Stainless Steel AISI 316 – anti-slip Telephone: 01788 860 128 Facsimile : 01788 860 130 The best for secure support E mail: Web: Meets every expectation
ble Swimming Pool and
Model SU-VA stainless steel, (AISI 316) bar height: 30 mm, solid bar width 135 mm, Jacuzzi Rollgrid s from ADO-Met slotted holes, anti-slip (DIN 51 097) distance between bars 8 mm. Electro-polished.
Stainless Steel AISI 316 – anti-slip The best for secure support ADO-Metal UK Limited Meets every expectation
“Outlook House”, Rugby Road, Swinford, Leicestershire LE17 6BW SU-VA stainless Telephone: 01788 860Model 128 Facsimile: 01788 860 130steel, (AISI 316
bar height: 30 mm, solid bar E mail: Web:
width 135 mm slotted holes, anti-slip (DIN 51 097) distan between bars 8 mm. Electro-polished.
ADO® Rollable Swimming Pool and Jacuzzi Rollgrids from ADO-Metal Ltd ADVANTAGES: 1. Chlorine, sea and spa water resistant, Stainless 2. Great stability Steel AISI 316 – anti-slip 3. Long life The best for secure support 4. No clattering noises Meets every expectation 5. Slip-resistant due to patented buffers Available with either lateral or longitudinal grid, hygienic, low maintenance Model SU-VA stainless steel, (AISI
316) bar height: 30 mm, solid bar width 135 mm, slotted holes, anti-slip (DIN 51 097) distance between bars 8 mm. Electro-polished. Model SU-VA - tested according to DIN 51 097
Test Certificate ADO®-Swimming Pool Grids Model SU-VA 29.5.2008 This product has a worldwide patent - DE10059466 ADVANT AGES:
1. Chlorine, sea and spa water resistant, 2. Great stability 3. Long life 4. No clattering noises __________________________________________________________________________ 5. Slip-resistant due to patented buffers
with either lateral or longitudinal grid, hygienic, low maintenance ADVANTAGES: 1. Chlorine, sea and spa water resistant, 2. Great stability 3. Long Model SU-VA - tested accordin glife to DIN 51 097 Registered Office: 272 Regents Park Road, Finchley Central, London N3 3HN 4. No clattering noises Registered in England & Wales Company Number: 06889598 5. Grids Slip-resistant due to patented29.5.2008 buffers rtificate ADO®-Swimming Pool Model SU-VA