students for living and working in the modern world. It is also about improving equity and ensuring those young people who traditionally may not have had access to learning and teaching resources get the support they need. We are also focusing on improving educational achievement across the whole schooling system to ensure every child has the opportunity to succeed. We want children to be able to engage in learning that meets their needs. We want to make sure they’re getting the best education they can from early childhood through to tertiary. We want to see greater collaboration between schools and improved transition through the different levels of education. We also want better career pathways for teachers.

18 PONSONBY NEWS+ April 2016


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Early phones in Ponsonby Talk about a trip down memory lane! Most young people would have no idea about ‘party lines’, or ‘bureaux’ in relation to telephones. They would probably never have heard of manual phones being rung by turning a handle for short or long rings. Those on party lines had to listen carefully for their call which may have been ‘long-short-long’ or ‘short-short-long’, etc. It was often said that nosy people listened in to others on their party lines and knew all the local gossip. I had a fascinating hour or more with an old telephone technician, Don Guthrie, a sprightly 83 year old who now volunteers at MOTAT in the tele -communications workshop. Don Guthrie was born in Westmere, and began work in 1949 in Wellesley Street at the Auckland Central Exchange where all juniors received an introduction to the work of a technician before transferring to an exchange closer to home. So it was at the Ponsonby Automatic Exchange that Don’s work really began, even though he says as a junior he did all the menial tasks like tea making, buying the lunches and running errands. He worked out of Ponsonby Exchange for a year, and says he was also “taught a little about how an exchange worked”. Some of the Ponsonby staff at that time may be remembered by older folk, or their families. The Supervising Technician was Frank (Mac) McDermott. Technicians Trevor Simpson and Shorty Grey, lived in Ponsonby. Albie Bates was a respected sporting masseur and Les Dewhurst was an Englishman who also taught music and played the organ at a local church. The Ponsonby Exchange equipment from 1925 to the early 1960s was Western Electric made in Belgium. Don showed me two other types: The Swedish Erickson and 2000 type Step by Step. All three are on display at MOTAT. It was easy to get lost in the clear but complicated descriptions of how those machines worked. The earliest automatic exchange in Auckland was in Fort Street in the early 1920s and was a pre-2000 Strowger of about 500 lines. The main display is a Western Electric rotary exchange. The rotary system is indirectcalling technology where the pulses from a telephone dial are loaded into a register. School groups are told it is a computer which in some ways is correct because it is the register that determines the setting of the selectors to connect the calling subscriber to the called subscriber. Got that? In the 1950s a direct-dialling type of equipment was introduced to New Zealand called 2000 type Step by Step and with this system the exchange selectors were under control of the person calling from the telephone. This system was installed in Ponsonby and survived until digital was installed in the 1980s. Don Guthrie pointed out a Step by Step PABX system (private automatic branch exchange) with a much smaller system in the middle of it to show a size comparison with the new digital system; diminished in size amazingly, and even more in the last 20 years.

20 PONSONBY NEWS+ April 2016

L to R: Don Guthrie, pictured today (left) and (right) as a young technician in Remuera exchange in the 1960s. Before digital was introduced electro-mechanical exchanges were very labour intensive. Fifty-five automatic exchanges from Papatoetoe to Wellsford employed over 600 technical staff. As well, Don told me, unions kept computers out of exchanges as long as they could so all the fault, maintenance and management detail was written on time -consuming paper records. It was surprising to learn that although the telephone was only invented in 1876, the first New Zealand exchange was set up in 1880. One fascinating fact which Don explained was the 111 dialling system. Overseas, people dial 999 for emergency services. Don said New Zealand was one of the few countries to have a 0, 1-9 clockwise dialling system, rather than a 0, 9-1 system. The reason was non-technical and was believed to be some sort of copyright requirement. Whether 111 or 999 is used for emergency calling, it is always nine impulses from the dial for each number. The reason was that when a large number of overhead lines were on open aerial they could bump together in the wind. Don Guthrie retired in 1991 as a divisional manager for Telecom. He had previously spent 10 years as an inspector of exchanges travelling from Te Kao in the far north to Taumarunui. The last manual exchange in New Zealand was in Maungakaramea in Northland until 1998. My wife’s grandfather lived in Maungakaramea, and he used to complain a bit that his ‘bureau’ costs were too high. That word ‘bureau’ comes from the name of the office where people had to go to make overseas calls in earlier times. We’ve come a long way from turning a handle, long-short-long, but the veteran phone man, Don Guthrie, has kept up to date and probably should write a book to tell his very interesting story. (JOHN ELLIOTT) F PN MOTAT welcomes visitors. The communications section, manned by volunteers, is open every Tuesday. www.motat.org.nz


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The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied





19 Collingwood Street Three lots near Collingwood and Heke Streets were part of a large suburban residential subdivision under an 1859 Crown land grant. After they changed hands several times, a French polisher, Edward Drinkwater, purchased all three in 1874. Several years passed before Drinkwater erected a timber house at 19 Collingwood Street that was financed by a £250 mortgage taken out in 1879. Construction was completed by the beginning of 1880 and Drinkwater at that time owned the most expensive house in the street, in fact it was rated at being twice the value of adjoining buildings. He also rebuilt an older brick building in timber that was probably on number 17 Collingwood Street which was rented out. This development coincided with Auckland’s recovery from the colony’s economic crisis and a spate of house building on fringe suburbs such as Freemans Bay and Ponsonby. The house is an example of a mid-colonial era, single bay villa which is a design that was common among artisans and an aspiring middle class. The residences were easily constructed from plenty of available timber and mass-produced joinery. They generally followed plans in timber company catalogues that bore some resemblance to the more elaborate designs in ‘Cottages for Settlers’ in Brett’s Colonists’ Guide published in 1883. The manufactured bay window on the Collingwood Street house was a popular feature lending elegance to otherwise plain residences. The arrival of steam-powered wood -working machines in the colony ensured that mantelpieces, doors, sashes, mouldings and Gothic tracery were cheaper than handmade. Viewed from the street, the Drinkwater house appeared to be single storied but the sloping site allowed for additional rooms on a lower ground floor. Although the house followed the trend for a prominent picturesque gable with Gothic-style timber fretwork and a hipped roof, the lower story negated the need for an attic. The two broad, red-brick chimneys with cream-coloured bricks on the corners demonstrated an emerging fashion for ornamental chimney design. This mixture of styles was common from the 1860s until the end of the century. Internally the house had three or maybe four bedrooms and a front parlour on the upper story. The fireplaces were arranged back to back in the two front rooms and the pattern was repeated on the ground floor. A simple staircase

led to the less formal lower floor which was the heart of family life and domestic activity. A large living room overlooked the back garden behind which was a large wash-house with a storage area for wood and coal. The front room on the north side accommodated the kitchen and an internal workshop. Drinkwater appears not to have operated his business from Collingwood Street but probably preferred to work for furniture makers till 1909 when Drinkwater and Sons ran a French polishing business at 87 Albert Street. The family continued to reside in the house for more than two decades during which time ornamental tree specimens including camellia and magnolia were planted near the back verandah. The house was mortgage free by the end of 1884. In 1903 Drinkwater sold it to a Roman Catholic Priest, James Francis Patterson, who continued to live in his Takapuna house and rented out the Freemans Bay dwelling. After his death, Patterson’s housekeeper inherited the property and sold it shortly after to a fireman’s wife for £1000. The sale advertisement described it as a “six-roomed, 2-storey at back, all large rooms, and exceptionally large back balcony, fireplaces in practically every room, gas throughout, range, etc, wash -house copper and tubs under one roof”. The house at 19 Collingwood Street has architectural value as an example of a characteristic single-bay villa that preceded the more ornate double-bay villas that became popular later. It has social value as a residence belonging to a financially successful artisan. Historically, it reflects the timber industry’s mass production importance that contributed to the uniformity of local urban streetscapes. (DEIRDRE ROELANTS) F PN

PONSONBY U3A: MARCH 2016 Herne Bay resident Andy Stenton, a journalist for 40 years, covered some of the world’s major conflicts in Iraq, Bosnia, Kosovo and Northern Ireland, was guest speaker at the Ponsonby U3A March meeting. Filing reports for newspapers, radio, television and Reuters news agency, he witnessed many horrific and harrowing scenes, but said that he was also humbled by the generosity and spirit displayed by people in the most desperate and devastating circumstances. He talked about some of his personal experiences as a reporter in foreign parts and related stories of some of the extraordinary people he met. His first overseas posting was to Baghdad in 1990. On arrival he was immediately struck by the huge billboards showing Saddam Hussein as a family man and as a military man. Andy Stenton “He wanted to be regarded as King of the Arabs,” Andy said. “No-one knew who his father was. He was given his first gun at the age of 10 and grew up a bully and a thug, which went on throughout his life. He had no problem getting rid of family and friends.” Andy was in Baghdad the night war began and recorded the event for a major newspaper and for broadcast around the world. He said that Northern Ireland was even more frightening than some of the other places he worked and recounted a strange lead-up to an interview with Jerry Adams. U3A member Vicky Carr, third daughter of artists Colin and Anne McCahon (Hamblett) was the 10-minute speaker. She talked about her mother’s life as a painter and wife. A daughter of Archdeacon Hamblett from Dunedin, Anne was a promising young artist who gained prizes and scholarships during her time at Dunedin Art School where she met Colin McCahon. “She became an acclaimed artist in her own right, but subsumed her life to supporting Colin - and said she didn’t regret it,” said Vicky. “After many years we are now focussing on her life and an exhibition of her work

22 PONSONBY NEWS+ April 2016

is planned to be shown at the McCahon House Museum in Titirangi in November.” U3A president Annie Webster (wife of the aforementioned Andy Stenton) has recently returned from Melbourne where she attended a meeting of the U3A Online Management Committee. “What a great experience. I have come back hugely enthusiastic about the possibilities the service offers Kiwis - those who already belong to local earthbound U3As and those who are unable to attend meetings. I’ve been proselytising about it ever since.”

Vicky Carr

U3A Online is a world-first virtual U3A aimed at U3A members around the world, including those who may be isolated by disability, social or geographical circumstances. It allows participants to access a growing list of courses on an ever expanding range of topics, to study independently or with a course leader. Auckland Deputy Mayor Penny Hulse will be the guest speaker at the April meeting, which will be held at the Herne Bay Petanque Club while building activity takes place at the usual venue, the Leys Institute. The 10-minute speaker will be U3A member Maggie Whale - “Living in China”. (PHILIPPA TAIT) F PN NEXT MEETING: ENQUIRIES:

9.45am, Friday 8 April, Herne Bay Petanque Club, Salisbury Street Reserve, Herne Bay. Annie Webster, President Ponsonby U3A. T: 09 376 2902, www.u3aponsonby.co.nz PUBLISHED FIRST FRIDAY EACH MONTH (except January)


Thinking of leaving Auckland? Buy a beautiful, large country house sited on 15.76ha of land in a premium riverside location. 182 Hooker Road, Tamahere, Waikato The estate is in an area with an international reputation for its thoroughbred studs and premium lifestyle properties. Set within the lush acreage is a 790m² manor. Designed by one of New Zealand’s leading architects, this elegant residence blends contemporary style. ,QWHULRUV UHYHDO DQ LPSUHVVLYH OD\RXW RI VSDFHV WKDW UHĂ HFW WKH SDWWHUQV RI VRSKLVWLFDWHG OLYLQJ )URP WKH LPSRVLQJ HQWUDQFH WR HLJKW VSDFLRXV EHGURRPV DQG LPSUHVVLYH RIĂ€FH suite. There are six bathrooms in total, including ensuites. The home features rich SDUTXHW Ă RRULQJ DQG 2DPDUX ZKLWHVWRQH Ă€UHSODFHV /RFDWHG RYHU WKH WKUHH ED\ JDUDJHV is a self-contained loft apartment. The outdoors includes an in-ground pool and large all-weather dining and entertainment area overlooking groomed country gardens.

Great value, compared to Auckland. For Sale NZ$3,900,000 + GST (if any) www.bayleys.co.nz/88547

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RACHAEL TE AOTONGA: LEYS INSTITUTE LIBRARY NEWS Your local library, the precious Leys Institute, will be out of action for the month. The closure is due to the fact that the building requires seismic strengthening work on the upper floor in the lecture hall. As the building has heritage status, the builders will be carefully deconstructing the brick wall behind the stage brick-by-brick, and replacing it with a ply wall. The library will be closed while construction work is going on to ensure the safety and comfort of customers. During this time the overnight returns slot will be closed so please return items to other libraries. Please use this opportunity to visit our neighbouring libraries including Central City Library, Grey Lynn, Mt Albert and Point Chevalier, which will be open as usual for all services. You might see some of the Leys staff around and about, do say a friendly hello! Closure dates are from Tuesday 29 March until Tuesday 26 April. We will reopen again on Wednesday 27 April. We apologise for any inconvenience caused during this closure period and look forward to seeing you at the library again soon. (RACHAEL TE AOTONGA) F PN LEYS INSTITUTE, 20 St Marys Road, T: 09 374 1315, www.aucklandlibraries.govt.nz

POTS OF PONSONBY CERAMIC SALE @ PONSONBY COMMUNITY CENTRE Just in time for Mother’s Day, Kadimah School is running a one day ceramic sale at Ponsonby Community Centre, 20 Ponsonby Terrace, on Sunday 1 May from 9am to 3pm. The school is fortunate to have a number of leading potters amongst its parents, and they have invited friends and fellow makers to join them for this one-day exhibition to raise funds for improving the school’s play area. Gidon Bing’s ceramics, designed and produced from his modest Auckland boatshed, are sold and collected worldwide and have featured in London’s Selfridges and Milan’s Salone del Mobile. His work spans the spectrum of the beautiful and useful, ranging from elegant wasp-waisted vases to lemon squeezers. Fellow Kadimah parent, Nadine Spalter’s hand-thrown bowls and vases are distinguished by brilliant use of colour and sensitivity to the material properties of clay. Many of her fine-sided vessels cleverly contrast interior and exterior glazing. A good number of artists’ works included in the sale are well known in Ponsonby. As part of ‘The Great Mugging’ event at last year’s Artweek, members of Auckland Studio Potters (ASP), accosted Ponsonby Road cafe patrons outside their favourite establishments and gifted them handmade mugs. Many locals will have been happily ‘mugged’ by ASP potters such as Nadine, Suzy Dunser, Duncan Shearer and Renton Murray. Renton is a long-time teacher at the ASP, and the domestic ware he and his wife, Rosie, make at their Hillside Pottery in Oratia, was a staple of Pots of Ponsonby, the shop that occupied a spot on the strip for 27 years. All of these characters will have work in the Kadimah

sale, as will Ponsonby resident Sarah Guppy who is known for charmingly decorated bowls and objects that she produces from her home. Another local whose pots will be on show is Kirsten Dryburgh of Dryburgh Pottery Studios, Grey Lynn. Kirsten was recently commissioned to produce a whole cafe worth of plates for Kokako on the Great North Road, Williamson Avenue corner. Perhaps you have eaten off them already? The Kadimah sale brings together a who’s who of Auckland potters and ceramics for every occasion; from everyday items to special pieces, production ware to handmade vessels, brown wood-fired pottery to sophisticated pots for the minimalist apartment. Something for everyone - and if the pots don’t tickle your fancy, you can always browse the hand-picked selection of wonderful books from AUP, Beatnik and other publishers. Special back-catalogue items will also be available including some of the last known copies of the Menorah Cookbook, a fascinating trip into culinary history produced by Auckland’s Jewish community back in 1967. Coffee from Craig Miller’s Cross Street Roastery will be served along with Tea Total teas. As befitting a Kadimah sale, there will be plenty to eat, in particular the most delicious homemade, kosher and gluten-free baking. Kids are welcome - they can make their own PN Mother’s Day card while you enjoy the pots and books. See you there! F For more information please contact: Anna Miles on M: 021 471 047, E: am@annamilesgallery.com

Ceramics by Nadine Spalter (yellow dish) & Gidon Bing (vase & lemon squeezer)

24 PONSONBY NEWS+ April 2016




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The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied





Parnell Station - long time coming Good things in politics never come easy and unfortunately the converse also is true. Nothing illustrates this maxim better than the protracted saga of the Parnell station. First proposed by ARTA transport planners in 2005, it suddenly assumed political sensitivity with plans to build a major new station at Newmarket. Ontrack and ARTA (predecessors of KiwiRail and Auckland Transport) argued they first needed to demolish the splendid old Newmarket Station building. Auckland Regional Councillors objected to that.

In March 2015 work finally began on building the two platforms, access road and turnaround and a new underpass to the Auckland Domain and Auckland Museum. This has been completed, and KiwiRail, after some argey-bargey, have relocated the Cullen funding to restore the station building in storage these last seven years at Swanson

Built in 1908 and designed by the architect George Troup (who designed the famous Dunedin Station) it was only one of five historic station buildings still on site on the Auckland network. In other words, it was a heritage building. So we opposed its demolition and sought ways to integrate it into the new station complex. Early in 2006, I received a series of briefings on the Newmarket project from the CEO of Ontrack, William Peet. The problem with keeping the old station building in situ, as he explained, was the lack of room for the extra track (three tracks instead of two) needed to enhance network resilience.

But late in 2015 Auckland Transport management advised that the opening of the Parnell Station to services would be postponed indefinitely until the building of a road bridge at Cowie Street - to replace the Sarawia Street level crossing near Newmarket. The overbridge is hotly disputed by local residents who, backed by engineers, have proposed instead a more inexpensive, less environmentally intrusive underpass. This dispute is going to the Environment Court and is another story. Auckland Transport’s position seems to many Parnell people suspiciously like holding the whole Parnell community to ransom for technically dubious reasons. I have challenged management over this and AT is now reconsidering its position.

Early in March 2006, as the chairman of the ARC, I attended parliament’s select committee on Transport and Labour Relations dealing with a petition from Campaign for Better Transport calling for restoration of rail services to Onehunga. I presented along with the chairs of Ontrack and the chair of ARTA; the three of us side-by-side. The only trouble was my submission, which strongly supported restoring Onehunga services, was at odds with those of my two colleagues. This rather bemused the MPs. At that point the chair of ARTA (Brian Roche now CEO of NZ Post), living up to his reputation as a problem-fixer, suggested that the three chairs ‘go away and talk about it.’ This we did.

Meanwhile, KiwiRail intends to have the heritage station building on site and restored before the end of the year. The Waitemata Local Board has offered to contribute funding for a pedestrian access via a Carlaw Park link to the Auckland University. Parnell Station, when it opens, is predicted to be the fourth busiest on the network. ‘When’ being the operative word. The local business association, Parnell Inc, and the Parnell Community Committee, fed up with continual delays, are fully engaged. The battle is not yet over but be in no doubt we are going to win. It goes to prove the point - good things in politics never come easy. (MIKE LEE) F PN

The discussions were held in the splendid art deco boardroom of the Wellington Railway Station. There William Peet made a proposal. Ontrack would recommission the Onehunga Branch Line provided the ARC lift its objections to the removal of the Newmarket Station building. I agreed but added a condition that the station building be preserved and relocated to a suitable nearby site, ie, the historic Waipapa Valley in Parnell. This was agreed. Peet was as good as his word. In late March, a press release from the office of the Deputy PM, Michael Cullen announced provision in the forthcoming budget of $9 million for rebuilding the Onehunga Branch Line and $5 million for the storage and relocation of the Newmarket Station building.

Mike Lee is the Councillor for the Waitemata and Gulf Ward and the council-appointed chair of the SMART (Southwestern Multi-modal Airport Rapid Transit) Stakeholders Steering Group. www.mikelee.co.nz

Construction then got underway and the brand new Newmarket Station complex was opened in January 2010. For its part the Onehunga Branch Line was reopened before a massive crowd in September 2010. Onehunga services have proved to be very popular, with well over one million trips per year, far exceeding projections. Then in November 2010, after Ontrack was reorganised into KiwiRail, the ARC disappeared and Auckland Transport became the new mega transport agency in Auckland. Despite these changes, late in 2011 enabling work started on lowering the track gradient at Parnell. Despite this being completed in 2012, and a strong business case, Auckland Transport management have postponed completing and opening the station from 2013, 2014, 2015, then 2016.

26 PONSONBY NEWS+ April 2016




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PPONSONBY O SO ON SONB NBYY NE NEWS W + Ap April Apri rill 20 22016 1166



OYSTER PURCHASES ICONIC PONSONBY CIDER BUILDING An Auckland landmark property has been acquired by leading New Zealand commercial property company, Oyster Group. Oyster has unconditionally contracted to purchase the prominent Cider building on the corner of Williamson Avenue and Pollen Street. The high-profile property is due for completion in the next couple of months and is a 13,200 sq m, mixed use retail and office development. Oyster is purchasing the property at a yield of 6.74%, equating to a purchase price of approximately $93 million, and settlement is due in June this year. The property is being developed by Progressive Enterprises and will encompass a new 4000 sq m Countdown Supermarket on a 20-year lease, 8000 sq m of office across three floors, 11 specialty retail tenancies over 900 sq m along Williamson Avenue and Pollen Street and around 520 onsite basement carparks. Cider will be 100% leased to General Distributors Limited (Countdown), Fairfax NZ Limited (on a 12-year lease) and convenience retail. This site is unique as one of Auckland’s first real mixed use developments. The neighbouring Vinegar Lane (a tribute to the old DYC vinegar factory which once stood on the site), will not be owned by Oyster but is part of the greater development accommodating a range of occupiers including architects, designers and engineers. It houses high-quality apartments on the top floor. Adrian Walker, Progressive Enterprises’ General Manager of Property, said the sale of the distinctive mixed use site is a great result for the business. “From the outset, we knew this development would be an attractive offering for buyers given its great location and potential for future growth. “We are not long-term property holders and would prefer to lease sites we have developed for our own supermarket use. The sale and lease of this property will allow us to generate capital which we can then reinvest in growing our business.” Jonathan Ogg, Senior Director of Capital Markets at CBRE who brokered the Cider sale, says the sale of Cider is the largest city fringe transaction for many years in an area which is demonstrating exceptional growth. “The Ponsonby market is extremely buoyant at present, with demand for all property types coming from a range of sources. “The number of apartments in Ponsonby and its neighbouring suburbs is currently over 1200 and over the next few years the supply pipeline indicates this will increase by a further 25%. This growth underpins the relevance of Cider as a trophy asset with strong yield potential, as well as the retail and office markets going forward.”

28 PONSONBY NEWS+ April 2016

Mark Schiele, Oyster’s chief executive officer, says the purchase is significant for the company and the multi investor ownership structure will ultimately be the largest which Oyster has created. A total of 50 interests of $1,000,000 each will be made available to wholesale investors only, with a projected pre -tax return of 7.5% per annum. An Information Memorandum will be available to interested investors from April, with shares offered for sale in conjunction with Colliers International. “Cider is an outstanding mixed use development which has been extremely well executed by Progressive Mark Schiele Enterprises in terms of its design fit in the Ponsonby area. As a ground-breaking development project in Auckland, it made good commercial sense for Oyster to acquire the property and to create an investment structure for it.” Schiele says property ownership structured for wholesale investors continues to be an important part of Oyster’s NZ$800 million property and funds management business, alongside public syndication offers, the company’s recently announced Oyster Direct Property Fund, and management mandates from institutional and private property owners. The fund will offer investors diversified exposure to $240 million in quality New Zealand commercial property across the retail, office and industrial property sectors, for a minimum investment of $10,000. Oyster was also recently notified that it is one of the first in the commercial property industry to be granted a Managed Investment Scheme (MIS) licence by the Financial Markets Authority. Schiele says the requirement for all managers of investment products to be licensed will lift industry standards and improve confidence in markets and outcomes for consumers and investors alike. “This is a major step up in the regulation of the financial markets. The hurdle to licencing is set high and will weed out those operators who don’t have the skills, staff and robust processes required to be a licensed manager. Ultimately, this can only increase the PN quality of the managers which remain.” F


APRIL 2016


Countdown Ponsonby This update provides Ponsonby News readers with the latest information about what’s happening at the new Countdown Ponsonby site. Since our last update in December there’s been a lot of activity on site and progress is becoming more and more visible. It’s an exciting time as the Cider Building nears completion with the supermarket on track to open in May.

Vinegar Lane

Cider Building The last concrete pour has been completed and the tower crane removed as the :`[\i 9l`c[`e^ dfm\j `ekf `kj ÊeXc jkX^\j% Construction of the roof has started along with the retail shopfront windows and k_\ :flek[fne jlg\idXib\k Êk$flk% K_\ bottom three levels of car parking have been completed and the retail tenants, including anchor tenant Fairfax, are Zfdgc\k`e^ k_\`i [\j`^ej i\X[p ]fi Êk$flk work to begin this month.

Retail tenancies for lease There are still some retail tenancies available for lease. If you’re interested in trading from this unique location, or know someone who might be, please contact Brady Nixon, our Development Manager, on 027 889 3164. Vinegar Lane is really taking shape. Eleven sites are now under construction with a further three about to start. The buildings at 1 Vinegar Lane and 5 Crummer Road have now been completed, creating the gateway to the development. Both are tenanted and one is home to Roost cafe, which has fast become a meeting point for the Vinegar Lane community.

External works In November we advised that external works kf `dgifm\ kiXîZ Ëfn _X[ Zfdd\eZ\[% K_\j\ n`cc j\\ k_\ `ejkXccXk`fe f] kiXîZ c`^_kj at the intersection of Williamson Ave and Pollen Street, and substantial widening of the road in this location. In addition, the top end f] Ifj\ IfX[ n`cc Y\ klie\[ `ekf X Zlc$[\$jXZ Xe[ Zcfj\[ kf k_ifl^_ kiXîZ%

These works are continuing; the new footpath on Williamson Ave is due to be completed within the next month followed Yp k_\ e\n kiXîZ c`^_kj%

Comments or questions If you would like to discuss any aspect of this project please contact David Lippard, Project Director on 021 727 254 or david@integratedpm.co.nz. You can also contact Project Manager Ifjj ;loÊ\c[ fe ')( +)( '+,# ;\m\cfgd\ek Manager Brady Nixon on 027 889 3164, or pop into the site office at 54 Ponsonby Road.

The Cider Building, by the numbers:

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied

• 9,500 cubic metres of concrete poured • 1,500 pre-cast wall panels installed • 300,000 hours of contractors’ time so far, with an estimated additional 130,000 hours required to complete the job )'#''' kfee\j f] gi\$ZXjk Ëffi gXe\cj `ejkXcc\[% DEADLINE - 20TH OF THE MONTH




The future for dairy, and all of us If you believe, like me, that New Zealand needs to manage our important strategic asset - our land - with the greatest of care, then what is happening to our struggling dairy industry should worry you. Many farmers are heading into their third loss-making season in a row. Many are deep in debt and most won’t have paid themselves for some time. This will be potentially the last straw for some. Suzi Carson - Four Winds Yoga Founder (stretching in Freda Stark Hall) Meanwhile sharp-eyed overseas investors are looking for a bargain. No one wants that. There’s no point in seeing good farmers on efficient farms walking off the land and that land being snapped up by off-shore interests.. Some estimates put the number of dairy farmers in trouble at up to 25% of dairy farmers. John Key puts it at 10%. Even at 10% - that’s 1200 farms, 800 of which would be family farms, and an area equivalent to 175,000 hectares. That’s larger than Auckland and Christchurch combined and seven times the 26,000 hectares sold into foreign ownership last year. If we don’t want wholesale sell off of our rural land overseas, then the Government needs to step up. To date, the Government’s attitude has been ‘that’s life’. But we’re talking about families who have worked the land for generations, and took on more debt to expand when the Government told them to. It’s not good enough for National to turn their back and let family farms be swallowed up by overseas buyers when times get tough, especially when this is a problem they helped create. It’s not just those hundreds of Kiwi families, but all of us, who pay the price if that happens. This isn’t about banks losing capital or about letting farmers off the hook and not repaying loans. It’s about getting through the current situation. The dairy industry’s woes have a real impact on the rest of the economy, from rural areas through to Central Auckland. It’s the very reason Labour is calling for Fonterra, Federated Farmers, Government officials, banking reps, and retailers to come together until there’s an agreed action plan to address this short-term problem. In the long term we need to get the economy on a different footing so that the next global oversupply doesn’t cause the same problems. Right now our economy is highly reliant on one company (Fonterra) selling one product (milk powder) to one country (China). That’s not a recipe for success. It’s about being complementary, so we’re not so reliant on dairy prices to sustain living standards. We need an economy that is diversified and supports innovative, new industries that can pay a high wage and create good opportunities. What we need most of all now is to get our economy humming and jobs growing and to keep control of our strategic assets. Anything less is selling off all of our futures. PN (JACINDA ARDERN) F JACINDA ARDERN, Labour List MP based in Auckland Central. www.jacinda.co.nz

PONSONBY COMMUNITY CENTRE NEWS Ponsy Kids Preschool • 20 ECE funded hours. • New session times developed to meet the needs of our community. What is over Our Fence? We are so lucky here at Ponsy Kids to have Tole Street Park as our neighbour. The children often stand at the fence looking down to the park to see what is happening. We often watch the ride-on mowers, the dogs and the action in the skate bowl. However, the best thing of all is to be up close with native birds and insects. We can look up to the trees and see kereru and tui eating the berries. We love to hear them sing and watch the way the branches swing up and down when the great kereru land in the tree. We drilled holes in our sandpit poles and now have a number of weta’s living in them. It is fascinating to get a close up look with our magnifying glasses of the weta’s as they sleep during the day. These experiences here at Ponsy Kids provide many valuable teaching and learning opportunities. Ponsy Kids T: 09 376 0896; E: julie@ponsonbycommunity.org.nz PONSONBY COMMUNITY CENTRE PROGRAMMES: The first term has been busy at Ponsonby Community Centre with new classes such as children’s music lessons run by Rudd School of Rock, and Young at Art introducing an art class for intermediate-aged children, plus demand for weekend spaces for children’s birthday parties and small group workshops to top it off. During the week time we have 90 classes running weekly during term time at our facilities. Four Winds Yoga - Celebrating 20 Years Four Winds Yoga celebrates 20 years this year at Ponsonby Community Centre. Suzi Carson started here in February 1996 and has seen the classes grow from 2 to 17 classes over the years, plus workshops and training yoga teachers as part of her programme. The programme was originally called Ponsonby Yoga to start off with and changed its name to Four Winds when her husband Paul Groom came on board to help run the yoga classes. The yoga classes are popular and well-attended. Well done to Suzi and Paul for achieving this milestone and all those who have contributed over the years. April School Holiday Programmes We have Gym Kids Gymnastics at Leys Institute Gymnasium Hall and Young At Art based at Ponsonby Community Centre providing School Holiday programmes for your children in April. The School Holiday programmes provide a great opportunity for children to meet new friends and learn new crafts and activities. Be in quick to enroll as spaces fill quickly. For Gym Kids, E: Tania, admin@gymkids.co.nz and Young At Art, E: Anna - anna@youngatart.co.nz Heading into Term 2 - in May we have some new classes starting up, check out our PN Facebook page or website for updated information. F For more information please T: 09 378 1752, E: info@ponsonbycommunity.org.nz, www.ponsonbycommunity.org.nz Facebook: Ponsonby Community Centre

30 PONSONBY NEWS+ April 2016


D N ! A L E R K B C I U F A AS H Spark Business Auckland has great Fibre plans – the perfect choice for businesses with high usage or a need for high speeds. REACH MORE CUSTOMERS WORK SMARTER PROTECT YOUR BUSINESS FUTURE-PROOF YOUR PLANS

0800 248 942 info@hubauckland.co.nz WE’LL COME TO YOU.


Kelmarna Gardens Autumn Festival Those of us who attended the lovely Spring Festival at Kelmarna Organic Gardens are in for another treat. On 24 April from 11am until 4pm, the gardens will be alive with stalls, music, food, workshops, kidszone, raffles, a barbecue by the wonderful Orphans Kitchen and much more. Although Kelmarna has a paid manager, the personable and compassionate Adrian Roche, it survives on volunteer support and finance. They always need more community help, and they offer education, companionship and the experience of working with nature. Chair Mary Paul, on behalf of the Kelmarna Trust, welcomes visitors and helpers any time. Call in 8.30am to 4.30pm any weekday. The trust has embarked on a longer-term strategic plan to look for sponsorship, funding and membership. They are also planning a redesign of the gardens and invite ideas and participation. Kelmarna has been struggling since the Framework Trust pulled the plug on funding mental health patients who benefited greatly from the therapeutic gardening experience available at Kelmarna. Although the lease of the land from the Auckland Council is secure, a new source of funding is desperately needed. However, fortunately the gardens continue to support the mental health community. Around 15 gardeners, who came when Framework managed the gardens, continue to volunteer at Kelmarna. This therapeutic aspect of the gardens is an intrinsic part of Kelmarna. Emerge Aotearoa, another mental health provider, has taken over a plot and its crew comes every week. The other aspects of health the gardens are there to promote are healthy environments and human physical health. Three classes from Bayfield Primary come every Friday to garden. They learn how to make compost, save and sow seeds, propagate plants, weed, grow edible flowers and make pesto. When Ponsonby News visited last month a group of strapping young rugby stars was digging away helping to clear space for more planting. The accompanying photo shows

32 PONSONBY NEWS+ April 2016

Kelmarna Gardens Manager Adrian Roche with Romero Tagi and Pryor Collier of the Auckland Rugby Academy two of those young men with manager Adrian Roche. One of them had a surname that made me prick up my ears - Pryor. Was he named after the very good Auckland rep prop of yesteryear, Albie Pryor? Yes he was. Albie Pryor was his grandfather. This group of Auckland Rugby Academy young guys, managed by Ben Meyer, was doing some community service as part of their overall development creating good men as well as good rugby players. They had along with them Richard Main, Gardens Project Manager for Gardens for Health, and were stressing good nutrition and healthy eating rather than supplements. This inner city oasis must not be allowed to fail. Adrian Roche’s contract is under threat. He has held the day to day management of Kelmarna together for more than 10 years. Adrian is a peaceful character, not known for flamboyant protest or complaint, and his future is integral to Kelmarna’s future. Away from the madding crowds of our consumerist, affluent society, lies this calming, peaceful and rejuvenating environment, ready to remove the stress of everyday living and provide nourishing, fresh organic vegetables and fruit. If anyone knows a corporate looking for a worthy cause to support, let Kelmarna know. In the meantime, hop along to the Autumn Festival and enjoy genuinely good family fun PN and entertainment. (JOHN ELLIOTT) F


LOCAL NEWS REMEMBERING ANNA HOFFMAN Diary Date: Sunday 3 April from 5pm. Come and party in honour of the late great Anna Hoffman, at one of her favourite Auckland haunts - the latest incarnation of Shanghai Lil's, run by her close friends Billy Farnell and Russell Green. Starring her friends: Murray Haddow, The Beautiful Losers, Wendy Morris, with further acts to be announced. There will be readings from her memoirs 'Tales of Anna Hoffman' as well as opportunities for others to share their memories/other items. If you knew Anna personally or vicariously, come raise a glass. A lover of drama, pzazz and all that jazz, Anna was a mixer and mingler, a spine tingler. A story teller, a society dweller, Auckland's first marijuana seller? A purple queen, always happy to be seen. One-time femme fatale, all-time boost to morale. A champion of creativity, of talent and drama, a magpie for jewels, a lover of scandal, involved in a few of her own. She was naughty but terribly nice, never needed to be asked twice, a self-proclaimed witch, spinning a constant web of tales. She observed, embraced and embellished life, in all its guts and PN glory. So do come and join us. You're part of the story. (JOSIE STANFORD) F SHANGHAI LIL’S, 212 Ponsonby Road, T: 09 360 0396, www.facebook.com/lilsponsonby

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied




LOCAL NEWS WINNING ALL ROUND FOR GILTRAP AUDI After celebrating their wins last month at the Audi Excellence Awards, local Grey Lynn Dealership, Giltrap Audi, is now showcasing Audi’s newest premium sub-brand, Audi Sport. At the heart of Audi Sport are Audi’s professional motorsport vehicles and drivers, including two New Zealand-based Audi racing vehicles (R8 LMS), which compete locally and overseas, as well as the high-performance R and RS models, originally born on the track and now built for the road. Audi General Manager Dean Sheed says, “Audi Sport is perfectly suited to our market so we are thrilled to be able to introduce it and bring additional focus to the racing heritage and performance characteristics at the core of our brand. “Our range of performance vehicles with their powerful engines, technical innovations, sporty styling and quattro all-wheel drive are perfectly suitable for everyday use but are also right at home on the track,” he says. Headlining Audi Sport, is the breathtaking new Audi R8 V10 plus, boasting exceptional driving technology, state-of-the-art laser headlights and billed as the most powerful and fastest Audi production yet. Also in the line-up is the complete range of RS models, from the new RS 7 and RS 6 Performance vehicles offering a potent mix of sportiness and sophistication, through to the charismatic and multi -award-winning RS 3 Sportback.

L to R: Craig White presenting Rod Williams of Giltrap Audi with Business Manager of the Year award; Audi General Manager Dean Sheed presenting Gary Periam General Manager of Giltrap Audi with the Metro Audi Dealership award

The Grey Lynn dealership walked away with two impressive awards in February, including being recognised as the Metro Dealer of the Year, and local Rod Williams taking the title of Business Manager of the Year at the Audi Excellence Awards. Giltrap Audi was also runner -up for customer satisfaction and individual employee achievements. The awards recognise outstanding achievement in sales, parts, finance, customer satisfaction and top quality service across 9 Audi dealerships nationwide. “I am of course delighted with winning this award,” says Gary Periam, General Manager of Giltrap Audi, on their win of Metro Dealer of the Year. “It backs up the acknowledgement of all the hard work from my team of delivering a seamless customer experience which is world class.” PN A big congratulations to Giltrap Audi. F GILTRAP AUDI, 150 Great North Road, T: 09 336 5250, www.giltrapaudi.co.nz

Audi Sport’s RS 3 Sportback

SUNDERLAND - A BLEND OF PAST AND FUTURE At the heart of the award-winning Hobsonville Point housing development, Sunderland stands out among the rest. Developed and brought to market by Willis Bond & Co, the Sunderland precinct offers a unique blend of approximately 200 high-end designer homes, and 10 meticulously renovated 1930s bungalows. Project director Wayne Silver says, “One of the recurring comments from visitors and residents alike is the sense of community at Hobsonville Point. At the centre of this sense of community are the heritage homes in Sunderland. This direct link to the past anchors the development in historical context, while the Studio Pacific Architecture-designed new homes point to the future.” Willis Bond has a strong tradition of building enduring communities of the highest quality, and were attracted to Sunderland because the project lined up with these values. Silver says, “Sunderland met that criteria. We were enthused by the whole Hobsonville Point story. The vision and quality of the infrastructure is evident the second you arrive.” Current Willis Bond projects include the Wynyard Quarter rejuvenation, the newly

34 PONSONBY NEWS+ April 2016

released Eight Lake Pupuke Drive apartments, and many key buildings and apartments along the Wellington waterfront. Since opening in November 2014, Willis Bond has sold 77 homes at Sunderland and is well into construction. “Our first residents moved in just before Christmas and love living here. We are getting fantastic feedback about the design of the homes and the amount of space and light that they offer.” Willis Bond is opening Sunderland Avenue to the public on Saturday 9 April between 11am - 2pm for an open street day, offering an opportunity to walk through six of the 10 completed heritage homes. You can also view the newly relocated Base Commander’s House on its new site. The Sunderland showhome is open 10am - 4pm every day except Wednesdays. Visit www.sunderlandlife.co.nz for more details. F PN PUBLISHED FIRST FRIDAY EACH MONTH (except January)

A unique past, an inspired future

Willis Bond & Co is pleased to introduce Sunderland Avenue. As part of the Sunderland precinct in the acclaimed Hobsonville Point housing area, Sunderland Ave features ten original late 1930s English Domestic Revival style houses – all refurbished with painstaking attention to detail. Designed by award-winning heritage architects Salmond Reed, and built by the long-standing and trusted Haydn & Rollett Construction, this street of single-level character homes is a rare find in Auckland. Situated on expansive north-west facing sites, these spacious family homes offer a unique blend of history and character with immaculate designer additions.

Open Day Saturday 9 April, 11am – 2pm We are opening the street to the public. Join us for this once in a lifetime opportunity to walk through six of the ten completed homes. You can also view the newly relocated Base Commander’s House on its new site. Complimentary barista coffee will be available.

Showhome open 10am – 4pm every day (except Wednesdays) 8 Hastings Street – Opposite Catalina Café

sunderlandlife.co.nz | 09 300 6336


Visitors to our neighbourhood A friend and I had just finished dinner at her house in the heart of Ponsonby - kumara mash, fresh green beans from the garden and a beef cheek ragout that melted in your mouth. Followed by a completely unnecessary dollop of salted caramel ice cream with “the best toffee you have ever eaten” scattered on top. My friend has been right before but never quite that right. As the last of the ice cream (thank you Kohu Road) and sticky, divine toffee melted into my teeth, her house guests from San Francisco arrived. They had been up the road main-coursing at El Sizzling Chorizo then along to Ben & Jerry’s for dessert before wandering up the road back home in the steamy heat. Aunty and Uncle - who adore Ponsonby and surrounding areas - have been in the country for about three weeks: “I could easily live here,” Uncle stated. He walks for hours through the streets each day eyeing up the houses, listening to dogs and conversation snippets between neighbours and friends, down to Westhaven coveting the beautifully crafted, old, wooden sailing boats and the new almost-lighter-than-air yachts sailing with their huge corporate-logo’d spinnakers proudly puffed out. He then meanders up through Herne Bay or St Mary’s Bay back into Ponsonby. Aunty often remains at the house wrapping my friend in a comforting blanket of family love - something she’d been short-changed in until meeting these two in her adult life.

I hope they will come and live in New Zealand. Ponsonby or nearby to be exact. Not before I have stayed in the gingerbread church/bungalow, however. I really want homemade popovers for brekky. And they have Siamese cats and a forest-green door. Perfect. As we forced down one last glass of Waiheke’s Obsidian Montepulciano, Uncle (always busy) began to clatter around in the kitchen. “What’s he doing?” I asked guiltily thinking of dinner dishes, uncovered leftovers, ice cream melting on bench... “Making toffee, he wants to give you a tin to take home,” my friend answered. My teeth shivered and my brain geared up into panic mode: Caution. Danger. Sugar overload alert. I’d already had more sugar in one night than I would normally consume in a month. “Oh, no, I couldn’t. Honestly, I’m not really a sweet tooth. More of a Marmite on toast woman.” Shutup. What was I thinking? That toffee... “I’m pouring,” Uncle announced.

Listening to the two Americans talking about their love of our hood, I see it anew through their eyes and realise how much I take it for granted. How fortunate we are to live in such a leafy, green, generally safe, cosmopolitan village jam-packed with personality. The very best of food and fashion; architecture old and new and a stone’s throw to inner-harbour beaches. Sounds as if their home in San Fran could be picked up and put back down in any of the streets around here and be totally at home. It was once a small church, now converted into a bungalow-type house. I have seen photos. Hansel and Gretel should have knocked on the front door. Much safer. And apparently the kitchen smells of apple pie, popovers and, of course, toffee. You can almost detect whorls of sweet, cinnamon-scented steam escaping the kitchen window. At Christmas, Aunty always has a large tree in her kitchen, decorated with homemade gingerbread men and other sweet treats. The main Christmas tree takes pride of place on a wide-planked, polished wooden floor in their cosy sitting room. The house is full of quirks: doors open onto each other, rooms are charmingly skew-wiff. Half the garage was turned into a bedroom years ago with a skylight added - an old ship’s window widely edged in brass - for one of their teenaged sons. Aunty removed the window one day in a “I’ve baked enough pies for today now time to clean” mood and found a bag of what she endearingly thought was dried herbs stashed in the brass surround. Bless. To their faces I call them by their names. Secretly I call them Aunty and Uncle. As far as I’m concerned they have already adopted me. The paperwork a mere formality. Or at least

36 PONSONBY NEWS+ April 2016

Up I jumped downing a last gulp of red velvet and watched as he poured boiling, bubbling, thick, amber toffee over oven-toasted slivered almonds. If that wasn’t decadent enough, he then laid squares of very dark chocolate over the top. As they turned opaque then shiny and began to melt, he took a spatula and spread gooey chocolate all over the toffee. Serious food porn. I was allowed to lick the spatula. I managed to burn my tongue and forefinger. Piff! Worth it. Uncle cleaned up the kitchen with a big smile. Definitely adoption. Or maybe get rid of Aunty? “Do you think I could have the recipe?” They looked quite shocked (clearly a secret family recipe). So I flashed Aunty a winning smile and a bit of cleavage Uncle’s way hoping I was not baring a fraying bra strap. Home time. What gorgeous people. Intelligent, witty, caring, kind, open. Genuine in a word, and together for 49 years. The stuff of dreams. I feel blessed to have met them - as will my dental hygienist come my next visit to the big white chair. I’m grateful to them for re-opening my eyes and ears to the sights and sounds of my world and allowing me entry into theirs. And, of course, the toffee. Aunty gave me the recipe so at least the winning smile worked. Next stop for me: San Francisco - apple pie, popovers and a ship’s window to allow the PN light in with two cats on the bed in ‘my’ room. (DEIRDRE THURSTON) F


elping to make NZ cage-egg fr h s d i k ee Kiwi I can help cage hens by: Encouraging my family to say no to cage eggs. Joining SAFE’s Youth Group to learn more and team up with others* Speaking to my class and friends about cage hens.

I want hens out of battery and colony cages because...

Colour SAFE’s Kiwi kids helping to make NZ cage-egg free colouring competition and be in to win one of six awesome prize packs valued at $250 each!

Full name:



Send your entries to SAFE’s Colouring Competition P.O. Box 5750 Wellesley st, Auckland, by Friday May 6th. This competition is open Email: to kids aged 4-6, 7-8 and 10-12. Winning entires will be displayed on SAFE’s website from Friday May 13th. For more info about caged hens and to join SAFE’s Youth Group go to SAFE.org.nz. For egg-free recipes go to GoVeg.org.nz

*kids must be 8 - 14 to join SAFEyouth


Please tick if your address is rural


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photography: Raymond Sagapolutele


AUCKLAND CITY LIMITS @ WESTERN SPRINGS 25,000 happy punters attended the inaugural Auckland City Limits Music Festival held on Saturday 20 March at Western Springs.

photography: Bradley Garner

photography: Raymond Sagapolutele

photography: Bradley Garner

photography: Raymond Sagapolutele

Headlined by Kendrick Lamar and including a stunning late evening performance by Shapeshifter, the festival was a great success with organisers, CRS, saying: “It was great way to launch this new event on the Auckland calendar and we are looking forward to coming back next year!” F PN

38 PONSONBY NEWS+ April 2016


LOCAL NEWS BILL RALSTON LAUNCHES COUNCIL CAMPAIGN @ PONSONBY CENTRAL More than 70 people crowded Ponsonby Central’s Sapphire Room last month to support Bill Ralston’s launch of his campaign for the Waitemata and Gulf Ward on the Auckland Council. “Auckland has a problem,” he told the audience, “and it’s a good problem to have. It’s problem is that it is growing like wildfire. With the right management of the city that problem should be an asset.” He was standing to be a councillor because, he said, regardless of who is mayor, there needs to be a solid majority of the right people on council, making the right decisions and steering the city in the right direction. Taking council to task for its handling of the Unitary Plan he said he was not opposed to intensification. “Along main arterial routes, around transport hubs, in the inner city CBD, in Wynyard Quarter on the waterfront and around the 10 designated town centres in Auckland. But when you want to rip the guts out of quiet residential streets, the answer is no.” Bill Ralston was highly critical of council’s big rate increases and over spending, pushing for the downsizing of council staff that now numbers more than 11,500. Advocating the Port of Auckland should be shifted elsewhere over the next couple of decades, he said, “Give us our beautiful harbour back so we can all enjoy it.” Getting a warm response from the crowd he said Auckland needs three things from its next council, accountability to the people, tight control of council finances and PN clear thinking. F www.facebook.com/public/Bill-Ralston

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied




LOCAL NEWS MAGAZINE DESIGNER CLOTHING NEW STORE LAUNCH Linda Savage tells Ponsonby News, “We had a fabulous opening last month of our new store, lots of our designers and suppliers attended which was awesome. The store is gorgeous, so big and spacious! It is looking very beautiful. “The Hon Paula Bennett was with us to cut the ribbon - there are major road works outside the store so we had to do this inside. She was a wonderful speaker and understood why our moving to bigger premises was such a fantastic occasion for us at

Magazine, especially in light of so many clothing stores and manufacturers closing down over the past six months.”

PN www.magazineclothing.co.nz The new store is located at 937 Mt Eden Road, next to Orvieto Cafe. F

L to R: Lois from Takapuna, Annette from Mt Eden, Adele from Takapuna and Lisa from Mt Eden, Linda Savage owner)

L to R: Annette Merrin, Hon Paula Bennett, Lisa Schroder (Manager) Linda & Peter Savage (owners)

HONDA BEGINS SALES OF ALL-NEW CLARITY FUEL CELL Clarity Fuel Cell realises the world’s top-class cruising range among zero emission vehicles of approximately 750km. In Tokyo on 10 March, 2016, Honda Motor Co., Ltd. began sales in Japan of its all-new fuel cell vehicle (FCV), the Clarity Fuel Cell. Honda was one of the first automakers to begin focusing attention on hydrogen as a possible solution for issues such as global warming and depletion of fossil fuels. Honda has been positioning the FCV, which emits only water, as the ultimate environmentally responsible vehicle and has taken a proactive approach to the research and development of FCVs since the late 1980s. In 2002, the Honda FCX became the first fuel cell vehicle in the world to be certified by the United States. Environmental Protection Agency and the California Air

Resources Board. With these certifications, Honda began sales of the Honda FCX in Japan and the United States. In 2008, Honda became the first automaker to begin sales of the FCX Clarity, which featured an innovative sedan -type package and unprecedented driving experience. With the goal to make a contribution to the forthcoming hydrogen energy society and to realise the joy and freedom of mobility and a sustainable society where people can enjoy life, Honda will continue taking on new challenges in the area of hydrogen technologies including the Smart Hydrogen Station, FCVs and external power output devices under the concept of “generate, use and get connected.” Clarity Fuel Cell is the world’s first five-passenger sedan type FCV, realised by making

the fuel cell powertrain more compact using original Honda technologies and fitting it entirely under the hood of the car. Combined with the improved efficiency of the powertrain and a reduced energy requirement for driving, a 70 MPa high-pressure hydrogen storage tank installed to this vehicle provides a cruising range (for reference) of approximately 750km. The hydrogen tank can be refilled in approximately three minutes, realising ease of use equivalent to that of a gasoline-powered vehicle. Honda is planning to introduce the Clarity Fuel Cell to Europe and the United States before the end of 2016.

Power Exporter 9000 Power Exporter 9000

40 PONSONBY NEWS+ April 2016

Clarity Fuel Cell


EAT, DRINK + BE MERRY GLENGARRY & DIDA’S JERVOIS ROAD The history of Glengarry Wines goes back to its original site at 54 Jervois Road. In 1948 the government created wine-resellers licenses in an effort to assist the local winemakers, and Josef Jakicevich was granted one of the first two licenses issued in Auckland, for the green grocers he had opened the previous year at the corner of Jervois Road and Blake Street.

54 Jervois Road (circa 1940)

The license, however, was very restrictive: retailers were only permitted to sell New Zealand wine, they had to stock 12 wines Josef Jakicevich besides their own and they were not permitted to sell less than (Dida) two gallons to a customer (the equivalent of 12 750ml bottles). During this period the New Zealand wine industry was dominated by sherry, port and any number of fancifully named concoctions. So much has changed. Now the original site on Jervois Road, where Josef established the family business, is home to three thriving operations, with Glengarry Wines located between two Dida’s sites opened in 2005, ‘Dida’ being Croatian for ‘grandfather’. Glengarry Jervois Road is one of the flagship stores for the company, housing an extensive range of international and local wines. The store has a cellar built under the shop housing an array of top wines, and it plays host to fortnightly tastings. Glengarry Jervois Road boasts a team with excellent wine knowledge, and offers a delivery service, glass hire and function advice. The team can even organise the food via its associates next door at Dida’s. Located to the left of the Glengarry wine shop, the Dida’s Food Store offers an extensive and impressive cafe offering (the Spanish Scrambled Eggs are a signature dish). The store provides a catering service, able to prepare a platter of cheese, antipasto, sandwiches for the office, cakes or canapés; the options are many and varied. On the other side of Glengarry, Dida’s Wine Lounge is 11 years old and still going strong. April sees a little change there: The Wine Lounge team has been busy over the last few months preparing a new menu. The style has not changed: it’s still all about tapas and food that matches well with the vast array of wines they cover. A complete refresh sees some of the most innovative tapas we’ve seen to date. Alongside this, the wine list has also had a makeover, extensive as ever with an excellent range by the glass. Speaking of glassware, all wines at Dida’s are served in the excellent German crystal glasses by Eisch. One visit and you’ll quickly notice how nice it is to drink from top-quality glasses. The biggest change though, is the opening of our cellar doors. The beautiful cellar under the wine store has had a makeover, courtesy of Jak and his son Tani. We’ve filled it with a careful selection from our extensive range and pulled out a collection of wines that are ready to drink. Rather than charge you exorbitant prices for this pleasure, browse the cellar, choose your wine and for $25 on top of the retail price, you can enjoy that served PN in Eisch glassware at Dida’s. F Pop on in during April, we’d love to see you. www.glengarry.co.nz; www.didas.co.nz

42 PONSONBY NEWS+ April 2016



54 JERVOIS ROAD . HERNE BAY The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied




EAT, DRINK + BE MERRY FACES @ GREY LYNN FARMERS MARKET Tony Hudson is from the beautiful biodynamic market garden of Whitford, where he is more commonly known as Earthly Greens. He has a stall every other Sunday offering fresh biodynamic autumn/winter produce. What veges do you grow and which are your favourites? Now autumn is upon us, we have a small selection of fresh biodynamic leafy crops and root vegetables. My favorites being pink stem kale, strong flavored garlic and berlicum carrots. Later we have beetroot, turnips and silverbeet - all great for a winter casserole. How long have you been growing veges? I have been growing fresh biodynamic vegetables here in New Zealand for the past five years, this being the third property I have lived in. Where did you grow up? I grew up in the heart of the mid Sussex countryside in good old Blighty! What’s the biggest business decision you have had to make? The last biggest business decision I made was whether to buy my own small property in North Otago or take a lease of land in the Auckland region. What’s your favourite way to relax after work? This is my life... I don’t see it as work, so I feel pretty relaxed. However, a lovely way to relax at the end of the day is to drink a cold beer, listening to good music whilst cooking home-grown veggies for my lovely partner. Where is your favourite New Zealand holiday spot? My favorite New Zealand holiday destination is taking off in my beautiful house bus plus cat and ending up somewhere next to the sea. Pure bliss. What’s your favourite thing about coming to the Grey Lynn Farmers Market? I love meeting new people; the energy can be pretty vibrant at the market. It’s amazing who you can bump into - a good chance for a chinwag and coffee with the other organic stall holders. F PN www.glfm.co.nz

SIDART APPOINTS NEW MANAGER AND SOMMELIER There’s a new restaurant manager and sommelier at Sidart. Existing staff member Stefano Baldin is taking control on the floor at the awarded Ponsonby fine dining restaurant. A consummate hospitality professional, 27-year-old Italian-born Baldin has been working as senior waiter at Sidart since October 2014. Baldin has more than 10 years’ experience in the hospitality industry. In 2007 he graduated with a high school diploma from Hotel Management and Hospitality School in Italy before going on to get a Bachelor Degree in Foreign Languages and Linguistics from Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. He gained his Master’s Degree in Linguistic Sciences at the University of Bologna in 2014. While studying, Baldin served a number of apprenticeships as both waiter and cook working in a range of restaurants and hotels in his homeland. He came to New Zealand on a working visa in September 2014 passing both the Introductory and Certified Sommelier exams organised by the Court of Master Sommeliers in July 2015. Sidart owner Sid Sahrawat says he and Stefano have achieved a lot since Stefano arrived at the restaurant in late 2014 as senior waiter. “We’re so pleased Stefano has been able to step in to the position of restaurant manager and sommelier. I am positive we will continue to evolve and refine the SIDART experience with Stefano in his new role.” Former Sidart sommelier Amanda Rogers had been with SIDART for three and a half years and has moved on to pursue other interests. F PN SIDART, Three Lamps Plaza, 283 Ponsonby Road, T: 09 360 2122, www.sidart.co.nz

44 PONSONBY NEWS+ April 2016


EAT, DRINK + BE MERRY SIDART, Level 1, Three Lamps Plaza, 283 Ponsonby Road, T: 360 2122, www.sidart.co.nz Dinner: Tuesday - Saturday from 6.30pm, Lunch: Friday only from 12 noon

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied





Kumeu River releases 2014 wines Two weeks ago, West Auckland’s Kumeu River winery released its 2014 vintage lineup at The French Cafe. I love my job. The wines were superb as were the matched food pairings. Kumeu River is an iconic New Zealand chardonnay producer. The winery was established in 1944 by the late Maté Brajkovich. Their chardonnay is listed in the top 100 by the influential US Wine Spectator magazine. Maté’s widow, the dynamic Melba, heads this family winery. Eldest son Michael is winemaker. Sons Milan and Paul are respectively in charge of viticulture and sales and marketing, and daughter Marijana is in charge of accounting. 2014 was a very good year for grape growing in Kumeu, with good fruit volumes and a hot, dry extended summer that allowed the fruit to be picked at optimum ripeness and quality. As Michael says in his notes, “...the word that best describes everything about chardonnay in 2014 is generous.”

Michael Brajkovich

White wines are their mainstay - chardonnay, pinot gris and gewürztraminer. They also grow pinot noir and merlot. All grapes are grown on-site on the sweeping vineyards either side of State Highway 1, or in managed blocks in west Kumeu. All grapes are hand harvested, plus gentle whole bunch pressing is used to extract the best juice from their white wines. The top tier Maté’s Vineyard chardonnay (only 1000 cases per year) comes from the original vineyard site, directly over the road from the winery and cellar door. The two other single vineyard chardonnays are the Hunting Hill and Coddington, with their premium pinot noir also sourced from Hunting Hill. Kumeu River Estate Chardonnay 2014, $30 The Estate is a blend from up to nine vineyards, and is the flagship export wine. Enticing aromas of hazelnut, vanilla, nectarine and honeysuckle open up in the mouth with ripe mandarin, nectarine, white peach and marzipan. Very approachable. Kumeu River Coddington Chardonnay 2014, $50 Funky yeast aromas with a whiff of minerality and apricot. On the palate it is creamy and seamless with white peach and a medium citrus crisp finish.

Kumeu River lineup

Kumeu River Hunting Hill Chardonnay 2014, $60 Lemon squash and funky yeast on the nose. Complex palate of lime, quince, ripe nectarine and a hint of toastiness, plus some herbal notes. Kumeu River Mate’s Vineyard Chardonnay 2014, $70 The premium chardonnay grown on the original block worked by Maté back in 1944, this wine is made from the Mendoza chardonnay clone. It has aromas of mandarin and a hint of brioche yeast. In the mouth it opens up into a fuller palate of toast, mandarin, peach and nectarine with a firm crisp and lengthy finish. Kumeu River Hunting Hill Pinot Noir 2014, $50 Emerging as another premium wine, their pinot noir is gaining complexity with each vintage. Smoke, cherry and plum aromas, with a savoury cherry and plum palate. A dry finish with medium firm tannins. (PHIL PARKER) F PN Availability - Glengarry or from the winery www.kumeuriver.co.nz Phil’s new cellar door book ‘NZ Wine Regions - A Visitor’s Guide’ is now available on Amazon Kindle. Phil Parker is a wine writer and operates Fine Wine & Food Tours in Auckland. See: www.finewinetours.co.nz.

46 PONSONBY NEWS+ April 2016

Kumeu River 2014 tasting


EAT, DRINK + BE MERRY A SENSATIONAL DINING EXPERIENCE AWAITS YOU @ CHARMINAR Charminar Cuisines of India is an authentic tandoori restaurant. Since opening, Charminar has gone from strength to strength, offering many of India’s regional dishes that are not found everywhere. Enjoy the unique experience of dishes prepared by our chefs who have many years’ experience working with the tandoori oven and traditional Indian spices. Our menu offers a great opportunity for you to taste the culinary variety that includes all your favourites as well as a range of Indo-Chinese and Hyderabad specialties. Hyderabadi cuisine is an amalgamation of Mughlai, Turkish and Arabic along with the influence of the native Telugu and Marathwada cuisines. You can try traditional Indian breads, salads, appetisers, a range of barbecue dishes from our tandoori oven and curries with chicken, fish and lamb. Authentic dum style biriyani, tandoori prawns, dal gosht, and our popular lamb chops are just a few examples of our appetising variety of dishes. For vegetarians, our menu is enticing and tasty. Our chefs carefully prepare an exciting range of dishes such as Hara Bhara Kebab, Dal Makhani, Bhendi Fry and Chana Masala. Our produce is sourced locally and freshly prepared each day. We use products of the highest quality, with certified origin. Apart from home delivery, takeaway and catering service, Charminar has a range of wines, beers and spirits selected exclusively for you. We promise to spoil you with authentic Indian food and great personal service, all served in a very special setting! CHARMINAR CUISINES OF INDIA, 14 Ponsonby Road, T: 09 378 4478, www.charminar.co.nz

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied





Lauraine Jacobs discovers her fantasy restaurant Historical culinary adventures might become possible with a time machine. There would be a grand party with loads of gin in the highlands of Kenya in the early thirties, a visit to a bistro in Vietnam while still under French occupation in the late forties, and magnificent Middle Eastern dinner in 1960 overlooking the beach in Beirut. The things I dream about! But wait, we can all now go to Beirut. Right in the heart of the central city, in that fast expanding food quarter, Fort Street, we have our own Beirut. And it is magnificent. Mouthful, the people who had already introduced us to extraordinary restaurant experiences at their spicy Mexico chain and the rather suave Orleans, opened Beirut to tumultuous applause late in 2015. It is well deserved. The setting, the food, the drinks and some of the best service around make this one of the most exciting openings Auckland has seen in the past 12 months. Current wunderkind of architecture, Nat Cheshire, was commissioned to create the interior. It’s exciting, with gorgeous textures, deep broody colour and highly practical. There’s a wide open dining space, adjacent chunky concrete bar and an open kitchen that makes food a performance. To get in the mood, the bar offers shrubs - not those bushy plants that divide spaces in large rooms or gardens. Beirut’s shrubs are ancient, Middle Eastern - inspired drinks made with naturally preserved and fermented fresh and dried fruits, vegetables, vinegar and herbs. Pear and ginger with fresh lemon, thyme and rum, Fig and apple with calvados, Beetroot with fresh mint and vodka; a long glass for $12 or $6 for those who can do without the alcohol. The accompanying wine list is thoughtful and exciting. Listed by style rather than varietal (crisp and vibrant, aromatic and lush, moody and complex) it’s an exemplary collection of interesting imports and local standouts such as Maude pinot noir, Mt Edward riesling and Man O’War chardonnay. For those wanting an exotic start to their day, Beirut is open for breakfast, serving coffee, tea and non-alcoholic shrubs with lovely sweet treats like rosewater custard filo pastry rolls, freekah with caramelised milk and lavender, or for the more savoury types, a za’atar soft boiled egg with parsley, lemon oil, chickpea and flatbread or a Lebanese roll with merguez sausage, sumac egg, harissa and whipped garlic. From midday the gorgeous regular menu kicks in with an array of tastes and textures that at once will excite, challenge and satisfy any adventurous palate. It’s well worth beginning with a couple of the little inexpensive taste treats: the Afghan bread with burnt butter, pistachio and rose petal jam may sound sweet and cloying but it was a lovely revelation and introduction to dinner. Persian flatbread with whipped garlic and harissa was ideal to accompany those shrubs. After that it gets complicated as there are so many dishes that are unlike anything else in our city. Amongst the starters I loved fattoush, a salad of crunchy watermelon, beetroot, cucumber with orange blossom and parsley, and smoked yogurt labna - citrus burnt ghee, date and chickpea which arrived encircled by warm, scorched flatbread. There’s




L to R: Beirut Kingfish with fresh turmeric; Beirut fattoush also a tasty kingfish kibbeh nayeh with fresh turmeric, citrus flavours, honey and pink peppercorn and bubba - burnt eggplant, black sujuk toasted sesame and black cabbage that is filled with crunch and taste. Moving on to more substantial fare, there are three things not to miss amongst a stunning selection of innovative fare. The skate (where else can you find this gorgeous glutinous fish) is served with fermented apple water, beeswax, pine oil, onion ash, bartarekh (dried roe) and white radish. Wow, just wow! The beef comes as lovely soft slabs of slowly cooked, basturma-spiced meat with both torched and pickled cauliflower. And Beirut’s slow braised goat with spices, smoked rice and radish is fast becoming the must-have on the menu. Javier Carmona is the creative executive chef for all Mouthful’s restaurants, but it is the talented Jacopo Crosti who heads the kitchen. Full marks to all concerned. (LAURAINE JACOBS) F PN www.laurainejacobs.co.nz BEIRUT, 85 Fort Street, T: 09 367 6882, www.beirut.co.nz


PREMIUM POSITIONS AVAILABLE TO BOOK ADVERTISING: Jo Barrett on 021 324 510 or Angela Martin on 0274 108 320 t: 09 361 3356 or 09 378 8553 e: joannebarrett@xtra.co.nz e: ponsnewsnz@gmail.com w: www.ponsonbynews.co.nz

48 PONSONBY NEWS+ April 2016


EAT, DRINK + BE MERRY WEDDING CHEESE TOWERS FROM SABATO The latest trend for the contemporary bride: wedding cheese towers. Cheese cakes are a stunning way to feed a crowd. Creating the perfect cheese cake is simple: choose your cheeses from our superb European and New Zealand selection and adorn it with accompaniments. The hardest part is selecting your favourite cheeses! It’s often flavour versus aesthetic or a combination of both. Whole wheels or halves. A cake comprised of half wheels will appear on camera as a whole wheel cake, it’s a delicious illusion that will give you more tiers for your dollar, and the cheese is already cut and ready to eat. Serve your cake on a Lazy Susan, get the photos done ‘cutting the cheese’ spin her round and presto. Let’s taste. For the base we recommend choosing a large hard cheese such as Mahoe blue, an organic farmhouse blue, balanced fruity acidity without the bite or Maasdam a semi-soft, sweet, nutty cheese with typically large holes. Follow this with a different family of cheese with an interesting rind, like a wrinkly Farmhouse Mature or few bloomy wheels that demand celebratory bubbles. For your final tier choose a smaller soft cheese. We love Tenara and Blue Rhapsody. To finish your cake decorate the base with fresh fruit, drape over some Muscatel clusters and decorate with walnut halves. Drizzle with honey and serve alongside Julie Le Clerc’s Arabian date chutney or Peter Gordon’s fig, walnut and whiskey chutney. Call T: 09 630 8751 to speak to our dedicated cheesemonger and start creating your cake. Delivery is available nationwide. www.sabato.co.nz F PN

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied





Matawhero - Gisborne Gold A couple of years ago when I went to Gisborne to judge at the Gisborne Wine Awards, I was invited to visit Matawhero, and I obviously jumped at the opportunity. I was greeted by Kirsten Searle as I stepped off the plane, and among the first questions she asked was when I had last visited Gisborne. I had no option but to confess that this was the first time I had ever set foot on Gisborne soil. Madness really, but I can assure you that the time I spent there, both with Kirsten and judging over the next three days, gave me a superb overview of the region and I’ve since been back several times. Matawhero was established in 1968 by Bill Irwin, which makes it one of New Zealand’s older wineries. Bill Irwin was considered slightly off-centre, and describing him as colourful would be an understatement. Nevertheless, the visionary Irwin has left us a rich legacy, and he was instrumental in introducing new varieties to New Zealand that changed the country’s viticultural landscape forever. The 1977 Matawhero Gewürztraminer achieved fourth place in a wine show in Paris - an astonishing achievement at the time for a new world wine. The 1978 vintage was of even higher standard. Everyone was drinking it, including at Buckingham Palace. Gisborne’s focus as a region has been with non-mainstream varieties (although they do grow a fair amount of sauvignon blanc, and they do it very well). One of the reasons behind this is the easy access to new varietals and clones, since Gisborne is home to Riversun, the country’s most pre-eminent nursery. The Searle family, the new generation of winemakers now heading up Matawhero, are making good use of this local knowledge and experience all through their diverse range. Richard and Kirsten Searle purchased Matawhero in 2008, revitalising the operation by replanting with new clones and varieties and sourcing additional grapes from selected growers. Both have a background in the wine industry, so when the opportunity came up to re-establish Matawhero, the family jumped at the opportunity. The viticulture at Matawhero is managed by Jeremy Hyland, who has a background with Corbans and received excellent training from Ivan Marinovich. Jeremy was Head Viticulturist at Kim Crawford Wines from 2004 to 2007 and now consults to Astrolabe, Jules Taylor, Eradus and Matawhero vineyards. The excellent fruit, cultivated with such care by Jeremy, goes on to produce the consistent, high quality wines we’ve come to expect from Matawhero. Their Gisborne Chardonnay

50 PONSONBY NEWS+ April 2016

Richard Searle has quickly become a go-to Gisborne chardonnay, consistent in style and quality year in, year out. On the red side, it’s the Gisborne Merlot that sees customers coming back for a second bottle. My favourite, however, is the Church House Chenin Blanc. I must confess, I am a big fan of chenin blanc. There are not too many produced in New Zealand anymore, but for those of you with good memories, you may recall the days of Collards Chenin Blanc. Gisborne is home to the country’s two best chenin producers - James Millton (of course) with his superb range and the Matawhero Church House Chenin Blanc. We have the new 2015 in stock now in all our stores. It’s a shame that the 2014 has come to an end as it was drinking so well! Fortunately, we have secured all the remaining bottles and moved them to Dida’s Wine Lounge on Jervois Road, along with the rest of the Matawhero range, which we’ll be pouring by the glass all through April. Whilst on the subject of Dida’s, this month sees us launch a brand new food menu, a new wine list, as well as our newly renovated Glengarry Jervois Road wine cellar. You can now select any bottle from the cellar and have it served in Eisch glassware at Dida’s for just $25 on top of the retail price. Pop on in during April, enjoy the new menu, new wine list and browse the cellar. You’ll love it. (LIZ WHEADON) F PN www.glengarry.co.nz



Our weakness. Let’s never get stuck in intractable belief systems. The great mystic philosopher Gurdjieff contended that the biggest human failing was our suggestibility and, in his learning years, he made a point of conning people just to prove a point, and learn about this great weakness. But it seems the second greatest human flaw is that, once we’ve made up our minds about something, our position becomes intractable. Once we’ve bought into a belief system - whether it’s the idea that saveloys are a genuine health food or aliens are going to save us all from Donald Trump and his hair piece - it takes much more than a friendly intervention and a bit of logic to change someone’s opinion. A cursory look through the history and mythology of humanity provides plenty of examples proving Gurdjieff’s point. Infamous examples of our suggestibility include the rise of Hitler and the Third Reich, Chairman Mao’s improbably long-lasting reign over so-called Communist China, and the idiotic half-century of North Korea’s brainwashing under the despotic ‘leadership’ of Kim Jong-il, and now his son Kim Jong-un. We’re so easily led to believe that another tribe, race or culture is worthless, and should therefore be totally annihilated; so easily led to believe that religious books written by flawed humans are ‘God’s words’; so easily led to believe in the official word from authorities and government propaganda. If humans were logical, we would constantly be assessing known facts, and making decisions based on the available evidence. If the evidence itself were lacking, the logical thing to do would be to sit on the proverbial fence. Tragically, rather than remaining open to new information that might rewrite our belief systems, it seems we tend to shut down our receptivity once we have committed ourselves to a particular belief. This is dangerous. We have what Wikepedia calls “a systematic enterprise that creates, builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the universe”, otherwise known as science. While science can’t convincingly disprove the existence of

God or prove that homeopathic medicines don’t work, it can provide us with a set of logical probabilities. For instance, science knows that the Bible’s story about creation is a whopping white lie (where are the dinosaurs?), while extensive testing of homeopathic medicines has never been able to prove their efficacy. And yet, we cling to superstitious and disproven beliefs, ignore the evidence of climate change and resist the facts around vaccines being more beneficial than they are risky. “A man with a conviction is a hard man to change,” wrote Leon Festinger, an acclaimed American psychologist. “Tell him you disagree and he turns away. Show him facts or figures and he questions your sources. Appeal to logic and he fails to see your point.” Festinger had been researching a cult that believed their leader was an alien incarnation of Jesus, and that the cataclysm was going to occur on 21 December, 1954. Yep, that long ago. If scientists discovered incontrovertible evidence that vegetarianism was bad for the human organism, and would lead to poor health or degradative biological mutation, then I would have to analyse the facts, and change my belief system. It’s clear that in the 21st Century, new information can pull the rug from under us any time, and we have to be mentally and emotionally nimble enough to react accordingly, no matter how much we’ve invested in a previous position. Thankfully, all the current scientific evidence is on the side of vegetarianism, for life-long good health, environmental sustainability, and a host of other benefits. Phew. PN (GARY STEEL) F Gary Steel is an Auckland-based journalist who runs online vegetarian resource www.doctorfeelgood.co.nz He can be contacted via beautmusic@gmail.com

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied




JULIE BONNER: NEWS FROM FROG POND FARM Who loves going to A & P Shows? March is always a busy month in Auckland with the Helensville and Kumeu Shows. Both great events and guaranteed to keep you and your family amused. If you are a lover of animals, there is always plenty to see. Livestock is on display with beef and dairy cattle, sheep, goats and alpacas all looking their best and waiting for their turn in the ring. Owning chickens, it is only natural that I head in haste to their locale being immediately confronted by that familiar chook smell and the cacophony that emanates from those caged roosters and squabbling ducks. I couldn’t resist taking a picture of a very handsome guinea pig that had won Reserve Champion. His owner was so proud happily removing him from his cage and popping him on a mat so that we could get up close. I think he rather enjoyed having his photo taken, too. Needless to say, sheep shearing events are fun to watch, as is the wood chopping and it’s so easy to wile away time watching the horse events or the sheep dog trials. Did I mention we are in the market for an ATV? No guesses as to where we spent much of our time. Oh and we can’t forget the food can we? There is always plenty of top tucker to enjoy and, no, I didn’t buy any chips and smother them in tomato sauce. I don’t know about you, but I avoid the rides at the show like the plague, something to do with my age and being scared of heights. These shows also have a flower and fruit and veggie section, where keen gardeners show off their produce in hopes of receiving some recognition. Several years back, we entered a rather large red onion into the Kumeu Show winning Judges Choice and a First Prize. The following year our 1.35kg onion got zip, so unfortunately I opted not to enter again which was a shame. Well, isn’t it nice to know that we can change? So on the Friday before the Kumeu Show we got up early, grabbed some veggies from the garden, popped some fruit into a box and headed down to the show, paid our entry fees, filled out forms and had a laugh - what were we doing? On the Saturday we raced down to see what was what. A bit of bragging never hurt anyone, right! We got three firsts, a second and a third. Feeling the love! Watch out next year. My garden is winding down. It is starting to get that ‘jaded’ look and fair enough too, it has provided us with loads to eat as it always does. In fact, there is a monster pumpkin still growing that I am very proud of. At last, seeds have been sown in an organic medium which have since germinated and been pricked out into some interesting containers full of worm castings. At the time, I thought I was being particularly clever using this material, but in hindsight it dries out way too quickly. Ah, another lesson learnt. Peas were poked into the dirt a few weeks back and within no time of germinating they were dug up and trampled by some four-legged vermin! You can’t win them all. I am well underway with fruit tree pruning too - I have done about 12 peach and plum trees with another seven to go. The apples and pears will get done end of winter, as will the quince and crab apple. What a summer we had; the weather is still amazing and for now the trees are still hanging onto those leaves. Our place is so green and has been all summer. PN (JULIE BONNER) F Happy gardening - follow me at www.frogpondfarm.co.nz for more news or gardening tips.

52 PONSONBY NEWS+ April 2016


WIXII - A FAMILY AFFAIR From regular pop-up shop to a permanent spot in Ponsonby Central. It’s opening day and as I enter the newly fitted out Wixii clothing store I am met by Shelley Hembrow and, it turns out, the rest of the Wixii family. Muz, her husband and builder, is finessing the up-cycled kauri counter, daughter Georgia, stylist and photographer, is busy taking photos, and second daughter Meila is industrious on a laptop. The family as a unit, have been involved in the entire refit - designing, building, painting and sanding. “It’s always been like this,” says Shelley, “It’s all hands on deck, drawing on each other’s skills!” The Wixii fashion label is relatively young, with its workshop and creative hub based in Matakana. This, their first Auckland store, brings a bit of the countryside to the city. Large New Zealand native trees and plants adorn the space, the antique shop counter has a Matakana history and the quirky bits of furniture feel treasured and personal. “It’s a collection of things we like,” explains Shelley. “We gravitate to old pieces that have a time worn energy to them.” And an integral quality, I note, which seems to be the essence behind the Wixii label. From the eclectic range of vintage clothing hand picked and lovingly curated, (Shelley has been collecting since she was 14 years old), to the luxurious natural fabrics of the designed garments, it is about the quality of the original material. “Our cashmere is made by second generation artisans in Nepal,” Shelley says as she folds the new-season cashmere pants. “This attachment to the raw fibre is important to us, the whole supply chain is under the direction of the one family, who both produce the yarn and make the finished garments.” The luxurious silks have a similar story. A family adventure to Vietnam landed Wixii the perfect business partner. “Our silk fabric is made by a small company from humble

roots. The now elderly parents began making silk fabric as a young couple and now their daughter, and team of six local women are the talent behind making Wixii garments.” Like the food industry, change is afoot in the garment industry. Customers demand provenance, they want to know who made their clothes and how. “Our philosophy is to go small and sustain care in all we do,” Shelley explains. “We are proud to be part of the slow fashion movement.” (FIONA GARLICK) F PN www.wixii.co.nz


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The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied




ROSS THORBY: SEA FEVER Ponta Del Garda - Batten Down the Hatches You couldn’t say that we had too rough a time sailing down through the Atlantic to the Azores during the first week of our world cruise, but a forming hurricane’s influence was manifesting itself into a churning, agitated sea and taking a little toll on some of us on -board. There were a few green faces, a few empty tables at dinner, a couple of spilled drinks in the bar, but nothing this ship or its officers couldn’t handle. We needed to dock in Ponta Del Garda as soon as possible to do a medical evacuation. A passenger had fallen out of bed and unable to stop the bleeding, a mercy dash was on to get him to hospital and stabilised. Modern ships have great medical centres but there is no point taking risks and the fact that Hurricane Alex was chasing us only a day behind didn’t hurt either. In the wee small hours of dawn, we backed into our berth our promenade decks ablaze with light and action, beside a town that showed little life apart from the flashing blue ambulance lights at the end of the pier. The strobing lights illuminating the concerned looks from the crew gathering at the waiting gurney ready for the transfer to a safer environ. After loading the patient into the back, the vehicle receded into the night and silence again reigned, save the ominous splashing of the waves against the wharf. Dawn and sunrise presented us with an entirely different view - a lively town spilling down the sides of a couple of lush green volcanoes. A settlement of stark white plaster walls with the local black volcanic rock accentuating the architecture of low rise 16 and 17th Century buildings. Heavily Catholic, this Portuguese territory is drowning in churches and monuments of every description, all dominating narrow cobblestoned streets where the footpaths are barely wide enough to shelter from scooters and smart-cars barrelling passed in a constant stream of frenzied action. On top of one of the hills was a church called ‘Alto Da Mae Deus’. We climbed a grand staircase which appeared to reach up into the sky and as we progressed up the stairs the panorama of the stark white confessional opened up before us. A neo-baroque church straight out of Wuthering Heights where any moment you expected a clap of thunder and Heathcliff to come rushing around one corner, arms flying and morning coat flapping and trailing behind him. The sound of the church bells tolling as we reached the top step, completed the scene. Long melodic strikes echoing out across the valley towards our ship berthed below in the harbour. The black volcanic bones encompassed white plaster walls and accentuated the finer architectural points of this building sitting uncomfortably on a carpet of solid green grass. Its foundations may have stood here for 375 years, but it gives the impression that it belongs in a different time and place. Not there, not now. As the threatening skies rumbled ominously, we left the hill, passed shuttered residences sheltering their occupants, on past the local market, its stall holders standing expectantly in front of tables heaving with local produce - breads of all varieties, cheese, chutneys and vegetables. Great trestles groaning with a colourful array of every variety known to man. The underlying tension in the market was the frantic preparations in the background for the coming maelstrom. Hurricane Alex. We settled in one of the local restaurants for a break, quickly discovering on examining the menu that this town was cheap. In fact, beer was only one euro a schooner. Who knew what a bargain the Azores could be? As the locals worked frantically to shore up their homes and businesses, we departed on an ebbing tide looking back at the monuments and churches standing guard over the populace, then watching the clouds gathering out to sea. Hurricane Alex hit the island with great ferocity. Twenty-foot waves pummelled the dock we had berthed at and slammed into the shoreline. Winds of 50 miles an hour buffeted the stone walls of the churches and rain caused floods and slips all over the island. We, on the other hand, ran on the outer edge of it, a few high waves, a churned sea and very little sign of the fading tempest. We set sail at full speed for the good ‘ole United States and the promise of our continuing adventure. (ROSS THORBY) F PN

54 PONSONBY NEWS+ April 2016

1 1 & 2. Craig and Cheryl Thomson - my wife and I live in Freemans Bay and recently returned from seven weeks in South America. We spent 10 days in the Amazon Rainforest in an Eco Lodge in ECUADOR. Here we share the Ponsonby News with the Shamon in his own home and two guides at the Eco Lodge. Thought the main topic on the front cover was interesting. Dear readers please keep sending us your holiday snaps reading your favourite magazine, we love getting them! Photos need to be in high resolution (300dpi), so please email them to info@ponsonbynews.co.nz without reducing the size. PUBLISHED FIRST FRIDAY EACH MONTH (except January)



The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied






by Caroline Clegg, World Journeys

With a tumultuous history and a promising future, Vietnam is bursting with energy and is a great place to visit. Why? The food, the beaches, the history, the culture and welcoming locals are plenty to go on, but now you can also fly direct from New Zealand. The real question is, “Why not?” TOP 5 REASONS TO HOLIDAY IN VIETNAM 1. EDIBLE VIETNAM Vietnamese cuisine is fresh, fragrant and feisty. Even the most humble of roadside stalls turn out delectable dishes. Pho is an aromatic noodle soup festooned with Thai basil and coriander, perhaps a dash of lime juice or chilli. The breakfast of locals, attack it with chopsticks in one hand, a soup spoon in the other, and let the flavour sensation commence! Explore more with a Vietnamese cooking class - going to the markets with the chef is an experience in itself. 2. FRENCH FLAVOUR France was heavily involved in Vietnam in the 19th Century until independence in 1954. Beautiful colonial architecture is just one resulting legacy - Saigon’s magnificent Old Post Office, built by Gustave Eiffel, and the Notre Dame Cathedral, are great examples. Enjoy the baked goods of Parisian-style cafes with their superb coffee - just beware the lashings of sweetened condensed milk the locals are partial to! 3. TAILOR-MADE HOI AN Pack an extra bag if visiting Hoi An. This picturesque town’s tailors can whip up a new wardrobe for you in a couple of days - just take clothes you’d like copied, or even a picture, get fitted and choose your fabric - a 24-hour turnaround is common. Prices are great, but you do get what you pay for, so get recommendations

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from your guide. Also explore Hoi An’s delightful pedestrianized town centre, early morning fish market, ancient architecture and wonderful restaurants. 4. RESORT TO LUXURY Culture and history covered off? End your Vietnam holiday with a relaxing resort stay at one of the south’s beautiful palm-fringed beaches. Nha Trang has long been a favourite, with lively nightlife in the town nearby. The remote Con Dao islands are a more exclusive experience, and home to the chic and luxurious Six Senses Con Dao Resort. Or try the beautiful Nam Hai Resort near Hoi An - fancy a villa facing the white sandy beach, or a pool villa with butler at beck and call? Add to that a top spa, great restaurants, plenty of activities and nearby cultural attractions. Heaven. 5. HISTORY AND HERITAGE Modern Vietnam is the product of a fascinating history. Over the centuries, this land has been fought over by the Chinese, India, the Mongols, Portuguese, French and more. History ‘must sees’ include the stunning UNESCO World Heritage listed My Son temple complex, dating back to the 4th Century, the ancient trading port of Hoi An with its wooden Japanese bridge dating from the 18th Century, and of course Ho Chi Minh’s mausoleum in Hanoi. Air New Zealand will be flying three times a week direct from Auckland to Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) commencing June this year. Why not! F PN


The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied




PLANNING WEDDINGS AN URBAN WEDDING IN THE HEART OF PONSONBY The Sapphire Room at Ponsonby Central is a striking venue that has played host to a glittering array of glamorous events. If only the walls could talk... what tales they would tell; of masquerade balls, weddings, private parties, art exhibitions, awards dinners, Bar Mitzvah, and fashion private views. With its high ceilings and air of industrial chic, this is a venue that can be dressed for any occasion, whether small and intimate or stylish and grand. This is the perfect venue for an intimate urban wedding, reception or engagement party. Imagine your special day right in the heart of hip Ponsonby Central. The recycled wooden floors give The Sapphire Room the feel of a cool urban loft and it is alive with natural light, with expansive views across the rooftops to the distant Waitakere ranges. This is a unique space where you can put your individual stamp on your wedding. Work with a stylist to transform the venue, or do your own thing; the exposed brick and diverse textures mean it is a great location for your photographs.

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Ponsonby Central is all about delicious food so of course we can put you in touch with a number of excellent, creative caterers right here in the precinct, or you are welcome to bring in your own. Just give us a call and we can help you to plan your dream urban wedding. For more information or to book call Daniel T: 09 376 8300, M: 021 709 383, E: daniel@ponsonbycentral.co.nz, www.ponsonbycentral.co.nz


PLANNING WEDDINGS MOOCHI BRIDESMAID COLLECTION A made-to-order collection of the brand’s most-loved dress styles, the Moochi Bridesmaid Collection is available in a range of colour and fabric options that can be tailored to suit each bridesmaid. The collection is available to view by appointment in the Ponsonby store. MOOCHI, 282 Ponsonby Road, T: 09 378 7577, www.moochi.co.nz

Iris dress $459

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied

Lotus dress $459

Neroli dress $429.99




PLANNING WEDDINGS PARTY WITH THE GLAMOROUS CALUZZI GIRLS ON YOUR HEN’S NIGHT Looking for a killer location for your hen’s party? Or are you simply tiring of the same old restaurants for your Friday and Saturday evenings? Well hallelujah, Caluzzi has provided the right place! Caluzzi Bar & Cabaret has become somewhat of an institution around this part of town, and it’s not surprising - where else can you get drop dead gorgeous drag queens, belly aching laughs, dazzling costumes and impressive stilettos to boot! In fact, it all starts from the moment you step off Karangahape Road and through the stylish Caluzzi doors. The Caluzzi girls will serve you, entertain you and have you laughing until you cry. It truly is a fun night for all, from granny through to the workmates, hens’ nights, to 60th birthday celebrations. Whatever the reason it will be a celebration to remember. Far more than just sequins and belting ballads, Caluzzi offers a delicious a la carte menu (to rival any around town) and an interactive drag show performed by New Zealand’s most awarded drag queens. Caluzzi has a wonderful knack of stripping back the formalities and throwing you into a night of first class fun. If you haven’t been to Caluzzi yet - you need to rectify this immediately! But be prepared to laugh, play and have your world turned upside down. Caluzzi is open Friday and Saturday nights - and other nights by arrangement. F PN CALUZZI BAR & CABARET, 461 Karangahape Road, T: 09 357 0778, www.caluzzi.co.nz

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PLANNING WEDDINGS IT’S A NICE DAY FOR A WHITE WEDDING With her big day coming up, Emma Taffs started searching for a dentist to help her look and feel great for her wedding. Emma had spent her fair share of time in and out of dental clinics. She had two serious teeth conditions that saw her undergo numerous surgeries and left her feeling self-conscious about her smile. “It took me a long time to get to the point where my teeth were clinically okay and then it became a cosmetic issue,” she says. She turned to the team at Lumino The Dentists, Ponsonby, where she worked with dentist Tony Dey. “I haven’t had many options before that would work for me, so when Tony offered a realistic option with teeth whitening, it was a life changer.” Emma spent a couple of hours in the clinic’s dedicated ‘whitening spa’ and was thrilled with the results. “The treatment Lumino The Dentists, Ponsonby, offered before my wedding was amazing. It made me feel so confident and happy for such an important day!” Teeth whitening is a big part of the Ponsonby practice and Tony has more than 15 years’ experience as a specialist in aesthetic dentistry. “It is an affordable and effective way of improving the look of your teeth and is the first step in more involved dental makeovers,” he says. Together with his team, Tony creates a welcoming and relaxed atmosphere, so get in touch to make your smile PN brighter for your white wedding. F LUMINO THE DENTISTS PONSONBY, Level 1, 114 Ponsonby Road, T: 09 361 2060, www.lumino.co.nz/ponsonby

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied

Lead Dentist Tony Dey on his special day





Timeless wedding gifts Just like a marriage is meant to be forever, your wedding gifts should also last the distance. With this in mind, having a wedding gift registry that your guests can purchase from is the only way to ensure that you will be given gifts that you both love and desire, and which will stand the test of time. From classic cookware to artwork, we have hand-selected 10 items which will be a timeless reminder of your special day, now, and on your 20th wedding anniversary.

1. Blacklist Studios Love Print No.6 - $165 This gold and rose foiled print with the word ‘love’ will always remind you of your wedding day and the vows that you took together. 2. Nkuku Lambswool Throw - $399 This beautiful blanket is pure luxury and its generous size will envelope you in its warm, soft, cable-knit weave.


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3. Menu Marble Wall Clock - $679 The first word in high-quality Scandinavian design, this marble clock by Menu will never date and always keep you on time. 4. Menu Double Candleholder - $405 A romantic wedding gift, each candlestick in this candleholder curves elegantly to take hold of one another as if in a dance-like embrace. 5. Riedel Crystal Amadeo Decanter - $700 A gift that will be used over and over, this hand -blown, lead crystal decanter is shaped like a lyre and pours like a dream.




6. Le Creuset Cast Iron Round Casserole Dish - from $420 This cast iron casserole dish is of the highest quailty, and really will last a lifetime despite how many hundreds of meals are created in it. 7. Monique Lhuillier for Waterford Modern Love cake knife and server - $160 This silver-plated cake knife and server set is timeless in design and the perfect wedding gift to have forever. 8. Kitchen Aid Artisan Stand Mixer - $1049 The iconic Kitchen Aid Stand Mixer not only has a timeless design, but is created with quality craftsmanship ensuring that it will be a permanent fixture on your kitchen bench.

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9. Barber & Osgerby for Royal Doulton Olio Dinnerware Set - $300 The perfect gift for any kitchen, this 16-piece dinnerware set is both modern and stylish and will complement any other tableware. 10. Seletti Midas Cutlery Set - $488 Add interest to the dinner table while also making you feel like royalty every day of the week with this lovely gold-plated cutlery set. (MILLY NOLAN) F PN All products available at www.mildredandco.com

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PLANNING WEDDINGS INDIVIDUALISED AND MEANINGFUL CELEBRATIONS WITH CATH BATHE-TAYLOR ‘Modern, meaningful and individual’ are the hallmarks of marriage services performed by celebrant Cath Bathe-Taylor. Cath likens creating a personalised ceremony to baking a dessert pie. “You combine all the ingredients: love, passion, humour and style - all your personal flavours and tastes - to create something sweet, spicy and deliciously you. “As Kiwis, we have very few official ceremonies in our lives but we are great at gathering family and friends together for a feast. Planning and preparing your wedding day can be stressful and the risk is that with so much to organise, the ceremony can become an afterthought - even though you are aware of how important the ceremony and vows are. Just finding time to concentrate on personalising your service can add more pressure.” This is where Cath comes in. Each couple has a unique love story and Cath will write a ceremony to tell this story. She will listen and give options and travel to just about any location. Cath makes sure that every detail of the ceremony is in place and she is there to ‘hold the couple’s hand’ throughout the service. “They have already done the hard part: They have found each other,” she says. “My role is to put the cherry on the top. “It is important that you find a celebrant who is a good fit. You need to feel comfortable with your celebrant and trust them to deliver the right ceremony for you. “Let’s meet, obligation-free, and see if I’m the right fit for you,” says Cath. F PN CATH BATHE-TAYLOR, M: 021 828 866, www.celebrantcath.co.nz

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied





Local designer: the extraordinary Tanya Carlson I have always loyally supported a few New Zealand designers, not just because they are locals but because they are damn good, and (in my opinion) amongst the best in the world. In the age of blink-and-you’ll-miss-it fast fashion and Made in China, their amazing work has continued to shine above and beyond the mass-produced masses. One of those designers is Tanya Carlson, whose clothes I have been wearing - and wearing, and wearing again - for what must be more than 15 years. I still have pieces that I first wore 10 or more years ago, and it’s most definitely testament to their quality, timeless design and fit that they remain in high rotation and impeccable condition still today. In fact, I trust Tanya’s design process to such an extent that I asked her to design my wedding dress, which went on to feature in an exhibition of her bridal work at Dunedin Public Art Gallery in 2014 called Not All White. Her killer designs transcend ‘fast fashion’ and become treasured items worn season after season, yet never seeming out of style. Her Ponsonby Road store has been open for business an amazing 11 years, after she took over the lease from Glory. At the time she also had a CBD location, but after its lease was up she realised that Ponsonby was where she wanted to be. Over the last seven years she has also made some drastic but essential changes to her business structure that saw her Dunedin workroom close and operations shift to Auckland, as well as her wholesaling business scale right back. In doing so, she was able to be more creative, designing limited edition pieces in exclusive fabrics; ensuring there is always something new in store in the Ponsonby and Dunedin Carlson boutiques. “Downsizing was essential to my survival as a single female in business,” the designer tells me quite openly, “I was lucky that I had some amazing financial advisers that showed me that streamlining was the way to ride out ups and downs in the economy and still keep my integrity as a designer.”

the renowned East Sydney TAFE. Returning home to Dunedin in the 90s she honed her tailoring skills designing made to measure garments in the early years of her career, before moving on to launch her eponymous label in 1997. Fast forward to 2016 and she is back in the made to measure business to some extent, above and beyond her bridal work. She believes that the fast-paced nature of fashion these days is leaving a lot of customers “confused, and there really is nothing better than beautifully made clothes that actually fit people like a glove. The greatest compliment we receive is people coming to see us with a dress they bought 10 years ago and saying that they still wear it, or maybe asking if we can remake it in another fabric or colourway.” She says that the provenance of the design of many of her garments is also immediately obvious when you see pieces from years ago next to her current collection, and that she keeps all of her patterns. “I think that is my underlying philosophy,” she says, “You should be able to have clothing for years that you absolutely love and pull out time and time again.” Although she adds with a laugh, “in hindsight, that may not be the greatest business practice...” Since 1999 her work has featured on the catwalk of iD Dunedin fashion week, and when we speak she is readying her latest collection for the 2016 iD opening show. She is also a board member and judge of the iD International Emerging Designer Awards, for her, it is important to support young designers, and her long association with this fashion incubator is the perfect way to do so.

The next step was to further develop the label’s online presence, and Tanya admits that the success of her online store did come as a real surprise. “It has been an absolute revelation,” she says, “especially when we realised that our loyal customers from our time wholesaling in David Jones were still wanting to buy clothes from Australia. Eight years ago people still didn’t really trust the process of online shopping but for us, buyers came out of the woodwork really quickly.”

It is clear Tanya is passionate about evolving creativity and revels in the fact that she is living her passion, evident in her smaller collections and the one-off designs that appear regularly in the window of her store. “I am constantly thankful that I can drag out a piece of amazing fabric, put it on a mannequin and cut something new whenever I want to,” she says. And you know that if you fall in love with that piece and buy it, chances are you’ll be wearing it forever. PN (HELENE RAVLICH) F

Tanya’s amazing eye for colour and detail was developed studying Fine Arts at what is now the National Art School, after which she completed a Diploma in Fashion Design from

TANYA CARLSON, 120 Ponsonby Road, T: 09 361 2137, www.tanyacarlson.com

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Above: Tanya Carlson; Below: a look from the new Carlson collection


Top from COUNTRY ROAD, skirt from PORTMANS, bag from FLYING SAUCERS & boots from MI PIACI The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied





FASHION + STYLE RETAIL SUPERSTAR Abby van Schreven - Maaike + co.

How did you come to be a retail salesperson? We set up Maaike + co in 2012, two years after starting our brand Maaike. Maaike + co. is our flagship store but we also stock other amazing New Zealand designers. I’m half owner of the store with my business partner Emilie Pullar. What do you love about your store? That pretty much everything in the store is from New Zealand. We have such amazing talent in this country, why would you not want to support it? What makes a standout retail salesperson? Someone who actually cares about the people they are dressing and making them feel fantastic in what they are wearing - it’s not just about making a sale. Tell us about a memorable sale you’ve made this year... There are too many! Moving to Ponsonby and introducing our brand to so many more people has been amazing, as are the customers that have supported us since the beginning. If you could wave your wand and have anyone in the world walk into your store right now, who would it be? Alison Mosshart, I think she is a mega babe and she would suit so much of what we have in store. If you could wave your wand and have anyone in greater Ponsonby walk into your store right now, who would it be? Any restaurant owners in the area. Seriously, we love food and are open to swaps! Where do you shop? I don’t really shop with owning a brand, but I do love food! Crumb, Dear Jervois and Burger Burger are amongst my faves! Who do you consider to be a great greater Ponsonby retail salesperson? I live right opposite Crumb in Grey Lynn and those boys are great. F PN MAAIKE + CO, 1/175 Ponsonby Road, T: 09 302 4120, www.maaikeandco.com

A GREAT GIFT FOR MOTHER’S DAY The biggest buzzword since mindfulness was co-opted by the corporates - come home to heartfulness. Mindfulness is a buzzword that is everywhere. But what does it really mean and why would the world be a better place if we all lived with a little more heartfulness? As the mindfulness mega-trend has become more mainstream it has moved away from its roots, becoming more of a ‘technique’ and losing touch with its deeper meaning. In Asia, the idea of mindfulness was traditionally connected with another, richer concept - heartfulness. (In fact, the ancient Pali word Sati, meaning mind, can also be translated as heart.) Yet the modern understanding of mindfulness has come to be quite self-focused, losing touch with its ancient origins. In Heartfulness, Dr Stephen McKenzie, a leading mindfulness author and teacher, pushes through the boundaries so often imposed by a misinterpreted idea of mindfulness and dives into the vast, deep waters of heartfulness to help you live a fuller, more rewarding life. With warmth and compassion, this insightful book takes mindfulness back to its roots, exploring the paths to being fully connected - with ourselves and with other people - and therefore fully alive, happy, without stress and at peace. Stephen looks at the lived examples of some of the world’s most inspirational leading-lights, from Nelson Mandela to Oprah Winfrey, illustrating what it is to live with heartfulness in our secular and sometimes self-absorbed world. There are exercises for the reader and chapters include adversity, humour, knowledge, kindness, love and hope, among others. With anecdotes, things to do and think about and lots to gently read and enjoy, this is a warm book that seeks to bring the reader home to a happy state. Heartfulness is available from www.exislepublising.co.nz and wherever good books PN are sold. RRP $29.99 F

PARENTING FOR A HAPPIER HOME The step-by-step guide to keeping your kids on track.

Parenting can be one of life’s most rewarding experiences but it can also be one of the toughest. There are times where you’ll likely have to deal with conflict, behavioural issues, discipline that seems to go nowhere, and heightened stress. So, how do you keep your relationship with your kids on track?

photography: Harriet at Paper Moon Photography

In the forthcoming book, Parenting for a Happier Home, renowned Australian psychologist Stuart Passmore has written a research-driven parenting guide to ensure your family unit stays harmonious. The strategies are designed to work with behavioural disorders such as ADHD, Oppositional Defiance Disorder as well as explosive and non-compliant behaviour and work in each of the child's different environments. Readers will learn how to: develop a stronger relationship with your child; recognise the four parenting styles and where you sit; accept your child’s emotions and behaviour; enhance your child’s emotional development; understand the important role of parental modelling; implement discipline systems that actually work; encourage children to take ownership of their behaviour; repair damaged relationships and develop greater respect. Filled with evidence-based practical advice and chapter exercises, Parenting for a Happier Home provides parents with the tools they need to keep kids on track. F PN

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FASHION + STYLE MUM IS THE WORD @ MOTAT Celebrate the special women in your life this Mother’s Day as MOTAT (Museum of Transport and Technology) takes you back in time to the swinging 1950s. Think roller skates, milkshakes and rock ‘n’ roll as the mood is set around the museum with vintage car displays, period movies and TV shows, live performances and much more. It’s everything you need to bring back floods of memories from the good old days! It will be a Mother’s Day treat with a difference as visitors are welcomed by roller skating waitresses reminiscent of the American diners of yesteryear. Mum definitely won’t feel like a ‘beauty school drop-out’ once she’s had her glamorous 50s eye make-up expertly applied in MOTAT’s pop-up beauty parlour. The rest of the family can join in the fun by applying vintage-style temporary ‘I love Mum’ tattoos to commemorate the special day. Keep up to date with the latest in 50s fashion by attending one of the sophisticated fashion shows taking place throughout the day. These will be styled as old-school beauty pageants or seasonal launches from couture houses. Watch out for the girl groups and a roving vintage DJ as they travel through the museum, surprising and delighting their audiences. After a visit to MOTAT’s 1950s exhibition showcasing the ‘modern’ appliances that a mother simply couldn’t live without back in the day, it will soon become evident how far domestic technology, fashion and life styles have progressed in modern times. Top it all off with a 50s inspired treat such as a classic hot dog or pink and white ice -cream sundae and you’re guaranteed of a nostalgic day out the whole family will enjoy. Transport your Mum back to the swinging fifties at MOTAT’s special “Mum is the Word” event

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied

MOTAT, 805 Great North Road, Western Springs, T: 09 815 5800 or 0800 668 2869, www.motat.org.nz





Anything but basic Update your wardrobe with special pieces this autumn. Look for unusual fabric treatments, beautiful prints to wear with interesting coordinates, and classic shapes presented in new ways.







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WHERE TO BUY IN GREATER PONSONBY 1. Taylor coat $837 www.taylorboutique.co.nz 2. Goodness tunic $299 www.goodness.co.nz 3. Andrea Moore top $399 and skirt $339 www.andreamooreboutique.com 4. Taylor top (shown from back) $357 www.taylorboutique.co.nz 5. Camilla and Marc dress $720 www.camillaandmarc.com 6. Lonely robe $275 www.lonelylabel.com 7. Helen Cherry shirt $498 and trouser $549 www.workshop.co.nz 8. Moochi dress $249.99 www.moochi.co.nz 9. Ruby skirt $269 www.rubynz.com 10. Taylor pant $347 www.taylorboutique.co.nz 11. Moochi knit $269.99 www.moochi.co.nz 12. Taylor dress $397 www.taylorboutique.co.nz 13. Ruby knit $299 www.rubynz.com 14. Nineteen//46 knit $299 www.nineteen46.co.nz 15. Andrea Moore knit $350 and jean $225 www.andreamooreboutique.com

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied






ANGELA LASSIG: LETTERS FROM MAUDIE The monthly jottings of a free-spirited Ponsonby dressmaker of the 1920s, as imagined by Angela Lassig. VERMONT STREET, PONSONBY 15 APRIL 1925

Dear Violet,

On this occasion, a lovely fine afternoon (admittedly with one or two dark clouds on the horizon), I decided to walk to the house of a new friend to attend her afternoon tea party. Before I go on, I really must tell you quickly about how I met Stella... it’s such a great story! It turns out that we had both fallen in love with some raspberry-coloured velvet displayed in the window of Oswald’s[i] and had both slipped notes under the draper’s door asking to hold the fabric for us! When I arrived at Oswald’s just before it opened, I found Sybil there too. After introducing ourselves, we found out that we both had the same quarry in mind. Quelle horreur! Both too polite to insist on having been first to lay claim to the prize (yes I can be civil, even when it concerns such a gorgeous piece of velvet), it eventuated that there was just enough yardage for us each to purchase a generous dress length. I must say that I was very relieved as I was really beginning to like Sybil! We celebrated by heading to Mrs. Gavin’s tearooms[ii] to eat cake and talk some more. Sybil is an assistant at Miss Diamond’s fancy goods shop[iii] and makes all her own clothes, which are beautifully made. We’ve met up a couple of so far and plan to go on a day excursion together in the early spring. Anyway, I knew Stella lived in one of those streets off Jervois Road that leads down to the harbour, but for some reason I had it in my mind it was not far from the Post Office corner. As it happened, which I discovered after I’d walked down at least 10 blocks, her street was right down the end of Jervois Road. Of course I had to wear my new shoes, didn’t I, so by the time I arrived, I already had the makings of two great big blisters. The house was gorgeous one of those splendid villas with lots of bay windows and pretty stained glass. Stella lives in a little cottage on the grounds but she has leave to use the garden as she wishes when her aunt and uncle are away. We (10 of us) happily spent the whole afternoon drinking delicious, delicate tea that Stella’s father sends from Sri Lanka (where her parents have a plantation) and eating a selection of delicacies purchased from Ponsonby’s best cake shops (I, of course, know this being a rather too frequent customer of the same). I left at about 5pm, bravely turning down offers of a drive home (on account of needing some exercise after the volume of cake eaten), and started to make my way home. Only a third of the way to Vermont Street, I was startled by a variety of sudden and dramatic atmospheric changes that included a drop in temperature and the transformation of gentle zephyrs into cold gusts of


wind. Then came the rain... you can imagine the rest. But just in case you are wondering, yes, I was completely and utterly soaked to the skin. Knowing that I looked positively obscene in my clinging thin silk dress (which incidentally turned my silk stockings blotchy yellow and good for nothing else accept tying up my plants), I took off my ruined shoes and ran home via the back streets. Thankfully the rotten weather had cleared the streets of people and hopefully nobody saw me. That night the sniffles began and by daylight I had developed a sore throat and a throbbing head. As I had a customer coming in at 9am, I dragged myself out of bed, had a hot bath and somehow got myself down to the workroom where I lay on the couch until Mrs X knocked, loudly announced her arrival and charged into the room as she is want to do. Seeing me slumped and somewhat less cheery than usual, I was made to go back upstairs, make us both a cup of tea and then wait while Mrs X hurried to the pharmacy to have her ‘miraculous’ concoction made up for me. After taking the vile -smelling stuff she insisted on watching me imbibe, Mrs X bade me sit in the sun on the verandah, propped me up with pillows and left me to ‘let the mixture work its magic.’ Confident that I’d be better, she bid me farewell until Friday (this was a Monday) when she would return to pick up her new dress (that she needed for Saturday). I actually did feel much better the next day but not well enough to get back work until Wednesday. Mrs X got her dress on time and is probably, as I write, ordering some other poor soul to down her miracle cure. On the Tuesday, Mother popped in for a chat and then came back again in the afternoon with a great pile of old magazines, one dating back to 1920. It was so amusing reading about some of the ridiculous fashions (some of which I adored) that never reached New Zealand. There was a lot of talk too about the final banishment of corsets. I can still remember the first time I went out sans corset! I felt as if everyone could tell. I know Mother was terribly annoyed with me when I told her. She still wears one and I suspect always will. And I found a perfect description of us as we were in 1920 (at least in our imaginations!) “frivolous, scantily clad, ‘jazzing flappers,’ irresponsible and undisciplined, to whom a dance, a new hat, or a man with a care, were of more importance than the fate of nations.” Well my dear, I think I’ve met my quota for indecency for the time being, with my very daring silhouette-revealing wet silk dress. Now I feel the need to be irresponsible and go buy myself a new hat. From one rebel to another with much love,

Maudie x [i] Oswald & Co, 11-13 Jervois Road, Ponsonby (in 1925) [ii] Mrs. E. F. Gavin, 18 Jervois Road, Ponsonby (in 1925) [iii] Miss May Diamond, Fancy Goods Dealer, 145 Ponsonby Road (in 1925)


illustration: Michael McClintock

I hope that my letter finds you well and enjoying the fabulous weather that I hear you’ve been having in Napier. We’ve had wonderful weather too but unfortunately I’ve not been able to appreciate it fully as I was confined to bed early last week for three whole days with a very bad cold. It serves me right though as I completely ignored my instincts and went out without an umbrella on a day that threatened rain. Isn’t it funny how taking one’s umbrella almost guarantees sunshine while forgetting it seems to present a challenge to the rain gods?

FASHION + STYLE INTRODUCING TONY IKINOFO, THE NEW MANAGER @ TATTY’S PONSONBY Some regular Tatty’s customers will already know the new smiling face behind the large green shop counter but for those who don’t, it’s the new shop manager, Tony Ikinofo. Not only a strong manager but a talented stylist, Tony has created a relaxed and fun environment for customers to buy and sell in. Aimee Egdell asked Tony a few questions after a busy Friday afternoon. Tony, what attracted you to working at Tatty’s Ponsonby? “It would have to be the ethical reasoning behind recycling clothes and offering others the chance to purchase second-hand goods. Everyone benefits from buying and selling at Tatty’s, and this gives the store a good vibe. Combine this with a love for fashion and it’s a win-win, really. The team is also awesome, and everyday there’s something new going on, whether it be new arrivals of items to sell, or liaising with customers from all over the world.” Can you pick your best Tatty’s purchase so far? “That is a hard question, considering how much Tatty’s has filled my wardrobe! It might just have to be this Levi’s denim jacket I got a while back, purely based on the fact that it’s the item I get the most wear out of, especially now the weather is turning cold. Plus, I like denim all worn-out and distressed.” What are you looking forward to most at Tatty’s in 2016? “I am really looking forward to our new computer system being in full operation in April. It is going to streamline the Tatty’s procedures and therefore allow us to get bigger and better than ever! That means more clothes to offer our customers and more benefits to our selling customers. Also we have some new faces on the team and there have been a lot of other changes that we can’t wait to share.”

Tatty’s new shop manager, Tony Ikinofo, with Tatty’s owner, Aimee Egdell

Tatty’s Ponsonby (and Tatty’s High Street, located at 47 High Street, T: 09 373 3126) accept clothes for consignment seven days a week. For more information check out their new website. F PN TATTY’S PONSONBY, 159 Ponsonby Road, T: 09 376 2761, www.tattys.co.nz

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied





GEORGE HARRISON MENSWEAR IS ON THE MOVE It’s the end of an era with George Harrison moving out of Level Three of the Atrium and relocating down to Elliott Street next to Elliott Stables. After more than 20 years of being Auckland’s ‘best kept secret’, tucked away in the discreet location of Level Three of The Atrium on Elliott Street, it’s time for the cutting -edge fashion store to embrace a new street-front view. The exciting new store will be intimate, contemporary and sophisticated - and imbued with the same friendly service, as always. Darren Wong, who has been managing George Harrison for the past 12 years, is very excited about the move and what it means for the George Harrison brand. His design philosophy is that business wear should be innovative and fashion forward, and he strongly maintains that “business wear does not need to be boring simply because you wear it to work.” The store itself, is a unique multi-brand menswear retailer, stocking a diverse range of European brands such as Versace, Lagerfeld, Ted Baker, Reporter and so much more. It is known for enticing men who are assertive and stylish, and providing a refined cut and quality every time. Be sure to drop by and check out the new season and take advantage of the relocation sale before they make their big move. F PN GEORGE HARRISON, Level 3, Atrium On Elliott, Elliott Street, T: 09 366 7788, www.georgeharrison.co.nz

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FASHION + STYLE The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied




photography: Chris Sullivan


Emilia Wickstead Spring Summer 2016 on the runway at iD Dunedin, 19 March

EMILIA WICKSTEAD VISITS HOME She’s an exciting addition to iD Dunedin’s distinguished alumni. This year’s VIP judge and guest, Emilia Wickstead, is reasonably well known to New Zealand fashion watchers - her label is a favourite of Kate Middleton and is also a red carpet regular. The London-based fashion designer is also a New Zealander, daughter of designer Angela Wickstead, and lived here into her early teens. She grew up in Ellerslie and later Parnell, and went to Baradene. “Auckland was very relaxed and accepting of all sorts of different personalities and creativity - that’s what allowed me to be very experimental with my style growing up. I felt very restricted when I moved to Milan when I was 14 (Wickstead went with her mother, who moved to Italy to marry). She thinks of herself as a New Zealander, but a British -based designer. The morning after a first-ever, by -appointment trunk show held in Auckland at the end of her iD trip, Wickstead is a little tired: she was up until 2am doing the paperwork generated by the day’s orders. But she’s also energised by iD’s inspiring young talent “full of ambition and excitement for the future.” She has found it interesting to check a different market, and is a little chuffed that some of yesterday’s clients arrived wearing Emilia Wickstead. Wickstead was always clear that she wanted to undertake her tertiary studies in London at Central St Martins, and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Fashion Design and Marketing with Honors in 2007. Her graduate jobs were for big names in the United States and Milan: Narcisco Rodriguez, Georgio Armani, Proenza Schouler. “Believe it or not, I literally just sent them my CV, and followed up with phone call after phone call,” she says. “With Rodriguez and Schouler I was blessed to have been there in a growing moment - at Schouler there were just five in the studio. But Armani was huge, so I got to experience a bigger company with many different labels - a big machine.” With £6500 finance from her then boyfriend, now husband - banker Daniel Gargiulo - she opened her own tiny atelier at their home in 2008. “I always, always

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believed that I would have my own business.” In the early days the designer worked two other jobs to make ends meet. “We started with made-to-measure due to financial restrictions and not being able to carry stock.” She shot looks from her very first collection in her living room and then called Vogue, pretending to be her own assistant (they gave her half a page). The brand’s big break came when Samantha Cameron chose to wear a blue Emilia Wickstead dress on the steps of Downing Street when her husband became Prime Minister in 2010. With appointments for made-to-measure growing, the business outgrew Wickstead’s home. “We knew there was a customer base out there for us,” she says, “but at the same time we were very naive and we went out and did it and believed in the brand.” She made a cheeky mid-recession offer for premises in Cadogan Place from where she operated for five years. “It was timing! I’m a great believer in the right timing,” she says. “There were lots of hard moments, it can’t always be smooth sailing. It’s extremely difficult when you are a one-man band: I worked in that store every single day - ran the production, managed my team, ran the wholesale - up until about three years ago - and sometimes it gets the better of you.” She tells, “We grew organically, and humbly built the business. The transition to ready-to-wear was brilliant and very exciting because we managed to generate a good enough turnover to start stocking our own store.” These days, Emilia Wickstead is also available at the likes of Net-a-Porter, Matches, Harvey Nichols and Berdorf Goodman in New York. “We sell to a lot of places now and we are going to be building our wholesale even more this year.” The Emilia Wickstead store moved to Sloane Street 18 months ago. Wickstead has shown at London Fashion Week since 2012, and for the last two seasons has worked with a stylist (Karen Kaiser) on her shows, “It’s kind of what you do!”

Emilia Wickstead talks at the Dunedin Art Gallery Both husband and wife continue to be involved in the business. “Daniel is my sounding board,” says Wickstead. “We’ve just appointed a new CEO and he’s very hands-on with that.” Emilia Wickstead clothing is notable for its use of colour, feminity, and a knack for cutting the decorousness. Wickstead says, “We are playing on tradition but... the Emilia Wickstead woman is the most modern in her circle. When she walks into a room she is always noticed.” You may have to save up though: a Spring Summer 2016 floral polyester mini-dress with silk lining goes for USD $1195 on Net-a-Porter. The designer can’t name any one of her many design accolades as a standout. “My biggest achievement is right now: we’ve been working very, very hard and we’ve just done some key hiring, because we’ve built the business to a certain level where we’ve been able to do so. That has always been my dream.” Wickstead enthuses about Ponsonby and regrets that this trip hasn’t allowed her any street time. “I’m dying to have gone into Karen Walker and Kate Sylvester and some really cool shops like Iko Iko. I went to Saan on Ponsonby Road and Rocket Kitchen is a favourite, too. I love Ponsonby Road and that’s where my mother had her first store.” We’re picking that when those trunk show orders come in, we may be seeing a little more Emilia Wickstead on the strip. EMILIA WICKSTEAD www.emiliawickstead.com PUBLISHED FIRST FRIDAY EACH MONTH (except January)




Beauty with ethics: a focus on Dr. Hauschka A beautiful, ethical skincare brand that has no exfoliants or night creams in its stable but still gets incredible results? That’ll be Dr. Hauschka, one of the most famous organic beauty brands with an army of loyal followers all over the world despite its refusal to follow trends. Its fans talk about it with an almost cult-like reverence, and after more than 15 years in the business of writing about beauty, it’s a brand that I never stop hearing about as one of the best in its field. For more than 45 years, the company has grown and harvested over 150 biodynamic plants in their gardens, which can be found in a fairytale-like setting in Southern Germany. Complex rhythmical processing and attention to the biorhythms of nature result in potent plants that yield incredible essences, which are then formulated into the products that end up on our shelves. It’s a range that has been designed to activate the skin’s natural healing process and address the underlying cause of problems rather than simply masking the symptoms, and its loyal celebrity fans include beauties like Elle Macpherson, Julia Roberts, Maggie Gyllenhaal and Naomi Watts - women who know their skin and are celebrated for it. I could talk till the cows come home about how essential many of the products released by Dr.Hauschka really are but over the past couple of years I have been straying from the path and curating quite a diverse lineup of brands in my bathroom cabinet. Just before Christmas, I was contacted by the brand and asked if I’d like to have a play with some of their extensive range again, and one of my old favourites that I had completely forgotten about was in the high performance Regenerating mini kit I was sent. Its name is Regenerating Neck and Décolleté Cream and I had forgotten how much I missed it! The neck and décolleté are two of the most neglected areas on the bodies of a lot of women I know yet they are also two of the first spots to really give away your age. So many of us stop our skincare at the jawline and treat the legs and the arms with a body moisturiser and be done with it, then face the possibility of laser treatment or similar to hopefully ‘fix’ any damage once it becomes impossible to ignore.

leaving behind a greasy feel. Add to that moisture-balancing marshmallow, birch leaves and isoflavone-rich red clover extracts to help enrich the skin with moisture, while eight plant oils, including macadamia nut oil and argan oil, also provide an extra boost to help counteract the signs of aging. If that sounds like your concern, then I recommend you grab a tube of this magic stuff, and it goes without saying that its formula is all-natural and good for the planet too.

Thankfully for us, the internationally acclaimed team of scientists at Hauschka has created the aforementioned cream, which is a key element of the brand’s hugely successful Regenerating range, which was launched in 2008. I started using this beautifully rich cream again and can honestly say that the results are already starting to show. Despite the fact that I’m a religious user of sunscreen on the neck and décolleté, the dehydration after several months in the sun was starting to show, and it was the perfect time to get things healing.

Regenerating Body Moisturiser is another new fave of mine, and shows that the brand has mature skin covered from head to toe. An exquisite formula to use, it utilises specially chosen extracts of antioxidant medicinal herbs to revitalise and protect the skin, while creating a more toned appearance. Silica-rich field horsetail supports and firms skin, and the combination of marshmallow and birch help to regulate the skin’s moisture content and keep it feeling plump and healthy. Fine essential oils enhance the feeling of increased suppleness, smoothness and firmness, while your senses are delicately pampered with an enveloping fragrance of roses and oranges with a base note of velvety wood and vanilla.

It works by unleashing a potent and unique combination of precious natural ingredients to help retain moisture and firm the specific area, which loses elasticity and becomes prone to wrinkles and discolouring as the skin matures. The super-rich, creamy moisturising texture includes field horsetail containing silica, which quickly absorbs into the skin and has a firming effect on the neck and décolleté connective tissue without

This beautiful body lotion really is a joy to use and was an instant favourite in my bathroom. The natural ingredients firm the connective tissue and refine the structure of the skin, resulting in entirely new skin feeling smooth and silky and looking noticeably firmer, smoother and suppler. And it’s even designed with sensitive skin like mine in mind, PN keeping my eczema well at bay. Love it! (HELENE RAVLICH) F

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LIVING, THINKING + BEING HAPPY, FIT AND HEALTHY VIV GALLAGHER’S PASSION IN ESTABLISHING XTEND BARRE PONSONBY WAS TO OFFER the premier, internationally licensed range of Xtend Barre programmes in a beautiful, boutique studio where they encourage a wide range of ages, ability levels, shapes and sizes. Her team are committed to ensuring each individual feels a sense of success, feels welcome and has fun. “We are about building a strong community, supporting our members not only in classes but also educating and supporting them to make healthy lifestyle choices,” says Viv. Recently, around 30 Xtend Barre members completed a 60-day lifestyle challenge with some amazing results. The challenge was focused on a class and healthy nutrition challenge. The challengers could chose between three commitment levels to tailor a plan that was realistic, achievable and supported their lifestyle. Amanda Rees

(Amanda Rees, actress) “I discovered Xtend Barre through my sister and absolutely love it. I have never been a great one for any type of exercise as I am blessed with a naturally slim physique. Age, however, doesn’t stay on the side of being able to eat anything and do nothing! For the sake of good health, I was delighted to find a form of exercise to suit me! I love dancing and moving for the joy of it, so although barre work is dammed hard work, it is perfect. I come out of a class happy, I have got fitter, I’ve lost weight without trying and best of all, I no longer have back pain! “When I tell people its dance based it often scares them. ‘I’m not good at co-ordination’ they say, but actually it doesn’t matter, everyone is different and the moves are repetitive enough that although each class is different it is easy enough to pick up new moves. Recently I took on the 60-day challenge. The amazing support offered meant I could take on five classes a week even while working full time, and directing a play (Miss Jean Batten) for the Basement. I would have skipped classes fairly quickly under those circumstances but with the challenge I discovered you can do everything. And the exercise helped with the overload of the other.” F PN XTEND BARRE, L1, 56 Surrey Crescent, M: 021 245 5441, www.xtendbarre.com

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied




CLARE CALDWELL: THE ART OF LIVING So it seems the new catch phrase on the streets of America is ‘the millennials’. Millennials are the generation that followed the baby boomers. They now make up the largest demographic in American history - the first among them were responsible for Obama’s landslide victory and the last of them will shortly be turning 18. And they are angry. They’re angry that the promised land of milk and honey, the American Dream of optimum employment, workers’ rights, home ownership opportunities and low student debt, all inherited by the baby boomers has been dismantled in a generation. Most of these young people will never own a home, will be crippled with enormous student debt and, even after all that study and financial outlay, will have to face the fact that they may not get a job. These are just the immediate impacts. With the majority of the power and wealth in America concentrated in the top 1%, the disappearing middle classes and the grinding anguish of the increasing numbers of homeless and working poor, the millennials are looking desperately for new leaders and real change. And they have found one. Democrat candidate Bernie Sanders’ message of economic equality, rebuilding the middle class, free public education and healthcare for everyone, especially resonates with millennial voters who face unprecedented levels of personal debt. His following is largely the educated young intelligentsia who are morally outraged at the obscene levels of power and wealth now held by the multi national corporations running their country. They want a country where fairmindedness, compassion and decency towards everyone replace the greed, callousness and high level corruption of the few. Sanders has become the voice of this generation. He has had the unwavering moral clarity, courage and conviction to go where no other candidates have gone and his growing numbers of followers are testimony to the hunger for real moral change now so rampant in America (if not globally). Unable to compete with the campaign budgets of his rivals, he has shrewdly targeted the preferred media of the young, mastering the art of social media promotion, spreading his messages virally across the internet without incurring any cost! As a result, his influence and support base is growing exponentially as more and more people resonate with his vision of a new America. And of course, what happens in America affects the rest of the world. This is singularly the most important election in recent human history. The choice is between the continuation of policies that have created widespread inequality, environmental destruction and failure to tackle climate change, or an economic system that benefits all, creates social justice and environmental sustainability. We are at the crossroads of history. Let us hope that enlightened leadership triumphs over greed and self interest. (CLARE CALDWELL) F PN Clare (Claudie) Caldwell is a creative arts therapist who runs a small private practice from home. She now runs a voluntary art and art therapy programme at Auckland City Mission. She is also a freelance artist. Enquiries: T: 09 836 3618; M: 021 293 3171; E: clare.e.caldwell@gmail.com

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AUCKLAND GETS GLOBAL THUMBS UP FOR ENVIRONMENTAL INITIATIVES The Executive Director of the world’s leading network of cities committed to addressing climate change, C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group, has praised Auckland’s environmental initiatives during a visit. Mark Watts has been in Auckland for three days to see first-hand how the city is taking action on climate change, by visiting innovative projects and identifying where C40 can support Auckland’s efforts. “More than two thirds of energy is consumed in cities. To achieve the ambitious 1.5 degree target for warming, agreed by 195 countries including New Zealand at the 2015 Paris climate negotiations, cities will be key,” said Watts. “The cities that get on a low carbon development pathway soonest will be the most successful cities over the next decade, achieving faster economic growth and more sustainable improvements in living standards. “Fortunately mayors and cities around the world are coming together to form an unstoppable coalition for action. Len Brown has shown incredible leadership on the issue of climate change and introduced meaningful action to reduce emissions from their cities. It is exciting to see the vision that Auckland has for a sustainable future and I have seen several impressive projects here that could be applied to cities elsewhere across the world.” Auckland’s inclusion in C40, confirmed in December 2015, was recognition of the city’s efforts in terms of action on climate change to date and meant Auckland now enjoys international support to increase the pace of its actions. “It has been fantastic to meet with Mark as the leader of C40, a man who has his finger on the climate change pulse,” says Len Brown. “One of the drivers for Auckland’s local government amalgamation in 2010 was to have one truly international city on the world stage and Auckland’s C40 membership proves we are now just that. Auckland and C40 will now work together on where we can deliver outcomes for greater sustainability. We are front and centre of the climate change debate and are acting to achieve global preservation. We are at a tipping point that is going to see great things happen.” Watts had meetings with council politicians and executives, Auckland Transport and Panuku Development Auckland and was briefed on Auckland’s development plans, the new and improved public transport network and the city’s plan for more cycleways. He also visited some external organisations leading the charge against climate change like the Eco Matters Trust and the Compost Collective in New Lynn. Watts was the keynote speaker at an Auckland Conversations event entitled Climate Solutions: Cities in Action last night, attended by 500 people. He talked about the initiatives cities around the globe are putting in place to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and climate risks. C40 Regional Director Milag San Jose-Ballesteros, who is based in Singapore, accompanied Watts on his visit. A joint work programme will now be agreed and implemented. F PN


LIVIING, THINKING + BEING The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied




ALI LAWRIE: PERSONALITY TYPES While Easter is a special time for many people to relax with family and friends, it is also often a time of chocolate eggs and general overindulgence. Have you ever noticed that some people can nibble a tiny amount of an Easter egg over days while others can’t resist stuffing the lot down their throats immediately? I would argue that the reason for this has more to do with personality type than simple will power. Overindulgence is often the motivator that leads people to embark on a diet or fitness programme and if it is approached taking into account their personality preferences they are more likely to succeed. It is definitely easier for some personality types to plan and achieve health goals. Some people will notice any weight gain immediately, others won’t until their clothes suddenly just don’t fit. Like any approach, one size does not fit all. Some will like to follow prescribed programmes, some will need to invent their own, some will benefit from a coach and feedback and others will be happy going it alone. Finding the right personal programme of diet and fitness begins with looking at who you are. Your chance for success will be much greater if your approach is in alignment with your essential personality. For example, Extraverts can find it hard to resist social engagements, which often involve food and drinks. People generally tend to indulge more when they are with others. On the positive side however, weight loss and exercise groups work well for Extraverts as support and feedback is appreciated to encourage and motivate. A preference for Introversion will make it easier to avoid social situations where food and drink is consumed, however Introverts may feel uncomfortable in group situations where personal information is shared and prefer a one-on-one training or diet session.

Caroline Hailstone Beauty Therapist and Yoga teacher

Sensing types are in touch with their bodily senses and will notice real hunger and also when they are truly full. They will want an exercise or diet programme that has been tried and tested by others and is founded on factual information. Intuitives will be able to visualise a desired health goal clearly but may find it very difficult to relate the goal to the here and now. The idea can be more appealing than the actual ‘doing’. Thinkers will need a sound and rational reason to begin an exercise or diet programme that must be a logical scientifically proven method. They will find it easier to resist pressure to eat ‘forbidden’ foods when in social situations, as adhering to a program and schedule will take priority over pleasing others. The Feelers on the other hand will like to maintain harmony amongst a group. They may feel compelled to eat socially so as not to offend even when not actually hungry. Judgers will like to be organised and welcome an exercise or diet plan with a clear goal and measurable steps along the way, whereas Perceivers will find it hard to decide which exercise or diet programme to go on in the first place. Using the model of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® where personality preferences have been shown to correlate with career choice, communication and leadership style, there are also patterns as to the types of fitness and diet strategies that best suit. A good example of combining lifestyle, career and personality type is local yoga professional Caroline Hailstone. Identifying as an INFJ she finds that teaching the practice of yoga meets her personality type profile perfectly. INFJs like to have an external structure, a planned approach that is supportive of an inner vision. Exercise or diet will need to have some deeper personal meaning and will often result in adopting a vegan diet for ethical reasons or something similar. INFJs are motivated by making the world a better place. They will probably not enjoy a noisy gym environment, which may be jarring to the senses but will prefer a more laid back training area with quieter music. They will not like to be rushed or interrupted while exercising and will enjoy understanding the complexity and design of a programme. Meditative exercise like yoga is a great way of bringing the mind into the body, so is a perfect fit for Caroline. Her career began with beauty therapy in the United Kingdom before settling in New Zealand beginning a yoga practice and raising her son. Now she combines yoga and beauty therapy, specialising in skin care treatments working from a group practice in a lovely old brick villa in Jervois Road. Here she helps people move toward their vision with a structured, meaningful programme. The next time you think about a diet or exercise programme, to have more chance of success, be sure to think first what is going to be the right approach for your personality PN type. (ALI LAWRIE) F www.personalitytype.co.nz.

80 PONSONBY NEWS+ April 2016

Clothing Alterations

Alter Ego Roong T: 09 376 8689

M: 021 032 9128

182-4a Jervois Road, Herne Bay E: ra_cha29@yahoo.com “I get all my bits & pieces done by the smiling helpful Roong... and she’s got Eftpos = sorted...” MARTIN LEACH

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Preserving our sight as we age Vision may be the most precious of our five senses yet most of us may take it for granted until it begins to deteriorate. On the TV news recently there was a report on a breakthrough device for restoring some vision to a woman who was suffering with macular degeneration, a serious condition of the eye which robs many New Zealanders of their vision. A tiny telescope was ‘installed’ in the woman’s eye and it seemed to be quite effective. The costs, however, are very significant and I wonder why we are not doing more on the prevention front. Surely this is where the big gains could be made. Two other major conditions that can rob us of our sight are glaucoma and cataracts. Glaucoma is group of conditions related to damage to the optic nerve; often linked to raised intraocular pressure. A first indication may be loss of peripheral vision. A cataract is a clouding of the lens in the eye. Most cataracts are related to ageing and they are very common. There are two deleterious processes that have significant roles in the development of diseases of the eye; a process known as oxidation and a process known as glycation. Oxidation or oxidative stress occurs when by-products of cellular metabolism known as free radicals exceed the body’s capacity to neutralise them.

Glycation causes proteins to become damaged and dysfunctional. Proteins in the lens, which are among the longest-lived in the body, are particularly susceptible to glycation. There is never a better time to put in the effort and try to offset the development of eye diseases. First up it’s really important that we have regular check-ups so we can monitor the ‘health’ of our eyes. Nutritionally there is a lot we can do. I take a supplement which contains lutein, zeaxanthin and bilberry and I would go as far as saying that this is a must for anyone over 40 years of age. Prevention should be a key objective for all of us. Omega 3 is also on the very important list. Every day I have a very potent and high quality fish oil in liquid form. In addition we mustn’t forget to take vitamin C every day. It has a significant role to play in the health of our eyes. When it comes to treatment, there are some novel nutritional options that one can discuss with the doctor. It should be remembered that just because it isn’t a drug it doesn’t mean that it can’t be helpful. In my humble opinion, nutritional options should always be tried before resorting to drugs and the risks associated with them. A recent edition of the International Antiaging Society magazine featured a very informative article on

maintaining vision as we age. I was particularly interested in a couple of products which were discussed in detail. The first is ‘Can C’ a supplement in the form of eye drops which are used to prevent and treat early stage cataracts. ‘Can C’ which is based on n-acetylcarnosine and developed by a Russian scientist is becoming widely used for early stage cataracts. I first heard about ‘Can C’ in 2003 when I read an article by Professor Steven Gallant from London’s St Barts Hospital in the United Kingdom. Professor Gallant said “results aren’t instant but very quick when compared with the wait for cataract surgery on the NHS.” Another really interesting option for peripheral vision that is affected by glaucoma was also pioneered by Russian scientists for military use. Products known as peptide bioregulators which have a special ability to switch on genes and thus recover functions of tissues and organs affected by age-related deterioration. In one trial, a participant had visual fields tested prior to supplementation with a peptide bioregulator. The result was 51.3% of normal. Following treatment the result was 93.7% of normal. This is a very impressive outcome for a simple side effect-free supplement. PN (JOHN APPLETON) F

APPLETON ASSOCIATES, T: 09 489 9362, john@johnappleton.co.nz, www.johnappleton.co.nz

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied




CARING PROFESSIONAL Jasmine Papprill - aerialist Aerialist Jasmine Papprill is a “friendly, driven” performing arts/ fitness professional with a great sense of humour. She is family-focused and loves being a mother to her seven-year-old son. Jasmine enjoys a fine balance of country and city life, saying, “You can’t beat a good swim in the ocean or seeing a fantastic live theatre show!” Jasmine’s desire is to spread awareness of aerial silks and the great benefits the discipline has on overall mind-body wellbeing, around New Zealand. How did you come to be an aerialist? Four years ago I came back from a week-long silent meditation retreat and wanted to make some changes in my life. My aim was to get fit whilst one day being able to fulfill my dream to perform again. I remember seeing aerial silks being performed in a show and decided that’s what I wanted to take up! I didn’t even know what it was called but eventually I found out and sourced a class in East Auckland. What do you love about your job? My job is so varied! It ranges from fielding enquiries to performing in front of 15,000 people. What I love most is the creative aspect: pulling together a costume, music and theming for a performance at an event. Creating art with my body to inspire others feels pretty good too! What do you find challenging? One of the most challenging things is teaching multi-levelled students at one time. As aerial silks is so one-on-one, class sizes are small and we can have an absolute beginner along with a more advanced student. You do learn to adapt while trying to keep an eye on everyone. Another challenge is maintaining high fitness levels and regular flexibility training around a busy life. How do you differ from other aerialists? I went on a trip over to the New England Centre for Circus Arts in the United States at the beginning of last year for a seven-day intensive aerial silks teacher-training course. The techniques I learned in this course were so valuable and I got to meet some amazing circus teachers and artists. I have not been a gymnast/dancer all my life as many aerialists are. I am a business woman with a corporate background who turned her passion into a fun job. Can you share an anecdote about one of your performances? I would have to say the most exhilarating performance was being in front of a huge crowd at Christmas at the Bowl, New Plymouth in 2014. That venue was just breathtaking! I was performing at a height of approximately 5m which is higher than normal. The crowd had all their candles lit and I just felt like I was there all by myself because I couldn’t see anyone in the dark. I had a GoPro on my head, which was a bit of a pain as I did have to make sure it wasn’t going to fling off when I did a drop! What do you do to care for yourself? My life is all about balance - being a Libran this is so important to me. I eat a normal diet consisting of meat, veg and plenty of water. I ensure I spend quality time with nature and family and friends. I believe a life based on rewards for hard work is the key to happiness. What’s your advice to people seeking to learn aerial silks? Just come and try it! I run new student intake classes every fortnight on a Sunday. If you love aerial silks you can sign up for a 10-week term which is run on a Wednesday evening. You do need to start building your strength and flexibility on the ground as you learn aerial silks, but this can be done at home, in the gym or even at your local park. F PN ARACNATION AERIAL FITNESS + ENTERTAINMENT, 20 St Marys Road, T: 09 845 1182, www.aracnation.co.nz

82 PONSONBY NEWS+ April 2016


LIVING, THINKING + BEING ARVIGO® THERAPIES ARE AVAILABLE @ AROHA HEALING “The mind will use the muscles and organs of the body as an outlet for pent-up emotions” - Wilhelm Reich Arvigo® therapies are available with Aroha Healing’s principle therapist, Rosanna Marks. Based on more than 40 years of training and experience with indigenous Maya medicine, Dr Rosita Arvigo has revived this ancient physical approach to organ health. Through non-invasive external manipulations that gently reposition internal organs, the Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy® restore the flow of blood, lymph, nerve and vital energy, leading to improved digestion, reproductive health and mental emotional wellbeing. Benefits for women Optimally, the uterus is positioned in the centre of the pelvis, leaning just over the bladder. It is held in this position by many muscles and ligaments. Uterine ligaments are made to stretch to accommodate a growing foetus during pregnancy. In some cases, the ligaments and muscles that support the uterus can weaken and loosen, causing the uterus to shift downward, forward, backward or to either side. When reproductive organs shift, they can constrict normal flow of blood and lymph, and disrupt nerve connections. A uterus that is not in the optimal position may also press on the bladder or rectum and cause urinary symptoms or constipation. By shifting the uterus back into place, homeostasis can be restored in the pelvic area and the surrounding organs. This is essential for healthy pregnancy, labour and delivery. Old adhesions from surgical treatments to the pelvic and abdominal area can also be diminished through application of uterine massage.

Benefits for men By ensuring optimal blood supply to the prostate, the abdominal massage may help to prevent enlargement and inflammation and can help to relieve some symptoms of Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy (BPH) including urinary frequency, urgency and dribbling. By improving circulation and reducing inflammation, the massage may also help with some types of male infertility. Digestive and emotional benefits Individuals with digestive disorders may also benefit greatly from the techniques. Our digestive organs are home to the majority of our immune system and also contain 80 -90% of the neurotransmitters that our bodies use, including serotonin and dopamine. Issues in our digestive tract can thus affect many other areas of the body and mind. By improving arterial and venous circulation, lymph flow, and nerve conduction in the abdomen, we can make great improvements in overall health and wellbeing. **This treatment is not recommended during menses, immediately following pelvic surgery, during the first trimester of pregnancy or where an active infection or cancer is present in the pelvic region. To read more about Arvigo® therapies please go to the Aroha Healing website or email Rosanna directly. (ROSANNA MARKS) F PN AROHA HEALING, 3 Maidstone Street, M: 0273 866 587 or T: 0800MINDBODY, E: info@arohahealing.co.nz, www.arohahealing.co.nz

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied






I’m fit and sporty, I don’t have any broken or strained muscles. However, my whole back from my heels to my head is very ‘tight’.

Increasingly my neck is stiff and my shoulders feel like concrete. Add to this, I’m always ‘rushing’ everywhere and yesterday my 12-year-old quipped, “Mum you are so uptight!” Help! Please tell me can osteopathy treat stress?


Yes, I have a lot of patients with similar symptoms and it’s interesting that you have identified an emotional component, stress, that has lead to physical knots and spasms within your body - believe me, from time to time this affects us all.

Our men have the same problem, they can be super-fit and bouncy but without practising good stretching, relaxation techniques and body-fitness checks with osteopath’s or sports coaches and massage therapists their bodies get tighter and bound up. Let’s be clear, there is ‘good’ stress, like a project deadline and working out at the gym - it’s primal and vital for our bodies to pump, achieve, function and reach higher goals. And there is ‘bad’ stress, now clinically proven to be dangerous for our health, even deadly - toxins and pollution for example. Then there is ‘physical body’ stress such as bad posture, pre and post surgery, negative thoughts or a pulled shoulder, etc. Your body is the most remarkable structure, having evolved over millions of years - it can compensate and accommodate for all that we throw at it... until it can’t. I regularly have clients say, “I’m a ball of knots” or “I only bent down to pick up a piece of paper, and my back went!” Well, one thing is for sure, it’s not the piece of paper! It’s an accumulation of many personal experiences and geneology that has brought you to this point. Let’s take a look at super athletes, like our mighty All Blacks, they are ‘switched on’ to mindfulness, yoga, pilates and so on to enrich their perfomance and de-stress on and off the field. We can learn from them how to release stress out of our bodies. Here are a few facts and health tips to help you de-stress. • Treatment and wellness - in our osteo treatments, we observe a holistic view, inquiring about your ‘total’ body, noting any of the stresses we have mentioned. We ‘scan’ your body to trace tension spots and release knots. To untie these ‘knots’, we often have to unravel a few others, these are the compensations that your body has made from previous injuries, maybe a childhood accident, emotional strain from the death of a parent or divorce; all of this is laid down in your body’s tissues in one way or another. As an osteopath, I find them and give treatment and advice to sustain an optimium recovery. • Age and stage - adaptation or ‘bounce-back’ changes with age. The older we get, the less elasticity our tissues have. Talk with your osteo about an appropriate plan for your specific body type. • Movement - from a daily walk and gentle stretching with yoga and pilates to dancing, swimming and surfing - will help to keep your tissues, heart, muscles and joints in a healthier state. • Rest and relaxation - paramount to all of this is managing your life to include good sleep. Easier said than done! We rebuild neurons and tissues in our sleep and you don’t have to lift a finger. Massage, mindfulness and meditation; lots of laughter is a winner. Have fun! Breathe... we can show you how. • Balanced diet - I personally monitor how well I am by getting a full spectrum blood test on a yearly basis. It is clinically proven that stress has a negative effect on your gut function, which can result in a reduction in immunity. Finally, please do come into PN our clinic, we would love to assist you in your de-stress. (SARAH-JANE ATTIAS) F Disclaimer: This article is for general information purposes only. If you have a specific health problem you should seek advise from an appropriate registered health care provider. Living Osteopathy is a Primary Health Care Provider registered with ACC and the OCNZ. Living Osteopathy does not accept any liability other than to its clients.

LIVING OSTEOPATHY, 29 Scanlan Street, T: 09 361 1147, www.livingosteopathy.co.nz

84 PONSONBY NEWS+ April 2016


LIVING, THINKING + BEING DO YOU KNOW SOMEONE WHO IS HAVING TREATMENT FOR CANCER? Or maybe you know someone who has just finished treatment? Either way, you’ll appreciate that improving the quality of life and sense of wellbeing is a vital part of recovery. There is a range of programmes designed specifically to achieve that, suitable at any stage during or after treatment, and run by certified Cancer Rehab Physiotherapists. The great news is that you could be funded by PINC & STEEL cancer rehabilitation Trust to join a programme. PINC helps women maximise recovery, regain physical and emotional strength, and improve body confidence, while STEEL helps men maximise recovery, regain physical strength, stamina and incorporate exercise into their lifestyle, helping with mental attitude. Zee Sharif from Return to Form Physiotherapy, is a certified PINC & STEEL Cancer Rehab Physiotherapist and provides a full range of services designed to care, support and guide men and women through every stage of their treatment and recovery. Zee also offers NEXT STEPS, a group exercise programme for women who have finished their main cancer treatment and want to take the next steps on their road to recovery. The programme combines the best pilates, yoga and cardiovascular exercises for a workout that is specifically designed to help rebuild strength, flexibility and stamina. It runs for one hour per week for 10 weeks and is specifically designed to help women affected by cancer. To find out more contact Return to Form. F PN RETURN TO FORM, Level 1, 334 Ponsonby Road, T: 09 551 4460, www.returntoform.com

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied





Helen van der Merwe is a manager for Lighthouse At-Home, looking after ages three months to five years - that’s currently 17-plus under twos and 40-plus over twos. How did you come to be an ECE teacher/supervisor? I have always had a great passion for trying to understand how children think while playing and learning about their own skills and the wonderful world around them. This sparked my own curiosity. I wanted to be more involved in learning about how children develop this glorious sense of wonder and found that the early childhood industry offered an excellent opportunity to grow and learn. Where did you train? I started my training 11 years ago at New Zealand Tertiary College as a correspondence student, while working 40 hours at a centre and raising two daughters. At that stage they were three and six years old. What brought you to your current workplace? I have had great leadership role models and wanted to spread my wings and explore my options working for a company that could support and guide my learning. Lighthouse caught my interest by not only stating that they provide quality learning, but also doing it. What are your favourite things about being a teacher/supervisor? The children and the families I have around me give me great joy. Seeing the happiness and accomplishment in their eyes are what drives me to be the best teacher I can be. This affirms my belief in leading by example. I know that the teachers who are around me are supportive, caring and loving towards children in their care and I would not have it any other way. What has been a highlight of your teaching career? I would surely say becoming a teacher for a manager who takes great value in quality, and then finding a company that has that same view towards putting children’s needs first and getting families involved. And a low point? I am saddened when some teachers put their own egos above what is important, which is the children we care for. How would your boss describe you? I have had two great bosses in my career as a teacher and senior teacher, and I am currently working for one. I would say that they would describe me as kind, committed and passionate about the children and families I care for. How would other teachers describe you? Professional, knowledgeable and patient while supporting and guiding their teaching practices. How would your students describe you? I would hope the ones who can’t talk yet would say that I love them dearly as I give them lots of time, space and support to explore and grow. The older ones come running up to me and say that they love me so that is very sweet. If you could wave a magic wand in your classroom... I would have 100% committed and trained professional in all centres and not just in ours. I am truly fortunate that where I am right now, I have teachers who are deeply committed to their profession and their practices support it. My magic wand is the teachers around me and I know that the children are loved and cared for while their parents are not here. Five tips for mums and dads of young kids 1. Be patient. 2. Your little one grows up really fast, enjoy every moment. 3. It is okay to ask for help. 4. Don’t try and do everything and be supermom and dad as your children only want your love and attention. 5. Your child is happy with cuddles as a reward. LIGHTHOUSE AT-HOME EDUCATION, www.lighthouseathome.co.nz

86 PONSONBY NEWS+ April 2016

Helen van der Merwe Lighthouse At-Home Education PUBLISHED FIRST FRIDAY EACH MONTH (except January)

FUTURE GENERATION PONSONBY DANCE STUDENTS HEAD TO LOS ANGELES TO PERFORM Over the past few months there has been much anticipation amongst the students at the Ponsonby School of Dance. Quietly excited, they sent audition tapes off to Disneyland Universal Studios in the hope that they would be chosen to perform there. The excitement accelerated when they received confirmation last month to say that they were in fact accepted to perform. On 7 April, 31 dancers, all from PSOD aged 8-16 years and their respective chaperones, leave for eight days in Los Angeles. The most exciting part for the students is that they are dancing in the Main Street evening parade on Saturday 9 April - Disneyland sent the choreography for this event so the students could learn the dance. From there, they go on to do a 20-minute performance at Disneyland and Universal Studios. They get to showcase their own dances and this is exciting for the girls as they have spent many hours rehearsing. In addition they participate in two workshops, one at Disney and one at The Edge dance studios. Two PSOD dance troopes have been selected to perform at Disney with other participating dance schools from around the world; each dance troupe had to audition separately for this. Ponsonby School of Dance teaches a range of dance styles with something for everyone to enjoy. They teach Royal Academy of Dance ballet, JazzAddict jazz, Urban Ignition hip hop and NZAMD contemporary. Yayoi Matches, an ex PSOD student, graduated from New Zealand School of Dance at the end of last year. Yayoi was accepted into the Queensland Ballet Company where Li Cunxin PN is the Artistic Director. F PONSONBY SCHOOL OF DANCE, 28 Hargreaves Street, Ponsonby, M: 0275 338 427, E: tracey@ponsonbyschoolofdance.co.nz

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied





Stadium a no go A waka-shaped stadium perched on the water front... now there’s an original idea. It’s probably a good idea too, but we’ve been here before, haven’t we? And this time funding this type of development is going to be so, so much harder than it ever was before. Last time this sort of talk was mooted, we at least had a Rugby World Cup tournament to hang its development on. Now, nothing. For the exact same reasons I pointed out last month that Auckland deserved a proper dedicated cricket venue, the city could benefit from having something similar for rugby and football. Only on this particular one I’m not nearly as convinced, and, to be honest, at the risk of sounding like a pessimist, I seriously can’t see past the potential opposition. Below is a few reasons why I can’t see this coming to fruition. A recent poll asked where a new stadium should be located, it gave two options; at the current container wharf and at Wynyard Quarter. Firstly, after millions of dollars have been spent developing Wynyard Quarter, why would you then screw it up and redevelop with a stadium? Secondly, the opposition to extending the container wharf was immense, now heading down the path of trying to add a giant stadium, albeit dressed up as a giant waka, can surely only mean years of legal wrangling, inflated costs and eventual heart ache? Thirdly, and possibly the biggest issue of them all, which most polls and questionnaires steer well away from I might add: who’s stumping up the money to pay for this stadium?

Let’s say increased rates for example, fairly safe to say most people would opt for any rates increase to be spent on transport issues, not a stadium that should have been built six or seven years ago when the government was prepared to stump up a significant portion of the costs. Another issue with this type of development is that this doesn’t mean other stadiums, such as North Harbour and Mt Smart, could be mothballed or sold off to help contribute to the cost. It takes a huge amount to open these bigger types of stadiums each time, so an NPC match between North Harbour and Taranaki will be far from profitable, consigning the union or the city to greater losses. Besides, have the unions like Auckland and the Blues actually indicated that they’d be keen to either become a tenant and base themselves at a new stadium or contribute any money to a new home facility? Another one I doubt would be keen, given the millions of dollars they’ve just spent at Ellerslie on their new High Performance centre. Don’t get me wrong - I love the idea of having a new, flash waterfront stadium, but I don’t think we need one just to keep up with the Joneses or with Melbourne, but as soon as you scratch the surface as to whether this sort of idea is worthwhile, truckloads of issues and problems surface and I think we’re consigned to lumping Eden Park for another 50 years as punishment for not having the conviction to do something about it PN when we had the chance. (GEORGE BERRY) F

More Paralympics than ever before The expansion of para-sport at the Commonwealth Games is a sure sign these athletes are being treated with the true dignity they deserve, athletes first and disabled second. photography: IPC, 2015 IPC Swimming World Championships

I’ve had the privilege of spending time with many para athletes and I can assure you they don’t put in any less effort than most able-bodied athletes. In fact, the circumstances that many of them are challenged with each and every day, just to make it to the track, pool or gym is often an accomplishment in itself. So to hear that the Gold Coast games in 2018 will host the largest ever para sport programme in the history of the Commonwealth Games is simply outstanding. Up to 300 para athletes will get the chance to compete in 38 medal events across seven different sports. It also fills a gap for many of the athletes who have existed between one Paralympics and the next. Without the 2018 Commonwealth Games, apart from world championships most of the athletes have struggled to stay focused and competitive during the trough period of the four-year cycle. Fiona Allan, CEO of Paralympics New Zealand, believes the fact the next Commonwealth Games are in Australia will also have a huge benefit to the sports. “This is a great opportunity for Kiwi para-athletes to compete on the international stage between the Rio 2016 and Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games. We hope their performances so close to home will both inspire potential athletes and engage supporters even further. The increased size of the para-sport programme at the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games is evidence of the huge growth in terms of public interest and competing athletes we have seen in many para-sport events in recent years.”

Cameron Leslie

Track cycling, swimming, athletics, lawn bowls, powerlifting, table tennis and triathlon are the sports which will be contested by para-athletes at the 2018 games. The seven sports will also host an equal number of men’s and women’s events. Since Glasgow, athletics and swimming events have doubled from six to 12 medal events, while Para-Triathlon will be presented for the first time as will the first-ever wheelchair marathon. “Our planning for the 2018 Commonwealth Games is well underway and the expanded para-sport programme is a positive step forward as we look towards the next edition of the Commonwealth Games on the Gold Coast,” said Kereyn Smith, Chief Executive of the New Zealand Olympic Committee and Vice-President of the Commonwealth Games Federation. “We believe the new-look para programme will result in more inspirational Kiwi athletes excelling on the Commonwealth stage and we look forward to supporting them on this journey.” PN Para sports were first integrated with the Commonwealth Games in 2002 in Manchester. (GEORGE BERRY) F

88 PONSONBY NEWS+ April 2016


FUTURE GENERATION ALOHA @ GREY LYNN SCHOOL Grey Lynn School was excited to host their 15th Annual ‘Aloha’ night on Friday 18 March.

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied

photography: Asha Vaidya

Major sponsors Barfoot & Thompson Grey Lynn Branch manning the sausage sizzle

A school representative says, “Aloha is a lovely celebration of our Grey Lynn heritage and our diverse community. It is an important part of our school culture and has become PN a much-loved community event.” F

photography: Asha Vaidya

Aloha is a very special celebration for the school: an opportunity for families to come together to share food and entertainment. The children led an evening of great performances, with a lineup of local bands joining the stage as the sun went down.

Principal Bill Barker





Sack him. Why? A couple of rounds into the NRL season and the witch hunt for someone to blame for the Warriors’, poor start to the season is well and truly underway. What I don’t get is when a team’s not performing to their perceived best, (and why they’re picked as potential title favourites every year, baffles me even more) is why it has to automatically be the coach’s fault. Yes, good starts to a season are important but they’re not a catastrophic failure that requires slamming down the panic button and firing someone just to make you feel better. You’d think just a couple of games into a season people deserve a little more breathing space. Heck, they’ve been in the competition for over 20 years and it’s not the first time the Warriors have started a season like this. Their second game was a hell of a lot better than their first and the second half of their opening game wasn’t the disaster it was labelled. Yes, there were plenty of reasons to be annoyed, but surely that’s got more to do with the players under-performing, not the coach. If anything, what he must have said at halftime had a positive effect on the side, not a negative one. And not only did the change to the interchange bench for this season have a major impact on them losing to the Broncos in Brisbane, but there also plays part of the problem the Warriors faced: taking on the Broncos in Brisbane. They lost to a team who actually has real title credentials in their own backyard! Call me crazy but did anyone

actually expect the Warriors to go over there, get a win and return home with smiles on their faces? The other thing that strikes me as bizarre about the idea of sacking a coach, and not just the Warriors’, coach Andrew McFadden, but any coach at any point other than at the end of a season is who do you replace him or her with? Surely the other 15 clubs have the best coaches in the business already under contract, so in order to put someone in charge who’s in a better position than the one just sacked has to already be tied up and unavailable. Unless, as they say, the coach has lost the dressing room and given Shaun Johnson’s comments about backing McFadden 100% following the Broncos game, then there can’t possibly be anyone better available for the job. There’s no hiding the Warriors have made a number of high-profile signings during the off-season and it’s just as obvious they didn’t become great overnight. Each and every one of them became better league players over time, something that both the players and the coach need and deserve. The best thing that could happen to the Warriors is the country gets another NRL team and the microscopic scrutiny they’re subjected to eases off. PN Get up the Warriors and good luck Andrew McFadden. (GEORGE BERRY) F

FOOTBALL FUN @ WESTERN SPRINGS The 2016 football season is upon us and at Western Springs AFC there is excited anticipation of the shrill sound of the whistle that signals the start of the season. Junior football kicks off on Friday 1 April, with eight-year-olds playing Friday night football under the floodlights on Western Springs AFC’s all-weather turf at 6pm. The club invites you to “come on down and enjoy the spectacle as nearly 200 kids begin the season, having fun and playing football.” Over the course of a weekend you will find more than 1600 children from the community wearing the green and white of Western Springs, playing in more than 100 games at the club and around Auckland. The club welcomes you: “Our clubrooms are open and you are welcome to join our parents, grandparents, family and friends on the sidelines or on PN the clubhouse balcony to enjoy the beautiful game.” F WESTERN SPRINGS AFC, 180 Meola Road, Western Springs, T: 09 361 2235, www.wsafc.org.nz

2015 8th Grade Pequenos

90 PONSONBY NEWS+ April 2016



Sam Kenny’s living life in the fast lane Most good swimmers, you’d think, love the water from day one. They’re born in a bathtub and do a couple of lengths underwater before surfacing for their first breath. That’s not quite how it started out for 10-year-old Sam Kenny. He positively hated the water when he was taken for his first swimming lesson at age 1. “An unmitigated disaster,” recalls his mother Jen Murphy. “He screamed throughout the whole lesson and subsequently was too scared to put his head underwater until he was five,” she says. “Naturally, we put swimming on hold. After numerous attempts and much bribery we convinced him to have swimming lessons when he was five and, surprisingly, he loved it. When he was eight he attended a fun day at his swim club and met Hayley Palmer, a national record holder who swam at the 2008 Olympics in Beijing. She swam with Sam and suggested he start competitive swimming. He was really inspired by her and on her advice he started early morning training and attended his first competitive meet.” That was how Sam discovered his inner fish, and now there seems to be no stopping him. He swims at the Trent Bray Swim School, where he is coached by Ian and Sandra Burrows, who teach him and his peers far more than simply how to move faster through the water. They take a holistic approach to swimming, focusing not only on technique and fitness but also on teamwork, sportsmanship, nutrition, goal-based thinking, and learning how to be competitive. They set high standards on how the swimmers train and behave. It seems to be doing the trick, at least if the stopwatch is anything to go by. He holds records in six events at his school Ponsonby Primary, and late last year, and in January this year, Sam achieved the times necessary to qualify for the Junior Nationals in three events; the 50m butterfly, 200m individual medley and 50m backstroke. He missed qualifying for the 50m freestyle and 100m backstroke by less than a second. In his best events, the 50 fly and 200 medley, he’s ranked 6th and 9th in the country.

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied

Of course, good coaching is only part of the equation. The athlete needs to do his or her share, and in this regard, Sam isn’t lacking. On Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays, he’s finished his 90-minute, two-hour sessions before you readers have started your flat white. On Tuesday afternoons, he puts in another hour in the pool, and on Sunday there’s surf life saving in the morning and Flippaball (water polo) in the afternoon. Sam would like to do more, but for the time being his parents are holding him back, wary of the burnout that frazzles so many young swimmers. When they let go of the reins, it’ll be interesting to see what Sam might achieve. Last year, at the Inner City Schools meet in Henderson, he won everything he entered - the 25m freestyle, 50m freestyle, 25m backstroke, 25m breaststroke, and 100m medley. With all that swimming and training, Sam spends his downtime relaxing and recovering, recharging the batteries for the next workout, right? Not exactly. He’s also a passionate hip hop dancer, and last year he auditioned for a group called Frenzy. He made the cut and competed with the crew at the Regionals last month. Frenzy qualified for the Nationals, to be held next month, and with the top three crews winning places to represent New Zealand at the world famous Las Vegas championships later this year, Sam’s timetable will be getting even fuller. Not that he intends giving up his school road patrol duties, his guitar lessons, or his football, basketball or triathlon training. But it’s swimming that holds pole position in Sam’s heart. His greatest heroes are swimmers - Michael Phelps, Lauren Boyle, Sophie Pascoe and Hayley Palmer - and his main goals are based around swimming. He wants to represent his country at an international event by age 18 and to swim at the 2024 Olympics. He also wants a swim scholarship to attend a United States university. Big challenges, yes, but this time he won’t need to be bribed by his parents to go after them with everything he’s got. (BILLY HARRIS) F PN





Erin Berryman and Patrick


Erin Berryman is a Ponsonby local in both residence and work. She manages the fashion accounts at creative communications agency Beat, which is located at the bottom of College Hill. Erin tells, “I moved from Sydney to Auckland nine years ago. Ponsonby feels like an accumulation of everything great about Sydney condensed into one area and I love it!” Erin’s red short-haired miniature dachshund Patrick is three years old, and she has had him since he was a three-month-old pup. How did you come to choose Patrick? We fell in love with our family friend’s dachshund Wolfgang - also a Ponsonby pooch. They are such a loyal and affectionate breed with hilarious personalities. How did Patrick get his name? After a few weeks of having Patrick, we soon realised he wasn’t the brightest dog - just a pretty face! We decided to name him after the starfish in Spongebob Squarepants, who is known for his lack of smarts. Always love a good human name for a dog, too.


Does Patrick have any friends? He’s a pretty selective dog. The only dogs he seems to get excited by are dachshunds and there aren’t many around! What does Patrick like to eat? Absolutely anything! Despite his small stature he has the appetite of a Great Dane. His favourite food would definitely be cheese - the more expensive the better. He enjoys a nice aged blue or creamy brie. It’s hilarious, he can be three levels up in the house but will hear the cheese packet removed from the fridge and sprint down. Absolutely obsessed. Cheese over a bone any day. What is your favourite thing to do together? He does love to watch a good chick flick... much better company than most males! F PN


Martha and Tabitha


92 PONSONBY NEWS+ April 2016



HELP GIVE AN ADULT DOG A LOVING HOME TODAY Many people who adopt dogs look no further than the cute puppies but have you considered giving an adult dog a forever home? SPCA Auckland receives many adult dogs into our care, sometimes when their owners can no longer care for them, or when the owner moves to a house unsuitable for their dog. On some sad occasions, older dogs are left lonely when their lifelong owner passes away. Often, adult dogs are bewildered from being moved from their current, comfortable life to an uncertain future. SPCA Auckland cares for them in the meantime, but what each dog really needs is a loving home again. There are many benefits to adopting an older dog. Adult dogs have established their Charlie personalities and tend to be more settled and better behaved, so there’s less training involved! They are often much less demanding than puppies and make great companion animals. Charlie is a charming, excitable girl aged two-and-a-half years. She has been with SPCA for just under a year and has spent the last few months being fostered by a member of their hospital team. She is now back in the Animal Village and looking for a forever family. SPCA has lots of adult dogs currently looking for homes. You can view our dogs for adoption online at www.spcaauckland.org.nz or www.facebook.com/SPCAFriends or visit the SPCA Animal Village at 50 Westney Road, Mangere - Open seven days from PN 10am to 4pm. F

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied

Each month Dr Alex Melrose answers readers’ pet -related issues. Email yours to: alex@vetcare.net.nz


We are buying a Leonberger puppy from a reputable breeder. They have recently informed us that one puppy (out of five) in the litter has been found to have neospora. The mother has also just been blood tested and found to be infected. The puppies are now four weeks old. They will blood test them all at six weeks old. They have been told that only 20% of the litter is usually affected. Our main query is if the blood tests of the remaining puppies (or at least some of them) are found to be negative, will that guarantee that they will not get the infection from that particular source, ie, their mother. And will this then mean they are fit and healthy for us to add to our family? Hope you can help with this as I understand it is somewhat rare. You are looking at a beautiful large breed of dog. The current vet thinking on this rare, peculiar and potentially very serious protozoal infection identifies these key points. The proportion of pups afflicted can vary from a quarter to three quarters of each litter, possibly significantly more than the one in five suggested above. The affects of this infection can be very serious with severe neurological problems and even death in some instances.


Treatment is also difficult and prolonged and will never remove the cystic life stage from the host dog, which will then carry the organism for life although a relapse of symptoms and contagiousness is very rare. Rather than cure, any medications given are to treat symptoms and shorten the period of shedding the protozoa to other dogs. The mother can infect the pups trans-placentally (the likely route here) with the pups born infected and unfortunately should not be used for breeding again as she will potentially do so again to future litters. The bitch is unlikely to be infectious at this point, so the pups negative at six weeks are probably clear. However, there are isolated reports of hosts remaining infectious and shedding the organism for months so it wouldn’t be 100% sure this wasn’t still going on. Please keep me posted on the blood results and we can help PN you make your decisions. (DR ALEX MELRORE, BVSC, MRCVS) F VETCARE GREY LYNN & UNITEC, 408 Great North Road, Gate 3, 101 Carrington Road, T: 09 361 3500, www.vetcare.net.nz





The zoo’s new African savanna is home to wildlife tall and small - from towering giraffes to our meerkat mob and lovebirds.

Join us on an African safari these holidays These April holidays (16 April to 1 May) Auckland Zoo is offering adventure-loving kids and families the opportunity to take an African Safari to discover the Zoo’s ‘Big 5’ (cheetah, giraffe, hippo, lion and rhino) and other stunning African wildlife. Our African-themed holiday activity sends you on an adventure around the zoo in search of our ‘Big 5’. As you discover each ranger station you’ll learn all about these unique African species and the conservation issues they face in the wild. The safari takes in the zoo’s stunning new African savanna development that opened to the public at Easter. Home to giraffe, zebra, ostrich, meerkats, lovebirds and leopard tortoises, it offers some unique new perspectives - including the chance to get foot to hoof with giraffe at their new watering hole. Plus, there are new tunnels with pop-up windows and under and over-passes to view our meerkat mob, who live within a massive walk-through aviary with Africa’s leopard tortoises and lovebirds.

The rhino is one of Auckland Zoo’s ‘Big 5’. All children who participate in this holiday activity will receive an activity card and a free Auckland Zoo lanyard. Normal zoo admission prices apply. Friends of the Zoo, free. Visit www.aucklandzoo.co.nz for more details.

Rotoroa’s first kiwi head home Auckland Zoo and our Rotoroa Island Trust (RIT) partners were excited to have five healthy ‘teenage’ kiwi that spent their childhood on Rotoroa Island, recently released onto protected land at Te Mata on the Coromandel. The release of the four female and one male sub-adults (into forest just a short distance from where their eggs were laid) is the result of a new partnership that Auckland Zoo and RIT have formed with Thames Coast Kiwi Care (TCKC) to help boost the population of Coromandel brown kiwi - the rarest of the four populations of brown kiwi. During the 2014-2015 kiwi breeding season, kiwi eggs laid at Te Mata in an area TCKC volunteers intensively trap, were collected, incubated and hatched at the zoo by our bird keepers. At around three weeks old, 12 kiwi were released onto predator-free Rotoroa, were they have flourished. In addition to the five kiwi that had grown large enough (1.2kg) to be released at Te Mata, a further three sub-adults will in the near future be released onto Motutapu Island to assist its kiwi population. Auckland Zoo birds keeper Natalie Clark has been involved in the full life-cycle of the birds - from egg collection through to incubation, hatching, rearing, releasing the chicks on Rotoroa, and mustering and returning them back to the Coromandel: “We’ve put these little chicks on Rotoroa to give them a head-start at life, and in a relatively short time, they’ve tripled in size! It’s so rewarding to see. It’s been an incredible team effort, and wonderful to have been able to bring the birds back to Te Mata where the TCKC volunteers are putting so much work into trapping,” says Natalie. Auckland Zoo birds keeper Natalie Clark with male kiwi Tuatahi (Maori for first) - the very first kiwi to be released onto Rotoroa Island, and the first to be released back to protected forest on the Coromandel.

94 PONSONBY NEWS+ April 2016

“As long as holidaymakers and locals keep their dogs on leads when they’re in kiwi country, we have a chance to save these special birds and see them thrive.” The 2015-2016 kiwi breeding season has to date already seen 13 more kiwi chicks released onto Rotoroa, with a 14th chick hatched at the Zoo in March due for release this month. A second muster will take place next summer to return more kiwi to the Coromandel. PUBLISHED FIRST FRIDAY EACH MONTH (except January)


PETS & PAT’S FARM STAYS AND DAYCARE Early bird specials from $40. Welcome to dog Disneyland, a 20-acre farm where your dog can do as much or as little as they like. FARM STAYS: Limited to 8 VIP guests, boutique indoor living, 20 acres for outdoor fun, 24/7 onsite vet. DAYCARE: Small numbers, 20 acres for outdoor fun, internal spaces to relax, onsite vet, all ages, pick up. It’s the time of the year when we start planning for the year ahead. In terms of dog care, there are some key questions I think all parents should ask of the dog care facility. Here’s my essential list. 1. How many dogs are in your facility/care? At Pets & Pats, we look after a small number of families, whereas in larger internal facilities it’s not uncommon to have numbers in the hundreds. 2. What is the staff-to-dog ratio? Once again, in larger facilities or even with individual walkers taking out dogs, staff numbers can be as low as 1 to 40 dogs. At Pets & Pats we are 1 to 8. 3. What does my dog do when in your care? I was shocked when looking into founding the farm that many ‘leading’ lodging facilities have dogs in ‘lock down’ in their pens for between 22-23 hours, only letting them out once or twice a day. In internal daycares, ask: how does my dog spend their day, how much space do they have, how many dogs are with them, what variety is offered during the day? What are the qualifications of the staff? 4. What onsite care is available when my dog is boarding with you? In many facilities once the kids are put to bed between 5pm - 7am, there is no onsite care. Often kids are housed in a separate facility where they are checked on once during the night. At Pets & Pats, we have a vet who lives onsite and as kids live inside our luxury farmhouse, they are with someone 24/7. If you’d like to try the Pets & Pats experience, your meet and greet and first session is on us. We look forward to welcoming you. Dog HQ: Herne Bay; Country Estate: Dairy Flat. M: 021 539 699, angela@petsandpats.com facebook.com/petsandpats

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied





Rachel Doughty, Director One Design If you’ve ever sat back and admired the branding that adorns many of our country’s forward thinking and creative alcohol brands, then chances are it was the work of local agency One Design. Founded by St Mary’s Bay resident, Rachel Doughty more than 15 years go, it was a solo operation for the first five years after she left AUT design school. She began with a small group of clients that she had been working with whilst a still a student, but those clients were soon to grow in number - and fast. Inspired by the work ethic of her late father, she decided that working for herself was key to staying happy. “When people around me were travelling overseas to go on their OE, I decided to stay put and create the business I wanted to be in.” One of her early clients was a still-young 42 Below vodka, and the volume of work that came with that brand’s success meant that she had to gradually take on staff to help with the workload. One Design took on the design of the brand’s corporate communications, packaging design for various products and a lot of the marketing material, which was just the tip of the iceberg. The company director says that her own business grew on the back of 42 Below’s success, “Then when they sold the brand to Bacardi, a lot of their staff went on to other positions within the local liquor industry and we were lucky enough that they saw work opportunities for us there too. Also (42 Below founder) Geoff Ross of course went on to buy Ecoya, so we were called on to develop their branding too.” Their work with Ecoya helped elevate the Australasian home fragrance brand to a whole new level of desirability, and international success was soon to follow.

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The small-but-perfectly-formed company went on to really forge a name for itself within the spirits, beer, wine and cider industries, as well as work for start-ups unafraid to give Rachel and her team a pretty open design brief. “Our specialisation is creating bespoke, highly-crafted, premium designs with real stories behind them,” explains Rachel, and their sublime work for the likes of Rogue Society, Terra Sancta, Matua wines, Baduzzi and Moa beer is definitely testimony to that. The company’s clients range from smaller outfits to large scale operations like Mediaworks, which is what keeps Rachel turning up for work every day. “I love being able to see the capacity for great design at every level, and forging relationships that last for years is also so important to me.” One of the projects she has been most proud of over the last few years has been One Design’s work with Rogue Society gin. “From the moment we met them things just clicked into place. They are great guys to work with and aren’t afraid of being pushed outside of their comfort zone at all.” Rachel acknowledges that she and her team have been “constantly busy over the years”, which is incredibly fortunate given the ups and downs of the economy since she started, with the only testing time being the arrival of her baby girl 18 months ago, which means she naturally can’t be on call as much. “The juggle is just constant,”

she says with a smile, “but it is for every working mum. I’m working on getting the balance right... slowly!” Her core team is made up of four designers, but when work surges, their St Benedict’s Street studio office space has the capacity for additional designers to hit the ground running whenever they are needed. “We love this area and have never been tempted to move,” says the designer of the central suburbs creative hub, “the view is amazing, just for starters!” A clear sign that the company is most definitely a New Zealand design institution - for want of a better word is that after years of winning awards at the Best Design Awards, this year Rachel has been invited to be a judge. “It will be so insightful to be on the other side of the judging panel,” she says with a smile, “as well as exciting to see what other companies we respect have been up to.” As I leave Rachel to her - inevitably extraordinarily busy - day she says that she couldn’t imagine a profile of the company without true acknowledgement of her “amazing” team. “I seriously couldn’t do this without them, particularly Dave and Casey, two senior designers who have been with me for many, many years. They all continually inspire me with their amazing creativity every single day...” and I am guessing PN that she does the same for them. (HELENE RAVLICH) F www.onedesign.co.nz


PONSONBY PROFESSIONALS: METROLAW GOT A LEGAL QUESTION? ASK MICHAEL@METROLAW.CO.NZ Email Michael with your question and include PONSONBY NEWS in the subject line. Michael Hemphill, a partner of the firm, will answer one topical question each month.


I think it is about time I prepare a will. I wish to leave my family home to my three children after I die. However, my lawyer tells me that I cannot include my home in my will because the property is not owned by me, but is in fact owned by my family trust. My lawyer has also advised that instead I need to have a ‘memorandum of wishes’ prepared which deals with the trust property. What is the difference between a will and a memorandum of wishes, and do I really need a memorandum of wishes? I would prefer to only have a will and not go to the expense of having a memorandum of wishes prepared. Olivia, by email.


The general principle is that in your will you are able to give direction to your executor (the person that administers your affairs when you have died) as to what your wishes are regarding anything that you personally own. Your executor is not able dispose of or have control over assets owned by your family trust. The reasons being that only the trustees of the trust can dispose of or give away assets owned by your family trust. Without a memorandum of wishes, the trustees of your trust would be left with no clear guidance on how you would wish your trust to be managed after your death. This is especially true if you have specific wishes about how you wish for your trust’s property to be dealt with. In this circumstance a memorandum of wishes becomes a vital document for providing guidance to your trustees, after your death. It is also important to note that a memorandum of wishes differs from a will in regard to implementation. The executor of a will is generally required to carry out the exact instructions of the will-maker. The trustees of a trust can ‘take note’ of the memorandum of wishes that you leave for the trust, but the then current trustees of the trust have complete discretion as to how trust property is distributed among the beneficiaries (within the scope of the trust deed). Strictly speaking then any wishes that are set out by you in the memorandum of wishes are merely guidance by you to the trustees (as to your wishes regarding the trust). It is important to be aware that the memorandum of wishes is not binding on the trustees of your trust and the trustees can if they so wish, choose to ignore your wishes.

wishes would be highly persuasive to the trustees of your trust but ultimately the trustees would be under no obligation to abide by your instructions. The trustees of your trust could choose to instead immediately sell the home and pay all the sale proceeds to one of your children and pay nothing to the other two children. It is therefore appropriate that you give careful consideration during your lifetime as to the persons who are chosen to be trustees of your trust. Most importantly, you need to ensure that your will clearly sets out the name(s) of the persons to whom you grant the power of appointment upon your death. The person(s) to whom you grant the power of appointment of your trust would generally speaking have ultimate control of your trust. If you select a trusted person or persons that you know well then you can be very confident that this person or persons would ensure that the wishes which you have set out in the memorandum of wishes are carried out. It is important to note that memorandum of wishes is a private document, unlike a will which becomes a public document at the point when probate is granted. We recommend that your memorandum of wishes is shared with the trustees of your trust and reviewed regularly to ensure that the document remains up to date to reflect you and your trust’s changing circumstances. You will need to have a will and a memorandum of wishes prepared in order to plan for your three children to receive the home. It would also be prudent for you to carefully choose the person or persons who in your will are granted the power of appointment for your trust. (MICHAEL HEMPHILL) F PN Disclaimer - This article is for general information purposes only. If you have a legal problem you should seek advice from a lawyer. Metro Law does not accept any liability other than to its clients and then only when advice is sought on specific matters.

METRO LAW, Level 1, 169A Ponsonby Road, T: 09 929 0800, www.metrolaw.co.nz

By way of example, you could have a memorandum of wishes which states that you want the home kept for five years after your death and only then be sold and the proceeds divided equally amongst your surviving children. Such contents in a memorandum of

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Preparing yourself for the financial year end For most people who are in business, are self-employed or earn other taxable income, April will signal the start of the new financial year. The month of March will bring many challenges as people are scrambling to get their paperwork together for the financial year end. For those of you who fall into this category, it is very important that you have planned well for this. Not only will it save you time, but also it will save you from paying excessive accounting fees.

Tax losses The ability to carry forward tax losses is subject to maintaining 49% continuity of ownership. Grouping tax losses requires 66% commonality of ownership. This is an important consideration for entities with substantial carried forward losses, when planning a change in ownership or group restructure.

YEAR END TAX PLANNING CHECK LIST Bad debts Have a review of your debtor’s ledger. If you think there is a high probability that you will not receive payment for work performed then consider writing these off. This will enable you to claim a deduction for tax purposes. Asset review Have a review of your fixed assets and write off any assets that are obsolete or are no longer being used. This enables you to claim a deduction in the 2016 financial year. Stock If you are carrying stock, you need to know exactly what you have on hand at year end. If this is greater than $10,000 (excl. GST) than it must be included in the financial statements. Identify and write-off any unsaleable or damaged items as there is no point in paying tax on useless stock.

98 PONSONBY NEWS+ April 2016

After 31 March you should do the following: • Year End Bank Reconciliations: If you have a computerised cashbook, when you receive your bank statement for 31 March, ensure all transactions are entered for the year and perform a bank reconciliation to this date being 31 March and print a hard copy for your records. • Provisional Tax: If your business has achieved growth resulting in an increased profit compared to the previous year, then it may be wise to make a voluntary payment in tax in order to reduce use of money interest. You should contact your accountant to discuss this prior to the final instalment which is due 7 May 2016. • PAYE Payments: If you intend to pay out director’s fees or additional salaries to your employees or shareholder employees, you will need to pay the IRD the PAYE content of these payments by the 5 or 20 April (depending on the size of your payroll).

Most businesses engage a professional accountant to handle their financial matters. It is important to choose your professional advisors carefully; someone who understands your business goals and can provide you with the best possible tax advice. Just make sure you don’t just hand your financial matters to your accountant to sort out as ultimately you are responsible for your tax affairs. You must always have recent financial knowledge of your business’ performance to make effective decisions. Also, if you intend to purchase/sell a business or property in the coming year, it would be beneficial to discuss these plans with your financial advisor. It is also useful to check that you still have the most suitable structures in place. PN (LOGAN GRANGER) F If you have any further questions, would like to discuss this matter or even looking for an accountant to sort out your financial woes please do not hesitate to contact the team at Johnson Associates. Disclaimer - While all care has been take, Johnston Associates Chartered Accountants Ltd and its staff accept no liability for the content of this article; always see your professional advisor before taking any action that you are unsure about.

JOHNSTON ASSOCIATES, 202 Ponsonby Road, T: 09 361 6701, www.jacal.co.nz


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uprealestate.co.nz PONSONBY NEWS+ April 2016 LICENSED AGENT REAA 2008


TIPS AND TRAPS BUYING APARTMENTS Back in the late 1960s, my parents, along with my grandmother, sold their homes in Whangarei and built four flats on a spare piece of family land. My parents lived in one, my grandmother in another, and they rented out the other two. This became quite a popular exercise over the next 20 years or so, with blocks of usually three or four units being built all over New Zealand. However, few people lived in high-rise apartments. The exception was a handful of converted office blocks in our major cities. The Unit Titles Act, 1972, governed management and control of these blocks. Suddenly there has been a great surge of development in the apartment and terrace house area. Many more New Zealanders, especially in Auckland City, are now living in apartments, and with the Auckland Council’s desire for greater population intensity, more and more will be built in the next 20 years. The Unit Titles Act was amended in 2010, with new regulations issued in 2011, updating the out-of-date 1972 Act. Experts in the property field believe the new act is grossly inadequate to deal with the complexities of unit title property (apartment or terrace housing) ownership, and buyers often have no idea what they are buying into when they purchase an apartment. Real Estate agents and conveyancing lawyers are not always as well-informed as they should be about this specialised area. What then are some of the potential traps? First of all, people need to understand that the owners of any block of apartments with more than nine units are a body corporate, under the Unit Titles Act, and must be governed accordingly. So a body corporate chairperson must be elected, and a body corporate committee. All of these people must be owners. The Body Corporate then operates as a small democracy with each owner having decision-making rights about all issues concerning the complex. Pre-contract and then pre-settlement. This mostly provides financial information pertaining to the unit. But the first thing I would do if I were considering buying an apartment, would be to contact the body corporate chairperson and discover how the body corporate functions. You will want a copy of the unit plan for the complex, so you can see where the actual boundaries of individual property are, which walls or entrances or stairwells or any other parts of the grounds are common property for all owners, and to know how the body corporate costs are allocated to each owner, each year. Does the complex have a long-term maintenance fund? Not compulsory, although a long-term maintenance

plan is compulsory. How much is in the fund and what is the status of the maintenance plan: is it running to schedule and budget? For example, if there is no, or very little, money in the fund, will I be up for some thousands of dollars for a repaint of the whole complex next year? Look at a copy of the complex’s body corporate rules. If there are no rules, the complex defaults to the basic set of rules outlined in the Unit Titles Act. No particular rules would cause alarm bells to ring in my head; the local rules for each complex will vary, but may include rules about pets (no dogs over 300mm in height, perhaps), use of the gymnasium or swimming pool, parking, visitors, security, signage, noise, smoking and possibly many others. Some rules will be detailed and quite prescriptive, while others are more permissive, but they can affect the culture of the living environment considerably. Other information such as committee minutes and minutes from Extraordinary General Meetings, which it is not mandatory to give to buyers but which often tells the other half of the story, is important to investigate. A number of wrangles between owners have been documented in the press in recent years, so due diligence before buying is critical. Local MP Nikki Kaye, is aware of deficiencies in the Unit Titles Act, and is working with a committee of experts to come up with improvements to the act and other ways of assuring new owners, often buying their first home, that all relevant information is accessible so that they know what they are buying into. It is a minefield, but as more New Zealanders are happy to abandon their quarter acre paradise, it is important that they know what buying into a body corporate complex really means. (JOHN ELLIOTT) F PN

LOCAL PONSONBY/GREY LYNN REAL ESTATE There is no doubt apartment developments are on the rise in the Ponsonby area. Ponsonby News asked local real estate office managers to tell us about the demand for apartment living over single stand-alone dwellings. Are attitudes toward urban living changing? Who is typically buying apartments? What special property knowledge should agents have when selling an apartment? TIM IRVINE BARFOOT & THOMPSON, PONSONBY Demand is strong for both apartment living and single standalone dwellings in the greater Ponsonby area. However, in the last few years demand has grown for apartments, mainly because of the affordability factor. There is also high demand for large threebedroom apartments with high-quality interiors from owners of villas or bungalows, where the family has grown up and fled the nest. Apartments are the choice of individuals who cannot afford a home on its own section, but still want to purchase and live in Ponsonby and its surrounds. Investors are also

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buying because of the returns and the apartments are never untenanted for long. Salespeople need to be skilled and understand the Unit Title Act 2010. Buyers need to be provided with an approved sale and purchase guide and a pre contract disclosure statement before they make an offer on a property. The pre contract disclosure statement notes the body corporate fees, whether there is a long term maintenance plan and all building issues amongst other things. Sales people will also provide the body corporate rules, budget, minutes of body corpoate meetings and recommendation that they run all information past their lawyer before entering into an agreement. continued p102 PUBLISHED FIRST FRIDAY EACH MONTH (except January)

REAL ESTATE continued from p100 BERNADETTE MORRISON BAYLEYS, PONSONBY The demand for apartments is not yet as high for the demand for single stand-alone dwellings in the greater Ponsonby area - the Kiwi dream of owning your own piece of land is still well intact. However, as prices rise and the demand for homes in this area continues, attitudes towards urban living are changing. Ponsonby is an area people aspire to live in, and once they’re here, they generally want to stay. Combine this with the limited number of stand-alone homes available, consistent buyer demand, and prices increasing year-on-year, buying an apartment becomes an increasingly attractive option. And the options are there, with a resurgence of new apartment developments in the area. If a buyer is specific to this area and has a budget of under $1 million, apartments provide the opportunity for them own their own home in their desired location. It’s also a lifestyle choice. In today’s busy world, some buyers are drawn to the fact the body corporate takes care of the grounds and building, leaving an apartment owner more time for leisure activities. They can leave the car at home and walk to work, or to local clubs and cafes, creating a lifestyle similar to other major cosmopolitan cities in the world. More buyers are seeing this as an appealing option, as more high-quality apartments come onto the market. Some are eying them up for the future, for when they are ready to downsize; others may have sold the family home and want to move out of Auckland, but keep a base in the city. And of course, there are investors who recognise the sought -after nature of Ponsonby apartments. RACHAEL DAVEY CUSTOM RESIDENTIAL The apartment market has been a very interesting one to follow in recent times. There is no doubt that the standard of design and construction has lifted immensely in this property cycle compared to years gone by. In our area, we have seen a huge shift in focus from developers, who are now creating a product that is firmly aimed at the owner/occupier market. We are now seeing impressive, high-quality buildings being erected with generous layouts, large decks, views and sufficient parking. These are typically in smaller-sized developments than what we have seen in the past, which the owner/occupier market has responded well to - a quality over quantity approach that has found a sweet spot with local buyers. These properties are well designed and well appointed, so they are a very viable option for many local buyers. As an overview, the demand for traditional free-standing character homes remains incredibly strong (with more young families moving into our area), but the appeal and ease of living that a lovely modern apartment offers is something that has caught many people’s eye in recent years - and we expect this demand to increase. More and more people are considering the move to apartment-style living, (there is no doubt about that) and the most common brackets of buyers are the mature downsizers and the professional couples, but you’d be surprised how many other ‘brackets’ of buyers are looking at these options as well. Busy/time-poor lifestyles dictate a growing need for quality, simple, low-maintenance living in prime locations. We are sure of two things: we will see more apartment buildings constructed in our immediate area, and we will see more and more people signing contracts to buy and move in. BLAIR WATSON AND PHILLIP HAEDER KELLANDS REAL ESTATE Specialising in the sale of premium apartments in the western city fringe suburbs, we’ve certainly noticed the attitudes towards condensed urban living improve massively over the last couple of years, especially among first-home buyers. Largely due to the increase in property prices, apartments are now seen as a very attractive option for those wanting to remain close to the action and in a more affordable price bracket than what stand-alone housing offers.

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When it comes to selling apartments, there is some specialist knowledge a sales agent should have in order to complete the sale process effectively and legally. For example, a good understanding of how a body corporate operates is important when dealing with first-time purchasers who may find it difficult to understand. Just passing on a precontract disclosure statement and the body corporate AGM pack isn't good enough to be effective in the sale process. An understanding of the Unit Titles Act (2010) and the disclosure requirements resulting from this are also important. For example the Form 18, aka the “pre-contract disclosure statement,” needs to be signed by the vendor and provided to a purchaser with fair and reasonable time to digest and research prior to making an offer. This is a fairly basic disclosure providing information about the financial accounts that the body corporate holds, any up-coming maintenance, the levy for the unit for sale and whether or not the building has been subject to a weather tightness claim under the Weather Tightness Homes Resolution Services Act 2006. Typically, in our experience marketing a significant number of apartments in this area, we’ve seen many first home buyers and downsizing baby boomers purchase an apartment. For first-home buyers it’s an economic way to get into the market and remain in this highly sought after area while for baby boomers apartments offer a safe, low maintenance, lock up and leave lifestyle to be enjoyed. ROSS BRADER PROFESSIONALS - SELL REAL ESTATE LTD With ever-increasing prices for bungalows, villas, ex state homes and townhouses, in the Ponsonby to Pt Chevalier area, it is not surprising that the apartment market has taken off, as they usually offer a cheaper alternative for entry to the local market. Our company, with offices at Grey Lynn and Pt Chevalier, tends to sell mainly outside of the apartment sector, however we expect we will handle the sale of many more apartments in the Ponsonby and Grey Lynn area in the future, as the majority of new product currently under construction is of apartments. Buyers must still consider the legal aspects of purchasing any category of property, obtaining a LIM report, building report and checking the Certificate of Title. Many of the units and townhouses we sell are on a cross lease title where the cross lease documents must be checked thoroughly. Some units and townhouses we sell are on unit titles where more information is required related to pre disclosures, body corporate and so on. A pre-contract disclosure statement must be made available before the marketing of any unit title property starts and a comprehensive due diligence investigation should be undertaken by any buyer. When marketing any form of property we usually also have available for potential buyers a copy of the LIM Report, Title, Leases and often a rental assessment and building report. We always recommend buyers undertake full due diligence on any property given it is most people's largest investment.


“We are so happy with the work that the Professionals did on the sale of our house. Jodie, Brent and Ross did a wonderful job. It was so relaxed and friendly and took a lot of stress off our shoulders. We would recommend them to anyone wanting to buy or sell. Go into the Professionals office and talk over a good cup of coffee with them. They will be able to sort everything out for you!” - Maralynne & Tevita

The Real Faces of Real Estate

Granddaughter, Tatyana farewells the family home 36 years ago the Latu family rented a Housing Corp property at 43 Sussex Street, Grey Lynn. Eight years on they chose to take out a Housing Corp loan to buy their home. At $110,000 it seemed steep back then but, after selling a couple of weeks ago, they have realised a fantastic $57,000 a year increase. They can now retire comfortably to their dream lifestyle in Mangawhai. Tevita is a senior adviser/advocate for troubled adolescents at the Youth Justice Office in Richmond Rd and so has served the locals well for 25 years. He plans to offer his expertise to help in consultation with Police and the youth of surrounding Mangawhai. Maralynne has brought up 3 children in their home and been a regular volunteer at St Colombus’ Selwyn Centre on Surrey Cres. We asked her what sticks out for her as the biggest change during 36 years in Grey Lynn. “Cars on blocks to big black 4 wheel drive BMWs!” She says she’ll miss the local friends she has made in everyday life, “like the woman who runs the Williamson Ave dairy”. These local stalwarts will be a great loss to our community and we wish them the very, very best in their new lives! Jodie, Brent and Ross


Brent Gilbert 0274 415 026 Jodie Bell 0274 287 720 Ross Brader 0274 755 977 greylynn@sellrealestate.nz


483 Richmond Rd, Grey Lynn, 09 360 2335 Sell Real Estate Ltd - licensed real estate agents


A SOLID START FOR 2016 It’s supply and demand that influences the property market and we are certainly seeing a very strong start in 2016 with good open numbers for properties either for sale or for rent in the central suburbs of Auckland. Most real estate offices are short of quality houses and units and many agents have been selling outside the trendy suburbs like Grey Lynn and Ponsonby because they are simply too expensive for most buyers, especially when a basic do up in the central city on a decent size section in those areas is close now to $2 million. A quality renovated home is over $3 million and more. The outer areas like popular Riverhead, Te Atatu and the Peninsula, Henderson Heights, Sandringham, Three Kings, Onehunga, and Mt Roskill have become really popular as many buyers have been priced out of the trendy suburbs and are keen to get onto the property ladder.

When will all this end? Unfortunately there are no signs on the immediate horizon. The OCR rate is at an all-time low, we are seeing around 70,000 people coming in a year, the banks are awash with money and this is all creating a real shortage of houses for sale and for rent across the popular suburbs. Our little Pavlova paradise has been rated the fifth ‘happiest country’ in the world, no wonder many of those who left for the green pastures across the ditch are now returning home as the Aussie economy is not as buoyant as it once was. Should I buy now or should I wait? If you find a suitable property that suits your family’s needs and it’s within budget, try and secure it as you most probably will never regret it. F PN

Steven Glucina - Franchise Owner Ponsonby and Sandringham offices, L J HOOKER, T: 09 361 7701 M: 021 888 455

560 RICHMOND ROAD - A BRILLIANT OPPORTUNITY This very tidy bay villa has a north facing back yard with its very own private and secluded garden. It is truly a perfect location to run a small business from home and to raise the family at the same time. It offers 4 double bedrooms all with the original high ceilings, 2 bathrooms (including the ensuite), there’s a modern kitchen, with brilliant indoor/outdoor flow to the sun deck PN and fully fenced backyard for entertaining. F L J HOOKER, Steven Glucina, M: 021 888 455, E: sglucina.ponsonby@ljh.co.nz Dee McDade, M 021 448 832, E: dmcdade.ponsonby@ljh.co.nz

VALUE BEYOND AUCKLAND 182 Hooker Road, Tamahere - For Sale $3,900,000 + gst (if any) Thinking of leaving Auckland? Purchasing a home of this calibre at its current market value would not only secure you a unique and admired home, but it would be a shrewd investment for the future. “While there have been sales of investment stock, entry-level lifestyle and middle-market residential homes to Auckland buyers, they are now starting to recognise the huge value that Waikato’s high-end lifestyle properties offer, in comparison to buying in Auckland,” says Angela Finnigan of Bayleys Hamilton. One of the unique factors that the Tamahere area in particular offers buyers is that a lifestyle for those who desire country living, is only 10 minutes from Hamilton CBD. This is of huge benefit to buyers who have business interests in Hamilton and also Auckland. 182 Hooker Road is offered for sale well below its replacement value. A home of this size (790 sq m + 133 sq m of garaging and loft accommodation) would have a significantly higher build cost today (a good quality build today is costing $2500-$3000 sq m). The house alone at say $2750 sq m equals $2,172,500 and therefore offers outstanding value to a potential purchaser. The land area of 15.7ha is a rare find so close to Hamilton. The neighbouring bare land of 4.5ha sold recently for $1850 million. On this basis, the land alone at 182 Hooker Road is easily worth $2.5 million.

104 PONSONBY NEWS+ April 2016

A property of this calibre provides a sound investment now and into the future with its bare land in addition to the house section will offer premium value. F PN Contact: Angela Finnigan, M: 021 623 550 T: 07 834 3821, angela.finnigan@bayleys.co.nz SUCCESS REALTY LIMITED, BAYLEYS, Licensed under the REA Act 2008 PUBLISHED FIRST FRIDAY EACH MONTH (except January)

HOME: WHERE THE HEART IS The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied





A SYNERGISTIC DESIGN APPROACH LOCATED AT 42 PEARSON ROAD, WHITFORD, THIS 380 SQ M FIVE-BEDROOM, contemporary lifestyle property offers interesting architecture. A complementary interior and integrated landscape design interlink to create a balanced environment and the entire property is both aesthetically harmonious and functional. Whilst contemporary on the whole, moments from the past are carefully interwoven, providing a sublime contrast for easy living in a warm and welcoming family home. This successful integration of interior and exterior elements was a strategy the builder laid out from conception. Connectivity and flow from the living rooms to alfresco and entertainment areas takes in environmental elements with covered and open options available. A pavilion -style deck opening from the spacious kitchen, family and formal lounge can be closed off to create an extra room or left open to enjoy the wide rural views. The hub of the house, the kitchen, also connects to the Italian-styled alfresco zone including a brick pizza oven and braai. This garden contrasts the rest of the landscaping and also provides organic herbs. Curtains are a recurring strategy used to frame the garden vistas from the four upstairs bedrooms including a luxurious master suite - the ultimate relaxation haven. The north-facing pool complex has been well considered to ensure it is used as much as possible. An independent apartment with kitchen, living and one bedroom opens to a covered deck and to the pool. Available for guests or as a poolside room, this is also a great venue for parties. Set on approximately 10,290 sq m, garden walking paths meander around defined areas and pastures. A substantial, double height barn with unlimited uses from boat building to any creative ventures must be seen to realise its scale. Set at the end of a long, private driveway, the care taken over creating this property will be appreciated by people PN seeking a rural lifestyle that has everything. F Contact Paul Earl-Peacock, T: 09 533 4933 or M: 021 683 623, E: p.earlpeacock@barfoot.co.nz, BARFOOT & THOMSON, Howick www.barfoot.co.nz

ORGANIC LIVING @ DESIGN WAREHOUSE 1. Copenhague Club Chair Gorgeous, clean lines, and quality materials make this outdoor club chair from Design Warehouse a standout piece that will add style, sophistication and comfort to your outdoor living space. 2. Concrete & Curve Counter Height Bar Set This stunning counter-height dining set by Design Warehouse combines the Curve reclaimed teak stool and concrete table for a modern, yet warm and inviting vibe. 3. Copenhague two seater + puzzle accent table Design Warehouse is proud to present the exclusive Gommaire Organic Living line, this line includes stunning outdoor furniture like this Copenhague two seater and puzzle accent table.


1 3

DESIGN WAREHOUSE, 137/147 The Strand, Parnell, T: 09 377 7710, www.designwarehouse.co.nz

106 PONSONBY NEWS+ April 2016



WESTMERE DECORATOR WINS 2015 MASTER PAINTER OF THE YEAR “Anyone can paint, but not everyone can decorate.” This is the slogan of Paul Schirnack Decorating Ltd and it’s a mantra that’s holding the company in good stead. A Remuera home, described by the judges as one of the finest decorating jobs they had seen since the awards were introduced, the Residential Dwelling Rework Interior - Character category, brought the Master Painter of the Year Award to Paul Schirnack Decorating. “The homeowner was very particular and knew what she wanted and the team at Paul Schirnack Decorating delivered exactly to this very high expectation. She told the judges that she was very, very fussy and was very, very happy with the outcome. “The attention to detail and the degree of difficulty across a range of different mediums was executed brilliantly,” the judges said. “An example of the quality of workmanship was the application of the anaglypta wall covering, with its tiny, patterned fleur de lys. “The difficult wall covering was applied in perfect alignment across a range of different and complicated angles between the ceilings and walls around the staircase. The cutting in, the preparation, restoration and refurbishment of the woodwork was exemplary,” they said. “Paul has been a consistent supporter of the awards since they began and while he has won a number of categories over the years he has never walked away with the ultimate prize. “In the face of a very, very high level of competition, he has deservedly taken out the country’s top award.” Adding to the judges’ final decision to award the Master Painter of the Year to Paul Schirnack Decorating was the fact the team won multiple categories that displayed a depth of quality across a range of entries in its portfolio. A Mount Eden property won the Contemporary Rework Interior category, which the judges described as a very solid paint job with a lot of timber flooring requiring tricky masking between the skirtings and the steps with absolutely no sign of any tape bleed. It was a mix of modern and old substrate finished immaculately. Westmere-based operator Paul Schirnack Decorating also won the Contemporary Rework Exterior with a Takapuna cliff-top property that overlooks the Hauraki Gulf. The plaster exterior was set off with beautiful timber windows and doors and a natural timber -treated tongue and groove soffit.

Showing the breadth of talent, the 2015 Master Painter of the Year also took the Residential Wall -covering category with a big floral patterned paper, an angled ceiling and high stud that took considerable skill to ‘keep the pattern going’ for a house in Whenuapai that resulted in a beautiful, bold pattern that was matched and hung superbly. “Our quality workmanship and our management systems put us ahead of our competitors.” This local team prides themselves on quality workmanship and service. The business is a Master Painters New Zealand Quality Management System Certified Contractor and is only one of eight nationwide to have achieved this qualification. The proof is winning these awards. For a quote on your latest painting project, phone PAUL SCHIRNACK DECORATING, M: 027 275 4319, E: paul@psdecorating.co.nz or visit www.psdecorating.co.nz


AUCKLAND HOUSE PRICE RETREAT MAY BE SHORT LIVED Auckland residential house prices in February have retreated from the record prices set in the second half of last year but are still higher than where they were at the same time last year. “The average sales price at $822,024 in February was up 1.3% on the average price for January and up 10% on that for February last year,” said Peter Thompson, Managing Director of Barfoot & Thompson. “The median price at $738,000 was down 2.9% on January’s but up 7.5% on last February’s. “While prices are down from their record highs, based on past trends prices in coming months are most likely to build modestly. “This trend has occurred over the past nine years where Auckland house prices have followed a cycle of falling in the first quarter of the year and then rising from autumn on. “We have now had two months of trading where prices have been higher than they were in their equivalent months last year, and in the past that has meant prices have risen throughout the year. “The most significant figures in February’s data were that sales numbers stalled and new listings doubled. “The number of properties sold at 698 was the lowest in any month for three years. The reason was that at the start of February the number of properties on the market was at its lowest number for 20 years, and buyers had limited choice. “However, as the month progressed more properties were listed, and we finished the month with 2060 new listings, the highest number in the past six months. There are currently an extremely high number of properties in the pipeline for settlement in March and April. “At month end we had 3318 properties on our books, the highest since March last year, and we anticipate an extremely busy period through autumn. “Another factor that affects the average and median sales price in the early part of the year is the summer break results in a relatively low number of sales in the $1 million plus price category. Throughout last year on average we sold 332 properties a month in the $1 million plus price category but in February the sales in this price category numbered 187. “Sales of properties for under $500,000 in February made up 20.6% of all sales, whereas throughout last year they averaged 14.9% of sales.” F PN

108 PONSONBY NEWS+ April 2016



INTEGRATING GRACIOUS CHARACTER WITH CONTEMPORARY DESIGN We all love the traditional architecture that makes our neighbourhood so special. But while we may covet the spirit of past eras, we certainly don’t want to forego all the benefits of 21st Century living. So, how do we reconcile the old and the new, without compromising either? That’s where Salmond Reed Architects comes into the picture; a team of design experts who can guide you towards making the best decisions. We not only understand the structure and detail that makes up the beautiful bones of your home, but can also show you how those bones can be fleshed out to accommodate all the modern amenities and services you could wish for, while still preserving the graciousness and charm that you love. Almost everyone recognises Allendale House, that distinctive, verandahed villa at the southern end of Ponsonby Road. Now refurbished and redecorated to its former status as a grand Ponsonby home, it attracts a good deal of well-deserved attention. Yet not many are aware that, unseen from the exterior, this historic house now incorporates the facilities, services and fittings of a contemporary office, integrated in a way that acknowledges their important heritage context, but equally recognises this villa’s contemporary function as corporate head office for Foundation North (formerly the ASB Community Trust). This carefully considered refurbishment, along with the successful integration of a domestically scaled contemporary office addition, is the work of Salmond Reed Architects. Now, your personal needs may well be less ambitious than those required for the complex Allendale conversion. However, it certainly serves to illustrate the breadth of sensitive adaptation you can achieve, without detracting from the essential character of your property. Take that first step towards really loving your home by contacting the experts Salmond PN Reed Architects. F SALMOND REED ARCHITECTS, 58 Calliope Road, Devonport, T: 09 445 4045, www.salmondreed.co.nz

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied

Meticulous attention to colour and detail earned Salmond Reed Architects a Resene Colour Maestro Award and an NZIA Award for the Allendale project





Ali McIntosh and Ruby Chunn at Jervois Road’s Tessuti

WHAT’S NEW @ TESSUTI FOR AUTUMN/WINTER? We asked the lovely team @ Tessuti a few questions about their new-season stock. What’s new for autumn/winter? We are focusing on layering textures to create that welcoming warmth we all crave come winter time. We’re playing with a palette of rich autumnal tones of amber, graphite, plum and indigo. The new 2016 ranges from NODI, Georgia Jay, Ingrid Starnes and Good & Co all play on these hues in their collections. What are some stand-out items in store? We have just received in store the exquisite perfumes from Miller et Bertaux. Miller et Bertaux was established in 1985 and is a Parisian design house that creates modern and unique perfumes. Their perfume line is unique by design of package and of fragrant compositions; poetic and refined. Safe to say, we are quickly falling in love with the beautiful, unique scents. Missoni is a brand we love - what are they are up to? Missoni’s new 2016 collection, The Oriental Garden, is beginning to arrive in store and it is just beautiful. Rosita Missoni explains that the inspiration behind this collection came from an archival Missoni dress. Its pattern was inspired by the Orient and designed in the 70s for both fashion and home collections. It was such an evocative design that Rosita decided to reclaim it for the 2016 Missoni Home collection. The range features blossoming branches, flowers and bursts of colours all in exquisite detailing whilst still retaining the classic Missoni feel. What do you love about being in the heart of the Jervois Road strip? We absolutely love the community. There is such a lovely, strong neighbourhood feeling that we adore being part of. It just keeps growing, and our little neck of the woods has a great selection of cafes, restaurants and shops. It’s a fantastic little hub. F PN TESSUTI, 224 Jervois Road, T: 09 376 4802, www.tessuti.co.nz

110 PONSONBY NEWS+ April 2016



AFFORDABLE AND EXPANDABLE HOME AUTOMATION AND SECURITY SYSTEM CATERS FOR DIY CONSUMERS AT EUROTEC Recently, the NZ Herald ran a series of stories about burglaries and how many burglaries occur in your neighborhood. Home security is becoming an important consideration within our current environment. Being able to choose where, when, and how you secure your home, makes life less stressful. The process needs to be easy for the whole family to manage, whether you are at home or away from home. With the Trust Smart Home Alert System, along with the ICS-2000 Trust Internet Control Station (HUB), you can secure your home from unwanted intruders as well as automate your lights and devices remotely, which is a huge bonus and added protection - and the system is totally DIY. The Alert System is advanced and simple to use. It can be used independently or in combination with the ICS-2000 via your smart phone/tablet. This offers advanced functionality like push notifications, remote arm/disarm, alarm status and more. The Trust Smart Home Wireless Alert System

Importantly, the system also sends you alert notifications. When a wireless door sensor or window sensor is triggered, as a result of being opened by an intruder, this will activate the Alert Siren and you will receive notifications with use of the ICS-2000.

sensors, motion sensors, arm/disarm remote options, wireless siren audible 100Db additions as well as the HUB ICS-2000.

The Trust Smart Home Alert System also provides peace of mind when caring for a loved one living on their own.

For more information, visit our website or Facebook page or phone us at Eurotec. We would be happy to discuss your requirements. F PN

The advantages and combinations of security configurations are numerous. The system is 100% wireless and you can choose your own combination of door/window contact

EUROTEC, Unit C, 750 Great South Road, Penrose,T: 09 579 1990, www.smarthomenz.nz, www.facebook/smarthomenz

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied





Jordan Rondel “My name is Jordan and I own and operate The Caker - a made to order, specialty cake business. I'm 26 years old and I'm a Ponsonby girl! I live on Vermont Street in a beautiful old villa. We have rented this same house for almost five years and can't see a reason to leave.

I do most of my after-hours emailing, so it also acts as an office for me. It needs to always be tidy and zen so that my head is clear after a long day at work.

My first childhood home was in Herne Bay, followed by Arch Hill, Newton, Herne Bay again, Grey Lynn and Ponsonby. We moved house a lot as kids!

It is my favourite because I feel calm in this room. I like how minimal it is and I love the morning light that floods in. My favourite things in the room are my artwork. I have special pieces made for me by my boyfriend Stefan which I cherish. I also love my collection of crystals which nestle amongst my perfumes and other precious things.� F PN

My favourite room is my bedroom. I spend a lot of time in it. Obviously first and foremost for sleeping (which I don't get enough of!), but I take pride in making it my sanctuary.

THE CAKER, 452 Karangahape Road, T: 021 314 677, www.thecaker.co.nz

112 PONSONBY NEWS+ April 2016



GRAHAM SHIEFF - LANDSCAPE DESIGNER Pt Chevalier resident Graham Shieff, co-director of Ponsonby-based toy shop bebabo, has always had a love of plants and gardening. At the age of three he would follow his father around their Takapuna garden helping to plant seedlings and water them in. It was these early years that developed Graham’s interest in gardening and would later lead to a career in landscape design. After completing his education at St Kentigern College he decided to study Horticulture at Lincoln University in Canterbury, Graham attained a Degree in Horticulture in 1977. He gained valuable practical horticultural experience with the Auckland Regional Authority during his pre entry year. Graham’s landscape crew would visit parks and reserves throughout Auckland and North Auckland engaging in a variety of tasks including tree maintenance and planting. Graham’s favourite site was Auckland International Airport where his team planted hundreds of New Zealand native trees and shrubs including Pohutukawa and Norfolk Pine, which have grown into impressive specimens. Following his practical year, Graham studied at Lincoln University and thoroughly enjoyed the wide range of subjects within his degree including landscape design, fruit production, horticultural engineering and pests and diseases. In 1980, Graham started his own small business, an indoor plant shop located in Customs Street, Auckland Central. He gained valuable experience in retailing while operating the plant business. Graham’s landscaping business serves clients all over Auckland and to date has completed projects further afield in Raurimu, near Mt Ruapehu, on Rakino Island in the Hauraki Gulf and Sydney. Over the past 30 years Graham has developed a vast knowledge of trees, shrubs and indoor plants. His landscaping business offers a range of services including consultation, innovative garden design, implementation and maintenance. Graham offers a paving service and lawn installation and care. Garden and lawn irrigation are a specialty. Graham is dedicated to completing all projects in a professional manner leaving his clients completely satisfied and recommending him to their friends. Graham’s ambition is to PN operate one of Auckland’s top landscaping companies. F GRAHAM SHIEFF LANDSCAPE DESIGN, M: 021 997 743, www.gardenhelp.co.nz

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied





SMITH STREET People are familiar with Nelson’s victories but another British naval hero seems to have been forgotten, even though Bonaparte said of him “that man made me miss my destiny”. Admiral Sidney Smith was born 21 June 1764 into a military and naval family. At age 11 an escapade demonstrated he was unusually adventurous and capable: One summer evening he went missing during evening prayers in the grounds of Midgham Hall where he was holidaying with his father. Eventually he was found sitting in a washtub with a little girl on a deep-water lake where he’d dropped the punt pole. With no boats available to there was no means to bring them ashore. Little Sidney gave instructions to the non-plussed adults telling them to take the string from his kite, tie it to his favourite dog which he would then call. This way the tub was hauled ashore and before his father started scolding him he calmly suggested, “Now father, we will go to prayers.” This incident was a harbinger of further feats of aquatic daring. At age 13, Sidney went to sea and showed an utter contempt of danger which presaged well for a career in the Royal Navy. He fought in the American Revolutionary War and for his bravery was appointed lieutenant of the 74-gun Alcide, despite being under 19, the required age. He was a man of singular physical beauty with magnetism that inspired devotion among the men who served under him. He soon was promoted to captain a large frigate but following the peace of Versailles in 1783, was put ashore on half pay. Smith then travelled to France where he dabbled in amateur espionage while observing the construction of the new naval port at Cherbourg. He also travelled to Spain and Morocco, both being Britain’s potential enemies. In 1790 he applied for permission to serve in the Royal Swedish Navy when that country was at war with Russia. King Gustavavus was delighted to to have such a self-confident officer aboard and appointed him commander of the ‘light squadron’, small frigates including some that were rowed. An apocryphal story credits Sidney swimming two miles through the Russian fleet carrying a letter from the king to the Swedish admiral. The Russians lost 64 ships and a thousand men were killed. The Swedes lost only four and had few casualties. For this Smith was knighted by the king and used the title with permission from George III, but was mocked by fellow British officers as ‘the Swedish knight’. In 1792 when his younger brother was serving in the British Embassy in Turkey, Smith travelled there. When war broke out with France, he purchased a tiny craft at Smyrna, picked up a mixed crew and joined Lord Hood who was holding Toulon. When the British abandoned the port, Sidney volunteered to burn as many French ships as possible, a task he performed with audacity and skill worthy of Nelson, who blamed him for failing to destroy the entire French fleet. On his return to London, he was given another command and fought a dozen brilliant attacks in the Channel. During a fight on a captured ship, it drifted into the mouth of the Seine. The wind dropped and Smith was captured and imprisoned in the forbidding ‘Temple’ where he was held for two years. Eventually undercover Royalists pretending to be taking him to another prison, helped him escape. This escape made him a popular hero in England, but there was resentment amongst naval officers over his high-handed manner and use of a foreign title. In 1799 Napoleon determined to take Constantinople but had to conquer the city of Acre first. Smith was sent to the Mediterranean to carry a military mission to Istanbul, in order to strengthen Turkish opposition to Bonaparte. This appointment caused Nelson to resent Smith’s apparent superseding of his authority in the Levant and his antipathy affected Smith’s reputation in naval circles. During Bonaparte’s siege of Acre, Smith defeated the French head-to-head on land yet his immediate superior, Nelson, never lifted a finger to help him. After Waterloo, Smith took up the anti-slavery cause. He had run up significant debts through his diplomatic expenses, which the government was very slow in reimbursing. He also lived a high lifestyle and his efforts against the slave trade were very expensive. Debtors were often imprisoned at the time, so he moved his family to Paris. Despite many attempts to obtain a seagoing position, he never held a command again. In 1840 he died following a stroke and is buried in Père Lachaise Cemetery. F PN (DEIRDRE ROELANTS)

114 PONSONBY NEWS+ April 2016



MAKE A SMART CHOICE Buying and selling property can be one of the most important investment decisions you will ever make, which is why you want to be sure that you are dealing with an agent that you trust completely. Someone who knows the market inside out, who is clear and upfront with their communication and is open, honest and accessible at all times. Karina Anderson is one such person. Karina is the franchise owner at Mike Pero Real Estate Birkenhead and with $48 million in real estate sales, she has a wealth of expertise and experience. Tracey-Lee Martin and Christina Tang

CHRISTINA TANG - A MOTIVATED HIGH ACHIEVER Christina Tang originates from China but she has been in New Zealand for three years now and says, “I really love how beautiful it is, with such lovely people! Christina has been in marketing and sales for 14 years, working at Procter & Gamble. She has spent eight years in marketing and three years in sales where she learnt from the front line what the unmet needs and wants of consumers and customers are. Always looking for new opportunities, Christina chose to sell real estate and has really enjoyed the fact that she has been able to apply what she has learnt in her previous roles to her career in the New Zealand real estate market.

Karina’s warm personality and outgoing nature is underpinned by a professional and hardworking temperament, which makes her not only a delight to deal with, but also someone who delivers consistent results. She is a ‘top achiever’ who enjoys the variety and challenge that comes with working in the real estate industry and finds each sale interesting and rewarding. Mike Pero Real Estate has grown rapidly throughout the country and is renowned for their marketing prowess. Teamed with Karina and Mike Pero Birkenhead, you are making a smart choice with your next sale or purchase. She offers a personal guarantee on upfront advice, excellent communication and impressive results. “We found Karina very professional when marketing our house. She always kept us informed after open homes and worked very efficiently for us, helping to achieve a great result! We would recommend her as an agent and would definitely use her again in the PN future.” R and P Hirst F MIKE PERO REAL ESTATE, 88A Mokoia Road, Birkenhead, Karina Anderson, T: 09 480 8880, M: 022 093 7512

Christina reflects on what she has achieved in the past 10 years and says, “In terms of my biggest motivation, what always impresses me is the appreciation from the vendors when you help them market and sell their properties enabling them to move on to the next stage of their life. The other thing that motivates me is the warm smile on the buyers’ faces when together we have found their new home or investment project.” Christina joined the Barfoot Ponsonby branch late last year after working in Mairangi Bay on the North Shore and Papatoetoe in South Auckland. “What I love most about working in Ponsonby is it provides me the opportunity to learn the Central Auckland culture and business model. The Barfoot Ponsonby team has supported me and taught me such that I continue to positively grow and develop my real estate career. The other amazing thing about working in Ponsonby is the nice PN restaurants; my favourites are SPQR and Blue Breeze Inn.” F CHRISTINA TANG, BARFOOT PONSONBY, 184 Ponsonby Road, T: 09 376 3039, M: 021 289 5688

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied




Grand in Every Respect 21 Ardmore Road, Herne Bay For Sale by Auction

Here’s an incredibly rare and impressive double-bay villa, situated right at the heart of where you want to be. A true family home with four bedrooms, two bathrooms, two living areas, scullery, storage plus garaging on a rare west facing 519m2 site.


John Wills & Nic Blackie 021 333 053 021 505 964

116 PONSONBY NEWS+ April 2016

customresidential.co.nz PUBLISHED FIRST FRIDAY EACH MONTH (except January)

Inner-City Ease of Living 24 Allen Road, Grey Lynn For Sale by Auction

A clever and genuinely well-appointed family solution, privately positioned just 60 metres from Grey Lynn Park. This 5 bedroom, 3 bathroom family home will resonate with busy and active families looking for separate spaces and a range of outstanding living options.



The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied



ASK AN ARCHITECT: DANIEL MARSHALL Each month architect Daniel Marshall answers readers’ property related questions. Our family has bought a section of land out of Auckland and we are looking at having a house designed for our retirement. We have found an architect whose work we really like but they are not local to the area. Do you think this will be a problem or do you think we should use a local architect. We don’t want to spend too much on travel costs and worry the architect will have to visit the site too many times during construction.


It is really important for an architect to spend time on your site, there is an amazing amount of information that is gleaned from a visit in terms of the environmental considerations and the local context. However, since so much information regarding the planning rules and other factors can be gained online, a single visit to the site should suffice for the conceptual stages of the project. Aspects relating to the town planning stages of a project can be handled by a local town planner.


There isn’t any other need for the architect to visit the site during the documentation stages of the project. When you come to look for builders and tender the project, then there are good options for moving forward. You can continue to use the original architect to complete these stages, which will mean more visits to the site, or you could look at ways to collaborate with a local architect for the subsequent stages. The great thing about architects is that they are generally remarkably collegial considering that they are in competition with one another, and the flow of information is usually very good. So an architect will be able to get the advice of local architects, or architects that have built in the area before, in terms of assembling the best team for you possible. For the procurement, and construction observation and administration stages of the project, you could ask the architect to collaborate with a local architect, and they can take the greater responsibility for these stages as they have more access to the building site. Then your original architect can just visit at the times of highest impact. There are some times, particularly relating to the landscaping and colours, that it is really critical for the original architect to visit the site and strengthen the original creative vision. PN I hope this helps! (DANIEL MARSHALL) F

It is a really interesting topic, and maybe 20 years ago, on a residential project, then the answer would have been quite simple, go local. But methods of communication have changed so much, and the ways that we document things have become so much more detailed that you now have the opportunity to assemble the dream team for your project. There are a number of things to watch out for regardless of what you choose to do, so I will try and touch on these elements. On any project, effective communication is the most important factor that will define the process. In terms of selecting an architect, how you communicate with your architect is as important as your love of their architectural style of work. How ideas are communicated become even more important when that architect may not be able to sit down with you on a regular basis. Make sure you see examples of how the architect represents ideas so you can be confident that you will be able to understand the concept even if you can’t be in the room with them. The latest technology allows for amazing three dimensional representation of architecture from the earliest stages and our office is even experimenting with virtual reality so clients can really feel like they are in the spaces created.

DANIEL MARSHALL ARCHITECTS, 472 Karangahape Road, T: 09 354 3587, www.marshall-architect.co.nz


THE ALBATROSS The albatross is perhaps the most iconic of seabirds worldwide. Our very own royal albatross, which breeds only in New Zealand, has a phenomenal wingspan of up to 3.3m and will fly an estimated 190,000km a year! They will often go an entire year without touching land, just roaming the ocean and travelling vast distances before returning to their breeding grounds. There are 14 varieties of albatross that breed in New Zealand but the toroa, or royal albatross, breeds nowhere else. They are naturally low in productivity, breeding only once every two years. Male and female pairs bond over several years and they will remain together for the duration of their life. Only one egg is laid and the entire breeding process from nest building until fledging of the chick takes a full year. Albatrosses may be one of the most graceful fliers but their large size makes them an exceptionally clumsy land animal as they stumble between their nests and a take off point. Fledglings will make this walk when they are ready to take off and will spend between three and five years at sea, never touching land before they return to their unique birthing ground to start a new generation. This triggers mating displays as males display and show off with elaborate courtship rituals, while females admire and eventually select a mate for life. Albatrosses, despite spending most of their life at sea, are still at risk to many human practices and changing climate conditions. They feed by scanning the surface of the ocean for dead fish or squid. Many albatross have cunningly worked out that trailing along behind fishing vessels is a great way to get an easy feed. A steady stream of fish bait and scraps means less work for the albatross but some individuals do come to harm through occasionally being caught on hooks or becoming caught in a line and drowning. While not many boats actually catch albatrosses, and if they do it is in very small numbers, when you multiply this across the number of fishing vessels around the globe a bad pattern is noticeable. Many new ways of preventing albatross being caught are

118 PONSONBY NEWS+ April 2016

being developed. Educating fishermen on the types of seabirds that are around their vessels and how they live is useful to ensure poor fishing habits and techniques don’t have detrimental impacts on wildlife. The final major threat to albatross is oil spills and rubbish. Rubbish dumped in the sea, especially small bits of plastic and plastic bags, is extremely dangerous to seabirds. Many albatross and other species are found with regurgitated plastics next to nests. Something that tragically occurs is birds dying believing they are full after eating plastic and then proceeding to starvation. This is why it’s crucial that we don’t litter near waterways or at the beach, and especially not off the side of boats. Any rubbish that makes its way into our oceans poses a potential risk to these beautiful birds and other ocean wildlife. (FINN MCLENNAN-ELLIOTT) F PN PUBLISHED FIRST FRIDAY EACH MONTH (except January)

HOME: WHERE THE HEART IS The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied





YOYO DESIGN BY KIWIS YOYO Design by Kiwis rolled into Ponsonby almost a year ago. Founded in the Capital in 2011, Todd and Fiona Hayvice established YOYO to showcase the creative talent of New Zealand designers in furniture, homeware and lighting. Drawing on their combined retail and design experience they work in partnership with in excess of 60 local designers. Both Fiona and Todd have firm faith in New Zealand’s comparatively young design culture, with its focus on sustainability and the knack for getting the most out of our quintessential open-plan living spaces. Todd grew up in his grandfather’s and father’s furniture showrooms before honing his trade internationally with David Jones and Ikea. Hence, when it comes to interiors, you could say Todd’s part of the furniture. YOYO’s name is a nod to the longevity of great design, and their Ponsonby showroom at is a testament to that. You’ll find pieces constructed of 1000-plus-year-old kauri, and totara salvaged from the remains of once plentiful native forests; designs representing

the strength, stability and beauty of the timber, all quality design that will undoubtedly be passed down through generations. One sofa design has already stood the test of time, revived and offered exclusively to Todd some 40 years on from being sold by his father. Working with local designers, YOYO customers are able to customise by dimension, colour and material. You might wistfully think that three-seater would almost fit in your entertaining space. Do not fret, a few tweaks here and there, and bingo! YOYO’s philosophy is that living spaces should support their inhabitants’ lifestyle, which is why they’ll go out of their way to make it happen- no strings attached. F PN YOYO DESIGN, 24A Williamson Avenue, T: 09 376 4884, www.yoyo.co.nz

AN AUTUMN COLLECTION TO TAKE TIME OUT IN 1. The Manor chair is a modernly mastered wing chair inspired by the classic wing chair. A chair to get lost in with its large distinctive design, Timothy Oulton have re-sculpted the lines and added interest to the leather detailing on the seat back to give it a more cutting-edge feel. Available in a wide variety of beautifully hand finished leathers, Manor is at home in your lounge, bedroom or your home office



2. Cabana, shown in luxuriously thick long-haired New Zealand sheepskin, carefully selected for its shaggy, rugged look and soft hand feel. Inspired by relaxed outdoor lounging, the generously proportioned Cabana chair is clad in a choice of premium finishes, offset by rustic weathered oak legs. Also available in the fresh feel of linen and the vintage look of hand-distressed. F PN

Both exclusively from DAWSON & CO., 115 The Strand, Parnell and their new showroom at 38 Constellation Drive, North Shore opening 20 April. T: 09 476 1121, www.dawsonandco.nz

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HOME: WHERE THE HEART IS The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied




122 PONSONBY NEWS+ April 2016

Custom Residential Ltd | Licensed REAA 2008


Welcome to our world. Where city fringe buzz melds seamlessly with a laid-back quality of life. Share our discoveries – keithandsandy.co.nz

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied




UP CLOSE AND PERSONAL Roger Holmes Serious Popcorn’s Roger Holmes describes himself as “creative and hard-working, an entrepreneur encouraging consumers to choose healthy snacking.” He also says that he’s a brand builder, creating a vision but with the drive and passion to execute with the nitty gritty. “Creative but practical,” he says, “ambitious but relaxed. Not so serious.” Who is your partner? Kate Holmes. What does she do? Marketing Manager, Icebreaker How do you keep fit? Surfing and soccer. Your best friend would say of you? That I have a rubber arm. Your mother would say of you? She’s never short of a few words, so I rang mum and asked her. She said “domesticated and adventurous. Loves the summer and the winter... I don’t know which one more? Polite and caring. Good emotional intelligence.” Thanks, Mum. What are your virtues? Honest, creative, determined.

Your favourite Ponsonby restaurant? Orphans Kitchen. Such thoughtful and delicious food.

What are your vices? Serious Popcorn, Stolen Rum and sneakers.

Your favourite Ponsonby store? Mag Nation. I’ve always been a sucker for the latest design magazine and hardback books.

Who's your ultimate rock icon? Indie rockers Arcade Fire definitely shaped my 20s in London town.

And your favourite Ponsonby fashion label? I love the curation at Black Box - guaranteed to find great menswear at a good price.

What’s your secret passion? Mande White Yoga.

What’s your best kept Ponsonby secret? The rooftop of our retro apartment. Dinner on the roof feels more like you’re living in New York than Auckland.

What's your secret talent? My wife tells me it’s impersonations... they seem to make her laugh. Where do you live? Brown Street, Ponsonby. Where do you spend your holidays? At the beach, bach and boat by summer and the snow by winter. A favourite holiday spot would be Arrowtown where we got married last winter. What's your perfect Sunday? A perfect Sunday ritual is a sunrise surf with a few mates, followed by a mince and cheese pie and a flat white from the Piha store. What were you going to be when you grew up? An architect. How did you come to be an entrepreneur? Serious Popcorn was born from watching my great grandfather, grandfather and father running the family maize farm. They were all entrepreneurial in their own right and have inspired me to run my own business. If you weren’t an entrepreneur you’d be? An architect - I studied at UNITEC and worked in London for five years before realising it wasn’t the long-term career choice for me (or the one to get me through the global financial crisis!). What’s your favourite greater Ponsonby cafe? Organic goodness from the team at Kokako.

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What's inspired you recently? I’ve always admired the beautiful illustrations in Monocle magazine, which helped to inspire the concept for Serious Popcorn’s illustrative mascot, Serious Bear. I’m also inspired by the use of colour in design. New Zealanders have such a monochromatic pallet and I love the way global brands like Marimekko use colour. Name your desert island distractions? Spear fishing. Dad taught me the sport more than 15 years ago and I rarely get time these days running my own business, so it would be the perfect desert island distraction doubling as a key survival skill. The house is on fire and your family is safe - what do you save? Our Eileen Gray vintage lamp, bought from Marche aux Puces - the largest and oldest antique market outside of Paris. We had the most incredible day fossicking through treasures and it symbolises so many great adventures in Europe. “I'd be lost without my... ...0.7mm Caran d’Ache clutch pencil. A hangover from my days as an architect.’’ One thing you have learned about life is? Never to look back with regret but move on to the next thing. A setback is never a bad experience, just another one of life’s little lessons. What’s your advice to Ponsonby snack shoppers? Go organic. Always read the ingredients listing and snack responsibly. F PN SERIOUS POPCORN, www.seriouspopcorn.com



COMPLETE PACKAGE FOR BUSINESSES IN THE HEART OF GREY LYNN General Manager, Chris Winter, has no doubts that 300 Richmond and Storage King offer great innovation in office efficiency and provide a flexible approach to doing business. After 11 years managing the Storage King facility he would know! 300 Richmond was one of the original innovators of serviced offices in Auckland and continues to expand on the concept for small and medium sized businesses. Kiwi owned and operated the local complex offers cost-effective furnished, serviced offices that are designed to give you a professional image at an affordable price. A serviced office at 300 Richmond dramatically reduces the overheads of operating your business, removing the need for long-term leasing and providing a unique and stimulating work environment. A huge advantage is that Storage King is part of the complex. Your business storage problems are easily accommodated with storage units available from lockers to warehouses - starting at an affordable $10 per week. Your business can be totally contained within the one building. Suzanne Guerin, Office Manager for 300 Richmond says “What we have on offer gives you more time to pursue your business matters, because your office administration is our responsibility and our range of services is such excellent value you will wonder how you could have operated any other way. We can accommodate 1-10 person businesses on a month to month tenancy basis.” One of the huge advantages is that it has over 100 free parking spaces. “With parking easily reaching $100 per week in the city now,” Suzanne says “This is very attractive to clients. Free parking is a massive bonus. “When we say ‘Your Total Business Centre’ we mean it! Come and have a coffee and we’ll show you around. We’re confident you’ll be suitably impressed, and just for starters we’re offering your first week’s office rent absolutely free.”(Conditions apply.)

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied

Chris Winter of Storage King and Suzanne Guerin of 300 Richmond Contact Suzanne at 300 RICHMOND T: 09 360 3260 and Chris at Storage King, T: 09 360 2015 www.storagegreylynn.co.nz and www.300Richmond.co.nz





AS THE TEMPERATURE DROPS, BRING NATURE INDOORS Freedom Furniture’s Autumn Winter 2016 collection introduces The Conservatory, a range that combines the appeal of raw, natural materials with a classic touch. Drawing inspiration from external surroundings, The Conservatory offers a toned down, earthy and luxurious look. As winter creeps in, this collection brings nature indoors allowing you to create a warm, organically grounded space. The Estate Three-Drawer Console (RRP $1699) is a key piece in the collection. Constructed with acacia timber and brass handles, this piece has a rustic, natural look, breathing character into your kitchen or living area. To draw the eye in, the Leather Pouffe (RRP $299) is detailed with an embroidery pattern in a light thread creates a striking contrast against the tan leather. For soft furnishings and decorations, discover the energetic new season graphics through artwork, prints and upholstery, showcasing the floral, foliage and fauna that dominate this story. The Windswept Print (RRP $299), framed in a contrasting dark frame, offers a whimsical and elegant floral look. With terracotta accents, tumbleweed textures and smoked glass, The Conservatory is a welcome and alluring addition to any dÊcor updates. Check out the collection online at www.freedomfurniture.co.nz or head into your local Newmarket, Sylvia Park, Westgate (pop-up), Wairau Park or Albany store. F PN

126 PONSONBY NEWS+ April 2016




Zahra 3 seat sofa in Alpha natural $1999 Wing chair in Hunter tan $1099

Avenue dining table in natural $1799 Avenue dining chair in talent cloud $349 each

stylebyfreedom.co.nz Delivery fees may apply, please see in-store or online for further details. While stocks last. Freedom’s standard terms & conditions of purchase apply. See in-store for details.

Clifford 3 seat sofa in Charme tan $2899 Mayson coffee table in concrete $599

HEIDI PADAIN: ENTERTAINMENT IN YOUR GARDEN There are occasions when I find myself on the wrong side of the camera; the wrong side of the prop and, occasionally, the wrong side of nature itself. It’s a regular circus here at times. The most willing performers are the waxeye birds. If I go out onto my deck and place a few items on the table, along with a camera, in no time at all the little waxeye minions appear. Luckily, I have more than one camera, and a few lenses because, things don’t always go according to plan. Here’s an example. We have a large urn on our deck which contains a healthy lavender bush. I noticed that this plant had become very popular with the bumblebees. Early one morning, I decided to get the macro lens out and take some shots of the bumblebees. I was facing into the sun, which isn’t ideal, so I decided to pull the urn forward. I then put a small seat in its place. With my back to the sun, I sat there in anticipation. So, there I was looking through the viewfinder. I could hear the familiar buzzing of bumblebees, but I hadn’t seen any land on the lavender. When I pulled the camera away from my face I discovered why that was. I had two bumblebees on the sleeve of my left arm, one on my right, and a few more buzzing around me. Moving the lavender plant had confused the hell out of the bumblebees. Clearly this was an epic fail on my part, but hilarious nonetheless. Not long after this event, the queen came out for a visit. Her Majesty is enormous; as you can see in the photograph. I was worried that the annoyed little workers would have done the waggle dance, and provided Her Majesty with my facial profile. You see, I had assumed that bumblebees follow specific coordinates, like honeybees, but when I did some research, I discovered that this isn’t the case at all. Bumblebees are like fuzzy little dogs on wings. They mark the flowers they have visited, so that the scent markings can be recognised by the other bumblebees. When I moved the lavender plant it took quite some effort, I had to put my arms, in and around the bush. It would seem that I had transferred the scent onto the fabric I was wearing. Coincidentally, the top I was wearing was blue, bumblebees can see colours, and they love blue. If you’re seeing bumblebees in your garden, then you’re very lucky. The nests lasts just one year, and most workers tend to stay within 5km of the nest. They’re amazing pollinators. If you want the new queens to build a nest close by next year, then now is the time to research what you should plant for the spring, summer months. Bee mindful. PN (HEIDI PADAIN) F To see some of Heidi’s other photographic work go to www.flickr.com and type Heidi Padain into the search box, or, you can contact Heidi by email hidihi@xtra.co.nz

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1. Forma Bullet Lamp - A bold and modern classic, the gold on the inside of the shade gives off a subtle glow. RRP $995 2. Forma Beretta Lamp - The curved arched of the Beretta floor lamp has a sleek and modern feel. Available in black or white RRP $995 3. Tripod Floor Lamp - This stunning oversized floor lamp is available with a silk pleated shade in your choice of three colours. RRP $395 FORMA, 51 - 53 The Strand, Parnell, T: 09 368 7694, www.forma.co.nz www.facebook.com/formafurniturenz

THE RESENE ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN FILM FESTIVAL COMING SOON The fifth annual Resene Architecture & Design Film Festival returns to Rialto Cinemas from 5 - 18 May. Celebrating the finest documentaries on architecture, design and living cities, here are just three of the exceptional films: Strange and Familiar: Architecture On Fogo Island is set on the truly isolated, rugged landscape of Fogo Island, Newfoundland, Canada. Here, in this small community, we observe some big ideas. We follow a socially ambitious project led by local entrepreneur Zita Cobb and architect Todd Saunders. The result is The Fogo Island Inn and Fogo Island Arts; a residency-based contemporary art venue. Artists are housed in one of four extraordinary studios set across the island. Documented in over 80 leading international magazines and blogs worldwide, this is one not to miss. Photography and fashion enthusiasts, Rialto are excited to bring you ‘Aka Norman Parkinson.’ Documenting the life of the pioneering photographer and eccentric English

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied

gentleman, this film takes us through Parkinson’s long career and includes contributions from models, muses and collaborators including Jerry Hall and Grace Coddington. Bikes Vs Cars: Relevant to Aucklanders today, this captivating documentary hits the streets of Sao Paolo, Los Angeles and Copenhagen. We see increased highways, car usage, gridlock and cycling fatalities juxtaposed with almost the antithesis in cultures where cycling is safer and more encouraged. The film explores the environmental, cultural and urban benefits of cycling through the eyes of cyclists from around the world. F PN To download the full programme and book tickets visit www.rialto.co.nz





GET THE LOOK, STAY ON TREND THIS SEASON @ BOCONCEPT 1. Osaka sofa, from $3219; 2. Adria coffee table $995; 3. Copper ball pendant $199; 4. Palencia rug, from $2619; 5. Copenhagen wall system $10,590

1 2




BOCONCEPT - URBAN DANISH DESIGN SINCE 1952, 20 Normanby Road, T: 09 630 0557, www.boconcept.co.nz

NEW FUTURES FROM MR BIGGLESWORTHY Open since 17 March, the new ‘New Futures’ collection from Mr Bigglesworthy continues a fascination with the American perspective on modernism. In the 1950s and 60s, American designers like Adrian Pearsall, Charles and Ray Eames and George Mulhauser introduced exciting new looks into the home, with daring, exaggerated curves and a lightness of form. The memorable designs were paired with luxurious materials like walnut and marble. The collection also highlights the exuberant colours and textures of the new, contemporary design that emerged in the post-war era. These elements feature strongly in the likes of office and dining furniture produced by Herman Miller, high end lighting from Laurel and a pair of chrome chairs influenced by west coast designer Milo Baughman. F PN MR BIGGLESWORTHY, 15 Williamson Avenue, T: 021 672 446, www.mrbigglesworthy.co.nz

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Play it Strange - Shining the Spotlight on Songs in Schools “It all started with the songwriters,” Mike Chunn, legendary Kiwi musician from Split Enz and the Citizen Band, tells me over a juice. We’re talking about the Play it Strange Trust, which he established in 2004. “It all started with the songwriting competition for schools. We wanted to give young songwriters a reason to finish writing the song they’d started because actually a lot of them don’t. They are terrified of someone hearing it and not liking it. Our aim is to get them to finish and then record it.” Play it Strange offers numerous competitions and programmes to school-aged songwriters that help to foster and encourage their music. There are mentoring programmes, opportunities to meet successful musicians, and many relationships developed between budding stars and those that are already established. Their flagship competition is the Lion Foundation Songwriting Competition, New Zealand’s national secondary school songwriting competition. They get hundreds of entries each year from all around the country, all original songs written by our secondary school students. The top 40 are selected to be on the annual Play it Strange CD and these kids have the opportunity to go into a professional recording studio and work with an engineer to record their song. Chunn feels very strongly about songwriting and that it should not be lost in the years between primary school and secondary school. He wants to see every songwriter in New Zealand given all these opportunities. “What’s always irked me about [our competition], is that of the say 350 songs sent to us, 40 of the songwriters have the day of their life, go into a studio, record their song and all their friends and family hear them on the CD. But what about the other 310? “So we are expanding our website, to be called Strange World, and this will be for every songwriter at secondary school to register. You go in to Strange World and post your song, other registered songwriters can listen to it, comment about them, you can listen to everyone else’s songs, or you could have one-on-one mentoring.” Play it Strange always has a ‘School of the Year’, which is awarded to the school with the most songs on the annual CD. “We’re going to give the schools of the year their own window as it were in the Strange World - ‘Check out what is happening at our school’. It’s up to them to utilise that space. An opportunity to show off about what they’re doing. Hopefully this will inspire other schools and teachers.” Stay tuned to see the new Strange World as it is developed this year! I had to ask him about his old Ponsonby days, and when he first played here. In the Citizen Band days, he remembers exactly how they came to be playing at the Gluepot.

“It was 1978, we noticed posters on lampposts, ‘Hello Sailor playing at the Gluepot in Three Lamps’. We thought, oh yeah they’re all going to die up there, because Ponsonby was pretty heavy, it was nothing like it is today. And then we heard they’d had a full house, about a thousand people.” This is probably close to the truth, despite its 600 capacity, it was crammed full for those gigs. “All of a sudden everyone tried to get a gig there. Somewhere along the line we got a gig, and we started with the sun streaming through the window, they had to be closed by 10pm in those days. Brent Eccles [their drummer] had a clever idea, rather than play three sets, like most bands do, we’d get a support band. First time we got the Terrorways, a punk band of the time, whose fans weren’t fond of us playing after them. But that support act thing caught on. By 1979 when our second album came out, The Gluepot was the gig to get. So we would get about seven or eight hundred people full in there, all paying two or three dollars!” “I don’t remember ever playing anywhere else in Ponsonby, it was all about The Gluepot.” PN (FINN MCLENNAN-ELLIOTT) F If you’d like to find out more about the Play It Strange Trust and what Mike Chunn and his team are doing, check them out on www.playitstrange.org.nz

Finn McLennan-Elliott has a Bachelor of Science Honours degree specialising in human geography at Auckland University. In his spare time, Finn plays clarinet and guitar in an orchestra and a folk music group. He is hosting ‘Folk at the Old Folks’ on the first Sunday of every month at the Auckland Old Folks Association Hall, an intimate afternoon concert of folk music.

NZIFF AUTUMN EVENTS The Autumn Events Classic Movies at the Civic return to Auckland for one weekend in April. Mark your diaries for 13 to 17 April because the line-up includes not just beautiful classics but also new New Zealand premieres that deserve to be seen with a crowd. Highlights include Frances McDormand as Detective Marge Gunderson in the original Fargo (20th anniversary 4K digital restoration), Deborah Kerr and Yul Brynner in 1956 musical The King and I (specially transferred to digital for its 60th anniversary), and The Talking Heads seminal concert film Stop Making Sense played loud at the Civic. TV3 journalist David Farrier makes the leap to the giant screen with his documentary Tickled, co-directed by Dylan Reeve, having its New Zealand premiere on the Civic screen on Wednesday 13 April. Autumn Events are brought to you every year by the charitable trust responsible for the cinematic winter extravaganza that is the NZ International Film Festival (NZIFF). Tickets are on sale now via Ticketmaster for all Civic Theatre and Academy Cinema screenings. NZIFF AUTUMN EVENTS nziff.co.nz F PN The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied





Golden Dawn - just around the corner Hidden ever so slightly off Ponsonby Road on the corner of Richmond Road is Golden Dawn, one of those local bars that offers everything you could want. They pride themselves in offering great service, great food and over 300 nights of music a year. They are dedicated to promoting original music and being a ‘unique space for unique music’. Now in their sixth year, none of this was planned, and in fact the bar was only intended to be a two-year venture! Matthew Crawley is the man behind the music at Golden Dawn, curating the live bands and the DJs that have made Golden Dawn the destination it now is. He sat down to discuss the beginnings of the bar and how they came to still be doing it today. “It took a good six months of planning to make it happen. I’d done the live music at five different venues in Auckland before, but had never had a partnership in a place before. Stephen Marr, who owns the building and the bar, found out that I was someone who’d done this sort of thing and that I was currently available. He called me in to a meeting and asked if I wanted to be involved in this new thing he was doing with the space he had.” Crawley, like many others in the music promoting and curating business, was pretty close to being done with it all but Marr convinced him to come on board as the plan was for the bar to be only around for a year and a half or two years. “We put in a bunch of time and now I’m one of four people responsible for the place, as entertainment manager.” Much of the success of Golden Dawn can be attributed to the way they come across and what they’ve presented themselves as. “The wording of things when we first opened was venues are way harder to make successful than bars. Our other main owner had a big part in venues in Wellington that were part hospitality and part crazy fun and said we don’t have to call ourselves a venue to still be the best one in town.” Golden Dawn as a live music venue benefits from being a destination for those that are not as interested in the music, and so people walk through the door every night of the week, regardless of whether a band is playing. Most venues can’t say this, and Crawley attributes it to a few things. “It is why we’ve kept our door charge at five dollars, because we have a small venue space but a big hang out space,” so the band do better having people come through to spend time in the hang out space. “We try to be as many things as possible to as many people as possible, that’s kind of the goal we’ve gone for. Whatever we did, do it well and be nice people.” One of their big focuses is on original music, and they offer a wide variety of genres multiple times a week. Alongside the live music is a DJ in the outdoor courtyard; you won’t find a professional dance music DJ at Golden Dawn, but this is partly out of respect to noise control and partly out of a desire to be slightly different. Nick Harrison, Golden Dawn’s general manager, joined us for a brief chat about Ponsonby and the changes that have gone on in the last few years. “I’ve been working

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Matthew Crawley, Entertainment Manager of Golden Dawn in Ponsonby for the last 10 years and the change is very noticeable. It’s been gradual until the last two years when it’s been massive. The infrastructure in many places hasn’t quite kept up with the number of people coming through.” Obviously this is referring to weekend nights and the presence of many night clubs that weren’t present two years ago. Golden Dawn loves the Ponsonby strip, and are more than happy to be part of this changing scene. “Some people plan what they want to be,” Crawley says. “The only way we can operate is to be an eccentric array of things, I always say yes to anything that sounds like a fun idea.” Golden Dawn, right down to their interesting and eclectic playlist, is 100% a fun idea. “We were curious if people would follow us around the corner, but we’re here for those that want to be here.” (FINN MCLENNAN-ELLIOTT) F PN Coming up at Golden Dawn: Saturday 2 April - Street Chant and Avoid! Avoid! Album Launch; Friday 8 April - The Wellington City Shake-‘Em-On-Downers; Saturday 9 April - Saturnian Noise Collective; Friday 15 April - Stretch, Fables and Friends; Saturday 16 April - The Rocking Roller-Coasters. GOLDEN DAWN, 134 Ponsonby Road, T: 09 376 9929, www.goldendawn.co.nz


SHOWING @ ALLPRESS STUDIO Sam Leitch - They keep stealing all the oranges 12- 18 April, Opening night: 12 April, 6-8pm

The connection between the viewer, the artist and a piece is a relationship which dominates Sam Leitch’s ever evolving art practice. After the very successful exhibition ‘Under the archway’ Sam is back with the follow on series ‘They keep stealing all the oranges’. This time the viewer is required to delve deeper as the layers have been peeled back even further, thus creating a conceptual look at his latest simplified surreal artworks. Always wanting to take the viewer on a trip inside the work this exhibition will certainly create curiosity whilst allowing you to connect the dots. Moments in time are frozen to showcase connections between icons and ideas brought from everyday life onto the canvas and placing them within surreal locations; this is the underlying essence of his work. F PN ALLPRESS STUDIO, 8 Drake Street, Freeman’s Bay

ARTS + CULTURE COMING UP @ LAKE HOUSE ARTS ARTiculate: A picture is worth a thousand words 18 May - 12 June Celebration evening, 20 May, 5-7pm The UpsideDowns Education Trust was established to support New Zealand children with Down syndrome by providing funding for specialist education programmes. The Trust plays a vital role in improving the learning development of the children, growing their confidence and independence. This speech language therapy greatly improves their communication, allowing these children to thrive. Lake House Arts is holding a fundraising art sale and exhibition for the benefit of the UpsideDowns Education Trust. Please join in celebrating these special children and help to support the wonderful organisation that assists them.

Highway to the skyway

If you are an artist and would like to be a part of the art sale please contact Lake House Arts - all the art sales are commission free and the registration fee will go to the UpsideDowns Trust. More information and the registration form is at www.lakehousearts. org.nz or T: 09 486 4877 or email manager@lakehousearts.org.nz Lake House has a varied and fun programme of classes for all ages running this school holidays. Check their website for classes from 1822 April and 25-29 April.

Kieran self portrait 2015

A Drop-in Craft activity is available in the gallery from 10am - 2pm on 18, 19 and 20 April. The perfect way to keep the kids occupied while you enjoy a coffee in the cafe next PN door! (Gold coin donation appreciated). F LAKE HOUSE ARTS CENTRE, 37 Fred Thomas Drive, Barry’s Point Reserve, Takapuna www.lakehousearts.org.nz

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied




ARTS + CULTURE SHOWING @ OREXART Stephen Allwood - Dessert Until 23 April Opening: 2 April, 12-4pm

If cooking shows have you drooling, you’re likely to enjoy a large helping of the latest images from painter Stephen Allwood. In his show ‘Dessert’ at Orexart, the celebrated artist and foodie lets his audience eat cake, without the calories. Stephen ignores the sugar ban to put sumptuously glazed and melting desserts back into the heart of the home. Generous canvases capture the glamour of food - the wink of crystal, the icy rime of frost on a berry - all in bold, romantic swathes of paint. Stephen admits: “I like the idea of being able to see the layers trapped behind glass. I love looking through that translucence, the idea that it is enclosed and somehow a little removed from us. It makes it a precious thing.” The show is the result of months spent traipsing between studio and the kitchen of the Martinborough cooking school that Stephen helps run with his partner, the chef and author, Jo Crab. PN Please contact rex@orexart.co.nz for details. F

OREXART, 15 Putiki Street, Arch Hill, T: 09 378 0588, E: rex@orexart.co.nz www.orexart.co.nz

SHOWING @ TOI ORA James King: Tainui - Ngati Mahuta, Tuwharetoa ARTIST TALK in association with Toi Ora Gallery and ArtExplore 20 April 6.30pm for 7-8.30pm, Koha Exhibition extended to 4 May Following a successful White Night opening Toi Ora Gallery extends the ...“and then there was light” exhibition of paintings by James King and are pleased to announce an evening Artist Talk with our ArtExplore partners. This will be an informative evening to hear from this enigmatic Outsider Artist, view his art and gain a deeper understanding into these intriguing works spanning from 2010 to 2015. You will also gain a broader perspective of the outsider art world both here in Aotearoa and internationally, hear about the Toi Ora studio programme, and be entertained by local musicians. “I started painting large scale abstract work after a series of long-term admissions to acute mental health wards in Auckland and Wellington - they reflect on darker times; in contrast the recent smaller hessian works are lighter - outward looking and speak of man and nature and the impact they have on each other.” F PN TOI ORA GALLERY, 6 Putiki Street, Enquires, T: 09 360 4171, E: info@toiora.org.nz www.toiora.org.nz

James King; Red Rock, Acrylic on hessian, 2015

James King; White Night, Trycylic 2012, Acrylic on paper

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TERRY FERGUSSON - ‘THE BUSHMANS SON’ LOCAL GREY LYNN ARTIST TERRY FERGUSSON is holding his next exhibition Raw at Exhibitions Gallery Of Fine Art at 19A Osborne Street, Newmarket, The opening is on 5 April at 6.30pm and the exhibition runs until 5 May. Terry has a unique style and paints brand name of ‘The Bushmans Son.’ comes from his upbringing in small Zealand and from being the sixth youngest son of a Waikato bushman.

under the The name town New child and

“I use a mix of photography and acrylic (overlay) to create the images and the look I’m after. I am guided by my brush and the piece evolves on Terry Fergusson - Still Mine its own which gives individuality to each finished work. Faces and humans are my focus and they all tell a story. This mix of paint and film captures the essence of the subject and brings it to life with colour and text.”


Big Fat Greek Cheese Tasting 6 April, 6.30pm, $35 Tanah Dowdle is Gourmet Joy, a loquacious lover of food and wine, back by popular demand matching beautiful handmade Greek cheese to scrumptious organic Nelson wine from Te Mania. A lively, pleasurably gastronomic and informative way to spend an hour at twilight! Promise & Promiscuity: A New Musical by Jane Austen & Penny Ashton, 14-16 April, 8pm, $25/$20 Follow the fortunes of Miss Elspeth Slowtree as she battles literary snobbery, cousin Horatio’s digestions and her mother’s nerves, armed with a blushing countenance, excellent ukulele skills and being quite bright - you know, for a girl. Penny (Hot Pink Bits/ Radio New Zealand) tackles all of Austen’s characters with song, dance and appalling cross-stitching. Ashton has performed by invitation at The Glastonbury and Jane Austen Festivals and spent three years doing over 500 solo shows all over the world garnering numerous awards, now comes to Auckland’s Tiny Theatre to mash up Beethoven, bonnets and big balls, with alacrity! “Pride and Prejudice gone wild in the best way” Rip it Up, Adelaide.

Earlier this year Terry’s work ‘Still Mine’ featuring his parents, made it through to the finals of the Adam Portraiture Awards and Exhibition 2016 at the NZ Portrait Gallery in Wellington! Although Terry didn’t win he was stoked to be named a finalist. Terry says, “With no formal training or degrees it can be so difficult to be taken seriously amongst trained /accomplished/certified and young fresh artists, however I feel so PN driven and proud to class myself as an emerging artist from 1963!” F 2015 (C) THE BUSHMANS SON, M: 021 909 827 For more information www.thebushmansson.com or follow Terry on Facebook www.facebook.com/thebushmansson; Instagram: #thebushmansson

Death Cafe on Garnet, 17 April, 3-4.30pm Come and join experienced facilitators for coffee, cake and open-hearted discussion on death and dying. Ten people max in private back room within Garnet Station so please phone Carol Wales if you are interested: M: 021 878 730. F PN GARNET STATION TINY THEATRE, 85 Garnet Road, Westmere - Book for the show and dinner, T: 09 360 3397

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied





Margaret Petchell, 8 - 18 April, Opening 8 April, 5.30pm This is the first exhibition at endemicworld gallery for 2016. From a creative background in New Zealand’s fashion, film and television industry, and a lifelong love and appreciation of beauty, colour and detail, Margaret’s progression into painting 16 years ago was a natural extension of her creative life. Since then her reputation as a collectable artist has grown exponentially with her original paintings gracing wellknown walls around the world, as well as here in New Zealand. This will be Margaret’s fourth solo exhibition of her larger than life acrylic on canvas paintings, with limited edition fine art prints of all original works also available. Intricate detail and perfection of colour and light are what first draw you in, but what really sets the work of artist Margaret Petchell apart, is her whimsy and the depth of personality imbued in her birds and animals. Take Hector, the dewy gray/blue parrot who will be making his debut in Margaret’s exhibition opening. He looks out of the canvas with an anomorphic, dignified gaze connecting directly with the viewer. The exhibition is proudly sponsored by Little And Friday and Opawa Wines. To request a preview and catalogue of the works contact elliot@endemicworld.com F PN ENDEMICWORLD, 62 Ponsonby Road, M: 021 996 722, T: 09 378 9823, www.endemicworld.com

FAHEY GIFT OF ART TO OXFAM Grey Lynn resident, artist, writer and Officer of New Zealand Order of Merit Jacqueline Fahey has spent her life pushing back against inequality and doesn’t intend to stop any time soon. As part of her lifelong quest for social justice Jacqueline recently donated one of her art pieces, ’Listening to Verdi’s Requiem’, to aid agency Oxfam New Zealand. Jacqueline’s painting is on permanent loan to Oxfam to be sold when she dies, with proceeds going directly to support their community development and humanitarian work in the Pacific and beyond. During the course of her art career - which saw her scoop the prestigious Arts Foundation Icon Award - Jacqueline has focused on gender discrimination, political realities and raising the controversial issue of female suburban repression Jacqueline Fahey in New Zealand throughout the 20th Century. Her first novel, ‘Cutting Loose’ was written about her tumultuous time in Fiji during the 1987 coup. Her views were shaped by her experiences of discrimination against her gender and Irish-Catholic heritage. “My parents were well aware they belonged to a minority and faced prejudice from other people; I certainly wasn’t living in a sealed up bubble.” Jacqueline asserts that her passionate belief in equality comes down to common sense. “We need to close the gap between the rich and the poor. It’s basic decency, and if you want to step outside that, then you start getting into hypocrisy,” she says. “If I think a very poor person doesn’t want for their children what I want for mine, then I’m deceiving myself, aren’t I? Despite being well into her 80s, Jacqueline’s art continues to challenge social injustice and discrimination. “My work addresses political issues. You hear about what’s going on radio and television, and can’t get it out of your head, so I bring it home.” Her donation to Oxfam reflects her support for New Zealand’s Pacific neighbours and her work ensures her desire for equality and understanding will continue once she has gone: “I like how Pacific-oriented Oxfam is and how the money is more directly focused PN on the work.” F LEGACY GIVING/OXFAM T: 09 355 6500, www.oxfam.org.nz

Jacqueline Fahey, Listening to Verdi

136 PONSONBY NEWS+ April 2016



Mary McIntyre was born in 1928 and is well known for her realist works in which she creates ambiguous, often surreal, narratives. One of New Zealand’s foremost realist, figurative painters, she has a reputation for producing works that defy political correctness and usually contain barbed humour or shafts of discomfort. Her knowledge of and interest in musculature and anatomy has been lifelong and she has the ability to render portraits with accuracy, capturing the essence of her models, particularly when she knows them well. She frequently paints herself as the protagonist in her works, the first such series being ‘Identity Parade’ in which she superimposed her face on the muscular figures of posing body builders. Over the years, we have observed her progress through life, from young bride to grandmother, in a string of works in which she has used herself as model.

photography: Sait Akkirman

McIntyre’s paintings depict with honesty what she sees. Through her own portraits we watch the ageing process as she documents it. Her paintings of nudes do not conform to the stereotype of the lithe, young model, but portray women of all shapes and sizes. Her vision is clear sighted. Sexuality is a recurring theme in her work and, she believes, is an under-acknowledged and important influence in our lives. This new series of paintings explore the changes in Mary’s environment as she comes to terms with the intensification of the area around her home in Auckland.


Jinho Jeong makes beautiful ceramics. Jinho was trained at the prestigious Kyunggi University in South Korea and spent one year at the highly acclaimed Jingdezhen University in China where he was able to study under internationally-renowned tutors. After studying in China, Jinho further developed traditional Korean techniques using a variety of stains he learned about in Jingdezhen. Inlaid work is one of the ancient traditional Korean skills in pottery history, which is found in Korean Inlaid Celadon in the 13th-15th Century. Jinho was born in Seoul and now lives and works in New Zealand. F PN

WHITESPACE, 12 Crummer Road, T: 09 361 6331, www.whitespace.co.nz

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied




ARTS + CULTURE THE FRAME WORKSHOP ARTIST OF THE MONTH - BRAD NOVAK The Frame Workshop & Gallery’s April Artist of the Month is Brad Novak. Be sure to come into the gallery to be in the draw for his fully framed iconic image ‘Reservoir Birds’. Archivally framed print value is $1100. Brad is an urban pop artist whose work sits at the nexus between fine art and street art. Under the moniker ‘New Blood Pop’ he is showing work internationally through galleries in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom and New Zealand with work in the collections of celebrities such as Quentin Tarantino. As well as his trailblazing art career, he is still practising as a medical doctor and in doing so continues to push boundaries in more ways than one!

followed this up in early 2016 with his solo show to rave reviews alongside a feature on national Canadian TV. His already iconic series of Princess Bowie has an exciting new work, in gold and silver now available at our gallery. The editions are very limited in number (20) so make sure you check them out as we don’t expect them to last long! www.newbloodpop.com

In late 2015, Brad became the first New Zealand-born artist to show alongside legendary pop megastars such as Andy Warhol, Roy Lichtenstein, and Banksy in Toronto. He then

THE FRAME WORKSHOP & GALLERY, 1/182 Jervois Road, T: 09 376 4749, www.frameworkshop.co.nz

Brad Novak - Reservoir Birds 1.2 - white paper

138 PONSONBY NEWS+ April 2016

Brad Novak



UPTOWN ART SCENE Despite rising rents, many artists continue to create their work in the uptown area. Artists have always been the vanguard of gentrification, moving in well before neighbourhoods are desirable, taking advantage of cheap rents and the frisson of dodgy areas. Usually, rising rents drive them back out, but Uptown remains attractive due to its liberal attitude, and artists have managed to find a few offices past their due-by date to inhabit. These studios are usually occupied by several artists, to spread the cost and so they can work in a mutually supportive environment. As Queen Street rises from the town centre, one of the oldest artists’ studios, the ‘Sunday School Building’ marks the closest collective to Auckland’s commercial heart. Matthew Browne has had his studio there for 20 years, along with Kathryn Stevens, Anton Chapman and 10 others.

doing well on the national and international scene, including Fiona Connor, Simon Denny, Kate Newby, Andrew Barber, and Nick Austin. La Gonda continues to house artists and illustrators, as do a couple of smaller spaces. Close to The Strip are the studios of Ruth Watson, Imogen Taylor and Patrick Lundberg, perched on Arch Hill ridge. Across the valley, Akepiro Studios house 13 artists, including Evan Woodruffe, Claudia Jowitt, Leigh Martin and Janelle Wills. The recent White Night event for Auckland Arts Festival saw several of these studios open to a very curious and appreciative public. Long may there be spaces for artists in our neighbourhood. Their activity keeps a unique flavour PN flowing through our community. (WILL PAYNT STUDIO ARTS SUPPLIES) F

K’Road has a long history of artists’ studios, with some doubling as exhibition spaces. Gambia Castle (closed 2010) was an incubator for many artists now

Paul Johnston’s studio, Akepiro Studios

Nicholas Pound and Evan Woodruffe’s studios, Akepiro Studios The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied





Hamish @ Cake and Co

Roderick @ Working Style

Libby @ The Fairy Shop

photography: Everall Deans; Ponsonby Business Association

Alex @ Frenchie




Michelle and Grace @ Grace Lang

Queen City Band

Inquisitive dog @ Chapel Bar

Brian & Jack, Sirrah

Sasha @ Mapura Studios

Fables @ The Cork

Laura and Emily @ Fifth Ave

Roman and Jo @ Zambezi

Helen & Andrew, Queen City Band

Sausage Sizzle @ The Shelter

Sue and Melissa @ Household Linen

Showroom 22 @ The Shelter

photography: Everall Deans; Ponsonby Business Association

Crooning with the Queen City Band

Matecito Latin Band

PONSONBY MARKET DAY - SATURDAY 12 MARCH The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied





Alice @ Repertoire

Barney, Bertrand & Hector @ Le Vietnamese Kitchen

Carole @ The Women’s Bookshop

The team @ Configure Express

Marie & Max @ Boy & Bird

Jennifer & Barry

The Alibis Band

The ladies from The Shelter

Triumph & Disaster @ The Shelter

Ed Wakem

Marnie @ Taylor Road Homewares

Helene & Dany @ Ma Cherie

Armando & Team @ Gusto

photography: Everall Deans; Ponsonby Business Association

Yuki & Taisho @ Ramen



Ella @ The Poi Room

Doyle Academy of Irish Dance

NZ Pipe Band Association

Connolly School of Irish Dance


3 Ring Riot


Circus in a Flash

St Patrick’s Day revellers


photography: Everall Deans; Ponsonby Business Association



photography: Everall Deans; Ponsonby Business Association

Green Spot Clown on the Dublin train

Aotearoa Friendly Islands Band

Aotearoa Friendly Islands Band

Aotearoa Friendly Islands Band

Marguerite Howlett

Doyle Academy of Dance

Ronald Andreassend

Go the Clown

Green spot clowns

Irish Society float


(except January)


♈ Aries (the Ram): 21 March - 20 April

You don’t always have to make your mind up straight away when deciding what’s real or what’s fake in your life. If something unexpected comes along, you’re usually able to shift up a gear and carry on as though nothing has changed.

♉ Taurus (the Bull): 21 April - 21 May

♎ Libra (the Scales): 24 September - 23 October

Giving up is never an option especially if you’re unsure about where you’re going next. You can’t rely on your emotions as they seem to be a bit off at the moment, instead you should start trusting the people around you.

If you’re afraid of change, now is not the time to show it, especially as it will have an impact on your life. Don’t let other people who judge have anything to do with the way you behave or conduct yourself.

Scorpio (the Scorpion): 24 October - 22 November Something from your past has resurfaced and has sparked feelings within you that you are having problems deciphering - your concentration will inevitably suffer. Thankfully you are always able to work out what’s going on by being rational.

♐ Sagittarius (the Archer): 23 November - 22 December

♑ Capricorn (the Goat): 23 December - 20 January

♒ Aquarius (the Water Carrier): 21 January - 19 February

Gemini (the Twins): 22 May - 21 June You have been listening to a voice inside you that’s been getting louder for a while now and it shouldn’t be ignored. You’ll learn something that will be beneficial to you, your family and everyone that comes into contact with you.

Cancer (the Crab): 22 June - 22 July You’re a lot stronger than you think and you have the resources and capability to back you up. What you have to do now is believe that you can do anything and take comfort in the security and knowledge that you’ll cope. Leo (the Lion): 23 July - 21 August You can often retreat into yourself and this can sometimes make it difficult for your close friends and allies to judge how you’re really feeling. You really should move on from any past mistakes and make sure your future is positive.

♍ Virgo (the Virgin): 22 August - 23 September

You’re always in a rush to get on and do something else, sometimes even before you have finished your previous project. You may be losing out on opportunities with your restlessness, fortunately so far no one has noticed.

You should be able to enjoy the freedom of knowing that you can relax and enjoy the company of your peers whilst your creative juices are replenishing. Now that you have accepted that your light might shine brighter than everyone else, you are now able to be yourself.

♓ Pisces (the Fish): 20 February - 20 March You are always able to charm and convince others that your point of view is the correct one. However, you may soon realise that your allure is wearing off and friends may only be paying you lip service.

photography: Everall Deans; Ponsonby Business Association

You need to be careful you’re not coming across as uncaring this month as you can be quick with your answers to problems that really just need a bit of time and patience to sort out. Stay confident though, as you still need to remain in charge.

You can plan whatever you do in your life but sometimes it’s hard to plan someone else’s, especially when your input is not welcome! You should stop interfering if this is the feedback you’re getting and let mistakes be made. It’s not your mess.





Ecostore, 1 Scotland Street Glengarry, Corner Sale and Wellesley Streets Kellands Real Estate, 4 Drake Street New World, Victoria Park


GREY LYNN Barfoot & Thompson, 533 Great North Road Barkley Manor, 400 - 402 Great North Road Grey Lynn Community Centre, 520 Richmond Road Grey Lynn Community Library, 474 Great North Road Raw Essentials, 401B Richmond Road Ripe, 172 Richmond Road Tapac, 100 Motions Road Vetcare, 408 Great North Road

Planet Ayurveda, 41 Gillies Avenue Taylor Boutique, 1 Teed Street

Rug Direct, Wairau Park Dawson’s Furniture, Mairangi Bay

PARNELL Jane Daniels, 2 Birdwood Crescent Parnell Community Centre, 545 Parnell Road


Atomic, 420c New North Road

Askew, 2b Jervois Road Bayleys, 305 Ponsonby Road Harcourts, 89 Ponsonby Road Leys Institute, 20 St Mary’s Road The Longroom, 114 Ponsonby Road Mag Nation, 123 Ponsonby Road Paper Plus, 332 Ponsonby Road Ponsonby Community Centre, 20 Ponsonby Terrace Servilles, Corner Jervois & Ponsonby Road Studio One, 1 Ponsonby Road Whitespace, 12 Crummer Road



HERNE BAY Herne Bay Post & Stationers, 240 Jervois Road Five Loaves, 206 Jervois Road Icing on the Cake, 188 Jervois Road Momentum, 182 Jervois Road


Citta Outlet Store, Corner Enfield & Normanby Road Sabato, 57 Normanby Road Studio Italia, 25 Nugent Street

146 PONSONBY NEWS+ April 2016

Ponsonby News is published on the first Friday of each month excluding January. Copies go quickly so be quick to collect yours from any of the following outlets. The issue is also published on our website www.ponsonbynews.co.nz

Glengarry, 164 Garnet Road



The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied




7 Sheehan Street Ponsonby Remuera Show Suite Open Daily 11am - 3pm www.10stmarks.co.nz


Wanaka Call for further information www.marinaterrace.co.nz

101 Jervois Road Herne Bay

25 Melford Street St Marys Bay

7 Sheehan Street Ponsonby www.bayleys.co.nz/1670432

Freemans Bay Show Suite Open Tues - Sun 11am - 3pm www.gracevq.co.nz

13 Wallace Street Herne Bay

Karen’s No.1 4B Hamilton Road Herne Bay

Karen Spires AREINZ

027 273 8220


12 Kotare Avenue Westmere

148 PONSONBY NEWS+ April 2016

PUBLISHED FIRST EACH Bayleys Real Estate Limited, Licensed under the REA FRIDAY Act 2008.

MONTH (except January)

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