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Porapoj Pisitwuttinun
Facebook Page is belonging to Mr. PORAPOJ who is a professional art director and create jobs graphic design from THAILAND . And I interested in everything related to culture, including: music, art, fashion, photography, and more for many designer enthusiasts on Facebook who like a similar story. So I want to know the designers all over the world that you have a culture of creative design work, we really want to know you all. If you want to be friends with me. Please sent your request on my Facebook. I am pleased to know you so much thanks MR. PORAPOJ PISIWUTTINUN OFFICAL NAME « Porapoj Pisitwuttinun Nickname « TITLE COUNTRY « THAILAND COMPANY « NK GROUP PUBLISHING COMPANY LIMITED & ABLOOM COMPANY LIMITED POSITION « Managing Director and Senior Director CONTACT E-MAIL HOTMAIL « the-title-that-thang@hotmail.com GMAIL « titleofp@gmail.com FACEBOOK « facebook.com/thetitleofp TWITT