Software testing life cycle process

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Software Testing Life Cycle Process SDLC, Software Testing, STLC, Types Of TestingManual Testing, Software Testing, Software Testing Life Cycle, Test Planning

What is a Software Lifecycle? Lifecycle in simple term signifies succession of changes from one type to other type. These changes can happen to any concrete or intangible things. Every enterprise has a lifecycle from its beginning to end/ death. In a similar fashion, software is also a business. Just like creating software includes a series of actions, examining also has actions which should be implemented in a certain series. This trend of performing the examining activities in a thorough and organized way is called examining life-cycle. Software Test Life Cycle Like SDLC, STLC has set stages which is described in structure below: 1. TEST PLANNING – Preparing the test strategy & planning 2. TEST DEVELOPMENT – Creating the testing environment 3. TEST EXECUTION – Writing the test cases/Creating & Executing the Test Script 4. RESULT ANALYSIS – Analysis result and Bug report 5. BUG TRACKING –Look for Bugs and software errors 6. REPORTING – Gathering reports from users What is Software Testing Lifestyle Pattern (STLC)

Software Testing Lifestyle Pattern represents a examining procedure which has specific actions to be implemented in a certain series to make sure that the quality objectives have been met. In STLC procedure, each action is completed in a structured and methodical way. Each stage has different objectives and deliverable’s and test planning. Below are the stages of STLC: 1.Specifications Phase 2.Preparing Phase 3.Research Phase 4.Style Phase 5.Execution Phase 6.Performance Phase 7.Summary Phase 8. Closing Phase #1. Specification Phase: During this stage of STLC, evaluate and study the needs. Have brain storming classes with other groups and try to find out whether the needs are testable or not. This stage helps to recognize the opportunity of the examining. If any feature is not testable, connect it during this stage so that the minimization strategy can be planned. #2. Preparing Phase: In practical circumstances, Analyze planning is the first step of the examining process. In this stage we recognize the activities and resources which would help to meet the examining goals. During planning we also try to recognize the

analytics, the method of collecting and monitoring those analytics. #3. Research Phase: This STLC stage describes “WHAT” to be tested. We basically recognize quality circumstances through the needs papers, product threats and other test basis. The test situation should be traceable back to the importance. #4. Style Phase: This stage describes “HOW” to evaluate. This stage requires the following tasks: Details quality situation. Break down quality circumstances into several sub circumstances to increase protection. –Identify and get quality data –Identify and set up quality environment. –Make the importance traceability metrics –Make quality protection analytics The major task in this STLC stage is of development of the specific test situations. Focus on quality situations also recognize which test situation will become part of the regression package. Before completing quality situation, It is essential to carry out evaluation to ensure the correctness of quality situations. Also don’t ignore to take the sign off of quality situations before real execution starts. If your venture includes automated, recognize the applicant test situations for automated and continue for scripting quality situations. Don’t ignore to evaluate them! #6. Performance Phase: As the name indicates, this is the Software Testing Life Pattern stage where the particular execution occurs. But before you start your execution, make sure that your entry requirements is met. Perform quality situations, log problems in

situation of any difference. At the same time fill your tractability analytic to track your progress. #7. Summary Phase: This STLC stage focuses on the quit requirements and confirming. Based on your venture and stakeholders choice, you can decide on confirming whether you want to deliver out a regular overview of every week evaluation etc. There are different types of reviews ( DSR – Daily Sales Report, WSR – Weekly Sales reports) which you can deliver, but the essential point is, the content of evaluation changes and depends upon whom you are delivering your reviews. #8. Closing Phase: Tasks for the closure activities are the following: – Examine for the finalization of quality. Whether all quality cases are

implemented or reduced purposely. Examine there are no intensity 1 problems started out. – Do training learned meeting and create training learned papers.( Consist of what went well, where are the opportunity of developments and what can be improved) More Related Blog: Software Development Life Cycle Overview

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