
Page 1

ORDER:Ph. 860.610.0000 F. 860.760.6188e. M Magnets P opcorn M ovie P oster C ompany Movies Travel New York Subway Mexican Wrestling Advertising Alternative Lifestyle Coney island Folk artist dug nap Eric Krasner Over 300 Styles! R e c t a n g l e : 2 ” x3 ” P r i c e : $ 1 .5 0 S q u a r e : 3 1/2” x 3 1/2 ” P r i c e : $ 2 .2 5 L o w M i n i m u m O r d e r : $ 7 5 12 New Con ey I sl an d Cir cu s Side Sh ow m agn et s I n dividu al l y pack aged See Page 17 Sh ippin g en d of J u l y 2006 New! Size- 31/2” x 31/2” $2.25 each New! New!
PG 16
R M 12339 R M 12340 R M 12341 R M 12342 R M 12343 R M 12344 R M 12345 R M 12346 R M 12347 R M 12348 R M 12349
6 New!
R M 12350
Shipping M id July 20 0
R M 12028
PG 1
R M 12029 R M 12094 R M 12114 R M 12102 R M 12100 R M 12110 R M 12111 R M 12112 R M 12113 R M 12116 R M 12147 R M 12148 R M 12115 R M 12109 R M 12101 R M 12169 R M 12096 R M 12173 R M 12083 R M 12098 R M 12085 R
M 12097
R M 12099
R M 12179 R M 12082 R M 12176 R M 12120
PG 2 Your Town Here
R M 12122 R M 12153 R M 12177 R M 12178

Birds of America New!

PG 15
RM 12320 Snowy Egret RM 12321 Tufted Puffin RM 12319 Little Blue Heron RM 12322 Wild Turkey RM 12323 Bald Eagle With Goose RM 12315 Great Gray Owl RM 12316 Great Egret RM 12318 House Wren RM 12317 Ivory-Billed Woodpecker
RM 12326 Crow
Swallow-Tailed Kite
PG 14
RM 12303 Snowy Owl RM 12311 Trumpeter Swan RM 12304 Blue Winged Teal RM 12305 Northern Cardinal RM 12312 Greater Flamingo RM 12306 Gyrafalcon RM 12307 Osprey RM 12309 Barn Swallow RM 12308 American White Pelican RM 12310 Great Horned Owl RM 12313 Carolina Parakeet RM 12314 Common Loon
PG 3
12030 R
M 12026 R M 12027 R M 12047
R M 12040 R M 12117 R M 12142 R M 12145 R M 12144 R M 12118 R M 12104 R M 12128
PG 4
R M 12105 R M 12164 R M 12165 R M 12170 R M 12015 R M 12043

RM 12205 Artists Always Welcome

RM 12187 Bar Flies Always Welcome

RM 12190 Beer Always Welcome

RM 12184 Bikers Always Welcome

RM 12204 Bikinis Always Welcome

RM 12209 Booty Always Welcome

RM 12206 Buddhists Always Welcome

RM 12200 Cute Boys Always Welcome

RM 12201 Cute Girls Always Welcome

RM 12191 Deadheads Always Welcome

RM 12202 Democrats Always Welcome

RM 12195 Divas Always Welcome

RM 12183 Freaks Always Welcome

RM 12182 Gamers Always Welcome

RM 12198 Gays Always Welcome

RM 12143 Geeks Always Welcome

RM 12211 Greeks Always Welcome

RM 12168 Hippies Always Welcom

RM 12119 Hotties Always Welcome

RM 12192 Irish Always Welcome

RM 12193 Italians Always Welcome

RM 12087 Jesus Always Welcome

RM 12086 Losers Always Welcome

RM 12194 Monkeys Always Welcome

RM 12208 Mullets Always Welcome

RM 12210 Popcorn Always Welcome

RM 12207 Potheads Always Welcome

RM 12084 Punks Always Welcome

RM 12197 Queens Always Welcome

RM 12188 Rednecks Always Welcome

RM 12196 Santa Always Welcome

RM 12203 Sasquatch Always Welcome

RM 12186 Satan Always Welcome

RM 12185 Slackers Always Welcome

RM 12239 Smokers Always Welcome

RM 12189 Surfers Always Welcome

RM 12199 Vegans Always Welcome

RM 12215 Yankees Always Welcome

Military Magnets

RM 12235 Marines Always Welcome

RM12237 Pilots Always Welcome

RM 12236 Sailors Always Welcome

RM 12238 Soldiers Always Welcome

newest and fastest growi ng l i ne of si gns for the hi p and not so hi p.
M 12192
M 12190
M 12238 PG 13 R M Cu st om --Y ou Cr eat e I t - We Mak e I t ! Min im u m Or der 100
Welcome to My World... Our
R M 12156 R M 12155 R M 12158 R M 12162 R M 12157 R M 12152 R M 12160 R M 12161 R M 12150
PG 6
R M 12151 R M 12132 R M 12121 R M 12174 R M 12095 R M 12166 R M 12271 R M 12221 R M 12234 R M 12231 R M 12232 R M 12220 R M 12233 R M 12222 R M 12227 R M 12228 R M 12224 R M 12223 R M 12267 R M 12226 R M 12269 R M 12270 R M 12268 R M 12225 R M 12229
PG 11
Sh el t er Sign s
R M 12230
R M 12251 R M 12253 R M 12266 R M 12263 R M 12264 R M 12252 R M 12265 R M 12254 R M 12259 R M 12260 R M 12256 R M 12255 R M 12247 R M 12258 R M 12249 R M 12250 R M 12248 R M 12257 R M 12261
PG 10 New! Hu m or
R M 12262 R M 12001 R M 12002 R M 12003 R M 12004
R M 12007 R M 12008 R M 12009
R M 12012 R M 12013 R M 12014 R M 12006 R M 12010
PG 7 R M 12175 R
R M 12011
M 12131
M 12138
M 12093
PG 8 R M 12135 R M 12136 R M 12137 R M 12133 R M 12134
R M 12088 R M 12091 R M 12092
PG 9
R M 12050 R M 12181 R M 12180 R M 12051 R M 12052 R M 12056 R M 12021 R M 12090 R M 12031 R M 12020 R M 12018 R M 12016 R M 12017 R M 12171 R M 12163 R M 12340 R M 12129 R M 12167 R M 12057 R M 12168
R M 12042
R M 12172 R M 12125

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