Porscherama 1980 January

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~931 ^eto~ Avenue ¢ommez, eo, CA. 900~0



THE BOARD PRESIDENT John Williamson ........................... 391-7118 days 550-3805 VICE PRESIDENT Judd Boykin .......................... eves 788-4182 SECRETARY Pete Zimermann ........................... 450-7414 TREASURER Jerry Pennington .......................... 822-5475 days 820-2551 Mickey Harris ........................ ever 476-4753


TECHNICAL Jose Ochoa ................................ 398-2217 days 393-0411 MEMBERSHIP Ann Wang ............................. eves 826-9628

261-9098 PUBLICITY/PORSCHERAMA EDITOR Benny Adauto .............................. 263-4391 4931 Astor Ave. Comerce, CA. 90040 CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD Dave Stephens ........................ days 540-7752 ZONE 8 REPRESENTATIVE Burt Misevic

(805) 482-7076

OFF TO THE EIGHTIES The first board meeting of the year was held at the Pennington’s house last month. The 1980 board met for the

first time as your newly ~l~¢t~d offi=~rs and established a tentative schedule for the first two months of the year. We are going to try to vary our funtions this year in order to lure some of the old faces and new faces out of their garages. The first PCA event of the year will be a wine tour and picnic organized by the Riverside Region on Jan. 13. Your Prez has been on two of these and the were terriffic. Last year 62 cars showed up (on Super Bowl Sunday) and the year before that there were more than I00 !i! This year Riverside Region has challenged LA Region to a vollyball match at the picnic site. Come out and see how well you can spike the ball after you’ve spiked a few bottles. This months membership meeting will be held at the SCCYC and will feature a slide show from last years Treffen to Germany. You’ll see photos from the Porsche factory and museum as well as slides of the Mercedes museum and the German countryside. Don & Peggy Kravig and Bob Upton from Riverside Region will narrate. Mr. Upton is noted for his camera work, so the program should be outstanding. During the month the Presidents from Zone 8 will be meeting in Apple Valley. Several national officers will be there to tell us of polecy changes and club activities. You will be reading about it in next months newsletter. This year the club will have a monthly photo contest to select the cover photo for each newsletter. See Ben’s article,






Board meeting at Dave Stephens house. Call Dave for directions if you would like to come. Meeting should start about 8;00 pm Riverside Region wine tour and picnic. Tour starts at the freeway reststop on the north side of I-I0. Just west of the Citrus offramp, Fontana. Be there by 11:30 am PCA-LA membership ~eeting. Starts at 8:00 pm at the South Coast Corinthian Yacth Club, Marina Del Rey. Address is 13445 Mindanao Way (take the Marina Fwy west to Mindanoa Way and turn left). Zone 8 Presidents meeting. Apple Valley Inn, Apple Valley CA. Tech Meeting "How To Buy a Used 911" Aside from using a lot of money, Mark Rothman will show us what to look for and what to ask so that we don’t ~ave to spend a lot more afterwards. The place is THE FACTORY 13332 Washington BI. LA, 90066. Starts at 8:00 pm

FEBRUARY 16,17,18

Zone 7 and Zone 8 Autocross

(up north)


PCA-LA membership meeting with the CHY This is a dinner meeting at Yamato’s in Century City, so save your pennies.


LA Region Zone 8 rally.

’ ,-’ zi- A3fl ~o e zoq"(uq 9fit ,.,:J ~-."~gdm.~ rn z,,i ~"- ~,o~r mu’~o! 5 9brvo~q a°l~d~o d}9,7~996t#~&~I~SnHA~[N~N6~ ~9d/ ~oLne bns 9eu o~ 9*{~sflno~gup s be’xsqg~q 9vBd 9W ,~9~e~n~ nommo3 9"fBd~ OdW

Our Christmas party this year was a smashing success, thanks to the efforts of several people: first and fore~~ra Fenning~on, who arranged it ~ ~, fr~ the food to the entertainment to the gifts; the Harrisa~6~,gmoH

who ~~’-US to ~ny~~r ~ove}~h~~ur generous sponsors. Mor~~~dp~R@r~JjB~d~8~her_~r t@~. ~odq 9moll they came for the food, they weren’t disappointed. The buffet ~ war fill~ with ~~ts of Qood~8nbbA stuffed ~shrooms, s~6~ough bread ~#8~r~ed cheese, and curried chicken hors d’oeuvres; puffed.paFtry filled with dilled shrimp, ham fondue,_~j~n£ip&st~go6Btaaen#au8 brie and almonds, caviar mousse, danish meatballs, and more. not~Bqu330 If they came for the "surprise" eB~9~a~eB~,o~hSwq~ag~ ~3s~q deft ~ W~r~ ~l~-~~d-~e~e. ~ Jason Rand~l, an expert magician from the Magjc~leF~£:e~a~e##~r{~ gues~, ~n~~~~ ng us Wl th h~ s sle~ g~t of hand. Even though he was working right in front of us, i t W~~ see w~ef~-t~ge and I never did figure out the rubber #~]~3a~o#a~#~Z ~d~.~9~ prov~~h~%~n ;" We had lots of doorprizes this year, thanks to several sponsors: Mike Ha~ond of Hamlain~ Inc., Th~F~’¢~e~,~’-;o~. Porschop ~-~.~M~~f Int~ o~q~ercanti I e, Porscha Place, Beverly Hills P/A, Redline Service, Westwood P/A~l~u_Gra~H Prix, Vas~&~;#6:l~&, Circle P/A, and artist Andreas Hentrich. FittinglX, the Harris’ won the grand_.p~e ..........t~.~ckets to .~be~&~ng Beach Grand Prix. Outgoing -prurient -Dave St-ephens i nzroauc~’d’ the 1980 board members and presented a new gave~o~residentelect Jo~h’~’ITa~5~h: .... ~begin next year as well as we :e~,~i.~e~,L.~e.’~l ~;;~be: ##~;~eat;4~e. Again, thanks to e~ryane~ ~el~and-~P~f~i~-#~a, and everyone................ who came to enjoy the party.

.... ~e of PCA is to provide a forum for its members their cars and to associate with others , interests. We have prepared a questionnaire ~ us to update our roster and help your region ~ of activities which its members desire. It make the Los Angeles region as responsive to ~hes as possible.

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Street (

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Best Time to Reach


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"~ired to be Contacted Affiliated/Family Members

your Porschels) Year



~ur Interests Speed events Concours

Rallys Tech Social Other (Tennis, Golf, Running, Touring, oto, Swap Meet, Wine Cheese Tasting, etc)

~.|umber and types of events participated 1978 1979 Type of events you would participate in during 1980 I would participate in events if (how, why, when, where, etc. )

Interested in putting on an event or helping:

Particular skills or training which would be helpful to our region:

l~ould you like to learn more about hov~ to: Drive at speed events? Prepare and maintain your car (cosmetics)? Drive/navlgate on r~llies? Mechanical aspects of your Porsche? Please fill in each area as completely as possible, tear out and mail it to the activities chairman: Mickey Harris 2048 Armacost Avenue Los Angeles, California 90025 (213) 820-2551 The sooner we receive this information the sooner we can plan events and the type of activities you want-thanks.


for sal Jeff at AnythingLtd. is having a sale the weekend Jan.11,12,and 13. Call him at 473-2941 for all of the gory and expens~ve?deta~lgf~-~Bq bruow uoZ ~.~,~v~ ~o 9qzT

1 1970 911E Sunroof Coupe, 08~r White/Black, air.am/fm, original interior, new paint car cover,d~Owod~o~eadn~er~hod~B~q b[uow I Car is in perfect cond. All reciepts avail. (.~9 Asking $10,500 Wade & Kim harris (714) 256-6953 after 6 pm 4 Dunlop SPs 2 185/70 15 2 215/60 l~[gd "~o Jngv£ n6 no ~tSJuq nt Only 7785 miles on these tires. $250 for all four Hugh Brown ~ 322-6301 "r~O~Ogq ~UO 0.~

WANTED Reliable Porsche f.££~aily ~n~tion~ ..... Reasonable-~g]ce a must. Thinking of a 1970 914. ANY HELP OR LEADS APPRECIATED DESPE~TE Charlie Doll home (213) 379-3850 .~J~gv9 bgeqa :fs


¯ Re~nable Rat~ e Flarm ¯ B~y M~if~ations ¯ Cu~om Paint

¯ Ouo.w ¯ ~lli~on Welcom~ Po~he S~iali~ G~r~ Tak~chi




~y~U ~,: M~ B~y, Pa~

We Do Flare W~k o~P~he,~i~

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~s~ o~ wi~ wo~. Except I nmrance W~. ~ ~1 Moran St~t

W~min~, Calif. 9~ (N~o[ ~ i~a)

LBI P Ticke!:s PCA-LA has an option on 150 "Super Tickets" to this years Formula One race thru the streets of Long Beach. "Super Tickets are three day tickets and good for Fri., Sat., and Sun. March 28,29, and 30. In addition the "Super Ticket" reserves your seat for al.l three days. Last year our tickets were only reserved on Sun. We will again be sitting in the top i0 rows of grandstand 29. From there you can see the end of the Shoreline Dr. straight, the Queen’s hairpin (the first turn in the race), and the esses leading up to Pine Ave. Some of the activities that you will be seeing are Formula One practice and qualifying on Fri. and Sat. with the race on Sun., Formula Atlantic practice and qualifying on Fri. with their race on Sat. The Toyota celebraties will practice on Fri. and race on Sat. The new attraction this year will be a vintage Formula One race on Sun. Scheduled to compete will be the only car made by Porsche to win a grand prix. Don’t miss it. "Super Tickets" are $45 and again are good for all three days. Payment should accompany order. Make all checks payable to:


PLEASE NOTE THAT ALL ORDERS MUST BE IN NO LATER THAN JANUARY 31. ALL LATE ORDERS CAN NOT BE ACCEPTED Send your order, check, and a self addressed stamped envelope to: Susan Clark 7303 Summertime Ln. Cluver City, CA. 90230 Tickets will be sent to you by Feb.15 (cross our fingers)

This is our

~ew~letter of the year and as your new n~wsletter editor I’m looking fo~ard to helplnK you keep in youch with what’s going on i~ PCA-~ and Zone 8. ~ you can see, there will be a co~le of additions to the newsletter that An Wang put out at the end of 1979. The first will be a calender of current and future events. You will be abl~ to tear this out and save each monthThe second will be photographs from recent P~ or other events. If you are interested in submitting your photos for p~licatlon plese follow t~se few requirementsB&W or Color prints only (no slides). I. ~ke sure the photos are sharp and have good contrast, 2. not too dark or not too li~t. For the cover plese send a 5x7 B&~ print only. 3. ~i photos (or articles) must be sub, fred prior to 4. the 15th of the month for publication in the next months newsletter. Unused photos can be picked up at Board of Membership 5. meetings. This month instead of the center calender section we are sending you a questionnaire that we hope you will t~e time to complete and send back to us. It will really help o~ Activities Chairman set up the rest of t~ year. ~d here are some LA members that I heard something ~out recently. Paul and Carol Edwards are looking forward to the arrival of their second child. But when??? ~en last you read about Tracy N~asaki, he was at Pebble Beach shooting a ro~d of 75. Well after I gave him a few more lessons, he was ~le to qualify to play in the LA Open. Only one of four amaeuters to qualify, out of160.

- Coml~loto Engino and Transmission Overhaul -- 911 Fuel Iniection Analysis anct Repair

-- Expert Turbo Service and Repair by appointment 720 Colorado Avenue Santa Monica, CA 90401



liarls fir lorsclies

and AUDI

We m~ntain a completo ltod( of parts by dilmlntling carl and importing new ~ to ,,,p~y todmy$ Pore:he owner.

Mon.-FrL 8:30-6:30

956 2419

709 E. ADELE ST., ANAHEIM, CALIF. 92805 Orma~ Count’s Only - Exciuuvt

Por~l~ Dimum~


3906 Grandview L.A. 90066


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