Established: OCTOBER 1989
St Marys Bay 2/10 Shelly Beach Road - Aug 2019
Herne Bay 5/26 Wallace Street - Jul 2019
Grey Lynn 45 Francis Street - Apr 2019 SOLD
Freemans Bay 13 Picton Street - Mar 2019
Grey Lynn 84 Lincoln Street - Apr 2019
Ponsonby 44 Pompallier Terrace - Apr 2019
Grey Lynn 85 Richmond Road - Mar 2019
Herne Bay 4/151 Jervois Road - Jan 2019
Freemans Bay 28 Picton Street - Jun 2019
Westmere 40 Warwick Avenue - Dec 2018
With an extraordinary reputation built on his commitment to getting the job done, Chris has long been a trusted name in Real Estate.
Grey Lynn 4 Baildon Road - Feb 2019
Westmere 42 Dorset Street - Dec 2018
Chris Batchelor 021 217 7026 | chris.batchelor@bayleys.co.nz BAYLEYS REAL ESTATE LTD, PONSONBY, LICENSED UNDER THE REA ACT 2008
Res ide ntia l / Comme rc i al / Rural / Prope rt y Se rvi ce s
photography: Patrick Reynolds
007 008 010 018 020 022 023 029 031
P63: The fitness favourites of some Ponsonby News readers; P89: Successful renovations - Ponsonby and the surrounding suburbs are defined in many ways by the character homes and heritage buildings that line their streets. FROM THE EDITOR DAVID HARTNELL: ONE MINUTE INTERVIEW PIPPA COOM: WAITEMATA LOCAL BOARD JOHN ELLIOTT: LOCAL NEWS LOCAL ELECTIONS PREDICT WEATHER.COM MIKE LEE: COUNCILLOR FOR WAITEMATA & GULF NIKKI KAYE: AUCKLAND CENTRAL MP U3A PONSONBY
035 037 048 052 056 063 074 078 082
085 089 110 112 123 130 131
PONSONBY NEWS+ is published monthly, excluding January by ALCHEMY MEDIA LIMITED POSTAL: P.O. BOX 47-282 Ponsonby, Auckland 1144, T: 09 378 8553 or 09 361 3356, www.ponsonbynews.co.nz Editor/Publisher Distribution Manager Ad Sales & Contributing Editor Advertising Sales/Ad Designer Operations Manager Contributing Music Editor Contributing Editor Proof Reader Designer
MARTIN LEACH; M: 021 771 147; E: martinleach@xtra.co.nz or martin@ponsonbynews.co.nz JAY PLATT; M: 021 771 146; E: jayplatt@xtra.co.nz or jay@ponsonbynews.co.nz ANDREA KAHUKIWA; M: 021 689 688; E: andrea@ponsonbynews.co.nz MELISSA PAYNTER; M: 027 938 4111; E: melissapaynter@me.com GWYNNE DAVENPORT; M: 021 150 4095; E: gwynne@ponsonbynews.co.nz FINN MCLENNAN-ELLIOTT; M: 021 134 4101; E: finn.huia@gmail.com JOHN ELLIOTT; M: 021 879 054; E: johnelliott38@outlook.com DEIRDRE THURSTON ARNA MARTIN; E: arna@cocodesign.co.nz
@ponsonbynews @Ponsonby_News @ponsonbynews
ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTIONS: WITHIN NEW ZEALAND $49. BY CHEQUE OR POSTAL ORDER IN NZ$. NO CREDIT CARDS. PLEASE NOTE: we do not hold back issues of Ponsonby News. Our archive is all online as a low resolution pdf or from August 2010, as a high resolution E-mag - visit www.ponsonbynews.co.nz The entire content of this publication is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic, mechaal, photocopying, recording or otherwise - without the prior permission, in writing, of the copyright owner. Colour transparencies and manuscripts submitted are sent at the owner’s risk; neither the publisher nor its agents accept any responsibility for loss or damage. Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this publication, the publisher can accept no liability for any inaccuracies that may occur.
PONSONBY NEWS+ is printed on paper sourced from sustainable, well managed forests and manufactured under the environmental management system ISO 14001. Our hand-delivered copies are flow wrapped in eco-friendly, degradable plastic.
69,000 readers per month (Nielsen Media), 17,000 copies distributed to homes and businesses in... Arch Hill, Ponsonby, Cox’s Bay, Freemans Bay, Herne Bay, Grey Lynn, St Mary’s Bay, West Lynn and Westmere. Plus selected businesses in Britomart, High Street, CBD, Kingsland, Mt Eden, Newmarket, Newton + Parnell.
4 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
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Re s i d e n t i a l / Co m m e rc i a l / R u ra l / P ro p e r t y S e r v i ce s
DIVERSITY In the past, I’ve made the mistake of voting for a particular political party for local board members. Now, through my experience from the last few years of presenting to the Waitemata- Local Board most months, I have learned that a party often votes how their caucus tells them to rather than engaging in discussions before coming to a conclusion. This wasn’t the intention behind the system of boards and wards. Instead, in order to function best for our city, they must be more like cooperative neighbourhoods. If a community truly wants to be represented in local government, we need membership to be as diverse as the people and our values. I urge you to vote for individuals on their merits, their independence and how they might open discussion. This will hopefully result in local board members engaging more with the community for a genuine process of consultation. Another local issue is the decision on the Western Springs Lakeside Park plan, which has been postponed until February when the new Waitemata- Local Board will decide its future. Gael Baldock, Westmere SHAKING THE FOUNDATIONS OF DEDWOOD HIGHWAY* Many politicians claim the heroic notion of heritage protection. The exterior of the new Ponsonby Central carpark (4 Brown Street) development is to include recycled bricks from Christchurch. For residents over the last five months, it feels like the Christchurch earthquakes have joined the bricks for the journey. Some homes in the area have suffered catastrophic effects from the three level subterranean pile driving that occurred over a four month period. Thankfully, Councillor Mike Lee fronted up and actually did something for Ponsonby heritage housing and called the council to account. Those who have had their properties damaged by ‘construction vibration’ find that insurance companies conveniently conflate it with ‘earth-movement’ to exempt and deflect claims. The other cat-call to deflect construction vibration damage responsibilities is ‘it’s a civil matter’. However, let’s be clear, it is not a civil matter. The council is empowered through the Resource Management Act and its own Unitary Plan through resource consents and resource consent conditions to protect neighbours from construction vibration damage. That includes enforcement of standards, explicit responses to complaints and monitoring to ensure compliance with standards all required by the Auckland Council Unitary Plan. Residents also pay insurance in the expectation that it covers such things. That has not been the reality of those effected by this development. The Ponsonby Central development is bordered on three sides by historic housing. The Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga Act
6 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
2014 provides for the identification, protection, preservation and conservation of historic and cultural heritage of New Zealand. According to the Act (section 6) an archaeological site is any place in New Zealand, including any building or structure (or part of a building or structure), that has been associated with human activity that occurred before 1900. My own property has been continuously inhabited since 1883, and my neighbours since 1886 to name a few properties in the area of the Ponsonby Central development. Our homes are, by this definition, therefore archaeological sites. The crucial classification of a building with ‘particularly sensitive to vibration’ carries a specific criteria in the standards associated with construction vibration. In our case, this was ignored. Another issue was the classification of works as short term vibration. This is important because the threshold of short-term vibration is far higher than long-term vibration. Again, a biased interpretation has it that four months of pile ramming is to be short-term vibration which carried a far higher threshold criteria. Such elements construe to favour development over protection, as does ignoring the context of the unstable earth warning tag of this area. When residents checked on methodology of monitoring and the vibration management plan for the site, they found fundamental failures. All monitoring is left to the applicant and specialists. Residents found immediate fault in the sites’ vibration management plan and the basic methodologies of measuring. A resource condition requires specific notification and liaison with neighbours concerning the construction [failure], another condition linked to a vibration management plan required explicit responses to complaints [failure] and a consent condition required that key personnel front up and accept responsibilities relating to vibration [failure]. An impressive methodology for monitoring was provided for the site and then completely ignored. This all calls into question the very basis of the commissioners’ (Ian Munro and Barry Kay) decision to grant consent R/LUC/2015/3545 which is linked to adverse effects arising from the construction phase of the development to be appropriately managed. The complete breakdown in consent condition protections, the firewalling by insurance and lack of engagement by the local board and council required residents get up to speed and do investigations themselves. They found a state-of-affairs privileging development over protection and ignoring the sites context for convenience. Residents have submitting a 17 page document to council detailing - and the issues and failures. Framed by the debacle of the Ihumatao Otuataua stonefields site, residents adjacent to Ponsonby Central have joined the chorus asking why Auckland Council consistently privileges development over the protection of our heritage and archaeological sites? Russell Hoban, Ponsonby *Dedwood Highway is one of the original names of this area
The local elections are coming up and you will have read the updates in our recent issues. For the council one candidate of four nominees – Pippa Coom, Mike Lee, Allan Matson and Sarah Trotman. You also need to choose seven board members from 20 candidates. (Seven C&R, seven City Vision and six independents.) Now is the time to vote. There is no point complaining after the results of the election if you haven’t cast your vote. You can find information about all candidates online and many flyers will come through your letter box - P20. The Ponsonby Foodcourt has been around for decades and is well loved by locals. Our cover star is founder Irene van Kuijk, who turns 80 this month. We asked her tenants to wish her a happy birthday and to tell us her favourite dishes. Ponsonby News founder and myself wish Irene many more happy birthdays - P37. Next month Ponsonby News will be 30. Founded by John Elliott back in October 1989, we look forward to our birthday and to acknowledging some of the businesses who were early advertisers and supporters. Special mention of Joe Jakicevich and Glengarry Wines, Andy Davies of Ponsonby Real Estate (now Ponsonby Central), Kelvin and Krishna from Prego and Chris of SPQR.
Ponsonby News readers are everywhere seen in Bali - Above: Christine from Bryon Bay. Below: Mark Easthope from Mt Eden
Ponsonby News readers love to share their sporting loves, fitness successes and stories with us to help you find the best combination of fitness activities and support services for your own health and wellbeing goals - P63. Villas and bungalows have helped foster a sense of community in the area for well over 100 years. How to renovate these beautiful buildings is part art and part science. We talked with local architect Malcolm Walker to find out more - P89. Even though it is often difficult to get information about prospective tenants, it is important to find out if people have a criminal conviction or have been taken to the Tenancy Tribunal for not paying their rent. For more on property management see P120. (MARTIN LEACH) F PN
M AT T & RYA N N 1 I N G R E Y LY N N* “We chose Ryan and Matt based on their experience, professionalism and straight-up attitude. Their advice has been honest and with our best interests at heart. They have secured us a sale in a challenging market by working hard and smart, I would definitely use them again and recommend them to anyone I know who wants a house sold.”
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Matt O’Rourke 021 375 909
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* G r e y Ly n n b r a n c h - y e a r e n d i n g 3 1 M a r c h 2 0 1 9
The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied
PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
David Hartnell: Toss Grumley Toss Grumley is a smartly presented young man who is a business advisor living and working in Herne Bay. He’s the director of Wolf & Fox who service just over 100 clients across New Zealand, including a lot of local businesses in the area. Tell us about your company? Wolf & Fox is a business advisory company which started when I wanted to utilise my skill base to help small-business owners. We work with over a 100 businesses on an ongoing basis, across all aspects of their business, helping them to reach their goals. The best thing about where you live? Herne Bay - it’s got a great community feel. I love the fact shopkeepers will smile and wave at you; it’s a super warm feeling. What was your childhood like? More family holidays would have been good. Complete the sentence: I will die happy if… my kids still like me (dream big, right?). Who is the most annoying celebrity today? The majority of them are annoying to be honest. I find them so self righteous. I understand wanting to use a position of power to influence and support varying agendas, but most of the time it feels so false and contrived. Which TV series would you never miss? I’m not a massive TV watcher, but at the moment I can’t get enough of Atlanta. I’m a big Donald Glover fan. Your dream holiday internationally would be? People keep raving about Argentina and it’s somewhere that I haven’t been. It’s a direct flight so there is no excuse not to go. Your bucket list? I’m lucky to have already ticked off most of the list; what’s left? I would love to own homes on a few different continents (live in an endless summer), with a glorious art collection to fill each home. Most treasured passion? Reading. Apart from work and family, it’s the other main pillar of my life. I just can’t get enough of a good book. The most Kiwi thing about you? I don’t know! I’ve just asked a few people and everyone has said absolutely nothing. My fiancée, Sere, says I was born here, and I’ve lived here most of my life. I suppose that I am a Kiwi is the best I can answer! Aisle or window seat on a plane? Window for sure. I hate been jammed in, but business class is even better. Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Doing exactly the same thing and helping out more awesome business owners. I’ll probably just have a few extra side hustles as well. What job would you do other than your own? I’d love to be an art dealer. It’s something I’m passionate about and I love a bit of wheeling and dealing! My better half says I’ve got the buying half of the equation nailed. Who would play you in a movie about your life? It’d have to be Leonardo DiCaprio?
8 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
What do you dislike about your appearance? Nothing. I’m gorgeous, I tell my fiancée Sere that all the time – I’m not sure she believes me yet. Do you read movie or TV reviews? Absolutely, a consensus isn’t always right, but it can often be invaluable. I like to read a few opinions; no one has time to sit through a few hours of a shocking programme or movie. Like to be remembered how? As someone who wasn’t afraid to give things a go and put myself out there. The best thing about your age? I’m just getting started. If your life was an ice cream, what flavour would you be? Fantastic! Something you really disapprove of? Tardiness, there is almost never a good reason to be late. It’s all in the planning. If you are always late… get ready 15 minutes earlier. Even worse is late with a coffee. Some of my favourite people are plagued by this illness; I still unreservedly love you all. Disappointments? Investing a lot of time and money into a young entrepreneur and it not going well. Losing the money wasn’t the sore bit, it was more about the interactions and lack of communication. If you won a million dollars what would you would do? Sorry to be boring but carry on exactly as I am now, perhaps a bit of art and another property, but that would be it. What motivates you? Helping people, seeing them succeed, and providing well for my family so we have everything we need. What do you think happens when we die? End of the Sopranos. Have you ever seen a ghost? I haven’t (thankfully). (DAVID HARTNELL MNZM) F PN
EDWARD PACK Top of Office - Ponsonby $50 Million Club CHRIS BATCHELOR Bayleys Auction Growth $100 Million Club KAREN SPIRES $500 Million Club BERNADETTE MORRISON National Sales Manager of the Year Whatever your property needs, contact your local Bayleys Ponsonby team today 09 375 8650 I 305 Ponsonby Road, Ponsonby BAYLEYS REAL ESTATE PONSONBY, LICENSED UNDER THE REA ACT 2008
Pippa Coom: Retiring Waitemat-a Local Board members acknowledged The Waitemat-a Local Board has one final meeting of this term of Auckland Council. Whatever happens at the local government elections, getting underway with a postal ballot from 20 September, we know for certain that five current members will not be returning to the local board. Deputy Chair, Shale Chambers, and board members Vernon Tava, Denise Roche and Rob Thomas are all retiring from local government politics. They have all made a huge contribution and it has been a privilege and a pleasure to be on a board with members who are committed to working positively together to get things done for the community. Experienced board members Richard Northey and Adriana Christie are standing again with the City Vision team of progressive candidates. The recently published Achievements Report 18/19, now available online, shows just how much the local board is across. It contains summaries of projects and initiatives completed over the past year with the help and support of a wider range of community members, stakeholders, iwi partners, staff and volunteers. Shale, as chair in the first term, was instrumental in initiating the development of ‘Ponsonby Park’ on land purchased by the former Auckland City Council for a civic space so it is great to celebrate securing funds for the project from the sale of 200 Victoria Street West. As road safety is a priority, we’ve welcomed the opportunity to allocate at our August local board meeting, $1.4m from a oneoff community safety fund to projects, including $615,000 to deliver a package of safety improvements around Newton Central School and $300,000 towards delivery of a raised pedestrian crossing on West End Road near the West End Tennis Club. We received a petition organised by Western Spring College students supporting a new pedestrian crossing on Meola Road. In addition to the crossing, we are working with Auckland Transport and MOTAT to deliver a Greenway connection that will serve the wider Western Springs precinct including the school. Thanks to another petition, organized by Sophia Fiossetti, and with the support of the local board, Auckland Transport has re-instated a bus service on Williamson Avenue. Also at our August meeting, we listened to advice from Birds New Zealand and others in adopting a policy to actively discourage the
Western Springs College students Harrison Cooke, Sherry Huang, Isabella Hutcheson, Chair Pippa Coom and Adriana Christie feeding of birds at Western Springs Lakeside Park by means of interpretive signage, volunteers and education. We know families enjoy the tradition of feeding bread to ducks and geese, but with an aim of a healthy bird population and improved water quality it is necessary to discourage bird feeding at the park. After nine years I’m coming to the end of my service on the local board. I’m seeking to bring my experience, network of community relationships and ability to get things done to be the next Councillor for Waitemata- and Gulf Ward. Key dates: 17 September – final Waitemata- Local Board business meeting. 20 September – voting documents start arriving in letter boxes. Voting papers must be delivered to ballot boxes (either by post or hand delivery to libraries and drop off points) no later than 12 noon, 12 October. (PIPPA COOM) F PN
Contact Pippa Coom, Chair of Waitamata Local Board, pippa.coom@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz, www.facebook.com/waitemata
Petition organiser Sophia Fiossetti with board members and residents celebrating the return of a bus service to Williamson Avenue
10 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
Coom for Council ( ]V[L MVY 7PWWH *VVT PZ H ]V[L MVY L_WLYPLUJL HUK H MYLZO ]VPJL MVY >HP[LTH[Ȋ HUK .\SM Authorised by R. Gallagher, 15 Torrance St, Akl
Vote City Vision for >HP[LTH[͊ 3VJHS )VHYK Providing our local communities with a voice, we are a coalition of progressive candidates with a positive vision for a fair, thriving, VXVWDLQDEOH FLW\ Your local City Vision Team has a strong WUDFN UHFRUG RI ZLQQLQJ IRU :DLWHPDWÄ :H OLVWHQ DQG ZH JHW WKLQJV GRQH Kerrin Leoni
Glenda Fryer
Graeme Gunthorp
Richard Northey
Adriana Christie
Alexandra Bonham
Julie Sandilands
Authorised by R. Gallagher, 15 Torrance St, Akl
The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied
PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
Low Volume, High Care Property Management Just as with the sales side of our business, a low volume, high care approach is at the centre of everything we do in our property management department. We currently manage just 180 properties, and we refuse to run a volume-driven templated model. Each home is professionally photographed for marketing purposes and we also provide prospective tenants with a floorplan of the property. When it comes to tenant selection, we certainly have a very rigorous and proven process in place. Behind the scenes, we maintain a very strong network of potential tenants, and we run a large number of one-on-one client viewings on a weekly basis. This hands-on approach works well with the $800 to $1,800 per week properties that we tend to represent. Through our level of experience, local knowledge and the fact that we have a completely manageable work load, we believe that you are in safe hands when you entrust your property to us. If you would like further information on our service, please feel free to contact us - we welcome your enquiry.
Louise Trembath Property Manager
021 473 073 louise.trembath@customresidential.co.nz
Property Management
When we opened our doors in 2008, the economy was in a very precarious position, and the topic of real estate was no longer flavour of the month. Over the last 11 years, we have seen many market environments come and go. The Custom Residential team has worked hard to establish strong local networks and build expertise in a small but highly specialised geographic area. As a team, we have now completed over $75,000,000 in total real estate sales for the year to date, and over $1.6 billion in total sales since 2008. Every time we commence a new listing and associated sales campaign we bring these proven credentials to the table, together with our renowned agile and proactive approach. As a company, we never set out to be all things to all people, and we truly feel that we have established a rock solid niche as your independent local specialist. We’re proud to be born and bred right here.
Thank you for all the local support. Custom Residential Real Estate Sales & Property Management Corner of Great North Road & Bond Street, Grey Lynn
(09) 360 4860 customresidential.co.nz
It’s a team effort... we couldn’t do it without our contributors CONNOR CRAWFORD
I am a working artist and photographer with a colourful and rhythmic perspective. I enjoy shooting the front covers of Ponsonby News.
I am the founder of Ponsonby News and write for the magazine. My career has included politics, education and publishing. My interests include the environment, the economy and social justice.
For the last 53 years I’ve been a freelance entertainment journalist and author. I’ve lived in the Grey Lynn area for nearly three decades; I have met and interviewed some amazing people.
My yearly NZ Weather Almanacs began in 1999. During the tragic 2011 Christchurch earthquakes, my work created international interest. I currently live in Ponsonby.
Writer/researcher/coach. Writing and the sea are my happy places. I bow down to natural medicine and animals. My philosophy: love and kindness.
I work as a booker, promoter and festival programmer. Active in all areas of the music community, folk music is my specialty.
I am a veteran writer and editor and run two websites – Witchdoctor and Doctor Feelgood – focusing on my interests in music, technology, and the wellbeing of the planet and its denizens.
More than a nature photographer, I am a storyteller, a visual narrator and environmentalist who seeks out bird stories begging to be told.
A freelance writer and copywriter for almost 20 years, I have written for publications all over the world and couldn’t imagine myself in any other job.
I have a keen interest in nutritional medicine and how it may be used to support people with chronic illnesses.
I’ve been a freelance writer for a year now, and what I love most are the wonderful people I’ve meet along the way. #best job.
I’m the councillor for Waitemata & Gulf and critic of the Super City, a former seafarer, former chairman of the ARC. I’m a rail and heritage advocate, environmentalist and author.
I’m the local Member of Parliament for Auckland Central including Waiheke and Great Barrier Island. National Party spokesperson for Education and Sport and Recreation.
Journalist and published author, I have had a career involving both wine writing and hosting boutique wine tours in the Auckland region.
I am the Chair of Waitemata Local Board. I am standing as City Vision’s Waitemata and Gulf Ward Councillor candidate in the Auckland Council elections 2019.
I have had a wanderlust for travel ever since I was old enough to own a passport. Since I discovered cruising, I have become unstoppable.
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14 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
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The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied
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PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
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nzsothebysrealty.com Each Office Is Independently Owned and Operated. Browns Real Estate Limited (licensed under the REAA 2008) MREINZ.
11 West End Road, Herne Bay
Huge back yard for an enviable family lifestyle A wonderful opportunity has arisen to own this pretty 1910’s transitional double-bay villa on a prime elevated site. The north-facing back yard is considerably larger than most in the area, securely fenced and well designed for easy care. In a previous life the dwelling was configured as two flats. The current owners’ five year labour of love created the family home on offer now. From the road you will notice three off-street car parks, and a recently completed modern landscaped entrance way giving this substantial property an impressive street presence. Beyond the picturesque frontage the house is comfortable and spacious. Renovated for contemporary living it also features traditional ornate windows and high ceilings in keeping with its heritage character. The open plan kitchen and dining opens through large glass sliders to the back deck and lawn so that you can make the most of this versatile outdoor area. A separate lounge and study open to the front veranda enjoying views towards Cox’s Reserve and the Waitakere Ranges, the perfect spot to enjoy your morning coffee or an evening sunset. Location, allure and lifestyle, all the essential elements are projected by this instantly inviting family home’s ideal balance of bright spaces and beautiful gardens, just moments to the suburb’s cafes, boutique shopping and leading schools. My vendors are reluctantly relocating. This is your chance to get a foothold in a premium suburb.
Floor: 155 sq m (approx) | Land: 651 sq m (more or less) AUCTION: 2:00 p.m. Saturday 28th September 2019 On-site at 11 West End Road, Herne Bay (unless sold prior) VIEW: nzsothebysrealty.com/NZE11104 www.11westendroad.com
CHARLOTTE KOFOED M +64 21 241 9394 | charlotte.kofoed@nzsir.com nzsothebysrealty.com Each Office Is Independently Owned and Operated. Browns Real Estate Limited (licensed under the REAA 2008) MREINZ.
John Elliott: Glyphosate – cancer and corrupt science I do not apologise for another article on the importance of banning the carcinogenic glyphosate, the active ingredient of weedkiller Roundup. Readers who have followed my stories will recall my report on an excellent expose of Monsanto’s secretive strategies, the Carey Gillam book, Whitewash, published in 2017. Since then much water has flowed under the bridge. Monsanto, the makers of Roundup, has sold to the huge European agrichemical company, Bayer, for $63 billion. Court cases in California have found glyphosate responsible for cancer deaths and awarded millions of dollars against Monsanto. Whitewash exposed a number of Monsanto’s secret collaborations with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The EPA accepted Monsanto’s written reports saying glyphosate was safe, and circulated those reports including to the New Zealand EPA. It was that information, highly tainted, that allowed our EPA to continue to approve the use of glyphosate products in New Zealand. Carey Gillam is writing an updated book on glyphosate. She has been deeply concerned that Monsanto has been targeting her, trying to destroy her reputation. Gillam has a long career in journalism behind her, including many years as a correspondent for Reuters International. Bayer started a cyber defamation campaign against her, creating false accounts on social media, challenging her methods and motivation, and even paying Google to divert search results to blogs created to attack her, rather than the ones that talked about her research. She was asked why Bayer had bought Monsanto. Surely they knew it faced multiple legal suits. Monsanto had a lot of value. It has very rich seed and genetically modified products. Monsanto has been a dominant player in the agricultural sector. Bayer wanted a piece of that, but it probably failed to do proper due diligence before the purchase, or thought it could ride it out.
18 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
Now Bayer’s share price has plummeted, and there have been calls for its CEO to resign. If glyphosate is banned, the genetically altered seeds tied to glyphosate tolerance become less valuable, which will be a big problem for Bayer. Carey Gillam’s research goes on. Like Ponsonby News, she will not give up, although she admits to some personal fear as she works alone from her home office in America. I spoke to our EPA’s Acting Chief Scientist, Dr Clark Ehlers, who explained the procedure for reassessing a chemical where grounds exist that it is hazardous. Any person can apply to the EPA for a reassessment citing new relevant information about the effects of the chemical. I pointed out to Dr Ehlers that new court cases in California, which had uncovered deceptive actions by Monsanto, and Monsanto’s subsequent convictions, clearly show that our EPA would be foolish, in fact negligent, in continuing to follow the American EPA’s questionable behaviour. Much of the evidence presented during those court cases presented new information about Monsanto’s false research and blatant hiding of damning evidence about glyphosate’s carcinogenic characteristics. Our EPA should beware of New Zealanders suing it while this information is now in the public domain, and we, and our children, continue to be exposed to a known carcinogen. History shows us how long powerful companies can protect their profits despite damning evidence against their products – DDT, 2,4,5,T, 2,4,D-. PN Glyphosate must be banned – NOW. (JOHN ELLIOTT) F
@ BUSINESS GREY LYNN We were amazed to discover this week that AT, via the Parking Strategy group, are selling off coupons to selected workers in our inner city areas. They are sold for $5 per day, per person, which is paid by the individual directly to AT. One such group of 30 workers brings in an annual income of roughly $30,000 - $40,000. This is taking place in Grey Lynn, St Marys Bay, and Freemans Bay.
the concept of ‘residential parking’ is not only to be able to park outside your home at any day or time, and be able to have work people park easily, but also to return our streets into quiet safe zones, free of the commuter race.
However, trying to get AT to increase enforcement of the parking restrictions meets with the response of “no budget” and “lack of resources”!
We have a serious congestion issue around our Auckland streets; by providing subsidised parking coupons for those who can easily jump onto public transport does nothing to reduce this congestion. And it’s a flagrant contradiction of those who are espousing and promoting the massive expense of building cycle lanes, light rail, electric scooters, etc, who need to be consistent in their standards if this is their vision for our city. PN (DARRYL OJALA, CO CHAIR – BUSINESS GREY LYNN) F
This selective group of workers needs to be encouraged to support the public transport provided, which AT tells us is very costly, subsidised heavily by Government and in need of patronage. Surely
BAKING CLASSES FOR KIDS! The first class coming up on 7 September is filled with cookie baking action. Children will learn how to make two varieties of cookies, how to follow a recipe and work cleanly and hygienically, nutritional facts about the ingredients used, and how to use ingredients with less refined sugar for healthier baking – all taught by experienced patisserie chef, Tenille Baker. There will be different classes every weekend until 26 October, including slices, mini cakes and an afternoon tea special. Children will take home everything they make, along with a presentation box (to gift some of the baking). Book four consecutive classes to get a discount of $10. Book two or more children and get a discount of 20%. These classes are proudly supported and facilitated by the Ponsonby Community Centre. Book at bakerstreet.co.nz or ring Tenille PN on M: 022 680 8330. F
Free kids art classes!
Ages 6 - 12
All abilities welcome! welcom
PProudly supported by
The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied
@Ponsonby Community Centre 30 Sept - 4 Oct 1pm - 2:30pm www.ponsonbycommunity.org.nz Email emma@dancetherapy.co.nz to make sure you get a place PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
Allan Matson
Gael Baldock
Keith McDonnell
John Elliott: Local election update – Banks and Palino out New council candidates and board independents. Nominations for the local body elections have now closed. Since I wrote last month, John Banks and John Palino have both withdrawn from the mayoral race.
Allan Matson is fair minded, thoughtful, measured and a mature thinker with many personal attributes that would serve us well in having him as a Waitemata representative.
Still, the race for the Waitemata Ward council seat has a new entrant, Allan Matson, who is also a Waitemata Local Board candidate.
GAEL BALDOCK Long-time local activist Gael Baldock is standing for the local board. If successful, Baldock will get to spend time inside the tent instead of her regular presentations to the board as a member of the public.
Local activist Gael Baldock is also a new board candidate. ALLAN MATSON – council and board candidate Matson has been a board candidate before. Like all independents, it is hard to get known and get your ideas out unless you are wealthy, which Allan Matson isn’t. So, partly because I don’t think a full slate round the table from any one party is healthy, and partly because I think Allan Matson has a good story to tell, and would be a valuable councillor or board member, I want to tell you a little about him. Allan has a Bachelor of Commerce from Victoria University and a Bachelor of Architecture from the Unitec Institute of Technology. He is well known as an expert in heritage, and is a member of Auckland Council’s Heritage Advisory Panel. Although heritage is Matson’s primary focus and concern, he has plenty of experience in a variety of council responsibilities and submits regularly to select committees, panels and resource consent hearings. The local board has awarded Allan Matson its Good Citizens’ Award for his outstanding contribution to heritage protection. Matson’s name has popped up in most of the big preservation battles in the city of the past decade, beginning with his successful advocacy to save the former Fitzroy Hotel built in 1854, and including strong support for St James Theatre’s protection. In his recent retirement speech at the Civic Theatre, long-time Auckland Council Heritage Manager George Farrant said this: “I don’t always get on with advocates who have a different point of view from me, but people like Allan Matson ultimately are a force for good and certainly stir the pot on appropriate occasions.” Allan Matson has developed and maintained a broad network of professional and community contacts, which would be an asset to a board or council member. Sir Bob Harvey said this about Matson: “Allan is one of Auckland’s most esteemed and respected voices of reason for heritage buildings and the rich history of the city.” He went on to add, “Allan is the kind of man that international cities applaud and honour.” His passion and commitment to heritage and to proper governance of Auckland would make Allan a valuable member of council or the board.
20 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
Gael describes herself as an advocate for heritage and tree protection. “I am an active member of ‘Save Western Springs Native Forest’ (why kill a native forest to plant a native forest?), and support Chamberlain Park to become a wildlife sanctuary forming a ‘Green Bridge’ between the two.” Baldock has a background in architecture and understands the relationship between the natural and built environments. She knows the needs of local businesses and what will help them flourish. She believes in listening and supports genuine public consultation that encourages community participation. Gael is concerned about AT’s plans for Karangahape Road, including proposed cycle ways. She is worried, too, about disabled and ambulance access, and echoes the mantra “No stopping equals No shopping.” Like me, Gael Baldock supports having independent members on local boards. The ‘butterfly lady’, as Gael Baldock self styles herself, has been very active on a number of local issues, including transport and tree protection, and brings an intelligent mind and careful research to her issues. She would certainly put the bureaucrats on notice that they would need to listen more to residents’ opinions, working with citizens rather than imposing decisions on them from on high. KEITH McCONNELL The third independent board candidate is Keith McConnell, a Parnell resident who has a degree in finance and has lengthy business experience. Keith has been assiduously canvassing local businesses and residents’ associations for their opinions. He is calling for open, transparent and accountable governance, something he sees as sadly lacking since the formation of the Super City. So, there you have it. Two realistic mayoral candidates – Goff or Tamihere. Coom, Lee, Matson or Trotman for one council seat. Twenty or so board candidates from which you may choose seven. Please vote. (JOHN ELLIOTT) F PN
Troy Elliott stands for Auckland District Health Board John Elliott’s son Troy Elliott is standing for the Auckland District Health Board - we wish him well. Troy explains, “My wife, Tracey, was diagnosed with Stage IV breast cancer almost six years ago. Through determined pressure we have been a key part of the advocacy groups that have been instrumental in Pharmac increasing the range of cancer drugs they fund. We continue to push Pharmac to increase funding and I continue to be a speaker and advocate for better treatment for cancer patients. “As a founding member of Patient Voice Aotearoa, I’ve appeared regularly in print and on television speaking about the battles we’ve had with the health system. I have decided to stand for the Auckland District Health Board. I will be a strong advocate and use my business skills to ensure the DHB does everything possible for patients, not just turn up to rubber stamp what managers say. “I am an experienced senior business leader. I’ve owned and managed awardwinning businesses from telecommunications to the fitness industry. “I chair the Ellerslie Residents’ Association, am active in the Ellerslie Songbird pest eradication project and will bring a fresh approach to the ADHB.” (TROY ELLIOTT) F PN
www.facebook.com/MatsonForWaitemata/ or: Google Allan Matson
Authorised by: A.vanRyn, 5C/28 Wellesley St East, Akld 1010
Keith McConnell for Waitemata Local Board When elected Keith will: • Champion local issues and initiatives • Provide a commercial perspective to the Board’s deliberations • Advocate for and liaise with local businesses and community groups
Making things Work, Getting things Done. The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied
• Demand open, transparent and accountable governance www.keithforwaitemata.com Authorised by Keith McConnell, 1/12 Balfour Rd, Parnell 021-655-888
PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
Ken Ring: Auckland weather diary, September 2019 - by the moon The first week of September is wet and the second even wetter, but after 17th the month may be relatively dry, especially the last 10 days. The wettest days are expected to be 11th and 16th, and the best interval in September for outside activities should be 20th-26th. Half as much again as average (for Auckland) is expected (136/93mm). Maximum temperatures average15-17°C and minimums 8-10°C and are normal. The barometer average may be 1018 mbs. The average relative humidity may be 84% and average wind direction may be south-easterly. Expect some rain every day for the first week. The beginning of the second week is mostly dry with the coldest nights of the month, and heavy rain on 11th is accompanied by the lowest barometer reading. The beginning of the third week contains a downpour, and at the beginning of the fourth week the barometer climbs to its highest for the month. The warmest day may be 27th with a mean of 19°C, and the coolest may be 8th with a mean of 10°C. The wind strengthens on 15th and 29th. For fishermen, the highest (king) tides are on the 1st, with a lesser tide on the 17th. The best fishing bite-times (in the east) are at dusk on the 1st, 13th16th, and 28th-30th, and in the west at around lunchtime on those days. Chances are also good in the east for 12 noon of the 5th-8th and 21st-23rd, and in the west around dusk of those days. For gardeners, the best sowing intervals are the 1st-7th when the waxing moon is ascending. The best pruning time is the 14th-22nd,
when the waning moon is descending. If harvesting for longer shelflife, choose lower water-table (neap) days of the 8th and 24th. Allow 24 hour error for all forecasting. (KEN RING) F PN For future weather for any date, see www.predictweather.com
Lucia Mataia – Leys Institute Library News: Kia ora koutou Isn’t it a nice feeling to know winter is behind us and we can look forward to warmer, longer days? Fancy a visit from us? Curious to know how Leys Institute can help your community group or association? Our Community Engagement Librarian, Ali, is happy to visit your community group. She can help your organisation set up a library card. As well as discuss the ways your community group can get the most out of its local public library. Ali can also look into helping rest homes set up house-bound services. Drop us a line at leysinstitutelibraryponsonby@aklc.govt.nz or T: 09 377 0209. October heritage month We are gearing up for The Auckland Heritage Festival which runs from the 5 October to 28 October. This year, we will have guided tours of the library, an exhibition of historic photos of past people of Ponsonby and a range of evening talks. There will be more details next month or you can check out the Auckland Heritage Festival guide. School holidays As all parents are aware, the school holidays are also in October. We can promise a range of messy and fun activities inspired by the
22 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
works of the famous Dr. Seuss, who once visited the Leys Institute and signed a wall in the basement. Book Chat recommends This month, it’s an unlikely combination of memoirs with animals and endurance races. This Much Country by Kristin Knight Pace, comes with the recommendation that it is “very, very good.” This is a story of a challenging life. Knight Pace lived alone in the wilds of Alaska with sled dogs for company. Much of the book centres around Knight Pace training sled dogs for the Yukon Quest - a 1000 mile, international sled dog race. Similarly, the second book, Fearless, by Kiwi Chloe Phillips-Harris centres around the 1000km Mongol Derby. This book has been described by one of our Book Chat members as an “amazing story” and recommends it to anyone who enjoys animal stories, adding: “Phillips-Harris’ can-do attitude is admirable.” F PN Opening hours: Monday - Friday 9am - 6pm and Saturday 9am - 4pm. Leys Institute Library, 20 St Marys Road, T: 09 377 0209, www.aucklandlibraries.govt.nz
Mike Lee: Auckland’s local body elections – “Whose city is it anyway?” I was around at Gerry Hill’s and Sally James’ place on Ponsonby Terrace the other day. As everyone knows, over the last two years Gerry has been courageously battling motor neuron disease (MND). He’d just returned home after a spell in hospital, some of it in intensive care, but in better shape than I expected. Cheerful as ever, despite difficulties with his breathing, he was in full flight, discussing politics with a room full of well-wishers. There was general dismay expressed all round at the way the so-called ‘Super City’ is going. A growing concern that ordinary ratepayers are being marginalised and citizens’ rights increasingly over-ridden by an all-powerful council/ CCO bureaucracy – with Mayor Phil Goff and too many councillors and local board members going along with it all. Those politicians fail to understand that the primary role of an elected representative is to represent the public to the council – not the other way round. Gerry’s friends were also convinced, like many Aucklanders, that the council is selective in the way it enforces planning rules. The bureaucrats can be infuriatingly pedantic when it comes to ordinary Aucklanders seeking consents, but certain people, especially Johnnycome-lately developers and the super rich, seem to get a free pass. The non-notified Duke helicopter landing pad in Herne Bay and council’s failure to enforce helicopter consent rules, come to mind – as does the destruction of century-old villas without even a need for a resource consent. Gerry’s friends were also not particularly impressed with the mayoralty contest, and the huge sums of money donated by wealthy interests being thrown about. Ponsonby resident Richard Howard summed it all up very succinctly: “Whose city is it anyway?” It seems this conversation, or something very much like it, is taking place all over Auckland. In a series of opinion pieces in the New Zealand Herald, the latest on 29 July, senior writer John Roughan deplored the loss of our local government, putting much of the blame on the ‘corporate model’ given to the ‘Super City’ at its creation. Roughan observed that this corporate model and the sheer size of the ‘Super City’, has made genuine local government in Auckland a thing of the past. Like Gerry and Sally’s visitors, Roughan evidently draws no comfort from the prospect of either mayoral candidate winning in October. He instead proposes another solution: Auckland councillors stepping up to take more responsibility in the governing of Auckland. He wrote: “So how can we change it? There might yet be time for enough candidates to get together and promise that if elected they will take control of their agenda.
The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied
“They need to declare they will not spend most of their days in the council chamber wading through windy reports of no particular consequence. They will organise themselves into smaller committees, call for reports on things they want to know, meet once a week and spend more of their time with constituents. They will assign themselves a portfolio and get alongside staff, keeping tabs on what is done and reporting results to the council. “I hoped Phil Goff might do something like this. I thought he’d be appalled to find he’d become mayor of a staff-driven organisation. But he appears to have done nothing about it. Surely there is something determined councillors can do, their role cannot be restricted by legislation. If it is, we need to look to national politics for a solution. “Next year the Super City will be 10. National, having set it up, should admit its mistake and put a review in its platform for next year’s election... We need 12 candidates determined to reclaim local democracy.” I completely agree – and I’m not the only one. It’s time the council’s governing body, which has since its inception been overly dominated by the Mayor, lived up to its name – whoever wins the mayoralty. More democratic government, better accountability to the public, and checks and balances in Auckland Council are well overdue. As for the widespread disenchantment with Phil Goff, as mentioned, I haven’t found that much enthusiasm for his only realistic challenger, John Tamihere, either. Tamihere’s candidacy hasn’t been helped by his bizzare pronouncements about selling the Ports of Auckland and Watercare. But I was at a community meeting recently when a woman, who runs a business on High Street, and was evidently so frustrated with Goff and the council that she told the meeting, “I don’t like John Tamihere or his track record – but I intend to vote for John Tamihere.” There was momentary silence in the room as we all took this in. Politics is a funny business and so it may be wise not to write Tamihere off yet. Many Aucklanders are so disillusioned with the apparent front-runner Goff that they may just vote for Tamihere – to make a point about what they think about the ‘Super City’ – and to use their once-in-three-year-opportunity to remind the powers-thatbe just whose city this is. (MIKE LEE - COUNCILLOR FOR WAITEMATA & GULF) F PN
PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
Ponsonby Park – September Update Wow, wow and wow – this is the best news for Ponsonby Park! On Tuesday 20 August, Auckland Council’s Finance and Performance committee met and passed a resolution for ‘the allocation of up to $5.5 million of the proceeds of sale from 200 Victoria Street West to the proposed development of a civic space at 254 Ponsonby Road, Ponsonby, which is the Waitemat-a Local Board’s One Local Initiative’. This is great news for Ponsonby Park. This substantial new and additional funding (to that already earmarked in the Long Term Plan) will make it possible to complete Stage One and Stage Two of the development together, once the business plan has been approved by council. This is a game changer for the community. Removing the financial necessity to complete the development in two separate stages will provide economies of scale that will hugely enhance the budgetary spend. Logistically, it makes sense, as there will no longer be the need to undo work already completed in Stage One to progress Stage Two. And, most importantly, it will bring the long 13-year wait for the development of Ponsonby Park to an end. Work on the Business Case for Ponsonby Park is already underway. In early August, the Community-led design (CLD) group met with key personnel from the project delivery team and members of the Waitemata- Local Board (WLB). At this meeting, the Scope of Work and Project Stages were outlined as was the approach being taken. The detailed Business Case and indicative timelines were also discussed. Next, elements of the LandLAB design were reviewed. Finally, the concept and role of the Project Control Steering Group (PCSG) was introduced. The PCSG is an exciting new governance model that is being trialed for the realisation of Ponsonby Park. It follows on from our CLD work and keeps the community at the table throughout the process.
Essentially, ownership of the project is retained by the WLB but the PCSG will: • • • • •
Discuss key issues and potential delivery risks Provide guidance for key decision making Support the project delivery team Provide communication channels to stakeholders Provide quality advice for the WLB’s decision making process
We are delighted to have been invited to be part of the PCSG and our representative is Mr Chris Bailey. We would like to thank the Waitemata- Local Board for selecting Ponsonby Park as their One Local Initiative and advocating strongly for the project. We would also like to thank Auckland Council for the opportunity to be part of the PCSG. And we are thrilled and very appreciative that the governing body saw the value of allocating the additional funds to create Ponsonby Park as a single-stage project. Energised and eager, we look forward to contributing to the actualisation of Ponsonby Park – even more so now the on-site work will be completed all at once. And, as always, we will keep you informed with regular updates through our established communication channels (thank you, Martin) and some in-person community events. Our last event was held on Saturday 17 August. It was a great day with lots of excited and happy people pleased to hear that the start of physical work on-site is less than one year away. Ponsonby Park – it’s happening! (JENNIFER WARD) F PN
You can stay up to date or contact us at: www.254Ponsonbyrd.org or check us out on Facebook – Ponsonby Park. The LandLAB design for Ponsonby Park won the international ‘World Architecture News – Future Civic Category’ award in November 2018.
24 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
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Luke Crockford 021 2778 565 luke.crockford@bayleys.co.nz BAYLEYS REAL ESTATE LTD, PONSONBY, LICENSED UNDER THE REAA 2008
R e s i d e n t i a l / Co m m e r c i a l / Ru r a l / Pr o p e r t y Se r v i c e s
Cake Wall by Paul Walshe
GLBA: Making Grey Lynn’s villages Auckland’s hub for ethical and sustainability focused businesses The Grey Lynn Business Association (GLBA) sees developing Grey Lynn into Auckland’s destination for those seeking ethically sourced, sustainability focused goods and services as a key to building business resilience. But we need your help to workshop the opportunities and benefits this can create for all Grey Lynn businesses and our community. Research has shown that transforming business districts into specialty product or service hubs attracts new customers by providing them with a specific reason to visit and, in doing so, enables all businesses and the surrounding community to prosper. West Lynn Village is a great example of this with it being the longstanding home to retail cornerstone Harvest Wholefoods, which has drawn people from across Auckland for its range of specialty products, and more recently to a thriving cluster of high-quality, baby-product stores. This specialisation has served to enhance the village’s destination appeal with the flow-on effect seeing these customers visiting our cafes, designers and bookstores – this relationship has energised the community and forged strong ties among West Lynn businesses. The GLBA is seeking to replicate this success. The first step involves looking into the feasibility of making Grey Lynn Village a hub for ethically sourced, sustainability focused businesses.
Some fantastic collaboration with local businesses will see a number of amazing spaces made available for artists to work, play and have a heck of a lot of fun, as well as display and sell their pieces. We will be in touch with those who have already contacted us and if you or anyone you know may be interested in being a part of this exciting initiative, just let us know at info@glba.co.nz. Member networking Finally, last month’s GLBA networking function at the Surrey Hotel saw a great turnout during which we heard about the comedy of business from comedian Julia Clement (juliaclement.com). The Surrey Hotel was a great venue and its staff magnificent hosts, putting on a great food wagon and providing the perfect ambiance for our networking gathering. We look forward to seeing GLBA members at out next function that takes place on 29 August at Pocket Bar. This function will be an opportunity for a number of our business members to talk about sustainability. If you are not a member but would like to attend, please contact us at info@glba.co.nz F PN
Within the village we have vegan-focused or vegan-friendly businesses including Tart Bakery, The Vegan Shop, Tiger Burger, Postal Service, Café Viet and Wise Boys Burgers to name a few so we already have a very good platform on which to build. We are excited about the potential this initiative has to deliver something of real significance to Grey Lynn Village and we would like to hear from like-minded businesses within our 1021 community who want to meet up and chat with other like-minded businesses and create potential opportunities. Strong business and community ties are built when we come together to work for the good of everyone so, if you would like to be part of a process that seeks to benefit and support Grey Lynn, please contact Irene King at info@glba.co.nz or 021 936 838. Artweek This is approaching quickly and we are right in the middle of building our contribution to it but we’re still on the look out for any artists or designers who want to engage with us and be part of this event.
26 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
Grey Lynn Beetle by local resident Paul Walshe PUBLISHED FIRST FRIDAY EACH MONTH (except January)
Communities and Residents
Communities and Residents
The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied
PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
John Elliott: Girls at Freemans Bay School embrace tech Year 5 and 6 girls at Freemans Bay School recently had a hands-on tech day as part of the Mastercard Girls4Tech aim to challenge gender biases and societal perception towards women working in STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths). The girls loved the programme, and told Nikki Kaye, Auckland Central MP who was present, that they would promise to consider continuing with science subjects at intermediate and secondary school. “The girls I saw today,” said Kaye, “were excited and inspired to participate in STEM subjects which can be applied across a number of roles and industries.” “Our vision for learning at Freemans Bay School is to create a stimulating, inclusive learning environment which empowers, engages and enriches learners to prepare them for their future world,” says Freemans Bay School principal, Sandra Jenkins. The inquiry-based STEM programme has an ambitious commitment to reach one million girls globally by 2025. To date, it has reached 100 girls across New Zealand, and more than 415,000 girls, in 25 countries.
Ruth Riviere, John Elliott & Nikki Kaye
“As a technology company, Mastercard feels it is important to actively challenge the gender biases and societal perceptions towards women in STEM and ensure they are given equal opportunity to their male peers,” said Ruth Riviere, Country Manager, New Zealand and the Pacific Islands, Mastercard. The STEM curriculum was designed to introduce terms such as algorithims, encryption, biometrics, big data and detective work. I watched the girls, in groups of four or five, tackle cryptology. Cryptology is about coding and changing data. They were given a small lock and a key to open it. Of course they needed the right key for the job, which is what breaking codes is all about. Had they ever used code words in personal diaries for example, to stop siblings being able to read what they had written in. Yes, one or two students said, they had. Next they were told about the first American language codes used during World War Two which were never decoded by the Germans. They pored over those codes and checked answers. Nikki Kaye gave an inspiring short talk at the conclusion of the experiments. Students asked her lots of questions about being an MP and where she had gone to school. This is a very worthwhile initiative. Girls still say they are not good at maths, often when their exam results have proved otherwise. There is a cultural impediment for girls taking technology subjects, which this programme seeks to overturn. Ruth Riviere (photographed with Nikki Kaye and John Elliott) said that, “As a woman working in STEM, encouraging young women to see the diverse opportunities it opens up, is something particularly close to my heart.” Congratulations to Freemans Bay School for embracing this programme, which clearly had those Year 5 and 6 girls excited about future possibilities. PN (JOHN ELLIOTT) F www.freemansbay.school.nz Mastercard Girls4Tech Freemans Bay participants
28 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
Nikki Kaye: an update It has been a busy month in Parliament with conscience votes, and I have been working hard locally on environmental issues and apartment reform. I have also been progressing policy in my portfolios of Education and Sport and Recreation. National has started releasing policies for discussion such as an announcement around additional funding for PHARMAC. I have received some pretty personal emails from constituents who have struggled to access medicines or treatments. National’s Cancer Fund Affordable access to medicines and medical devices is a massive issue for many people and their families. Recently, Simon Bridges announced a policy which would invest an extra $200m over four years for PHARMAC to fund cancer drugs. This is about ensuring drugs go to those who need them. We have also committed to introducing a National Cancer Agency to deliver better diagnoses, better access and better treatment for cancer sufferers across New Zealand. The agency will be involved in prevention, screening and treatment. New Zealand is a world leader in research and innovation, and the centre will also facilitate research so in the future we can prevent cancer and treat it more effectively. The previous National Government boosted annual investment in PHARMAC by $220m over nine years. That meant around 820,000 New Zealanders benefited from extra investment in new PHARMAC funded medicines. However, there is a lot more to do to assist people to have access to affordable medicines and treatments. Polytechnic changes The Government has decided to amalgamate polytechnics and industry training organisations. The announced reforms will see the Government hoover up millions of cash assets from our local Auckland polytechnics into a mega polytechnic.
I voted for the legislation to go to select committee. I believe our abortion laws should have been reconsidered some time ago. We were the first country to give women the vote but the abortion laws are outdated. I also consider the current laws do not adequately support a woman’s right to choose what happens to her body. The changes announced are a step in the right direction in that they will decriminalise abortion (except for some limited offences). The law will remove the statutory test on the health practitioner for a woman who is not more than 20 weeks pregnant. A woman who is more than 20 weeks pregnant will require the heath practitioner to reasonably believe the abortion is appropriate with regard to the pregnant woman’s physical and mental health and wellbeing. Out of the 13,000 abortions performed in New Zealand last year, I note that only 57 of those took place after 20 weeks’ pregnancy. There will be many women and couples for which this a deeply traumatic experience. I appreciate that people will have differing views. I intend to listen carefully to the submissions made to the committee and to any correspondence I receive from constituents. (NIKKI KAYE) F PN If you need assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact me or my office on T: 09 378 2088 or send me an email at mp.aucklandcentral@parliament.govt.nz. Authorised by Hon Nikki Kaye, MP for Auckland Central, 48c College Hill, Freemans Bay, www.nikkikaye.co.nz
The Government has gone ahead with these reforms despite 80% of submissions on the Review of Vocational Education opposing it.
Hon Nikki Kaye
All 16 polytechnics in New Zealand will be absorbed into NZIST. National believes training people on the job through apprenticeships, traineeships and other forms of at-work learning is hugely important. Unfortunately, these reforms will mean less on-the-job training rather than more. It is hard to see how a centralised, single entity for polytechnics and institutes of technology could be better placed to respond to regional or specialised demands than regionally based providers.
MP for Auckland Central
We appreciate changes need to be made to ensure we have a worldclass system, but this lazy centralised approach is not the answer. We also believe that industry is the expert on industry. We should be giving regional educators autonomy over what they teach and how they teach it. If elected in 2020, we are committed to returning the management of industry training to industry and returning community assets back to communities. Conscience votes – abortion law reform I have received a lot of correspondence from a number of constituents asking me to vote different ways on particular conscience issues. In my experience, there are a very diverse range of views on this issue. I have considered this issue taking into account many conversations with constituents over the years and public policy including the law commission report on law reform.
The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied
I regularly work on local issues and meet with constituents. Please contact my office if you would like to discuss anything with me Drop In Constituency Clinic: 48C College Hill, Freemans Bay Monday 23 September, 1pm
Funded by the Parliamentary Service. Authorised by Nikki Kaye MP, 48C College Hill, Freemans Bay, Auckland.
PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
John Elliott: Stunning new school working very well Freemans Bay School students, teachers and parents are thrilled with their brand new school. It features state-of-the-art architecture which has created excellent spaces for a learner-centred, thinking skills-based curriculum, where students can realise their full potential. The school was designed by the team at RTA Studios led by Executive Director Richard Naish, in collaboration with school principal Sandra Jenkins and other education experts. Jenkins travelled the world looking at innovative shared- space designs. “An effective learner-led curriculum strategy can be fully supported using imaginative architecture,” Sandra Jenkins told me. Freemans Bay vision is ‘engage, enrich, empower’. Freemans Bay deputy principals, Helen Armstrong and Sinead Heckett, gave me a VIP tour of the school, and I came away very impressed with the set up. As an ex-teacher, I was certainly struck by how much the modern learning spaces are being built to make best use of the way students learn. No more industrial-style rows of desks, with a teacher lecturing from the front and writing on a blackboard. The thinking behind the strong vision of the links between pedagogy and space is the relationship between play, physical movement and learning. The school believes that students are using the spaces with increased motivation, engagement, creativity and collaboration around their learning. I asked Helen and Sinead if the physical attributes were a distraction from learning. “Quite the opposite,” I was told. Children are inspired by the lovely spaces and love coming to school to work in them. The flexibility the spaces create is an advantage of the layout. Students can
30 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
work together in groups as large as 90, in small groups in breakout rooms, or individually in small spaces. Using teacher strengths is a feature of the collaborative approach of the open-plan learning. With the mantra ‘learning to learn’ at the heart of Freemans Bay education, I asked the DPs if content learning suffered. “No,” they both echoed. The curriculum is carefully adhered to, with the three ‘R’s’ given proper place. Principal Sandra Jenkins puts it this way. “Learning to learn is at the heart of our school culture. We have an expectation that at Freemans Bay priority is given to developing the capacity to learn as well as mastering content. We believe in creating learning environments that inspire and support our students to develop positive dispositions towards learning.” Certainly, the built environment of Freemans Bay School lends itself easily to creating the atmosphere for the learning Sandra Jenkins and her staff desire. As soon as you walk through the gates you are struck by the warmth and the friendly environment that greets you. This is a genuine multi-cultural school with a mixture of Pakeha, Maori, Pacifica, Chinese, Vietnamese, Indian, Saudi, Russian and Filipino helping to make up the 500 or so student roll. Sandra Jenkins and her staff deserve praise for the ‘tone’ of the school – a vibrant community of learning. (JOHN ELLIOTT) F PN
Ponsonby U3A – August 2019
Christine Hart was re-elected president of Ponsonby U3A at the August AGM, taking it into its 26th year providing the opportunity for informal study and new learning experiences for people in their ‘third age’. In her report Christine said, “There is no doubt in my mind that the people who have gone before us have imbued Ponsonby U3A with a spirit of friendliness, fun and a thirst for knowledge. Undoubtedly these people have stamped this group with a culture of support, learning and enthusiasm.”
• The Commission for Financial Capability and improving the financial capability of all New Zealanders;
Ponsonby U3A was founded in 1994 by a group of enthusiastic local people, some of whom are still active contributing members today. Its growing membership reflects the desire of people with some leisure time to follow the aim of U3A: “Those who teach shall also learn and those who learn shall also teach.” (Peter Laslett, Founder of U3A UK, 1981)
• Decumulation – thinking about creating retirement income, alternatives to selling the home and moving to a retirement village;
The lifeblood of Ponsonby U3A lies in its special interest groups, of which there are 25, with new groups coming on stream as interest is shown in particular topics. Two new groups that have been enthusiastically received are Maori Language and Drawing. The special interest groups offer learning, leisure activities and friendship. Ponsonby U3A is part of the international U3A movement. It started in France in 1973 and has spread throughout the world. There are over 80 U3A groups in New Zealand, 25 in Auckland, with a total membership of over 3000. The September meeting will be the last in its current venue, the Herne Bay Petanque Club. Increasing membership and loss of parking have made a move imperative. From October, meetings will be held at the St Columba Centre in Vermont Street, Ponsonby. Each monthly meeting has a guest speaker and the August speaker brought a message pertinent to everyone in the membership sooner or later. Troy Churton is the National Manager of Retirement Villages and Ageing Workplace for the Commission for Financial Capability. His talk was wide-ranging and covered topics including:
Keep your drawers on! CHESTYboy 1 Bay 3 High $830 Or 6 weekly interest free payments from $138.33
• Retirement income policy – what we recommended, what we got, where does the future lie;
• Retirement villages and care – potential traps about accessing aged care for the unprepared. Ponsonby U3A meets on the second Friday morning of the month. There are two speakers at each meeting – a 10-minute speaker from the membership and an invited guest speaker. The speaker for the September meeting will be Sir Richard Faull, Director, Centre for Brain Research, University of Auckland: “The magic and excitement of the Human Brain.” Guests are welcome to attend a Ponsonby U3A meeting, but are PN asked to first telephone Christine Hart. (PHILIPPA TAIT) F NEXT MEETING: 10am - 12 noon, Friday 13 September Herne Bay Petanque Club, Salisbury Street Reserve, Herne Bay. ENQUIRIES:
Christine Hart, President, Ponsonby U3A. M: 027 289 55 514.
CHESTYboy 1 Bay 6 High $1269 Or 6 weekly interest free payments from $211.50
CHESTYboy 2 Bay 3 High $1516 Or from $316 today & 5 weekly interest free payments of $240
Furniture. Simply.
The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied
PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
Deirdre Thurston – On My Mind: It’s the little things As I ‘mature’, I am more and more aware that it is the little things in life that bring joy and comfort to me. These ‘little things’ are, of course, subjective depending on our situations. Some of us struggle to find a bed to sleep in, shelter, warmth, food. So we differ on what these little things are in our day-to-day lives. When I was younger, I chased the big things – the happy ever after fairy-tale marriage, fortune, big houses, luxe cars, fame. The fame part wasn’t really a big deal for me, although I wouldn’t have turned it away had it come knocking. I did fancy being a singer. I pictured myself lounging on an ebony baby grand piano, smoking a pink Sobranie while belting out a sultry song or two to an enraptured, divinely dressed audience in a smokily lit club somewhere in New York, Paris or Berlin. Or side-by-side on stage with Chrissie Hynde singing Brass In Pocket. A best-seller would have been good, too. All that travel to readers and writers’ festivals and chatting on-stage about ‘process’ and muses, the audience hanging off every witty word. Like I say, I was younger then and clearly had my head in the clouds and totally believed in fairy tales. I achieved the big houses, luxe cars. I did smoke pink Sobranies. There was even a book tour all set to go until life got in the way and I couldn’t leave. I even recall lounging on a baby grand but there was no singing involved. The happy ever after fairy tale got cut short. Are girls still being fed this myth? Not saying it doesn’t exist but, come on – princes? Apart from Meaghan’s and Kate’s. I guess they got lucky. Or did they… The little things are what make life worthwhile, not the hankering after and running towards the big stuff. John Lennon was totally right: “Life’s what happens while you’re making other plans.” The earlier we learn to notice what is happening under our noses and not have our heads ‘over there’ or into next year, we can find contentment. It’s not whether the houses are big or small, or a tent, or a shack. It’s what happens under those roofs. The kiss goodnight. The hand on your back as you fall asleep. Or, if alone, making like a starfish in bed and not fantasising about smothering someone’s snoring with your pillow. The sound of the front door opening and closing – child home
32 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
safe. The cat taking up most of the bed. A weekend walk. A look and a smile. Picking veggies from the garden. Seeing the birds feasting in the plum-laden tree. Rain drops on the daisies in the lawn. Stopping to listen to the tui teasing the cat. Green tea in bed. A good book. The smell of a new book. Trailing your fingers through lavender bushes as you pass by and smelling them. A full tide. A low tide. Laughing. Slightly burnt toast with miso paste on it. Perfectly ripe avocado with not a single brown spot. A teaspoon of peanut butter as you pass by the pantry. Seeing your fat, snow-white camellias in bloom as you walk up your path. Your path – weeds and all but especially the violets emerging between the bricks. A walk on the beach listening to a friend rant about how her partner can’t stack the dishwasher, while you watch a gull swoop down after a sprat. Gentle waves tinkling over shells, sounding like angels laughing. Breathing in and out, slowly. The smell of those first raindrops on dry asphalt. Floating islands on the horizon out at sea. “Hi Mum” on the other end of the phone. Laughing fit to burst at midnight over nothing with your bestie. Music. Words. Someone asking if you need to talk. Or a hug, or a hot water bottle. Oh, a hot water bottle with a hand-knitted cover from your nana that you’ve had since childhood. Memories of your nana and the time she made you green jelly. And you didn’t tell her you hated green jelly because you loved her more. The jet beads she used to wear that are now yours. The white dove that lands on my veranda from time to time when I need my mum. A friend cites swims, brushing her cat and her pj’s as her little joys. All these little things we can hold in our hearts like a handful of precious gems. Warm and glowing. These are what a life is. Gratitude for them is essential. Be thankful. Kurt Vonnegut said: “Enjoy the little things in life because one day you will look back and realise they were the big things.” (DEIRDRE THURSTON) F PN
A NEW FOOD FOREST AT ST COLUMBA CHURCH On World Peace Day, there was a happy gathering of the whanau of St Columba – in its widest sense – after its Sunday service, to plant the beginnings of a food forest along the western boundary of the property. They waited outside the church while wheel barrows were loaded with trees, then proceeded up the pathway and along the footpath. As they moved back into the property to the area prepared by volunteers, they were called in by a karanga and the sound of - atara a put (conch shell). The diversity of those who came to witness the planting – families from the community, parishioners and representatives from various St Columba groups, GL2030 and Business Grey Lynn – was matched by the variety of trees planted – fig, plum, nectarine and walnut, to name some. The first was the plum, planted in memory of parishioner George Morgan who died last year. Mary, his wife, commented that just as he used to love meeting locals over his own front fence, he would have loved the position of the tree close to the footpath so passers-by could reach the fruit. Another was planted by the Super Gs Seniors group, and another jointly by Brigitte Sistig from GL2030 and Gael Baldock from Business Grey Lynn. Reverend Talau Hoeft and his son, Counties under 19’s prop, Michael, planted a mandarin tree for the Tongan congregation, and members from the Fa’alogo-Lilo, Davidson and Fa’aiuaso families planted a peach tree for St Columba’s Samoan aiga. The children placed a walnut tree in the playground with the vision that it will provide shade in years to come. As Sa’id settled a fig tree in the soil, he offered a prayer in Farsi to honour the victims of the Christchurch massacre, and his own father whose funeral he was unable to attend some months ago in Iran. Each new tree was blessed, and there was prayer and singing. “It’s been a wonderful celebration of the community St Columba is part of,” said Reverend Brent Swann. “And this is just the start. We will plant more to add to what is already here. It’s about manaaki of the environment, and contributing to the local community – kai for the puku and kai for the eyes. The fruit will help us PN to feed visitors and those in need.” F www.saintcolumbas.org.nz
32D BARRYS POINT ROAD | TAKAPUNA | 09 486 1586 | WWW.THEFAIRYLIGHTSHOP.COM The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied
PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
John Elliott: Long-Standing Herne Bay Business Owner When I first asked Tara Patel, owner of Herne Bay Post and Stationers, if I could interview her for the Ponsonby News, she declined. Tara is a naturally shy and private person and she couldn’t think why her story would be at all interesting to our readers. But once you get to know her she comes out of her shell. Her daughter, Prashila, was in the shop while I talked to her mother. “She’s a straight shooter,” said Prashila. “She’s a real hard worker, and the customers love her. She works all hours.” Her family urged her to tell her story, and I’m glad they did. Tara Patel is one of the longest-serving business people in the Herne Bay shopping complex. Before taking over the Post Shop and the next door stationers, Tara, with her husband, ran the Kelmarna Dairy. She worked in Wellington for lawyers, transferring to the same Auckland City law firm before venturing into her current businesses in April 1989. She still has family in her father’s Wellington dairy. Six months later I started the Ponsonby Community News letter, now, as Ponsonby News, in its 30th year. But that is another story! The Patels bought locally, and Tara still lives in the same house they bought in 1981. I followed with home ownership in Herne Bay in 1990. I don’t think any other businesses than Tara Patel’s business existed then, although Andrew came to Novel soon after that. Major changes in postal services and smaller margins have drastically changed since 1989, and Tara has had to absorb many of them. People no longer write letters: parcels have surpassed letters. They never have to leave home to email their clients, friends or family.
Rates are up, landlords keep upping rents, and people are busier than ever.
Still, Herne Bay Post and Stationers is one of the busiest post shops in Auckland. Christmas sales are among the best of Auckland’s 70 post centres.
Still, Tara Patel has a loyal following, devoted customers, who she knows by name when they come in the door.
Tara misses the elderly customers who have departed Herne Bay. They were some of her best customers.
This hardworking local business woman along with her son Hamesh, and daughters Prashila and Vanisha’s help, is quiet, yet warm and friendly when you get to know her. She goes methodically about her long work hours, and takes things as they come. She is an asset to our community, who still believes in the word community, particularly the one she has got to know so well in the last 30 years.
With all the uncertainty around Auckland Council future directions, rampant bureaucracy, unwanted bike lanes, and ever increasing numbers of new apartment blocks, Tara Patel is nervous about the future of small businesses like hers. She is not hopeful of future customers from the new high rises. “They don’t post letters,” she told me.
We post 300 copies of PN each month and always get our stamps PN from Tara. We at Ponsonby News wish her well. (JOHN ELLIOTT) F
OCTOBER 1989 - OCTOBER 2019 30 years of producing Ponsonby News each month next issue celebrate with us... AD RATES START @ $235 + GST
34 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
Spring is in the air and not only will you be smelling the sweet smell of fresh flowers but you may also notice some enticing aromas coming from Ponsonby Central this August. The changing of the seasons is bringing a change of menus to many of our restaurants with new dishes added to their already popular lineups. Tokyo Club Large Plate (25pc) $34 Fresh yellow fin tuna, wild Akaroa salmon, local iki-jime snapper or kingfish, Japanese scallops DQG prawns. Olas - Patacon & Corona $20 A sandwich made with WZR slices of fried green plantain and filled with Jrated Fheddar, Foleslaw, Elack Eeans, Juasacaca (Venezuelan Vtyle Juacamole) and your choice of Sulled Sork, Vhredded Eeef or Vauteed Wofu. Bedford Soda & Liquor Sloe and Steady $18 Sloe Jin, Aperol, Mezcal, Eeetroot
8. Food Truck Garage - Tacos & Tortilla Chips $16 1
Two tacos of your choice with fresh housemade tortillas, along with a side of housemade tortilla chip. Part of their weekday lunch special menu. Mondays - Thursdays 11am - 2pm. 6 7
6. Hidden Village - Bun Cha $10 Vietnamese rice noodle salad with pork belly. 7. Burger Burger - Potato Skins $7
Not technically new but back by popular demand are Burger Burger’s coveted potato skins, served with truffle oil & homemade aioli. 5. Crush - Maya Fire Smoothie $8.90 Raw cacao, maca, cayenne, cinnamon, dates, banana, activated almonds. 5
4. BLLrd on a Wire - Mr Hash $19 The baddest bird burger around! Buttermilk fried chicken, Eacon, Sotato parmesan rosti, Iried onion, Dioli, Fheddar cheese, EET sauce
The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied
PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
Italian feasts with family and friends Family and friends enjoying homemade pasta, pizzas and classic regional appetisers continue the authentic Italian family atmosphere of Pane e Vino on Williamson Avenue. After a year in their new venue the team have thrived on the wonderful energy of their regular customers, who love Tito’s warm hospitality and homemade cuisine and Mirko’s flair for creating divine cocktails. “We love being part of the community and we’re so happy to be able to do our bit to help raise money for both Ponsonby and Grey Lynn primary schools,� says Tito. Tito donated his culinary services to the schools for a recent fundraising event with families bidding high to win a night with Tito as their personal chef for a dinner party of 10. While not everyone can have Tito in their home to whip up an Italian feast, everyone can now enjoy the rich flavours of Tito’s homemades sauces and freshly made pasta for lunch six days a week. Now open on Saturdays from 12 noon, Pane e Vino offers locals the best in Italian cuisine in an environment that makes every meal a celebration of family, food and friends. Open Monday to Sunday from 5pm for dinner and lunch Monday to Saturday from 12noon till 3pm. F PN PANE E VINO, 1 Williamson Avenue, Ponsonby T: 09 360 0263, www.paneevino.co.nz
)* + * +
36 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
! " #$ %& % ' (((%$ %& % ' " #$ %& % ' PUBLISHED FIRST FRIDAY EACH MONTH (except January)
EAT, DRINK +LOCAL BE MERRY NEWS Portrait photography: Connor Crawford
HAPPY BIRTHDAY IRENE (OMA) Born in Bandung Indonesia, Irene has many stories to tell of her life adventures. An accomplished Indonesian cook, Irene has cooked up a storm in many continents throughout the world before landing in her beloved New Zealand and opening her first Indonesian restaurant. Friends, colleagues and family have enjoyed gathering in Irene’s home, then restaurants and feasting on banquets, ‘Rijstaffel’, of spicy Indonesian food.
At the end of the day her greatest accomplishment is family. Irene’s children, grandchildren and great grandchildren take this opportunity to thank Oma (and Opa) for instilling strong work ethics and values.
To date, Irene (Oma) has had a colourful eight decades (many more to come) of life from restaurant success; aviation catering contracts; television cooking appearances; cooking school teacher; founder and developer of the iconic Ponsonby Foodcourt and property owner which includes her much loved building that she and her husband worked hard to redevelop on Ponsonby Road.
“One will reap the rewards of the hard work that they sow.” Oma, sit back and let us take over the reins so you can enjoy the rewards of your hard labour.
“Thank you Irene for your vision, drive and standards which has created a legacy that Ponsonby can long be proud of. Many happy returns on your 80th birthday” from Elias, Paddy and the team at Ponsonby Pool Hall.
The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied
Thank you, Oma we love you. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! F PN
“Happy 80th birthday, Irene. Stay healthy and happy.” With much love from the team at Pita Pit. “Come in and try our new menu which includes our Mexicano Pita. Grilled chicken or steak with habanero sauce, yummy fillings and topped with sour cream or hot chilli sauce.”
“Happy 80th birthday, Irene. Congrats on all you have accomplished and supporting us in our endeavours to create one of Auckland’s iconic bars. We wish you the best for future years to come and look forward to seeing you downstairs for a glass of mulled wine by the warmth of our fireplace.” All the best from Ben, Jason and the crew.
PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
BIRTHDAY WISHES FROM THE SHOPS @ PONSONBY FOODCOURT Established in 2002, Ponsonby Foodcourt was founded and developed by Omas Properties restaurateur Irene van Kuijk and her marine engineer husband Marcel. Irene has been a strong influence in the Asian restaurant scene since the 80s. A believer in the hard-working, small-business owner, Irene prides herself on having such great tenants. The family are
celebrating the birthday month – September – of both Irene and the late Marcel by recognising and thanking their long-standing tenants and show casing some of Irene’s favourite dishes.
“Selamat ulang tahun - happy 80th birthday, Oma. We wish you happiness, health and prosperity and many more happy birthdays to come. Much love the team at Kuta Bali.” Irene’s favourite dish: No: 15 Bakwan jagung – fried sweet corn fritters with minced prawns and onions and No: 3 Sate ayam - skewered marinated chicken with peanut sauce.
“Happy birthday Irene, we wish you a very happy and healthy year. May the rest of your days be kept with good company and great memories. Happy birthday from the Ruk Thai crew.” Irene’s favourite dish: Number 14 – Thai green curry with coconut milk, bamboo shoots and mixed vegetables.
“Happy 80th birthday, Irene. Wishing you good health for the many years to come. All the best.” Oma’s (Irene’s) favourite drink: Fresh New Zealand lemon juice.
38 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
“Happy birthday to you dear Irene. We wish all the best - Jan Tavalodet mobarak.” Love from Hasan, Kaori and the team. Irene’s favourite dish: Shish kebab – mixture of succulent lamb and chicken on a bed of fresh salad and hummus.
“Happy birthday, Irene, wishing you much health and prosperity from the team at Golden Express.” Irene’s favourite dish: No 17: Chicken and cashew nuts on rice.
“Happy 80th birthday, Irene, a strong and amazing woman. May God bless you with fortune, happiness, good health and many, many more birthdays to come!” Irene’s favourite dish: Masai chilli fire. Number 9 - Spicy chicken with birds eye chilli, lemongrass and galangal.
The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied
“Congratulations, Irene, for reaching 80 years. God bless you for a long life. I wish you always happiness in life.” Irene’s favorite dish of the day: Zap Lai sizzling platter and deep fried snapper.
“Dear Irene, you are an inspiration for us because of your wisdom and kindness. We wish you a fabulous 80th birthday,” from the team at Mekong Vietnamese. Irene’s favourite dish: Bun Ga noodle salad - a salad mix with crushed peanut, lots of sweet & sour fish and soya sauce.
“May God bless you with many more healthy birthdays!” Irene’s favourite dish: Dami Sushi famous bento box: Chicken teriyaki bento with tempura sushi, tofu, salad and miso.
“Many, many happy returns for the day. Happy 80th birthday Irene.” Best wishes from the team at Roti Shop. Irene’s favourite dish: Butter chicken cooked in creamy milk sauce and served with garlic naan.
PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
North Shore has a Goodside The face of Smales Farm is always changing, it feels more Silicon Valley than Takapuna, with its state-ofthe-art commercial buildings, lush green gardens, buzzing community vibe and variety of eateries. At the heart of the ‘Farm’ is perhaps the North Shore’s worst-kept secret, Goodside. Those already in the know will understand; this unique leisure space is just nine months old but already a firm favourite among the business and employees that call Smales Farm home. It hasn’t taken long for word to spread to the wider public, however. Paul Gunn, chief executive officer of Smales Farm, says that Goodside has exceeded expectations since opening and has quickly become a social hub for the on-site community, surrounding residents and a destination for visitors from wider Auckland. “We’re seeing more and more business meetings being held by our residents at Goodside, and the feedback we are getting is that more and more of their customers and clients are wanting to cross the bridge to visit. What we’re even more proud of, however, is the large number of visitors coming from all across Auckland to check us out in the evenings and at the weekends. The unique blend of quality design, boutique operators who love their craft, DJs and musicians you would ordinarily have to go to town for has really hit the spot.” There’s no doubting Smales Farm is completely revolutionising the ‘business park’ model, and with Goodside they’re serving the needs of more than just workers; it’s where Aucklanders can come together for a meal or casual drink in a warm and relaxed setting seven days a week, 7am til late. With excellent transport links, open green spaces, community events, activations and revolutionary buildings, Smales Farm is constantly reinventing to meet the demands of a new generation of workers, as defined by their ‘Next Generation Neighbourhood’ tagline. Entailing eight different eateries, bars and restaurants, free WiFi, great coffee, al fresco dining, open fire places, new pop up offerings every month, DJ’s and live music every weekend, North Shore’s new Goodside is well worth a visit. F PN GOODSIDE, 72 Taharoto Road, Takapuna, located behind the B:HIVE at Smales Farm, www.goodside.co.nz
40 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
Urban gardens for the fitness and wellbeing of body, mind and soul Urban farms and urban agriculture. Sounds like an oxymoron, doesn’t it? But dig a little deeper and you’ll find a movement that mitigates climate change, improves food security and strengthens communities. Now, I know that sounds like a really big job, but it’s grounded in the most simple of things – growing food. You can enjoy locally grown, healthy food, mitigate the effects of climate change and help build a more resilient community – just by getting your hands a little dirty! Over the last 150 years, food production has moved further and further out of sight for most of us and now takes place far away from where food is eaten. When was the last time you walked through a field of crops? Chances are not at all or not in a long time, since there isn’t much land devoted to growing cereals in New Zealand. Large- scale industrial agriculture focuses on monoculture, highprofit, high-yield crops and animal systems that can be exported. New Zealand is quite squarely in the dairy and meat game. Herbicides, fungicides and fertilisers, which are used extensively in ‘conventional’ agriculture, damage the delicate balance of the underground ecosystem, and genetic modification has led to crops designed to be grown at scale, but with less regard for their nutritional value or their impact on the environment. Industrial agriculture may have seemed like a good idea at the time, since it held the promise of saving millions from starvation, but it has now emerged that it comes with many pitfalls and we can see that it certainly isn’t sustainable in the long run. At its most simple, urban agriculture moves food production closer to the community that eats it. This not only reduces the costs of transport, but urban agriculture almost always uses sustainable growing methods, often focussing on regenerative methods that sequester carbon and produce food that’s packed with nutritional goodness, thus improving the physical health of the community. These aren’t the only benefits. There’s also evidence that gardening – the simple act of getting soil on your hands – improves mental and emotional wellbeing too, especially when it’s done together with others.
Urban agriculture integrates food production into both the ecological and economic systems of the urban landscape. Community gardens are springing up all around the country – Otakaro Orchard in Christchurch, Thames’ award-winning community garden and Auckland’s own long-standing Kelmarna Organic Gardens in Ponsonby are just a few of the productive patches that are feeding and educating communities and helping to fight back against climate change. Adrian Roche, Manager of Kelmarna Gardens, says their garden is a great example of the range of food that can be grown in Auckland, and urban farms and gardens should be systems that provide real calories to feed real people. Growing a wide range of food from sunflowers to celery, lemons to lettuce, Kelmarna feeds more than just the body – it feeds the mind and the soul too, providing education about sustainability along with much needed support and therapy for people who have experienced mental illness. Gardening is a great entry into learning and caring about the environment, says Adrian, and he suggests you’ll soon pick up knowledge and skills volunteering at a community garden near your place. If there are no community gardens nearby, you can always start your own food farm in your back (or front) yard. There are so many things to learn from urban gardens. It’s easy to be overwhelmed by news of climate change, but we all have to eat and by changing the way we eat, we can either continue to contribute to climate change or we can choose to halt and hopefully reverse it. Visit me at breadpolitics.com to find out more about the benefits of urban gardens. (ISABEL PASCH) F PN
To read more about other urban farming initiatives in New Zealand and around the world visit www.breadpolitics.com Isabel Pasch is the owner of Bread & Butter Bakery & Cafe and the author of the breadpolitics.com blog.
Real Sourdough Raises the Bar... Made with organic ingredients bread is truly the staff of life. A valuable addition for every meal, breakfast, school lunches and dinner.
Bread and Butter Cafe – 34 Westmoreland Street, West Grey Lynn / Little Bread & Butter – Ponsonby Central / www.breadandbutter.nz The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied
PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
The Plume Collection – Matakana magic Visitors to Matakana often enjoy the delights of the Plume Collection without making the connections around their shared ownership. The Plume Collection is a series of hospitality related ventures owned by Matakana residents, the Cooper family. These include a boutique vineyard, a restaurant, a complex of luxury villas and a cafe with its own bakery in the centre of the village. Of these, the most renowned property is Plume Restaurant, positioned on a gentle ridge on Sharp Road, a mere five minutes by car from Matakana township. Long known as a great dining experience and a favourite haunt of both locals and visiting food and wine aficionados, the restaurant features seasonal fare reflecting the best produce of the country, and panoramic views of the countryside. It’s a wonderful location for weddings, conferences and special events. A large, sunny and separate function room, Rengarenga, adjoins the restaurant yet allows events to take place without impacting on diners. First established, and the lynch pin in the collection, is Runner Duck Estate Vineyard, a boutique wine maker of limited production, handtended wines in an impressive variety of styles. A private vineyard tucked away in the heart of a secluded estate, its vines produce their own magic in splendid isolation. The resulting wines include a delicate pinot gris, a chardonnay and a methode champenoise, impressively robust syrah and Bordeaux-style reds, a rare sangiovese, and a newly released albarino. Plume Restaurant acts as the cellar door for this vineyard, with tastings available and all varieties on the wine list for patrons to savour. Late last year, Plume Villas opened with 12 luxury villas set gently on the landscaped slopes below the restaurant. A five minute stroll away, the villas are a welcome respite for weary travellers, many escaping the pressures of Auckland city for rest and recreation in the peaceful countryside. Individual balconies, fully tiled ensuite bathrooms, quality furniture, fixtures and fittings complement the thoughtful design, placement and architectural detailing in each villa. With one, two and three-bedroom options, all are separate, self-contained and offer king size beds and electronic entertainment options such as satellite TV, Netflix and Bluetooth audio. In the Matakana Village itself, set in pride of place right on the roundabout, Plume Cafe and its adjoining bakery are just the place for a hearty breakfast, a light lunch, or a sweet treat after enjoying the activities of the area. The coffee is excellent, the staff are friendly and helpful and it’s a hard place not to linger for another cup or two. If you’re planning a weekend escape, or a magnificent business, family or social event, make The Plume Collection a part of the plan.
42 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
You’ll be pleasantly surprised, whether you take advantage of all of the delights, or enjoy these singly. Warm welcomes await you, and Matakana magic is guaranteed. F PN www.theplumecollection.co.nz PUBLISHED FIRST FRIDAY EACH MONTH (except January)
Experience the magic of Matakana, base yourself at one of our luxurious new Plume Villas and enjoy the superb food and wine at Plume Restaurant. Country life starts here. Plume Restaurant is an oasis for gourmet travellers, recognised for superb cuisine and as the cellar door for Runner Duck Estate 9LQH\DUG·V À QH ZLQHV 3OXPH 5HVWDXUDQW LV QRZ complemented by Plume Villas, DQ HQFODYH RI QHZ OX[XU\ EHGURRP YLOODV VHW ZLWKLQ ODQGVFDSHG JURXQGV 7KHVH YLOODV VKDUH D VZLPPLQJ SRRO DQG DUH D UHOD[HG VWUROO IURP WKH UHVWDXUDQW 3HUIHFW IRU D ZHHNHQG JHWDZD\ IRU WZR DV ZHOO DV D ZRQGHUIXO YHQXH IRU ZHGGLQJV FRQIHUHQFHV PHHWLQJV DQG SULYDWH HYHQWV For all enquiries telephone 09 422 7915 SCL/PLU2018/30
FACES AT THE GREY LYNN FARMERS MARKET Satomi’s smiling face on Sunday mornings, selling a Japanese version of omelettes and cute cheesecakes, belies her adventurous spirit. What brought you to New Zealand? Fire poi. I knew that there was a group of people doing fire poi here and I wanted to experience a different culture. Okay – that’s different! How did you learn fire poi and what is it? Fire poi is like poi but with flaming balls being swung around on chains. Back in 2004, I went on a working holiday to Australia and my flatmate taught me fire poi. Was your flatmate Maori? - practice it. No – Japanese. Despite being called fire poi, not many Maori I heard that you met your husband, Ryo, through fire poi? Yes, I was performing fire poi in Britomart and a Japanese digeridoo player introduced Ryo to me. Ryo is also a chef who does fire poi. What were you doing in Japan before you came to New Zealand? I’ve been a chef since I was 19. I’ve worked in all kinds of places as a chef – an Italian restaurant, a bar, a cafe. I always like trying something different. Did you work as a chef when you came to New Zealand? Yes. I worked as a chef, starting at ACG college then moving on to work at Renkon. After a while I wanted to try something new and trained in Chinese massage – I still work part-time as a masseur.
When did you start your market business? Three months ago. I noticed that most of the Japanese food sold in New Zealand is teriyaki chicken and ramen noodles but I have never seen anyone selling omurice. What is a Omurice? It is an omelette on a bed of flavoured rice with sauce over it. It is a very popular thing for Japanese people to make at home. Often Japanese people add a lot of ketchup to the rice but I have adapted it to suit Kiwi tastes. [Ed. I guess that is why Japanese people eat more eggs per person than anywhere else in the world.] What do you like about being at the market? I like having the flexibility to try my own recipes and I like seeing customers’ reactions. I can see straight away what people think. What has been surprising? A few weeks ago, it suddenly got very windy. My gazebo nearly blew away, so lots of people came running to hold it down. Then it started hailing and we all got covered in hailstones! Thanks everyone, for helping. How did you come to call your business ‘Ulysses Kitchen’? It was my stage name in Japan. It’s from when I was living in Cairns. They have a large, beautiful butterfly there – the Ulysses butterfly. It’s considered to be good luck if you see it – and I did. F PN www.glfm.co.nz
Sunday mornings at the Grey Lynn Community Centre 510 Richmond Road
44 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
EAT, DRINK + BE MERRY 5 Fort Lane, CBD T: 09 379 9702 cassiarestaurant.co.nz
Modern Japanese Main Beach Takapuna Beach Bookings essential Ph 09 390 7188 www.tokyobay.co.nz
Japanese Izakaya Dining Bar Ponsonby Central No bookings required Ph 09 376 8016 www.tokyoclub.co.nz
SIDART, Level 1, Three Lamps Plaza, 283 Ponsonby Road T: 360 2122 www.sidart.co.nz The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied
PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
Phil Parker: It’s all about the taste Having been a wine tour guide, plus doing wine writing gigs for over 20 years, I have observed literally thousands of people tasting thousands of wines. And I have noticed that they do fall into two general categories. So, here is my own take on why people like certain wines. And why people don’t like other wines. The Phil Parker Theory of Wine Palate goes something like this: Some (not many) people have a sensitive palate. And conversely, most other people have a robust palate. No shame about being in either group. It’s not a competition. It’s like having brown eyes or green eyes. Get over it. Thus, my completely unproven theory divides you into two groups. Sensitive palate Does not like: Brussels sprouts, broad beans, very strong cheeses, salt and vinegar chips, sauvignon blanc, riesling, cabernet sauvignon and very tannic (dry) red wines such as Barolo, Australian cabernet or shiraz. Also, in general, hates very hoppy and bitter craft beers, and sweet wines – especially dessert wines. Likes: Pinot gris, buttery soft chardonnay, soft and silky pinot noir, ripe and soft syrah, merlot. Robust palate Does not like: Chardonnay, pinot gris, gewürztraminer, pinot noir or merlot.
Tohu Pinot Blanc Whenua Awa Marlborough 2018 - $29 Pinot blanc, along with pinot gris is a cousin of pinot noir. This is a crisp refreshing wine, ideal slightly chilled. In the mouth, it’s fresh and fruity with flavours of mandarin, nectarine and hint of riesling-like beeswax. Great match for seafood. Availability: Glengarry Tohu Albariño Whenua Matua Nelson 2018 - $29 This Spanish grape variety (pronounced al-ba-reenyo) produces crisp white wines with stone fruit flavours not unlike viognier. In Portugal it is known as alvarinho. To me – ripe pear, mandarin and minerality with a crisp finish. Availability: Glengarry
Likes: Sauvignon blanc, riesling, vinegary foods, Brussels sprouts, salt and vinegar chips, cabernet sauvignon, shiraz, malbec, zinfandel and other tannic dry reds. Also loves bitter, hoppy IPA beers. Also, may enjoy a cigarette or a good cigar.
Rockburn The Chosen Central Otago Pinot Noir 2018 - $65 Inviting aromas of ripe, juicy black cherries and Christmas plum cake. A rich, soft, generous and silky palate of red and black berry compote with a hint of mixed spices, and a soft, tannic, lengthy finish. Another knockout pinot noir from Rockburn. Availability: Glengarry
Unfortunately for me, I am of the sensitive palate whanau. To me, sauvignon blanc tastes like battery acid and a hoppy IPA can wipe out my sense of taste for about three hours. But, as a wine writer I have to know a good sav when I see one, so I don’t skew my reviews toward my personal palate. Anyway, here are some recent tastings.
Outback Jack Brenton Vineyard Australian Cabernet Merlot 2017 - $8.99 Not a typo. This is very drinkable, fruit forward with plums and fruitcake, with not too much tannin. A total bargain Aussie red. Availability: vineonline.co.nz
Richmond Plains Blanc de Noir Marlborough 2018 - $23.40 I discovered this fab wine on a winter trip to the south this July. Certified organic and biodynamic, vegetarian and made from 100% pinot noir. Crisp, fresh and fruity. Flavours of baked pear, nectarine and apple. Availability: organicwines.co.nz
Little x Hawkes Bay Syrah - $14.99 Again – total bargain. Honestly one of the best Hawkes Bay syrahs that I have tasted from the memorable 2014 vintage. Soft, spicy and seamless. With black pepper, stewed plum, blackcurrant and plum pudding. Availability: vinofino.co.nz (PHIL PARKER) F PN
FINE WINE & FOOD TOURS “No. 4 Auckland Food & Drink” – TripAdvisor Your host, Phil Parker wine writer. Boutique tours for small and large groups.
E: phil.parker@xtra.co.nz
46 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
SIDART TURNS 10 Restaurant celebrates decade of fine dining – and ushers in new era. Popular Ponsonby restaurant Sidart is rolling out the red carpet for a very special birthday celebration this month, as it celebrates 10 years of innovative fine dining. Chef Sid Sahrawat and his team are preparing a one-off Sunday lunch on Sidart’s 10th birthday - Sunday, September 15 – and it promises to be a memorable meal. Diners will enjoy a five course tasting menu, which includes a glass of champagne on arrival and a koha box of the Sidart team’s favourite foodie items. The menu will showcase some of Sahrawat’s favourite progressive Indian dishes presented in the chef’s famously precise and elegant style, while the koha box will feature plenty of quality items for diners to enjoy at home, including ghost chilli pickle, Sidart’s sourdough bread, Lot 8 olive oil, and other surprise treats. And as Sidart turns 10, the restaurant is celebrating further by introducing an à la carte menu, a move that’s consistent with the menu structure found at the other two establishments in the Sahrawat stable, Cassia and Sid at the French Cafe. Diners will be able to choose between the à la carte menu (canapÊs, mains and desserts) or the five or seven-course discovery (tasting) menu at Sidart. Wine matching will be available for either option. And with more than 10 main dishes on offer - from scampi chaat, spiced yogurt, tamarind, and pomegranate to aged duck with duck pickle, celeriac and Kerala sauce – there will be something to tempt every taste with a selection of snacks and desserts also available.
Sid says he and his wife, Chand, can’t believe how quickly 10 years have flown since Sidart first opened its doors. “The dining scene has changed so much in the past decade,â€? he says. “We opened, survived a recession, expanded the restaurant footprint and now have two dining areas. It’s also been more than a year since our move to Progressive Indian cuisine at Sidart. “Chand and I very grateful to our diners – old and new – for their support and we can’t wait to see what the next 10 years bring.â€? Sidart’s 10th birthday lunch on Sunday, September 15 costs $200 per person with one koha box per two diners. Reservations can be made for this one-off birthday celebration by emailing the restaurant at reservations@sidart.co.nz. Meanwhile, the new Sidart Ă la carte menu comes into effect from Tuesday, August 6. Reservations can be made online or by emailing the restaurant. Sidart is open Tuesday – Saturday for dinner and Fridays for lunch. The five course discovery menu costs $120 per person, the seven course menu $170 PN per person. Full information and menus can be found at sidart.co.nz. F
Retail, restaurants and recreation all on your doorstep ™ ™ ™ ™ ™
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The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied
PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
Gary Steel: Planet in crisis – why are we sleeping? Esoteric philosopher G. I. Gurdjieff reckoned that the human race was in a state of perpetual “waking sleep� that prevented us from achieving higher levels of being. In the late 1960s, the psychedelic group The Soft Machine wrote a song on the subject called “Why Are We Sleeping?� In the wake of the recent UN climate report, which essentially said that the planet was in an unprecedented crisis and that we had to take urgent action to save it, it’s hard to avoid the conclusion that Gurdjieff was on to something. This major – and authoritative – report caused the usual ripples in the news media, which lasted a few days, and then it was as if it had never existed. It was back to abnormal. We’d wished the bad news away. In our green and pleasant land, news coverage concentrated on the one thing that would guarantee to outrage us: the shocking idea that we need to eat less meat. Predictably, representatives of primary industries reacted by chowing down on the idea that because we do things differently here on New Zealand farms, the issue doesn’t apply to us. Apparently, New Zealand agriculture isn’t as intense or as carbon toxic as the countries discussed primarily in the UN report. Therefore, said the farming bodies, we can let ourselves off the hook and eat our meat until the cows come home. And that was the end of it, more or less. There’s always another bomb going off somewhere or another big rugby match to get the lion’s share of the next day’s news. Never mind about the world going to hell in a hat. If we put our heads in the sand and pretend the UN report never happened, she’ll be right mate! So here’s the thing: the latest UN report on climate change was a huge undertaking involving many countries and top scientists and, before it could be collated, all participating countries had to agree
on the details. So, if anything, the report will already be somewhat watered down, and the situation even more serious, and the planet even more imperilled than we realise. Whatever our farming methods down here in paradise, we’re not immune to climate change and we’re not carbon zero. And it doesn’t take a genius to observe what’s not happening in New Zealand. We’re not all going out and buying EVs even though many of us could afford them. We’re not even taking a little bit of time to live more sustainably, because, you know, that little bit of time could be used for something really important, like eating a cream donut or catching up with friends on Facebook. Farmers are not planting trees (heck, they can’t even be bothered giving their animals shelter from the increasing number of serious weather events) and their land is awash with chemical nitrates that make the grass grow but leech into streams and lakes. And our socalled ‘better farming practices’ show that an increasing amount of stock feed comes from unsustainable imported palm kernel. Yes, there are good farmers, but how many are doing the right thing? The UN climate change report was essentially about land as a limited resource and, ultimately, the need for more beef around the world means that more forests must be cut down, which accelerates the planet’s dire problem. The solution isn’t simple, but if we all made a conscious decision to cut down our meat intake by 50% (or more), then we’d be doing something real. And we might even find that we’re coming out of our “waking sleep�. (GARY STEEL) F PN
Gary Steel is an Auckland-based journalist who runs online vegetarian resource www.doctorfeelgood.co.nz. He can be contacted via beautmusic@gmail.com
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48 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
Liz Wheadon: Bordeaux vintage 2016 The top wines from this year have just arrived in New Zealand. Included in the containers we have imported are several excellent second wines of the top châteaux and petits châteaux. With that in mind, this month’s promotions at Glengarry are all about Bordeaux. So, what was the 2016 vintage like? The answer is quite simply, very good indeed. In fact, this is a vintage to make a song and dance about and to ensure you have in your cellar. Before saying this, I do find myself taking a deep breath and considering the number of times I’ve written or said similar things about recent Bordeaux vintages. The challenge is (in a good way) that there has been a string of exceptional vintages from Bordeaux. 2009 and 2010 went down in history as being the greatest pair, with 2009 the generous, ripe year of the pair and 2010 the fresh, lively and boldfruited year. A few ‘lesser years’ followed, though 2012 and 2014 are now showing they are anything but ‘lesser years’, rather early drinking years that are super right now. 2011 is also a great, approachable young vintage. With this backdrop, 2016 is another excellent year and together with 2015 make a very strong pair of vintages. The weather in 2016 was not kind to the vignerons as the winter was wet and cold. The summer was then very dry, an Indian summer. Fortunately the weather at the key times was kind, particularly around veraison which was a warm and relatively dry period. The grape skins in 2016 were very thick, with the resulting wines showing bold tannins and plenty of colour. You’d expect then that the overarching character in these wines would be tannins and power, anticipating bold, structured wines that are unapproachable for many years. These are not. Rather, the supple nature of the wines with the structure from the tannins is a key character. The balance in these wines combining the power and the finesse, which is what makes the vintage unique. This is a very special vintage. It’s also a year that continues to drive to return to classic, more restrained Bordeaux, the kind of wines that those who have known and adored this region for years love.
2016 vintage Bordeaux definitely has its fans. Highly regarded critic James Suckling has scored not just one wine from this vintage 100 points, rather the 100/100 list includes: Château Cos-d’Estournel, Château Haut-Brion, Château Lafite Rothschild, Château Le Pin, Château Léoville Las Cases, Château Mouton Rothschild, Château Pavie and Château Pétrus. Glengarry has been importing Bordeaux for many years – you could say we know a thing or two about it. Not happy to rest on our laurels or rely on the reviews of others, I travel to Bordeaux to taste the wines and was fortunate enough to taste the 2016 vintage whilst still in barrel. With the wines now here in New Zealand we have already opened a selection and I am happy to report the quality is every bit as good as it promised from the early barrel tastings. All the Bordeaux we import comes to us direct from Bordeaux. We don’t purchase on the secondary market, thus giving you confidence in the wines you buy. Furthermore, we ship our wines in refrigerated containers and store them in New Zealand in our cellars. There are several Bordeaux tastings in our stores throughout September. I do hope we see you at one of these. (LIZ WHEADON) F PN www.glengarry.co.nz
2016 NEW ARRIVALS TASTING Grab some friends and visit Bordeaux for the afternoon! We have just landed the exceptional 2016 Bordeaux vintage. This is a great year, with all the wines hand-selected by us from tasting them directly in Bordeaux. Join us for a walk around tasting, where you can try 25 top wines from across the region.
The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied
PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
@ SABATO A glass of cava, a selection of tapas and an afternoon siesta… it’s safe to say that we are big fans of Spanish style here at Sabato. So much so, that we offer a wide range of Spain’s culinary delights, including one of our hero products: La Chinata smoked paprika. Using traditional artisan techniques to produce the finest paprika powder, La Chinata oak-smoke the peppers for 10-15 days before stone-grinding them for 8-9 hours. This process slowly releases all the flavour and aroma locked in the oil of the peppers. Not content with creating the world-renowned DOP powder alone, La Chinata has also given us smoked paprika flakes. Packaged in a handy glass grinder, these intense flavour enhancers come in sweet, bitter-sweet or spicy, and take pride of place in our spice racks. Most foodies will recognise the iconic red La Chinata tin but might not be aware of just how versatile this vibrant, aromatic spice is. As the defining ingredient of the Spanish kitchen, paprika is essential to an authentic paella, but is perfectly at home in countless other dishes. Here are some of our favourite ways to use La Chinata smoked paprika powder and flakes: • Combine paprika powder with fresh garlic, oregano, a splash of extra virgin olive oil and sherry vinegar to make the ultimate marinade for lamb, chicken, fish or pork. • Enliven brunch by grinding paprika flakes over scrambled or baked eggs, omelettes or frittata. • Toss kumara, pumpkin or potato wedges in extra virgin olive oil, salt and paprika powder and bake in a hot oven until golden and crisp. • Add an extra kick to mashed potatoes and polenta by folding through a few grinds of paprika flakes.
• Put a smoky twist on mid-week mac ‘n cheese; add a spoonful of paprika powder to the béchamel and grind paprika flakes on top before serving. F PN SABATO, 57 Normanby Road, Mt Eden, T: 09 630 8751, www.sabato.co.nz
A set of 3 La Chinata paprika flakes is yours for FREE when you y spend over $50 in-store, during September. Identify yourself as a Ponsonby News reader to receive this gift. Visit our showroom: 57 Normanby Rd, Mt Eden, open 7 days a week. Tel: 09 630 8751 www.sabato.co.nz
HUNGRY & FEELING THIRSTY? We are spoilt for choice!
THERE ARE NOW 254 PLACES IN THE WESTERN BAYS, WHERE YOU CAN EAT, DRINK AND BE MERRY. They are all listed in the Ponsonby Little Black Book... ponsonbynews.co.nz/ponsonby-little-black-book
50 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
Liz Wheadon: Glengarry Grey Lynn has moved The store has moved from 16 Williamson Avenue to 23 Williamson Avenue. Our new Grey Lynn store at 23 Williamson Avenue is now open across two impressive levels of retail. Moving site is never easy for any retailer, though it does give you the opportunity to start afresh and that’s exactly what we’ve done at our new Grey Lynn store. It’s a mecca for wine, beer and spirits that we know the local Grey Lynn community will love. The new store covers not one but two levels. The top level is where you’ll find the top-selling products from our old store. It’s a great space, super convenient and easy to pop in and grab your favourite wine, beer, spirit or non-alcoholic beverage. It’s also on this level that you’ll find the beer fridge, full of all the packs of beer you’d expect to find. We are delighted with the space upstairs and can’t wait for warmer weather to arrive so we can welcome you on the back deck for a tasting. The area downstairs is super exciting and where all the magic is. There is an internal staircase that leads you down into a mecca for wines, craft beers and fine spirits. The walls are lined with cabinets brimming with the very best wines from around the world. It’s a carefully curated selection that is well laid out and will take any wine lover many an afternoon to explore. Alongside that there is a fine spirit collection that boasts an impressive assortment of single malts. Turn the corner and there’s a mecca of craft beers. Upstairs is where the packs of beer live, downstairs it’s all about craft. You’ll find the craft beers here carefully presented by type, with all well sign posted. When you then turn around, you see the growler station that was purpose built for this site. We currently have Garage Project’s Talk to the Hand and Behemoth’s Scotchy Scotch on tap, with more kegs to tap. In the middle of all of these products you’ll find a tasting room. This is where our Grey Lynn Wine Club ran its first tasting in August, an evening all about Bordeaux. Next up is Mills Reef in September (bookings can be made instore or on our website). There’s also a Craft Beer Club. The first event in August – Black Sands, a local Piha brewery. The dates and details for September onwards are all up online. Come along and join us for a Craft Beer Club event, they are so much fun. Now to the practical question – where do I park? There is a parking area right behind the new store at its lower level, with the access just off Scanlan Street. You can access the store from this level or from the street entrance off Williamson Avenue. (LIZ WHEADON) F PN www.glengarry.co.nz
W STORE OPEN NO The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied
PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
Ross Thorby: Abu Simbel – moving a marvel “A monument that owes as much for its existence today as it owes its very creation to the past.” The shrill of the phone cut through the drone of my cabin’s airconditioning, disturbing the quiet tranquillity of my slumber. The clock on the bedside table read 2.30am and a voice at the other end of the line enquired as to my whereabouts. Even the pelicans floating on the river outside my window were still asleep, but apparently I was late and expected post haste in the boat’s lobby. Cruising on the Nile means early mornings to avoid the heat and hopefully other tourists. That particular morning’s call was in an effort to prepare us all for an early flight out of Aswan to be in time to watch the sun rise on the stone walls of Abu Simbel. Sitting imposing and majestic on the banks of Lake Nasser, it is a monument that owes as much for its existence today as it owes its very creation to the past. A number of priceless monuments and temples were obliterated by the formation of the Aswan Dam between 1958 and 1970. Temples that had once sat for millennia baking in the hot Egyptian sun are now covered in the silt and algae of the Nile. A slow death from the rising waters lapping ever increasingly higher at the stonework – slowly and gradually devouring them as Lake Nasser rose – just as the sands of the desert had once risen and hidden other monuments in this magical land. Fortunately for us, this particular shrine was considered far too important to be left to such a fate and a worldwide effort led by UNESCO in the 1960s, resulted in a campaign to save it. They proposed a plan so simple and yet so ingenious that it revolutionised the way the world safeguards its heritage. UNESCO proposed moving the massive edifice stone by stone 200m up and out of the reach of the Nile. Today, the technological achievement of what they completed in 1968 is as much to be admired as the technology and achievement that it took to create such a marvel in the first place. The temple was cut into 20 tonne sections by enormous diamond saws, each piece numbered, mapped, catalogued, photographed and stored ready for reassembly – the world’s largest jigsaw puzzle. It took four years and the equivalent of $US400 million, but the result is awe inspiring. Built over 20 years by Rameses as a symbol to subjugate and intimidate the neighbouring country of Nubia, four massive 20m high
52 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
statues guard a temple carved into a mountainside. Twice a year, on the pharaoh’s birthday and at the summer solstice, a shaft of light streams down between the statues through the temple interior to light the statues of the temple divinities at the end of the apostle hall. Cleverly, the shaft of light misses the statue of Ptah sitting off to one side. He is the god of the underworld and therefore also of darkness and so there he remains – in the dark. Now that is planning. The mathematics and engineering to create such an effect by an ancient civilisation is mind blowing. Tourists flock to this site in particular to view that ancient miracle. Although, with the moving of the monument, it became one day later than originally planned. Otherwise, because of its inaccessibility, there are usually only a few hundred visitors here a day. Perfect for one who hates crowds. We alighted from our tiny plane just as the sun rose to spotlight the ancient stonework in a golden glow, and as we toured the extensive site we were as much in awe of the beautiful paintings and friezes: the famous baboons worshipping the sun, the beautiful statue of Rameses’ wife Nefertiti and the depictions of the pharaoh smiting his enemies, as we were of the miraculous re-creation of its conservators. Admiring its lifelike depictions, you almost miss the indiscernible line of the diamond saw gently crisscrossing the walls and pillars, the imperceptible mark of its saviours complimenting the original vision of its creation. Touring behind the temple, we climbed the hillside behind to find that the ancient mountain the temple now fronts is nothing but a huge modern concrete facade over a dome. Standing on the top of the construction, we looked out across the placid waters of the lake lapping over the tops of the submerged temples, marvelled at what was achieved and wondered what sense those ancient Egyptians would have made of our present-day efforts to preserve their handiwork. (ROSS THORBY) F PN PUBLISHED FIRST FRIDAY EACH MONTH (except January)
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The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied
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CALL 0800 100 754 sales@skitravel.co.nz PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
Ponsonby News Readers are everywhere...
1. Local resident Nelia Wilkinson pictured at Devil’s Tower National Monument in WYOMING. She tells us, “Riding my own Harley shipped to the USA from New Zealand, on a seven-week trip around USA.”
a cliff dripping water on the deck of the boat and on Ron with his copy of PN. Ron tells PN, “every night we were treated to meals of fresh caught blue cod and/or sometimes crayfish.”
2. Dianne Hill from Pt Chevalier catching up on the PN after completing the GOLD COAST Half Marathon and in Nongnooch Gardens, Pattaya, THAILAND.
4. Eddie and Adele Reid from Reid Painters having a wonderful time in Europe. Picture here in PARIS by the Arc de Triomphe.
3. Ron Craig from Ponsonby legal firm Chambers Craig Jarvis enjoying the fresh air on a cruise around FIORDLAND close by
5. Local resident Maree Porter with her copy of PN pictured at the Louvre in ABU DHABI.’
Dear readers, please keep sending us your holiday snaps reading your favourite magazine, we love getting them! Photos need to be in high resolution (300dpi), so please email them to info@ponsonbynews.co.nz without reducing the size.
54 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
My Myanmar Blissfully untouched by mass tourism, Myanmar offers visitors a rare opportunity to travel back in time. Its melting pot of cultures consists of more than 135 different ethnic groups, each with its own history, culture, language and cuisine. Add in some spectacular scenery and a crumbling colonial charm and you have a truly special destination. As with most Buddhist countries, a sense of calm pervades daily life, particularly in rural areas. We, however, started out in the bustling city of Yangon where modern high-rises are under construction adjacent to centuries-old colonial buildings. If you only visit one temple in Yangon, head for Shwedagon Pagoda, a stunning vision in gold and beloved by the locals. We thoroughly enjoyed an excursion on the quirky Elephant Coach – a restored colonial-style bus with a beautiful teak interior accommodating just six guests in large, comfy seating, complete with air-cond, and a lovely host serving cool drinks! Yangon’s Belmond Governor’s Residence is a truly 5-star hotel offering shady trees, a gorgeous pool, beautiful teak buildings and a whirr of fans providing a cool retreat from the summer heat. You must try the Tiffin dinner – a deliciously iconic experience. If you prefer being in the centre of town, head for The Strand Hotel with its colonial history, famed High Tea and atmospheric cocktail bar. In Bagan, the ancient temples strewn across the vast plains are simply outstanding and best viewed at sunrise or sunset – a sight that would ably compete with Machu Picchu or the temples of Mexico for ‘wow factor’! We stayed at the beautiful Bagan Lodge which offers glamping-style suites in resort-like grounds, complete with stunning swimming pools and a gorgeous spa. Mandalay is the religious heart of Myanmar, with a rich historical legacy from its time as the royal capital of the last Burmese king. The
people here are incredibly friendly and I loved interacting with the students on Mandalay Hill, who were all keen to practise their English. In fact, wherever we went, the people were delightful. Myanmar’s complicated political situation over the years has made life difficult for many, but as they are now free to discuss issues openly, you’ll find that the locals are very enthusiastic to engage with foreigners and share their stories. Arguably the best way to experience Myanmar is on a leisurely cruise down the Ayeryawady River. Anawrahta, our beautiful ship, saw us gliding past life on the serene river and embarking on daily excursions to rural villages and fascinating monasteries. Onboard life included the option of yoga at sunrise, beautifully luxurious cabins and delicious cuisine – a highlight was a rooftop barbecue one evening under the stars. Tasty culinary favourites included delicious pickled tea leaves, noodle soups and a variety of subtle curries. November through to February is a great time to visit when it’s free of heavy monsoon rains and comfortably cool. Take an open mind and be prepared to fall in love with its beautiful landscapes and equally beautiful people. (ANGE PIRIE, DIRECTOR) F PN www.worldjourneys.co.nz
A JOURNEY THROUGH MYANMAR From bustling Yangon with its crumbling colonial charm, to the temple-strewn plains of Bagan, the monasteries of Mt. Popa, atmospheric Mandalay and beautiful Inle Lake, this ancient land is revealed. 11 DAYS | tailor-made travel
T 09 360 7311 www.worldjourneys.co.nz /worldjourneys
The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied
PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
ACTIVE GEAR & FASHION-WEAR fusion Over the last few years there’s been a natural fusion between exercise and daily life, allowing a new genre of clothing to emerge – athleisure is now a legitimate fashion statement. Anna Wintour recently celebrated the popularity of the sneaker on runways as being a grounded moment in fashion, empowering and liberating women. Similarly, the continuing cross-over between sportswear and streetwear, places an equally high value on comfort and form as it does on style. It shows a more serious side of fashion, a side that reflects changes in the way society views women and how women view themselves. It is not longer unfashionable to feel comfortable, in fact today going stylishly from the yoga studio to the cafe can just be a matter of layering on a great coat. Stylist Sarah Murphy has selected a mix of sportswear and fashion brands that appreciate the importance of celebrating our many womanly forms with style. She combines workout wear from local designers with key pieces from fashion leaders and global icons that will take you effortlessly from the workout to the night out. Hine is designed for all women, actively disrupting body image stereotypes common for sportswear and aiming at empowering the wearer with inner confidence. New Zealand designed and made, Taylor sources inspirational fabrics to create beautiful timeless pieces like the Originate Coat, a 100% wool statement coat, with luxurious proportions and style.
56 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
Levis Dad Trucker Jacket from Karen Walker
Hine Collection crewneck Jersey - teal
Ruby, X HK Bucket Hat
Adidas Falcon AllLuxe W from Suprette
tomboy disposition with its elevated its take on athleisure perfect for the new season.
P.E Nation - A brand deeply committed to people and the planet, P.E Nation is the go-to for active streetwear. It offers an effortless
Sweepstake Winners challenges ideological ties between gender and garment to create clothes that, above all else, people will love to wear.
Balenciaga Back Pack
RUBY x Hello Kitty is a collaboration that mixes Hello Kitty’s retro origin with RUBY’s streetwear influence. It’s upbeat, undiluted cool.
Deadly Ponies Proton Backpack
Originate Coat - Nordic
IRO PARIS, Curve Raw Sneaker from Suprette
Sweepstake Winners, Velour Jogging Jacket (Dusty Rose/Tartan) The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied
PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
@ STEP INN SHOES 1. Brenda Zaro - Multi Coloured Sandal - $269 2. EOS - Soda Orange - $210 3. Gioseppo - Cuero Geometric - $230 4. Gioseppo - Negro - $220
SHOUT team: Brett Martin, Tara Busby, Christopher Huia Woods
Shout Hair is one of 74 salons Auckland wide to have adopted the services of Sustainable Salons. 3
This means almost all of Shout’s waste is now being recycled into useful products like hair bollards to absorb ocean oils spills, and manufacturing furnishings from plastic waste. Community initiatives to help feed the needy get funding from the proceeds of their recycling waste as well.
STEP INN SHOES, Three Lamps Plaza, 283 Ponsonby Road, T: 09 360 5512, www.stepinnshoes.nz
Later this year the retail line, Kevin Murphy, will begin its transition into recycled ocean plastic packaging. SHOUT HAIR, 166 Richmond Road, Grey Lynn, T: 376 6360, Facebook: @ShoutHair, www.shouthair.co.nz
Providing services & products that Step Inn Shoes Auckland, Three Lamps Plaza, 283 Ponsonby Rd, Ponsonby
optimise hair health
Ph 09 360 5512 MONDAY TO FRIDAY: 9am to 5pm SATURDAY: 9am to 4pm SUNDAY: 11am to 3pm
Step Inn Shoes www.stepinnshoes.nz
58 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
166 Richmond Road, t: 09 376 6360 e: team@shouthair.co.nz, www.shouthair.co.nz
MORE THAN JUST SWIMWEAR Virtueswim’s mission is to provide a personalised service instore for females to feel confident and uplifted when they wear their swimwear on holiday or at a beach. Owner Rachel Virtue takes the anxiety out of swimwear shopping with her gentle nature, extensive knowledge and true passion for helping her customers find that perfect piece. All customers leave feeling confident and swimwear ready. On Friday’s Rachel offers a free swimwear consultation instore where she will help you choose the perfect-fit swimwear for your body. You can book this consultation online or instore. Virtueswim stocks designer brands such as Sea Level, Jets, Peony, Bond-eye and Vitamin A swimwear. Virtueswim also offers a spray tanning service instore using top-end spray tanning solutions that are organic and cruelty free. You can choose from an array of processing times to suit your busy schedule.
2 1
It also offers fabulous home care products so you can maintain and keep your tan lasting longer. Rachel is an expert in spray tanning with 18 years’ experience. It’s the perfect store to visit before you head off on holiday; you can top up your tan, find your perfect swimsuit and grab any last minute accessories that you may need including sunglasses, hats, kaftans, sarongs and organic sunscreen.
1. Jets - Dessert Bloom Underwire Bandeau + Hipster Brief 2. Jets - Midnight Contour Cross-over One Piece
3. Sea Level - Essential Frill Top & Regular Bottom 4. Sea Level - Paprika Spliced One Piece
VIRTUESWIM, Shop 8, 283 Ponsonby Road, T: 09 281 4676, Facebook: virtueswim, Instagram: virtueswim, www.virtueswim.co.nz The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied
PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
4 3 1
@ MAGAZINE DESIGNER CLOTHING 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Bittermoon Emma Top Chocolat Tree Print Shilo Top Made In Italy Linen Dress Obi Geisha Tie Jacket and Palazzo Pant Obi Orchid Oversized Tee Ruby Yaya Priscilla Dress Ruby Yaya Sophia Maxi Sabatini Patchwork Tunic
8 7
MAGAZINE DESIGNER CLOTHING, 937 Mt Eden Road, T: 09 630 5354, Magazine Milford, 119A Kitchener Road, Milford, T: 09 488 0406, www.magazineclothing.co.nz
60 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
5 6
1-3. 18ct white and yellow gold flowers stack dress rings 4. Diamond and yellow sapphire dress ring made in 18ct yellow gold 5. Purple sapphire diamond dress ring made in 18ct white gold 6. 18ct gold multi coloured flower chain necklaces 7. Diamond and pink sapphire dress ring made in 18ct yellow gold 8. Ruby dress ring made in 18ct white gold 9. Diamond baby flower dress ring made in 18ct white gold 10. Blue sapphire dress ring made in 18ct white gold
CARATS, 25 Vulcan Lane, Auckland CBD, T: 09 309 5145, www.caratsjewellery.co.nz
Share the treasure of the Hidden Heart – a secret that is only revealed when viewed from above.
25 Vulcan Lane, Auckland, New Zealand phone 309 5145 www.caratsjewellery.co.nz www.facebook.com/CaratsNZ
The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied
PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
3 2
1. Banana Blue Shoulder Strap Maxi - $389; 2. Maaike Pool Dress - $443; 3. Nineteen46 Romy Pant - $187 - Vee Cardi - $167; 4. Euphoria Walker Coat - $447; 5. Siren Havana Dress - $197; 6. Megan Salmon Retro Giselle Bell Dress - $409. ZEBRANO, 10 Kingdon Street, Newmarket, T: 09 523 2500, www.zebrano.co.nz
62 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
SPORTS & FITNESS Les Mills, always a popular gym with Ponsonby News readers
The FITNESS FAVOURITES of some Ponsonby News readers The effects of sports and ďŹ tness activities on our body, mind and spirit are numerous. Many clinical studies have shown links between regular exercise and the reduction of stress, anxiety and emotional tension as well as increases in cognitive abilities, self esteem and resilience. One meta study carried out by the University of Naples in 2018, found that physical exercise (of the regular aerobic kind) results in structural and functional changes in the brain that improves both cognitive functioning and wellbeing. It is not the type of sport or exercise you do that matters, but that you stay motivated to do it regularly and at an intensity that will deliver results. The Naples University study also found that it did not matter what age you are, as regular physical exercise offers benefits for all ages. It improves focus (task goal orientation) and confidence (perceived competence) in children, it improves mood and overall health of teens and in older people it has a positive effect on both physical strength and mental health. Ponsonby News readers are fortunate to have a broad range of sports and fitness opportunities to choose from. They also have a vast array of health professionals and wellbeing services to help them maintain their health or repair and rehab their bodies when injury happens. We asked a few Ponsonby News readers to share their sporting loves and fitness success stories with us to help you find the best combination of fitness activities and support services for your own health and wellbeing goals.
The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied
PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
Nike Women’s Air Max 1 from Suprette
P.E NATION Easy Run Jacket from Suprette
Barre Figure, Tracey’s favourite fitness class
Tracey Walker As a busy mother of two boys, and director of client relations for Westpac Institutional Bank, Tracey juggles a demanding career while coordinating a full range of sporting activities and social events for her children. This means it’s always a challenge for this 40-something yearold-mum to carve out time for her own sporting loves and personal fitness needs. “I can be at football fields across Auckland six days a week,” says Tracey, whose boys play for the local Western Springs Football Club. “I love to do a range of fitness activities to keep training interesting and suit the season or fitness level I am at, but most importantly to stop me getting bored. I’d like to do all of it more, but the juggle is real and some weeks are better than others.” Barrefigure is Tracey’s current addiction. “I love everything about it! The studio, the music, the instructors, the way it burns and never gets easier. You secretly love the burn, but you don’t admit that to the instructors at the time,” explains Tracey. Tracey uses a number of different activities to help keep her fitness and maintain her overall wellbeing. "I have worked with personal trainer Keri Ropati since the birth of my first son. She helped me regain my fitness after having a baby and got me back into an overall healthy eating routine which I have largely stuck to for 10-plus years. Keri is an institution. I love the high intensity, short sharp, half-hour morning group classes. Guaranteed to raise your pulse and work on your general fitness but I equally love Keri. She has been making me laugh for over 10 years now and I couldn’t do without her!” A member of Les Mills Fitness for many years, Tracey still enjoys the quick half-hour classes when she can race away from the office and is a foundation follower of Nikki Ralston’s the Ralston Method, despite not being much of a yoga fan. “Yoga is not really my thing. However, Nikki nearly makes me a convert. I recently attended her yoga
64 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
retreat at the Sherwood which was a real treat and I think my preferred way to enjoy yoga,” says Tracey. When it comes to her overall health, Tracey feels she has a secret weapon. “My younger sister Rebecca is an osteopath at Health Within Osteopathy in Westmere and, although she often has a waiting list, I can usually manage to get an appointment. If I have pulled a muscle or my body feels out of alignment, a treatment or two from Rebecca really helps. She also has a range of supplements that she is always recommending to help me stay healthy.” Having the right gear to wear for various activities can be a great motivator. “Didn’t someone say recently that activewear pants were the new jeans? I love that active wear is getting a little more street wear cross-over so that you feel better about staying in your active wear all day long. Westpac has great flexibility policies and I am lucky to work from home on a Monday. Part of the appeal is that I don’t have to dress up in a suit and can stay in stretchy clothes all day long!” PUBLISHED FIRST FRIDAY EACH MONTH (except January)
It’s been quite a journey, recovering from a heart attack to actively competing in local SUP competitions, but one thing that has really worked for Andrew is seeking advice from other SUP athletes. “I took a leap of faith and got one of New Zealand’s top SUP competitors to write a training programme for me. Ollie Puddick has written two programmes for me so far. They are designed for my age, capability and work on my weaknesses (pretty much everything) so I can become a better technical paddler.” The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied
Men’s Cool-lite™ strike lite long sleeve crewe
SPORTS & FITNESS Andrew has tried the usual fitness options including running and walking but with old injuries these just didn’t work for him. “I found being on the water is an immense benefit to my overall wellbeing and fitness and more people are starting to see this through SUPWELL training programmes run by my new friend Helen Blair,'' says Andrew. In September, Andrew will be competing in the Cambridge to Hamilton 23km SUP river race as part of his build up to taking part in the Mission Bay summer series starting in November.
Starboard Sprint SUP 2020
Since leaving the coalface of the hospitality industry, fitness and wellbeing have become even more of a focus for Andrew. “Since having a heart attack a year ago my fitness goals are to stay alive,” says Andrew, who took up Stand Up Paddle boarding (SUP) as part of his programme to stay fit and healthy. “I try and do five days a week on the water, even in winter. I started competing primarily because I wanted other people to feel good about beating me,” laughs Andrew. “No, it’s great to compete, as it improves your techniques and raises the fitness levels.”
Men’s Tech lite short sleeve crewe by Icebreaker
Andrew Clapham Link Business Broker Andrew Clapham, husband of Donna and father of four, is a well-known Ponsonby local, having owned and managed a range of hospitality spots in and around the local area. He is now a specialist hospitality broker sharing his experience in branding, management and operations with others.
The gear you wear and the equipment you use has a big role to play when you are out training on the water, especially over the winter months. For Andrew, this is even more important as the medication he takes for his heart can affect his stability. “Jeremy Stephenson at Starboard has been incredibly helpful in making sure I have the right equipment. Taking into account my heart issues and getting the balance between stability requirements and speed. My medication affects my stability so a wider board has been helpful,” explains Andrew who uses a Carbon Fibre Starboard Sprint SUP, 14ft x 25 wide, and a Starboard Lima Carbon Fibre Paddle. Despite trying to eat well and avoid processed foods, Andrew sometimes needs something more to keep him balanced. “A massage from Richenda Rowe is great for a very up-tight body like mine and good advice about how to train and live.” PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
SPORTS & FITNESS Photography by BertrandDuquenne.com
Kristin and Rupert competing the Tahiti Pearl Regatta 2018 Kristin Percy and Rupert Wilson A professional couple in their 50-60s, Kristin and Rupert make good use of Auckland’s incredible coastal playground as keen Stand Up Paddle boarders (SUP) and members of the Royal New Zealand Yacht Squadron. They take part in club racing and passage (coastal) racing. “We have also participated in the Tahiti Pearl Regatta twice, crossing the line first in every race except one earlier this year,” explains Kristin. Being safe and competitive on the water requires a range of skills as well as fitness. “We respect each other’s strengths when it comes to boat handling, navigation, maintenance and crew liaison and enjoy solving problems which is just as well as there are always some interesting moments on a boat,” says Kristin. In terms of fitness, Rupert and Kristin enjoy a wide variety of adventure-style activities. Rupert regularly goes to a gym to keep up his general fitness and combines this with cycling, SUP and hiking. For Kristin, a mix of yoga, pilates, cycling and running are combined with SUP, skiing, hiking and scuba diving. Kristin thrives on the inspiration the open sea offers and has never found high-impact training in minimalist gym environments has worked for her. “For general fitness I like cycling. It is easy to do, it blends into life’s routines and it’s a low impact, high-cardio vascular workout,” says Kristin. All of Rupert and Kristin’s sports and activities require good overall health and fitness, so what superfoods do
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they recommend? “Brussel sprouts, along with fruit, yoghurt, salmon and lots of salads,” says Kristin. When injury threatens their sporting goals these two recommend Bodyworx Healthcare. Yacht racing requires some fairly specific gear and, as Kristin explains it, comfort is the number one rule. “Woollen undies! Wearing cotton undies can seriously spoil your day. When they get wet they can stay wet for hours,” says Kristin. “I also have a great pair of Henri Lloyd sailing overalls which are designed for women. You can unzip the sides when you go to the toilet rather than having to take every layer off.” Musto shorts and Spinlock harness lifejackets are the pair’s recommendations for lightweight and reliable safety gear. PUBLISHED FIRST FRIDAY EACH MONTH (except January)
SPORTS & FITNESS Lauren Meale In her teens, marketing and content executive Lauren Meale was a competitive runner adhering to a strict training schedule to achieve her goals. Now, in her 20s, Lauren still has goals but they are less focused on the competitive side of sport and more about keeping fit and healthy. “These days I’m a lot more low key in my approach to fitness. My only real goal is to feel good in myself, and become fitter and stronger than I was last month. If it makes me feel good, I do it, if it doesn't, I don’t.” Lauren explains it is about listening to your body which is a constant learning process. “Sometimes I feel on top of the world and literally crave hyped-up, high-intensity workouts, other days I know my body would much rather prefer a gentle walk in the fresh air. It’s about being aware of how you feel and what serves you best.” Lauren works at Eve Health by BePure, a local business that uses a scientific approach to nutrition to offer effective and personalised health care products and services. “Since working at Eve Health I’ve learnt so much about how our hormones affect fitness and exercise and that what serves us best changes throughout the month. It really makes a lot of sense and is something I wish more young girls were aware of,” says Lauren. Like many people, Lauren really enjoys variety when it comes to sports and fitness activities and finds it hard to choose her favourite. “I can’t pick just one, I have two: Les Mills GRIT and Reformer Pilates. GRIT is a 30 minute, high-intensity workout with great music and motivating instructors that get you pushing yourself beyond what you thought was possible. Reformer Pilates is my other love. It’s such a good workout and absolutely burns your muscles so much, yet is relatively low intensity and has a very minimal sweat factor. I’ve never really enjoyed yoga. But I also know how amazing it is for you and feel like I should go a few more times before deciding it’s not for me." Keeping on track with fitness and sports goals can sometimes appear effortless for fit, young people but Lauren approaches her health holistically and takes nutrition seriously while still keeping food simple. "In terms of my diet, I aim to eat 80-90% whole foods – lots of fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds, gluten-free grains and meat, and the rest – ‘soul foods’," explains Lauren. “I make sure to include healthy sources of fats, carbs and proteins in each of my meals to balance my blood sugar, support my hormones and give me energy to train, work and live. I take BePure One, Three, magnesium and zinc and can’t speak highly enough of them. They have really helped my sleep, energy, skin, digestion and so much more.” Sports wear and comfort go hand and hand in the minds and hearts of many and Lauren is very familiar with many of the current options. “I have tried a lot of different brands of sportswear over the years and have come to The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied
BePure One, Three, Zinc Restore and Magnesium Restore, supplements are key to maintaining Lauren’s overall health and wellbeing. the conclusion that you just can’t beat Lululemon leggings. They’re comfortable, flattering and stay where they should, no matter how many burpees you do. Other sportswear brands I love are Nike, P.E Nation and The Upside. Everyone seems to have a sports and fitness wishlist and for Lauren the top three are: an Apple iWatch, A Reformer Pilates membership and a P.E Nation jacket. Ponsonby News readers regardless of age or lifestage have so many choices when it comes to finding ways to stay fit and healthy. From the fitness programmes on offer, to the range of health providers and support services available, there is a product, a solution and a local community to help everyone to enjoy the benefits of physical exercise, body, mind and soul. F PN PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
Libby Matthew
Helene Ravlich: Travelling well Last month I talked about beauty hacks for when you’re heading away on holiday. Now I’d like to take a more holistic approach. All the moisturiser in the world won’t help if you depart feeling seriously sub par, and taking a few extra steps on the wellbeing front can boost your holiday energy levels immensely. Firstly, our cortisol levels are at their highest pre-holiday as we attempt to tick all of the boxes before we go. Then once our defences drop, we run the risk of becoming ill, just when we should be in relaxation mode. When you’re in an unfamiliar locale your body is also exposed to bugs that it hasn’t built up immunities to, adding even more fuel to the fire. With all of these factors working against you, it is a good idea to be as organised – and as chilled – as you can be before you fly. Once your trip is booked, amass a line up of great supplements to take before and after the flight. Prep your immune system with goodies like Lipo-Spheric Vitamin C and zinc, both of which are great for boosting your immunity and healing wounds amongst a multitude of other things. If you’re heading somewhere a little on the exotic side or like to throw caution to the wind a little when it comes to dining out, a good probiotic will be your best friend. Probiotics help keep your digestive system healthy, and that’s pretty important when travelling – as well as an essential in everyday life.
Find out which (if any) immunisations you’ll need for your destination and make sure to get them within the recommended time. While you’re there, ask your doctor if you need any boosters to refresh immunisations you’ve had in the past, or if they can give you a ‘back pocket’ script for any illnesses that may arise after you return home. Lastly, on the wellness front, adding a good protein powder to your day is always a great idea. My current fave is from Dose & Co, a health and wellness supplement range by New Zealand-born, US-based naturopath and nutritionist, Libby Matthews. Libby herself has always
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SPORTS & FITNESS been the ultimate picture of health and wellbeing, and well qualified to create her own brand. The end result is a range of clean, sustainable probiotic protein powders and bio-available collagen powders made using high-quality ingredients free of fillers and artificial flavours – and they taste pretty amazing too. The range features two New Zealand ‘firsts’ – the first probiotic protein powder and first collagen creamer (specifically designed to be added to coffee). The plant-based probiotic protein powder contains easily absorbed GanedenBC30 probiotics, and has been made with European GMO-free yellow pea protein. And instead of the usual sweeteners and supplements used in protein powders, monk fruit extract is used to achieve a great taste. Monk fruit extract has high antioxidant properties and contains zero calories or carbohydrates, and it does not affect blood sugar levels so is suitable for diabetics. Once you’re on holiday, spend up large on a sunhat and good sunblock, but save on staying hydrated by ditching the fancy electrolyte drinks. Grab a fresh coconut if you’re in the tropics or add a pinch of Himalayan sea salt to your water wherever you go, and you’re well on track to staying healthy. Now on to exercise, which can definitely help with ensuring your holiday is a happy one. Kirsty Gregg is a long-time Ponsonby resident, personal trainer and generally inspiring woman, and is my go-to when it comes to all questions fitness. As well as leading the likes of Pilates, spin and circuit classes at re:ab on Selbourne Street, she has a huge number of personal training clients, many of whom have been embracing the ski season. She says that careful prep beforehand will help towards putting your best foot forward on the slopes, and ensure minimal injuries beyond. “Once a client has a date in place we make a plan, and start with a training regime that focuses a little bit more on the glutes to ensure that things are strong in that area,” she tells me. She then adds in a little Pilates to help with their core stability, and concentrates on smaller muscle groups to further aid with stabilisation. Lastly, endurance is a snow season essential, so some spin classes and HIIT will help to raise your fitness level in general. “Ideally, my clients want a season with no injuries,” says Kirsty, “and
The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied
Kirsty Gregg
going in feeling as strong as they can will definitely help with that. It may sound like a lot, but putting in work towards something really fun is always worth it.” She says that tropical holidays are also a great fitness incentive, with the goal of having greater confidence with less on! When you feel stronger and fitter in a swimsuit you’re more likely to wear one well, and a little prep goes a long way in achieving exactly that. “Key to this is stopping things that may be unnecessary for your overall wellbeing,” says Kirsty, “which could mean cutting back on alcohol or treats that are high in sugar. Add in maybe four fitness sessions a week and you’re well on track.” She finds that clients often lose weight once they are on holiday as they are moving a lot more than they normally would be, and a decrease in stress helps enormously too. “You might have been strength training in the lead up but then on holiday be swimming every day and hiking. When you’re away you appreciate the difference in your environment and eat more mindfully, and the body responds accordingly.” Perhaps consider a transformative health and fitness holiday? Whatever your goals, rejuvenation needn’t come with deprivation, as many stunning wellness retreat destinations ably demonstrate. (HELENE RAVLICH) F PN
PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
BUILD A BETTER BODY – BECOME FIT FOR LIFE Twelve years ago, standing in the surgeon’s office, aged 30 and 30kg overweight, almost ready to sign the papers to have my lower spine fused with metal rods and screws, I made the decision to instead rebuild my body and heal myself. What we offer at The Training Ground is the direct result of this journey – a way to rediscover your fitness and become fit for life – no matter what age and fitness level you are currently at. So, whatever your reason for getting in shape is – lose weight, feel great, enjoy recreation, prepare for sports – we’ll get you (and keep you) in phenomenal condition. We run adult strength, conditioning and mobility classes, as well as kids’ parkour and tumbling classes throughout the week. You are more than welcome to pop in for a free trial. F PN THE TRAINING GROUND, 37 Crummer Road, Grey Lynn, T: 022 036 3309, www.thetrainingground.co.nz
HERNE BAY BEACH’S CLEAN UP BY BAYFIELD SCHOOL PUPILS On one frosty, misty morning Kowhai Team went to Herne Bay Beach for a clean up! They had to look in big piles of autumn crumpled up leaves. “On Wednesday 24 July at 9.30am Kowhai went to sunny Herne Bay Beach. First on the walk and there wasn’t much rubbish. When we got to the beach, gosh it was glistening with all kinds of rubbish. Minutes later we found a beer bottle that was in one piece. I asked Matthew to come look at this, it’s a beer bottle!” says Francesca Ram. “We found crabs but Samuel found the biggest one. He even held it, we had gloves on. On the way back to school the ground was shimmering with plastic. I wasn’t that tired because we hadn’t stayed there that long. I sang to pass the time it went like this: Skippy, skip, jump! Finally we were back at school!” says Sally Youngman. “I was pleased to go to Herne Bay Beach for a clean up. The fog lay like a puffy jacket in the sky. We marched down the steep, sturdy hill. After we got there we started being vacuums zooming to get all the rubbish we could find. Later I went to a part of the beach that was really soggy and we found a starfish and lots of crabs. Some of Kowhai even felt brave enough to hold a crab! Finally it was time to have a photo. We had found heaps of rubbish!” “I’m glad we helped clean up that beach, I whispered quietly to myself. When we went out of the beach we did a clean up by the trees above. There was a pile of leaves, most of us used big sticks to clear the way,” says Honor Timmins. F PN www.bayfield.school.nz
70 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
TRAIN LIKE AN ALL BLACK Health&Sports is the largest fitness club in Kingsland and a hub for all of your wellness needs. We are proud to provide our members with the best of the best and be the largest Technogym-equipped gym in New Zealand. Technogym is the official fitness equipment supplier to the Olympic Games and is used by many top sports teams, including the All Blacks. Our facilities include a spacious gym floor, cardio area, a 25m heated indoor pool, sauna, onsite physio, massage therapy and more. We have over 50 group fitness classes each week, taught by experienced trainers and fitness instructors, including everything from cycle, yoga and Pilates, to ultimate resistance training workouts, and we’ve recently added two family classes to our timetable, allowing kids and their parents to work out together. Plus, our childcare facility is open six days a week, making it easier for parents to look after their own health and wellbeing. Health&Sports Swim Club offers swimming lessons for both kids and adults of all ages and abilities. Come and take a look around for yourself, meet the friendly team and try a coffee from Papagaio Cafe. We are pleased
to offer all Ponsonby News readers a FREE three-day VIP pass. Simply text VIPN to 2414 and one of the team will get in touch. F PN
Health&Sports Fitness, 2a Morningside Drive, Kingsland, T: 09 845 3305, www.healthandsports.co.nz
Text 'VIPN' to 2414 for your
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The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied
* T’s & C’s APPLY
PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
PONSONBY PHYSIOTHERAPY Ponsonby Physiotherapy has been the go-to spot for high-quality physiotherapy treatment for 30plus years and it’s still buzzing with a welcoming atmosphere, central location and a high energy, capable team. “Right from the beginning, our passion has been to provide the best possible treatment for our patients. We believe in treating the person rather than just the condition. We’ll take the extra time to understand your issue, make an accurate diagnosis and work with you on an effective recovery plan.” Physiotherapists Toni Strong and Laura Quinn own the clinic and are supported by an experienced team. All the physiotherapists are highly trained and well informed on the most up-to-date treatments for a wide variety of injuries. Each physiotherapist has particular areas of interest, so can offer specialised treatment when you need it. For example, as an ex-elite cyclist, Toni has a deep understanding of sports biomechanics, particularly in cycling and running, and can combine this with manual therapy and muscle balance to get results. Laura is a highly skilled musculoskeletal physiotherapist and has developed interests in spinal and pelvic dysfunction, sporting injuries and biomechanical imbalances. Laura is also qualified as a PINC cancer rehabilitation therapist, an area she is passionate about.
As experts in movement and function, Ponsonby Physiotherapy staff use a range of different therapies and create unique programmes for each of their clients. They are also delighted to have the facilities to provide Pilates, strength and conditioning and yoga classes to their clients and the community. Ponsonby Physiotherapy wants you to be active and move without pain. Whether you have a recent injury, a long-term problem or you’re recovering from surgery, the physiotherapists can help. F PN
PONSONBY PHYSIOTHERAPY, 45 Mackelvie Street, Ponsonby, T: 09 378 6890, Facebook: ponsonbyphysio, www.ponsonbyphysio.co.nz
72 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
BARREFIGURE - Ponsonby’s favourite barre workout is five years old! Barrefigure is a chic, boutique fitness studio in Ponsonby offering targeted body sculpting barre classes. These highly addictive and effective classes, fuse principles of ballet barre, Pilates and strength training. Founded by Marysa Theiler in 2014, and celebrating five years this month, Barrefigure is the workout everyone is talking about. Ex Royal New Zealand Ballet dancer Marysa, trained in New York and London before opening the doors to Barrefigure on Richmond Road, Ponsonby. Marysa’s classes quickly became known as the place to experience the burn and create the lasting changes everybody wants to see. “Every muscle in my body was screaming at me, even picking up my toddler was a challenge. What a wake-up call that the other exercise I do clearly doesn’t work my body this much. And, oh, how much I need to stretch more often. I’m now hooked, and will be back for more.” - Tania “I have never been involved in any fitness other than sport before and, as you can tell, I’m totally hooked and judging by the regulars I see there week after week, lots of others are too. You and your team do such a wonderful job. You truly know how to work us hard, but with such variety every time.” - Lib With 35 classes per week ranging from barreSIGNATURE and barreSTRETCH to barreBABY, there is something for everybody. But don’t just take our word for it - come and experience a Barrefigure class for yourself with our fantastic new client offer of 2-for-1 classes for $28 and Intro 30 Days Unlimited for $150. BARREFIGURE, 166 Richmond Road, T: 09 361 2083, www.barrefigure.co.nz
New Clients: 2-for-1 classes for $28 166 Richmond Rd, Ponsonby. 09 361 2083 www.barrefigure.co.nz The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied
PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
John Appleton: Diabetes – time for real action ‘The middle of the epidemic: how New Zealand’s diabetes response failed’. This is the heading of a feature article in the New Zealand Herald. The article reports that ‘the fight against diabetes has gone backwards and a total revamp of official strategy is needed’. “When people say, ‘It’s going to get worse’, it’s already gotten worse. On the wards it’s a third of the patients. In some wards it would be more than a third. This is a huge number,” says Professor David Simmons, an international diabetes expert. The question I have is, how bad will the situation have to get before we are willing to face up to the real reasons for the epidemic? Just a few weeks ago I was speaking with a woman who faced significant health issues associated with her weight and blood sugar levels. Unlike many who seem unwilling to take responsibility for their health status, this woman consulted a dietician who mapped out a new lifestyle that involved significant changes to her diet, and a daily exercise programme. As the kilos fell off, guess what, blood sugar levels normalised, the woman felt really good about herself and her doctor was no longer concerned about the potential for diabetes. This is just one example of what could be thousands in New Zealand if only our political masters would stop prevaricating and let the truth come out. Diabetes is not a mystery disease and while there will always be concerns about Type I diabetes, it’s the Type II form, strongly linked with lifestyle, that is filling up the hospitals. Recently, my wife and I were on a cruise and it surprised us how many fellow passengers were morbidly obese, on walking frames or in wheelchairs. A lot of these passengers were younger than us. We always used the stairs between decks and most often we had them to ourselves. It got me thinking that many of these people were suffering from chronic poisoning due to poor dietary choices and a sedentary lifestyle. No doubt they were also on numerous medications.
For many years we have been conditioned to avoid fat and consume refined carbohydrates. It was pretty sobering to see queues of our ship’s passengers hovering around the cake section in the buffet restaurants. The result of this should not surprise anyone with any awareness of basic biochemistry. In New Zealand, our massive daily consumption of refined carbs and lack of exercise is clearly what’s behind the diabetes problem and until we start shouting this from the rooftops, hospitals will continue to be overwhelmed. Something that could be done really simply and cheaply to reduce the need for amputations and other serious medical complications associated with diabetes is to put vitamin C on prescription and make it available free of charge to anyone with diabetes or pre-diabetes. Vitamin C and glucose are very similar molecules and both compete for entry into the cells. Way back in the 1970s, Emeritus Professor John Ely, University of Washington, concluded from his research that the serious health consequences of prolonged Type II diabetes, eg, blindness, wounds that won’t heal, limb amputation, etc, are the result of the lack of vitamin C inside cells. More recently, a ‘Science Daily’ article in 2009 reported on research from the Oklahoma Diabetes Centre and was headed ‘Stopping Diabetes Damage With Vitamin C’. Vitamin C is not the only nutrient that is helpful when it come to diabetes. Alpha Lipoic Acid can help with diabetic neuropathy and Gynmena Sylvestre, a safe and cheap herbal option for blood sugar control, could be widely used. While we wait for the truth to emerge, we could at least focus a bit of energy in preventing some of the costly complications of the disease. PN (JOHN APPLETON) F
APPLETON ASSOCIATES, T: 09 489 9362, appletonassoc@xtra.co.nz, www.johnappleton.co.nz
CENTRAL AUCKLAND LOCALS WITH HEARING LOSS We’re inviting people in the Central Auckland area to trial our latest Oticon Opn STM hearing aid range, for free.* They’re stylish, discreet and have a rechargeable option too. To enjoy speech understanding on par with normal hearing, call Audika now on 0800 569 144 and mention this ad to book your free* hearing check, or visit audika.co.nz
*Free hearing check/trial available to people 18yrs or over, excludes GP/ENT referrals. Mention this ad to book a free hearing check. Trial eligibility and model are determined by the hearing specialist based on their clinical judgement. Full terms at audika.co.nz. Always read the label and follow the instructions. Audika New Zealand Limited, Auckland.
74 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
0800 569 144 TAPS NA11257
Alana Bruce: Why we all need to slow the heck down I went away for a weekend retreat in the Kaimai Ranges a few weeks ago, and it was the most confronting and beautiful thing I’ve experienced in a long time. No internet, a cabin in the woods with a fire, by a waterfall. Sounds idyllic, and it was. The confronting thing was that I couldn’t relax. I was exhausted, wired and in desperate need of rest, but I couldn’t unwind. I had forgotten how. In Japan, there has been growing concern over the last few decades about a phenomenon called karõshi, literally translated as ‘death from overwork’. An estimated 200 people are dying annually in Japan alone from overworking. Even concepts like burnout are relatively new, and have become common even in young people. Burnout can be the result of excessive and prolonged stress, and is characterised by severe physical and emotional depletion to the point of disengagement with life. It might seem over-dramatic to be talking about karõshi and burnout, but I think many of us are on a path that may lead to burnout if we don’t slow down. Especially living in the city. As incredible and vibrant as Auckland is, there tends to be a culture of busyness being seen as a badge of honour. All of this falls so short of what is healthy and natural for us as human beings. It sounds corny, but we are human beings, not human doings. Rachel Grunwell, author of beautiful wellness book Balance, talks about ‘resisting the culture of busy’. Grunwell relays practical ways that have helped her regain balance, such as sleeping at least seven hours a night, moving your body throughout the day, and disconnecting from technology in order to connect with loved ones. We all know these practices will be good for us, but most of us still don’t follow them.
Since busyness has become the norm, to do things differently will be an intentional act that will go against the grain. If we don’t purposefully draw boundaries to protect ourselves, and we don’t instil rituals to maintain balance in our lives, we will get swept up in the fast lane along with everyone else. Slowing down and doing less takes getting used to. But It is worth fighting for balance in an imbalanced world, peace in a noisy world and rest in an overworked one. Life is worth slowing down for. (ALANA BRUCE - ECOSTORE) F PN ECOSTORE, 1 Scotland Street, T: 09 360 8477, www.ecostore.co.nz
The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied
PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
Crazy Swiss: Cannabis in supermarkets? Would you like to protect your mum from dementia, pain, arthritis, anxiety, inflammation and weak bones? The hemp compound CBD (Cannabidiol) does all of that. That’s why hemp is more popular than Kanye West, Beyonce and the Kardashians. People are wising up to hemp.
Italians eschewed free medicines for hemp flowers they had to pay for which indicates how well the product works.
CBD can’t get you high, but it does ease the stresses and pains of life.
Our DHBs are half a billion dollars in the red, and bleeding out. Could hemp help us?
Adults aged 45+ are going crazy for CBD, because it reduces the aches and pains of age. But 60+ are the biggest CBD consumers in North America. The older you are, the more benefits it seems to give.
Yes. The evidence shows we can transform our failing models of healthcare, and more. We can stop the world from going to hell, and it’s easier than you think.
Boomers are chasing CBD because it calms their fears, reduces aches, weight, makes bones stronger and reduces ageing.
Dr Sanjay Gupta is a cautious, credible neuro surgeon, CNN’s Chief Medical Reporter and was anti cannabis until 2013, when he apologised, saying: “Cannabis doesn’t have a high potential for abuse, and there are very legitimate medical applications. In fact, sometimes it’s the only thing that works. We have been terribly and systematically misled for nearly 70 years in the United States, and I apologise for my own role in that.”
All without getting you high. I’ve only tried CBD a couple of times, and it’s made my life better each time. In Switzerland you can buy it in supermarkets. Those crazy Swiss! In contrast, over here we have been making it hard for epileptic children to get. Who is the crazy one? Simple hemp leaf tea vanquished my stress – what a shame the Ministry of Health says its illegal. It doesn’t have to be; they told us that last year. But that’s how they interpret the law. When Italy accidentally legalised hemp flower in 2016, big pharma and organised crime both lost hundreds of millions of euros. Italian hemp farmers reduced anti anxiety medicine sales by 11.5%, sedatives by 10%, anti psychotics by 4.8%, and all other categories by 1.5%.
76 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
www.edition.cnn.com/2013/08/08/health/gupta-changed-mindmarijuana/index.html Industrial hemp is the world’s most valuable/versatile crop and it is ‘medicinal cannabis’. Why are we not making the most of industrial hemp? Could we do more? Should we do more? I think we should. That’s why I am standing in these elections. Can you PN help? (TADHG STOPFORD) F
THE BARBERS ROOM OPENS IN WEST LYNN VILLAGE Seven years ago, The Barbers Room was established after finding a passion in the craft of barbering, having a love for people and making them feel at ease. Faizal Kalim opened the door of his first barber shop in Dominion Road three months after having had an organ transplant. His new adventure had certainly begun! He made it his personal goal to make every client feel welcome in an environment to escape the hustle and bustle of life. Clients can enjoy a stylish haircut, beard trim and his specialty cut-throat shave, which he has became known for. As word got around, he soon started catering for wedding parties and, most recently, groups of young men heading off to school balls wanting to look the part. Now having grown, The Barbers Room has a team of professional barbers all having a passion for the skill of barbering, all with the same goals, wanting every client to leave feeling well groomed. Still keeping the personal touch and now in a new neighbourhood, The Barbers Room has opened their second branch in Richmond Road. No appointments needed. Come in and experience the service and a cut-throat shave for yourself. F PN THE BARBERS ROOM, 438 Richmond Road, www.barbersroom.co.nz
The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied
We offer traditional grooming for gentlemen in a relaxing space step back in time with 50s, 60s and 70s music. Our barbers have a passion for the era when men had polished hairstyles and we pay homage to this time-honored profession with every haircut and shave we perform. All services ďŹ nished with a hot towel and complimentary beer. Wedding and ball parties a specialty. Gift vouchers available. No appointment necessary, walk-ins welcome. 438 Richmond Road, Grey Lynn OR 223 Dominion Road, Mt Eden Mon - Fri 8am-6pm, late night Thurs til 8pm Sat 8am-4pm, Sun 9am-4pm barbersroom.co.nz
PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
Meet the Teacher Ben Hinton is an English teacher at Western Springs College. Why did you decide to teach at Ng-a Puna o Wai-orea/ Western Springs College? After being assigned here as a student teacher in 2012 and meeting the late Ken Havill, I immediately knew that Ken was someone who I really believed in and wanted to work for. What Ken helped create here is something very special, and it`s why I love coming here every day. Teaching sounds tough at times. What keeps you going? Definitely the people. When you`re surrounded by good people, it`s hugely motivating and inspiring. When I say good people, I mean my colleagues as well as students. You`re also a Within School Teacher with Te Kahui Ako o Waitemata. What exactly do you do? Across the 12 local schools of the Kahui Ako, almost a fifth of our students have additional learning needs. Nga- Puna o Waiorea/ Western Springs College has effective systems in place to support such students and I’m able to complement these systems with support from the Kahui Ako. This can be achieved through sharing data and resources, and developing teaching practice.
people and get outside of their comfort zone. I shouldn`t really say this as a teacher, but I probably learned more about the world and myself in three months hitchhiking in Tibet and Western China than I did during my entire undergraduate degree.
Where did you grow up? I grew up in New Plymouth and moved to Wellington for tertiary study. I love getting down to Taranaki when I can – it`s a beautiful place.
How do you relax at the end of a busy week? I like to chuck on a record and cook something nice or get outdoors with my partner.
And after that? I spent about eight years living abroad in Canada, Australia and Asia. I encourage all our students to get out and see the world, to meet
And I hear that you are about to get even busier. Yes! A few days ago we had our first child, a wee boy, so we have some exciting times ahead. F PN
THE BABIES AND THE BEES To ensure we have a healthy world for our children to inherit and grow up in, we must make conscious decisions and actions to do what we can to support nature, rather than continually taking from or using it. Nature Baby in Grey Lynn has a new family of bees moving in on their roof this spring. It is working with bee-loving couple Jessie and Luke from Bees Up Top, who rescue bees from the exterminator and give them a holiday at Bethell’s Beach before bringing them back to the inner city for their new life as urban pollinators. Without bees’ pollination, many plant species would die. “It’s important to support nature and bees in our cities so that we are working in harmony and it keeps us connected to the essentials of life in our busy built-up environments,” says Jessie. Bees need our help to survive, as there are a lot of diseases killing them such as varroa and AFB. Urban areas are safe places for bees, where they typically do better in terms of honey production compared to on farms. They often have an advantage over their country cousins as there’s more food for them in town because of all the city parks and all the different gardens. Gardens in the city also aren’t as heavily sprayed as in the country. They also love catching the morning sun, so having them high up above buildings is the perfect place for them to be. If you are in West Lynn this spring, look up above Nature Baby to see the beehive and bees launching off to pollinate and gather the sweet neighbourhood nectar. F PN To learn more about Bees Up Top or to hire a beehive that they will maintain for you, head to www.beesuptop.co.nz
78 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
Young Minds Matter Ficino Preschool welcomes children of all cultures, faiths and religions, because treating others with respect and courtesy is part of the gift of everyday life. Ficino is a haven for young children to grow in self-belief and confidence as they explore and experience new skills. Our uniquely holistic curriculum balances the intellectual, social and physical needs of each child. This is the Greatest Gift you can give your child.
See for yourself.
The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied
PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
KRISTIN SCHOOL COMMUNITY WELCOMES MARK WILSON, THE NEW EXECUTIVE PRINCIPAL Mark Wilson has been appointed to the role of Executive Principal. He began his tenure at the beginning of Term 3. He comes with an impressive and successful educational background, most recently as Principal of Cashmere High School in Christchurch since 2009. Previously, Mark was the Deputy Principal at Hamilton Boys’ High School, and prior to that he held leadership roles at St Peter’s School in Cambridge, St Paul’s Collegiate in Hamilton, and earlier teaching at Hamilton Girls’ High and Matamata College. What attracted you to Kristin School? The appeal of Kristin School was strong. I love the co-educational environment, and the fact that it was founded by parents as a not-for-profit organisation, offering smooth transitions from primary through to senior schooling. Its strong values and a great tradition of being an innovative and leading-edge school also attracted me. What have been your first impressions of Kristin School? My overwhelming first impressions of Kristin are that it’s a school with a strong sense of community and love; full of amazing staff who help provide some incredible opportunities in developing both the intellect and character of our students. What do you see as the benefits of an independent school? To be genuinely focused on what is best for the individual student, their progress and achievement, without the demands and limitations of government bureaucracy. This means having the flexibility to provide the opportunities for our young people, and develop innovative approaches based around aspirational goals, rather than compliance. What do you see are the big challenges facing young people today? Emptiness. That is, a lack of good values and purpose, which is
80 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
compounded by negative influences of digital technologies and a growing sense of isolation. These contribute to growing anxiety and other personal and societal problems. Our young people need strong community connections, to have clear and supportive structures and grow in a safe environment where they can learn and develop their own personal passions and pathways. What are the next steps for Kristin School? The most important and significant improvements and development are often realised in the refinement of the details. That can be shifts in teaching practice, enhancement of wellbeing, supporting greater collaboration, mentoring self-improvement. People can underestimate the power of sustained, small incremental shifts to bring about positive and lasting change in any organisation. F PN KRISTIN SCHOOL, 360 Albany Highway, Albany. T: 09 415 9566, www.kristin.school.nz PUBLISHED FIRST FRIDAY EACH MONTH (except January)
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HELP FROM CITIZENS ADVICE BUREAU Many people turn to us at the CAB with issues that can fit into one category – a break down in a relationship. Be that with a life partner, a retailer, a contractor, a neighbour, etc. Our first question is therefore often: “Have you discussed this matter with the other person or party?” Quite often, the response is a “no”. It can be easy to avoid a scenario which is going to be uncomfortable and we might prefer to put our heads in the sand or pretend there is no problem. This means that by the time a client comes to CAB, the matter has escalated and possibly beyond the point of settling by face to face discussion.
your agreement and advise you on this or help you contact Tenancy Services for further information and advice. Are you a flatmate? Where a person has moved into a flat, and is not named on the tenancy agreement, they don’t have the same protections and rights. Any rights are based largely on any flat-sharing agreement signed up to. Just as a tenancy agreement is a contract between tenant and landlord, a flat-sharing agreement is a contract between tenant or tenants and flatmates sharing a rental property.
The same applies to a landlord-tenant relationship and, indeed, in a flatting situation, to relationships between flatmates. Many landlords these days employ property managers to take care of the day to day relationships with tenants. In this case, the property manager steps into the landlord’s shoes as their agent.
It’s always a good idea when moving into a new flat to have a written flat-sharing agreement which covers issues such as payment of bond and rent, pets, housekeeping, and what to do when one of you wants to leave.
Are you a tenant or a flatmate? We receive many queries at our bureau about tenancy matters. People move around a lot in Auckland and in and out of flats. A big issue for individuals renting a room in a house with others is whether, they are a tenant or a flatmate. This difference is crucial as it affects your rights and protections in the law.
If you are moving into a flat and are presented by the tenant with a flat-sharing agreement to sign, ask to have some time to read it before signing. If there’s something you do not agree with or you want to add in, then you can seek advice from someone you trust before signing. You can download a sample flat-sharing agreement from the Tenancy Services website, which is a good starting point.
Are you a tenant? A tenant has a direct relationship with the landlord or his/her property manager, because they are the named parties on the tenancy agreement and this is covered by the Residential Tenancies legislation. That means any bond money is paid by the landlord to the government agency Tenancy Services, which is an arm of government. Some agreements are signed by all persons living in the house and the landlord or property manager. Some are signed by one tenant only and the landlord or property manager.
If there’s no agreement in writing, this can cause problems when relationships break down.
We strongly recommend that the parties try to resolve any disputes between themselves but, if not, the legislation provides for a dedicated dispute resolution process through Tenancy Services: fast-track resolution, mediation and/or the Tenancy Tribunal.
A flatmate’s options can be quite limited and, if the relationships have soured, quite untenable.
Change of tenancy If a number of people are named on a tenancy agreement as tenants and one wants to move out, then all named tenants and landlord or property manager have to agree and record their agreement. You should always check your tenancy agreement as to whether assignment of tenancy and or subletting is permitted by the landlord, before making any such changes. At CAB, we can take a look at
A common problem we see is where a tenant gives notice to a flatmate (who is not on the tenancy agreement). This is often the first time at which the flatmate realises that they have no legal relationship with the landlord or property manager, they don’t know who is holding their bond money and at the same time feel they are being unjustly kicked out with an unreasonable notice period.
Whether there is a written flat-sharing agreement or not and there’s a dispute between flatmates or the tenant and a flatmate, the only formal dispute resolution option is to make an application to Disputes Tribunal. Come and see us at CAB in Richmond Road. We can help. Margaret Antunovich, manager Citizens Advice Bureau Auckland City, Grey Lynn/Ponsonby Branch. T: 09 376 0392, www.tenancy.govt.nz/ starting-a-tenancy/flatting/#id_134152-flatmate
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0800 FOR CAB or 09 376 0392 510 Richmond Road, Grey Lynn www.cab.org.nz
82 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
Tax rules for holiday homes Do you rent your holiday home to the public for short-term stays? You need to be aware of the tax rules that apply to ‘mixed-use’ assets. You have a mixed-use holiday home if, during the tax year, your property is used both for ‘private use’ and ‘income-earning use’, and it’s also unoccupied for 62 days or more.
holiday home outside the tax system. That means your rental activity doesn’t need to be included in your income tax return and you can’t claim any of your expenses for the holiday home.
Private use is defined as use by you or your family even when market rent is paid. The private use even extends to include use by non-associated people if you earn rent at less than 80% of market rates, ‘mates rates’.
You can also choose for your rental activity to remain outside the tax system if you make a loss, and your gross income from incomeearning use is less than 2% of the rateable value of the property.
For example, if a holiday home is rented to your sister for full market rent and a friend for 70% of the market rent, both instances qualify as private use and the income is exempt from tax. Similarly, expenses incurred relating to this use of the holiday home are non-deductible.
However, if you don’t opt out of the tax system and you make a loss from your mixed-use holiday home, that loss is typically ring-fenced and cannot be offset against other income. Instead, the loss must be transferred forward and offset against future profits from the holiday home.
Income-earning use is defined as use by a nonassociated person from which you earn rent at 80% or more of market rates. Good thing is if you stay in your property to repair damage caused by tenants during ‘income-earning’ days, your stay is also counted among your ‘income-earning’ days.
The above exemptions don’t apply to holiday homes owned by companies. There are some additional rules where the holiday home is owned in a company or other structure.
If your income from income-earning use is less than $4000 for the year, you can opt to keep the
Claiming expenses from mixed-use holiday can be tricky. Expenses broadly fall into three categories – fully deductible, non-deductible and apportioned.
Examples of a fully deductible expense would be costs of advertising for tenants, costs of repairing damage caused by tenants. Conversely, if the owner purchased a kayak/bike that was unavailable for tenant’s use, the cost would be non-deductible. While general holding costs such as rates, general repairs and insurance are apportioned based on the proportion of days the holiday home is used to derive income. Apportionment formula: Expense * Income earning days Income earning days + private use days It is therefore very important to keep good records so you can work out your income tax obligations at the end of the tax year. Your records should show: private-use days, income-earning days, the expenses you paid, and the name of each tenant together with their relationship to you and the rent they paid. (LOGAN GRANGER) F PN Disclaimer – While all care has been taken, Johnston Associates Chartered Accountants Ltd and its staff accept no liability for the content of this article; always see your professional advisor before taking any action that you are unsure about.
JOHNSTON ASSOCIATES, 202 Ponsonby Road, T: 09 361 6701, www.jacal.co.nz
The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied
PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
Metrolaw: Got a legal question? Ask michael@metrolaw.co.nz Q: My husband is getting a bit older now and I worry that his memory has gotten worse and he takes longer to recognise some people. We have our house in trust, and have some other assets like our car, and money in bank accounts. I want to hold his power of attorney so I can deal with him and our property if he loses his marbles so to speak. What do I need to do? A: Thanks for your question. We are often asked about Enduring Powers of Attorney (EPAs) when it’s too late and the person has already lost their mental capacity so it is good to be proactive about it. Once a person has lost capacity you would need to apply to the Hight Court to become a Welfare Guardian or Property Manager, which is considerably more complicated and expensive. Retirement communities and care facilities normally require their residents to have EPAs in place before they move in, so it is a good idea to have your EPAs set up well ahead of time. An EPA in relation to Personal Care and Welfare would let you to make decisions in relation to your husband’s personal care and welfare if he became ‘mentally incapable’ as defined in the Protection of Personal and Property Rights Act 1988.
Only one person can be appointed as attorney in relation to personal care and welfare. We recommend appointing a successor attorney who can act in place of the first attorney if they are unable to act. As you are the same age, there is a risk you could both need care at the same time or shortly after one another. You can also record other parties that need to be consulted before, or informed after, any exercise of the power. An EPA in relation to property will allow you to make decisions in relation to your husband’s personal property. For property you can appoint more than one attorney to act either jointly, or severally. You can also appoint an initial and a successor attorney. Again, you can record other parties that need to be consulted before, or informed after, any exercise of the power. An EPA in relation to property does not allow you to deal with any property held in trust. You should review your trust deed to make sure that there are suitable arrangements for trust property. Let me know if I can assist you with the EPAs or reviewing your trust deed. (MICHAEL HEMPHILL) F PN www.metrolaw.co.nz
FOR AS FOR AS LITTLE LITTLE AS AS $$55 A M MONTH ONT H Your regular donation will help connect more school children with nature, empower people all
over Auckland with sustainable living choices and develop and maintain a therapeutic garden. Join now at: www.kelmarnagardens.nz/donate
84 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
THE BLESSING OF THE ANIMALS SERVICE The Blessing of the Animals service is held annually and has been an event on the church calendar for many, many years. It is put on jointly by St Matthew-in-the-City and SPCA New Zealand, usually on the last Sunday in September. There are prayers and hymns and readings, all with a focus on animals. The music is lead by a choir from St Cuthbert’s school. The service concludes with the members of the congregation leading their animals to the altar to be blessed by the clergy. This service recognises World Animal Day on 4 October, when people all over the world will be celebrating the feast day of the Patron Saint of Animals, Saint Francis of Assisi. St Francis lived in Assisi in Italy between 1182 and 1226, and was the world’s first advocate for animal welfare. It has become customary that in remembrance of St Francis of Assisi’s love for all creatures, animals are led to churches for a special ceremony called the ‘Blessing of the Animals’. The Blessing of the Animal service in St Matthew’s is happily chaotic, with a large number of children and animals present, but it is great fun and always enjoyed by all who attend. F PN www.stmatthews.nz
Sunday 29 September, 1.30-2.30pm Free entry, All welcome stmatthews.nz | spca.co.nz
St Matthew-in-the-City Cnr Hobson & Wellesley Street
VERY WELL PLACED, ALL SAINTS EARLY LEARNING CENTRE All Saints Early Learning Centre is a high-quality, love, care and learning experience situated in the heart of Ponsonby. We offer an environment that has a strong learning focus on sustainable resources. All Saints is guided by the National Early Childhood Curriculum, Te - (2017). Whariki We are a not-for-profit, community owned and teacher-led centre. Our centre is licensed for a maximum of 20 children each day, which means the teachers can spend quality time working with children both individually and in small groups. We are a team of three fully qualified and registered teachers supported by a teacher aide. You may have noticed we have recently changed our name from All Saints Church Community Creche to All Saints Early Learning Centre. The team at All Saints Early Learning Centre believed the name no longer reflected what our centre represented and most of all who we were. This was also confirmed late last year when the Education Review Office (ERO) visited the centre to assess the environment, observe teachers’ practice, and children’s learning experiences. With a ranking of ‘very well placed’ (the highest possible rating an educational environment can obtain) it was obvious that this needed to be reflected in our name. We look forward to welcoming your child and whanau to All Saints. The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied
ALL SAINTS EARLY LEARNING CENTRE: We are licensed for children aged from 18 months. All Saints is situated at 284 Ponsonby Road. You can contact us on T: 09 376-0353. Please phone to make an appointment or visit our website: www.allsaintselc.co.nz PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
86 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
PONSONBY PETS The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied
PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
Photography: pdworkshop.com
TOP DIGS FOR TOP DOGS Come along and support BarkHaus – a charity -driven, designer dog-house competition being held at Ponsonby Central at the end of September. The tails of Ponsonby’s pooches are wagging furiously as 14 of Auckland’s top architects and designers vie to design them the perfect dog house. BarkHaus is a new competition that will see the public vote on their favourite modern-day pup pad, with the three most popular designs being built full size. After a series of ‘doggy open homes’ the designer kennels will be auctioned off at a gala charity event supporting Pet Refuge. “If there are two things the people of Ponsonby are passionate about – apart from coffee – it’s their homes and their dogs,” BarkHaus creator John Williams says. “So why not bring the two together into a fun event, with the proceeds going to charity?” He says the competition has really caught the architects’ imaginations. “They’re taking it quite seriously, and having proper meetings about it,” he laughs. “While they’re being quite secretive, we know there are going to be some interior dog homes, and some with an environmental lean. People are talking about rainwater collection and things like that.” The idea snowballed when real estate company Ray White Damerell Group came on board. Their top agents plan to market the doggy dwellings as they would a human house. From Scotties to Schnauzers, Dobermans to Great Danes, discerning dogs will have the chance to inspect them at a series of ‘doggy open homes’ at Ponsonby Central. They’ll then go under the hammer with the group’s top auctioneer. Pet supplier PETstock is supporting the cause through its charity foundation PETstock Assist. It will donate all proceeds to charity Pet Refuge, which will remove a barrier to leaving domestic violence by providing temporary accommodation for pets while their owners escape. The shelter, which is currently under construction, will be the first in New Zealand solely dedicated to pets affected by domestic violence. “PETstock and PETstock Assist are very excited to be a part of such an innovative concept that also supports the outstanding work that Pet Refuge is undertaking in the community,” PETstock Country Manager
88 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
Craig Williams says. “We can’t wait to see the amazing designs and builds, and hope pet lovers have some fun and participate by voting to find the top dog in kennel design.” KEY DATES: 21 September - 6 October: Mood boards and models go on display in the main atrium at Ponsonby Central. Public voting is open. Votes can be cast online or at Ponsonby Central. 7 October: Public voting closes. The three finalists are announced, and the full-size build phase begins. 2 and 3 November and 9 and 10 November: Open homes begin at Ponsonby Central. 14 November: Charity auction at the Sapphire Room, Ponsonby Central. For more information visit www.barkhaus.co.nz To support Pet Refuge visit www.petrefuge.org.nz
HOME RENOVATIONS photography: Patrick Reynolds
PLAN for a SUCCESSFUL RENOVATION Ponsonby and the surrounding suburbs are defined in many ways by the character homes and heritage buildings that line their streets. Villas, bungalows and pockets of state houses have been adapted, altered and, in some cases, lovingly restored to accommodate the changing lifestyles and tastes of the waves of people making these increasingly popular inner city locales their home. Over the last decade or so, the amount of time and money people invest in these renovation projects has dramatically increased with the best examples often being the results of an excellent match between home owner and architect. We spoke to local architect Malcolm Walker about the art and science of a good renovation project and what really defines an architectural winner. Malcolm is the director of an award winning local architecture practice and is the current convenor of the New Zealand Institute of Architecture Awards.
Above: The villa is an alteration to a large, formerly dark, house on a small site. Malcolm Walker Architects kept the street front pretty straight, but simplified the decoration and added a second matching bay. The frontage was landscaped symmetrically with off-the-form concrete work and native planting. Inside, the plan is deconstructed to avoid the restrictive nature of a standard villa plan. Instead, the living areas are opened up to the site, gathering as much light into the interior as we sensibly could. The result is a lively, comfy house that is a total surprise from what may be expected from outside.
For those looking to renovate in Ponsonby or the surrounding areas, Malcolm acknowledges that money is the main factor. “Property is now ridiculously expensive, as are building costs. Regulation is more onerous and demanding than ever so we are all being asked to do more with less,” explains Malcolm. While all projects have limitations and restrictions, Malcolm believes it is difficult to spend less than $300,000 on a renovation project these days, with most projects requiring significant amounts of fixing before anything can really be done. Malcom doesn’t overly romanticise the villa, explaining that what he likes about them is that they’re simple and big. “Take a veranda off a villa and they’re plain ugly, the truth is revealed,” says Malcolm. “But what you do have is something that is great to work to, it’s big and roomy. Difficult to live in now, so I tend to arrive in a villa and look at the volume and simplicity of it and see what the site has to offer,” explains Malcolm. The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied
Malcolm Walker PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
Character and heritage are important and finding a balance between the demands of modern living and the need to preserve character can be challenging. “Character is a subjective thing. I’ve just spent a few days at a friend’s 400-year-old house in Oxford, England, crawling up the stairs to the bedrooms. He thought it was character, I thought it was ludicrous. That said, it is important to understand what is special about a place and to nurture, harness and utilise it. Character goes way beyond appearance. History, materials, location and place all come into play. Some things work, some don’t. Take, for instance, Queens Hall in Paget Street. That’s character for you. Utterly out of context with the local style but so important to the street; yet another building of similar bulk there could be awful. Knowledge, understanding and care are important. It’s not a surface thing. Functionality and character are two different things, but the trick is to get both.” Currently, Malcolm is in the midst of convening the New Zealand Institute of Architecture (NZIA) awards which is currently down to a short list of 45 buildings from across the country. The awards are designed to improve the quality of New Zealand’s built environment, fostering a stronger design culture through excellence in architecture.
The awards give the public an insight into what can be achieved when architecture works as it should by assessing all entrants in a thorough and detailed way, something that distinguishes the NZIA awards from other interior or building competitions. “What I have noticed is the huge gap in what is considered successful for winners of interior and building awards compared with architecture awards. The former often seem to concentrate more on fashion, size and audacity,” explains Malcolm. “Design is more than symmetry, greige and novelty – where as the architectural assessment is (as it should be) more focused on how the building works, feels and deals with the purpose it is meant for. It’s a big picture thing. Photos do not tell the story. It is critical to visit the building to properly assess it.” It is no surprise then that Malcolm’s tips for getting it right when it comes to renovating are anchored firmly in the art and science of the design process and building a strong and lasting relationship with an architect from the outset. “Address what the site’s got, the sun in the backyard, simplicity and flow – this is the way to start,” explains Malcolm, who believes people often think they know what they want, but when they do it themselves they don’t get what they think they are going to get. Most of the renovation projects Malcolm and his team design are for people to live in and not on-sell their renovated homes. “They are designed to live in, not just look good. Pinterest is our enemy,” says Malcolm. “While it’s good to see what other people are doing, the pictures don’t tell the whole story and, if you go into some of these good buildings, you see that there is a lot more to them than the picture shows.” The trap, explains Malcolm, is ending up with a beautiful bathroom, for instance, that is out of context and not consistent with the flow of the rest of the house. What is important is that the design
photography: Patrick Reynolds
What becomes obvious when listening to Malcolm is the importance of the unseen detail of architectural design. The thoughtfulness the architect has to the original building, what a site has to offer and how the people who will live in it will use it. This is less about how stunning the colour palette and fixtures look in photos or vastly increasing the size of living areas, but more about how effectively usable, functional and beautiful spaces are created. “Space and area are different – planning and spaces are important to me. With careful planning, great and useful spaces can be achieved within surprisingly small areas. On the other hand, large areas, unless they are planned well, can be useless, expensive and uncomfortable,” explains Malcolm.
Above: The concrete house is new and received careful assessment by council. Although the house is of a different style from its neighbours, it does acknowledge the ‘manner’ of the neighbourhood. Setbacks and the general mass of the new house has been kept consistent with its neighbours. The upper level is pushed to the rear of the building. A generous verandahed entry addresses the street, again in the general manner of the street. Inside, the house opens to the sun, a leafy back yard and adjacent park. The result is a very liveable modern house that sits comfortably in its neighbourhood without having to copy or hide from it.
90 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
HOME RENOVATIONS The Diagrid House by Jack Mckinney Architects
is done with real people in mind. “If you are doing an alteration, do it for yourself, even if you think you might sell it, it will suit someone else.” Malcolm says the classic example is when people renovate and insist a bathroom includes a bath, not because they like baths but because some imaginary person in the future might like baths. Malcolm is emphatic, “How you live will always suit someone else,” he says.
Malcolm is certainly knowledgeable about what makes a successful architectural project. As a judge and convenor of the awards, Malcolm knows how to identify exemplary projects. “We are looking for the special ones, the ones that are outstanding and uplift the human spirit,” says Malcolm. The four person jury for the NZIA awards looks at the whole project, most especially the plans as these reveal so much more than just well-curated photos. “As an architectural assessment we are looking at the big picture and asking, why did you do it? How did you do it? How successful is what you’ve intended to do and was that the original intention?” explains Malcolm.
Small Tall by Jack McKinney Architects
As Malcolm explains, the success of most residential renovations and buildings comes down to the architect and the builder. “Most residential jobs should not need a project manager – (budgeting, scheduling, co-ordinating sub-trades) a good builder will do that. The architect does contract managing – ensuring the work is being done properly, changes or clarifications are co-ordinated (and appropriate), also certifying payments and liaising between client, contractors and local authorities. This is important. Some clients are wary of this, but at the end of the job they understand how valuable the architect’s role is in achieving a good, consistent and managed job.”
Malcolm’s best tips for renovating are: • Live in it. • Plan it – walk through and get a sense of the flow. • Be a good client – listen, be clear about how you will live, and recognise it is more than looks that will make your project successful.
One local architectural firm with projects on the NZIA Awards shortlist is Jack McKinney Architects. Jack McKinney has been shortlisted for the alteration project Small Tall, and the housing project The Diagrid The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied
House. At the time of writing, Malcolm was yet to view either of the shortlisted projects but all will be revealed when the winners are announced on 9 September at the awards’ dinner. F PN PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
NEW LIGHTING AND FURNITURE COLLECTIONS RELEASED IN MILAN HIT OUR SHORES ECC is stocked to the brim as new lighting and furniture collections arrive in store. April is highlighted on the calendar of many of those interested in interior design and architecture, as that is when the Milan Furniture Fair takes place. However, September is a great month for customers, because this is when products start arriving in store at ECC. That makes it a great time to visit ECC, especially if you are building or renovating, with new stock on the floor every week. ECC is known for the variety of styles it stocks – contemporary, modernist, industrial or classic – selected from the world’s leading designers. As well as new collections from ECC’s core suppliers, some new brands have joined the family. Here’s some fresh inspiration. Rakumba Surprisingly, this Australian brand is celebrating their 50th anniversary this year, but this is the first year for ECC to represent them in New Zealand. If you like minimalism, the Capital pendant is for you – an elegant horizontal line, pared back to its essential form. If you want the freedom to compose your own design, you should consider Typography, a modular rail system to which seven different luminaires can be attached. Mix, match and reposition to your heart’s content. Ay Illuminate Based in the Netherlands, but using artisan craftspeople in Asia, Africa and Europe, Ay Illuminate produces lighting with strong ethnic and cultural ties. The Z-series pendants have a light, casual aesthetic, featuring bamboo frames covered in silk, sisal, cotton or paper. They come in a variety of sizes and natural colours. Buster + Punch This month, ECC introduces the architectural hardware range of door handles, pull bars, T-bars and knobs from Buster + Punch. Direct from London and exclusive to ECC, these solid metal handles feature a diamond-cut finish and give kitchens, cupboards and doors a modern industrial appeal. The complementary lighting range is also industrial in style with rock star names like Heavy Metal and Hero Light. This is just a subset of the exciting new collections arriving at ECC. To find out more about what is arriving in future months, read ECC’s award-winning Milan Report. Divided into six infopacked chapters, ECC takes us from the furniture and lighting halls of the fairgrounds to the creative inspiration of central Milan. There are exclusive designer interviews, commentary on colour and form, and a look at some re-editions of design classics. It’s a ‘must-read’ for anyone interested in design. Access the report at https://ecc.co.nz/milanreport2019 To view the new arrivals in store, visit the ECC showroom. ECC, 39 Nugent Street, Grafton, T: 09 379 9680, www.ecc.co.nz Clockwise from top: Capital Pendant, Typography Floor Lamp and Typography Pendant by Rakumba, Z-series Pendant by Ay Illuminate, Heavy Metal Pendant and Pull Bar by Buster + Punch.
92 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
Buster + Punch
Hero Light
@ METRIX 1. DURASTYLE by DURAVIT An understated ambience creates a sense of serenity, giving a moment to breathe deeply and relax. Like DuraStyle – designed by Matteo Thun & Partners, the bathroom series is deliberately understated. With design, variety and an attractive price and performance ratio, DuraStyle sets a new standard in the bathroom and the home. 2. HAPPY D.2 PLUS Happy D.2 from Duravit is a chic, versatile and timeless modern bathroom solution. The archetypical open oval of the Happy D. design classic runs through all the elements in this new range to create perfectly harmonised washing areas.
3. LUV Duravit’s Luv series, designed by Cecilie Manz, combines Nordic minimalism with timeless elegance. Luv is defined by precise, clear and fine forms and edges, a new design language that, both minimalist and elegant, can be interpreted in a highly individual manner. 4. CAPE COD Cape Cod, located in New England off the coast of the United States, features an unforgettable flair. The region is known for its beaches stretching for miles, crystal clear water and untamed nature. It is the inspiration for Cape Cod, the bathroom series by Philippe Starck and Duravit. From the monolithic design to the integrated head rest, Cape Cod offers a continuous satin-finished surface that is also pleasant to touch. 2
5. DORNBRACHT SYNC, the kitchen mixer with new pull-down functionality. The spout can be extended downwards increasing the fitting’s radius of action and making daily tasks in the kitchen much easier to complete. Like all the other Dornbracht fittings, SYNC is 100% made in Germany. Design by Sieger Design. 6. XViu by DURAVIT Welcome to the bathroom of tomorrow. XViu by Duravit is a new bathroom series inspiring soft, organic forms that contrast with precise geometry. Sophisticated details and material combinations, comfort-enhancing technologies plus the utmost level of perfection right down to the last detail, come together to produce absolute bathroom harmony. To see the latest in luxury bathroom ware, visit Metrix Showroom, 155 The Strand, Parnell, www.metrix.co.nz
5 4
94 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
Duravit “A bowl filled with water on a simple table,” Danish designer Cecilie Manz describes her inspiration for Duravit’s Luv series. The result is Nordic purism combined with timeless elegance, created with gentle forms and sharp geometry. Luv is a brand new design that can be interpreted uniquely to suit your individual style.
Toilets. Basins. Baths. Tapware. Accessories. Saunas. Showers.
The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied
155 The Strand, Parnell, Auckland
Elegance, pure and simple.
PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
@ ROSE & HEATHER 1. At 1.5m wide and over 1m tall, this Bespoke Astrid 10 drawer - $5980. 2. The Bailey Desk, now on display in our Grey Lynn showroom. Made to size from - $7400. 3. 5 drawers with a neat footprint, Newport 5 drawer in Ancient Kauri.
ROSE & HEATHER, 406 Great North Road, T: 09 376 2895, www.roseandheather.com
timber with a history.. f u r n i t u r e f o r a l i f e t i m e.
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96 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
Our reputation is built on being able to provide our customers with a complete service from design through to manufacture and installation. Effective storage is a key element of a well-planned and highly functioning living environment. We work closely with architects, builders and our customers to develop the perfect personalised solution for your space and your budget.
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Perfectly balanced – totally practical An innovative, twin-island design has transformed a dark, dysfunctional kitchen into a bright, new hub for this home – perfect for the needs of the young family living here. The light-filled space in which this kitchen now sits is almost unrecognisable in comparison to what was originally here, says the homeowner. “When we first moved in, the floor was pitch black and the walls were dark – so it was very moody, which didn’t really fit our taste, or our living style. It had one, very long island, and the working space between the island and the cooktop was very narrow,” he says. This made it a difficult place to be in, let alone to work in, he continued. It also had a small scullery, which was badly laid out. Clearly they needed not only a new kitchen, but a whole new kitchen space. “We began our search for ideas by visiting all the local kitchen showrooms,” he says. “We spoke to them all, but there really wasn’t any chemistry. That was until we walked into Kitchens By Design, where we immediately had a strong feeling that they knew what they’re doing and that they could really help us achieve what we wanted to with our kitchen.” In essence, the brief was simple – to lighten everything up and to make the space more functional and inviting. “We began by having a long, in-depth chat with designer, Sean Monk,” he says. “There were a lot of discussions, and he came over to the house a number of times – something we really appreciated.” Once Sean had visited the house and saw for himself the constraints of the space, he hit on the idea of introducing the twin-island design, which solved the circulation and access issues the family were having with their current kitchen. “We use the two islands quite differently – the one closet to the hob is mostly for food preparation, whilst the other, I often sit at to work on my laptop. I hope it will become our young boy’s homework bench one day.” The new, twin-island design offers a great space where everyone can gather, giving just enough separation between those who are cooking and those who are just hanging out. The new kitchen has transformed the way this family use their living space, and they love all the details Sean incorporated into the design, like the subtle feature lighting under the benchtops, and also the waved pattern on the front of the islands.
98 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
“Kitchens By Design did the whole thing, it was very easy. I literally handed everything over to the team at Kitchens By Design, and I really didn’t have to do a lot. Everything now flows very well and all the dimensions work perfectly. Not only is this a beautiful kitchen to look at, but also a great kitchen to work in. A perfect balance between form and function,” says the homeowner. See more of Kitchens By Design award-winning designs at www.kitchensbydesign.co.nz, or drop into one of Kitchens By Design’s beautiful showrooms at 3 Byron Avenue, Takapuna, and 7 Melrose Street, Newmarket – there’s always a designer on hand to talk with you about your kitchen or bathroom project.
Visit one of our showrooms today. Newmarket 7 Melrose Street, Newmarket (09) 379 3084 Takapuna 3 Byron Avenue, Takapuna (09) 488 7201
A modern, minimalist kitchen. A stunning design statement.
kitchensbydesign.co.nz The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied
PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
Luxurious cinemas and media rooms in private sanctuaries “The first time I meet with Muzzi Shalash from AV Expression was over a coffee at a local Ponsonby cafe. His enthusiasm for what he did as a profession was very inspiring. He spoke about his work as if it was his passion, and he later confirmed that it was.” Muzzi’s ’job’ has had him creating some of the most luxurious cinemas and media rooms for his clients since 2008. His experience is very well rounded, having been involved in many residential and commercial projects nationwide. The private cinemas that he and his team create are state of the art and are closer to the deluxe commercial cinemas. The level of detail that goes into every room is precision-like including design, schematics and 3D models being completed before any physical work is started. “It’s not only about how big your speakers and screen are when it comes to creating a high-end cinema. The acoustics are probably the most important element in a room and if that is not the first consideration, then the whole job has failed before it has started. Unfortunately, acoustic treatment of a room can sometimes be ugly with big rectangular foam tiles having to be installed on the sides of the walls and ceilings. But thankfully, a special stretched acoustic fabric can be installed to hide the panels for a sleek and modern look with no performance loss,” says Muzzi. The addition of Smart Automation into the system adds a level of sophistication and convenience with a touch of magic. Imagine walking into the room and the lights gently ramp up to welcome you. With a simple press of a button or a voice command you can start up the system. When a movie is selected the lights automatically dim. The room has multiple user control interfaces such as voice control, touch screens, engraved keypads and a universal remote if you like the tactile feel of a sturdy remote with a modern LCD screen and backlit buttons. The Smart Automation can also be integrated into the rest of the house with your entertainment, lighting, comfort and security systems into one modern and easy-to-use interface, which allows you remote control access from anywhere in the world.
For a free in-home consultation to discuss the possibilities for your own private oasis, get in touch with AV Expression.
AV EXPRESSION, toll free: 0508 283 977, enquiries@avexpression.co.nz, www.avexpression.co.nz
100 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
Home Cinemas Better than going to the movies
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0508 283 977 / enquiries@avexpression.co.nz / www.avexpression.co.nz The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied
PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
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102 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
GIVE YOUR HOME A FRESH LIFT AT CARPET COURT Spring has sprung and what better way to spring clean and give a fresh lift to your home than by adding new carpet or floor coverings. Our current offer of free underlay and installation, combined with the very best deals on flooring, is a winning opportunity to get cracking on having your home va-va-voomed! For those who don’t want wall-to-wall carpeting yet still desire the luxury, quietness and softness of carpet underfoot, we offer a big selection of room-sized Rhino™ Rugs. These large-scale rugs are made to order and ideal for bedrooms or lounges. Perhaps you’re after a bargain for the bach.. stop by our Mt Roskill Clearance Store to view a huge range of end-of-roll bargains. You’ll be surprised at how affordable comfort and luxury can be. Throughout our stores you can also view the latest trends in Luxury Vinyl Tiles (LVT). This is a heavy-duty vinyl floor produced in individual tiles or planks. We also stock laminate and wood flooring options. Our helpful staff have decades of flooring experience and are ready to assist you with selecting the right option to best suit your requirements. We provide free measure, quote and professional planning to ensure you receive optimal bang for your buck. Our Newmarket, Henderson and new Mt Roskill Clearance stores all have convenient onsite customer parking to make it easy for you to come in and touch and feel your favourite style within our showrooms. So why wait, get in now and make your abode even more of a delight to come home to. You deserve it.
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The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied
www.carpetcourt.nz PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
Got a building question?
Ask Brendon on brendon@nextlevelconstruct.co.nz Q: My wife and I are currently searching for design inspirations for our Westmere renovation. We are struggling to balance what is ‘trendy’ in 2019, with what will not look dated in 2029. Do you have any tips on what products we should use that will last the test of time in terms of style and function? This is our ‘forever home’. A: The struggle to be ‘trendy’ is something that all renovating homeowners encounter during their renovation journey. There is temptation to incorporate every single ‘cool’ feature of the current moment. However, no style is eternal, and sometimes no matter how much money and time you invest in decorating your home, your interior décor becomes dated, and the look you once loved becomes stale. To help you future proof the style of your home, I have five tips to keep your home timeless. First, find your personal style. Just like how you may dress a certain way, knowing what your personal interior style looks like is incredibly important if you want to live in a home you love now, in 10 years, and even in 20 years. Are you more drawn to bright pops of colour, or are you attracted to neutral tones? Is it a minimalist look you like, or are you more relaxed? What styles and looks do you find yourself gravitating towards? Another important consideration is how much you’re willing to continue investing in keeping up with developing trends. Second, look at which fixtures and fittings you’ll use. Some parts of your home are easier than others to update in the future as trends change, so
WHY MOVE WHEN YOU CAN IMPROVE? If your home isn’t working for you anymore, let us show you how it can.
it makes sense for these to be the feature pieces of current trends. Items like furniture, hanging lights and kitchen handles are relatively cheap and easy to replace. Making items which are hard to replace such as kitchen cabinets and tiles as neutral as possible will mean that they age gracefully while you replace the accents around them. Two more areas in which mistakes are often made are tapware and building to suit furniture. For example, coloured tapware is currently very trendy, but the jury is still out on how long the trend will last. Basin and sink mixers can be changed easily, but wall mixers are installed for the long term (to change them the wall needs to be cut open). You will also want to make sure wall mixers are good quality to avoid leaks inside your wall. Occasionally people will build walls or position windows to suit a particular piece of furniture. If you’re keeping that couch for the long term then it might not be a problem, but if you want to replace it later, then you might find your options limited if you’ve made it the lynch pin of your architectural plans! Third, pick a neutral base colour. This will allow for flexibility as trends change. This doesn’t necessarily need to be white; pick a neutral colour that works for you and stick with it throughout your entire home. Neutral colours are also a perfect background to feature more trendy pieces and soft furnishings such as curtains, which are expensive but easy to change. My next tip is to avoid the temptation to try and theme rooms to trends. Currently, Scandi, Moroccan and boho are extremely trendy, but be warned, rooms built around just the one current trendy theme will date very easily. If you don’t go all out on a trend and buy all your furniture in line with that one trend, it will be easier to change. Throw in accents of current trends, mix it up, and combine elements of current trends with more timeless elements that will complement each other and work together over the long term. Lastly, despite all the above, if you want your home to always look like it is fresh from the pages of House and Garden, you are going to have to move with the times. Trends are changing quicker than ever, and they’re not about to slow down anytime soon. If you’re open to change, you can adapt your home quickly to embrace the newness as it arrives. Put aside a budget that allows you the freedom to enjoy those moments when you simply must have that new feature or décor piece; it’s fun to play with what’s available on the market. If you have planned your home well, you’ll be able to update easily without spending a fortune. Consider what you spend your money on, because furniture trend cycles are shorter than ever before in the ‘age of disposable décor’. Most importantly, have fun with your project; renovating should be an enjoyable time.
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104 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
Brendon Sowerby is the Founder of Next Level Construct, an awardwinning, end-to-end residential construction company specialising in renovations, extensions and new builds. Brendon has worked in the building trade for over 17 years, meaning he knows the ins and outs of the industry. Got a building question? Ask Brendon on brendon@nextlevelconstruct.co.nz www.nextlevelconstruct.co.nz PUBLISHED FIRST FRIDAY EACH MONTH (except January)
The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied
PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
Get the ‘mid-century look’ and add warmth and comfort to your home, with these beautiful one-off, traditional, vintage Moroccan rugs. Hand crafted using 100% wool, with up to 50% off, plus free delivery.
1. 140cm x 270cm, was $5299 - now $2400, 2. 180cm x 270cm, was $5299 - now $2800, 3. 180cm x 270cm, was $5299 - now $2530. Buy online: www.artisancollective.co.nz/outlet or in store: Artisan Outlet 111 Captain Springs Road, Onehunga.
“Guards” was $7,100 - now $4,350 Artisan luxury & quality rugs now with huge discounts. Buy online or visit Artisan Outlet 111 Captain Springs Road, Onehunga. artisancollective.co.nz/outlet
106 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
The smart home revolution - simplifying the sometimes not so simple In a world where our lives are busier than ever, and technology is an integral part of our day-to-day, a smart home is fast becoming a serious consideration for a lot of homeowners. Imagine being able to see who is at the door and let them in from your kitchen; to control the lights and music with your voice; or to have a house that welcomes you home with the lights, heating and music already on. “All of this is possible with a smart home solution, regardless of whether you’re building new or renovating,” says Skopik’s Darren Hogg. With over 20 years of experience in the ICT and AV industry, Skopik is a specialist when it comes to smart homes. Offering everything from design, wiring, security, AV, IT, electrical and lighting, Skopik really is a onestop shop for all things techie. With continual advances in smart home technology, it can sometimes be quite daunting knowing where to begin. “Regardless of the simplicity or complexity of the final system, the most important thing when implementing a smart home solution is the planning and prewire stage,” says Darren.
Skopik’s top tips to consider when planning a smart home are: • Make a list of zones within the home, as well as the services and equipment required in each zone. • Services to consider: • Automation and integration • Audio visual • MATV (Sky/Freeview) • Communication and network (data/phone/WiFi) • Security, access control and CCTV • Electrical and lighting • Climate control • Blinds, shades, curtains and louvres • Energy efficiency and management • Equipment to consider: TVs, projectors, speakers, lights, touch-screens and WiFi access points. • If you don’t immediately require a service, but might at a later stage, ensure the necessary cabling is installed during the pre-wire stage. This will eliminate the need for a costly retrofit in the future. • Visualise where technology will reside; this will indicate where wall plates and outlets need to be installed. • Consider the most logical locations for CCTV, security and access control hardware to be installed.
If you’re interested in a smart home solution, get in touch with the team at Skopik by calling 0800 SKOPIK (756 745) or visit the website www.skopik.nz
Bridging the gap between technology and people. Skopik are ICT & AV specialists, offering home automation and smart home solutions. Whether your home was built decades ago, is currently being built or is yet to be built – every home can be a smart home. We pride ourselves on delivering individualised solutions that cater to the lifestyle and demands of each of our clients. From consultation to design, installation to commissioning, Skopik will be there every step of the way.
For more information visit our website or call 0800 SKOPIK (756 745)
skopik.nz Photo Courtesy of Control4
The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied
PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
QUALITY TAILORED BUILDING SERVICES Pure Build is a 100% New Zealand owned and operated company, with two directors who not only manage and run the business, but are involved in every aspect of the building process from the initial meeting with clients and consultants through to the final handover of the completed project. Pure offers commercial and residential construction, fit out, refurbishment and maintenance services. They are always happy to discuss and review with each of their clients the most appropriate procurement process available for their projects. Pure believes in such basics as price competitiveness, financial certainty, professionalism, honesty and integrity, clear communication, programmes and deadlines, quality, problem solving, safety, people and relationships. The company has a ’can do’ attitude towards every part of the building process including clients’ needs, wants and budget outcomes. And these are always at the forefront of the decision making processes. Pure continues to develop and maintain strong relationships with consultants, subcontractors and suppliers. This is something that both directors of Pure believe is essential as a result of their experiences over the last 25 years working together for some of New Zealand’s largest construction companies. F PN PURE BUILD, 74-76 Upper Queen Street, Eden Terrace, T: 09 929 3199, E: info@pure-build.co.nz, www.pure-build.co.nz
view our work
108 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
purebuildnz/ | pure-build.co.nz | 09 929 3199 PUBLISHED FIRST FRIDAY EACH MONTH (except January)
CONTROLLING SUN AND SHADE We are masters of adapting our environments to suit our needs, whether that means extending our living spaces beyond the walls of our homes or finding ways to bring the outside in. Part of the solution is to find ways to make the most of all weather conditions and, in the summer months, this means finding the best ways to make the outside as comfortable as the inside no matter what the weather. Using awnings, sun shades and retractable roof systems are among some of the most effective ways to achieve maximum comfort during Auckland’s long, hot summer days and steamy, humid nights. The extensive range of awnings, automated sunshades and screens available through Lahood offers market-leading solutions and the latest in automated technology to meet Auckland’s challenging weather conditions, as well as satisfy even the most discerning design aesthetic. However, it isn’t just about outside spaces. Sun shades can help control the temperatures inside the home as well, ensuring the long sunshine hours don’t turn homes into hothouses. By protecting both ourselves and our homes from the elements, sun shades are a way to create spaces both inside and out that are protected from the intense summer heat and harsher UV light. The Luxaflex range from Lahood is designed to allow air flow and light into a home through open windows while filtering out the harsh UV rays and heat. Developed to suit New Zealand’s demanding weather conditions, they can be installed in a variety of ways to control temperatures inside the home during summer for maximum effect as well as creating convenient, well-shaded areas outside. “Durability, strength and style make Luxaflex a fantastic choice for a variety of different homes. They are versatile and allow us to design shading solutions that are seamless and no fuss,” says Clayton Sceats, Lahood’s outdoor specialist. “Designing custom solutions for shade and rain protection using awnings and screens, is an effective way to maximise the use of outdoor spaces,” says Clayton. “The technology is so advanced now that we have so much more control at the touch of a button.” Today’s awnings, screens and retractable roof systems are not only robust, all-weather solutions, but are also easily controlled and modified with remote controls so that home owners can respond quickly to sudden changes in the weather or adjust angles and positions to suit the time of day. “The retractable shade awning is a great way to make alfresco lifestyles an all-weather option for homes with dedicated outdoor dining spaces,” says Clayton. “They have a simple minimalist style that suits both modern and character homes and they’re so low maintenance.” It is the perfect addition to your existing pergola roof. With fabrics that offer 100% rain protection, they are a serious, allweather option letting everyone enjoy outdoor living rain or shine. This is the time of year people start to think about awnings for their summer shade. With the latest technology in shade and awning products, Lahood’s experienced design consultants and installers can help everyone find the ultimate solution. F PN Please visit our showroom, LAHOOD, 104 Mt Eden Road, T: 09 638 8463, www.lahood.co.nz
The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied
PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
Luxury apartment living arrives in Herne Bay It might be best known for its sprawling family homes, lush lawns and grand estates, but Herne Bay is about to become the city’s hottest spot for luxe apartment living. Dubbed Jervois & Lawrence after the two iconic streets that border its prime position, a new development is changing the landscape of typical Herne Bay life. Providing luxury living in the heart of the Bay but without the hassle that comes with maintaining a large property, it offers a slice of sleek modernity not often seen in the historic suburb. With 28 luxury apartments across five levels, the development has been carefully crafted with the discerning buyer in mind, and is perfectly positioned for enjoying all that inner central living has to offer. As well as being close to the city, Ponsonby’s dining and retail strip and the city beaches that run almost the length of Herne Bay’s northern slopes, it offers a premium pad to call your own that hits the sweet spot between luxury, liveability and lock-and-leave. Synergy Development group is the visionary company behind the Jervois & Lawrence brand. They acknowledged early on that those looking to purchase in Herne Bay and its surrounds expect nothing less than the very best, and what they have created is exactly that. Designed by renowned architect Colin Leuschke and his team from Leuschke Group Architects, the development sits high on an elevated ridgeline in order to take full advantage of the property’s stellar harbour views. There is a range of one, two and three-bedroom apartments available, plus stunning penthouses for those that like to truly live life at the top. Many of the apartments face north-west and look out over the harbour in order to best take advantage of the classic fiery sunsets that Auckland does so well, with some sporting generous balconies so that entertaining is a must. Others have stylish ‘winter rooms’ that can be used year round – just throw them open to enjoy your coffee in the morning sun, then cleverly close them in when the weather shifts. Also in the complex are a selection of private garden apartments nestled behind leafy courtyards, and more urban-style offerings that face Jervois Road and its bustling, ever-changing vibe. To provide ample light and airflow as well as create a strong point of focus for residents, a central atrium rises through the core of
the building with a carefully landscaped Japanese garden at its base. A true sense of timelessness has been cleverly nurtured through the use of a concrete with stone cladding shell to reflect the gravitas and stature of the building, which is destined to become a key touch point for all those that traverse the Jervois strip. The interiors are the work of Herne Bay resident Stewart Harris of Macintosh Harris, a designer closely associated with some of the city’s most premium builds. Each apartment features a highly spec’d Italian-inspired kitchen, with appliances from German legends of style and performance, Gaggenau. Foodies will appreciate little details like induction cook tops as standard, whilst penthouse apartments come with luxury upgrades whilst both kitchen and living spaces are set with herringbone wooden floors to create a sense of timeless elegance underfoot. It goes without saying that no box remains unticked, including the fact that all apartments come with storage facilities in the basement and ample car parking for effortless living in one of the city’s most attractive new developments. Jervois & Lawrence epitomises quality and permanence, as befits its location in one of Auckland’s most sought-after suburbs.
For more information: Peter Tanner, M: 021 379 379, E: peter.tanner@bayleys.co.nz; Will Green, M: 021 685 856, E: will.green@bayleys.co.nz Visit the showroom @ 218 Jervois Road. Open Wednesday to Sunday from 11:30am to 1:30pm. Or by private appointment.
110 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
most sought-after views
balconies on the northwest side of the building, the view is 7KH QRUWK HDVWHUQ DVSHFW EULQJV WKH LQQHU KRXU DQG
$XFNODQG V LPSUHVVLYH FLW\VFDSH LQWR SOD\ )RU nothing short of spellbinding. Find yourself gazing from the Hauraki WKRVH ZKR UHYHO LQ D PRUH XUEDQ RXWORRN WKH Gulf right around to Te Atatu Peninsula, taking in North Head, the HDVWHUQ VLGH RI WKH EXLOGLQJ LV VXIILFLHQWO\ HOHYDWHG Harbour Bridge, Chelsea Sugar ReďŹ nery and the Western Harbour. WR RIIHU D GHOLJKWIXO HYHU FKDQJLQJ YLHZ DFURVV WR 3RQVRQE\ *UH\ /\QQ DQG :HVWPHUH
The north-eastern aspect brings the inner hour and Auckland’s
impressive cityscape&KRRVH IURP D YDULHW\ RI OX[XU\ t EHGURRP into play. For those who revel in a more urban outlook, the eastern RSWLRQV RU HQTXLUH DERXW WKH OLPLWHG FROOHFWLRQ RI side of the building is sufďŹ ciently elevated to
H[FOXVLYH 3HQWKRXVHV DYDLODEOH offer a delightful ever-changing view across to Ponsonby, Grey Lynn and Westmere. Choose from a variety of luxury 1 – 4 bedroom options, or enquire about the limited collection of exclusive Penthouses available.
Peter Tanner +64 21 379 379 peter.tanner@bayleys.co.nz
:LOO *UHHQ +64 21 ZLOO JUHHQ@bayleys.co.nz
Bayleys Real Estate, Ponsonby,
Bayleys Real Estate, Ponsonby, Licensed under the REAA 2008
the REAA 2008 TheLicensed Worldunder Belongs to the Dissatisfied
PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
Heidi Padain: Entertainment in your garden There’s nothing like the sight of a rat to turn the stomach but, hopefully, not this page. I did something foolish recently – with intent. If you have been following my column over the years, you will know that I’m a strong advocate for putting fruit outside to attract the native birds. However, I always mention how important it is to not leave the fruit out overnight. The result of my heinous act has been photographed to enhance this message. Forgive me if you’re already aware, but this year is a mast year. In a ‘mast’ year, trees experience extremely heavy flowering, fruiting and seeding. Historically, this would trigger an abundance of food for native wildlife to make up for lean years. But now, mast events also boost rodent numbers and, in turn, stoat numbers. This year has been labelled a ‘mega mast’ year because both beech and podocarp forests are masting at the same time across most of the country. In short – when the seed or fruit is gone, the plague of predators turn to our native birds. I recently learnt that stoats eat rats. That visual is making me feel a bit bonkers! I do not wish to see a plague of stoats! They’re terrifying. I recently watched a video of a stoat taking on a hawk! Stoats are fearless, and far more skilled at wiping out our native birds than rats are.
So, what’s the message I’m trying to convey. Do not leave food out overnight, especially seed. If you have feeding stations for birds in your garden, bring them in at night. In addition, no matter where you live, there are predators. Educate yourself on the many and varied traps available, and set some up on your property. To soften the blow and encourage positive thoughts, I’ve included a lovely image of Mr and Mrs Tui. The first day of spring is 23 September. I’ve already got my traps set up. Perhaps, make this date a trapping deadline. We can all do our bit to protect the birds. PN (HEIDI PADAIN) F To see some of Heidi’s other photographic work, go to www.flickr.com and type Heidi Padain into the search box, or, you can contact Heidi by email hidihi@xtra.co.nz, or look her up on Facebook – Heidi Padain Photography.
T: 378 9560 M: 0274 746 507 E: Phillipa@hotpropertyrentals.co.nz 1/1 Franklin Road, Ponsonby www.hotpropertyrentals.co.nz
112 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
WESTMERE PENINSULA OPPORTUNITY 26 Sunny Brae Crescent, Westmere An affordable family home in Westmere’s heartland. A special offering awaits the new owner of this spacious rambling 1940s bungalow situated in this highly sought-after, elevated Westmere street with sweeping views over bush, waterways, estuary, the spectacular Weona walkway and the grassy knolls of Meola Reserve. This home boasts three double bedrooms, separate living space, office/media room, a full basement area plus garaging and additional off-street parking. All this and just a stroll away to the neighbourhood cafes and boutique shopping, the local beaches and schools. Although already a comfortable and liveable large family home, the property still has great scope to capitalise on its position and location to remodel and reignite to another level... secure your future by exploring the many possibilities. F PN To view, call Carl Madsen M: 021 953 152, or email c.madsen@barfoot.co.nz
The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied
PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
TONIC TILE DELIVERS Tonic Tile Lounge delivers a solution for designers, architects and discerning buyers in a central, convenient location. Offering a boutique experience in an intimate setting, located at 254 Richmond Road, Grey Lynn and with easy parking, you’ll enjoy personal assistance from the owner and his experienced team by appointment or during our select opening hours. Our range of tiles include some of the most prestigious offerings from the world’s leading producers in Italy and Spain. We offer tile solutions for all spaces, floors and walls – for indoor and outdoor environments. We have big format tiles on display. 1200 x 1200 and 1200 x 2600 slabs will transform ideas and excite your imagination to challenge the possibilities big formats permit. Push the boundaries and be bold with stunning statement pieces for almost any application. Big format tiles are amazing as splashbacks or cladding for fireplaces. Shower walls with no grout are a cleaner’s delight and really open up a space due to no grout lines making a space feel busy. From classic calacatta and statuario marble looks, to stunning natural stone and industrial concrete or Corten steel, there is something for all decors. If mosaics and subway tiles with a splash of colour are what you require, we have options. Wood-look porcelain tiles are an all-round winning choice. Their high resistance to scuffing, frost, impacts, scratches and water/chemicals make them a resistant material suitable for any environment. The classic look of timber floors with the versatility of porcelain – what a great solution.
As the importer, Tonic sources solutions that are not always brought to the general market – but we can deliver for your special project. Our well-established, direct relationships with international suppliers allow us to deliver tailored, personalised, unique solutions. Indenting products to make your project special is always an option.
Be it a villa or a chalet, a mansion or a man cave, apartment or a penthouse, beach house or a showroom, we can supply a selection. Whilst many of the tiles are manufactured not far from Ferrari, not all Italian products are priced like a Ferrari, we cater to all levels.
If you’re looking for a point of difference in a generic landscape of interior design options, Tonic Tile Lounge is worth a visit. Enjoy a personable, unique experience to guide you in choosing your tile solution. It is one of the most integral parts of your project.
TONIC TILE LOUNGE, Next door to Homage and St Clements – 254 Richmond Road, Grey Lynn. M: 021 644 728 for an appointment or www.tonictiles.co.nz for our hours and products.
10am – 4:30pm Monday – Friday, by appointment any other time. 254 Richmond Road Grey Lynn, Auckland (next to Homage) M: 021 644 728 / www.tonictiles.co.nz
114 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
2 3 1
1. Linen Arm Chair $1890, 35 linen colours to select from designed by Corcovado. 2. Tor Cabinet: $2800, made from sustainably sourced teak wood. 140cm x 80cm x 40cm. 3. Organic Baskets: $395, Range of shapes and sizes handwoven from water hyacinth. 4. St Tropez Cabinet: $1595, 90cm x 90cm x 45cm other sizes available. CORCOVADO FURNITURE & HOMEWARES, 5/18 Westmoreland Street West, T: 09 360 0080, www.corcovado.co.nz
NOW OPEN IN GREY LYNN The Scrap Yard, 5/18 Westmoreland St West www.corcovado.co.nz The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied
PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
@ DESIGN WAREHOUSE 1. Neil chair angle 2. Abbey chair black 3. Luxe sun lounger black 4. Concrete square coffee table
DESIGN WAREHOUSE, 137/147 The Strand, Parnell, T: 09 377 7710, www.designwarehouse.co.nz
116 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
Rethink your space with a hero Whether you are looking to completely renovate your living space or just rethinking the way you use your favourite spaces, choosing a hero piece of furniture can be the best way to realise your vision. Tracey Johnson of JI Home has a number of favourite pieces that offer a strong visual presence along with practical comfort and enduring style. Perfect for newly renovated spaces or those that need a design refresh. 1. Lyton outdoor furniture and Anthony outdoor coffee table – The outdoors is such an important extension of modern homes and these pieces really make that transition feel fluid. There is no need to compromise on style or comfort just because you are outside, the quality is incredible; it can truly pass the test of time.
2. Versailles Dining Table – There is something undeniably social about eating at the table together and sets like this refocus eating as an occasion within the home to be shared and treasured. 3. London Bedhead – Bedrooms should be your sanctuary and the London Bedhead is the perfect way to reclaim this space as your own. 4. Facet Pendant – The way you light the room changes the way it feels. I love the Facet, it adds space to any room.
Visit JI Home and let Tracey and the team help you select the next hero piece for your home. JI HOME, 36 Pollen Street, T: 09 930 6268, www.jihome.nz
FURNITURE DESIGN STORE Open: Tues-Fri 9am–5.30pm, Sat 10am–3.30pm or by appointment. Ph: 09 930 6268. Free car parking in the basement. The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied
PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
2 3 1
1. Colourful Poufs - large - $495, small - $295; 2. Weekend Holdall - $395; 3. Backpac - $250 MARY KELLY KILIMS, 53 Wood Street, Freemans Bay, M: 021 211 8904, Email: mkelly@xtra.co.nz, www.marykellykilims.co.nz
Kilim rugs and runners, saddle bags, cushions, decorative pieces, leather and kilim weekend and handbags.
New Shipment Now Selling 53 Wood Street, Freemans Bay
For further information please phone Mary on 021 211 8904, mkelly@xtra.co.nz, www.marykellykilims.co.nz
1. Tibbo Collection; 2. Seax Lounge chair For more information, please visit www.domo.co.nz or visit the DOMO NZ showroom located in Parnell. Showroom address – 106 St Georges Bay Road, Parnell, call 09 379 9255 or email info@domo.co.nz. Follow us on instagram for exciting updates as they are announced @domo_new_zealand
118 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
Providing space and comfort for the whole family and perfectly located on the northern slopes of Herne Bay, this beautifully renovated home is ready for its new owners to move right in and enjoy. A generous hallway leads through to the lounge and open-plan kitchen/ dining, with great flow through French doors to decking. An additional north facing, sunny deck leads down to the landscaped, low-maintenance private garden – fantastic for entertaining and relaxing with friends and family. Three bedrooms including master with walk-in-robe and en suite, additional family bathroom and separate laundry. With double garaging, you can leave the car at home and stroll to the Jervois Road restaurants, boutiques or local beaches. Book a viewing today, this is a must view! (CHRIS BATCHELOR) F PN Call Chris Batchelor on T: 0800 1 AGENT or email chris.batchelor@bayleys.co.nz
Exclusive Dedon Sale - on NOW! We are offering never to be repeated prices with 30-70% of all remaining Dedon stock. Now is your chance to own a piece from the renowned German outdoor furniture brand.
Every Dedon piece must go...
The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied
PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
PROPERTY MANAGEMENT EXPERTS Even though it is often difficult to get information about prospective tenants, it is important to find out if people have a criminal conviction or have been taken to the Tenancy Tribunal for not paying their rent. The property managers mentioned below can help get the best solutions for your rental property. L J HOOKER, PONSONBY Are all your clients’ rental properties up to date with the healthy home standards? Yes. How can your rental property be made safer for families? Regular maintenance checks and ensuring there is adequate fencing. Any health and safety issues are dealt with in a timely manner. Landlords may want to prepare their properties and give them a makeover. What are the important things to consider? They need to keep the décor neutral, ensure there is adequate heating to make sure they are up-to-date with the upcoming healthy homes standard, ensure the property meets insulation requirements. And that the outside of the property is tidy and easily maintained for the tenant. The cooling market may mean better deals for investment properties. What recent examples have you seen? Don’t agree. Well-presented homes in good suburbs are in short supply. Property managers can often assist with understanding the lease agreement and make suggestions about deferring repairs and maintenance. Any thoughts? We advise owners of when maintenance is required to be done. They can call us for advice and we help them by giving them recommendations about potential upcoming maintenance issues, so we can all plan accordingly. We provide a comprehensive tenancy agreement that is compliant with industry standards and easy for both landlords and tenants to understand. www.ponsonby.ljhooker.co.nz
BAYLEYS REAL ESTATE, PONSONBY General manager for the residential property management arm of Bayleys Real Estate in Central Auckland, Lisa Sargison, said all residential properties within the agency’s letting books were compliant with the new Government healthy homes legislation.
120 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
“And any new properties coming onto our books, which have not previously been investment stock, have 90 days to become compliant with the insulation legislation,” Sargison said. “For some landlords and their properties, the work required to achieve a level of compliance can be substantial, and we recommend they seek project management advise from either an independent licensed building practitioner or the Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment which is administering the new insulation and home heating process.” Sargison said that deferring maintenance on rental properties was not a practice the agency recommended – as smaller issues usually tended to grow into bigger problems. “Problems don’t go away so we, as property managers, have them dealt with as soon as possible. That practice has the parallel benefit of showing tenants that a landlord actually cares for them and the home they are renting. And in virtually all cases, remediating a problem earlier is more cost effective than treating it later,” she said. Bayleys Ponsonby sales manager Bernadette Morrison said the current stable residential property market was driving many investors to calculate their estimation of a property’s value based on rental yield or improvement potential – rather than relying on any capital gain over the short to medium term. www.bayleys.co.nz
CATALISE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Are all your clients’ rental properties up to date with the healthy home standards? Catalise’s clients were briefed on the requirements that came into force on 1 July 2019, well ahead of time, and we assisted them doing the necessary upgrades to their property insulation. Some have taken the opportunity to implement at the same time upcoming requirements from the Healthy Homes Standards Act – notably, installing a vapour ground barrier and one fixed form of heating in the lounge. Others are aware of what’s required but elected to defer the cost outlay to later in 2020/early 2021.
Landlords may want to prepare their properties and give them a makeover. What are the important things to consider? Landlords should assess their target market and property type to evaluate what will give the best returns and appeal for their budget. One would not do the same makeover for a two-bedroom unit in Mangere and a character three-bedroom/two-bath house on a full site in Mt Albert. Paint is a number one, inside and outside. It can transform a space at a moderate cost. It is best to choose a light and neutral colour scheme but landlords don’t have to go too bland either, as touches of personality through a painted/wallpapered feature wall or a bright front door may be what sets their place apart from the competition. Low sheen is harder wearing and easier to clean than a flat/matt finish and should be preferred for rentals. I am a fan of wooden floors in the open plan area kitchen/dining/ lounge and hallway, they are easier to maintain, hard wearing and give a nice modern flow and unity to a place compared to having vinyl in the kitchen area only and carpet for the rest. Install overlay wood flooring or, if it is an older house, chance is there are native wooden floors under the carpet waiting to be exposed and polished. If there is more budget left, landlords should look at window furnishings (blinds may be lower maintenance and give a modern
Catalise Property Management makes sure to take all the stress away, develops personalised strategies to bring out the best in the property and attract the right tenants. You will feel the difference of connecting with the owner of the business, have the confidence she understands you and has your interests at heart. The law may be changing, you will be informed but do not worry as it is our job to ensure you are compliant and get the best rent or lease for the market conditions. CATALISE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT, 203A Symonds Street, Eden Terrace, M: 021 352 670, www.catalise.co.nz
look compared with traditional pencil pleat curtains), a kitchen and bathroom appliances upgrade and choose them based on their target market. A rental in a suburb prized by young executives may deserve better than the white freestanding stove.
How can your rental property be made safer for families? Property features families especially value are a fully fenced property and a decent modern kitchen and appliances. A bathroom with a bath is appreciated for young children. Insulation used to be a big one but, as it is now compulsory for all rentals, it is no longer a point of difference. If one wants to be ahead of the curve, then install a heat pump or a flued gas/wood fire now without waiting for 2021. Tenants also appreciate a security alarm but landlords should be aware they will be responsible for its ongoing maintenance as well.
Needless to say, a roof that doesn’t leak with clean gutters and a tidy (but not fancy) garden should be mandatory. The current cooling market may mean better deals for investment properties. What recent examples have you seen? Bank lending is still a significant hurdle for investors, so I haven’t seen many being very active yet. However, for the ones with significant equity or ‘cash up buyers’, there are opportunities out there and more time to evaluate and negotiate deals than at the time when properties were selling faster than hot bread in a French bakery! Property managers can often assist with understanding the lease agreement and make suggestions about deferring repairs and maintenance. Any thoughts? Laws about renting in New Zealand are becoming increasingly complicated and property managers will guide landlords making sure the tenancy agreement used has all the relevant clauses to protect landlords as best as possible, as well as the necessary insulation and insurance information they must provide. A good property manager will also be a partner in the investment journey, bringing to the owners’ attention maintenance items before they become a big problem and advise on which ones really need to be dealt with without delay and the ones that possibly could wait. Sometimes, property managers are able to offer clever solutions to maintenance aspects. They also have access to a network of trades people who can attend the job in an efficient timeframe as they give property managers a preferential service. www.catalise.co.nz
We source the best tenants and carry out quadruple checks and references. We keep you up to date with maintenance and we ensure the rent is paid on time, every time. We communicate with you every step of the way. Our rates are extremely competitive, so phone us for a free quote. LJ HOOKER PONSONBY RENTALS, 53 Ponsonby Road. T: 09 361 7704 or M: 021 888 455 (24/7), www.ponsonby.ljhooker.co.nz @ljhookerponsonby
@cataliseproperty The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied
PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
CREST Apartments are a bit of heaven sitting high on the ridge Stellar locations in Auckland are getting increasingly scarce so you won’t want to miss this opportunity to buy a freehold home that ticks every box for sophisticated urban living. Located at the top of a ridge overlooking the Waitemata Harbour and the beautiful surrounding neighbourhood – your breath will be taken away each day as you look out your windows. You will be within walking distance to the coveted area of Ponsonby overflowing with incredible restaurants, exclusive boutiques, chic bars and gourmet grocery shopping. If the location and privileged elevated position don’t have you at ‘hello’, then wait until you see all of the amenities. Crest consists of 45 large apartments including two penthouses and five villas, a number of which are available but are selling out fast. Each unit features high-quality, engineered timber floors and European appliances, 2.7m stud height and floor-to-ceiling glass. Step out onto your balcony for cocktails or a coffee into an outdoor entertaining area that will be the envy of your guests. Even the most amateur of chefs will feel like a pro with the elegant European Miele appliances that are a part of each kitchen.
a ducted air-conditioning system or designer series hi-wall units to cool and warm your home. Crest welcomes your four-pawed companions as most breeds of cats and small dogs are permitted. Need a space for company or maybe the kids? Not to worry, each apartment has two or three bedrooms and generous wardrobes on offer throughout the space. Select units even have an area for a home office or study. While there are set floor plans to select from, there are so many bespoke amenities and décor decisions that you can choose to make your home your own. Crafted with versatility in mind, each apartment and penthouse is a blank slate for your colour and interior design preferences.
The true hilltop luxury that you will encounter at Crest is more affordable than you think. The building suits any manner of lifestyles from retirees wanting to downsize or single professionals or families wanting to get onto the property ladder. Whatever you want to do, Each apartment has at least one secure car park for your convenience you will have more time for it since maintenance and upkeep is never to get to work or around town during the weekends. Luxury Italian a worry for residents. The property is professionally managed so tiles in the ensuite and bathrooms and German Grohe tapware are your investment will be protected from the moment you move in. It’s not just durable but also really beautiful. Neither the endless sunlight a breeze to reach the CBD, the beaches or the suburbs. Meticulously nor the changing seasons will ever be an issue. You will enjoy either designed and built by the Maidstone Team – are you ready to be a part of the high life? Selling agents for Barfoot & Thompson: Carl Watkins M: 021 424 736, Email: c.watkins@barfoot.co.nz Louise Stringer M: 021 628 839, Email: l.stringer@barfoot.co.nz CREST, 2 Turakina Street, Grey Lynn. Show Apartment open Sat/Sun 2-3pm, www.crestgreylynn.co.nz
122 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
UPTOWN ART SCENE A picture paints a thousand words, but hearing about art directly from the artist gives us a closer appreciation of the work, attunes us to a more personal relationship between art, artist and ourselves as audience. Artist talks are often organised by galleries to expand the reach of a current exhibition, and are the perfect opportunity to learn about the human side of the objects we call art: the environments they’re made in, the interests the artist followed to arrive at an image, and the process itself. On a Friday afternoon, I attended Emma Louise Pratt’s very relaxed talk supporting her show at Whitespace. Emma has lived in Seville, Spain for many years, raising a young family and making regular journeys back to New Zealand to exhibit; she has recently moved to Cambridge in the UK. In Seville, her studio was the rooftop of her apartment building, which also served as playground for the children, but the snatched time available for art-making is more a state of mind than a physical one. Being a foreigner in a very traditional, introspective town was isolating, and as an artist Emma was something of a curiosity. Even more so, the rooftop made her feel she was an island. Sending work home was a way of feeling connected to place. The blazing sun lighting the whitewashed walls and the deep blue of the dry sky combined in her work as dramatic tonal shifts, reduced colour palette, and simplicity of line.
Imogen Taylor and Mary Kislet at Michael Lett I find artists talks give more insight to the person who makes the art, rather than the art itself, and that helps imbue the work with a previously unseen human-ness – always worth the effort. PN (EVAN WOODRUFFE/STUDIO ART SUPPLIES ) F
The shift to the outskirts of Cambridge, living in an immigrant community alongside scientists, couldn’t have provided a more opposite environment. The meadows, river, woods and palpable seasons of cold, dark hibernation opening into an abundance of life in brilliant colours had an immediate effect on her work. Washes of cool colours, a profusion of markmaking, the movement of water and breeze give these new works a completely different, refreshing look. There was standing room only at Imogen Taylor’s talk at Michael Lett on a Saturday, led by Mary Kisler, senior curator at Auckland Art Gallery. Mary is recently responsible for the incredible Frances Hodgkins survey show there, and Imogen is current Frances Hodgkins Fellow. There was a complete synergy here, with Imogen a vocal supporter of women painters, and currently mining early 20th Century motif and approach to construct her images, which teeter on the cusp of abstraction and figuration.
Emma Pratt, River drawing, mixed media on paper 1200 x 900mm The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied
PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
Finn McLennan-Elliott: The Southern Fork Americana Fest is back for its sixth year The Tuning Fork, 95bFM and Undertheradar are proud to announce the return of the Southern Fork Americana Fest, back for its sixth year in Auckland! Enjoy a star-studded line-up to celebrate the roots of Americana, country and blues music. The festival will cover six nights at Spark Arena’s budding companion venue, The Great South Pacific Tuning Fork. The Great South Pacific Tuning Fork has quickly established a reputation as one of the best spots in Auckland to see a variety of eclectic artists, with its intimate and comfortable surrounds and top-notch sound system having made it an audience favourite. Among the headliners this year are The Felice Brothers (US), Pokey LaFarge (US), Tami Neilson (NZ), Jonny Fritz (US), Joshua Hedley (US), Molly Tuttle (US), Dee White (US) and Albi & the Wolves (NZ). Tami Neilson needs no introduction. The Canadian-born, New Zealand singer-songwriter is one of our most beloved artists. Multi award-winners, including the coveted Silver Scroll, her songs have resonated with a huge audience. This will be an intimate and unique performance alongside her long-time collaborator, and brother, Jay Neilson. The Big Boss Mama will be bringing with her songs they’ve cowritten from her extensive back catalogue, as well as stories from her many international tours. Having become one of New Zealand’s most beloved artists of the modern era, blending country, soul and rockabilly into her signature high-octane performances, this will not be one to miss. Ever since his first record, 2006’s self-released Marmalade, Pokey LaFarge has been a difficult specimen to pin down. Though he was raised on a healthy diet of blues, bluegrass, ragtime, Western swing and old-time country — and though he has consistently demonstrated a decided affinity for pre-1950s menswear — the Illinois native is by no means a throwback or a museum piece. His music is steeped in the very essence of jazz, yet his influences are wide-ranging. This will be his third visit to the Tuning Fork, but his first in some years. He brings with him songs from his 2017 record, Manic Revelations that will be new to New Zealand fans. Ian and James Felice grew up in the Hudson valley of upstate New York. Self-taught musicians, inspired as much by Hart Crane and Whitman as by Guthrie and Chuck Berry, they began in 2006 by playing subway platforms and sidewalks in NYC and have gone on to release nine albums of original songs and to tour extensively throughout the world. The Felice Brothers’ latest release, Undress, was recorded straight to tape with very little overdubbing. Undress follows the band’s 2016 album Life In The Dark, and finds the group in a very different place three years later. “Every song is a story,” said James Felice. “On this album everything was a bit more thoughtful, including the arrangements, the sonic quality and the harmonies.” Award-winning guitarist with a gift for insightful songwriting, Molly Tuttle evolves her signature sound with boundary-breaking songs on her compelling debut album, When You’re Ready. At 26, she has already been crowned ‘Instrumentalist of the Year’ at the 2018 Americana Music Awards, and twice won the International Bluegrass Music Association’s Guitar Player of the Year (the first woman in
124 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
history to win that honour). She is one of the most exciting young players on the bluegrass and Americana circuit, winning fans with her incredible flatpicking guitar technique, confessional songwriting and beautiful voice. Her first trip to New Zealand will be alongside the raw, natural country songwriter Dee White. His songs are classics-in-the-making. It’s a contemporary, ageless take on country music, sitting perfectly alongside the classics from 50 years ago. All country and Americana acts have found a welcoming home at the Tuning Fork, which has in the last few years hosted a virtual who’s who of top local and international artists including Jason Isbell, Ryan Bingham, Justin Townes Earle, Marc Ribot, Steve Earle, Jimmie Dale Gilmore, Shakey Graves, and a whole lot more. 2019 closes out with an eclectic mix of music including Steve Gunn, Joe Pug, Shooglenifty and Newton Faulkner. The festival kicks off on Thursday 10 October and runs for two weekends. Tickets are available for the Southern Fork Americana Festival from Ticketmaster now, with a very limited number of full festival passes available at early bird prices. For the last few years, full festival passes have flown out the door so don’t hesitate to swipe one of these up! Stay tuned for more announcements across September. (FINN MCLENNAN-ELLIOTT) F PN www.tuningfork.co.nz
Paul Jackson Profile For The Ages 5 - 28 September. Opening Thursday 5 September 5.30-7.30pm Paul Jackson is a New Zealand-born artist of Tongan and Scottish descent. His childhood was spent amidst a community of artists. Some of the country’s best-known painters and writers were family friends and daily visitors to the Jackson’s Mount Roskill home. It was, perhaps, inevitable that Paul would follow in these artistic footsteps. Jackson has carved a career for himself as a figurative painter in Australia, where he now lives, and he has been a regular finalist in Australia’s prestigious Archibald Prize for portraiture. In Profile for the Ages, Jackson presents a series of highly detailed oil paintings as well as monoprints and woodblock prints. F PN OREX, 15 Putiki Street, T: 09 378 0588, www.orexart.co.nz
HONOURABLE MENTION: Lauren Lysaght 15 September - 4 October I have only ever won two things in my entire life. One of those wins was a gold medal, the other win was a meat raffle in a pub. Being a semi vegetarian butcher’s daughter, I didn’t consider that such a win! “Winning, succeeding, striving is so much part of our society. The magazines are full of positive thinking – the streets are full of billboards and blackboards telling us we can ‘do it’. We are now even subjected to seeing ‘wise’ advice in our homes. You know the sort – ‘dance like nobody is watching’, ‘love like you have never been hurt’ (yeah, right), ‘dream big’. “Well I am tired of it! My new work is a tribute to all the people who tried – all the socalled losers. If there were no losers there would be no competition. “I am reversing the ‘reward’ system. In my world the bronze awards are best and the honourable mentions are even better.” Lauren is one of New Zealand’s foremost social conscience artists and has exhibited extensively in New Zealand and internationally since the early 1980s. Lauren Lysaght is in the prime of her art career and is committed to pushing boundaries in her art at every opportunity. Lauren was the Gold Medal Award winner of the Art Addiction Annual Exhibition in Venice, Italy and has been awarded a Queen Elizabeth II Arts Council Grant and Creative New Zealand funding. Her work is held in numerous private and public collections including Te Papa Tongarewa and the Chartwell Collection. F PN WHITESPACE, 20 Monmouth Street, T: 09 361 6331, www.whitespace.co.nz
15 SEPT – 4 OCT, 2019 PREVIEW: SUN 15 SEPT, 2 – 4.30PM
LAUREN LYSAGHT Paul Jackson Profile for the Ages
5 - 28 September 2019 15 putiki street, arch hill open tue-sat, 09 3780588 The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied
whitespace.co.nz 20 monmouth st, grey lynn, auckland open tues–fri 11-5pm, sat 11am-4pm
PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
Finn McLennan-Elliott: A Quick Trip Around the World In the last year I’ve visited some of the best folk festivals around the world and been lucky enough to witness some of the top artists in the genre. This is going to be a quick whip-round of some you should listen to. I’ll start at the (roughly geographic) top with Scottish folk singer Karine Polwart. She is a five-time winner at the BBC Radio 2 Folk Awards and has been shortlisted for Scottish Album of the Year. Her talent for crafting enduring melodies and songs that touch people, has resulted in a songwriter that is at the heart of the folk community in the United Kingdom. She doesn’t shy away from the difficult topics, and her songs all have powerful contemporary relevance – take the newest as an example, ‘I Burn But I Am Not Consumed’, a song about the latest President of the United States. Imarhan are the latest in a long line of excellent Tuareg music, popularised by Mdou Moctar and Tinariwen. Imarhan members all grew up near each other in Tamanrasset in Southern Algeria, within a Tuareg community. Imarhan has rhythm, tempo and feeling that hasn’t been seen in a Tuareg release to date. The music is desert blues, interwoven with the distinct rhythm of the region, the beat of the tinde. The electric guitar tone that Tinariwen popularised is a staple of the genre. Imarhan is determined to put its own unique mark on the tradition, transfixing audiences with its indescribable energy, synthesisers, multiple drums and rock ’n roll. If you have never listened to Tuareg music, Imarhan is an excellent place to start. Calan is breathing life into traditional Welsh music. The group takes great pride in finding old traditions and re-imagining them, providing them with new, sparkling melodies and foot-tapping tunes. With a diverse instrumentation of pipes, accordion, fiddle, harp, guitar and the occasional clog dance, the sets are made up of haunting melodies, ballads and fast-paced arrangements of reels and jigs. Calan has found itself performing at the best festivals across Europe and North America since its debut release in 2008. The members don’t dress down, deliberately seeing themselves as the ambassadors of a new sound, responsible for spreading their Welsh traditions to new audiences. The Unthanks are difficult to sum up. They are a folk band, but in no way can they be pigeonholed into one genre. They have fans in
Colin Firth, Martin Freeman, Rosanne Cash, Ewan McGregor to name but a few, and you could find them singing in a folk club one night before visiting Africa alongside Flea the next. They have orchestrated music for an archive film about shipyards, been nominated for the Mercury Music Prize and are the only British folk representation in The Guardian’s and Uncut’s best albums of last decade (worldwide, all genres). The Unthanks is a family affair for Tyneside sisters Rachel and Becky Unthank, with Rachel married to pianist, producer, arranger and composer, Adrian McNally. Even though McNally has scored symphony scale arrangements for The Unthanks, all three are musically untrained, and put their collective musical vocabulary down to the music they grew up listening to, rather than playing, for which both McNally and the Unthank sisters have parents to thank for. Using the traditional and folk music of the North East of England as a starting point, they often have six or seven other musicians on stage performing their eclectic and huge arrangements. Crossing the ditch, Josh Ritter has become known as one of the leading lights of the Americana scene with his incisive songwriting. He has been a prolific songwriter, with 10 albums in 20 years. This hasn’t always been a blessing, but it has resulted in a truly dedicated and supportive fanbase. His latest album, Fever Breaks, sees him enlist the help of Jason Isbell as producer. Isbell is easily one of the most recognised and respected names in Americana, and he brought his band, the 400 Unit, along for the recordings. Fever Breaks sees Ritter’s songwriting get injected with some Southern grit, thanks to the production and band. Ritter touches on the sorry state of America in this latest record, and as NPR puts it, he ‘remains a hydrant of ideas while embodying an endless capacity for empathy and indignation, often within a single song’. Go forth and discover some new music. (FINN MCLENNAN-ELLIOTT)
126 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
Performing Prokofiev’s Violin Concerto No 1 & Saint-Saens Rondo Capriccioso with dazzling violinist Martin Risele Conductor David Kay Sunday 15 September, 2.30pm
You wouldn’t want to miss that would you?
If you have not heard St Matthew’s Chamber Orchestra play, then you are missing one of the finest musical experiences in Auckland. Gillian Ansell (NZ String Quartet) says, “St Matthew’s Chamber Orchestra’s high- quality musicmaking brings their audiences much joy.”
James Bush and friends present music composed by W. A. Mozart and J. S. Bach, and then arranged by Mozart himself. This programme opens with his arrangement for string quartet of the music that affected him so strongly, Bach’s Prelude and Fugue in D minor from the Well-Tempered Clavier, Book II. Mozart’s own arrangement of his inspired and intimate A major piano concerto KV 414 in a version that can be accompanied ‘a quattro’ then forms the centerpiece of our programme as we welcome Louise Webster to the piano. This concert is one of the series of First Tuesday Lunch Hour concerts at St Matthew-inthe-City starting at 12.10 on Tuesday 1 October.
Prokofiev’s First Violin Concerto is known for its mixture of fairytale naiveté and daring savagery and violinist Martin Riseley is more than up for this challenge. His playing has been described as ‘delicate, subtle and dazzling’. New Zealander Martin Riseley studied at Juilliard where he completed Master of Music and Doctor of Musical Arts degrees. He was Concertmaster of the Edmonton Symphony Orchestra for 15 years, where he performed and premiered a number of concertos.
St Matthew’s is a superb venue for small ensembles and chamber music. It has a lively acoustic which is both warm and enriching of the sound. Piano and cello are a tried and true combination for the place but add some of James Bush’s string-playing friends and we will have an outstanding sound. Can you guess how Mozart would feel about popping into St Matthew’s on 1 October to hear Bach and his own music arranged and played by this ensemble? Come and try the combination for yourself. Entry by koha. F PN www.stmatthews.nz
He has played chamber music with some of the leading musicians of our time, including Pinchas Zukerman, Yo Yo Ma and John Kimura Parker, and has held other concertmaster positions, including Interim Associate Concertmaster of the National Arts Center Orchestra, Ottawa, under music director Pinchas Zukerman. He was also a member of Mènage à Trio with Stèphane Lemelin and Tanya Prochazka. Since returning to New Zealand to be Head of Strings at the New Zealand School of Music, he has premiered John Corigliano’s Red Violin Chaconne, performed the complete Paganini caprices, and teamed up with Diedre Irons for regular recitals, including for Chamber Music New Zealand. He has also made the first CD recordings of some important chamber works of Douglas Lilburn and recorded ‘Meditations on Michelangelo’ by Jack Body with the NZSO and Ken Young, as violin soloist. This recording won a Vodafone New Zealand Music Award for Best Classical CD in 2015. Recently, he has made premiere recordings of works by David Farquhar and toured as a member of the Te Koki Trio. In 2015 he was also appointed Concertmaster of the Christchurch Symphony Orchestra and was named patron of The Piano: Centre for Music and the Arts in the heart of Christchurch Arts Precinct. TICKETS Eventfinda or door sales cash only. Adults $30, concessions $25, children under 12 free. ST MATTHEW-IN-THE-CITY CHURCH, corner Wellesley and Hobson Streets. PN Do arrive early to ensure a good seat. F www.smco.org.nz
Sun 15 September at 2.30pm PROGRAMME
Haydn Symphony No 101 in D, ‘The Clock’ Prokofiev Violin Concerto No 1 Op 19 in D Saint-Saëns Introduction & Rondo Capriccioso Op 28 Prokofiev Symphony No 1 Op 25 in D, ‘Classical Symphony’
James Bush ‘cello & Friends Mozart makes more of Mozart Tuesday 1st October, 12.10-12.50pm A programme of Mozart arranged by Mozart Entry by koha.
SOLOIST Martin Riseley CONDUCTOR David Kay ST MATTHEW-IN-THE-CITY Cnr of Wellesley & Hobson Street, Auckland City
The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied
PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
Rock opera that has New Zealand culture at its heart It’s not often that a bells and whistles musical centres around a uniquely New Zealand story. Aucklanders are in for a treat when the highly acclaimed rock opera State Highway 48 opens for a limited run at the Bruce Mason Theatre from 15-19 October. Featuring a staggering 26 original songs and a cast of 11 incredible performers, the story centres around the life and times of a typical, hard-working Kiwi and his family. The show tracks the challenges of approaching middle age complete with job loss, marriage breakup, and poor mental health as a result of all life has to serve up. It’s a story most of us can relate to and while it’s full of celebration, comedy and love, it also explores the impact that the ‘black dog’ can have on the whole family. Composer and Executive Producer Chris Williams wrote the music, lyrics and dialogue for this very Kiwi-centred musical in direct response to watching friends and families struggle with, and relish, life after 40. A talented and passionate artist, Williams wants audiences to have both a great night out at the theatre and to spark conversations about how important communication is in our communities. “I wrote this musical to respond to contemporary New Zealand life. I want to give audiences a reminder about what really matters; the dangers of not facing up to depression and a celebration of the every day,” says Williams. State Highway 48 has been buzzing around the North Island since 2016. Audiences and critics have been raving about it ever since. It boasts some of our very finest musical talents including New Zealand’s own West End diva – Delia Hannah. “Delia is amazing,” says Williams. “She was cast by Andrew Lloyd Webber for the UK tour of Aspects of Love, and has toured Australia and Asia extensively, starring in all the big shows including Mamma Mia!, Cats, Chess, Blood Brothers and Disney’s production of Mary Poppins. Delia will be joined by an excellent cast of seasoned local performers.” Creative Producer Rachael Penman is excited about how musicals like this can not only deliver excellent entertainment but also have the power to instigate change. “I saw the international potential in this show when I saw the 206 version,” says Penman. “On top of that I know it has the potential to get people talking, particularly men who are very good at staying quiet.” State Highway 48 has it all – a powerful message, relatable story, phenomenal cast and a full gamut of sensational original music. So, what are you waiting for?
128 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
State Highway 48 will be showing at Bruce Mason Centre from 15-19 October. For more information, please visit www.sh48.co.nz
Don’t miss it!
as Dave
as the Black Dog
After making audiences laugh and cry throughout the North Island, now it’s Auckland’s turn to take part in the magic of this original New Zealand work.
OCTOBER 15-19 BRUCE MASON CENTRE Tickets at TICKETMASTER | WWW.SH48.CO.NZ The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied
PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
Horoscopes: Miss Pearl Neclis – what your stars hold for September
Aquarius (the Water Carrier) 21 January - 19 February Be careful who you decide to confide in. You might want to share knowing your load will be a bit lighter, but instead you might pick the wrong individual. Holding back just a little longer will allow you to see a much brighter outlook.
Pisces (the Fishes) 20 February - 20 March Don’t be rushed into making any decisions especially when emotions are involved. You need to be clear where your focus is and then you can start to help others see what their purpose is.
Aries (the Ram) 21 March - 20 April Be prepared to be a winner this month. The moves you make are at last paying off. Whatever hurdles are placed in your way are jumped with ease. You know where you’re going and who with. You can’t reveal what’s behind this positivity so it’s best to just enjoy your moment.
Taurus (the Bull) 21 April - 21 May Your apprehension is warranted this month as the feedback you’re receiving is not what you were expecting. Keep a look out for bad news as you’ll see it coming. Being efficient isn’t being boring, it shows you’re more than capable.
Gemini (the Twins) 22 May - 21 June You know just what you want, it’s just that you might need to look inside yourself to see how you go about getting it. You’re very able to adapt to any new situations that present themselves and at the moment you have quite a few choices to sort through.
Cancer (the Crab) 22 June - 22 July Don’t rise to any bait that’s in front of you as it’s quite obvious someone is trying to ruffle your feathers. Be unpredictable instead of formulaic and you’ll be surprised how much that can be an effective way of confusing people.
Leo (the Lion) 23 July - 21 August Sometimes it can be tough when you know the full story, but you’re finding it tougher sometimes getting everyone to read from the same page. Finishing and starting something new is your prerogative, but make sure you don’t lose your way.
Virgo (the Virgin) 22 August - 23 September You may have to keep your tongue in your head this month because not everyone agrees with what you have to say. Wait a while before you share any news that you have and the impact might not be as great.
Libra (the Scales) 24 September - 23 October The road you’re on has many paths leading from it and whatever one you take, you’re guaranteed a happy ending. You don’t need to be assertive, let your competition flex their muscles if they like. Everyone knows it’s just for show.
Scorpio (the Scorpion) 24 October - 22 November Make sure all the cards are on the table before you get into committing yourself to anything this month. Someone’s true nature will show itself and you need to be ready for a verbal showdown.
Sagittarius (the Archer) 23 November - 22 December You could finish a project a lot easier this month if only you could find a new way in asking for help. Barking orders doesn’t always work anymore, instead you should have more patience with people. You’ll get a great deal more done.
Capricorn (the Goat) 23 December - 20 January If you can acknowledge where your talents lie early on then you can keep going down the path you’re currently on without being distracted. Don’t plan for the future just yet. Enjoy your journey and keep the momentum going.
130 PONSONBY NEWS+ September 2019
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Studio Cyprus Relaxing Chair, Sofa & Concrete Chess Side Table Stunning Italian Outdoor Cushions Are Included As Shown
Usso & Trestle Dining Set
Lola Dining Chair
Jak Accent Table
Kobii Sun Lounger
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Ibiza and Waterfall
Teak Trestle Dining Table
Concrete Trestle Table
Nairobi & Berlin
Bay Loveseat
SUMMER 2020 OUTDOOR FURNITURE ARRIVING NOW 0800 111 112 / 137 - 147 The Strand, Parnell, Auckland / Open Daily 9:30 to 5:30