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The Inner City Arts Competition is a fantastic outlet for the kids, allowing them to explore artistic expression and their own creativity, with some perhaps even discovering a lifelong affinity for art.


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35 Wanganui Avenue, Herne Bay – March 2017




21 Picton Street, Freemans Bay – March 2017

40 London Street, St Marys Bay – April 2017

68 Scanlan Street, Grey Lynn – April 2017




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6/5 Curran Street, Herne Bay

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2 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2017



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P34: Time For Auckland Transport to halt their use of glyphosate in our streets; P39: local Ponsonby A-Z of bars - like the Grey RSC, it’s comforting to know that many of the familiar bars in our neighbourhood are still going strong. We say drink responsibly while you enjoy yourself; P56: Asian influences - there are 11 different choices at Ponsonby International Food Court.

008 009 010 012 016 018 021 025 030


032 045 053 054 060 062 068 070 072


081 084 085 088 098 104 110 114 115


PONSONBY NEWS+ is published monthly, excluding January by ALCHEMY MEDIA LIMITED LIM POSTAL: P.O. BOX 47-282 Ponsonby, Auckland 1144. www.ponsonbynews.co.nz T: 09 378 8553 or 09 361 3356 Editor/Publisher Associate Publisher & Ad Manager Distribution Manager Advertising Sales Operations Manager Contributing Fashion Editor Contributing Music Editor Contributing Editor Contributing Editor Proof Readers Layout Designer Designer

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MARTIN LEACH; M: 021 771 147; E: martinleach@xtra.co.nz or martin@ponsonbynews.co.nz JO BARRETT; M: 021 324 510; E: joannebarrett@xtra.co.nz JAY PLATT; M: 021 771 146; E: jayplatt@xtra.co.nz or jay@ponsonbynews.co.nz MELISSA PAYNTER; M: 027 938 4111; E: melissa@ponsonbynews.co.nz GWYNNE DAVENPORT; M: 021 150 4095; E: gwynne@ponsonbynews.co.nz JULIE ROULSTON; M: 027 211 7169; E: julie@ponsonbynews.co.nz FINN MCLENNAN-ELLIOTT; M: 021 134 4101; E: finn.huia@gmail.com DEIRDRE ROELANTS; M: 021 261 8439; E: deirdre33@slingshot.co.nz JOHN ELLIOTT; M: 021 879 054; E: johnelliott@ihug.co.nz JESSIE KOLLEN and DEIRDRE THURSTON ARNA MARTIN; E: arna@cocodesign.co.nz MELISSA PAYNTER; E: melissa@ponsonbynews.co.nz


ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTIONS: WITHIN NEW ZEALAND $49. BY CHEQUE OR POSTAL ORDER IN NZ$. NO CREDIT CARDS. PLEASE NOTE: we do not hold back issues of Ponsonby News. Our archive is all online as a low resolution pdf or from August 2010, as a high resolution E-mag - visit www.ponsonbynews.co.nz The entire content of this publication is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic, mechaal, photocopying, recording or otherwise - without the prior permission, in writing, of the copyright owner. Colour transparencies and manuscripts submitted are sent at the owner’s risk; neither the publisher nor its agents accept any responsibility for loss or damage. Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this publication, the publisher can accept no liability for any inaccuracies that may occur.


is printed on paper sourced from sustainable, well managed forests and manufactured under the environmental management system ISO 14001. Our hand-delivered copies are flow wrapped in eco-friendly, degradable plastic. FOR BACK ISSUES AND ADVERTISING INFORMATION: www.ponsonbynews.co.nz

4 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2017


TRENZSEATER | interior design service TRENZSEATER is proud to announce that Ben Lewis has been short listed in the prestigious International Design & Architecture Awards, for his residential interior design work in 2016 by an acclaimed global judging panel. The International Design & Architecture Awards celebrate the excellence in the interior design and architecture industry on a global scale, recognised by leading designers and architects in the industry as the benchmark in global design. TRENZSEATER is privileged and humbled to have received international recognition for its expertise in Interior Design. This accolade reinforces our unparalleled enthusiasm and passion for interior design, and demonstrates our commitment to bringing you the very best international interior design service available!

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22 Herne Bay Road Herne Bay

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27 Picton Street Freemans Bay

13 Herne Bay Road Herne Bay

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78 Beresford Street West Freemans Bay

28 Picton Street Freemans Bay

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16 Scanlan Street, Grey Lynn www.bayleys.co.nz 1670753

LETTERS + EMAILS COVER OF THE AUGUST PONSONBY NEWS I'm contacting you to register my strong objection to the cover of the August Ponsonby News. I have lived in the wider Ponsonby area for several decades and, although the demographics have changed and Ponsonby Road is no longer dominated by second -hand shops, I have always loved the feeling of community. I find the sheer elitism of this cover, and the suggestion that it is what one owns that is important, totally abhorrent. I've had to rip the cover off in order to keep the Ponsonby News on our coffee table until it is read (I couldn't bear to just throw the magazine out, you'll be pleased to hear). I'm happy for this to be published - I'm interested in other people's reactions. Sue Abel, Ponsonby COVER OF THE AUGUST PONSONBY NEWS My god - you wankers are so greedy and so out of ideas you put an ad on your front cover! Classic. Richard DeGrandprix, Ponsonby THE SHINY COVER I like shiny things and I don't think I am that different from your usual consumer of today, having the latest and greatest iPhone, iPad, laptop, desktop, enormous hi-def screen TV, and a decent car from this decade! I like, I love it all. Shiny is what I think of your August cover. A very seductive cover actually. I walked past it whilst at my local Countdown, did a double take, then walked back and helped myself to some copies. Don't get me wrong, I do admire the representation of community on the covers you have conveyed each month, but I think it equally important to reflect the commercial markets of this area. It's huge in Ponsonby, and to my mind, community and commercialism operate in the same space. Please put more shiny things on your covers. John Brown, Freemans Bay PONSONBY NEWS - AUGUST COVER I’ve been reading Ponsonby News for decades. Recently a friend of mine complained that Ponsonby News must be lowering their standards to place a full page ad for Lexus on the front cover. While I don’t agree with the sentiment about “not blending in” it is rare to see an ad on the cover of our much-loved local magazine. It may have been controversial but I have always trusted the judgement of yourself and team. I’m not in the market for a Lexus but good luck to any wealthy locals who are. Name supplied but withheld, Herne Bay THE COOL LEXUS COVER Wow, what a change to have a car on your front cover especially a Lexus, which is my favourite marque. It’s always good to step outside the box from time to time. Emily Kennedy, Arch Hill HELEN WHITE: LABOUR MP AUCKLAND CENTRAL In the July and August editions of Ponsonby News the Labour candidate has as a heading on page 24. Helen White: Labour MP Auckland Central. This not a true statement. She is Labours candidate for Auckland Central. She is not the elected member of Parliament for Auckland Central. The elected MP for Auckland Central is Nikki Kaye. I find it disingenuous for your publication to allow this factually incorrect advertorial to be published. I love the Ponsonby News but let's keep things on the straight and narrow. An apology and retraction of any further factually incorrect statements by the Labour candidate would seem appropriate. Rob Wark, Ponsonby PROPOSED GARNET ROAD/SURREY CRESCENT CYCLEWAY I read with interest the letter last month from Lisa Prager concerning the proposed Garnet Road/Surrey Crescent cycleway, and consequent removal of some parking spaces near the cafe she owns. I would like to underline how beneficial this project will be to the wider community. Prager is under the impression that "Auckland Council has a policy of congestion creation." She believes that "the cycle lobby has been hoodwinked and the cycleway proposals are a 'Greenwash,' used by Auckland Council & Transport to add to (the) congestion creation plan." How ridiculous. Why would any city intentionally create congestion? Most people understand that every person they see on a bike represents one less car on the road and quite probably one less public parking space occupied.


8 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2017

(Nielsen Media)

Views in Ponsonby News reflect the authors’ and not those of Alchemy Media. Anyone who has the opportunity to visit cities overseas where bicycles have been prioritised will understand how they reduce congestion and pollution, enhance the beauty and functionality of a place and promote public health. Areas near schools (the cycleway will go past Westmere School) benefit in particular from a network of protected cycleways because car traffic is reduced at busy times and children are able to cycle there and back safely. Since there is limited space on road corridors, the construction of cycleways usually involves the removal of some public parking spaces. Very often, local businesses feel that all of their customers arrive by car and that removal of the parking spaces outside will kill the business that they have built up. Research suggests that the opposite is usually true, the increase in visits by people on bikes more than makes up for the drop in car visitors. Garnet Road is wide because it was originally built to accommodate a tramway down the middle. There is space for both a protected cycleway and vehicle parking, indeed the option that has been chosen is the one that has the least impact on parking. The popularity of cycling is evident from the 350,000 Aucklanders who now cycle, up by 47,000 on the year before, and the rise continues as more high quality infrastructure appears and the network is connected up. Far from creating congestion, the increase in cycling gives people an option besides driving everywhere and promises to make Auckland the best cycling city that it can be - more like Copenhagen than Los Angeles. David Smith, Bike Grey Lynn LETTERS FROM MAUDIE I always enjoy reading Ponsonby News, and always turn to Letters from Maudie first. I love her style of writing and can easily picture how it was then. In the 50s my mother, grandmother, sisters and myself were all avid seamstresses and I remember my mother buying glorious fabrics on lay-by and how exciting it was when she brought them home. Happy memories are evoked every time I read Maudie’s letters. Wendy Moore, 'Kiwerican', New Windsor THE CLOSURE OF NOSH The closing of Nosh Food Store on Ponsonby Road has been a blow to the immediate neighbourhood. It was a slow but steady deterioration and painful to watch. It must have been a nightmare for the staff employed there. No longer can we zip over the road to get something for dinner or a litre of milk or anything else that we fancied. The joy of Nosh was that it had a large range of foods all under one roof, similar to the small but well-stocked shops of similar size in Europe. This closure brought into sharp focus the lack of similar enterprises along Ponsonby Road. Yes, I know we have four supermarkets, and a Farro on Westmoreland Street, but we are sorely in need of a food store like Nosh to fill in the gap. At the moment all we have servicing the area is Ponsonby Central, which is fragmented in its food supplies - a couple of dairies and a green grocer. I moved to Ponsonby as a young woman in the early 70s. Ponsonby was a colourful, vibrant Polynesian/European community, slightly seedy and down at heel but it was home to a large Four Square grocery shop on Pompallier Terrace, an electrical shop whose owner would and could mend anything no matter how decrepit, a drapers, a bakery and two butchers, green grocers and a fantastic fish shop, A couple of restaurants including Ivans, the iconic Busy Bee Dairy and of course The Glue Pot. There was a very strong sense of community present and I personally find this somewhat diminished - it is all very beige. All are gone and with them the essence of a community. We now have a long road full of mainly frock shops and cafes, all front and little substance. Progress is great, it can be exciting, invigorating and mind expanding but sometimes it isn’t and this is what happened to Ponsonby. There will be on the vacated site of Nosh a park which apparently we are in desperate need of, I was hoping that incorporated into the design would be a similar style of food outlet but somehow I feel that would be too much to hope for. I miss Nosh... Noelene Gillies, Ponsonby

PONSONBY NEWS+ is printed on paper sourced from sustainable, well managed forests and manufactured under the environmental management system ISO 14001. Our hand-delivered copies are flow wrapped in eco-friendly, degradable plastic.


FROM THE EDITOR IT WAS MY BIRTHDAY LAST MONTH AND WE WERE INVITED TO SPEND TWO NIGHTS ON an “educational visit” at Huka Lodge. Although it rained most of the time, we did walk for eight minutes one afternoon to see the mighty Huka Falls. Getting out of Auckland for a few nights was just what we needed. One morning a baby morepork flew into our glass door and was knocked out. This was the first time I have a seen a morepork, let alone stroked one. We would like to thank Kerry Molloy and his team at Huka Lodge for looking after us so well and for tending to the injured morepork. Thankfully there was a happy outcome. We were impressed with the start Nick Wilson has made as the principal at Ponsonby Intermediate. He has carried on the good work and academic standards of his former colleague Wim Boxen. Wilson has emphasised a set of core values known as Ponsonby gems to ensure student wellbeing. His work has been praised by a recent glowing ERO report - P18. Check out John Elliott’s column on his predictions for the 23 September election and make sure you have your vote - P20.

Jay Platt & Martin Leach about to take on the five-course dinner at Huka Lodge

Grey Lynn residents will be relieved to hear that the proposed residents parking scheme will soon be in place. Everyone we talk to is sick and tired of commuters from the fringes of Auckland parking all day in their streets - P24.

as part of the curriculum. The works will be displayed for individual exhibition within schools and again as a combined showcase displayed in the atrium of the Freemans Bay New World supermarket.

We support the Predator Free New Zealand Trust, who are committed to reducing pest numbers - P38.

“We have a very generous office culture and are in a fortunate position to donate time, energy and resources to many school programmes, but this is one of our favourites,” says Karen Spires.

Don’t forget to support our next Ponsonby Market Day on Saturday 16 September from 11am. Fingers crossed the weather will be kind for locals to enjoy the stalls, food and the designer bargains that will be showcased out on the footpaths - P29.

Art-lover Karen is thrilled to be involved in the event since its inception, saying that the benefits of art for children have been well documented - P32.

Our cover this issue includes six pupils from Ponsonby Primary with top Bayley’s Ponsonby agent Karen Spires. Designed to build confidence and nurture creativity in primary and intermediate-aged Kiwi kids, the inner-city arts programme ‘Through the Eyes of a Child’ has returned to Ponsonby for its 21st year.

Ponsonby News is sick and tired of the lack of respect for its citizens shown by Auckland Transport who have just completely ignored several requests from our columnist, John Elliott, to discuss the use of the carcinogenic glyphosate (aka Roundup) on our streets - P34.

Cemented as one of the most anticipated school art events of the year, the programme sees students from a selection of 13 inner-city primary schools create themed artworks

In this issue we have our A-Z of local bars - there are now over 50 to choose from. We say PN drink responsibly and support our local businesses - P38. (MARTIN LEACH) F

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied


PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2017


DAVID HARTNELL’S ONE MINUTE INTERVIEW Carol Lee-Honson is a woman with a wonderful sprit, who has lived in the Ponsonby area most of her life. Carol is an extremely talented painter, humble about her work and always thinking it’s not good enough. Trust me her work is brilliant! She is holding a picture of her and her brothers outside her aunt's home in Ariki Street in 1958. Best thing about Ponsonby? Window shopping and buying impulsively. I never get to go along the whole of Ponsonby Road as I always end up spending more time in a shop than I intend to, or end up in a cafe having my soy flat white and doing my code cracker. What was your childhood like? Care free! Mum and Dad worked so my Grandmother saw us off to school. She didn’t speak English, I managed several times to convince her that we had the day off so I didn’t have to go to school. Adrienne and Corinne lived over the road and we are still friends today after 64 years. Your aunt Diana Wong still lives in the family home in Grey Lynn, what do you remember about the house in Ariki Street? It was a three bedroom home with one toilet purchased by my great-grandfather. There were three generations living there. I remember it was a cold house with no insulation. The street was lined with plane trees. We used to scooter all the way down to Williamson Avenue through Crummer Road. There used to be a corner store where I bought du Maurier cigarettes for Mum and flour for Grandma. It’s now a cafe with bean bags on the pavement. I will die happy if... I don’t end up with excruciating pain and still have my marbles! Most annoying celebrity? News readers who speak very nasally. Dream holiday? Mmmm. So many choices. Definitely somewhere warm but not too hot, fine sand, warm, clear waters, good food. Any one of the Greek Islands I wouldn’t say no to. Bucket list? My bucket’s already full. The most Kiwi thing about you? Not being assertive enough. See yourself in 10 years? Definitely being able to take advantage of the cheap airfares to any place in the world without having to worry about who is going to care for Mum. If they made a movie about your life, who would play you? Jackie Chan in drag! What do you dislike about your appearance? I’m learning to love who I am otherwise I would, as my homestay tells me, have to kill myself! How would you like to be remembered? Not at all. Life goes on. If you were an ice cream, what flavour? Blueberry cream! Something you really disapprove of? Greed. Biggest disappointment? That I didn’t take the opportunity offered to me to buy a beachfront block of land in Omaha for $1000 in the 1970s.

10 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2017

If you won a million dollars? How boring, I would re-concrete the drive, it’s like an obstacle course. What motivates you? My son Justin who died in 1997 at 26. What do you think happens when we die? Nothing. That’s why we should enjoy our lives now. Favourite movie? Gloomy Sunday. Saw it three times but can’t remember why! Teenaged self some advice? Things always work out and there’ll be someone for you out there. How do you chill out? Going down to my art studio. Which item of clothing can't you live without? My pinnie! What are you insecure about? I am trying not to be insecure so I’m not telling you! Tell us something very few people know about you? Recently my 53-year-old son who I gave up at birth made contact with me. Your greatest fear? Dying with excruciating pain. What superpower do you wish you had? Ha ha, hearing. Everyone is telling me I am losing it! Which talent would you most like to have? To be able to paint effortlessly. What gizmo can you simply not live without? To be honest, I can live without any of my gizmos. Well, maybe not my garden mulcher. Your dream guest list for a dinner party? My mother has dementia, and can always crack up a party! Favourite movie? About a Boy always puts a smile on my face. I do believe no man is an island and surrounding yourself with good hearted, fun and loyal friends always enhances your life. If you could change one law in New Zealand, what would it be? Change the law to allow easier access to marijuana for medicinal PN purposes. (DAVID HARTNELL, MNZM) F PUBLISHED FIRST FRIDAY EACH MONTH (except January)

free parking behind the store on Colin Shaw Lane

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PIPPA COOM: WAITEMATA LOCAL BOARD REPORT Waitemata is set to be the big winner thanks to a significant package of walking and cycling projects that are underway or about to start. Once these projects are complete we can look forward to a range of benefits flowing to the whole community. A large part of the focus is on connecting the places people wish to go: shops, schools, places of work and community facilities. Contractors have already started work on a separated cycleway and footpath upgrade that will connect Surrey Crescent to Pt Chevalier via Garnet Road, and to the Grey Lynn Greenway via Richmond Road. Stage 2 of the Franklin Road upgrade is also underway including new footpaths and cycle lanes on both sides of the road that will connect Ponsonby Road to the planned Midtown Cycleway at Victoria Park. A project on Great North Road between Crummer and Ponsonby Roads, will bring in improvements for pedestrians, those on bikes and bus users. The Karangahape Road enhancements project includes a separated “Copenhagen” cycleway and significant streetscape improvements. This all means that by 2018 new travel opportunities will have opened up via a connected and safe network. The 'network effect' is already achieving results. Additional connections in the cycle network have created a 44% increase in people on bikes using the Northwestern Cycleway and a total of 45,600 new cyclists in 2016. There is growing demand from a majority of Aucklanders to cycle (and walk) if the conditions are right. The funds for these projects come from a combination of investment by NZTA, Auckland Transport and the Government’s Urban Cycleway Fund and is expected to be about $200 million over three years. It is great value for money for ratepayers who contribute $1 for every

$2 from the Government. In addition, the City Centre targeted rate is part funding the Karangahape Road project. However, the changes do bring a period of inconvenience and concerns from businesses and residents along the routes. In West Lynn I’ve been attending meetings organised by a group of retailers who have come together to work with Auckland Transport to minimise impact from the construction and improve access to parking for the shopping precinct as a whole. I’m on the Community Liaison Group, established by Auckland Transport to continue engaging with key stakeholders through the delivery of the Franklin Road project and to address issues like safety. There is now compelling data to show that Waitemata will reap big rewards from investment in walking and cycling. Everyone benefits from slower speeds, safer streets, less pollution, fewer health costs and less congestion, when leaving a car at home becomes more of a viable option for more people. A recent study from the UK of a quarter of a million people, found that cycling to work is linked to a lower risk of developing cancer by 45% and cardiovascular disease by 46%. There is also a direct link between safe, active transport and economic prosperity. Recent research indicates that in Auckland a 1% increase in city centre walkability leads to a $43 million increase in localised GDP. We want to ensure these impressive results PN also extend to our town centres and local shops. (PIPPA COOM) F For more details of the walking and cycling programme, visit Auckland Transport’s website: at.govt.nz/cycling-walking F PN

Contact Pippa Coom, Chair of Waitamata Local Board: pippa.coom@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz, www.facebook.com/waitemata

Old Mill Road planned design

West Lynn shops Richmond Road planned design

12 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2017


40 Grosvenor Street, Grey Lynn

1B Nexus, 25 Pollen Street, Ponsonby

3A Nexus, 25 Pollen Street, Ponsonby

LOT 26 Vinegar Lane, 11 Crummer Road, Ponsonby

103 Crummer Road, Grey Lynn

2 Sherwood Avenue, Grey Lynn *Record sale for suburb

64 John Street, Ponsonby

204/19 Surrey Crescent, Grey Lynn

33A Western Springs Rd, Kingsland *Record sale for suburb

13/10 Shelly Beach Rd, St Marys Bay

50 Lemington Road, Westmere

23 Anglesea Street, Freemans Bay

2A Collingwood St, Freemans Bay

32A Picton Street, Freemans Bay

32A Turakina Street, Grey Lynn

503/367 Great North Road, Grey Lynn

Blair Haddow M 021 544 555 B8909 375 Avenue, 8411 Grey Lynn Willaimson

2D/62 Queen Street, Auckland


Loving living & selling greater Ponsonby

LOCAL NEWS Ponsonby Park - our civic space LandLAB has designed a flexible and vibrant space that meets the needs of the community, now and into the future. They have incorporated a number of essential aspects into the design process. These include: Safety Safety is fundamental to the creation of any successful public open space. ‘Ponsonby Park’ will be a highly visible and welcoming civic space that is overlooked by both neighbours and passersby. ‘Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design’ principles are invested in the design. The repurposed section of the building fronting the space has activity at street level. Additionally, ‘Ponsonby Park’ is surrounded by existing active users such as shops and cafes, as well as having two street frontages. This provides passive surveillance of the space from passing pedestrians, shoppers and residents, as well as making the civic space a prominent landmark within Ponsonby. The use of pedestrian access-ways enables the building to front the open space and generate activity through foot traffic, whilst the existing passive surveillance by neighbours is maintained. 'Ponsonby Park' will be a safe and welcoming civic space. Flexibility The design is for a flexible and adaptable open space that will meet the changing needs of the community. The land is used efficiently by creating open spaces of a regular shape and relatively equal proportions. This enables the clustering of activities that use these facilities thereby ensuring infrastructure can be shared and the space can be used throughout the day. Variations in materials and terrain add interest and opportunities for creative play experiences and a wide range of activities in the relatively small, but multi-use areas. The ‘Ponsonby Park’ civic space can be activated in many different ways and at different times of the day. Consideration of how activities may interact with the neighbouring properties has been included to ensure the open space can be used to its full potential. Transition spaces are incorporated to interface between public and private areas, to balance neighbour privacy and the need for passive surveillance of the site. Screening plantings are utilised to ensure an adequate buffer between the actively used areas of the park and the private areas of neighbouring residential properties. Connectivity The LandLAB design also builds towards a neighbourhood connecting green parks, open spaces and lively streets that together deliver a variety of recreation, ecological, transport, and improved health outcomes. The design provides opportunities for movement of people and fauna, as well as helping balance the built and natural environments. There are also opportunities to leverage benefit from the ongoing AT network infrastructure projects underway on Ponsonby Road (the raised traffic tables, curbside build-outs, etc). Integrating the civic space with the adjoining street to create larger spaces will add further vibrancy to the area around the intersection of Ponsonby Road and O’Neill Street. The option for a potential laneway linkage to Tole Street, through the

14 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2017

repurposing of an existing urban asset, would also enhance the connectivity of the area. This aspect of the design is not currently within the brief of the project, being privately owned land. However, it has been presented as an additional option worth considering by all parties. Open space is part of the core infrastructure that people need in a community. The proximity of the ‘Ponsonby Park’ civic space, with its associated sightlines, plus the introduction of new way-finding and walking destination/distance signs, will link it to all other nearby open spaces. This will make it both easier and more enjoyable for people to walk, cycle and exercise. It will also enable the activation of nearby 'hidden gems' like Tole Park by directing visitors to the specialist facilities there. Additionally, the creation of a school route cycleway, that utilises the connection of the parks and open spaces, could also be used as a recreational circuit for walking, running and cycling. Amenity The streetscape planting will connect habitat, enhance ecological connections and visually connect the open spaces. Being bordered on one side by Ponsonby Road and already having good public transport connections, the ‘Ponsonby Park’ civic space will be able to accommodate events and other attractions that will draw large numbers of visitors to our area - but without the usual traffic congestion and parking problems. The provision of a direct, high -quality connection through the beautiful ‘Ponsonby Park’ to neighbourhood destinations such as shops, schools, public transport routes and other parks, will also encourage active transport options (cycling, walking, etc) in the area. Mitigating intensification The ‘Ponsonby Park’ civic space also allows for greater urban density. High-quality open space contributes to vibrant and prosperous town centres by creating more livable urban places that support the development of a compact city. Ponsonby is already an area of high-density development and quality open space provides the necessary amenity for this. Ponsonby is also a nearby destination for the many thousands of high-density residents within the Auckland CBD. They need recreation and social opportunities to be accessible through the creation of high quality spaces that provide for their needs, as well as for the needs of future communities. The development of the ‘Ponsonby Park’ civic space in Ponsonby’s urban centre will offer a range of experiences such as: events, play, respite and meeting spaces. With universal design principles of inclusivity further ensuring the open space is accessible to everyone, ‘Ponsonby Park’ will be a great asset for not only the local community but also wider Auckland. (JENNIFER WARD) F PN Ref: Open Space Provision Policy 2016 - Auckland Council. www.254ponsonbyrd.org.nz


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Our waterfront in danger from mediocre group-think Readers of this column will be aware that I have regularly discussed the respective benefits and optimum uses of electric trains (heavy rail) as opposed to trams (light rail). International best practice, such as in transport-focused Melbourne, informs us that trams are best used as analogues for buses as mass transit in the inner city, and trains for rapid transit over longer distances. The debate over trams versus trains to Auckland International Airport has now become a major election issue. Given we are in the middle of the most bizarre and unpredictable election campaign in decades, I am going to reserve further comment on this subject until it’s over. However, I find it bemusing given the projected cost and strategic importance of Auckland airport, that politicians can accepted uncritically the advice of Auckland Transport, without the need for contestable advice or an independent assessment. It’s also disappointing that the idea of extracting the maximum transport benefits from the hardwon electrification of our rail network and the massive $3.4 billion investment in the City (heavy) Rail Link, has apparently eluded most of our politicians - with the exception of Winston Peters. So leaving the political parties to get on with it, this month I will focus on another other issue of keen interest to Ponsonby News readers - the Auckland waterfront. In 2012, building on the momentum began by the Auckland Regional Council (ARC) in the Wynyard Quarter and the opening of Queens Wharf, Waterfront Auckland produced the Waterfront Plan. Created with a great deal of public participation, it was visionary, integrated and practical. However, due mainly to power rivalries between the Council Controlled Organisations (CCOs) - especially between Waterfront Auckland and Auckland Transport (which seems to have a veto role on just about everything) - critical momentum was lost. Subsequently in 2015, on the recommendation of the council chief executive, Waterfront Auckland was ‘reviewed’ out of existence. Waterfront Auckland’s assets and waterfront-focused mission was effectively taken over by another CCO, Auckland Council Properties, which was given a new name ‘Panuku Development Auckland’, and with it a bunch of non-waterfront-focused responsibilities such as redeveloping the former Manukau City centre. In recent weeks, coinciding with the likelihood of another America’s Cup defence, Panuku and Auckland Transport officials have been outlining their recommendations to councillors to ‘refresh’ the Waterfront Plan in public-excluded ‘workshops’. These proposals entail significant departures from the popular Waterfront Plan - without any intention of public consultation or input. I can tell you as they presently stand many of the proposals are impractical, will destroy economic value and are therefore even more hugely expensive than estimated. Meanwhile of more urgency is the plight of one of Auckland’s oldest waterfront heritage assets - the iconic harbour ferry ‘Kestrel’. This

lovely old lady, the last of the big double-ended Waitemata ferries still afloat, could be lost forever if Panuku managers continue to stymie plans for her restoration and permanent place on the waterfront. In recent years Kestrel was owned by a charitable trust, the Kestrel Preservation Society. With backing from the ARC chairman’s discretionary fund in the last days before the Super City and subsequently Waterfront Auckland, the society did good work in rescuing her from Tauranga, bringing her back to Auckland and maintaining her. In March 2016 however, ‘Kestrel’ sank at her moorings, dashing the restoration hopes of the under-resourced society. But thanks to the intervention of Waterfront Auckland’s former CEO John Dalzell, Kestrel was refloated, her hull repaired and a purchase negotiated with a private developer, Darby Partners. Darby Partners has come up with an exciting plan that has Kestrel the centre-piece of a visionary harbour edge development, including boutique hotel accommodation and a restaurant. Interestingly Darby Partner’s preferred site, presently an unprepossessing office building and cafe, on Z Pier at inner Westhaven, is a stone’s throw from the old Bailey’s shipyard where Kestrel was built over 112 years ago. Unfortunately, Panuku managers are claiming such use of the site is at odds with the Waterfront Plan (rather ironic given their secret plans to change it). Instead they want to push the project off to what the developers consider a commercially unsuitable site - one already leased to Sandford. Prior to the 2016 sinking, the Kestrel Preservation Society struggled to obtain funding for restoration. Given the lack of interest from Auckland Council and the Maritime Museum, if Kestrel cannot be restored as part of a viable commercial venture, then she is likely headed for the breakers’ yard. Unhappily Panuku is doing what bureaucrats all too often do - taking forever to make any progress, prevaricating over options while charging $5000 a month for Kestrel’s berth. One can only ask why such an excellent development, one providing a rare opportunity for privately financed maritime heritage restoration, is being blocked and squandered? To end where we began, I suspect it’s the same perverse group-think that has excluded trams from the Quay Street waterfront (and excluded trains from Auckland Airport). It is quite tragic that such a magnificent harbour city should be inflicted with such mediocre decision-making. Auckland deserves better than this. PN (MIKE LEE) F

The Ponsonby/Grey Lynn community mourns the loss of Graham (Rocky) McGlynn the President of the Grey Lynn RSC. Rocky passed away last month after fighting a brave a battle with cancer. He will be sadly missed by all those who had the privilege of knowing and working with him. Lest We Forget.

16 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2017

Graham (Rocky) McGlynn and Jane Jackson at Grey Lynn RSC PUBLISHED FIRST FRIDAY EACH MONTH (except January)

photography: Permission of use by Fairfax Media



Ponsonby Intermediate - new principal puts his stamp on the school Nick Wilson was deputy principal under Wim Boxen at Ponsonby Intermediate. In an internal appointment, Wilson became principal in May 2016 when Boxen retired. I talked to him about some of the changes he has made since then. “We’ve always had a big focus on student achievement,” Nick Wilson told me, “with around 93% at or above National Standards. I have set out to put a strong focus on student wellbeing.” Wilson has made some strategic staff appointments around the aims of wellbeing. The school has strong guidelines around prevention of bullying and has developed a strong pastoral care system. Teachers regularly meet to discuss students. The pastoral care is designed for the whole two-year experience at Ponsonby Intermediate and is known as the ‘Ponsonby Experience'. The school explicitly teaches around four core values, known as Ponsonby Gems - Growth Through Learning - Expressing Ourselves - Making Connections - Showing Respect for Other People. Nick Smith is big on what he calls "cognitive portability," by which he means the students must hold learning in their heads and values are an integral part of cognitive portability. “Relationships are so important in everything we do,” Wilson asserts. In some ways, he explained, Ponsonby Intermediate is like a private school. We run a specialist subject model in a similar way to private schools, but in other ways we are definitely not like a private school. “We have no uniform, we don’t have campaigns to pull up socks, we let kids have skateboards and scooters, and they are at the decision -making table too. We give students a strong voice and agency." The ERO report on Ponsonby Intermediate earlier this year was extremely positive. Among other compliments the report said, “The new principal has created a wider senior leadership team, which has had a strong focus on developing a more strategic approach to responding to students’ wellbeing.” They went on to say “Wide consultation with the school community has resulted in the development of a new vision statement ‘articulate, energised achievers, ready for the future." This vision is highly evident in student outcomes. Learners demonstrate high levels of social and emotional competence and are achieving very well. They are curious, enjoy intellectual engagement and confidently tackle challenging learning tasks.

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This ERO report is a massive endorsement of Nick Wilson and his team’s work over the last year. You can read the whole report on the school's website - great reading. Ponsonby Intermediate also has an innovative ‘priority learners’ programme in place. Most schools use teacher aides to help with students at risk. Ponsonby Intermediate’s board has funded a group of ex-teachers, ‘magicians’ Wilson calls them, often with vast experience at year two or three level, who are assisting those students who need extra help to catch up with their peers. “They are absolute gold," Wilson adds. Nick Wilson is in his absolute element as principal, and even has an idea for Nikki Kaye on how to bolster teacher numbers in Auckland. “Many great teachers have left to have babies,” he said, “and not because they were failures. Their registrations have expired and they have to do expensive retraining to be re-registered. Bring them straight into schools and get them teaching again.” Ponsonby Intermediate is in good heart and, with Principal Nick Wilson, it is in good hands. The tone in the school is outstanding and one only has to read the ERO report to realise that the powers that be acknowledge that excellence. (JOHN ELLIOTT) F PN



NZ Election - 23 September - please vote Until 1 August, National was sleepwalking towards a fourth term in government. Four terms is unusual. The last four term government was Keith Holyoake’s National Government from 1960 to 1972. Suddenly it all changed. The old cliche - a week is a long time in politics is certainly true. Andrew Little just didn’t cut it. He needed a charisma bypass. He resigned and Jacinda Ardern became the Labour Party leader. Jacinda mania was almost instantaneous. The latest One News Colmar Brunton Poll (17 August) was sensational. National had fallen to 44%, but Labour had risen spectacularly to 37%. NZ First was on 10%, and looked odds-on to become the king or queen maker on 23 September. The big surprise was the Green plummet to just 4.3%. If that were to continue until election day, the Greens would be out of parliament altogether. But the latest UMR Poll (20 August) says National 40%, Labour 37%, NZ First 9% and the Greens 8% - the first sign of a reprieve for the Greens, and a guarantee it will be a very close election, but with Winston Peters still the likely king maker. The Green implosion was caused by Metiria Turei’s admission of benefit fraud as a young solo mother that rebounded on her and the Green Party. She was perceived by some as condoning fraud, and was also said to have been smug and not at all contrite over her past behaviour. Interestingly, Auckland Central could potentially have three excellent MPs if constituents use their votes strategically; the exciting new Labour candidate, barrister Helen White, and the veteran and valuable Green candidate Denise Roche could make it in to parliament. Nikki Kaye is a shoe-in. So, where will the polls take us in the next few weeks, and will National get a fourth term? My guess is that if Jacinda Ardern can master the details of the majority of Labour policies, Labour will rise further, National members will increasingly look like part of a tired old Government, and will fall. Labour has the momentum. It could be 40% all in the next week or two. Why would National be under threat? There is an operating surplus, terms of trade have never been better, New Zealand is respected world-wide, we have experienced ministers in the English cabinet, and English himself is widely respected for his financial management of the New Zealand economy. They are hinting at further tax cuts. And that is at the heart of National’s problem. The first thing John Key did when National won in 2008 was to reduce tax for the wealthy and increase GST for everyone. That move he described as "fiscally neutral". Not for the poor it wasn’t. What it did was to increase the already huge inequality gap in New Zealand, and little that National has done since has addressed that inequality. New Zealand is now firmly entrenched in the top three or four most unequal developed countries. That internal inequality, measured by comparing the top 20% with the bottom 20% for income and wealth, is now the topic of debate by some of the world’s leading writers and academics. Joseph Stiglitz, a former Nobel Prize winner in economics, and a former chief economist at the World Bank, says categorically that “inequality is not inevitable.” It is a choice we make with the rules

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that govern our economy. In his book 'The Price of Inequality’ he bemoans the obscene levels of income of the top 1% (now 243 times the average wage). In New Zealand the top 1% own 22% of the country’s total wealth. Wilkinson and Pickett, in their book 'The Spirit Level', showed how social deprivation was worse in countries with a high level of internal inequality. New Zealand featured poorly in that analysis. Their 2009 book makes sad reading where New Zealand is compared with a range of other developed nations. The only two countries which fare worse overall than New Zealand in terms of bad social outcomes are the UK and the US. Here are just three examples from 'The Spirit Level'. Imprisonment - only US, Singapore and Israel have higher levels of incarceration than New Zealand. Mental illness - only US, UK and Australia have a higher level of anxiety, depression, addictions, and other psychological disorders than New Zealand. Teenage births - only the UK and the US have a higher level of teen births than New Zealand. Every New Zealander should read 'The Spirit Level', and take action for our children, our poor, our dispossessed and our elderly. National has abandoned the long New Zealand tradition of housing our less privileged, and are selling off state houses. They intend to set up boot camps for young disaffected youth while suicide is at epidemic levels. National are pandering to the 1% and groups like the sensible sentencing right wingers, and they continue to call the underprivileged ‘losers’. Financial measurements are their only point of reference. All this started with Roger Douglas and Ruth Richardson implementing the neo-liberalism promoted by the Chicago School of Economics led by Milton Friedman, who insisted the market was always right, that government should take its hands off the economy and privatise everything it could. Rogernomics and Ruthenasia pushed neoliberalism in New Zealand and we are still saddled with much of this philosophy - pursued by the current National Government. Cut taxes even further for the rich, sell off remaining assets, hound beneficiaries, sell state houses, and privatise prisons and schools, are all still National Party policies. Former NZ Court of Appeal Judge, The Rt Hon Sir Edmund Thomas, has said that New Zealand will never again be a fair and just society until we rid ourselves of the last vestiges of neo-liberalism. That is why Labour, the Greens and other progressive politicians must band together to deny National a fourth term and guarantee New Zealanders a more equal and caring society. You have a choice - What sort of society do you want New Zealand to be? Right now, the 2017 election is too close to call, but a change of PN government is a real possibility. (JOHN ELLIOTT) F


PONSONBY U3A: AUGUST 2017 The word has spread that Ponsonby U3A is the local group of choice for those in their third age - for its learning opportunities, warm and friendly meetings, interesting speakers and special interest groups. Every meeting brings new members and interested visitors. The special interest groups, regarded as the lifeblood of the U3A movement, provide lifelong learning, involvement and participation, which in turn foster a positive attitude to life and living. An international organisation U3A (University of the Third Age) uses the term university in its original sense, as a community of those who come together to seek knowledge and to gain a greater understanding of life. In New Zealand by law the word university is restricted to degree-granting institutions, hence in New Zealand it is referred to as U3A only. Of Ponsonby U3A’s 19 special interest groups, a relatively new group is Concert Going, run by Marianne Willison, who also selects monthly speakers and assists with the members’ newsletter. Favourites are performances by unaccompanied choir Viva Voce, along with orchestral concerts, operas and stage plays. Director and founder of Viva Voce John Rosser was the U3A August guest speaker. He had recently returned from the 11th World Symposium of Choral Music in Barcelona, where he gave a paper on choral theatre. He brought with him the exciting news that Auckland has been chosen to host the 12th World Symposium of Choral Music in 2020 - a three-yearly event attracting the world’s top choirs, experts, publishers and up to 2000 delegates. “With a glut of activities and performances it is a must for everyone who makes their living from choral singing,” he said. “It is a world showpiece and the world has chosen to come to us in 2020. We feel very privileged, excited and terrified in equal measure.” As artistic director of the 2020 Symposium, his aim is to make it “something special and marvellous... an unforgettable occasion.” John spoke about Viva Voce saying that drama and theatre have always enthused his work with the choir. “We have now done about 143 themes in our 32 years, including the seasons, weather, nature, place names, life in general, war, peace, holidays, sleep,

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied

dancing and memories, to name a few and have never repeated themes from one to another. As well, there have been a number of concerts on love and animals, we have pretended to be an orchestra and a pop concert.” He is also Associate Conductor and Chorus Director of NZ Opera, chairs the NZ Choral Foundation and is Artistic Director of Sing Aoteroa. He devised and directed both the NZCF Anthem Choirs for the 2011 Rugby World Cup and the Tallis Project. The August meeting was also the AGM and honoured the contributions of Winifred Lamb and Norman Stanhope who have stood down from the committee after many years. Norman is a past president and Winifred has been treasurer for the past 10 years. Lillian Carroll also stood down after four years as secretary. Ponsonby U3A meets on the second Friday morning of the month at the Herne Bay Petanque Club. Visitors are welcome to attend but are asked to telephone Collene Roche (T: 09 373 3277) prior to the meeting. Guest for the September meeting is Sir Robert (Bob) Harvey - 'The Magic of Cities' Ten minute speaker, Simon Hart - 'Challenging Times - Citizens Advice' (PHILIPPA TAIT) NEXT MEETING:

10am at Herne Bay Petanque Club, Salisbury Street Reserve.


Collene Roche, President Ponsonby U3A. T: 09 373 3277, www.u3aponsonby.org.nz


PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2017



Education policies outlined at Western Springs College An excellent election issues meeting was held at Western Springs College on Thursday 10 August. Present were Education Minister Nikki Kaye for National, Catherine Delahunty for the Greens, Tracey Martin, NZ First, Jenny Salesa for Labour, and Daniel Thurston for the Opportunities Party. All except Thurston are current MPs, and members of the Parliamentary Select Committee on Education. Delahunty, Martin and Salesa all spoke well. The meeting was convened by the PPTA, whose President Jack Boyle opened and closed the debate. The debate was ably chaired by Auckland University Political Studies lecturer, Victoria Woodman. Woodman brought a light hearted but firm hand to the meeting.

problem was resulting in teachers being on duty 24/7. “Teachers have a right to a private life,” Martin asserted. All candidates were concerned about housing shortages and costs in Auckland, which is chasing teachers out of Auckland. Even Minister Kaye called for more social housing to address inequality. The inequality issue had been raised by Salesa. She criticised the fact that inequality, poverty and homelessness was a factor for schools in South Auckland daily. “Teachers face all of society’s problems," she said. Labour’s proposal to give schools who do not ask for donations, $150 per student, was popular with the audience, many of whom were teachers. “Schools shouldn’t have to rely on community funding,” Salesa claimed.

So what were the main issues discussed, and who shone? The Minister, Nikki Kaye, spoke eloquently about education and her passion to improve it. She pointed out that although she had had a long four-year apprenticeship as Associate Minister, she was only 12 weeks into the full portfolio. Kaye said she had had good feedback from schools that much was going well, but she was entirely focused on improving learning and wellbeing. At the end of the meeting the PPTA President, Jack Boyle, praised Kaye as “an advocate who listens, and is committed to young people and to the workforce.” The two areas to generate most heat were compulsory Te Reo in all schools, and the future of charter schools. All panellists except the Minister condemned charter schools and said their party would ban them. “Gone by lunchtime rhetoric.” Nikki Kaye cleverly asked them “if you close them overnight what happens to the 1000 or so students in those schools.” Panellists were left to scramble a bit over that question and admit it would take time to re-integrate those students into the system. On Te Reo, all panellists agreed it was desirable to have Maori language taught in all primary schools, but the lack of teachers was an inhibiting factor. Delahunty was the most insistent that these teachers must be found and trained. “Access to Te Reo just doesn’t cut it,” she declared. “Colonisation broke the language,” she added. Martin bemoaned the lack of money for gifted and talented students. She called for teachers to have the space to know the child, with smaller classes and less contact time. Those NZ First comments were part of general agreement of all panellists that the pressure on teachers to take on all of society’s

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Delahunty invoked Finnish schools’ success. “They don’t quibble about money in Finland,” she told the audience. “If they need it, the government gives it.” Teachers in Finland have the highest status for teachers of any country in the world. She also, rather facetiously, said that league tables were for sports teams. Catherine Delahunty is retiring at this election, but told the meeting she remained passionate about education. She also called for an analysis of neuro-diversity - so many young children now diagnosed to be on the cusp of autism, dyslexia, etc. Delahunty is a very strong advocate for a better education system. Tracey Martin too has been focused on education most of her time in politics, and is a strong supporter of the teaching profession. She has some years' experience as chair of Mahurangi College Board of Trustees. Martin made an interesting point when she said “it is arrogant of any MP to think they can know all about education and tell teachers what they should do.” She said we have drifted away from the original philosophy of Tomorrow’s Schools. Thurston of the Opportunities Party made some useful points, although admitting a lack of experience in the field. He said NZ teachers performed well by international standards, but said we won’t realise our potential while 17% of children are in material poverty. Minister Kaye listened, and at one point praised Delahunty, Salesa and Martin for their contributions to the select committee. How National compensates for the removal of the decile rating of schools will be awaited with interest, as will Kaye’s statement that it is “crucial we do more on anxiety and depression and for vulnerable children.” It was a good meeting, held in a spirit of co-operation. Nikki Kaye has been given time to deliver, but if National is re-elected, the gloves will soon be off, and niceties will be at a minimum. There are problems in PN education which must be addressed. (JOHN ELLIOTT) F




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LOCAL NEWS RESIDENTIAL PARKING SCHEME TO EXTEND TO GREY LYNN It’s 6am on Grey Lynn’s Scanlan Street and the kerbside is already crowded with commuter cars. The drivers sit inside, gobbling down their breakfasts, while convoys of latecomers cruise between the lanes, some attempting a desperate parallel park into a space the length of a motorbike. Gradually, the early birds emerge from the warm interiors and walk to the bus stop to catch the link into the CBD. The stragglers continue to drive the packed street, hoping for a space to free up when a resident leaves. This is the morning parking frenzy in Grey Lynn, intensified in recent months by the implementation of a residents parking scheme in neighbouring Ponsonby, Freemans and St Marys Bay. In an effort to free up space for residents and customers, daytime parking has been limited to 120 minutes for all those without a permit. Yet while the results have been positive for those suburbs, commuters have now moved into Grey Lynn and Arch Hill, where some of the heritage streets are struggling to cope with the pressure. “Commuter parkers have been pushed further into our area,” says David Batten of the Grey Lynn Residents Association. “A high proportion of properties have no off-street parking and residents are now having to compete with commuters for a small, finite pool.” Auckland Transport is aware of the situation and is planning to expand the residential parking zone further out. Parnell and Grafton are currently being consulted and Grey Lynn and Arch hill are earmarked for later this year. Waitemata Local Board chairwoman Pippa Coom is an advocate of the scheme and feels it will benefit the community and wider Auckland, where the focus should be on public transport options, rather than driving into the city. “The expectation that you can find free, unlimited parking in central Auckland needs to end. It’s not good for businesses, it’s not good for locals.” Rather than being implemented on a street-by-street basis, the proposed scheme will cover zones within Grey Lynn. Residents can apply for an annual permit to park in the zones for $70 a year and coupons will be available for visitors and trades people. Otherwise, it’s short-term parking for everyone else. In Collingwood Street in Freemans Bay the effect is obvious. On a Tuesday at noon, the road is quiet and large stretches of parking space are available beneath the zoning signs.

“We sympathise with commuters,” Trevor says. “Because the public transport system does not cater for many of them. But Auckland Transport has a difficult job, and they are doing great with the resources they have. They’ve been very helpful in pushing the parking scheme through.” Not all residents are quite as taken with the permit scheme. Clare Norton lives on Murdoch Road in Grey Lynn where a residents parking scheme under an old initiative has been in effect for several years. She pays $155 for an annual permit, but still has to compete daily with businesses and commuters, many of whom endure the occasional infringement fee because its cheaper than paying regularly for parking. “Some days you walk down the street and almost every car has a ticket,” she says. “My partner refuses to get a permit because we shouldn’t have to pay extra to park in our own street. And a park isn’t even guaranteed.” This old scheme, which applies only to Murdoch Road and a few other neighbouring streets, will be superseded after the new one come into effect. But its success will evidently be dependant on strict enforcement by Auckland Transport. Yet, while these parking schemes may be successful in creating space for residents, they reflect a significant attempt to break the ingrained car dependency that currently chokes Auckland and encourage public transport. “There must be balance,” says Freemans Bay resident Dr Bruce Hucker.

“The result and the reception of the scheme has been extremely positive,” says Trevor Lund of the Freemans Bay Residents Association. “In the past we’ve had mums with kids who have had to park streets away from their house. Now they can park outside.” For the commuters who now park at 6am in Grey Lynn, options will be limited further after the scheme comes into effect there. Paid parking or public transport will be the only alternatives left, a reasonable prospect for some, but difficult for those who live beyond the transport routes.

“The parking scheme is a rationing device. But care must be taken to ensure that social relationships don’t suffer.” In a major city rapidly outgrowing its infrastructure, the residential parking schemes are seen by many to be inevitable and essential. But so, too, is balance. The challenge is PN getting it right. (MICK ANDREW) F

SPRING CLEAN YOUR BUSINESS Calling all entrepreneurs and self-made business people in Grey Lynn and Ponsonby! Come along to Grey Lynn Business Association’s early morning September Seminar Series at Pocket Bar. There are some top presenters who can help you tune up your business. Check out the lineup... 1 September: Jef Kay, Director of Easy Social Media will advise how to define your audience and create engaging content, ads and messaging to best target your audience. 8 September: Find out how to crank up your website to get the best possible ranking on searches, to bring in leads and sales. Expert advice from PureSEO for real results.

22 September: Senior Solicitor Mark, of MacandCo Law is a trained mediator with specific skills in ADR. Mark can advise innovative and workable strategies for conflict resolution, whether customer, supplier or workmate.

15 September: Damian of Choice Technology will bring the latest in mobile technologies. Running your business on mobile can greatly increase reach and agility. Find out how to benefit and things to be aware of - safeguarding data, security risks, avoiding downtime.

29 September: How to use video: 70% of people research online before making contact, the best way to grab their attention is video. Video expert David will provide a unique blend of technology and marketing to create an engaging presence. See more at www.glba.co.nz/news/spring-seminar-series/

24 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2017



Delivering for Auckland Central I am hugely proud to represent and serve Auckland Central. I continue to work hard for you with an active electorate office with thousands of constituency queries. As Minister of Education I am busy across New Zealand, I hold my regular clinics and visits where I continue to help people with health, housing and environmental issues, and where I talk with people want to change Government policy. As your Member of Parliament I have helped progress more than 20 local projects right across our diverse electorate. These include the $1 billion Government funding commitment to the City Rail Link and personally progressing the reform of the Unit Titles Act which affects many people living in apartments. On Waiheke Island I have worked hard to ensure the $40 million investment for our Waiheke Schools (the largest investment in public infrastructure in the island) and the rollout of ultra-fast broadband. A big thanks to the principals and boards of both schools who have worked so hard on these redevelopments and rebuilds. I have worked hard to ensure redevelopments at Bayfield School ($12 million), Freemans Bay School ($19 million) as well as the $79 million redevelopment at Western Springs College (while not in the electorate it is an important secondary school for Auckland Central residents). The Richmond Road school redevelopment is also progressing. As you know I am a pretty active 'bluegreen'. On Great Barrier I have helped deliver the Aotea Conservation Park, the investment in Glenfern sanctuary and the Aotea Track. Delivering a strong economy and better social services With a strong and growing economy we are making record investments in public services including a pay rise for 50,000 care and support workers, benefit rises for the first time in 43 years, more life-saving drugs and bowel screening, more classrooms and more learning support (special education). At the same time we are able to invest heavily in infrastructure for our growing country and provide 1.3 million hard-working families an extra $26 per week on average with our new Family Incomes Package. We have more children participating in early childhood education and increases in achievement, with Maori and Pasifika student achievement increasing significantly since 2012. We have continued to provide support for our most vulnerable through the insulation of more than 300,000 homes, increasing benefits (first government in 40 years to do this), expanding breakfast and fruit in schools, and helping with housing needs by increasing the accommodation supplement. Labour has recently announced a water tax, an Auckland fuel tax and will introduce a capital gains tax. I am really concerned that these policies will increase the costs of living for people in central Auckland especially our most vulnerable and those on fixed incomes. This is in stark contrast to our announcement recently that an additional 600,000 lower income Kiwis will have access to $18 doctor visits. Delivering a stronger more affordable Auckland Earlier this year we announced the Crown building project; the next step in our strategy to address housing in Auckland. The project will build 13,500 new social houses and 20,600 new affordable and market homes. The investment of $218 million in the HomeStart package announced last year is helping more first-home buyers into home ownership through increased grants and it’s also helping encourage the building of more affordable new homes. We have delivered the $1.4 billion Waterview Tunnel which is the final link in the Western Ring Route. In March of this year the Government and the Auckland Council have agreed, for the first time, that light rail will eventually be built between the city centre and the airport. The time frames are being considered as part of the Auckland Transport Alignment (ATAP) project. We have committed in partnership with the council under ATAP, $3.4 billion for the City Rail Link, $1.85 billion for the East-West Link, and up to $1 billion in upgrades to the The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied

Northern and Southern motorway corridors. We have also confirmed an investment for the electrification of the Papakura to Pukekohe rail line, adding a third line from Wiri to Westfield. We are also investing significantly in cycleways including the $88 million benefiting Auckland and Auckland Central. The 12 projects that I am focused on delivering for you in Auckland Central are outlined in the advert in this magazine. They include further work to help our most vulnerable, make central Auckland safer and deliver a number of environmental projects in the Hauraki Gulf. I will be door knocking and holding house meetings in the Western Bays and throughout the electorate over the coming weeks. If you have any questions on policy then please email me at nikki.kaye@national.org.nz or come and ask me at the public meetings I am holding at: Central Auckland: Freemans Bay Community Centre, 52 Hepburn Street, Tuesday 5 September, 6pm Western Bays: Leys Institute, 20 St Marys Bay Road, Friday 8 September, 5pm It is a privilege to be the MP for Auckland Central. I will continue to work hard and deliver for you in Parliament and locally. PN (NIKKI KAYE) F Authorised by Hon Nikki Kaye, MP for Auckland Central, 48C College Hill, Freemans Bay. www.nikkikaye.co.nz. If you have any issues or concerns, please contact my office on T: 09 378 2088 or send me an email on mp.aucklandcentral@parliament.govt.nz



For constituency enquiries and appointments please contact my Auckland Central electorate office. A

48C College Hill, Freemans Bay


09 378-2088




www.nikkikaye.co.nz @ nikkikaye facebook.com/NikkiKayeMP

Drop In Constituency Clinic: 48C College Hill, Freemans Bay – 3pm, 8th 21stof ofSeptember April Funded by the Parliamentary Service and authorised by Nikki Kaye MP, 48C College Hill, Freemans Bay, Auckland.


PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2017


LUCIA MATAIA: LEYS INSTITUTE LIBRARY NEWS Hello, my name is Lucia Mataia. I have recently joined the team as the community library manager. It is a privilege to be working with this community. Also new to the library team are: Sarah-Jane from East Coast Bays Library, Shar from Mount Albert Library and Mark from Grey Lynn Library. Chloe and David will be familiar faces as both have worked here for some time. HERITAGE FESTIVAL EVENTS HELD AT LEYS INSTITUTE LIBRARY Victorian gardens: Tuesday 3 October, 6.30pm - 7.30pm Learn more about the domestic Victorian garden through this engaging presentation by local historian Edward Bennett. 20th Century gardens: Wednesday 4 October, 6.30pm - 7.30pm Local historian Edward Bennett gives an illustrated talk on post-Victorian gardens. From the ‘six o’clock swill’ to quiz night: Auckland’s treasured old pubs: Thursday 5 October, 6.30pm - 7.30pm Brian McDonnell presents an illustrated talk that will celebrate the rich heritage of pubs in central Auckland and inner city suburbs. Guided tour of Leys Institute building and photo exhibition: Friday 6 October, 2pm - 3pm Wednesday 11 October, 2pm - 3pm Join our very own David Gunn and discover the history of this impressive building and

the role it has played in the history of Ponsonby. Tour includes a look at the lecture hall, gymnasium and basement areas in the library. Two tour dates are available. Inside the Victorian villa: Tuesday 10 October, 6.30pm -7.30pm Edward Bennett presents a fascinating photo lecture on Victorian domestic architecture and interior decoration. Design of Victorian houses: Wednesday 11 October, 6.30pm - 7.30pm Discover more about the design of Victorian houses with presenter Edward Bennett. Going to the Flicks: Picture palaces and bughouses: Thursday 12 October, 6.30pm - 7.30pm Brian McDonnell’s illustrated talk will take you back to the days before television when Auckland had more than 50 movie theatres. School holidays We are getting ready for the September school holidays. Where has the time gone? So don’t forget to check out our Facebook page or drop in closer to the holidays and see what’s planned. (LUCIA MATAIA) F PN LEYS INSTITUTE, 20 St Marys Road, T: 09 374 1315, www.aucklandlibraries.govt.nz

LOCAL NEWS New Teacher at Ponsy Kids - Melissa Bowen MELISSA IS A PRIMARY AND EARLY CHILDHOOD -trained teacher. She lives in West Auckland, and loves to get out and exploring and enjoying the West Auckland beaches. She has most recently been teaching at an early childhood centre in East Auckland in a four to five year olds classroom, but is looking forward to getting back into a mixed-age setting, learning with and from the children. In the weekend, she values time with family and friends, and enjoys cooking, reading and creative pursuits such as scrapbooking and DIY. She is hugely passionate about her role as an educator, and really values being a teacher at the very start of children’s learning and educational journey. She loves to explore with and learn from children’s ideas and creativity. “I can’t wait to meet you and your whanau!” she says.

This month’s venue hire space is the Freda Stark Hall - Freda Beatrice Stark (27 March 1910 - 19 March 1999) was a New Zealand dancer. During the Second World War, she was a famed dancer at Auckland’s Wintergarden cabaret and nightclub, and a favourite of American troops stationed there, where she earned the title “Fever of the Fleet.” After leaving school, Stark worked as a clerical worker by day, and danced as 'L’Etoile' during the evenings, and her repertoire included tap, high kicks, tumbles and hula. During the 1930s, she also learned classical ballet, as steps toward an advanced examination certificate at New Zealand’s Academy of Dance, which she acquired in the late 1930s. Read more on our website www.ponsonbycommunity.org.nz

PONSONBY COMMUNITY CENTRE, 20 Ponsonby Terrace, T: 09 376 0896 or T: 09 378 1752, www.ponsonbycommunity.org.nz

26 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2017


NIKKI KAYE MP FOR AUCKLAND CENTRAL Local Projects 2017-2020 Vote for me and I will: Central Auckland and the Western Bays 1) Deliver improved schooling in the Western Bays through progressing a boys secondary school in central Auckland. 2) Build on the Governments programme of investment in the Housing First initiative which is currently housing people who have been homeless by providing longer term wrap around support. Provide more investment for organisations in central Auckland such as the City Mission working with those people who are homeless. 3) Work with relevant agencies to progress a feasibility study regarding the location and footprint of the Ports of Auckland. 4) Provide a safer central Auckland through additional police in central Auckland as per the Governments $500 million new investment in the police.

Waiheke Island 5) Continue to progress the Waiheke Island community pool alongside the local board and the community. The Ministry of Education has included the pool and other recreational facilities in its site master planning which can enable the project p j to proceed p should the community agree to it. 6) Ensure recognit recognition and support of Waiheke small businesses for immigration of Immigration has agreed to include Waiheke in his current challenges. The Minister M policy review. funding for parts of the island to be Pest Free by 2025 which will improve 7) Secure fund and birdlife. I will also ensure funding is secured to assist the community to ora, fauna a rid the island of certain weeds and enhance the coastal reserves around Waiheke. 8) Deliver ad additional investment in tourism infrastructure for Waiheke Island for Matiatia an and other amenities.

Great B Barrier Island 9) Ensure iimproved marine protection for Great Barrier. 10) Ensure a further increase in the school boarding allowance. 11) Deliver support for a Visitor infrastructure or marketing to help promote tourism for fo initiatives such as the Aotea Conservation Park and the new Dark Sky Sanctu Sanctuary. Great Barrier is currently being considered as one of the Great Walks of 12) Gre Zealand. It is my intention to continue to advocate strongly for this and New Z provi provide additional investment in conservation initiatives to reduce pests and improve birdlife.



nikki.kaye@national.org.nz nikkikaye.co.nz facebook.com/NikkiKayeMP @nikkikaye (09) 360 1936

Authorised by Nikki Kaye MP, 48C College Hill, Freemans Bay, Auckland.


Elephants in my backyard Skyping with a Kiwi friend overseas one afternoon, he asked what I’d been up to that day. “Walked around Western Springs Lake among other things.” He told me he had always found the lake area dark and foreboding which piqued my curiosity. I’d always found it reflective and a place which rewarded me with smiles on my walks. From others as they bade me good morning and from myself at the sights and sounds of the flora and fauna. I decided to find out a bit more about a place I have walked in for 30 years. After colonisation, the area was part of land farmed by Scottish settler, William Motion who arrived in New Zealand in 1839. In 1874 the city bought William Motion’s mill and 120 acres including the spring. The council established Western Springs Park by 1961. In its history it has been home to a motor campground in the 1930s and an American military camp in the Second World War. These days it is the venue for the annual Pasifika Festival - South Pacific’s largest Pacific culture event. The natural spring-fed lake is home to native fish - short and long-fin eels, banded kokopu and inanga, along with introduced species such as koi, grass carp and perch to name a few. I particularly love standing on the little bridge over the lake and watching the eels come nosing up for a handout. Native plant species abound - ngaio, ti kaika, kapuka. And introduced willows, eucalyptus and water lillies. My favourites, though, are the birds - pied shags, gulls, pukeko (who have the cutest babies on earth, which, like the swans and geese, they protect fiercely), teal, Australian coot, swans, ducks, geese, chooks and roosters and pigeons. It’s hilarious watching the geese run towards people honking hopefully for food. Their run is somewhat ungainly, kind of lopsided and eager. Some of the geese look like they’ve had bad perms. Feathers all spiralled and mussed. I wish people would feed them seeds rather than bread. Cute bunnies hop about certain areas of the park. One of the best things about a lake walk is seeing the elephants in their enclosure at the zoo next door. I have to say, they look pretty content. It’s amazing we can see these creatures practically in our backyards. Walking the lakeside path, I feel like I am in a private world. A sanctuary. Even with the copious amounts of bird poo squelching into the soles of my Nikes. In the past, I have taken my dogs walking with me there. Only the twice, however, before I realised it’s not

dog-walk territory. Not for my two energiser bunny Jack Russell terriers. JR’s and swans meeting was never going to end well. One of my dogs would stand and shake violently with a ‘what could be’ glaze in her eyes, while the other one screamed at the top of his doggie voice to be leashless. At four years old my niece was attacked by a swan at the lake. For no reason. The swan rush at her and attacked. Obviously having a bad day. My poor niece sustained a few beak wounds and has never forgotten it. Nor has she ever forgotten me taking her to the Lion King at five years old. We had to leave the theatre such was her tearful distress. Bad Aunt. My friend Janet and I used to walk the lake every morning, three or four times around, putting the world to rights and mumbling about our partners. Rain or shine. I also walk there with a friend who is terrified of birds. She spends quite a bit of time ducking behind me and squealing “make them go away”. Then there are the memories of concerts at Western Springs Stadium. The birds must hate the noise. Led Zeppelin was my first concert there, 25 February 1972. They opened with Immigrant Song. The atmosphere was intoxicating enough without the clouds of smoke. I will never forget David Bowie in 1978. He strolled on stage in white tennis shoes, green pants and a yellow shirt and launched straight into Warzawa. I’ve never liked crowds, but the crowds helped make those concerts. These days three people in the same supermarket aisle as me is a crowd. Delving into the history of the lake and park has only increased my love for the place. Nothing dark and foreboding to me. Simply a rich history, and hopefully a long and safe future. I’m a little annoyed at myself for taking this tranquil oasis for granted and not finding out its history before now, and all the other special places on our doorstep. We are blessed to have such a green space filled with birds, plants and animals so very close to the city centre. It is a joy to watch families picnicking, using the barbecues and listening to the laughter of happy kids in the playground. And the loos are clean. Always a bonus. Sun’s out, seeds in pocket, shoes on. See you there. (DEIRDRE THURSTON) F PN

WEST END TENNIS JUNIOR CLEAN SWEEPS TITLES IN AUSTRALIA Nine-year-old West End Tennis Club player Jamie Mackenzie recently swept away all competition in Australia at the major tennis festival in Brisbane, The Rod Laver Classic during the July school holidays. Competing in the 10 and under events, Jamie went on a hot streak of 18 unbeaten matches to claim the singles and doubles of both the lead in and the main event, The Rod Laver Classic. In a cruel twist he had to play fellow Westend junior and club doubles partner Stanley Yugov in both doubles finals. “Jamie fell one short last year in the singles final, and has worked hard all year to achieve this goal of winning this year. It was a great result over some quality opposition and shows what can be achieved through hard work and setting a goal,” says his father and head coach of Westend Tennis Club, Justin Mackenzie. Jamie is still eligible to compete in the 10 and under events next year but will try his luck in the 12 under events. At the completion of the tournaments in Australia, Jamie travelled to the highly regarded BTT Tennis Academy in Barcelona, Spain to train on the red clay for two weeks with some of the best players and coaches available. In 32 degree heat the training regime was tough, with seven hour days including daily on court drills, fitness, mental training, matchplay and stretching six days a week.

28 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2017

During his time there he was lucky enough to catch up with two other Ponsonby local teens Macsen Sisam and West End's David Kennerley who are now based almost full time at the academy. A highlight of the training was getting the chance for Jamie to work with Rafael Nadal’s coach Francois Roig who had just returned from Wimbledon. “The experience and knowledge gained from this trip will be invaluable,” says Justin. Jamie was also lucky enough to take in a few of the amazing sights of Barcelona, including the 110,000-seat Camp Nou (FC Barcelona's home ground), Montserrat Monastery, La Sagrada Famillia and some of architect Antonio Gaudi's work. Jamie will compete in New Caledonia over the next few months and on to the NZ Masters and summer circuit in New Zealand before hopefully returning to train in Spain again next year. www.westendtennisclub.co.nz




IT’S SPRING ON THE STRIP Come celebrate the new season! There’s something for everyone with great food, new season fashion, designer bargains and the best new stores, bars, cafes and restaurants in town. Market stalls along the strip from Jervois Road (Dida’s corner) to the top of Ponsonby Road

iloveponsonby.co.nz The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied


PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2017


HELEN WHITE: LABOUR CANDIDATE - AUCKLAND CENTRAL Everyone in Auckland knows that we need major action and investment to fix our transport system. We all get stuck in traffic and it is only getting worse. It is annoying, time consuming and expensive. The OECD estimates that Auckland’s congestion costs $1.25 billion a year in lost productivity. But that is not the only reason I’m focused on transport in this campaign. Congestion is a lot more than an inconvenience. In 2010 commuters and freighters emitted 12.5 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent emissions or a quarter or our net emissions. Moving to more environmentally friendly transport is essential to fighting climate change and stopping the deaths that occur each year due to poor air quality. Congestion is also an issue of inequality as poorer people, in search of cheaper rent, tend to live further away from the location of their employment. They then incur more costs and lose more and more of their day. Transport poverty may seem counter-intuitive - but it is a real and serious issue. But what can we do about it? Is it just the price of living in a big city? My firm answer is no. A few weeks ago I hosted an interesting and lively discussion on Auckland’s transport crisis with Generation Zero. Today's transport mess is a result of past governments lacking the vision and leadership to invest in high quality public transport infrastructure. Although this article is about Auckland’s transport mess - I think it is more about leadership, vision and investment. Rapid mass transit is part of the answer. Greater Auckland and Generation Zero are advocating for a congestion-free network. The Congestion Free Network forms the backbone of Auckland’s future public transport network, supported by further bus and ferry networks. Its aim is to provide a way of travelling that is free from congestion. This means it involves a systematic extension of rapid transit with rail, light-rail and bus services operating in their own right-of-way that are fast, frequent, reliable and affordable. Labour has already announced part of this network. We’ve committed to building light rail from Wynyard Quarter through to Mt Roskill, via Queen Street and Dominion Road. This is the first step in building a rail link to the airport. Over time, we’ll work with Auckland Council to expand the light rail network even further.

lack of vision to deal with this issue. Did you know that MarsOne will establish a colony on Mars - complete with pizza restaurant - before the Government starts rail to the airport? It is absurd. We need vision and leadership. We cannot continue to extend motorways - it is thinking that is out of date. Our vision needs to extend past specific projects and capture what kind of city we want to live in. We need to transform our city so that people are its focus. Over 47,000 people live in the central city. These people primarily get around town on foot - it doesn’t make sense to drive. Yet, our CBD is still based around cars and carparking. I work near High Street in the CBD. Come and walk down that street with me on a week day - we won’t get very far! It’s like dodgems. Queen Street is the same. 60,000 people walk up and down Queen Street every day, but it is still focused on the 10,000 vehicles who use that street. Queen Street is not a primary route used by many cars - it is a through route. There are no carpark entrances, no loading docks and no lanes that cannot be accessed by another route. As such, with the exception of some deliverers or couriers, vehicles using this stretch of road are doing so to get somewhere else. It is extraordinary when you think about it - the heart of the city is a place people are using to go somewhere else! I think we need to tie these strands together and advocate for a vision of the kind of city we want to live in. The Congestion Free Network is a fantastic start and I hope to continue this debate and advocate for the modern Auckland I know we can be. Successive governments have shirked their responsibility to plan and invest in Auckland’s growth. Its time that ended and we started investing in Auckland so that it is no longer gridlocked for five hours a day. I think that we can PN build a modern city that has people at its heart. (HELEN WHITE) F Helen White is the Labour candidate for Auckland Central. www.labour.org.nz/helenwhite

In 1945 Auckland’s tram network carried 100,000,000 trips. Auckland’s population at the time was 500,000. Last year, with Auckland’s population over three times higher, our entire public transport network carried only 82,000,000 trips. To those who think we cannot do it or that it is not in Auckland’s culture to build a rapid transit network: we’ve built it before. If we could do it then, we can do it now. So what’s stopping us? I think it is a lack of vision. Recently I posted a tongue-in-check Facebook graphic that highlighted the Government’s

30 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2017


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LOCAL NEWS INNER-CITY ART PROGRAMME REVEALS NEXT GENERATION OF KIWI TALENT Designed to build confidence and nurture creativity in primary and intermediate-aged Kiwi kids, the inner-city arts programme ‘Through the eyes of a child’ has returned to Ponsonby for its 21st year. Cemented as one of the most anticipated school art events of the year, the programme sees students from a selection of inner-city primary schools create themed artworks as part of the curriculum. The artwork is displayed for individual exhibition within schools and again as a combined showcase in the atrium of the Victoria Park New World supermarket. Encouraging budding artists from 13 inner-city schools including St Joseph’s, Newton Central, Richmond Road, St Francis Primary, Ponsonby Primary, Marist Catholic, Pasadena Intermediate, Bayfield, Freemans Bay, Point Chevalier, Grey Lynn, Ponsonby Intermediate and Westmere Schools, students have prepared hundreds of masterpieces using a variety of methods spanning paint, sketch, sculpture, moulds and dye. “Year after year we are blown away with what the children produce,” says Bayleys Ponsonby sales manager Bernadette Morrison who has overseen Bayleys devoted sponsorship of the programme for the last four years. “It’s a fantastic outlet for the kids, allowing them to explore artistic expression and their own creativity, with some perhaps even discovering a lifelong affinity for art. “We have a very generous office-culture and are in a fortunate position to donate time, energy and resource to many school programmes,

but this is one of our favourites,” says Bayleys Ponsonby’s top salesperson Karen Spires. Students have been busily preparing their creations between June and September and after featuring in individual school displays, the works are sent to Bayleys’ Ponsonby office for collation in preparation of the public display. “It’s a real community event, the children, the parents and the wider public are all able to share as the children proudly display their works,” says Bernadette. Oscar Hoare Last year Bayleys Ponsonby and Hills Commercial Flooring awarded prize winners from each school with book vouchers along with $1000 donated toward each of the schools’ arts programmes. This year the two sponsors are back again rewarding prize winners and matching the $1000 donated to the various school art programmes in 2017. Art-lover Karen is thrilled to be involved in the event for a 21st year, saying that the benefits of art for children have been well documented. F PN

Jade Phang-Hamlin

Nicholas Withers

William McAteer

Sophie Whelan

The winners, whose work appears on this page, are from Ponsonby Primary and are photographed by Jade Paynter on the front cover this month.

32 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2017



Time For Auckland Transport to be controlled Under the Super City Auckland Transport is designated as a “Council Controlled Organisation” (CCO). It is not, and never has been, “controlled”. Auckland Transport is a secret society, and a law unto itself. In the last Ponsonby News I wrote about Auckland Council’s Weed Management Policy, and was assured by Waitemata Local Board Chair Pippa Coom that this policy will be followed by new contractor for weed control, Ventia, with a gradual reduction in the use of the, now proven, carcinogen glyphosate in our parks and reserves. I undertook to report in this issue what Auckland Transport (AT) is spraying on roadside berms throughout Auckland. On 13 July I asked AT about their weed spraying protocols. I was promised a reply within 10 working days. On 8 August after 17 working days I had had no reply so I phoned again. I was promised a reply soon. By 20 August, as this Ponsonby News was due to go to press - still no reply after another eight business days. Do you see what I mean by a secret society unaccountable to ratepayers or anyone else? The Weed Management Advisory (WMA) has had enough. Hana Blackmore, for WMA, has produced a timeline back to 1986 of the sorry saga of attempts to ban glyphosate use or even attempts to find out the truth about its use. For example, evidence has shown that AT often purports to use organic Biosafe on city street berms, but laces it with glyphosate without ratepayer, let alone Auckland Council, knowledge. Blackmore, “Aucklanders need to not only know their history but the truth of how they have been duped and placated with empty consultations and promises whilst the years slip by and yet another patsy plan like the proposed herbicide reduction working party diverts us all down yet another cul-de-sac.” The WMA Media Release of 25 July begins with this statement, “Years of unremitting and insidious manoeuvres to deflect and suppress community wishes and deliberately fudge, sidestep and evade implementing adopted policy are exposed in a shocking history of the use of chemicals for weed and vegetation control in Auckland.” Not only has there been frighteningly little meaningful action towards implementing best -practice objectives that would remove chemicals from our streets and parks, but covert decisions have instead increased and entrenched their use, says the WMA report.

health implications of chemical herbicide use said to the council’s governing body last September, "this is an emergency." While this obfuscation continues at council and Auckland Transport, evidence is piling up that glyphosate (aka Roundup), particularly in formulations that use additional compounds like POEA which enhance the toxicity of glyphosate, is not only carcinogenic, but is an endocrine disrupter with potential to cause breast cancer later in life. Glyphosate has been linked to kidney damage, autism, respiratory illnesses and a wide group of reproductive problems - infertility, miscarriages, stillbirths and birth defects. We cannot trust the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) to protect us. They read from the song sheet of the US EPA, who has been exposed as using Monsanto - produced reports to justify its claim that glyphosate is a safe herbicide. Why did the EPA ignore the world authority on cancer? Findings by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) have determined that glyphosate products are a probable human carcinogen. Visiting US expert, Professor Don Huber’s message is passionate, articulate and science -based. He calls for the use of glyphosate and the proliferation of genetic engineering to be stopped before we sacrifice another entire generation by exposure to the most toxic herbicide on the planet. The glyphosate issue is like big tobacco all over again, with continued denial of harm from manufacturer Monsanto. However, previously secret emails released in California in a case against Monsanto have proved that damaging reports of birth defects and other health effects associated with glyphosate have been hidden by Monsanto for years. How much longer do Aucklanders have to wait before our elected politicians get the message, and listen to objective scientists and long suffering citizens rather than the billion dollar multi-national Monsanto? Let’s get behind WMA and stop the rot. Another year has gone by with little council action, and another 22,000 babies, our most vulnerable citizens, have been born in Auckland. Let’s support them.

The WMA has mailed copies of the report to Mayor Goff and all councillors, making it clear that they finally need to do something.

As we go to press Hana Blackmore has had her application rejected to address the Governing Body Meeting on 24 August over the public health consequences of council’s failure to act lawfully and fairly and implement nonchemical policy.

Says Hana Blackmore, “We told them we will no longer sit around waiting for yet another budget round or annual plan or long term plan. As one passionate submitter on the

Spray Free Streets will be holding a protest. (JOHN ELLIOTT) F PN www.toko.org.nz

Members of the Spray Free Streets Auckland Group gathered outside the Auckland Town Hall to push for glyphosate-based chemicals to be taken off our streets & parks

34 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2017


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WesternPark Apartment G03/9 Hopetoun Street, Ponsonby Exceptional Outdoor Living The vendors of this stunning apartment need this to sell at Auction on the 20th September if not before so ignore all previous marketing. Conveniently located in a commanding position just 200 meters from Ponsonby Road, this high quality, light filled apartment enjoys north facing aspect towards the harbour and the City skyline. This pet friendly garden apartment boasts a large sun filled deck (89 sq m approx.) leading from the living and master bedroom and features its own street access via secure coded gate. The quality finishes include two marble ensuite bathrooms and natural timber floors. This quality is completed with the inclusion of bespoke Poggenpohl kitchens. Adjacent to Western Park, these residences are loaded with extra benefits for their owners. The exquisite lobby lounge area and adjoining library have been beautifully decorated for your entertaining pleasure. You have a tennis court and swimming pool delivering you a year round resort style living environment. You also own a share in two fully self-contained guest suites giving you the ability to host family and friends for extended stays. This unique offering delivers a great town-house alternative, so do not miss this opportunity.




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Each Office Is Independently Owned And Operated. Browns Real Estate Limited (licensed under the REAA 2008) MREINZ.

LOCAL NEWS PREDATOR FREE PONSONBY The Predator Free New Zealand Trust is committed to dramatically reducing New Zealand’s pest numbers, including rats and possums, to protect New Zealand’s native species and see their numbers grow in our lifetimes. To realise its vision, Predator Free NZ has partnered with Kiwibank to offer funding packages to communities to carry out local predator eradication programmes. Kelmarna Community Garden Trust in Hukanui Crescent has won one of the financial awards from Kiwibank to bring together the 125 households that surround it in the first Predator Free Ponsonby programme. The households will be offered chew cards and Trakker tunnels to ascertain which pests are present on their properties. Chew cards contain a substance that is attractive to pests - they can be identified by their teethmarks. Trakker tunnels have a lure at one end and an ink pad ‘welcome mat’. The pests leave their identifying paw-prints down the tunnel. The households in the first Predator Free Ponsonby programme will be offered heavily discounted NAWAC-approved traps to trap the pests in their backyards. Households will report their findings so that Predator Free Ponsonby can contribute to the national numbers being recorded by Predator Free NZ. A Predator Free Ponsonby Facebook page has been set up to make the recording as easy as possible. The first 125 households involved in Predator Free Ponsonby will be receiving information in the mail imminently, including details of a community gathering and trap demonstration at Kelmarna Gardens on Sunday 10 September at 3pm. For further details contact predatorfreeponsonby@gmail.com. F PN

THE BIG BIKE TRIP Three locals Freddie & Arthur Gillies with Sean Wakely are riding their push bikes from Indonesia to London, raising money for Leukaemia and Blood Cancer New Zealand. Here's a wee update from the Malaysian leg and our brief spell in Thailand: Malaysia surpassed all expectations we'd had. The confluence of Malay, Indian and Chinese people created the perfect melting pot of culture and cuisine - at last some culinary diversity after our long slog through Java during Ramadan. The roads were smoother, the drivers more considerate, and the eastern islands provided some well deserved breaks between hot days on the bikes. Come late July, it was time to cross into Thailand, and the hot and dry weather of Malaysia quickly dissipated. Wet season is going to be fun! We are now 3400km (at the time of writing) and making good headway north towards Bangkok. Please take time to donate to Leukaemia and Blood Cancer as we aim to raise $1 for every kilometre we ride (15,000km total). F PN Donate: my.leukaemia.net.nz/thebigbiketrip Blog: thebigbiketripnz.wixsite.com/thebigbiketripnz

38 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2017


LOCAL PONSONBY A-Z OF BARS It’s comforting to know that many of the familiar bars in our neighbourhood are still going strong and there are a few that have changed owners or been renovated. We say drink well and responsibly while you enjoy yourself. ANNABEL’S WINE BAR, 277 Ponsonby Road, www.annabelswinebar.com This wine bar offers a selection of well-priced, international and local wines by the glass, and Estrella on tap. From the cocktail list, three drinks: an Aperol Spritz, a Negroni, or a Spritz Blanco. Choose from a selection of tapas, cheese boards and jamón Ibérico. Open seven days, 3pm-11pm. BEDFORD SODA & LIQUOR, Ponsonby Central, 5 Richmond Road, T: 09 378 7362, www.bedfordsodaliquor.co.nz Bedford Soda & Liquor is a New York-inspired neighbourhood bar named after Bedford Avenue in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. It serves handmade sodas, cocktails, floats, shakes, meatballs and sundaes. Open 12 noon until late, seven days, with an eclectic mix of DJs playing from 6pm Thursday-Saturday. BONITA, 242 Ponsonby Road, T: 09 376 5670, www.bonitabar.co.nz Bonita is a wine and tapas bar with an excellent wine list and cocktail credentials. Bonita’s relaxed atmosphere is the perfect place for a casual drink or tapas indulgence. Happy hour runs from 4pm-6pm daily. Open Tuesday-Sunday, 4pm-late. BROTHERS BEER, City Works Depot, Shed 3D, 90 Wellesley Street West, T: 09 366 6100, www.brothersbeer.co.nz Brewery, retail store and tasting lounge with more than 200 beers, 18 of these on tap, Brothers is Auckland’s home for lovers of beer. It offers a range of beers brewed on site and an ever-changing selection of the world’s best craft beers from New Zealand, Australia, Japan, Europe and the US. Enjoy a tasting paddle of five beers and try the thin-crust pizza. Brothers hosts regular events such as live music, tap takeovers and special releases. Open seven days. CALUZZI CABARET, 461 Karangahape Road, T: 09 357 0778, www.caluzzi.co.nz Legendary Caluzzi Cabaret offers an unforgettable dining experience with entertainment by New Zealand’s most awarded drag artistes. Be dazzled by an interactive cabaret show with fabulous food, glittering costumes, cocktails and a whole lot of laughter. The perfect night out for a fun social occasion. Bookings are essential.

BEDFORD SODA & LIQUOR CHAPEL BAR & BISTRO, 147 Ponsonby Road, T: 09 360 4528, www.chapel.co.nz A Ponsonby institution, Chapel embodies the spirit of Auckland’s most iconic and sociable boulevard. It is the perfect place for drinks with friends after work, for dinner, a snack or a night out. Well worth the visit to sample delicious and very affordable fare such as the crispy Italian-style pizzas. Open Monday-Wednesday, 3pm-late and Thursday-Sunday, 12 noon-late. CHOP CHOP NOODLE HOUSE & WHISKY BAR, Ponsonby Central, 140 Ponsonby Road, T: 09 360 0708, www.ponsonbychopchop.co.nz A punk ramen bar with The Eagles on the radio, lip-smacking pork buns, fried chicken - and a damn fine selection of whisky. Expect handsome descriptions, like their peaty 10-year Ardberg, hailed as "a long and glorious mix of sea-salted caramel and beach bonfire smoke." They’ll even spike your choice of milkshake with a slug of bourbon. Chop Chop’s where tasty Asian street food gets hooked up with great whisky and killer cocktails. Open seven days, lunch and dinner, 12 noon-late. CONCH KITCHEN & BAR, 115A Ponsonby Road, T: 09 360 1999, www.conch.co.nz The Conch Kitchen & Bar is part of the entertainment scene day and night, serving South American-inspired food, New Zealand organic wines, fresh sugar cane cocktails and local craft beers. Open Monday-Friday 4pm-late, Saturday and Sunday 8am-late. CORK GIN & WHISKEY BAR, 65A Mackelvie Street, T: 09 360 1260 Small, intimate and classy, unlike its big brother Grand Central. Specialising in gin and whiskey, with one of Auckland’s largest selection of Irish whiskeys (and from around the world) and also over 65 different gins. Open Wednesday-Thursday 3pm till late and Friday-Saturday till 4am with its legendary happy hour Wednesday-Friday 3-7pm. DIDA’S WINE LOUNGE & TAPAS, 54 Jervois Road, T: 09 376 2813, www.didas.co.nz Head to Dida’s Wine Lounge to experience a comprehensive wine list and the ever changing, always-innovative tapas menu. The talented kitchen team works hard to pair traditional tapas with multiple by-the-glass options of local, imported and hard-to-find wines, craft beers and an impressive range of single malts. It’s a perfect spot in which to lose a few hours while broadening your hedonistic horizons. Open seven days, 12 noon-late.

DIDA'S WINE LOUNGE & TAPAS The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied

ELBOW ROOM, 198 Jervois Road, T: 09 376 2613, www.elbowroom.co.nz The Elbow Room is a favourite neighbourhood bar with a discerning wine list, a wide range of beers including Peroni, Sapporo and Emersons 1812 on tap, as well as DEADLINE - 20TH OF THE MONTH

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LOCAL PONSONBY A-Z OF BARS an extensive cocktail selection. The bar can be booked for private functions, either exclusively or for shared use. Open seven nights, Monday-Tuesday 3.30pm-late and Wednesday-Sunday 3pm-late. FHLOSTON PARADISE, 44 Ponsonby Road, M: 021 123 1207, www.fhloston.co.nz Take a trip back in time in this 90s-inspired bar. On Friday and Saturday nights they combine today’s hits with the best tunes from the 90s. On weeknights you can enjoy karaoke, or join for one of their 90s movie nights. The upstairs area is available for private functions with a separate bar. Open Wednesday-Sunday, 4pm-late. FREEMAN & GREY, 43 Ponsonby Road, T: 09 378 6496, www.freemanandgrey.co.nz Freeman & Grey is a great sunny spot with a laid-back atmosphere, great sharing plates menu and a heap of fun to be had. It’s the perfect location for that special event, birthday, corporate event or Christmas. They’ll take the stress out of your next function, offering a wide range of food and beverage options, and can sort audio visual details for you. Open from 12 noon, Monday-Sunday. FREIDA MARGOLIS, 440 Richmond Road, T: 09 378 6625 You’ll find Freida Margolis on the corner of Richmond Road and Hakanoa Street tucked away in 117 years of Grey Lynn history. Ask for a Garage Project Craft Brew a Gin Sour or a Blue Cheese and Pear Pizza - and check their Facebook page for their live gigs schedule - from jazz to alt-country. GRAND CENTRAL, 126 Ponsonby Road, T: 09 360 1260, www.grandcentral.net.nz The oldest and best-loved bar on the strip and still going strong after 18 years. Famous for its live music and late nights of dancing and good times. Huge range of craft beers (six on tap). Live music seven nights, great outdoor areas, two function spaces available. Open seven nights until 3 or 4am. Ponsonby’s longest-running happy hour, 4pm to 7pm. GREY LYNN RSC, 1 Francis Street T: 09 376 2909, www.greylynnrsc.org.nz The Grey Lynn RSC is a city fringe club with bar, bistro and restaurant. Located in Francis Street, Grey Lynn in the West Lynn Shopping Centre. The RSC has Jimmy the Cook creating delicious fresh seafood meals and more in their downstairs bistro. The bistro is

JERVOIS RD WINE BAR & KITCHEN open Wednesday-Saturday from 6pm. The RSC is open 365 days of the year, a unique gem in the middle of Grey Lynn. The upstairs function rooms are available for private events. Visitors and new members are most welcome. Quality live music on Fridays. GREY LYNN TAVERN, 521 - 523 Great North Road, T: 09 376 6521 The Grey Lynn Tavern is a friendly neighbourhood place to have a drink, dance, sing or watch the game on the big screen. TAB facilities and pokie machines are also available and the bar can be hired for private functions. Open seven days, 11am-late. GYPSY TEA ROOM, 455 Richmond Road, T: 09 361 6970, www.gypsytearoom.co.nz Gypsy Tea Room has been attracting people from far and wide for the past 15 years. There is a smaller private room for up to 30 people, a tasty bar snack menu, thoughtful wine list, beer including Peroni, Sapporo and Pilsner Urquell on tap and cocktails for the discerning. This is a great place to meet friends old and new. Open seven days Monday -Thursday 4pm-1.30pm, Friday and Saturday 3pm-2am and Sunday 3pm-11.30pm. JERVOIS RD WINE BAR & KITCHEN, 170 Jervois Road, T: 09 376 5367, www.jervoisrd.co.nz Your local place for friends, colleagues and families to gather. They offer a full menu of small plates, charcuterie platters, mains, dessert and cheese boards. Happy hour everyday 4-7pm with $9 Prosecco and weekly house wines, $8 Peroni and fantastic cocktails. Craft beer on tap rotation including, Tiger, Sawmill, Funk Estate, Bach, Zeelandt, Epic and more. Live music every Sunday afternoon from 3pm-6pm. Wine cellar available for private events 20 person capacity. Venue available for special events. LA ZEPPA, 33 Drake Street, T: 09 281 5594, www.lazeppa.co.nz One of Auckland’s favourite rooftop bars with impressive views over Victoria Park and to the Sky Tower, La Zeppa offers delicious hot and cold tapas to enjoy with friends and a glass of wine. The perfect venue for social functions with a capacity of up to 500! Open seven days, 11.30am-late. LIME BAR, 167 Ponsonby Road, T: 09 360 7167 Small but perfectly formed, Lime is a quintessential Ponsonby favourite and the perfect spot for a refreshing craft beer, celebratory Champagne or a really well made cocktail. It’s an easy vibe featuring their trademark tunes from Sinatra to Springfield and an older, more sophisticated late night crowd letting their hair down. Open Tuesday-Saturday 5pm-2am. LITTLE EASY, 198 Ponsonby Road, T: 09 360 0098, www.littleeasy.co.nz Little Easy delivers unpretentious fun and classic ‘pubdom’ with great-tasting food and vibes to match. This is much more than the average pub fare. They run weekly food specials, happy hour every day from 4-7pm and DJs jamming till late. The classic Kiwi pub

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LOCAL PONSONBY A-Z OF BARS MEA CULPA, 3/175 Ponsonby Road, M: 021 046 5709 A bar for the serious cocktail drinker. Whether it’s a classic or modern creation using seasonal produce, the drinks menu displays imagination and finesse. Passion and love go into every glass and it’s easy to see why they have won so many awards. Open Tuesday-Saturday, 5pm-late. MR TOMS, 151 Ponsonby Road, T: 09 360 9138, www.mrtoms.co.nz Alluring, powerful and flirty, Mr Toms is a combination of all things Ponsonby. With eloquently crafted cocktails, tasty small plates to share and their infamous, rustic baked pizzas, Mr Toms does the simple things right. POCKET BAR & KITCHEN, 592 Great North Road, T: 09 376 4309, www.pocketbarandkitchen.co.nz It’s a bar and eatery with a real local focus. There is an outdoor deck perfect for all Auckland weather and live music every Sunday. Grab a beer on tap or ask for one of their delicious house cocktails made with fresh seasonal ingredients. If you're sharing, try the seaweed chips with dashi mayo and the green tahini hummus. If you aren't, go the North African spiced lamb chops! If you're planning a party, make sure to ask about the function space - it was once the old ASB bank.

IAN TOWNING ENJOYING A GLASS OF ROSE @ MR TOMS menu is infused with American traits - their burgers are served on fresh brioche buns, and they offer a range of chicken wings. Both not to be missed! Open Tuesday-Thursday, 4pm-late, Friday-Sunday, 12 noon-late. LONGROOM, 114 Ponsonby Road, T: 09 360 8803, www.longroom.co.nz With a covered courtyard and north-facing sun deck, Longroom offers a unique, alfresco environment for drinking and dining any time of day. An inspiring new menu consists of small and large shared dishes, a grazing platter, individual dishes and a few sweet treats. Let’s not forget the great range of beverages available including a substantial cocktail offering. DJs play during the evening Thursday to Saturday, live music and DJs on Sundays. Open seven days during summer and open Tuesday-Sunday during winter. MALT PUBLIC HOUSE, Corner Richmond Road & Hakanoa Street, T: 09 360 9537, www.maltpublichouse.co.nz Grey Lynn’s gastro pub has undergone an extensive renovation, re-emerging as the Malt Public House. The new bar and dining areas provide a relaxed and comfortable environment to catch up for drinks, lunch or dinner. The sunny courtyard is a hidden oasis, perfect for a summer afternoon! Open Monday-Friday, 11am-late, Saturday -Sunday, 10am-late. THE LONGROOM

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied


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LOCAL PONSONBY A-Z OF BARS PONSONBY FRIENDS LICENSED BAR, 106 Ponsonby Road, T: 09 376 0800 A fully licensed bar with a great selection of beer and wine at reasonable prices. Located at the centre of the Ponsonby International Foodcourt. You can also quench your thirst with freshly squeezed fruit or vegetable juice and soft drinks. Open seven days 11am-10pm. PONSONBY POOL HALL, 106 Ponsonby Road, T: 09 360 2356, www.ponsonbypoolhall.co.nz This is the longest-running pool hall in Auckland, with 15 pool tables and a private snooker lounge featuring Rolling Stones memorabilia. There are more than 40 bottled beers to enjoy while you play and they’re open every day except Christmas Day. Available to hire for social functions, watch the video on Facebook. Open seven days, 1pm-1am. REVELRY, 106 Ponsonby Road, T: 09 376 8663, www.revelry.co.nz A luxurious bohemian-style parlour with hints of opium den chic, a double-sided fireplace, visual delights from lanterns to antique furniture and has one of the best decks in Ponsonby. The delicious food menu includes a selection of Asian fusion sharing plates, platters and bar snacks. An extensive New Zealand and international wine list, classic and original cocktails with seasonal recipes, and craft beers. Open from early afternoon until late every night of the week. Brunch service is available Friday-Sunday. ROJI BAR, 26 Ponsonby Road, T: 09 320 5292, www.azabuponsonby.co.nz/roji-bar Roji (translated - Alleyway) is tucked out the back of Azabu, with access via the restaurant or Maidstone Street. They offer sake and cocktails to be enjoyed in a vibrant space along with great tunes. Open Monday-Sunday, 5pm-late. SHANGHAI LIL’S, 335 Karangahape Road, T: 09 309 0213 This jazz cocktail bar provides a unique experience where you can relax in luxurious brocade and velvet chairs, surrounded by lush plants and decorative oriental pieces, all the while sipping on a sumptuous cocktail. You’ll be entertained most nights by resident pianist and co-owner Billy Farnell as he performs the classics on a gleaming black baby grand piano. Open Wednesday-Sunday, 5pm-late. SPQR, 150 Ponsonby Road, T: 09 360 1710, www.spqrnz.co.nz A Ponsonby institution, SPQR has been a prominent fixture along the Ponsonby strip for over 20 years. The lively atmosphere and friendly service gives SPQR an authentic, first-rate reputation. The pizza is great for an anytime snack and veal marsala is an old favourite. Eat in or take-away. Open seven days, 12 noon-late. SWEAT SHOP BREW, 7 Sale Street, T: 09 307 8148, www.sweatshopbrew.co.nz Sweat Shop Brew Kitchen in Freemans Bay is known for its succulent, smoky barbecue meats and their exclusive beer range, which is hand-crafted in their very own brewery.

WAIWERA HOTEL Americana-spice rubbed meats with native New Zealand woodchips offer an alarmingly delicious experience. It’s a great spot for a few brews as well, with regular DJs and live gigs taking place every weekend. Open seven days, 11.30am-late. THE BIRDCAGE TAVERN, 133 Franklin Road, T: 09 280 1690, www.birdcage.co.nz The Birdcage Tavern has been returned to her former glory with stained glass windows and original brick walls blended with more modern elements to give it a chic, metropolitan vibe. The north-facing courtyard bar is one of the biggest and sunniest in Auckland, a perfect inner city destination to gather with friends. The food is rustic in style. Open Sunday for lunch till 5pm. Closed Monday. Tuesday-Saturday, 12 noon-late. THE BOTANIST, City Works Depot, Shed 13, 90 Wellesley Street West, T: 09 309 9494, www.botanist.co.nz Cafe by day, wine bar at night. Florist seven days a week. A oasis of flora amidst the concrete and steel of City Works Depot. Award-winning chef Sara Simpson’s menu brings the best seasonal produce together in an innovative way. Included in Metro Top 50 Cafe 2014, Denizen’s Best New Cafe 2014, ReMix Best Saturday Brunch 2015. Resident florist Eden Hessell is Auckland’s leading floral artist and stocks a unique range of plants and flowers. Open seven days. THE CAV, 68 College Hill, T: 09 376 4230, www.thecav.co.nz As per its gastropub theme, The Cav offers bistro-quality food in a casual friendly environment and is a great place to meet for a couple of relaxing beers or a glass of wine or two. They offer an extensive menu featuring succulent, modern cuisine with an ethos of providing great value for money. Open Monday-Saturday, 11am-1am, Sunday 11am-11pm.


42 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2017

THE DOG’S BOLLIX, 2 Newton Road, T: 09 378 1845, www.dogsbollix.co.nz The well-known Auckland live music venue, the Dog’s Bollix, has been all cleaned up and is ready to get down once more. Catch bands from across the spectrum of the local music scene performing live by checking the Facebook page or call them to book a table for a group. Open Tuesday-Thursday 5.30pm-1am, Friday-Saturday 5.30pm-3am. PUBLISHED FIRST FRIDAY EACH MONTH (except January)

LOCAL PONSONBY A-Z OF BARS THE GOLDEN DAWN: TAVERN OF POWER, Corner Ponsonby and Richmond Roads, T: 09 376 9929, www.goldendawn.co.nz There are no signs, so find the black door with a star on it, and behind you'll discover this must-visit bar with an array of weird and wonderful local and imported beers, an all -natural wine list, and all kinds of bands. Open Tuesday-Thursday, 4pm-late and Friday -Sunday 3pm-late. THE OAKROOM, 17 Drake Street, T: 09 300 6313, www.theoakroom.co.nz Situated in Victoria Park Market, one of Auckland’s most historic and treasured landmarks, The Oakroom is a beautiful space in an old part of town. Formerly a stable in the 1800s, The Oakroom has been carefully crafted in order to enhance a contemporary feel and maintain its natural and historic features. Open Tuesday-Friday 11am-late and Saturday 4pm-late. THE PONSONBY SOCIAL CLUB, 152 Ponsonby Road, T: 09 361 2320, www.ponsonbysocialclub.co.nz Live music and DJs throughout the week, check the website for details. Open seven nights, 5pm-late. THE STATION CRAFT FREEHOUSE, 2 Beresford Square, T: 09 300 5040, www.stationbar.co.nz The Station Craft Freehouse serves New York-style bagels all day in sunny Beresford Square. At night it converts to serving all the best craft beers from around New Zealand, gourmet pizzas and is available for exclusive functions on weekends. With regular live music, DJs and events there is always something going on @TheStationAKL. Open weekdays 7.30am-late, weekends 8.30am-late.


THE SURREY HOTEL, 465 Great North Road, T: 09 378 9059, www.thesurreyhotel.co.nz This local pub has a cosy atmosphere, friendly service and food available all day. There is a breakfast buffet, brunch, lunch and dinner menu as well as bar snacks and woodfired pizza. Open seven days, 7am-9.30pm.

THE THREE BROTHERS, 155 Ponsonby Road, T: 0800 766 644, www.thethreebrothers.co.nz Offering three unique bars all under one roof. Harry is Ponsonby’s Hip Hop & R’N’B hot spot, Jack is the secret cocktail bar with views of the city, available for private hire. Comedy on Sunday night in George. Open Thursday-Sunday, 2pm-late.

WAIWERA HOTEL - OLDE ENGLISH CLUB LOUNGE AND BAR COCKTAIL LOUNGE An historic building dating back to 1886 is re-envisioned and transformed into a unique entertainment and hospitality venue. Waiwera Hotel, an extension of the Waiwera Spirits brand and product line, offers one of a kind experience rooted in New Zealand heritage and culture. Waiwera Hotel was designed to evoke the spirit of an olde English club lounge providing patrons a multipurpose space, be it for drinks with a co-worker, a late-night watering hole or a venue for corporate and private functions. It serves an exquisite selection of drinks, fine wines, cocktails, craft beers and seasonally inspired gourmet small plates.

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied

Moreover, for an exceptional melding of traditional flavours with a contemporary style, Waiwera Hotel offers a signature line of premium liquors: Mahurangi Gin, Wenderholm Vodka and Waiwera Spice Rum. Waiwera Hotel's entrance is located at 2 Drake Street, behind the iconic, redeveloped Victoria Park Market and is open Mondays to Saturdays from 2pm till late. F PN For enquiries, email them at hotel@waiwera.co.nz


PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2017


LOCAL PONSONBY A-Z OF BARS THE WHISKEY, 210 Ponsonby Road, T: 09 361 2666, www.thewhiskeybar.co.nz Rocking Ponsonby since 2001, The Whiskey is a place where rock music and whiskey combine for a great night out. A relaxed and fun spot to meet friends after work, or party late into the night. They offer a huge range of whiskies to suit all palates along with Whiskey flight boards and masterclasses. An epic rock soundtrack ranging from The Doors and Pink Floyd to the Foo Fighters and Kings of Leon. Check out their Facebook page for live music line-up and upcoming events. Open seven days, 5pm-3am. TOM TOM BAR & EATERY, 27 Drake Street, T: 09 377 5737, www.tom-tom.co.nz Elevated above Victoria Park with north-facing views through the treetops across Auckland, Tom Tom Bar & Eatery is a great place to meet for drinks and experience its unique cuisine. Open Tuesday-Sunday, 11.30am-late. VESPER BAR, Victoria Street West, Victoria Park Village, www.xeniagroup.co.nz Coming soon... Vesper is a funky late-night spirits and punch swill house. They offer an experience from long ago, with both old fashioned cocktails, punches and an eclectic and well thought out range of classic spirits as well as some unusual spirits from around the globe such as Aquavit, Mezcal and Pisco. Backed by a select list of ever changing craft beers this is the bar to chill out at or party the night away! VIS-A-VIS, Unit 19, Victoria Street West, Victoria Park Village, www.vis-a-vis.co.nz A cosy and unpretentious wine bar in Victoria Park Village, vis-a-vis that serves up an international wine list of classic and esoteric grape varieties exploring a world of flavours, textures, and aromas. Representing various countries from around the globe, they’ll be more than happy to show you what you are missing out on! Picpoul or Albarino? Muscat or Ugni Blanc? VODKA ROOM, 5 Rose Road, T: 09 360 5050 or M: 021 0666 500, www.vodkaroom.co.nz Whether you're a vodka veteran, novice or simply curious about vodka, this is the place to go and get your swill of vodka tasting. It offers 125 different vodkas and have three bars and six areas to eat. The food is modern Russian, with dishes such as the Olivier Salad: prawns (or without), a mix of new potatoes, apple, gherkin, quail eggs and sour cream and dill dressing, or the Akaroa King Salmon gravlax which is cured in vodka. Open seven days, 12 noon-late.

SPQR WAIWERA HOTEL - COCKTAIL LOUNGE & EATERY, 2 Drake Street, M: 021 851 564 Open Monday to Saturdays, 2pm till late and describes itself as “old-fashioned with a touch of Coltrane”. Visit the Waiwera Hotel Facebook page for more details. WIN-WIN, 212 Ponsonby Road, T: 09 361 2667, www.winwinbar.co.nz From the owners of The Whiskey, Win-Win is a cocktail bar with a fun retro vibe. They offer an ever-evolving cocktail menu and have cocktails on tap including Nitro Expresso Martini. A selection of wine and beer, and if you're feeling peckish, you can choose from one of their food bite options. Local DJ performances on Friday and Saturday. Enquire about their venue hire. Open Wednesday-Sunday, 5pm-late.


44 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2017


EAT, DRINK + BE MERRY THE WHISKEY Imagine a world without choice. If there was one ice cream flavour, one type of coffee or one bar, life would be downright boring!

From its early beginnings back in 2001, The Whiskey has been a hub of live music and friendly atmosphere situated in the heart of Ponsonby. There's no better place to sip a few wee drams of an eclectic range of whiskeys from around the world.

They talk about The Whiskey as a venue offering rocking live music, but they ain't no one show pony. As the name suggests, it’s a whiskey bar, and they want to share their passion and knowledge for this liquid gold, thus their whiskey masterclass that runs once a month. Each masterclass covers a specific distillery, where they match a range of whiskeys to food that complements the complex flavours of the fine spirit. As they're all about providing an intimate experience, they also offer private masterclasses for you and your party.

The Whiskey says, "Our mission is to bring back those heady days of live music culture in this intimate venue. We are truly looking forward to a very exciting future.”

The Whiskey has big plans for the future... watch this space. But meanwhile, come join PN them for a wee nip of a fine single malt. F

Thankfully, we have more to choose from than just vanilla, and that’s why we love Ponsonby. If you're looking for a place that serves great drinks and plays only the best rock music, look no further.

THE WHISKEY, 210 Ponsonby Road, T: 09 361 2666, www.thewhiskeybar.co.nz, FB:@TheWhiskeyBarNZ, Instagram: thewhiskeynz

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied


PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2017



Glengarry’s A to Z of wine This month at Glengarry we walk you through the world of wine, one letter at a time, here’s a sneak preview - the whole version? Well that’s in-store and online in our September Wineletter. A is for acidity - it’s essential for the life and vitality of a wine. B is for balance - a wine is considered to be balanced when all is in harmony. C is for chardonnay - one of the great white grapes. D is for dog - Dog Point that is. E is for egg - eggs for fermentation and maturation - old ‘technology’ that’s now new. F is for flor - a veil of indigenous yeast that grows on the surface of wine, and it’s a good thing. G is for Gisselbrecht - our favourite Alsatians. H is for half - because there’s a time and a place when a half bottle is just right. I is for ice wine - or Inniskillin - Canadian ice wine. J is for juracon - one of France’s oldest appellations. K is for kidnapper Cliffs - Hawke's Bay’s brilliant wines. L is for Loire - a treasure trove of white varieties. M is for malolactic - the fermentation that takes harsh malic acids to lactic ones. O is for organic - is organic the new black? Or is that green? N is for Nautilus - small scale and high tech combined. P is for Provence - rosé that is. Q is for Quartz Reef - world class Central Otago wines. R is for Rockburn - long noted for their superb wines. S is for sweet - sweet wines that is - sauternes, tokaji or asti anyone? T is for tannin - that firm sensation prevalent in red wine. U is for unoaked - to oak or not, so many choices. V is for volcanic - wines grown on a volcano, Mt Etna. W is for Washington - Washington State wines. X is for Ximenez - sweet, gorgeous sherry. Y is for the Yarra Valley - top quality Australian wines from De Bortoli. PN Z for Zinfandel. (LIZ WHEADON) F









Over the last thirty years, the Glengarry Wine Academy has established itself as one of the leading wine educators in New Zealand. Initially created to train Glengarry staff, it is also widely used by the hospitality industry and wine enthusiasts. Informative, but never intimidating, the Glengarry Wine Academy courses are an opportunity for beginners as well as experienced aficionados to expand their knowledge and develop their interest. This four week course is the second in the series and follows on from Wine Academy Stage I. It is recommended that participants have completed Wine Academy Stage I before embarking on Wine Academy Stage II.


T O B O O K O N L I N E V I S I T: W W W . G L E N G A R R Y. C O . N Z / T A S T I N G S

46 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2017


P: (09)308 8346


E : V I C P A R K @ G L E N G A R R Y. C O . N Z


MEKONG BABY - KING OF THE ROAD East meets west on Ponsonby Road in all manner of restaurant addresses. So when you’re looking for the true Asian dining deal among all these options, just who do you choose? Mekong Baby is my pick. These are the reasons why. On a chill winter Thursday we swing by, and are immediately swept up by the warmth of the surrounds. It’s busy, it’s buzzy, it’s sexy and playful. It says to me ‘this is where you want to be’.

Bali: all these flavours are here. In the wrong hands it could be nothing but a mess; here every last bit of cuisine shows through with a fanfare of flavour. It’s Asian fusion at its best.

We stop at the bar first. We’re safe in the hands of bar manager Thibault Roberty who whips us both up a Miss Saigon cocktail from a list that goes way beyond the norm. Miss Saigon sings to our hearts and sets us up happily for what lies ahead.

That kitchen confidence is matched by an admirable wine list, curated by Master Sommelier Cameron Douglas.

Since owner Dominique Parat launched Mekong Baby - his latest baby - four years ago, it’s proved to be the definitive place to savour a true south-east Asian dining experience. His 20 years on the strip gives him a credibility that is unsurpassed. He knows how to keep a customer satisfied. We move to the dining room - rich colours, soft lighting - and are moved by the offerings on the menu. The list is comprehensive enough to cater to many tastes (including vegetarian, gluten-free and seafood-free) but not so long as to be scary. As it was with the bar staff, so it is here: wait staff who are truly switched on and with the right sense of how to treat each and every diner. What do we get? We start with three plates of small beginnings: Szechuan spiced duck breast, kingfish sashimi, and taro and tapioca fritter. What a fabulous start: it’s zingy and dreamy in all the right places; the fish is so fresh it must have still been swimming when we ordered it. Bolstered by these beginnings, we move on to the mains next: a dream dish of braised pork belly. We can see why it’s both the numer one best-seller, and Dominique’s favourite too: it is flawlessly executed and hits all the right notes. A salad of smashed fresh green papaya with roasted red chilli and snake beans with its lime and chilli touches is the perfect sassy partner. Lead by head chef Raj Chetty, this is a kitchen with abundant and well-deserved stature. Vietnamese, Burmese, Thai, Cambodian and

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied

From this we have each got a glass of the Maude ‘East Block’ riesling for starters, followed by a silky, organic and biodynamic Urlar 2014 Gladstone pinot noir to go with our award-winning duck. What I like about this list is the range that encourages me to explore, while making me feel comfortable. It speaks to me in a voice I like. We cannot leave without having done dessert, which involves intense deliberation. We settle on the coconut sago with vanilla ice cream and puffed black rice, and are once more richly rewarded. We step out onto the strip once more, and feel transformed by what we’ve just delighted in. Next time we come back, we might ease ourselves the dilemma of choice by ordering off the “Let’s Eat” option, where they do the work for you by serving up a selection of their favourite dishes. Or we might retire to one of the private dining rooms which have an air of enchantment about them. Every little section tells a different story. Mekong Baby, without a doubt, is head and shoulders above the rest of the pretenders. It’s not just the surrounds that are fresh and inviting, it’s every last component of the food and drink too. Impeccable service, an exceptional wine list, a journey of flavours and tastes and textures that transports a diner to new levels. Many try to achieve this sort of restaurant marriage. Mekong Baby succeeds. It is youthful and exuberant and my old friend all in one hit. With Dominique the elder statesman, it is King of the Road. (HARRY NEWMAN)


PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2017


EAT, DRINK + BE MERRY NOMINATIONS FOR THE WAITEMATA GOOD CITIZENS AWARDS 2017 The Waitemata Local Board are now accepting nominations for the Waitemata Good Citizens Awards 2017. These awards recognise people and community groups whose great work go above and beyond for the benefit of individuals, communities and our environment. Please let them know how much we appreciate their dedication to making Waitemata a great place to live by nominating them for a Good Citizens Award. This year’s bi-annual award follows our successful 2013 and 2015 events. Nominations are open until Sunday, 10 September. The 2017 ceremony will take place on the evening of 12 October at the Town Hall reception lounge. It is a great event to be part of and a good opportunity to showcase and celebrate the diversity of work happening in Waitemata. Please use the online nomination form found at http://engage.ubiquity.co.nz/surveys/B8_CPnIsCUaQtAjU2LSz0w Alternatively, you are also welcome to send us a copy of the form either by email, post, or hand it in to the Waitemata Local Board office. F PN

SIDART, Level 1, Three Lamps Plaza, 283 Ponsonby Road T: 360 2122 www.sidart.co.nz

5 Fort Lane, CBD T: 09 379 9702 cassiarestaurant.co.nz

48 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2017


EAT, DRINK + BE MERRY TAKE THE FAMILY FOR DINNER @ DEAR JERVOIS Last month, Dear Jervois opened for dinner for the first time on Friday and Saturday evenings. On these days it stays open all day and into the evening. The evening menu will be a lot smaller than their extensive daytime menu but the centre of attention is still on healthy, whole foods using high-quality local ingredients. For now, while the evenings are still a little cold, the focus continues to be on warm comfort food, but come summer they will change the menu to include to lighter dishes. They have a new children’s evening menu: The burger, a local favourite, remains on the menu and there is pasta, hot dogs and house-made pizza. For the children’s desserts there are churros and s’mores - these are sure to be a hit with the younger customers. As the menu suggests, Dear Jervois is geared towards making it a great place to take the family out for a relaxed dinner treat. The wine list includes mainly local boutique wines of which two are the beautiful Eradus wines and Awaroa wines, with a few European personal favourites as well. If you are into cocktails, it’s worth trying the special cocktails lovingly created by the talented bar staff. You can still book Dear Jervois for functions. The delicious sharing menu works particularly well for any occasion. To make your booking, email PN hi@dearjervois.com. F DEAR JERVOIS, 234 Jervois Road, T: 09 376 7278, www.dearjervois.com

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied


PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2017


EAT, DRINK + BE MERRY OUT WITH THE OLD... There’s nothing like installing a new kitchen to make you look sideways at the old pots and pans you’ve had since you were flatting! Why not start afresh with new cookware to go with your new kitchen - but where to start? At Milly’s they’re often asked about the top 10 ‘must-haves’ for a new kitchen - here are a few thoughts on what they think is essential kit to get you started: • Two skillets - one non-stick for eggs and fish, fritters and bacon (talk to them about their new healthy ceramic versions) and a cast iron version, possibly ridged, for high -heat cooking like steaks and chargrilling vegetables. • A piece of French cast iron for winter braises and slow cooking, soups and stews. 20-22cm for two people, 26cm for four and 28cm for large families or those who love leftovers. • A couple of saucepans - 16 and 20cm are handy sizes, and a stock pot for pasta and big batches of soup. • One really good 20cm chef's knife or an 18cm Santoku and a paring knife for those little jobs. Choose from German or Japanese (talk to them about your specific requirements.) • The right sized food processor for your household (they love Magimix). • A wooden chopping board and a pepper grinder complete the basics list. Add to these specialist pieces such as woks and griddles, stand mixers and juicers to individualise your kitchen for the way you like to cook. You may also like to think about dinnerware, cutlery and wine glasses, and you’re ready for the run to Christmas looking shipshape. The right cookware is an investment you should only make once for a lifetime of great cooking. Come and see them for all the help you’ll need to choose the ideal cookware for the way you cook. The team can guide you on how to get the most from your purchases and how to care for them too - The Milly’s website has most of this information plus regularly updated specials pages and curated lists. And if you purchase your new cookware from Milly’s in September, there is a range of extra gifts for you from Circulon pans to Bosch stick blenders to Zwilling six-piece knife PN sets valued at up to $599. F MILLY’S - serious cookware since 1983, 273 Ponsonby Road, www.millyskichen.co.nz

50 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2017


FACES @ GREY LYNN FARMERS MARKET When fruit-seller Greg McCartney took on his 13.5-acre patch on Clevedon Road it had been neglected for years. Why did you buy the land? We needed a depot for our catering businesses and there was a big old pack shed on the site. When we looked at it, it had kikuyu grass up to the windows, water across the floor and sodden gib. How is it now? It’s fine now. It’s our 'Shouse' - shed house. We’ve completely renovated it and we live in it. There are some huge greenhouses on the property and I once worked in horticulture. I knew that plants growing under glass have a huge advantage, so I went looking for a suitable crop to grow. Why limes? Being in foodies, we knew that limes are in strong demand. But limes are a warm zone crop so the season is short in Auckland. Growing them under glass has meant that the trees have grown faster, we can pick for most of the year, and we have green limes for much longer than other local growers. Our customers love our limes. We sell to restaurants such as The Grove and bars like Coco’s Cantina, The Vodka Room, Revelry and Love Bucket. How does the Farmers Market fit in? Our only retail presence is at Grey Lynn, Parnell and Clevedon Farmers Markets.

EAT, DRINK + BE MERRY @SABATO Our new Spanish products will inspire you to create easy Spanish -style tapa ideas to entertain your friends and family. The beauty of Spanish cuisine is not only the unique flavours and inventive, colourful dishes but how it brings everyone together to enjoy time with friends and family while grazing on shared plates. Try our preservative-free Alejandro chorizo thickly sliced, seared in a pan and skewered with our Pons sweet pickled garlic for a flavour-packed Spanish bite. For some added Spanish flair, try stuffing our Losada gordal olives with sliced El Navarrico piquillo pimientos, our sweet pickled garlic or your favourite blue cheese. Take it a step further and crumb and fry the olives for a crispy treat. The Losada verdial olives marinated in garlic, cumin and oregano are another delicious, easy tapa straight out of the jar. Add another boost to your cooking with La Chinata paprika flakes – a new way for you to enjoy our iconic smoked paprika. The peppers are smoked slowly for several days to create an intense flavour. This new flaked form, in its distinctive grinder bottle, is perfect ground over paella or your favourite rice dish. For an easy gift for the Spanish food lover, our paella kit is the way to go! This includes Calasparra rice, Sabato cherry tomatoes, La Chinata paprika, saffron, Pons extra virgin olive oil, a paella pan and recipes - everything you need to create authentic paella. For more products, ideas and inspiration, call into our retail store to see our friendly and knowledgeable staff, or visit our website www.sabato.co.nz for further information and recipe ideas. F PN SABATO, 57 Normanby Road, Mt Eden, T: 09 630 8751

We also have interests in orchards in the Coromandel and in Kumeu, so we bring sweet mandarins and crunchy apples to the market, when those are in season. Tell us something about Arbie who is on your stall at the market Arbie is a student from Bangladesh. We’re really community-minded and treat our staff like extended whanau. We all take turns cooking lunch. I love Arbie’s Bangladeshi curries. www.limeaffair.nz www.glfm.co.nz

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied


PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2017


JULIE BONNER: NEWS FROM FROG POND FARM We had a fabulous holiday, but I always love getting home. Shame about the weather. Gazing out the window while tapping away on the laptop, the land is covered in a sea of green, the almond tree is spotted in blossom and the daffs in the backyard are drooping under the weight of water. Our veg garden is looking fabulous. The grass in this area is rather long and it is doubtful that it will be mowed anytime soon. The surrounding land is waterlogged, which, given its hill location is rather surprising. Gumboots are a necessity as one slides and sloshes about. Have you ever grown Romanesco broccoli? It is a wonderful heirloom variety. We served it up with some crumbed snapper the other evening, steaming the broccoli and then drizzling in olive oil and lemon juice. Another fine meal cooked by hubby. Brassicas never cease to amaze me as they jostle about in their bed like sumo wrestlers flexing their muscles. The perfect companion for them just happens to be the bossy nasturtium, which also competes for space clambering up and over its neighbours.

One of my favourite pastimes is pruning. I have my eye on our pear and apple trees that are well overdue for a good haircut. They need to have stray root stock branches removed, have their height reduced, which will always makes harvesting easier. The first hint of good weather and I’ll be up that ladder, sterilised secateurs in hand of course. You probably don’t grow pine trees - or maybe you do! We have about 600 growing at our place with about 70 of these in our chook paddock. These trees not only provide the chickens and our two plump sheep with shelter, but the valley below also benefits from wind protection (I’m never sure how much, but I think the neighbours will let me know the day they are removed!) They also are perfect for possums to escape up when they are having a late night committee meeting and yours truly stumbles upon them. I never know who gets more of a fright, them or me. Of course the pine trees double up as firewood, but trust me it’s a big job felling them and then blocking them afterwards. The mess is unbelievable.

We are also growing kale which, when I remember, is added to the morning juice. But beware, it’s strong and can quickly overwhelm if more than a leaf or two is added. Our chooks also enjoy kale, thrown over the fence at dinnertime and raw of course!

Truth is our pine trees are regarded as weeds. They grow like mad, tend to look scraggly as they get older (don’t we all). They shade gardens, trees and other vegetation, drop pine needles everywhere which are quite acidic (okay if you grow strawberries - I don’t), and given their proximity on a hill, when the wind blows (which it does) they strew branches and bits on the ground.

Our salad bed is boasting celery, some rather old fennel (lovely in a slow cooker) and an array of herbs, think coriander, parsley, rosemary, oregano, chives, lemongrass and pineapple sage. There is beetroot, a few cos lettuce and feverfew that is just starting to wake up after the winter slumber. There is self-seeded borage which thinks it has got below the Julie radar (it hasn’t), calendula and the ever pretty forget-me-not.

Have you started sowing seeds yet? I have just started my planting plan and I am in the throes of buying seed potatoes. I’m going to sow seed this year too, time to pat myself on the back! I think the growing season is changing too, so I’m going to plant later this year.

You may recall that I had problems with the wildlife stealing my lupin seeds? Well at last, the plants are blooming. Lupins are not only nitrogen fixers, but make a great cover crop protecting the soil from the weather and providing tucker for the insects. Eventually I will dig them back into the soil, which will provide a good supply of organic material - let’s call it recycling. It seems we always have an abundance of fruit and this time it’s lemons. I have bags of them in the freezer ready to be preserved and masses more that will either be given away, juiced or frozen.

My garlic by the way is looking amazing. No rust, no hankies needed. Someone said spring was on the way... bring it on! PN Happy gardening... (JULIE BONNER) F

If you are interested in more news from our place or perhaps some gardening tips then visit my blog www.frogpondfarm.co.nz




COPY DEADLINE: Wednesday 20 September PUBLISHED: Friday 6 October


TO BOOK ADVERTISING: Call Jo Barrett on 021 324 510 or on Melissa Paynter 027 938 4111 t: 09 361 3356 or 09 378 8553 e: joannebarrett@xtra.co.nz e: melissa@ponsonbynews.co.nz w: www.ponsonbynews.co.nz

52 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2017


EAT, DRINK + BE MERRY PONSONBY CENTRAL IS NOT ONLY KNOWN AS ONE OF THE TOP DESTINATIONS IN AUCKLAND TO DINE AND SHOP FOR FOOD AND DRINK BUT ALSO FOR ITS WONDERFUL VARIETY OF POP-UP SHOPS. With three main pop-ups, we have an ever-changing and fresh selection of fashion, accessories, craft and art. Retailers and artisans from around New Zealand book and curate collections in our signature industrial-style spaces that offer huge windows fronting onto Ponsonby Road to a section of open shelving spaces allowing for small items and smaller budgets. (Pictured pottery by New Zealand Potter Tony Sly from Raglan.) Coming at us thick and fast in September, is a huge assortment of accessories, art, beautiful Italian leather handbags and fashion, including, for her first time with us, New Zealand designer Lost and Led Astray (LaLa).

At the beginning of October, Ponsonby Central has its annual contribution to Art Week. Pictured left in the pop-up shop 8, Photos Inc. joins the crew again with a collection of some of New Zealand ’s top photographers and limited edition prints, and 40-plus other artists in many other Ponsonby Central spaces over that time.

Lots of different smaller items appear on the tall and small shelves - all lovely to discover as you wander down our lanes and alleys.

If you are interested in a Ponsonby Central pop-up space in 2018, please email daniel@Ponsonbycentral.co.nz and he will look after you.

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied


PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2017



Cancer scare - you are what you meat It seems that scientists have begun to figure out why red meat (and milk and certain cheeses) cause cancer in humans. It’s all to do with something called Neu5GC sugar, which - unlike carnivorous animals - the human body cannot process, leading to chronic inflammation. And apparently, it’s the inflammation that leads to cancer. All very interesting, but I can already hear the chorus of doubters. “Doesn’t everything cause cancer these days?” they complain, because it seems that every other day we’re getting click-bait so-called news items about culinary threats to our health. Even more annoying is that last year’s superfood can easily turn into this year’s evil cancercausing food, all of which leads consumers to doubt everything, and often, to keep on doing exactly what they’ve always done: eat the kind of comfort food they were brought up on. I guess there are many out there who have become vegetarians and vegans because of health concerns, but for me, it was all about ethics - concern for other creatures - rather than my own gut or general health. And personally, every time another cancer-scare story comes through I take it with a grain of salt. There are many causes for concern in the modern Western diet, and even as a staunch vegetarian (and aspirational vegan-in-progress) I can see that it’s not animal flesh itself that’s a threat to human health, but the amount we eat. It’s pretty clear that meat has been the main source of high-density protein for certain populations in cold climates for eons, and who really knows whether their short life expectancies were because of the meat, or the lack of fruits and veg, or famine, or war, or inbreeding, or unsanitary conditions?

What we do know is that for thousands of years, Asian cultures have lived healthy, long lives on low-meat diets. Some hill tribes lived as vegetarians most of the year, with a celebratory yak or two on special occasions. Others opted for a very small (between 1 and 5%) quantity of meat or fish with regular meals. And what we do know is that these cultures lived on fresh food, in societies without the industrial scale, factory-farming methods of the 21st Century. While 100% vegetarians and vegans are still in the minority, it’s getting quite hard to find even fully fledged consumers of animal flesh who aren’t concerned about the lack of respect accorded animals in these dire killing factories: the animals who live miserable, confined lives before they’re slaughtered, or the baby animals that don’t get to grow up (the chicks fed live into mincing machines, the chickens in battery cages, the maimed and injured short lives of the ‘meat’ chicken), and of course, the horrible incarceration of pigs. There’s an interesting Korean film, Okja, currently showing on Netflix that explores the issue of industrial scale breeding, killing and marketing of animals to an ignorant populace. In the film, a supersized breed of pig is created but, of course, it’s also super intelligent. Highlighting one of the core dilemmas around the eating of animals, a test specimen grows up in the mountains with a young girl, and they become besties. That is, until the authorities come to take the pig away. If we’re really concerned about health, maybe it’s overall wellbeing that should concern us: wellbeing derived from eating a good variety of fresh ingredients from back gardens or farmers markets, grown and eaten seasonally. And of course, the wellbeing of animals, too! (GARY STEEL) F PN

Gary Steel is an Auckland-based journalist who runs online vegetarian resource www.doctorfeelgood.co.nz. He can be contacted via beautmusic@gmail.com


Grown in the USA - a visit to California and Oregon As a wine tour operator and occasional wine writer, over the past 16 years I have visited wineries in New Zealand, Australia, France, Italy, and just recently the US. Last month I toured the wine regions of Sonoma California and Portland Oregon, visiting 15 wineries in total. The huge size of the northern Californian wine business is quite overwhelming with about 800 wineries and Portland Oregon boasting over 400. I was advised to avoid the Napa region, in favour of Sonoma in order to avoid the very large, commercialised wineries and summer crowds. And I picked Oregon because of its cooler - climate wines, especially my favourite red variety, pinot noir. Wines from the US are regarded as ‘new world’ wines by the vino cognoscenti. That is, their wine industry is relatively young compared to Europe. And similarly to New Zealand, a culture of regular wine consumption goes back about only about 40 years.

In Sonoma, we based ourselves in the very hip town of Healdsburg where the summer temperatures soared to 40°C on some days. The town square reminds me of Martinborough, and is bustling with restaurants, tasting rooms and high-end shopping. The local rural landscape was very dry and brown, obviously suited to growing full bodied reds. Portland on the other hand is a large and prosperous city famed for its bohemian lifestyle and foodie culture. With a higher rainfall, Portland is very green and felt much more like home.

Here’s a few that you can buy locally. Try Herne Bay Cellars or Glengarry: • Geyser Peak Pinot Grigio 2013 - $14.99 • Bogle Chardonnay 2015 - $23 • Bogle Petite Sirah 2014 - $23 • Erath Oregon Pinot Noir 2014 - $46.99 • Geyser Peak Walking Tree Cabernet Sauvignon 2013 - $18.99 • XYZin Californian Old Vine Zinfandel 2013 - $11.99 • Mondavi Private Selection Californian Cabernet Sauvignon 2014 - $21 • Ravenswood Sonoma County Old Vine Zinfandel 2013 - $24.99

Over all, the wines were very impressive - with big, bold chardonnays and reds from Sonoma. Portland’s Willamette Valley boasted some velvety ripe pinot noirs and white varieties such as viognier and pinot gris. (PHIL PARKER) F PN

Phil Parker is a wine writer and operates Fine Wine & Food Tours in Auckland. See: www.finewinetours.co.nz. Phil’s new cellar door book ‘NZ Wine Regions - A Visitor’s Guide’ is now available on Amazon Kindle.

Napa and Sonoma in California are the major US quality wine regions - famed for chardonnay, cabernet sauvignon and zinfandel. Portland Oregon is located further north and more of a cool-climate boutique region best known for pinot noir and aromatic varieties.

54 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2017


EAT, DRINK + BE MERRY DIDA’S - YOUR LOCAL RECIPE OF THE MONTH Blackened Pork Tenderloin, Bok Choy, Maple Kumara Mash, Tomato Mango Salsa - serves 4 Tomato Mango Salsa 150g medium diced ripe tomato, skin on and seeds included ½ medium diced ripe fresh mango 2 tablespoons finely chopped shallots (or red onion) 1 tablespoon coarsely chopped fresh mint 1 tablespoon coarsely chopped coriander Finely grated zest of one large lime Juice of one large lime 3 tablespoons of your favourite olive oil Salt and freshly ground pepper to taste Tip: Make salsa a couple hours ahead of time so flavours can infuse. Bok Choy 2 heads of Shanghai bok choy cut in half 1 tablespoon olive oil

Salt and pepper

Drop bok choy into boiling salted water for about 2 - 3 minutes, drain water off, season with a little salt, pepper and olive oil. Maple Kumara Mash 500g peeled red kumara, cut into large cubes 40g melted butter 150ml heavy cream 2 tablespoons maple syrup Salt to taste Cover kumara with water in a pot, bring to a boil with a little salt, cook until soft then drain water off. Add butter, cream and maple syrup and mash with a heavy whisk until creamy smooth. Finish with seasoning to taste. Blackening Mix 1 tablespoon ground coriander 1 teaspoon ground smoked paprika mild 1 teaspoon mixed herbs ¼ teaspoon ground ginger

2 tablespoons ground cumin 1 tablespoon ground paprika ¼ teaspoon ground cinnamon

Mix all together. This will be more than you need, but it works well with chicken and fish, and will last in your pantry in an airtight container. Pork Fillet Approximately 720g of trimmed pork fillet

Salt and pepper

Blackening Mix Season pork to taste and roll generously in blackening mix, shake off excess spice mix.

Method 1. Season pork, preheat oven to 200°C. 2. Put kumara on the stove to cook, and a pot of water to cook the bok choy. 3. Once the kumara starts to boil, place a heavy-based pan on stove with very little oil. Heat the oil to smoking point. 4. Sear the pork in the pan, getting a nice dark blackened (not burned) colour on pork fillet. 5. Transfer the pork to the oven and cook to a nice pink colour, depending on size of fillet, approximately 5 - 10 minutes. 6. Remove the pork from the oven and cover with tin foil. Rest for 10 minutes next to the oven. 7. Finish the kumara mash. 8. Cook the bok choy until tender. 9. To serve, arrange the kumara mash in the middle of plate, top with three slices of the pork fillet, lean the bok choy against the pork and spoon some salsa on a corner of the pork. This delicious recipe is just perfect with Zephyr Marlborough Pinot Noir. Zephyr is the winery of the Glover family. Ben Glover is the driving force behind the winery. You’ll find all the Zephyr wines by the glass at Dida’s through September and in all Glengarry stores as our Winery of the Month. F PN DIDA’S, 54 Jervois Road, T: 09 361 6157, www.didas.co.nz

A STOLEN KISS AT DIDA’S WINE LOUNGE On Sunday 24th September, the introduction of summer hits official status with the launch of Daylight Saving. Finally! At Dida’s Wine Lounge we’re ready to celebrate this momentous occasion with the release on the preceding Friday (September 22) of the spanking new vintage of Rockburn’s legendary Stolen Kiss rosé, adored by thousands, if not gazillions, of you. Yes indeed, as many aficionados out there will attest, when it comes to rosé, this is the Good Stuff. What’s more, this year it comes in a brand-new bottle, and even better, the winemaker himself, the wizardly Malcolm Rees-Francis, will be at Dida’s from 4:30pm onwards, extolling the virtues of his pink elixir and, perhaps, after a few glasses, handing out some handy tips. You’d be mad to miss it.

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied




PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2017


ASIAN INFLUENCES INTERRUPT THE PATTERN OF STRESS WITH KYOKO’S REFLEXOLOGY For those of you who have never tried reflexology, you may be surprised to find out that every single nerve in your foot corresponds to a nerve point in your body. A skilled reflexologist can disrupt patterns of stress and disease through this therapeutic practice. Correct pressure on reflex points stimulates your body’s own healing response and can significantly reduce anxiety, stress, relieve pain and provide a deep sense of relaxation. Kyoko’s client, who suffered from Sjogren’s Syndrome, had such a positive response to Kyoko’s reflexology, that the client's own doctor asked Kyoko to speak at a conference.

“Since my patient started reflexology, things have improved for her and, in the absence of any other change, I can only assume that the reflexology she has received has been responsible for at least some of her improvement,” says Dr R. Morton. Kyoko’s reflexology supports relief from: stress, migraines, restless leg syndrome, fatigue, pregnancy symptoms, insomnia, fluid retention, sinus troubles, sciatica, back, shoulder, joint and neck pain, menopause, eczema, acne, diabetes, Sjogren’s syndrome, Carpal Tunnel syndrome, and even cancer diagnoses and treatments. Reflexology enhances the immune system, increases energy levels and stimulates positive thinking to the point that patients have seen faster recovery times after surgery. Kyoko has perfected her own form of reflexology, drawing on over fourteen years of experience as well as training in other complementary fields. Her style is unique and after your experience with her, you will be telling all your friends they must try this pure bliss for themselves. F PN

Kyoko’s Reflexology, 160 Jervois Road, Herne Bay, M: 021 434 481, www.kyokosreflexology.co.nz

ASIAN FLAVOURS @ PONSONBY FOODCOURT Ponsonby Foodcourt is an iconic hub renowned for their diverse Asian flavours. Hungry patrons can mix and match dishes from Italy, Vietnam, Japan, Malaysia, China, Middle East, Thailand, Laos, India and Indonesia. Everyone has a favourite cuisine - or a food they enjoy, whether spicy, hot, sweet or savoury. There are so many vegetarian options with fish, tofu, tempeh and vegetable dishes. It’s a perfect outing for groups and families. Adapted to suit New Zealander’s taste buds, dishes that are cooked with chilli are kept at a mild level - unless you specifically choose Asian hot. Food styles are mixed with fresh New Zealand produce and of course spices from the particular region of choice. Every shop has their own specialty and can recommend what the favourite dishes are, so, don’t hesitate to ask them. What’s fun is that everyone gets to eat what they particularly feel like. It’s also a great way to try new food and have a sample of your companion’s food. Meals cost around $12 - $18. Open seven days a week: 11am-10pm. Parking is easy with covered parking available right beneath the food PN court. F PONSONBY FOODCOURT, 106 Ponsonby Road, www.ponsonbyfoodcourt.co.nz

56 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2017


ASIAN INFLUENCES The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied


PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2017


ROSS THORBY: SEA FEVER Hey... we are in a steel tub, gossip goes around this thing like a wild fire. The last few days on board were what Mother may have termed in the past as “challenging”. I'm referring to the sea conditions, not the fact that she found herself having to share a stateroom with her mature-aged son. The last time that we had travelled together was on the Queen Mary 2 a few years ago - a quick trip around the bottom of Australia through the Great Australian Bight. I had spent some months assuring her of a calm passage - my parents you see, get seasick at the sight of a glass of water. My assurances of calm blue seas were made genuinely and honourably - that is until Cyclone Bruce struck about the same time that we hit open water. So a few years on, I find myself arguing the toss with her again and finally (even foolishly) promising to accompany her to all but the napkin folding lessons - besides the chances of hitting rough again were slight, “it’s summer... it’s the Tasman... it’s only for a week”; what could go wrong? Having sailed the 22-odd days back from South America on placid blue seas, we arrived in Auckland in the wee small hours with a beautiful Waitemata welcoming us, Bean Rock lighthouse glowing in the golden hue of the sunrise while the fading office lights traced the outline of our jewel in the crown, the Auckland CBD. There is a lot of comment about our port and its supposed lack of facilities, but cruising into the City of Sails is one of the most impressive on any Pacific itinerary. In comparison, Sydney pales into insignificance. By the time we set sail that night, now with Mother onboard, the harbour was calm, the night gentle and the wind ominously absent - that is until we left the reassuring coastline of New Zealand and headed out into the Tasman void. The next day we found the wind whipping the sea into a fury of crests and troughs with a gale that howled across the open decks locking us inside to watch the mini tsunami empty the water from the pool and blast the umbrellas from the upper decks. The first we knew of inclement weather was being rudely awoken in the middle of the night to find ourselves clutching the sides of our beds during a particularly deep pitch that sent Mother’s welcomeonboard roses flying dramatically through the air, hitting the opposite wall and sliding down onto the carpet. Cyclone Debbie - Cat. 4 had arrived.

For three days we were tossed and turned, our balcony a useless sanctuary from the spray, but at least Mother could always retreat to the hallowed comfort of the laundrette where, she had learnt quite quickly on her last trip, the most interesting gossip is conceived and delivered. Drinks in the bar each evening were peppered with the current gossip of the day - of the bar of chocolate added to the dryer, of a disagreeable passenger or the stolen cocktail dress rediscovered in the ballroom draping the body of a total stranger. “J’accuse!” Hey... we are in a steel tub, gossip goes around this thing like wildfire, each retelling getting more and more entertaining and like an echo, stays around until well after the phantom parties have departed sometimes years later. But it helps relieve the monotony of being stuck inside with only lectures, bridge, mahjong, a well-stocked bar and afternoon tea to keep you amused. I’m sure Mother’s new-found companions with the active imaginations were the main reason for her discovery of sea legs and her avoidance of the 'Mal de Mer'. The distractions of which I’m grateful for... much better than feeling suicidal for three days at sea because of a little queasiness. It was a grateful ship of Tasman crossing first-timers that eventually welcomed the sanctuary of Sydney Harbour and an almost disappointed Mother who had survived to tell the tale. So much for my once again assuring Mother that it'll be a fine smooth trip across the puddle, but she never believes me anyway... for some reason. After she disembarked in Sydney, we sailed off into the calm, blue seas of the great Australian Bight, the water like oil and a gentle breeze following - such is the luck of the draw. Sorry, Mother, better luck next time. (ROSS THORBY) F PN

58 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2017



1 or 2 – Hour Tours Day or Night Tours Weddings Stag/Hen’s Nights Prom Christmas Party Private Hire Birthdays

If you want to see and smell Auckland in a unique way then let Tony take you on a ride with 330hp V8 trike. This 5 seater trike has been built in New Zealand for New Zealand roads. It not only looks good but handles great as well. The trike is registered as a car so no helmet needed. Baby seats are available on request. All tours go over the Auckland Harbour Bridge around Westhaven stopping for photos then through to the Auckland Viaduct. Depending on the tour we go to Auckland War

Memorial Museum, Mission Bay, One Tree Hill, etc...

www.tonystriketours.co.nz | tonystriketours@gmail.com | 021 866 910



1. Magician Mick Peck is pictured at the Floating Markets in Pattaya, THAILAND. 2. Local resident Lupe Pasikala sent us some photos from her 'adventures in WASHINGTON D.C'. INTERNATIONAL OR LOCAL...


With summer around the corner itʼs time to plan...


Dear readers, please keep sending us your holiday snaps reading your favourite magazine, we love getting them! Photos need to be in high resolution (300dpi), so please email them to info@ponsonbynews.co.nz without reducing the size.

60 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2017

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Weekend getaways Airbnb or boutique accommodation Resort accommodation and tours Health and wellbeing retreats New Zealand outdoor adventures Holidays for the family

Ponsonby People are Everywhere... PUBLISHED FIRST FRIDAY EACH MONTH (except January)


THE NATURE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA When I dream of Canada, it’s images of vast forests, soaring mountains, grizzlies snapping at salmon that appear. All that (and more) are what British Columbia, Canada’s western-most province, is all about. British Columbia does nature in spades - a wild place where nature, not man, creates the boundaries, and its people, history, and culture are all shaped by the environment. It all starts on the Pacific coast, cut by hundreds of impossibly steep, blue fiords and scattered with thousands of forested islands. The coastal villages here are home to locals whose lives revolve around the ocean. Needless to say, the fresh seafood on the coast is second to none! Also along the coast is BC’s legendary Great Bear rainforest, where a wealth of wildlife, including the rare, white kermode (or spirit) bear, wanders free. This forest of towering cedars and spruce is also home to grizzlies, wolves and cougars. I highly recommend you experience the true nature of BC at one of the region’s luxurious wilderness resorts. Go whale or bear watching by day, retreating by night to beautiful accommodation and worldclass local cuisine. One of my favourites is the thoroughly indulgent Sonora Resort, set amidst the wild beauty and pristine waters of BC’s West Coast. Here you can get out amongst it to view grizzly bears, go kayaking, salmon fishing, or even heli-hiking. When it all gets too much there is absolutely no shame in retreating to the outdoor heated pool or hot tub, or refuelling with some gourmet cuisine. And the best part? Getting to Sonora involves a helicopter flight followed by a floatplane transfer - where else but in BC!

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied

Beyond the rainforest, you can also visit the gulf islands to explore artists’ communities, organic farms and white shell beaches, or drive high into the coast mountains on the dramatic Sea-to-Sky Highway to experience Whistler Blackcomb, a four-season resort with excellent skiing, dog sledding, snowshoeing, and one of the most exciting gondola rides in the world. When all that nature builds up an appetite, head for the sundrenched Okanagan Valley in BC’s heartland. Here you’ll find hundreds of wineries, fruit stands and farm-to-fork eateries inviting you to sample their wares. It would be rude not to! Your entry point to BC, and your base from which to explore, will usually be Vancouver. Fine dining, shopping, nightlife and enough arts to satiate even the most ardent culture vulture are all on offer. A side trip out to Victoria on the southern tip of Vancouver Island is a must, as is a journey aboard the Rocky Mountaineer train to Whistler, Jasper or even Lake Louise and Banff. In Vancouver, and throughout BC, there are opportunities to experience the ancient cultures of its First Nations peoples. Guided explorations of traditional lands can reveal art galleries and craft studios, live performances and traditional feasts. Wherever you go in British Columbia, allow enough time to do it all, and nature will prevail. (SUE BARNABY, WORLD JOURNEYS) www.worldjourneys.co.nz


PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2017




For same-sex couples, there are a few aspects to consider that will guide you in the right direction for choosing the rings that are most suited to you both. Are you going to propose to your partner as a surprise, or will you choose engagement rings and/or wedding rings together? Diamonds On Richmond have some clients who choose an engagement ring to propose with and then select wedding rings together, while other clients decide they are going to get married, choosing wedding rings jointly and forgo engagement rings. 1

Your preference for this process and how you’ll present rings to each other is very unique and personal. Do you want matching rings? You and your partner are likely to have different tastes. There is no reason that wedding or engagement rings need to match. Many couples instead choose two rings that have a common element that tie them together, but which suit their individual tastes. Alternatively matching rings can be a lovely touch if you and your partner have similar tastes. As a male couple, do you want traditional wedding bands, or do you both want an engagement ring as well? It is not ‘traditional’ but these rings will signify your style and taste. Some of our male clients are tending not to want to miss out on having diamonds in their rings, as women have monopolised this for so long. Diamonds On Richmond makes buying wedding and engagement rings a seamless process for you both. They allow couples to customise their rings and be involved throughout the design process, until both of you are 100% happy with the design/s. They also offer a full 30-day exchange, even on custom-made rings, so you have total peace of mind that your rings will be the most fitting symbol of your union.



1. Aria top and Lucia pant by White Label Noba (New Zealand exclusive to Magazine) 2. Silique Glamour Dress 3. Studio S by Swish - wild rose dress 4. Deeanne Hobbs Blade mesh hoodie Available in black and white MAGAZINE DESIGNER CLOTHING, 4 4 Byron Avenue, Takapuna, T: 09 488 0406, 937 Mt Eden Road, T: 09 630 5354, www.magazineclothing.co.nz

If you have any questions please feel free to pop in store and visit or email contact@dor.co.nz F PN DIAMONDS ON RICHMOND, 98 Richmond Road, Grey Lynn, T: 09 376 9045, www.diamondsonrichmond.co.nz


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1. Diamond channel set bangle (9ct yellow gold) - $4500 2. London blue topaz ring (9ct yellow gold) - $750 3. Cluster diamond pendant and chain (9ct white gold) - $1350 DIAMONDS ON RICHMOND, 98 Richmond Road, Grey Lynn, T: 09 376 9045, wwwdiamondsonrichmond.co.nz

62 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2017


FASHION + STYLE WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF NICK VON K “Of course, diamonds are a girl’s best friend, but personally I like to use diamonds in conjunction with something a little bit more interesting like pink sapphires, blue topaz, rainbow tourmaline or even black diamonds,” says Nick Von K. As a designer, Nick just thinks why not get something a little bit different to the norm? If you are looking to get a piece of jewellery made that reflects you or your partner's individuality, or incorporates something unique to your relationship, then go and see Nick! One of Nick’s favourite part of his job is to find that perfect idea that he can design around to make a ring that is truely personal to the customer he is working with. “I always know when we’ve hit upon the right design as we both get really excited about making it happen. From there it takes maybe six to eight weeks to completion and then your very own one-off designed piece of jewellery is yours forever,” says Nick. The best way to do this is to meet Nick in person at his jewellery studio in Karangahape Road, where you can sit down and have a relaxed talk together. Nick finds that this process often uncovers a number of creative ideas and it also helps him get a vibe for who he is working with. F PN Nick Von K, La Gonda Arcade, 203 Karangahape Road, Auckland CBD, T: 09 550 9505, www.nickvonk.com

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied


PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2017


FASHION + STYLE CARL WATKINS - ‘UP TO THE MINUTE’ HAIR TRENDS Carl Watkins has 35 year's experience making women look and feel fabulous and by his calculation that equates to a mind blowing 177,000 haircuts, 88,000 hair colours and 140,000 blow-waves! Carl says his clients walk out the door with a huge smile on their face and he puts this down to the fact that he treats each client with care. Every appointment starts with a full consultation to include hair diagnosis, face shape and client lifestyle, wants and needs. To keep up with the play, he subscribes to The English Hairdressers' Journal which provides information about ‘up to the minute’ global hair trends and latest colouring and cutting techniques.

Arctic Cool Colour Melting

Carl uses state-of-the-art specialised Ionic Hair Colour processor to ensure 100% grey coverage and limit any degrading of the hair condition. This process also ensures blonde colours are clean with no unwanted gold or brassy under-tones and the hair is kept in top condition. This new technology ensures colours are processed in 10 minutes instead of 35 minutes, saving the client time, with most cut and colours completed within two hours. Carl also offers the Balayage technique, which continues to grow in popularity as it creates natural-looking highlights that look more modern than traditional colouring methods. “It’s a great option for newbies and it doesn’t require the insane upkeep of colouring all of your hair,” says Carl. New clients who book in with Carl before 30 October 2017 will receive 50% off their haircut when booking a colour service. CARL WATKINS HAIRDRESSING: Ponsonby Road Salon, T: 09 216 5900, www.carlwatkins.co.nz

Tiger Eye Balayage

Shoe-Shine Balayage

WE-AR LAUNCHES NEW SEASON COLLECTION Jyoti Morningstar, the ‘eco-conscious entrepreneur’ behind New Zealand fashion brand WE-AR, has designed a vibrant spring/ summer collection The Space in Between, inspired by the Japanese concept of creative space. Morningstar says, “This collection emerged from a conversation with the artist Kazu Nakagawa, who explained how we create ‘ma' in our work - which is Japanese for the something that occurs, or ‘just is’, between words in conversation, or notes in music. ‘The Space in Between’ is what is between objects, between layers of cloth, between bodies and between the moments of perceiving or experiencing any of this.” The colour ‘sea pine’ is the gravitational centre of the collection and features abundantly in onesies, dresses, shirts, pants, dresses and tees. Used alongside layers of wild sage and deepest emerald, this colour palette encourages inner calm and spaciousness. ‘Cloudburst’ is a vibrant grey, ‘tradewinds’ a grey-blue, and ‘sandshell’ a peach tinged nude pink. Jumpsuits and parachute dresses take central focus with an emphasis on mixed volumes and feature sleeves. WE-AR’s trans-seasonal heroes are the brand’s solution for our changeable climate and many pieces layer effortlessly to enjoy for an extended season. The Space in Between presents the concept of a shared wardrobe, with much of the men’s collection styled for a masculine edged minimalism for men and women alike. The aesthetic is minimalist with the possibility of greater complexity emerging from layering the colours tone on tone. F PN

64 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2017

WE-AR, 122 Ponsonby Road T: (09) 378 8140, www.we-ar.com PUBLISHED FIRST FRIDAY EACH MONTH (except January)


HARMAN GRUBIŠA WINS WOOLMARK PRIZE Congratulations to Madeleine Harman and Jessica Grubiša, whose brand is the first from New Zealand to win a category of the prestigious International Woolmark Prize. As one of 12 finalists from around the world they will receive a $75,000 financial contribution towards their next collection and an invitation to participate in the international finals, with the eventual winner to receive $215,000 prize money.






1. Conian bracelet - $299 2. Cox earrings - $259 3. Floyd earrings - $199


4. Terry bracelet - $399 5. Savannah earrings - $299

DYRBERG/KERN, 65 Mackelvie Street, T: 09 376 9989, www.dyrbergkern.co.nz

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied


PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2017


ANGELA LASSIG: LETTERS FROM MAUDIE The monthly jottings of a free-spirited Ponsonby dressmaker of the 1920s, as imagined by Angela Lassig. VERNON STREET, PONSONBY 15 SEPTEMBER 1925

Dearest Milly, Thank you my dear for the delicious chocolates. Of course, they were gobbled up the very same day they were received! You know how it goes one after breakfast... another two with my mid-morning cup of tea... three after lunch... and so on until the box is empty. And such a pretty box too. I shall use it to keep my daintiest gloves in. Speaking of gloves, have you seen the latest offerings in by Kayser? We’ve three local shops that stock them but May Diamond’s shop[i] has the best range. Honestly Milly, they are so charming that one could buy a dozen pairs and still want for more. The silk ones are in the prettiest spring flower colours, with narrow flared gauntlets that turn up or down, or are pleated, goffered[ii] , frilled, embroidered or scalloped, and some are lined in a contrasting colour. Kayser have also bought out a range of silk stockings that perfectly match the gloves! I have bought myself matching gloves and stockings in soft mint green and the palest pink. You really must go and inspect them for yourself before they all disappear. My new green gloves and stockings will have their first outing at the end of September, at Mother’s garden party, as they perfectly match a crepe tunic that I intend to wear over a dark brown pleated crepe skirt with pale mint crepe on the inner pleat which shows as one moves. It is a very chic ensemble that I copied from a Harper’s Bazaar. Mother usually holds one or two parties before Christmas as a means of catching up with old acquaintances and I am expected to attend of course. For the second year running I have been coaxed into making a few little trifles for the annual spring fete of St Margaret’s Hospital. [iii]As I haven’t had much spare time of late, I decided on making shoe bags from leftover pieces of cotton print and spare ribbon and braid as drawstrings. I managed to run up two dozen over the course of a week without too much effort, for which Nurse Munro was most grateful. Knowing of my sweet tooth, Nurse Munro presented me, in return for my donation, with a box of chocolate fudge, made by her best fudge maker Mrs Grimes. It was so good that I made especially sure that I arrived at the fete as soon as it opened in order to divest Mrs Grimes of some of her goodies... all in the name of charity of course! I can report that her coconut ice and her toffee apples are almost as good as her fudge. She wouldn’t give me the recipe. That was, I think, the fifth local fete that I’ve attended this month, and as a result I now have a very full pantry! Pickles, jams, jellies and relishes now jostle with very full biscuit tins. I also picked up some very interesting ornaments for the house including a pair of pottery spaniels with crudely painted brown splotches on their backs. I remember being fascinated, as a child, by a similar pair owned by my late grandmother and which took pride of place on her mantelpiece. I was really delighted to see these and to be able to buy them for such a good price! I also bought a box of mixed exotic seashells that I have added to the small shell collection given to me by my aunt when I left home and came to live here in Ponsonby. In the box was a splendid piece of fan coral which inspired an embroidery idea. Do you agree that a coral design, executed in bright orange or red glass beads, might look very effective on the pockets of a simple black crepe jacket? And what of a larger coral motif, worked in the


same colours to the back of the jacket as well? Would that be too excessive? I didn’t do much beading last season and would like to make more of a feature of it. It certainly makes for a more unique garment that one can guarantee won’t be seen everywhere! I am happy to report that after finishing this letter I will be doing a little beading on the waist sash of a fascinating sleeveless Grecian-style frock for one of my customers. It is utterly charming if I do say so myself. My inspiration was the garb of Diana the huntress - or rather, what the goddess might be inclined to wear if invited to dinner after a long day fleet-footing it around the forest. The colour is delicious - a rich maize hue in Canton silk with sapphire crystal beading in a Greek key pattern all around the hip sash. I’ve made the neckline shallow and wide and have, rather daringly, secured the dress at each shoulder with only a single sapphire crystal embroidered button. To maintain the simplicity, I’ve bound all the edges with piping, bias-cut from the same fabric. I’ve enclosed a little swatch for your admiration - isn’t the colour singular? Shanleys[iv] let me have the entire roll of silk for a fraction of the original cost just to take it off their hands! Apparently, it is not the shade that they ordered from their supplier (they wanted a brighter, primrose colour) but the cost of returning it was not worth their while. Thinking that they would never sell it, they were more than happy to get rid of it to me - surely one of their favourite customers - for next to nothing. If I never use it for another garment, it will most certainly be used for linings... imagine a flash of that underneath a black velvet opera coat! Having waxed on about it has rather put me in the mood to finish the beading today. There’s not much left to do and I’d much rather bead, especially on fine silk, when I am in good spirits. The light, too, is perfect for the task - not too dazzling on the eyes, nor requiring a lamp. But first I’d better go and wash my hands... one wouldn’t want fudgy fingers ruining all that beautiful work. Do write soon dear Milly, and do send me some more of your lovely designs. I would like to try some of them as embroidered or beaded sleeve bands. And of course, I’m dying to know if Tommy proposes to Beatrice this weekend. Wouldn’t that just be a hoot! With love and four kisses,

Maudie xxxx

[i] Miss May Diamond, Fancy Goods Dealer, 145 Ponsonby Road; [ii] Goffered: Crimped or fluted using a heated iron; St Margaret’s Hospital, 231/233 Ponsonby Road, c.1923-1939 (Run by Nurse Munro); [iv] Shanleys Ltd (Drapers), Ponsonby Buildings, 4 Ponsonby Road




Kayla Cullen for Bendon Body Cascade, Thursday 10 August


Iconic intimates brand Bendon Lingerie announced New Zealand netball star Kayla Cullen as the face of its new essentials range, Bendon Body.



Samantha Hayes, Kayla Cullen, Paul Cherny (Bendon CEO), Shaun Johnson 3

1. 2. 3. 4.


8ct white gold diamond 'Kina' earrings - $4695 Ladies and gents 'Koru' rings from $4000 Princess cut diamond cluster set in platinum - $7500 Ladies diamond wedders from $1950

CARATS, 25 Vulcan Lane, Auckland CBD, T: 09 309 5145, www.caratsjewellery.co.nz

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied


PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2017


HELENE RAVLICH: LOCAL DESIGNER I fell in love with Laing Sleepwear first because of their beautifully styled and curated Instagram account, and next for the quote that opens their About Us section on their website: “Laing Sleepwear is for women who don’t want to look like Barbie dolls, Disney characters, sex kittens or great aunt Mabel.” Hallelujah to that! After spending the cooler months snuggled up in some of their classic cotton pyjama sets I was keen to meet the woman behind the label, Anna Murray (pictured left). I finally got to chat with the ex-marketing and advertising executive over coffee at The Shelter, and we immediately bonded over a love of sleep and beautiful sleepwear. “I work hard and really embrace my rituals at home,” she tells me, “so I have always liked finding beautiful things to sleep in, which is harder than it sounds!” Her search lead her to websites like Net -a-Porter and Farfetch, “where the sleepwear and loungewear is just amazing but so expensive. I thought ‘I can do that’, and I know enough about it because I sleep all the time and have looked into what kind of fabrics make for a more comfortable bedtime. It seemed like a given.” Anna worked on the label for a full year before it was launched, and her impeccable attention to detail shows in each and every beautiful piece in the collection. French-seamed for the perfect finish, piped, pleated and tailored, the garments have been created as flattering classics to be loved for years, not a season. They are an investment in a stylish night’s sleep whether at home or travelling, and Anna encourages fans of the brand to “create a sleepwear wardrobe so you can mix and match favourite pieces dependent on the time of year, mood or if you are travelling through different seasons.” Think the softest cashmere t-shirts and bed socks to wear with pyjama pants, cotton striped singlets and tees with boxers, coupled with the knowledge that your skin is breathing beautifully throughout the night. “It’s about choosing quality for ethical reasons too," says Anna, “as in, not buying pyjamas that are going to be thrown away after a season and end up in landfill. Ours are designed to be loved and worn for a long time.” Her biggest bricks and mortar stockist is Tessuti on the corner of Albany Road and Jervois Road in Herne Bay, and she counts owner and manager Ali McIntosh as a major supporter of the brand. “Ali has just been amazing to me from day one,” says Anna, who officially launched her brand in November 2016. “She welcomed me in and has given me invaluable advice, and has even been the perfect sounding board when it comes to new products and colours. Tessuti really deserves its place as an iconic shopping destination not just in Ponsonby and Herne Bay, but in the whole of Auckland.” Laing is also stocked at the Alex & Corban stores in Mount Eden, Orakei and Birkenhead and, as of this season, Smith & Caughey’s department store. New Laing for spring and summer includes the most beautiful silk crepe de chine pieces in the form of a nightgown, sleep tee and boxer shorts, but in reality, most of the collection can be worn year-round due to the quality of the fabric. Silk for instance, is an all climate fabric, being warm in winter and cool in summer. Quality silk will absorb perspiration while letting your skin breathe, making it perfect for sleeping in, “and if you’re someone who wears a silk nightie to bed you’ll wear it all year round,” says Anna. She describes herself with a laugh as an “untidy sleeper who moves all over the place,” which necessitates a decent sleeve all year round as she couples that with a need for open windows. Her best-selling

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Frank pyjamas sell all year round, “as they are made using long staple, fine 80s cotton that will keep you warm in winter as well as cool in summer.” In her old advertising life she worked with clients that included Hallensteins and Glassons, the latter of which she first encountered when they were a “South Island-only store selling Guernsey jumpers and leggings and not much else." Over 14 years she helped the brand develop into the fast fashion retail powerhouse it is today, and in the process learnt a lot about branding and building a loyal audience within the fashion sector. She also gained valuable knowledge watching her mother’s career trajectory as she worked setting up New Zealand’s first interior design wholesale company. “In advertising I was always at the end of the chain,” says the super stylish brunette, “always taking someone else’s ideas and then deciding how to sell it. That was fabulous and challenging, but I really wanted to take something of my own from inception to the world, and October 2015 seemed the perfect time to start.” Anna says that Laing is the end result of combining her love of marketing, love of sourcing and “most importantly, my love of sleep” and taking it to the next level, and I for one could not be happier. After all, we spend nearly 87% of our lives indoors and 50% of that PN sleeping. Let's do it in style! (HELENE RAVLICH) F www.lainghome.com


FASHION + STYLE BRIDAL MONTH AT BLAKCHAOS For the month of September, BlakChaos will celebrate all things bridal. The entire Chaos & Harmony Bridal Boutique collection will be in store for customers to view and try on, alongside Blak’s Bridesmaids collection. There will be in-store events each Saturday - the perfect opportunity for brides to get together with their bridal party and have a girls’ day out. BlakChaos Bridal Month launches on Saturday 2 September, PN with the full Meadowlark Ceremonial collection in store, too. F www.chaosandharmonyshoes.com www.blak.co.nz


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5 4


1. Ara Hawaii sandal - $229; 2. Kanna glitter shoe - $269; 3. Pedro Miralles Flossie embroidery shoe - $379; 4. Neo Piano black and white sandal - $269; 5. United Nude Eamz Raiko Mang mix sandal - $395; 6. United Nude Mira black and white pump - $365. STEP INN SHOES, Three Lamps Plaza, 283 Ponsonby Road, T: 09 360 5512, stepinnshoes.nz

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied


PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2017



More money won’t necessarily result in a healthier nation Every three years when political parties fall over themselves trying to find ways to gain enough support to win the election, money that previously seemed to be in short supply suddenly becomes available. When it comes to health, the dollar figures become ever larger as we hold on to the view that more must be better. While our rapidly expanding population does create additional demand, any sage observer must surely be wondering if by continuing on the same path we will ever achieve the goal of having a healthier nation. Back in 1998 taxpayers fronted with $6 billion for health and now in 2017 we are very close to $17 billion. Despite this massive expenditure, the waiting lists for surgery grow, patients are still sleeping in hospital corridors and demand for health care services is outstripping our ability to keep paying. It seems to me that our health system itself is sick. I wonder how anyone could think that we could anticipate a different outcome by simply doing what we have always done. The reason that our hospitals are filled to overflowing is that we have ever increasing numbers of sick people. Quite plainly, if our objective by spending $44 million every day is to have a healthier nation, the statistics certainly don’t suggest that we are even close to achieving this objective. The problem is that instead of promoting health and everything that is involved with keeping people out of the health system, we keep pouring money into the treatment of sickness. As many a grandma said ‘an ounce of prevention is worth more than a pound of cure’. Currently we are spending nearly $17 billion on the ‘cure’ side of the ledger and almost nothing on prevention. Rather than a health care system, what we have is in reality is a disease care system. Years of study and reading of the medical literature has convinced me that the goal of having a healthier nation will continue to elude us until we implement preventive measures and we give people the freedom to choose the type of health care that they want. This would necessitate allowing doctors to use treatment options that they believe would achieve the best outcomes for their patients.

70 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2017

The Declaration of Helsinki 1964 (of the World Medical Organisation) states “It is the mission of the physician to safeguard the health of the people. His or her knowledge and conscience are dedicated to the fulfillment of this mission. A physician must be free to use the most appropriate treatment if in his or her judgment it will result in the alleviation of suffering or the restoration of health or saving the life of the patient.” Sadly today, doctors who choose to practice along these lines using their knowledge and skill to find the best way to help a patient, can risk ridicule and censure by the Medical Council. In New Zealand we have the finest doctors and specialists in the world but until we give them freedom to look beyond the pharmacology that they were taught in medical school and learn more about nutrition, and how to prevent the onset of disease, we will continue on the path we are on. With an ageing population, the need to consider preventive healthcare options becomes even more important. Nutritional interventions for heart disease, arthritis, diabetes, infectious diseases and respiratory illnesses already exist and are based on simple biochemistry. Given that end of life care is so massively expensive one would think simple inexpensive interventions would be welcomed. Unfortunately this is not. Until we start practising health for people instead of health for profit nothing will change. When it comes to health we should not see the need for change as a threat but as a challenge that can be embraced in the best interests of all New Zealanders. (JOHN APPLETON) F PN “Truth in all its kinds is most difficult to win; and truth in medicine is the most difficult of all.” Peter Mare Latham (1789-1875 noted physician and surgeon) APPLETON ASSOCIATES, T: 09 489 9362, appletonassoc@xtra.co.nz, www.johnappleton.co.nz


LIVIING, THINKING + BEING The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied


PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2017


LIVING, THINKING + BEING LEARN FRENCH / LIVE FRENCH - IN NEW CALEDONIA! Later this year, in that sweet spot in the traveller’s calendar when the rains have stopped, the sun is shining, but the heat has yet to reach its peak, Alliance Française - Auckland’s French language and cultural centre, is putting together a French Immersion Trip to New Caledonia. This is a unique opportunity to immerse in the French language, in the beautiful Pacific paradise of New Caledonia. The trip will cater to people at all levels of French ability - from complete beginners who want to dive into the language, to those who already have a good grasp of French and are looking for ways to put their skills into action. The trip centres around three main themes: • Homestay accommodation with a French family in Noumea: experience everyday life in French and use your language skills in real situations. • French classes at CREIPAC Language School: reinforce the French language learning you are getting ‘on the street’. Copyright: O.Strewe / NCTPS

• Guided day trips to heritage sites including Tjibaou Cultural Centre and Phare Amédée; get to know the history and culture of this fascinating country Trip dates: 18 and 25 November 2017 and enrolments are open now. Information morning, Saturday 9 September from 10am-12 noon will be held at Alliance Française, 9a Kirk Street, Grey Lynn, E: newcaledoniatrip@alliance-francaise.co.nz

SEX AND THE PROSTATE CANCER SURVIVOR With the right help, says Zee Sharif, survivors shouldn't suffer from incontinence, should be able to get back to an active sex life and return to activities they were engaged in before cancer Every year around 600 men die in New Zealand of prostate cancer. That’s more than 600 fathers, sons, brothers, grandfathers - gone! It happens because men don’t know how dangerous the disease is, don’t talk to their doctor about it, simply don’t do anything about it. This has to stop. Deaths from prostate cancer can be prevented if the disease is detected early enough. Zee Sharif, a physio who specialises in prostate cancer recovery in Ponsonby says, “You can stop cancer and support survivors. It's not good enough to get rid of the cancer with surgery, chemo or radiotherapy; it should also be about enabling people back to full, active lives!” Many men suffer through prostate cancer, and although they survive, their quality of life goes down - they may be unable to have sex, suffer from incontinence, or be unable to return to sports or activities they enjoyed pre-surgery. It doesn't need to be like this. To spread the word, Return to Form Physio, in association with Blue September, is holding a workshop to increase awareness. Zee has had great success with clients who, after a few treatments, were able to enjoy sex, and not worry about incontinence any more. Now, she wants to spread the word. Zee will be speaking as will Edit Horvath, sex therapist and Philip Dowling, clinical nutritionist, for a full holistic therapy approach for optimum rehabilitation after cancer. Entry is by gold coin donation. (All receipts will donated to NZ Prostate Cancer Foundation). Please RSVP to info@returntoform.com or call Return to Form on T: 09 551 4460. Spaces are limited. F PN

72 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2017


Shh... Your Summer Secret Get summer ready. Remove stubborn fat from chin, stomach, arms, back and legs. No surgery, no downtime. Prescription Skin Care are the most experienced at fat reduction without surgery in New Zealand. Over 4 million treatments carried out worldwide. FDA and TGA approved.

Call for a complimentary consultation for men and women | 09 360 0400 Led by Plastic Surgeon Stephen Gilbert (FRCS, FRACS). Outstanding results, exceptional patient care. Ponsonby: 197 Ponsonby Road, Auckland Email: ponsonby@prescriptionskincare.co.nz Remuera: 243 Remuera Road, Auckland Email: info@prescriptionskincare.co.nz @prescriptionskincare prescriptionskincare www.prescriptionskincare.co.nz

LIVING, THINKING + BEING PONSONBY RUGBY-BASED NZ FALCONS FINISH SEASON ON A HIGH... New Zealand's only gay and inclusive rugby team, the Ponsonby Rugby-based NZ Falcons, have finished off their season on a high on Saturday 19 August. Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne in the Purchas Cup, a competition the Falcons won on home turf in 2015. (ALAN GRANVILLE) F PN

While the regular season may be over, the team is now preparing for a big trans-Tasman battle of their own as they travel to Melbourne in September to face gay teams from


photography: Nicholas Thompson Photography

They chalked up a 25-10 win over Marist GPRC at Western Springs Stadium to leave them with six wins, four losses and a draw in the President's grade in 2017.

74 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2017



Q: A:

I’m hugely pregnant, due in late October. My partner and I are sporty types with two busy toddlers - so you would imagine we are ready, fit and sorted but it all seems harder than before - phyisically I am really challenged, emotionally we are all having little ‘meltdowns’ - can you help us?

Congratutlions, yes your family unit cranks up a gear with five on board! In my professional experience this can be a juggling act between mind, body and soul, preparing the whole family for your new addition. This is a common dynamic. How I apply my osteopathic skills achieves excellent results. One way is a whole families treatment to synchronise around this event and, in particular, settling toddlers. I studied at the Osteopathic Centre for Children in London where whole would come in for treatment. It was transformative to facilitate and see the dynamic shift from when they arrive to when they leave the clinic. Does every osteopath treat children and the family unit? You are wise to check the pediatric experience of the osteopath as this does vary. At our clinic we treat all injuries, ages and stages, I have an added pediatric interest with 20 years of continued studies specifically for pregnant mothers, babies and children, totalling over 300 hours. Starting 2017, the Osteopathic Council NZ, has set a new ‘Gold Standard’ course for all osteopaths in the treatment of babies and young children. From conception to birth. Forty weeks can seem like a long time. The reality is that time passes quickly. Your chosen support team may include GP, osteopath, yoga teacher, midwife, acupuncturist and you will have an established connection in case of unexpected pain and you will know where and whom to go to. During pregnancy. You will recall the changes within your body are challenging. For you there are two new factors, being older and running two active children - whew! The physical changes and levels of tiredness all occur in a relatively short time. You carry a significant increase in weight, approximately 6kg - putting pressure on jonts and muscles and a strain on your total body. Hormones softening ligaments; posture changes to accommodate baby and this increased physical load mean any past injuries often reveal themselves. It's best to seek treatment. How osteopathy can help you. An osteopath can greatly reduce these stresses and balance your body’s movements. The third trimester - the final hurdle. There are a number of factors that will affect pregnant women through these final few months.

Recommended frequency of treatment during third triemester? Every two weeks, more often if there is a specific injury, we are treating. Assisting you in so many ways, rebalancing of the body, lengthening, broadening, balancing the spine, pelvis, preparing the birth canal and pelvic floor. Releasing the upper back and shoulders from built-up tension of carrying a heavy load. Improving drainage through the legs, that will be getting heavier or swollen, also the arms, where hands might be suffering from pins and needles or numbness. Treatment time for you also gives a moment to rest, relaxation restores your body and mind, reflecting calmness to your baby. Working as a team with your partner and kids. Get your partner involved in shoulder and upper-back massage this is both bonding and tension relieving. Having had two previous births there maybe residual scar tissue. Your partner can massage your pelvic floor using perineum creams; this helps soften and encourage elasticity so baby's head can pass without tearing you - a bonus! Weleda, Wondermum or Absolute Essential creams are recommended by us. Young toddlers do have short attention spans. However, I have seen toddlers who have enjoyed a ‘breathing’ and yoga practice with their mum.

• Reduced level of mobility due to your pure size is limiting. • Energy levels will be lower as with toddlers there will be less time for naps, compared to your first pregnancy. • Every movement and action is like going to the gym. Lifting your toddlers in and out of the car, not recommended at this stage but often a necessity as you are the only one to do it. Case study - just last week, I had a pregnant mum who simply sneezed, instantly suffered acute pain in her low back and pelvic area around the sacroiliac joint. Luckily she already had an appointment booked. Post treatment the relief was instant.

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied

Pregnancy can and should be enjoyed. Everything you do contributes to a healthy and happy baby. We look forward to being part of your team on the journey. (SARAH-JANE ATTIAS) F PN Disclaimer - This article is for general information purposes only. If you have a specific health problem you should seek advise from an appropriate registered health care provider. Living Osteopathy is a Primary Health Care Provider registered with ACC & the OCNZ. Living Osteopathy does not accept any liability other than to its clients.

LIVING OSTEOPATHY, 29 Scanlan Street, T: 09 361 1147, www.livingosteopathy.co.nz


PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2017


CARING PROFESSIONAL BEN WARREN, BEPURE Please tell us a little about yourself. Hi, my name's Ben Warren. I'm a clinical nutritionist, founder of the scientific, holistic health company BePure and Clinical Director of the two BePure Clinics in Havelock North and the flagship clinic here in Auckland. We opened back in February and are based on the corner of Crummer Road and Vinegar Lane in Grey Lynn. I'm 44 years old, married with two children who are six and nine and live on a 15-acre, organic, permaculture lifestyle block in the sunny Hawkes Bay. How did I come to be a clinical nutritionist? By chance really, I kind of feel like it chose me. I was a professional golf coach and I had a very bad, very persistent back injury. After seeing multiple specialists, it was a nutritionist who told me my bad back was driven by a food intolerance, likely dairy. I was skeptical, but being motivated by science I asked if there was a test I could do. There was... and long story short she was right. I cut out dairy and not only did my back heal, but my life-long asthma disappeared and my abdominal wall flattened as the bloating stopped. It was incredible. From that moment on I knew I wanted to spend my life learning about the human body. For me it became far more important to me to teach people about their health and how to eat, rather than how to hit a golf ball. I've been in clinical practice now for 14 years. It's been pretty fun. What do I love about my job? The number one thing I love about my job is helping others. Making people feel good and finding solutions to their health through my work is amazingly rewarding. One of my most memorable clients was an 11-year-old girl with a severe autoimmune joint condition. They expected her to be in a wheelchair by the time she was a teenager. Through working with us at the BePure Clinic we were able to test where the inflammation was stemming from. We found she had coeliac disease, meaning she had a severe autoimmune reaction to eating gluten. Through removing this from her diet, spending time healing her gut and increasing her nutrition intake we were able to put her condition into remission. She’s now able to enjoy life to the full, run and even play netball, which was incredibly satisfying. What do you find challenging about it? At BePure we’re really the only people in New Zealand, or even the world, approaching health from a scientific, holistic health standpoint. We employ the latest research and gold standard testing from a scientific approach and then utilise nutrition and holistic solutions to support people on their health journey. It can be quite complex to communicate, but the more people we work with and help, the more we’re able to spread the word. How does this differ from other professions? This really is the number one thing I want to do with my time. I think that's very different from other professions. Some may like doing what they do, but they wouldn't necessarily choose to do it all the time. Whereas for me, I'd choose to do this every day. It's my passion, it just happens to be my job.

This is the same for all at BePure. We have an incredible team of over 30 people (and that number’s rapidly growing) that all love what they do. We are all very passionate about our mission and helping others on their health journeys. Can you share an anecdote about a case or cases? There was one woman that we worked with whose health goal was to lose weight. She wanted to lose 20kg. At end of the programme she’d lost 18.1kg. Asking her what her top three outcomes of working with us were, weight loss didn’t even make the top three. First was her energy levels. She could finally do the things she wanted to because she had all of this new-found energy. Secondly, she had gone through menopause while on the programme and hadn’t experienced any adverse symptoms. She actually used the words ‘breezed through’. Third was her mood, she was feeling happy and joy was part of her every day. Weight loss came in fourth. What do I do to care for myself? First and foremost I eat really well. This means a clean, whole foods diet free of gluten, refined or processed foods. I also take daily nutritional supporting products to give my body all of the nutrients it needs on a daily level. I get good sleep, try to exercise every day, enjoy the sunshine and stay as relaxed as possible. I also work very much on gratitude in my day. What's your advice to people seeking our specialty treatment? Drop into the clinic or give us a call and chat to our team of clinical consultants. It’s a great way to share a bit of your health story and learn how we can support you. Once you start utilising the testing to take the guess work out of your health, it’s amazingly empowering. We also have a very supportive, private Facebook community group where people share their experiences, questions and support one another. I would encourage all to join www.facebook.com/groups/bepurecommunity F PN BEPURE, 5 Crummer Road, T: 0800 873 787, www.bepure.co.nz

Clothing Alterations

Alter Ego Roong T: 09 376 8689

M: 021 032 9128

182-4a Jervois Road, Herne Bay E: ra_cha29@yahoo.com “I get all my bits & pieces done by the smiling helpful Roong... and she’s got Eftpos = sorted...” MARTIN LEACH

76 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2017


LIVING, THINKING + BEING NEW ‘LOGIC’ FROM TRIUMPH & DISASTER Much respected local brand Triumph & Disaster has added a new product to its stable. ‘Logic’, a natural, alcohol-free, witch hazel toning tonic, is all about simplicity, accuracy and clarity - values espoused in the pursuit of an honest, natural, effective solution to toning and treating skin. Not suggested, but definitely inferred: Triumph & Disaster is no longer a skincare brand just for men. The introduction of Logic toner signals a welcome rounding off of the daily skincare range that many seek (cleanse/scrub, tone and moisturise) - effectively throwing the door of the T&D party open to anyone, man or woman, who wants to partake in this ‘naturally derived skincare fest’. Logic has been formulated to work hard to remove any remaining oily residue and unwanted buildup that may still be present even after cleansing, leaving the skin clean, taut and feeling refreshed. Engineered with a bespoke blend of proven natural actives, Logic’s honest formulation clears and tones without stripping or dehydrating sensitive skin. Alpine Willow herb is one of the stars in Logic’s naturally active lineup, clinically proven to significantly shrink and reduce pore size, while balancing sebum production. While witch hazel is in a league of its own for its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and astringent properties, it is well supported in this formulation by Tasmanian pepper fruit extract which calms, soothes and treats skin. In keeping with Triumph & Disaster’s overall brand philosophy, Logic toner is free from alcohol, parabens and sulphates - there is a ‘no nasties’ policy with everything T&D does. F PN www.triumphanddisaster.com

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied


PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2017



Ange, Guy, Deborah & Jodie

photography: Jade Paynter

Ange Todd & Mary Nelson


78 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2017


LIVING, THINKING + BEING COXS BAY CLEAN UP 2017 3 September, 9.30am @ Coxs Bay Car Park

Since its inception back in 2002, the team from Sea Cleaners has removed over five million litres of rubbish from the waters around New Zealand. And since 2015, Ray White Damerell Group has worked with Sea Cleaners and our local community to organise the annual Coxs Bay Clean Up. Last year, over 150 volunteers - including the students from two local schools and the Sea Scouts - joined the team from Ray White Damerell Group to help collect and remove over a tonne of rubbish from Cox’s Bay in just two hours. The aim this year is to beat that number. Simon Damerell, Director of Ray White Damerell Group says it’s vitally important that we keep our oceans free from the everyday waste we throw away - especially plastic. “The problem with plastic, is that it lasts forever and doesn’t biodegrade, so it’s inside all the crabs and the creatures that live and feed in the mud, and in all the fish that feed on them, which means it ends up in us, too.” In the greater scheme of things, this may only be a small event, but every piece of plastic that’s prevented from entering the sea is also prevented from entering our own food chain. So, put the date in your diary, grab your gumboots (and your family), and come and join the team from Ray White Damerell Group at this year’s Coxs Bay Clean Up. Register at: rwponsonby.co.nz/events/coxs-bay-cleanup-2017 Contact us on T: 09 376 2186 or reception.ponsonby.nz@raywhite.com for more information. F PN

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied


PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2017


LIVING, THINKING + BEING NEWS FROM CURIONOIR Since opening her flagship store a year ago, Tiffany Jeans, Creator and Perfumer of Curionoir, has introduced new fragrances and candles, plus limited edition soaps. The perfumery line, including scents such as Dark Bouquet, Opia and Tobacco Night, now consists of five perfumes, with the recent edition of the rosy but woody scent, Purotu Rose. And the hand-poured candles, with a cult-like following, have also taken on new feats with limited edition glass, scents and even a run of bronze moulds. Not surprisingly, word is spreading, and Curionoir’s unique, handmade candles and perfumes are becoming sought-after, not only in New Zealand, but also further afield. Jeans has recently returned from trips to London and New York, where she was invited to speak at intimate, exclusive events to share the Curionoir story and objects. In London’s Mayfair she presented with high society and media from Europe inside Jessica McCormack Diamonds. Last week she returned from New York, where, at an exclusive high-end boutique, The Great Eros, she spoke to a full house resulting in a sell-out of the products on offer. With Christmas in mind, and a constant desire to evolve and surprise, Curionoir promises more beautifully fragranced and crafted creations are soon to be launched. F PN CURIONOIR, 76A Ponsonby Road T: (09) 360 4090, www.curionoir.com

80 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2017


FUTURE GENERATION BAYFIELD SCHOOL - AN INNOVATIVE LEARNING ENVIRONMENT In July 2015 Bayfield school moved into a new block of 12 classroom spaces, library, resource room and administration areas. The rebuild, due to water tightness issues encompassed 75% of the old school, including the school hall. Bayfield school is now an Innovative Learning Environment. The majority of students work collaboratively in year-group hubs with twothree teachers. They have also remodelled their three remaining classroom blocks to allow all learning spaces across the school to work as Innovative Learning Environments. “We are proud of the progress we have made along our journey to deliver the curriculum in a collaborative manner. Our students experience a high level of student agency, they understand and talk about their own learning, what their goals are and what they need to do for their next steps, right across the school. Our vision, Inspired Today, Prepared for Tomorrow, drives our focus on digital learning. Year three to six have a BYOD programme and the school uses Office 365 across all areas. Future focused concepts of create, community, challenge and connect are drivers for our school charter, annual plan and curriculum. We call these our ‘Cornerstones for Inquiry’.”


The school’s core values are excellence, responsibility, respect and diversity. These values are reflected within the school community, with happy children and staff in a warm, supportive environment, which greatly benefits from a high level of community involvement. Bayfield School is pleased to be able to offer places for the 2018 Ballot being held on 1 November 2017. F PN BAYFIELD SCHOOL, 2-12 Clifton Road, Herne Bay, T: 09 376 5703, www.bayfield.school.nz

TIME FOR SPRING/SUMMER FOOTY After 'an amazing season of pulsating football', 2500 Western Springs AFC members are about to hang up their boots from their winter season and enjoy a few weeks of well deserved rest. They’ve made the tackles, scored the goals and had their moment in the limelight. They’ve worn the green and white of Western Springs with pride over the course of the past six months and with membership numbers and results on the rise, it’s helped to officially make Western Springs the biggest club in New Zealand. Attention turns to summer football now. So whether you’re a junior, a teenager, a twentysomething, or still nifty at 50, Western Springs AFC have a league that’ll work for you. There are leagues for experienced players, new players, for those who want to play competitively and those who want to keep their football on a social level. If you want to play football with your wife, Western Springs AFC can help you with their two mixed leagues - Mixed Open League and Mixed Over 35s. So grab your mates, your work colleagues or your wife and get down to Seddon Fields this summer. Springs know you’ll enjoy your football fix. F PN www.footballfix.co.nz

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied


PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2017


MEET THE TEACHER Olivia Freeman, Ponsonby Intermediate Currently teaching: Years seven and eight - 86 students over three different English classes and about 30 more for another Chinese class (our school is a specialised subject model). How did you come to be an intermediate school teacher? Quite by surprise! I never wanted to be a teacher. In fact, my family will know I was adamant. I used to believe what I once heard “If you can, do. If you can’t, teach.” What a lie! It happened in a moment, where I was thinking about intermediate age kids and I realised teaching is the business of shaping lives. It’s sowing into the next generation and helping them become confident in themselves. I decided I didn’t want to miss out on being a part of that. After training and gaining experience as a teacher, it is not a job for the faint hearted! My best and worst years were when I was in intermediate myself. I think I’m drawn to that age because I remember what it was like very well. Where did you train? Auckland University formally. However, my first year of teaching experience was in a public Chinese school. What brought you to your current school? It was my first job offer and I took it. A blessing in disguise because I wanted to work in a school that had dedicated staff that worked as a family and to teach a multicultural school. Ponsonby has both in spades! What are your favourite things about being a teacher? Building relationships, hands down. Even intermediate kids want to be loved and known for who they are and I love seeing them grow into confident human beings. Highlight of your teaching career? Tracking with a student for two years and seeing their character blossom from being unconfident and mischievous to becoming a school leader. Also, hearing positive feedback from parents. That’s a highlight for any teacher. Low point of your teaching career? When I couldn’t meet the high expectations of a parent. I had to learn to accept that although I tried my best for that child, I still wouldn’t be able to meet their parents' expectations.

How would your principal describe you? He’d say I was passionate and good at what I do. He’s really great at supporting his staff to be the best we can be. How would other teachers describe you? “Dedicated to her job.” “Adventurous (she rides a scooter to work).” “Multi -skilled, she has done so much for her age.” How would your students describe you? (The answers I got made my day.) “Medium length brown hair, medium height...” “Mrs Freeman is a caring and kind teacher but strict in a good kind of way.” “She checks on us in other classes. She is very fun and her classes are almost never boring.” “She is very funny. She is an awesome teacher.” If you could wave a magic wand in your classroom... Students wouldn’t be able to access social media until their homework was done. Five tips for mums and dads of intermediate school kids: 1. Be patient. Patience is key for this age group - they are figuring out more than just academics right now. This is the time they are sorting out who they are. 2. Make mistakes in front of your child. This helps them understand that everyone including parents and teachers - aren’t perfect and that we can learn from our mistakes. 3. Spend quality time with your kids. The more time you spend with your child, the better they will be. Sit down and support them in their homework. Share your highlight and lowlight of the day. Take a deep interest in your child’s life. 4. Parents are children’s first teachers. 5. Have dinner together - as much as you can. Home stability makes a huge difference at school.

SPCA FUNDRAISER @ PONSONBY CENTRAL Barry Fenton is having a pop-up exhibition in the space at the front of Ponsonby Central from 11-17 September. Barry is a total animal lover and wants to shed some light on the SPCA which is very important to him. The SPCA will be at the launch on Monday 11 September and will be bringing some animals from the SPCA outreach programme for people to visit and talk to the SPCA reps about the adoption process over the weekend. ALL PROCEEDS WILL BE GOING TO THE SPCA.

82 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2017



PETS AND PATS LUXURY DOG DAYCARE AND FARMSTAYS Welcome to Dog Disneyland, a 20-acre farm, 18 minutes from Ponsonby, where your dog can do as much or as little as they like, all in the safety of their own private, gated, secure, country estate. We pick up and drop off to your home/office. Pricing from $40. Free $195 complimentary voucher for you to use for a no-obligation trial. Daycare: We look after a small, discerning number of local families. We are like the private school of dog daycare. We have the largest and best facility in the country with the smallest numbers of dogs, the largest indoor and outdoor spaces and lots of one-on-one individual attention with our highly skilled staff. Kids can swim, play, unwind in our play paddocks, bushwalks, tennis courts, pool and cinema lounge. Farmstays: We only have eight VIP guests staying per night and they sleep inside our luxury farmhouse with all the creature comforts they enjoy at home. When looking for care for your beloved pet, here are some questions I encourage parents to ask when interviewing potential places/services. 1. Ask how many dogs are in your facility/care? 2. Ask what is the staff to dog ratio and what qualifications do your staff have? So you can ensure your dog is getting quality one-on-one attention. 3. Ask what does my dog do in your care? Find out how much time is spent in cages or inside vs how much time exercising/playing, etc. 4. Ask what onsite care is available when my dog is with you. It’s not uncommon for some places when dogs are put to bed from 4pm to not have anyone living on site during the night. You should also ask how close is the nearest vet. 5. If using a dog walking service, ask where do you walk my dog, is it safe, how many dogs do you take out at a time, how long is my dog travelling in a vehicle for, what happens if there is an accident? Do you have insurance should anything happen to my dog or my home? At Pets and Pats, we understand dogs are our best friends and cherished members of our family, they deserve nothing but the best. If you’d like to try the Pets and Pats experience, please call for your $195 free complimentary voucher. We look forward to welcoming you. Dog HQ: Herne Bay; Country Estate: Dairy Flat. M: 021 539 699, angela@petsandpats.com facebook.com/petsandpats

@ SPCA – ANIMALS IN NEED OF LOVING HOMES Please consider rescuing an animal in need and giving them a home for life. You’ll be rewarded with a lifetime of unconditional love from your new companion.





The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied


PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2017



BILLIE’S HAPPY EVER AFTER Seeing an animal get the happy ending they deserve makes everything worthwhile for staff and volunteers at the SPCA. Billie’s start to life was a scary and eventful one. She was discovered hiding near someone’s property alone and very young, with no owner to be found. Her finder thought on their feet and brought her to safety at the SPCA. However, on arrival, the hospital team noticed that Billie was different. When our vets took a closer look, they realised she was born without any upper eyelids, meaning that she could neither open nor close her eyes properly. This problem made Billie susceptible to eye infections and long-term damage to her cornea. A rare condition, the SPCA medical team had to wrack their brains to come up with a solution for.

Viv Rosenberg and her dog Basil Viv and Basil are well known along the Ponsonby Strip - she is the manager of the Ponsonby Business Association. How old is Basil? Six years old. How long have you had him? Since he was a little puppy. What breed is Basil? Miniature Schnauzer. How did you come to choose Basil? Our beloved Max was a miniature Schnauzer and after he died we wanted someone similar.

Fortunately an experienced vet was able to operate and try and give Billie a normal shot at life. This wasn't an easy or simple operation to undertake. It involved two operations where our medical team worked on grafting skin from her lower lid to create a functioning upper lid. The recovery time was lengthy and she needed to go to an experienced foster parent who could monitor her closely. Thankfully, on her post-op check up, it became obvious that the operations had been successful. After receiving the all clear, Billie made her way to the SPCA adoptions area ready to find a new home. It took only two days before her new mum walked through the doors and felt an instant connection - she took her home right away. Billie now has settled in wonderfully. She joined three other feline family members, and wasted no time in getting comfy. She now enjoys exploring the house, playing with her feline siblings, and lapping up cuddles with her humans. “She's gorgeous and we love her more every day!” says her new mum. F PN www.spcaauckland.org.nz

How did Basil get his name? He’s named after Basil Fawlty for obvious reasons. Next one is a little girl called Sybil. What is your favourite thing to do together? I’ve ‘lost’ my kids to overseas adventures so Basil has become my dogchild and we’re together most of the time. Does Basil have friends? Apparently so, if his Barkley Manor Report is anything to go by! He’s a super-friendly dog. What does Basil like to eat? Everything he’s not allowed to! He’s on a raw food diet from Raw Essentials and I’ve just discovered Radical Dog Treats (from Askew). They’re made from tart cherries, organic and full of antioxidants. They’ve made his coat really shiny! F PN

84 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2017


PONSONBY PROFESSIONALS: LOGAN GRANGER Benefits of using tax pool with the changes made to the provisional tax rules effective from the 2018 income year. Some of you may have been stung by the Use of Money Interest (UOMI) due to an unexpected rise in the profit or a foreign currency swing. However, from the 2018 income year with the new provisional tax rule, UOMI will only apply from the date of the third instalment for taxpayers who use the standard uplift method of calculating provisional tax for all instalments before the final instalment. If this is the case, will there be any benefits of using the tax pool? Chris Cunniffe, the CEO of the New Zealand’s largest tax pool, says Tax Management NZ (TMNZ) will provide clients with flexibility and options not otherwise available to them that will smooth any rough edges that remain under the new regime. Below are the benefits of using the tax pools: 1. Earning interest through tax pool Under the new provisional tax rules, there will be no UOMI receivable when you end up in a position of overpayment of tax with standard uplift. However, if you have made the provisional tax payment through tax pooling intermediaries, you will be able to earn some interest (albeit at the rate of 1.02%). Also, there is an option to sell the overpaid tax to another tax payer with higher rate of interest. 2. Declining profit There are two options if you make the provisional tax payment directly to the Inland Revenue: a) Pay based on the standard uplift method which is likely to result in overpayment for the first two instalments with no UOMI receivable

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied

b) Take a risk and pay based on an estimate but there will be a high chance of getting exposed to the UOMI payable if your estimate is not accurate.

Most tax pools offer tax financing, allowing tax payers to postpone tax payments at a competitive interest rate to free up working capital.

Tax pooling provides a third option, allowing you to make the direct payments into a tax pool based on your forecast without filing an estimate. Because the estimate is not filed, the new rules will only charge UOMI on the lesser of your actual tax liability, paid in equal instalments, or your tax liability under the standard uplift method. Hence you will have the protection of the standard uplift method in the event of an upswing in profits, provided you are able to source top up tax from the tax pool.

Tax payers with irregular or unpredictable cash flows can choose to pay in flexible instalments or lump sums rather than a fixed instalment amount at set dates which will still have a lower interest rate than IRD charges for missed/ underpaid tax.

3. Missed payments There are some cases where mistakes are made or the precise tax liability cannot be calculated by the final instalment. In this case, tax pool allows you to purchase tax from a tax pool to cover the missed instalments or to top up the final instalment of provisional tax provided the time restrictions are met. 4. Accessing refunds earlier Inland Revenue has a long processing time for releasing the refunds. Also, there are restrictions such as they can only be processed after the tax return for the relevant year is filed and tax payers must have sufficient imputation credits. Tax pools are not subject to these restrictions, hence the tax payers can receive the refund approximately within three-five working days. 5. Working capital and cash flow management benefits

With these options tax payers can have flexibility to manage tax payments and their cash flow requirements. 6. Audit / Voluntary Disclosures If your assessment increases due to an audit by the Inland Revenue or through the voluntary disclosure process, tax pooling will be still available. Tax payers can purchase funds from tax pooling intermediaries in order to settle tax liabilities arising from an increased assessment when the specific requirements are met. The advantage of this would be lower interest rates and potentially avoiding the late payment penalties. PN (LOGAN GRANGER) F www2.deloitte.com/nz/en/pages/tax-alerts/articles/ Is-there-any-benefit-to-tax-pooling-under-new-provisionaltax-rules.html Disclaimer - While all care has been take, Johnston Associates Chartered Accountants Ltd and its staff accept no liability for the content of this article; always see your professional advisor before taking any action that you are unsure about.

JOHNSTON ASSOCIATES, 202 Ponsonby Road, T: 09 361 6701, www.jacal.co.nz


PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2017



Email Michael with your question and include PONSONBY NEWS in the subject line. Michael Hemphill, a partner of the firm, will answer one topical question each month. I’ve been with my partner, Max, for a while now. Before we got together, and the Auckland housing market went bonkers, I bought a property in Grey Lynn, which we now live in. Now I am being told by friends and family that Max could get half of my house if we broke up. I have been burned before and I don’t want to risk losing half of what I have. Some friends have suggested that I should put the house in a trust. Is this the right thing to do? What about a pre-nup instead?

Q: A:

The reason that your friends and family have said that Max could get half your house is because once you have been living in a de facto relationship for more than three years and then break up, the Property (Relationships) Act 1976 provides as a starting point that all relationship property should be divided equally. The definition of a de facto relationship is a bit vague; living together is only an aspect of the definition and is not conclusive. If you are the one with assets to protect then you are best to count from the first time you went out. The Act defines what assets are a person’s separate property and what assets are relationship property. The house that you live in is usually regarded as relationship property. There are a number of ways in which you can protect your home if something should happen to your relationship. You can put the property in a trust. A trust can protect against some relationship property claims because it is the trustees who are the legal owners of the property, not you personally. However, a trust is usually better when it has been set up and the property transferred before the relationship. There are a number of ways that trusts have been attacked and unless you have got comprehensive advice on your structure I would not rely on having a trust alone. Because you and Max are in a de facto relationship, the best way to best protect the property is to enter into a 'Contracting Out' Agreement. A 'pre-nup' is the American term for agreements that are made before you get married. In New Zealand you can make an agreement contracting out of the Act at any time. However, it is worth considering that once the Act applies then you are in a sense asking your partner to give up his claim rather than just agreeing that the Act is not going to come into effect. The agreement essentially 'contracts out' of the equal sharing provisions in the Act and would mean that in the event that your relationship with Max did break down then the property would not be subject to the split 50:50 because it would be recorded in the agreement as your separate property. In my experience people often choose to just have a trust to protect their property because they don’t want to have an awkward conversation with their partner. This is not

usually a good reason and in many circumstances will not give you a good result. There are lots of good reasons to have an agreement that removes uncertainty and let the parties know where they stand. Let me know if you would like to discuss a Contracting Out Agreement for you. (MICHAEL HEMPHILL) F PN (The name has been changed to protect identity.) Disclaimer - this article is for general information purposes only. If you have a legal problem you should seek advice from a lawyer. Metro Law does not accept any liability other than to its clients and then only when advice is sought on specific matters.

METRO LAW, Level 1, 169A Ponsonby Road, T: 09 929 0800, www.metrolaw.co.nz

BECOME A CAB VOLUNTEER AND MAKE A DIFFERENCE Last year Citizens Advice Bureau volunteers received over 500,000 enquiries on issues ranging from immigration, housing and employment to consumer rights, health and family. Margaret Antunovich of the Grey Lynn/Ponsonby branch of CAB says “Working with people face to face is one of the great strengths of the Citizens Advice Bureau and one of the joys of being a Citizens Advice Bureau volunteer. It’s such a rarity these days to be able to access help and advice from real people in your own community. Volunteering at a Citizens Advice Bureau is great way interact and connect with people in your community.” “We really value the commitment that our volunteers make,” says Margaret Antunovich “and we support them to provide a high quality service, including a rigorous programme of learning and access to huge information resources and a referral database listing over 40,000 organisations. We work alongside our clients, helping them to help themselves and using our knowledge of services and communities to provide pathways for them to resolve their issues. It

86 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2017

can be as simple as helping someone find their nearest play group, or find out how to apply for a rates subsidy, through to supporting someone through a disputes process, or assisting them to write a letter to their employer. If you’re looking for a practical way to give back to the community and like solving mysteries and helping other people then the Citizens Advice Bureau might be for you. You’d be one of 2000-plus CAB volunteers around New Zealand who get enormous satisfaction from helping people with all sorts of queries. Just pop into Grey Lynn/ Ponsonby branch at the Grey Lynn Community Centre, 510 Richmond Rd, call 09 376 0392 or email manager.ponsonby@cab.org.nz to meet our team and find out how you might be a part of it”. F PN For further information contact Margaret Antunovich, email manager.ponsonby@cab.org.nz or phone M: 021 369 404. PUBLISHED FIRST FRIDAY EACH MONTH (except January)

Luke Crockford Real Estate outside the square.

Westmere Do-Up SOLD FOR $1,635,000 CV $970,000 “We just want to say a huge thanks to Luke for all his hard work.This was quite a stressful situation for us and Luke with his candidness and sense of humour made it much easier for us. He was highly professional, working with utmost integrity and guiding us throughout the whole process with expertise. We will always continue to endorse Luke 100% as he provided excellent service beyond our expectations and he is quite an exceptional Real Estate Agent. - Patel Family

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P: 360 9016 | 021 2778 565 luke.crockford@harcourts.co.nz www.lukecrockford.harcourts.co.nz

| Ponsonby Licensed Agent REAA 2008


LIVING WITH ART Whether you make art, collect art, use it as a finishing touch to a home stage or renovation or simply enjoy attending exhibitions, art has a significant role to play in our everyday lives. Whatever way you interact with it, art can influence our moods, spark conversation or ignite controversy. It can add a transformative dimension to a room and it can even heal.

photography: Joanne Barrett

Jade Bentley of Art Associates talks about living and working with art and what motivates her to be deeply engaged in this world of creativity. During Jade's third year of her Bachelor of Fine Arts she worked part time at Art Associates which was set up in Grey Lynn in the 80s by Jeanne Walters and Deborah White. Upon completion of her four-year degree she went on to work full time for Jeanne and Deborah. Jade, now a permanent fixture at Art Associates, is proud of the service they provide. Whilst leasing art forms a major part of their service offering, for Jade there is a deep sense of connectedness to the artists. “My relationship with the artists is one of the best parts of what I do,” says Jade. “We have many local Ponsonby and Grey Lynn artists in our stock room and each for their unique reasons and to name a few wouldn’t be enough.

Jade’s drive and ambition means Art Associates provides almost everything under the contemporary art umbrella. She enjoys client consultations, equally she thrives on the challenge to help find artwork for new collectors and curate installations of existing art collections. She says that often the real challenge is to ‘find' walls for more artworks or updating pieces for a better fit.

“What I also love about my work is the element of surprise when you take a piece of art to a client that they never would have considered! It’s very satisfying to show them something different and you can have fun with mixing modern art with old architectural styles and traditional art with contemporary/modern architecture.

Her vision to develop a space for artists came to fruition this year with the recent opening of The Grey Place - the new art space in Grey Lynn. It’s a gallery area for exhibitions, pop-up installations, curated shows and art projects for local, national and international creatives to use, to show their works or have artists’ talks.

“Art influences different aspects of people’s lives, in a number of ways. The emotional connection is often quite significant when art is hung in a person’s home; it is up close and personal. It creates a point of interest or conversation and the reaction can trigger good or bad memories, publicity or intention; either way the reaction to art is in the eye of the beholder.”

Jade intends to continue to promote new artists and represent their artworks to a range of clientele from corporate, domestic, hospitality and film using online exposure via the Art Associates website and social media platforms. (JOANNE BARRETT) F PN www.artassociates.co.nz www.thegreyplace.nz

COAST PICKS FOR SPRING We are all looking forward to the warmer months approaching and now is the perfect time to get your home and garden summer ready. 1. Antigua waffle linen throws - the perfect weight for the warmer months - $259 2. The ever popular Marine Bean Xl and ottoman (shown here in charcoal tweed self-piped). Perfect for indoors and out and carries a five year exterior guarantee. $699 and $424 (includes filling). More colours and styles available.



3. The new look Vomo24 Hour bags. Waxed cotton and leather perfection - $599. 4. The perennial favourite and ever useful Picnic Bag, available in three classic shades - $449.


All the COAST ranges are hand crafted in New Zealand.


COAST, 77 Ponsonby Road, www.coastnewzealand.com

88 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2017



WICANDERS CORK - MORE THAN JUST A BEAUTIFUL FLOOR Over the years, Wicanders has developed floor and wall coverings with exclusive properties due to its innovative Corktech technology. Cork is a sustainable material composed of 40 million air filled cells per cm3, which act as excellent natural sound and thermal insulators. Corktech leverages the corks natural properties, throughout the most advanced technology, producing innovative flooring solutions with superior comfort. Hydrocork is the latest Corktech innovation. Its core board is made of agglomerated cork composite, maintaining all its natural resilience properties in a water resistant solution which will not swell when exposed to water. The cork insulation properties cut the noise within a room up to 53% and allows important energy saving (retaining the heat). At the same time, due to the inherent flexibility it offers a pleasant walking comfort and has the ability to reduce heel strike impacts (related to body tensions) and to bounce back from hard impacts, so when an object accidentally falls it absorbs the impact maintaining its appearance for a long time. Hydrocork is perfect for renovations given that it can be placed on top of pre-existing surfaces, with a silent and quick installation and has the natural look of real wood flooring. So for your renovation or new build, give us a call, we’d love to show you all the available options. F PN CORKO LTD, M: 021 650 883, E: carla@cal.org.nz www.wicanders.com

90 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2017


HOME: WHERE THE HEART IS The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied


PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2017


UP CLOSE AND PERSONAL Nadia Lim Nadia is the force behind My Food Bag, NADIA magazine and cookbook publishing. The latest thing I’ve been working on is my new cookbook Let’s eat! published by Nude Food Inc. I’m first and foremost a cook and qualified dietitian. I’m involved in lots of projects that help people cook and eat delicious, nutritious food! Who is your partner? What do they do? Carlos - we’ve been together for 13 years since our university days. He works on a variety of things but is mainly in the marketing space. Do you have any children? Bodhi, 16 months. Do you have any pets? Not at the moment, only the hyperactive, furry ones I visit at my mum's place. How do you keep fit? Daily walks around Coxs Bay with Bodhi and Carlos, and once every one to two weeks with a trainer to keep me in check. Your best friend would say of you... I sent them (I have five besties) a message on Facebook and they said: “determined, ambitious, thoughtful, full of big dreams, unpunctual, a little crazy, wild and an instigator of skinny dips.” Note that they may be a bit biased with their memories and opinions as they have known me since my teenage years. Your mother would say of you... I texted her and she said “Oooh, a bit stubborn? And very determined, loyal and hardworking towards your goals.”

How did you come to be a chef? I’m not a trained chef as I’ve never had any formal training. I’ve just learnt by lots of practise and trial and error, and getting put through the ringer while on MasterChef NZ.

Note: she is also biased having known me when I was a toddler!

If you weren't a chef you'd be..? A dietitian (which I still am) or an ecologist.

Virtues? It’s hard to say when I’m talking about myself - but I guess I’d say a dreamer, a believer, and a good cook.

Favourite Ponsonby cafe? That’s a very hard question, as there are so many fantastic places. Orphans Kitchen and Little Bird are two I go to a bit.

Vices? Nachos, ice cream, Game of Thrones.

Favourite Ponsonby restaurant? Lots, too, but I have utmost respect for the chefs and people who run Cocoro and Sidart. Blue breeze Inn, Mekong Baby, Saan, Ponsonby Road Bistro, etc, are all delicious, too… and so many more!

Who's your ultimate rock icon? Jamie Oliver. Secret passion? Intrepid, grass roots travelling. What's your secret talent? I’m a pretty good parallel parker. My husband, who is from a farm, also reckons I was a great, first time, quad bike driver! Where do you spend your holidays? Hanmer Springs, Central Otago, Coromandel and the Far North. What's your perfect Sunday? All the washing and vacuuming is done, I’ve managed to do a few organisational odd jobs like clean out the bathroom cupboards or pantry, it’s a sunny day so we get out, a delicious family dinner with my mum, siblings and their partners, I get to bed before 10pm and Bodhi sleeps through the night! Boring I know, but I love the mundaneness of it before another crazy week starts! What were you going to be when you grew up? An archeologist (after watching Indiana Jones), later an architect, but then it became obvious I was destined for something to do with food.

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Your best kept Ponsonby secret? I love the childrens bookshop (Dorothy Butler Childrens Bookshop) on Ponsonby Road - the books are for kids but I really love sifting through them! What's inspired you recently? Getting the first (advance copy) Let’s eat! cookbook straight from the printers - it is everything I had hoped for and I’m even more in love with it than I thought I would be. I know all the recipes so well, but seeing it all makes me want to cook everything again! Your desert island distractions: song, movie and/or TV show/book? Foraging for food... and swimming! The house is on fire and your family is safe - what do you save? Photos. "I'd be lost without my..." Little boy Bodhi. One thing you have learned about life is...? Winning at life is simply being happy, healthy, close to friends and family, always feeling like there’s more to learn everyday, enjoying the journey rather than being so focused on the end destination, and knowing your purpose. Plus not having any regrets about not giving something a go! F PN PUBLISHED FIRST FRIDAY EACH MONTH (except January)


TIME FOR LIGHT AND BRIGHT FOR YOUR HOME With spring just around the corner, now is a great time to consider updating the floor coverings in your home. Perhaps roll up the darker coloured rugs you have been cosying up to during the cold winter months, and replace them with a light and bright kilim rug. Similarly, if you are renovating your floors, a beautiful kilim sitting on a concrete or polished wooden floor makes a colourful statement, adds texture and is a very effective way of anchoring a room together. Just arrived at Mary Kelly Kilims is a small selection of interesting kilims, such as the lovely, old, animal soumak rug pictured. Made by nomadic Kurdish tribespeople living in Iraq, Iran, Syria and Turkey, this rug is woven in wool, using the soumak weaving technique, which makes it very strong and durable. 'Soumak' is a tapestry-like weave which is complex and very time consuming to weave. However, it enables wonderful, free -flowing and intricate designs to be created. In this rug, the animals and the totems tell the stories of the weaver and her family through the ages. Mary Kelly says, “These days, because of the continuing political upheaval in this region, high quality rugs of this type are becoming more and more difficult to source, so I am always happy to collect another quality example. And even happier to find a new home in which it can live out the next chapter of its life! F PN MARY KELLY KILIMS, 53 Wood Street, Freemans Bay, M: (021) 211 8904, www.marykellykilims.co.nz

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied


PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2017



ON SALE @ LUNDIA 1. Ecobox is available in four complementary sizes which stack vertically or horizontally to design a configuration to best suit your needs, because ecobox lets you stack it your way. ecobox is made from sustainably harvested pine to combine the beauty and proven strength of timber with natural aesthetic values.


2. Lundia can help you create an eco-friendly and practical home office, using their ever-versatile Adjustable Shelving system. 3. Use Lundia Adjustable Shelving to design and build the perfect storage solution for your home. Built from sustainable, natural timber, these units can last a lifetime. 4. Lundia’s Adjustable Shelving is versatile enough for you to design and build almost anything you need for beautiful storage in your home. LUNDIA, Showroom, 71 Felton Matthew Avenue, Glen Innes, T: 0800 860 460, www.lundia.co.nz

94 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2017





For safer bath time fun

@ ECO STORE Where the land meets the sea comes the birth of Skin by ecostore. A skincare range using New Zealand natural ingredients - sourced from nature, backed by science. They've combined some of nature’s most powerful ingredients from around New Zealand. The result? A product range you can trust to help replenish and regenerate your skin. With New Zealand marine extract that keeps your skin hydrated and smooth, antioxidant and vitamin-rich grapeseed extract, and omega-packed blackcurrant oil, this is a skincare range with the power of nature and the backing of science. Dermatologically tested, these products have your skin type covered. And what’s in it is just as important as what we leave out. Our range is free from anything that’s not kind to your skin, and will always be cruelty free. The perfect gift pack from skin by ecostore includes minis of four products all designed to nourish and hydrate your skin with some of nature's most powerful ingredients. The set includes four generous minis: • 20ml Gentle Cleanser • 20ml Hydrating Moisturiser • 20ml Replenishing Night Cream • 10ml Multi-Nutrient Facial Oil • $26.99 Visit the shop to discover the full range of Skin by ecostore. Also available from our PN online store www.ecostoredirect.co.nz F ECO STORE, 1 Scotland Street, Freemans Bay, T: 09 360 8477

Bubble up those trouble makers & unleash the foam monsters with ecostore kids. A bath time range complete with bubble bath, 3in1 hair and body wash, hand wash, & detangler.


Try us for safer bath time fun! Kind & gentle, plant & mineral based ingredients Great value & long lasting formulas Easy to use & easy to rinse off

Come in store at 1 Scotland St, Freemans Bay, opposite New World, Victoria Park. Shop trading hours Monday to Friday: 10am - 6 pm Saturday to Sunday: 10am - 5 pm

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied


PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2017



@ DESIGN WAREHOUSE 1. Kobii Relaxing Chair Go mid-century modern with our Kobii Relaxing Chair in a stunning royal blue. It is perfect for outdoors or use it indoors as well. Pair it with the matching Kobii Accent Table for a finished look. European outdoor cushions are included as shown!


2. Concrete Garden Pots Add the finishing touches to your outdoor living space with our assorted concrete pots. Bring greenery and garden plants onto your deck, or a line your entryway with these gorgeous planters and pots. 3. Amalfi Aluminum Collection (charcoal) Design Warehouse is excited to introduce the Amalfi Collection. It is available in charcoal aluminum, white aluminum and A-grade teak. Customize it to fit your space! Outdoor cushions are included as shown.


DESIGN WAREHOUSE, 137/147 The Strand, Parnell, T: 09 377 7710, www.designwarehouse.co.nz

96 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2017



THREE STEPS TO PREPARING YOUR HOME FOR SALE The second question I get asked by clients after 'what is my house worth?' is 'what do I need to do to get the house ready to sell?' Firstly, you can never have too much time up your sleeve to get your home ready to sell, and naturally the longer you have lived in a home, the more jobs there are and the longer it takes to declutter. It helps if you have a deadline to work towards, so commit to a start date for the photos, and then you can time line what needs to be done when so it’s not a panic at the end. Secondly, prioritise your list of tasks, with the most important first and then if you do run out of time, money or energy it’s the least important that are left. Finally, the three most important guidelines to focus your energy on are general maintenance, declutter and clean and first impressions.

Once all the hard work has been done, staging or part staging can then bring everything together. Staging is really the last piece of the puzzle and completes the picture you want to paint. When you have ticked everything off your list you will feel so proud and satisfied at how fantastic you home looks, and know you have done all you can to help get the best price possible. PN (FELICITY SCOTT) F

General maintenance: Make sure all appliances, power points, light fittings, etc, work. Unless stated, they have to be by settlement so you might as well do it now. Doors and windows open and close easily, paths, stairs and decks are safe and stable. If the home appears to be well looked after, buyers have confidence that any serious maintenance issues would have been dealt with, because the owners care. Clean and declutter: Soft wash the exterior of the house, roof, fences and paths. Clean the windows, the skirtings and marks on walls, fly dirt on the ceiling, kitchen drawers, and the bathroom top to bottom. Rule of thumb for decluttering: keep about three months of clothes, food and crockery and toys then store the rest! If cupboards, drawers and wardrobes look neat, tidy and spacious, buyers assume there is plenty of room in the house for all their things as well. First impressions: Street appeal is important, so stand out on the footpath and look at what needs to be done - front door repainted, a bit of instant colour down the garden path or pots on the verandah and always sweep up the leaves before the open homes, and even a scented candle on the hall sideboard.

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied


PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2017



William Denny Avenue There has been shipbuilding at River Leven in Scotland as early as the 15th Century and none were more famous than than William Denny & Son. William Denny was born in 1779 and came from a farming family who, for several generations had been established at the entrance of the Vale of Leven. Instead of becoming a farmer, William took up carpentry and used those skills to start a dynasty of shipbuilders and his seven sons all became involved one way or another in the same trade. During those early years the business mainly built wooden coastal vessels and schooners and the like, but from the outset the standard of work must have been excellent because the yard was provided with one of Morton’s patent slipways which was an indication of enterprise and advancement in those early days. As time went by 1500 ships were built in the Wood Yard as it was called, which was situated just below the rock at the mouth of the River Leven. William’s oldest son, John, assisted him in the business and he built the first steamship, the Margery, to cross the English channel in 1814. When William died in 1833 the firm was renamed William Denny & Sons and became the most important yard on the Leven. Always innovators, they built a number of ‘firsts’. In 1878 the Rotomahana was the first all steel merchant ship, in 1901 the King Edward was the first commercial turbine steamer, in 1934 the Robert the Bruce, a car ferry on the Firth of Forth, was the first welded vessel as well as the first diesel-electric paddle. The company flag had a blue elephant against a white field, symbolising the strength and solidity of the firm’s products. From 1845 the company was renamed Denny Brothers with William junior, Alexander and Peter then it was reconstituted as William Denny & Brothers Limited with William, James and Peter at the helm. Peter was responsible for the office management side of the business. In partnership with McAusland and Tulloch he formed a marine engineering company, which complemented Denny’s shipbuilding operations. William Denny junior died in 1854, and James retired leaving Peter as the main partner in the business. Tulloch also retired in 1862 and there was yet another name change to Denny & Company. As a member of the Free Church of Scotland he contributed towards the Free Church in New Zealand and came in contact with Paddy Henderson & Co. He became a partner in their shipping interests, which resulted in orders for Denny’s new ships. In 1859 Denny’s expanded into North Yard and the engine works were enlarged. In 1864 some ground was obtained directly opposite the original shipyard which remained the property of William’s estate. Denny’s also engaged in the profitable business of constructing blockade runner ships during the American civil war and purchased large shareholdings in the Irrawaddy Flotilla Company and Albion Shipping Company. This led to further orders for ships specially designed to operate in Burma’s shallow Irrawaddy River. Peter’s eldest son, William Denny, became a partner in the company in 1868 and eventually took over its management. He was very interested in hull design and was responsible for the the forming of several companies which built trialled models of hull designs before construction. Peter in the meantime diversified his interests becoming a director of many shipping companies and he also sought out orders from foreign governments including Spain, Portugal and Belgium and took a financial interest in encouraging local industry. He donated large amounts of money to local hospital charities and established educational scholarships. In 1890 Glasgow University awarded him an honorary doctorate (LLD) in recognition of his charitable works for education and in 1876 he was elected a fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. In 1886, his son William Denny committed suicide in Buenos Aires because he made some disastrous investments in La Platense Flotilla Company four years earlier. Overwhelmed with grief, Peter retired further from his business interests and died at the family home, Helenslee, in Dumbarton on 22 August 1895. He left an estate of only £200,000 so he must have given much away because his lifetime earnings were in the region of £1.5 million. On 31 August 1895 the Hawkes Bay Herald broke news of Peter’s death that had occurred the previous day. It announced that the flags at the shipping offices and on ships in the harbour were flying half mast as a tribute to the memory of Peter Denny whose name was a household word in shipping circles all over the world. The firm that PN William Denny founded ceased to exist in 1963. (DEIRDRE ROELANTS) F

98 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2017



@ BOCONCEPT BoConcept is expanding the successful Danish-designed Adelaide dining chair into a complete collection for 2017. The collection extends Adelaide's Nordic expression of simplicity into other rooms throughout the home with a sofa, a living chair, a coffee table and a barstool. 1. Adelaide Sofa: With its characteristic wings, the new Adelaide sofa is available in a wide range of fabrics and leathers. When covered in dark leather or heavy fabrics the sofa has a modern, softer lounge look.


2. Adelaide Armchair: The same also applies to the new Adelaide living chair, where besides countless colours and materials, you can also choose from either fixed legs or a center pin with swivel. 3. Adelaide Coffee Table and Barstool: The new Adelaide coffee table is both simple and classic in oak or espresso oak versions. Much like the new Adelaide barstool, which is also a natural extension of the dining chair.


BOCONCEPT, 20 Normanby Road, Mt Eden, www.BoConcept.com

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied


PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2017



PORCELAIN SLABS 3200x1500x12mm Bench Feature: Jasper Moka

100 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2017



JONATHAN WHITE - BEING OF SERVICE We asked Jonathan White of Barfoot & Thompson Grey Lynn... How long have you been in real estate and what do you love most about your work? I’ve been working in real estate for about 21 years - I'm from an old Auckland family. My grandfather had his own real estate office in the 1920s in Papatoitoi (old spelling - now spelled Papatoetoe.) The best part of my work is being of service to those who need my experience. What do you love about working in the Ponsonby/Grey Lynn area? I love living in this area and being able to watch some of the more humble dwellings transition into fabulous, ultra modern homes. Do you specialise in apartments or family homes or both? I’ll work where I'm needed, be it with freestanding homes or apartments - but I prefer to work with homes, as true real estate, in my mind, is only about land. What interests do you have outside of real estate? I’m into landscape painting, photography and architecture. What is your favourite Ponsonby/Grey Lynn cafe, bar or restaurant? My favourite would have to be the old classic one2one cafe on Ponsonby Road. Excellent friendly service! F PN JONATHAN WHITE, AREINZ, M: 021 320 850, j.white@barfoot.co.nz



FOR AS FOR AS LITTLE LITTLE AS AS $$55 A M MONTH ONT H Your regular donation will help connect more school children with nature, empower people all

over Auckland with sustainable living choices and develop and maintain a therapeutic garden. Join now at: www.kelmarnagardens.nz/donate

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied


PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2017



DAWSON & CO OUTLET STORE OPENS Dawson & Co has recently opened a temporary outlet store on Crummer Road. “I lived on Scanlan Street about 10 years ago and can’t believe the changes going on in the local back streets; such an incredible change and revitalisation to the area,” says director Scott Fisk. As a seasonal business, Dawson’s is constantly changing the product mix at its flagship stores and needed an outlet to showcase the end of line, seconds and over-stocked items. With that in mind, the Dawson & Co outlet store was opened in late June. “The product mix is changing constantly with items coming and going daily,” says Scott who is amazed at the foot traffic created on Crummer Road. Inside you will find a mix of its international brands along with its own designs including Timothy Oulton, &tradition, Cove Outdoor, Manutti and Tribu. As summer approaches Dawson's is moving emphasis to outdoor furniture including outdoor sofas, umbrellas and dining tables. However, you will always find indoor sofas, dining tables and chairs in the mix. “All items are 25-70% off our normal retail store prices and with product moving constantly, it is worth dropping in regularly to see the new arrivals.” F PN The store is currently open Thursday to Saturday 10am - 4pm. To find out more visit Facebook/DawsonAndCoOutletNZ DAWSON & CO, 31 Crummer Road, www.dawsonandco.co.nz

GREY LYNN BUTCHERS WINS SUPREME AWARD FOR PULLED PORK Local butchery, Grey Lynn Butchers, won the Supreme Pork Award at New Zealand Pork’s annual Pork, Bacon and Ham Awards. Grey Lynn Butchers recently won New Zealand Pork’s Supreme Pork award at the 2017 Pork, Bacon and Ham Awards for their locally prized pulled pork. The annual awards showcase the best of New Zealand pork, bacon and ham and celebrates pork retailers from across the country for their hard work and delicious pork products.

Lucia says the shop was severely run down when they purchased it - but they wanted to breathe life back in to the 50-year -old butchery.

Owners of Grey Lynn Butchers, Lucia and Eddie, say they work hard to perfect their products and are extremely pleased with this years’ result.

“The shop was in such bad shape that we had to start from scratch.

“We were honestly very surprised when they announced our name. We had spent a lot of time working on our pulled pork so we couldn’t be happier. We knew it was a winner - and we’re so glad others think so too.” They say the pulled pork process is lengthy, but well worth the wait. “It starts with a coffee bean rub which we marinate the pork in overnight. Then we smoke it for 6 hours over a low heat and slow cook it in the oven for another six hours.We also make our own American style BBQ sauce to go with it.” Lucia bought the butcher shop over 10 years ago and says she and Eddie are selftaught butchers. “I have always had an interest in food and cooking, but when we first bought the store I had no butchery experience. In the beginning, we had other butchers who helped us run the business, and we learnt a great deal from them. It was certainly a learning curve,” she says.

“When we first opened, locals would tell us that it used to be one of the best butcheries in Auckland - so we wanted to get it back to where it once was.” She says they decided to change the entire layout of the butchery, and spent a lot of money and time fixing it - which has paid off. “People asked us why we didn’t want to open a new store elsewhere, but it wasn’t all about the money. We wanted to create a business that was part of the Grey Lynn community - somewhere locals can come and get to know us and our products.

Now, 10 years on, the shop has won eight medals at the Pork, Bacon and Ham Awards and is a favourite among locals.

“We didn’t try and compete with larger retailers. The Grey Lynn area has changed quite significantly - and we’ve had to change with it,” she says. F PN

“We’ve been entering the competition for the last six years, and have won a variety of bronze, golds and silvers for our bacon and hams, but this is the first year we’ve won a Supreme award.”

GREY LYNN BUTCHERS, 531 Great North Road, T: 09 376 3567, www.greylynnbutchers.co.nz

102 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2017



@ CORSO DE FIORI 1. Vitra Eames house bird $319 2. Rattan Slane lounge chair $490 3. Zennor diamond relief stool/side table $459 4. Leather chair with indents $849 5. Apartment sofa (shown in Textilia Duke ivy green velvet) $7257

1 3



CORSO DE’ FIORI, The Foundation, 8 George Street, Newmarket, T: 09 307 9166, www.corso.co.nz

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied


PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2017


HEIDI PADAIN: ENTERTAINMENT IN YOUR GARDEN It all began early one Saturday morning. I mentioned to Martin that I had noticed an increase in the number of waxeyes on our property. To prove my point, I put some fruit in our feeding stations along the deck rail. The usual suspects arrived, King Tui, three blackbirds and a pair of bickering starlings. Then, the waxeyes appeared. While one sat gorging, two or more sat close by beating their wings in protest. You see, waxeyes will only share with a loved one. If too much time passes, the onlookers will launch themselves into battle. There were small flocks of waxeyes in the nearby trees, all waiting their turn. This frenzy of the many had us laughing and cringing all at once. Waxeyes can be rather brutal with one another. Admittedly we have never found any casualties, but witnessing this constant onslaught had us quickly exploring solutions. In a fog of caffeinated excitement and still in our nightwear, we dashed around our home in search of things that might prove useful. Things for me were small antique items, ranging from cups to broken bits of a chandelier. Martin returned to the deck with tools, fishing wire and chopsticks. As soon as we had fashioned one receptacle, we were quickly constructing another. The waxeyes came thick and fast, swarming around our heads excitedly. After a while, they became quite comfortable eating the fruit from our hands. To be fair, King Tui wasn't as amused by our circus performers as we were. King Tui gave chase, but these little birds know how to move. Eventually, he gave up and sat close to the deck, observing. King Tui slammed his wings together. He was furious! The sound of the tui wings when giving out a warning is a loud, sharp clap. As the number of waxeyes increased, so did the frequency of the claps. Poor King Tui was inadvertently giving the waxeyes a round of applause. As I reflect on this eventful day, I have to admit to feeling rather grateful that the only random drop-ins visiting our home were of the avian variety. Had any of our friends or family turned up they might have thought we were completely bonkers. As you can see, waxeyes are so much fun. Next time you notice waxeyes in your garden, get creative. (HEIDI PADAIN) F PN To see some of Heidi’s other photographic work go to www.flickr.com and type Heidi Padain into the search box, or you can contact Heidi by email hidihi@xtra.co.nz, or look her up on Facebook Heidi Padain Photography.

104 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2017




2 1

1. Freedom Furniture Hamilton Leather Sofa - $5499 Like a good bottle of wine, Hamilton only improves with age. Its rustic leather complexion brings character to any space and allows for relaxed living; ideal for a home with little ones. 2. Freedom Furniture Softy Modular in Blush - $2699 Softy’s blush tone will be sure to melt any heart. Accompany with a copper accessory for an on-trend living room fix.


3. Freedom Furniture Dahlia Armchair Velvet Cozy (pine green) - $1399 Forget the present with Freedom’s Dahlia Armchair - a mid-century inspired classic that will enchant any passerby into utmost relaxation with its plush cushioning.


4. Freedom Furniture Anderson Armchair in Denim - $1499 Perfectly positioned in front of a fireplace, TV, or with book-in-hand, escape reality with the Anderson - a living room essential that the family’s sure to fight over.

Shop the collection 24/7 at www.freedomfurniture.co.nz or head into your local Newmarket, Sylvia Park, Westgate, Wairau Park or Albany store.

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied


PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2017


REAL ESTATE UPDATE: KAREN SPIRES Housing is an issue on many minds this month as sales volumes continue to fall, consultation on debt-to-income measures close, and calls for the Reserve Bank to relax current lending restrictions intensify in the lead-up to the looming general election. The latest data from the Real Estate Institute of New Zealand has revealed that sales volumes across the Auckland region have fallen approximately 31% compared with the same period last year. This, coupled with a falling median sale price of 1.2% during the same period have prompted some industry professionals to speak out against lending restrictions imposed last year by the Reserve Bank of New Zealand in an effort to reign in a rampant housing market. Real Estate Institute of New Zealand (REINZ) chief executive officer Bindi Norwell spoke out recently saying that the loan-to-value (LVR) restrictions have done their job of slowing the market, but now it seems they are acting as a handbrake - and called for LVR’s to be reviewed for first home buyers. It’s interesting to note both sides of this argument, however, as Kiwibank chief economist Zoe Wallis recently suggested that LVR restrictions have revealed some opportunities for first home buyers. “The latest round of LVR changes has meant that the percentage of bank mortgage lending to investors has fallen from 33% of all loans in July 2016, to 24% in July 2017,” she is reported as saying. “Over the same period the share of lending to first home buyers has increased from 11%, to 14%. “Lending to other owner-occupiers has also increased,” she adds. Slowing property sales across 2017 have been the result of a perfect storm - the looming general election, wetter than average weather, an extended property cycle and the usual seasonal suspects like school holidays. While the data shows that Auckland’s sale results have taken a very small dip compared with the same period a year earlier, the market drivers which underpin growth persist - that is record migration, comparatively low interest rates and a fundamental mismatch between supply and demand. Latest figures see that in the last year, Auckland needed 15,000 new homes to keep up with a population which grew by 45,000. Of the new homes, its estimated that only 6200 of these were in fact constructed, leading council strategists to summarise that until this gap is closed, it is unlikely the local property landscape will see a major reversal of direction.

LOWboy 1800 $815 C R AT E Do ub l e $170

$692 $144 e a ch

LOWboy 1200 $685 $582 C R AT E Do ub l e $170 $144 e a ch

Sales data from the Real Estate Institute of New Zealand shows that during the month of July 2017 across Freemans Bay, Ponsonby, St Mary’s Bay and Grey Lynn - there were approximately 33 sales, achieving a median sale price of $1,333,581. This figure, well up from the Auckland median of $830,000, and even an increase of 4.3% for the same area in July 2016. It seems as though the loan-to-value restrictions, put into place in the latter half of 2016, have well and truly done their job, keeping investors at bay and prompting those relying heavily on finance to carefully consider their choices. However, property across the Auckland city harbour suburbs do not necessarily play by the same rules - appealing predominantly to owner-occupiers whose purchasing decisions are governed by their own personal circumstances rather than economic and political factors. It’s undeniable that the country is slowing down as we near a decision come September 23. Despite this, however, the weather is warming and the outlook for our local housing market looks set for stability as we move toward the end of the year. We envisage a pickup of sales activity once the new government has formed and if you are considering a sale in the near future, this might just be the best time to secure a pleasing result. PN Thanks for reading. (KAREN SPIRES) F Regional sales results might reflect uncertainty. However, the burgeoning apartment sector continues with strength. The Grace Victoria Quarter apartments are now under construction with a limited number of residences available for sale.

Here’s the low-down!

15 %



meluka.co.nz Furniture. Simply.

106 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2017





Reb Fountain - 2017 - a big year Reb Fountain is a name known to many and, within the New Zealand scene, a name known by most. Reb has been performing in Auckland under her own name and with various collaborations of musicians for years. 2017 has been a huge year for her as she released her EP, Hopeful and Hopeless at the end of June, and is about to release an album six years in the making, Little Arrows. Hopeful and Hopeless is perfect. Recorded at The Wine Cellar, with Rohan Evans at the helm, Reb surrounded herself with amazing musicians - Dave Khan, Dylan Storey, Brendan Turner, Cole Goodley and the late Sam Prebble. Reb has said this was one of the last times she played with Sam before he passed away in October 2014. Releasing the EP has been a long process for Reb to revisit these songs and put them out the world. We open with ‘The Truth About Us’, a song she wrote for Glen Innes, the state houses and her neighbourhood: “Just on my block there’s 10 single mums, kids run the street while they’re sucking their thumbs. Gang house on the corner, school on the other, we grow. You want to shift us to build high rise homes.” Reb’s not shy to tell it how it is. She has always been upfront, always used her music to tell the things she feels are important. ‘The Truth About Us’ joins an esteemed collection of Kiwi songs. It is one of the greatest we have. ‘Gold’ drives the middle of the EP as it brings the tempo up and has some bite to it. 'Dance With Death Alive' is a song that requires a few listens to hear the words of wisdom. The instrumentation is delicate, supporting Reb and her words, with Dave on accordion and Sam on banjo. These lines really sit with me and sum up what Reb is about, and why her songs resonate with me: “I used to think a song was made to help you feel. Strange how a song made for money is just a cog in the wheel, feels kind of dirty, like it’s got no meaning left to sing.”

Chris Dent (Albi) told me, “Reb has a unique ability to write songs about her own experiences that are relatable to anyone. Not many songwriters can evoke emotion quite as consistently as her.” Reb celebrated the release of the EP at the Wine Cellar (where else), alongside the musicians who recorded it with her, and in memory of Sam Prebble. It was a heartfelt evening and as Reb taught us the words to ‘Hopeful and Hopeless’, she realised that everyone already knew them! We all went into the night, singing: “Hopeful and hopeless, hopeful and hopeless. All you guys better open your eyes, get us out of this goddam mess, and fight for the hopeful and hopeless.” Little Arrows is going to be a different sound. It’s going to be bigger, with a full band, Reb on piano at times, electric guitar and bass supporting the songs. The album will be both folk and pop, with Reb’s quintessential lyrics and politics coming through, supported by the songwriting of her comrades Dylan and Sam. Six years of waiting will be worth every moment to hear it. Reb is celebrating the release of her new album, Little Arrows, on Friday 15 September at The Tuning Fork with many special guests. This will be a beautiful night and one not to miss. (FINN MCLENNAN-ELLIOTT) F PN

Finn has a Bachelor of Science with honours degree, and is currently studying to become an Early Childhood Teacher. In his spare time, he is Programme Director for the Auckland Folk Festival and runs folk music website, www.secondhandnews.nz

@ TRENZSEATER 1. Hugo Sofa: Modern modular sofa with loose seat and back cushions. Sleek black nickel aluminium leg. Made in your choice of fabric, leather and size.


2. Sophia Lamp Table: High-gloss, side table with exquisite fluting detail to the legs. Made in your choice of finish. 3. Chamonix Console: In solid American oak hand planed, aged and waxed, with blue gun steel legs. Includes three push to open draws with fluting detail. Available in your choice of colour and size.


4. Armilla Table Lamp: With carbon fibre shade has 360 degree swivel and tilt capacity. Light is indirect and diffused. Available in a range of finishes. 4

TRENZSEATER, 80 Parnell Road, T: 09 303 415, www.trenzseater.com

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied



PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2017



ARTISAN TIMBER Artisan Collective introduces its new timber range to perfectly pair with its luxury rugs! Artisan Timber specialises in superior quality timber flooring which is durable, classic and stylish. The flooring will give any home or office a feeling of warmth, beauty and elegance. The timeless nature of European oak complements both architecturally designed, contemporary style or any traditional home. So whether you’re building or renovating, you can be assured Artisan will have the right product for you. With Artisan being the first choice for architects, designers and builders, you can be assured that you are purchasing one of the best and highest quality timber floors on the market. Artisan Timber only uses timber from sustainable plantations, supplied by one of the world’s leading manufacturers, and therefore delivers only the highest quality products. View the range at www.artisancollective.co.nz/timber

108 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2017



Flora Knight and Sean Donald - debut traditional country Flora Knight and Sean Donald have just released a killer album. The traditional, old-time American country album is their self-titled debut. I spoke with Flora Knight ahead of their national tour, which brings them right to our doorstep in Ponsonby. After playing fiddle for The Eastern, Flora made the call to head to America and follow her passion for Americana traditional music. She’s toured with traditional bands the Lonesome Pine Specials and Fiddle Pie over the past two summers and finally has an album of her own to show. I asked her whether this had been a planned progression, leading up to this album with Sean, and how it felt to have an album with her name on it. “It’s quite weird, and great. I was thinking about that because I recorded with The Eastern, but I’ve never made my own one. This one is definitely 50% me and 50% Sean, but it’s our own thing, our own project. “I wasn’t intentionally working toward this, but with Sean, we get along so well, musically, and as pals as well. We’d just hang out and play music all the time, and we’d both be broke so we’d go busking, and then someone would ask us to do a gig. Then all of a sudden, as happens with bands, we’d say, well we need an album to sell.” Flora met Sean while on this trip through the United States, on a journey to discover new music and the old time American traditions. “I discovered my love for it, and it’s a never ending process. Sean’s been helpful with that because he’s on the same path. When we met we were both in that same zone, so we could discover a lot together. When you’re at the beginning of something and someone else is too, you can grow together. “Sean was very much immersed in that world before I came along but it takes having someone to play with to make a real difference. When you’re just on your own you just kind of bumble about.”

“Sean’s great because he really loves fiddle tunes. He’s a fiddle player himself. But what I mean is he loves them in a way he loves to play accompaniment to them on guitar. He loves and understands them, and he’s a great singer, he loves songs, which works because I wouldn’t want to just play fiddle tune after fiddle tune. We like singing songs and telling stories, so Sean’s really well rounded in that way.” Alt-country and folk is thriving in New Zealand at the moment, and this new album from Flora Knight and Sean Donald is offering a taste and view of the tradition of that world, the songs that started the genre and the artists that were the pathmakers. “Yes! That’s the goal. I’m glad you picked up on that, we’re kind of traditionals. It’s very important to bring your own element to it. Hundreds of fiddle players and they all play a single fiddle tune in a different way. However, it’s important to recognise tradition and recognise where it has come from, giving context to something. “Another mission of ours - I hear so many trad albums that don’t do it for me - we’re trying to make something that’s accessible to people. Not that I think everyone in the world has to listen to American folk music. But just trying to share some of the enjoyment we’ve got out of it. A lot of the things these songs are giving us are inherent things in everyone.” Flora Knight and Sean Donald are coming to Auckland to perform at Freida Margolis on Saturday 9 September, celebrating their album, and again on Sunday 10 September at Cafe one2one. PN (FINN MCLENNAN-ELLIOTT) F www.facebook.com/floraandsean

photography: Rosa Cameron

Flora Knight and Sean Donald is an album of country, old folk songs, and fiddle tunes. There’s a perfect spread of songs that Sean and Flora sing, and fiddle tunes for Flora.

“It kind of happened this way naturally. I always try to think what I would like to see in a live show, and basically that ends up being what I like playing. We could be playing fiddle tunes and there’d be people like Sean and I who were loving it, but then there’d be others who liked a jaunty little tune. It doesn’t really do it for everyone. So we have to be a little more well rounded.

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied


PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2017


ARTS + CULTURE IMPRESSIVE PIANIST SARAH WATKINS Performs a Ritchie’s piano concerto No. 3 with St Matthew’s Chamber Orchestra 17 September, 2.30pm Sarah Watkins has enjoyed an impressive career as chamber musician, collaborative partner and recording artist, touring widely throughout Japan, England and the US with some of America’s leading instrumentalists. In 2002 Sarah formed NZTrio with violinist Justine Cormack and cellist Ashley Brown, a group recognised as one of New Zealand’s most dynamic music ensembles. Sarah has been an official pianist for the Michael Hill International Violin Competition since its inception in 2001. She has performed as a freelance player in the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra, the Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra, and the Auckland Chamber Orchestra, and has appeared as concerto soloist with St Matthew’s Chamber Orchestra, ACO, and the APO.

Sarah Watkins

In 2014 she recorded Chris Watson's ‘sing songs self’ for solo piano and orchestra with the NZSO, a composition which was awarded the prestigious 2015 SOUNZ Contemporary Award. Sarah is a graduate of the Juilliard School in New York City, where she earned both Master of Music and Doctor of Musical Arts degrees in collaborative piano. Resident in the United States for 14 years, Sarah worked as a staff pianist at Juilliard, Yale University and the Aspen Music Festival. During the period 2004-2009, NZTrio was ensemble in residence at the University of Auckland, where Sarah also taught collaborative piano and chamber music. St Matthew’s Chamber Orchestra is a dedicated group of musicians whose high quality music making brings their audiences much joy. (Gillian Ansell, NZ String Quartet). Their concerts play to full houses. Make sure you get there early. TICKETS: Eventfinda or door sales, cash. Adults $25, Concessions $20, children under PN 12 free. F ST MATTHEW-IN-THE-CITY CHURCH corner Wellesley and Hobson Streets, www.smco.org.nz

110 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2017



ARTS + CULTURE @ SMYTH GALLERIES Embellish by Emma Bass 9 - 30 November

Photographic artist Emma Bass presents a new collection examining the nature of beauty. Auckland artist Emma Bass, whose photographic work ‘Hydrangeas 8.50am’ from her Imperfect series, was selected for the prestigious Summer Exhibition at the 2016 Royal Academy in London, has a fresh new path. And it was her visit to that capital city that planted the seed. Her new collection, Embellish, will open at Smyth Galleries in St Marys Bay on 9 November. The photographs, says Bass, are: “richer, darker and more atmospheric” than Imperfect, which featured bruised or decaying blooms set in decorative white vases against pale backgrounds. Anna Palmer - ‘Sunflowers’ - Conte Pastel - Original

While exploring London’s National Gallery, Bass became fascinated by the still life floral works of the Dutch Masters. In Embellish, she continues her investigation into the nature of beauty in a photographic play of shadow and light that reflects the dramatic style of those celebrated 17th Century masterworks. “This new body of work is about illusion,” explains Bass. “It asks questions including whether the act of embellishment amplifies beauty, or makes something less palatable, or can it create another way of seeing the world entirely?” The sumptuous colourful arrangements are displayed in Bass’s growing collection of ever-more-ornate vases, positioned on an opulent marble ledge. These magnificent compositions fuse the work of the Dutch Masters with an ikebana aesthetic to create a contemporary narrative.

Anna Palmer - ‘Piwakawaka & Kowhai’ - Conte Pastel - Original THE FRAME WORKSHOP & GALLERY, 1/182 Jervois Road, T: 09 376 4749, www.frameworkshop.co.nz

As with her previous bodies of work, all is not as it seems. Look closely and you’ll notice that some of the flowers are real, others artificial. In some images, Bass is working consciously with the juxtaposition between real and that which can be called ‘fake’. She asks: “Does something have to be authentic to be beautiful? When it comes to embellishment, where does authenticity stop and illusion begin?” Bass has also included ‘fictitious additions’ in the arrangements, many of which are practically invisible until you get up close and personal with the work. Some embellishments are inanimate objects such as wedding rings, plastic bugs or miniature soldiers from her son’s toy box. Others are living creatures. A praying mantis that happened along at shoot time became a natural part of one composition, the artist’s pet cockatiel did a number of star turns and Bass also nurtured Monarch butterflies from caterpillar to pupa to new-born adult to speak to the entire lifecycle portrayed in some of the works. F PN SMYTH GALLERIES, 41 Jervois Road, T: 09 360 6044, www.smythgalleries.co.nz

Emma Bass - The Cuckoo The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied


PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2017


ARTS + CULTURE @ OREXART Simon Allison - Shift 6 - 23 September Opening: 6 September

Greer Twiss: Shell Casings 5 - 23 September

Local Ponsonby resident Greer Twiss is one of New Zealand’s longest working and producing sculptors, he was associate professor at the Elam School of Fine Arts, Auckland University, becoming Head of Sculpture in 1974 until his retirement in 1998.

Born in Auckland, New Zealand in 1955, Simon Allison graduated from Ilam School of Art in 1978. In 1993 he moved to Oxfordshire, England, and set up Lockbund Sculpture fine art bronze casting. His earlier works dealt with the subjects of landscape and the human condition within that landscape, often with a strong theatrical imagery. He works with a variety of materials including stone, wood, bronze, glass and often works with these materials in combination.


In 2002 Greer was acknowledged for his contribution to sculpture in the Queen's Birthday Honours and has been recognised as an Icon by the Arts Foundation of New Zealand. A major survey exhibition of Twiss's work was held at the Auckland Art Gallery in 2003 and in 2004 two new public sculptures by Twiss were installed in Auckland, one at the Viaduct and one in the Auckland Domain. Twiss’s iconic Fountain sculpture, completed in 1969, on the corner of K'Road and Symonds Street, is one of Auckland most successful and familiar public artworks. Greer Twiss has produced an astonishing body of work over six decades, and as demonstrated by this new exhibition, is still a fully productive, inventive and innovative figure. F PN Yellow Lock, 2017, ply lead, 450 x 310mm

WHITESPACE, 12 Crummer Road, T: 09 361 6331, www.whitespace.co.nz

Allison shows in London with Fold Gallery. He is showing for the second time in New Zealand, at OREXART, with a body of new works that exhibit varied use of cast lead and wood. Please contact rex@orexart.co.nz for details. F PN OREXART, 15 Putiki Street, Arch Hill, T: 09 378 0588, www.orexart.co.nz

Shift, 2017, wood bronze, 2100 x 600 x 500mm

112 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2017

Times Mark, 2017, wood lead, 280 x 190mm

Greer Twiss in his studio



UPTOWN ART SCENE It’s always great to see those that deserve success get it. Matthew Browne celebrated the fourth anniversary of Browne School of Art with the bold and exciting expansion of his Great North Road premises. From one classroom, a small studio and an office, he has grown to at least three classrooms, several studios, an AV room, and a gallery. All the spaces (except the AV room) are generously lit with skylights and colour -correct lighting, which along with the high stud gives a delightful airy, spacious feel to create in. The new spaces were revealed with the opening of Chrome last month, an exhibition of works from each of the BSA tutors, in the new gallery space. The opening was packed, and Matthew thanked the community for being so supportive of his project over the formative years. He seems well on track to providing “the best non-accredited art school in the

country... because you don’t need a degree to be an artist,” he told the gathering. It helps to have qualifications to teach though: Matthew studied at Camberwell College of Arts in London, and gained his MFA (Hons) at Elam, University of Auckland. He has selected experienced tutors to cover a wide range of drawing, painting, and printmaking approaches, so that Browne School of Art can offer short workshops, term-long classes and year-long courses. It’s wonderful that Matthew’s enthusiasm in championing visual arts skills has been so joyfully taken up by the wider community, and his school continues to grow. (WILL PAYNT, STUDIO ART SUPPLIES) F PN

Checking out tutor Evan Woodruffe's work at BSA's opening

Janmarie Thompson, Matthew Browne and tutor Alexis Neale at BSA opening

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied


PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2017



What your stars hold for September ♍

♓ Pisces (the Fish): 20 February - 20 March

♈ Aries (the Ram): 21 March - 20 April

♉ Taurus (the Bull): 21 April - 21 May

Virgo (the Virgin): 22 August - 23 September Whatever you seem to be doing this month is coming across as new and exciting but in reality you’ve been here before. Relax and just plough full steam ahead with the knowledge that you know exactly what you are doing. Libra (the Scales): 24 September - 23 October There is no need to keep juggling your life the way you’ve been leading it recently. Now is the time to unravel work related commitments from personal ones and completely separate the two. Scorpio (the Scorpion): 24 October - 22 November You really have this tougher-than-thou attitude and it's getting on the nerves of those you shouldn’t really be aggravating. Don’t second guess what’s needed, just go along with the ride for once.

♐ Sagittarius (the Archer): 23 November - 22 December

Working hard is second nature to you but you have found that you have become obsessed with getting to the end result. You could talk or share any concern you have with your co workers and you’ll find they are all on board.

You are okay with the idea that you have no leisure time left and you have to get back to some sort of normality but you hate knowing that you can’t be as impulsive anymore. Try and relax back into your routine and everything will fall into place.

You are definitely at home this month in your own skin as your confidence rises allowing you to accomplish those tasks that you have been putting aside lately. Nothing is beyond your reach as you easily balance both sides of your life for once.

When you realise there is no way you can avoid what’s coming, you will begin to relax and accept the inevitable. Putting the pieces together as you form this puzzle will become clearer in time.

Gemini (the Twins): 22 May - 21 June You’re fighting against something that you may never win and for once you are not able to meet any of your obligations. You may have to prioritise a few things in your life but the outcome will be a big surprise.

♑ Capricorn (the Goat): 23 December - 20 January

♋ Cancer (the Crab): 22 June - 22 July

You have a goal in mind this month and there isn’t anything that will stop you from reaching it. You won’t have to do much to achieve the outcome you desire as you’re firing on all cylinders.

♒ Aquarius (the Water Carrier): 21 January - 19 February

You have always been able to work well with others and you find that you can make any collaboration work well for you. Instead of rushing to the finish line on your own you will get points if you all cross together.

Sometimes you have to do the things that aren’t important just to maintain a life that gives you all the freedom that you need. Just keep your eye on now rather than what is going to come as you can still alter any outcome.

Leo (the Lion): 23 July - 21 August You have been at a crossroads for quite some time now and you are still unsure of which way to go. Don’t fight any obstacles or come up with any excuses, just let yourself be guided and you will discover you’re at a place that is comfortable for you.



Ecostore, 1 Scotland Street Glengarry, Corner Sale and Wellesley Streets Kellands Real Estate, 4 Drake Street New World, Victoria Park

Taylor Boutique, 1 Teed Street

GREY LYNN Barfoot & Thompson, 533 Great North Road Barkley Manor, 400 - 402 Great North Road Grey Lynn Community Centre, 520 Richmond Road Grey Lynn Community Library, 474 Great North Road Raw Essentials, 401B Richmond Road Ripe, 172 Richmond Road Tapac, 100 Motions Road Vetcare, 408 Great North Road

NORTH SHORE Rug Direct, Wairau Park Dawson’s Furniture, Mairangi Bay

PARNELL Jane Daniels, 2 Birdwood Crescent Parnell Community Centre, 545 Parnell Road


Atomic, 420c New North Road

Askew, 2b Jervois Road Bayleys, 305 Ponsonby Road Countdown, 7 Williamson Avenue Harcourts, 89 Ponsonby Road Leys Institute, 20 St Mary’s Road The Longroom, 114 Ponsonby Road Mag Nation, 123 Ponsonby Road Paper Plus, 332 Ponsonby Road Ponsonby Community Centre, 20 Ponsonby Terrace Servilles, Corner Jervois & Ponsonby Road Studio One, 1 Ponsonby Road Whitespace, 12 Crummer Road



Citta Outlet Store, Corner Enfield & Normanby Road Sabato, 57 Normanby Road Studio Italia, 25 Nugent Street

Glengarry, 164 Garnet Road

HERNE BAY Herne Bay Post & Stationers, 240 Jervois Road Five Loaves, 206 Jervois Road Icing on the Cake, 188 Jervois Road Momentum, 182 Jervois Road


114 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2017

Ponsonby News is published on the first Friday of each month excluding January. Copies go quickly so be quick to collect yours from any of the following outlets. The issue is also published on our website www.ponsonbynews.co.nz



WILLIAMSON AVENUE STORAGE UNITS FOR LEASE Do you need a secure storage unit for personal or business purposes? If so, phone Stuart on 027

488 8785


The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied


PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2017


Outdoor Furniture Manufactured with A-Grade Teak, Reclaimed Teak, Wicker, Concrete, 316 Stainless Steel, Sunbrella, Batyline, and Aluminum

AmalďŹ A-Grade Teak Left & Right Daybed

Antigua Cantilever Sunbrella Umbrella

Joseph Dining Set

Lutyens A-Grade Teak Bench

Nairobi & Concrete Dining Set

Kobii Aluminum Sectional Sofa

Kobii Relaxing Chair

Bruno & A-Grade Teak Dining Set

Cabo A-Grade Teak Left & Right Daybed

Brentwood Relaxing Chair

Garden Pots

Stunningly curated outdoor furniture from Italy, Belgium, Indonesia, France and the Philippines, available for local and national delivery. Everything arrives fully assembled. Sunbrella cushions are free with the purchase of our deep seating pieces as shown. www.designwarehouse.co.nz

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